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HAVE YOU TRIED Service LATELY2 Tfo ot£e% ntetfoct . ■ IS SO CONVENIENT . . . ■ GETS CLOTHES SO CLEAN and ACTUALLY COSTS SO LITTLE.! YORK-HEAT OIL BURNERS ® BeFORE you replace your old oil burner with a new one, let us show you the advantages of the York-Heat Burners. The York-Heat Burner is manufactured by one of America's leading manufacturers of oil heating equipment. It is manufac tured in York, Pa., noted for precision work manship. York-Heat Burner installations are backed by Griffith-Consumers many years' experi ence in the heating business. May Be Purchased on FHA Terms. Let one of our experienced oil burner men inspect your heating system and give you a free estimate. Call MEtropolitan 4840 and ask for Mr. Dittoe, manager, burner sales. (riffith-(onsumers 1413 New York Avenue N.W. Call STerling 5000 for a STAR Classified Ad Taker Astronomers Believed Looking 200 Million Years Backward By Thomas R. Henry Star Stoff Correspondent PASADENA, Calif., July 1.—As tronomers may be looking backward 200.000.000 years. This was advanced as a plausible explanation of observations at the Mount Wilson Observatory here of half-billion star galaxies on the edges of known space. It was ex plained this week by Dr. Albert E. Whitford of the Washburn Observ-; atory of the University of Wis consin. One of the most astounding and inexplicable astronomical discov eries of recent years was that of the so-called “red shift.” It was found that galaxies—aggregations of stars comparable to the entire Milky Way system—grow redder with distance. This was interpret ed as meaning that the farther away a galaxy gets, the faster it moves away from the center of the universe, the speed reaching an ob servable maximum of 25,000 miles a second at a distance of 200.000,000 light years. Photoelectrical Cell Used. This finding and the resultant calculations depended on relatively crude instruments, compared to the Battleship Wisconsin Mothballed in Norfolk By the Associated Press PORTSMOUTH, Va., July 1.— They put the battleship Wisconsin in mothballs today. The 45,000-ton ship was decom missioned and became a unit of the Norfolk Group, Atlantic Reserve Fleet, in a ceremony on the fantail before her greatly reduced comple ment of 400 officers and men. The ship is berthed at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard, her decks and bQlkheads swarthed in preservatives. The colors came down to the notes of a bugle blown by the same man who bugled them up when the Wisconsin was commissioned at the Philadelphia Navy Yard April 16, 1944 He is Louis P. Irvin, QM 1/c, of Norfolk. Though brief, the Wisconsin's ca reer was active. She participated in the Leyte, Luzon, Iwo Jima and Okinawa operations and supported 3d Fleet air strikes at the Japanese home islands. Before turning the ship over to Capt. James R. Tague, commander of the Norfolk Group. Capt. J. M. Higgins, skipper, presented minia ture plans from the ship's decking, surmounted by engraved plaques, Its souvenirs to 24 plank owners, men who were aboard when the Wis consin was commissioned. Petillo, Speedway Winner in r35, Sought in Slashing By the Associated Press INDIANAPOLIS, July 1.—A for mer 500-mile race winner, charged with assault and battery with intent to kill, was sought today in the slashing of his blond former sec retary. Police Inspector John J. O’Neal said Mrs. Naomi Shofner of Lebanon, who signed the affidavit, identified her assailant as Kelly Petillo, win ner of the 1935 race. Mrs. Shofner, 25-year-old bride, wTas slashed from temple to chin. Police said two arteries were severed and 30 stitches were required. She and her husband, Roy Shof ner, 29-year-old welder, have been living at a downtow-n hotel at which the slashing occurred. She said Petillo lured her to his room by sending a bellhop to tell her an old friend wanted to see her. Bill for Study of Dirigibles Killed by Pocket Veto By tht Associated Press A bill providing for studies of the commercial possibilities of lighter than-air transportation was killed by pocket veto yesterday. The measure, sponsored by Repre sentative Clason. Republican, of Massachusetts, would have author ized the Maritime Commission to conduct the studies with the assist ance of other Government depart ments having experience with dir igibles. or lighter-than-air craft. The bill did not authorize appro priation of any money. It died when President Truman withheld his signature. Save 20% to 50% on SUMMER RUGS during DIENEIt’S Clearance Sale Now Going on! Again Diener's brings you out- • standing Savings! This time on beautiful, cool-looking Summer Rugs. You can save up to 50*^ on these excellent Rug values . . . colorful fibres and others. ^ Get them any length to fit any siie room for Diener's has fibres in full-room lengths! Come • prepared to save remarkably during this eventful clearance of Summer Rugs at Diener's. • DIENER’S i*. Washington’s Largest and Oldest Floor Covering Comfiany • 820 10th Street N.W. 1715 Rhode Island Ave. H.E. Open Daily ’til 6 PM. Open Evenings ’til 9. Saturdays 'til 6 A i exceedingly delicate pnotoeiectnc cell used by Dr. Whitford and Dr. Joel Stebbins, head of the Uni-; versity of Wisconsin astronomy de partment, who have been working as guest astronomers at Mount Wil son. They have just found. Dr. Whit ford said, that the most distant of the so-called “elliptical nebulae’—; aggregations of millions of stars shaped like ellipses—have a far greater excess of redness in their light on the,fringes of the universe than can be accounted for by the hypothetical speed of motion out-1 ward. For the farthest observable: objects of this type, the excess Is about twofold. There are two possible explana tions, Dr. Whitford said. One is that the vast spaces between the galaxies, like the space between the stars, is full of fine dust. This would mean that the universe as a whole is a much smaller region than has been supposed—a conclu sion which astronomers are loath to accept. The other is that these galaxies were quite different in composition 200,000,000 years ago th§n they are today. The light received from them has been moving at a speed of about 186,000 miles a second for this enormous period to reach the earth. It may be that, 200.000.000 years ago, only about 10 per cent of the calculated life of the universe—the elliptical galaxies contained many more big red stars than exist today in similar agregations of the same type only a few million light years away from the edges of the Milky Way. It is recognized, Dr. Whitford said, that the red giants of the Milky Coming July 7th A Grand time for Glorious pictures July Fourth • Bring home holiday fun in snapshots or movies. Before you go, see us for a roll or two of Kodak or Cine Kodak Film... have a chat with our photo-trained salesmen for tips to help you get some bang-up shots."Ask about the attractive color pictures you can make. EASTMAN ffata/k STORES 607 14th STREET N.W. • TELEPHONE DISTRICT 8560 Way galaxy are “fast livers.” Stars like Antares, one of the brightest objects in the sky, are radiating away their substance at a far more rapid rate than the sun, a medium sized red star. If this explanation is correct, Dr. Whitford said it means that, for the first time, man is looking back* ward in time to a period when the universe was different from what it is today. JOCELYN BRANDO feminine lead of the Broadway Smash Hit “MISTER ROBERTS'' says: "A rich, even Ian is important to me I just can't risk sunburn with its ugly blisters and peeling: That's why SUTRA is a must with me. You can stay in the sun for hours, get a lovely tan t:: and never burn." * TAN ...DON’T BURN! Take a tip from charming Jocelyn Brando.;. tan safely in a single day with S ijTfifi f0* SUTRA^actually blocks out the burn rays of the sun . .. lets the beautifying tan rays give you glorious color ; ; . permits prolonged exposure your first time out. Non greasy . ; ; so easy and pleasant to use. „ . _ Accepted for advertising In pubrieaftom of the AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AT DRUG COUNTERS EVERYWHERE • SUTRA CREAM ALSO AVAILABLE THE ORIGINAL SURPLUS SALES CO.' OPEN FRI. TO 7 P.M. • SAT. TO 9 P.M. BARGAINS GALORE for YOUR FOURTH of JULYWEEK-END Brand New Army Style FOLDING COTS 3.99 Surplus One-Man LIFE RAFTS 14.95 Army Surplus I DUFFLE I BAGS 11.99 TlUi tat Brand Now 100% Wool / GREY 1 Army Air Corps Style SUN GLASSES Lightweight, durable frames, scientific lenses . . . styled ac cording to Air Corps specifications. Genuine Navy Surplus White HAMMOCK Reg. 6.98 PICNIC ICE BOXES Sturdy, insulated picnic b o x e • compartment, for ice. Roomy, lightweight . ideal for camp, [ cottage, boat, car, etc. Brand Naw All Waal SLEEPING BAGS 4.99 Complete with water-repellent cover. Compact. ea»y to carry ... a wonderful buy at this low, low price! MEN’S Reg. 2.60 9 WHITE , TEMIKIS shoes Lo-'ut, with White ctnvgg upperi. Full ran(e of n'zet. 1;29 Regular 4.00 { Moccasins 8SKfSUJ»S viJi 5yjr SurP>u* Whi»e Twill Pams '\ \ 7.19 ■rand atw »»*h«M, .7* J;g eat, J*tt loop,. Thli*' »'**> *•>» thin* >,rT“*V* J»«‘ « .Part,. AiTX,'*"* VALUES TO 2.00 Nationally WvtrtiMd BASQUE T-shirts / -Jj#* G'‘,rd|i»* SWIM TRUNKS ;v;~..c^ - •*<« WE WILL NOT BE UNDER SOLD, SURPLUS WILL MEET ANY PRICE'IN TOWN! No C.O.D.’s—Mail Orders Filled. Phone REpublic 2545. Surplus Sales Co 925 PENNA. AVE. N.W. • 425 10th ST. N.W A A