Newspaper Page Text
, SfalliB ARNOLD. CLAUDE E. Suddenly, on June 30. 1848. In Baltimore, Me CLAUDE £ ARNOLD, beloved husband of the late la M. Arnold. Services will be held at the William J. Tlckner & Son Funeral Home, North and Pa. aves., Baltimore, lid., on Friday. July 2, at 10 a.m. Further services and Interment In Manassas, Va.. •n Friday at 2 p.m. BBIDAHAM, JOHN G. On Wednesday. June 30, 1848. at Great Neck, Lone Island. V. T., JOHN G. BRIDAHAM, beloved hus band of the late Mary C. Bridaham and father of Mrs. Carl C. Richardson. Serv ices at the Geler Funeral Home, 3608 14th at. n.w.. on Saturday, July 3, at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Prospect Hill Cemetery. 2 BROOKS, BLANCHE L. Entered Into eternal rest on Monday. June 28. 1948, at Galllnger Hospital. BLANCHE L. BROOKS of 323 L at. s.e., loving mother of Mrs. Mary M. Shirley, grandmother of John I. Shirley. Jr.; sister of Mrs. Perry Lee Williams. Mrs. Lillie White. Mrs. Oliva Washington and Mr. Lee Vouyer Thomas. 8he also Is survived by other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T Rhlnes Ji Co. Funeral Home. 3rd and Eye sts. e.w.. where friends may call on Thurs-' day. July 1. after 4 p.m. Funeral Friday! July 2, at 1 p.m., from Mount Jezreel Bap- j tlst Church. 6th and E sts. s.e.. Rev. L. T. Hughes officiating. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 1 BROWN, EDWARD. On Tuesday. June 29. 1948. at Homeopathic Hospital. ED WARD BROWN of 201 8th at. n.e.. beloved husband of Annie A. Brown, father of Ed ward Brown. Jr Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st and Mass. ave. n.e., where services will be held on Fri day. July 2, at 1:30 p.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 1 4? I BROWN. EDn AKD. A special communi cation of St. John's Lodge. No. 11. F A. A. M.. will be held at the Masonic Temple. 13th st. and > New York ave. n.w.. on Fridas. Julr 2. 1048. at 12:30 p.m.. for the purpose of attending thejfu neral of our late brother, ED WWALTER^CHISM. Worshipful Master. Attest: JOHN J. BARNES. Jr., Sec. Bl'RRlSS. JOHN WILLIAM. On Tues day, June 29. 1948. JOHN WILLIAM BUR R1SS of Layhill. Md.. son of the late John and Elizabeth Burrlss. Mr Burnss rests at the Warner E. Pumphrey Funeral Home, 8434 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring. Md.. where services will be held on ^iday- July 2 at 3 30 p.m Interment Layhill Meth odist Church Cemetery. CLAGETT. ADELBERT H. On Thurs day. July 1. 1948. at his residency 3~07 South 5th st.. Arlington. Va . ADELBERT H. CLAGETT. beloved husband of Sadie Client Inee Kane). Notice . °f funeral later. Mattingly Funeral Service. COrELAND. MART VICKERS. On Tues June 29 1948. at Sibley Memorial Hospital? MART VICKERS COPELAND, be loved husband of Anna M»r 1 e CoeeIand Service! at Chambers' Funeral Home. 1400 Chapin at. n.w.. on Friday. July at »m Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 1 COX. CLEMENT r. On Tuesday. June 29 1948. at his residence. 1021 Varnum pi n.e.. CLEMENT P COX. beloved hus band of Pauline Lillian Cox. brother of Richard J. Cox. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st n.w . an Friday. July 2. at 11 a m. Inter ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. i COX. CLEMENT P. Members of the Policemen's Association of D. C. will attend the services lor our late brother. CLEMENT P. COX. Remains now resting at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Horn* 2901 14th st. n.w. Fu neral services will be held Fri day July 2. 1948, at 11 a m. Interment M0UntH^RRY c”C BLACKMAN. President. CHARLES L. WRIGHT, Rec. Sec raivsRAW. LIDE B. On Wednesday. wr-.hfiStiw AD C beloved mother of JcaSiirine^C. De 8hazo and aunt of Eliza^ §5 »Vr*"IS‘eFsr‘fune°r?l'' lifer* (Hartsville. Tenn . paper please copy3 DARE. WILLIAM W. On Wednesday, June 30. 1948.^1 bis jes^enee.^l^L 5roSer*of*Mr*.dLini<an*She^oguef Mrs.gje V Slingland and Mrs. Grace Clark S Interment Congressional Cemetery. - £fmWMi Pistil M!m.rcillVthe residence^ her ^ROBERT. On Wednesday. • 104P at Providence Hospital. ^BEOT-DOWNS. JSj tW'Vr*' Edna Flaaon, Edward C. and wKJr »TO.c.t « I&f.KMvnE, S.Sf; ru« ig. Funeral nwnc. « d-io feSnen? M. E. Church Ceme Friendly- Md. -— isa. riJNKRAL DIRECTORS r --- niSPEARECO. __a. wAf i^Annected with 009 H St. N.W. nation*! 2892 William Lee’s” Sons Co. •nd Mass. Ave. NX Cl- 5-°° FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium RANK GEIER'S"SON CO. FUNERAL HOME S605 14th St. N.w. HObdrt 2138 EW ENLARGED PARLORS Formerly »t lieklsione, Incs 104 17th »t YlAUT’lFUL FLORAL TRIBUTES, $5 up Phona and Charga It ~gi C FLOWER STORES >RAL SPRAT. SS.R8 CF OTUVEBED Charge Accounts Invited ‘wo Convenient Locations «S 14th St. N.W. ««• 3J33 .23 F St. N.W,_ ME. 74IM _ In Com of Death Cell )ne of the Largest Undertakers in the World Complete Funerals $95 to $2,000 Fo«r Lerfe Fuaeral Homti Phone CO. 0432 i FUNERAL designs. GUDE BROS. C07 Isilriiatll; ie»Un*d Wr*Mh*h,anA■*“” rw>rif account* •ocncd by pnon* ffiyer*». N W.-NAtlml 4376 _ (510. C. SHAFFER, Inc. vrPPIKflTVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT SoOXRATE PRICES. PHONE NA. 0106 Cor. 14th & Eye SSSST FLOWERS CHAMBERS hos complete Flower Shop. Funerol Design* Speciol! $3, $4, $5. $6. $7. $10, up to $200 -CALL Phambetl CO. 0432 CHACONAS FLOWERS ■••■Util FLORAL PIECES. SS.00 and BP DELIVERER 14 th St. N.W. Ph»»« Plhjtljl ambulances. AMBULANCES DOCTORS CALL • chambers • Fo^ Ambulance. CO. 1432. One of the finest fleets in the world. Bates: $10 up to 10 mile radius. Expert attendants. GkamSefil CALL CO. 0432 Bratlja DORSET, MILTON T. Suddenly. on Wednesday. June 30, 1948. MILTON T. DORSEY of 31150 Warder st. n.w., beloved husband of Eva T. Dorsey, father of Mrs. Rita Brown. Mary Louise. Bernice and Jo seph Dorsey. Also surviving are two broth ers. Joseph and Hillary Dorsey; one niece, Mrs. Louise Eady. other relatives and many friends. After noon Sunday friends are Invited to call at his late residence. Re quiem mass will be offered at St. Au gustine’s Catholic Church Monday. July 5, at 10 a m. Interment Mount Olivet Ceme tery. Arrangements by McGuire. 4 FLTLP, EDGAR F. On Wednesday. June 50. 1948, at his residence. 931 Maryland ave. s.w., EDGAR F FULP. beloved hus band of Nonnie E. Fulp. father of Hayden. Edgar, James. John. Claude ai d Evelyn Pulp: Kathleen Burkett and Delores Smith. Services at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 417 11th st. s.e., on Saturday. July 3. at r p.m. Interment Washington Na tional Cemetery. 2 HATES. NELLIE. On Wednesday. June 30. 