Newspaper Page Text
Sratljfi ALSTORK BISHOP FRANK W Oil Monday. July 5 1948. at Freedmans Hos pital Bishop FRANK W. ALSTORK de voted husband of Mrs. Willie G. Aistork. • Friends may call at Boyd s Funerai Home, J23S ”0th si. n.w.. Thursday. July 8. alter * p.m. Remains will lie in state at. the; Galbraith A. M. E. Zion Church. 1114 bth *5 n w from !> 30 a m. Friday, July_ 9 #ntil time of funeral at f p.m. » ANDERSON. ORA. Entered into iner tia! rest on Sunday. July 4, 1948. atGal finger Hospital. ORA ANDERSON of 43 20th st. n.w.. beloved wife of the late. Matthew Anderson loving mother of Mrs. Lula Williams. Mrs. Sarah Murphy. Mis ; Ernestine Myrphy and Miss Looner Ander Ion. She also is survived by sixteen grandchildren, other relatives and many friends Remains resting at the John T Rhine* A- Co. Funeral Home. 3rd and Eye sts s w Funeral and Interment Zachartah. N C AXOM. EDWARD. All present and past grand officers of the A. I u. of Moses are hereby notified to attend the funeral of our late 'brother. EDWARD AXOM- on _{Thursday. July ’ *■ J94H. at 1. - noon, from the Mount Zion Baptist Church. South 19th st. and Glebe rd . Arlington Va Burial services ^eri nesday. July 7. at «::*<> P m at the abo\e 'hUBRO GEORGE"/ GASKINS. G. M TFENE B MILLER Ret. AXOM. EDWARD. Stephens Lodge. No 1345. reouests the Prpspt}0p °A '.V membert at a call meeting at Odd Fellow_ Hall Wednesday. July . 1948, at. . P m Funeral services at Mount Zion Baptist Church. South Glebe rd.. Arlington. Va Thursday. July at 1noon. Thursday g gpICER PETERSON. N. CL EDMOND C. FLEET. Secretary. ■ BALM FRANK. On Tuesday July *>• 194k at his home. 8383 Colesville, rd . BUver Spring. Md- FRANK BAUM- be loved husband of Julia Baum and fat he, of Alice R. Baum Mr. Baum rests at n Warner E Pumphrey Funeral Home. 8434 Georgia ave Silver Spring Md. Notice of services later BERGIN MICHAEL ' On Tuesday, iniv ti 104* at his residence. o - - oth t o , MICHAEL N BERGIN beloved hus «a’n,V » I?heid*imC"FnendBeimay call at the Le* K HnTas« % % "ftSRgfe I J?lyrcsh «tn9aam. 'interment Cedar Hill; Cpmp'pO' _ Th u r'da y July I 1 OAK GEORGE FRAN CIS BROOKS Hp leaves a devoted moth _r wr; Ella Brooks, a si.ster. Agnes Madi *nrv an aunt Mrs Elizabeth Queen, many S?kr*«l.tftg".nd .friends Fmndsm.v *•” *“5"Alexander SPPnpe ♦ H 1«S « ??"* where funeral services will be help Wednesday. July 7. • * 1° a m Interment »t Woodlawn Cemetery. BROTHKR^V^rTH EBnO,,HMo^v beloved wife of Raymond M Brotherton ’F,id xssrswssi'"*. Bro.K MUZZ s e*1 Notice** of*funera 1d a'ter: 1 9*?' HATtFe TBR Y A NT1 lister of E v a JF’illr^ved'bv FXb0en,e< eR'0brwo°nephewT and .g., and friends. Remains res. $ "Tr? where* semTes willJbe held Wednesday July .. at 1 P.m. Interment Payne s Cemetery. BURGE. ROY LEE. On Tuesday Julv rt 104k at the Navai Hospita. K w Surge of 5l3r Kansas ave. n.w . beloved Eum?endFUtnLe°U Barb"™ Sue"and* Boirn.e to£ Burge brother of Addison Burge of fcf°oUrnFng"sun. Iowa George Burge of Muscatine. Iowa and P a. onaw 01 vtlle loss Remains resting at the S. H Hines Cn Funeral Home. 1 11 n n w Notice of funeral iate.. BYARS. EMILY R. On TuefJay. July n ' mve ai her residence. .!*.)! Ca moral ’ • ’ EMILY R BYARS, beloved wife M Winfieid S Byars. Service, and inter men! private. Rock Creek ( \RTER ALEXANDER On, Fr'day. July'". lii-lS- ai Gallinger Hospita - ALEX ANDER CARTER son of the late Annie and Alexander Carter. He ^aves two i, ...... . eh, Simmon: and Came Cat [rr and a host of other relatives and friend' Remains resting at Wilnam 1. a Riith B Tolbert'. Funeral Horn/ I-"' Rth M n » Funeral services Wednesday, duly V at ' Dm. a- the above fimeraj home. Interment in Paynes Cemetery. CHERRY- MATTIE Departed this life Monday*. July 5. H"»K ahher resident. f»V!n™ •&* oV V’ cnrnelim Chmr*" Sb sister of m" Edna Crandall Otner and friends also mourn her pass ing Remains resting at the John T. Rhmes A: Co. Funeral Home. 3rd and Eye iu »w Notice of funeral later. 8.fv«3D.Rfi4n,«n,.^K K'cMFn&n: Md 'tiU SrHl.W^^m?troTfb Vc william . . » Maracibo Venezuela, D'' „s FC Clark of Darnestown Md . Rmhird H Clark of Be.hesda. Md . and Fitrhugh T Clark of Otuhersbunr Md. Remains resting at the S. H. Hines W’sen-^r af°S. ‘Mian-'. W «.V"m "'int^n^n The Plains. Va _ funeral directors. j-WTiilam Lee’s Sons Co. 4th •nd &Aal'- directors U- oC0° Crematorium FRANK GEIER'S SON CO. FUNERAL HOME 3805 14th St. N.W. HObart 21J6 NEW ENLARGED PARLORS FoimerK at 3113 7th St N.W. Established 1 »>•>■ — --- ■ —■— -———— In Caie of Death Call On* of the Lerfest Undertaker* [ in the World Complete Funeral* $95 to $2,000 fryuf Large Funeral Nomet Phone CO. 0432 V. L SPEARK <’<>. K.nh.r successor to nor connected with WA V R Spear. e»<»b‘lLhm'nt 1009 H St. N.W. National CF32 FUNERAL DESIGNS._ GE07C SHAFFER, Inc. ■*YPRF*SfilVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODCTtATE PRICES PHONE NA mnfl Cor. 14th & Eye °p.