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FOR LEASE NEW 2-STORY BUILDING AND GARAGE 1004 0th ST. N.W. Approximately 2.000 ml ft. on each floor. Excellent shipping. Call Mr. Kiely LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO. 1415 K St. N.\y. ME. 5400 DERWOOD MILL DERWOOD, MD. We enote the following feeds for rath at the mill, week ending July 8th: DERWOOD ALL MASH (FED WITHOUT GRAIN) Laying Pellets, $5 °° DERWOOD DOG FOOD ms DERWOOD Rafibit Pellets, $5*zs Alio Complete Line of Mixed Feedt Located on B A O. Railroad be tween Rockville and Gaitherabur*. Md. Phone (Vaith. 37-J Phone for Delivery Terms j DEWCO gVeetPeas art paired and graded under the ieaiMM inspection ofthe U S. &mflL af Agriculture Only the beet aan paw thi* teat! It’s your guarantee of the tame high quality ... the tame fine flavor in every ten of Dewco Peat. AT All MARKETS t STORES Quick Soviet Action To Counter Defiance By Tito Is Expected Bv th« Assoeioted Pres* It was Moscow's move today on the checkerboard of Balkan politics, where an erstwhile pawn has sud denly turned into a defiant and dangerous player. Washington observers expect quick action by the Russians. The Soviets are confronted with not one, but two, gestures of defi ance from Yugoslavia’s burly little dictator, Marshal Tito. He has re fused to accept the censure of the Communist information bureau. And, in a fiery reply, his govern ment revived the proposal for a Balkan federation, which the Rus sians had previously slapped down in unmistakable terms. It is the first known instance where a satellite of the Soviets has stood on his feet and talked back. Tito Seen Sure of Position. In the opinion of observers fol lowing the situation here, three salient facts have emerged: 1. Tito must be completely sure of his position, otherwise he never would have dared take such a step. 2. His strength probably derives from approval of the majority of his people—which means that, not just one man, but perhaps a whole nation of Communists has dared to break from the orthodox Com munist line. 3. Prime Minister Stalin, for the first time, has miscalculated. He permitted a move, the attack on Tito, without being certain in ad vance that it w’ould be a successful move. Confusion has been multiplied by the conflicting statements of gov ernments and the Communist Parties in different nations. While refusing to accept the Com inform accusations, the Yugoslav statement said the situation calls for deeper and stronger ties with Russia. > The official Bulgarian press de partment then issued an announce ment that Bulgaria's relations w'ith Yugoslavia are- unimpaired by the Tito incident. But the Bulgarian Communist Party (National Council of the Fatherland Front) announced its approval of the Comlnform attack on Tito. Fiction of Division Fostered. For many years, Moscow attempt ed to perpetuate the fiction that the Russian government and the Com munist organization were separate and distinct entities. Presumably, the old Comintern operated inde pendently of the Russian govern ment. The same line appears to be emerging today. It may be the de vice by which Russia and her other Balkan satellites will attempt to camouflage the breach that has de veloped. Thus, officially, the various gov ernments will remain friendly. The clash will be presented as simply a political squabble between the various sections