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I from Baltimore §3 CONSTELLATION H SPEEDBIRDS now leave at 4:00 P. M. No time is lost! You leave at 4:00 p.m. (E.D.T.), ar rive Bermuda at 7:05 p.m. You cruise smoothly above the weather in "pressur ized" Constellation Speed birds. There is no faster wayl $70.00 $126.00 On* Way Round Trip p/ut I5°o Fed. Tox FOR INFORMATION AND RES ERVATIONS inquire BOAC, Municipal Airport, Baltimore 22, Md. (Tel: Rivertide 0800): T124 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Wathington 6, D. C. (Tel: Ex *cu,ive 3,*4). Or tee your Lo col Travel Agent. ftuc^ More Than One Way To Get a Story On the Screen By th« Associated Press . HOLLYWOOD. .Here’s one way a story reaches the screen: Producer Don Hartman spent a fruitless month hunting a likely film story in Eastern cities. Finally he gave up. Before returning to Hollywood he visited his daughter Mima, 17, at High Mowing School in Wilton, N. H. She told him of a short story she had read in a woman's magazine, “Every Girl Should Be Married.” All her class mates were as enthusiastic about it as she. Hartman was only mildly im pressed. But on the train he no ticed the story in one of the lounge car magazines, and read it. At the next stop he wired Dory Schary, BELVEDEREI 3 TWO BLOCKS FROM RADIO CITT j ^500 of the largest P J Roams in the Timas yB 00k 9 Square Area, Each || I | with lath and Shower f M and Serving Pantry. ■ D,8?J| I AIR CONDITIONED L ^t«NINC ROOM A COCKTAIL LOUNGEP Ml*1** *** st-" MHOtO CUMMIWCS. MirP* TODAY'S NEIGHBORHOOD MOVIES CAROLINA f-JST# “TARZAN’S SECRET TREASURE," JOH N N Y WEISMULLER MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN. Plus ROSE OF RIO ORANDK. _MOVITA. JOHN CARROLL._ TIRTT P# 2>05 Pa.~Ava.N-W.' »t. 0184 LlllLLL Comfortably Cool. ALEXIS SMITH. ELEANOR PARKER In “THE WOMAN IN WHITE.’’ Open 5:15 p.m. Featurei 5:35* 9:35. 9:40._ DUMBARTON'3;* STm,^ last Day. Ttro Hits. Doors Open 5:15. “AFFAIRS OF BEL AMI." Plus * A YANK IN LONDON.”_' FAIRFAX THEATER ^ & Routes 50. 20, 211—Free Parkin* “THE INSIDE STORY." MARSHA HUNT. WI! I IA M LUND IGON._ GRFENBELT Gre*nbe,t' Md GtL 2222 DEANNA DURBIN. DONALD O’CONNOR OMETHING IN THE WIND.” at 7, 9. I ITTI P 9th St Above P Lit ILL Air Cond. GRETA GARBO in “NINOTCHKA^_ McLEAN I ARRV PARKS In "SWORDSMAN.” Also G r azia no-Za le F: t P ictu res at 7, 9. PAY M 2402 Mt Vern. Ave., Del Ray, Alex’ rftLii ov 3560 Cont. |rom 6;30 PM< Air Conditioned. Double Feature Shew ‘WHEN A GIRL’S BEAUTIFUL.” Also DANGEROUS LADY;’ STRAND 9th and D St*. N.W. “THE MARK OF ZORO,” TYRONE POWER LINDA DARNELL._ I xTA ■ t rnone rails »-nr. ijjj dililKi Shows 7 ond 9 UNCONQUEPED. GARY COOPER. PAULETTE GODDARD.