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SUBURBAN SALE—VA. rCnt.K TODAY’S BEST BUY •2.BOO eash or less and t72 per mo. and this new fl-rm. brick Colonial on 4-acre wooded lot can be called "home ' Living !m. 11x20 with fireplace, good-sized dln na rm and kitchen, 3 bedrms. and tiled ath; full basement, oil a-c heat: Im mediate dosse«-:ou. BICKLE Sc MAY. 2420 Wilson blvd. OL. 205«, OX. 1732. Cool, Quiet, Refreshing Cool because of a wealth of shade; quiet Because it is a dead-end street; refreshing because the home is complete and ready to •tand Inspections of the most discriminat ing purchaser; 3 bedrms., 2 tiled baths, lge. 11 v. rm., designed for entertaining formal din. rm., excel, work-saving kit ; full bsmt, 4 bath, 1-car earage. sid* porch; some additional quality features are: Lifetime rool, copper plumbing. Ve netian blinds, cecar closets, etc.; priced Just over 520,000 for immed. sale. ARLINGTON REALTY CO. _2204 Wilton blvd., OW. 0300._— 1 A SOUTHERN CHARACTER Built for comfort. To begin with, this :s a very large home, consisting of large, front porch across entire front. Center hall entrance to l.v rm., sitting rm . den. dining rm.. kitchen equipped, full bath and ced'm This character also.has staircase to second floor with 3 large bedrms and, ab *ndance of closet space. Full basement, oil h -w h. Now folks, the grounds are nicely landscaped, plug garage. Priced just under 520.000. ARLINGTON REALTY CO. 2204 Wilson blvd.. OW. »:U)0. —1 IN AURORA HILLS Thl» new home built for comfortable living and unlimited family enjoyment. The best materials have been used In Its : construction and it must be seen to be appreciated. It has a combination living room and dining room 13x28 ft. with Carrara glass wood-burning fireplace, lge. picture window, with French doors lead ing to an aluminum screened-in porch 10x14 ft. Library, nursery, den or bed room on first floor with closet and bath, entrance hall vmh coat closet. A modern de luxe electric kitchen with space fo: breakfast bar Master bedroom on second floor with private shower and two large closets; two additional bedrooms with. picture window s, one with mirrored door ; and entrance to metal deck, also large bath with shower; linen closet in harl. Permanent stairs to large storage attic. For your complete relaxation there*is a knotty pine recreation room above grade i with wood-burning fireplace, bar and picture window. Brick and cement patio leading from recreation room, gas air ronditioned with humidifier. American ftandaid plumbing fixtures. aluminum ducts; copper downspouts, gutters, flash ing and copper screens for all windows and doors, built-in garage with alumi num tilt-type door. There are many other j features which we will enjoy showing you. Immediate possession. 51O.0OO cash re quired wi:h balance less than usual for this type home. Shown by appointment only. AURORA HILLS OFFICE i 23-11 Pouth Arlington Ridge rd. Phone Jackson 1710-171J * —2 _ j VACANT—$1,500 DOWN | For this brick. 2-bedrm . expandable attic house, with full bsmt . having outside en trance; terraced corner lot. without delay, call M. POMPONIO & SONS, INC.. OW. j 0460. _ —1 Distinctive Oakcrest Home English brick; 8 lge. bedrms. and bath upstairs. liv. tm . dm. rm . kit., srieeneri porch and attached garage; lge. renter burnt., with ' j bath, and 2 bsmt. j storerooms, level lot with tall trees. ; borders on small stream; schools, buses, shopping and Pentagon close by: only ■ $21,400, location. 3214 So. Glebe rd . Ar-1 lington. Otis 8319.__--1_ CIRCLE THIS ' A custom built brk. ranch home on ft beautiful acres nr. Sleepy Hollow on paved street, only 20 min. to downtown: over 150 white Leghorns ami Plymouth Rocks;1 a going chicken ranch with de luxe < hicken houses, rabbit hutch and other buildings; many varieties of fruit trees, grape arbor, excellent farming equipment mended; exquisite views of the Virginia Hills, owner leaving for Europe, 'so every thing goes at the amazingly low price of $2*2,oOu: substantial cash. Call till lu. THE BRANT CO. 2334 Wilson blvd. GL. 421 ti, OX 0520 _—30 j BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL tile bath 1st floor: $17,950. Looking for large rooms? Then be sure to see this one. it is & center-hail plan, 7-yr.-old brick with a 24-ft. living room. 12x18 dining room and lar«e equipped kirchen; 2nd floor, 3 bedrooms and all will take double beds, they all have exceptionally large cedar closet and a beautiful colored tiled bath, full basement, 'a bath, copper plumbing, built-in. one-car garage, situated on a large level lot, 60x105. fenced in: located, within 6 min. of Pentagon and Navy Bldg., school*, churches and shopping within j walking distance. Best buy on the ma*kei. , J. WESLEY BUCHANAN 1501 Columbia pike, Arlington, Va. CH J 341, OX. 2798 __--30 _ j HOME OR INVESTMENT Thii semidetached brick on So. Second st . near Washington and Lee shopping renter; now rented for $llft monthly.! Priced at only $10850 for quick saie. Call RE. 8050, 9 tiJl P. Colonial Investment Co. . —30 FROM 7 TO 9 P.M. Thia week, you arf Invited to visit 4 17 Lmden lane Hillw^od. where for oniy $25,850 there is ava'lable in one of the finer sections of Falls Church, a large 3 bedroom brick home, it is on a corner lot. 85x130; is of center-hall plan; has large living room with f replace, large din ing room with bay window and corner cupboards, fully equipped kit. and break fast nook with pantry, and *a oath on first floor; a master bed'oom With private bath and two other bedrooms and batli on second floor: ba.-ement with laundry irays and oil-burning hot-water heat: workshop or storage (could be altered and used as second garace*. detached garage; nice lawns and shruhberv prewar construction but. comparatively new. thoroughly insu lated. vou‘11 be surprised to find such a spacious and gracious home at so low a price: available by August 1: $7,500 cash terms on balance. Also shown by appoint- ; ment. call ___ L. S. HURLEY f?00 No Brandywine st . Arlington. GL. 1A02 or CH. 9810 daily 9 to 5:30. —3_ County Club Grove Pittmar rd . Arlington. Va. Beautiful brick detached home. 1st floor, living room, dining room, kitchen screened porch. - . bedrooms, bath 2nd floor. 2 large double bedrooms and bath: basement playroom wnh fireplace, opening onto terrace. large maid's room and bath, oil heat, garage, near Washington Golf and Country Club. Excellent price See Mr Mackintosh, jr.. WEAVER BROS., INC . Washington B.dg . DI_ 8300: eves. WO 3710 “V \ JUST OFF LEE BLVD. Fast, direct route to Pentagon Det. all brick home on lge corner lot. J00x100.1 Only 4 yrs. old and in new-house rood ; pane'ed den and lav on 1st fl.: 3 bedrms •’ baths. 2nd fl radiant heat Priced for quick sale. Call WO. 4 754 or FRANK S. PHILLIPS. DI Mil. —<5 j 1U M1JN. 1U 1 Beautiful section near N Pershing dr. and Glebe rd : prewar all bricg. liv. rm with flrepl. den. din rm. and k;t. on 1st fl 7 Ige bedrms . tile bath. 2nd fl : lull bsmt. \»lth laundry and lavatory, oil h -w h del. brick garage; level wooded lot. 51x114 Priced to sell Call Mr. Rees. CH 5883 or FRANK S PHIILIPS. DI 1411,_i UNDER $10,000 Quiet, safe neighborhood of Falls Church: 7 comp ete bedrms . immaculate. 7 more almost complete: ige lot. just right for an amateur gardener. For appt. to in spect. tai' OW 8500 LURIA BROS. 7046 Wilson Blvd —1 _ " GARDEN AND LAWN Safe for the kidd’.ea is this lovely Ige lawn «<nd flower garden The house is brick. 3 bedrms entrance hail, immmulate cond Is? class Arl. neighborhood. Call OW 8500. LURIA BROS. 704fl_ Wilson Blvd.# «—1 OPEN EVENINGS T till P until add that remarkably fine home in (Shir.ey Woods' Arlington s finest restricted subdiv of 105 ail wooded lots in country ciub section, il has 3 bed- , rm? . maid's rm. or der.: 7’a bahs gas h -w h all elec kit. including Di>pOsall. i dishwasher, range and refgr superb rec rm . etc . and can be had for only $37,500 i on liberal terms. Cal', or see L. S. HURLEY 5700 N Brandywine st., Arlington. GL 3 002. or CH. 9810. daily 9 to 5:30_—a RAMBLER S-bedrm brick, brand new. full basement, everything to make life comfortable. CH 81UO. OX 3501. eves CH. 0843. —1 BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE. DOWNTOWN, nr 10th st. and N. Y ave n w —Small office bldg to be delivered vacant: 3-story and bsmt. brick, arranged Into 5 suites of offices: oil heat; onlv $5 000 down and balance on easy terms For further information call OWNER. ME OOP5. ME 1355. —30 FALLS CHl'RCH—Excellent business in vestment. brick and cinder block building In heart of Falls Church, now rented for o\er $125 per mo : building 25x55. on lot 25x100 ft. Purchase subject to lease. Priced right, at $16,000. Half cash EASTMAN * SEAY. Realtors. FA 7670. OFFICES OR STORE. 2-story, basement, possession 7th st. n.w , near Pa. ave. $55,000. EDW BOWTCRS. RE 2029. • HAVE SEVERAL IDEAL BITS ir apart ment houses, ranging from 8 to 50 units; all modern and priced right with excel lent terms. Cal! Mr. Wolburg. TA 1786. with SHANNON LUCHS CO. 1505 H at. n.w . NA _ 2345__ BUSINESS PROPERTY^OR RENT. LARGE OFFICE OR SHOP. 11th and Ps. r w . elec, and heat free, fluorescent fix tures: upstairs: good for any business; only $60 mo. GL. 6340. —4 LARGE CORNFR LOT. available for used car sale; prominent street all or part of 11.000 sq. ft. LOUIS BUR MAN. RE 17«> 8TOREROOM on Wilson blvd . near Clarendon, also office space. CH. 4747. —30 NEAR T. 8. NO l and south end of 14th ct Bridge about 750 sq ft. of space in fireproof building zoned for light manu facturing. Work room, offices, lavatory Reasonable ren' by month. LOUI£ P 6HOBMAKER. 