OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, June 30, 1948, Image 43

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1948-06-30/ed-1/seq-43/

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BUICK 1938 Bpeciil 4-dr. sedan; radio.
heater, ton shape throughout; *695. cash,
trade or terms. WILLIAMS, R. I. ave.
At 20th st. n.e. . , —5
CADILLAC 1941 convertible, sedan: rad o,
heater; excellent condition: *2.195.
Wls. ave.. OR. 0100. „ .rr1. ,
CADILLAC 1947 conv. coupe; beautiful let
black, white-wall tires, very ow mileage,
almost brand-new; *4.295;
end trade; new-car written guar. COLUM
BIA MOTORS, 14th and Fla. ave. ^n.w.
^ADILLAC 1940 "00": new tires; motor
E, ?o?d inr- reason!’ oSfy” *S i
CADILLAC 1941* 4-door de luxe «dan.
model 82: radio, beater, orlg. owner.!
5w mileage. See car to apprec ate,
CAD6ILLAC41947 "62 “sedan: Hydra-Matic;
radio, heater: perfect condition; *3,4o0.
Box 174-G. Star. . .
CADILLAC 1942 club coupe: r. and h.,
orig. dark green finish; 48.000 mUes.
SI.895 casn. trade or terms. COOPLR
MOTOR CO., 6002 Wls. ave. jvw.,
CADILLAC 1947 Fleetwood 4-dr sedan;
radio, heater. Hydra-Matic, white side
wall tires; like new; *4,375. TA. 4-OU.
CHEVROLET 1948 Aero sedan: r. and h.
practically new. and other extras; *2.495.
Wisconsin ave.. OR. 0100 —7
CHEVROLET 1935 4-dr. sedan; very care
fully driven by one owner; *395. Call GE.
7454 —
CHEVROLET 1947 2-door 8tylemaster
aedan; 7,000 miles, like new; *1,995 or
best offer. CH. 7091. _ , —*
CHEVROLET 1940 Master de luxe 2-dr
town sedan; r. and h.. gorgeous original
black finish sparkles like new, chrome
trim gleams :ike new. interior is posi
tively Immaculate, motor sounds and per
forms like a charm, perfect tires, finest
one in city, absolutely perfect; *1,060
cash, trade, terms. STONE, 1617 14th
st n.w.. AD. 7363. . —1.
CHEVROLET 1948 Fleetline Aero sed.:
r. and h . seat covers; 3o mi.; $2-595.
cash, trade or terms; open eves .till ».
Sundays till 5. BATCHER MOTORS. INC.,
6100 Wis. ave., WO 9351. —1
CHEVROLET '38 2-dr. sedan: heater; good
cond.; runs good; tires fair; S32o. DE.
8439 after 6 p.m. , , , —30
CHEV. 1932 2-door coach; lots of trans.
left to this car; see today; *150. SCHLE
OEL Sz GOLDEN Kaiser-Frazer Dealers,
283 Carroll st. N. Takoma Park. GE.jJ302.
CHEV. 1940 2-dr. town sedan. Will sell
this car Tues. and Wed. only at *795.
8CHLEOEL & GOLDEN, Kaiser-Frazer
Dealers, 263 Carroll st.. Takoma Par*.
GE 330° —■»
CHEVROLET 1947 convertible: *2.145.
AT- 6464. Open Saturday. STANLEY H
HORNER, INC.. 6th and Fla. ave. n.e. —1
CHEVROLET 1946 Stylemaster 4-dr sed.;
pert, cream and brown 2-tone finish, me
chanically excel,, very clean; $1.«95
Md,, Rockville 3944. .
CHEVROLET 1937 4-dr. sport sedan,
black, engine in excel ihape, new brake
linings and U. S. air-ride tires, 5f/o
cash. Call EM. 3603.
CHEVROLET 1948 Fleetline Aero sedan,
dark green, r. and h.. only a few miles,
guaranteed; $2,495 cash, trade or terms.
WOLFE MOTORS, 12th and K sts. n.w.,
CHEVROLET 1937 Master de luxe 2-dr,
heater, etc.; $300. 2803 6th st. n.e.. HO.
3766 before 9 p.m. _ . . _ A
CHEVROLET 1948. new. Fleetma
door sedan; seat covers, underseat heater,
defrosters. Air Ride tires; $2.--5._AT.
Chevrolet 1940 2-dr. sedan: equip,
with radio, heater, new seat covers; beau
tiful new green finish; mech. perf. in® very
way; a 1-owner car. If you are looking
for economical transp., see this ,c*r be
fore you buy; guar, for 1 mo.; only
cash, trade or terms. COAST-IN PON
TIAC. 407 Fla. ave. n.e. AT. 7200. —~
CHEVROLET 1936 4-dcor sedan; radio;
sporty rich green finish; quality seat
covers; almost new tires; only 10.000 miles
since overhaul; kept in absolutely depend
able condition for past 8 yrs.; $4-5. SL.
7662. __ _ _ . . , ‘ “2
CHEVROLET 1941 BDCCiai oe luxe a-uo»i
sport sedan; heater. A-l condition; *99o.
Call DE. 2760. 7 to 9 p.m.
CHEVROLET 1947 Fleetllne 4-dr.; equip,
with heater and seat covers, beautiful
2-tone blue finish, low mileage; *2,196.
terms, trade or cash and It's yours; come
In todav; 30-day "owner-rated'' guaran
tee LOGAN (Ford), 1111 18th at. n.w.
(18th and L sts ), DI. 6803.
CHEVROLET '35 2-dr.; clean car. good
tires and motor; *250. Glebe 4o92. -
CHEVROLET 1937 cpe : r and h . new
paint and covers: excel, motor, body, tires,
passed D.^C lnspec.; $400. 1118 Oates^st.
CHEVROLET 1047 Fleetllne sedan, loaded
with equipment; *2.195 cash, trade or
terms. BELL MOTORS. 5010 Wis. ave.
n.w.. WO. 8900. . —
CHEVROLET 1947 Fleetllne Aero sedan.
2-tcne lob. loaded with equipment. 4.000
miles *2.295 cash, trade or terms. BELL
MOTORS,' 6010 Wis. ave. n.w.. WO._890U.
CHEVROLET 1937 2-dr ; 5495; guaran
teed. ROYAL MOTORS, Packard dealers.
15 Kennedy st. n.w . RA. 7720. —1
CHEVROLET 194 7 Styiemaster town seek;
r and h„ seat covers, driven 11.000 miles.
In perf. cond.; sacrifice sale because of
foreclosure, *1,070- Call MR. MATTI
CRRVkohtT ' Hi 30 de luxe coach; owner
Wll sacrifice: *496: terms, *18p cash, *34
month. ‘'ROPER," 1780 R. I. ave^ne.
CHEVROLET 1947 convertible: beautiful
gunmetal grav finish, with black top; fully
equipped; Immaculate Inside and out; me
chanically perfect, wanted price, *-.295
CHEVROLET 194l' Special de luxe busi
ness cpe.; r. and h.. *850. Call between
8 and 10 p.m. or 8 and 10 a.m.. CO. 7676.
CHEVROLET 1934 Master de luxe 4-door;
runs perfect: new tires; Va. Inspected,
$195. 1810 14th st. n.w —~
CHEVROLET 1936 2-dr Master; scaled
beam lgts.. heater; good condition; 53/5
or best offer under. TW. 2916 after 5.30.
CHEVROLET 1933 de luxe coach: excel
running cond.. clean, a^rac., fine tires and
body; bargain; $225. STONE. 161/ 3 4th
CHEVROLET 1937 Master 4-dr. sedan;
practically new rubber, good mechanical
shape; $365. cash, trade or terms. WIL
LIAMS. R. I. ave. at 20th st. n.e. -J
CHEVROLET 1947 Styiemaster club cpe..
maroon finish, one owner. 9.000 miles,
completely equipped; «1.805 full price. ~4
mos. to pay. WILLIAMS. R. I. ave. at
20th st. n.e. . , . . „.
CHEVROLET 1940 Special de luxe sedan,
blue finish, radio, heater, mechanically
perfect: priced to sell. $895. Cash. trade
or terms. WILLIAMS. R. I- ave. at^20th
CHEVROLET 1940 Styiemaster 4-dr blue
sedan; bne owner, 16.000 miles, absoh tely
as clean as a new car. Priced to sell, j
$1,645 cash, trade or terms; up to ~4
mo. to pay. WILLIAMS. R. I. ave. at
«0th st n e. —3
CHEVROLET 1938 town sedan: black, with
radio and heater; good transp.; *39o cash,
or terms. WILLIAMS. R. I. ave. at 20th
at n.e . . &
CHEVROLET 1947 Fleetmaster club coupe:
green finish. 10.000 miles, 1 owner: can t
be told from new: *1.945 cash, trade or
terms. WILLIAMS. R. I. ave. atJJOth
CHRYSLER 1947 New Yorker town and
country convertible, fully eauip.: radio. -
heaters, etc.: perfect condition: private
owner; *2.700 or best offer. MI. 41L>1.
CHRYSLER 1942 New Yorker 4-dr. sed.;
r. and h. and slip covers, very clean car;
SI,•’95 See Mr. Bodine. RANDALL
MOTORS. 1150 17th st. n.w. Chrysler
Plymouth dealers. EX. 4800. —
CHRYSLER 1940 Windsor 2-dr. sedan;
r. and h„ low mileage; a very clean car;
*985. See Mr. Bodine. RANDALL MOTORS,
.1150 17th st. n.w. Chrysler-Plymouth
dealers. EX. 4800. , „
CHRYSLER 1937 de luxe sedan: must sell.
*395: terms, $150 cash. $28 month.