^ FLOWERS CHAMEERS hcs corrp'ete Shop Fjrsroi Des "ns Speco!» $3. $4, $5. $6, $7. S10, up to $200 -CALL Cham&eM CO. 0432 CHACONAS FLOWERS Beautiful FLORAL PIECES. *5.00 and a* DELIVERED 2500 14 th St, N.W._Phone Dl'. 71*1 ~~ GUDE BROS. CO. Individually designed Wreaths and Sprays Charge accounts opened by phone 121*4 F St. N.W'.—NAtlonal 4*476 Blackistone, Inc. ,m(’7^u BEAUTIFUL FLORAL TRIBUTES, $5 up Phont and Charga It_ C & C FLOWER STORES FLORAL SPRAT. *3.05 CP. DELIVERED Charge Accounts Invited Two Convenient Locations AOS Itth SI N.W. MR- 7133 a.M F SI. N W_ME .101 AMBULANCES._ AMBULANCES DOCTORS CALL j • CHAMBERS • For Ambulance, CO. 6432. i I One of the finest fleets in the world. Rates: $10 up to 10 mile radius. Expert attendant*. « „tL CO. 0432 A ._ Death* CLARK. VIVIAN PETZ. On Saturday July ;j. 19 48 VIVIAN PETZ CLARK of 17 Glenville. Silver Spring. Md.. and Cleveland Ohio, beloved wife of Clayton 3ay Clark, mother of Clayton Gay Clark >r.. daughter ol Mrs. Vinda Phillips Pet/ *nd the late Jonn A. Petz of Baltimore., Md.: sister of Mrs Muriel Petz Fendick of! silver Spring Md.. and aunt of Joan Elizabeth Fendick Services at the S. H 1 -lines Co. Funeral Home 2001 14th st. n.w on Wednesday. July 7 at 2 P m. In erment Arlington National Cemetery COLEMAN. GEORGE E On Monday July 5. 1 948. GEORGE E COLE MAN beloved father of Miss Marian L. Coleman. Remains! resting at Chambers’ Funeral Home 517 11th st. s.e.. until Thursday. July 8. at 1U am Graveside services in Arlington, National Cemetery at 10N10 a m. 7 DAVIS. HENRY HOWARD. On Sunday. July 4 1948 at his residence. White Oak Md HENRY HOWARD DAVIS, beloved husband ol Emmie F. Davis, brother cf Mrs. Rosie Reed. Mrs. Ida Burnett. Mrs. Maude Relliford and Richard Davis. Also surviving are three aunts, one uncle. Wal ter Davis- two brotbers-m-law and a host of other relative* and friend*. Remains resting at the Snowden A Davis Funeral Home. Rockville. Md . after 0 pm Tues day Julv 0. where funeral services will be held on Wednesday. Julv 7. at 1 p m.. Rev. W E William* officiating. Intermen Woodlawn Cemetery. DOWNEV. MICHAEL .1. Suddenly on Saturday, July 1948. at Alexandra Hospital. MICHAEL J. DOWNEY, beloved husband of Helen C. Downey and lather of Michael J. Downev. .ir.. and brother of Mrs. Catherine Folliard and Bernard A Downey. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th s* and Mass, ave n e until * :*»> a-.m . Wednesday. Julv 7. Requiem mass at St. Aloysius Church at 9 a m Interment Arlington National Cemetery o DOWNEY. MICHAEL J. The officers and members of Barry Post No. 57. j American Legion, are reouested to be in attendance at the Lee Funeral Home 4th and Mass, ave n e . on Tuesday. July 0. J948 at 7.15 pm., to attend _ services to be conducted by the National Guard of Honor for our deceased comrade. MICHAEL J DOWNEY. | JOHN F BARRY. Commander. JOHN D DALY. Adjutant. 0 DOWNfcY. MICHAEL J. The officers — and members of Plumber s Local Union No. 5. are hereby notified of the death of Brother MICHAEL J DOWNEY, on July 1948. at the Alexandria Hospital Alexandria Va. Fu neral services from Lee’s Funeral Parlor. 4'h st. and Mass ave. n e.. on Wed.. July 1 at 8:00 am. 0 Fraternally. D C DOW'. Rec Secy. DROLLINGER. EMMA. On Monday. July 5 194* EMMA DROLLINGER of V.}; :th st. north. Arlington. Va . wile of rne lat^ Henry Drollinger. mother of Mrs. j 5 H Breidenoach of Arlington. Va.. and Mr' H R. Rickenbrode of Indianapolis. Ind srandmoiher of Howard Rickenbrode and Mrs. Barbara Newman, both of the Moody Bible Institute Chicago. 111., and uster of Mrs Marian Nelson of Linden, [nd.. and Oliver Pickering of Thorntown. [nd Remains resting at the Ives Funeral Rome. *:m: Wilson blvri . Arlington, la where funeral services will be held Wed nesday-. July '• at *: pm. Interment "raw fords\ ilie Ind. DULIN. LT UOL. THADDEUS R <DSC>. Dn June 194 4 while in combat on the "herbourg peninsula. Lt Col THADDEUS R DULIN 'DSC'. 4th Division 1 Mth In fantry. U. S. Army, son ol Horace and Elton R Dulin of *2L» 1 *» Cathedral ave. n.w. Services will be held at St. Alban s Church on Thursday. July 8. 