Newspaper Page Text
BIOSPH Y. "The Educated Heart.” class of Instruc tion In intelligent living conducted by Gilbert Mark, at the Biosophlcal Institute. Willard Hotel, 8 o'clock tonight. crafts. Adult eraft class, instruction in beaded bags, hooked rugs, needlepoint, knitting and crocheting. Friendship House. 6111 D street S.E.. 7:30 o'clock tonight. DANCER. Co-ed dance class, YMCA, 1736 G street N W.. 8 o’clock tonight. Instruction and practice in waltz, fox trot and South American dances; Central Center, Thirteenth and Clifton streets N.W.. 8:30 o'clock tonight. Instruction and practice In South Ameri can dances; Walsh Club, rear of 1524 Twenty-second street N.W., 9 o'clock to E*Fojk dance. Jewish Community Center, Sixteenth and Que streets N.W,, 9 o clock ,onl*ht LUNCHEONS. Chatterbox Club. Hotel Statler. 12:30 9 <McGrawrHni Publishers, Hotel Statler, 1 LutheVar^'Vellowship. Willard Hotel. 1 ~B<?a<? Gang™ °W11 lard Hotel. 1215 p.m. tomorrow MEETINGS. McGraw Hill Publishers, Hotel Statler, p a.m. tomorrow. Washington Traffic Division. No. 60, Hotel Statler. 9 a.m. Hot,i g American Legion, Willard Hotel, o o'clock tonight. NIISH . . Wade N. Stephens organ recital. Church of the Latter Day Saints, 8 o clock t0IV Marine Band concert. East Front of the Capitol. 8 o’clock tonight. * P SPEC IAL EXHIBITS. Library of Congress, First and East Cap itol streets S.E.. open 0 a.m. to Hi p.m. Mondays through Fridays. » a m. to» 6 P.m Saturdays and — to 10 p.m. Sundays. original Lacock Abbey copy of the Magna Carta on loan trom the British govern ment until December 16; 85 rare books from the Lessing J Rosenwald collection, Including the first printed classic of science and six volumes from the press of the first English printed, through September ;t<». original manuscript of Lincoln s three page autobiography," for an indefinite PerBadmet Aden Gallery, 127 Randolph place N.W., showing American Contempo rary Paintings, 6 to ltt P.m. weekday# and 2 to 5 pm Sundays, through August. Silver Spring Gallery Art, ^-16 Flower avenue, open 10 a m. to 7 pm. every day pastels, drawings, oil* »n« water colors, by F. J. Denis Beatty. Bella Kuddisch Weinberg and Tracy C. Coleman, thCenterAMarket City, Fifth and K streets N W . open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturdays, 7 am to 6 pm. weekdays; paintings and sculpture from the Corcoran School of Af Public5 Library. Eighth and K streets NW. open 9 a m to 9 P.m. weekdays; drawings and paintings by Josephine Dan ,0rCo'rct«ran Nailery of Art. Seventeenth street and New York avenue N.W , open 12 to 4:30 p.m Mondays. 10 a.m. to 4.30 pm Tuesday through Friday. 9 a.m. to t 30 pm. Saturdays and 2 to 5 p.m. Sun days; paintings by Margaret Oates, Ethel Gath. Samuel Bookatz and William H. Calfre. through September 12. and water colors by prtists of Washington, for an in dPphilhps Memorial Gallery, 1600 Twenty first street N.W.. open 2 P m. to 7 Sundays. 11 a.m. to 10 p m. Mondays and 11 a m. to 6 p.m. other weekdays; paint ings by Marjorie Phillips for an indefinite 'National Archives, exhibition hall, Con atltution avenue between Seventh and Ninth streets N.W.. open 8:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m weekdays and 1:30 p.m. to 5 P.m. Saturdays, and 1:30 p.m. to 6 p m. Sun days and holidays; exhibit commemorat ing the 150th anniversary of the estab lishment of the Navy Department, includ ing r.aval documents from tha. Revolu tion through World War II surrftider pa pers. through July. National Gallery of Art, Sixth street and Constitution avenue N.W. open 10 OCEAN JVITY, MD RID E A U 'JZtfL Private baths; telephone in rooms. Home like meals. Phone O. C. C»99. J. P. JARMAN. FT. MONROE. VA. ON Bf AUTimi MISTOOK MAMMON DO ADS oid point com*oar.foot monroi,**. _ dperfect vacdt/on fetfir | itdooq Ano outdoor. suimmiOG **%£* w\ g-olp - Ttnms-RiDinc / \ 1 MIAR WILLIAMSBURG U YORKTOWH /_ f # 1 at-r cape "mayTar, J. A Complete Vacation at 7k* Admiral Cap« May, N. X A Few Accommodations Still Availablt • FIREPROOF • Luxurious • Cod • Directly on Ocean • Own Swimming Pod • Tennis • Bowling • Ballroom • Surf Bar • Cocktail Rooms • Orchestras • Bridge • Gdf • Fishing • Bicycling • Ridieg • Theatres • Finest Food • Low Rates • American and European Ptans • Write. Wire or Phone tor Literature and Reservations. ATLANTIC CITYrNTJ. r menu Michigan and Pacific Aves., CUIoUN Atlantic City. Nr. Boardwalk. 3 blocks to Station. $2.00 day up. Run ning water. Priv baths, free parking. Free bathing from hotel. Ph. 4-9900.__ I RICHFIELD HOTEL 13'* SOUTH KENTUCKY AVENUE ATLANTIC CITY EVERY ROOM BATH OR SHOWER Telephones, Elevator, Free Bothing ISO Nice Rooms. Runninc Water, Bath,, MODERN RESTAURANT An Enviable Reputation for l.ood Food OCEAN END OF SO. CAROLINA AVE. C^popuuah Room*AvailobU m from July 6th ■ 111 w ■* throuqhAuqujt iWritf or Phone ATLAKTIcCrTY4-652l EDUCATIONAL_ j Enroll New for Courses in CHINESE JAPANESE-ARABIC The Berlitz Method is Available Only at THE BERLITZ SCHOOL of LANG CAGES 83» 17th St. rat Eye> NAtional 0270 Approved for G 1. Veteran Training a.m. to 5 p.m. weekday* »nd 2 to 10 P.m. Sundays: paintings and sculpture com prising the Mellon, Kress. Widener and Dale collections and gilts from other donors, for an Indefinite period Fish and Wildlife Service, under main lobby in Commerce Department Building, Fourteenth and E streets N.W , open 11 am. to ♦ nm. dally: display of animals and fresh-water fish, for an indefinite DCnCd' FOR SERVICEMEN. Soldiers. Sailors and Marines’ Club. 1015 L street N.W.; lounge, library, wilting desk, billiard tables, radio. Servicemen’s Victory Center. 1113 Penn sylvania avenue N.W . free canteen; open daily, noon to midnight. Classified Advertising Office Hours Leave your ads at the Busi ness Office, 11th and Pennsyl vania avenue, open 8 a.m. to 11 p.m., or at any of the Branch Offices throughout the city, .. Telephone Hours: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, 11 aJn. to 9 p.m. Lost and Found Advertisements appear on Page A-3. CLASSIFIED AD RATES Local Advertisers Three Lines (Minimum) 1 time . 35c line 2 times .35c line per Insertion 3 to 6 times consecutively 32c line per insertion 7 times or longer consecutively 30c line per insertion Advertisements under Personal and Special Notices, 5c pier line additional. Advertisements of New Automobiles, 50c per line, 4-line minimum. OUT-OF-TOWN RATE Four Lines (Minimum) Flat rate per line-’.50c Out-of-town Rate Is charged on all advertising 25 miles or more from Washington. When canceling classified advertisement* be sure to make a note of the cancellation number. This Is important In case your statement doea not show a credit for the cancellation. Claims for errors must be made In time for correction before second Insertion. If advertisement was prepaid, retain cash register receipt, which bears a serial number with date and identiflea your advertisement. _ SPECIAL NOTICES. GAS WATER BEATERS, 20. 30, 40 Mil. automatic; no cash needed; small monthly payment; immediate installation. THOMP SON A- STANSBURY CO. INC.. LI 3029 ACCOUNTANT, expert; records started, kept; tax. returns prepared; reasonable rates. SL. 3734. —6 DIAMONDS, JEWELRY WANTED—High est cash prices. Free appraisal. ARTHUR MARKEL. 040 F St n.w. NA. 0284. EDITORIAL-ART — Topflight design-writ ing team lor booklets, charts, presenta tions: economical free lance basis. DESIGN CENTER. ST 8488. WITNESSES IN ACCIDENT involving street car accident; elderly woman, seriously in jured about 2 p.m. Wednesday, June 23. at llth and F n.w., urgently requests any person having information ahput the accident to call DI. 4823 between 9 a m. and 5 p.m. _ _ _ —1 I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for any debts contracted by any one other than mvself. LEE R. WOLF, Elkridge, Md. 30" A SPECIAL COMMUNICATION of Potomac Lodge, No. 5. F A A M.. 1210 Wis. ave.. is called for 8 p.m. Wed.. June 30, to act on a request for use of Washington Gavel. By order of the Worshipful Master. ANDREW D. PRICE, Acting Master. LEGAL NOTICES. R. J. C. DORSEY. Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia, Holding Probate Court.—No. 71.1*14. Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscribers, of the District of Colum bia and the State of New York, respective ly have obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters Tdstfc mentary on the estate of George Tully Vaughan, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers there of. legally authenticated, to the subscribers, on or before the 22nd day of June. A. D. j lP49: otherwise they may by law be ex cluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under our hands this 25th day of June. 1948. VERA V. CRUTE. 1718 Eye St. N.W.: WILLIAM W. VAUGHAN. Bridge lu'mpton, Long Island. N. Y.: ROSCOE J. C. DORSEY, Union Trust Bldg. (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL, Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court. je30.Jy7.14._ KANE AND KOONS. 1331 G St. N.W. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Co lumbia, Holding a Probate Court.—In re Estate of Bonnie L. Hockensmith Deck, also known as Bonnie L. Hockensmith. de ceased. — Administration No. 70453. — ORDER OP PUBLICATION—Application having been made for authority to sell certain real estate belonging to Bonnie L. Hockensmith Deck, also known as Bonnie L. Hockensmith. deceased, as described in the petition of The Second National Bank of Washington. Executor, for the purpose of paying debts of the deceased, it fs by the Court, this 25th day of June. 1948, ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that Kirtley Hockensmith. Old Capitol Annex. Frank fort. Kentucky: C. Hoge Hockensmith. 