••ROPER," 1730 R. I ave n.e 30*
CHRYSLER 1942 Royal 4-door sedan; fluid
drive, overdrive transmission, new tires;
very good condition throughout; radio,
heater and seat covers; $1,195. K a m.
to (! p.m.. Overlook 54153; after 6 pan.,
CHRYSLER 1941 Roval 4-dr. sedan; beau
tiful let black finish, surrounded with 4
attractive red wheels, equipped with de
luxe radio, comfort master heater, new
seat covers: this beautiful fluid drive auto
Is just wonderful for the Mrs and she
doesn't have the worry of shifting gears;
see this lovelv car today. Priced for quick
gale at the low price of $1,095; hi down.
ud to 15 mos. to pay; 30-day warranty.
D c. inspection free. COAST-IN PON
TIAC 407 Fla. ave..n.e.. AT. 7200. —2
CHRYSLER 1938 Royal 2-dr. Another good
buy at Schlegel & Qolden; $550. Terms,
trade. SCHLEGEL & GOLDEN. Kaiser
Frazer Dealers. 263 Carroll st., Takoma
Park. GE. 3302. , „ J —2
CHRYSLER 1941 Royal 2-door: r. and h .
seat covers, low mileage, original black
finish: this car Is an excellent buy at
$1,125. Call MR. HENRY. OL. 1000. —1
CHRYSLER New Yorker, bought Dec. 1.
1947; dark green finish; $2,750. Call
Greenbelt 5686. —1
CHRYSLER 1036 sedan: good transp.;
$175, as is. HALEY'S. 2020 M st. n.w.,
* NA. 1900. —2
CHRYSLER 1940 4-door sedan! r and h :
new tires; like new; $985. TOWN &
COUNTRY MOTORS. 5336 Wis. ave.,
OR. 0100. —4
CHRYSLER 1939 Royal 2-door; $795.
STANLEY H. HORNER. INC , 6th and Fla
ave. n.e. AT. 6464. Open Saturdays. —1
CHRYSLER Imperial coupe; engine in ex
cellent condition, chassis and body o k.
$655 or best cash offer. OR. 373T5.
MARTIN. 3941 Langley court.
CROSLEY 1947 convertible: good condi
tion: $695. Phone OR. 1762. 1*
CROSLEY 1948: new: $998 delivered; 6
body styles JACK PRY. 1133 18th st.
n.w. and 18th and Pa. ave. s.e
CROSLEY 1947. like new; will guarantee
1.400 actual miles. Sacrifice. $o95 cash.
Ho dealers. CH. 7166. —2
DE SOTO 1941 Custom coupe; radio and
heater: $1,095; guaranteed. ROYAL
MOTOkS. Packard dealers, 15 Kennedy
st. n.w.. RA. 7720. . „ —1 .
DE SOTO 1940 de luxe sedan: excellent
condition; $845; cen give terms or trade.
•ROPER,” 1730 R. I. ave. n.e. 30*
DE SOTO 1941 custom 2-door; r. and bj
seat covers, beautiful blue finish, tires and
motor In good shape; a stealat $1,095,
will accept trade. Call MR. HENRY, OL.
De'°SOTO 1946 Custom sedan; fully
equipped: perf. cond.: private owner;
$2,050 or best offer. ALex 6154. 1*
DE SOTO 1940 4-dr. sedan; blue, very
clean and In excel, cond.; $750. WIL
LIAMS & BAKER NASH, 2819 M st. n.w.
HO. 8700. —l
DODGE 1948, new. 3-passenger coupe;
all extras except radio; color, patrol blue;
lots of room to carry everything; $2,1.5.
TA. 6814. —30
DODGES—1946 Custom de luxe sedan: t.
and h., spotlight, white-wall tires: $1,9,5.
Also 1947 Custom de luxe sedan; r. and
h.. like brand-new; $2,295; low cost terms:
written guar. COLUMBIA MOTORS, 14th
and Fla. ave. n.w. AD. 1572. —30
DODGE 1947 maroon 2-door de luxe,
radio, heater, clock, seat covers, excel
lent cond.. low mileage, pvt. owner;
$2,295. RE. 7365. —1
DODGE 1942 sedan: 1 owner car, looks
good and runs good: special today only
$1,095, $365 down TRIANGLE MOTORS.
1333 R. I ave. n.e., CO. 0882. —39
DODGE 1947 4-dr. sedan; 7,000 miles,
White side-walls, r. and h„ showroom
cond.; must sell, leaving town. Call
EX. 7700. ext. 6. between 9 a.m. and 4
p.m.: price. $2,360. —T
DODGE 1947 Custom club coupe: abso
lutely the finest; not a scratch on this
beautiful black finish, custom Interior
spotless, fluid drive perfection, perform
ance smooth as silk; 30-day 'owner-rated
guarantee; $2,395; terms, trade or casK
LOGAN (Ford), 1111 18th st. n.w. (18th
and L sts.). DI. 5803.
DODGE 1939 4-dr. sedan; dark green
finish, new seat covers, good motor. See
today; $750; terms, trade. SCHLEGEL
& GOLDEN. Kaiser-Frazer Dealers. 263
Carroll st.. Takoma Park. GE. 3302. —2
DODGE 1947 4-dr. custom sedan—All
extras; show room appearance; 7,000 ml.;
$2,395. WO. 6000. , J —4
DODGE late ’46 black custom 4-door; ra
dio, heater; $1,895 or best offer; private.
DE. 8656. . 1*.
DODGE 1942 2-door sedan, radio, heater
and seat covers. This car has had ex
cellent care and is in perf; . cond.; $1.19o
cash, trade or terms. BELL MOTORS.
5010 Wis. ave. n.w.. WO. 8900. —~
DODGE 1930 4-dr. sedan: in good shape:
$375. Call be:ween 4:30 and < :30, VI.
0930. _—3
DODGE 1938 coupe: rumble seat, new
motor; no mileage on this motor; $795.
Best buy In Washington. Terms, trade.
SCHLEGEL & GOLDEN, Kaiser-Frazer
Dealers. 203 Carroll st., Takoma Park.
GE 3302. t t —2
DODGE 1939 coupe; excel, motor, body,
paint, tires; dependable transp.; $050.
SIMMS MOTOR CO., 1324 13th st. n.w.,
CO 4611 —3
DODGE 1^39 4-dr. sedan: original black
paint, seat covers, radio, heater, good
tires;. $675. MR. MCDONALD, AD. JT722.
DODGE 1947 4-dr. de luxe model sedan;
actual mileage. 12,800 miles- fully equip.,
sunvlsor and side visors, radio and heat
er. back-up lights. Call at 1901 M st.
n.w,, EX. 9004; price, $2,395. —1
DODGE 1941 de luxe gedan; splendid con
iditlon; $975; can give terms or trade.
“ROPER.’' 1730 R. 1. ave. n.e. 30*
DODGE 1947 de luxe brougham: beautiful
blue finish, cus om radio, heater and air
conditioning: $2,045 cash, trade or terms.
Accepted up to 24 mo. to pay. WIL
LIAMS. R. I. ave. at 20th st. n.e. —5
DODGE 1936 sedan; orig. black finish,
clean as a pin. and mechanically perfect.
$395 cash, trade or terms. WILLIAMS,
R. I. ave. at 20th st. n.e. —5
FORD 1941 Super de luxe 4-dr. sedan;
immaculate condition, 1 owner since new.
Priced to sell. $1,095 cash, trade or terms.
WILLIAMS. R. I. ave. at 20th st. n.e. —5
FORD 1948 club coupe; beautiful metallic
blue finish, new-car condition: $1,995
cash, trade or terms. WILLIAMS, R. I.
ave. at 20th st. n.e. —5
FORD 1040 Tudor; r. and h., excellent
mechanical condition, $725. Call between
5:15 and 6:45, HU. 5799. —30
FORD 1941 de luxe station wagon; good
cond . motor Just overhauled; $875. Can
be seen between 6 and 8 p.m. 600 8.
Carlyn Spring rd , Arlington, Va. —30
FORD 1946 crupe 3-passenger; r. and h.,
fog lights, spotlight, white rims, black;
absolutely perfect; $1,475. Greenbelt 3232.
FORD 1946 Super de luxe V-8 Fordor;
heater, dark grey finish; 1 owner; low
mileage: exceptionally clean; $1,095. guar
antee and terms. TRIANGLE MOTORS,
133.) R. I. ave. n.e.. CO. 0882. —30
FORD 1940 Super de luxe V-8 Tudor; r.
and h.. well cared lor; excel, cond.
throughout; $1,695. guarantee and terms.
TRIANGLE MOTORS, 3010 R. I. ave. n.e.,
DE. 6303. -—30
FORD 1942 Tudor sedan; excel, finish,
r. and h.. good mechanical cond.: $895.
Rockville 3944. —3
FORD 1946 Tudor; excel, orig. black
finish, good tires, r. and h„ clean in
terior. mechanically pert.; $1,595. MARY
LAND MOTORS. INC., Rockville, Md. Rock
ville 3944. _ , —2
FORD 1947 Super de luxe Tudor sedan:
check our price and then the car. really
an excel, buy at $1,695. JACK PRY
branch at 10th and Pa. ave. s.e. —2
FORD 1947 Super de luxe 8-cyl. conv. cpe.;
r. and h ; 9,000 mi.: $2,295; cash, trade
or tedms; open eves till 9. Sundays till
6. BATCHER MOTORS, INC.. 6100 Wis.
ave.. WO. 9351. —1
FORD 1947 Sportsman convertible—This is
one of the soortlest cars In town; the
color is black with light top; equipped
with radio, heater and automatic windows;
priced far below list at $2,295. MAY
FLOWER MOTORS, INC.. 1126 15th st.
n.w.. RE. 0303. —1 ,
FORD 1940 Fordor sedan; one owner; good
cond., good tires; passed D. C. Inspec
tion; $825. AX. 4987 after 6:30_j>.m.
FORD 1948 Super de luxe Fordor; $2,145.