____ I PP A Treat tor fhe Entire Family Shows 7 and 9 BLACK BART YVONNE DE CAR LO DAN DURYEA. ARLINGTON **»*• WINTER M EBTI N G,‘* BETTE DAVIS. JIM_DAVIS___ Ii/lf rrifj 1729 Wilson Blvd Phon# ox. U80 •UNCONOUFRED ’ GARY COOPER, PAULETTE GODDARD MrifPflM 3166 w‘l*°n Blvd Ikdniun phone oxford ll?9 T ADY FROM SHANGHAI,” RITA HAYWORTH._ : BUCKINGHAM I "WINTER MEETIN d," BETTE DAVIS. JHlI DAVIS._I PI ppp J 13b* No. Globa Rd. vWanox,Mi<2W "SAIKT-KD .SISTERS ’ .1 OAK CADI# FIELD, VERONTCA_LAKE._ UVOn '04 S. Wayna St. O a mkV Arlington. Va. OX. '733 "MIRACLE OF THE BELLS.' FRED\ Mai MURRAY. FRANK SINATRA. j —SIDNEY LUST THEATERS— nmvr in °n Boito. p^e.5 Min unm>'in Pns, u of Md TO 5soo Open ft—Two II.*.'! Enjoy Our Largest Screen In the World! Perfect Vr-ibiiity 1 v A!' Sections Today. Tomor.. UNTAMED FtlRY." a' •> IT. Also RON'AID REAGAN. ALEXIS SMITH. 7 AC HA BY SCOT T in 'STALLION HIPPODROME | Air Conditioned. ''FURIA " At " 4:iirt. 5:50. 7 4:;. o.::o UrTtlPCFlA Wu. Ave & k w Hwv BUBHim W| ,B68 or 9636 Air Conditioned Free Parkins. Last Day. CARY COOPER. PAULETTE GODDARD in Cecil B De Mille's "UN CONQUERED'1 i in Technicolor), at ti 0 T5, __ Mil (I Rockville. Md Phone Rock. 2434 ”•41.11 Air Conditioned. Last Dav ALEXIS SMITH, SYDNEY GREENSTREET in "THE WOMAN *N WHITE. ' at 7:18. 9: 25.__ VHVUinnn Eastern Ave. Bet. R. I. lUlIHUUUj Mich. Av„ WA 8899 Air Conditioned. Free Parking. Hear ing Aids Today. Tomor.. FRED Mae MURRAY. VAIil, FRANK SINATRA in "THE MIRACLE OF THE BELLS." at tin), it :'J0. Enjoy 7xfl-feet large screen television in our lounge!__ CSMCn Mt. Rainier, Md. leftl'lLII WA. 97.4 Two Hits. Air Conditioned. Last Day. ABBOTT and COSTELLO in "BUCK PRIVATES ” A' o DECOY"." Last complete show. HYATTSVILLE Hyattsville, Md. If % att«. 05.%". Free Parkin*. A Court’: oneci Today Thru Fr! . ■ ary COOPFR. PAULETTE GOD DAHD in Cecil P De M’.IIp's * 'UNCON IUFRED" (in Technicolor;, at G:H(), •• **o ___ rifrVfSI? V Defense Highway liXlLVLn^I ot tandov«r Rd.. Md. Union 0100. Tree Firkin* Air Conditioned. Special Benefl’ Show’! O'c Performance, s PM Only! Pre Showing of "Oth Century Fox's Technicolor Spec al' PF.GGY CUM MINS. LLOYD NOLAN. CHARLES CO BURN* in "GREEN GRASS OF WYOM TNG " Plus 5 Vaudeville Acts on Staee AH Receipt5 to Police Officer Charles Caldwell Fund. Admission $1.00 ilncl. MARLBORO “up7^^FMd: Air Conditioned Last Day, CLARK GABLE. LAN A TURNER in "HOME COMING." at 7. 9:08. o •5 t is c. « E c c nrrn 1723 King 5t. A lax. REsEmV forking Sdoc# Air Conditioned. 1 ANA TURNER “ ARK GAFI_E in "HOMECOMING." VIRGINIA s' Air Conditioned RACHEL KEMPSON CHARLES BOYER in A WOMANS VENGEANCE." Added. Granano RICHMOND8 9 9726 Mr Conditioned TED DONALDSON dONA BARRIE :r “MY DOG RUSTY,” Ad ed Qi aztai < -Zale Fight. CENTRE "liSSrVow* FORT APACHE" JOHN WAYNE. SHIRLEY TEMPLE__ SHIRLINGTON o^!^,0 ''ALWAYS TOGETHER." ROBERT HUTTON. JOYCE REYNOLDS. _■ p nrv 40 i j wan. «ve. n. ▼». ftrbA wo 4^00 Cont. 1-11 P.M. ORSON WELI.ER RITA HAYWORTH in LADY FROM SHANGHAI,” at 1:20. ■'’• 2n._ft: 30. _7:4 0. 