17 19 K st. n.w. NA 1 16B, apartment sites for sale. . ARKANSAS ATE. AND UPSHUR ST. N W < _About 16.000 so ft., zoned 60-Ci S2 A fl. NA. 6740, SIDNEY S. BROWN. —30 APT. HOUSES FOR SALE. SIX-FAMILY BRICK APT. HOUSE, new. 73<(0 Flower ave.. Takoma Park. Md. In come over $40(1 mo. Quick sale. $33,000. Owner WILLIAM R FORD. SL. 2150. 2301-2300 MT. VIEW PL. S.E.—Two-4 family brick det. apts. Beautiful, Ike. shaded lot. 2 bedrms. each apt. Price. $25,050 each 4-family; terma. Na. 33S3 or WO. 7126. —30 DUPLEX—2 bedrooms each. Kennedy at n w. nelkhborhood; tenants pay utilities Zapol with OSCAR SEIGEL EX. 2501 or RA 5888 1 • TRADES ACCEPTED—Excellent oppor tunity to purchase a large FHA develop ment. Nearly new and shows better than 15 'v net cash return. $85,000 cash needed above first trust or can finance anv balance up to $40,000. Ray Morse. SH 8300. with BROWN REALTY CORP.. Realtors. DU. 8558. APPROX. 7 TIMES RENTAL—Brick det 8-family apt. bids . 5 yrs. old; 4 RDts are 2-bedrm. units and 4 are 1-bedrm units: all apts. have liv rm.. dinette and fully equipped kit . tiled bath with shower, oil heat. Venetian blinds, hardwood floors throughout: located in Metropolitan Area of s.e . 1 blk. to bus. shopping center and schools. Price. $3 7,950; cash. $14,000. balance FHA unusual large return on in vestment. Phone Mr McGinmss. NA. 9141. for further information. FREDERICK W BERENS SALES. 1520 K st. n.w. —0 IF YOU ARE LOOKING for an attractive home with good income, this 4-unit, dormer-type, modern brick apt. has every thing. You ’1 be delighted with the subur ban setting, its nearness to everything and the excellent condition of the prop erty: present annual income $3,780; may be adjusted to over $4,000 by new owner, has exceptionally low operating costs: owner's price. $28,500. For appointment I to inspect, call SL. 9256. —2 A GOOD OPPORTUNITY to purchase a Arfamilv apt building, just renovated and i thoroughly modern; gas heat; good down town renting section. For appointment to inspect. call OWNER, CO. 4 64 3. —I APARTMENT Nr. 16th and Columbia rd.—3-story, fire proof. 17-unit bldg.; less than 7 V* times annual rent. Good financing, low operat or costs. Also well-located. 16-unit walk up bldg . nr. 14th and Clifton sts.: less than 8 times annual rent. Owner will trade Call Mr. Manuel, eves , EM. 5386 or ME 1143. JT. WESLEY BUCHANAN_ COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. NEAR I Mlh AND EVE ST. N.W.— 1st i comm This property adaptable for pro fessional office or lor business. Located in the heart of the business section of Washington 3-story. 11-rm.. all-brick home with large rooms. For further in formation. eve*, and Sun call Mr Hol st rom. CO 857 3 Exclusively with METZ ,.ER Realtor-Builder, 1106 Vt. ave. n.w. PI. 8600._ ____ CLARENDON See this valuable commercial location In the heart of Clarendon s business section. Lot 3 7 >.-2x115. Full price, $22,500. Terms can be arranged. AL BAKER & SON, INC. Exclusive realtors. 1J6 So. Sf: Asaph at.. Alexandria, Va Open eves and Suns, for your conv. Rhone TE. 7343, ALex. 6644. '■—1 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR RENT MODERN SMALL BUILDING In Dupont Circle area: 1st commercial: attract.vely arranged for one tenant: may be used as store on first floor with offices upstairs; also suitable for associations, or ganizations or unions; available about July Jo. J. A. WEINBERG CO. 1 79? H st. n.w . Realtors, NA. 5509. —1 DOWNTOWN BUILDING 76x191; second commercial: high domed ceiling; excellent space for large printing plant, auto sales an dservice. distributor of heavy machinery, organizations requir ing large open space for assemblies, ana many other uses Available now J. A. WEINBERG CO. 1707 11 st n w . Realtors, NA. 550(4. —1 COMMERCIAL GROUND FOR SALE. 1 Ok SALE'OR LEASE, commercial ground on Defense hwy. near Cheverly Theafre Owner will help finance bldg project ♦or right party. RUTH I. POWELL, NA. 964ft, EM 18 HO_—3 INDUSTRIAL PROP. FOR RENT ’ INDUSTRIAL PLANT SPACE, new build ing. also desiraole for warehouse or shop use 19.900 sq. ft. and up to 4.900 sq. ft. of modern air-conditioned offices, all on one floor, railroad siding, truck platform. 2S9-lb. floor load, heavy duty electric service, parking area; close to downtown Washington; heat supplied by owner: plant has excellent daylight, built-in vault In offices. For further particulars call Mr. Green or Mr. Talley, H. L. RUST CO., NA SljQ). _ —*10 INVESTMENT PROPERTY FOR SALE. DOWNTOWN, nr. 10th and N. Y. ave. n.w.—Small office bldg., to be delivered vacant, 3-story and bsmt. biick. ar ranged Into 5 suites of offices; oil heat: only $5,000 down and balance on easy terms. For further information, call OWNER. ME. 0095. ME. 1355. —30 FOUR-FAMILY APT., only $*21,950 with $2,900 annual income and $15,000 1st trust; convenient to stores, bus and the- . ater A real investment- MITCHELL1 QUICK. Owner. DI. 2831; eves., RA. 3418. •3 1 2nd AND C STS, S.E.—Brick building, with 3 unit? of 3 rooms, kitchen and bath each: owner furnishes heat only; annua! rental. 1 $1,820.52: price. $10 500. FLOYD E DAVIS CO. 1029 K st n.w. NA. 2352. eves, and Sunday. NO o020. NEW HAMPSHIRE AYE N.W., near Du- j pont Circle—25 rooms. 8 baths, practical- ; lv new elevator; first and second floor : ideal for clubhouse, other 3 floors suit able for guest rooms: now rented to organ ization for $1,009 per month; lease ex- ! pires Jan. 15, '49; approx. $20,009 down will handle. CHAPMAN REALTY CO., Realtors, RE. 331ft. 9 to 9 daily. COMMERCIAL BLDG.—2 stores; 2 apts . ! 2-rm., kit and bath, 1 1-rm.. kit. and oath separate gas and elec, for each unit. FR 7717 'til b. ACE REALTY SERVICE. Realtors. I CORNER FOUR-FAMILY apt buildings 2 modern, well-built semidet. bricks: near 53rd and Ea-: Capitol sis ; about 7 yrs. old; income. $52.50 each apt.; price. $29. 900 per building RUDDEN <fc COHN INC 1424 K s*. n w. EX. 57o5. s APTS. BARGAIN -This extra large do*. bri(k bldg, erected in 1942. in a conv. popular Arlington apt. project. Price less than T34 times yearly rents. KEL1 EY A BRANNER DI. 7 749; eves., OR. 528ft or WI 0844. —1 CLOSE to Silver Soring and District line excel, lor schools, nursery schoo, or rest home. 3’i acres of land, and building that has 29 rooms and 9 roughea-in baths: this land is suitable to build 9 01 in homes, priced at $27,900. F A. TWEED CO. 5504 Conn ave. EM 1290 till 9 p.m. —3 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE N.N., nr. Dupont Circle—25 rms., 8 bath1-, new elevator; 1st and 2nd floors ideal for clubhouse; other 3 floors for guest rms.: rented to organization for $1,000 per mo.: lease ex pires Jan 15; approximately $20,000 down Will handle RE. 3310. CHAPMAN REAL TY CO.. Realtor*. !» to 9 daily. 12*9 Ith ST. S.E.—Corner. 4-family apt : income over $200 per mo. Asking price. $17,250. Eve., phone Mr. Gordon. WO 1935, 4t. T. GRAVATTE. Realtor. 729 1 5th st. n.w., NA. "753. EXCELLENT IN VESTMENT—Five-family apt. bldg, in n.p. (only 5 yrs. old); oil iieaj. concrete porches: rent, $3,409: priced right. SHAPIRO. INC., ME. 1717, TA 7 511. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 7 tenants, producing an incojn* of ap proximately $1 7.000 yearly. LOUIS BUR MAN. RE 1768 —3 PRICE' REDUCED' Near 21st and P sts. n.w -Attractive investment- ideal location, near G W. U. 3 apts. renting for *23250 month has h.-w.h E\e?> and Sun. call Mr. Schroe fie;-. VI. 750-1. ex. lus’velv with METZLER. Realtor--Builder, J 1 • Vermont ave. n w.. PI, 8600 __30_ 9-UNIT APARTMENT Alexandria. Va.: fully detached: excellent rental location: incline approximately vyoon a year, price. $51,500. Phone Mr. Ray. L)E 1872. with SHANNON & LUCHS CO. _1 505 H st. n V.. NA 234 5._ 2 NEW STORES With ample parkin? facilities included: on main highway in one of the most highly commercialized locations in close-in Va Leased to reliable tenants. Income $3.25 per month. Price $37,000. Call Mr. Peck. GE 7385. with SHANNON & LUCHS CO. __1505 H st. N W , NA._?S45\_ TAKOMA PARK. D. C. 7050 East ave n.w.: excellent investment property: priced at $ 14.75o, 5-apt home completely furnisned and 5 complete kitchens with refrigerators: 4 baths, new oil heat: monthly income $215: very low down payment with good financing: one apt is now available Call Mr. Mackin tosh. jr . WEAVER PROS INC . Wash ington Bldg., DI. 83uUr eves. WO. 3730. " 19-UNIT BARGAIN N.W. This handsome apt', bldg . built just be fore the war. of the finest materials and situated in excel, n.w location, is a\aii for rhe first time. Every modern feature of constr. and convenience is incorporated In this bldg, and it is In per! cond. Income at very moderate rents approx $11,000 yearly and priced very reas. for immediate sale. JESS FISHER & CO. Realtors. 1420 K st. n.w. EX. 1811. office open til 0 p.m.__ 634X RENT Buys this very handsome apt. bldg . con taining 30 units, located Just west of Conn. ave. In the Kalorama Circle area. This birig. and the type of apts. con tained therein <a number of which have 2 bedrms), attract the best and most perm type of tenancy, income approx. > yearly and priced at this sensa tionally low figure for immed. sale. Ex clusive with JESS FISHER & CO. 1420 K st. n.w , EX. 1811. Office open til 9 p m 2-FAMILY FLAT 1700 blk of Gales st. n.e.—Now under const ail apts. have liv. rm . bedrm . kit -, dinette and bath Tenants furn own utilities Individual Bryant gas a -c. heat; excel, investment. CONNER & RYON. INC. Exclusive agents. 027 1 *th st. n.w.. RE. •TMtf Eves, call Mr. Fairbatrn. HO. 7000. j or_Mr Hackman. WI -:74t<. 