STANLEY H. HORNER. INC.. 6th and Fla.
ave n.e . AT. 6404. Open Saturdays. —1
FORD 1948 de luxe Fordor; r. and h„ w.w.
tires, cust. uphol.; 4,000 ml.; $2,196; cash,
trade or terms; open eves, till 9, Sundays
till 6. SATCHER MOTORS, INC.. 5100
Wis. ave . WO. 9351. . —1 ,
FORD 1941 sedan; r. and h.: original
black finish; 1 owner; a real value; $895
rash, trade or terms. COOPER MOTOR
CO-. 6093 Wls. ave. n.w. EM 9850. —2
FORD 1949 Tudor; today's best buy at
$745: liberal terms. COLUMBIA MOTORS
CO.. 14th and Florida. AD. 1572. —30
FORD 1948 Fordor de luxe V-8 sedan;
r. and h.; 5.500 miles; perfect condition,
used by diplomat; price, $2,195 cash.
Phone AD 1062. Ext. 56. —1
FORD 1938 station wagon: good mechan
ical condition; $700. Gaithersburg 085-J.
FORD 946 Super de luxe Foraor. wun
only 2.800 miles: it's just like new: beau
tiful maroon and custom seat covers to
match; honey of a V-8 motor; tires Prac
tically brand new: a real “cream puff;
$2,190. with 24-month terms or cash;
high trade allowance. LOGAN (Ford), 1111
18th st. n.w. (18th and L sts.). DI. 5803.
FORD 1947 Super de luxe Fordor. at a
price that’s once in a lifetime; this Is
our special for the 4th; only $1,695, and
the car is a honey; original gleaming
black, spotless interior, heater, fine V-8
motor; 3<>-day “owner-rated” guarantee.
LOGAN (Ford). 1111 18th st. n.w. (18th
and L sts ). DI. 5803.
FORD 1941 de luxe Tudor: special today
only, at $695: you can't beat this any
where; our wholesale price open to the
public; maroon finish. V-8 motor, r. and
h.: terms or rash. LOGAN (Ford), 1111
18th st. n.w. (1 Sth and L sts.), DI. 5803.
FORD 1941 coupe, with auxiliary seats;
very clean, gunmetal gray finish like new:
powerful V-8 motor, extra equipment in
cludes radio and heater; you'll enjoy
this car with 30-day “owner-rated” guar
antee: $1,045; terms, cash or trade.
LOGAN (Ford). 1111 18th st. n.w. (18th
and L sts.). DI. 5803.
FORD 1938 station wagon; excel cond.:
motor, clutch and transmission recently
overhauled; new top. new paint, good rub
ber: 8795 cash. TE. 5803.
FORD '38 Fordor de luxe; 85h.p.: r., h.;
excellent tondition; $600. Private owner.
ME. 0540. Ext. 411. 2*
FORD 1948 station W’agon; 2.100 actual
miles; $2,400 or best offer. Perfect con
dition. Call UN. 7454. 7 to 10 p m. —l
FORD 1941 club coupe, radio; good con
dition. $895. VEGAS MOTOR CO . 4869
MacArthur blVd. n.w. Call WO. 4869.
FORD 1938 de luxe coupe; r. and h.. seat
covers, good tires: in very good condition;
$285, or $100 cash, balance note. HO.
FORD 1947 Super de luxe Fordor; black,
new condition, low mileage; private party
must sell a* once; $1,795. See today at
402 Carroll ave., Takoma Park, Md.
SH. 5818.
FORD 1947 Super de luxe sedan coupe;
very low mileage. Carefully driven by
original owner. Radio, heater, seat cov
ers. bumper guards, fine tires, never used,
etc. Meoh. new: $1,750. DE. 8300, Ext.
421: after business hours, NO. 4029.
FORD 1948 Fordor (English): no mi.;
full retail allowance on trade If any;
$1,628.80. Call Mr. Pope. DI. 2795.
LOGAN (Ford). 1111 18th st. n.w. New
car guarantee. „ —30
FORD model “T" coupe, 1925; very good
condition, passed D. C. 1948 inspection:
$175 or best offer. Can be seen Sinclair
service station. 36th and M sts. n.w.,
next to Capital Transit car bam. 30*
FORD '47 super de luxe Tudor; r. and b.:
! $1,895; cash, trade or terms. Ogen till
9. Sunday till 5. SATCHER MOTORS.
; INC . 5100 Wis. ave.. W’O. 9351. —1
FORD 1947 Super de luxe club cpe.: black;
r and h . white wall tires, plastic covers;
j 6.900 miles; $1,995: 30-day guar. 81
! cars, one location indoors. HELL & TIB
;BITTS. 1114 Vermont ave. n.w. W’ash.'s
'Oldest Ford Dealer. NA. 9850. —1
FORD 1948 V-8 Super de luxe Fordor
i sedan: heater and seat covers: a very
desirable color; showroom appearance
with very low mileage; $1,995. HOYLE
i MOTOR SALES. 1345 Que st. n.w.. DU.
FORD 1942 Fordor; like new: new paint,
seat covers, floor mat, battery, mechani
cally perfect; $995. Sligo 29,9. —5
FORD 19.55 de luxe sedan: rung good,
looks good; sell for unpaid balance; $19o
cash. ■•ROPER." 1730 R. I. ave. n.e. 30»
FRAZER 1947 Manhattan; like new: cost
$3,100, aacrlrfice $2,200; give trade or
terms. "ROPER," 1730 R. 1 ave. n.e. 30*
HUDSON 1946 Suner 6 brougham. 4
brand-new tireg (Goodyear), paint like
new. upholstery spotless: mechanically per
fect: guaranteed; terms, trade or cash.
M st. n.w.. NA. 2701. Open evenings. —1
HUDSON 1947 Commodore "6' 4-dr.
sedan: r. and h. Drlvemaster; weather
master; de luxe model: privately owned;
13.000 mi.; perfect cond.; $2,000. NO.
3)68. Ext. 32. 9-6:30. —30
HUDSON 1940 4-dr. sedan. A real buy.
Car in good cond. Reduced to $6o0
Tues. and Wed. only. Terms, trade.
SCHLEGEL * GOLDEN, Kaiser-Frazer
Dealers, 263 Carroll st., Takoma Park.
GE. 3302. —2
HUDSON 1946 Super 6 4-dr. sedan; r.
and h., spotlight; must sell this week;
$1,300. NA. 0227. WA. 2950. —1
HUDSON 1947 Super "6” club coupe;
heater. Drlvemaster; under 10,000 miles:
shows perfect care; guaranteed and terms;
$1,795. TRIANGLE MOTORS, 1333 R. I.
ave. n.e., CO. 0882. —30
HUDSON 1937 6-cyl. 4-dr. sedan: new
paint, mechanically perfect, tires very
rood; good clean car; privately owner;
$525. DE. 3747, 1007 Girard st. n.e. —30
HUDSON 1947 Super "8” 4-dr. sedan;
heater, tires and mechanclally excellent;
priced for immediate sale at $1,995; no
car accepted in trade: 24 months, low
mileage. 9.925 miles: guaranteed. PO
TOMAC MOTOR SALES, 2030 M st. n.w.,
NA. 2701. Open eves. —1
HUDSON '37 convertible club coupe; A-l
tires: excel, transp ; $295 cash SL. 8016.
HUDSON 1947 Commodore "8-cylinder''
4-dr.; clean as new; read for yourself what
the former owner says of his car; beauti
ful 2-tone finish; perfect Interior; heater;
Its a real "cream puff” with 30-day
"owner-rated" guarantee: $1,895: terms,
trade or cash. LOGAN (Ford), 1111 18th
st. n.w. (18th and L sts.). DI. 6803.
HUDSON 1941 Super "6” sedan; r„ h„
seat covers; not a taxi; $585 Can finance.
LU. 2551 between 6 and 8 p.m
HUDSON 1946 Super “6” 4-dr. sedan:
beautiful green finish, tires and upholestry
perfect, mechanically okay. r. and h.,
very low mileage, best buy In town today
at $1,595: guaranteed; cash, trade or
M st. n.w., NA. 2701. Open eves. —1
HUDSON 1940: radio, heater, plenty of
good transportation: $400. VI. 7878. —4
HUDSON 1942 Commodore club convertible
at only $1,195 and it's a honey: top and
leather upholstery in perfect condition;
heat and music; runs like a charm for
your summer vacation; 30-day "owner
rated" guarantee; terms, trade or cash.
LOGAN (Ford). 1111 18th st. n.w. (18th
and L sts.). DI. 5803.
HUDSON 1941 Super “6’’ conv. sedan;
beautiful black finish, red leather up
holstery. heater, auto, top; $895 full cash
price or $212 down »nd 15 mos. to pay.
WILLIAMS, R. I. ave. at 20th st. n.e. —5
HUPMOBILE 1935 sedan; excellent rubber
and perfect motor; new paint; $375. Call
AX 4284 —— 1
JEEP 1946: thoroughly reconditioned, new
Goodyear all-service tires; 30-day war
ranty; $985. Can be financed up to 24
months. SI HAWKINS, 1333 14th st.
n.w., DU. 4455. J , — 2
kaiser 1948 4-dr. sedan: driven only
5.000 ml.; beautiful maroon finish; many
extras, look and runs like new; $2,196.
Md.. Rockville 3944. —2
KAISEBS-FRAZERS, $2,254 up; can make
immed. delivery to a few. No trade re
Kaiser-Frazer sales and service, ,320-30
Wis. ave.. Bethesda, OL. 8226. —-30
LA SALLE 1939 conv. coupe; new tires
and tubes, r. and h.. seat covers; excel
lent condition throughout; $1,000. Can
be seen at 132 North Brookslde dr.. Arl.,
Va . any day after 5:30 p m —1
LINCOLN '47 4-dr. sedan; $2,545. STAN
LEY H. HORNER. INC., 6th and Fla. ave.
n.e.. AT. 6464 Open Saturdays. —1
LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 1941 conv coupe;
green, r. and h.. new top: $1,160. AD.
5828. —30
LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 1939 sedan; excellent
condition; $725. WO. 2094. —1
LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 1940 de luxe; runs
find; good tires; $595: terms, $210 cash.