9:45_ »TI AC 1331 H St. N E. AT. 8300 muni* Cent 1.11 PM Academy Award Winner RONALD COLMAN In * A DOUBLE LIFF ” Plus FRANCES RAFFERTY in CURLEY” In color. CPU ATOP M,nn Avt. at Banning Pd Nt rp ?600 Healthfully Air Conditioned Double ^nature-—TYRONE POW'FR in MARK OF 7GRRO if 2 59. fi 21. Plus JOHN WAYNE in “THE I SPOILERS.^ at J 12. A 5 4. S: 16. _ m? II VT All 28»h & Alabamo Av* S.E nax V1 4000 C2 Bus to Door FamlH* Treat Bara am Show! WEAVER BROS and El.VIRY in • TUXEDO JUNCT ION, ai 2.«*S. 4 52. 7-2S. 10:12. Plus GRAND OLE OPR Y.” with ROY ACUFF at 1. 3 44. 6:20. 9:OA-_ ___ HiSEH-Btlhuua wV. ^ Air Tend ,:Oned. LAST DAY! FRFP M-tcMURRAY. “Miracle of the Bells” At 6:30, T 40 snd B:45 PM. Thursday— SITTING PKETTY." WARNER BROS.' THEATERS For Additional Information Phone The aters Direct or Call REpublip 0600 Theaters Marked ★ Air Conditioned. ”_Theaters Having Matinees._ ★ AMBASSADORS^,Rt; Paulette Goddard. Macdonald Carey in “Hazard." at J, 3:05, 5:15, 7:20. 9:35. xprvrpi V 15fh & F N.E. XDLfLIUiX L, 3300. Mat. 1 P.M. Fred MacMurray, Frank Sinatra in 'Miracle of the Bells,’ at 1:40, 4:20, 6:55, 9:30._ VFRT 2324 Wis* Ave. n.w. FLttLTtni WO. 2345. Mat. 1 P.M. James Cagney. Pat O’Brien in “The Fighting doth,” at 1:20, 3:25, 5:25, 7 :30, 9:35._ ★ rrwTRM 425 9,h St n.w. ME. 2841. Opens 10:45. Ted Donaldson in “My Dog. Rusty.” at 11. 2:05. 5:15. 8:20: Barbara Stan wyck. Van Heflin in “B.F.’s Daughter.” at 12 05. 3 i o. 6:20, 9:30._ OrVrVlirnV Kennedy Nr. 4th N.W. XXVLX111LIIX RA 6600. Mat. 1 P.M. Eleanor Parker, Sydney Greenstreet. Alexis Smith in “Woman in White.” at_l. 3:05. 6210, 7:15, 9:26. xpriJU Pa. Ave. at 7th S.E. XrLnn FR. 5200. Mat. 1 P.M. Fred MacMurray. Frank Sinatra in “Miracle oi the Bells,” at 1:35, 4:10, 6:40. 0:15.__ ^CUrRTnaiV G°- Ave. * Sheridan KOZlLnillAn RA. 2400. Mat. 1 P.M. Dana Andrews. Gene Tierney in “The Iron Curtain,” 1, 3:10. 5:20, 7:30, 9:45. XCTI urp Go. Ave. & Colesville Pike ^OllsYCan SH. 5500. Mat. 1 P.M. . Dana Andrews, Gene Tierney in "The Iron Curtain. " 1.3:10, 5:20,7:30.9:45. 4,TTVni I 14th ond Park Rd- N w* W 11 TULA co 1800 Mat 1 p M Gary Copper. Paulette Goddard in “Un conquered. ‘ at i. 3:45. 6:35. 0:25. 4?IPTflWN Conn. Ave. and Newark Kuriuwn WO. 5400. Mat. 1 P.M. Fmd MacMurray. Frank Sinatra in “Miracle of the Bells,’ at 1, 3:05, 5:10, 7:”<>. 9:30. Theaters Having Evening Performance*. ★APOLLO <24Frh*,one Bet(41 Davis In “Winter MeeUng,” at ★AVALON 54,2 fc&T NW‘ Dana Andrews, Gene Tiemey in “The Iron Curtain.” at 6:10, 7:5Q, 9 40._ ! AVE. GRAND 645 w Wayne Morris in “Valiev of the Giante,” at 6.20. s ;(i5, 9 50 ★COLONY 4935 gc 6J00. N w; Dick Powell. Signr Hasso in "To The Ends of J_he Earth,” ju 6 55. 0:25 HOME 1230 c St- N E- TR 8188 Jack Carson. “April Showers.” 6:15. 9.55: Walter Pideeor Maureen O'Hara. ‘ How Green Was Mv Valley.” 8. ★NacARTHUR 4859RM^0A0’,hur . Fred MacMurray. Frank Sinatra in “Miracle of the Bells." at d 50. 