10% TO 20% Annual net cash return on investments in well-located apt. houses: $15,000 to $65,000 down payment nec depending upon property purchased: balance monthly « out of rents Call Mr. Tarver with E. M 'FRY. INC.. Wl. 6740; tve*. and 6un., 6L. £890. DOUBLE TROUBLE —By Bill MacLean * .. 1 " I ■■III II— I ' - -^ JIMMY MCCARTHY GIVED j U5HIS MEASLES!! j= ^ j WELL,GET OUT OF [it aimt a “THEM"’!’!! HERE WITH THEM!! ITS A HIM!j~ (huh?) " ^ !^6> ^ pL P°r?> A .Copr 1948, Ring Features Syndicatf^lncj _LJ INVEST^PROP. FOR SALEJCont.l. COLOR! b—:V<MI BLK. OF .‘ird ST. S.W.— Row brk.. •; apts.: no reasonable ofler re fused. STROUP. RA. *700. — COLORED—OOO BLK. Till ST. -VE.— Row brk., ti rntf- bath, heat in ea. apt.: now •: apts . easily made into more. STROUP. RA. *700. ■—* COLORED—36-l’NIT APT. BLDG.—In come $18,000: less than 0V2 times. DRURY REALTY CORP., 1737 K st. n.w., RE. 1133 till I) p.m._———= LOTS FOR SALE. APT. HOtTSE LOTS, 72 feet wide, in beau tiful Hampshire View, corner New Hamp shire ave and East-West hwy., $3,360. OWNER. SL. 2150. BURNT MILLS VILLAGE—This new sub division is ideally located on Colesville rd., close-in Silver Spring. Here you will find wide beautiful lots, just suited for your home, street grading is progressing and you can now make choice selections, but don't put it off. These lots are sell ing. For plat and full information, call Robert Heater, with CRANE 6c HELAN. SL. 4000 til 9 P.m. —30 CONGRESS HEIGHTS, one blk. off Nichols ave. and shopping center—Cor. lot. 58x1 14. zoned lor apts ; streets, water and sewer readv to build; price. $3,750. HARTMAN REALTY. INC.. 1345 Good Ho*pe rd. s.e.. TR 44<m. VI. 5976 38th ST.. NR. PENN. AVE S.E . facing Ft. Davis Park—4 level lots 50x120; price right for quiCK sale HARTMAN REALTY. INC. 1345 Good Hope rd. s.e, TR. 4400, VI 5976. DISTRICT HEIGHTS. MD.—Beautiful lot. citv water, gas and sewer, close to school and bus $550. WEST REAL ESTATE. HI 7099. After 6 p.m., Mr. Hamilton, HI. 7440. —3 R1RKSIDE. CHEVY CHASE. MD.—Beauti ful corner lot. 125 ft. on Kirkside drive and 75 ft. on Center st. Paved street, sewer and water; priced right. OWNER. DE. 0885* —3 IIYaTTSVILLE (Cleat wood) Md.—50x105 level lot: $1,500. WA. 2457. —1 EAST WOODSIDE. the Wesley Heights of Si.ver Spring—One Wot. 75x17 5. $3,500 cash. Another lot. 100x27 5. $5,500 cash. McD'EVITT, Realtors. SH. 6760, RA 4422. —30 WHEATON TRIANGLE. Wheaton. Md.— Large, level lot. 70x140 feet: water and sewerage: close to all convs.; $3,500. Phone EX. 5687 or SL. 6749. —4 CORNER POTOMAC AVE.. Manning pi. n w. Approx. 75x138 ft., $5,500; terms. Phone OR. 1762. . 1* I.ORCOM LANE, corner Jackson. Arl.— 105x120. level, trees, utilities: .3 miles Wash.; cash, terms. OWNER, OR. 1428. 5* LOT, 100-ft. frontage. 136 ft deep; per fect lot; Burnt Mill Hills; $2,750. Call SH 2689. —•» SAVE $600—Desirable lot in Bellevue Forest, Arl.: $2.15d or see It and make offer. OWNER. GL. 4400. Ext. 282 —1 WESTMORELAND HILLS—70-foot front: Carvel rd.; all utilities, wooded, high ele vation: $2,500. Mr. Washburn. GE. 2618. MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO., 1224 14 th street n.w. DI. 3346. MARYLAND PARK, near Central ave, walking distance of schools and cars, one block from bus, nice neighborhood, perfect lot. 50x150 ft. to alley, all public services in street. Price. $750. LOUIS P. SHOE MAKER. 17 19 K st. n.w., NA. 1166 CHEVY CHASE. MD.—A corner, one block from Connecticut ave.. one of the finest lots we have ever seen, in a finished ex clusive neighborhood. Over 12.500 sq. ft. Plans for a beautiful house included at the price of $5,500 cash. LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. 1719 K st. n.w , NA. 1166. SILVER SPRING AREA, east of Georgia ave.—29 lots of the kind builders like; water and sewer service guaranteed by owner. Price, $900 each in groups. Ask for Miss Shoemaker. EM. 1760, or here. LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. 1719 K st. n.w., NA 1166. SILVER SPRING, wooded corner lot. POx 136. nl lovely neighborhood; 1 - blk. off Flower ave . nr. Sligo Park; $2,250 cash. OWNER. Greenbelt 4634. —1 FORT FOOTF SECTION—Lge. level clear lot; 4 milas D. C. line, $600 to $800; cash or terms LO 7343. —30 SLEEPY HOLLOW' RD.. Fairfax Co.. Va.. 1J2 mi. from Seven Corners between Ra venwood and Mal-Brook. desirable coiner lot. 200x238 Priced $3,500. OWNER. ALex. 5394, eves, and Sun. —30 BUILDERS—7 lots. Old Georgetown rd and Ryland dr. Bethesda. Md. $1,106 each: good terms; sewer and water: streets cut to grade. OL. 9712; eves., CO. 1510. —3 ARLINGTON. VA. CORNER—Va acre in restricted area of lovely homes, less than in min. from Wash. Exceptional buy at reduced price. Eves. CO. 0712, Apt. 461 CHEVY CHASE, D. C.. 60x180. wooded, ust off Western ave. near Chevy Chase Circle; $3,506 or best offer. TW. 1592 sny time —4 COLONIAL BEACH. 2 lots. 50x150—Near point facing Marshall ave.; $300 each MISS TROTT. TA 7430. —2 H-ACRE. 5 miles Falls Church—Priced $565; $100 down, $25 per mo. FA. 1578 NEAR GA. AVE. AND BLAIR RD.. Silver Spring—Approx. 42.000 sq. ft. improved bv a 20-rm det. building. Zoned for apts. RAFFELL REAL ESTATE. Realtor. SH 8794 till 9. 5-SITE LOT. best location, Ft. Lincoln: sacrifice due to leaving city. W’rite Box ,02. Herndon. Va._ —2 LANHAM rAKK Beautiful lots. 100x170 ft.: $750: $100 down. M5 monthly:' !!!! lots sold in May. breaking all previous sales records: city water, electricity, phone mail service, tram and bus connections. Directions: Bladensburg rd. to peace Cross, out De fense hwy. 5 miles to larRe sign "Lanham Park ' at office on left side of Defense hwy. Office open dally and Sunday. Jo a m. until dark. Thomas F. Halley, Broker Phone Hyattsville 0107 or Union 7040. Write or phone for beautiful free folder showing acivant age__of Lanham_Park. —2 OAKLAND TERRACE Kensington. Md—35 wooded lots, priced from $85(1 to $1,800. For particulars, phone OWNER. GE. 3757. —30_ BUILDERS, ATTENTION Twenty lots In Forestville area, approx 50X140 ft.; city water available; level ahd some cleared, others wooded, with snivel streets in; over 100 homes already built and occupied: a fine development for homes in *8.5u0 class; will sell one lot or as a group: exceptional financing; average price below #500. Phone AT. 0227 until 8:30 pm. C. D. MURPHY. Realtor. 140 1 25th m . s.e._—1_ BUILDERS, DEVELOPERS We believe we have the only three sizeable tracls of iand available in close-in Silver SprWig. Md . for immediate development—■ two of 2o acres and one of 00 acres: suit able for homes in any price category. Ail within l'a miles of Silver Spring shopping area For plats and details, phone Banks Murray. SL MM. with SHANNON & LUCHS CO. _15ii5 H st. n.w., NA. 2345._ CHOICE VALUES ~ S E 20 lots, zoned for 4-family apts. 2 acres zoned for garden apt. s.e D C. 11 acres on dual highway, Suitland area. Lge acreage n.e D. C. Capital View Realty Co. Realtors. 925 N. Y. ave. n.w.. NA. 9797. FOREST HILLS, D. C. Just what you have been walking for! Owner s change of Plan brings you this opport. Over 80-ft. frontage and over 8.000 so. ft In area. One of the last lots obtainable In thlA exclusive section. Slopes to rear so rec. !•. can have garden entrance. C. M. JOHNSON _ST 8852, SH. 4518._ LOTS BARGAIN Owner verv anxious to sell: 2 small building sites in Arlington: convenient to everything: sewer, water, gas and electricity; #2.500 lor both; cash or terms. COLLINS & PRICE GL. 1133 or OX. 1202. SILVER SPRING Large beautifully wooded lot In Woodside Park: 144x1 75. Priced to sell immediately. ALLNUTT & MAUST. SH. 404b. If no i answer. PL. 0883. _—6 I COLORED—BUILDING LOT in heart ol Le T)roit Park; 5823 sq ft., suitable fox pvt. home or apt . reduced for quick sale. | MR. MARTIN. TA 4415. MI. 2080 I COLORED—BROOK LA XT) — Two-in-on« lots, over 10.000 sq. ft.. #6,000. MR MARTIN, TA. 4415. MI 2080. REAL ESTATE SALE OK EXCHANGE. I WILL EXCHANGE LOT FOR HOUSE or for 2nd trust note Phone O. B. ZANTZJNOER. Jr- WA. 1983. ; REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. TRADE MY LOVELY LARGE LOT (Chevy Chase, Md.) as part payment on modern house. OWNER. WO. 1112. 1* 37IR MASS. AVE. N.W.—Open: lovely semidet. brick: ft rms . 3 baths, 2-car gat.; terms or trade OWNER. WO 1112. 1* •>910 CORTLAND PE. N.W.—Vacant, open: Deautiful 9-rni ■ .'Ha-bath det. brick; terms j or trade OWNER. WO. 11 12._1 * REAL ESTATE WANTED. I WILL BUY OR SELL YOUR HOUSE, i frame or brick, white or colored; 14 years’ experience. Call MR. WALTER MILLER, ME. 5400 or DE 5346. I PAY CASH fbr houses, lots or acreage: , free appraisal. SCOTT SANDERS. 3919 So. ; Cap, st. TR. T563:_eves.,_yi._0990. WAREHOUSES FOR RENT. STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION service of pkg. mdse incl local del. and out-of i town shipping, via truck or rail, is the modern method for broker, factory rep. or | natl. distrib. METROPOLITAN WARE HOUSE CO.. 60 Fla ave. n.e.. HO 0682. 1 BRICK BUILDING, 2nd commercial, close downtown, near S. Capitol and E sts.: 1st and 2nd floors, about 6.000 square feet, suitable for storage, light manufacturing or office: priced at much less than any comparable place A. H. BACAS. Realtor and Business Broker, 1737 Columbia rd. n.w . AD. 8484 ONE FLOOR. 