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. SWIM At Popular Y Pool Keep Fit and Cool! -SPECIAL! SUMMER MEMBERSHIP RATE 3 MONTHS MEMBERSHIP $6 Membership entitles you: SWIMMING POOL • SUN BEACH • GYM HANDBALL • SQUASH OTHER HEALTH FACILITIES Central branch y.m.c.a. - 1736 G Street, N.W. Phone NA. 8250 SUMMER CAMPS. CONGRESSIONAL SUMMER CAMP Transportation furnished to Art \ in ft on, A lexandria, falls Church, Washington. A full-time iwimming instructor ii employed by the cemp. 50-ACRE FARM Horiebeelc end pony riding. Complete ethletic program. 1401 No. 12th St., Arl., Vo. OX. 3000 Located on Fort Meyer Hill, over looking the Nation’s Capital. EDUCATIONAL. SULLIVAN SCHOOL 2107 Wyoming Ate. N.W., CO. 1717 Intensive preparation for Annapolis. West Point, Coast Guard Academy and all Colleges. Fall term commences Bept. 9. 98** of our ’47-’48 students qualified for admission to service academies or colleges. Gerald J. Sullivan. 1st Lt., U S A.. Ret., Principal uraa., Asst. Principal NATIONAL CHILD RESEARCH CENTER 3209 HIGHLAND PLACE N.W. EM. 5948 SUMMER SCHOOL July 3 to August 31 Hoars, 8:30 to 4 Small, ueparated closely supervised arc croups for children 2 to 6 University-trained teachers in the pre school field. . a Limited enrollments accepted for 4-o-8 weeks. DORIS ERWIN HAWKENS, Director Visit America’s Only Exclusive Hotel Training ST .ST,™ School thrill of colorful 32nd Year luxurious hotel Ufe. You can qualify quickly through Lewis Training. Earn while you learn! Prepare now for a WELL-PAID POSITION and sound future. Day Classes—Homs Study Course Both Approved tor G. I. Training Enroll Now (or Next daises. Call. Writ* or Phone for Free book Osen Monday thro Friday to 5:30 P.M Lewis Hotel Training School 2801 Fa. Ave. N.W., ME. 469*. Ext. *3 Ask tor Mr. Shaw 65 Area War Dead Being Returned From Europe on Transport Sixty-five war dead from the Dis- j trict and nearby Maryland and Vir ginia are among 5,374 World War II, | casualties being returned to the United States from Europe aboard the Army transport Lawrence Vic tory, the Army announced today. Arrival date of the vessel will be announced by the New York Port of Embarkation. Armed forces dead originally j buried in temporary military ceme-; teries in France, Luxembourg and) the United Kingdom are among those being brought back to this. country. Following are the District men whose bodies are being returned, and their next of kin: Army: Pvt. John C. Caldwell, C. L. Caldwell, 1227 G street S.E.; T/5 Melvin R. Chase, Wilhelmena Chase, 1017 South Carolina avenue S.E.; Pvt. Charles W. Gillikin, Charles C. Gillikin, 1426 B street S.E.; T/5 James R. Keesee, William Keesee, 1509 Fifth street N.W.; Staff Sergt. Ernest W. Michael, Arthur W. Michael, 2540 Fourteenth street; N.W.; Pvt. Robert E. Powell, Robert1 Henry Powell, 7355 Old Fort road S.E.; Pvt. Samuel Silversmith, Ida R. Silversmith, 1331 Belmont street) N.W.; Pfc. Richard M. Wellons, Mrs. Anne S. Wellons, 2604 Thirty-third j street S.E.; Warrant Officer (j. g.) I Thurlow F. Wilhelm, Mrs. Helen B. Wilhelm, 1341 Shepherd street N.E. and Sergt. B. J. Wolfenbarger, Mrs. Dorpthy M. Wolfenbarger, 509 Rock Creek Church road N.W. AIK tUKti: sergi. Aiuen o. Altman, Alexander Altman, 4216 