of the Communist Party in the Balkans. Tito was cheered yesterday when he appeared in public. The mention of his name drew more cheers at another public occasion in Bulgaria. He appeared to be in a strong posi tion, and certainly in a unique one. A next .step, to resolve the situa tion and cover over the break, is now. awaited from Moscow. As in other cases, it probably will be made manifest through one of the other satellites. But diplomatic circles here expect decisive fiction, and soon. The United States took about one third of all the nitrate Chile pro duced in 1947. PBWSBfc: WIPWM1-'1' w. V.., - - . i You're COOL in a second with McCORMKK ICED TEA! i One sip will sell you... It's fuller-flavored - more refreshing Try a tall, tinkling, golden glass of McCormick Iced Tea today! It's fuller-flavored—peps you up. And cools you off in a second! Remember — there’s nothing like iced tea — and no tea like McCormick! Taste the difference! k0 Food Savings Lead the Parade When you do your food shopping for Mile week-end and the Monday holiday, gat In lino with Mia thouoando of thrifty felka who head for the Acme. Thafe the way to bo aura of Quality Food and aura of tho lowest prices In town. J Be Sure to Get Enough Supreme Bread The enrit that »tay$ longerl Cellophane Wrapped Be Sure Te Get A Freeh Va.-Lee Cake Pineapple Iced Golden Layer Cakes " 59 ^ Home 8tyle Chocolate Iced JO £ m Layer Cakes **05 Fresh Jelly Buns Pko819e Almond Filled A A* Coffee Cakes **25 «’uT~ ” ,Tr~ ean, smoked, skinned (whola or shank half) c ■H| (whola ar shank Hams 65 jBUllvv _ r—*HLY KILLED PRYINQ Chickens 49? ~T«*ty SkfnfoM | Fr*sh|y Franks jlT—^63' * 49* SL,CED bacow * ^®c A**ort*d ICOLDCUTS I Pmh Potato Salad or Colo Slaw tb 29o — tHT iiittii i'll tfajL TVia CL f __Mom, The best w<ry to jss— Acme Markets will Be Closed Monday July 5th To Celebrate Independence Day Freshly Picked CRAB MEAT 73c Fancy Parch FWaCs lb 38« Complete Line of teafeod Aece Pur* Concord GRAPE JUICE a 19' a 35* SUNRISE TOMATO JUICE 21ft*z|Qc earn 17 ean *1 10 Grand Vt*. Jo. 2 200 Blended Jiileo 3 18*« 2So Motts Applo Juloo I To Popular Chewing Qumo or LHeeavore 3 pk** 10* Bar-B-Q Round 1 or Frankfurt Long | Rolls ^ Jk MILD, CREAMY CHEESE Qlendalo Club Choate Kosher Style Pickles SwMt Dill Pickles Pineapple-Apricot Preeervee Ideal Strawberry Preeervee Red Maraiehlno Oberrlee Oliver Stuffed Queen Olivet lideal Marshmallow Creme •59* t lb lo»f |9| v»J.r|8e tie 18* ia*« ||e lie 7**«J«r 47# a«j«r ||c LibDjrf Frtftt Cocktail MmI Ollag PimIn **• 29« LIMy Bartlatt Puri Alt PriNtoti PmhN 2 Mna Mi Libby DtLaxt Flam 27# Mail Aprlaots *’• ^Ho Fluty Pmblu* '*b#l 111 Aama BalAaa Com 2 **"* IT# Eaty, Quick and Economical Froch from the oven flavor Gold Seed Cake or Hot Roll Mixes Whit* Oak*, tple* C*k* AP< •r D*vllfo*d Mix and M Hot Roll Mix pko m V Idaal Appla lataa 2 2B« Ideal Appla Battar lit Nabfoeo Oakort Anahmarv CmUm 17* Old PaoMoitod n 0||| aiKEi nun LARGE, LUSCIOUS FREESTONE 0^ H| UCT7T PEACHES 225* 9 Santa Rosa Plums *23'fP1 •WEST, MK COLOHADA Cantaloupes I / FANCY SLICING Tomatoes FANCY GREEN BEANS 2*25' NEW POTATOES — 10-43* CRISP. CALIF. CARROTS 2~19< MLICIOUS RID, MK Watermelons Mf Ot wfiot* m«l«n \ rffteti iPW M< ^ 24-lb Avn. Asco Flnaat Quality 1« •* J*r jm _ Peanut Batter 34 . Hudson Fashlenetto Napkins <*» 2 *«• 25o Plenlo Plates f2o Sweetheart Drinking; Straws 100 I Go Sandwich Bags >k«#f#0IOe Zestful Hom-ds-Uti MAYONNAISE t-oz Pl"tJ«r j«r£/ 49c Fran Hm-ft-Lltt Salad Droning pt J*r 37' Crum Wlpt Salad Draaalni >tJarS7a Watax Wax Papar 1tflftr#l1 22a Staffer Papar Tawala >k* * *°° JI a Insulated Jiffy Bag Free-it raaohaa home perfectly Sundaattas lea Craam Tapplnfs >r ISa ip Sunshine Bakers Krispy Crackers Sunshlna Ohaaz-lt Craakara 26c *>k« ITa ft MoJestle or Lang's 1 DILL or SOUR Pickles k*19!