119 Court Street. Irvine. Kentucky, and Mrs. Charles W. Martin. R. F. D. No. 1, Frank fort. Kentucky, each cause their appear ance to be entered herein on or before the fortieth day. exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, occurring after the day of the first publication of this order: other wise this cause will be proceeded with as in case of default: provided that a copy of this order be published in three suc cessive issues of the Washington Law Re porter and in The Evening Star once a week for three successive weeks before said return day. EDWARD M. CURRAN. Jus tice. (Seal.) A True Copy. Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court.Je30Jy7,l 4 JACOB SANDLER. Tower Building. Filed June 21. 1948. Harry M. Hull, Clerk IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE United States for the District of Co lumbia.—In Re: Application of HILLIARD HERSHOWITZ. for Change of Name Civil Action No. 2514-'48.—HILLIARD HERSHOWITZ. naving filed a complaint for a judgment changing his name to HILLIARD HERWOD and having applied to the Court for an order of publication of the rmtice required by law in such cases, it Is. by the Court, this 21st day of June, 1948. ORDERED that all per sons concerned show cause, if any there be. on or before the 17th day of July, J 948, why the prayers of said complaint should not be granted: Provided, that a copy of this order be published once a week for three consecutive weeks before said day in The Evening Star and The Washington Law Reporter. <S> T. ALAN GOLDSBOROUGH. Justice A True Copy. (Seal.) TEST: HARRY M. HULL. Clerk. 3y CLARA F CONNELL. Deputy Clerk jn23.30Jy7. EDUCATIONAL. Modern Speech and Manners for TEEN-AGERS A comprehensive 6 weeks course designed to teach the teen-are boy and rirl the elements of modern manners in the use of correct table etiquette, proper use of the telephone, travel do’s and don'ts. how to act at formal and v. informal dances and parties, what to wear and how to wear it and all social amenities. Come in personally or eall ME today for full particulars. air-conditioned studios Agnes ' McCall Parker School 1150 CONN. AVE. N.W. 14th Successful Year ME. 2299 “WHAT IS HOLDING YOU BACK?” It may be your personality and speech!! Telephone ME. 2299 TODAY for information or appointment without obligation Write for free booklet, “The Power to Succeed!” AIR-CONDITIONED STUDIO AGNES McCALL PARKER SCHOOL Approved for Veterans New Department for Teen-Afera 1150 Connecticut Avenue ME. 2299 14th Successful Yeor _LEGAL NOTICES (Cont.l. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Colum bia.—In re: Estate of JOSEPHINE LLEWELLAN BLISS-BATES, also known as Jose Bliss-Bates and Meghlon Bates, Deceased.—Administration No. 10566 — ORDER FIXING NEW DATE FOR TRIAL AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION — The notification as to the trial of the issues in this case relating to the validity or the paper-writing dated the first day of December, 1947, purporting to be the last will and testament of Josephine Llewellan Bliss-Bates, deceased, having been returned "Not to be found" as to the following named persons in said paoer-writing: Dr. Carl S Prischkorn. .158 Boush Street, ! Norfolk 10, Virginia; Miss Clara Kendlg, |1900 S Street N.W., Washington, D C„ end American Association for Medico ' Physical Research. 5681 West Lake 8treet, .Chicago. Illinois it is. by the Court this 18th day of June. 1948. ORDERED: That said issues be set down for trial on the 18th day of October. 1948, and that this order and the substance of said issues he published once a week for four successive weeks in the Washington Law Reporter and twice a week for the same period In The Evenine Star newspaper, the sub stance of said issues being as follows. One: Was a paper-writing bearing date of the first day of December. 1947. the last will and testament of Josephine Llewellan Bliss-Bates deceased? Two: Was the said decedent, at the time of the making and subscribing or of the acknowledging by her of the said paper-writing, of sound and disposing mind and capable of executing a valid will? Three: Was the said paper writing obtained, or the execution thereof or the subscription thereto procured from the said decedent by undue influence, duress or coercion by any person or per sons? H. A. 8CHWEINHAUT, Justice. We consent: DAVID A. FEGAN. Attorney for Caveator; R. DUNCAN CLARK, At torney for Caveatee (Seal.) A true copy. Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court. Je23.26,3O.Jr3.7.10,14,17__ AUBREY O. DOOLEY, Attorney, 619 11th St. N.W DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia, Holding Probate Court.—No. 71,258, Ad ministration.,—This is to Give Notice: That the subscribers, ot the District of Colum bia have obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters Testa mentary on the estate of John Edward Moore, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers'thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscribers, on or before the 4th day of June, A.D. 1949; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under our hands this 10th day of June, 1948 ESTELLE M. COPLEY, 516 Taylor St., N.W.; HAMILTON NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON. By: W. R. FORSTER. Vice President. (Seal.) Attest: THEO DORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court._Jel0,23,.)()._ BERGER AND MENSH * SCALLEY. Attys., 1214 H St. N.E. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District Of Columbia, Holding Probate Court —No. 71.034, Ad ministration—This is to Give NoUce: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia, has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia, Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of William Glt lin. late of the District of Columbia, de ceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 5th day of May, A.D. 194J, otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this ISth day of June, 1948 MILTON GIT LIN. 801 4 th St 8.E. (Seal ) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Co lumbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. Je23.30.Jy7.____ ! T1IEODORF O. DE MOLL, Attorney, ftO.i E St. N.W. I DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia, Holding Probate Court.—No. 71.324. Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia, has obtained from the Probate Court ox the District ot Columbia. Letters Testa mentary on thv estate of Mary L. de Moll, late of the Die..let of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to'* exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 17th day of June. A.D. 1949; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my tinnd this 17th day of June, 1943. FREDERICK J. DE MOLL.. 8827 First St. N.W. iSeal) Attest: MELVIN J MARQUES. Deputy Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Pro bate Court.Je23.30,Jy7. ROBERT E. LYNCH. 821 15th Street N.W., Washington 5. D. C. NOTICE OF PARTNERSHIP. No. J 57 — Notice is hereby given that under a cer tificate filed on the 22nd day of June. 1948. in the office of the Clerk of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, the undersigned have formed a copartnership under the firm name of ROBERT C. JONES Sc COMPANY for the purposes of transacting a general brokerage business in the buying, selling and dealing | in commodities, stocks, bonds and other securities in the City of Washington. Dis I trict of Columbia, and elsewhere, having offiees in the Nationa* Metropolitan "Bank : Building In the said city, from the date I this notice was filed to July .21. 1949. and ! Charles Carroll Morgan ot l Quincy Street. Chevy Chase. Maryland, as a special or i limited partner, has contributed Twenty five Thousand ($25,900.00) Dollars to the capital of said partnership. The business of the partnership will be transacted by the undersigned general partners only Charles Carroll Morgan, as a special ot limited partner, shall not be liable fo> or subject to any loss or liability beyond the amount of his aforesaid contribution ROBERT E. LYNCH. Atty. for Robert C Jones Sc Co. (Seal.i A true copy. Test: HARRY M. HULL. Clerk. By R. 6. WAY LAND, Deputy Clerk. ie2.1.2fi.2B.30.iy2.,16.17 V. STUART DAVIS, Attorney, 1413 Eye Street N.W. , Filed June 22, 1948, Harry M Hull. Clerk DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia.— ALICE E RECKERT. Plaintiff, vs. 1. WILLIAM M. BEALL, et al.. Defendants.— CIVIL ACTION NO 2111-48.—ORDER OF PUBLICATION—The object of this suit is to establish of record, by adverse possession, the title to Part of Lot 40 In Square 1200. being now known for the purposes of assessment and taxation as Lot 821 In Square 1200. being improved bv premises No. 3232 and 3234 M Street. | Northwest. Upon motion of the plain tiff. it is by the Court this 22nd day of June. AD. 1948. ORDERED, that the de fendants, William M. C. Dodge. Sarah E. D Freeman. Henry Henley Dodge. Donald D Dodge and Jane Dodge Eliot, cause their appearance to be entered herein en nr before the fortieth day. exclusive 01 Sundays and legal holidays, occurlng af*er the day of the first publication of *his order, otherwise the case will be proceeded with as in the case of default; provided a copy of this order be pub lished once a week for three successive weeks in The Washington Law Reporter and The Evening Star. (S) T. ALAN GOLDSBOROUGH. Justice. A True Copy. (Seal). Test: HARRY M. HULL. Clerk. By ELIZABETH M. KOWALSKI, Deputy Clerk.Jn23.30.Jv7. LOUIS A. ZUCKERMAN. NORMAN H. BARTOW, Attorneys for Petitioner. 