1948. at in a m Interment Arlington National Ceme tery at 11 am. It is requested that; flowers be omitted 7 , DULIN. LT. C OL. THADDEUS R. Killed in action June *!*'. 1944. Cher bourg Peninsula Francp. Of ficers and members of Thad Du lii: Post No 59. American Le gion. are requested to attend funeral services for LT. COL THADDEUS R DULIN. which are to be held at St. Alban's, on Thursday. July V at In am. Inter ment will be at Arlington National Ceme terv. at 11 a m No flowers. EDWARD DUVALL. Jr.. Comdr ARNOLD SCHAFER. Arij. 4.0,7 EARLE. THETIS II. On Tuesday. July u a? he residence. 03 5 Maryland ave n e . THETIS H EARLE, beloved wife of Edwin M Earle, sister of Mrs. Bertha Gilbert of New Orleans. La . and he late Linwood Philips Friends may call at the lee Funeral Home. 4tli st. and Mass, ave n.e. Notice of funeral later. EDMONSON. S*ANDY R On Saturday. Julv inis, a: Shiloh Va SANDY F EDMONSON husband of the ’ate Bessie Fldmonson. brother of Mrs. Alice M Hill and Edward and Edward L and Georce W. Ed monson Also surviving are other rela tives and many friends. After noon Tues day. July b friends are invited to cal! at the McGuire Funeral Home. 18*JO 9th st. n.w Requiem mass will be offered a’ St Augustine s Catholic Church Wednes day. July ; at 10 a m. IiRerment Mount Olivet Cemetery. # EDWARDS. ELIZABETH S. On Sunday. Julv 4. 194 V at her residence. lS4u Cali fornia st. n.w ELIZABETH S EDWARDS, wife of the late Charles W Edwards, he lmed mo’her of Richard. Luther. Taylor E and Smoot Edwards. Mrs Carrie K Henry. Mrs. Minnie E Gross and Mrs Cora Bum brev She also leaves a host of grand children. grra'-grandchildren, other rela tives and fnends Alter *. d m Tues . July 0. friends mav call at the W. Frnest Jarvis Funeral Church. 143*: U st. n.w. Funeral services Wed., July . at 1 pm. at the Harts Delight Baptist Church. Catleu. Va Relatives and lriends invited. Internment church cemetery. t» EM.IS. HON MADE HAMPTON. On Sunday July 4. 11*4*. at his residence. 1 I4«i Mass ave n.w Hon WADE HAMP TON ELLIS, beloved husband of Dessie Chase Ein- Notice of funeral later. ENGLISH. JAMES L. On Saturday. Julv iP4s. at Freedmen s Hospital. JAMES L. ENGLISH of 1*07 Mh st. nw loving son of Mrs Mary Johnson and the late Jamps English He also is survived bv four aunts. Mr1. Barbara Hawkins. Mrs. | Martha Moore. Mrs. Hattip Ray and Mrs. Henrietta Attorell: one cousin. Mrs. Mar tha Lee a devoted friend. Miss Viola Wise, and a host of other relatives and friends Remains mav be viewed at the residence of his aunt. Mrs. Moore. 8th st n.w . Wednesday. July 7. after *: p.m. Funeral Thursday. July *. at 1 p.m . from the Tenth Street Baptist Church., Idth and R sts. n.w . Rev J. L. Henry of ficiating. Services by Montgomery Bros , ill:5 Florida ave. n.w. 7* FRANCOIS. ANDREE. Suddenly, on Sunday. July 4. 104*. at Lewis. Del.. AN DREE FRANCOIS of 1S1 1 R st. n.w . be loved wile of Tony Francois of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, mother of Miss Anne Francois and Pierre Francois, both of Washington. D. C Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. TPOl 14th st. n w\. on Wednesday. July 7. at N:TO a m : thence to St Matthew's Cathedral. 17th st and Rhode Island ave. n w where the holy sacrifice of the m#' will be offered at }• a m for the repose of her soul. In terment C^dar Hill Mausoleum. GAMBON. EUNICE. On Monday. July ;> 104*. at her residence. 'I'llis North NotMneham st. Arlington. Va EUNICE GAMBON beloved mother of Daisy Gam bon and sister of Mrs. Dora Edmondson. Mrs Alice Henrieri^hn and Orval Spencer. ; Remains resting at th’ Ives Funeral Home •>4; Wilson blvri.. Arlington. Va. where funeral services will be held on Thursday. July v a; p.m. Interment at Columbia Gardens Cemetery. 7 GANTT. ROSE F.. All members of St. Cyprian s Sodality are requested ;o meet at the late residence of Mrs. ROSE E , GANTT 1 :U0 C «t. s e at 7 :.'iO p m. Tues- \ dav. Julv 8. 1 !i4v to recite the rosary. BEATRICE SCOTT. Prefect. I ADDIE MARSHALL. Secretary. GIEEIAM. KATHERINE A. On Monday. Julv IP 4 s at Georgetown University Hospital KATHERINE A GILLIAM, be loved wife of Frank P. Gilliam mother of Francis P and Bernard J Gilliam, sister of Josephine Riley and Nora O'Donnell Funeral from Collins' Funeral Home. ,T8T l l 4'h st n.w . on Thursday. July *• at *To am. Requiem mass at St Gabriel's Church at P a m Relative' and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Ceme tery. ~ GORSUCH. A DO 1,1 A RESER. On Tues ria' July 8 1048. at Suburban Hospital. ADOLIA RESER GORSUCH of 4800 Harlinc lane Bethesda. Md beloved wife of the late Emerson B Gorsuch and mother of Mrs. Aileigh R Burke and Mis' Annanora Gorsuch. Remains resting at the Bethe-da-Chevy Cha=e Funeral Home of Wm Reuben Pumphre.v. Bethesda Md where services, will be held Thursday. July fi. at 1 1 ::jo am. Interment private. Please omit flowers. 