Third street N.W.; First Lt. Robert H. Bolick, Mrs. Olivia C. Bolick, i 4322 Fessenden street N.W.; Sec ond Lt. Arthur W. Hagestearv, Wil liam Hagesteary, 4002 New Hamp shire avenue N.W.; Corpl. Edward E. Haney, Maude Shaffer, 1901 B street N.E.; Sergt. Ashton W. Hew-j ltt, Ashton Norwood Hewitt, 16271 E street S.E.; M/Sergt. Bernard F.j Hickman, Miss Susan V. Hickman. | 4831 Thirty-sixth street N.W.; 2d Lt. Walter B. Metz, Mrs. Miriam S. Metz, 1331 Kalmia road N.W.; T'Sergt. David C. Miller, David M. Miller, 414 Eleventh street S.E.; Sergt. Ralph K. Peeples, Mrs. Pauline J. Peeples, 1455 Chapin street N.W.; Sergt. David F.Perskin, 616 Fifteenth street N.E.; Flight Officer David A. Robinson, jr„ David A. Robinson, sr., 4515 Garrison street N.W.: S/Sergt. John H. Sar tain, John H. Sartain, 1020 Jackson street N.E.; 2d Lt. Peter Scott, Wil liam McK. Scott, 4481 Q street N.W.; 1st Lt. Louis O. Sherman, Max Sherman, 5733 Fifth street N.W.: S'Sergt. George F. Shipp, Frank S. Shipp, 101 Thirty-sixth street N.E.; 2d Lt. William A. Wat kins, Rafe A. Watkins, 113 Valley road N.W., and Capt. William J. Williams II, Mrs. Nancy C. Wil liams. 1868 Columbia road N.W. NAVY: Seaman l 'C Albert J.Cor dani. Mary M. Cordani, 716 Tenth street NAV.; Aviation Machinist’s Mate Clyde E. Rodgers, Willie V. Rodgers, 415 Tenth street N.E., and Coast Guard, Motor Machinist’s j Mate 2/C Richard I. Frere, Frank; E. Frere. 2330 Twenty-fifth street S.E. Nearby Maryland men include: Army—Pvt. Thomas W. Elliott. Thomas W. Elliott, Burtonsville: Pfc. Paul W. Esworthy, Elsie L. Esworthy, Frederick: T/4 Lawrence R. Finn! Betty J. Finn, Brentw'ood; Pfc. Richard L. Fleming, jr.. Adele S. Crothers, Frederick: Corpl. Wal ter WT. Marine. Katie A. Marine, East New Market; T/5 James A. Pilkerton, William A. Pilkerton, Mechanicsville: Sergt. Charles F. Stimax. Carrie May Stimax, West minster, and Pvt. Albert F. Miller, Helen G. Reedy. Riverdale. Air Force—T/Sergt. Sidney Abel son, Rose B. Abelson, Annapolis: Pvt. Joseph M. Coates, Nettie Coates, Chesapeake Beach; S'Sergt. Joseph F. Dawson, jr., Joseph F. Dawson, Eastport; 1st Lt. Vernon L. McKinstrv, jr., Vernon L. Mc Kinstry, Hyattsville; 2d Lt. Edward A. Porter, jr., Edward A. Porter, Bethesda, and 2d Lt. Robert D. EDUCATIONAL. Apply Now—Fall Classes DAY September 8 EVENING September 21 Approved for Veterans Business Administration with an accounting major, and Ac counting courses. B.C.S and M.C.S. degrees are conferred. Objectives: Public Accounting, C.P.A., government accounting and auditing, corporation accountant or executive, business owner-manager. Requeet Catalogue and Application Blank Strayer College of Accountancy 13th and F Streets, Washington 5, D. C. NAtional 1748 SUMMER CLASSES July 6-7 A special 8-week intensive day course in Short hand and Typewriting recommended for high school graduates and college students. Classes for beginners, review and refresher training, dictation and transcription. Strayer graduates are preferred applicants and make excellent records in competitive examinations. Ap proved diplomas are awarded. Request a copy of the Summer School Bulletin STRAYER COLLEGE OF SECRETARIAL TRAINING Approved Training for Cl Veterana 13th and F St*. Wash. 6, D. C. NA. 