Newspaper Page Text
APARTMENTS WANTED (Cont ). J’OlTife COUPLE, daughter. 16 moe . needs 1 or 3i bedroom unfurn. apt.; perm ; excel. i refs LU. 0671. 1" TW'^ LADFES. VETERANS, perm Govt, ttrpioyes. desire two rooms, kitchenette a.'id bath furn apt . preferably Dupont Circle grea. best care guaranteed excel. Vefs.; $90 maximum. EX 6500. Ext. 2807. •MISS HESS 1* ARMY OFFICER, retired, wife and Govt •mploved daughter want two-bedrm. apt. or house, furnished. Arlington or n.w. Washington. Phone RE. 6700. Ext. 73842. j YOUNG COUPLE, professional War Dept, employe and veteran student, desire un furnished apt . $60-?70 mo. Box 438-H. 6t a r 2 * EMPLOYED YOUNG LADY desperately needs one-bedrm unfurn. apt.; maximum $40. Call MISS EDW ARDS DI. 6700. i Ext. 2197, between 8 .30 and 5 P.m 2* TAKOMA PARK. Silver Spring—Perma nent Govt, scientist, moderately priced 2- i bedrm SL. 7193. —1 VETERAN AND WIFE need 1-bedrm. furn. or unfurn apt.. Arlington or n.w , maxi mum «65; no sharing OX 2032. —2 PATENT EXAMINER and wife desire 1 bedrm apt., unfurn . excellent references. Call RE 1438 after 5 pm. —.3 NAVY OFFICER AND WIFE desire com pletely nicely furn. private .3 or 4 room apt. with all utilities included; preferred n w or any of nicer sections conv. to transp.; no children, no pets, but 2 a^ordions; ud to $115 Call LT. <j g ) OMOHUNDRO. TR. 9894. room .3-25. bet. 4 and 5 p.m. .3* QUIET PROFESSIONAL COUPLE R-mo ola son. need 2-bedroom unfurnished apt . to $100. GE. 0316. 29* PATENT EXAMINER and wife desire 1 bedrm. apt., unfurn.; excellent references Cali R/* 1438 after 5 p.m. —29 WANTED—Furnished or unfurnished one room. kitchen and bath, up to $60, by permanent Government employe, n.w sec tion. EM. 9689. 29* FOR VETERAN and wife—Young man has permanent position in Washington, but will be forced to leave If living quarters are not obtained. Prefers modest apt Call MISS MURRAY. RA. 1000. weekday morn ings after 8 a m. —29 YOUNG COUPLE, being evicted, desire 1 - bedroom unfurn apt . n.w. OR. 7085 Sun.; after 7 weekdays. 29* ONE NEWS REPORTER, about to marry another, needs small unfurnished apart ment. Northwest Box 367-H. Star. 29* EMPLOYED COUPLE, marrying soon, wish furn, apt in n w. Must be permanent and private MR. ALBRIGHT. CO. 3781 weekdays before 4 p.m. .30* CANADIAN GIFTS, two Embassy employes, desire fu:n. 1-bedroom apartment, n w. section. Ordway 1496 after 6, 1* PFRW. WASH. COUPLE. IS mo. child de c:re unfurn. 1 or 2 bedrm art. Consider nearby Va. Dav care for child if possible. Phone TR 1097 30* YOUNG COUP1E, small baby, urgently need furn apt Pay to $60. Call MR. MASON CH 8011. I • UNFURNISHED — Couple and 1 cocker spaniel; liv. rm . bedrm.. kitchenette and bath, prefer 1st fl.; n.w section. Box 86-G. Star —2 r NFURN l-RM FLAT. APT : or small house, business epic., no children. Call TR 4049. —.30 1FACHF.R AND EMPL. DAUGHTER need one-bedroom, apt., furn. or unfrun. by July 16. Apt bldg in n w. pref. MRS BERRY TA 0714 after 6 pm —4 STUDENT VETERAN and future wife de sire 2 or 3 room furnished apartment by September 1: College Park. Md., or vicinity: $60 SH 1 "78 after 6 pm. 1* TWO OR THREE EMPLOYED GIRLS de sire a furnished or unfurnished apt. In n.w. section. GE. 6040 between 6 and 8 p.m. !• LMN-uitu tuurLE flfjire i or z oearm unfurnished apt., no private homes. Call North 7525 after Opm. 1* WANTED IMMEDIATELY — By veteran and family (2 children) In vicinity of Hyattsville, Mri , 1 or 2 bedroom apt.: up to $35 mo. Call UN. 2008. 1* LADY desires furn pv: apt., convenient ro 14th st. n.w TA 2707. 1* TWO YOUNG BUSINESS LADIES, tired of living in hotel. Can you help us with a. 2fa-room furnished apartment, perma nent or sublet? Must be in n w. section ar.d n-eded immediately: will pay in neighborhood of 'inn Call Miss Taylor. Hobart 4480. Ext 814. between 5 and 1 p.m. 1 • LIEUTENANT-COLONEL, Regular Army of ficer bachelor, oil new permanent 8-year assignment, desires one or two room apart ment with kitchenette and bath prefera bly vicinity Mass, and Wisconsin aves. 12* APT. WANTED—Couple, l daughter, aged *: desire small furn. apt . approx $05. WO 8117. —1 YOUNG COUPLE, expecting child, want or 8 room ant. Call MI 9791 hit* GOVERNMENT GIRL and lather need 1 or 2 bedroom apartment, furnished or un furnished. Call OL. 3ti38 after 5:89 p m. — 1 1 MPT. COUPLE, both vets, no children, would like unfurn. 1-bedrm. apt. in n.w. sec Call DU. 4929 after 9 p m —1 2 REFINED GOVT. GIRLS desire small furn. apt. with kit . n w area: will pay up to $75. Call HO. 7927 from 6 to 9 p ra. —89 NAVY COM DR . perm. 8-yr duty Arling ton Annejt. wants 8-bedroom, unfurn. apt. or house in nearbv Virginia, beginning lat ter part of Aug.; will consider exchange for rented house in Brooklyn. N. Y RE. 7100, J£xt. 3477 between 9 am. to 4:30 pm. * 1* TWO QUIET VETERANS, permanently em ployed. desire unfurnished, partially fur nished apartment, n.w., $100 Willing re decorate own expense. Daytime. ST. 7600. F'/t 4074 • tiOVT. ECONOMIST desires furn. bachelor apt . pref. in n.w. apt bldg $00 per mo. Days. EX. 4950, Ext 4589; after 9 p.m . VI 0003. CANADIAN GIRL employed World Bank desires one-rooni unturn utility apt in apt. bldg., n.w. section pref MISS COT TERJ5LL. EX. 6360. Ext. 2338. or J4JH1. NATIVE SILVER SPRING COUPLE and bouncing baby boy desire 1 bedroom, un furnished apt. in that locality. $05. Call MRS BENEDICT. SI.. 709. PHYSICIST, employed a1 Bureau of Stand ards. requires 3-4 room unfurnished apart ment for wife and 3-year-old daughter. Box 425-H. Star. 2* WILL PAY reasonable fbr furnished bache lor apartment with range and elec, refgr. Nice n.w. location preferred but not es sential. Nothing temporary considered. Could use garage. Give location, phone. : price, facilities furnished and date avail-, able. Replies confidential Box 423-H, 3tar 2* FURNISHED one-room studio apartment for two girls; share kitchen and bath. $7.50 each per week DI. 4147 in day time. 2* APT. WHERE ART THOU for advertising man. wife and child Call IlA. 6047. Keep ad future availability. 1* SCHOOL TEACHER- one child, desperately in need of unfurnished apartment, pref erably southeast. Call 8H 1644. 2* EMPLOYED WIDOW, no children, no pets needs unfurnished two-roora bath and kitchenette apartment Prefer location near bus or carline in Chevy Chase. D. C . or Maryland $59 a month maximum Phone TeaiPle 8590 or Box 426-H, Star 4* 2 ADULTS urgently need one or two bedroom apt. Call ME. 9168 between 6:30 and 8 p m. 4* REFINED EMPI.'D cple. desire bed-liv rm. kitchenette, nr B & O. station. Silver Spring. SH 2330 bet. 9 and 4. —1 NURSE with daughter. 17. and son. 13. want rooms with* kitchenette or 2-bed room apartment preferably furnished ip Bethesda. Box 434-H. Star. 2* SMALL APT. for elderly ladv—Living rm bedrm., bath, kitchen, unfurnished; n.w. preferred AX. 4463. • NEED HELP? — Vet., wife, willing to do work around house in return for smi apt HQ. 4809. Ext. 307._I* MOVING, PACKING and STORAGE. MOVING ACROSS THE STREET or across the country, safe storage in separate rooms: expert packing. Phone NO 0 104 UNION STORAGE CO. INC. e?t 1900 REDUCED RATES. 3 average rooms of furniture stored in individual compart ment for $3 per month Reasonable rates for additional space SAFETY !STG A TRANS. CO. TE 51*8 or TE 1935 MOVING BY VETERAN ot experience with r>ew van: careful handling; reas. rates. ail any time. MR. COOK GL. 5137 —7 FI RNITt'RE VAN. two expert movers. ?.*> hour, every piece guaranteed against damage: also packing, crating LU S905 MARINE VETERANS MOVING CO.—*M-In service; furniture moving and hauling trunks and baggage AT 2;59 or FR 0386 EX-GI MOVING SERVICE, storage tone too small, reas rates We take surplus turn, as pay on moving. GLOVER RE 54(50. —»• LDELMAN MOVING A STORAGE CO.— Reas Rate^ will accept your surplus fur niture as part payment on your moving, storage. TA. 2937, after 7 p.m . GE 1416. 30* CALI. HO 1950 for that quick move; light and heavy hauling, reas. rates. —14 VETERAN, just out of the service, will move or haul anything night or day; no <ob too small. Cal! EARLE. AT. 4951 2* SMALL JOBS—Any time. days, eves , Suns. Truck with white driver. $5 first hr. $1.25 each additional half hour lu 8906 HOUSES FURNISHED. 3- B1DROOM, 2-BATH HOUSE, completely lui rushed: $250 mo: ;ust off 16th si r. w JACK HAYES. INC . DU. 77M —1 SUBLET JULY 3 TO SEPT 3—Large cool, clean home; utilities included. $150 mo; references. 54$ Peabody st. n.w . TA. 7121. — 1 APPROVED RENT. $165 mo., corner house with 3 bedrms. and 3 baths: 1355 Long fellow st. n w rent from July i io Sept. 15. MI 7595. —30 CONGRl SSMAN'S lovely Chevy Chase home. nr. fa.-h.onable Ch Ch Club: r. 15 to 12 31: 4 bed ins . 21? baths, recr. rm . one of most unusual and exquisitely appt. homes offered. No children or pets, please. Rent. $32 5 mo W AGG AM AN -BRA WNER. ME. 3S60: eves.. CO. 7244 KENSINGTON—Cool. attractively furn. 4- bedrm house 3*)-ft. liv. rm piano record player, radio library, adult's and childrens books. I'** baths, ige. tret Whaden yd avail July 1-Sept 1: good rare important: rent determined after in terview PL 090 S _1 NEWLY FURN. 3-bedrm home: television get conv. to Bethesda shopping: 2 couples accepted, o-mo. lease: $226. Call EARL T WRIGHT. WI. *1900. —30 FURNISHED HOUSE for rent, in Silver Wring. Md., for July and Aut . situated C’ a Shady lot. facing the park; large garden and outdoor fireplace; 3 bed rooms and 2 baths; this house features a •tudlo-livtng room and bedroom on 1st floor; special inducement to desirable tenant. Call Mr. Doraer. SANDOZ. INC . DU. 1234. No. 2 Dupont Circle. —30 FOR JULY and probably August—Beaut 7-rm. g^-bath home on busline: in Beverly Hills. Va. reasonable to careful tenant. TE S664 —1 TOREST HILLS DISTRICT —3 or 4 bed room home for rent, beautifully furnished: has Bendtx washer. .