1. 104*. ai Gallingcr Hospital. ORMANDA GRAVES of i:04 Veimont ave. n.w She leaves to mourn her passing one brother Minor Graves a niece. Mrs. Martha Graves of Philadelphia. Pa and many other relatives and friends. Friends may call after R p.m. Wednesday at the Mont gomery Bros Funeral Home. 010 Florida ave. n.w Funeral Thursday. July *. at 1 p m.. from the Vermont Avenue Baptist Church. Rev. C T. Murray officiating. In terment Harmony Cemetery. 7* GRAVES. AMANDA. Officers and mem __e. bers of Columbia Temple. No. 4*:-J. I B P O E of W.. are I i notified of the death of Daugh I | ter AMANDA GRAVES Session of sorrow Tuesday. July #>. 104*. at 8:00 p.m. Funeral Thursday. July *. at 1 pm. from the Ver mont Avenue Baptist Church t MARIE MINOR Daughter Ruler. GEORGIANA HENRY. Secretary. GRIFFIN. ROBERT. On Tuesday. July 1. 104*. at the United States Naval Hos pital. Bethesda Md . ROBERT GRIFFIN, beloved husband of Mrs. Lucille Griffin, brother of Mrs. Fannie Bynum. Mrs. Net tie Tasker Mrs. Carrie Martin. Mrs. LiZ7ie Jones and Mr Jim Griffin He also leaves other relatives and friend' Remains at his late residence 0*25 South Patrick st . Alexandria. Va . aftpr D.m Tuesday. Funeral services Wednesday. July . at 1 o m . ai he Community Presbyterian Church. Rev R. B Strong offioia*ing. In terment Arlington National Cemetery. Ar rangements by the Lewis Funeral Home. GRIMSHAW. CAROLINE ELIZABETH. On Mondav. July 5- 1048. at her residence O M S st n w CAROLINE ELIZABETH GRIMSHAW beloved wife ol the late William H Grimshaw. devoted mother of Mrs Ruth G Brown Mrs. Mamie E. Wash ington and Mrs Evelyn B Fletcher aun' of Mrs. Mamie R Tivnor and Stephen T Brooks of Swiftwater Pa. Also sur viving air four grandchildren, four great grandchildren. other relatives and friends After 4 p.m Thursday. July 8. friends aie invited to call at her late residence, where services will be held on Friday. July P. at P:.0» am. Relatives and friends invited Interment Arlington Na tional Cemetery. Arrangements by Mc Guire_ S CEMETERY LOTS. CEMETERY BIRIAL SITES for sale in Fort Lincoln Cemeterr choice lots, sacri fice for Quick sale. Call SH. i§?9. —6 Deaths HARRIS. WARREN ANDERSON. Sud denly, on Saturday. July .'3. 194S. WAR REN ANDERSON HARRIS of 4«4 Clark ct. s.w.. son of Alice and Edward Harris. Also surviving are two sisters Rosie Eliza beth and Ruth Harris.; two brothers. Ed ward. ir. and Thomas Harris; grandpar ents. Estelle and Peter Harris. Elizabeth and Ishits Parham six aiflits, three uncles and many other relatives and friends. On Wednesday. July 7. after 4 p.m.. friends mav call at Eugene Ford's Funeral Chapel. . 1414 4th st. s.w., where prayers will be pffered Thursday. July H. at 10 a m. In terment Payne s Cemetery. * HARVEY. El'CLNE M. On Monday. July i. 104*. EUGENE M HARVEY of 4547 S>w Hampshire ave. n.w.. beloved fathfr )f Mrs. Mane Kinslow. uncle of Miss Lou se Reid. He also leaves other relatives *nd friends. After 11 a m. Wednesday, luiy 7. friends may call at the W. Ernest 1 Jarvis Funeral Church. 1444 You st. n.w Funeral services Thursday. July s, at 4 p.m . at the above funeral church. Rev. Ernest Gibbs officiating. Relatives and friends invited Interment Lincoln Me raorial Cemetery. 7 HAZARD. DAVID L. Suddenly, on Sun day. July 4. 104k. at his residence. 54nd pi Branchville. Md.. DAVID L HAZARD, beloved husband of the late Rachel Irene Hazard and lather of Mirian Waigand Evelyn H. Greene. Elizabeth McCauley and Davil L. Hazard. 3rd. Friends may caii at Gasch's Funeral Home. Hyattsville. Md . where services will be held on Thursday. July K. at 4 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Ceme tery. \ HICKS. MARIE. Departed this life on Monday July 5. 1P4*. at Gallinger Hos pital MARIE HICKS of 1<>4 Virginia ave. s.w.. loving mother of Mrs. Gladys Jones and Mr. Wilbert A Hicks. She also is survived by three brothers, two sisters, other relatives and many friends. Re mains resting at the John T. Rhines Co Funeral Home. 4rd and Eye sts. s.w. No tice of funeral later. HILL. BENNIE. On Saturday. July 4. 1P4*. BENNIE HILL of ISM S st n.w. husband of Clara Hill and father of Mai ne Hill Ivey of Wardell. Wyo.; Leroy and Welton Hill and Marie Hill Ewing'. Other relatives and friends also survive. After \ pm. Tuesday. July t». friends may call at Frazier’s Funeral Home. Inc 4SP R I ave. n.w . where funeral services will be held on Wednesday. July 7. at 1 p.m. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. HOLLAND. WILLIAM F. Suddenly on Sunday, July 4. 194«, at his residence. 1444-A Carrollburg pi. s.w.. WILLIAM F. HOLLAND, devoted husband of Elsie Hol land and loving brother of John Holland. Also surviving are many other relatives and friends. After 4 p.m. Wednesday. July 7. friends may call at Walter E. Hunter s Funeral Home. 4514 Sheridan id. s.e Funeral Thursday. July s. at 14:40 p.m . from the above funeral home. Rev. George Williams officiating Interment in Arlington National Cemetery. IVES. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS. Sud denly. on Monday. July 5. 194*. at the dome of his daughter. Mrs. Glodgett Sage, in Taylor st.. Chevy Chase. Md.. FRED ERICK AUGUSTUS IVES, husband ot the late Edith P Ives. Mi. Ives rests at the Warner E. Pumphrev Funeral Home. *434 leorcia a e.. Silver Sprinz. Md.. where services will be held on Wednesday. July 7, at * p.m. Interment private. 7 JONES. JOSHUA JACKSON. On Mon day Julv 194*. JOSHUA JACKSON JONES of 4 17 Elm st. n w. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by Frazier s Funeral Home. Inc. KEELER. WALTER J On Monday. July 5 194*. at his residence. 11*2 9th st. s.e. WALTER J. KEELER, beloved husband of Violet H Keeler and fathci of Mrs. Bette M Rorman. Miss Barbara B. ana W James Keeler Funeral services at the above address on Thursday. July *. at 3:30 pm. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 7 KETCHUM, KATE H On Saturday. Julv J. 194*. at the Homeopathic Hos pital. KATE H. KETCHUM of *27om Conn, ave n.w., beloved mother of Kathryn H. Shannon of Washington. D C . and F. M Ketchum of Hamilton. Ohio. Services at the S H. Hines Co Funeral Home. *.’991 141h si. li.w .. on Wednesday. July 7. at 1 p.m. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. Baltimore. Md. 9 KIESLER. MRS. MARGARET McBRIDF. Passed away at her home in Millville. N. J. on Sunday. July 4 194*. Mrs MARGARET McBRIDE KIESLER. She is survived bv two sons. William C. of Wash ington. D. C : John of Atlantic City. N. J ■ two daughters. Mrs Elva Sheppard and Mrs Margaret King of Millville, lour Brand children and one great-grandchild Mrs. Kiesler was born in Pittsburgh. Pa March *.’1*91 Burial services will take place on Wednesday. July 7. at 9:30 am. at the home. 1*25 North Third st.. Mill ville. N. J. *5 KONESKI. MILDRED V On Tuesday. July 9 194*. at her residence. '2717 On tario rri. n.w.. MILDRED V KONESKI. beloved* wife ol Edw ard C. Koneski. mother of Robert and Annabelle Stigler ana daughter of Daniel V. Fisher and Anna M Reinhart. Services at Chambers' Fu neral Home. 3ii7*2 M st. n.w.. on Thurs day. July * at in Interment Green lawn Cemetery. Chillicothe. Ohio. « LANGFORD. MACK L. On Sunday . July 4 194*. at Irvington. Va . MACK L LANGFORD, husband of Nell De Fields Langford and brother of ClifF Langford of Orangeburg. S. C : Mrs. F S Hughes of Hampton S. C . and Mrs. Fred W. Lroom of Columbia. S C Friends may call at Gawler s Chapel. J75H Pa. ave. n.w. Serv ices will be held at St. Albans Episcopal Church. Mass, and Wis. aves. n.w on Thursday. July *. at Z pm. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. f LAZO WSKA. MARIAN H Suddenly, on Sunday. July 4. 194*. MARIAN H LA ZO WSK A of 4907 Connecticut ave n w . oeloved wife of Edward 5. a. daughter of Carl H. Wenstrom of Con ned lcir. Services a the S. H Hines Co. Funeral Home ‘2901 14th st. n.w on Weanetiay. July ; at 10 am. Inter ment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 9 MALVIN. ARTHUR <BUMPHY>. De parted this life Friday. July :2.. 194*. at Gallinger Hospital. ARTHUR (BUMPTYi MALVIN. He leaves to mourn his wile. Maggie Malvin; mother, Rosa Maiun: four sisters. Ida Johnson. Roberta Stone. Blanche Jonas and Rosa Lambert: one aunt. Blanche Mudd. three sisters-in-law. five brothers-in-law. other relatives, ana Iriends. The late Mr. Malvin may be Viewed after 5 p.m. Tuesday. July 9. at A. Myrtle st. ne. where services will be held Wednesday, July 7, at 1 p.m. Services by Stewart. McCOMBS. EDWARD JOSEPH. De parted this life suddenly. July *2. 194*. at his residence. 