OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, June 30, 1948, Image 39

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1948-06-30/ed-1/seq-39/

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CAMERAS, new and used. Large selection,
priced to meet competition. See Bill
6HOP. 913 Penna. ave. n.w.. RE 0717.
CAMERA. Kodak 35 with r. f . case, mas
ter Kalart flash. Alters, etc.: 591.5o. UP
TOWN PHOTO SUPPLY. 1369 Irving n.w.,
HO 8722. Open till 8 p m. —2
* CAMERA. Exacta. new. with case. Reflex
35-mm., Zeiss 3.5 lens. $160. Call FA
1189. •
CAMERA. Zeiss. Ikon 35-mm . f:3.5 Novar
lens in Compur shutter, range finder, fil
ters. case, etc ; $7 9.50. UPTOWN PHOTO
SUPPLY. 1369 Irving st. n.w., HO. 8722.
Open till 8 p m. —2
CAMERAS—All makes and models in
stock Buy. sell and exchange at UPTOWN
PHOTO SUPPLY and go home happy with
those extra dollars you saved 1369
Irving st. n.w . HO. 8722. Open till 8 pm.
CAMERA FANS — The lowest prices - in
town are not found downtown Take a
see for yourself. 1369 Irving st. n w
HO 8722. Open till 8 p m. —2
CAMERA—Eastman movie, new model 8
•'5. f2.6. TR 4326 —30
CAMERA. Leica, 3-C. with 4 different
lenses, enlarger. De Jur. versatile profes
sional 4x5; must be sold this week. 308
Carroll st.. Takoma Park,vD C. Open
between 1 and 6. v —4
CAMERA. 5x7 view lens. 5x7 solar en
larger and other misc. equipt for com
plete stud.o operation A real bargain.
Phone foT- details. TE. 2455. ■—1
CARPETING. Mohawk, solid rose color
with design. Two large rooms, stairway,
two halls Owner eavin* town, will sac
rifice. 918 Quincy st n.w. —2
CARRIAGE, baby. Thayer, practically new.
$30. Call HO. 3402 —30
CEDAR POSTS—Bargain: 55c each for a
6-ft. 6-in. split western cedar fence post
at RUCKER LUMBER CO ,* 1320 Wilson
blvd CH. 0660.
CHAIRS, solid mhe rocker w’ith slip cover
Also arm chair with cover. Excel, cond
SH. 4931.
CHAIRS <20‘. school tablet arm. almos*
new. Room 1022. Barr Building. 910 17th
st. n.w . EX 7 413 between 9 and 5. —1
CHEST, cedar, brand-new. orig price,
$70. will sell for $50, also cedar closet,
$5. AD. 7859. —1
CHINA CLOSET—Mahon breakfront type
2 glass doors, drawer and incl. comp, be
low never used. $7 5 TA 2112. —1
COUNTER. 20 ft., with inside shelves and
doors, modernistic walnut finish. $40.
639 New York a\e. n w .
CRANE, hall yard. Hanson, model 40.
U^ed less than 600 hrs excel, cond OX
1766 —1
CRIB, finest type, screened: Kiddy Kooo.
new. cost ^4 7 50. now $25. WI. 84 14 —30
printers, paper chemicals BRENNER. 933
Pa ave n w Easy terms: trade-ins.
DEEP FREEZE, twin barrel type. 10 cu
ft , excellent condition; $195 or best offer.
OL 3120. —30
DIAMONDS—Lady's sol . 3. ct . $loO:
lady’s, 'j ct.. $125: lady's plat.. 1 ct .
$225: lady's plat, fishtail. 1 h cts. $350:
man's blue-white. 2 cts.. $375; lady's, fine
color 1«9 cts . $475: lady's nice 2-ct .
$500 ladv's perfect 3-cf . $875: man s 4
ct . $1,100. We will reset any of the
above rings to suit your choice Prirps
’ cuoted include mountings LIVINGSTON
A- CO . 1423 H st. n w ME. 3440. —3
DIAMOND BARGAINS from estates—Dia
mond weighing 1.40 cts. estate piece.
$425; diamond weighing lra cts.. estate
piece. $475: bracelet with 4 fine diamonds
and 3 genuine sapphires. 14-k. heavy gold.
$275 Must be sold for private party.
Cluster ring containing 9 very fine color
American cut diamonds weighing 2,/ji cts
for $895 All prices include Federal tax
Bee MR OPPENHEIMER, 917 F st n.w
DINETT^ SET. mahog . excel, cond . Dun
can Phyfe. reason : Simmons davennort
bed, blue, 6 mos old drapes and spread
TE 6900. Ext. 150. evenings —2
DINING ROOM SUITE, walnut, modern
design: modern dinette set; pegged Whit
ney Colonial dresser chest with mirror:
antique sq. top table with drawer, also
studio couch, floor lamps, treadle sewing
machine. Call Temole 2881 •
DINING ROOM SUITE. 10-pc junior
$150; practice piano. $50. Call HO. 1427
after 6 p m. —1
DINING RM. SUITE, consists of table 6
chairs and buffet, good condition. $30.
614 D st. s e . LU. 2897. —I
DINING ROOM SUITE, beautiful solid
mahogany Sheraton, like new; cost $750:
consists of ext. table, six chairs, buffet
and lovely china cabinet, no reasonable
offer refused; may be seen at 805 Beverly
dr., Beverly Hills. Alex, or call TE. 0428.
— 30
DOORS, k -d. white pine. French, exterior,
interior; all sizes and styles. Immediate
delivery. Glebe 4014 ARLINGTON
WOODWORKING. “Manufacturers of doors
exclusively.” —5
ELECTRIC FANS cleaned, greased and re
paired; bought, sold and exchanged, attic
fans fans for the home, office and store;
37 years in business. Call Republic 1027. j
ELEC. GENERATOR. A cyl , Kohlfr ynjiny. i
auto. 150o watts; 2 yrs. old. Call HO.
3458 or SL 2304 —30 I
ft.; like new: $125. TE. 9178. 30*
FLECTBIC SINK. Hot Point, combination
dishwasher and garbage disposal: brand
new. easy terms. ELECTRICAL CENTER.
614 10th at. n.w.. NA. 8872.
FANS—8-in oscillator. $6.95: 10-in. osc .
$10 95; 12-in. osc . $14 95. also GE 12 and
16 in. osc. APEX RADIO. 1319 N Y
ave n w «at 14th>
FANS—Medium and large sizes, nationally
advertised, up to 50', off for Quick sale.
Also will rent fans ROLLS RADIO CO..
6000 Conn ave WO 52oo
FANS. d.c. electric; three 13-inch. $10
each: one 8-inch. $5. Call RE 0589
FANS—Pedestal fans, exhaust tans, kitch
en fans, air circulators. Dealers take ad
vantage of our large selection and low
Sherman ave n.w . NO. 1919. 30*
FANS t. d.c : will sell or exchange
MURAIRE BAKERY. 1719 De Sales st. n w
FANS, bargains, attic, exhaust, kitchen:
all sizes: complete Installation; enioy
aummer comfort: 50 yrs. reliable service
GICHNER 418 6th st. nw. NA 4370.
FANS. d.c. and ac. 16-in oscillating:
leather couch and chairs, safe cabinets.
14 27 Eye st.. RE. 2374 1*
FANS—Exhaust, new. 10-in., $12 50; 12-.
in. $16.90: 16-in.. <24 50. Overstocked
must be sold, save 50'V. BLOCKS. 3056
M at. n.w.. MI 7141. M! 7933. —30
FREEZERS—100 boxes of Birds Eye frozen ■
food free with an International Victor or
Wilson freezer Price $235 and up.
MALONEY’S. INC.. 8 126 Georgia ave..
Silver Soring. SH 3330.
FREEZER—Repossessed Emory Thompson
machine: makes ice cream or custard: fake
over for balance due. GL. 8930. —6
FREEZER. 8 cu ft., floor sample, leading
make. t eg. $330. reduced to $260 cash. You
*ave $70. Fully guaranteed APEX RADIO,
1319 N Y ave. n.w <at 14th*.
FRIGIDAIRE. 5 cu. ft.; in good condition.
Large mahogany dining table. 2 twin size
felt mattresses. 2-burner electric hot plate.
Call SL. 7516 between 6 and 9 pm —1 1
condition. HO. 5681. 2510 Irving st. n.e.
FRIGIDAIRE. 5'a cu. ft white porcelain,
-xcel. cond.. $95; paint spray outfit, brass
dad tank. <135. SI. 8015
FURNITURE—Save up to 50°7 on all new
furniture. Specials on sofa beds, studio
couches, bedroom, living room and dinette
auites See us before buying Easy terms
THE CROWN CO.. 827-829 7th st n.w.
FURNITURE—Your old living room furnl- 1
ture made like new; 36 years’ experience; '
including material, sofa and chair. $56:
workmanship guaranteed. LA FRANCE
UPHOLSTERING CO.. 2509 14tb st. n.w.
CO 2381
FURNITURE—A few fine pcs. of furniture
left; Victorian sofa. French wardrobe
chest, one bureau, one chiffonier, small
French desk. French occasional table and
several chairs. Can be seen at 1749 St.
Matthews Court n.w . directly behind
cathedral with easy parking. From 5 to
10 d m . Mon . Tues. and Wed. Further
Information. DU. 4570. —30
FURNITURE—Bedrooms, living room*
modern desks, pianos and fine selec
tion of all types of lamps; terms can
be arranged. SMITH’S TRANSFER &
STORAGE CO. 1313 You st. n.w. 1258
Wis ave n.w ; 2601 Wilson blvd., Arling- i
ton Va.. srd 106 No Lee. Alexandria. Va
TORN.—Liv rm. set. $39.95: end tables.
$3.05. spw mach . $19.95; radios. $6.95;
piano. $49 95; wardrobe. $5.95: beds. *
compl . $12.96; cred buffet. $14 95; odd
chairs. $2 95; table lamps. $1.95: floor
lamps. $5.95; bcdrm. sets, compl . $69.95:
chests. $12.95: dressers. $10.95; studios.
$22.95: desk. $4 95. Terms; free D C
del. 2622 14th st nar Open 'til 9 —30
FURNITURE— For living room, bedroom
dinette and kitchen, complete, reas AT
3163. Private party, no dealers. —1
FURNITURE—For completely equipped 3
room apt : must move: .$4 00 value for
$300 Sold as a unit only. TW. 0056.—.30
FURNITURE—Complete furnishings for 2
bedroom aot ; mohair liv. rm. suite, mah
beaioom suite: u«ed one month: leaving
town, best offer. GL. 4865 after 6 p m.—30 |
FURNITURE—Picnic style mahogany fln
lah breakfast set. $46 Call SH 8798 i
.— 1 I
FURNITURE—Liv. rm . dinette and bed
rm furn. for sale Call OW. 7300. —3 ,
FU’RN.—Made twin-bed rm.. maple dinette
with cor. cabinet and hutch cabinet Gov
■Winthrop desk, end tables TA 2112. —1
FURNITURE—Bedrm. suite, blond maple,
twin beds, springs and matts.. chest of
drawers containing desk, vanity, night :
table and chair, excel cond. $150 for
Jmmed. sale: 2 boudoir chairs. *5 each;
kit. table and 3 chairs. $7.50. CO 7102
FURNITURE—Comp] liv rm and bedrm .
nth- r misc . quick sale, leaving town, also
fi-rm furn. house to rent. ALex 1753
Call after 5:30 and Sat and Sun —2
FURNITURE—Sofa, jade green. Chippen
dale. nearly new. good construction, cost
$.120. Price *185 love seat Ch.ppendale.
new cond . rose color, worth about $250.
price $150. DE 5200 —5
FURNITURE—7-pc. maple bedroom suite
0-pc mahogany bedroom suite 1 ma
hogany drop-leaf table, l ha’l table 4 ft
tone. 1 hall mirror. 2 Windsor chairs. 1
end table: must be sold at once cheap:
leaving town. 518 12th st. se. Home
from 4 to 7 p m 30*
FURNITURE—2 white wooden kitchen
cabinets, one 5-pc. white wooden break
fa>t <et walmt gat-le? table, baby rocker,
upholstered blue 0x12 room rug. 7-pc.
bedroom suit*. Zenith console 3-band
radio with Pilot FM tuner and VM record
changer TR. 1154. —5
FURNITURE—3-pc. liv rm suite. 4
Pc\ solid walnut bedrm suite with matt,
and spgs . maple dinette set. lamps, end
tables GL. 0217. —2
FURNITURE—Mahog. dining loom suite.
$ pieces, maple bunk or twin beds Holly
wood double bed. complete. 2 mirrors, girl ?
bievcie. WO. 5043. —1
FURNITURE—3-pc living room suit**,
master bedroom suite, dinette, dinette se
Jofl E’ourth avc . Takoma Park. Md.. Sligc.