536 month. "ROPER," 1730 R. I. ave. n.e.
UNCOLN-ZEPHYR 1940 club coupe; good
cond. throughout, new tires, paint, r. and
h , 1942 Mercury motor; *925 or best
offer. Call WA. 3545. —2
MERCURY 1946 sedan coupe. This popu
lar body style has dark blue finish; excep
tionally clean; equipped with radio, heater
and seat covers: priced to sell at *1,845.
st. n.w . RE. 0303. , -—1
MERCURY 1939 de luxe coach; splendid
condition; *735: can give terms. "ROPER,"
1730 R. I. ave. n.e. . 30*
MERCURY 1940 club coupe: fully equip.:
*1,750; guaranteed. ROYAL MOTORS.
Packard dealers, 15 Kennedy st. n.w.,
RA. 7720. —1
MERCURY 1947 convertible: Just the car
for that summer vacation; beautiful Tus
con tan finish, equipped with radio, heater,
fog lights, spotlight, back-up light and
white side-wall tires: guaranteed price.
1125 15th st. n.w., RE. 0303. —1
MERCURY 1947 convertible, fully
equipped, driven 7.000 miles: like new;
*2.295 cash, trade or terms. BELL
MOTORS, 5010 Wis. ave. n.w., WO. 8900.
MERCURY 1941 sedan coupe; this very
popular model is in exceptionally nice
condition; come in and.read the former
owner's signed statement on it; original
blue finish! clean as a pin; radio and
heater; 30-day "owner-rated ’ guarantee;
*1,095: terms, trade or cash. LOOAN
(Ford). 1111 ISth st. n.w. (18th and L
sts.i. DI. 5803. , ... ,
MERCURY 1947 4-door; In beautiful
gleaming black finish with custom wine
colored seat covers; heater; very low mile
age; It's ready to drive today at *2,245:
cash, terms or trade: 30-day ''owner
rated'’ guarantee. LOGAN (Ford), 1111
18th st. n.w. (18th and L sts.). DI. 6803.
MERCURY 1940 4-dr.; dark blue; very
clean and perfect mechanically; 18,000
miles. Nearly equal to a new ear for
*1.795. HI. 7410. —2
MERCURY 1946 sedan coupe: r. and h
1 owner; under 18,000 ml. This one will
amaze you. Interior extra clean, finish is
grey *1,895, with guarantee and terms.
TRIANGLE MOTORS, 3010 R. I. ave.
n.e., DE. 6303. , . —30
MERCURY 1948 conv. club cpe.; r. and h.,
spotlight; maroon, black top: white wall
tires; 6,700 miles; *2,495; 30-day guar.
81 cars, one location Indoors. HILL <k
TIBBITTS. 1114 Vermont ave. n.w.
Wash.'s Oldest Ford Dealer. NA. 9850. —1
MERCURY 1948 club coupe; 0.000 ml.;
r. and h., under coating porcelainized.
white side walls; brand-new cond.; *2.
250. Call NA. 0065 until 7 p.m.; SL.
2753 after 7 p.m. —1
MERCURY club coupe; del. Jan , 104»:
remote control radio, heater, clock, metal
w.w.. showroom cond. in every respect;
*1.095. WI. 64.38.
MERCURY 1046 C1UD coupe; r. mna n .
cannot be told from »newone: $1,850:
low down payment. GREENWAY. 3000
Minn. ave. n.e.. AT. 3516. —30
NASH 19.19 Ambassador 4-door sedan;
original black finish, new tires, clean in
terior; traded from original owner on a
new Packard: $69o. HALEYS, 2020 M
st. n.w., NA. 1900. —2
NASH ’42 "600”; excellent condition.
SI.000 or best offer. Call DE. 5182^after
NASH' 1946 "600’’ Super 4-dr. trunk
sedan, with about S250 in accessories;
2-tone blue and gray; extra tire, never
used; 12.000 miles; new condition; S1.6,o
or best offer. TA. 5910. —
NASH 1.94 S Suburban 6; a car of unbe
lievable beauty and style, fully equipped
with all extras. You can drive it with
pride Must sacrifice quickly for only
$2,375. Cost, $2,900. Can be seen be
tween 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. 90o New York
ave, n.w, RE. 1612. —~
NASH 1938 4-dr. sedan; gray, extra fine
in every detail, low mileage: $oo0. WIL
LIAMS & BAKER NASH, 2819 M st. n.w.
HO. 8700. J . —1
OLDS 1936: very good cond.; r. and h.;
$445 or best offer. DU. 5393. —4
OLDSMOBILE 1946; choice of two club
coupes, 66 and 76; equipped with radio
and heater, Hydra-Matlc, etc.; as low as
$2,045 with written guarantee and very
liberal terms. COLUMBIA MOTORS, 14th
and Florida AD. 1572. —30
OLDSMOBILE 1941 6-cylinder 4-door
sedan: above average condition: $1,095.
WIs. ave., OR 0100. —1
OLDS 1947 ‘98" conv.i red; low mile
age; $2,695. Call AD. 6460 between 4
and 7 only. 30*
OLDSMOBILE 1940 8-cylinder; equipped
with radio and heater; immaculate con
dition: $950. WO. 6407. 1* ,
OLDSMOBILE 1036 Coupe; motor recently
overhauled: new paint; good transp.: $350.
SIMMS MOTOR CO., 1324 13th st. n.w.,
CO. 4611. —3
OLDSMOBILE 1947 66 4-dr. sedan; black;
excellent condition; radio, heater, clock,
seat covers: only 8,000 miles; one owner;
$2,350 or best offer. VI. 3196 after 6 p.m
OLDSMOBILE 1942 4-dr. sedan: Hydra
j Matte: well cared for; $975. Call GE
7454. —1
OLDSMOBILE 1947 cohv.; $2,395. STAN
LEY H HORNER. INC.. 6th and Fla. ave.
n.e.. AT. 6464. Open Saturdays. —1
OLDSMOBILE 1947 "PS" black 4-dr.: hy
dramatlc. r. and h.. white sidewalls, spot
light; privae owner 6,500 miles; $2,
850. Call OV. 4600. „ . —1, ,.
OLDSMOBILE late 1937 8-cylinder club
coupe, with 1946 engine: good paint:
$600, quick cash sale. Private owner.
See at 1418 Parkwood pi. n.w., between
5:30 and 7:30 pm. —30
OLDSMOBILE 1941 convertible, radio and
heater; maroon with new white-wall tires:
motor just completely overhauled; body
very clean: $1,295 cash, trade or terms.
BELL MOTORS, 5010 WIs. ave. n.w.. WO.
8900. —2
OLDSMOBILE 1946 sedan coupe: an ideal
family car for only $1,890; spotless in
terior and perfect moroccan finish; driven
only 13.000 miles; 30-day "owner-rated ’
guarantee; 24-mo. terms, or cash; high
grade allowance guaranteed, LOGAN
(Ford'. 1111 18th st. n.w. (18th and L
sts.), DI. 5803.
OLDSMOBILE 1948 "98“ Puturamic se
danette; Hydra., r. and h.; 365 ml., $3.
595; cash, trad* or terms; open eves til!
9, Sundays till 6. BATCHER MOTORS.
INC., 6100 Wis. ave.. WO. 9351. —1
OLDSMOBILE 1946 "76" club aedan:
hydramatlc, radio, heater; $1,995. COM
MUNITY MOTORS. INC., 4800 Hampden
lane, Bethesda. Md„ WI. 5300. —2
OLDSMOBILE 1940 4-dr, sedan: radio and
heater; $925. Call UN. 7664 alter 5jnm.
OLDSMOBILE 1946 “76” sedan, radio,
heater, hydramatlc, seat covers and other
extras; Immaculate; $2,195; cash, trade or
terms. BELL MOTORS, 5010 Wis. ave.
n.w.. WO. 8900. —2
OLDSMOBILE 1941 4-dr. torpedo style
sedan, model 76; good cond. and appear
ance; *1.095. Call TE. 8845. —2
OLDSMOBILE '46 4-door "98": r. and h.r
maroon If you are accustomed to a big
car you’ll surely like this one: $2,395:
30-day guar.. 81 cars, one location in
doors. Hill A- Tlbbitts, 1114 Vermont ave.
n.w., Wash.’s Oldest Ford Dealer, NA. 9850.
OLDSMOBILE 1940 de luxe sedan: “cus
tom” radio, heater: $695; terms. $250
cash, $39 month. “ROPER,” 1/30 R. I.
ave. n.e. . 30*
OLDSMOBILE 1936 2-dr. trunk sedan:
good condition throughout: will sell for
balance due; $263 cash. WILLIAMS, R: I.
ave. at 20th n.e. -—5
OLDSMOBILE 1938 ”6’’ 4-dr. sedan; r.
and h.; cab Its yrs.; entirely owner
driven; $450 or best offer. NA. 3492,
Ext. 206. 4*
PACKARD 1937 4-dr.: $345. ROYAL
MOTORS. Packard dealers, 15 Kennedy
st. n.w., RA. 7720. —1
PACKARD 1941 convertible club coupe;
fully equipped: $1,295; guaranteed. ROY
AL MOTOR8, Packard dealers, 15 Kennedy
st. n.w.. RA. 7720. —1
PACKARD ’38 convertible club coupe; line
car with new Clipper motor; can be yours
for $875. Call GL. 2072. —1
PACKARD 1947 ”8’’ sedanette; radio and
heater, white-wall Royal Master tires, low
mileage; car looks and performs like new;
$2,495. HALEY’S, 2020 M st. n.w., NA.
1900. —2
PACKARD 1947 6-cyl. 4-dr. sedan; r. and
h., overdrive, other extras: black finish,
lust like new; $2,350. HALEY'S, 2020
M st. n.w., NA. 1900. —2
PACKARD 1948 convertible club coupe;
fully equipped: $3,495, with a new-car
warranty. ROYAL MOTORS, Packard
dealers, 15 Kennedy st. n.w., RA. 7720.