1948. NELLIE HAYES of 637 3rd st. n.e., devoted wife of Charles B Hayes, sis ter of Bessie Ellis, Zula McCray. Ruby Lindell. Pearl. Parham, Willie. Theodore and Lucius Henderson. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by Maivan <fc Schey. HIGGINS. CHARLES FRANCIS. On Thursday. July 1. 1948. CHARLES FRAN CIS HIGGINS of 9018 Old Blademsburg rd, Silver Spring. Md.. beloved father of Mrs. Ruby Gusack. grandfather of Homer \very Gusack of Kew Gardens. Long Is and, N. Y. Services and interment Akron. *. Y. HIGHTOWER. GURNET I. On June 29. 1948. GURNEY I. HIGHTOWER, beloved tiusband of Bessie L. Hightower and fa ther of Ralph O Kenneth L.. William L. md Lois A Hightower. Friends are in cited to call at the Ritchie Bros. Funeral Some. Upper Marlboro, Md.. until Thurs day. July 1. at 10 p.m.: thereafter at the District Heights Presbyterian Church, where remains will lie in state from 11:45 am to 1 p.m. Friday. July 2. Services at the above church on Friday. July 2, at 1 3.m. Interment Arlington National Ceme tery. 1 nitJM 1 UntK, 1. A special communication of Centennial Lodge. No. 174. A. F. & A. M.. ■f Upper Marlboro, Md., will be held Friday, July 2 1948. at 11:,'SO am, to conduct burial services for our late brother. Past Master I. GURNEY HIGH roWER Friends may call at the Ritchie 3ros. Funeral Home. Upper Marlboro, Md.. jntil Thursday. July 1. at 10 p.m., and at he District Heights Presbyterian Church ifter 11 a.m. Friday. July 2. Funeral iervlces at the above church at 1 p m. In erment Arlinston National Cemetery. SAMUEL S. GEASEY. Worshipful Master. 1 HOWIE. JOHN HENRY. On Thursday. Fuly 1, 1048. after a brief illness, JOHN 4ENRY HOWIE of 1227 Delaware ave. i.w.. devoted husband of Mrs. Grace Myrtle iowie, father of Barbara. John, Gwendolyn ind Grace Howie: stepfathe; of Charles loleman and Anna May Howie, brother of Mrs Maggie Miller and Mrs. Oshia Mae 31ackwell. son-in-law of Mrs. Grace Jones. Dther relatives and many friends also sur ,-ive. Remains resting at the John T. ghines S Co. Funeral Home. ,')rd and Eye its. s.w. Notice of funeral later. HUFF, REV. ABRAHAM H. On Sundav. lune 27. 1948. Rev. ABRAHAM H. HUFF >f K40 L st. n.e.. devoted father of Bertha iopkins and Eliza Ellsford; uncle of ’earle D Smallwood. A host of other elatives and friends also survive. After 1 pm. Thursday. July 1. friends may ■all at Frazier’s Funeral Home. Inc.. 289 3. I. ave. n.w.. where funeral services will be held on Friday, July 2. at 1 p.m., 3ev. R. M Williams officiating. Inter nent Lincoln Memorial Cemetery 1 JACKSON, LOUISE. On Monday, June ’8. 1948. at Glenn Dale Sanitarium, LOU ISE JACKSON of 1621 10th st. n.w., be oved daughter of Gertrude Jackson and sister of William Jackson. She also is sur vived by other relatives and friends. Re mains resting with L. E. Murray & Son, 1337 10th st. n.w., where friends may call ifter 4 p.m. Friday. Funeral from the Vermont Avenue Baptist Church Saturday. July 3. at 1 p.m.. Rev. C. T. Murray of ficiating. Interment in Harmony Ceme .ery. JACKSON, MERCY. EnteredI into eter lal rest Monday. June 28. 1948. MERCY JACKSON, beloved husband of Hattie Jack >on. He also Is survived by five daugh ers. Ruth B. Tolbert. Quinnie Cunningham. Marie Wilkerson and Goldie Jackson, all if Washington. D C., and Nancy Lucas of 4ew York: five sons. John B.. Percy and 3enjamin Jackson, all of Washington. D. 7.: Mercv Jackson. 1r„ of Pittsburgh. Pa., md Marshall Jackson of Virginia, one sis er. Susie Jackson of Philadelphia, Pa wo brothers. Andrew William Jackson and he Rev. Lee Jackson of Louisa County. /a : thirteen grandchildren, three great rrandchildren. three daughters-in-law, hree sisters-in-law. four brbthers-ln-law. hree sons-in-law and a host of other rela ives and friends. He was the brother of he late Rev. Elisha Jackson of Ohio. Re mains may be viewed at William T. & Ruth 3 Tolbert's Funeral Home, 1-.0S nth st. i w. Funeral sei vices Saturday. July ... at pm, it the above-named funeral home, nterment in Woodlawn Cemetery. * KENNEY, WILLIAM HENRY. On Wed-, lesday. June 30. 1948. at his home. n.og Vilson lane. Bethesda. Md„ WILLIAM 4ENRY KENNEY, beloved husband of the ate Alice S. Kenney and father of Lester L and Clell Kenney. Remains resting at he Bethesda-Chevy Chase Funeral Home if Wm Reuben Pumphrey. Bethesda Md.. ivhere funeral services will be held Satur day. July 3. at 2 P m. Interment Potomac Methodist Church Cemetery. Potomac. Md. KEY. JAMES C. Suddenly, on Satur y. June 26, 1948. at Cleveland Ohio. 1MES C. KEY. beloved brother of Mrs. a Middleton. Mrs. Nettie K Warren. Mrs. ilia V Brown, the Rev. J. Wesley Key and tbv Key. He also is survived by other latives and friends. Remains may be ewed at Barnes k Matthews Funeral 'me. 61 4 4th st. s.w.. after 4 p.m. Friday, ily ", where funeral services will be held Iturday. July 3, at 1 P.m. Interment imonkey. Md. -1 KIDWELL. LILY HANCOCK On T es v. June 29. 1948. at Sibley Hospital. LY HANCOCK KIDWELL. wife of the e James W Kidwell and beloved mother Louise K. Roane and P. Warren Kid 11 She also is survived by seven grand ildrcn, four brothers and lour sisters^ rvlces at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 51 . th st. s.e., on Friday. July 2. at in a. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 1 KURTZ. JAMES AUGUSTUS. On Wed iday. June 30. 1948. at Arlington Hos al JAMES AUGUSTUS KURTZ of 203 ith Oak st.. Falls Church. Va . beloved i of Julius Frederick and Elizabeth ilr Kurtz and brother of Freddy and line Kurtz. Remains resting at the s Funeral Home. 284 < Wilson blvd., Ar gton. Va.. where funeral services will held Friday. July 2. at 3 p.m. Inter nt Columbia Gardens Cemetery. 1 LANCASTER. BEATRICE K. On Mon r. June 28. 1948, at her residence. 152 omas st. n w . BEATRICE K. LANCAS R, devoted wile of Melvin Lancaster 1 beloved sister of Ruth McGuire and lel Nix. After noon Thursday. July 1. »nds are Invited to call at her late idence. Solemn high requiem mass will offered .Friday, July 2, at in a.m., St. Augustine's Catholic Church. 15th between R and S sts. n.w. Interment ington National Cemetery. Arrange nts by McGuire. ,EE. ELIZABETH. On Wednesday. June 1948, ELIZABETH LEE of 44 G st. s.w. leaves a husband James Lee- one ghter. Carroll Lee; a mother, Carrie ininghami five sisters. Estelle Steel, inie Pyles. Rethia Humphrey, Came liams and Virginia Stith: two brothers, n and Jaspar Cunningham: four aunts, r uncles, eight nieces, four nephews and ny other relatives and friends Remains be shipped to Lancaster. S. C , Friday, y 2. Arrangements by Eugene Ford. 2 1ARSH. CLARA AN DEE A SEN. On inesday. June 30. 