FURNITURE SUE of better-grade furni
ture. some slightly used from storage and
gome orand-new unclaimed freight and
other sources bedroom, din rm,. liv rm .
etc. All a great savings. LION STORAGE
CO . 400 New York ave. n w . daily 10 to
8: Saturday until 4 Phone RE 4310. —2
FURNITURE—One 3-pc nv. rm set. 1
bedrm. set, 1 Hollywood bed. 1 dm. room
•et, 1 kit. cabinet, floor lamp. UN. 8051.
FURNITURE—Large Duncan Phyfe ma
hogany extension table and buffet, excel
lent condition; best offer. FA. 31T0 after
4nm —l
FURNITURE—Complete furnishings of 1
pedrocm apartment: convenient n w sec
t'on: apartment available; no children
er pels. Box 237-0. Star —
FURNITURE — Moving out: living rm.
fining rm., bedrm . reasonable. FA. 34j>8.
FURNITURE, ETC.—Desirable modem
household furniture and personal effects,
new Estate H and 12 crbic-foot deep freeze
units, new white enameled kitchen cabinets
and disnwa&hers. library, modern beauty
equipment, electric fans. etc. By order
Elizabeth Lloyd, committee of Mary Lee
Goddard: I. Irwin Bolotin, attorney.
Chalmers F. Groff and Carl C Smuck.
trustees, storage companies and other con
signors at Weschlers Auetion. 905 E st.
n.w.. Friday, commencing 9.30 a m . new
dinette groups, boudoir chairs and mirrors,
groups ior living, dining, bed and break
last rooms. Norge and Coolerator refrigera
tors. electric reducing machine, twin and
double beds, coil and box springs, felt and
inner-spring mattresses, dressers, china
cases, chests of drawers, vanities, studio
and sofa beds, tables, chairs and miscel
laneous other personal effects commencing
9:30 a m. Deep freeze units, 10:30. About
5oo volumes books (sets and miscellane
ous!. 2 p m. —l
FURNITURE—Gov. Winthrop sec.. $50:
solid wal. end table, $10; ’« metal bed,
$10. Call VI. 2475.
FURNITURE—Walnut bedrm. suite, incl.
matt, and sprgs.: elec, vacuum. 6x9 new
lin. rug. 3 wool scatter rugs. 1 sgle bed and
matt, maple; 1 brass flrepl. set. CO. 5311.
— 1
marble tables, unusually handsome din.
rm. and bedrm. suites. Oriental ruR, $26.
DE 0032.
GARDEN TRACTORS, nationally advertised
make, in stock for immediate delivery
Buy now and prepare for spring planting
J. R. PENDLETON SON. 11770 Ga. ave.
GAS RANGES—New and used; $19.50
up credit and liberal trade-ins. ACME
STOVE CO . 1011 7th st. n.w., NA. *962.
GAS RANGE; fl. samples at great savings;
194* model 6-burner Magic Chef. Servel
•as refgrs.: metal wall and base cabinets;
oo-in. American standard sink and cab
inet; Ironrite e,ec. ironer. J. SHAPIRO
NO. 8000; corner of 9th and Que sts. n.w.
GAS RANGES, new. used, all sizes, $19.50
up. trade-ins accepted. PEERLESS SALES.
2237 Georgia ave. n.w DE 6670
GAS RANGE. Roper, table top; good con
dition: best offer. WI. 1507. —2
GAS RANGE, table top: 3-pc. living rm.
suite and rugs, bunk beds: dishes, pots,
pans, silverware 4926 Minn. ave. n.e.
between 7:30 and 9 evenings. 1*
GAS STOVE, 4 burners and oven; 2 sta
tionary washtubs. Priced to suit. Infor
mation call WO 7050. 10 to 1, 6 to 8. —1
HOME FREEZER. Deepfreeze, 9 cu. ft.;
floor sample, guaranteed one year Real
bargain: terms. MD. ELECTRIC CO.
Warfield 1975 2*
HOSPITAL BED. bed table, slightly used,
in excellent condition. Telephone AD.
22*1 —2
good condition $495 or best offer.
HENRY S FURNITURE CO.. 1325 7th st.
n w: MI. 9448. —30
JUKE BOX. perfect condition, ideal for
club or recreation room, $17 5. 262* 14th
M. n w . DE 7633. —5
KITCHEN SINK. 2 wall cabinets, broom
closet. $9*. Call WI. 6879 after 5 p.m
anci all dav Saturdav. —3
LAWN MOWERS. electrically powered
blades, exceptional opportunity to make it
-asy for your wife, limited number built
on order from good quality standard
mower and motor to run from house cur
rent : $59.59 each. Box 357-H. Star. •
LAWN TABLE and 2 benches, porch table
and 4 chairs, step tables and book shelves.
DE. 967 1 .
LUGGAGE TRAILER, practically new; $40
17 66 P st. n w. DE. 5019. —2
LUMBER—An ample supply of used hard
brick, lumber and other building materials
from many wrecking Jobs. Get our quota
tion before buying For courteous, prompt,
reliable service and square dealing, come
to see Mr Trevor Jones at the "Little
White House’' at 15th and H at*, n.e.
Inspection invited, or call HECHINGER
CO.. AT. 9632.
LUMBER—Special flooring. $40 per thou
sand; 2x4s, up to 10 ft.. $40 per thousand.
MATERIAL CO.. LI. 7022. —2
LUMBER—No 2 common and better Va.
pine. 2x4. 2x6. 2x*. 8. 10 and 12 foot
lens’hs, $78 per M; 2x6. 2xS. 2x10. 14
and 16 foot lengths, $82.50 per M; 1x6
and 1x8 random lengths. $78 per M: all
dressed four sides Call THE WALDORF
SUPPLY CO . Waldorf. Md . 3501.
both new and used, of all kinds, at Robin
son's: open aH day Sat and Sun.; free
delivery; come in or phone Axminster
1200 and meet the Robinson brothers, who
will personally handle all your building
need problems for lumber. nii.Mwoik. wall
boards, regular and marine plywoods,
roofing, hardware, paints, plumbing, elec
tric and hundreds of other items. “One
call does all.’’ Now then, try ROBINSON S
J 239 Kenilworth ave. n.e., Axminster
LtMor.K—Fine, direct mm snipmenta or
In smaller quantities; steel windows, hard
wood flooring, insulation, sheetrock and
other building materla's: Immediate de
livery CATLIN LUMBER CO.. 1504 If
Quincy st.. Arl. GL. 8888.
MANNEQUIN, cheap must sell wit once.
If you want one. call AD. 9800. Won
derful buy.
MATERNITY DRESSES, originals, size 10
12; designer ior leading New York Arm
has several exclusive summer originals for
sale Phone OL. 7980 Wed. to Sat 11
to 3:30. J*
METAL BREAKER l0\ $95: sterling elec
sander. $15; Unishear Sianley metal cut
ter, $50; V’ Clark elec, drill. $35. Phone
LI. 8755. 30*
MOTORS, many different types and sizes
for a r from 1 to «o h p COLUMBIA
1 000
MOTORS, hand motors, used ‘Handle."
with foot switch and bench holder. $15.
n w. DI. 1157. —1
MOTORS, new and rebuilt. $9.50 up
Large selection, all size1: for all purposes:
CO . 2473 Sherman ave. n w , NO. 1919
MULTILITHS. models 1227 and 1250.
electric, suction feed, lo in. by 14 in.
•apacity: Multilith. mod. 40. electric,
Multigr^ph <2*. model 200 < 1 > suction
feed, (i) friction feed, model 30. electric.
O’her duplicating and office equipment.
(across from Griffith Consumers*. Ro&slyn.
Vs . Glebe 9081. 4*
OAK FLOORING—Kiln dried Appalachian
oak manufactured by Walker. No. I com
mon. 26/32x2*4. comparable to other man
ufacturer's select grade: priced at $236
CO.. W*»«orf. Md . 3501.
OFFICE riRNTTURE — Large selection,
used, desks, chairs and other office equip
ment: also large supply duplicating
I lot Lee hwy . Rosslyn, Va. (GL. 9081*.
leather couch, etc. No reasonable offer
refused. 319 Pa. ave. s.e., 2nd floor. 1“
OFFICE FURNITURE — Reconditioned
desks, chairs, filing cabinets, tables, etc.
429 9th st s.w.. ME. 4005.
OFFICE FURNITURE— $50,000 warehouse
clearance sale, new and used office furni
ture of every description: reductions 25 to
i.’t'r; desks, file cabinets, office chairs,
ables. folding chairs, safes, tables, book
'ases. storage cabinets, lockers, tab.et arm
chairs. typewriters; other miscellaneous
office equipment, free delivery. MANHAT
York ave n w —3
OFFICE FURNITURE and equipment in
Rood condition. Including desks, chairs,
typewriters, files, etc. DU. 2117. —4
OFFICE FURNITURE clearance sale —
Entire used stock must be sold at cost
prices: we must make room for new mer
chcndise; save up to 50*7. COLUMBIA.
1205 Eye st. DI. 8138. Come in or call.
OIL BURNER, new. with tank and con
trols; $150 GL. 3175. —30
sale. 2 walkaway gates. 90-ft. fine railing,
balconies, old window-guards. FRED S.
24th st. n w . RE. 24 19
PHOTO ENLARGER. Federal, model 312.
and roto dryer, perfect condition Price.
$H0. or best offer under. RA. 3782 be
tween 6-R pm. —1
PIANO, Acrosonlc spinet and console
models, built by Baldwin: embodies fea
tures of small grands and upright; full
resonant tone, responsive action dura
bility and eye appealing ease desiRns
in mahogany, walnut, ebony, light oak
and prima vera finish. Exclusive at HUGO'
WORCH. 925 G n w
PIANO—If you are looking for a recon
ditioned practice upright we have them
at low prices and on easy terms Phone
National 3223. JORDAN PJANO CO. 1015
1th st. n w
PIANO, spinet, apartment size, practically
nea. sacrifice. Call ME. 1173 after 5 p m.
piano—Used Tull keyboard spinet. *295
National 3223. JORDAN PIANO CO.
1015 :th ; t n.W. —7
PIANO, upright; good for practice; *75. !
Call SL. 2248. . —30
PIANOS — Fine pianos starting at only
*495. Come In. see. hear and play the
Sirinway. Kimball. Gulbransen. Sohmer.
Jesse Frenth. Cable and Conover pianos
Cor.v. terms arranged. If you have a
v>iano to trad® we will make you a good
Washington’s Exclusive Steinway Dealer.
1108 G st n w DI 8484. —4
PIANOS — Want a bargain? Come to Camp
bell's. We are having our first postwar
sale of fine pianos Floor samples and
demonstrators all in new piano cond
Savings as much as *195. Prices begin at
*495 Conv terms may be arranged.
CAMPBELL MUSIC CO.. 1108 G st. n.*
DI 8484 —4
PIANO. Wurlitzer. upright, good cond..
*:.> MI. 7528 „ —2
PIANOS—Grands Steinway. *750; Bram
bach. *395 <ant. size); uprts.. Jesse French.
*295 «ap» size). S®veral meaium-size
units.. Steinway. Chickering. Stieff and
others from *l(>o up. New and used
spinets priced low. See LAWSON «fe GOLI
BART. in American Storage Bldg., 2891
Ga »ve, AD 5928 day. Ra 0491 night.
Evenints by appointment. We buy and ac
cept oianos in trade 2*
PIANO, Huntington apt -size upright, with
bench: *95 EM. 0742.
PIANOS—The Jordan Piano Co. of 1015
7th st n.w.. is the exclusive local agent
for such fine, well-known makes as Mason
Sc Hamlin. Chickering. Story Sn Clark.
Musette. George Steck. Huntington. Lester
Betsy Ross. H M. Cable. Bradbury, etc.
Complete selection of styles and types
Very easy terms. National 3223 JORDAN
PIANO CO. 1015 7tn st. n.w. (just above
the Librarvi
PIANOS FOR RENT—Spinets, consoles
grands at special .ow summer rates. All
money paid as rental applies on the pur
chase price if you decide to buy later (up
to six months limit). Phone National
:.”23. JORDAN PIANO CO. 1015 7th st.
n.w. Oust above th® Library' —7
PIANO. Wurlitzer. spinet. Slightly used
and in very fine cond. *495 Conv.
terms may be arranged. KTTT MUSIC
CO 1330 G st n w —5
PIANO. Fhscher grand Compl rebuilt and
refinisncd. In beaut mahogany case. Has
rich resonant tone; very fine for
*845. Conv. terms may be arranged
KITT MUSIC CO.. 1330 G st. n w —5
PIANOS -Buy now and take advantage
ol our low summer payment plan: as
little as *25 down and *14 monthly for
a brand-new piano. Phone National 3223
JORDAN PIANO CO. 1015 7th st. n w
i Oust above the Library). —7
We ut -nd thread; plumbing fixture*.