4000 sq. ft. to 12.000 sq. ft.; railroad siding in D C. Call Mr. Fischer, with DREYFUSS BROS., NA. 0582: eve's., WO 3190. —1 STORAGE FACILITIES, general comm . r. r. siding: local delivery and out-of town shipments. Cali WASHINGTON TRANSFER. AD. 3274. —5 WAREHOUSE SPACE, available in siz*s from 3.000 to 15.000 sq. ft., in all sections of D. C., including do*wntown and some railroad siding reas, rents from $175 monthly. Call Mr. Sterling. JESS FISHER & CO., INC., 1420 K st. n.w., EX. IS 11. —1 NEW MODERN SPACE 4.000 sq. ft.. 8.000 sq. ft. or 12.000 sq. ft.: railroad siding and tailboard loading; ready for occupancy August 1; long-term lease. J. A. WEINBERG CO. Realtors, 1707 H st. n.w., NA. 5500. —1 ACREAGE FOR SALE. BEAUTIFUL GLEN HILLS offers you 30 mile views, springs and brooks, wooded sites, modest prices, etrey terms Accessible to coming super hwy. which will put prop erty within only a few minutes of down town D. C. Drive through Rockville 2V2 miles west on Route 28, turn left at sign. —30 EXCELLENT 3-ACRE home or business site, with 400-ft. frontage on Rt. 301, only 20 mi. D. C. Cheap for quick sale. Call Mr Eames. CO. 1615. JAMES E .MAHONEY, Woodward Bldg., RE. 2411. — 1 WHILE THEY LAST—19 wooded acreage , tracts. Shirley Gate Park. Fairfax, Va.. j 20 min. to D. C. via Lee blvd.; year-round roads; telephone and elec, available Priced lrom $345 with terms. For information, call N. C. HINES & SON, OX. 1660; eveS.. CH. 061 ft. —l 7.3 ACRES bet. Wheaton and Kensington. Md , fronting 376 ft. on Macomas ave. and 300 leet on Faulkner pi. Utilities in. Builder's shack. 14x40. with elec, cm property. An ideal subdivision: $20,000 or best offer. Call owner. GE. 7477. —4 BEAUTIFUL KNOLL WITH TREES, stream on rear, in nearby Va.: large frontage on paved State road: excellent neighborhood; over 10 acres. Owner must sell immedi ately. Only $3,800. Dial FA. 8681. —1 FOR SALF—Tract of land, over 100 acres, located on highway on W. Va. line, east of Hillsboro. Va Some timber, good spring and some outbuildings—no dwelling; beau tiful building sites. Price, $4,000. THE MOORE INSURANCE & REALTY CO., Box lo. Charles Town. W. Va. —1 NR. ALEXANDRIA—34-acre wooded home i site. $7oo. $lo down. $15 mo. VERNON M LYNCH Ar SONS. Lincolnia. Va. ALex. ! 5900. Closed Sunday._ STORES FOR RENT. SMALL STREET STORE plus 10.000 sq. ft. oi osmt. space available in Dupont Circle j bldg, next to new Dupont Theater. Apply 1 DUCIRCO. INC., 134f> Conn. ave. AD • 3200. 600 G ST. N.W.—Large corner store, rent reduced for immediate occupancy: !$150 mo., includes heat, water. Call PENNY APOSTOLIDES REALTY CO.. 604 F st. n.w . RE 5224 or RA. 3790. —2 LARGE STORE, in modern shopping cen i ter on prominent st. 30'x70‘ suitable for 15 and 30. appliances, ladies’ wear; rea sonable rent on term lease. Call Mr. Franklin. WEAVER BROS. INC. Wnsh . ington Bldg., DI. 8300; eves., GL. 4456 —30 927 G ST. N.W.—Several rms., now syll able. front or back: newly decorated. WASHINGTON REALTY. GE. 8300 VACANT—Nr 11th and N. Y. ave. n.w. Approx. 20x95, Includes loading entrance in rear. Avail, on long term lease at reas rent to reliable tenant. To inspect, call ME. 0095. COMET REALTY CO.. 939 N. Y. ave. n.w\ —5 813 MONROE ST. N.E.—Call TA 4094 between 11 am and 2 pm. Excellent location_for any kind of_business. —0_ NEW STORE—915 18TH ST. 1.200 sq. ft. coverage ir heart of Medical CenteY, fireproof, insulated, air condi tioned, 2 washups: allev entrance. L. W. GROOMES ; j_18th and Eye sts._—4 STORES WANTED. LIST YOl'R PROPERTIES with us for quick action. Many of our clients in i eluding om-of-town chain store com panies are looking for store locations. Call Mr. Kiely. LEO M. BERNSTEIN Ac CO.. 14 15 K st. n.w. ME. 5400. —2 STORE OR WAREHOUSE W ANTED, suit able lor second-hand furniture: not less than sq. It location does not mat ter; rent must be fair. Box 433-H, Star. _^_4^_ OFFICES FOR RENT. CONVENIENTLY LOCATED office rooms available in large, modern office bldg., situated near Municipal Center and Mu nicipal Court. THOMAS J. FISHER Ac CO.. INC., Realtor. 738 15th st. n.w.. EX. 44 00. Ext 405. —30 LOR* RENT—6 rooms. 2nd floor. 421 4th st. n.w.. across the st. from courthouses; suitable for law offices or other commercial uses. Call NO. 7217 or RA. 9563 OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE—Single rms. or large suites for immediate occupancy; all space redecorated: ideal downtown lo cation; reasonable rental; rental agent on premises See Mr KOCH. Room 112. Atlantic Bldg.. 930 F st. n.w. DOWNTOWN—706 13th st. n.w.: suitable repair shop, office work, sign painter, etc.; reasonable. MR MAY. RE 8280. 6* . 2 ROOMS, reception hall and bath, suitable for offices: 18th and Eye sts. n w.; $75 per month. NATIONAL MORTGAGE & • INVESTMENT CORP. —1 1835 K ST. N.W'., Harwlll Bldg. (8 stories). Suites consisting of 2 or more rooms from to 350 to 2.500 sq. ft.: one compl. furn. 3-rm suite, including 4 desks, type writer, file cabinets, etc ; one studio office, furnished, ideal for combination business and living quarters; an apartment may be had in same bldg, if desired: Ve , netian blinds, flourescent light, complete ; service. These are worthy of inspection. BARSE STONEBRAKER. NA. 4483. —2 927 G ST. N.W’.—Several rooms now available, front or back: newly decorated. WASHINGTON REALTY. GE. 8300. OFFICES and 1 lge. studio rm.. beautifully pine-panelled: I blk. off Conn. ave. Sec services if desired; moderate rental. Tel ephone NA. 5324 —2 I SUITE OF OFFICES—Corner location on j Wilson blvd. near courthouse. Brick bldg . tiled bath, front and rear entrance. Park ing facilities. Call MISS FRY, 9-5. OX ! 9620 ARCHITECT, BUSINESS OR DOCTOR’S office, 4th or 7th fl.; very light, corner suite. 888 sq. ft.. *2 blk. off Conn. ave. 1726 M st. n.w.. DI 8781. —30 1129 VERMONT AVE N.W.—1 rm ; $26; 2-rm. suite, $90. MARK WINKLER MAN AGEMENT. 1117 Vermont ave . RE 5200. ! OFFICE, 2 large rooms on ground floor !*ith show windows; $75 per mo. 8134 Wisconsin ave., Bethcsda. Md., CO. 1510. —3 6237 BALTIMORE BLVD —Ideal for any type business or professional purpose: suite , of 4 rooms and bath. $87.50 month. JOSEPH E BRUNO. INC.. NA. 1250. —3 FREE OFFICE SPACE tConn. and R>. 1st floor, exchange for accepting few business j calls: also cool lecture room available meetings; front display room. CO. 4445. 2* i 15th AND H STS. N.W.—3.000 sq. ft. or less, prestige bearing office bldg. Will decorate to suit tenant of excellent ref erence. OR. 6508 and DI. 1811. —30 510 F ST. N.W.—Suitable for doctors, ! dentists, lawyers or other orofessiAns; rea ] sonable. Apply FORD X. MORAN, Sr., • 610 F it. XLW.t RE. 4010. —4 OFFICES FOR HINT (Cowl.). DR.’S OFFICE* suitable for surgeon, eye. ear and note specialist, chiropractor, chi ropodist. or optometrist; avail. July 1: medical bldg, of- lge housing development, consisting of over 1.800 apts.; located in : a lge and fast-growing community; excel I opportunity. Call Mr. Hisle. CH. 5000.' BUCKINGHAM COMMUNITY, 313 North Glebe rd . Arlington. Va. —30 2-RM. OFFICE, furn., newly dec.. 1st fl.. nr. 11th and Mass. ave. n.w.; ideal for real estate, insurance or other similar business; $125 mo., lease desired. RE. 3316 or GE 4884. —1 1 ROOM with use of large reception room and secretarial service. RE. 1045. Rm. 501. Southern Bldg. —1 ENTIRE 2nd FLOOR, separate entrance, consisting of office and living quarters; may be used for business, doctors or dentist's office. ApdIv 1438 Park rd n.w. between 9 and 6. —6 SUITE OF NEW OFFICES, 2nd and 3rd floors of newly modernized building. Located on 14th st. n.w., near R.: avail able for immediate occupancy. KELLEY & BRANNER. DI. 7740; eves., WI. 6844. • -—1 3 LARGE ROOMS—Corner suite on 2nd ; floor. Vicinity of 12th and H sts. n.w. Call property manager. WEAVER BROS., INC.. Washington Bldg . DI. 8300. —30 OFFICES AVAILABLE in Washington’s best professional area from $15 per month up; 1740 K st. n.w., V2 block off Conn, ave.; leases optional. Call EX. 8160. 123 AND 150 SQ. FT.. large windows; on the. Hill opposite new Congressional Library. CH 8110 or FR 3310.. 2 LGE. CONNECTING RMS., overlooking Franklin Pk.; plenty of light and air. 1304 Eye st. n.w. —6 ARLINGTON OFFICES in new building; suitable for doctor and dentist; center of Clarendon. Phone OW. 1896 FIVE-ROOM OFFICE SUITE, with Vi bath; with or without furniture and equipment; immediate possession. 1638 Conn. ave. n.w. DU. 2117. —4 COMPLETE REAL ESTATE OFFICES; very good downtown location; for sale or rent. Call NO. 2347. ask for MR. RIDGE —4 BARR P«LDG., »IO I7th ST. N.W.; nr. Conn, aid K st.; new modern attrac desk space far those who want the best: re ceptionist. mail, switchboard and steno. service. Call DI. 2704. —6 PROFESSIONAL OR BUSINESS office in Congress Heights. WO. 7696. —I MEDICAL CENTER. 1807 H st. n.w.— Studio, offices, laboratory or light mfg . 3 rms . pvt. bath. DAVID £- BARRY. ME. 2025. —1 BOND BLDG.. 14th and N. Y. av*-r-Newly : redecorated suite. 4 lge. rms. and recep tion office. Rm. 212 Bond Bldg., DI. 8724. DOWNTOWN, N. Y. and 14th—19x13: $65 month. Cal EX. 0512: DI 8724. —1 WILL SUBLET a completely modernized suite of offices in dc*wntown office bldg., appiox. 1.100 sq. ft., consisting of 2 lge,. beaut, pvt. offices, working area and re cep. rm.. air conditioning option'al; beaut, office furnishings and carpeting c&n be purchased if needed. Inquire MISS MORRISSFY. DI. 5530. _ —6_ BEST OFFICE VALUE Arlington Bldg.. 1025 Vermont ave. n.w.— A few choice suites, still available: com pletely modernized: 10-story elev. bldg. Representative on premises._ 2 BRIGHT, AIRY OFFICES Desirable F st. location, can be used as single or double office or mfg. space; each space approx. 800 sq. ft.: completely fire proofed and remodeled bldg. 927 F st., NA. 1115._—1 DUPONT CIRCLE BLDG. Offices available for business, professional, medical or trade association and others. I 1346 CONNECTICUT AVE. I AD. 3gQ0. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT. OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE—918 P st. n.w., in the heart of downtown Washing ton A number of single office or com plete suites, suitable for doctors, dentists, opticians, etc: new. reduced rentals. See ! MR. KOCH, agent on premises. SECOND-FLOOR SUITE—1*2 rooms, un furnished: approx. 1.200 sq. ft.: available July 1. Apply BRITISH OVERSEAS AIR WAYS CORP . 1124 Conn. ave. n.w . op posite Mayf 1 ower_Hoteh_—6 DESK SPACE FOR RENT. DOWNTOWN—410 Bond Bldg.—Desk space, telephone and secretarial services available. DI. 2801. —5 COLORED—OFFICE AND DESK SPACE i for rent, in new mod. office with all new furniture, air cond.; on Nichols ave. s.e. 1 Secretarial service avail. Excellent for •dentist, medical doctor, insurance or real estate brokers. Telephone AT. 5788, MISS I SEMBLY. _—1 j FARMS FOR SALE. ANNOUNCING SMALL FARMS—Brand- j I new property. Be the first to make your ! selection. An acre and independence. $50 j down, $10 a month. Fronting on a state j road, tyou seldom can buy property like this right on a stale road); beautifully wooded acres with big trees: near fast . growing town: stores, churches, bus. etc ; plenty of room for thickens, garden, vege tables, fruits, etc.; you can use your land as soon as you pay the $60 down: prices $590 and up. $50 down. $10 month. 35 minutes drive out Lee blvd. or Lee hwy. 4*2 miles past Kamp Washington traffic ! 'ignt. See our big sign on left. Small ! Farms: four lane highway from Washing j ion; no turns. Open every day 2 p.m I till dark Bring $10 deposit. Trailways | bus passes us on Lee hwy. -r-80 A MONT. CO. commutlng-distance farm of 90 acres: fi-room and bath home. 1 tenant house: modern silo, large milking born, many other outbldgs.. is very reas. briced: J2-mi. road frontage. HERBERT & SONS. Realtors. 51.5 E. Capitol. LI. 0129 Eves , RE 2019 SThOUT S SPRING-SUMMER FARM Catalog free! Green cover—over 2.800 bargains, coast to coast STROUT REAL TY. 711-A Woodward Bldg.. Washington. ME. 7548. $20,000. Frederick Co., 80-acre stock or i dairy farm. On good road: several good 'springs, nice stream in meadow: 3-bedrm country home, oil heat, bath: 4-room i tenant house; lovely surroundings: all jbuildings in good repair: good blue I stone driveway: land very prod. Act quick, growing crops may go. JOHN BUR DOFT. Colesville. Md. Call Ashton. Md . 3840. RFD 2. Silver Spring. Md. —4 I 90-ACRE FARM with 3 streams, over Va ! mi. on hard road. 14 mi. from W’ash. Easy commuting over fast highway. In heart of Fairfax Countv’s best residential neighborhood Good 5-rm. house with elec., bath, deep well, elec. pump, new silo, barns, outbuildings. Fenced and cross fenced. HO acres under high state of culti vation. Balance in beautiful timber. Sev ' rial high wooded knolls. Large trees, good; ; view. This farm will carry itself and I make a handsome profit as a farm, or can be divided into smaller tracts, each having road fronts, stream and woodlands : and resold for 3 limes the purchase price.! $24,500 lor immediate sale. THOMAS & CO. Fairfax 800; eves.. OV. 2872. —2 AT AN ALTITUDE OF 1.000 FEET, a de sirable grazing farm of 155 rolling acres: bordering macadam road. Washington 48 : miles. Thick-walled stone house of 5 large rooms and bath: several never-fail ing sptings and a stream: new barns, good; i tences. The home commands wonderful j panoramic views over a broad valley.: the intervening Cobbler Mountains and far on to the most picturesque peaks of the Blue Ridge. "Seeinig Is believing." Price, $20.0<>0. F. W. SHARP «fc SON. The Plains. Va 1230 A. COLONIAL, $14,000: 140 a . Ige. house. $13,000: 93 a. modern. $9,000: 26 a. modern. $12,000; 2 farmettes. $14. (>00. 280 a. $80 a.; others near D. C., Fairfax 39-W-ll. FAIRFAX COUNTY. VA., about 30 miles from D. C—Near excellent road, attrac tive. livable home of 12 spacious rooms. : 2*2 baths, just redecorated and ready to move in: included with this lovely home' are 20 acres of land, some wooded, some 1 ■ leared. other buildings are small stable.1 garage and chicken house Price. $23.500., ; To inspect call Miss Shoemaker, eves , FM. ( 1700, with LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. NA. 11 <;«. MIO-ACRK FARM with S-rm dwelling and [elec.: half way between Warrenton and I Culpeper: off new 29: 60 acres pasture,! 1 so cultivable. 60 acres young timber, some < an be cut now. ever-flowing stream;: ! farm, we’l fenced. ESTES REALTY CO., CH 424 2 —30 i X18.000. 10 acres of fields and woocjs and a 7-room farmhouse worth remodeling.; The house is all on one floor and has bath and elec, and eniovs a cool> shady setting. There is a brook across the property and the long road frontage will permit the development of several other desirable | homesites. Located in a pleasant neigh borhood 12 miles from Washington: $6.6001 down. See MASON HIRST. Annandale. Va., at the end of Columbia pike. Phone FA 7 447 Closed Sundays ATTENTION, 1IOKSE OWNERS—Ideal for breeding, lge. new racing barn, 6 boarded paddocks, -old Colonial home, remodeled. [ 2 baths, oil h.-w.h., den. new garage and groom s quarters: 50 acres of fertile land, nicely located on good road. 4 miles from | Laurel race track. A steal at $45,000. Call Mr. Brosius. 8TANLEY PEARSON. Realtor, 8616 Georgia ave.. Sligo 5400. —1 NEAR WOODBRIUGE. VA.—93 Va acres of fertile soil; 3-room bungalow, elec tricity available: cool well water at door. ; winding streams, swimming hole, fishing and hunting m season. Get away from the heat of the city, give the kids a break: only $7,500: terms can be ar ranged CHESTER COGSWELL. 736 No Albemarle. Arlington. Va.. CX. 1633. —30 : NEAR COLESVILLE—4 acres; modern 3 ! bedrm. brick home; inclosed back porch, oil heat, full bsmt., 2-car garage, poultry house, small cow barn, brooder house, hog house, garden planted, flowers, straw berries. 1 acre of red raspberries, other : fruits: ideal for 2 cows, poultry, rabbits and truck farming. JOHN BURDOFT, Colesville. Md. Call Ashton. Md., 3846. R. F. D. 2, Silver Spring. —4 EQUIPPED 100-acre stock farm: lovely fi rm . 2-story home with 2 porches. 4-rm. attractive tenant house, large banJc barn,, with all necessary outbuildings: wifn plen ty of shade, fruit. 2 streams, sparkling spring, land very fertile, all growing crops, barley. *heat. oats. corn, all hay. 100 j barrels of corn now in crib, 2 horses, 17 head of cows and heifers. 27 hogs. f 50 j head of poultry, all necessary farm equip-i ment: priced very low: 30 miles out.: JOHN BURDOFT. Colesville. Md. Call Ashton (Md.) 3846, R. F. D. 2, Silver Spring Md. —4 75 ACRES, 50 cleared: 45 mi. west of Richmond 4-rm. bungalow, many outbuild ings; $4,500; $500 down, $50 mo. Phone or write L. L. 8ELF. Louisa. Va. —2 THE OLD HOMESTEAD is for sale, spa cious house, dignified setting among large j trees; a serene, gracious atmosphere, mod ern conveniences, electric water heater, hot-air heat, room screened porches, base ment; one acre or more: located in town within commuting distance: $14,500; very reasonable terms MISS KING, CH. 0723. NEARBY MONTGOMERY COUNTY—74 acres; stream across back, very lge. mod home. Priced to sell immed. ALLNUTT & MACST, SH. 4646. If no answer. PL. 0883. —6 SUITABLE FOB PERMANENT or summer homes in the valleys and mts. of beautiful ’Va.: farms ranging from 10 acres to 1,000 acres in size; and from $8,500 to $450,000. i These places are near village stores. 30 j min. to an hour from Wash, or to other large shopping and cultural centeri. Write, wire or telephone us about these homes. Many with trout brooks that can be made , into swimming pools. Buy your Jarm [ from a realtor who places the seal of in tegrity on ail contracts. EASTMAN & i SEAY. Realtors. PA. 2620. 122 ACRES, 18 miles out of RockvUlo. Price, SI.600. Call OR. SIS*. —3 FARMS FOR SALE (Cowt.) VEA&BY VA. FARMS. 89.000 to 814,000. our tDecUltj. For security let us show vou one. VA. REAL ESTATE SERVICE. Fairfax 30-W-ll. We have an excellent buy at 89.000. FAIRFAX COUNTY 50-acre stock farm. 8-rm. house. 7 yr«. old. Lge. liv. rm. with fijrepl.. din. rm.. kit. and den; rfgr. and gas stove 1st 11. 3 lge. bedrms. and bath 2nd A. 2 screened in porches, bsmt.: barn, machine shed, poultry houses: new car garage; farming implements included. Wonderful view of mountains. stream. nice orchard of peaches, apples and pears. $10,000 on terms. BURNER'S REALTY CO. A. O. Anderson, manager, 4401 N. Fairfax dr., Arl.. CH. 2303._ 25-ACRE FARM In operation; 0-rm. frame house, lge. chicken house, barn and other bldgs ; shade and shrubbery, fruit trees, high elevation; house needs redecorating: about 2t in cultivation, balance in woods: 20 miles from D. C. Total price, $12,500; $3,000 cash Also—4-rm. and bath bungalow with 1 acre land. $8,000. Also other proper ties for sale. bldg, sites and bus. proper ties. For appointment, phone WHITE SELL REAL ESTATE, Vienna 280. near Oakton School, Rd. No. 123. Closed Sunday._—3 _FARMS WANTED._ NEAR OLNEY. MD.—Interested in pur chasing farm. 100 to 200 acres, direct from owner. Box 422-H. Star. 30* WANTED—FARM or acreage, with or with out improvements; give price and details; private party. Box 340-H. Star_2* WATERFRONT PROPERTY— SALE. CHURCH AND CIVIC organizations are invited to hold their annual picnics dur ing summer at Loch Haven Beach and en joy the bathing beach, good water, etc., without cost: make reservations. LOCH HAVEN BEACH, INC.. Telephone OX. 1660. CHALK POINT BEACH, MD., on South River. 