_d lax Flakes Far yeur Fneet waehablee 2t"90c pkQ* £lV PkflV^I Silver Dost Cannon Face Clath In aaeh pkg LIFEBUOY SOXP For that exhilarating Bath - • . It'a wonderful 2-..19* LUX TOILET SOXP Tha toilet eoap of the atara 2-.. 19* R IIV S O Naw aantaln. aallwn 2^29C pt-,341 Swan Soap 4 *w»ll ««ap« hi ana 2"21c Swan Soap •wan la tflffarant • • battar 2*35' un nn sour » out #f 10 aaraan atara uaa H 2 bath alaa taka. ^ J Iced or Hot, It Hite the Spot JUco Orange 09QC Pekoe TEA *k« LQ IDEAL TEA BAQt 43i Heat-Flo Roaeted Coffee hen m Richer Flavor - - Iced or Hot and you uvi ovor a dim* a pound Jlsco CoHh It! »43* Proforrod by • out of 4 of our ouatomora Wln-Crwt Coffoo !»■» Ideal Coffee 51* dHp or Popular Grind • - flavor aoalod In for Wtooo who want tho boot Ritter's Cut Asparagus Spaars 214»*a *ra 45« Asco All-Green Asparagus Tips #a" 27« 1 Ideal French Style Green Beans 19« Van Camp's Beans 2,1-** °*na 35« . Bale Club Spariding BEVERAGES SlEmh V«*'2J* HERB-OX wSL CubM w't' GOLD DUST w«vniii§ rvwvw s«MpKg 2H* ■vw-nvy wry 'Pint and Othar Bavaragaa sot •” • Pepsl-Cola, Coca-Cola, Royal Crown Cola, 7-Up, Hires’ Root Boor, Etc. 6‘”»25? - ROOK CRIIK - Beverages 31«28 nil Uin.i n«tti. seMtt Heinz Baby Foods! Holnz Junior Food*w!£/ Hoinz f trained Foods 3»”27‘ Hoinz Pre-Cooked 3-37« Hoinz Pro-Cooked Mi f £ci Ctrcol or Oatmeal ^ lO ' SALTED PEANUTS ts33* JjumM, SS7 MUSTARD r9‘ £13* Whim's MOB ~49* Cream White Vegetable SHORTENING 1-lb mii % 41e J lb ean IJ.1I RonuEit Motor Oil Bat a can far yaur trip Sqtaan inc. fan TT renuzit * ott< dining Fluid **" Add Prataatlva Vita rule B-1 ta faada "Usr* WHEAT GEM vacuum 12-at peeked Jar OT SwiHning ta yHHPWa •wlft'a Bland Lard lb aan 41e lb $' in 3-l fir sum Mf nAiWAcnoa •UARAMTHOOK ANCWROUFtH' lik tbMl aar Daralaptac •aaataa. “30*-40* There’s an Acme Market Convenient to You • • • 1319-23 Rhode Isl. Ave. N.E.* 3839 Alabama Ave. “SE.* 1436-38 Irving St. N.W.* 232 Carroll St., Takoma 16th and "F” St«. N.E.* 5722 Georgia Ava. N.W.* 8529 Georgia A re.* 1325 Good Hope Rood* 2529 Good Hope Road * Parking Space 3937 Minnesota Ave. NEW 1839 lenning Road N E. 1652 Columbia Road 6235 Georgia Are. N.W. 1429 20th Street N.W. 1619-21 17th Street N.W. 2744 14th Street N.W. Balto. Ilvd., Colmar Manor ★ 906 G Street N.W. 421 13th Street N.E. Pinny (ranch Rd., Silver Ifi.'k CLARENDON, VA. 3243 N. Wash. Blvd. Lee SM. & Annandole Jefferson Village^ ALEXANDRIA, VA. Powhatan & Henry St 610 FRANKLIN ST. ★ 1802 Mt. Varnan Ava.^ if FREE PARKING SPACE ARLINGTON, VA. Wash, ft Lm Blvds.* 1746 LEE HIGHWAYS Atj.lnl.f Colonl.l VII1»,« 4707 LEE HIGHWAYS Glaba Rd. ft Wash. Blvd.^ 89 N. GLEBE ROADAr Quincy St., ShlrlinftcnA SOUTH ARLINGTON 423 23rd StrwtAr Jo.I Off Jeff. D.tU *lrt»W it PARKING SPACI • Just Serve Yourself—i\o more » ailing 100% Self-Service Meat Dept. In the Beautiful, Ultra-Modern Acme JUST OPENED IN THE HILDENBLIS SHOPPINO CENTER POWHATAN AND HENRY STREETS, ALEXANDRIA Plenty mt Tf Parking f