$250 mo.. i to Dec 31. OR. 4752. 4704 29th pi. nw 6347 ST BARNABAS Bl). S.E MD - Mod ern «-room furn cottage, ground for garden, adults only: $69 mo SP otflP-W. EARLY GEORGETOWN HOUSE. 6 rooms, including drawing room, library. 3 bed rooms, 2 baths, gas heat. $200. Box 236-0. Star. —1 COUPLE TO SHARE HOUSE with another couple, no children or pets $86 mo Call after 5 p.m., 2011 Rosemont ave. n.w —2 ATTRACTIVE VA. HOME. 13 ml. D. C.; July 5 to 26: priced reasonably for the Tight tenant. FA. 3935. —1 5117 Mac ARTHUR BLVD.—7-rm. home, furn.; I rm.. occupied by quiet working girl: good transp.; $125 or according to cumber of occupant*. Further irforma tion, call EM 7916. —3 t t HOUSES FURNISHED <Coiit.>_ 7 RMS. AND BATH in good section o! Al exandria: 3 mos ' rent in advance; rent. $225. AL BAKER & SON. INC., exclusive realtors. 116 So. St. Asaph st.. Alexandria. Va Open eves and Suns, for your conv. Phone TF. 7343. ALex 6tt44 —1 NICELY FURN 2-BEDRM. HOME; eood lo cal ion; $125. 14 33rd st. n.e. Call after 6 p.rn.. TR 5005. _ 2 COMPLETELY FURN. HOUSES near Falls Church and Vienna: al! modern. Call today for appointment to see these nice homes. EASTMAN & SEAY. Realtors, FA. 2620. BEAUTIFUL. MODERN country home $200. Tel. OW 6797 or Vienna 8-R. —3 TAKOMA PARK. MD.—7 rms., 2 baths fireplace, pantry, porches, full bsmt , oil heat; beautiful, ’i-acre. shaaed lot; 2-car garage, now available: $200 per mo ALICE M OAYLOR. SL 8111 or SH 5022. —2 SEMI-DET. BRICK. 5 rms bath, finished attic; good community. Arlington Furn.. $15o Apply- PAUL P. STONE, Realtor, NA 7379. COOL, TREE-SHADED GARDEN, Cathedral vista, comfortable, fully furn., 5 bedrms . sleeping porch. 3Va baths; conv , quiet neighborhood, near swimming pool, tennis courts: July, Aug and Sept : $250 mo 3406 Lowell st. n.w.. WO 6543._ —30 BEVERLY HILLS Spacious, cool and equipped for outdoor living, completely furn . 3 bedrms . 2 baths on-2nd fl’: vestibule entrance, long living rm. and screened porch, long lease avail, at $210 per mo. For permission to see call HICKS REALTY CO. R^ltor. 3706 Mt. Vernon ave . Alex., OV 3835. OV. .3967; eves TE 0933. Our contracts carry Real Estate Board seal of integrity.__—1 HOUSES UNFURNISHED. COLESVILLE RD., MD.—Brand-new 7-rm. brick. 21^ baths, on V* acre of ground; oil heat, J>us passes door; near Naval Ordnance Lab. Immediate possession. $250 per month. KAY REALTY CO RA. 220U. —2 BUNGA- 5 rms. and bath; 2V4 miles from Beltsville. Md.; $60 mo. Couple only Phone TO. 5664. —1 GEORGETOWN—House for rent; $150; 2 bedrms-.. sleeping porch, large garden. 2-car garage, no child. Box 434-G, Star. BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME, just completed. 2 blocks off New Hampshire ave. n.e.: de tached 2-story brick 6 lovely rooms, mod ern kitchen and bath: full basement, shower and toilet in basement: front porch; ail modern, up-to-date improvements; con venient to stores and transportation; $140 monthly. Box 432-H. Star. —1 SMALL HOUSE with garden for rent for month of July. $1W>. 1661 34th st. n.w., DE 6286. Georgetown. . \ NEW CAPE COD. 4 bedrms- exclusive Silver Spring neighborhood: rent. $250; immediate possession SH 3168. ENGLISH VILLAGE. BETIIKSDA—Lovely new corner brick Williamsburg Colonial: 3 bedrms- 2 baths, also library or bedrrn. and ’a bath, maid's rm and bath, garage, oil heat, rent, $250; immed. possession. Call OL 5866 or SH. 7<*22, MARGARET J DUNKLEY. Realtor ARLINGTON, in business section—F’rst floor porch, lawn can be used as tea room, steak house, etc. Full basement; 2nd fl. can be rented as apt- rms. or office space. OW. 8777, —4 _HOME HUNTING SERVICE. WE ARE FINDING HOUSES and apts for people who need them May we help you? We are not a real estate company, but we know how Small fee. If you are hav ing trouble finding a home, write us. Box 4 I -A. Star._ HOUSES WANTED TO RENT. « RMS.. UNFURN., in D. C.—4 adults. Govt, employed, careful tenants; under $90 refs. AT 4540. 30* PERM. INTERIOR ENGINEER desires 2 berirm. unfurn. house, vie. MacArthur blvd.; 3 adults, owner care WI. 2592 2* EDUCATIONAL research specialist and Govt, employed wife. 2 children, desire 3-bedroom house, furn. or unfurn . in n e . n.w. Wash, or nearby Md. Phone OL 3 2 NT. 30* AIR FORCE PERSONNEL, all grades permanently assigned in Washington, have a great need ter private apartments and houses, all sizes, furn. or unfurn.; no shares Please call RE. 6700 Ext. 4219 or 8694. 29* 3 TO 4 BEDROOMS, unfurnished, n.w. residential s«ct;on, by adult family; ap proximately $150 per mo., year's lease preferred Phone DE 7968. 9 to 5. —2 ENGINEER wants small house, unfurn.. for wife. baby, dog, location. Northwest Box 3K8-H. Star. 30* WANTED—2 or 3-bedrm. furn. house or apt. for July only. Telephone EM. 3265. — I ST. AGNES TEACHER needs unfurnished 3-bedroom house, near St. Agnes or in Georgr Mason School area, best of care assured. Box 34S-H. Star. 1* ADULT FAMILY want unfurnished three bedrcom house; nice locality. Virginia or n.w. pref., up to $200. AT. 9920. Apt. 692. 30* GENERAL MOTORS EMPLOYE and wife need 2-bedroom unfurnished house Call MR. BROWN District 6200. 5* GOVERNMENT EXECUTIVE desires three or two bedroom house or apartment for three adults. Phone Woodley 4311 between 7 and 9 p.m 1* GOVT. EMPLOYE, wife and son. perma nent resident ' nerd 2 or 3 bedrni .. uni urn. house. Mont. Co. or n.w. area. Glebe 6740. 3 RFDRM UNFURN. HOUSE wanted ' ts rent or lease. Sliver bpung area pre ferred $159 mo. maximum rental, ref erences vjvea. Phone MI. 725<». —1 ENGINEER AND FAMILY desire 6 or more rooms, unfurn. or furn.. in D. C.. prefer n.w . to $175 Phone TW. 0251. —6 HOUSES FOR SALE or RENT. BETHESDA, MD. A’tractive 2-story brick home; 6 rooms. 3 bedrooms bath and shower, gas a.-c h., garage, beautiful, large lot; immediate possession. L. G. WHITE. WI. 7 690. 30* HOUSES FOR SALE—Northwest. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARK—3 new detached brick homes; GI approved, on Alton place, between 43rd and 44th; just 2 blks. from Sears-Roebuck on Wis ave.; near schools, churches, stores and trans.: f> rooms, bath and *2. gas heal, screened throushout. electrical refrg.. sas stove, for information, call MR NOLAN. NA 9250: or eves DU. 5637. Ext 304. House open at 44th and Alton Saturday and Sunday BETHLSD.A -Desirable modern 5-rm. and tiled-bath buneaiow. with n vestibule en trance. extra tee. fully equipped kit fire place. oil h.-w. heat: '.i erase: nice lot Reasonably priced EARL T. WRIGHT. WI. »'»!**»< i. eves.. WI 2628. —1 BRIGHT WOOD—2 grand values: 6427 2nd pl. n.w.; det. brick. 6 rms . 2 baths, ree. rm . oi! heat. 853 Van Buren st . det J M ; 6 rms.. 2 baths, oil heat, garage Roth are priced lor immerf. sale; nr. schools, recreation center, fine transp STROUP, exclusive agent. RA 8700. —2 BRiCiHTWOOI), near Coolidgc High School and Takmna Park Recreation Center; semidetached. 7 rooms, oil h.-w. heat; built-in garage. $17.500. THOS L PHILLIPS. WO. 7900 until 9 p.m. 3518 Conn, ave BUKLEITH: $13.950—6 rooms, bath, oil h.-w.h garage, house in excel, cond Me DEV ITT, Realtors. SH. 6760, RA 4422. CHEVY CHASE. D. C.—7-rm. brick home. 2 baths, garage: near excel, schools. A-L cond.. 7 yr>. old; leaving town, must sell. Phone OWNER. OR. 223J. —1 CHEVY CHASE. I). C.—Detached brick with 3 bedrooms and bath, living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen, pow der room on 1st floor: Venetian blinds. 1 car garage; all in excellent condition Call Mr Adams. GE 9084. LOWERY A MEL TON. Realtors. SH 9200. —1 CHEVY' CHASE BLVIY. near Wis. ave — h-rm brick home, on large nicely land scaped lot only 7 years old. large liv. rm din. irn . kit . powder rm . on 1st floor; 3 bedrms . 2 baths. 2nd floor; screened rear porch, detached garage. Reasonably priced Cal! Mr. Northern. SL 1689 with BETTZELL. DI. 3.10(1. —2 CHEVY CHASE. D. C\—"Fashioned* for comfortable living” can truly be said of tins detached 7 -room home, located in the Woodrow Wilson High area Come and see the tee. liv. rm.. dm. rm.. kit . h’.r screened living porch and other nice features. 2nd floor offers 4 bedrms. and 2 tile baths. Priced reasonably low. $24 750. F A TWEED CO . 5504 Conn, ave. FM 129<» till 9 p.m. CHEVY CHASE. AID. tbet. the clubs) — Beautiful brick, det.. blk west of Conn ave . nr Rosemary School; entire plan of this attr home is ideal for large family. 1st fl has liv. rm. with open fireplace, screened side porch, den. x> bath, din rm . kit,, also on 1st fl there is a maid s tm and full bath or arupst rm.: 2nd fl., 4 bedrms . 2 baths, stairs to attic: bsmt. has maid s rm and bath: 2-car garage: priced at $31,950 P A TWEED CO . EM. 1290 till 9pm _3 CHEVY CHASE, D. C.. one block from Conn i-ve.—6-roorn det. house, gas heat; furnished. 2-car garage; large lot; imme diate possession can be arranged. Priced reasonable, good terms Inspect any tune through DIXIE REALTY CO . NA. 8880. exclusive agents. C HEVY CHASE. D C.. very close to circle Blessed Sacrament parish Wonderful !o aticn. condition is excel. Brick Colonial, liv*'. rm with fireplace, din rm . breakfast rm.. Ige. kit good porch. 