In the Bridal Procession
.= Miss Helen Frances Graves,
daughter of Mrs. Julia Harrington
Graves and the late Mr. George G.
Graves, was married June 19 to Mr.
Gordon Russell Bowen, son of Mrs.
Bessie Bowen and the late Mr.
George Bowen. The wedding took
place in the Church of the Holy
Name, the Rev. James A. Caulfield
officiating and saying the nuptial
mass assisted by the Rev. John J.
Mr. John A. Rarnngton escorted
his niece to the Sanctuary and she
was attended by the Misses Jeanne
Aileene Graves, Betty Lee Hancock
and Marie Allen. Mary Ellen Graves
was junior bridesmaid and Dwight
Lumsden was ring bearer.
Mr. William Caioctiicco was best
man and the ushers were the
Messrs. John A. Harrington, jr., Guy
A, Guiffre, Jr., and Howard Shack
lett. '
'Col. and Mrs. Ralph Rhudy are
in California where they went on
their wedding trip and will make
their home at 3016 Mackland drive
in Albuquerque for the summer.
They were married June 13, the
ceremony taking place in the home
A recent bride, she is the j
former Miss Katherine Page
Waite, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Y. Waite of Sil- j
ver Spring. The bridegroom,
Mr. James Robert Spence, is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Merrel
Spence of Greensboro, Md. .
—Brostrup Photo.
Before her marriage to Maj.
De Witt Clinton, Armstrong
III, son of Col. arvjt Mrs. Clare
H. Armstrong, shjnoas Miss
Kate Peters JohnsM, daugh
ter of Col. and Mrs. Charles S.
Johnson. —Hessler Photo.
of Maj. and Mrs. Arnold Boegher ir
i Albuquerque.
Maj. Ivan L. Paul, who was chap
, lain of Col. Rhudy’s group overseas
officiated and Col. and Mrs. Rhudj
were attended by Mrs. Arnold Boog
her and Lt. Col. Edward J. Walker
Mrs. Rhudy formerly was Mrs
Marie Duvall Auth and Is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Prank H. Du
vall of Washington.
The Church of the Holy Advent
in Clinton, Conn., was the scene of
the wedding June 19 of Miss Eliza
beth Ann Curtis , Leslie and Mr.
Philip LeRoy Hahn, Jr. The bride
is the daughter of Mrs. John Ronald
Leslie of Washington and the Mr.
Hahn’s parents live In Middletown,
Conn. The Rev. Merritt K. Sawyer
The bride was escorted by her
grandfather, Mr. Paul W. Webster
and she was attended by her sister,
Miss Barbara Mason Leslie.
Mr. William H. Bleasby of Middle
town was best man and the ushers
were the Messrs. John Ronald Leslie,
III and Gordon Wall.
—Kasofsky Photo.
Tlia morrinrr# nf MiftA Mae BoOfc,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Book, to Mr. Stanley LapkofT, son
of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. LapkofT, took
place yesterday In the B’nai Israel
Synagogue. Rabbi Henry Segal
The bride was attended , by Mrs.
Pearl Harrison, Mrs. Lenora Roth
enberg and Miss Ruth Brenner.
The Misses Barbara Lee Harrison
and Harolyn LapkofT were the
junior attendants and Sheila Joy
Harrison was the flower girl. Barry
Book was the ring bearer.
Mr. Herbert LapkofT was the best
man and the ushers were the
Messrs. Aaron Van Crack and Allen
Fleitell. _
Becomes Engaged
Announcement Is made by Mrs.
Alma Soper McGlue of the engage
ment of her daughter, Mary Alma,
to Mr. James Thames Todd, son of
Capt. and Mrs. Carlton R. Todd of
Vicksburg, Miss.
Miss McGlue is a graduate of
Marjorie Webster Junior College and
attended Harcum Junior College.
Mr. Todd was graduated from the
Massachusetts Institute of Tech
No date has been set for the
Leaving Tomorrow
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Gewirz and
their two children Earl and Norma
are leaving tomorrow for Newport,
where they have taken a cottage for
the summer. Mrs. Gewirz gave a
brunch in the garden of her home
the early part of the week as a
farewell party.
Now the wife of Mrs, Merrill
Bernard Rude, she is the for
mer Miss Nellie Mae Hollings
worth, daughter of Mrs. Lola
—Stuckey Photo.
—Hessler Photo.
The marriage of Miss Lenore
Beatrice Wolf, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. David Wolf, to Mr. Solomon
Gnatt took place last evening in
the B'nai B'rith Synagogue, Rabbi
Henry Segal officiating.
The Misses Celia Gnatt, Beatrice
Wolf, Peggy Blum, Lucille Peck and
Edna Kraft attended the bride and
Mr. William Rosenthal was best
man. The ushers were the Messrs.
Jay Wolf, Harvey Wolf, Sol Levine,
Louis Rosenbloom and Paul Gold
In the News
Daughters of Army, Navy and Ma
rine Corps officers were the guests
Friday evening of the Reserve Of
ficers Training Corps Cadets at the
first dance given by the cadets at
the Fort Belvoir Woodlawn Officers'
Mrs. Abram Simon has closed her
apartment and gone to Atlantic City
where she will spend the remainder
of the summer at the Shelburne.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob L. Zellen
announce the engagement of their
daughter, Miss Thelma Zellen to Mr.
Melvin Lenkin, son of Mr. and Mrs.
H. A. Lenkin.
Both Miss Zellen and Mr. Lenkin
attended George Washington Uni
No date has been set for the wed-!
Wed Yesterday
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Wong an
nounce the marriage of thfir daugh
ter, Miss Nancy Abbott Wong, to
Dr. William Chin, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Yin Hong Chin. The wedding
took place yesterday.
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