28 mi from District line, opposite Chesapeake Yacht Club. 6-rm. summer cottage, furn. ami.: 34-acre lot: garage. Ige. screened porch: natural shade: 100-ft. water front: new pier: boat house with sun deck: priced reasonable: terms Call Mr. Hamilton for appt., HI. 4770 or WEST REAL ESTATE HI. 7099. —A INSPECT NEW COTTAGES being fur nished at Cedarhurst on Chesapeake Bay; 31 miles D. C.. near Shady Side, Md.; re fined. restricted community, good roads, harbor, pier; cottages $4,750 up; lots $300 up. easy terms; circular on request. WAL-; JJER M. BAUMAN. 1727 K st. n.w.. NA. , VACATION EXPENSE or lifetime invest- ; ment? Many people are investing the cost i of one good vacation, in a permanent homesite. lor all their future vacations, water front homesite. on Drum Point Beach: yes. believe it or not. you can pur chase a lot. at Drum Point Beach, for the same amount or less, than you would pay to rent a summer cottage for one season, and at Drum Point Beach there are all these features: 6 miles of white sandy beaches on Chesapeake Bay: sports facil ities of Patuxent River. 4 fresh-water lakes, acres of gorgeous forest and many, many more: lots generously proportioned; none less than 10.000 square feet in area, and priced unusually low. fronj $495: get full particulars today. Call DRUM POINT BEACH CORP., Calvert Realty Agency, Southern Bldg.. RE. 8438. —2 BEVERLY BEACH—An all year-’round home with beautiful direct view of bay. Story and ceilings, screened porch, living room, dining room. 3 bedrooms, lVa baths patio; bsmt., with oil heat, water softener. Ige. lot. Priced only $19,000. INEZ CUSHARD. DI. 2740 or Annapolis Bay Vista 3341. —1 PINEY POINT. MD.—On Beach rd , 2nd house from Lighthouse, completely fur nished. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, good fishing and swimming, sand beach. $15,000 on terms. Own^r occupied • WILLOWS BEACH COLONY offers sound protection of property and social values: fine summer and year-’round homes built here have established this development as well above average; 42 mi. from White House: on Chesapeake Bay deep shaded beach, dedicated to property owners Call HO 8235 for folder with lot plat and road map. WILLOWS DEVELOPMENT CO. ROAD RI\EK—Near the bay. at a point where the river is about 2 miles wide, a 4-room, kitchen, shower-bath, porch house, in a setting of beautiful trees. Lot about 200 leet deen. and additional ground available. Price only $6,750. INEZ CUSHARD. DI. 2740 or Annapolis Bay Vista 3341. —1 POTOMAC RIVER, about 200-ft. front on Maryland shore. 54 miles from Treasury. About 5*2 acres of level land with fine trees, gravel beach, new log house of 5 rooms and bathroom, covered front porch. 24 ft. long. Immediate possession: price. $8,500. The river is 3 miles wide there. LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. 1719 K st. n w., NA 1166. BAY RIDGE—Near Annapolis—An all year-'round home with a beautiful direct view of. the bay and a setting of shade trees. Large front (porch inclosed glass for winter'. Living room with fireplace, dining room, knotty pine kitchen with large picture window looking over bay. bedroom. % bath, laundry room, servant's room and screened porch on 1st floor: 4 bedrooms and bath on 2nd floor: insulated attic,! bsmt. has oil heating plant, two-car ga rage. two shower-bath houses with dressing! rooms, wide sandy beach with excellent bathing and boating- Newly and attrac-, tively redecorated and available at once., INEZ CUSHARD, DI. 2740 or Annapolis Bay Vista 3341.- —1 ! F.PPING FOREST, MD.—Completely furn house, favorably located on . 1 acje of ground: construction lower half,‘brick and store: upper half, frame with' California; redwood: interior knotty Dine through-; out: 2 bedrms.. complete bath, elec. kit., lge. din rm.. beamed ceiling with stone flrepl, closed-in porch, Venetian blinds.: Bsmt lge recre. rm., new elec, water heater, copper pipes throughout, pump' house, deep well, elec. pump, reserve water i tanks (2); patio and outside flrepl.; other: features. GE. 8311 bet. 12 and 6. 6. and 8 —1 SOUTH RIVER SECTION—North end of bridge; about 1 acre with improvements, perfect waterfront. Inquire at Amoco | sta. for location. R. R. HINTON. Edge water. Md 30* OVERLOOKING PATUXENT RIVER, front ing on St. Thomas Creek; excellent anchor age and water sports: lx3 acres, 6-room cottage ($1,000 required to complete): ex cellent neighborhood; $4,500. Also deslr ab e 5-acre water-front tracts. LEONARD SNIDER. La Plata. Md BAY RIDGE. MD., on Chesapeake Bay $10.50n; attractive detached bungalow on wooded lot: liv. rm. with fireplace, large kitchen with dinette. 3 lge. bedrms. with closets in each: bath with extra lavatory and shower: floored attic, front and side screened porches, refrigerator, range; com pletely furnished; Immediate possession. FRED A. SMITH. Realtor, 1113 17th st. n w. RE. 6661. BEVERLY BEACH—7-rm. furn. cottage and guest house; owner transf. Water-front lots also for sale. OWNER. TE. 5629. —2 LAKE JACKSON—Modern log cabin on the lake: sacrifice. Ph. SI. 0360: eves., SH. 9171. 6* ATTRACTIVE year-round home on well kept corner lot, overlooking the water, nice shade tree.'. 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bath; oil heat, elec refg., gas stove, laundry. Sacrifice for immediate sale. $6,500. BOND. ME. 9510. LAKE JACKSON—Lake view furn. cottage: double lot: fireplace, four built-in bunks, liv. rm in knotty pine; $3,600. CO. 2876. _o MIMOSA COVE—700 yds beyond Deale. Md Highly restricted, 34 acres. 3.500 feet of water front; lot 50x100; close to stores and fishing We are Interested In people who desire beaut, homes; agents on grounds. West River 80-F-21. —4 WOODLAND BEACH. 25 mi. from D. C . turn right off Mayo rd at Fairmont drive—Furn. cottage. 2 bedrms . liv. rm.. elec., kit., porch, mod. bath with shower, sandy beach: $5 950. Will rent month of July. $300: or two mos . $550. Can be seen at any time: Cooper Cottage. 2143 Fairmont drive.__ —2_ WATTERFRONT PROP. HOR RENT. EDGE WATER BEACH. South River—30 ini. D. C.. niceiy furn.; spotlessly clean. 4 rms . bath, adults. Annap. 6630. 30* COLONIAL BEACH. VA.—Liv. rm.. din l rm.. kitchen. 3 bedrooms and bath: 2 weeks or month. LAURA B. DAVIS. Davis Grove Cottage.' Colonial Beach. Va —4 FPPING IORF.ST. near Annapolis—3 bedrm. furnished house, rent month or by week m July. DU. 5859. —30 POTOMAC RIVER below', Indian Head— Attractive 2-story. 8-room house 'with 2 baths, fireplaces, oil heat, about 4 acres of lawn, magnificent view up and down and across the river, available at once for the season. LCUIS P SHOEMAKER, 1719 K st. n.w . NA. 1166. , I NEW. ATTRACTIVE APTS., overlooking Potomac River, 1st and Bryant sts., Colonial Beach. Va—3 spacious rooms, furnished, private screened porches, pri vate baths, built-in tubs, electric kitch enette equipment: outside shower, park ing; $206 mo.; $60 wk.; no pets. CO. I util 1 after 7 Tuesday through Thursday ! evenin s. —4 NR. SOLOMONS ISLAND. MD.—Modern j:;-bedrm. cottage, lge. liv. rm. with firep:.. I 2 screened porches, elec., gas. water. Sit uated on 2 acres, shaded lawn directly on water. Pvt. sand beach and use of pier, rowboat and garden. Atail. mo. of July WA. 2422. SHADY SIDE. MD.—Furnished cottage, 3 bedrms . July 15 to Sept. 1; $50 a ! week. OL. 7272. -—1 . i*».RM. STUDIO TYPE modern water front cottage, l.h.k . on beautiful estate. 100 mi from D. C: $75 per mo. MI 1120. WEST RIVER. MD.. Chalk Point .area— Furnished water front cottage, a.m.i.; tele phone, 2 showers; sleeps 12; lge. fenced lawn. UN. 0239. — 1- ROOM COTTAGE, reasonable; will rent ; by wk.. mo. or season. Phone_WA. 4’Qo.i. WATERFRONT PROP. WANTED. 2- BEDROOM COTTAGE, for country place. I wanted for 1 or S mooths; modern con veniences; prefer Sherwood Forest. EM. i ft 5 V’ —i BUNGALOW for year ’round llTinjr. with ! small amount of acreage, within 50 nines of Wash.. D. C . near chusches and stores i or near small town. Small down payment, good monthly payments. Box -5--H. star. _ *_—•* FLORIDA PROPERTY.__ I "LIVE LONGER AND BETTER for less"— You can make your retirement dreams come true. Right now is the time to plan tor the future. A cozy home, a couple of acres of good land, sunshine, fruits, flowers and vegetable1 all the year. De Soto Acres offers all this Modestli'Prlced -e-tricted subdivision adjoining ett^ lim.t. :5f Sarasota. All lots approximately 3'><)x JUKI ft. Prices beam at $,*.->■ small down Davment. easy terms, no city taxes, t.tle insured Buy now and have several years in which to pay for a desirable place ready for vou when you retire. For descriptive fnider contact A. T. Traylor 3.>15 14th s? n w shone North 1«32. or VAN DAME ESTATES. INC Box 1544. Sa ra3Qta._Fla SEASHORE PROPERTY_ BETHANY BEACH. DEL.—Modern cot tages and apts. and ]rms. by week. LIL LIAN VAN A UKEN. Dickinson 451 —30 REHOBOTH BEACH. DEL.—For rent, fur nished apts. right on the beach: reserva tions. Rehoboth 5451; D. C-» EM. '39/. ATLANTIC CITY—2 rm*.. "ill- bath; nr. i beach. President Hotel*nd bourdwali. tor jillT. 