199*2 M st. n.w . JOSEPH EDWARD McCOMBS He leaves two si‘ teps. two uncles, three aunts, a host of relatives and friends to mourn their loss Remains resting at the Bush Funeral Home. 1357 H st. n e The remains can be seen from 19 a m. until J9 p.m. Tues day. FMneral Wednesday at Charlotte. N C. Relatives and friends invited to attend. ft McCQRMICK. CHARLES M. un Sun day. July 4 li»48. at Emergency Hospital. CHARLES M. McCORMICK of M313 Hmde koper pi. n.w.. father of Charles Warren McCormick, brother of Miss Helen T. Mc Cormick. Mrs. Alma V. Maier and John W. McCormick. Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. MMOl 14th st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. MeNERNEY. WALTER C. Suddenly, on Monday. July 1048 at Emergency Hos pital. WALTER C MeNERNEY of 3«*4 Aspen st. n.w.. beloved husband of Irene Williams McNerney. brother of David J. McNernev. Services at the S. H. Hines Co Funeral Home, MIX'! 14th st. n.w. on Thursday July 8. at 10 a.m. Interment Loudon Park. Baltimore. Md. * MESSINK. HENREITTA \. On ‘Sun da v. Julv 4. 1048. HENREITTA A. MES SINK beloved wife of ihe late William Messink and mother of Mrs. Felix <Ph»l* A West, William C Messink and Paul T. Messink. Funeral from her late resi dence. J Mo:» nth st. n.e. on Wednesday. Julv ; at 8-.3ii a m. Requiem mass at St Mary's Church at 0 a.m Relatives and friends invited. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery. * MESSINK. HENREITTA A. The Ladies Fidelity of St Mary's Parish will meet a' up late residence of Mrs. HENREIT’JA A MESSINK l fith st. n.e.. on Tues day, Julv ii at 8 p.m.. to recite the Rosary MRS. HELEN WALTERS. Prefect. MISS MARGARET STUMPH. Secty. fi MEZZANOTTE. GEORGE L. On Mon dav. Juiv .3. 11*48. GEORGE L MEZZA NOTTE- beloved husband of the late Mar garet. Josephine Me/zanotte ana father of Mrs. Irene Tonker. F. L. Mazzanotte. Frances Mazzanotte and J. W Mazzanotte. Friends may call at. his late residence, 3304 Otis st Mount Rainier Md. Fu neral on Wrdne day. July «. at 8:30 am., thence to Holy Rosary Church 3rd and F sts. n w. where mass will be offered at 0 a m. for the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lin coln Cemetery. MILLER. GEORGE A. On Monday. Julv A. 1048. at his residence. MM Hamil ton st n.w . GEORGE A. MILLER, the beloved husband of Fannie S. Miller. la ther of Ashby O. Miller and Mrs. A. D Alford.• Remains resting at Chambers Funeral Home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w., until Tuesday. July ♦>. at J<» P.m. Services and interment Orange. Va.. on Wednesday, July ?. at 1 p.m.. EST. MOSES. BEULAH MAE. Departed this life Saturday. July ;i. 1048 at Gallinger Hospital. BEULAH MAE MOSES She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted hus band. Ozell Moses; a loving mother, three sisters, four aunts, one grandmother, one grandfather and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Horton s Funeral Home. 1.T2M You st. n.w. Funeral seivices Wednesday. July .7. at 1 - noon, at the above funeral home. Rev. S. A Davenport officiating Interment Arling ton National Cemetery. Murphy. JOHN j. On Thursday July 1. 1048. at the Veterans Hospital. Perry °oint. Md . JOHN J MURPHY, beloved lather of Mrs Leona M Matthews He also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 143'J You st n.w. Fu neral services on Friday. July 0. Rf 1 pm- at the above funeral cmirch. Rev. E. L Harrison officiating. Interment Ar lington National Cemetery. Funeral serv ices private. 8 OBOED. FRANCIS S. Members of Washington General Assembly. Fourth Degree. Knights of Co lumbus are notified of the death of Sir Knight FRANCIS S OBOI-D. and are requested to assemble at Chamber's Funeral Home. 14«M» Chapin st. n.w,. on July <v 1**48. at 8:15 pm. for recitation ol prayers GUY R MOORE F M. CHARLES M CONNOR F C. 8 OLSEN. MARTHA. On Sunday. July 4 104*. at her residence. .”>10 Buchanan st. MARTHA OLSEN, the beloved wife of thf , late Christian Olsen and mother of Mrs , Kola O. Forinac and Mrs. Asta Olson She also is survived by several grandchildren and great-grandchildren Services ai Chambers Funeral Home. 1400 Chapin st n w.. on Wednesday. July 7- ai 1 p m Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 6 PAYNE. MACON. On Sundaw July 4 i 1048. MACON PAYNE of M4 T st. nwv husband of Christine Payne and brother of Duval. Jerry. Moses and Sally Payne Mans* other relatives and friends alsc survive. After n p ni. Tuesti. y. July d. friends may call at Frazier's Funera' Horn* Inc . .*>R0 F. I. ave. n w where funera1 unices will bp h6ld on Wednes day Jul v 7 at C:30 P.m. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. i Uratlju PEFFER ELMER LINE. On Priday. July 2. 1948. at his residence. 