BLOCK S 3058 M *t n.w.. MI 7141
POP CORN MACHINE, commercial, good
cond.. no reas. offer refused. MI. 7 528.
1 PCMF. PEEP WELL* like new. complete
with tank pipe, etc. Cost $180; $90 or
best offer under. GL. 6561. —1

Pt’MFS, mctor driven, centrifugal, plunder
de-watering and many other types.
CO . TE 1600
RADIO—Brand-new. not floor samples. In
cludes only all standard brands, floor
model combination with television record
ers. automatics, record players, many
others too numerous to mention. Take,
advantage of this: prices are the lowest In
radio’s history. Easy terms, liberal trade;
APPLIANCE STORE, 1020 7th st. n.w.
NA. 8559. NA. 8560.
RADIO, a.c.-d c . record changer. General
Industries. $100. 925 Union Trust Bldg
RE. 2100. •
RADIOS—Portables. $14.95 and up: reg.
$89.95 RCA self-charger, $59.95: marine
type with sbip-to-shore ahort-wave. reg.
$66.75, red. to $39.95. APEX RADIO.
1319 N. Y. ave. n.w. (at 34th>.
RADIOS, 3. table models. In good condi
tion. Telephone TA. 9647. —2
RADIO. G. E. console model, push-button.
1941; walnut cabinet: In perfect condi
tion; $50 PL. 8648. —1
RADIO. Stromberg-Carlson phono.-comb
16-tube, automatic record changer, mahog..
Chinese modern, latest model, perfect cond.
Purchased for $625, will sell for $450.
Box 441-H. Star. 1*
RADIO - PHONOGRAPH. Capehart. Mode'
112. M2FM. beaut. Chippendale cabinet:
excellent working cond. DE. 1497. —29
AM lone and cw; new in April; has
worked all continents and States (con
firmed): coils for 40. 20 and 10; cost new
$420; moving, forced to sell for $350;
covers 80 and 6 with addl. std. colls; new
Sonar VPX-680. all bands NFM fone and
cw exciter, crystal or built-in VFO.. FB
as complete low power fone or cw. rig;
$67. W4MXP. FA. 4736. —5
perfect cond., antique. Call 8L. 7011
after 5 D.m —29
RANGES, electric, brand new, GE, Hot
Point. Westlnghouse, Kelvinator, etc.
Priced ffom $127.96. Liberal allowance
for your old range. Terms as low as $2
weekly. ELECTRICAL CENTER, 614 10th
st. n w NA 8872.
REFRIGERATORS, gas and elec., new and
used, a c., d.c. all sizes, makes; recond..
guar.; trade-in accept.: terms. ELECTRI
CO.. 1318 14th st. n.w.. DE 3610
REFRIGERATORS, new and used, lmmed.
delivery. All sizes; new Westlnghouse and
Philco; guaranteed, recond. boxes; expert
repair serv. P O SMITH, sales and
service, 1344 H st. n.e., LI 2546. LI. 6050.
REFRIGERATOR. General Electic, 7 cu.
ft.. $100; davenport and chair to match.
1 occassional chair and coffee table. $50:
babr buggy. $15. SL. 1703.* —1
REFRIGERATOR. Crosley Shelvador. 5li
en. ft., excel, cond. Call after 5 p.m., RA.
3021. —1
REFRIGERATOR, gas. 3Vi-CU.-ft„ $25;
8-cu.-ft„ $165; motors. $5 up Com
pressors. $2 up. DU. 2952. MI. 7933. —3
REFRIGERATOR. Universal working con
dition; *7 -ft. box; bargain. GL. 6023.
REFRIGERATOR. Servel. gas, 1942. excel,
co id . 6 cu. ft. Call SH. 6286. —.2
REFRIGERATORS—The price war is on.
We have a complete line of brand-new
refrigerators at ridiculously low prices.
Eaw terms. Shoo and sa.ve at ALPER
1020 7th st. n.w.. NA. 8559. NA. 8560.
REFRIGERATORS, rebuilt and guaran
teed. all famous makes; priced as low as
$59.95. easy terms. NA. 8872. ELEC
TRICAL CENTER. 514 10th st. n.w.
REFRIGERATOR. General Electric. 4 cubic
feet: $50. ME. 0586 or ST. 4468.
REFRIGERATOR. GE, Hotpoint; apt. size,
used 3 months; $150. TW. 2451. —30
REFRIGERATORS, brand new. GE Hot
pon.t Westinghouse, Kelvinator, Norge.
Philco and Crosley. Liberal allowance for
your old refrigerator Immediate delivery
Term*; as low as $2 weekly. ELECTRICAL
CENTER. 514 10th £t. n.w NA. 8872..
REFRIGERATOR. Frigidaire: used; 18 cu.
it.7 2 dr porcelain inside and out; excel,
operating condition; $165. AX. 6466.
REFRIGERATORS, used: limited quantity:
excellent working erder; priced from $49.95
to $89 95. 1332 G st. n.w.. LUBAR RADIO
tEFRIGERATORS, used: limited Quantity;
excellent working order: priced from
$49.95 to $89.95 1332 G st. n.w.. LUBAR
REFRIGERATOR. Leonard. 4,,a cil ft.:
good running condition; $4(». 1631 N.
Abingdon. Arlington. GL. 2419. —2
REFRIGERATORS. Derfect condition. $50
and un. 4915 Monroe st., Bladensburg.
Md. UN. 1612. —4
REFRIGERATOR. Servel. 5 ft., auto de
froster: excel, condtion. $100. WI. 3 507.
REFRIGERATOR. 7 cu ft.. Westinghouse.
$50. Excellent buy for beach cottage.
MI 2427. J*
RINGS—Engagement. 3 diamonds, lge.
stone. J* carat, and 2 small diamonds.
Wedding band. 5 full cut diamonds, both
set in platinum. Will accept best offer.
Call UN. 8468 —30
RUG SALE. 200 large and small. Orientals;;
reduced prices RARE RUG SHOP. 24271
18th st n.w Open till 9 pm.
RUG, light green, reversible. 1 C'aXlB'a:
good cond ; cost $200, sell for $60. DE.
5260. —30
RUGS, 9x12 Gulistan, pastel colors, very
reasonable. RA. 9259.
RUGS—9x12 Karistan in pastel shades,
mat Included. $200; Anglo-Persians, 8'3'x
10'G". 27x54 . 23 x36". matched. $100;
not worn; perfect condition. 81igo 1638. •
SANDER. Skill, model ZP” 2>4" belt
tvne. excellent condition; reasonable. WO.
8508. 1*
SAW. chain. Mall model 6: 1 yr. old ex
cellent condition; $250. will demonstrate.
RA. 7979 after 6 p.m. —5
SEWING MACHINES. Singers, sale or rent;
ii^ned. delivery. SEWING MACHINE EX
CHANGE. 2412 18th st. n.w . CO 3245.
SEWING MACHINES, brand new portable
and console models. easy terms. LIV
4409 So. Capi’ol st. —30
can really save money here. Singer desk
model. $162 50 up. Singer elec, console,
$119.50 and up. Singer round bobbin
portable and table. $112.50. Singer round
bobbin portable. $87.50 and up. Singer
long bobbin portable. $72.50. Combina
tion sewing table $24.75. Cash or terms.
3508 Conn ave. n.w.. 2nd floor front.
EM. 4 556 or EM. 2004. Open Wed and
FTi. eves, till 9 p.m. -*-2
SEWING MACHINE, new reversible* ro
tary console, in mahogany finish: sews
forward and backward: oversize, built-in.
air-cooled motor; $141.95. Pay $15 down,
balance $10 month. For immediate de
906 King at., Alexandria. Va. ALex. 1900.
SEWING MACHINES. 8lngera: electric
portables, consoles, desk models: terms;
5-year guarantee; $5 mo. New machine*.
20-year factory guarantee. Immed. del
NO 2100. 2414 14th st. n.w. Open eves
till 8,
— 1 j
SHEET METAL 8CREWS, No. 10x*« inch;
any quantity. AT. 6166. —2
SHOES; cancellation: outfit your family
af Lieberman* with famous grand highly,
styled, quality shoes at sensational sav
ings LIEBERMAN. INC.. 2nd fl.. 3412 t
14th st. n.w. Open 10 to 9 p.m. CO. 2.521. j
SINKS, new and used, all size*; fauceta.
pipe. showers toilets. tubs. basins.
BLOCK'S 3056 M st n w MI. 7141.
snowball machine. Be the first in your j
neighborhood. 100 lbs. of ice shavings.
400 10-ounce cups brings $40. total cost j
$6. Free demonstration. HAYSLETTE PURE
DISTILLED WATER, 613 Mass. ave. n.w. i
Phone EX. 2293 • —30
SOFA. orig. Duncan Phyfe. new upholstery
and new cond.; must see to appreciate, i
DE 1497. —29
STEEL BEAMS, angles, wire mesh, rein
forcing rods; surplus from job. 4718
Bethesda ave.. WI. 4821. —1
STENOTYPE MACHINE and carrying case,
never been used commercially. AD. 6411.
TABLE, mahoganv. drop-leaf, excel, cond.,
$25. OL 8166.
TABLE, DROP-LEAF, mahogany. Duncan
Phyfe. 2 extra leaves; value *125. Will
sell for less than Va. Phone AD. 2989.
TABLES, modern, occasional, light oak,
black glass top. one round, one square.,
reas. priced; dishes. DE. 9135 a m. —1 j
TAILS, white tuxedo, white suit, flannels,
size 38. Call DE. 3429 between 8 and 9
p.m. —1
TELEVISION demonstrators at greatly re
duced prices; sold with the orig 1-yr.
guarantee: shop us first for best deal in
town: easy terms. ELECTRICAL CENTER.
514 1 Otb st n w
TELEVISION, television, television— All
standard makes, including Philco. RCA.
Admiral. Emerson. Stromberg-Carlson. for
immediate installation: commercial prices;
schools taverns, etc WARD RADIO A* AP
PLIANCE. 8536 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring.
SH. «7<H*
TELEVISION SETS. *119 95. plus service
charge. Immediate deliverv on worlds
lowest priced quality receiver. Magni
fiers. $13.95 and up APEX RADIO. 1319
New York ave. n.w. tat 14th).
TELEVISION. Halicrafter. for immediate
delivery; $169.50. Pay 10*7 down, bal
ance $11 month. MONTGOMERY WARD
CO . 906 King at . Alexandria. Va. ALex. :
1900. —2
TIRES, factory reeond , all sizes, 53.45
each. 6 mos. unconditional guarantee;:
truck tires our specialty. Open weekdays
and Sun. 'til 8 p.m. ALL SERVICE TIRE
CO.. 3619 Gi ave nw. RA 9850
TRAILER. 4-wheel. 5100: small coal and
wood range. 525: overstuffed chair. 57.50: !
small cream separator. 520: RCA radio and
record player. 510; metal flue ext. 515;;
several small tools. FA. 2S0-J-11. —2 1
meter beam, complete with table and sup
oort. 525. Call TE. 8137. —1
TUXEDO. 3-pc . size 42: Frigidaire. excel,
cond . reas. TA. 5315 before 12 noon —1 1
TYPEWRITER, standard, good condition
517.49. THE SUN OFFICE MART. 1431
Eve st_n.w-. EX. 6490. —1
TYPEWRITER. Underwood noiseless. 14
inch carriage, like new. Wisconsin 1161. i
TYPEWRITERS. DOrtabl- and standard, all
makes, guaranteed. 524.50 ud: adding
machines Ians. desks, chairs. safes.
‘Everything for the office ” SUN OFFICE
srt 1431 Eye st. n.w.. Executive 6490 1
TYPEWRITERS, standards and portables.!
new and rebuilt: 1-yr. auarante: 520
up: terms. Our 38th year. AMERICAN
TYPEWRITER CO . 1431 E. Capitol st
LI. 0082. 8:30 to 6. including Saturday.
16th st. n.w.. GE 1883. Und.. 3 mos. in
adv., 57.50. 6 513.50: no del.. $5 ad. den.
Westiughoii.se Eureka. Royal, etc. Priced!
from 539.95 Liberal allowance for your
old machine Terms as law as 51 weekly
ELECTRICAL CENTER. 514 10th st. n.w
VENETIAN BLINDS washed, repainted,
reraped, re-corded PARK AVE VENETIAN
BLIND CO . UN 1345
WASHER. Westinghouse. last prewar
model, perfect condition, never given trou
ble. 575 or best ofler. Call OL 3460. —4
WASHERS—Brand new. Bendix. GK. VVest
inghouse II or. Maytag and Apex Priced
from 577- liberal allowance for your old
washer Terms as low as 52 weekly
ELECTRICAL CENTER 514 10th st n w
NA 88 72
new. $122.45: terms LIVINGSTON AP- j
PLIANCE A RADIO CO . 4409 80 Capitol
st. —30
WASHING MACHINE. Bendix. excellent
condition throughout. 5125. CH. 0302.