3 bedrms . 2 baths; finished 3rd fl master bedrm. has flrcpl This home should be seen to be appreciated: priced at $35,000. Eves, rail Mr Harper. WI. 15 75. with H. J KORZFNDORFER CO IN*:.. OL 5336. CHEVY CHASE. D. C\. east of Conn, ave . near the Lolayette School—Detached briek. 9 rooms. 2 baths, oil burner, hot-water heat. a rage Price reduced to effect ouick : ale Offers near $21,500 will be considered Eve . phone Mr. Gordon. 5803 32nd st. n.w . WO 1.935 L T. GRA VATTE. Realtor, excl. agent. 729 15th si. n w . NA 0 753 CHEVY CHASE — Unusually attractive brick home, in immaculate cond.: 5 extra ige. rms.. tiled bath, oil h.-w. heat, screened side porch, det. garage, beauti fully landscaped lot. conven location excellent financing EARL T WRIGHT. WI 0900 eves.. WI 2628. —1 CLEVELAND PARK—Brick semidet . on nice lot: in beautiful cond . 1st fl. hat. liv. rir. . din rm and kit.: 2nd fl.. 3 bed rm' . 2 baths, dpt. garage close to schools and transp. F. A TWEED CO.. EM 1290 till 9 c m —A CLEVELAND PARK—Large home, suitable for rooming house or large family. Near Uptown Theater and all conven. Reason able down payment and terms can be ar ranged Will consider trade on smaller property John McRae. ALex. 8719. with BROWN REALTY CORP., Realtors, DU 855S I OXIIALL VILLAGE—Semidetached brick <• rooms and bath. 2 screened porches, gas beat detached garage, possession with title Call Mr Sherwin. NA 8100 or venings, EM. 7751. H L. RUST CO . 1001 15th st n.w. —3 GEORGETOWN—0-rm semidetached brick Can bt used fer residence and business Zoned 1st commercial Vacant, immediate doss ran be arranged. Price. $12,500 ■ Gocd terms Inspect any time. DIXIE REALTY CO . NA 8880. exclusive agents j GEORGETOWN. 3256 N st. n.w —This (pretentious Old Georgetown stone and bricx home must be sold: 12 rms., 2^2 baths, oil heat. Broker co-operation In vited Call ST. 9316. Eves.. RA 9149 BLANKEN St PRESS, INC —3 GA. AVE. AND DEC ATI R ST. N.W.—Row brick. 0 rooms. 2 inclosed porches, bath: oil b -w h. garage: $3,000 cash, balance monthly. FLOYD E DAVIS CO.. 1629 K «t. n.w. NA. 0352; aveg. and Sun., RA 2325. * CROSSTOWN —By Roland Coe a \ ' n»iiniimnmMinmiK«wii 6-30-46 ^g> “I’ve still got the snow-shoveling problem to lick, though-” HOUSES FOR SALE—N.W. (Cont.). GEORGETOWN—To be iold comnletely furnished in California modern. 2 beau tifully appointed bedrms . 2 baths, large I dressing room with built-in closets and drawers. Wall-to-wall carpeting through out. 16x33 living room. extra-large kitchen, cocktail lounge in bsrat. Call for appointment. HENRY V. SEAY, exclusive, EX 1077, 1916 Eye at. n.w. . —1 GLOYER PARK — Vacant Quick posses sion Semidet brick; newly redecorated. 6 large bright rooms plus pantry, inclosed sunroora. cement porches, garage, oil h.-w h . nice yard, newly fenced; around corner from bus stop; near shops. L. H. Maury AD 8926. MARSHALL J WAPLE CO. DI. 3346. 1224 14th st. n.w. KENWOOD, $19.500—New' offering of this attrac. rambling brick home on lovely lot in this most sought-after neighborhood; list fl has Ige. liv. rm. with screened liv. I porch, beautiful din rm. with picture window, de luxe kit., ‘-2 bath, library just a short way up the stairs with open nre ; place: 2nd fl . 3 twin-sued bedrms., 2 l baths, with lge. closets; stairs to storage attic which can be finished as additional bedrms. and bath. 2-car garage, maids rm. and bath. Can be shown by appt. only. F. A. TWEED CO., KM. 1290 till 9 p. m. —3 PET WORTH—Vacant: 6 rooms and bath, i inclosed double rear porches, h.-w.h. (oil), elec ; substantial cash payment required. J. LEE DONNELLY, Investment Bldg . NA i 3317. —1 POTOMAC HEIGHTS, Just off MacArthur blvd.—3-bedroom white brick Colonial, ex cellent condition inside and out. In a desirable neighborhood that offers excellent, transportation and good schools Only a few minutes to Pentagon and downtown Washington Priced $18.959 W. C. ^ A N. MILLER DEVELOPMENT CO.. Build ers and Developers of Wesley Heights.! Sumner and Spring Valley. 4830 Mass ave. n.w., OR. 4464 Evenings Telephone Sligo 6450. (List your house with us.) , SHEPHERD PARK—Spacious 3-bedrm home, designed for comfortable living, on beautiful landscaped lot. Completely fenced Priced under $18,000 for immed. sale Owner transferred. Call Ted Bair, with ,’A'*ES L DIXON <fc CO . 1022 17th st n.w . ST. 72no, eves.. GE. 5909. ex clusive —1 SHEPHERD PARK—New brick Colonial home: 7 rooms. 2*2 baths, den: Vi block off 16th st. TA 1348. RA. 9199. —2 SPRING VALLEY—Owner leaving city !wants immediate saK Miller-built brick Colonial on nicely landscaped lot Con i tains living room, dining room, kitchen. 3 well-proportioned bedrooms. 2 baths, stor age attic with fan. recreation room with bar, maids room and bath: gas heat: built-in garage W. C. & A. N. MILLER. Builders and Developers of Wesley Heights, ' Sumner and Spring Valley. 4830 Mass. ave. n w , OR 44t>4. Evenings telephone Sligo M 456 (List votir hous* with us.) SAUL’S ADDITION—Semidetached brick j home with living room, dining room, kitchen and sunroom. 4 bedrooms and ! 2 baths on 2nd floor; 2 screened porches, oil heat. 2-car garage Call Mr, Widmyer. TA. 3465. with BEITZELL. DI 31 Oil. —2 SILVER SPRING, Montgomery Hills sec I tion—Detachpd brick home on large cor ner lot. onlv a few years old: large living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen. ; l'i bath on 1st floor: three large bed room .s. bath on 2nd floor: oil a.-c. heat, built-in garage. screened rear porch. For aopt. to inspect, cell Mr. Northern. SL. , 1689. with BEITZELL DI. *10(1. —2 j TAKOMA PARK (Holly ave.)—Detached: home with good income: complete apt*. ] in brsement and 1st floor; 2nd floor has; 3 large bedrooms and bath, basement apt. i and 2nd-floor bedrms. now rented for $141 per mo.; 1st floor owner occupied.! $19,950. Convenient terms tau be ar-; ranged To inspect, call Mr Chapin (eves. WO. 618(1). with WM M. THROCK MORTON. Realtor, DI 6092 —2 WESTMORELAND HILLS—Large living room with fireplace, dining room, den and | powder room, wonderful kitchen, 4 bed rooms, 2 baths. a£ve*.. Mr. Jones, WI. 2414 H J. KORZENDORFER CO. INC til I TUCKERMAN S>. .’f.W.—Stmirtr-! tached brick, in immaculate condition; 3 1 bedrooms and bath, living room, dining room, de luxe kitchen: new screens and: storm sash, new Venetian blinds, built-in1 garage, oil h-wh.; quick possession Call; Mr. Adams, eves.. GE 9084. LOWERY & MELTON. Realtors. SH. 9200. —1 j NEAR 8th AND TUCKER MAN N.W —At tractive t>-room. bath, semidetached home; oarage, full basement, g.h*.; nice yard; best transp in D. C; immediate posses sion: priced $12,959: reasonable terms.! VICTOR W1CKERSHAM. phone Mr Lynch. OR. 2199. Evenings, AT. 2549. —1 SUBURBAN SILVER SPRING, residential; $14,959; iesi with sub. cash, transferred; j del. 2-yr-old. ti-rm brick Colonial; 3 bedrms.. side porch, fireplace, oil heat, full bsmt.. dblev steel bc#ms: insulated and screened, lot 00x129. landscaped. PL. 0549. 1* STONE AND BRICK FRONT- 8-room and , bath semidet. gas and h .-w.h., front and j rear porches, rear bsmt. entr.: good cond . priced to sell 442 Longfellow st. n.w. iConv. to buses, schools and stores. Call MR. DEIN. \VI 5911. —5 ONLY ONE LEFT in first group of new detached brick homes in D. C. f 18.500. terms. N H. ave. and Rittenhouse st 6 large rooms lst-fl. powder room, gas beat. 7-ft. refrigerator: quality construction and equipment. WASHINGTON REALTY CO.. GE. 8309: eves.. TA. 0582. 12-FAMILY BRICK—Only 7 years old. 2 jhice apartfnents; 3 rms. and bath in each; I gas heat; one now vacant: easily converted into 3 apts.: substantial cash, payment req. Call CO. 3333 or GE. 9341 I eves. PECK COMPANY NR. 13 th AND TUUKERMAN—Detached brick, owner leaving city, must sell; 3 • ; bedrms., 2 baths, rec. rm.. screened porch.: built-in garage oniy 10 yrs. old. Call Mr Kaiser Taylor. 5862. with LEGUM * GERBER REALTY CO . AD 7809 —30 I Oth ST. AREA—4-bedroom home: $!.«. 950. available immed.: det.. entrance hall : to living room, dining room. kit. and porches on 1st fl . 4 bedrooms and bath on second: two finished rooms on third which could be used or closed off: gas heat, det Kara<zr. terms comparable to rent TNFZ CUSHARD. I)T 2740. —1 THREE NICE SEMIDET.: fi rms: located near Calvin Coolidge School owner occu pied; pi iced for immed. sale. STROUP. RA. 8799 —2 NR. 19th AND MERIDIAN—Substantial 2: story and bsmt. row brick containing fi rms.. tile bath, oil heat., plus 2-rm and tile-bath apt with rental ceiling of $79: price. $14,750. on terms. DRURY REAL TY CORP 1737 K st. n.w RE 1133 till 9. NR SHERIDAN THEATER-SI2.500. Det 0 lge rms . 3 porches. 1 Mi baths. Call Mr. Sheehan. RA 1182 COX & CO . DI 4254. NR MASS AVE. AND CATHEDRAL—$24. 959 A beautifully built home; 4 bed rooms. etc . large lot: ideal spot for chil dren Evenings call Mr. Audette, NO ! 2705. JOHN LIPSCOMB & CO . MI. i 9009 Exclusive —2 8*8 TEWKSBURY PLACE N.W.—$12 959. A small semidetached brick home In immaculate condition situated on an at tractively landscaped lot Six rooms and bath, lront and rear concrete porches. Full basement w t.h built-in garage; oil ■h.-w.a PHILLIPS CANBY & FULLER. INC 1012 15th st. n.w.. NA. 4009. —1 NEAR WASHINGTON CATHEDRAL—At tractive prewar brick Colonial; lge. liv | . m. with fireplace; dining rm.,* modern j kitchen, porch, detached garage: 3 bed i rooms. 2 tile baths; full basement, gas a.