1250. Call OH. 1318. —1 I OUT-OF-TOWN RIAL ESTATE. DESIRABLE HOME in Bolivar. W. Va.. on highway: 8-room modern brick dwelling with large lot: possession in 30 days; for merly home of late E. Willis Wilson, for mer Governor of West Va. 105-acre farm with good buildings on good road in Jef ferson County. $9,500. THE MOORE IN SURANCE & REALTY CO., Box 10, Charles Town. W. Va. —30 I AM CONTEMPLATING the purchase of a tract of land between Sarasota and Venice. Fla . on the Tamiami Trail, the main highway between the west coast and Miami, a few minutes’ drive from Venice and only 3*4 miles from the Gulf of Mexico. It will be sold mostly to peo ple who contemplate early retirement, and will be restricted: building restrictions will be enforced, and no shack or hutments will be allowed: the land will be sold cleared, ready for construction. If the J demand is sufficient the sales will be; handled by an Arlington realtor, who can j furnish all references required, as will ; be expected from the purchaser. It will be a high-class development, based on a j ! retired pension basis. Investment in- j j volved. $350 to $1,000. If you are in S tcrested. write Box 49-G. Star. —30 East Coast Florida 100 ft. ocean front tract with riparian! rights, by 650' deep or more: scenic paved ; •highway through property, at Melbourne | Beach; high, dry land; at a price you can: afford to pay: terms. We are acting as sales agents in establishing a larger Wash ington colony where local people in Wash : ington have owned beach land for many | years. Fast-developing beaches, since new million-dollar causeway opened to traffic. Call Mr Edward Doerr. ME. 1143; eves.. ME. 0540. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN Rfjltor, 173? K srn:w_—-i MONEY WANTED. lit MORGAGES FOR SALE on nearby Md property: Interest: new and old property O B ZANTZINGER. Jr., WA. i ■THU-?: eves.. WO. 405.1. BANK-PERSONAL LOANS. | Ot’R PERSONAL LOAN PLAN Is simple, j convenient, economical. Loans are made to pav bills, for medical expenses, vaca tion. education, emergencies or for any j other worthwhile purpose. Service is prompt. Monthly payments are arranged to fit vour budget. Personal Loan Dept LIBERTY NATIONAL BANK, 15th and j Eye sts. n.w.—3 j i REAL ESTATE LOANS 1st AND 2nd TRUST LOANS on real estate j ! in D. C.. Md. and Va. MR. DRAISNER I II-*04 L st n.w . NA. 4157. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE—1st and 2nd trust. No red tape Quick service HENRY SALUS. established 1924. NA. 1262. 1104 Vermont ave. n.w. TRUSTS. 1st. 2nd and 3rd; Md.. Va. and D C.; wk s service. ADAMS REALTY CO. 905 N. Y. ave. n.w RE. 1612. 2nd TURST NOTES purchased Call NA. 3670. WASHINGTON HOUSING CORP MONEY ON SECOND TRUST—We will buy second-trust notes. D. C.. nearby Md. or Va. Reasonable rates. NATIONAL MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CORP., 1312 N. Y ave. n.w. National 5833 1st AND 2nd TRUST LOANS—Cash In 24 hours. GERALD REALTY CO., 412 5th it. n.w DI. 5995. : MORTGAGE LOANS, current Interest rate; ! no charge for appraisals. MOORE & HILL ICO.. 804 17th st. n.w ME. 4100. 1st AND 2nd TRUST LOANS—Prompt and courteous service. Before borrowine call COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO., 817 9th st. n.w RE. 6650. ! FIRST-TRUST LOANS on real estate: low 1 rates; 3 or 5 year terms and monthly payments. P J. WALSHE. INC., 1115 Eye st. n.w NA. 6468 CASH FOR '2nd TRUST NOTES (white oi colored)—Quick settlement Prefer per sonal calls to telephone calls. FULTON R. GORDON. 1427 Eye st. n.w.. DI. 5230 Bokers attention 1st AND 2nd MORTGAGE LOANS. BAR TOW REALTY CO . Realtors. 1331 G st. n.w . ME. 2495. AUTO LOANS. FINANCING private sales our specialty; If you are buying or selling an automobile, let us finance it for the purchaser NOLAN FINANCE CO. 1102 New York ave. n.w. Republic, 1200. _GARAGES FOR RENT.__ EXCELLENT 14th ST. CORNER location with 22.500 sq. ft. on 3 floors.; auto, elevator: show room available Sept. 1. 1948; also parking lot near building. Call Mr. Franklin. WEAVER BROS.. INC.. Washington Bldg., DI. 8300; eves.. GL. 4456. —30 17(H> B ST. S.E.—1-car garage, overhead doors: suitable for storage; $10 month. LU. 2048._—1 TAXICABS. LATE MODEL TAXICABS bought and sold: cash or terms. ROBEY MOTOR SALES. 1201 Mt. Qllvet_rd^,n e._TR._2300. AUTO PAINTING. FINEST ALTO PAINTING, fender and Body work: only skilled men work on your car: reasonable prices, ARLANDRIA SUPER ' AUTO SERVICE, 1705 Mt. Vernon ave. Alexandria- fMI24 AUTO PAINTING—Complete Job. 580. je. lect your color: work guaranteed AUDI SON CHEVROLET. 1522 14th st. n w.. HO 7500 COMPLETE JOB. $35 up: work guaran teed GILBERT, *102 Pa. ave. ext. » e i HI. 4524 _ | jvutw^ivFmjsc^ I JEEP ENGINES, new or rebuilt: will fit i military cr civilian jeeps and all Willys tears; good for marine conversion; terms ! if desired. HUNTER MOTORS 901 Prince st . Alexandria, Va.. Dhone OV. 1440. 1912 BUCK MOTOR, complete, A-l cond , $196. Warfield 1 265.„—2 MOTORCYCLES. INDIAN CHIEF, 1946: good cond., saddle bags and buddy seat; $575. Call VI. 3912. —30 MOTOR SCOOTER, Cushman; gear shift; 1946; ballooa tires; $147. DE 1506. 2620 Woodley pi n.w —30 . INDIAN 1945 motorcycle 74: new tires: body, seats; eood cond.: $250 or best offer. WA. 4043. —.30 TRIUMPH 1948 twin speed, just broken in; i $500 and finish payments. Call WO. 3014. ! 6-8 p.m. —2 TRIUMPH 1948 500 c.c. speed twin, saddle bags, rear pilion and pegs, megaphone, mufflers perfect condition; low mileage : TA. 8860. 1 • HARLEY-DAVIDSON de luxe chrome equipped, buddy seat, etc ; finest condition; $395; terms. “ROPER,” 1730 R. I ave. n.e. 30* COMET MOTOR SCOOTERS—Most eco nomical. new. $149.50 up; snappiest looking scooters on the street. TA. 4 221. DON MANSTZ. —30 TRIUMPH^peed twin, 1946; good condi tion: buddy seat and saddle bags. AT 5508. 317 C st. n.e. —1 HARLEY 1946. model 4 5; very clean machine with extras; $495. 2819 M st. n.w. HO. 8700. —1 ALLCRAFT OFFERS — Francis Barnett. Excelsior, Mustang, Servi-Cycle. Saisbury. 3136 N. 10th st., Arlington. OW. 4464. Open till 9. —2 READY TO RIDE—2 Cushmans. 194 8 gear shift. 1 mo. old; Cushman 1948. jumbo wheels, gear shift, used 3 weeks. Cushman. $125; Whizzer motor. $60. Others. See at 3136 N. 10th st.. Arlington. OW. 4464. —2 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 45. 1942 model, very good condition, tires like new, buddy seat $265. SH. 1693. MOTOR BIKE, Whizzer; $75. Call be tween 4 and 5 p.m., GL. 5870. —2 HAVE YOU TRIED a new A. J. fl., MatcfT less or Triumph motorcycle0 See and ride these sensational machines today. Excel, used machines in stock. 1947 Triumph. Speed Twin. $695. I 1946 Harley-Davidson. 74 o.h.v., $795. 1946 B S A . 350 CC.. $450. 1947 Matchless. 500 cc . $575. Trade and terms. ALLIED MOTOR CYCLE SALES. 2014 M «t. n.w. RE 5073. ! —2 |_TRAILERS._ GLIDER, Travelite. Goshen, for the finest trailer living In the world. Some models with shower and flush toilets. Trade In ; your auto or used trailer on a new trailer. ! Easy terms. COLIE TRAILER CO., 8200 I Georgia ave . Sligo 820*2. LIBERTY TRAILERS. 21. 23 77 and 33 feet; cooler in summer; warmer In winter. Also good used trailers. HEETER-WALDEN TRAILER SALES. Wash.-Balto. blvd., TO. 6111. AT RICHTER’S, engineering skill reaches a new high in the 30' tandem wheel Spar , tan Mansion that makes it the choice of those who desire a combination of the extremely practical and the very beauti ful Imagine the livability of our 33" Su perior. 6 sleeper wirh shower and toilet Luxury, beauty and efficiency are the key note to the designers of the 29' Vindaie Direct factory distributors of several other leading trailer coaches m both masonite and aluminum; priced irom $1,495 to | $4,495. We carrv a large line of acces ! sories. RICHTER TRAILER SALES. 2 lo cations. Wash -Balto blvd . Berwvn. Md Telephone Tower 5035 FAMOUS UNITED TRAILERS—Beaut, ap pearance. finest construction, exquisitely furn ; reas. priced. WAHL TRAILER SALES. 2nd ave. and Colesviile rd.. Silver Spring. Md. tH. 8556. —30 1*417 LIBERTY. 23 ft., excel, cond.. newly ■painted, bottle gas. elec, brakes, heated fl . $1,900. SH 9500 after 4 p m. —1 TRAILER—Closed; ideal for camping, salesman; 8x6x6': new tires, two bunks; i $400 or best offer. OL. 8264. 1* 72 TRAILER UNDER CARRIAGES com plete; axels, springs, wheels and tires;; good for house trailers and luggage trail-; era; *45 and up RICE MOTOR. 18241 IBladensburg rd. n.e._—6 TTRjfiLEB HEADQUARTERS offers the fol-j i lowing new and used trailers, built by i world-famous trailer manufacturers. 1)948 Schult Luxury Liner -, 1948 Schult Office Shell ...-22 194 8 Zimmer 4-passenger-3 ?84.4« 11948 Howard Tandem -3,39.i.on! 1947 Zimmer 4-passenger- S'ogSnX 1947 Schult Luxury Liner ?’j£S'e!n 1942 Schult Luxury Liner (as it) 1.895 00 ijo40 Schult - 1,695.001 ! Open daily and Sunday. 9 a m. to 9pm.' AMERICAN TRAILER CO.. INC.. 4030 •Vi' ave Phone WO _323l__ AUTO TRUCKS FOR SALE. [INTERNATIONAL truck 1979 stake, good [condition: S4M5 or best offer. HENRY S , FURNITURE CO, 1325 7th st. n.w MI <»448 —•»** CHEVROLET 1946 Hi-ton: 12 ft. van. I rood condition; one owner; best offer j. iRF 4 684 1 1 DODGE 1946 Va-ton panel, like new. AP- j Dl- REDS GARAGE. 24 H st. n.e. —30! FORD 1948 brand-new H-ton pickum woh some extra equipment: *1.695 COLIE MOTOR CO.. 8232 Oa. are. n.w.. SL. 8-00. . FORD 1948 brand-new COE. long wheel j base, dual rear end. all heavy-duty equip ment: will sell $250 under Hst pri«. COLIE MOTOR CO.. 8232 Ga. ave. n.w., 8L. 8700. | FORD 1948 brand-new m ton cab and . ichaasts: will fell *100 under the list COLIE ; MOTOR CO.. 8333 Oa. a?t. n.w.. 8U 8200. AUTO TRUCKS FOR SAII. . GMC 1041 6x8 dump; bext offer. Photi* Victor 4196. _ „ _ _ —S«.. GMC 1041 ton-and-'j, ran body. Call. , WA. 2866 after 11 am., ask for MB,*; HANSBARGER or Mr. Zalesak. —30 ‘j* CHEVROLET 1941 panel truqk. 1 toa£ * with rack for ladders; no reasonable oil##1? * refused. MIKE'S SERVICE. 4521 14th S»6s . n.w. —301t*"V CHEVROLET 'i-ton panel; $275. T*f 0967. ME 2646. —30 FORD 1948 ‘i-ton panel (English!: no ml! ideal for groc. or drugstore; full rets® allowance on old truck or car: $1,633.6% , Call Mr. Pope, DI 2795 LOGAN iFord'I . 1111 18th st. n w. New-car *uar. —SO ' CHEVROLET 1937 panel; new motor. td good condition; $200 See at 220 L st. n o. CHEVROLET 1939 sedan delivery: good cond.: $500 or best offer. CH. 8595. —4 CHEVROLET 1946 'a-ton pickup: a'-oul 9.000 miles: express body; car looks liM new See today. RA. 8700. —2 CHEVROLET 1938 platform truck. 