1331 G St. N.W. Order of Publication—Change of Name Filed June 22, 1948. Harry M Hull, Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT CCURT OF THE United States for the District of Co lumbia —In Re Application of Joseph Thomas Baldasano, Mary C. Baldasano. for Change of Name—Civil Action No_ 2540-’48 —Joseph Thomas Baldasano and Mary C Baldasano. having filed a com plaint for a Judgment changing their name to Joseph Thomas Baldasan and Mary C. Baldasan. and having applied to the Court for an order of publication of the notice required by law In such cases. Jt is. by the Court, this 22nd day of June. 1948. ORDERED that all persons con cerned show cause, if any there be. on or before the 17th day of July, 1948, why the prayers of said complaint should not be granted: Provided. That a copy of this order be published once a week for three consecutive weeks before said day in Eve ning Star and the Washington Law Re porter. (9). T ALAN GOLDSBOROUGH. Justice. A true copy. Test: HARRY M. HULL. Clerk. By ELIZABETH M KO WALSKI. Deputy Cierk. Je23.30.Jy7. WILLIAM E. GALLAGHER. Attorney. 1100 H St. N.W. I DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia, Holding Probate Court —-No. 71.224. Ad ministration.—This is to Give, Notice. That the subscribers, of the District of Columbia, and the State of Maryland, have obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters Testa mentary on the estate of Thomas E. Bastin. late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the de | ceased are hereby warned to exhibit tne ; same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscribers, on or before the 9th day of June. AD. 1949: ntherwice they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under our ^ands this 9th dav of June. 1948. OTIS F BASTIN 2809 5th St. N.E LeROY BASTIN. 9321 Caroline Ave . Silver Soring Md (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWEIL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. CWk of the Probate Court_jel 0.23.30> MILFORD F. SCHWARTZ. Attorney. 900 Investment Building. , DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 71.26o *d ministration.—This is to give notice: That [the subscriber, of the District of Colum bia. has obtained from *he Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters of Administration on the estate of Manuel I. Smallwood, late of the District of Colum bia. deceased All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers there of. legally authenticated, to the subscrib er. on or before the 9th day of June, A. D 1949: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of ^aid estate. Given under my hand this 9th day of June. 1948. ANNE H. SMALLWOOD. 4223 Yuma st. n.w. (Seal.) Attest: ELLA A. BROWN Deputy Register of Wills, for the District of Columbia. Clerk i of the Probate Court.jel6.23.30. . ; DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No 69,081. Admin istration.—This is to Give Notice: Thaf the Subscriber, which was by the District ! Court of the United States for the Dis | trict of Columbia granted letters testa mentary on the estate of Oliver Lyman Spaulding, deceased, has with the ap proval of the District Court of the Uni ed States for the District of Columbia, hold ! ing a Probate Sourt. appointed Monday. Ithe 26th day of July. 1948. at 10:00 o clock a m., as the time, and said Co»»rt ! room as the place, for making paymer t . and distribution from said estate, under the Court’s direction and control, when and where all creditors and persons en titled to distributive sha,res or legacies, or the residue, or parts thereof, are notified to attend, in person or by agent or at torney duly authorized, with their claims against the estate properly vouched. Given under its hand this 25th day of June. 1948. NATIONAL SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. By: BRUCE BAIRD, President. By: J. FONTAINE HALL. At torney (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the Dis trict of Columbia, Clerk ot the , Probate Court. Je30.Jy7.14 LEGAL NOTICES. ' ARTHUR C. KATIMS, Attorney. 1827 K 8t. N.W. DISTRICT COORT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia, Holding Probate Court—No. 71.242, Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice. That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia, has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters of Administration on the estate of Elsie Irene Boyd, also known as Elsie I. Boyd and Elsie Boyd, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 8th daw of June, A.D. 1949; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate Given under my hand this 8th day of June. 1948. LEO M. BOYD. 904 Shepherd St. N.W (Seal 1 Attest: ELLA A BROWN. Deputy Register of Wills for 1 the District of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court._JelB.23,30. : LI BAR. O’KEEFE. FRIEDLANDER A ! MELROD, Attorneys, Bank of Commerce Sc Savings Bids. By LEONARD S. MELROD. Filed June 29. 1948. Harry M. Hull. Clerk.; IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE! United States for the District of Colum bia—Walter Osin. Plaintiff, vs Mae Osin. Defendant.—No. 1761-48.—The object of this suit is absolute divorce on the grounds of desertion. On motion of the plaintiff, it is this 29th day of June. 1948. ordered that the defendant Mae Osin cause her appearance to be entered herein on or be fore the fortieth day. exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, occurring after the day of the first publication of this order, other wise the cause will be proceeded with aa in case of default. Provided, a copy of this order be published once a week for three successive weeks in the Washington Law Reporter, and The Evening Star Nen paper before said day. (S.i T. ALAN GOLD6BOBOUGH. Justice. (Seal.) At test: CHARLES E. STEWART. Clerk. By ELLA MCDONALD. Deputy Clerk. Je30.Jy7.14__ SAMUEL E. NEEL, Attorney. 10O1 16th St. N.W._ DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 71,311. Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the State oi New York has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters Test amentary on the estate of Laurence V. Benet. late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned o exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber on or before the 2nd day of June. A.D. 1949; otherwise they may by law be excluded from ail benefit ol said estate. Given under Its hand this 22nd day of June. 1948. CITY BANK FARMERS TRUST COMPANY, by: P. A. MILLER. Vice President. (Seal ! Attest: MELVIN J MARQUE8. Deputy Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Deputy Clerk of the Probate Court. Je30Jy7.14. _ D. EDWARD CLARKE. Bank of Commerce and Saving! Building IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TH* United States for the District of Co lumbia. Holding Probate Court.—In re: Estate of ROBERT LIVINGSTON, De ceased. — Administration No. 70,339. — ORDER NISI FOR SALE OF REAL ESTATE.—D. Edward Clarke, Executor and Trustee of the estate of Robert Liv ingston, deceased, having reported that he has received a private offer to purchase Lot 82 in Square 448, improved by prem ises 610 N 8treet N.W., in the District of Columbia which he is authorised by the will of the testator to sell either at public or private sale, and having received an offer from Irene Understein to purchase said real estate lor Twenty-Six Hundred Fifty (*2650.00) Dollars cash, subject to a broker's commission of One Hundred Thirtv-Two Dollars and Fifty Cents (*132 60) It is. by the Court this 25th day of June, A. D. 1948. ADJUDGED. ORDERED and DECREED: That said offer be accepted and said sale be ratified and confirmed unless cause to the contrary be shown on or before the 15th day of July. A D. 1948, provided, a copy of this Order be published once in the Washington Law Reporter and once in the Evening Star at least ten days prior to the said last men tioned dated. Edward M. Curran. Justice. (Seal ) A true copy. Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL, Register of Wills for the Dis trict of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court._ J«30*_ JOHN GARY SAUL, Attorney* 416 8th Street N.W. Filed June 29, 1948. Hary M Hull, CterlL IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Co lumbia.—ELIZABETH M. VILLANUEVA, Plaintiff vs. HERMAN VILLANUEVA, De fendant.—No. 2107-48.—The object of this suit is for absolute divorce from the de fendant on the ground of desertion for two years. On motion of the plaintiff, it is this 29th day of June, 1948, ordered that the defendant Herman Villanueva cause his appearance to be entered herein on or before the fortieth day, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, occurring after the day of the first publication of this order; otherwise the cause will be proceeded with as In case of default. Provided, a copy of this order be published once a week lor three successive weeks in the Washington Law Reporter, and The Washington Evening Star before said day. (S ) T. ALAN GOLDSBOROUGH. Justice. (Seal.) Attest: HARRY M. HULL, Clerk. By ELLA MCDONALD, Deputy Qlerk. _je.'IOJ y 7.14 ___ BONNETT & BONNETT, 1 f06 G Street, N.W. Filed June 29. 1948, Harry M. Hull, Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Co lumbia.—In re Estate of MARGARET M. H ENDSLEY.—Mental Health No. 11 ,2-47. —ORDER NISI.