-c heat: 1 square from Wisconsin ave. Eves . Mr Harper. WI. 1575. H. J. KORZENDORFFR CO . INC OL. 5330. NEAR 5th AND KENNEDY—$14.950— Semidetached brick house consisting of living room, dinlne room, kitchen, screened Dorch. furnished room with running water in basement; 3 bedrooms, bath, inclosed porch. 2nd floor: this home is vacant 'and has just been completely redecorated new oil burner See this today._Call Mr. Bramham. DI 4794. with BEITZELL. DI. |310<». —2 IMMEDE TE OCCUPANCY of attractive brick home in Rock Creek Forest. Large i liv. rm. with built-in bookcases, din. rm. ' overlooking well-landscaped yard, modern | kit., screened porch. 3 bedrms.: gas air i cor ditioning; $19,959 Mrs. McFadven. I with INEZ CUSHARD. DI. 2740. RA. 3227. _*» INCOME CAPE COD—This fine property affords a charming home, situated on a i lovelv lot with lily pond. There are 2 very i desirable apts with pvt entrances making it possible for the owner to live rent 1 free in a home the size of a lge. bungalow Reasonably priced for auick sale. Call Ted Bair. with JAMES L DIXON & CO . 1 J022 17th st. n.w.. ST. 7209; eves . GE. 5999. exclusive. —1 BRICK COEONIAI—Situated near George town. on very attr. level iot. Owner has ’eft town ana priced this property to move quickly at $23,859. Has center entrance, liv rm with fireplace, din rm . lge. beau tifully equipped kit. with breakfast alcove 3 nice ► drms ar.d 2 baths on 2nd floor. Det garage. Gas a -c. heat, slate roof, opper plumbing. Venetian blinds, etc Now vacant Immediate possession. To inspect, call Mr Adams. WO 5713. with BURR & YOUNG. Realtors, DE 4444 —1 UNIT BLOCK OF V ST. N.W—$l.u09 down; good terms; 9 rooms. 2 baths; o h.-w.h ; row brick Cali Morris Cohen or Milton Vinnick, with A. M. DRAISNER. 1494 L st. n.w.. NA. 8938. home. GE 0297. GROUP OF ATTRACTIVE brick homes, built for the discriminating buyer; in Wis. ave. section; varied floor plans and exterior designs. Prices range from $22, 950 to $32,600. For detail* call 8HOCKEY * MOORHEAD. AD. 0021. Open ’til 0 p m. —2 HOUSES FOR SALE—Northwest. j tDEAL N.W. SECTION—7 rooms, auto. heat, full cellar: very low price, for immed. sale Call MR. DICKENS, DE. 1160, DE. 5382. 2-FAMILY BUILDING—Ideal for home or! investment: just 7 yrs. old. completely j modern in every detail; this semidet. bldg, was ac ually designed for 2 families and is not a converted home. 1st fl. has liv. rm., bedrm.. kit. and bath with use of lge. recreation rm. in bsmt. 2nd fl. has private entrance, liv rm., bedrm.. kit. and bath: 2 rear porches: economical gas h.-w. heating system. And a fine buy at $16,950, which includes a Bendix washing machine now installed. Owner will give possession of 1st fl. apt. To inspect call WO. 5576. BURR fic YOUNG, Realtors, DE. 4444. —1 BEAUTIFUL 3-bedrm . 2-bath house, with finished studio on 3rd fir.: within walking distance of Lafayette School. Call at once for details, SHOCKEY Si MOORHEAD. AD 0021 Open till 9 p.m. —2 OPEN DAILY, 4 TO 9. 3214 Military rd.— Beaut. Colonial on lge. lot. 4 lge. bedrms. with dble. closet and 4 baths; lge. lit. rm. with fireplace and picture window, family sized din. rm.. roomy, ultramodern kit. with built-in radio, lge. knotty pine rec. rm. with fireplace, with adjoining shower, screened patio in rear overlooking 100-ft. terrace, lge. attic. This home must be inspected to appreciate Its multiple fea tures. RIGGS Si CO.. EM 2345 or OR 6565.__—1 TAKE YOUR CHOICE, $14,950 each— Emerson st. n.w., lovely Colonial brick. 6 rms.. nice yd.: poss. July 1. Brightwood, 6 rms., end. porches, gas heat, refgr., rec. rm. Near 18th and Harvard. 4 bedrooms, gas heat, garage, quick poss. Eves., phone GE 2489 or TA. 0582, WASHINGTON REALTY CO.. GE. 8300._j BARNABY WOODS 6630 31st pi n.w A group of 5 center-: hall Colonial brick homes, tastefully decor- i atea and beautifully planned with lge. j well-proportioned rms.; gas a.-c. heat. This group of homes located on de'ep wooded lot. with 6 rms., 2*4 baths, plus | stairway to finished and heated attic, j Built by David Biron. one of Washington's better builders. Easily financed. Open1 weekdays. 7 to 9 p.m CHEVY CHASE REALTY CO. 4420 Conn, avc- EM. 1800._—2 BETHESDA Bungalow-type home on lge. corner lot; with bedrm and bath on 1st fl.; also lge. liv rm . fireplace, din rm., breakfast rm., kit . 2nd fl.. 3 lee. bedrms . bath; built-in garage; oil h.-w.h. A good buy at $18, 950. Billingsley & Sanderson Co. 4934 Wisconsin ave , OR. 2326 till 9 p.m BETHESDA VACANT 5611 Oakmom avr.—Completely redeco rated: price, $19,950 with $5,000 cash and balance 1 trust, at 4^. Modern brick home. 3 twin-sized bedrms: 1st fl . powder room de luxe kit. with break fast alcove, large liv. rm and din rm.: economical gas heat, built-in garage, spa cious icvel lot. inspert any time Call EM 6000 till 9 p.m. DURANT-HILLAND WHITF _^°_ ._, —2 BRIGHT WOOD—$ 12.950 Near 6th and Kennedy. Attractive row brick. ,V rooms and bath, plus 2 inclosed porches usable as rooms: Colonial front porch: full bsmt. garage: h.-w.h.. owner occupied. Will sell quickly. Call Mr. Macintosh- RE. 666! or WA. 0867. FRED A. SMITH. Realtor_ BRIGHTWOOD Semidetached brick. 6 rms. and bath, built in garage, oil h -w.h.; well financed. Must; be sold quickly. THOMPSON & GRAY 904 Ellsworth dr., Silver Spring. SL. 6100.! _ —3 * BRIGHTWOOD Located in a conven. area, east of 16th st and priced low; a desirable clapboard home: 1st floor, lge. liv. rm., fireplace. | din. rm.. kit.: 2nd floor. 3 bedrms and, bath: porch, lot. 50-ft. frontage, priced* at $14,000 for quick sale to settle en W. B. WRIGHT EM 3380 'til P n.m._ _ BEOOKDALE A modern brick home just over D. C. line i in Chevy Chase 1st floor, liv. rm.. fire-i place, din. rm.. kit.; 2nd floor. 3 bedrms. ! and bath; paneled rec. rm., oil heat; a very' desirable, conven section; price. $17,590. W. B. WRIGHT _EM. 3380 'til 0 p.m._j ' BURLEITH Lovely 3-bedroom brick house, gas h.-w. heat, insulated: l1* baths: front and rear yards: excellent neighborhood, close to schools, stores, library, parks, transpor tation; sale by owner; $17,500. Box 209-H. Star__3* CHEVY CHASE, D. C. 2605 Northampton st. n.w.—Brand-new. i marvelous construction; 4 bedrooms, large living room. etc. Open daily from 4 to 7 j p.m. Legum & Gerber Realty Co. _2637 Conn, ave., AD. 7800 —30 CHEVY CHASE, D. C. A real bargain in a lovely, spacious, brick i hom? which is In perfect condition, located 3 blocks west of Conn ave.; 1st floor contains large den. liv. room with fireplace, extra-large din. room, very modern kitchen, breakfast nook, pantry and lav. 2 elec refgs 2nd floor. 3 bed rooms and 2 baths, with ample closet space: built-in gar., oil heat, excel, loca tion and neighborhood; owner occupied, price. $24,500. with reasonable terms. To inspect call Mr. Alien, NO. 7660 or DI 0080. CAFRITZ CO. _1404 K St. N.W._—2 CHEVY CHASE, MD. Bedroom and bath on first floor of this custom-built, prewar brick home; 2 large j bedrooms and bath on 2nd; spacious living room, excellent dining room, modern kitchen, large recreation room, maid’s room and bath: fine lot. Call EM. 6600; till 9 p.m., DURANT-HILLAND-WHITE CO. —2 | CHEVY CHASE Near the Circle—Brick Colonial, custom built. center hall; 4 twin-sized bedrms., 2 colored tiled baths, staircase to a fin ished 3rd fl.; lge. liv. rm. with fireplace, library. 16-ft. din. rm.. ultramodern kit. with oreakfast nook, tiled powder rm off the hall, screened porch, full bsmt.. finished rec. rm., gas a.-c. heat; 2-car ear.; situated on a beautiful landscaped lot: terms. Call OR. 0048 till U pm REALTY BROKERS, INC. _5506 Conn, ave_—>30 CHEVY CHASE, MD. A beautiful center-hall Colonial. 3 ige. bedrms. and tile bath on 2nd fir.; 1st fir . ultramodern kit. and bath. lge. din. rm. and liv. rm. with fireplace; screened porch opens on a lge. wooded lot; full bsmt., oil heat and gar. Terras. Call OR. 0048 till 9 pm REALTY BROKERS INC. _5506 Conn. Ave._ —30 CHEVY CHASE—$21,950 You cannot duplicate at this price. Center ent. brick on beaut, lot. unique and attr. from every angle. 3 bedrms.. 2Va baths, lge liv rm.. with fireplace and doors to screened porch, din. rm.. kit., breakfast rm . recreation rm. with fireplace, bar and French doors to flagstone terrace; Bendix auto, laund., garage, Venetian blinds, storm windows, screens, cedar-lined closets, barbecue grill in fenced yard. h.-w. oil heat. Call MISS WILLIS. OL. 2091. eves., NA. 2557 daily._—30 CHEVY CHASE, D. C. Attractive 3-bedroom. 2-bath detached Colonial brick home in good neighborhood. Under $25,000. Mr. Whitehead. NA. 9300; eves . MI. 3050. BOSS & PHELPS, INC. _1417 K 8t. N.W —1 CLEVELAND PARK, $18,000 Semidetached brick; 6 nice rooms and bath, 2 parches, built-in garage, fireplace, large attx, oil beat. Just redecorated throughout Cali MR. SMITH. NA. 2040 after 5 p.m., WI 5921._—1 GEORGETOWN Bretzes from the Potomac through the Ice. livinc rm.. roof deck for sun betbinc. small shaded carden; also 2 bedrms. and 2 baths. Price. S23.000. ROXANA B. DORAN. AD. 8812._—30 GEORGETOWN Brick; small, but spacious; livinc rm. opens onto garden; den and powder rm.. 3 large bedrtnj.; excellent netthborhood; terms VELLK DOW* CAMEL AD. 2118. WI. A HOUSES FOR SALE—Northwest. “FOXHALL VILLAGE” Located on **Que‘* st. In the heart of this desirable residential section, a semidetach ed English brick home with 8 rms., 6 bedrms. and 2 baths, maid’s rm.. oil heat and built-in garage. Owner leaving city, wants an immediate sale. Cali SHE. 1143 until 9 p.m. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN GLOVER PARK 2038 Tunlaw rd.