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^ THIS 4*1 tadfeqeftea// Riorum juice ORANGE JUICE 4 £.‘35* GRAPEFRUIT »» 2 S 27* TOMATO JUICE -» - 21* 10AF CHEESE «»«> o» 2 b« 99* MILD CHEESE . * 59* MARSHMALLOWS X& 2 ->« 33* A Sa ue Oh QUALITY MEATS i Sliced Steer BEEF LIVER - 67c Freshly Growd Beef |. 69* PORK CHOPS >b 57c Skinless Frankfurts "> 49c Breast of Lamb lb 35c Freshly Picked CBAB MEAT r Fancy Fillets of Perch 75c ib 39c nothinft more delicious for desserts, pies, salnds, etc. Ideal Fancy Calif. Peaches] Special Salel Fresh VECt TABLES ,m,i FRUIT New Green CABBAGE 4C Crisp Pascal CELERY stalks Full-Podded, Sweet Cal. peas 2"»25c U. S. No. 1 New POTATOES 10,b*45c SUPREME BREAD Enriched for extra nutri tion and food value. Taatee better - - teaete better ,• • and etaya aeft longer. 1S-o* loaf Fresh, Virginia Lee DONUTS Plain, Sugared ■ or Cinnamon I doz. Cellophane Wrapped Asco Orange Pekoe Tea Satisfies . . Iced or Hot 28' Ideal Tea Bags Pke°t80 43c For Finer Coffee Flavor TRY ASCO COFFEE Preferred by 3 out of 4 customer* Save over a 2 lbs dime a lb 85c Win-Crest Coffee 2lb8 79c Ideal Coffee nbv.ce.n5|c New England Styla BAKED BEANS In delicious molasses sauee 229* Big July hsup At All Our 8torss 5* s. There’s an Acme Market Convenient 1319-53 R !. Ave. N. F.. • 3839 Alabama Ave. S.F.* 1436-38 Irvine St. N.W • 235 far roll St.. Takoma Pk.* Kith and “F” Sts. N.E.* 5722 Georrla Ave. N.W.* 8529 Georgia Ave.* 1325 (iood Hope Road* 2529 Good Hope Road 1839 Bennine Road N.F.. I*>52 Columbia Road H235 Georgia Ave. N.W. 1129 20th St. N.W. I HI 9-21 17th St. N.W. 2714 l llh St. N.W. Balt. Rlvd.. Colmar Manor* 90B G St. N.W. 121 13th St. X.E. Piney Branch Rd.. Silver Sprint* 3937 Minnesota Ave. N.E.* ALEXANDRIA. VA. Hildenblis Shopping Center rtl« Franklin St.* 1802 Mt. Vernon Are.* 3243 N. Washington Bird., Clarendon. Va. ARLINGTON. VA. Washington and Lee Bled*.* 17445 Lee Highway* 1797 Lee Highway* Adjoining Colonial Village Glebe Rd. and Wash. Bird. 89 N. Glebe Road* 5. Quincy St.. Shirlington* 123 23rd St.. So. Arlington* Jefferson Village Center 'Parking Lots Speedy Shopping—\o More Waiting 100% Self-Service Meat Dept. In the Beautiful, Most Modern Acme JUST OPENED IN THE HILDENBLIS SHOPPING CENTER POWHATAN AND HENRY STREETS, ALEXANDRIA Price* Effective June 2*. 29. 30. 1910 yOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE AT THE ACMT Elephant on 1854 Guard Badge May Be Father ofG.O. P. Symbol Is the elephant shown on# tne! badge in the photograph the pre-1 decessor of the Republican Party's1 famous symbol? This is the poser asked by a Colmar Manor, Md„ dentist who discovered the old ribbon in a book while searching for additions to his collection of Presidential but tons, badges and other political mementoes. Thomas Nast, famous political cartoonist, is generally credited by historians as the father of the ele phant as the GOP symbol. He fixed it firmly in the public mind with his political cartoons in the 1870’s and in subsequent years. But the Maryland collector. Dr. Harry Lepman of 4231 Bladens / ff -WSSB^ CHACE GUARD. Is this old badge from the collection of a Washington area dentist the first use of the elephant as the symbol of the Republican Party? The owner thinks so. burg road, Colmar Manor, thinks this is a historic predecessor of the Nast creation. The badge is one issued by a quasi-military organization, prob ably named after Senator Salmon P. Chase of Ohio, a political figure of the pre-Civil War days who later became President Lincoln's Secre tary of .the Treasury. Although Mr. Chase spelled his name with an “s,” the name on the badge is spelled with a "c.” But Dr. Lepman, who has done considerable digging into records, says he dis covered that Mr. Chase frequently penned the “s'’ so that it looked like a “c.” » The “Chace Guard" wfiich. as the badge states, was prganized Sep tember 8, 1854. thus would h^ve !be*n set up in the middle of Pres ident Pierce's term. Mr. tjhase himi* I self was a candidate In the 18i>6 Republican convention—the party's first—but lost to John C. Fremont. The Lincoln nomination in 1860 led jfo'Ml'person Tills ANOTHER^ V \\'\ i/'/'/% ii\ ^^\\SELF//;^CV LAUNDERETTE EXTRACTORS and DRYERS 3504 Columbia Pike GV. 02041 Arlington, Va. 1322 Powhatan Street (New Powhatan Shopping Center) Where Ne. 1 Highway Crosaea Viednet »t Potomac Tarda TF 9002 Alexandria, Va. HOl'RS OF FACH STORE: Mon. through Frl.. 8 A.M. to 9 P.M.