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MRS. L1ERS. —Stuckey Photo. MRS. BALDERSON. —Hood Photo. MRS. GUNNELL. —Underwood Photo. MRS. LEYSATHr —Hessler Photo. MRS. DAVENPORT. MRS. RABBITT. —Hessler Photo. June Unchallenged as Favorite Wedding Month of the Year June again receives her crown as the favorite wedding month of th« rear. The very first day found many young couples, marching down the aisle to flower-banked altars to exchange their marriage vows. Every day since then the bridal procession has continued. And when these last few days of June have passed, many, many more attractive young women will have been added to the roster of "June Brides. Yesterday was a record breaker for Sunday marriages. In years gone by, the Sabbath was not often selected as a day on which to be married. Now any day seems de sirable, with, of course, Saturday the most popular of all. Feldntann-H nli field A wedding of much interest in congressional circles took place yes terday afternoon in the Baptist Church in Montebello, Calif., when Miss Betty Lee Holifield, daughter of Representative and Mrs. Chet Holifield. became the bride of Mr. Robert H. Feldmann. Representative Holifield escorted his daughter to the altar and the Rev. Woodrow Rood officiated. With her gown of white satin the bride wore a voluminous veil edged with lace and held by a mother-of pearl orange blossom tiara. The bride was attended by her three sisters, Mrs. William N. Mul holland, and the Misses Willa Mae and Jo Ann Holifield. Others in the bridal party were the Misses Mar garet Feldmann and Betty Charlene Carson. Mr. Anthony Hass was the best man and the ushers included the Messrs. William Mulholland, Earl Lavender, and John and Donald Caneer. After a reception in the garden of the bride's home, the newlyweds left by plane for Mexico City. They also will spend some time in Cuba before going to the Virginia home of the bride's parents to stay until Congress convenes in January. Bernum-Martinez Miss Betita Sutherland Martinez, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. M. G. Martinez, became the bride yester day of Mr. Leonard Stanley Berman of Roslyn, L. I. the ceremony took place in the rose garden on the estate of Mrs. Page Johnson at Ros lyn. The Rev. William McNeill of ficiated. The bride was attended by the Misses Miriam Peterson and Eliza beth Crowell. Mr. Moti Jain of Umbala, India, was best man. The couple will make their home at Great Neck. L. I. after a honey moon in Eastern Canada. The groom is the son of Col. and Mrs. William Berman. His father, at present, is in Munich with the Judge Advocate's Division, War Crimes Trials Commission. naiaerson-joui n The marriage of Miss Margaret Kathleen South, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glenn South, to Mr. Edwin Graham Balderson, son of Mrs. George G. Balderson and the late Mr. Balderson. took place yesterday afternoon in the Petworth Baptist Church, the Rev. James P. Rodgers officiating. Attending the bride were the Misses Stella Lane, Martha Finche, Christine Watkins and Rose Marie South. Mr. Robert A. Balderson was best man and the ushers were the Messrs. Russell L. and Robert G. Balderson. Fabbitt-Dnsh In the Epworth Methodist Church In Gaithersburg yesterday afternoon, Miss Georgia Mary Dosh. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William O. Dosh of Gaithersburg, was married to Mr. Joseph Bernard Rabbitt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Rabbitt of Bethesda. The Rev. Arthur W. Ewell officiated. Miss Jane E. Dosh was maid of honor for her sister and the other attendants were the Misses Kay De trick and Jane Ridgley. Sandra Lee King was flower girl. Mr. Edwin Johnson was best man and the ushers were the Messrs. Charles M. Richards and Hugh Rab bitt, jr. Liers-J nhnson Miss Phyllis Margaret Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Austin Johnson of Salem, N. J„ became the bride last evening of Mr. Helmut Liers. jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Liers of Marydel, Del. The ceremony took place in the Review and Herald Me morial Church in Hyattsville. the Rev. Edward L. Hanson officiating. Attendants for the bride were Miss Janice Kepner, Mrs. Edwin Johnson, Mrs. Roland E. Anderson and Miss Frieda Liers. Kathleen Jones was flower girl. Mr. William Liers was best man for his brother and the ushers were the Messrs. Ed win Johnson, Walter R. Dickson. David Pester, James Bullion and William Opincar. Leysath’Folsntn Now on a wedding trip to the Pocono Mountains are Mr. and Mrs Julian Edward Levsath. who were married yesterday afternoon in the Foundry Methodist Church, the Rev. Frederick Brown