1746 WED 50 YEARS—Mr. and Mrs. William E. Cacy, who observed their golden wedding anni versary Tuesday with a cele bration at the Shoreham Hotel. Mr. Cacy, 72, and Mrs. Cacy, also 72, have four chil dren and eight grandchildren. —Harris & Ewing Photo. Windsor, Isaac W. "Windsor, East port. Navy—Seaman 2/c Ray A. Wheel er, Ruel S. Wheeler, Hyattsville, and Comdr. James A. Logan, Jr., James A. Logan, Annapolis. The nearby Virginia men are: Army — Charles H. Freeman, Charles D. Freeman, Alexandria; S/Sergt. Aubrey V. Keller, Lessie F. Keller, Staunton; T/4 Carl H. Leap, Nancy Markley Leap, Staun ton; T/5 William E Lee, Brooke E. Lee, Upperville; T/5 Wallace J. Marshall. Walter W. Marshall, Charlottesville; T/4 William C. Owens, jr., William C. Owens, sr., Berryville; T/5 Benjamin F. Red miles, Mrs Allen T Redmiles, Alexandria, and S/Sergt. Harry D. Welsh, Wilbur R. Welsh, Haymarket. Air Force—Corpl. James C. An derton, James J. Anderton, Alex andria; 1st Lt. William H. Bell, Stewart Bell, Winchester; Pvt. Clarence B. Cloonan, Fred M. Cloonan, Waynesboro; Sergt. Ralph W. Fleming, Roy Fleming, Alex andria; Technical Sergt. Joseph K. Linkins, jr., Joseph K. Linkins, sr„ Herndon; Sergt. John D. May, Car roll H. May. Alexandria; Flight Of ficer John T. McArthur, jr., John T. McArthur, sr.. Arlington: S/Sergt. Tomyns D. Monaghan, Mrs. Eliza beth D . Monaghan, Manassas: S/Sergt. Curtis M. Muse, Mrs. Mattie Cherry Muse, Arlington; T'Sergt. Pleasant D. Ralston, jr., Johnnie L. Ralston, Staunton, and 2d Lt. Paul L. Weeder, Sylvester H. Weeder, Arlington. Dr. Davison to Head Rockville Civic Group Dr. Hugh Davison has been elected president of the Rockville Civic Association. Other officers named are: Herman Hartman, vice president; Leroy Sherman, treasurer; Mrs. Robert Ladd, recording secretary, and Mrs. Robert Bridges, corre sponding secretary. EDUCATIONAL. EDUCATIONAL. School and College DIRECTORY ACADEMIC ART "atiohal *ht school ■■vaavMa mm** mm mm m 2027 Mai*. At*. N.W.—34 th Year—HO. 4*05 Oil Painting—Charcoal—Pastel—Water Coier—Landscape—Still Llfo—Portrait* Individual Instruction bv Professional Faculty. Beginners and Advanced Students. Enroll Now for SUMMER OUTDOOR SKETCH AND PAINTING CLASSES. Register Now for fall term—APPROVED FOR VETERANS. ACCOUNTANCY Benjamin Franklin University UM> 16th It. N.W. u (Ml Tn-rni 4.7 or thre.-rear tvenlna load. tp B. O. S. daarca dm specific tr.inlnt for aeeoantlnc ana apdltlne pppitiont fBraiphps B basis for advano.rn.nt to 'exceptive popta rooalrlnt knewledxe of aeeeaatlac. lav. ■boboo and taxation preparep far C. P A. oxaminationp. One-tear pact tradaate eenree leadt ta M C. §. derree. Paea earrlealum. CaedaeatioBal. Aik far diet Tear Rook. Applleatioao now belnt received for September dat and evenln* claeaee. Additional epaco onablee ae ta aeeaaiaiodato non-veteran. a» well ae Totoraae. ACCOUNTANCY jrn/fjjmmim* Graduates of STRAYER make excellent records in C. P. A. examinations. Other employment objectives: Public accounting, government service as accountant er auditor, corporation accountant or executive, bnsinesa owner-manager. Degrees oonferred. B. C. 8. (Bachelor of Commercial Science) for completing 2-year day or 3-year evening coarse; M. C. 8. for completing 