9:25. F.r-nra. Graz.iajio-7.ale fight. +<?avnv 303014th S:: n.w. mklttrui CO. 4968. Parking Space. Rcbert Young. Maureen O'Hara in “Sitting Pretty.” at 6:15. 7:55. 9 In 8244 Go A* •.. Silver Spring SH 2540 Parking Space James Mason. “Upturned Glass,” 6 15. 9 45: Jeanette MacDonald. Jane Powell, “Three Daring Daughters, at 7:55._ T/iVAMA 4th A Butternut St*. xaauiiage 4312. Parking Spac# Rav MUland. Charles Laughton in “The Big Clock.”_at 6. 7 :50, 9:45._ ^YORK Ga Ave. & Quebec Place *XUUil RA 4400. Susan Peters. Alexander Knox In “Sign of the Ram.” at 6:15, 8, 9:50. e/s BS U H* < U as H BS U s B—* M 9S Z bs w bq e/J >—< S3 i_ THE VILLAGE i“7 * E' Phone MI. 9227 Scientifically Air Conditioned. ' THE IRON CURTAIN." DANA AN DREWS. GENE TIERNEY._ __ NEWTON Scientifically Air Conditioned. "THE FUGITIVE." HENRY FONDA. DOLORES DEL RIO JESSE THEATER (nJ8**& Phone OIL 98(51 Scientiflcallv Air Conditioned Double Feature. 'TO THE ENDS OF TKF EARTH. DICK POWELL. SIGNE HASSO DANGEROUS VENTURE." Wil l TAM BOYD. CVT VAN 1st St. & R. I. Ave. N W iJIAaVAH Phone NQrth 96g9 Scientifically Air Conditioned Double Feature—-AN IDEAL HUS BAND ,f PAULETTE GODDARD. MI CHAEL WILDING “ARE YOU WITH IT DONALD O'CONNOR. OLGA SAN JUAN. THE VrUNflN 3707 Mt. Yemen new vtnnun Av. AUx Va One Block From Presidential Gardena. Phone ALex. 2424. Scientifically Air Conditioned "GREEN GRASS OF WYOMING ” PEGGY CUMMINS. CHARLES CO BURN.__ ACADEMY 333 8%*,«s' Scientifically Air Conditioned Double Feature "MONTANA MIKE.” ROBERT CUMMINGS. BRIAN DON LEVY ‘SECRET SERVICE INVES TIGATOR ' LYNN ROBERTS. LLOYD BRIDGES Mat, at 1 P.M._ STANTON 5,3ucs& n e Scientifically Air Conditioned Double Feature "HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY." WALTER PIDGEON. MAUREEN OHARA FABULOUS JOE." WALTER ABEL. MARGARET GRAHAME. Fairlawn Amnie. Co. Theaters HIGHLAND 2533A?*n7n3a„Av*‘ 51 FRED MacMURRAY in "MIRACLE OF THE BELLS." at 6:411. 9:10._ ATLANTIC A'la",ic *’■ °* Nicho|> FRED MacMURRAY in "MIRACLE OF THE BELLS. ' at <i:40. 9:10._ CONGRESS 2931 NTf0i7<r “ DANA ANDREWS GENE TIERNEY in THE IRON CURTAIN." 6:1ft. 8. fl:4ft. FAIRLAWN '342 gWhop. sc- sTe: 2 English Hits'—ALSTAIR SIMS in "GREEN TOR DANGER, at 0 1 ft 0 4ft. MARGARET LOCKWOOD in "BEITE AN AC0STIA_,4,s3fGo“ GARY COOPER PAULETTE GODDARD m • 'tTNCONQCERFD,'' (in Tech.), at CAPITOL C««*W SPENCER TRACY. KATHARINE HEP BURN. VAN JOHNSON in ‘STATE OF THE UNION.’^at_«:40. 9:10._ rflRAf Marlboro Pike at District line VUflAAs Bradbury Heights, Md. Grand Opening Thursday at 8. GARY COOPER in UNCONQUEREDWash ington's Newest and Finest Theater with Push - back Seats Spacious Lounges. Magnificent Designs and Dec orations. Ample Free Parking. <• RKO production head, lor permis-' sion to buy it. The deal was made the next day, and Mima also got I a nice check for her discovery. Only then was it learned that the story’s author, Elleanor Harris, had tried unsuccessfully to sell the yarn to the studios