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SUN IS FUN ' I,* Sun ray. helpful to your body can be harmful to roar •yes. Come in and let ns prescribe son classes which will Eyes Examined protect yonr «re*—flatter yonr appearance. Prescription* £l)Ji. ZFjumcib & ^Aiffith 0'"~”,tr4 OPTOMETRIST—*# Tear. Loeal ProeHeo • * Doplt^led m g st. n.w._h ADVERTISEMENT. AIR SWALLOWING A MAJOR CAUSE OF GAS, SAY DOCTORS Amaalaa Mwdar alvei fait relief from pent-up gai. If you lufTer from gai on itomach, heartburn or tome other diitresa of exceii lfb acidity, ai well ai gai from air iwallowing, get thli famoua time teeted remedy. I. Speedt relief from gai—letrlei itomach. Amaiing feet, gentle relief. J. Give! leoger-lailing relief than bolting loda and many ether preparatieni. t. Helpe prevent Immediate return of trouble-ioothei Irritated itomach lining. 4. liSeDoL Powder let! you ilaep when acid indlgeition itrlkei at night. USoDoL'l refrelhlng, minty flavor iweetenl mouth, itomach. faiy to take. Get pleeeant, effective BiSoDoL Powder at your drug counter today. - - FOR FAIRWAY FEETtTO SPORTOCASINS Cuitomtn of oura who have tried theae Sportocaaina all agree that they're topi for golf. And that'a why we i like to have you drop in and look them over. Every pair ia amartly atyled, built to laat. and modela like the one ahown have Turf Hugger Detachable Spikea. True Moccaain construction assurei you of all-day comfort, an give your game a break . . . aee our atock of Bail Sportoeasina aoon. ★ NOW AVAILABLE—ALL BROWN SPORTOCASINS FOR STREET WEAR ''Washington's Outstanding Quality Shoe Store" Where shots ore properly Fitted by Mr. ATKINS ATKINS SHOES 914 G ST. N.W. NA. 4785 Wallace Aides Continue Wait For Callers With Platform Ideas By Newbold Noyes, Jr. The local Wallace-for-President organization was to continue its ef forts today to find out what Wash ingtonians think the new party should stand for. The group had set out 12 chairs in j its rented office at 1722 Connecticut! avenue N.W. for the first public hearing on this question yesterday., ! It was at least eight chairs too many.: ! In addition to committee mem ! bers conducting the hearing, these 1 showed up: 1. A swarthy man with long black ' hair, who kept his coat on in the sweltering heat and wanted to know ! whether the party would break off j relations with Franco Spain if it | came into power. 2. A colored man who said he thought the party should take a strong stand against the Taft- j Hartley Labor Act. Student “Observer” Present. 3. A teen-aged, bespectacled Alex , andria high school student, who said he didn't want to get mixed up in any political parties and was just ! there as an observer, but who sought ; enlightenment as to whether the Wallacites would continue the Mar shall Plan for European reconstruc i tion. 4. A gray-haired housewife in a green dress w ho showed up five min utes before the meeting adjourned to ask what was being done to form Wallace clubs here and learned she I had come to the wrong committee. Joseph Forer, an attorney, chair man of the local group’s Platform Committee and a member of its Executive Committee, explained! several times that the purpose of • the gathering was to get the pub-! lie’s ideas on the Wallace program so that a popular platform can be drafted at the District party con vention here on July 10. Never theless, those attending seemed more interested in listening to the Platform Committee members than in advising them.' Not “Going Concern" Yet. Mr. Forer said he thought the new party’s national convention, opening in Philadelphia on July 23, would use platforms drafted in local conventions around the coun try as a basis for the national platform. “We’re not a going concern yet," he explained. "We're founding the thing.” Mrs. Gertrude Evans, a spry, elderly lady with short, white hair, is chairman of the platform sub committee on District affairs. Mr. Forer asked her to be sure to have some recommended local planks ready for him to today. “If you don't have them all fin ished. give them to me half finished, and I’ll