WASHING MACHINES, perfect condition,
like new. $60. 4915 Monroe at., Bladens
burg. Md,. UN. 1612. —4
WASHING MACHINE. ABC: large capacity;
new wringer: excellent condition; 550. PL
8648. —1
WATER COOLER, elec.; Otsie; like dew;
reasonable. XX. 6738. —30
WATER COOLERS, electric, Dottle type.
GE. Norte and etc.; priced from 5144.95.
st n.w. NA 8673 ,
WATER COOLER, slightly Used. Cordley:
cost. 5:100, sacrifice 5235. MAY'S BRAKE
SERVICE. 21 H st. n e , RE. 1658. —30
WATER HEATERS, gas. electric, all sizes.
"Water Heater Specialists foi 30 Years."
Expert Installation JOHN O WEBSTER.
627 P st. n.w EX 4615. WO 2220.
WELDING MACHINES — One 3110-amp.
Lincoln, gas driven. 2 wheels. Two 300
amp. Hobart, gas driven. One skid
mounted. One 4-wheel Welding cable,
sizes 2/0 and 3/0. Input cable. 3-con
ductor No. 6 Tlrex. COLOMBIA MA
SACRIFICE — Baby furniture, beautiful
modern crib, 550; luxurious bassinet, cost
$295. 550: bathinet. 55. Also Toddie seat,
bottle warmer, etc. EM. 5034. 3107 Gar
field st. n.w. —30
USED BED. excellent cond : reasonable:
also chest of drawers: will sell separately.
OF 2512
I BACK BAR. with mirror and eounter 20
ft. long; 10 stools M. A 8. LUNCH. 1713
Pa. ave. n.w. ME. 7632. —1
FINE household furnishings, Persian rug.
Sheraton love seat, two matchlna chairs,
mahogany breakfront and other mlsc. ar
tlclea. Wisconsin 1161.
FURNITURE CO.. 622 E st. n.w. National
TRUCK CRANE. 40-ft. boom, specializing
in concrete work and steel setting. OV.
6269, TE._7019. —12
ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, calcu
lators. bought and sold and rented. RE
I4th st. n.w.
ANTIQUES, bric-a-brac, china, silverware,
old Jewelry, cups, aaucers. Any amount.
n.w.. Sterling 7496.
ANTIQUES—Furniture, bric-a-brac, china,
glassware, rugs, silverware, paintings:
highest cash prices paid. Call MURRAY.
Taylor 3333
BEDROOM, dining room or contents of
home; will pay cash. We do moving, stor
age. TA. 2037; after 7 p.m.. GE. 1416. 30*
BEDROOM SUITES, dining room suites,
living room pieces, rugs, gas ranges and
porch furniture in any amount * anted at
once; will pay Highest possible prices.
No matter what you have to seil, please
ceil today MR ORADY. NA 2620.
OR. 3104. —2
CAMERAS, all types, movie equipment, all
accessories bought at highest prices BREN
NER PHOTO CO. 933 Pa ave n.w.,
opposite Dept of Justice. RE. 2434
CHILDREN’S old time ice cream parlor
metal table and chairs. RA. 9287. —1
CLOTHING—Top prices paid for men's
used clothing, typewriters, musical instru
SALES. 100 Florida ave. n.w., MI. 0914.
Open evenings. Will call to gite estimate.
CLOTHING—Highest prices paid for men’s
used clothing. BERMAN S. 1122 7th st.
n.w. ME. 3767 Open eves Will call
DIAMONDS, silver, gold. We pay highest
prices. Ask for MR. OPPENHEIMER. 917
F st. n.w.
DIAMONDS, old gold and silver; diamond
watches and discarded lewelry Cash paid |
ERNEST BURK. INC . 614 13th st n.w
FURNITURE—Your entire household con- '
tents or odd pieces: highest prices. S. E.
FURN. EXCH.. 210 7th st. s.e . AT. 0585.
FURNITURE and household effects of the
better kind wanted at once; will buy
suites, odd pieces or entire home. Please
call today. MR. GRADY. NA. 2620.
FURNITURE—Will ouy entire contents or
odd pieces; best cash prices; buying and
selling for over 50 years. We do moving.
HOPWOOD'S. 8tb and K sts. n.w., ME
FURNITURE—House, apartment or single
piece; highest cash price (we do moving)
MI. 9778.
FURNITURE—Household goods, marble-top
pieces, china, bric-a-brac, cut glass: high-,
est cash prices. RE 7904. DE. 2019. 19*;
FURNITURE, bedroom and dinette set.
elec, refrigerator; also real good piano.
Call evening, RE. 3672. 30*
FURNITURE W ANTED—Maple bedrms .
mahog. din. rm„ secretary, mahog. chests,
etc. Taylor 2112. —30
GOLD — Bring your old gold, silver, plating,
teeth, discarded jewelry We pay cash
A KAHN INC.. 55 yea" at 935 F st. n.w.
PIANOS, grand, upright, spinet or apt
size, any size, any condition; will pay
cash. SL. 5264.
CO. pays highest cash prices Phone NA
4870 alter 10 a m for courteous appraisal
PIANO, grand; also spinner washing ma
chine and sewing machine. Call WI. 5618.
SEWING MACHINES—We buy all types;
repair hemstitching. buttons covered,
pleating. 917 F st.. RE 1900. RE. 2311.
STOVES, for heating and cooking; also Ice
boxes. ACME STOVE CO. 1011 7th st
n w NA 8952
OLD-FASHIONED picture framei, clocks:
also antique 'urn . -chine, firearms, curios,
relics, etc EM. 4205 or WO. 6500.
AM INTERESTED in buying silverware,
any condition. China, bric-a-brac, old
1335 G st n.w.. Sterling 7496
W’ANTED—Better grade of household fur
niture. antiques and office furniture. NA
5529; evenings. GE 6447.
WE PAY TOP PRICES for old gold, silver,
jewelry, diamonds, firearms, men's cloth
ing. luggage photographic equipment, mu
sical instruments, engineering instruments!
and what have you? Will call. MAX
ZWEIG SONS. 937 D st. n.w. ME. 9113.
W’ANTED—Radios and appliances, any
condition. 2628 14th st. n.w., DE. 7633.
in household furniture and furnishings.
PI. 8236 or LI. 6823._—30_
ROTO TILLER. Rotoette. Choremaster gar
den tractors; Toro mowers; free demon
strations: farm machinery, trucks, etc.:
bargain prices. CENTRAL MOTOR CO.
320<» Lee hwy.. Arlington. CH 7000
DEMO. ROTOTILLER. new warranty. $100
off list price CH. 7000. CENTRAL MOTOR
CO.. 3200 Lee hwy . Arlington
care of trees and removal; also general
landscaping SH. 6760. —2
other pests now: immed service. Call J. H.
BURTON. WA 1287. —5
SUMMER SALE, new equipment—Mc
Cormick Deering 8 ft. or 10 ft. power
binders, wagon with steel grain box, ma
nure loaders. 3-bottom. 12-in. plow; hand
or power lift cultivators for Farmail A.
tractor corn planters, pull type, bulldozer
blades and scoops for cub. A. H. cr M.
milking machine, cream separators, milk
cooler, gas engines, binder and baler twine,
post-hole diggers fo>- h. o- m.. fuller
steel grain bins. 1.000-bushel cana(ity;
Butler stock water tanks, all sizes; Lavelle
elevators, all sizes, for grain and hey:
New Holland bale loaders, cement mixers,
so'i pulverizeers. coin shell'**.-, hammer
mills and saws. Cobey and Converto wag
on *railers; Lerov lime spreaders New
Idea transplanters, disc plows, all sizes;
Farquhar and Myers .-prayers, hay tools,
pumps. Ireland hoists, air compressor s
Mall chain saws, bow saws, circular saws,
drills and olanes We carry a full line
of soraying materials. Pestrov and 2-J-D
for commercial sprayers. AiALONEY’S.
INC. 8126 Ga. ave , Silver Spring. SH.
BALER, new Holland, twine-tle. pickup.
2 yrs. old: can bb seen in operation dur
ing hay season at Mt. Rocky Farm be
tween Chantilly and Centreville. Va, —4
cylinder: complete with all belts; good
running condition; $400; i traction My
ers vegetable sprayer, 4 row, $100; new
hay delivered from farm, priced accord
ing to amt. desired Ashton 6241. —5
FLAGSTONE WALKS, terrace*, fireplace*,
rock gardens, fishponds, retaining walls,
pipe drainage; all kinds of cement work.
F MARCUCCIO. Rt. 4. Horners lane.
Rockville. Md. Phone Rockville 3688. —2
Planet. Jr., prices. $187 and up MA
LONEYS. INC. 8126 Ga. ave., 8ilver
Spring. SH 3330.
COMBINING—Cuts and threshes barley,
wheat and oats in one operation; available
in vicinity of McLean, Fairfax Co.. Va.
OW. 6233. —27
TOPSOIL, fill dirt. sand, manure, b.ue
stone and road gravel, by yard, ton or
load. SH. 5110. FR. 5578. —6
and beautv into your home Come, phone
or write us BEHNKE NURSERIES. Wash -
Ralt.o. blvd . Beltsville. Md. Price list
available. Phone TO. 6284. Open Sun
davs. —6
TOPSOIL—$8 for 26 bu . delivered any
where in District. TR. 3520 or FR. 6041.
HATFIELD of timothy and clover: may be
had free for cutting. Rockville 3586 or
DOGS AND CATS boarded week ends or
longer: air-conditioned kennels: pickup
service, veterinary supervision. BIDE-A
WEE KENNELS. 4216 Conn ave WO. 0224
COCKER SPANIELS, at Cheerv Hill: qual
ity puppies, to discriminating purchasers.
WI. 3064 —20
GREAT DANE PUPPIES, fawn, or brindle.
female AKC; very reasonable. PORTER.
WA 6027. —29
KITTENS, cute, housebroken: also mother
cat; want good homes MI 6806 —1
black. AKC reg MR BRAND: day. RE.
6700, Ext. 71406: eves. AD. 8700. Ext.
238. —30
KERRY BLUE TERRIER puppies; beauti
ful. healthy, show quality; 2 mos.. AKC
reg. TA. 6493. —
KITTENS—Free to a good home; blue
male and black female. Each 12 weeks
old. Call Jackson 1539-M after 6 p.m.
istered champion field trial and hunting
nock. WC. 8666
KITTENS, pedigreed chincilla. 6 wks old.
UN 8743. —30
Belgian blood, beautiful, white; reasonable.
WA. 8069. —1
DACHSHUND PUPPY, male. 8 wks. old.
litter reg. AKC Call Owens 1719. —1
COCKER SPANIELS, golden red. two 9
mo. puppies, one male, one female. AKC
reg and distemper inoculated: sired by
Champion Porter's Red Rogue. $100 each.
Phone MRS. PORTER. Vienna 385 or FA.
2953. —5
BOXERS, ch sired, typy. flashy, fawn
pups both sexes, cropped, docked, in
oculated: ready to go Laurel 396-R. —5
GREAT DANE PUPPIES, ready to go Also
older DareS: all AKC reg Priced $50 up.
ship breeding: pet and show specimens:
$5o and up Gaithersburg 685-J. —2
COCKER SPANIEL.% black, male. 1 vr old.
AKC registered; beat cash offer. WA. 3494.
COCKER SPANIEL, black, female. 6 weeks:
very beautiful, lively and affectionate. $25.
North 9225. —1
male. registered: black or tan. Call after
6:30 o m. weekdays FA 7 547
watchdog: needs a new home. Also a
pretty medium-sixe male, white with a
little tan. has fluffy coat: part collie. SL.
MIXED POLICE DOG; affectionate female,
needs a new home; will pay for spaying.
SL 6709.
SIAMESE KITTENS, male and female, want
a_good_home_together._Box 333-G. Star
AN'DIEONS. Are tools, screen, and all lire-;
place rood* repaired and reflnlehed D L.
■ROMWXLL. flO 12th at. n.w.. Id. 1134.
rt>>V AND FIRST CALF! 1-month-old
htifer lor sale, rentle fasy milker, ttsted.
call Ashton 4133. —30
FAMILY COW. tutrnsty trot, rood milkfr:
*125. Box 160. Chflttnham rd . 2‘s ml.
from Clinton. Md. H. A. DENNISON. —1
FOR SALE—Htah-rrade Hampshire ewes
and lambs. EM. 3880. C. P. 8. 3417
Lowell st. n.w.