PACKARD 1940 sedan, new paint, good
rubber and clean interior; $995. HALEY'S,
2020 M st. n.w.. NA. 1900. —2
PACKARD 1942 Super 4-dr Clipper sed.;
r. and h.. orig. black finish, good tires;
$1,445. HALEY'S, 2020 M st. n.w.. NA.
1900. —2
PACKARD 1941 Clipper 4-dr : r and h.:
$1,475; guaranteed. ROYAL MOTORS,
Packard dealers, 15 Kennedy st. n.w., PA.
7720. —1
PACKARD 1940 "110” 4-dr.; radio and
heater; $995; guaranteed. ROYAL
MOTORS, Packard dealers, 15 Kennedy st.
n.w.. RA 7720. —1
PACKARD 1940 “120” 4-dr.: radio and
heater; $995; guaranteed ROYAL
MOTORS, Packard dealers, 16 Kennedy
st. n.w.. RA. 7720. —1
PACKARD 1938 2-dr.: $495. ROYAL
MOTORS, Packard dealers. 15 Kennedy
st. n.w.. RA. 7720. —1
PACKARD 1946 Clipper de luxe sedan—
A fully equipped car in new car con
dition; $2,495 cash, trade or terms. BELL
MOTORS, 5010 Wls. ave. n.w., WO. 8900.
PACKARD 1940 “110” 6-cyl. 4-dr. black
sedan; excel, condition: for sale by orig.
owner: $950 or best offer. MR. MASON,
NA. 7356 days or CO. 4993 eves. —4
PACKARD 1936 de luxe 4-door sedan;
fine body; runs good; owner leaving town;
sacrifice, $265. RE. 3366. —2
PACKARD 1938 “120” sedan: new radia
tor, battery, seat covers; bargain, $500.
WI. 5949. —2
PACKARD 1942 8-cyl. Clipper 4-door se
dan; excellent condition, new seat covers,
radio, heater; $1,270. Days phone DE.
6900. Evenings. DE. 6901. —2
PACKARD 1940 ”110” club convertible,
r. and h., new top, good tires, motor and
body perfect; original owner; $1,000. MI.
8594. ■ *
PACKARD 194U liu converuoie ciud tuuyc.
runs perfect, $896. 1810 14th st. n.w. —2
PACKARD 1939 120: r. and h.. excel,
cond.. new paint, brakes, generator, start
er, battery, steering, good rubber; emer
gency forcing owner to sell; 8865. 4753
N-' 21st rd„ Arl., OW. 3297. —29
PACKARD 1946 Clipper "8" 4-dr. sedan;
color 2-tone, radio, heater, defroster, etc.:
fine in every way; 81,875. GE. 3735. —29
PACKARD 1946 Clipper 8 sedan; r. and h.,
seat covers, etc.; this is an outstanding
value in an almost brand-new car for
$1,995. Carries written guar.: liberal
low cost terms. COLUMBIA MOTORS,
14th and Fla. ave. n.w. AD. 1572. —30
PLYMOUTH 1939 2-dr. sedan; very care
fully driven; grey; $795. Call GE. 7454.
PLYMOUTH 1937 sedan; clean, low mile
age; pvt. owner: $425. GREER, 2204
Que n.w., bet. 6 and 8 P.m. 30*
PLYMOUTH 1934 4-dr. sedan, In good
condition; $195. FR. 3986.
PLYMOUTH 1942 Sp. de luxe sedan: ra
dio, heater; excellent cond.. orlg. owner;
$1,125 or best offer. EM. 1691, •
PLYMOUTH 1939 coupe; reconditioned
motor, heater, permit revoked; must sell.
§500 or best offer. Easy terms avail. CO.
689 after 5 p.m. —30
PLYMOUTH 1941 de luxe 2-door; here It
is. folks, the family car you have been
looking for; upholstery is perfect, covered
since new; new gunmetal finish is spark
ling; heater, excellent rubber; 30-day
"owner-rated" guarantee: $1,095: terms or
cash. LOGAN (Ford), 1111 18th st. n.w.
118th and L sts.), DI. 6803.
PLYMOUTH 1941 2-dr. sedan: a good
car throughout: reduced to $825; terms,
trade. SCHLEGEL & GOLDEN, Kaiser
Frazer Dealer. 263 Carroll st„ Takoma
Park. GE. 3302. < , —2
PLYMOUTH 1946 Special de luxe 2-dr.:
original black finish, r. and h.; satin seat
covers, very clean Inside and out; $1,005.
Md.. Rockville 3944. , —3
PLYMOUTH 1947 convertible: green, white
top, all extras; pvt. party; *2.200. terms.
UN. 2173 after 6 pm. — 1
PLYMOUTHS—1942 de luxe coupe, $950;
1938 de luxe coupe, r. and h„ $695. 1810
14th st n.w. —2
PLYMOUTH 1941 Special de luxe bus. cpe.:
brand-new push-button Motorola radicr.
excel, motor, excel, body, excel, paint, per
fect motor, immac. interior: in A-l, tip-top
shape throughout; a honey of a car: an
outstanding value: $1,065. terms, trade.
STONE, 1617 14th st n.w.. AD. 7383. —2
PLYMOUTH 1941 2-dr. sedan; perf. black
finish, excel, mechanical cond., good tires,
many extras: $995. MARYLAND MOTORS.
INC., Rockville, Md.. Rockville 3944. —2
PLYMOUTH 1946 station wagon; radio
and heater; car in perfect shape through
out: $1,795 cash, trade or terms. BELL
MOTORS, 5010 Wls. ave. n.w. WO. 8900.
PLYMOUTH 1941 Special de luxe club
coupe; black, very nice motor, good tires;
$995 cash, terms or $335 down. WOLFE
MOTORS, 12th and K sts. n.w., EX. 5562.
PLYMOUTH ihyu 2-ar. special ae luxe
sedan: orig. black finish without a scratch,
r. and h., this car is in A-l cond. in
every way: carries our famous Clpco
warranty, plus D. C. Inspection free; only
$945. terms. -COAST-IN PONTIAC, 407
Fla. ave. n.e. AT. 7200. —2
PLYMOUTH 1940 2-dr.; $895: guaran
teed. ROYAL MOTORS. Packard dealers,
15 Kennedy st. n.w., RA. 7720. —1
PLYMOUTH 1947 Special de luxe 4-dr.;
beautiful dark green finish, r. and h.,
other extras, perf. mechanical cond.;
Rackville Md., Rockville .'1944. —2
PLYMOUTH 1941 2-dr.; priced to sell
quickly at $865: liberal terms. COLUM
BIA MOTORS CO., 14th and Florida n.w.
Call AD. 1672. —30
PLY'MOUTH 1942 Special de luxe 2-door
sedan; original blue paint; immaculate
condition: mechanically perfect; good
tires; $1,095. Cail eves.. Sligo 8838. —2
PLYMOUTH 1039 sedan; one owner since
new; mohair upholstery, orig. black finish,
clean as a pin; price. $695. cash, trade
or terms. WILLIAMS, R. I. ave. at
2()th st. n.e. . —5
PLYMOUTH 1941 2-dr. sedan: immacu
late throughout, not a scratch, top me
chanical shape; guaranteed to pass D. C.
inspection: $995 full price; terms to suit
you. WILLIAMS, R. I. ave. at 20th st.
n.e. —*>
PLYMOUTH 1941 black 2-dr. sedan: clean
inside and out, low mileage mo new tires;
price, $895. cash, trade or terms. WIL
LIAMS. R. I. ave. at 20th st. n.e. —5
PLY'MOUTH 1940 club conv.; top, paint
and motor in fine cond.; radio and heater;
$1,050 cash. OT. 8278. , —1 „
PONTIAC 1947 "8” sedan: black. 4.000
miles, all accessories, new cond. Physician
owner; $2,495. Call TA. 3156.
PONTIAC 1941 6-cyl. Torpedo sedanette:
r. and h„ good and clean: leaving for
service, must sell; $1,095. Taylor 1068. 2*
PONTIAC 1941 Streamliner "6" 4-dr.:
orig. blue finish, new seat covers; one
owner since new; $1,145. cash, trade .or
ave. at 20th st. n.e. —5
PONTIAC 1936 2-dr. sedan; beautiful;
$185 Spent for D. C. inspection, motor
overhauled. guaranteed mechanically
perfect: must be seen, driven; sacrifice,
$325, offer. NA. 8250, Ext. 413, 5-9 p.m.
PONTIAC 1937 4-door sedan: lots of
good transp. left in this car; reduced to
$400: terms, trade. SCHLEGEL &
GOLDEN. Kaiser-Frazer Dealer. 263
Carroll st., Takoma Park OE. 3302. —2
PONTIAC 1940 4-door sedan:*a well kept
1-owner car; fine mechanical cond., good
tires; $845. MARYLAND MOTORS, INC.,
Rockville. Md.. Rockville 3944. —2
PONTIAC 1940 6-cyl. 4-dr.; sparkling
gunmetal gray finish like new, very clean,
with tadio. seat covers and white wheel
rims: mechanically excellent; 30-day
“owner-rated” guarantee; terms, cash or
trade; $895. LOGAN (Ford), 1111 18th
st. n.w. (18th and L sts.), DI. 5803.
PONTIAC 19.36 4-door; good condition,
good tires; $400 or best offer. HO. 2023.
PONTIAC 1946 8-cyl. club convertible: a
beautiful deep maroon with new top lust
Installed; radio and heater; a very nice
car that performs like a charm; Just the
thing for that summer vacation: $2,195:
take 24-month terms or cash: liberal trade:
30-day ‘ owner-rated” guarantee LOGAN
(Ford), 1111 18th at. n.w. (18th and L
sts ), DI. 5803.