Harris offi ciating. The bride is the formei Miss Betty Lou Folsom of this city daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benja min Allen Folsom of Daytons Beach. Fla. Her husband is the aor I of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Julian Ley sath of Chapman, Ala. Miss Barbara Anne Bradley and Mrs. Emmett Freeland of Grand Bay, Ala., attended the bride. Mr Herbert R. Graves was best man i and the ushers were the Messrs Johnny Wood, Fanning Baumgart ner, Paul McCaskill and Kenneth Weidner. Gunnell-Bristow Miss Wilhelmina Hendrix Bristow and Mr. Hammond Jackson Gun nell, jr., were married yesterday afternoon in the garden of the bride’s home, Ossian Hall, in An nandale, Va. The bride, who is the daughtei of Mrs. Edwin McKinley and the late Mr. Bristow, was given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Joseph Little Bristow. Her two sisters, Mrs Arthur Watts, jr., and Miss Hazel Bristow, attended her. Mr. Roger Wood, was best mar for his cousin, who is the son oi Mr. and Mrs. Gunnell of Vienna, Va. Davenport-A bernethy The North Carolina Avenue Methodist Church was .the scene of the marriage yesterday afternoon of Miss Naomi Christine Abernethy to Mr. Jack Carl Davenport of Anacostia, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davenport of Joliet, 111. The Rev. E. A. Wilcher officiated. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Wood, was given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. George Dinkle. Her attendants were the Misses Lois Abernethy, Betty Koonr and Betty Harrison. Mr. Bruce Abernethy was best man and the ushers were Mr. Ray Welch and Mr. Fontaine Merritt. Hotel Wedding i In the Hamilton Hotel yesterday afternoon, Miss Gloria Audree Kliban and Mr. Irwin S. Yockelson were married. Rabbi Henry SegaJ officiated at the ceremony for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barnett P. Kliban and the son of Mr. Maurice Yockelson. Mrs. Myron Trywusch, the Misses MRS. YOCKELSON. —Hessler Photo. Naomi Hurowitz. Shirley Seigel, Estelle Frank. Naomi Yockelson and Mrs. Jerome Saidman attended the bride. Mr. Alvin Weinstein was best man and the ushers were the Messrs. Milton Weinstein, Wilbert Yockelson. Sanford Bell. Myron Trywusch and Robert Goldberg. Wedding Date Mrs. Frank T. Finten of Glenn Dale announces the engagement of her daughter June, to "Mr. Glenn David Everett, the wedding to take place July 31 in the Calvary Metho dist Church. Miss Finten is a graduate of Mar jorie Webster Junior College, and Mr. Everett was graduated from Heidelberg College in Tiffin, Ohio, ■ and received his master’s degree from the University of Iowa. He is the son of Mrs. David F. Everett 1 of Sandusky, Ohio, and the late Mr ..Everett, and is Washington cor respondent for the Columbus Dis patch, Youngstown Vindicator and Wilmington iDel.' News and Jour nal. July Wedding Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mayfield an nounce the engagement* of theii daughter, Betty Ann, to Maj. Wal lace E. Bjornson, presentiy sta tioned at Andrews Field. Miss Mayfield is a graduate ol George Washington University anc Maj. Bjornson is a graduate of th« North Dakota State College. The wedding will take place nexl month. Reception Given By Mrs. J. J. Mack Many from diplomatic, official anci residential circles attended the re ception Mrs. J. J. Mack gave Sat urday at her home on Forest lane | to welcome the return from Europe of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr and Mrs. George N. Belie. A profusion of spring flower! decorated the house and a particu larly lovely bouquet centered the tea table where a score of ladies in gay frocks and flower-trimmec hats took turns dispensing tea anc coffee. Other drinks were served from a temporary bar on the firsl floor and a more permanent one in the recreation room below. The hostess wore a Paris mode! of scarlet chiffon fashioned with s full draped skirt and short sleeves Her corsage was a scarlet-lippec ! white orchid. Mrs. Belie was in a jacket frock of gray crepe and w'ore a lavender orchid. Assisting between 4 and 8 o’clock were Senora de Caceres, -Senora de Castro, Mrs. Thor Thors, Mrs. H. T Andrews, Mme. Jutila, Mme. Dirkse van-Schalkwyk. Mrs. Jesse M. Don aldson, Mrs. Charles F. Brannan Senora de Baron, Senora de Rod riguez, Senora de Echegaray, Mrs Charles Ross, Mrs. John R. Steel man, Mrs. Edward Everett Gann. Mrs. J. Bruce Cramer, Mrs. ClaVk H. Woodward. Mrs. Vincent Miles Mrs. Stokelely W. Morgan, Mme Alexis Tatistcheff, Baroness Adolph Giesl von Gieslingen and Mme. Yvonne Shesta. Engagement Told Prof. John Paul Ryan of St. Fran cis College at Loretto, Pa., an nounces