5460 Ne-j braska ave. n.w., ELMER LINE PEFFER. beloved husband of Frances Peffer; father of Paul R. Peffer of Garden City. N. Y and Dorothy E. Peffer of Washington. D. C. . Services will be held in Carlisle. Pa Tues- . day. July 6. at 3 p.m., at Lutz Funeral; Home. l REILLY. LAWRENCE JOSEPH. Sud denly. on Monday. July 5, 1948. LAW- < RENCE J REILLY of 3202 North 20th rd.. Arlington. Va.. the beloved husband of ' Elizabeth Reilly <nee Ceagan). He also ; leaves one brother, Michel Reilly of Moy cullen. County Galway. Ireland. Remains resting at the W. E. Fitzgerald Funeral.' Home. Arlington. Va. Notice of funeral hereafter. " I RIDER. HENRY SWIFT. On Sunday. July 4. 1948. at the United States Na tional Naval Medical Center. Bethesda. Md . HENRY SWIFT RIDER of 211 East ; Luray ave.. Alexandria. Va.. beloved hus band of Stella C. Rider Remains resting at Chambers Funeral Home. 3072 M sj. n w.. until 1:30 p.m. Wednesday. July 7. Services at Fort Myer Chape!. Fort Myer.,, Va.. at 2 p.m. Interment Arlington Na tional Cemetery. RIDER. HENRY S. There will be a spe cial meeting of Printing Press I_ mens Union No. 1. on Wed-’ ^ nesday. July 7. 1948. at J2:3o l-., pm., in the union office. 1003 j f/ K st. n.w. for the purpose of; attending the funeral of our late brother. HENRY S. RIDER.., JAMES S JUDGE. President. EDWARD P. BEST, Secretary. SAIL. IDAMAY. On Monday. July 5. 1958. in Belmont. Mass.. IDAMAY SAUL <nee Lange), formerly of Washington. D. C . wife of Waldo A. Saul of 27 Whitcomb st . Waverley. Mass. Funeral services at , ihe Brown A Son Chanel. 36 Prapelo rd . Belmont. Mass., on Thursday. July 8. at 2:30 p.m. Interment at Westview Ceme tery. Lexington. Mass. 7 SCHEUCH, EMMA M. On Sunday. July 1948. at Providence Hospital. EMMA M. SCHEUCH. wife of the late Ludwig W. Scheuch and mother of the late Fred C Scheuch. Services at Chamber's Funeral Home. 517 11th st. s.e., on W’ednesday. July 7. at 2:30 p.m. Interment Congres-; sional Cemetery. 6 SILANCE. MARION LOUISE. On Mon day, July 5. 1948 at her residence. 217' 3rd st. s.e.. MARION LOUISE SILANCE «nee Lewis), beloved mother of Mrs. Doris Tangora. grandmother of Charles Francis Clark. sister of Mrs. Wr. F. Grimes. Mrs. F D Russell and Mrs. W. L. Heap: aunt of Mrs. W\ H. Scott. Funeral from the above residence on Wednesday. July 7. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Cedar Hill Cemetery. SMITH. HOWARD ARTHUR. Sud denly. on July 4. 1948. at his residence. 322 Oglethorpe s’, n.w.. HOWARD AR THUR SMITH, beloved husband of Caro line H.. son of John H and Blanche H. Smith, brother of William R. and John J 1 Smith, Barbara Martin and Margaret Up right. Friends may call at his late resi dence where services will be held on Wed-j nesday. Julv at. 10 a.m. Relatives and; friends invited. Interment Arlington Na ional Cemetery. Mattingly Funeral Serv ice. 6 miiih. huuu. un sunaay, July 4. 11*4*. at her residence. I41M Long-: lellow st. n.w . ROENA HOOD SMITH be loved mother of Miss Ethel E Smith of Washington. D. C . Mrs. Loueila Jones of' Chattanooga. Tenn. Everett E. Smith of Harriman. Tenn ; H. Herbert Smith of Miami. Fla. and W. Windfield Smith of, Washington. D. C. She also is survived by , eleven era ndckildren and ten great-grand- ' children. Seiffices. private, at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. *1001 14th st. n.w.. on Wednesday. July 7. at £:40 p.m.1 Interment, private. Rock Creek Cemetery. SMITH. SUSIE B. On Monday. July 5.1 104*. SUSIE B SMITH of 4500 Jay st. n.e. Notice of funeral later. Arrange-! ments by Frazier s Funeral Home. Inc. SOLOMON. CLARENCE GALLAl DF.T. On Monday. July 5. 104*. at his residence., 445 Jefferson st. n.w . CLARENCE GAL LAUDET SOLOMON. beloted husband of Gertrude Fiedler Solomon, brother of Ray Welly of Kansas City. Kans.. and Mrs. I Edna Welty Washington. Seivices at the S. H Hines Co. Funeral Home. £001 1 4th st. n.w.. on Wednesday. July at 4 p.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. SOLOMON. CLARENCE G. A special communication ■. of Lebanon Lodge. No 7. F. A. A. M.. is hereby called for Wednesday, i July . 104*. at £ p.m., at the Masonic Temple. 14th st. and New York ave. n.w . to conduct Masonic services at the funeral of our late bro’her, CLARENCE G. SOLOMON HOWARD H JACKLEY. Ma ter. ARTHUR M. ROBINSON, Secretary. STANSBURY. LAURA G. Suddenly, on Monday. July 5. 104*. at her residence. .V’lO £nd -t n.w.. LAURA G. STANS BURY’. beloved wife of Charles J. Stars l,urv and mother of John H Stansbury! Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home 4th si. and Mass, ave n.e.. where services will be held on Wednesday. July 7. at £; p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. SUNDAY. ELIZABETH L. On Monday. July 5. 