through her agent weeks before. Hartman now has a new problem. His daughter wants to quit school and become a studio reader. He can’t think of any good argument against it, naturally. But he’s still pondering. And Mima is still in sahool. Hollywood (Continued From Page A-lB.'l she takes off for New York. They had better hurry or she will be over taken by the stork. Audrey Totter may be the No. 1 gal who chases Bob Hope in “Easy Does It” at Paramount. It's been a year since Audrey made a picture at her home studio, Metro. That's the way it went with Ava Gardner, j too—lots of loan-outs, but now Metro is hanging on to her. * * * * Jeanne Crain, on the set of “Three Wives,” tells me what a nightmare here two weeks of lo cation were in the East. “It rained all the time and the food was so awful I lost weight.” Practically none of the picture was shot, and the wasted dollars may prove that it doesn’t pay to leave Hollywood studios for an expensive location jaunt. Jeffrey Lynn is replacing John Payne in “The Voice of the Turtle,” in stock. “Then,” says Jeffrey, “I’ll do ‘John Loves Mary’ for a few weeks.” The Lynn's baby, prema turely born at a weight of two pounds-something, is now a thriv ing eight pounds, five ounces at two months. That's really doing well. Joan Caulfield w’as the gal who did mast to bring about a recon ciliation between Gloria de Haven and her husband, the abovemen tioned Mr. Payne. Joan told Gloria how much John loved her and that love like that is very hard to find. I hope this new reconciliation lasts. Bill Boyd will have a new leading lady in his next-but-one Hopalong picture. She is Kippy Valez, fiancee of fabulous Frank Palumbo of Phil adelphia. "I'd never been on a horse before.” Kippy. a pretty bru nette tells me, rubbing tne place where it hurts mast. Bill is making sure Kippy will learn to sit corrertly on a horse by having the rodeo, champ, Leo MacMahon teach her how . Joseph Cotten will have to wait a few weeks before taking off for London and “Under Capricorn,”^ with Ingrid Bergman. He is getting some new stuff to do in “Portrait of Jenny.” Joe will now do a narra , tion all through the movie. * * * * Ann Sheridan and Warners aren't ! waiting for her to finish out her contract with them. They are calling it a day now'. Orson Welles is in more trouble With that picture, “Cagliostro.” All the Italian players in the picture, headed by Valentina Cortese, will have their voices dubbed in by American players in Hollywood. Their accents were too difficult to understand. Nancy Guild, who plays two roles, gets her “Marie Antoinette” char- i acter spoken for her by Lurene Tuttle. This wasn't Nancy's fault— they just wanted two different voices. (Released by North American Newepanbr Amactfe ) i,^ ’ Where and When Current Theater Attractions and Time of Showing Stage. National—"Harvey”; 2:30 and 8:30 p.m, • Catholic University — "Jenny Kissed Me"; 8:30 p.m. Screen. Ambassador—"Hazard"; 1, 3:05, 5:15, 7:25 and 9:35 p.m. Capitol—“The Big City”: 10:45 a.m.. 1:30. 