—Semidet.. 6 rms. and bath, recreation rm.:\owner transferred;] price and terms to sell. NATHAN DUVALL. PI. 8400, Dg. 1755..2* GLOVER PARK Here is one of the nicest attached homes we have ever offered. Newly decorated and ready for occupancy. Close to schools, transp. and shopping. Large liv. room, din. room, attrac. kitchen, inclosed rear porch, besides 3 nice bedrooms, bath and full sleeping porch on 2nd floor: recreation 1 oom. gas h -w.h . garage; immediate pos session. Price reduced to 517,500. Billingsley & Sanderson Co. 4934 Wisconsin ave.. OR. 2326 till 9 p.m. KENT Handsome Colonial' residence on one ol cttv's finest streets, in heart of this ex clusive. highly restricted close-in com munity: White brick construction: wide Georgian center reception hall. liv. rm. opening onto large screened liv. porch, din. rm.. richly paneled library, adjoin ing powder rm.. kit. and butler's pantry on 1st fl.: 4 beautiful bedrms. 2 baths 2nd fl : large finished dormitory room and storage on 3d fl paneled club room with bar and flreph. maid’s rm. and batli; 2-car built-'n garage; gas heat; priced reason ably at $48,500. Cali WA 8«25 or FRANK S. PHILLIPS. PI. 1411. —5 KENT-BRIARCLIFF SECTION Actually across street from beautiful ex clusive Kent; three have sold very quickly: only one left: brand-new Colwnlal. near ing completion by Frank S. Phillips; cen ter-hall plan,,library and lavatory on 1st fl.; 3 bedrms.. 2 baths. 2nd fl.: splendid close-ln location, convenient to city's fin est schools: 15 min. to downtown; delight ful high elevation overlooking Potomac I River valley: $31,850. Call WO 4754. or FRANK S. PHILLIPS. PI. 1411. Longfellow St., Near 5th St. Brick home. 8 rooms. 2 baths. Colonial ! porch, large basement, hot-water heat, garage; near all conveniences. Mr. Wil- j lie ms. GF. 1108. MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO..-PI 3340, 1224 14th St. n.W, —3 j MICHIGAN PARK A delightful modern brick home that will please any buyer who is looking for a real home. It incorporates all latest improve ments and convenience.--: lovely picture windows make lisht and cheery rooms; room size is excellent and equipment the, very best; gas heat: beautifully landscaped lot Priced surprisingly low. Phone untir 6 D.m. Capital View Realty Co 925 New York ave., NA. 9797._ North Cleveland Park Situated at one of the highest points in the city; lovely environment, convenient to the following schools. Woodrow Wilson High. Alice Deal Jr.. Janney Elementary. St. Ann’s and Immaculate Parochial; transportation and shopping center within 2 b ocks; detached, shingle exterior, slate roof: 6 bright, comfortable rooms. 3 bed rooms. glassed-in sleeping porch, lst-floor den and lavatory; modern-type kitchen, oil heat, rock wool insulation. The entire property is in A-l condition. The lot is beautifully landscaped. abundance of flowers Price. 516.850. Shown bj ap pointment. Call Mr. Chambers (eves.. PL. 0685>. THOS. J FISHER <k CO . INC.. Realtors. EX. 4400.__ PETWORTH CORNER Good for doctor or dentist; detached brick. 4 bedrooms, built-in garage, oil heat, on large landscaped lot. For further in formation call MR. LATONA, NA. 1737—4 ! ROLLINGWOOD Sacrifice of £4.000. Owner leaving city A 1941) custom-built home with bedrm. and full bath on 1st floor Also ige. liv. rm..! fireplace, din. rm.. beautiful kit.; ‘2nd floor. ‘2 bedrms. and dressing rm., and tiled bath: rec. rm fireplace, maid's rm. and full bath: garage: oil a -c. heat: beautiful lot. IRfS-ft. frontage; all rms. are spacious. A very attractive home at a very attrac tive price 1 blk. from bus. adj to Chevy Chase. Call Mr. DeMelman. EM. 3ti03. W. B. WRIGHT KM. 3380. _ SHEPHERD PARK Possession! Lovely detach, brick, liv. rm.. mirrored fireplace, dining rm., bright kit.. | rear screened porch. 3 large bedrms.. 2 baths, det. garage; oil heat. etc. Should be seen DIENER. EHRLICH & CO. ST. 3381: eves.. GE. 188*. —1 | SHEPHERD PARK Very line fl-rm Coion:*' home, in out-1 stgnding location: popular side-hgll en-'; trance: lge. liv. rm. with firepl.; lovely side screened porch: big,dining rm. AH; bedrms. are twin site; detached garage: j nice yard. Call SH. «440. SH. 001 n till! a pm. WOODSIDE REALTY CO. —8 ! WESLEY HEIGHTS Charming small 4-bedrm. house !n an ex-, cel. location nr. bu'- transp.: lg$. liv. rm.! with wood-b"irnins firepl.. din. rm.-. open ing onto attrac. rear porch, maid's rm and bath. Bryant gas furnace, nice yard: reasonably priced. For appt. to inspect, telephone Mrs. Hane,s. MI. 3350; eves^. HO. 473*. Exclusive with D. A. HANE8 CO._INC .Jd0i* 2Qtt> st. n.w. 1_j WESTMORELAND HILLS j Open daily 3 until 5—Four new Korsen dorfer-built homes. 3 and 4 bedrooms: well worth inspecting. To reach: Out Mass. ave. to Westmoreland Circle, con tinue out Mass, to Duval dr. <1 street be yond circle/, left to Elliot rd.. right to Farrington rd. and our ‘ open" sign. H. J. Korzendorfer Co., Inc. _OL 5330.__—1 BUNGALOW Custom built: 2 bedrms . tile bath 1st f!.: 21-ft. screened porch, oil h.-w h att. gar . PPxOA lot. beautifully landscaped: 1 j mi. from Sil Spr. For appt . call Mrs. Ralph. TR 1888. JAY REALTY CO. PR 1 101 —1 * DRASTICALLY REDUCED 16th and Kennedy n.w. Owner's health! necessitates imm sale. Handsome ae-: tached home of superior construction; 3 6 lovely rms.. 4 baths, immaculate throughout full basement; double priced below market Call CARTER REALTY. DU. 5067, 9 till 9. Brokers Invited._—* | Rooming and Boarding House ; Near 18th and Columbia rd.; large de tached brick residence. 8 comfortable bed-; rooms. 3 additional in basement; dinine; room to accommodate 30 persons, spacious; lobby or entr. foyer; 3 baths, additional i equipment for 2 baths roughed in. auto matic oil heat. Parking snace for .1 cars i Priced to sell. Owner leaving city. In spection by appointment_Call Mr Condit ; (evenings. OR 21211. THOS. J. FISHER & CO.. INC ■ Realtors. KX. 4400 _ 13th AND TEWKSBURY PL. An impressive and charming 6-rm. modern det brick home, beautifully situated on ax ; artistically landscaped shady lot This i fine home has 2 tiled baths, modern equip- i ped kit . cool side screened porch, knotty i Dine rec. rm.. oil heat, garage. The price is right and the location is excellent. SH j 'NR.'7th AND MISSOURI AVE. A real eye-opener. One of the most at tractive semidet. homes in this area, i Nicely , situated on a landscaped corner j shady lot. Eight lovely rms., two baths.: v a rape, fireplace. This is something d1f- ( ferent Call SH 1103 till 9. NR. 4th AND PEABODY ST. A lovely 7-rm. semidet. brick home, nlcel.v located just a few blocks from Takoma Park swimming pool. Close to stores and schools; colorfully decorated; gas heat., fireplace; excellent condition. Under priced. $16.950; terms. SH 1103 *01 » NR. 7th AND EMERSON ST. A real buy at $3 4,950. 6-rm. row brick:; oil heat, garage, rec. rm.. porches, nice back yard; ideal for children. See this today. SH. 1103 till 9 ^ Raffell Real Estate^ Realtor OFF CONN. AVE. Just off upper Conn. ave. in the Pores* Hills section is located, this very lovely modern brick home which is in perfect cond.: featured are liv. rm.. din. rm., den and large streamlined kit. with break fast nook on 1st fi.; 4 bedrms.. m baths on find fl.. gar., oil heat, etc.; priced st only $33,500 for immed. sale. Ex clusive with _ JESS FISHER & CO., INC. Realtors. 14fi0 K st. n.w.. IX. 1811. Office open till 9 p.m.____ 2 LOVELY APTS. Each having 2 bedrms. is avail In this handsome brick property, located on Conn, ave, nr. Shoreham Hotel: poss of either apt. is avail and property is in excellen. condition: ideal for your expense-free home and Income: priced very reasonable, on good terms, for prompt sale JESS FISHER & CO., INC. Realtors. 14fi(» K st. n w. EX. 1811. Office open till 9 p m._ _____ __ Nr. 16th and Newton—Bargain Immediate poss. is avail, of this 'fine brick home in this very desirable location con taining 6 large bright rms . modern tile bath, plus a beautifully finished comp apt. In bsmt which can be rented at $.0 monthly: oil heat, porches, etc Owners vacating and have priced very low for immed sale: terms. JESS FISHER & CO., INC Realtors. 14fi0 K at. n.w.. EX. 1811. Office open till 9 p m_ PEABODY ST—$13,500 Lovely 5-rm semidet. brick, mod. through out Gas heat, full bsmt. Immed. poss 53,500 cash, payment like rent __ BRIGHTWOOD—VACANT Love y 6-room semidet. brick, perfect sec.: pil heat, full bsmt.; nice yard; $2.5on dfPLISS REALTY CO., INC. 1018 10th st. n.w.. RE. 8264. —1 BEDROOM AND BATH Oi 1st floor, in this lovely, modern, brick. 4-bedrm.. 2-bath home; also liv rm . fire place. din. rm.. kit. a lge. breakfast rm.. overlooking a nicely landscaped garden; 2nd floor. 3 bedrms. and bath. lae. storage attic: side screened porch, gas heat; nice lot; excellent value. $24,950 W. B. WRIGHT * EM. 3380 **11 » p.m._ UPPER 13th ST. J14.500. 2-story brick; 8 rms., 2 bath*. n 11 h.-w.h., front porch. DAVID E. BARRY MJ£o2025. CUM Barry. »ve»__TA HOUSES FOR SALE—Noitliw*. Few Blks. Over D. C. Line *2-50 will bay this modern brielt bunga low; bal. of *10.00(1 In first mortgage It contains 5 rms. and both, stairs to attic ire. enough for 2 more rooms, gas heat: nice lot; urice. $12,250. Call Mr. Duncan. MI. rwB. with _W. B. WrgGHT, EM. 3380 TO S^ffTLE ESTATE, 920 Mass. <*». n.w.—11 ran.. 2 baths; oil heat. CTbfh for offer. P. M. PRATT CO.. NA 8682; eves, and Sun., TA.