take it from there,” he said. "O. K.. Joe,” said Mrs. Evans. She added her subcommittee is con sidering, among others, District planks calling for an end to racial segregation, strengthened rent con trol, home rule and the abandon ment of “thought control” for Gov ernment employes. “What about national representa , tion?" somebody asked. Good-by*, sq ueezer! So long, strainer! Good riddance, mess! i Here’s ready-to-serve orange juice with the orchard-fresh goodness you crave! It’s Birds Eye Orange Juice, squeezed from tree-ripened Valencia oranges ... Concentrated and quick-frozen at once! All you do is add back the water to the miracle concen trate. Get real, full-strength orange juice! With real wake-up tang. Don’t wait—try it today! HO SQueeziHG! %__^.NT^I Just empty the container of Birds Eye ^ ^ y V^J concentrated Orange Juice into a bever- \( 4OZ, GLASSES \ | . age thaker or pitcher . . Add 3 con- I' tainers of clear, cold water... Shake or O ^ I J atir vigorously »o concentrate and water ' | tiff C ' ^ blend thoroughly .. . You get six 4-oz. f- ^ £ § r glasses of full-strength, orchard-fresh V"“n orange juice. I Fieduct ef SmwI Feeds “Well, of course, national repre sentation." Mrs. Evans said. Foreign Affairs Plank Tried. Mark P. Hyde, who heads the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee of the local Platform Committee, tried out on the audience a foreign affairs plank he had drafted. It said both the Democrats and Republicans, in this field, are the “agents of reac tion," and that "the United States is distrusted and even hated abroad,” since it is “no longer the good neighbor of the common man.” The plank also condemned Ameri can "interference” in the recent GAS RANGES Mcujjc GU&l When buying from us, there Is the single responsibility of deliver ing and installing. THOS. J. CROWELL Phone and we will lend a car lor yoa REpublic 4411 Establish#* 1015 l Italian election*, called for the abandonment of military base* al ready established by this country abroad and proposed that whatever foreign aid program is followed should be carried out under the United Nations. Frank Smith, another lawyer and member of that subcommittee, read a second version of the same plank, couched in slightly stronger lan guage. I. H. Halpern, a lawyer serving on Mrs. Evans' subcom mittee, arrived in time to say he thought the language hi the second Tendon was too strong. Plank Protested as Provocative. Referring to a phrase in the pro posed plank to the effect that suc cessful negotiations between Rus sia and this country are being “prevented primarily by the Unit ed States," Mr. Halpern said that remark was “loaded” and “entirely provocative.” “We're trying to persuade peo ple.” said Mr. Halpern. “There’s no point in condemning everything.” “I wouldn’t worry about particu A/o MaTT£R Vi>u Prink it... Make £ure... Its tub Vbsj! isn't rr stTre* to buv r»e sist/ lar phrases in these drafts,” Mr. Purer said reassuringly. “The plat form is going to be drafted and redrafted.” Adjourning, Mr. Purer and his associates decided to have some one un hand to hear further expressions of public opinion last night and from 4 to 8 pm. and again' from ; 3 to 10 pm. today. / TRANSFER 4 STORAGE CO. I I 160 New York Ave. N.W. NA. 1070 I Export Packing | OUR SPECIALTY ] to i« > months IfffMIlMiBiMMfMT.HfflHhtTl payment 1 PLAN | Box Canons_$3.95 to $10.95 Folding Canons_$9.95 to $52.50 Do Lnxo Canons_$100.00 to $500.00 Movio Canons <• ™o $29.00 to $375.00 ONE YEAR Eloctrie Exposure Motors_$12.50 to $32.50 GADGET BAGS. FILTERS. COLOR FILM, PHOTO BOOKS nimnnirr 5,000 PHOTOGRAPHIC ITEMS TO CHOOSE FROM GUARANTEE _including many rare bargains._ Ldeveloping Nfnvn>M4vMP|MMipw||wfNpWfl I^SERVICE^ THE COMPLETE PHOTO DEPARTMENT STORE PARK NEAR REAR ENTRANCE IS^UNCLE JOE'S^V. / 30 Exclusive \ / CHERNERIZING r OPERATIONS 1. Body and Chassis washed and cleaned. 2, Motor cleaned, grease and oil removed from power plant.' S. Inspection by Service Super visor for necessary repairs. 