—Reuben Bonnett, com mittee of the estate ol Margaret M. H. Endsley. having reported to the court that pursuant to a decree passed in the above entitled cause, he has sold real estate, to wlt. Lot 56 in Square 1043, improved by premises known as 1.308 Pennsylvania ave nue S.E . in the city of Washington, Dis trict of Columbia, more fully described in said Report of Offer of Sale to Burnita Shelton Mathews and Edwin Shelton, for the sum of *300.00 all cash, over and above a first trust on the said premises In the amount of ,*7.566.25 plus Interest to date, and a second trust due on the said property in the amount of *1,667.00 plus interest to date, and the purchasers are to assume the unpaid taxes due on the said property. It is by the Court this 29th dav of June. 1948. ADJUDGED, ORDERED AND DECREED that the said sale be ratified and confirmed by the Court, unless cause to the contrary be shown or a higher offer to the Court be made on or before the 14th day of July, 1948, at ten ,a.m , in Motions Court at which time objections to such sale will be heard and higher offers considered, provided a copy of this order be published once in the Washington Law Reporter and once in The Evening Star, at least ten days prior to s the last mentioned date. (S ) T. ALAN GOLDSBOROUGH, Justice. (Seal.) A True Copy. Test. HARRY M. HULL. Clerk. By CLARA F. CONNELL, Deputy Clerk. OFFICIAL NOTICES. OFFICE OF THE ASSESSOR, D. C. Notice is hereby given that the Assessor of the District of Columbia has caused to be prepared a printed blank schedule^ of tangible personal property, as required by the Act of Congress approved July 1. 1902, as amended, and that a copy of said schedule wlH be delivered to *ny person applying therefor at the Office of the Assessor, Room 215, District Build ing The law requires such schedules to be filled out, subscribed and sworn to, and returned to the Assessor during the month of JUly 1948. E. A. DENT, Assessor, D. C. _—’*9 PROPOSALS.__ SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by the FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY. Washing ton. D C.. up to 2:00 o’clock P.M.. East ern Daylight Savings Time. July I. 1048. and then opened publicly, to lease the Belasco Theater Building. Washington. D. C.. except the fifth floor, that portion of the fourth floor containing approximately 2.125 sq. ft., and located immediately in front of the storage loft over the stage, and that portion of the basement contain ing approximately 700 sq. ft., and lying south of the main south wall af the build ing. which are reserved to the united States and to which there are direct means of access from the adjoining Treasury Department Annex No. I, for a term of years commencing on September 1, 1948. and ending on August 31. 1058; PROVIDED that if the Congress shall appropriate funds for the construction of a new building on the site of the Belasco Theater Building during the term of the' lease, the Government shall have the right to cancel the lease on one year's notice in writing; PROVIDED FURTHER that at the expiration of the first five years of the term of the lease, the Government shall have the right to cancel the lease for any cause whatsoever on one year s notice in writing All proposals must be accompanied by the required deposit and must be submitted on the form of pro posal which may be obtained in Room 7023 of the Federal Works Agency Build ing. 19th and “F" Streets N.W.. Washing ton. D. C. The Federal Works Agency reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, and to waive any informality ; in proposals received when such rejection , or waiver is in the interest of the United i States. If more than one proposal be offered oy any one party, by. or In the name of h!s or their clerk, partner, agent or other person all such proposals may be rejected. Prospective bidders may view the property by appointment only by call ing Executive 4900. Branch 3727, or by addressing a letter to the Commissioner of Public Buildings. Washington 25. D C. PHILIP B FLEMING. Major General. U. S. A., Administrator. Jc2,4.8,,28,30 AUCTION SALESl__ THOS. J. OWEN A SON, auctioneers. 435 Southern Building—Ov ner's sale oI valu able 2-story. 5-room frame dwelling, being known as premises 814 D 8t. Southwest. By virtue of authority vested in us. we will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on Thursday, the 1st day | of July. 1948. at 4 o clock p.m., Lot S3., In Square 485 Terms: Sold subject to a prior building association deed of trust of 51.200. the particulars of which will be announced at time of sale. Purchase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of $500 required at time I of sale. All conveyancing, recording, etc.. ] to be at the cost of the purchaser. Terms ! to be complied with within 30 days, other wise deposit forfeited. THOS. J. OWEN ! & SON, auctioneers._ie25.28.30. j ; ADAM A. WESCHLEB A SON. Auctioneers, j !—Desirable modern household furniture, and personal effects, new Estate six and 12 cubic foot deep freexe units, new white- j , enameled kitchen cabinets and dishwashers. ! library, modern beauty equipment, elec-1 trie fans. etc. By order Elisabeth Lloyd, committee of Mary Lee Goddard; I. Irwin Bolotin, Attorney: Chalmers F. Groff A Carl C. Smuck. trustees, storage compa nies and other consignors. By auction at WESCHLER S. 905 E st. n.w.. Friday, com mencing 9:30 am.. new dinette groups, boudoir chairs and mirrors; groups for living, dining, bed and breakfast rooms; Norge and Coolerator refrigerators, elec tric reducing machine: twin and double beds, coil and box springs, felt and Inner spring mattresses, dressers, china cases, chests of drswers. vanities, studio and sofa beds, tables, chairs and miscellaneous other personal effects commencing 8:30 a.m : deep freese units. 10:30: about 500 volumes books (sets and miscellaneous). 2 pm —1 ¥ AUCTION SALES <Cowt.) ADAM A. WESCHLER A SON, auctioneers —Trustees’ sale of two-story and base ment modern semidetached brick dwelling No. 2139 8outh Pollard street. Arlington. Virginia, containing five rooms and bath. By virtue of a certain deed of trust re corded in Deed Bock No. 715, Page 100. one of the Land Records of the County of Arlington, Virginia, the undersigned trustees will offer for sale by public auction in front of the premises on Thursday, the first day of July. 1948. at 3:00 o*’clock p.m. Lot. 17 in Block 48 of a resubdi vision of part of “Douglass Park.’’ ac cording to a plat attached to a Deed of Dedication recorded among the Land Records c*f said County in Deed Book 636. at Page 305; the original plat of “Doug lass Park” being recorded in Deed Book 205, at Page 569. of the Land Records of Arlington County. Virginia. Terms: cash. A deposit of $500 required of purchaser at time of sale. Terms c*f sale to be com plied with within 30 days from day of sale, otherwise' trustees reserve the ri?ht to resell property at risk and cost of de faulting purchaser afte- 5 days advertise ment of such resale in some newspaper published in Arlington County. Virginia, or deposit may be forfeited as liquidated damages at the discretion c*f the trustees WALTON L. 8ANDERSON, J. EARLE McGEARV. Trustees._ Je30. THOS. J. OWEN & SON, auctioneers. 435 Southern Building. Trustees’ sale of valu able two-story semidetached frame dwell ing. beingknown as premises number 1213, Morris roAd southeast, dated May 18, 1948, being Instrument No. 199L0. recorded May 22. 1948. By virtue of al certain deed of trust among the land records of the Dis trict of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the under signed trustees will sell, at public auction in front of the premises, on Monday, the twelfth day of July. A.D. 1948, at three thirty o’clock p.m.. the following-de scribed land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being part of Lot 221 in H. A. Gris wold, et al, subdivision of Lot 8 in the Talburt Estate, “Chichester,” as per piat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber County 6 at folio 63. described as follows: Be ginning for same at a point on Morris road, with the northwesterly line of said lot and along the line o-f said road, easterly 20.03 feet to the northeasterly corner of said lot; southerly along the most easterly line of said lot, 142.92 feet to the lone of the land conveyed to Aaron Sheanear. et al. by deed recorded in liber 1940 at folio 275, westerly along said line to the line of the alley created in liber County 6 at liber 53 and along said line of said alley and westerly line of said lot, 144.18 feet to the beginning; known an Lot 807 in Square 5805. Terms of sale: Sold sub ject to a prior building association first deed of trust for approximately $3,652.30 and a prior second deed of trust for ap proximately $3,009.85, further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale; the purchase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of $500.00 required. Conveyancing, recording, etc., at purchaser’s cost. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the property may be adver tised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. LEWIS GILES. Jr.. THOMAS H. COUNTEE. Trustees. Jc30Jy2,6.8,10. ADAM A. WESCHLER * SON, auctioneers —Trustees sale of modern, high-grade beauty equipment; chrome customer chairs, pedestal fans. booths, appointment counter, mirrors wave machine, dryers, basins, treatment chairs, tables, etc. By virtue of a chattel deed bf trust recorded in D.B. ML-6, Page 432, one of the land records of the City of Alexandria. Va., and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell by public auction at WESCHLER’S. 905 E st. n.w., Friday, July 2, 1948. 