—Sat. 'til 8 P.M. Freo Parking—Both Locations Sara TIME and MONET on Waah and Honaecleaning Problema to the GOP's first White House election victory. Donald H. Mugridge, Library of Congress fellow in American His tory, told The Star there were many of the quasi-military organizations; in Ohio in the period when the Chace Guard was organized and that Dr. Lepman, therefore, may be correct in his deductions. Mr. Mugridge added, after a search of material available at the Library, that he coud find no specific refer ence to this particular unit or any evidence which would indicate whether the badge was issued in 1854 or in later years when the elephant was in more general use as the GOP symbol. ADAM A. WESCHLER & SON, Auctioneers Estate sale of bich arade cameras, bi noculars and accessories by auction at Weschlers, 905 E St. N.W., Tuesday, June 29, J9I8. at 2 o’clock p.m. Letca. ;|5 mm., chrome. F.2; automatic wind er; 135 mm. F4.5; telephoto and vidom finder, filters and cases. Bell £ How ell IH mm. motion picture camera. 70 turret; Taylor-Hobson 1" FI.5; East man 63 mm F2".7; Eastman A" F.7; Luxor Telephoto .3" FI.5; Eastman 25 mm. FI.9; filters and ease. Zeiss Nettel plate camera 5x7; Tessar 180 mm. F4.5, focal plane shutter to J/2000 sec. Graphlex series B. 4x5; Kodak 7Vs" Ft.5, holders and film. Eastman “620” flash Brownie. Eastman model 50, 800-watt projector. Exposure meters, tripods, splicer, viewer. Lyman rifle scope. Carl Zeiss DF8X and Schutz 6x24 binoculars. * Terms: Cash. Nell F. Clement fc Louis M. Denit, Executors estate John W. Calvert, _ ._ COURTNEY ANN MOORE* weeps no more ., because of ARTRA THt SHAMPOO WITHOUT TIARS 1. It* rich lather contain* no *o»p or harah alkali to amart children’* eye*. 2. Clean* hair cleaner, leave* hair brighter, more lustrous than any aoap or aoap ahampoo. j 3* Pure white cream In a tube. No Jar or bottle to apill or break. No liquid to trickle In children’* eye*. [ ARTRII "Soapiest-lather" Cream Shampoo at all drug counters.M< also *1 •Courtney Ann Moore, 106 Oxford, Chevy Chase Negro Women to Give Book to Mrs. Bethune The National Council of Negro Women will preaent a birthday autograph book to Mra. Mary Mc-j Leod Bethune, it* founder, on heri 73d birthday on July 10 as a token • of "love and respect” from her friends. The leather-bound book will con-! tain birthday greetings and auto-! graphs of Mrs. Betbune’s friends, j The well-known colored educator! and civic leader founded the coun cil 13 years ago. To Retail Merchants: The instant popular ity of Insect-O-Lite and the tremendous demand which is immediately created by our an nouncement, makes it a product which every pro gressive merchant wishes to stock. In introducing Insect O-Lite to Washington time did not permit con tacting all interested merchants in advance. If your stock has not been arranged for call ME. 4934 and every ef fort will be made to sup ply you with Insect-O Lite at once. • Your Scalp...a DYNA&MMC HAIR GROWER! < R. W. Fsrr«H, Trtcholof ist 1 / V YOU CANT STOP THRIVING HAIR GROWTH IN A NORMAL SCALP! Nature s innate urge to grow luxurious haic is so intense that it takes -a• strong, continuous retardant or in fecliqfe to stop the functions of hair reproduction. When excessive hair loss indicates a laxity or sluggish ness in hair-growing activity. Hair Experts analyse and rejuvenate the complete cycle of hair growth so that lost hair will be replaced naturally by strong, virile, obvious hair growth. IS YOUR SCALP REPLACING HAIR AS FAST AS IT IS LOST? The average normal scalp loses about 26.500 hairs per year. If your scalp is functioning normally, thick, healthy hairs will replace those lost in the normal replacement process . . . But if just one factor is out of balance, the replacement hairs will come in shorter, and weaker, and be success ively replaced by still weaker hairs, until fuzz and scanty spots begin to show. If this condition exists over a period of time, your hair follicles will collapse shut