4:20, 7:10 and 10 p.m.j Stage shows: 12:45, 3:35, 6:25 and* 9:15 p.m. Columbia—"Blood and Sand" 10:45 a.m., 12:55, 3:10, 5:20, 7:35 and 9:50 p.m. Dupont—"The Idiot"; 1:10, 2:55. 4:35, 6:15. 8 and 9:45 p.m. Hippodrome—“Furia”; 2:20, 4:05, 5:55, 7:40 and 9:30 p.m. Keith’s—“The Best Years of Our Lives”; 9:45 a.m., 12:40, 3:40, 6:35 and 9:35 p.m. Little — "Rebecca”; 10:30 a.m., 12:45, 3, 5:15, 7:30 and 9:50 p.m. - Metropolitan — “Fuller Brush Man”; 11 a.m„ 1:05, 3:20, 5:30, 7:40 and 9:55 pm. Palace—“All My Sons”; 11:15 a.m., 1:20, 3:25, 5:30, 7:35 and 9:40 p.m. Playhouse — “Anna Karenina”; 11:05 am., 1:10, 3:20, 5:25, 7:35 and 9:45 p.m. Fix—"Passionelle”; 3:35, 6:50 and 10 pm. Trans-Lux—News and shorts Continuous from 10:15 a.m. Warner—“Hazard"; 11 a.m., 1:10, 3:20, 5:35, 7:35 and 9:50 p.m. sassensimu^ rGarages-Cotlage^ ;» Cash or JAAP Immediate Term* JUP Delivery BEACH HOUSE $987.75 j Shell Only f o b. plant . I Foundation and Erection Extra Three styles, 16x24. Gable Roof. Order now for this season's use. Deal with ONE management—ONE responsibility. 'We lay foundations; make delivery: complete erection; ! handle all details from start to ; finish. Satisfaction guaranteed. Wood or Aluminum Garages IZXZU kSVi 20x20 $595 f.o.k. Tard EASY TERMS . GARAGE DOORS ^ | Rmg. $65.00 ALUMINUM 7x8 Sixe ££* *47.50 I Reynold’s Lifetime Aluminum Over head Garare Doors offered at a spe cial price for this week only. In stallation extra. $-.M) for delivery only. Get our prices on Strand steel or sooden carafe doors. General Industries, Int. Manufacturers it Distributors 1109 Jeff-Daria Highway jij Vi Mile South tith St. Brittle \ on U. S. No. 1 JA. 2164-1720 Open Evm., 7-9; Sandoyi, 10-5 | ' l. I |"I t Armory Manager Is Yet to Be Named A manager for the National Guard Armory of the District was not selected, as had been expected, at the first meeting yesterday of the triumvirate in charge of Armory affairs. After an hour and a half meeting, Commissioner John Russell Young announced that Leonard P. Walsh, Washington attorney, has been ap pointed chairman of the three-man group. The third member is .Brig. Gen. Albert L. Cox. commanding general of the District National Guard. Mr.,Your.g said he will ask Cor poration Counsel Vernon West if the maintenance force at the Armory will come under the manager. He said he believed they will. He said that the matter of the maximum admissions to the Armory under the CABINETS MADE TO ORDER HESLOP LUMBER & MILLWORK CO. NA. 9118 724 EYE 8T. S.W. egress regulations adopted by the Commissioners as a matter of fire. hazard also would be referred to Mr. West. | The matter of arriving on employ ment of a manager, he said, will be taken up at a meeting at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Armory.. Construction