10:30 am.. Three Model T-100 Martin Tur binators. Realistic permanent wave ma chine, five Fischer and Rilling dryers, shampoo basins, tables and chairs, mani cure and dressing tables, six paneled booths, fascial chair, waste receptacles, hampers, electric sterlizing cabinet, com bination desk-display case, settee, cabinet, chrome and wood chairs, storage-type gas fired water heater, pedestal fans, etc. Inspection after June 29 Terms. cash.H CHALMERS F. GROFF. CARL C. SMUCK. Trustees. —1 ADAM A. WESCHLER St SON, Auctioneers. —Trustees’ sale of two-story and basement modern semidetached brick dwelling No. 2122 South Pol.e.rd 5t . Arlington. Va., containing five rooms and bath. By vir tue of a certain deed of trust recorded in Deed Book No. 712, Page 390. one of the Land Records of the County of Arlington. Va., the undersigned trustees will offer for sale by public auction in front of the premises on Thursday, the first day of July. 1948, at 3 o’clock p.m., Lot 60 In Block 47 of a resubdivision of part of “Douglass Park.’’ according to a plat at tached to a Deed of Dedication recorded among the Land Records of said county in Deed Book 036, at Page 305; the origi nal plat of “Douglass Park” being re corded in Deed Book 205, at Page 669, of the Land Records of Arlington County, Virginia. Terms: Cash. A deposit of $500 required of purchaser at time of sale. Terms of sale to be complied with within 30 days from day of sale, otherwise trustees reserve the right to resell property at risk and cost of defaulting purchaser after 6 days’ advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in Arlington County, Va., or deposit may be forfeited as liquidated damages at the discretion of the trustees. WALTON L. SANDERSON, J„ EARLE McGEARY. Trustees._ THOS. J. OWEN Sc SON, auctioneers. 435 Southern Building. Trustees’ sale of four valuable row brick dwellings, being known as premises numbers 823. 825, 827 and 829 Twenty-fifth street northwest. By vir tue of a certain deed of trust duly re corded, in Liber No. 8360. Folio 436 et seq., of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the i party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction, in front of the premises, on Tuesday the sixth day of July A.D. 1948, at four forty five o’clock the following-described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being original Lot 3 in Square 29. Together also with all boilers, heating and light ing apparatus, electric stove, electric re frigerator. and all, each and every of the interior improvements and fixtures, mov able or immovable, owned by parties of the first part, now in and upon said de scribed land and premises. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase-money to be paid In cash, balance to be paid on or before three years, with interest at five per centum per annum, payable semi annually. from day of sale, secured by first deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the pur chaser. A deposit of $1,000 will be re quired at time of sale. All conveyancing, recording, revenue stamps, etc., at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be com plied with within thirty days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days’ advertisement of such resale In some newspaper published in Washing ton. D. C. RIGEL O. BELT. J NINIAN BBALL. Trustees._Je’?5.28,30-Jy2.3. THOS. J. OWEN Sc SON, auctioneers, 435 Southern Building. Trustees’ sale of three valuable frame dwellings, being known as premises numbers 822, 824 and 820 New Hampshire ave. northwest. Prem ises number 822 being a detached frame dwelling and numbers 824 and 820 being semidetached frame dwellings. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No. 8350. Folio 431 et seq., of the land records of the District of Co lumbia, and at the rbauest of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction. In front of the premises, on Tuesday, the sixth day of July A.D. 1948. at four-thirty o’clock p.m., the following-described land and premises, situate in the District of Co lumbia. and designated as and being Lot 54 in William Carley’s subdivision of part of original Lot 0 in Square 29, as per plat recorded In the Office of the Sur veyor for the District of Columbia, in Liber 43 at folio 76. Also the North 17 feet front on New Hampshire ave. by the full depth thereof of original Lot 6 in Sauare 29. taxed as Lot 806 in Square 29. Also the South 34 feet 9 Inches front on New Hampshire ave. by the full depth thereof of original Lot 6 In Square 29 taxed as Lot 806 in Square 29. Together also with ail boilers, heating and lighting apparatus, electric stove, electric refrig erator. and all. each and every of the Interior Improvements and fixtures, mov able or immovable owned by parties of first part, now in and upon said de scribed land and premises. Terms of sale: One-third ;of the purchase-money to be paid In cash, balance -to be paid on oi before three years, with Interest at five per centum per annum, payable semian nually. from day of sale, secured by first deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of SI.000 will be required at time of sale. All conveyancing, recording, revenue stamps, etc., at cost of purchaser Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of de fault'ng purchaser, after five days’ ad vertisement of such resale in some news paper published in Washington, D. C. RIDEL O BELT. J. NINIAN BEALL, trustees. Je25.28.30-Jy2.3. HELP MEN. AUTO BODY AND FENDER' MAN wanted. several needed; working conditions Ideal with latest equipment available: 5Vj-day week top earnlnes. vacations with pav. hosnltalizatlon fac. 8ee Mr. Newkirk, LUSTINE NICHOLSON MOTOR CO.. INC.. 5(100 Baltimore ave . Hyattsville. Md. WA. 7200. —1 AUTO BODY AND FENDER MAN; best of working conditions: 5-day week: must be experienced ROSSLYN AUTO BODY CO . Rosslyn Va. CH 2535. —2 AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS—Exper Ford mechanics, exper. body and fender men. upholstery men. excel, working conditions: regular hours: top percentage on flat rate basis Apply Mr Shrive. HILL & TIB BITTS. 1114 Vermont ave —3 AUTOMOTIVE MECHANICS. 4. to work in new. modern GMC truck plant: excellent working conditions; good pay and oppor tunity for experienced men. Apply day or night. CENTRAL MOTOR CO.. 1201 Oronoco st.. Alex.. Va. AUTOMOTIVE MACHINIST, experienced. Apply UNIVERSAL AUTO PARTS. 408 H st. n.e Mr Scott. —2 AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS. Ford experi ence, for one of Wash, largest Ford dealers. Excellent opportunity for sober. reUab e men. Apply Mr Friel. service manager. FRANK SMALL. Jr . INC. 215 Fa ave S.e., TR. 8247. —2 AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS (4), S76 or 50-50 with $05 guarantee for o'^-day wk : Chrysler products exper. pref.; bonus. 0 holidays, paid vacation, group, life, health, accident and hospitalization insur ance covering entire family Apply Mr Sorrells. SH 1434. after 7 n.m. and wk ends. UN. 8205 De Soto-Plvmouth deal er. 1141 East-West hwv- 811. Spg . CAL VERT MOTORS. INC. —6 AUTO MECHANIC—We need a qualified Chevrolet mechanic to complete our shop organization, due to the increased volume of work since our occupancy of our com pletely new bldg.; our policy includes vacation pay. pav for 6 holidays per year, furnishing of coveralls, etc.; working 6t4 day week: earnings about $100 per wk.: only steady and reliable men Med apply. See Mr. Garner, McMAHON CHEVROLET, 1240 Upshur st. n w. —2 AUTO MECHANICS for general repairing —First-class men only: top wages; good working cond. HI. 7410. —2 AUTO MECHANIC for work with Wash ington's largest Ford dealer. 60-50 pay, vacation and holiday pay: 5!3-day week. See Mr McDonald. 8TKUAKT MOTOR CO 3rd and JL sts. n.e. —I SIMMON’S DRUG STORE 21st and L Sts. N.W. Is a Star Want-Ad Branch Agency Other branches conveniently located throughout the City for the acceptance of Classi fied Advertising. When answering advertise ments addressed to Star boxes do NOT inclose original refer ences, photographs or other papers of personal value. Ad vertisers often fail to call for all replies addressed to a Star box number and this mail is destroyed if remaining over 10 days after final insertion of advertisement. In order to protect its adver tisers from receiving circular matter, it is expressly under stood and agreed that all such matter will be withheld as far as possible by The Star. Only bona fide answers to advertisements addressed to box numbers in care of The Star will be delivered to ad vertisers on presentation of the box number ticket. HELP MEN ICont.). AUTO MECHANICS, body men. all-around floor man lor auick service. Also service floor repair order write up man (must know how to diagnose). Only sober minded individuals need apply. Call Mr. Poats for interview. ARCADE PONTIAC CO.. 1437 Irving st. n.w., Adams 8500. AUTO MECHANICS, Chrysler exp. pref.: paid vacation and 6 holidays; free trans. from downtown; expanding shop: excel, chance for advance to shop foreman; sal ary or commission. See Mr Jones. MER SON & THOMPSON. 4721 Hampden lane, Bethesda. Md. WI. 201 b. —0 AUTO MECHANICS (4). two for motor tune-up, two for general work; Buick ex perience preferred, but not essential. We are expanding our shop and need men: salary or commission or both. Write your own ticket; vacation with pay. Insurance and hospitalization. CAITHNESS BUICK, INC.. 4718 Hampden lane. Bethesda, Md OL. 3000. v —6 AUTO MECHANIC, must be experienced with all makes of cars; 5%-day week, $05. Apply RED'S GARAGE. 