1948. CLARA AN EASEN MARSH, beloved wife of Frank Marsh and mother of Mrs. Dorothy ■sh Taylor. Funeral services and !n nent Saturday, July 3, in Perth Amboy, [ARSHALL. CHARLES W. Suddenly. Tuesday, June 29. 1948. at Winston m. N. C . CHARLES W MARSHALL of ihington. D. C.. brother of Albert E.. lam T. and Claiborne Marshall, all of ihington. D. C. Services at the S. H ts Co. Funeral Home _901 14th st. . on Friday. July 2. at 2 p.m. Inter t Arlington National Cemetery. 1 [AYO, MINNIE C. On Wednesday, e 30 1948. at her residence. 123 T st . MINNIE C. MAYO, beloved mother of n. Seoul and Curtis Mayo, and de d sister of Mrs. Pearl Taylor. Also iving are other relatives and many ids Services and interment private, dly omit flowers. Arrangements ^by Tuesday, June 29. 1948 at h>s residence, no Adams st. n e.. JOHN FRANCIS Mc DONNELL. beloved husband of Regina v. McDonel! and father of Miss Mary Mc Donnell of Hollywood. Calif.; Philip Mc Donnell of Huntington Park. Calif., and Paul McDonnell of PhiladelDhia. Pa. Serv ices at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Friday. July 2. at 10 a m. Interment Cedar Hill Ceme tery. 1 MIDRIFF. STAFr SERGT. JAMES CON RAD. On November 28. 1943. at Dobo dura. New Guinea. Staff Sergt. JAMES CONRAD MIDRIFF, beloved husband of Elsie Midktfl. father of Nancy Midkiff of Berwyn. Md.: son of Mrs. Edna Midkiff of Beltsville. Md.; brother of Lester Midkiff. Gladys Mabry and Alene Schmolie Grave side services at Arlington National Ceme tery Friday. July 2. 1048. at S p.m. Rel atives and friends invited. 1 MILLS. ANNIE M. On June 30. 1948. ANNIE M. MILLS, beloved wife of the late John L. Mills and mother of John H. and Charles P. Mills and Mrs. Laura G. Ooodwin. Funeral from the Timothy Han lon Funeral Home, 041 H st. n.e . on Sat urday. July 3. at 8:30 a m. High requiem mass at St. Aloysius Church at 9 am. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. MONTGOMERY. SAMUEL A. Departed his life suddenly, on Tuesday. June .9. 1948. Mr. SAMUEL A. MONTGOMERY of 182 Bryant st. n w. He is survived by a ievoted cousin. Mrs. Julie Moore, other -elatives and many friends. The remains may be viewed Thursday. Juiy 1. after 5 s m . at the Hall Bros. Funeral Home. 8-1 Florida ave. n.w. Funeral services Frioay. July 2. at 1 p.m.. at the above funeral tome Interment Payne's Cemetery. 1 MURDOCK. REBECCA I. On Monday June 28. 1948. at her residence. 19-4 11th st. n.w. REBECCA I. MURDOCK wife of the late Robert B Murdock and beloved mother of Mrs. Annie M. Burwell Mrs. Cordelia M. Wharton. Mrs. Maude M Rivers and Mrs. Lillian M Berry. Also surviving are a sister. Mrs. Sarah Cotting ham of Philadelphia. Fa ; five grand children. Mrs. Cordelia B. Jsmitln Dr Civsses E. Wharton. G. Murdock Whar 'on, Lt. Mark S. Rivers and Robert D livers; three great-grandchildren, other elatives and many friends. After noon Wednesday. June 30. friends are Invited o call at her late residence. Services on o Cftil at nci iMI« ICOIUPULC. rhursday. July 1. at 10 a.m., at Fifteenth Fri ' ' -- itreet Presbyterian Chureh. 15th and R ts. n.w. Interment Harmony Cemetery. Sfatfta NOLAND. HOMES. On Wednesday, June 3u. 1948. at the United States Med ical Center, HOMER NOLAND, the beloved husband of Anna D. Noland, father of Mrs. Edna Houser. Services at Chambers’ Fu neral Home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w., on Friday. July 2. at 2 p.m. Interment Ar lington National Cemetery. PAGE. SOSA. On Tuesday. June 2ft. 1948, ROSA PAGE of 730 Harvard st. n.w.. mother of Edwin Page and sister of James Pondexter. She also is survived by six grandchildren and two great-grand children. Friends may call at the Malvan Sc Schey Funeral Home. N. J. ave. and R st n.w . after 12 noon Thursday, where funeral services will be held Friday. July 2. at 1 p.m. Interment Woodlawn Ceme tery. • PANELLA. NICOLA. On Wednesday, June 30, 1948. at his residence. 0224 Georgia ave. n.w . NICOLA PANELLA, be loved father of Mrs. Catherine D'Amato. Mrs. Theresa Di Battista. Mrs. Angelina Ferramosca and Mrs. Christine Di Battista, and brother of Benjamin Panella. Re mains resting at Hysong's Funeral Home. 1300 N st. n.w.. where prayers will be said on Friday morning. July 2, at 8:30 o’clock; thence to the Church of the Nativity, 13th and Peabody sts. n.w., where high mass will be said at 9 a.m. for the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends invited to at tend. Interment St. Mary’s Cemetery. 1 PERRY, JANET R. On Wednesday, June 30. 1948. at her residence. 4637 Silver Hill rd. s e.. JANET R. PERRY, be loved daughter of Ellis N. and Lucille K. Perry, sister of Ellis N.. jr.; William F.. Vernon L.. David F and Doris A. Perry. Funeral services at the above residence on Friday. July 2. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. PRESCOTT, MARGARET. On Monday, June 28. 1948. at her residence. 1333 W st. n.w., MARGARET PRESCOTT, be loved mother of Dorothy Snowden and sister of Sarah Lee. She also Is survived by other relatives and friends After 5 p.m. Thursday, July 1, friends may call to see the late Mrs. Prescott at the above address. Funeral services at the Ver mont Avenue Baptist Church on Friday. July 2. at 1 p.m., Rev. C. T. Murray officiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Arrangements by L. E. Murray Sc Son. 1* PRESCOTT. MARGARET. Officers and members of the James E. Willis Benevolent Association are hereby notified of the call meeting Thursday, July 1, 1948, at 8 p.m., at the hall, 9th and T sts. n.w. Funeral Friday, July 2, at 1 p.m.. from the Ver mont Avenue Baptist Church. Vermont ave. between Que and R sts. n.w. MAMIE REEVES, President. A E. GASKINS. Secretary. PRESCOTT. MARGARET. Officers and members of Columbia Temple, No. 422. I. B. P. O. E. of W.. met in session of sorrow Monday. June 28, 1948, at 8:30 p m., and arranged for the funeral of Daughter MARGARETT PRES _COTT. Friday, July 2. at 1 p.m., from the Vermont Avenue Baptist Church. MARIE MINOR. Daughter Ruler. GEORGIANA HENRY, Secretary. RAMEY. BERT. Entered Into eternal rest on Monday. June 28. 1948, at her residence. 