-r—.—- ■ — -———
PONTIAC 1947 Streamline de luxe «edan;
2-tone blue and gray, r. and h., many
ether extras, low mileage, new-car cond.;
guaranteed; $2,395 cash, trade or $845
down. WOLFE MOTORS, 12th and K
sis. n.w., EX. 5582. j 4<0>t —1 ,
PONTIAC 1942 4-dr. «edan “8”; beauti
ful Oiig. green finish, fitted with new 2
tone green seat covers; here’s one of the
best buys in our place; strictly a one
owner car, having been serviced in our
shop since purchased new; exceptionally
low mileage: fully equip.; mech. perf. in
every respect; don’t wait to see this one;
only $1,295. V3 down, up to 18 mos. to
pay. COAST-IN PONTIAC, 407 Fla. ave.
n.e. AT. 7200. —2
PONTIAC 1940 de luxe 2-door, black; r.
and h.; tires like new; a very nice clean
car: $845 cash, trade or $295 down.
WOLFE MOTORS. 12th and K sts. n.w.,
EX. 6562.
PONTIAC 1941 2-door sedan; radio and
heater; this car must be seen to be ap- ;
preciated: $1,195 cash, trade or terms.
BELL MOTORS. 5010 Wis. ave. n.w. WO. j
8900. ' —3
PONTIAC 1946 4-dr. Torpedo; it's a
beauty, one of the finest in our large;
stock; plenty of extras, including radio j
and heater. Haverford gray finish; it
will satisfy; 30-day “owner-rated” guaran
tee; $2,195: terms, cash or trade. LOGAN
(Ford). 1111 18th st. n.w. (18th and L
sts.). DI 5803.
PONTIAC 1948 4-dr.; Hydra.. 2-tone green,
r. and h., plastic seat covers: 58 mi.; $2.
896; cash, trade or terms: open eves, till
9. Sundays till 5. SATOHER MOTORS,
INC., 5100 Wis. av?.. WO. 9351. —1
PONTIAC 1939 4-dr.; $495 or best offer.
AX. 1319. —1
PONTIAC 1942 sedanette; r and h., sky
blue; exceptional interior; beautiful ap
pearance: $1,395; 30-day guar. 81 cars,
one location indoors. HILL & TIBBITTS.
1114 Vermont ave. n.w. WashOldest
Ford Dealer. NA. 9850. -—1
PONTIAC 1940 2-door “8;” heater and
seat covers; a good car and in excellent
condition; $925. Call MR. HENRY. OL.
1000. —1
PONTIAC 1948 4-dr. Streamliner ”8
fully equipped: show-room appearance; low
mileage: $1,995; low down payment.
GREENWAY, 3900 Minn. ave. n.e.. AT.
3516. —30
PONTIAC 1933 sedan: first-class condi
tion: $200. Apply REDS GARAGE. 24
H st. n w. —30
PONTIAC 1946 4-dr. Streamliner “8”;
beaut. 2-tone green finish, looks like new.
green plastic seat covers, r. and h., many
other extras for your comfort in driv
ing: don’t miss this one. will go quick
for $1,995: >/3 down. 2 yrs. to pay. COAST
IN PONTIAC CO.. 407 Fla. ave. n.e.. AT.
7200 —30
PONTIACS — 1941 convertible. $1,275;
1941 2-door. $1,075; 1935 2-door. $275.
1810 14th st. n.w. —2
PONTIAC 1937 coupe; 8 cyl.; price $350.
WA 8 J 55. —29
PONTIAC 1936 de luxe coach; good con
dition: $295; terms, $100 cash. $i4 month.
“ROPER.” 1730 R. I. ave. n.e. 30*
PONTIAC 1939 4-door sedan; very best
condition: sacrifice. $685: give terms.
“ROPER.” 1730 R. I. ave. n.e. 30*
PONTIAC 1947 Streamliner “8”: fully
equipped: $2,295: guaranteed. ROYAL
MOTORS. Packard dealers, 15 Kennedy
st. n.w., RA. 7720. —1
STUDEBAKER 1939 de luxe “Commander”
sedan; must sell: $595; beautiful car.
“ROPER.” 1730 R. I. ave. n.e. 30*
STL DEBAKERS 1947 sedan and 2-dr.;
$2,095: radio, heater: lmmed. delivery on
1948 convertible coupe, 8-window club
coupes. Commanders and Land Cruisers.
and Bladensburg rd.. TR. 9474.
STUDE. 1936 2-door sedan. Another good
used car. Reduced to $200. See today.
SCHLEGEL & GOLDEN, Kaiser-Frazer
Dealers. 263 Carroll st., Takoma Park.
GE. 3302. —2
STUDEBAKER 1947 Commander club
coupe, radio, heater, overdrive, plastic
seat covers, etc.: $2,495 cash, trade or
terms. BELL MOTORS, 5010 Wis. ave.
n.w.. WO. 8900. —2
STUDEBAKER 1947 Champion club con
vertible; absolutely the snazziest car in our
selection: only 3,000 miles: perfect yellow
finish set off by whitew’all tires: electric
top, radio and “climatizer”: it’s a honey;
full price only $2,595; 30-day “owner
rated” guarantee; terms, trade or cash.
LOGAN (Ford). 1111 18th st. n.w. (18th
and L sts.>. DI. 5803.
STUDEBAKER 1947 Champion 4-dr.; an
exceptionally nice “owner-rated” car;
feather gray finish Is excellent; has radio
and heater plus other extras; you’ll love
this clean car that’s up to date in styling.
30-day “owner-rated” guarantee; $2,195:
terms, trade or cash. LOGAN (Ford), 1111
18th st. n.w. (18th and L sts.), DI. 5803.
STL'DEBAKER 1948 cluD coupe; r. ond h :
overdrive: low mileage, pvt. -owner; *2,750
. r best offer under. TR. 4288 or LI.
2750. —1
STL'DEBAKER 1947; beautiful tan finish;
fully equipped; white sidewall tires; low
mileage; *1,995; low down payment.
GREENWAY, 707 Maine ave. s.w.. DI.
7025. —30
STl'DEBAKER ’37 President; r. and h.:
gray finish. Prom the looks of this car
the former owner must have been Casper
Milktoast's twin brother. *595. 30-day
guar. 81 cars, one location indoors.
HILL & TIBBITTS, 1114 Vermont ave.
n.w., Wash.'s Oldest Ford Dealer, NA. 9850.
STUDEBAKER 1938 sedan; runs very good
and has good appearance; *95 down; full
price. *445; cash, trade or terms. COOPER
MOTOR CO., 5002 Wis. ave. n.w. EM.
9850. —2
STUDEBAKER 1938 Commander coupe:
heater, motor and body good shape; cheap
transp.; must sell; $250. HO. 9867. —1
STUDEBAKER 1939 Champion 2-door se
dan. 6-cvlinder: *650. EDW. BOWERS,
owner. RE. 2029. •
STL'DEBAKER 1939 club coupe, S295.
VEGAS MOTOR CO., 4869 MacArthur
blvd. n.w. Call WO. 486P.
STL’DEBAKER*—1947 Champion gedan;
an outstanding fine value, reduced to
$1,095. Also 1942 Land Cfuiser sedan;
oeautiful two-tone finish; really priced
right at *1,095: written guarantees and
very liberal terms. COLUMBIA MOTORS
CO., 14th and Florida n.w. AD. 1_572.
STUDEBAKER conv.. brand new; and
P.T.-19 airplane, relicer.sed and com
pletely overhauled, Rowden lnclosure,
both *4,000. Call ALex. 9057. —2
TERRAPLANE 1937 coach; in good cond.;
*360. HI. 6012. —4
TERRAPLANE 1937; good condition; *250.
See after Wed. at 220 L st. n.e. -—4
WILLYS Jeep 1947; perfect condition;
under 5.000 miles; *1,075. Call owner,
aL"X. 4857. —1
tion—No reg. fee. Fri. night 8 p.m. 8511
Colesvllle rd.. Silver Spring. Md. SH. 4400
AUTO AUCTION—Sell or buy a car this
modern way; sell only if bid is satisfac
tory; total fee, *6. You won’t go wrong
buying or selling a car here. Big auction
sale every Tues eve., 7 p.m . 1113 Va.
ave. s.e., or 1100 11th st. s.e.. TR. 7113.
(Auction sales, rain or shine.)
TAXI-CAB 1942 Plymouth; radio, heater;
*595 or will trade for ’47 or '48 Plymouth
cab and pay difference. Call after 5
p.m., Georgia 5083. *
USED TAXICABS—Transportation at a
reasonable price: '41 Dodge., heater, good
body. *425; '40 Plymouth, radio and
heater, new motor, good tires; *325. DE.
3300. 1607 Corcoran st. n.w. —5
CEMOCO has a surprise for you. See these
today; terms, trade and dealers invited—■
'47 Frazer Manhattan 4-dr-$2,695
46 Chevrolet de luxe 4-dr- 1.695
'42 Pontiac 6 conv. coupe_1.595
'41 Olds club coupe---1.265
'41 Bulck Super 4-dr. sed- 1.165
'41 Packard Clipper 4-dr. sed.- 1,095 |
'42 Plymouth de luxe 2-dr-1,0ml;
'41 Pontiac de luxe 2-dr-l,04o
'40 Packard 6 conv. coupe- 99o
'40 Plymouth de luxe 4-dr.- 99o
'40 Chevrolet 4-dr. 89o
'39 Mercury de luxe 4-dr._ 895
'40 Chevrolet de luxe 4-dr—'._ 86o
'40 Studebaker 4-dr. _ <9o
Many other cheaper cars to select from.
CENTRAL MOTOR CO.. 3200 Lee hwy.. !
Arl- Va. CH. 7000. Home of Kaiser-}
Frazer fine cars. 8 a m. to 9 p.m. eves. I
and Sunday._—30
( AKS V\ 1 I H A rt 1 IKr.i >U1 A rA»i-|
All cars listed in this block carry 30-day
guarantees. All cars can be purchased on
easv payment plan, up to 24 mos. to pay.