24 H st. n.e. —30 AUTO METAL MEN (2), exper. on various types of auto bodies; 6 days per wk„ va cation. holidays with pay. hospitalization for entire family. This is a good job for the right man. See Mr. Gibbs, shop fore man. COAST-IN PONTIAC. 407 Fla. ave.. n.e.. AT. 7200. —2 AUTO MECHANIC—Must understand sun equipment. Top pay for man who can produce. SH. 5200. * —6 AUTO PAINTER—We have an opening for a first-class man; salary and bonus ar rangement; modern shop, latest equipment. See Mr. Turner, at OLM8TEAD MOTOR CO., 2000 Wilson blvd.. Arlington, Va. —6 AUTO PAINTER — Experienced lacquer man; best of working conditions; 5-day week. ROSSLYN AUTO BODY CO.. Rosslyn. Va. CH. 2536. —2 AUTO PARTS MAN, to work in stockroom, experience helpful but not necessary. See MR YOUNG, 1830 ]4th st. n.w. —21) —30 AUTO WRECKER OPERATOR and utility man, lor evening shift; experience in han dling modern wrecker and lubricating ail makes of autos; white. See Mr. Le Gette, CAPITAL GARAGE. 1320 New York ave. n.w. —5 BARTENDER, part time. Tues. and Thurs., 6 p.m. to 1 a m . Sun.. 6 p.m. to 12 mid night; references. HILLCREST RESTAU RANT. 2714 Good Hope rd. s.e.. VI. 9727. BOOKKEEPER, accounts payable, experi enced only: no other need apply; good pay. •11 RE. 2141 for full Dartlculars. —2 BOY, colored, to work in grocery itore; must have D C. driv. lie.; refs, red.; D.G.8. store. RITZ MARKET. 301 10th BOY. colored, for delivery in downtown section on bicycle. Apply MAXWELL & TENNYSON. 1801 Eye at. n.w , BRICKLAYERS, $28 per day; all-brick Job. Sacred Heart School. 8101 Rockville pike, next to Naval Hospital —1 BRICKLAYER'S HELPERS wanted, several. Report for work 4200 block 16th at. South. Arlington. Va. —5 BRICKLAYERS—Two years' steady work. Apply on job at New Hampshire and Uni versity ane. See MAT. NO. 4202. —2 BRICKLAYING FOREMAN, capable of lay ing out his own work; also bricklayers; must be top men; top pay; union or non union. WI. 8040 after 6 p.m. —1 BUTCHER; good pay and good hours Apply in person. SUNLIGHT MARKET, 1028 Duke st.. Alexandria. Va. —2 BUTCHER, experienced. Must be sober. Apply 4300 Bladensburg rd. Or call WA. 9847. —4 BUTCHER, white, part time: hours. 2 to 8 p.m. KAY'S MARKET, 1726 Columbia rd. n.w. —30 CANVASSERS—Experienced; permanent: with or without car. Excellent opportu nity for right party. Apply LIBERAL CLOTHING CO., 415 7th st. n.w. —2 CANVASSERS, roofing, siding, storm sash etc., experience preferred for part time of full time, by established contractor. Sligo 1785. —2 , C AR WASHERS, hand wipers, to work in auto laundry; extra men for week ends and holidays. 3610 Ga. ave. n.w. —3 CARPENTERS, exper. in new construction: steady work. Phone DU. 8193; eves.. OH .*$$71 —>J CARPENTERS—Apply J. B. TIFFEY job. 1st and Varnum st. n.e. (north of Catho lic University). , —-2 CARPENTER—Call AX. 5793 after 6:30 p.m. , , CARPENTERS—6-day week, excel, pay. plenty of work on houses in S. S. CHAL MERS CO. INC.. 1101 Vt. ave. n.w.. ST. 6650 —2 CARPENTERS, first class, for lge. apt. project. Apply Kent Village at p. G. Golf Country Club. Landover, Md., WA. 95^56. CARPENTERS—For trimming houses. Ap ply rear of 8800 block Old Bladensburg rd . Silver Spring Md. k CARPENTER FOREMAN — To supervise building of home: private party has own subcontractors. Call RA 4813 or DU. 3060. Excellent opportunity. —-1 CARPENTER FOREMAN, experienced. RE 7798 lor appointment. —1 CARPENTERS—2 expert trim men who will do a professional Job. If you are an amateur we wish you well, but hope you will not apply. Call daytifiie, OV^6526. CHINA PACKERS and craters, colored, ex perienced. Apply SMITH S TRANSFER Si STORAGE CO., 141 12th st. n.e., Mr. Baker. , —2 CLERK In automobile inventory control unit; permanent: excel’ent opportunity: air-conditioned office. Apply to Mr. Tarshes. BEAL MOTOR CO.. 1401 R I. ave. n.e. >• , . -—1 CLERK for office work, some knowledge of typing and bookkeeping; vacation and other advantages; salary. $40 per week to start. Box .‘153-G, Star. — C. O. D. CASHIER, for delivery depart ment; 5-day. 40-hour week; 20% discount on purchases. Apply employment office, fourth floor. S. KANN SONS CO. —2 COACH PAINTER, good working condi tions: 5-day. 40-hour week: group hos pitalization and other employe benefits. Apply SAFEWAY STORES, INC., 1845 4th COOK* WANTED, must be sober, to take over kitchen on percentage basis. If you ire a drinking man please do not apply. 1440 ave s e COOK-HOUSEMAN—Two in family; tem porary. Woodlev 3095. -— COOK-KITCHEN MAN; experienced, sea food: stay nights, salary with room and board. CLUB LA CONGA, 9412 Baltimore blvd.. Berwyn. Md. TO. 9660. —5 COOK, white, combination short order and counter man; capable of taking charge: resident of D. C. for at least 1 yr. pre ferred. Apply 201 15th st. s.e. —2 COUNTER MEN—Liberal starting wage: chance for advancement. Apply In person at 5100 Georgia ave n.w bet. 11 a_m. and 12 noon dally except Sun., or call SL. 6600 bet 8:30 a.m and 4:30 p.m. for Information LITTIE TAVERN SHOPS. INC . famous lor hamburgen ___ DELICATESSEN OR GROCERY CLERK, experienced. WO. 9596. —1 DISHWASHER, exper. Apply DEEP SEA RESTAURANT, 120 S. Wayne, Arlington. DISHWASHER, experienced: hours 7 to 3 COURT HOUSE GRILL. 2061 Wilson blvd.. Arl.. Va. —1 DRIVERS wanted for Diamond cabs. New and used cabs avail. Reas, rental rates Must have identification card Apply Dia mond lot. 101 M st n.e. See MELVIN HERRIMAN , , _ , DRIVER, white, for wholesale dry cleaning truck: must have good ref.; *45 weekly, with regular increases. MR. JONES. SH. 7011. —* DRIVER, white, for linen route. See Mr. Heon. DISTRICT LINEN SERVICE CO.. 56 DRIVER, experienced in laundry and dry cleaning route Apply BhUE BANNER LAUNDRY. 530 7th st. s.e. —J DRIVERS AND HELPERS, white, on fur niture vans; good pay and good opportu nity. Apply 1110 V st. s.e. —l DRIVERS—A few openings for men who want steady employment with good earn ’ngs and pleasant conditions; Arlington County residents preferred. ARLINGTON YELLOW CAB CO. 3108 No. 10th rd Arlington. Va. —30 DRIVE IMPORTER. colored, must have own car for light delivery; go*>d basic salary, plus car allowance. UN. 8386. DRIVERS, for established dry-cleaning routes; must be experienced and stand bonding. Apply LUNA CLEANERS. 1605 14th st. n.w. 30* DRIVER SALESMAN—We are looking for an energetic man with a pleasing per soraliity for a laundry and dry cleaning -oute. The man we select must be a self starter md capable of following Inst rue - tlors Apply Mr. Harper, jr.. BANNER LAUNDRY. INC . 901 Oronoco st., Alex andria, Va.. Tele, ALEX. 0203. —-4 DRUG CLERK, exper full or part time Apply McREYNOLDS PHARMACY. 1743 G st. n.w. —30 ELECTRICIAN, to wire houses hi Md and D. C. MR. LAWRENCE, 2724 Ontario rd. n.w. CO. 7051. ELECTRICIANS—Experienced men for new house and apt. wiring Steady employ ment. top wages UN 3032. —2 ELEVATOR OPERATOR for large apart ment building, must have license Hours. 7-30 a m to 5 p m., every other Sunday off. See reaident manager. 1474 Columbia ELEVATOR OPERATOR, colored, age 20 30: must be able to pass physical exami nation; experienced, to work in The Star Building. Five-day, 40-hour week: vaca tions. sick benefits and other employment advantages; permanent, increases In pav. Apply personnel office. Roorn 504. Star Building. THE EVENING STAR. llOJ^Ps. ELEVATOR OPERATOR, with switchboard experience, day work; 6 day* week, ap ply at 1801 10th »»•. Apt. 110. —1 / HELP MEN. ELEVATOR OPERATOR, colored: night - work; hours, 11 p.m. to 7:30 a.m ; 6-day week; 7 halls and a lobby to keep clean. Call JOHN R. PINKETT. INC., DU. 0707. 1302 N. J. ave. n.w —30 ESTIMATOR, exp . for bldg, construction; colored. Call MI. 4940 between 6 and 9 evenings. —2 FARMER, married white man to work In dairy, good home and good wAges. ECON OMOS FARM. Vienna, Va. Vienna 21-M. FLOOR LAYERS—On contract basis. Re port to 26th and N. Quantico sts.. Arling ton. LURIA CONSTRUCTION CO. —30 FLOORMAN. Apply at THE FAMOUS RESTAURANT. l2lo New York ave. n.w. FLOOR MANAGER—A permanent position on a 5-day wk. for a man of good judg ment and presence. GARFINCKLE'8. F st. at 14th. _ _ , —1 FLOOR SANDER AND HELPER, thorough-! ly exper., top salary. Call Columbia 7626. FOREMAN for general- contracting firm— Mist know papering and painting esti mating. Box 331-G, Star. —1 FOREMAN—Working labor foreman for i housing project in Arlington: must be exper. in construction work, grading, landscaping; should be able to plan work and handle men; in reply state age. exper. and give references Box 68-G. Star. —3 FOUNTAIN and luncheon help. exp. Apply AMBASSADOR DRUG STORE, 14(H) K st. n.w —2 FOUNTAIN MAN for part time, eves., 5 to 10 p m. 3039 Naylor rd. s.e. TW. 9868. FOUNTAIN AND GRILL MAN, exper . for evening ivork in air-conditioned drugstore. 