927 3rd st. s.e„ after a lingering illness. BERT RAMEY, wife of Alfred Ramey, mother of Madeline Johnson, El more and Lennox Ramey; sister of Susie Dixon, Ada Ramey. Mary Hatcher, Alex ander and William Grayson. She also is survived by other relatives and many friends. Remains resting at her late resi dence after 4 P.m. Friday, July 2. Serv ices Saturday. July 3. at 2 o’clock p.m.. at the Mount Pleasant Baptist Church. Aldie, Va. Arrangements by Eugene Ford. 2 RENNER. RALPH ABRAHAM. Suddenly, on Tuesday, June 29, 1948, at hit home, 8707 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring, Md.. RALPH- ABRAHAM RENNER, husband of Anna E Renner, father of Ralph Edward. Erma Louise and Elsie Rose Renner; broth er of Mrs. Leslie Wiles. Mr. Renner rests at the Warner E. Pumphrey Puneral Home. 8424 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring, Md., where services will be held on Friday. July 2, at 9 am. Interment Church of he Brethren Cemetery, Rocky Ridge, Md. 1 RUNION, ANNIE REBECCA. On Tues day. June 29. 1048. at her home, near Clarksburg, Md - ANNIE REBECCA RUN ION. aced 79 years, beloved wife of David F Runion Also surviving are three sons, Charles Runion of North English, Iowa: Raymond Runion of Rockville, Md., and Edward Runion of Derwood. Md.: four daughters, Mrs. Lust Roadcap of Millers burg. Pa.; Mrs. Ernest Jenkins of Winches ter. Va : Mrs. Minnie Whetzel of Clarks burg, Md.. and Mrs. Virgil Dove of Gaith ersburg. Md.: twenty-seven grandchildren and twenty-four great-grandchildren. Mrs. Runion rests at Gartner’s Funeral Home. Gaithersburg. Md.. where funeral services will be held Friday. July 2. at 2 p.m. In terment Hyattstown. Md. 3 RYAN. MARY JANE. On Tuesday. June 20. 1948. MARY JANE RYAN of -16,10 South Dakota ave n.e., beloved wife of John A. Ryan and mother of Mrs. Florence DufTey, Mrs Mary Davis of Miami. Fla_; Mrs. Ruth Rothgeb. William A.. James E. and Howard S. Ryan. Funeral services at the Taltavul! Funeral Home. 3619 14th st. n.w.. on Friday. July 2. at 11 am. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 1 SMITH, LUCY. On Wednesday. June 30, 1948. at her residence. 121 Adams st. n.w . LUCY SMITH, devoted mother of Mrs Elizabeth Gordon, mother-in-law of John B. Gordon and grandmother of Wil liam A Gordon and Hilda N. Brown. She also is survived by two nephews, one niece- and other relatives and friends. Friends may call after 12 noon Friday at the Malvan Schey Funeral Home. N. J. ave ond R st. n.w. Funeral from Mount Airy Baptist Church, 17 L st. n.w , Sat urday. July 3, at 1 p m., Rev. Earl Tyler officiating. * STANBACK. HOBART M. On Monday. June 28. 1948. after a brief illness, at Gallinger Hospital. HOBART M. STAN BACK of 419 Columbia rd. n.w., beloved nusband of Mary Belle Stanback. devoted father of Thomas E. and Mary Etta Stan sack and son of James and Etta Stan back. He also is survived by four broth ers. two sisters and a host of other relatives and*friends. After 3 p.m. Thurs day. July 1. friends may call at Frazier’s Funeral Home. Inc.. 389 R. I. ave. n.w. Funeral services will be held on Friday. July 2, at 9:30 a m., at the John Wesley A. M. E. Zion Church, Rev. Stevens G. Spottswood officiating. Interment Arling ton National Cemetery. 1 STEPNEY, THEODORE. On Tuesday, June 29. 1948. after a short illness. THEO DORE STEPNEY, devoted brother of Mrs. Annie Yergans, Mrs. Grace King. Paul and Amos Stepney. He also is survived by other relatives and a host of friends. Re mains resting at Barnes & Matthews' Fu neral Home. 614 4th it. s.w. Notice of funeral later. SULLIVAN. EDWARD J. On Thursday, Tuly 1, 1948, at Providence Hospital. ED WARD J SULLIVAN, beloved husband of Molly Sullivan of 11 9th st. s.e. Funeral services at the SafTell Funeral Home. 4.o H st n.w.. on Friday. July 2. at 9 a.m. High reouiem mass at St. Patrick's Church at 9:39 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. SULLIVAN. EDWARD J. Comrades of National Capital Post are notified of the death of their comrade. EDWARD J. SUL LIVAN. Funeral arrangements to be an nounced. C E ATCHISON. Commander. Al LLJt, r.ifnnnu J. inc mniurio of Potomac Council. No. 433. Knights of Columbus, are noti fied of the death of Brother EDWARD J. SULLIVAN, and are requested to assemble at the 8aflell Funeral Home, 4T5 H st. n.w.. at 10 p.m. Thursday. July 1. 1948. for the recitation of prayers for the repose of his soul. _ 8 B. WOOLLS. Grand Knight. ROBERT M. WOOLLS. Fin. Sec. SULLIVAN. EDWARD J. Washington Lodge. No. 16. B. P. O. Elks, will convene In session of sor row at 7 p.m. Thursday, July 1, 1 948. and proceed to the Saffell Funeral Home. 476 H st. n.w., where Elks' services will be held at 7::to p m. in memory of our late brother. EDWARD J. SUL LIVAN. initiated November 27, 1906; died July 1. 1948. By order of GUY A. CAPONETTO. Exalted Ruler. Attest: L. M. YOUNG. Secretary. THOMPSON. FLORENCE. On Tuesday. I June 29, 1948. FLORENCE THOMPSON of 1211 Girard st. n.w., beloved wife of i the late Clarence A. Thompson, devoted ! sister of Coral Miles, loving aunt of Flor : ence Johnson and Vernice Finley. She i also leaves a cousin. Theodore Tolson of I Atlantic City. N J.. and many other rela tives and friends. After 5 p.m. Friday. iJuly 2. friends are invited to call at her ate residence. Funeral services Satur 'doy. .July 3, at 1 p m. .at the Zion Bap tist Church- F st. between .'trd and 4th s.s. s w Rev A. J. Edwards officiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Arrangements by Campbell s Funeral Home. THOMPSON. FLORENCE. Forest Tem pie. No. 9. I. B P. O. E. of W . X<-8MF fs hereby notified to meet In a session of sorrow Thursday. July 1, 1948. at 8:30 p.m.. to arrange for the funeral of Daughter FLORENCE THOMPSON, to be held Saturday. July 3, at 1 p.m , from the Zion Baptist Church, F st. be tween 3rd and 4th sts. s.w. FLORINE A. POGUE. Daughter Ruler. BEATRICE WEST. Fin. Sec. Vi THOMPSON. FRANK TAYLOR. On Tuesday. June 29. 1948. at Providence Hospital. FRANK TAYLOR THOMPSON of 1327 Potomac ave. s.e.. the beloved brother of Mrs. Mary Ruby Marsh. Friends may call at the Lee Puneral Home. 4th st and Mass. ave. n e.. where services will he held on Friday. July 2. at 2:30 p«. Interment Cedar fjtll Cemetery. 1 TODD. MARY JOHNSON. On June 30, 1948. at Morristown. N. J . MARY JOHN SON TODD, daughter of the late Prof Henry D. Todd. U. S. N.. and Flora John son Todd; sister of Maj. Gen. Henry D. Todd. ir.. of Washington. D. C. Funeral services at the Church of the Redeemer. Morristown. N. J.. on Sunday. July 4. at ■’■30 o'clock. Interment the Evergreen Cemetery. Morristown, N. J. 2 WARREN, MAUD. On Tuesday June 29. 1948. at her residence. 942 26th st. [1 w . MAUD WARREN, beloved daughter of Fannie Busey and Anthony Jefferies. She also leaves to mourn their loss two laughters, three slaters, su brothers and other relatives and friends. Remains -estin* at Jan tier’s Funeral Home. 1141 22nd st. n.w. and may be seen sfter 6 pm. Thursday, July 1. Funeral Friday. July 2. at 1 p.m., from the Morn ng Star Baptist Church. 