OCR PEKOVY new duck forages, homing
saving feeding cost select eggs, great lay
ers: exclusively ours. SL. 892,.*
JAMK8 FEED STORE. 619 K st. n.w.. MB.
0089. Baby chicks, feed and poultry sup
GEESE, about 60 head, for breeding
flock: some Emden, some Toulouse; $276
for flcek. Call Ashton 41.33. —30
cenaed Cub: S80 down Per share. ALLEN
SprlngOeld Airport. ALex. 8342. —2
Hyde Field. SP. 0888._ —6
! A-1 CONDITION, guaranteed used out
j board motors, also 1948 Evinrudes with
latest advancements: old motors taken in
! trade Evinrude motors to rent by day
or week. .Fishing supplies. 'SOUTHEAST
SALES CO . 737 11th st K
! FISHING PARTIES, day or night. Chesa
peake Bay. Herring Bav. Gooses For
reservation, call CAPT. A. V. KINO. WA.
i 4192
MARINE SUPPLIES, paints, rope, flrfe ex
tinguishers. outboard motors. Scripps ma
i rine engines. 60 to 300 h.p.; Ashing tackle.
st. s e LI. 4493.
eves, and week ends; 2 modern boats.
1033. —8
CHRIS-CRAFT, 34-ft. express cruiser,
powered with two 130-h.p. Chrls-Craft
engines, lux system, searchlight, wind
shield wipers and many other extras; this
is a new boat. Call, wire or write J. T.
HERBST. Great Bridge. Va. Telv 2407. —3
ALUMINUM and stainless steel boats. 14.
15 and 16 ft. sizes; will not leak or sink;
j reasonably priced. COLIE TRAILER CO..
8200 Ga. ave n.w. SL. 8202.
rentals; trade-ins accepted. SHERIDAN
; OUTBOARD RENTAL CO.. 6135 Georgia
! ave.. GE. 3040. —2
OUTBOARD MOTORS for rent, by day or
week: 1*6-10 h.p. SHERIDAN OUTBOARD
RENTAL CO., 6136 Georgia ave.. GE
; 3040. —9
1917 CRUIS ALONG, all clean, ready to
go: 62-h.p. Sea Jeep engine, head, sink,
icebox, stove, 2 bunks. See at 800 Maine
ave. 30*
25-FT. CABIN CRUISER. Marine engine,
stove, sink. head, sleeps 2. Just painted;
$750. SL 5102. —30
25-FT. SKIP JACK, 13 U 779: ready for
use. with new sail and cover: hauled out
and repainted May: equipped with lights.
. anchor. 3-h.p outboard, etc. Cabin sleeps
two. comfortable for family: built 1941.
Best offer over $1,200. At Sailing Marina.
Call OW. 3643 or AD. 1014. —5
ROW BOAT and outboard motor, nearly
new : $225. See MR CHARLES TIPPETT
i after 4 :30 p.m., 234 8th st. s.e 1*
CANOE. 16-ft. Pen Yan. with paddles;
i used less than a year. Call OL. 3373 after
i 6 p.m. . —1
RUNABOUT. 16-ft., v-bottom, marine ply
wood with 16-h p. Johnson outboard; both
less than 1 yr old, excel, cond.; speeding.
Call TE. 5615. —5
16-FT. OLD TOWN; $165. DU. 6822.
j —30
: RICHARDSON, cabin. 25 ft., A-1 condi
tion; stainless steel galley, bathroom, ra
I dio. Terms, $3,500 Adams 4975. 2*
! BF.ST BUY—16-h p Johnson, used .14
hrs.. speed runabout and aluminum surf
board; owner trans. OWNER. TE. 5629.
OUTBOARD MOTOR for sale, postwar
Firestone. 3V6 h.p. WO. 6061.
MUST SACRIFICE—Express cruiser. 1947.
mhg.. rleeps 2. Chrys er Crown motor, all
accessories. TR. 5807. —2
r g., flying bridge, dual control, built
1939. all mah. const., s. to s.; phone. 3
fishing chairs. C02 system, elec, bilge
pump and blower, stainless galley, sleeps
5 on lower berths. Boat now at Windsor's
Gulf Dock in Deale. Md. Asking $9,500.
TE. 6452 weekdays, eves. 5-6 p.m. —5
TRADE 1947 Truscott express cruiser,
mhg.. lor inboard speedboat, in A-1 shape.
TR 5807. —2
conditioner, 2’6-ton GE. cost $1,200 new.
never been used, for small cabin boat,
value about same. SIDNEY HERWOOD,
EX 8843. WO. 3243. —5
Zephyr, about 7 hours. $140. Also some
Ashing tackle Emerson 3091. —2
new’, never used; small twin. Will sell for
cost. TA. 0433 —2
I.VIO" FAST RUNABOUT white-cedar hull
partially completed; may be completed for
inboard or outboard motor. SL. 4589.
22-FT. SEA SKIFF, 90-h.p. Gray motor:
lust, reflnished. Located Hartge Yacht
Yard. Galesville. Md. WI. 5632. —2
SPEEDBOAT, 16-ft. runabout, excel, condi
tion; sacrifice, $500. TE. 6900, Ext. 150,
evenings. —2
| 13-FT. CENTURY, excellent condition,
with 17-h.p. Evinrude outboard motor;
with fire extinguisher, light, steering wheel.
I cable, life preservers, oars, rollers for
, boat and carrier for motor; all for $500.
i Can see at 5007 13th st. n.e. —2
OUTBOARD MOTOR. 3'2-h p. Waterwitch:
1 automatic starter: $65. Also 2 other used
; motors. SH. 6846. MR. COLIE.
ENJOY YOUR VACATION on 34-ft. cabin
'cruiser: fully equipped: sleeps 5; drive it
yourself, charter for only $100 per week.
Call COOPER. Greenbelt 3486. evenings.
i JOHNSON SEA HORSE, 10-h p.: just over
hauled; $155. 12' boat, $125. LU. 2551
between 6 and 8 p m.
20-FT. MAH. SPEEDBOAT, reflnished:
ready to go; good fishing boat. AD. 2055.
I 1123 CLIFTON ST. N.W.—Single or dou
ble. well-furn. 3rd-fl. rm. Ige. closet, next
I to bath and phone; *2 block 14th st. car
I line; $30 single or $40 double. CO. 5060.
j CLEVELAND PARK—3421 34th pi —2 Ige.
! cool, well-furn. 2nd-fl. cor. rms, next
bath, shower, det. home: good transp.;
maid service; $10 wk. ea. EM. 0371.
6013 6th ST. N.W'.—Front bedroom, cool
i and nicely furnished; detached house;
share bath with 2 adults; 1 block from
! buses: near street cars, theaters and
shopping center; restricted. RA. 2455.
3111 18th ST. N.W.—Newly dec. rooms.
Singles. $28 and $33.50; doubles, $45;
twin beds: men or couple. •
1360 PERRY PL. N.W.—Small room to
rent. $6 per week, for young lady. AD.
8202. •
3172 11th ST. N.W.—2nd floor front:
twin bnds. near bath: 1 or 2 employed
nondrinking people; $8-$lO week. DU
0070. —2
fortable all summer. Each rm. with GE
air-conditioner, running water, near new
showers. Sgle. rms.. $15 and $17.50
weekly; dble . $17.50 and $21 weekly.
PRINCE KARL HOTEL, 1901 K st. n.w.
DUPONT CIRCLE AREA. 2019 N st. n.w.
Sgle rm. next bath, $25 and $30. Call
DU. 5533.
3*07 ADAMS MILL RD. N.W.—Master
bedrm. overlooking Rock Cr. Pk. Gentile
home; man or emp. cpl. DE. 6381. —2
1320 QUINCY ST. N.W.—Room with
lavatory, extension phone. Adult gentile
family; gentleman; nondrinker. TA. 9767.
CONN AVE. (1 blk west), 2919 28th st.
n.w.—Rm., semipvt. bath, gentile home;
gentleman only. AD. 4129. —6
DUPONT CIRCLE. 1735 Riggs Pi—Small
single studio room. $23 per mo.; clean,
quiet house; references required.
FARMINGTON HOTEL, 1624 18th at.—
Shady streel. large cool rooms; daily maid
service; 24-hr. switchboard service; phone
in room; doubles. $16 wk. up. DE. 4750.
GAYTONIA, 1513 16th st. n.w—Clean,
comfortable, electric fans; $2 single. $3
double: transients only. 30*
EBBITT HOTEL, 10th and H sts n.w —
Single room and bath. $2.50 per day;
double room and bath. $1 per day. Lower
rates in our annex immediately adjoining
the'hotel. Apply manager. NA. 5034.
HOTEL HAWTHORNE, 2134 G st. n.w —
Single and doub.e rooms, always running
water, plenty of baths, showers; weekly
rates Quoted. —
DUPONT CIRCLE AREA. 1702 Que st. n.w.
—Twin beds. Venetian blinds. 3 windows
to front, adl. bath: $46 mo. Call CO
6800. ask for MR GOODMAN
1303 BUCHANAN 8T.—Singles and dou
bles. nicely furnished; kitchen, laundry
privileges; close to transp. RA. 5616. —3
WHITESTONE HOTEL, downtown, across
from Statler. cor. I6th and L n.w.—Daily
and weekly rates; single, double and fam
ily rooms; children accepted. RE. 0442. 3*
NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE, 1601 21st st.
n.w—Washington’s most desirable guest
house: nice double rooms: excellent meals;
vacancies for men and girls. HO. 7300.
ALTUfltAS HOTEL, 1509 16th ft. n.w —
Single and double rms.. $1.60 per night
and up: dining rm. in bldg NO. 8145.
BOLIVIAN CLUB. 1633 16th at. n.w.—Re
fined businesswomen; doubles, front, mod
ern. pvt. bath; also singles-clean, beaut,
furn. —30
THE JAMES. 1721 P st. o w.—Large iron?
double rm . twin beds; laundry facilities,
$27: eirls only. DU. 949B. —30
$50; nr. Dupont Circle Call DU. 0475
until 3 p.m.; CO. 0815 after 0 p.m. —4
COLUMBIA RD.. vicinity 1901 Kalorama
rd. n.w.—Lge. dble. rm.. next bath with
shower. HO. 1 573. —4
mod. apt., gentile home. 2 exposures;
unlim. phone, semipvt. bath, shower, excel,
transp . no other roomers; refs. Call EM.
3789 after 7 p m. —30
2019 PARK RD. N.W.—Room with twin
beds and porch, next to bath: some cook
ing $22 50 mo. each. AD. 9729 —4
2 lge. closets, private shower bath and
phone ext . one person Call TA. 4236.
2620 WOODLEY 8T. N.W.—Double rm..
private home, near Shoreham. 1 block
from Conn. ave. and crosstown buses: $20.
DE 1500. —30
1131 FAIRMONT ST. N.W.—1 lge. front
rm suitable for couple. 2 ladies or 2
gentlemen: $25 ea monthly. 1 single rm.,
$25 monthly. 1 single rm.. $30 monthly,
bath and shower on same flr : maid and
telephone service. Call AD. 2974 or
DE. 975<r. —30
1112 UNDERWOOD ST. N.W.—Large dou
ble room, cross ventilation. $40 for two;
private home GE 6670. —30
1015 N ST. N.W’.. Apt. 500—Cheerful
1 h k. room; Fngidaire; young couple;
$42.50 per mo. 1*
1802 WYOMING AVF.. N.W.—Large double
room, twin beds, next to bath; c t.h :
excel transp AD 9895. 30*
HOTEL P\RK HOUSE, 909 13th st. n.w . 2
blks Greyhound; sgls . $li»: dbls.. $14 wk
trans. rms . $1.50-$3 night. EX. 95BB
1863 WYOMING AVE. N.W.—Double rm
recently redecorated: quiet employed per
son. no drinking. DU 0B11. —30
THE CHURCHILL, i 740 P st n.w.—Single
rooms. $7.50-$ 10 weekly: also twin-oed
rms. maid serv. $10-$12 wkly. NO 9808
2110 R ST. N.W., for men—8ingle or
double front room, near bath, large closet.
$40 month.
LARGE ROOM in private home semi-pri
vate bath; half block to bua; refined girl.
wo. upsi. T —■*
|BOOMS FUBN.—Nwtfcwwt. (Cow*.).
PRINCE KARL HOTEL. I'901 K st. n.w —
air conditioned, all new furniture with or
without private bath; 24-hour switchboard
service phone In every room. EX 7725
1119 4th ST. N.W.—Delightful, cool, single
front room; conv. transp. by bus or car.
rm ; 2nd fl.; after 5:30 p.m.; $30 a month
RE. 9222. —30
1429 PARKWOOD PL. N.W.—2 single
rms.: empl. gentlemen; pvt. home; $27 and
$35: 14th st. cars and 16th st. bus. DU
8102. —30
2147 r ST. N.W.—Air-cooled studio rm :
kit. privll . elec, refer., shower, couple:
$20. Single hall rm.. $6. EX. 0653. —t
NO. S ADAMS ST. N.W.—Bedrm. for
gentleman; next to bath; conv. to No.