the engagement of his sis ter, Miss Agnes Rita Ryan of Wash ington, to Sergt. Ernest Webster of Fort Myer. The wedding will take place in the late summer or 1 early fall. Temple Ceremony Miss Shirley Edith Taske, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Taske was married yesterday to Mr. Frank H. Hirschel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hirschel, the wedding taking w MRS. HIRSCHEL. —Harris & Ewing Photo. place in Ohev Sholom Temple. Rab bis Zemach Green and Harry Sil verstone officiated at the ceremony. Mrs. Geraldine Elsberg attended the bride and Mr. Louis Hirschel was best man. To Marry in July Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lloyd Jen kins of Suitland. Md„ announce the engagement of their daughter. Sar ah Annetta, to Mr. Robert Vincent Setterstrom of Baltimore, son ol Comdr. C. A. Setterstrom, U. S. N. retired, and Mrs. Setterstrom ol Brooklyn. The wedding will take place July 24 in the Temple Baptist Church in Baltimore. Miss Jenkins is a graduate ol George Washington University and for the past two years has attended the Medical School of the University of Maryland Mr. Setterstrom was graduated from the Polytechnic In stitute of Brooklyn. During the war he served as a submarine officer in !the Navy. _ miniimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiimiiiiiiiiimiiniiiiiitiiiiiii CERTIFIED COLD STORAGE Repairing and Remodeling at low summer rates 524 12th St. N.W. ME. 9784 Cajigases Hosts At Garden Fete \ Dr. and Mrs. Tomas Cajigas were hosts at a delightful party yesterday in the garden of their home on Charleston Terrace. The ! event was planned to honor Wing Comdr. F. F. Lambert, chief of intelligence of the Canadian Air Force in Ottawa, and Mrs. Lambert, and it served several other purposes as well. • First, it celebrated Mrs. Lam bert's birthday anniversary, which 1 actually is today, and every one was I wishing her well; secondly, the hosts’ daughter Anita and her husband. Flying Officer George Mattusch, who are here from Ot tawa for a visit, had the oppor tunity to see many friends whom they hadn’t seen since their mar riage in February. And third, it was a pleasant occasion for many I in diplomatic, official and residen tial circles to say farewell before leaving for summer vacations. Those in the gathering who had served as Anita’s attendants wore their wedding costumes, even little Grace Tamm, who had been the flower girl. The hostess herself wore a blue gown embroidered in sequins; Mrs. Lambert, too, was in blue, with sequins trimming her sash, and Anita wore filmy black: chiffon or namented with gold half moons and laree seauins. Miss Cotmus Wed Miss Malvenia Mary Colmus, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand R. Colmus, became the bride yes terday afternoon of Mr. Mark Lyles Cranford, son of Mr. and Mrs. John ' Cranford of Parran, Md. The cere mony took place in the Seat Pleas | ant Methodist Church, the Rev. Elmer Reno officiating. The bride was attended by the Misses Sue Carol Mack and Mary and Margaret Kees. Phylis Mack Roberts was the flower girl. Mr. John Cranford was best man and the ushers were the Messrs. George Cranford and Roland Col mus. Wed Yesterday Miss Fay Shapiro, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Shapiro, was I married to Mr. Ralph Rubin yes terday at the Romany Room. Rabbi Solomon Metz officiated. Miss Barbara Stein was the MRS. RUBIN. —Steve Zweig Photo. bride's only attendant and Mr. Wal ker Rubin was best man for the ! bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs , Morris Rubin. Ceremony Held The former Miss Betty Anne Chafets, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Chafets of Detroit, was mar MRS. MILLER. —Gene Levett Photo. ried yesterday to Mr. Joseph Mil ler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Mil ler of this city. - Stauffer System offers you ONE S2?o REDUCING SESSION FREE! ... to show you \ how oasyl saftl funl reducing can be. t You watch your figure regain its youthful contour! Watch the scales go down! Watch your energy increase with this proven method of reducing! Our FREE introductory offer if yours by just calling for an appointment. Reduce now safely, easily . . . without drugs, electricity or strenuous exercise. It’s FUN! You’ll en joy this type of reducing — phone for appointment now. Phone Now for Appointment Uptown 4420 Conn. Ave., D. C. Ordwoy 2746 Downtown 1732 lyo St. N.W., D. C. Republic 7339 Virginia 4035 So. 28th St., Va. Overlook 6872 Shirlington lusinMs C»ntor In the Diplomatic Circle By Katharine M. Brooks. Many plans are in the making among the diplomats, but Washing ton has been so much like