from disuse, and deadly follicle shrinkage will set in. After that It is too late. It is pathetic but true, that most bald people could have saved their hair and their looks had they acted in time . . . before follicle shrinkage was too far ad AVOID BALDNE§S-^try,; Let Hair Expat# ‘'Ifa&Sathjg M Your Scalp to Help Produce THICKER HAIR HERE ARE THt DANGER SIGNALS: If you have excessive hair ill, Tour combines, if rou have shot* weal' hairs at vour frontal hairline, if there is excessive dryness, or oilness. if your scalp is itchy, then there is some condition attacking your normal hair growth. Frankly* in most casco it is a seborrheic infection nurtnred by heavy imbedded dandruff, which chokes off the follicular tubes. The new replacement hairs are successive ly weakened until they are no longer able to force their way through to the scalp surface. WHAT ARE SCIENCE'S INSTRUMENTS TO CONQUER NATURE'S WEAKNESS? Hair Experts use the most modern trichological methods In the country to combat and replace hair loss. Ultraviolet lamp therapy, exclusive formulae created In our own labora tories, intensive professional stimula tion. and massage are all scientifical ly combined to normalise and return the scalp to healthy vigorous growth. Treatments are pleasant, and relaxing. No odorous chemicals, ointments, or greasy salves are used. Treatments are timed to suit your social, and physical requirement*.. COME IN FOR FREE EXAMINATION TODAYl HAIR EXPERTS,,, Modern Science-Bated Treatments OFFICES COMFORTABLY AIR CONDITIONED Suite 1050, Shoreham Bldg., Corner 15th and H St*. N.W. Phone NAtionol 6081 Open Daily 9 A.M. to 7 P.M. Saturday, 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. - ncrirrc COAST TO COAST—, Make the Most of your Kitchen Floors! WITH ARMSTRONG S * MARBLEIZED INLAID LINOLEUM Your Kitchen Floors are as beautiful as you want them— with Armstrong’s. And Diener’s makes Floor Beauty easy with their unusually large and varied selection of Linoleum patterns, designs and color combinations— the largest selections in Washington. Make the most «f your Kitchen Floors— have Diener’s recover them with Armstrong’s! 10 Square Yards Laid and Cemented to Your Floors [DIENER’S Inc. Washington’s Largest Floor Covering Company For Free Estimatee mu Dl. 7541 1715 R. Iv Ave. N.E. Open Eves. t» 9. Sat. ta P 520 lOHi Street N.W.® Open Doily 'til 9PM. AlrMMly NMHmm SOON TO AMAZE YOU! Watch For Tha Aanoaneomoat la THE WASHINGTON STAR INDOORS \ OUTDOORS KILLS INSECTS WITHOUT THE BOTHER OF SPRAY, PASTE, BOMBS OR POWDER , Now, at last, you can enjoy freedom from annoying insects! It is amazingly simple to kill them with the INSECT-O-LITE snap-on shade which instantly fits on -any ordinary light bulb. Sit in comfort on your porch. You will want to try one on your porch-light and in other rooms of the house. Watch for the announcement of this wonderful new invention. ITS AMAZINGLY SIMPLE!*.., * ~ • Light Bn lb . • . forget it for n whole eemeemt O’"® $100 Worth of Comfort for. Only c NOT DANOCROUSI HOUSEWIVES-FARMERS-DAIRYMEN ■ HOSPITALS RESTAURANTS-HOTELS-APARTMENTS-OFFICES Here is the Answer to insert Problemsl NOTED FOR KILLING GERM-BEARINO INSECTS SAFE! SAYS LEADING ENTOMOLOGIST! Dr. C. H. Curran, one of the na tion’* leading entomologist* and curator of the famed American Muaeum of Natural History, has proved that the INSECT-O-LITE shade la deadly to flying and crawling insects, and harmless to * humans and warm-blooded ani mals. It is not injurious to the most delicate fabrics. If your horn* or proioiaoa oro tarrikly infoatod with ioaacto. follow thooo * roebooa aad you will bo ooioiod at dio raaultac 1. Soap tho INSBCT-O-UTE diada ooor any ordinary liftit Wh, fwajarahiy n wotM. 2. If to Utdgn, and loon K«bt homino for I dakh'm tag. Inaocaa do out kooo to MMh «ha ahado to dial If aot iolatfad ... h* bn light Mkooa a dry^aod^ahor waMa or oailiog will dia . •. aooo whoa lighw oro off! ASK YOUR FAVORITE STORE To Order His Supply Now Fro* WASHINGTON WHOLESALE DRUO EXOHANOE 33 N St. N.E.. Phono NA. S342 HENRY B. GILPIN CO. 233 7th St. S.W. Phono NA. 7S10 \ % Mr. Retailer—If Your Jobber Cannot Supply You CALL INSECT-O-LITE DISTRIBUTORS, INC. 903 15th St. N.W. Mf- 4954