Capitol carltne; adjoining porch: $25 mo.
Call bet. 2 and 7 p.m. NO. 4837. —30
LGE. SINGLE and dble. front rm., 1724
Lamont at. n.w.. »» block from Mt. Pleas
ant car and shopping center; unusually
nice furnishinga. DE 2481. —1
2714 CATHEDRAL AVE. N.W., off Conn.—
Attractive 2nd-floor room, with acreenea
porch, next bath. AD. 4795. —2
1402 14th ST. N.W.—Convenient to trans
portation: clean comfortable ateeping rm ;
men only: regs. rates. HO. 0563. —2
929 P ST. N.W.. R1TZ HOTEI—Dble rms.:
*20 wklv.: downtown in center of business
and shopping district: complete hotel serv
ice —9
1621 MASS. AVE. N.W.—Large dble. rm.
nicely furn.. twin beda, running water:
nice single room; S8.50-S10 wklv.; good
transportation^ —2
NICE L.H.K. ROOM for two or three;
new home: phone privileges: near bus.
SL. 3348. —2
DUPONT CIRCLE. 2111 S st.—Double
room, newly decorated, nicely furn.; clean
beds: large closet: $6 each per week. —3
SHOREllAM AREA. 3002 32nd n.w.; det.
heme, porches, auiet rm.; semipvt. bath:
Christian gentleman; $40. WO. 1527 —1
tive bed-sitting room, in a modern, gentile
restricted apt. house. Vi blk. from Conn,
ave. buses; renting for $50 g month. Call
WO. 0668 for further Information. —30
- MT. PLEASANT—Lge. front room with
private bath and shower: adjoining sun
porch: 3 girls or 3 gentlemen; double room;
2 alrls or 2 gentlemen. MI. 9278. —1
1833 PARK RD.—Excellent location for
young man; lovely clean rms.. tile shower;
good transp.; $25 mo. DU. 9874 —1
1617 R. I. AVE. N.W—1 blk. from May
flower. Nice triple rm. with private bath;
also double room. —1
721 INGRAHAM ST. N.W—Clean, well
furn. single rm.; $20 mo. GE. 6116. —30
2149 CALIF. ST., west of Conn. ave.—
Lge. dbl. rm . 3 windows, conv. location;
$12.50 weekly. NO. 9732 or WI. 9675.
1633 IRVING ST. N.W—Large Cicely
furn.. Southern expos.. Frigidalre, $42 50
mo. CO. 3178. —1
POTOMAC HOTEL. 800 18th st n.w . NA.
9216 — Complete hotel service; rooms,
available by the day or week. —3u
608 POWHATAN PL. N.W.—Gentleman:
sober; studio basement rm., showers, ga
rage: near express bus. TA. 6285. —I
3529 KANSAS AVE. N.W—Large master
bedroom, private bath: 2 girls; convenient
transp. etc,. $50. RE. 6331. 5*
1801 CALVERT ST. N.W—Front corner
rm.. twin beds, porch, lge closet, ore kit :
2 lefined middle aged ladles. NO 9159.
3816 6th ST. N.W—Nicely furrHsiied
room, 2 exposures, semipvt bath; express
bus: gentlemen. GE 0283. —5
2009 KALORAMA RD. N.W.—Clean, coo!.
2nd fl. rm.; lge. closet; twin-beds; reason
able. NO. 7039. _]
1113 3rd ST. N.W.—Clean, cozy sgl. rm..
pract. new furn. Plenty of hot water; pvt.
home; for refined person. TA. 2661. —1
.1213 12th ST. N.W.—Lge front rm. for
gentleman: all conven., $30 mo. Call GE.
1828 LAMONT ST. N.W.—Large cool
room; twin beds, maid service, laundry
privileges: near transportation —4
BILTMORE HOUSE. 1821 Biltmore st—
Pleasant neighborhood, convenient to shop
Dir.g and transportation: daily maid serv
ice. From $20. DU. 9427 or CO. 8769.
1506 MONROE ST. N.W. — One double
room and one single room; gentlemen
only. AD. 7310. .—1
1127 MASS. AVE. N.W—single, no night
workers, gentleman; $6 weeklv —3(1
-1715 QUE ST. N.W—Downtown, a fine
Pvt. home, lge. 2nd fl. front, shower and
phone. —3d
DOWNTOWN. 1104 Vermont ave. nw —
Comfortable room. Drlvate bath maid
service, private entrance; *15 weekly ME
2128 19th ST. N.W—Lge. front dbleT"rm..
next bath. 2 gentlemen, conv. transp.: $20
mo. each. —1
H93A 7th ST. N.W., New Hampshire vie .
lge. dble. cor. rm.. twin beds, dble expos
ure. suitable for *2 girls, laundrv privileges,
excel, transp ; $22.50 each per mo. TA.
.’1200. 1
CONN. AVE., near Mayflower Hotel—
Studio-bedroom, with dressing rm., pvt.
bath, foyer, separate entrance, in pent
house. beautifully furnished. complete
service like hotel, unlimited local phone:
1 or 2 gentlemen or working ladies: $125
per mo. RE 7951. —i
tMtv¥ i HAst CIRCLE—Two single rms.
for gentlemen, in large private home: $10
wk. each EM. 1577 near bus stop. —1
1219 EUCLID ST. N.W’.^-Lge. dble. rm..
semipvt. bath, clean and comfortable, un
lim. phone Call DE. 5051 after 5 pm.
1337 NEBRASKA AVE.—Single rm. in pvt.
home, next to bath and close to transp.
Ordway 2490. —30
NR. TENLEY CIRCLE, 3708 Alton pi. n.w.
!—Well turn. sgle. rm. in Christian home.
No smckinR. OR. 2848. —30
3819 MASS. AVE. N.W’.—Corner front rm •
semipvt bath. Good transp. Gentleman
only. WO. 8523. —1
118 LAMONT ST. N.W’.—Single room: em
ployed gentleman, conv. to car and busline.
TA 2850. —1
1030 NICHOLSON ST. N.W’.—Extra lge
twin bedroom, large couch, new furniture.
*two exposures, next to Rock Creek, *2 blk.
from bus. GE. 1604. —30
3933 llth ST. N.W’.—Nicely furn. l.h.k
rm. for sgle. or cple : double bed: newly
decor.: oh carline; $J0 weekly. —1
1101 QUINCY ST. N.W.—Pvt. home, sgle.
i room, gentleman, conv. transp.; $25. TA.
3527. —1
1714 N ST. N.W.—Double room for gentle
men; twin beds. lge. closets, maid service,
conv. transp.; $0o mo. Can be seen 9 to
5 —3
DOUBLE ROOM, twin beds, next to bath.
1 porch, or single room with double bed
CO. 0840 after 5 p m. —2
i 719 J9th ST. N.W.—Lge. rm. with twin
beds, porch, adj. lav. and basin; gentle
man. DI. 1215. —2
: 1322 L ST. N.W.—Downtown, single rms.
i for gentlemen; $5 per wk. up. —2
1031 Q ST. N.W.—Cool, comfortable single
rms., $0 up; also double rm., reasonable.
CLEVELAND PARK—Lge. cool, 3 windows,
master bedrm.. insulated home, semipvt
bath, gentleman: $35. EM. 0340.
2633 CONN. AVE. N.W.—Bachelor s quar
ters. maid service. $50 month.
MT. PLEASANT—Single front room for 1
i person. CO. 5355. —2
LOR PEOPLE who like a homelike atmos
phere. we have a few double rms avail ,
starting at $15 per wk. KENMORE HO
TEL. .108 16th st. n.w. —6
CHEVY CHASE. D. C.—Lge. master bed
rin., pvt bath, 3 closets, pvt. home, maid
service: l blk. to Conn, ave.; 1 gentleman
only $50. EM 9551. —2
1831 S ST. N.W., Shelburne, Apt. No. 204
—Corner room next bath; young man.
gentile; $30 per mo. Call after 6 p ro. !•
1732 CHURCH ST. N.W., between P and
I Que - sts.—Single room, next to bath,
i shower; gentlemen preferred. CO. 0734. •
SCOTT CIRCLE. 1521 R. I ave. n.w.—De
I sirable rm . adj. bath; also sgle ; every
iconv.: home: transients considered. 2*
! bedrm.. pvt. bath. lge. closet. 4 windows’,
for gentleman; $45 mo. RA. 7947. —1
ON CONN. AVE.—Pvt., lge. rm., lge. closet,
next bath, in apt.; elevator service: avail,
iimmed.; for empl. lady or cple.; all conv.
for congenial person; no other roomers;
gentile home. After 7 p.m , DE. 4869. —2
3109 18th ST. N.W.—Lee. front double
room, 4 windows, next bath; private home;
$45 single, $55 double; refs, required.
MI. 0552. —2
1108 PERRY PL. N.W.—Lge. single corner
rm.. 2 windows, ext. phone; nr. shower
bath; $25 mo. DU 0090.
1616 18th ST. N.W.—For employed cou
ple. master bedroom with large closet,
dressing room. 4 windows. DE. 1600,
Apt 205. MRS SHELDON. •
NEAR WARDMAN PARK. 2842 27th st
n.w'.—Comfortable room, next to bath, un
limited phone; private home; ladies.
PLTWORTH VIC., 2 nice lge. rms.. near
#*\cel. transp.: no other roomers. Phone
GE. 6012 or GE. 7684 —2
007 1th ST. N.W.—Large, very cool room,
nicely lurn.. 2 closets, dble. innersp. bed.;
no transp problems; $3o. DI. 3270. 30*
GENTLEMEN ONLY—1)720 R I. ave n.w.
Large double room, twin beds, running
water, available until Oct. 1. —1
GAY’S Guest House—1720 R. I. ave. n.w.
Beautiful spacious room/. $2 each, and up
daily; special weekly rates; transients
only. EX. 0144. —5
DUPONT CIRCLE—2015 O st—Sublet
for 2V? mos. Lge. cool rm . l.h.k.. refgr.,
running water, piano. Gentleman pre
ferred. . —1
CORNER RM., 1st fl apt., privileges, to
settled ady; refs.; on No. 30 carline; tele
phone Emerson 5022. —2
GLOVER PARK—Lge rm.. pvt. bath, near
bus: avail, now. 2328 39th st. n.w. Call
Emerson 0095. —2
rooms, men and women. $20 .to $25 per
month: with board. $40 per month —3
PRIVATE ENTRANCE; close in off 14th
st. carline newly decor . ist-fl. room: $35
single; $40 double. 1424 Belmont st n.w.
DUPONT CIRCLE—Large living-bedroom,
maid service. Venetian blind?, semipvt.
bath. $46 CO. 5932 or LI. 5203. 1733
19th st. n.w. —1
CAVALIER HOTEL, in Apt 526—Clean,
attractively furnished room adj bath;
convenient transp.: gentleman. $40.
Conn, ave —Nicely furn rm., semipvt.
bath: gentleman, WO 9152. —2 -
1723 EYE ST. N.W.—Large, comfortable,
dble. room. $7 wk. ea.: e so dble. or single
rm . pvt. bath. $15 wk. ■<—5
1535 N. H. AVE. N.W., The Panamanian—
Single rm. for lady only; $28.50 mo.;
kit privil. —5
I 150 OIRARD ST. N.W.. The Palmer
House—Very nice, comfortable, cool, sin
gle room: $4 wk. or $16 mo. —5
1751 QUE ST. N.W.. The Kennert—Com
fortable. cool rooms: $7.50 and $10 weekly.
2201 MASS. AVE. N.W.. The Argyle—
Large front t.-b. rooms, running water and
phone in room: $55 mo —5
1030 17th ST. N.W.—Large, twin beds,
phone, laundry, grill privil.: also young
man to share twin-bed rm. with another
young man *—1
1703 COLUMBIA RD.—Large cool room
idry.. cooking; Mt. Pleasant car; all-night
elev. CO. 4386 for appointment
13th AND EMERSON—Basement rm . light,
airy, clean, nicely furn, suitable lor man
GE 8500.
fl front, pvt. Christian home: c.h w : gen
tleman only; $6 weekly. After 6 pm.
GE 1364.
1131 N. ST.—Available July 1—Large
room private bath. $55. room, semi- j
pvt bath. S5o. Gentlemen. ME 1490 •
DOWNTOWN. 1317 R I av* —Newly fur
nished front twin-bed rm quiet, refined
home: *5.50 each. 7331.
ble room, next to bath. OR. 6391, MRS.