to Start Soon On Police Precinct Station Construction of the new No. 14 police precinct station probably will begin next month. Director of Construction Archie Hutson said today. Bids for the new station house were opened yesterday at the Dis trict Building, but final tabulation was delayed because of the 3 p.m. closing hour set by the Commission ers because of the heat. A prelim inary report, however, indicated Lee !THIS FAMOUS NAME ASSUMES ) VUW Quality ter Preferred by \F0R CHILDREN millions! World's / - t largest seller at 10c. flavored, meets correct child dosage HTPrirTr-nl “«*d» SOtaa SHifiMHIlHHI lets for 35c T. Turner. 3600 block of Fourteenth street N.W., was the lowest of seven bidders, with a base bid of $195,591. Meanwhile, the Commissioners gave Maj. Robert J. Barrett per mission yesterday to set up the new precinct .tomorrow in the Davis School annex on H street SB., be tween. Forty-fourth and Forty-fifth places. The temporary occupancy will last about nine months, until the new station house is completed. No. 14 will cover most of that part of the present Nov 11 precinct on the north side of the Anacostia River. Power Plant Head Retires HAGERSTOWN, Md., June 30 {/P). —'The retirement of Maurice E. Miller, for the past 38 years super intendent of Hagerstown’s munici pal electric light plant, becomes effective tomorrow. MOVING LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE United States Storage Co. 418 lOfh St. N.W. Phone ME. 1843 REAL ^ HICKORY > SMOKED HAM Served at luncheon in the famous Parrot manner. De licious Saratoga Potatoes, Grilled Cheese Bolls and Tomato Aspic. Your perfect luncheon for , *1.00 Luncheon, 12 to 2:30 Dinner, 5 to 9 Cocktail Lounge Air-Conditioned Dining Room and Open Air Deck ru Parrot RESTAURANT Mrl. Jim Hubbari. Manner , Connecticut At*, at R St. k DEcatur 4051 / FREE PARKING IBBL 9 ■ NOBODY but The Hub brings you savings like H i this On chrome dinettes! These are slignt-ih- |H V perfects of a famous maker. Because they ore IS slightly scratched, or have some small de- ma feet, YOU SAVE $20! Chrome table has a SB porcelained extension top, chairs have leather- fj|l ette seats. Red and white or black and white. %f Pay Only 50c a Week J||| You jil Save I *20 I Slight imperfects . . . but COMPARE these g extra features! Porcelained top has a gay, jj ‘ cheerful design and you get a handy cutlery drawer. Top extends to almost double its size and gleaming chrome frames are easy to clean. 4 matching chairs are upholstered in 2-tone | leatherette. Open an Account at The Huh Jsm , Vo" $h0- ! Slight imperfects ... of a smart new de luxe style! Chrome chairs have INDIVIDUAL legs . . . curved in a modern design. Padded up- ||p holstey is 2-tone leatherette. Chrome table H has a beautifully patterned, porcelained top, ^B side leaf extensions, and cutlery drawer. IB Pay Only SI.00 Weekly ^^^B V . PI'.; '