1948 Chev. Aero sedan, loaded 82,495
1948 Chev. F.M. 4-dr. fully equip
ped. 2-tone. 8 miles 2.495
1948 Ford V-8 Fordcr. r.. h.: (2) 2.19o
194v Ford V-8 clb. cne.. r., h.: (2) 2.195
1947 Buick Super conv.. equipt...
light blue finish, low mileage 2.99r>
1947 Olds “8” 4-dr., r . h. 2.395
1947 Pontiac “8” Streamliner, r., h. 2,395
1947 Chev Aero sedan, r.. h. _ 2.295
1947 Plymouth, S dlx,. 2-dr., r., h. 1.995
1947 Chev. clb. cpe.. r., h. _ 1.995.
1947 Ford S. dlx.. Tudor, h-1.845
1947 Crosley conv. sedan _ 895
1946 Cadillac ”62’’ conv., fully
equipped, like new 3,995
1946 Buick Super 4-dr., r., h._2.295
1946 Dodge Custom 4-dr., r., h. — 2.095
1946 Ford conv., rv h. _1.99»
1946 Chev. 4-dr.. r.< h. _ 1.845
1946 Chev. clb. cpe . r . h. _ 1.845
1946 Plymouth Spec, de 1. cpe., h. 1.695
1946 Ford S. d lx. V-8 Tudor., h. 1.695
1942 Buick sedanette. r.. h. _ 1.39.-*
1942 Hudson "6” 4-dr., r., h._1.09.*;
1941 Buick 4-dr., r . h. _1.295
1941 Packard “6" conv., h._1.19.*
1941 Olds ”98” 4-dr., r., h. _1.195
1941 Hudson ”6” 4-dr., r., h._ 94.-*
194o Pontiac 4,6” 2-dr., r. - 995
1940 Packard 4,6’' clb. cpe.. r._ 94o
1940 Studebaker Comdr. 4-dr., h. — 895
1940 Plymouth 2-dr., h. _ 895
1939 La Salle 4-dr., r., h. - —_ 895
1939 Lincoln Zephyr 4-dr., r.. h. __ <95
1939 Plymouth 4-dr., r . h. <95
1940 Ford de luxe Tudor, h. _ 79o
1940 Chev. 2-dr. r., h. _ <9o
1939 Chev. 4-dr . h. _ _ 69o
1938 Packard ”6” 4-dr., r , h.- 64;o
1938 Plymouth 2-<lr., 1 owner_ 595
1938 Ford Tudor, h. _i- 59.*
1938 Olds 4‘6” 2-dr., h._ 405
1938 Ford cpe _ _ 49o
1938 Pontiac ”6” 4-dr. - 39o
1937 Olds ‘‘8” 4-dr., new motor_ 54o
1937 Olds 4‘6” 2-dr., r., h._ 445
1937 Hudson 4-dr., h. _ 395
•936 Dodge 4-dr., r., h. - -- --- 345
For the cleanest cars in D. C.. come to
JET MOTOR SALES. 2719-2725 Nichols
ave s.e. LI. 0336, LI. 4807. Open daily
until 9 p.m.: Sunday, until 7 p.m. Opp.
St. Elizabeths Hospital. —o
--- - - — —i
1 Cocoon
5 Prefix: against
9 Observed
12 Chamber tot
13 Valiant person
14 Chalice
15 English
17 Lawmaker
19 Number
21 Fat of swine
22 To eschew
24 Mulberry
25 Poetic:
26 Rowing im
27 Opposed
29 Note of scale
31 Malt beverage
32 Colloquial:
33 While •
34 Moving truck
35 Note of scale
36 To tell
38 Consumed
39 Pale
40 To exist
41 To concoct
42 To scrutinze
44 Soaked
46 Poem set to J
48 Hunter loved j
by Artemis
51 Crude metal
52 Man’s name
54 Serf
55 To marry
56 Wagnerian
57 Archaic: you
1 To weep
2 Yellow bugle I
3 Formal ad
4 Recognized
5 Exclamation
of approval
6 To snuggle
7 Playing card
Answer to Teeter day's Puzzle.
8 Electrified
9 The devil
10 God of love
11 Protected
person ‘
16 Compass point
18 To the *
sheltered side
20 Pertaining
to ships
22 to ny er
23 Healthy
25 Actual being
27 So be it
28 Ranked
29 Destiny
30 Again
34 Lacquer
36 To rave
37 On a boat
39 Lessened
41 Round, flat
42 Flat-bottomed
! boat
43 Heed
! 44 Heavenly body
45 To accomplish
47 Skilled
i 49 Unit
150 By birth
*53 Note of scale
n i — i 1 i — ^
Points for Parents -** edyth THOMAS WALLACE
Children learn to be courteous more auickly from adults who
speak courteously to them.
Father (pleasantly)—Wait a min-[
ute, son. You almost forgot that we|
men always let the ladies get in the!
oar first.
Not this
Father (crossly)—It’s rude to jump
in the car first like that. Get right
out and hold the door open for your
Take My Word for It
By Frank Colby
The World Changes—
So Do Proneunciations.
The word clothes, according to
some of the elderly dictionaries,
should have the “th” sounded as
in the verb clothe, thus: kloethz.
The pronunciation with "th” is the
only choice of Funk & Wagnalls
New Standard, Macmillan’s New
Century, Winston’s, and F. & W.
College Standard. Merriam Web
ster’s prefers “kloethz” Opy phonetic
spelling), and adds “formerly, and
still colloquially, ‘kloez’ (my pho
netic spelling) ”
Indeed, until a few years ago, I
myself took the dictionaries’ word
for it and reported in my column,
on the radio, and in a book on
speech, that the “th” of clothes
must be pronounced. A few an
nouncers here and there began to
say “kloethz,” prompted by the1
recommendation in my book.
Today, in the interest of more
accurate reporting, I must go on
record here to the effect that
“kloethz” rarely occurs in Ameri
can speech, and that, whenever the
pronunciation is used, it has a queer
lisping sound to the average person.
In short, I no longer recommend it.
I am not alone in this. "Kloez”
is the only choice of Grosset &
Dunlap's Words: The New Dic
tionary, and is the first choice of
Thorndike Century, the' American
College Dictionary, and Kenyon &
Knott’s Pronouncing Dictionary,
which states, “kloez" (my phonetics)
has been the cultivated colloquial
pronunciation for 200 years.” K. &
K. also report that the Linguistic
1947 OLDSMOBILE sedan coupe $2,160
1939 Lmcoln-Zephyr coupe b'5
FLOOD PONTIAC, 4231 Connecticut,
WO. 9400 _ —8
■47 Buick Super convL cpe.; 10.000
miles; same as new; $3,045.
-Hi Buick Roadmaster conv. cpe.;
«••* (14 5
~:48 Chevrolet Fleetline Aero sedan; all
extras; $1,895. „
•41 Oldsmobile ‘’S'’ sedanette; $!,24o.
41 Ford "8" Tudor: $1,045.
’35 Ford Fordor sedan; $295.
All cars are in cxc^l. cond. throughout,
most have radios and heaters Cash,
trade or terms. WELCH MOTOR CO.,
<i 17 Mass, ave. n.w., RE, 9154, —2
ers. the garage with a conscience, ,301
Wisconsin ave., Bethesda. Md., HI. 4400.
All cars carry a written guarantee.
’47 Buick super conv. coupe -$2,945
'47 Ford convertible de luxe coupe- 2.'-4o
'41 Buick ’'61” 4-dr. sedan - 1-245
•41 Packard 4-dr. “120" sedan-1.24a
■41 Packard 4-dr. ••120'' sedan-1.145
’40 Packard 4-dr. “110” sedan.— 99a
’40 Packard 4-dr. “110" sedan- 94a
•40 Plymouth coupe- 700
Ask *for*V.r L. teams or ART COVINGTON6
East-West hwy.. Silver Spring, SL. ,800
1948 Ford Fordor-»~,loO
1948 Ford Tudor
1947 Ford conv. - T'A
1947 Chevrolet 4-dr- 1.9-a
1947 Ford Fordor - --3.950
1948 Pontiac sedanette 8-cyl-i
1947 Ford coupe
1942 Oldsmobile —-J-l'S
1941 Dodge Luxury Liner-1,09a
1941. Oidsmob’le 4-dr- 1.150
,941 Pontiac 4-dr. - 3,09a
1941 Plymouth 4-dr-1.995
1941 Ford Tudor -- - 1.095
1941 Plymouth club coupe-1,09a
1941 Ford club coupe ---— 1,095
1940 Chevrolet elub coupe- 87a
1940 Chevrolet bus. coupe- 795
1940 Ford stat wagon--- «9a
1940 Buick 4-dr- 995
1942 Hudson coupe-;- 895
1939 Buick 4-dr. - 895
1937 Chevrolet coupe- 49a
19.37 Ford Tudor - 250
Most of the above cars have radios and
heaters and are guaranteecL_____^T_
INDIVIDUAL wants 49 Ford or ’48 Chev.
Aero sedan; will pay all cash overcast.
AUTO.8 new. wanted. Party returning
from overseas. Can advance "cash for
new delivery. SH. 1195.
1948 models Drive In or phone EX 5a«—
WOLFE MOTORS. 12th and K aw. n.w.
cash price for your 1948 or 3947 car ana
older if clean. Drive in or call DU -8,7.
Island ave n.e Onen 9 a m. to 9 o.m
CASH FOR YOUR CAR—We buy. we sell
we trade used cars: drive in or call
920 Bladensburg rd. n.e. (opposite Bears*
sluDEBAKEKS 1947-48. any body type;
cash in o mm TR 94,4. METROPOLITA.
MOTORS. N Y. ave. and Bladensburg rd.
PLYMOUTH OWNERS—Will pay up to $1.
000 for 1940 Plymouth*; 75 units wanted
at once: will ring the bell on other mode's
Conn ave. WO 92.30 "or EM 9,54.
$1 000 for 1940 Chevrolet*; 75 unit*
wanted at once^wlllrlng
4326 Conn. ive,. WO. 9236 or EM. WM
of cars are assured _at McKEE-PONTLAC.