NR. DUPONT CIRCLE—Nice double room,
1st floor, couple. Phone CO. 2543 —2
2885 ONTARIO RD. N.W.—In completely
remodeled home, vacancy for gentleman
clean room with running water, semipri
vate bath and shower; Mt. Pleas, car stop;
J25 mo CO. 9728 __ —
331 IRVING ST. N.W.—Nico largo room
for amyloytd lady.
> •
1 ATTRACTIVE, cool room for a refined
settled lady: share bath with 1 other
home privileges, pleasant surroundings
for summer or permanent; 1 blk. of J6th
st. bus. RA. 6683. —2
1217 QUINCY ST. N.W.—For 1 or 2 nice
young men; not Just a rm.. a delightful
liv. rm and incl. porch, bedrm., awnings;
adj., almost pvt. bath with shower; tele
phone connected 2nd fl ; home privil ;
home newly decorated; family of 2. Bet.
14th and Ga. ave. carline. RA. 6204.
1330 21st ST. N.W.—Single rooms, 2nd
floor, studio beds: newly decorated; $30;
girls or bus. women. HO. 0308. —2
1479 HARVARD ST. N.W.—Attractive front
master bedrm.. twin beds, newly furn., next
bath; pvt. family; gentlemen pref. AD.
1991. —2
furnished; employed couple. DU. 2886.
COLORED—025 R ST. N.W.—Large furn
front room for employed couple or two
men. 30*
large front room, suitable for married
couple or 2 gentlemen; $45 a month.
Phone NO. 0060 —1
couple; some privilege. Taylor 0420. —1
nished room for employed woman or man.
rooms Furnished—Northeast
THE MARfCK. 138 B st. n.e —Nicely fur
nished rms., laundry facilities; single.
$37.50; double, $27.50. TR. 9154. —30
MICH. PK., nr. Capitol View—Attrac. sgle.
bedrm. for wlman of refinement. Good
transp.: $30 mo DU. 2940. —1
1509 A ST. N.E.—Large front rm.. next
bath 1 blk. from carline. Call after 5 p.m.
TR. 8018 —1
GENTLEMAN desired, nice front rm., pvt.
bath, phone privil., in beautiful home; $45.
Our car will take you to see. Also other
rooms. NO. 8135. —1
3345 CLAY PL. N.E.—Nice room, next
bath, shower, kit. privils.; bus at corner.
TR 8679 —1
2021 BENMNG RD. — Two large light
housekeeping rooms, partly furnished, suit
able for couple. FR. 7716. —30
205 D ST. R.E., nr. Union Station—Clean,
newly painted, furn. rm., $8 week. W. J.
EARL FR 74^0 —2
LARGE FRONT ‘ ROOM and kitchenette
furnished. 515 H st. n.e. Franklin 8037.
25 R ST. N.E.—One lge. front rm., near
bath: *4 block off carline. HO. 8221. —4
1809 MONROE ST. N.E.—Two double
rooms: will make special price to em
ployed people DU. 2058.
132 C ST. N.E.—Single front rm.: !/a block
Ml. PI. car; phone privils.; $6 wkly. LU.
132 C ST. N.E.-L h k. for 2; elec, grill,
icebox, phone privils.; linens furn.; $12
wkly. LU 6133.
631 E ST. N.E.—Dble. rm. 4n air-cond.
home; kit. privil.; $12 week for cpie.
FR. 8144.
Govt, girls to share nicely furn. home with
2 other girls. AT. 6823. —1
Rooms for rent. CO. 0912. —1
COLORED—1020fi 6th ST. N.E.—Two
double rooms for rent, men only; no cook
ing. LU 6134. —5
COLORED—1020'* 6th ST. N.E.—Two
share rms.* for rent; men only. No cook
ihg LU._6134._r-o_
103 C 8T. S.E.—Single and double rooms;
$7 to $12 weekly; near Capitol; good
transportation. —1
711 KENTUCKY AVE. S.E.—Furn. rm.
for man. FR. 1678. call after 4:30. —30
425 6th ST. S.W.—Large front rm. for 2
employed adults; $35 mo. ME. 9811. —1
CLEAN. AIRY ROOM, next to bath: nicely
furn.; conv. to Navy Yard and transp.;
1 adult; $30. LI. 6443. —30
108 SEWARD SQUARE. S.E.—Small front
3rd floor room; suit, for empl. young man
of sober habits: $20 mo. —30
NICELY FURN. RM., next to bath, pvt
home; gentleman only; unlim. phone. Call
TW. 1150. . —5
LARGE FRONT ROOM, with or without
twin beds, unlim. phone; adults, non
drinkers. VI. 6632 after 6. —30
MASTER BEDROOM, twin beds. pvt. bath,
tel . also single room Excel, transp. Call
AX. 5468 or VI. 1386 after 6. —2
ARLINGTON—Furn. rm. for lady: phone,
laundry, kit. privils. Call CH. 3039 after
5:30 p.m. —30
and large kitchen: all utilities, refrigera
tion. furnished, with family of 2 adults.
Available July J. Call Falls Church 8014.
FURN. ROOM—Bus stop at door; man pre
ferred. Call OW. 6557. —30
DBLE. CORNER RM.. lge pvt. home. Chevy
Chase: $50 per mo.: with full housekeep
ing privil., $75 mo. 6303 Georgia st..
WI. 4310. —1
HIGH LOCATION In South Arlington; pvt.
home of adults; 1 or 2 gentlemen TE.
5963. 30*
ARLINGTON — Large bedrm., twin beds;
conv. to Pentagon and Wash. OW. 3716.
— 1
BETHESDA, MD.. convenient, to Naval
Hospital and Public Health—Nicely fur
nished room, twin beds, semiprivate bath,
with use of small room with grill and ice
box. Wisconsin 1161. •
2 FURN. RMS. with private bath, over
looking Potomac River. Alex. Overlook
6045. —2
261» S. KEMPER RD . Arlington—Double
room in pvt. home for employed, married
couple; $65 mo., home privil. GL. 8862.
■ - «4
ALEXANDRIA. Colonial ave—Double rm.,
excellent location; pvt family; reasonable.
Call after 5 p.m TE. 725J.
BETHESDA—Double room, private bath:
near transp. and Suburban Hospital. WI
5949 —2
LARGE DOUBLE RM., cooking facilities,
semipvt. bath and refgr., near busline; $60
per mo. CH. 2593.
BETHESDA—Bedrm and bath: absolute
privacy 3rd fl. of lovely home: cool
porches, lge. yard; good transp.; $40 a
mo OL. 7640. —2
FURN. ROOM, private bath and shower;
conveniently located in Bethesda. near
Wisconsin ave. Call WI. 9567.
LARGE CORNER RM., pvt bath, twin
beds: conven. transp.; gentlemen or empl.
couple; $30 gio each. TE. 0909.
3 UNFURN. RMS., with stove, no rfgr. or
sink; se'mipvt. bath; 560. 612 6th st n.e.
LOVELY ROOM: use of refrigerator; pre
pare breakfast; laundry; lady; references;
530 mo 3215 17th st. n.e._—2
JULY 15—L.h.k. or home privll.: reas ;
quiet n.w. pref ; empl. gentile woman.
Box 424-H, Star. •
WORKING MOTHER, in Silver Spring,
wants room In nice home with day care
for baby. Can furnish excellent reference*
Will pay up to 575 mo. _ Sligo 8203. —2
DOUBLE ROOMS, home-cooked meals TR.
9370. —3
and comfortable in Wash, this summer.
Spacious rms.; lge. porch; pleasant lawn
with trees; rms. to share with other con
genial people; excel, food, well cooked and
served; Va Llk. to Mt. Pleasant. Navy Yard
and L-2 transp. rts.; maid service; 545
mo. MI 9435. —30
CALVERT HOUSE. 1401 16th st. n.w.—
Well-appointed, residence for business peo
ple; double and share rooms; showers;
excellent food; switchboard. —1
i Hampshire ave. n.w.—Newly decorated
j studio-type rooms, double and single; excel
1 lent food; daily maid service, switchboard
service. Phone NO. 2260.
home-cooked meals; good transp., cars and
buses. TA 9796. —30
VACANCIES for men or women In lge.
dble. rm. with running water; also for
girl in rm with pvt bath: maid service
and excel food. Call RE. 3104. —30
WESLEY HALL—Cheerful rooms: enough
like a hotel to provide excellent dining
and room service, enough like a club to
insure congenial companionship; double
rooms and rooms to share for men and
wom*n. $4 8 to $57.50 mo. 1426 21st
st. n.w . NO. 9804 —2
CORNER FRONT RM . nicely furn clean,
excel, meals; 2 empl. people; restricted
690.; 8th st. n w . GE. 0682 —2
SINGLE. DOUBLE and to share, for men;
excellent meals: close in J409 I6th st.
n w . MI 2740. DU. 9207. - -2
2013 MASS. AVE. N.W.—Very desirable
home for young men and women; com
fortable, clean rms The very best balanced
meals. Daily maid service. Conv. loca
tion DE. 9798. —4
3011 14th ST. N.W.—Young man or wom
an or man and wife, cultured, empl.
Protestant, nonsmokers, can have rm. and
exceptional board in pvt. home. Phone
for details. CO 4580 —1
BEVERLY HALL—2131 Mass. ave. nw.
cor. 22nd st. n.w.—Rated one of Wash
ington's finest guest homes. Vacancies
for young ladles and gentlemen in ahare
rms.; pvt baths; 557.50 monthly with
2 meals daily, no singles. MRS. CLARK,
HO. 9363. —4
MOTHER WILL GIVE complete care to 6
to 8 yr. old child. Call HO 0346.
BASEMENT ROOM tor man: clean, light,
cool, 3 windows, semishower. 1 blk. off
16th st., also 14th st. car; $25. RA. 0744
VACANCY FOR GIRL; He house, just off
16th $t.. nr. Rock Creek Pk.; small group,
co-operative basis; full-time maid. 3401
Mt. Pleasant st n.w. CO 1791. -—2
1751 MASS. AVE. N.W'., Dupont Circle—
Double for men or girls, pvt bath; also
vacancies to share: excel, meals. —13
CLUB MASON. 1726 N. H. n.w. (Dupont
area)—Dbl. rms. for 2 ladies or men; also
dble. to share. It costs no more to live at
Wash 's most exclusive guesthouse. See
SINGLES. DOUBLES and triples: home
cooked food in a homelike atmosphere;
clean, cool, comfortable rooms; plenty of
closet space; all single beds with inner
spring mattresses, walking distance; 547.
NO. 4095. —6
RETIRED GENTLEMAN, nondrinker and
nonsmoker■ 570 or 575 month; 1st floor if
possible Box 439-H. Star. •
WANTED for app oximately the 15th of
July, reasonably d- iced board and room in
quiet, comfortable home in either Virginia
or Maryland, accessible to Washington
Please quote both weekly and monthly
rates Box 430-H. Star.2*
GIRL TO SHARE cool apt. with another;
twin beds, piano. Bendix. roof garden,
near G w . DI 9291 I *. t
tfl'IET. REFINED woman to ahare with
another, cool. i*rm.. downtown apt., twin
beds. *27.50, Plus Phone. ME. 3387
aft^r fi p.m . ■ *
I LARGE TWIN-BED ROOM for two. sale,
room: full kitchen orivil.: prefer respect
able. young men: convenient transporta
tion'. near i4th and Park rd : $30 double.
$35 single Ph. NO. 0339 or NO. pTil.
Branch 2038. 30
YOI'NG MAN—Share 5-room apt. with
3 student*, all conv . pvt. rm.; $31.25 mo.
EX. 1»2sT 2021 M st n.w 30*
YOUNG, sober. Jewish man to share
newly furnished apt. in Arlington; $50
mo GL 0988. 7 to I" p m —2
VICINITY ltlth $T.—Two girls to share
3-room apt., $37.50 each. MX. 02110.
ly lurn apt with another young man.
18th st n w. Hudson 8471. 8 to 9 p m
TWO REFINED GIRLS, to share furn
apt with one other girl. 4710 Nichols
ava. g.w.. Apt. 2-A. UJ. 8138. after^S.I
DO YOU WANT good, wholesome home
; cooked meals, with best of meets, chicken
i dinners and the best spaghetti? Try
NO. 4095. 1,111- - —6—
48 BRYANT 8T. N.W.—Bedrm.-Uv. rm.
combination, kit., semi-bath: everythin*
furn.. *65; no children. NO. 7685. —1
3408 BROWN 8T. N.W.—1 blk. 16th and
Newton Complete 2nd floor furnished.
Double living room, double bedrm . Ice.
kit.. j5*t. bath-shower, screened-ln porch!
all utilities: *100 mo MI. 0965.
1188 M ST. N.W.—2 rooms ad], bath!
cross vent.; attractive Icebox: emp. couple.