1-yemr graduate course, including C: P. A. Prerirutlun. Approved for VETERANS. Request catalog uni application Mank. Apply bow for admission to fall claasea scheduled September 8 and 81. AIR CONDITIONING national Institute of Commorco REFRIGERATION ni 1332 New York At*. N.W. Phaaa DI. «7M Complete Coareee deslrned t. xIt. tha practical axperlaac. la all pbasaa •f this work. Vela and nonrel.. G1 approved. ART ABBOTT AIT SCHOOL 201.. Er# St. N.W. (North Sid# of Park). NA. 8034 Commercial and Fa»hlon IUn.tratton., Interior De.ira and Daearatlaa. Dacian fat Textiles. Oil and Water Color Paintlnf. Summer Scbeal, Jane 23; Winter Term. Sept. IS. Ask for catalorae.__ ART Colombia School of Commercial Art 1239 Vermont Art. N.W. at N St bet 13th Dax-Erenlnt General Commercial Art. Fashion Illustrating Drxwin, — --- Graduates. Emplerment Service. Send for Art Cataleane. Established MS rears. Approved for GI Trainini * 14th Sta «. UN Commercial (Uaatratlaa. Cartooning and Carleatartaa. _ _ Equipment Fnrniehed. Start naw. Saeaeeefal ' . - . . Columbia "Tech”— ART NATIONAL ART SCHOOL, 34th YEAR *027 Moss. Ave. HO. 4*55 Day and Evening Classes. Fine Arts—Advertising Arts—Interior Decoration—OH Painting Fashion Illustration—Costume Design—Junior and Children's Sat. Classes. APPROVED FOR VETERANS—CATALOGUE ON REQUEST. BEAUTY CULTURE MABELLE HONOUR SCHOOL 1340 N. T. An. N.W. ML 7779 rtmna HONOUR System—Established 1918. Thereugh training In all branches. Part tlm day ar .railing .lasses, ai training. Enroll now. Froo catalog on reflect. _ Approved CIVIL SERVICE bows cim service school VlHU IJUUTIVII inn mb St. (Oer. O) Over Bletnlek’a SPECIALISTS. 700 13th 8t. (Cor. G> Over Bletnlek'a Beeldcnt and Home Stndy enureee. NAtlonal 3840. COMPTOMETER OPERATOR Shert, Intensive. Interesting comptometer conrso wIU onnMfy •■Mtlojw WJJif men and women for positions at good salaries. Moderate tnltlen. Iniljtdnal Instruction. Stndnts enroll every Monday. Free placement serrlee. Dayana evening classes Call, write, phone for complete Information. The only antnerlaoa Comptometer School In Washington—operated bv the Comptomter Division of Felt A Tarrant Mfg Co.. Washington Comptometer School. Geo D. Lane* manager. 238 Munsey Bldg.. DI. 0503. 1320 E St. N.W. COUNSELING «-*«■.* 16*1 Conn. Are. N.W. AiaiMdSSS JOB COUNSELING. EDUCATIONAL AND VOCATIONAL GCTDANCa. Aptitude Testing. Career Clinic. DRAFTING COLUNRIA SCHOOL OF DRAFTING 1B39 Vermont Avo. N.W. ot N St. Bet. IStb and ^t^ttjL I,i*Hundreder!f Graduate In Government, Munletpal »■* Mvutf rejltlnnj*. Mechanical Architectural, EleotrlcaJ, Aircraft. Top#grBBhle. Bta««tieal. Potent Office. Sheet Met.;. Moehlne. Londeeapo. Building. Bln* Print Eeadlnf. Serrlee. Drafting Eonlpment Furnlahed. Start naw. Day ar Evening Class**. Send for catelorue. Approved for GI Training, DRAFTING NATIONAL DRAFTING SCHOOL - *087 Hail. Ave. N.W Modern Methods—All Branehea of ■O. 4255 Modern Methods—All sranenes oi ELECTRICAL TECHNICIAN , . .BHf.rhrl 7814 Takoma Avenue. Taken.* Park, Md SH. 3070 “ _ ‘.“T*. ,„“.«dl„ 3* weeks* course In Fandamental.i of Industrial Electrical InrlnMrlag. lnelndlng Radio and Electronic!. Prepare, for technician and theory and extensive laboratory practice. Aeeommototlfns now available Ifr Qualified hirh school graduate. In class beginning July *6. 