4. Reconditioning of motor, necessary replacement made. 5. Transmission tested, neces sary repairs made. 8. Rear akel construction lnr spected, necessary replace ments made. 7. Front construction inspect ed, worn parts replaced and thoroughly tightened up. 8. Steering construction checked, adjustments or re placements made. 10. Wheels removed. Necessary replacements of bearings, washers, etc. 11. Brakes inspected. Lining re placed if necessary. 12. Inspection for necessary body and fender repairs. 13. Paint inspected, reflnished where necessary. 14. Roof or top examined. Leaks repaired or new ma terial Installed. 15. Roof or top redressed. 16. Glass examined and replaced where chipped or cracked. 17. Upholstery cleaned, repaired where necessary or material replaced. 18. Chassis and all back run ning gear painted. 19. Bulbs, reflectors -or lenses replaced where necessary. 20. Windshield wipers inspected. Necessary repairs or re placements made. 21. Bumpers inspected, bent or broken units repaired. 22. Tires Inspected. Replace ments made where neces sary. 23. Car thoroughly lubricated and springs sprayed. 24. Crank case cleaned, flushed and refilled with fresh oil. 26. Radiator inspected, cleaned out or repaired as necessary. 26. Body bolts checked and tightened. 27. Battery tested, connections checked or replaced. New battery installed if neces sary. 28. Body and fenders cleaned and simonlzed expertly. 29. Road-tested to check per formance. . 30. Last, but not least, our 1 ^ guarantee goes with ever? A Chemised Car. '47 STUDEBAKER Regal Comdr. 4-dr. sedan, 4 QQC heater, overdrive fcjWvV '47 OLDS Sedanette "76" Hydra - Matic, Q QQC radio and heater— fcjWVW '47 MERCURY sedan- A *IQC coupe, r. and h.-£jl9v '47 CHEVROLET Fleet- A fQC line Sedan, r. and h.'£al99 '47 STUDEBAKER 4-dr. Regal Champion, A AQC heater_£,U99 '47 FORD sedan - coupe Super de luxe, white 4 QQC sidewalls, r. and h.^ Ij099 '47 FORD Super de luxe 4 QQC Fordor, r. and h.— Ij099 '46 BUICK Roadmaster 4-dr. Sedan, A AQC radio and heater— £j&99 '46 BUICK Super 4-dr. A 4QC Sedan, r. and h.-Cal99 '46 PONTIAC Stream liner Sedanette, A AQC radio and heater— CeU99 '46 PONTIAC Str. 4-dr. 1 Sedan, radio Q AQC and heater_CbU99 '46 OLDSMOBILE "76" a A AC 4-dr., r. and h_Cell99 '46 FORD Conv., 1 QQC radio and heater— livvw '46 OLDSMOBILE "76" ~ sedanette, radio and 1 QQC heater, hydramatic- lyvvv '46 FORD Club Coupe, 1 QQC radio and heater— IfVvV '46 FORD Super de luxe 1 QQC Fordor, r. and h.___ l|V99 '46 FORD Tudor, 1 CQC r. and h_l?999 '48's, '47's, '46's FORDS, All Models It's the news of the year! Far it's the first time since 1942 that Uncle Joe Cherner has offered CHERNERIZED CARS for sale. And NEXT TO A NEW CAR A CHERNERIZED CAR is best . . . yes, CHERNER IZING is BACK! The famous process pioneered by Uncle Joe Cherner consists of 30 exclusive CHERNERIZING operations by top-flight mechanics employing the finest equipment . . . the best recondi tioning because the CHERNERIZING process uses only original factory parts.' Taka a look at the list of operations on the left. Study them. You will see that every CHERNERIZED car is checked and double checked from bumper to bumper. You will see that CHERNERIZING is a costly process, yet it doesn't cost you a dime. In fact, it saves you money many times over. For the past 6 years you haven't been able to buy CHERNERIZED CARS for the same reasons that new-car plants stopped making cars. There are no short cuts in CHERNERIZING . . . either in labor or materials. And now that we have the original factory parts in tremendous quantity and the experienced men to produce CHERNERIZED CARS, we can say to you that CHERNERIZED CARS are back and NEXT TO A NEW CAR a CHERNERIZED CAR IS BEST. We back that statement all the way as always with a bonna fide 30-day unconditional guarantee. 1948 STUDEBAKER 4-DOOR CHAMPION This model has all Hie scientific Studebaker innovations; climatlx- (Jb f) er, hill-holder, directional signals, S' oil filter, safety door locks. Sleek JKm AB Jf maroon finish, overdrive. 1946 BUICK SUPER 4-DR. SEDAN Smart fawn fray, radio and heater, low mileage. And leek at Hit price!