- 5679, RA. 4231._—!» Chevy Chase Realty Offering Chevy Chase. Md., 3 bedrms , 2 baths, *25,000. 16th and Kalmlg rd, 4 bedrms. 3 baths. *52.500. Upper 16th st., 3 bedrms.. 2Vi baths. $27,500. American Univ. Park. S bedrms., lVi baths, *20,950. Nr Walter Reed, 3 bedrms., tVb baths. *22.950. Rock Creek Hills, 4 bedrms., 2>i baths. *36.950. For an appointment to inspect these and many other fine homes, price ranges hieher and lower than the above, call CHEVY CHASE REALTY CO , 4420 Conn gve. EM. 18110.U—.20 HOMESEEKERS! New bungalows. 2-story Colonials. 5 to 7 rooms, in all section* of the city. For personalized oervice, call AD. 2644 till 9 P J. R. TENCHER CO., INC. SMART BUYER This is for you—6 rooms. 2 inclosed porches, new gas auto, heat, hardwood floors, basement has extra room, can be used as bedroom: near 13th and Randolph n.w.; *14.950; good terms. KX 2555. PASTOR-LUTZ, INC. 4429 HARRISON ST. This semidetached brick is located be tween Wis. and Western aves. and con sists of living room and ^replace, nice size dining room, equipped kitchen and screened porch on 1st floor; 3 bedrooms, tile bath and screened balcony on 2nd floor; full basement with outside entrance on ground floor level; gas heat, half bath and basement; priced at $14,950; very reasonable terms. Exclusively with JNO. LQFLIN Loflin Bldg., 2420 Wilson blvd , GL. 4312. _—1_ VACANT—FULTON ST. N.W. Located one block off MacArthur blvd.. quiet square free of traffic, within 2 block* of elementary school, bus and streetcar line; no crossing of highway to school. ! Detached brick, center-entrance type, ltv. rm about 22x13 with fireplace, side covered porch, cheerful din. rm., modern kit.; 3 bedrms. (2 take twin beds), tiled bath with built-in tub and shower; oil ! heat; built-in tarage; prewar construction. This house along with others i* to be sold to settle estate. Each priced at $17,600. You will do well to investigate. The price reflects.excellent value. Call Mr. Latimer (eves., EM. 0770). THOS. Jv FISHER & CO . INC., Realtors. KX. 4400_ ONLY A FEW Of the desirable homes listed by uat 801 A ST. SJ2. A first-class investment. 4-story corner brick; 4 turn, apts.; available at un usually low price. Call today! Call eves. Mr. Richards. WO. 6595. 35th ST. N.E. Semldet. brick. 2 bedrms.. 1 bath. Priced low at $9,450 with food terms. Call eves., Mr. Richards. WO. 6595. RITCHIE AVENUE Silver Spring, Md.; det. brick. 3 bedrms., 1 bath, gas auto. heat. Priced low with terms. Call eve*., Mr. Richards, WO. 6595. HOME WITH INCOME “D” st li e.; 3-story row *>rick; 7 rms., 11/2 baths; can be arranged as 2 apts. Nr Union Station and all convens.; priced low; $13,000 with $1,500 down payment. Call eves.. Mr Richards. WO. 0595 5500 BLOCK 33rd ST. N.W. Det. 3-bedrm. home with flmshed base ment. Fine home, lovely neighborhood. Call eves., Mr. Richards, WO. 0596. LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO. 1415 K st. n.w., ME. 5400. NEAR WALTER REED Extremely pretty brick and stone corner home featuring large yard, surrounded by picket fence, det. garage; streamlined kit., 3 bedrms., etc.: owner has purchased larger home and must sell at once. A real buy at $21,050. Call Mr. Grogan. TA. 7450. with Legum & Gerber Realty Co. AD. 7800._—2 “YES, UNDER $50,000” And in the vie. of 16th st. and Colorado ave. n.w : We are pleased to offeT for your consideration this one-owner, well-built, exceptionally well-located. 4-bedrm. home, situated on a large, lovely, landscaped lot. containing approx. 20.000 sq. ft., and many other desirable features too numer ous to mention This rare offering will appeal to a discriminating home buyer, seeking a full measure of comfort for his family, and at a reasonable price. Excel, financing can be arranged if required. May we show you this ideal hojqie and beautiful grounds? Without obligation, of course Shown by appointment only. HARRY I. FRIEDMAN Broker? Woodward Bldg.. RE. 1166._ COLORED—COLESVILLE. BCD., 7 miles D. C—Only l left: new 2-story. 2 bedrms. ige. Va-acne lot; school and store nearby; water and sewer in house; small down payment, balance like rent. R. H BEST. INC.. Builder-Realtor. WI. ,'1633; eves.. WI. 7 790 —2 COLORED—SEMIDET. BRICK. 752 Quebec pi. n.w.—8 rms.. oil h -w h.. garage. McDEVITT. Realtors. SH 6760, RA 4422. —30 COLORED — OVERLOOKING Soldiers’ Home park, spacious 0-room house, ex cellent condition; substantial cash; no brokers. TA. 4127 or EX. 0876. —2 COLORED—HOME BUYERS — We have many homes in all sections; low down payment and possession of some; terms like rent. Eves call Mr. Auerbach. LTJ. 86; t3. or Mr. Ratner. AT. 8087. AUER BACH & CO.. J424 K st. n.w.. Suite 400 DI 6501 —1 COLORED—1844 KALORAMA—For large family or good income. Fine res. blk.. nr. cars, buses, stores. Other houses. « to 15 rms WM. E TAYLOR. NO. 372$. —5 COLORED—OUTSTANDING—1025 1st st. n.w A home for gracious living. Excel, terms. Possession. Semidet. brick. 6 rms. | and ti ed bath, h.-w h., l«?e. mis., clean as a ! p>n., fnll basf’-n'nt Call ST.. 0316: eves.. RA 2527. BLANKEN & PRESS. INC. —1 i COfORED—LOW DOWN PAYMENT—N.w. Brick home. Auto. heat. Fine 6-rrn. home, fnll bsmt. Gas h -w h . auto, hot water. Call till 9 p.m. FIRST NATIONAL REALTY CORP.. 1426 K st. n.w., RE. 3531, UN 0759. —30 COLORED—700 BLK. OF QUEBEC pi. n.w. —Light color brick. 8 rms.; 4 complete bedrms., cement front gjorch. 2 rear porches, garage: 1 lge. bedrm. in basement; auto, heating .plant: hardwood floors. Frig idaire. approx. $4,000 down. Price. $17, 850 AT 5604. —1 COLORED—MW FLORIDA AVE. N.W.—2 story brick painted white, and basement; 7 rms., for home and business, beauty parlor and radio shop; yearly income. $2,820: moderate down payment. DK. 1710. MI. 1491; Sun and eves., VI. 4765. —2 COLORED—MMI BLK. HARVARD ST.— Income plus home: beautiful 3-story brick, arranged into 4 complete apts.: total 16 large rms. and 4 baths; possession of 6 rm apt. on 1st floor; oil h.-w.h.; com pleielv furnished; A-l cond. For details call till 9 pm weekdays. Sun. 12 to 5. WILLIAM CALOMir?TS PROP., INC.. HUS j 17th st. n.w.. DI. 1655. —3 COLORED—QUEBEC PL.—7 rms 1 rm in bsmi.. oil heat. 2 inclosed porches. Co lonial front porch. Kennedy built house. *:-rar "«r. Substantial cash required. MR. MARTIN. TA. 4415. MI 2080. COLORED — BEAUTIFUL UNIT block. Bryant st.. arranged in 4 ants.; total in-; ceme. $270 per mo ; oil h.-w.h . gar : J5.000 cash required. MR. MARTIN. TA. 415. MI. 2080. COLORED—51 ADAMS ST N.W.—Im maculate cond. Six love'.y ims.. furn.; J bath plus shower; bsmt.. auto, heat; don’t wait; conv. to everything. RE 3310. CHAPMAN REALTY CO. 9 to 9 daily. _o COLORED—312 H ST. N.W.—1st commer cial $750 down; good terms. 8-roora. bath. row brick. Call Morris Cohen or Milton Vinniok with A. M. DRAISNER. 1404 L st. n.w., NA. 8030; home. GE. 0297._ COLORED—APARTMENTS—Why look for one when you can be your own landlord? These are only a few. , . $295 down—3rd and H sts.—5-rm. brick home, bath, in clean cond. $750 down—13th and Fla. ave. n.e.—6 rm. brick home. 6 larte rms. and bath; full basement, h.-w. coal heat. 2-car stone garage. $995 down—5th and C sts. s.e—Wide semidetached home. 0 rms . 2 complete oaths. 3 fully-equipped kitchens; immacu late cond. . $1,000 down—N.w., on the hlJ—0 large rms. and bath, full basement, hot-water coal heat. Monthly payments li’ " rfnt. Cal! till 9 P.m.. TA. 4(KM». HAMILTON REALTY CO., 5025 0coreia ave. n.w. —1 COLORED 3459 Ho!mead pi. nw 11 roams. 3 baths. 4 rfgrs . 4 stoves, completely furnished Full basement, garage. Excellent condition throughout. Conv. to transp. and shopping. Call Mis Phillips, with CAMPANELLA & WOOD. EX. 4113. Eves., GE 2744. —1 Colored—Nr. 14th *nd Park Rd. 2-story row brick containing 6 rooms and 1 bath: fuH basement with toilet, gas h.-w.h.: front and rear porches; large yard; house in good condition: reasonably pric?d: excellent terms RE. 5039; after 6. HO. 4703. w ^ Nimetz Si Himelfarb —i _ Colored—Nr. 13th & W Sts. N.W. Fin? semidetached brick home, excellent condition, contalnln* 9 rooms, oath, h.-w.h , etc. Possession available. Priced very low on good terms. ___ _ JESS FISHER & CO.. INC. 1420 K st. n.w . EX. 1811. Office open till 9 p.m. - HOUSES FOR SALE—Northeast RIVER TERRACE .N.E.—Modern semldet. bunua.; newly redecorated, j nice rooms, tile oath; full bas-ment; conyenlen, ;o transportation and stores, priced f°r ouiUt sale! CO. 3333 or GE. 0341. eves, PECK co ■—i FIVE-ROOM BRICK In new-home condi tion oil h -w h.. lull front porch, rear p£rch: onlv J10.050. with J2,nmi d->wn. easy payments on balance Attention. Brokers. Call WA 4214-4252. WILLIAM L. PRIMROSE REALTY. —■30 $1,300 DOWN. $73 FER MO., total pay menu on this practically new d-roora brick home, located near Oreenway apts.. priced at S12.500; full bsmt . jms heaL Call RE. 1988 till 9 p.m.. GOLD8TEN BROS. 1429 L st. nw _ — ^an^io^y'rs-^^fu^^g. Houses roa sau—h.i. (C«h». NEAR CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY—Bemidet.. 7 rms. and hath, front and rear porches, can be converted Into 3 apta.; price re duced for quick sale. GARQLER REALTY CO . NA. 1118; eves.. HO. 7331. —1 3-ROOM ROW BRICK. 3 built-in porches, fenced-in back yard, gas h.-w.h.: near 3rt and Channing sts. n_e_ Seen by appT only Call Mr. Ryan. DR. 6118. or HARRY PORETSKY A SONS. INC.. NA 6306. —1 BRICK BUNGALOW. In Woodridge—6 rooms, bath, first Boor: Iwdroom on 2nd fl.; gas heal. M. B. WEAVER. WO. 4944. DI. 3830. —1 HOME AND INCOME or investment State*, extra large, commercially aouinl location on East Capitol st.. near Linooln Park area; excel, fwr tourist or rooming trade; priced for quick sale at $18,500; excel flnanelnx. good Income return. In spection by appointment MAX M. GOUD BERG, Broker. DE. 3094; eves . WO._9354. •13 V ST. NX.