1948. Day or board in* Phone SH. 3070 or cell at school for full information. Training. P. L. 346. Approved for Vetersns HIGH SCHOOL SURJECTS EMERSON INSTITUTE 18*4 Eighteenth St. N.W. Telephene: DB. 0581 A eemplete range ef high srhoat and eellega preparatory (ablest* now apen tn day ar evening at Waahlngton'a Olde.t Preparatory Schoel. Appraved«far Vetoraae. BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES LANGUAGES 839 17th (At Eye) N w National 9*79 FRENCH. SPANISH. GERMAN, or an. other laagnage. Bit. 1878. \PPROVED FOB Gl VETERANS TRAINING. There U a BERLITZ SCHOOL In EVERY LEADING CITY of tha WORLD. MACHINE SHORTHAND NA. 83*9. N.W. Featuring THE STENOGRAPH, the world*! smallest eherthand machine. MACHINB SHORTHAND Is a profession. Learn to write 180 to *69 wards per mlaute. Alee approved for Veterane under G. I. Bill, new machine included. Register now. New classes, Day and Evening Schools. July 6. EMERSON INSTITUTE MATHEMATICS ut( E|thtMath St. N.W. Telephone: DB. 9851 All branches of High School nnd Junior College mathematfee; Arithmetic—Fiona and Solid Geometry—Elementary and Advanced Algebra—Plane and Snherfenl Trigonometry—Slide Rule and Logarithms. Day er evening elaesee at Washington's Oldest Preparatory School. Approved fer Veterane. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING IFOR BUSINESS I WASHINGTON SCHOOL I FOR SECRETARIES An Inten.lre one-year eonrae for yoong men, providing preparation for a bnaineaa career. Suggests through an overview of rarlona business functions, poaalhla fields for specialisation—Advertising—Salesmanship—Office. Approved for Veteran*. District *480. Natlennl Frees Building. SALES rSYCItuLUuX AND EFFECTIVE SPEAKING Dale Carnegie Conrse Enroll Now. 21? Colorado Bldg.. 14th and G gt«. N.W.. Dl. 4188 BOYD SCHOOL of COMMERCE SECRETARIAL MUVMH • too ISth St. I Cor. G> oyer Zlotnick'a REFRESHER and INTENSIVE Beginners' Conrse In SHORTHAND. Typewriting comptometer all electric calcniatora. Vocabulary Building. English. Bookkeeping, accounting. SAVE 1 j to H nsnal time on refresher courses. SMALL classes. Rapid progress Accredited. Established 18 rears. Positions GUARANTEES Graduates of complete courses. Thousands placed annually In TOP SALARIED positions. APPROVED "GI School" for Veterans Training Manager is overseas yeteran. Day-Evening sessions. NEW classes starting. Register Early. Insuire. NA. *34#. SECRETARIAL ™E“„S“FAB“ Complete Secretarial Training. Beginners' class July 1*. evening school. Individ ual Instructions Emphasised. Continuous Refresher and Advanced Classes in Type writing and Shorthand. Approved for Veterans. Call fer Information regarding SUMMER INTENSIVE COURSES. SECRETARIAL far review as Apply now for admission to classes beginning an SV|u^e'nts**ma”nenroll as beginners In shorthand and typewrltls refresher training, or for dictation and transcription. . _ . Ask for Summer Sehool Bulletin telling abeat a special B-week day conrso In 'Diplomas*a*rr^awariled* *an'd courses are appreved fer Veterans. Registration oils open day and evening CrmPTARIM Washington School for Secrotarios OLliUL i nflinli National pTess Bldg 14th and P dtrsets N.W. The School With A Select Student Body Day and Erentni Claxsei. «T?