26th st. between H and Eye sts. n.w.. Rev. L. C. Murray ifflciating. Interment Arlington National Tamotarr. % Gurney Hightower Funeral Services Set for Tomorrow Funeral services for Gurney I. Hightower, 55, chief of the pho tographic division of the Smithson ian Institution, will be held at 1 p.m. tomorrow in the District Heights (Md.) Presbyterian Church. Burial will be in Arlington Ceme tery. Mr. Hightower died unexpectedly Tuesday at his home, 301 Washing ton boulevard, District Heights. A photographer with the Smith sonian Institution since he came to Washington in 1928, Mr. Hightower became assistant chief of the divi sion in 1944, and was named chief last year. He was a native of Prospect Hill, N. C., and attended Trinity College, now Duke University. After World War I service with the Army’s 20th Photographic Section, he operated his own photographic studio in Tar boro, N. C., for a number of years. Active in civic affairs in District Heights, he was a past master of the Marlboro Centennial Masonic Lodge No. 74. Mr. Hightower leaves his wife, Mrs. Bessie L. Hightower; three sons, Chief Petty Officer Ralph O. Hightower, stationed at the Great Lakes Training Center, and Kenneth and William L. Hightower of Wash ington; a daughter, Mrs. Lois A. Sonntag, of Washington; two broth ers, William F. Hightower, Wash ington, and Daniel Hightower, Pros pect Hill, and three sisters, Mrs. Clara Hodges, Washington, and Mrs. Louise Long and Mrs. Mary Long of Prospect Hill. U. S. Envoy to China Threatened in Peiping NANKING, July 1. —American Ambassador J. Leighton Stuart re ceived an anonymous letter threat ening him on his recent visit to Peiping. The letter, an Embassy spokesman said today, did not threaten the 72-year-old envoy’s life but did threaten bodily harm. Dr. Stuart has been an outspoken critic of Chinese student agitation against American policy in Japan. Iratlja WASHINGTON'. MARSHALL. On Wed nesday. June JO. 1048. at Freedmen's Hospital, MARSHALL WASHINGTON of White Oaks. Md„ beloved husband of Mrs. Nellie Washington. Also surviving are lour daughters, five sons, six grandchil dren. two great-grandchildren, one broth er. other relatives and friends. After 6 p.m. Friday, July 2, friends may call at his late residence. Funeral service! Sat urday, July 3. at 2 c m., at the Good Hope M. E. Church. Colesville, Md„ Rev. Hol land officiating. Relatives and friends In vited. Interment church cemetery. Ar rangements by W. Ernest Jarvis Co. 2 WITHERS. ISABELLA. On Wednesday. June 30, 1948. ISABELLA WITHERS of 3248 N st. n.w. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Friday. July 2. at 1 p.m. Inter ment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 1 In Ulrmnrtam AUGUSTUS. EDWARD. In memory ol my dear son. EDWARD AUGUSTUS, who passed away ten years ago today, July 1, 1938. He Is gone, but not forgotten; In my lonely hours of thinking. Thoughts of him are always near. Forget him. no, I never will. I loved him then, I love him still; His memory is as fresh today As in the hour he'passed away. HIS MOTHKR. .BERTHA. • BOWERS. ELLA GRACE. In loving memory of my beloved wife. ELLA GRACE BOWERS, who passed away three years ago today, July 1. 1945. Three sad and lonely years have passed Since my great sorrow fell: The shock I received that day I still remember well. A voice I loved is stilled, A place is vacant in my home Which never can be filled. It is sweet to know we shall meet again Where parting is no more. And that the one I loved so dearly Has only gone before. My thoughts of you will never fade, When all the years have flown Your memory as the brightest star Will always light my come. The flowers I place upon your grave May wither and decay, But the love for my wife who sleeps be neath Will never, never fade away. With only one last hope I have, And this I know Is true. You can never come to me. But I can come to you. YOUR DEVOTED HUSBAND, JOHN T. BOWERS. * COOPER. MRS. MART E. McKENNY. In loving remembrance of our loving wife, mother and sister. Mrs. MARY E. Mc KENNY COOPER, who passed away three years ago today, July 1, 1945. Gone from this world of grief and sorrow, Where you always gave your best, God has taken you. dear one, To a land of peace and rest. The love you gave us many years Will never from us depart: Though you are gone beyond our reach, You are always in our hearts. DAVID L. AND EVERETT L. COOPER. MRS. ELLEN E. EVANS AND MRS. MINNIE B. COOK. * FRASER. HENRY A. Sacred to the memory of my dear husband. HENRY A. FRASER, who passed away eight years ago today, July 1* 1940. HIS WIFE. • GARNETT. ELIZABETH. In sad but loving memory of our loving mother, grandmother and sister. ELIZABETH GAR NETT, whom we laid to rest one year ago today, July 1. 1947. If all the world were ours to give, We would give it. yes, and more, To see the face of our dear one Come smiling through the door. Our hearts still ache with sadness, Our eyes shed many a tear; Only God knows how we miss you At the end of one sad year. YOUR DEVOTED CHILDREN. GRAND- , CHILDREN AND SISTER. * HALL, FRANCES ROBERTA. In loving memory of my dear mother. FRANCES ROBERTA HALL, who departed this life four years ago today. July lr 1944. In my heart your memory lingers. Always tender, fond and true; There is not a day. dear mother. That I do not think of you. HER DEVOTED DAUGHTER. WINONA HALL TAYLOR. HALL. FRANCES R. In sad but loving memory of my dear sister. FRANCES R. HALL, who passed away four years ago today, July 1. 1844. I watched you slowly fade away. God watched you from above: We prayed so hard for you to stay, But God took you home to share His love. May your soul rest In peace. YOUR SISTER. FLORENCE BAYARD. • JOHNSON. ANNIE BARKER. In loving memory of our dear mother. ANNIE BAR KER JOHNSON, who left us twenty years ago today. July I, 1928. This is the day of every year Our hearts are exceedingly sad: We lost our mother, who was very dear, The best friend we ever had. Softly at night the stars are shining On the sad and lonely grave, Where lies our dear mother. Whom we loved so dearly, but could not HER S*VLO VINO CHILDREN, CLAUDE. CATHERINE AND MATILDA B. SCHOOLS. So you really haven't left me. You have just gone on before, Around the corner waiting To guide me through Heaven s door YOUR FOSTER DAUGHTER, KATHERINE WILLIAMS. * BEIDY, CORNELIUS. In fond memory of my dear father. CORNELIUS REIDY, who passed away three years ago today. July 1. 1945. You are not forgotten.