a summer resort until last week that few have set time and place for vacation. And not a few are entertaining small groups of friends twice or three times a week before summer and vaoations really begin. The Cuban Ambassador and Senora de Belt will be hosts Wed nesday evening, and also entertain ing at dinner that night will be the French Ambassador and Mme. Bon net. The Irish Minister and Mrs. Saen Nunan have chosen that evening for their small and informal dinner for the new Counselor of the Legation, Mr. Hugh McCann, who arrived the middle of the week. Mr. McCann, like Mr. Frank Coffey, new second secretary, is a bachelor and tempo rarily is staying at the Shoreham. Mr. Coffey has succeeded Mr. Mich ael Leo Skentelberry, who went home a month ago. The party Wednesday evening will be like a family party. Including only mem bers of the Legation staff. The Colombian Ambassador, Dr. Don Conzalo . Restrepo-Jaramlllo, went home a week ago and probably will be absent another fortnight. Senora de Restrepo-Jaramillo and their daughter, Senorita Marie Elena Restrepo returned the end of the week from Chicago, where they made a short visit. The two younger daughters of the Amhassador and Senora de Restrepo-Jaramillo have gone to camp. Mrs. Thor Thors, wife of the Ice landic Minister, will leave July 10 for Iceland to remain through Au gust. The Minister and their daugh ter, Miss Margtet Thors probably will spend part of the summer at Rehoboth Beach. Thors, jr., has gone to camp in Canada and his younger brother Ingolfur is at camp In Vermont. The New Zealand Minister and Lady Berendsen have gone to Rehoboth, where they will be through the remainder of the sum mer although the Minister will be back from time to time aa his duties make it necessary. The new Brazilian Ambassador, Mr Mauricio Nabuco spent most of the week in Philadelphia attending ■ the Republican National Conven tion. Also deeply interested in the working of such a body were the Indian Charge d'Affaires and Mme. | Nehru. The Canadian Ambassador and Mrs. Hume Wrong, who have been in Quebec for 10 days are due back this week. The Counselor of the Danish Embassy and Mme. Bang-Jensen do not plan to have a vacation trip until the end of July or early Au gust when they will go to Cape Cod to remain until after Labor Day. The newly appointed United States Ambassador to Ceylon, Mr. Felix Cole has sailed from the West Coast en route to his new post and is expected to arrive there about July 23. No appointment has been for an ambassador from the new Government to Washington. To Be Married *1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Boots announce the engagement of their daughter, Eleanor Dodds, to Mr. Richard Charles Boggs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vemer C. Boggs. Miss Boots is a graduate of Mar jorie Webster . Junior College, and Mr. Boggs, who served with the 35th Infantry Division overseas, is attending the University or Mary land. Miss Spence to Wed Mrs. Alfred Edward Spence of Arlington has announced the en gagement of her daughter Eleanor to cadet George W. Smythe, Jr., son of Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Smythe of Fort McPherson, Ga. Miss Spence is the daughter of the late Mr. Spence and she was graduated this month from Mount Holyoke College. Mr. Smythe Is a, member of the class of 1949 of the United States Military Academy. 1 Woodward & Lothrop lOtfi, IlHi F and G Stroato Zona 13 FKona District 5300 BRANCH STORES—Bathasda, Maryland Tha Panrtgon, Virginia \McCo£f7Z/S HXaU 7/i9 \HcCJ<nGi i im after these easy-to-make McCall patterns and in bright-as-the-sun cotton pique prints Simple as can be to whip up . . . dashing as could b€ wished for in design. And summer is a wonderful time to learn to sew, when designs are at their minimum, fabric, gay and modestly priced, and garments require no lining, no bulk for warmth. Come try your hand sew your fun clothes, reap satisfying compliments and praise... and do it all with McCall. PATTERNS McCall pattern 7218, Misses' Sports Ensemble, 75e McCall pattern 7169, Misses' Sports or Beach coat _50c , McCall pattern 7262, Misses' Shorts and Bra, 65c McCall pattern 7229, Misses' Bathing Suit and Trunks--®5e W&L—Fabrics, and Patterns, Eighth Floor. FABRICS all Sanforized (residual shrink age less than 1 %), all 36 inches wide. Sports Ensemble in Dumari fine wale cotton pique with bird and moon design, yard, $1 Bench Coot in Dumari waffle pique in floral and block design or modernistic lines, yard, $1.25 Shorts in quaint duck and flower prints of fine wale pique by Hollywood -yard, $1 Bathing Suits in Hollywood waffle pique paise ly print_yord, $1.19