\nr.l *PHY ■ OFFICE SY STEMS AND PBOf EDCBES: 8ECBETAB1AL TECH* nTSueG TRAINING THAT EQUALS TEARS OF EXPERIENCE! PREPARATION FoiF*fMMEDLATE °E M PLO YME NT^"~AND FUTn vvrr *vu: tit* a NS*B1 SELECTED FOR APTITUDE_^APPROVED FOR V*TERANS TELEPHONE DISTRICT *480 TOR REGISTRATION INFORMATION Short-Story Writing ^SSTSJftL -- — ... -- Pamphlet an reeuest. 15th year. •1* lBth St. N.W. NA. SOB* cprrrn Agios McCall Parkor School •» • Id a* V aa ,Air-Conditl«nod> ldth Snecessful Tsar. UM C* (Air-Conditioned) 14th ■necessfsl To iaar. vr..r^, I HTMlt W tClHhfM Traffic Deaths Increased In May Over 1947 Figure •y tht Associated Pros* CHICAGO, July 1.—The Nation's traffic deaths Increased In May for the first time In seven months. A total of 2,650 highway fatalities were recorded in May compared with 2,570 in May, 1947. October, 1947 was the last previous month to show an increase over the corresponding month of the year earlier. The May toll brought the year’s total to 11,270—5 per cent less than the 11,830 killed in the first five months of 1947. The National Safety Council, which released the figures, asud the Mountain States—with a 25 per cent jump in fatalities—were chiefly re sponsible for the May gain. Fatal ities also rose in the Atlantic States. The Pacific States were the only region to register improvement with the Central States holding even. Of the 425 cities reporting. 285 had no traffic deaths in May. the largest were Houston. Tex.; Richmond. Va„ and Fort Worth, Tex. For the first five months of 1948, 139 cities had perfect records. The largest were Lawrence, Quincy and Newton, all in Massachusetts. Java produced 66.560 sarongs in a recent month, employing 4,028 weav ers. THEY'RE HERE! TWO GREAT CANADA DRY BEVERAGES ■«.»n«»i»nssiy. Cool... tingly Spur... the Colo with Canada Dry good ness ... the Cole thic ttftw like more. Hits a new high in refresh ment. Ask for Hi-Spot —the delightful lithiated lemon I 1 drink. f At coolers and in 6 bottle cartons /JCSO ^ Exclusive Distributors of Prof) A iombarf ProducH JSete Protection for All Rooft! ALUMINIZED ROOF PRESERVER ASPHALT, gums, and asbestos fiber are specially combined with aluminum pigment to give Liberty Aluminized Roof Preserver the combined advantages of a fibered roof coating and an aluminum paint. Easily applied to composition, built-up, slate-surfaced, and metal roofs and sidings. Order by phone. aunm-nwN Over a Cenfwy of Specialization 609 C St. N. W. • MEtropolitan 0150 HEADQUARTERS FOR FANS COMPLETE STOCK OF FAMOUS FAHS Westinghouse • Emerson General Electric • Kisco PNILCO & CARRIER AIR CONDITIONERS | EST. 1917 = - ' M •.'/ v • "Beer's in no-deposit glass bottles now! You don't have to carry empties back! Hallelujah!" What a housekeeping short cut! >; 1 I I 1 i I I IF No Return! When they're empty— in the ash can they go! Convenient, eh? _I Clean Lip! Your personal bottle— sanitary, the pouring lip protected from dirt! Cools Fast! Stays cool longer too, thanks to glass, the perfect container. -I Tastes Good! Drink beer out of glass—and you taste Just beer! Saves Space! Yep! Takes much less room In your refrif eratorl ASK FOR 1-WAY GLASS BOTTLES-next time you buy BEER! 4 A