__ TOMMY. • ROWLEY. KATHARINE MADDEN. In eeverlasting memory of our dear sister. KATHARINE MADDEN ROWLEY, who passed into the Great Beyond two years ago today. July 1. 1946. At the end of the road there hangs A gate to a garden fair. A place of rest and happiness. With sunshine everywhere. Where hearts at lest are free from pain And sorrow's crushing load. And where our loved one waits for us In peace at the end of the road. HER SI8TKR8 AND BROTHER. • TINNER. EVELYN J. Sacred to the memory of my dear mother. EVELYN J. TINNER, who departed this life thirty-one years ago today. July 1, 1917. Deep in my heart you are fondly remem bered. Sweet, happy memories cling to your name: . ... . True hearts that loved you with deepest affection . .. . _ .. Always will love you in death Just the HER DEVOTED DAUGHTER. RUTH WEST. WILSON. THOMAS W. In loving mem ory of my devoted husband. THOMAS W. WILSON, who left me one year ago today, .’uly 1, 1947. The memory you Ief- behind. One that'a very sweet and, oh, _so Mnd. YOUR LOVING WOT. MARIE I. WILSON.. Mary Johnson Todd, 80, General's Sister, Dies Miss Mary Johnson Todd, 80, sister of Maj. Gen. Henry D. Todd, jr„ U. S. A., retired, of 2301 Con necticut avenue N.W., died yester day at her home in Morristown, N. J. Miss Todd, a native of Brook line, Mass., was the daughter of the late Rear Admiral Henry D. Todd and Flora J. Todd. Funeral services will be held Sunday after noon in the Church of the Redeem er, Morristown. Nicola Panella Dies; Was Violinist in Trio With Brothers Here Nicola Panella, 89, a violinist who came to America more than 50 years ago from a town in Italy whose citizens were said to be “so musical they had to bring in outsiders to get ordinary work done,” died yes terday at his home, 6224 Georgia avenue N.W. According to Mr. Panella’s family, he and two brothers were members of a family which for generations had contributed, with other families, to the renown of Marsicovetere. in Southern Italy, as a center of gifted harp, violin and flute players. Many well-known musicians here and abroad, the family said, claim Marsicovetere as their home. It is about 120 miles south of Naples. Brothers Formed Trio. Mr. Panella and two brothers. Bernadino and Joseph, played here as the Panella Trio for many years after coming to Washington from Philadelphia about 1900. They ap peared at a number of hotels here, including the old Driscoll Hotel, and frequently performed in churches and at weddings. The trio broke up about 30 years ago. Joseph, who also played the vio lin, died in 1936. Bernadino still is living. Mr. Panella's wife, who came to America with him, died 15 years ago. Four Daughters. Survive. In addition to his brother, Mr. Panella is survived by four daugh ters, Mrs. Catherine D’Amato, Mrs. Theresa Di Battista, Mrs. Angeline Ferramosca and Mrs. Christine Di Battista, all of Washington. Funeral services will be held at B:30 a.m. tomorrow at the Hysong Funeral Home, 1300 N street N.W. High requiem mass will be sung at ) am. at the Church of the Nativ ity, Thirteenth and Peabody streets N.W. Burial will be in St. Mary’s Cemetery. Yeagley, Ex-FBI Agent, Named ECA Security Chief By th« Associated Fr«*» J. Walter Yeagley, a former FBI agent, yesterday became director of security for the Economic Co-opera ;ion Administration. His task will be to protect con Idential documents reaching the 'oreign aid agency here and over seas. Mr. Yeagley, 39, is a graduate of ,he University of Michigan and practiced law in South Bend, Ind., 'or eight years. He was once presi ient of the St. Joseph County (In iiana) Bar Association. After field work for the FBI in Wisconsin, Maryland and New York, iie became an administrative aide m FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. ECA has announced that it will use security classifications on docu ments, ranging from top-secret to restricted, “as sparingly as possible.” The major reason for such precau tions, it said, is the necessity of dandling confidential papers from other agencies and governments. Hard Coal Operators Meet Again With Mine Workers By th» Associated Press NEW YORK, July 1.—Representa tives of hard coal operators and the United Mine Workers met again to day in an effort to agree on a new rontract replacing the current one expiring July 10. Negotiations for an agreement covering an estimated 80,000 anthra cite miners were reduced to three man subcommittees yesterday. This was interpreted as an indication that an agreement was imminent. Negotiations began in Philadel phia May 27 with about 50 represen tatives on each side present. Representing anthracite employ ers are R. E. Taggart, chairman of the joint conference and president of the Philadelphia & Reading Coal & Iron Co.; James Pendergast, nresident of the Susquehanna Col lieries Division of M. A. Hanna & Co., and Robert Birtley, president of the Hammond Coal Co. The mine workers were repre sented by Union President John L. Lewis, Vice President Thomas Ken nedy and Martin Brennan, a trus tee of the Anthracite Health and Welfare Fund. British Doctors Debate Necessity of Husbands •y the Associated Press CAMBRIDGE, England, July 1 — “Are Husbands Necessary?” was the subject of a debate yesterday at a convention of the British Medical Association. The doctors were discussing whether it is a good idea for un married women to have children, if they wish. “No,” Dr. Catherine Evans said, ‘I canont imagine any woman not wanting a husband. Children should iiave both a father and a mother." The dissenting opinion came frm Dr. Bethel Solomons, who argued: “I know of many women who would like to have babies, but don’t want a man knocking around the nouse.” Busline in Tsingtao Goes Broke: Too Many Soldiers Rode Free By tho Associated Press TSINGTAO, China, July 1.— This city of 800,000 was with out public transportation today —the bus company went broke. The reason: Seventy per cent of the passengers were in uniform and refused to pay fares. $trr?& MORTICIANS 4401 5th St. N.W. U. 5441 4 Gen. Brown, 76, Chief Of Third Division in World War I, Dies |y th« Associated Press VINEYARD HAVEN. Mass., July 1.