"WWLWlTHn WINN"—More $$S for your
car NR delay. Open 9 a m. to 9 p m
WINNSMOTORB. 169 Florida ava. n.a.
Atlas of the United States and
Canada shows an overwhelming
majority for ‘‘kloez.”
Here’s the whole thing in a nut
shell: The pronunciation with "th”
(kloethz) is simply too hard to say.
As an announcer friend said to me
recently, "I forced myself to say
kloethz’ for a time; but I could
never make it sound anything but
affected, especially in such com
pounds as clothes hanger, clothes
closet, clothes pin, I now say ‘kloez’
as every one else does." »
And so do I. And I now' recom
mend "kloez” as the correct Stand
ard American pronunciation. (Of
course, the "th” is always sounded
in the verbs clothe and clothed,
and in the noun clothing. But in
clothes—no, decidedly.)
Are you in the habit of savin* "Aren't
I?” Mr. Colby’s leaflet. C-20. tells why
you never should use this expression.
To obtain a copy, send 5 cents in coin
and a stamped, self-addressed envelope to
him. in care of The Evening Star. P. O.
Box 99, Station G. New York 19. N, Y.
(Copyright. The Bell Syndicate. Inc., 1948.)
Word Game
Find 29 or more common English
words in
meaning, “the edible viscera, as the
heart of a hog.” Average mark is
28 words. Time limit, 25 minutes.
Rules of the game—1. Words must be of
four or more letters. 2. tflords which acquire
four letters by the addition of ’’s,’’ such as
"bats,” "cats,” are not used. 3. Only one
form of a word is used. 4. Proper names
are not used. A list will be published
Answer to KILOCYCIE.
kill lock collie <■ cycle
kilo oily cole yell
illy ceil coil yolk
lick cell colicky yokel
illy click coke yoke
lice clock cockle
likely cloy cock_
FORD OWNERS—Will pay up to $1,000 lor
1040 Fords; 75 units wanted at once; will
rinS the bell on other models also. CEN
TRAL MOTOR SALES. 432(1 Conn. ave..
WO. 0236 or EM 0754
PONTIAC OWNERS—Will pay up to $1,000
lor 1940 Pontiacs: 75 units wanted at
once; will ring the bell on other models
Conn. ave.. WO 9236 or EM. 9754
will buy your car immediately lor top
cash price: or you can name the price you
want lor your cax on oUr sell-your-car
plan. Just bring your car and title, name
your price, we’ll try to get it for you II
we sell your car at your price, you pay us
107. If we do not sell your car, there is
no charge. CHERNER MOTOR CO.. Ford
dealer. 1781 Florida ave nw. HO 5000.
I WILL PAY high cash prices for clean
cars, new or used Call me or drive by
today. GENE CASTLEBERRY. 1640 Ben
ning rd. n.e.. FR 6231.
HIGHEST PRICES paid by Washlng'on's
oldest Nash Dealer. See WILLIAMS &
BAKER. INC., for an appraisal. 2819 M it
n.w HO. 8700.
cars regardless of price: don't trade on a
new car or sell to any one until you give
us the opportunity to buy at your price.
We need 100 cars. 1935 to 1948 II your
car is paid for. will give you cash; If car
is not paid for. will pay off balance and
pay cash difference Washington's oldest ex
clusive used-car dealers. All cash or certi
fied checks. See Mr Barnes or Mr Sanders
Only one location Drive in big open lot.
1300 14th st. n.w. (corner of N n.w.).
Open 8:30 to 5:30 p.m NO. 1111. MI.
TRY TRIANGLE—We want the extra
clean cars and will nay Dremium prices
to’ get them Phone DE 6303 for a buyer
to call, or drive to EITHER TRIANGLE
MOTORS LOCATION. 3010 R. I. ave.
n.e. or 1333 R I. ave n.e.
BL'ICK OWNERS—Will pay up to *1.000
for 1940 Buicks. 75 units wanted at once;
will ring the bell on other model! aleo.
ave.. WO 9236 or EM 9754.__
to '48; will pay your price for dean car*.
Come to or call LIVINGSTON MOTORS.
123 O st. n.e. EX. 5809.
CASH FOR YOUR CAR—We buy, we (ell.
we trade used cars; drive in or call
NORTHEAST MOTOR CO. (Ford dealer).
3901 Minn. ave. n.e. (at Bennlng rd.)
BUSINESSMAN want* 1948 car; pay all
in cash. WO. 5581. call any time.
NAME YOUR OWN PRICE for your car
We will sell it for you and charge you
only if car is sold. Don t give your
car away: pee us for the top price that
vour car will bring. Any model accepted
from 1938 to 1948. LEEDS MOTOR CO.
5210 Wis. ave n.w.. OR. 4407. Open
Immediate CASH—Need 200 Clean care
for Southern trade, all makes and models,
fay premium prices if had right_now
*Mnis" ALL0 folks—That's our fet for
•retting you top retail price for your car.
DONALD MOTORS. 137 O st n^ 320
Fla ave . n.e . ME 3033 or AT 9o08
TRY DONALD and prove to yourselfethat
you can get more money for a late model
■ar Drive in at either of our )ots
DONALD MOTORS, 137 O st. n.e.. or
‘An(\ Fla av*» n.e.. ME .iO.T.i or AT. 9.>u*
SERVICE. 1126 20th st n.w. DI. 9141
PRIVATE PARTY wants new car. will pay
cash to take over contract lor delivery
this week or part cash and my 1940
Chevrolet. FR. 2100. —3°
BUSINESSMAN needs a clean 1946 or
'47 Chevrolet; will pay all cash. Phone
car Let Bell Motors sell your 1946 to
194M car at your price. Our commission.
$25? keep your title till car is .sold No
charge If car Is n°t sol<,„ 3“** Cl1' H
bring your car bo BELL MOTORS. 5010
Wi*. ave. n.w, WO 8900. —o
PRIVATE PARTY w!U pay cash for ’35
o?’38 Ford or Chev.; must be excel con
ditlon. AX. 4329. «•
Goren on Bridge
Both sides vulnerable. South deals.
* Q 7 5 4
*108 * J98
A K 8 7 5 4 VJBSJ
0 A 4 0 10 9 2
* 10 63 * A 84
* AKS2
O 10 9
O K J 75
* K Q J
Suggested bidding:
South West North East
1 spade 2 hearts Pass Pass
Double Pass 3 spades Pass
4 spades Pass Pass Pass
Opening lead, king of hearts.
We have frequently observed that
many a dull hand takes on luster as
the bidding develops and partner
waxes enthusiastic. The North in
today’s hand had nothing to cheer
about when the cards were distrib
uted. There was slight comfort,
however, in the fact that partner
had opened with a spade. When
West overcalled with two hearts
North decided to take no action, but
South quite properly felt that his
hand was too good to give up the
fight so soon and doubled for a
takeout. If partner did not like
spades he might have something in
clubs or diamonds with which to
carry on the contest. The actual
North had formed an opinion about
his hand that was not subject to
change and merely returned to two
spades. South was obliged to give
up the ghost and an easy game was
In the post-mortem discussions
South contended that North should
have given an immediate raise to
two spades, since he had good trump
support and a singleton. To this
view we do not subscribe. North’s
pass on the first round is good
strategy. Had West passed there
would have been no doubt of North’s
obligation to keep the bidding open,
but with the intervening bid North
had not sufficient values to take vol
untary action. It is seldom good
policy to make free bids when dis
tribution is your only excuse.
When, however, South showed
great strength by forcing partner to
bid at this comparatively high level.
North should have changed his mind
about the value of his holding. The
mere return to two spades might
announce a hand with no values
whatever, but merely the ability to
play spades. This does not describe
his actual holding.
His partner bid at this point was
three spades, which would say,
"Partner, remember, I passed the
first time, refusing to give you a
raise,’ therefore my hand was not
worth one, but I have a hand that
was very nearly worth a raise. Use
your own discretion.”
Generally speaking a player who
has previously passed should feel at
liberty to take much more aggressive
action than his hand would other
wise call for.
(Copyright, 1948. by Oh»rle« H. Ooron.)
Test Your Horse Sense
By Dr. George W. Crone
Score one point for a correct solu
tion to each of the first five prob
lems. The last problem counts five
1. The United States Supreme
Court members could muster an
exact team for
Football Basket Ball Baseball
2. The slang term "dukes” should
make one think of which related
Round Inning Set Quarter.
3. Which one of the following
tools is most suggestive of a bo
Hammer Ax Pick Saw.
4. Which one of the following
terms is Inappropriate In this gen
eral grouping?
Blind Creel Shotgun Decoy.
5. Next to a sheepskin, which one
of these is most common on a col
lege campus?
Mink Seal Sable Raccoon.
6. This is a test of your visual
memory, for you are to determine
which of the following cities are on
the east bank of the Mississippi
River versus those on the west bank,
and do so without consulting a map.
You deserve one point for each cor
rect judgment as you place a check
mark under the appropriate heading
for each.
East bank. West bank.
Dubuque ..>..
St. Louis -- -
Memphis .
Rock Island _ _
St. Paul _ _
Score yourself as follows: 2-0,
poor; 3-6, average; 7-9. superior;
,9-10, very superior.
1. Baseball (9). 2. Round (box
ing). 3. Pick (gold). 4. Creel (fish).
5. Raccoon <cc$,t). 6. Dubuque and
St. Louis are oh the west bank. The
three others are on the east bank.
Church Bazaar Planned
INDIAN HEAD, Md., June 30 —A
ham and crab cake dinner and
bazaar will be held on the grounds
of St. Mary’s Church here from 4 to
7tomorrow for the benefit of career!
Heart School, La Plata. Mrs. R. E.
Slavin, jr„ is general chairman.
J2 lor your idea* we print. Write
k terry Langell e 'o The Evening Star j
Lights n the house made t&
... Mcrcxe Aojbssahc**,
t— iMtlfc, I M 6-jQ
„ "Were you expecting somebody,
else today, lady?” A

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