—6 rooms and bath, gas b.-w.h, garage, nice rear yard: convert, terms Exclusive Raven?croft. DC 6641 or Ml 0212 WILUAM H. BOASE •M08 18th st. n.e., MI. 8241. 'K» BY OWNER, leaving D. C.—$1,500 cash, payments $50 mo., assume S6.400 balance combined 1st and 2nd trust; near Sears Roebuck, n.e.: end row. 2-story brick, tiled bath. 2 bedrms., living room. 4 closets, kitchen-dlndtte, gas range, utility shed, nice hedge and shade tree. FR 4439. —1 SI.609 CASH. $71 MONTH will move you right into this modern row brick: In a convenient and new n.e neighborhood This modern tapestry brick home was built lust befo-e the war and features the finest of everything: full dry basement, oil n.-w.h.. real tile bath, covered front porch, fenced shady lot. 2 twin-sised bedrooms, large dining room, fully equipped kitchen; priced at only $10,950. $7,850. 4* 1st mortgage ROBERT S. DAVIS & CO. Call WA. 3900 until 9 P.m. —SO •tb AND E STS. NX.—Samidet. brick. In very line condition. 6 rooms and bath. 2 inclosed porches, auto, h.-wh: attrac tively priced. FLOYD K. DAVIS CO.. 1629 K st. njr. NA. 0352; eves.. Sun., NO. 0026. 312 RHODE ISLAND AVE. NX.—Row brick. 6 rms. and bath, front porch, dou ble rear inclosed porches, gas heat; near cars, stores, schools: $12,500 Evea.. Mr. Robinson. SH. 6075. WM. R. THOROW OOOD. 2024 R. I. ave. n.e.. DK. 0317. 4932 14th ST. N.E—Seven-year-old seml det. brick in excellent condition with three bedrms.. large living rm.. dining room, bright modern kit. and bath, full basement with partial recreation room, toilet, gas heat: $3,000 cash reo. Eves. EM. 62,0. H. Q. SMITHY CO.. ST. 3300. —1 1443 B ST. N.E.—6 rooms. 2 baths. In excellent condition Cen be used as 3 apartments. Gas heat. 2 stoves and re frigerators. Storm windows, weather stripped. Possession with title. Call Mr. Sherwtn. NA. 8100. or evenings, EM. 7751. H. L. RUST CO., 1001 15th st. n.w. —3 434 link ST. N.E.—$1,000 down; good terms. 6 rooms, bath, gas li.-w.h.. row brick Call Bill Travis, with A M. DRAI8 NER. 1404 L St. n.W.. NA. 8036, HO 5977 NEAR ST. ANTHONY’S CHURCH and School—A solid all-brick semidet. home in excellent condition. Close to transp.. shop ping. schools and churches. Regular 6 rms. plus sunrm. on first floor and sleep ing porch on 2nd floor. Storage attic. Large, high, dry basement: built-in garage: oil n.-w.h. Owner leaving city. Home is drastically reduced In price. Eves, and Sun. call Mr. Holstrom. CO. 8573 Ex clusively with METZLER, Realtor-Builder. 1106 Vt. ave. n.w., DI. 8600. NE. 4th AND R. I. AVE. N.E,—A very nice 6-room row brick; excellent condi tion throughout: $2,500 down. MR. CAS SIDY. HO. 1449. Eves.. PECK CO.. 3618 12th st. n.e.. CO. 3333.—1 RIVER TERRACE Cute brick home with liv. rm., din. rm.( kit.. 2 bedrms., tiled bath, oil a.-c. heat. Priced for quick sale. SOUTHEAST REALTY CO. 1211 Pa. ave. s.e,. FR. 2000. —1 FIRST TIME OFFERED Priced for quick sale, this almost new detached brick Colonial, featuring 6 rms.; 3 bedrms., 2 baths (one in basement), beautiful rec. rm. with rlass inclosed bar and fireplace, laundry rm equipped with Bendtx washer; many other features; price and terms should sell today. Call HE. 8G50. it till 9. Colonial Investment Co. —30 Cafritz New Life Home Michigan Park n.e.: modern dealgned 8 room brick homes complete in every detail; includes 8-co.-ft. refrigerator; Anchor iron fence; Venetian blinds and many other outstanding features. Sample bouse at 10th and Crittenden sts. n.e. Open daily 10 a m to 9 p.m. Phone NO. 7660. Buy with confidence. CAFRITZ CO , 1404 K at, n.w. 23 V ST. N.E. Large. 8-room and bath row brick: gas h.-w.h.. garage, nice yard; this house can be bought at the right price and terms, as owner is leaving. Exclusive. Call Ravenscroft DU. 6041 or MI. 0212. WILLIAM H. BOAZE. 3408 18th st. n e., MI. 8241.___—2 NEAR GREENWAY Attractive semidet. brick home, available for only $‘J,500 down and reasonable monthly payments; home only 7 yrs. old; has 6 lar*e rooms, modern kit. and bath: rec. rm. in basearent. which is ideal for m .separate apt. oil heat: deep yard. Call to day to inspeet. RUDDEN & COHN. INC. __ 1424 K st. n.w., EX. 5703. NEAR LINCOLN PARK N.R.—1Ttbestry brick. 8 rooms. 2 baths: oil heat: newly painted and decdrated; live In part of house and rent part; excellent income; top value; $18,600: terms. PASTOR-LUTZ, INC. 1129 Vt. Ave N.W._EX. 2555. $1,000 CASH $100 mo. makes you the owner of this fine -family brick house, located on Capitol Hill; featured are 2 Is*., com plete apts.; h.-wJh., full bsmt., etc. JESS FISHER & CO., INC. 14!i0 K st. n.w., EX. 1811. Office open till 9 pm_ COLORED—ATTN. LAWYER or profes sional man: beaut borne, brick det ; 4928 Central ave n.e. By appt only: $25,000. CLARENCE BERRY. DU. 9653. TR. 2811. COLORED—ONLY *1.150 DOWN Will buy this 10-rm. house with 2 baths. 2 kits., full bsmt and h.-w.h An excellent buy. SURETY REALTY CO.. EX. 7944; eves., FA. 0259. —3 COLORED—5th AND EYE STS. N.E.— Modern homes of this caliber are seldom oCered. Colonial row brick 6 rms . wood In its natural chestnut trim, bath, full bsmt.. h.-w h.. siovc. refgr . screens, storm sash: house in sparkling cond ; vacant in two weeks. Priced to sell Terms. EN TERPRISE REALTY CO.. 1224 Eye st. n.w. EX. 3400; lives., OE. 5711. —30 COLORED—1417 TRINIDAD AVE. n.e — Modern brick home, excel, cond.: 8 rms.. 2 inclosed porches, oil heat; convenient location; priced right; terms. Call Mr. Lynch. OR 2100; eves.. AT. 2549. Bro kers' co-operation invited. VICTOR WICKERS HAM & CO. —2 COLORED—UNIT RLK. OF 10th ST. n.e. —Here Is a real bargain; 8 rms., need no repairs: neighborhood, appearance, clean: auto, heat: always occupied by owner: no basement; $1,500 down. Price, *8.950. AT 5604. —1 COLORED—VACANT—«th and P sts. n.e. 6-rm and bath row brick, 2-car metal garage, full bsmt . h.-w.h. This place is located In one of the best colored sections of Washington Priced for ouick sale at $12,500. with $1,500 down payment. To sec. call PEOPLES REAL ESTATE CO.. 1424 K st. n.w . RE. 0514. —1 COLORED — 2031 1st ST. N.W. — Row brick. 10 rms . bath, oil h.-w.h.. priced *13.950. HARTMAN REALTY. INC.. 1345 Good Hope rd. s,e TR. 4400: VI. 5978. COLORED—IMMEu POSK.—Clean row brick, coranletely furnished: near 4th and Fla. ave 6 rms.. tiled bath, full bsmt.. ;as h.-w.h.. garage: easy financing; $12 500. Call WA. 8625, or FRANK S. PHILLIPS. DI. 1411 COLORED—BROOKLAND—Three beauti ful corners. 2 det. frames. In excel, cond., cm lie. lot; beautiful lawn; one semidet brick. 8 rms,. bath and beautiful rec. rm.: 011 heat; $5,000 cash required. MR.. MARTTN. TA. 4415 MI 2080 COLORED—VACANT; 720 5th st. n.e.— Row brick. 6 rms.. lull bath; h.-w.h . closed-in porch, 2-car gar.; immed. poss.; $11,500; terms. Owner will sacrifice for all cash R G. DUNNE HO. 0700. Evas.. Mr Curling. HO. 7768. —2 COLORED—900 BI.K. 9th ST. N.E.—7 rms., oil heat; very good cond.; terms. MR F- W THOMAS. DE- 1160._ COLORED—BARGAIN 624 9th st. n.e. 6 rooms, lti baths, gas h.-w.h.. front entrance to bsmt Small down payment. Excl. Call Ravenscroft. DU 6641 or MI 0212. WILLIAM H BOAZE. 3408 18th n.e., ML 8241. —30 First Showing to Colored 5th and Eye sts n.e.—Colonial tapestry brick. 6 large rooms, bath, front and rear entrances to bsmt.. h.-w. heat; excellert condition throughout: vacant In two weeks. Cad now to see. _ _ BIRON & CONRAD, INC. Sterling 3440; res., RA. 4388 or SL. MK6. HOUSES FOR SALE—Sort heart ANACOSTIA. nr. 16th and Minn. ave. a e —Se ruder brick. 8 rms . 3 baths, auto h -w.h.. gar., deep lot; poss. with deed. u AHTMAN REALTY. INC. 1345 Oood Hope 3. s.e. TR 4400. VI 5970 ANACOSTIA. Nr 18th and Good Hope rd. s.e , Falrlont Village—7-rr.-«ld corner brick, fi rms,. tiled bath, air-conch oil heat, deer lot: poiaesssion with deed. HARTMAN REAL1V INC . 1348 Good Hope rd. s e. f^CoVoBEM HEIGHTS. 500 blk. Lebaum st. s.e —This borne is the answer to your house-hunting problem. auto, heat: terms. Call Mrs. VoUt, RE. 1633: eves., AD 9294: COX At CO. CONGRESS HEIGHTS. Nr. 11th and Ala bama awe. s.e.—Det. Irame tuns., s rmr. bath, deep lot: price. J12.95th HARTMAN REALTY. INC.. 1345 Good Hope rd. k.e. TR 4400. VI. 5978. , , CONGRESS HGTS—Brick duplex: living rm 2 bedrma . dinette, kit end beth each: full bsmt. o h.-w.h. ree. rm.: lovely rond : *5 000 will handle J*. 7717 til 8. ACE REALTY SERVICE, pAIKLAWN VILLAGE—Vacant. 5-rm. and bath semidet. brick home _ equip, kit., screens, awnings: excel, com# throughout, lull bsmt, gas a-c. heat. lovely lot: $124*60. terms CAMPANKLLA it WOODS EX 4113: eyes. TW _1510. FAIRLAWN—Brick duolex, 2 apts : 2 rma . kit., bath each: large ree. r» .full bsmt. oil heat: terms. FR .:1< till 8. ACE REALTY SERVICE. Hewtort — l FORT DAVIS SECTION S.E.—I-.*W) down. *67 per month, inch taxes and Ins., buvs this semidetached brick home: three bedrms. o.h.-trJL, Fax# Eon cant beat this buy Call now. RE. 3316. _ HILLCRSST. *19.000. Detached Cokmtal brick. hr. rm. with fireplace, dm. rnv, kit., half bath first floor. 