*50 par month. . . . *
FURNISHED sitting room and bedroom
with possibility of kitchen privileges in
privet* home vicinity of Falla Church. 8,5.
Responsible parties only. FA. 4657. *
DUFONT CIRCLE—Entire floor; 3 gentle
men. *I20i newlv furnished and decorated.
Avail. July 1. 2017 Q st. n.w —2
53(1 Srd 8T. N.E.—Furnished bedroom,
kitchen and semi-private bath. *60
lovely apts. Just converted—2nd floor aot.
1 consisting of 2 bedrooms, living room,
modern kitchen end modern tiled bath.
All utilities furnished. Completely fur
nished with modern, up-to-date furniture.
*100 monthly. ist-floor apt. consisting
of living room, dining room, bedroom,
modern tiled kitchen. summer kitchen,
full basement, bedroom, recreation room
in basement, also Bendtx washing machine
and built-in garage. All utilities furnished.
Convenient to stores and tt»h,Port*upm
*135 monthlv. Call Mr. Shifrln. rEJ
ave. n.w., NA. 7416 ...
653 MD. AVE. N.E.—1st floor, l.h k.
share bath. elec, refgr.; young married
employed couple: *13.50 week. —30
CHASTLETON HOTEL, 1701 16th at. n.w.
—Attractively furn. apts. with hotel serv
ice. maid service and linens: consistin*
of living room, bedroom, kitchen and bath,
porch; *165; with 2 bedrooms. *260 per
mo. DU. 1000. .—*
229 E ST. N.W.—Bsmt. apt.: 1 rm..
completely furn.; for light housekeeping;
*10 wk.; pvt. entrance .T"30.
1734 14th ST. N.W.—3rd-fl. small apt .
*10 wk. or *36 me.; 2 sleeping rms. for
men only, no drinking. *S-*9. Apply MR.
GRAY. HU. 5646 after 5:30 —1
REFINED GIRL to share S-rm . bath apt.
with another: *32.60 mo 16th and Harvard
n.w., CO. 5524 p.m. Box 351-G. Star.
ADULT FAMILY, mod S-rm. flat In new
bldg., elec, equipped kit,, auto. heat, sepa
rate bsmt : *135. CH 4242. -—1
SILVER SPRING—Couple, no objection to
! 1 child, to share lovely gentile home for
month or longer; *100. SUgo 4,6V —JO
DOWNTOWN—Sm 1 -rm. studio efflcienry
apt.; cooking facils.. everything furn.; lor
;•»; share bath; *65. EX. 3682. Box
278-G Star. . —*
■ list CLIFTON ST. N.W. — 1 bedroom,
ikitchen. •, bath. 3rd floor; a!! utilities.
‘*65 mo : couple pref HO. 3830. —I
VERY NICE 3-RM. APT. liv. rm . kit. and
bath, vicinity of Irving and Ga.. *,().
TA 6207. Box 346-G. Star —30
7135 7th ST. N.W. — Entire 2nd floor.
I instil.: living rm.. dining rm.. kit., pantry.
! bedrm. and bath; completely private: 3
[blocks from Walter Reed Hosp: util, and
(Phone inch: *110 couple. TA, 6,2,. —5
“PENTHOUSE"—5 airls. *30 ra 4 large
rms.; utilities and dishes furn.; pvt. bath,
j 401 at 523 Uth st. n.w. 6 to 7 ILm.
ATTRACTIVELY FURN. studio apt in
apt. bldg.; *85 per mo.: no children or
pets: immed. poss. Box 136-D. Star. -—30
2314 1 st ST. N.W — 3-room basement
apt ■ private bath and entrance; suitable
ior 2 girls: *42.50 each per mo. —30
suburban Md.: ref. P. O. Box ni. Belts
ville, Md., near Govt, plant industry.
MT. PLEASANT AREA —1 rm.. kltcher
•tte. maid’s service. 1 gentleman; no
l'lquor; *60. TA. 5149. Box 352-G. Star.
DUPONT CIRCLE—Completely furn jiv .
bedrm. din. kit., bath, porch: utils.:
lease, 10 mos. at *100 to adults. Box
3-ROOM-" APARTMENT—Available to adult
couple; convehient n.e. section; *85 mo.
DE 5586. Box 317-G. Star. —2
2-BFDRM,. s.w. sec., rent. *89.50. 49
Galveston st. s.w , AT. 4728. —
1 702 K ST. N.E.—Large rm in pvt home;
2 adults: *10 a week; l.h.k. privileges;
1 V ] 1 * ^ w e p 1*
' entire 3rd FLOOR. 2 rms. and bath:
can sleep 3: newly decorated; *65. Also
i sgle rm , 2nd floor. *30: no children under
' 1" RA. 9703. 727 Webster st. n.w. —2
MONTH OF JULY ONLY—2 rooms, kltch
ien, semiprivate bath; *75. 1511 W. Va.
ave. n.e. TR. 0560. _ —1
ALEXANDRIA—2 rms. pvt hath tnd en
trance; .Jewish home; excellent trans .
suitable business couple. Box .'M.'l-G, Star
Kith ST.. NR. OAK—Large bed-sitnng
room; non-hskpg. but has Frtgidalre; *56;
c8rage if desired. Box 420-H. Star.
celling ok.; working adults, no children
no laundry privls : ref : 246 75 per mo.;
1020 Mass. ave. n.e. Call LU. 3481.
COOL, l-RM. BSMT. APT., with shower
and toilet: pvt. entrance: hotel service
bus at door: *18 wk 2108 16th st. n.w — 6
LARGE. I-RM. ATO BATH bachelor spt
for 3 persons, in residential hotel, near
legations. Complete maid service, secre
tarial switchboard service: *65 per mo.
including 2 meals per day. , days Ppr_»*.■
selective menu<; aarden dining. MR. BUT
TON, HO. 7000, or write Box 332-G. 8Jar.
2 BEDROOMS, living room, kitchen, bath
within walking distance of Navv Dept, or
War Dept : 2 or 3 adults, service per
sonnel: *110 mo. Box 101-G. Star
DESIRABLE and attractive 3-room apt .
completely furn.. n.w. sect . conv. neigh
borhood: no children or pels: *12o per
mo. TA. 76" 1 Box 60-0. Star. —I
HOUSEKEEPING APT with porch: chil
r|ren arr#»nipd; nr isth and Columbia rd
nil OAK ST. N.W.—studio rm . refer
and hot plate; See MRS. CARLINO
on nremlsrv No phone‘calls.
NICELY FURN. APT., 2 or *lr!s*. ffU
mo. ea^h. FR. lH5.r>.
TAKOMA PARK. MD.—Beautiful Ttrst-n
front apt ' 4 rooms and tiled bath: ntcely
furnished; $115 per month; rouple only.
Call SH 3739 after 13 noon —5
NEWLY REDECORATED, nicely furn ef
flcency apt. withall utilities Included; $85
per mo Open for Inspection from Z-fi
p.m . 1328 Mass. ave. n.w.
VSE OF HOME FOR CPI E. in exchange
for board of 2 boys. 4 and 7. FR. "144
HYATTSVILLE—Partially furn. apt.: 7
rms.. kit. and bath.: pvt. porch and yard.
14732 R. I. ave., Hyattsville, Md.. WA.
lilt). . —•“
1200 KENNEDY ST. N.W.—One lge rm
and \lt.: utilities furnished; until on or
about Sept. I ; *55. Sec after 7 p.m. —1
500(1 ILLINOIS AVE. N.W.—Four rooms,
bath: conv. transp ; utilities incl ; for 3
emoloyed adults 0/ 2 employed eplea :
*1 "5.
TWO I.flE. FRONT ROOMS, nicely furn
land newly decorated; Frigidatre; 3 adults:
Sfl 75 wk. ea. or 2 adults. $17 wkly.
Anolv 40 You st. n w. —I
FURN. APT., util, turn.: bedrm. liv. rm
l-ombination kit., semipvl. bath, screened
1 porch, reflnished to suit; a nice street;
1 suitable 2 girls; a girl's house: $50 mo
I with the approval of rent control. J M
ITRESEY. 14RH Clifton st. n.w., fi-7 p.m.
1339 15th st. n.w.—One or 2 rms. and
kitchen: 2 or 3 gentlemen or couple; $75.
Also l.h.k. rm. with running water; sgle . |
i$35. or will rent all to one party. *
1317 IRVING ST. N.W —One-rm bache
lor efficiency: refer, hot plate; oul<-r
I sober man; $10 wk. AD. 0359. NO. 4591
j "apartments unfurnished.
! GEORGETOWN—Newly remodeled, charm
ingly decorated apt.: large and airy, llv
irm din. rm. 2 bedrms. kit and bath
I ample closets; complete privacy; $155
I (not Including utilities'; lease; references.
1 DE. 5187. Box 220-0. Star. —2
APT. (2 rms.. kit. and bath: bsmt.l; In
I exchange for janitor service; min i wore.
| 1 or 2 hrs. a day: woman to receive
parkagps. etc.; small apt house; plpasr
give full details In first letter; this Is
permanent Box 277-0, Star. —-30
3«I« PARK P«4. N.W.—Lge front rm
kitchen, semibath. elec, and gas. emplov^n
'adult couple; rent. $55. —30
3-BEDROOM HOME, new: on lge esta"
| 15 miles from Washington: a.ml; lae
liv. rm.; $125 per mo; unfurn. Phone
Vienna 301-J. . —4
kit. and bath. 2nd f! ; util, furn; $fl"
1328 O .'-t. s e ■—'•
APT UNFURN.—Nr. Dupont Circle, con
sisting of lge. liv. rm'. bedrm.. bath, com
bination dinette and all-elec. kit. with
'garbage disposal unit: 3rd fl of new
converted' bldg.: beautifully done_ $14"
: Call Mr Domer, SANDOZ INC . D0. J234
2 ROOMS. KIT.. SEMIBATH, gas are'
;electricity furnished, electric refgr.l JH9
I oer month. 1370 O st. s.e
I 1031 P ST. N.W.. lust off Iflth at —'Three
rms., kit. and bath. $80 mo. MI. 6R.1'
7000 FRANKLIN ST. N.E.—Four-rm and
'bath unfurn. apt., pvt. house, nr. transn
'and shopping center, avail, at once; $90.
ICall AD 7770 after 5:30 p m. —“1
3-ROOM APT., heat light, gas furn
i newly decorated, pvt. entrance, front
I porch: $07.50. 2407 22nd st. n.e
DUPONT CIRCLE—Attr. cool ground floor
with pvt. entrance foyer. 2 rms., elec
kit . din., bath, new decorations. Lease
10 mos., $88. Box 2S4-G. Star —Z
I LARGE ROOM with 4 windows, and
! full-sized kit ; all unities furn . $50 mo
I 2 mos. rent In advance. 2028 1st st. n.w .
‘ CO 74 23. —'
COLORED—ONE ROOM and kitchen. *1"
and heat furn.; empl. couple; S4-P0
; 1504 S st. n w. —1
"apartments^ suburban.
UNFURN. LIV. RM.. bedrm , kitchenette
pvt. bath: nr. College Park; elec, stove.
refgr.‘ and utils furn $fiO: to counle
only: need car to rotate driving to Wasn
Phone WA. 3392 _ .
FURNISHED, private entrance, bedroom,
living room, kitchen, private bath; stove,
utilities furnished; *tt5. Box 431-H, Star.
2-bedroom unfurn. house, apartment. Pre
fe- Arl . Falls Ch.: *f)<f. GL. 0400. 1*
^APARTMENTS exchanged.
l-BEURM. APT. In New York City wanted
in exchange for 1-bedrm. apt. in Wash.
Cali MRS SAXTON. AD 8700. —2
Wash.; l-yr. lease; 1-bedroom apt . Bronx
ville Box 427 -H. Star. P. PREWITT,
EX. 0300. Ext 2643. *
private entrance. 20 min. downtown. »4.->.
Need 1 or 2 bedroom apt. in Pentagon
area or in Washington. Call NO. 1003.
NEW' 3>j I'NFI'RV GARD. APT. perm,
avail. Aug, 1 for any apt in N_ Y. Urg.
needed for sev mo .MR PORET. RE.
7400. Ext. 2322; TA. 3763. Box 90-G.
Star- --
ABOl T ONE HUNDRED veterans and
ether employes of Capital Transit Com
pany i eed booses or private apartment!
With private bath and kit. renting under
*75 per mo. Please phone MI 6363. Ext.
672 for 6521. Monday io Friday from 8_30
am to 5 p.m (These employes are nog
looking for rooms to rent or houses to
buy. they need family housing to rent6
3-ROOM APT., n w Washington: »"<>
price rgnge. Call LU 7602. 5 to 8 p#m.
(Continued on Next Psg«-»

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