—Maj. Gen. Preston Brown, 76, U. S. A., retired, World War I com mander of the 3d Division in the battle or the Meuse-Argonne, died yesterday at his home. Gen. Brown was assistant chief of staff of the American Expedition ary Force in November, 1918, uid later served in Panama and headed corps area commands at Chicago and Boston. He had been ill two weeks. A relative said death was caused by a heart condition. He retired in 1934. He leaves his widow and a sister. Mrs. H. M. Waite of New York and Washington. An only son, Dor rance, was killed a dozen years ago in an accident. Will Be Buried in Kentucky. Gen. Brown will be buried Sun day at Cave Hill Cemetery, Louis ville, Ky. He was born at Lexing ton, Ky„ and raised in Louisville. Besides commanding the 3d Divi sion during World War I, Gen. Brown served as chief of staff of I the 2d Division and the 4th Army Corps. For his war service, he was award ed the Distinguished Service Medal, the rank of commander in the French Legion of Honor and com ! mander in the Belgian Order of the Crown. After serving as assistant chief of staff of the AEF after the Armis tice, Gen. Brown was named direc tor and acting commandant of the General Staff College in Washing ton, where he served from 1919-21. Was Graduated From Yale. Subsequently, he served as com manding general of the 1st Corps Area in New England from 1926-30, then for a brief period as Deputy i Chief of Staff of the United States l Army. The same year he was ap pointed commander of the Panama Canal Zone. Born in 1872, Gen. Brown was graduated from Yale in 1892. He fought the Cheyenne Indians in 1897, then served in the Span I ish-American War and the Phil : ippine Insurrection. Mart V. Copeland, 72, Salesman Here, Dies Mart Vickers Copeland, 72, secre tary of the L. S. Julian Co., whole sale motor parts dealers, and a sales representative of the agency here for 27 years, died yesterday in Sib ley Hospital. Mr. Copeland, whose home was in the Maryland Courts Apartments, 518 Ninth street N.E., had been in failing health since suffering a stroke a year ago. A native of Steubenville, Ohio, Mr. Copeland was a graduate of Ohio State University. He was a newspaperman in Pittsburgh before coming to Washington after World War I. He was active in bond selling dur ing the first war, his family said, and directed salvage drives in his neighborhood during the recent war. He joined the Julian company in 1921 and had worked as a sales representative in the Washington area regularly until his illness. Mr. Copeland was a member of the Loyalty Chapter, Shepherds of Bethlehem; the Washington Board of Trade and the Washington Auto motive Trade Association. His widow, Mrs. Anna Marie Copeland, is his only survivor. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 pm. tomorrow in the Cham bers’ funeral home, 1400 Chapin street N.W. Burial will be in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Police Chief Fells Wielder Of Ice Pick With Blackjack A Washington man charged with wielding an ice pick in an assault on the police chief of a Maryland town with intent to kill was being treated today at Gallinger Hospital for blackjack injuries of the head. Hospital attendants said the man, who was placed under guard, suf fered a possible fracture of the skull. He was identified by police as Wil liston Knorl, 23, colored, 1000 block of New Jersey avenue S.E. Chief James C. Brown of Fair mount Heights swore out the assault warrant against Knorl in Hyattsville after a midnight disturbance at a beer tavern in the 6200 block of H street, Fairmount Heights. Corpl. Albert Mines said Knorl rushed at Chief Brown with the ice pick while the two policemen were investigating the disturbance attrib uted to six young men. He said Chief Brown struck Knorl with a blackjack. Ralph A. Renner Funeral To Be Held Tomorrow Funeral services for Ralph A. Renner, 46, of 8707 Georgia avenue, Silver Spring, will be held at 9 a.m. tomorrow In the W. E. Pumphrey funeral home, 8434 Georgia avenue. Burial will be in the Church of the Brethren Cemetery, Rock Ridge, Md. Mr. Renner, an engineer with the National Association of Cleaners and Dyers in Silver Spring since 1936, died of a heart attack Tuesday at his home. He was a native of New Midway. Md., and attended schools there. He came to the Washington area 14 years ago from Frederick, Md. Mr. Renner was a member of Sil ver Spring Masonic Lodge, No. 215; Tall Cedars of Lebanon Lodge, No., 134, and the Universal Craftsmen and Engineers of Washington. Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Anna Renner; two daughters, Erma L. and Elsie R. Renner, both of Sil ver Spring; a son, R. Edward Ren ner, and a sister, Mrs. Leslie Wiles, both of Frederick._ He Followed Mahomet Sayed A1 Alawie, 78, reputed to be a direct descendant of the Prophet Mahomet, died recently in 1 Lourenco Marques, Mozambique. A professor of psychology, philosophy and astronomy, he spoke 14 lan guages and for 21 years preached the religion of Islam in Africa. CLAGE MEMORIAL 302NtwHttWII diatE'Erection} AilCemeteriej-^ Ofew-Jvhday/ j Morris F. Benton Dies; Invented Type Family" ■y Mm Associated Press MORRISTOWN, N. J„ July 1.— Morris Puller Benton, 74, former chief type designer of the American Type Foundry Co., died yesterday in All Souls Hospital after a short illness. Born in Milwaukee, Wis., Mr. Benton was the son of Linn Boyd Benton, whose inventions were util ized in development of the linotype machine. The younger Benton was cred ited with inventing the “type fam ily,” a series of variations of type design used in advertisements and commercial printing. Rifes in Arlington Today For Two D. C. War Dead Reburial services for two District World War II dead were to be held at 2 p.m. today in Arlington Ceme tery. The men and their next of kin are: , Pfc. James J. Gross. Jack J. Gross, 4325 Second street N.W., and T/5 John E. Kennedy, Donald R. Ken nedy, 2101 Sixteenth street N.W. Marines from the Marine Bar racks at Eighth and I streets SB will compose the honor guard and firing squad. The Marine Band also will participate in the cere monies. Former Inspector Cox, To Be Buried Tomorrow Funeral services for retired Police Inspector Clement P. Cox, 64, who died Tuesday, will be held at 11 ajn. tomorrow at the S. H. Hines funeral home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W. Burial will be in Mount Olivet Cem etery. Inspector Cox, who retired March 31, had been a member of the de partment since 1910. He was chief clerk and property officer. A native of Washington, his home was at 1627 Varnum street N.W. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Pauline Cox, and a brother, Detec tive Sergt. Richard Cox of the rob bery squad. Frank T. Thompson Rifes To Be Held Tomorrow Funeral services for Frank Taylor Thompson, 70, a Capital Transit Co. streetcar operator for 36 years, will be held at 2:30 pm. tomorrow at the Lee funeral home, Fourth street and Massachusetts avenue N.E. Burial will be in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Mr. Thompson, who died Tues day in Providence Hospital, had been employed with the transit company since coming to Washing ton in 1910 until his retirement two years ago. He operated along the Friendship Heights and Cabin John carlines. A native of Fauquier County, Va., Mr. Thompson was in business in Remington, Va., before coming to Washington. He lived at 1327 Potomac avenue S.E. He is survived by a sister, Mrs. Mary R. Marsh. Leonard R. Eisenhauer Rites Planned Tomorrow Funeral services for Leonard Robert Eisenhauer, 38, Veterans Administration employe, who died Tuesday, will be held at 2 p.m. to morrow in Ringtown, Pa. Mr. Eisenhauer died unexpectedly in his home, 3621 Newark street N.W., where he had lived since coming to Washington in 1939. A veteran of Army service in Europe in World War II, Mr. Eisen hauer had been with VA since his return from overseas in 1946. He was employed as a statistician in the readjustment allowance service of the finance office. Before going into the Army Mr. Eisenhauer was with the Social Security Board for a few years. He was a native of Ringtown and a graduate of Bethlehem (Pa.) Business College. He was a member of the Amer ican Legion and attended the Cleveland Park Congregational Church. Mr. Eisenhauer is survived by his widow, Mrs. Myrtis Miller Eisen hauer, and infant daughter Susan, both of trie Newark street address; three sisters, Mrs. Ramond Duck worth of Washington, Mrs. Leonard Rudolph of Bethlehem and Mrs. Frank Rubright of Dunn Loring, Va„ and three brothers, Charles Eisenhauer of Bethlehem, John ! Eisenhauer of Ashland, Ohio, and I Elwood Eisenhauer, Harrisville, Pa. Sergt. James C. Midkiff Reburial Rites Tomorrow Reburial services for Staff Sergt. James Conrad Midkiff. 22, Air Force gunner who was killed in New Guinea on November 28, 1943, will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow in Arlington Cemetery. Sergt. Midkiff was the son of Mrs. Edna Midkiff of Beltsvllle, Md„ and the husband of Mrs. Ellsie Midkiff of Berwyn, Md. A native of Amelia, Va., Sergt. Midkiff was employed w4th the Engineering Research Corp. of Belts ville before his enlistment in the Air Force in October, 1942. Survivors, in addition to his mother and widow, are a daughter, Nancy, of Berwyn; a brother, Lester Midkiff of Beltsville, and two sisters, Mrs. Gladys Mabry of Beltsville and Mrs. Alene Schmolze of Pennsyl vania. COLLINS FUNERALHOME Francis J. Collins 8821 14th St. I.W. 7117 Edward Sullivan Dies; Was Dean of Federal Building Guards Here Edwmrd J. Sullivan, 78, retired dean of Federal building guard* here, died today in Providence Hos pital. He had been in ill health for a month. Mr. Sullivan was captain of build ing guards under the Public Build ings Administration when he was retired in December, 1939, after 33 years of service. At the time of his retirement, fel low workers and friends in the Commerce Department, where Mr. Sullivan had been stationed for six years, honored him at a reception. He received a letter from the Secre tary of Labor, Miss Prances Perkins, commending him on his record with the department Mr. Sullivan was a native of Woodstock, Va., where he attended public schools until going into the contracting business with a brother in Pittsburgh. He served in the Spanish-Ameri can War. Shortly before the out break of World War I, Mr. Sulli van came to Washington and had been employed as a building guard since. His home was at 11 Ninth street S.E. Mr. Sullivan was a member of | the Potomac Council No. 433, ! Knights of Columbus, Washington Lodge No. 15. Elks, and National Capital P06t 217, Veterans of For eign Wars. His Widow, Mrs. Molly Sullivan, to whom he was married in 1901, is his only survivor. High requiem mass for Mr. Sulli van will be offered at 9 a.m. to morrow at* St. Patrick’s Church. Buriel will be in Arlington Ceme tery. Boy, 3, Killed by Playmate To Be Buried Tomorrow Funeral services for James Kurts, 3, who was fatally wounded when a playmate accidentally discharged a pistol, will be held at 3 pm. to morrow at the Ives funeral home, Arlington. Burial will be in Co lumbia Gardens Cemetery. James, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kurtz, was shot Monday and died yesterday at Arlington Hospital. The accident occurred at the home of Mrs. Louis C. Thompson, 1029 Vermont street, where James was staying while his mother, Mrs. Eliz abeth B. Kurtz, worked at the Ar lington Navy Annex. Arlington Detective Chief C. Bums Pressley declared today the shooting was an accident and the case is closed. Danny Harris, 7, of 1021 North Vermont street, 7, was the playmate who found a 32-caliber pistol in a closet and thought it was a toy, police said. James was shot in the left side. James, who lived at 203 South Oak street, Falls Church, also is survived by a brother, Freddy, and a .sifter, Elaine. Funeral Services Held For Oscar l. Rose, 71 Funeral services for Oscar L. Rose, 71, member of the District Fire De partment for 25 years, were held today in the Anacostia Baptist .Church, Thirteenth and W streets S.E. Burial was in Arlington Cemetery. Mr. Rose, who died Monday in Bethesda Naval Hospital, was a sergeant in the Fire Department when he retired in 1933. He served for many years with Engine Com pany 25 in Congress Heights. Born in Knoxville, Tenn., Mr. Rose came to Washington in his youth A veteran of the Spanlsh-American War, he served eight years in the Navy around 1900. He was Junior vice commander of Dewey Camp, Spanlsh-American War Veterans, and a member of National Masonic Lodge No. 12. Mr. Rose leaves his wife. Mrs. Agnes Rose, and a son, Edward, both of Washington. Mental Hygiene Chapter Elects Dr. Schreiber Dr. Julius Schreiber, director of the National Institue of 8ocial Re lations and resident of Fairling ton, has been elected president of the newly formed Northern Vir ginia Chapter of the State Mental Hygiene Society. Other officers elected Include Mrs. G. A. Justusson, Fairfax Coun ty, vice president; Mrs. Carol Ben son, Alexandria, secretary, and Mrs. Donald Mitchell, Arlington Village, treasurer. Mrs. Melvin Glasser, Arlington, was named ex ecutive secretary. Membership is open to any one in Arlington, Fairfax and Alex andria. MArrmTo Aultems rccclrlnr calr certain meallil facta aai kacwl r <ce cf anr caeelal familr ■: mute. D€RL FUNERAL SERVILE BB/Z Ceorqia Ave. - N.W Deorc/ia 8/00 W. R. Frank Hines, President H’eskinflen't Fertmetl Funeral Hem* Sine* lift 3fes S.H.Mines Company IM1-93-IS-07 Ftnrleentk Strut H.W. He Brmuh Etlebliikmenli COlumH* 712124