3 bedrms. and bath 2nd floor Knotty pine recreation room, full basement, automatic heat, Act faet op thla one. Call Mr Rttark. VI. 8428. «1th BEITZELL. DI. *100. —A HOUSfS FOR SALE—&.E. LINCOLN PARK—Splendid brick home for any on# who wants to rent rooms, as aame is completely furnished First floor has hall, living room, dining room made into bedroom. Vs bath and modern kitchen (with : refrigerator). Second floor, three bed rooms and bath: basement, one finished room and bath; garage; oil heat. Owner leaving city. THOS X. JARRELL CO.. Realtors. 721 10th at. >w. National 076b. Evenings. Georgia 4355. —1 VACANT—813.PM. Near Capitol. 100 bit of C at.: 3-story brick, plus basement, 9 i bedrooms; suit, for rooming houae; 52.500 pBSs^ON/peV brick, center hall, 6 rms.. tile bath, bedrm. and lav. 1st fl.; 23-ft. liv. rm.; a.-c. gag heat: full bsmt.; lge.. level lot; 2 blka. off Alabama ave s.e., Bradbury Hts HART MAN REALTY, INC . 1345 Good Hope rd. 1 s e TR. 4400. VI. 5978. HOME AND INCOME—1211 B ST. se t an extraordinary home in a nice section; 3 surprisingly lovely gpts.: live in one and let the other 2 pav ali your neces sary expenses; S16.50O; first trust at 4W1 excel, financing. Inspection by appoint ment. Must be sold at once. MAX M. GOLDBERG. Broker. DI. 3094; eyas.. WO. 9354 —i 71* Slat ST. S.E.. $13.500—New 8-room, tile-bath semidet brick, extra-large lot: completed and ready for possession In 15 days JOHN L SHELTON. Realtor. TW. 2710: eves.. VI. 0551. —•« 2P16 S ST. S.E.—Detached brick: 8 rooms. 3 fireplaces, recreation room, near St. Francis Xavier and public schools. , res old. excellent condition. Mr. McDoimejL TR. 4382. with T. PAUL MUDD, 2408 5ilwSHOFETfROAb S.E.—In Imraaculata only. Mr. McDonnell, TR. 4382. with T. PAUL MUDD. 2408 Minnesota ave^ s a. OPEN TODAY—2958 M at. a e.—2-story brick, full bsmt. A. M. SANDHtS. PL. DETACHED BRICK—$15.850—This is a real little "show place.’’ Owner has de veloped a lovely garden, set off by ex pensive atone walls and completely in closed by wire fence: neat at a Pin. Tha interior plan includes liv. rm. with firepl., din. rm.. kit., front and rear porches; 8 bedrms. and bath on 2nd floor;, oil h.-w. heat: storm windows: situated Just off Bowen rd., 1 block from transportation. Shopping, etc. To inspect, call kir. Marchal. RA. 2561. with BURR & YOUNG, Realtors. DK. 4444_ —1 FAIRLAWN—2 FAMILY APTS. Best s.e. location. near foil coum: each RPt contains lit. rm . bedrm.. dinftte and kit. combination and bath. This is a prewar-built apt.; price. ' terms. For information, call MR ROSEN THALL. RE. K2«6; _gvas.vEM. t>02« —1 ^ FORT DAVIS S.E Only ?2.0<x> down will buy this newly built semidetached home with liv. rm.. dinette, kit.. 3 bedrms.. tiled bath, lull bsmt.: excel, cond.: conv. located. SOUTHEAST REALTY CO. 1211 Pa ave. ,e. FR. 3600. —1 . HILLCREST BUNGALOW Nicely arranged brick: liv. rm. with flra place, lie. kit.. 2 bedrms.. 2 rms. In attic: full bsmt.. oil a.-c.h.; lot 50x135; conv. to shopping and transp.; moderately prtoed with terms. _ SOUTHEAST REALTY CO. 1211 Pa. ave. s.e.. FR. 2000. —1 HILLCREST AREA Sea this beautiful prewar detached brick home with liv. rm . din rm.. kit., 3 bed rms . full bsmt„ 2 bath*, screened aid* porch, sun deck, oil a.-c.h., lge. lot with 5 fruit trees. _ . ___ _ SOUTHEAST REALTY CO. 1211 Pa. ave. s.e.. FR. 2000. —1 HILLCREST AREA S.E. 6-rm. brick bungalow; lge. liv. rm., open fireplace. 3 bedrms.. storage space, I1* baths, built-in garage, o.h.-w. heat. - screened-ln porches; conv. to public ana Catholic schools, church and transp new-house cond Phone VI. 7810. — -» SACRIFICE $9.500—100 blk. of F st. n.; arranged as 3 apts . which bring in a good income. Price includes stoves. 2 refgrs.; this is a real bargain; excel. Call Ravensrroft. DU. 6641 or MI 0212. WILLIAM H. BOAZK. 3408 18th st. n.c.. Ml. 8241. —2 , OPEN DAILY—HILLCREST 2104 31st st. s.e.—Corner detached home, « rooms, tile bath, gas h.-w h2Jbn perfect condition; lot 75x93. FREDERICK A. BLUMER CO.. Realtor, 617 Penna. ave. - s.e . FR. 1**83._ —1 _ 6 ROOM BRICK—$12,500 A splendid semidetached home in a cone, s.e. location; immec. cond.. gas a.-c. heat: *2,500 cash down, balance 1 trust. Call SH. 1313 till 9 a.m. DENNY Si PRICK. Realtors._ _ —0° IT’S CHEAPER THAN RENT Only *2.500 cash Is needed to purchaaa this very nice 3-bedrtn., 1-batn nouse priced at $13 150. One truat with monthly payments of $67, includes taxes and in surance. In one of the fastest growing section* of s.e.. west of Penna. ave. Cpn enient to fhopping, schools, transp. Im mediate occupancy. Call ME. 1143, until 9 7.' WESLEY BUCHANAN _ 1613 FORT DAVIS ST. SE. New semidetached brick; j 8 ft'. Mtde, 8 ige. rmi, and bath, lavatory on .1st fl. and in basement; Venetian blinds, tha best of tak floors. All copper plumbing and spouting, streamline kit., all metal cabinets, full basement, gas alr-cond. neat. Terms. NA. .1524; eves.. VI 3211. BRENNAN Si PORTER REALTY CO r VACANT—$2,000 DOWN 1300 blk. Dexter ter. s.e.—3-year-old. 5 story brick, 5 large rms. and modern bath: basement, oil h.-w.h.; nice yard; A-1 cond. Priced to sell this week. For de tails. ca.l till 9 u.m. weekdays; Sunday, Wm. Calomiris Prop., Inc. 101* J7th st. n.w. Dl. 16R5. —3 _ $1,000 CASH $100 mo. mr.kes vou th* owner of .hi* flne brick home, just off E. Capitol st and conv. to Navy Yard; featured are 8 large, bricht rms- bath, full bsmt- h.-w h , etc.; poss. _ JESS FISHER & CO., INC. 1120 K st. n.w.. EX. 1811. Office oren till 9 p m._ COLORED—1288-1227 C 8T. S.E.—$495 down, easy, terms: 9 rooms, elec . row brick, bath. Call Morris Cohen or Milton Vinnick. with A. M. DRAISNER, 1404 L» st. n.w.. NA. 8036. GE 0397. COLORED—629 B ST. S.E.—*175 down. $45 mo • 6 looms, row frame. Call Morris Cohen or Miiton Vinnick. with A. M. DRAISNER. 14114 L st n.w., NA. 8036; home. GE. 0297. COLORED—1226 HALF ST. S.E.—*295 down, easy terms; « rooms, elec., row brick. Call Morris Cohen oa, Milton Vin nick. with A. M. DRAISNER.' 1404 L at. I n.w.. NA. 8036; home. OR 0297. COLORED— KENTI CRY AVE. g E —St* rms. and bath; prloe, $8,500; good terms. A R. SEELYE. 1400 L st. n.w . DI. 8325. COLORED HOME AND INVESTMENT— $9,750. with only $2,500 down; 20-ft. brick, 2-family apt. bldg., only 5 yrs. old; each apt. contains 2 rooms, kitchen and bath; h.-w.h.. all utilities paid by tenants, near all convemencea; excel income. Call Mr. William Smith. RE. . eves.. EM. 7961, with FRED A. SMITH. Realtor. COLORED—OPEN DAILY 4:3* TO 7. Saturday and Sunday 1 to 7—20 new , hornet, 8 sold. 24th and Irving els. s.e . one blk off Alabama ave. For veterans and nonveterans; GI loans made with *1,400 cash. Semldet brick. 3 bedrms.. liv rm„ din rm„ modern kit. with stove -end refer, full bsmt. gas heal._For further information, call MR. LATONA. NA 1737 or eves . KM 4924. Directions. W-6 bus from Navy Yard direct to homes. COLORED—208 1 *th ST. S.E.—Brick 7 rms, oil h.-w.h.. good condition; posses sion; $1,000 to $1,500 cash. OWNER. | TA. 7010._—3 First Showing to Colored Near Navy Yard 6 large rooms, brick, bath, gas h.-w. heat, full bsmt. At *11.950, with *1.750 down. This won’t last. Vacant. Call now to see BIRON & CON RAD. INC . Sterling 3440. Res , RA 4388 *r SL. 8976._ —1 COLORED—NEW HOMES Only *1.000 down will buy a lovely new brick home; 8 large rooms, tiled bath, full bsmt.. gas heat; lovely new section. Call now. Reasonable monthly payments. DIENER. EHRLICH & CO. _ST. 3381; cvea . OE 1897^ —i HOUSES FOR SALE—SonHWfgM. tun $T.—$8,950: $050 down and STS per "10. will buy this conveniently located rt-storv row-brick home with 2 kit., ice. 2-story: 2-car brick gar . in good cond W king distance to Oovt. agencies ana downtown Nr. school*, stores tod transp. -IR'-RY REALTY CORP , 1T.1T K st. n.w.. R~ 11.13 til! !1 p m. „ COLORED—9th AND F S.W —Row brick, j perfect c—dition; 6 rms bath, h.-w h I Inured, pos*. Price $8,450: terms.$LOOD cash. >50.50 per mo. JOHN L_ SHILTON, Realtor. TW. 2710; eves.. VX 0551. — COLORED — 1337-1339-1341-I34S-134* 4th ST. S.W.—1st commercial. *205 down, easy terms. 5 rms.. elec., row brick. can Morris Cohen or Milton Vinnick. with A. M. DR AISNER 1*>4 L st. n.W , NA. 80.10: home. GE. 0297.__ HOUSES WANTED TO BUT. I PAT CASH FOR HOUSES—White or col ored. Any section, any condition MR. B. LIBS. RE. 8264: evea.. TA 6366 CHARLES 8. GUNN baa clients waiting to purchasa homes In anysectlon of Wash, and nearbv Maryland PR. 1206 IE PROMPT ATTENTION to the gale of your borne, oueineu or invettmept prop erty Is what yuu desire, call R. A HUM PHRIES. Realtor. 808 North CapitnL NA. «73(T Free appraisals Result* since 1919. 60 TEARS' SERVICE to local property owners guarantees results List your prop erty with WM II SAUNDERS CO- INC Realtors *lnce IS*?, 1519 E it. DL 1015. WILL PAT CASH for houses, white or colored, any condition or section. DE. 0885. IMMEDIATE CASH for your home; n e. or se aOlte or colored: and Md. COX m CO DI. 4254 RE 1633 UNDER $70,6(10: must have 3 bedrmt and ist-flr, powder rra : nice yard; near school* and transp.; n.w. or close-in suburb*. Cash buyer for suitable home MR. BARTLETT, DU. 8558 or eyes . LU. 2040. WE°HAVE CASH BITERS for homes and Invest men' properties. What have you to offer? THOS E JARRELL CO.. Realtor* (estab. 1815). 721 loth st n.w., NA. 0765. TOP MARKET PRICE for your home or investment property, over 20 yrs. of trust worthy real estate service. H. T. RAN DOLPH. RE 2137 or TR. 7263 —3 aUICK IS THE NAME and QUICK W1U bg i« action in buying your house for. cash. MITCHELL QUICK. SL. 7731. RA. 3418. 3* I WILL PAT ALL CASH for 6-room boow. In n.e. location. Cal) CO 3718. —3^ (Continued on Next Pag*) I