5th andTCennedy. GE. 2434. —2 FOUNTAIN HELP (white only), full time, permanent position: only sober, exp. young men n^ed rpply. Call DU. 5858* —6 GENERAL MAINTENANCE WORK, colored: good pay. room and board; exper. Apply 1426 21st st. n.w. —1 GROCERY CLERK with checking exper.; good hrs.: salary open for right party. Apply 723 11th st. n.w. —30 GROCERY DRIVER and stock clerk—Some experience: good hours and salary. BAT TERY PARK MARKET, 7818 Old George tow’n rd.. Bethesda. —2 GROCERY CLERK, colored, over 18. ref erences: must be experienced. Apply 1523 17th st. n.w. —30 GROCERY CLERK, must be exper.. must have refs; attractive salary. Call OV. 2400. —5 GROCERY CLERK, full time: must be ex perienced; for general all-around work in store. Apply 4233 Wls. ave. —2 GROCERY CLERK, experienced only, sober: excellent pay. pleasant working conditions; references required. Apply 1631 Conn, ave. n.w —5 GROCERY CLERK, experienced: checker, all-around work in grocery store; must have references. Apply B & B FOOD STORE. Mr. Lee, 2444 Wis. ave., EM. 2171. —1 grocery SALESMEN, experienced, for Washington and surrounding territory; ex cellent compensation: old-established, na tionally known company. Box 273-G, Sljr. GROCERY SALESMEN, experienced, whole sale, for institutional trade, for Washing ton and surrounding territory; excel, com pensation; old-established, nationally known company. Box 230-G Star. —3 HEATING EQUIPMENT SALESMAN—Grif flth-Consumers has immediate opening for salesman in its heating equipment de partment. Replacement of coal furnaces and oil burners, now approaching peak season. Splendid opportunity for sub stantial income with drawing account. Man selected must have good record with former employers. Car essential. See Mr. Dlttoe, GRIFFITH-CONSUMERS. 1413 New York ave. n.w. —30 HOTEL NIGHT AND DAY CLERK, over 45. reliable; steady, perm. Job; good pay. Apply in person. 736 12th st. n.w. —2 INSURANCE MAN, experienced, for estab lished debit; $50 guaranteed plus car al lowance. for qualified man. Telephone ALex. 6309 or TE. 4209. —3 INTERIOR DECORATOR wanted for high grade furniture store in Washington. D. C Prefer decorator with city training. Won derful opportunity for decorator with good sales ability. State exper.. sal expected, and if available at once. Write Box 95-G Star. —1 INVOICE CLERK, assistant to hardware and pluinbins’ buyers. Must have fast rate of typing and take dictation. Excellent, perm, position with HECHINGER CO.. 15th and H sts. n.e. Call Mrs. Barbour for interview. AT. 1400. —2 JANITOR, for apartment in n.w.; familiar with stoker and general maintenance: refs, required. Call RESIDENT MANAGER. TA. 1335. —1 JANITOR, exper. on maintenance; apt. furn.; must have own transportation. See Mr. Paglino. J. A. WEINBERG CO., Real tors, 1707 H st, n.w.. NA. 6500. —1 JEWELRY CLERK—Knowledge of taking in repairs necessary, and selling: Pentagon Bldg. Call RE. 0700, Ext. 6218. for In terview. —2 JOURNEYMAN ELECTRICIAN — Experi enced in house wiring and general elec trical work. Phone WI. 7750. —2 KENNEL MAN, animal hospital—Exper. .iot necessary. Apply In person 10 a m. to 1 p m.. 2646 Columbia pike. Arl., Va. —4 LABORERS, experienced, also truck driver: for w’ood and coal yard. COOPER SUPPLY CO . 813 13th st. n.e. —1 LABORERS—Must be experienced in con struction work. CH. 8420. LATHERS, ant. house prolect. 5024 38th st., Hyattsville. Md. Take bus from Mt. Rainier terminal. MASTER BUILDERS INC. —5 MAINTENANCE MAN (white) with 5th class engineer's license; must be depend able; top salary and meals. Apply Mr. Baker. O'DONNELL’S SEA GRILL. 1221 E st. n.w. —1 MAINTENANCE MAN—Real estate office desires maintenance man for newly built homes. State age. experience and na tionality and salary expected. Box 279-G. Star —2 MAN. colored, wanted for liquor store. Apply 300 Mass ave n.e. MAN. young, white, exper used cars, trucks and service dept. KESSLER-CEN TRAL MOTOR CO., 3200 Lee hwy., Arl. CH. 7000. MAN, 21-45. neat and aggressive, for perm, pos., paying about $60 wk. to start Prev. retail or sales exper. helpful. (No students.) Rfn. 205. 1427 Eye st. n.w., ap ply 10:30-2:30 p.m. MAN, single, chef, butler, general house work. care for lawn, chauffeur; go away for summer; references required. Phone NA 0717. —0 MAN with car or panel truck to pick up and deliver dry cleaning; build your own route and make 30rc. Call MR. LEWIS. LI 1228. —1 MAN for part-time evening work In gro cery store: experienced. SOUTHEAST FOOD SHOP. 729 11th st. s.e. —1 MAN for delicatessen work.. Sat. and Sun.; some exper. Apply KENNFDY DELICA TESSEN. 110 Kennedy st. n.w. GE. 1224. MANAGER for wall cleaning business or wall cleaning machine operator: $70 week ly. Call MR. HAINES. OV. 1521. —1 MEATCUTTEK—Good salary to start; hospitalization, grouo ins. Apply SHERI DAN SUPER MARKET. 6205 Ga. ave n.w. —2 MEATCUTTERS (3)—ur you are a meat cutter with supermarket experience and the ability to take charge of a meat de partment. we have an excellent lob with a good salary in an air-conditioned mar ket. Sober men only need apply. SHIR LEY FOOD STORES. 2800 South Quincy st.. Arlington. Va. —2 MECHANIC and mechanic's helper; steady work. good pay. RELIABLE 8UPEF SERVICE. 2200 Hlh st. n.w. —2. MECHANICS' HELPERS (8)— Men 21 y 40, garage or shop experience preferred, for work as mechanics’ helpers; 6-day. 40 hour week. $40.20 to start, with oppor tunities for advancement. Apply Mon day through Friday. 8:30 a m. to 12:30 pm.. CAPITAL TRANSIT CO. employ ment office. 3132 M st. n.w. Take Routes 10. Rosslyn: 20, Cabin John's: 30. Fiiend ship Heights streetcars to door. MECHANIC with ambition and skill; op port for promotion; good wages, new shop equlpt.; retirement and hospital plan; many other excel, features. LEE D BUTLER, INC., 1534 Pa. avo. s.c U. 7717. , —30 MECHANIC—Pump and tank; must have knowledge of mechanical and electrical work. Major oil experience desired. RE 5307. t t —5 MECHANICS, white, must be sober, ex perience necessary. 50-50 pay. S'/j-day week. GRADY MOTORS, 4830 Hampden lane, Bethesda. OL. 7400. —1 MECHANIC—New Chrysler-Plvmouth dealer needs first-class mechanic with experience on Chrysler products; new plant; Weaver lifts; excellent equipment: good working conditions; insurance plan; top wages plus bonus; paid vacation for good man. ANA COSTIA MOTOR CO., 1708 Qood Hope rd. s.e. —o MECHANICS wanted for day and night work, excellent working conditions. Maxi mum salaries, paid vacations and holidays Apply either day or night. CENTRAL MOTOR CO., 1201 Oronoco st.. Alex , Va . OV. 1500 , , MEN (2> to work on delivery truck. In stalling gas ranges and delivering electric refrigerators: D. C. driver's permit re quired. BRAY & SCARFF, 1013 Jl 5th MEN,W15. to distribute handbills; daily nay: 7:30 a m. 460 N. Y. ave. n.w. MILLWQRK ESTIMATOR for estab build ing material firm; thoroughly exper.: 0V2 day wk.. Derm position, air cond. Bethes da office. WI 0022. NIGHT OFFICER, white, for apt. in group of houses: 10 p.m. to 6 a m.; central loca tion; good health and references required. Call NO. 0804. _ — 3 OPERATORS WANTED. 21 to 40—Secure a job with an assured future. L*arn to operate a streetcar or bus. No experienc° required We teach you and pay you while learning. Paid sick leave and vacations, free transportation,, and pension system Average earnings about $55 weekly Apply now. in person, weekdays. Monday through F-iday. 8:30 am to 12 noon. CAPITAL TRANSIT CO . employment office. 3132 M st u w. Take Route 10. Rosslyn; 20, Cabin John: 30, Friendship Heights street cars to door. . ■ —}. PACKER, experienced packing, crating household effects; best refs, only: perm, position. LION STORAGE, 460 N. Y. ave. PACKERS AND HELPERS, experience with household goods desirable; good wages, steady work. SECURITY STORAGE, 1140 painters "and paper hangers. i st ciass mechanics only, top wages, plenty of work. SH. 2377. —J f PAINTERS. 20 wanted: $2 hr. up; first class only. M PRICE & SON8, Glen Haven section, Walter Reed Hosp., Silver PAINTERS wanted, white, first-class me chanics only. Call AD. 0480 between 6 and 8 p.m. —1 PAINTER, must have tools; steady work, good pay. Call Mr. Shifrin. FEDERAL CONTRACTING CO, 915 New York ave. n.w.. NA. 7416. —30 PAINTERS, first-cless mechanics; married, sober and industrious; $14 day HAM METT. WO. 8613. —1 PAINTERS, first-class men Apply 6005 ,33rd l” n.w. Call CH. 1763 alter a^pm. PAINTER, with knowledge of paper hang ing; permanent position on college main tenance staff; references required_Apply 9 to 3. office COLUMBIA INSTITUTION FOR THE DEAF, 7th and Fla. ave^n.e. PAYROLL AUDITOR for Ige casualty In surance co ; exper. in this work deslr. but not nec : give age. education and exper. In first letter: our employes know of this ad. Write Box 65-G, Star. ~ PHARMACIST. reg. in Va.: good hours rnd f.l.ry* COLONlAL VIL PHAR., 1737 Wilson blvd. in netrby Arl. CH. 4222. PHARMACISTS, registered, for 3 nights gnd every other Sunday; references Aooly EMPIRE PHARMACY. 1738 Conn a’ ‘ “ w. HELP MEN. PLASTERERS, experienced; for hoMtrt project in Arl., Va. CH. 8430; avea. any Sun.. CH. 0353. —30 PLASTERERS WANTED—Work tn D. Cl long Job: open shop: top wages. Cal/ 'after 6 pm. NO. 2501. —4 PLASTERERS, long job. top wages: 4th and Valley ave. s.e. Take Congress Hts, ! bus from 10th and Pa. ave. n.w. MASTER BUILDERS, INC. —5 PLASTERERS—Plenty of work. Call after 5:30 p. m.. OX. 1689. Or apply to job. Wilson blvd. at Illinoli at.., ask for MR. McDorman. .—30 PLUMBER, only Ist-clasa mechanic need apply: lor jobbing and remodeling. Apply 1321 Shepherd st. n.w —2 PORTER, colored; eve. work. 8089 Naylor rd. s.e. PORTER, colored, from neighborhood: * ' hrs. mornings, 6 days; 65c hr. Apply 176P Columbia rd. n.w. PRESSER, exper. wool; who can do duality I work: good piecework rates, steady Job. Phone Alexandria 0203. Ask for MR. REED —. ; PRESSER, experienced. PARCO CLEAN i ERS. 2008 Eye st. n.w. , —1 PRESSER. experienced: steady work. SUIT LAND CLEANERS. 4691 Suitland rd. s.e. Hillside 6228. _ , PRESSERS. experienced in wool finishing. Apply BLUE BANNER LAUNDRY. 530 7th st. s.e. —i ! PRESSER, part time, mornings; quality work; good pay. 1769 Columbia rd. PRESSER. wool; piece work. WASH INGTON LAUNDRY. 