5-ton» dual rear: good rubber: District or Vir-y glnla Inspection Call BOLEY S GARAORi Vienna 695-J. for inspection or demon stratfon. 1* . 4 REO 1937. dual wheels, flat body, 1 ton! motor recently overhauled: $650. LYONS MACHINE CO . 75 Eve St s e. —1 1011 INTERNATIONAL 'a-ton pickup! new paint, battery, canopy top; guaran teed perfect cond ; $725 or will acccp» small dump truck in trade. ALLErc, OV. 3653 —1 DODGE 1946 'i-ton pickup: 15000 ac tual miles; very best condition. 2333 Nichols ave. s e. LI. 9510 FOR SALE to highest bidder, three 1943 Reos and one 1046 Reo dump truck. A real buy. Must sell by July 15. Call PA 2247 after 5:30 p m -—3 .i-v DODGE 1941 m-ton dump with all-steal f body good operating cond.. reas. price* at $895 NA. 5178. , —4 j * CHEVROLET 1936 sedan del : equipped - with bins; suitable for plumber or elec- » trician; good condition: $300. Warfleifl » CHEVROLET 1941 sedan delivery: has see* very little service: new blue finish: ex- .. ceptionaliy clean throughout; $995. MARYLAND MOTORS, INC.. Rockvllls* * Md . Rockville 3944 —- i DODGE 1035 '2-ton panel, $250 cash! low mllelaae: orig. owner. 821 Upshur FORD*i*942 'a-ton panel delivery, in excel lent condition throughout: guaranteed, $695. STEUART MOTOR CO.. 3rd and H DODGE repossessed 1947 1'2-ton: stand ard equipment; 3-yd. dump body; exceL cond.: $1,995. On display at Torrey Motor Co., 1137 19th st. n.w. Sale by owner Call CHARLES O PRATT, atty. NA. 8410. weekdays, bet. 10 and 5. —5 CHEVROLET 1940 dump truck: good cond.I $395. Over 35 other trucks to Pick from. RICE MOTOR CO. 1824 Bladensburd STlSlEBAKER 1047 'a-ton pickup: r. and h , pipe rack. 1321 Shepherd st. n.w. DODGE! 1936 pickup: we can't possibly d*i scribe how clean this Job is; it’s reallT.^^ like a ’4H passenger car; ready for service; has received the best of care; LOGAN (Ford). 1111 18th st. n.w. UStfc-— and L sts ). DI. 5803. -j CHEVROLF.T 1948 Va-ton pickup; 30 mUe^ $1,795. cash, trade or terms, beui MOTORS. 5010 Wis. ave. n.w., woJ_5> <5 CHEVROLET 1947 sedan delivery: 4.000 actual miles; this car is like new: $1. .50 cash, trade or terms. BELL MOTOR% 5010 Wis. ave. n.w.. WO. 8900. — INTERNATIONAL 194, ’a-", ton KB-l panel truck; $1,450: four-speed transmis sion: heater and defroster. Call Wes» River 108-F-24 or Pleasant 1181. - FORD 1941 1'a-ton dump; new motor. 30 days old; to be sold for balancedue flnanew co ; $461.40. HERSON S AUTO & LOAN, DE 4700. 714 O st. n.w. FORD 1946 V2-ton pickup: radio, heater, spot, fog and other extras, $1,300 or trada for 1946 auto CH. 3113. ■ ” , CHEVROLET 1946 'a-ton panel, in excel lent condition; $950 or best offer. DU. 4788 bet. 5 and 8 p.m. z==._ auto trucks for hire. „ ! AVAILABLE-IMMEDIATELY—1948 Chev. vans, stakes, panels and pickups for hir* i by »Jay. week or month. PUBLIC SEKViCw ] DRIVE-OR-SELF ME. TOIL ' VAN TRUCK—Large or small Jobs, prompt 1 service; reas. prices; local or long distanca. TA 2937; alter 7 pm . GE. 1416. 30 . FORD 1947 COE 1'.a-ton l«-ft. stake aB [ steel bed, 5-ft. oak sides and tall. 8 .-‘•6X1® ! ply tires. 12.000 miles; perfect condition. I ideal lor beverage or produce or use as a : flat bed truck: will lease to a company of responsible party reasonably; with or wlthj out driver. Call OWNER.J3E. 3782. —j AH advertisements offering auto mobiles for sale must include actual selling price of car. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. ! AUSTIN, new 1048; prompt delivery anj a choice of colors; 35 mllea Per gallon, larger, roomier, safety steel bodies with • continental design: hydraulic brake*, leather upholstery^ Dorset sedan, full* equipped incl. heater and defrosters, only i ¥1.595 delivered: terms and trade. MAN. ! HATTAN AUTO & RADIO CO., bothl Side* of 7th at R sc. n.w Phone NO <557 AUSTINS. used. 1947 "10 seejanfc, *1.1195; also MO, Rolls Royce, i*fear. Tri. mph. Hillman and others. JACK PRY, 1133 18th st. n.*.. or 16th and Penna* ave s f RE 51.5.. *• BANTAM 1»41 4-pass, converttbft* couptr. ; motor overhauled, new top and battery, *5*>5. Evening* after 6 p m. 8H. x.Q57.— 1 i BUICK 194 7 Roadmaster conv. coupe* i maroon, r. and h., twin spotlights, mir Irors. low mileage, perl in below market at *..995. MARYLANO MOTORS. INC., Rockville. Md., RockvillB 3944. — •* * BUICK 1941 super 4-dr. sedan: radio, heater, Sl.'.’oO. RA. 5616. 3 BUICK 1948 super convertible club coupe} royal blue, fully equipped, delivered la£* week. ¥3,396, terms, cash or trade. 8H. 1196. , . —3 BUCK 1941 Super conv. club coupe; orlf. black factory finish: excel, cond. through out: bargain at ¥L.19o. JACK PRY. i branch at 16th and Pa^ ave. ae. —3 BUICK 1941! Super 4-dr.; radio, heaterj ‘¥2.175. WI. 7118. —1 BUCK 1946 Super sedanelte; lust th* I cond. you like to buy a used car; fen. ( manager's personal car; guaranteed, or course: ¥2.195. JACK PRY. branch a* ! 16th and Pa. ave, s e. —2 Bl'ICK 194(1 Special model: good condi tion; radio. 4 new tires, new paint job:, lone owner; a bargain; price, $1,100. Call RA. 7562. . 30* i, BUICK 1946 Roadmaster sedanette. 3- , tone: r and h.. 21.000 miles; runs Ilk* -r a dream; $2,295 cash, trade or terms. COOPER MOTOR CO, 5002 WU. ave. I n.w. EM 9850. , ... —2 . • BUICK 1947 Roadmaster 4-dr : like newi ¥2.500. OX. 074.3. —2 I BUICK 1941 4-dr. special; 2-tone blu* land gray. 1-owner car: radio, heater, plus many other accessories; very clean; I fully guar.: only ¥1.150, BENDELL PONTIAC, 1611 King st., Alex.. Va. OV. I 1600. J .—7 , I BUICK 1935 4-door sedRn; mechanical (condition perfect; new seat covers ana heater; ¥275. May be seen at 194® Calvert st. n.w after 7 p.m. 30* BUICK 194 1 6-pass de luxe sedan: excel, cond : pvt. owner; sacrifice, ¥1.195. Taylor 1786. . , —2 BUICK 1540. 7-pass. sed: orig blarlt paint, new tires, r. and h.: ¥1.095. HALEY’S, 2020 M st. n.w., NA. 1900. BUICK 1946 4-dr. Super: beautllul blu* finish; low mileage: just like new: ¥2.185: low down payment GPEENWAY. 390® Minn. ave. n.e . AT. 3516. —30 BUICK 1942 Super 4 dr.: can you beat this price? Only $1,245. and it's a honey: - green finish, radio and heater, runs Ilk* a charm: 30-day "owner-rated" guaran- la tee; terms/trade or cash: better hurry. It will go quickly. LOGAN i Ford!, 1111 -q 118th at. n.w., (18th and L sts.), DI. 5803. :b (BUICK 1948 new 4-door Special sedan: ,3 ' has everything extra possible built In at , factory; $2,975. WO. 5330. —2 BUICK 1939 4-dr trunk sed: black: very good condition: a fine buy: price. I $700. 905 N. Y. ave n w . RE. 1612. I ' . —1 KCICK 19,(1 special mmn: Diaca. urn. like, new: good motor: you cannot match this value; $75(1 cash, trade or $260 'down WOLFF, MOTORS. 12th and K su. n w, EX 5562. BITCH 1941 4-dr . r and h« very clean: $1,195: terms. VEGAS MOTOR CO. 4869 MacArthur blvd. n w. Call WO. 4869. BITCH 1947 convertible: this car la eom nletelv eauipped and Is absolutely Im maculate; very low mileage: $2,795 cash, trade or terms. BELL MOTORS, 6010 Wis. ave n.w. WO. 8900. —® . BITCH '.'17 special 4-dr,; $75 cash and take over payments, balance at $181; near radiator and grill. ST. 7298. —1 BITCH '46 Super sedanetle. $2,095. I STANLEY H HORNER. INC , 6th and Fla. I ave. ne. AT. 6464. Open Saturday. —1 „ BITCH 1946 Roadmasler sedanette. $2.-45. | STANLEY H. HORNER INC.. 6th and Fla. I ave. n.e . AT 6464. Open Saturday —1 BITCH 1946 RO ADM ASTER 4-dr.; $2,295. STANLEY H HORNER INC . 6th and Fla. j ave, n.e . AT 6464. Open Saturday*. —1 _ BITCK MHO club convertible that win provide good looks and fine service; ercel i lent mechanical condition, original black. “ top and tires in fine condition; ha* both , neat and music; 30-day ‘ owner-rated : guarantee: $1,145. with terms, tr*®* or • ash. LOGAN <Ford>, 1111 ISth n w. * 18th and L sts ). DI 580.,. BLTCK 1046 Super 4-dr.. $2.145. STAN LEY H HORNER. INC . Hth and Fla ave. n.e . AT 6464. Open Saturday*. —1 BLTCK ’46 Super 4-door; tan; r. and h. Tf carefully driven it might go 200 000 miles more; $2,305. 30-day guar. 81 | cars, one location indoor*. HILL Ac TIB BITTS 1114 Vermont ave. n.w., Wash a ! Oldest Ford Dealer. NA. 0850. —1 BlJ(K 1037 Special club coupe: motor and body perfect; 2 owner* since new; $505 CH. 7343 after 6:30 pm —l BLTCK 1041 Special 4-door, green: radio and heater, new motor; must pay $800 note on car; best offer over *000. R*. 4142. Ext. 4 849. 2 BLTCK 1940 convertible sedan; r and n l good condition: *1.095, quick sale. GL 4400. Ext. 586. 7“ BLTCK 1947: private party: must sell, reasonable. $2.2(8). CH. 1587. ■ BLTCK*—1917 Rowdmaster conv coupe. $2,995. 1946 Super sedan: $2,195; both nave r and h . etc. and are like new^ These prices are practically our cost and are remarkable values in clean, late mod- r bIs: written guar : low cost terms: 24-mo. finance plan COLUMBIA MOTORS. 14th end Fla ave n.w AD_ 1572. —30 BLTCK 1941 Special sedanette. r. tnd h, " seat covers, very clean: $1 ('95 see Mr. Bodlne. RANDALL MOTORS. 1 150 17lh %* n w. Chrysler-Plymouth dealers. EL 4800. ■—2 ’ 8 BITCH 1936 4-dr. »«d»n: rtdio. heater, seat covers, good condition, *300. Call HI 7669 afteT 6pm , —2 * BLTCK 1936 four-door sedan: in perfect condition; $400. Private owner. KjU 8982 2• BITCH 1939 4-dr : r. and h . good con dition. $760 VEGAS MOTOR CO 486* MacArthur blvd n.w. Call WO. 4869 BITCH 1947 Super conv : beautiful ma roon flniah. radio, heater, black top, 15,060 mile*: only $2 795: up to 24 mo*, to pay. WILLIAMS. R. L ave. at^20th BITCH' 1946 Super eonvtrtible; excellent condition: lot* of extra equip ■ $».595, 1555 Tort Dupont at. i e > AX 5646 1» (Oor.'.mued a* Next Page)