2627 K st. n.w. —30 PRESSERS—Experienced on wool work; steady job. Apply CALVERT VALET, 2412 Wis. ave. n.w. RADIO REPAIRMAN, must be fully expe rienced in any make home radios, auto radios and record changers; permanent position or spare time; excellent (alary. Call GE. 4688. , ... —* RADIO INSPECTORS for electronic mff. company—Electrical and mechanical back ground necessary. Some factory exp. de sirable. Apply WASH. INST. OP TECH NOLOGY. INC.. College Park. Md. —5 RADIO AND TELEVISION SALESMEN— Experienced preferred: commission basis with weekly drawing account Car es sential. Apply employment office, fourth floor. S. KANN SONS CO. w —2 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN, must be exp., neat and hard worker; Ideal working conds.. help given. MR. ROBINSON. GL. • '561. —2 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN—Excellent op portunity with progressive firm, man willing to work: experience not necessarv; car required. Call SL. 5700 lor interview. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN—Active Va. office has opening lor exper. salesman, excellent working cond ; car necessary. DWYER & BOYD. OX. 2980 and CH. 4184. REAL ESTATE SALESMEN—Excellent in come opport. tor several salesmen capable of contacting high class clientele; must have car; experienced pref.. however we are willing to consider inexperienced men whose Qualifications are outstanding in other respects. Telephone for appoint ment. W. C. & A. N MILLER. Builders and Developers of Wesley Heights, Bum ner and Spring Valley. 4830 Masi. aver .....».v_Dm.....iv. tfhAL fiolAIE BAIitaBllii-riwiiww" real estate office, specializing In salea ox high-clfcss n.w., D. C. and sub. Md. resi dential property, offers a 6-mo. training course for real estate salesmen. .Appli cants should have a suitable car. be able to finance themselves for 2 or 3 months, be 26-35 years old. have vigorous health, good character and a zest for hard work Phone OL. 1066. „—80 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN—Excellent or portunity for salesman, with car. Fo. interview, call Sligo 6179; or eTes., OL 5220. —1 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN, full OT par time; experienced or inexperienced; mu have car and capacity for hard won' excellent opportunity for right • panic DT. 6300 til! 5 D m.: after. RA. 1259. — REFRIGERATION MECHANICS, experienct on domestic, commercial air conditionei car and tools essential: good proposltlo For aopt.. UN. 101’-. MR. BLOOM REFRIGERATOR man to run shop; mu ! have tools, car: exper. in home and com i refgr.; salary and share of profits to rim man AD 0339. REFRIGERATION MECHANIC, •xperi i enced. Apply in person. 2621 14this i ^ *—«.»*• RELIEF MAN. colored, in downtown apart ,ment bide.; must know switchboard ar. ! have elevator operator's license See MR j BROOD, resident mer.. 1610 10th »t. nw. RESTAURANT MANAGER to take com plete charge—Must be experienced m supervision of kitchens and have execu tive ability. This job requires a man who will work. Unless you answer these quali fications do not apply. BENNTTS TAVERN. 829 14th st. n.w. . ,—2 ROOM CLERK, experienced. Apply Mr Clark, manager. LAFAYETTE HOTEL. 16th and Eye sts. n.w. *—4. ROUTEMAN. dry cleaning; well tstab lishcd; excellent opportunity for the right man. PEELER'S DRY CLEANING. 2300 Rhode Island ave. n.e., DU. 1413. —6 ROUT! MAN. dry cleaning; $50 guaran i ty: liberal commission; exp. preferred, i Good op.n OV. 1700. 1* ; ROUTE MAN for dry cleaning, white— Must be willing worker and good «»les I ma.i; pood salary, plus commission, paid to right man. Apply in person, STIEFFS DRY CT FA NINO. 0"; H st. n.e. —3 ! SALESMAN—An unusual opportunity now ; available to cash in on leads created by national and local advertising: the great est scientific advancement-in house clean ing since the conventional vacuum cleaner: the new Yaclrifyin system; small down ipayments: low monthly terms; extremely liberal commissions make high earnings easy. If you have a car and are willing to work, ohone MR. KILLEA. FR. 8142, bet. 9 and 12 noon for appointment. SALESMAN, for retail liquor store; refer ences required. Box 446-G. Star. —30 SALESMAN. $5,000 up class; career op portunity for right man; appointment selling only, we have more contacts than our present staff can cover; supported by radio and magazine publicity; draw against earned commission. ENCYCLO PEDIA BRITTANICA. Call Mr. Magill, RE. 6911, for executive interview. —1 SALESMAN for major appliances, experi enced preferred; 20% discount on pur chases. Apply employment office, 4th floor, 8. KANNS SONS CO. 4 .. —2 •SALESMAN—Exceptional opportunity for aggressive wholesale appliance man. established trace in YVashington; national ly accepted lines; unlimited income for right man. must have car. State full experience DAVID KAUFMAN'S SONS. INC., Mount and Cole sts., Baltimore, SALESMAN, experienced, for spirit dupli cating machine, commercial and Govern ment territory. Excellent opportunity for right man Salary and commission. The right man can make income above aver age If you want a good job. with excel lent prospects, this is it.. State age and experience. Replies confidential. Box 57-D. Star. —30 SALESMAN, exper. men’s clothing and furnishing; good salary and comm. 1102 F st. n.w. —80 SALES MANAGER, married, must have car. age 27 to 40. direct selling experience; ex cellent opportunity. Write Box 276-G, Star. SALESMEN—We have a good territory open for an experienced office equipment salesman. Can make above average in come. Salaiy and commission. Interviews 10 to 12. L. C. SMITH & CORONA TYPE WRITERS. INC.. 1413 Park rd. n.w —30 SALESMEN—We are increasing our local sales force. Man we are seeking must be serious minded, with proven sales ability. Experience in our line unnecessary. Pro tected territory Earning possibilities lim ited only by your ability. Car a must. Advertiser is nationally known manufac I turer of essential printed business forms ! Write, stating age. education, previous sales expeiierrc and phone number. THE SHELBY FALESBOOK CO . Room 704. Du pont Circle Bldg . Dupont Circle, Wash O. D C -3 SALESMEN—Excellent local territory open ; for sale.-.Tien with car. Salary, bonus 'and expfuses. SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO 1317 11th st n.w. „ —1 ! SALES T AINLE. 24 to 32. with iome (sales experience; in one of the finest sale orcapir.aiio?-** in the country; salary whil* ! training. Apply in person between 8 and 1 <» am. G. G. S’vuv. NATIONAL CASH ^EGIFTFR CO i n K st. n.w. —3 SECRETARY for quiet office; permanent, j stenographic and genera! seeretarial duties ! in modern air-condition office; 5-day. 4<> heur week; rood transportation. Apply SAFEWAY STORES INC . 1845 4th 8t. n.e SECOND COOK, experienced, white; steady position and good wages. Apply at onct OYSTER BAY RESTAURANT, 904 Ninth (SERVICE STATION asst, mgr., must be j reliable and industrious; salary. $250. I comm, and vacation, only good, exper (operator with refs, need apply. 8ee Mr Barron, mgr.. SUNCCO SERVICE BTA iTION. Wis ave and River rd. —5 # i SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT, mu* be experienced, good salary; ex-cellen* opportunity for right man. Apply 450' ! Bowen rd. s.e, MR. WADE. VI. P7s., | —30 ( SHOE REPAIR MAN experienced on ladir ( hoes—Very good salary, good workin conditions 7206 Wis. ave . OL 5668. — SHOE SALESMAN. Sats only: exper liberal salary. TABB SHOE STORE. 12t*' 7th st. n.w. . “7‘ SHOE SALESMAN, exper : good salan very excel proposition. BECIvER 8 BHO STOPE. 1338 7th st n.w. SHOE SALESMAN. exp»r ; steady employ ment; good salary and commission; ref req. WOLF’S WALK-OVER SHOES, fr F -st. n.w. t~30 SOUND AND Intercommunication techn. ;tian. must have experience in repairing installation and wiring of all types of am plifving equipment: construction and as sembly of equipment essential. Must have car. Call EX. 3800. , -r-2 SPANISH NATIVE TEACHERS, full or part time. Afcply BERLITZ 8CHOOL OF LANGUAGES. 839 17th st. n.w —30 SPOTTER, silk, white, ref Apply between J1 and 1. ask for Mr Gibbons, WASH INGTON LAUNDRY. 2627 K st. n.w. —30 SWITCHBOARD operator colored; night, in modem apartment bldg, from 11 P m. to 8 a m. daily; 6-day wk„ $02 per mo See Miss Nalley. resident mgr., WINTHROP HOUSE, 1727 Mass. ave. n.w. —1 TILE SETTERS (2) for repair work; must be first-class mechanics; steady work- good wages. Apply In person only, EDWIN E ELLETT. 1106 9th st. n w. —1 TELEVISION AND RADIO servicemen; ex cellent straight salary; daywork only Ex ; perienced men only need apply to stak ! RADIO CO . 409 l\th *t. n.w. —30 TELEVISION SERVICE TECHNICIAN — Must have good theoretical background with wide exper. In television circuits, practical exper. In Installation and Held service is essential; must have car; good pay for right man. Cal! EX. 3800. ~ TIRE CHANGER, excellent salary and working conditions for experienced mar ' Apply 2-3. Mon through Thurs. BEN HUNDLEY. 3448 14th st. n w. — •>'> . TIRE SALESMAN, retail, for inside wo. k. splendid salary and working,cond_ for ex per man Apply 2-3. Mon through Thu. BEN HUNDLEY. 3448 14th st. u w. —30 TREE EXPERTS, must be thoroughly.* perienced. Phone SL. nolo. TREE SURGEONS; ft**** 'j&fo.: good pay. year-round lob. Call Wl. w,iv. TRUCK DRIVER, colored Pref: expert furniture deliveries: must know city. AR» ply 1023 7 th «t. n.w. * tritk DRIVER, young man, Pr$I*rarJT GI trainee with some kn0J^dgd* inf materials, to pick up and deliver ma t»ria.iit to heme improvement Jobs. mu*» sr -a? -"if* and arrange for appointment. sv’ssm mp CO.. 813 13th st. n f_- - — (Continued on Next P?"-> «• *