104*. ELIZABETH L SUNDAY, be loved wife of the late Jacob G. Sunday and mother of Esmond K Sunday of H750 Fairfax rd . Bethesda. Md. Remains rest ing at the Bethqsda-Chevy Chase Funeral Home of Wm. Reuben Pumphrey. Bethesda Md.. wherp funeral services will be held Tuesday, July H ,at 4 p.m. Interment private. THOMAS. BEATRICE. On Monday. July 5- 104S at her residence, 4*0* Lake land rd . Lakeland. Md.. BEATHICE (THOMAS, loving wife of William Joseph; Thomas She also is survived by two si> rers. Mrs. Ro*a Gross and Mrs Mary Fnid: one brother. Fred Hughes, and many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at her late residence after 4 p m. Wednesday July 7. Funeral Thursday. July * at £ p m , from the First Baptist Church, Lakeland. Md. Rev. J. Franklin, pastor. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Ar rangements by Henry s. Washington A Sons. 7 THOMAS. BEATRICE. Harmony Tem fple. No 44f>. I. B P O. E. of W . of Biadensburg. Md.: You are hereby notified of the death of Daughter BEATRICE THOMAS Session of sorrow will be held at the Elks' Home. Biadensburg. Md.. on Wednesday evening. July 7. 1J*IS. at 7 o'clock Elks' services will bp held at her late residence. Lakeland rd . Lakeland. Md. on Wednesday evening at f* o'clock. Daughters please attend in uniform. Funeral Thursday. July at 1:40 p in., from the First Baptist Church. Lakeland. Md. ELIZABETH E. BISHOP. D. R. FRANCES GRAHAM. Fin. Sec. 7 TUCKER. LEE G. On Tuesday. Julw 6. J 94*. at his residence. £41£ Monroe st. .n.e, LEE G. TUCKER beloved hus band of Eunice W. Tucker and father of; Margaret Lee Tucker. He also is survived' ; by five sisters and four brothers. Serv ices at the S. H. Hines Co Funeral Home £001 J 4th st. n.w . on Thursday. Julv H. at £:40 p.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 7 TURI. ELIZABETH. On Sunday. July 4 194*. at her residence. ELIZABETH TURI of 4-TOrt Halley ter s.e.. daughter of Hen . rietta and the latp Joseph Turi. sister of Mrs. Michael Facchini of Norfolk. Va Mrs. Dennis Grillo. Mrs. Frank Preziotti and Mrs. Charles Preziotti. all of Wash ington. D C . George and Henry Turi of! Philadelphia. Pa. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, r’pnj 14th st. n w on Wednesday. July 7. at 9:.V» a m..1 thence to St. Gabriel's Catholic Church Grant Circle, where the hol.v sacrifice of the mass will be offered at Hi a m. for 'he repose of her soul. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. TURNER. JOSEPH EDWARD. Sudden lv. on Thursday. July 1. 194*. JOSEPH EDWARD TURNER of 1 4rtO T st n.w. I Remains resting with L. E. Murray A- Son., loth st. n w.. where funeral service* will be held on Thursday. July *. at 10:.'iu a m. Interment Arlington National Ceme tery. 7* UMSTEAD. WILLIAM JOSEPH. Sud denly. on Monday. July 5. 194*. at his: romp, .V» Montgomery ave . Kensington Md.. WILLIAM JOSEPH UMSTEAD. be loved son of the late Elizazeth R and William T. Umstead and brother of Anna M Sallie R Willie A. and Maurice A I Umstead. Remains resting at the Be thesda-ChPvy Chase Funeral Home of Wm 1 Reuben Pumphrey. Bethesda. Md. Funeral services Thursday. July *. at St. John s Catholic Church. Forest Glen. Md.. where ! requiem mass will be offered ar lb am. Interment St. Mary s Cemetery, Rockville. Md. . 7 WALLACE. ELIZABETH GILLEM On Monday. July 5. 194$. at St. Elizabeths Hospital. ELIZABETH GILLEM WALLACE of :00t> 10th sf. n.w., daughter of the late James N. Gillem. beloved wife of the late Warren Wallace and sister of Mrs Martina G Brown. Mrs. Gertrude G Tay lor and the late Dr Annie G. Green ♦ Also surviving are three nephew' John R. Gillem. Ralph E Green and John W. Taylor: one niece. Mrs Ernestine T. Acty: a sister-in-law. Mrs. Edna Gilllem: o^her relatives and many friends. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by McGuire. ward. JOHN B. On Sunday, July 4 1048. at Emergency Hospital. JOHN E WARD of :*45 Oslethorpe st. n.w.. be loved husband of Esther B. Ward. Friends may call at the Birch Funpral Home. 3034 M st. n.w.. until noon. Tuesday. July 6. j Services at Berkley Chapel, Middleton. R. I . on Wednesday at 2 p m. In charge of the Chas. A. Hambly Funeral Home of Newport.’R. I. 6 WARDEN. ROBERT IVY. On Monday. July 6. 1048. at Mount Alto Hospital. ROBERT IVY WARDEN. Besides his wife he is survived by four sons. Robert J Archie C. William H. and George F Warden, and a sister. Mrs. W. C. Cole. Services at Chambers Funeral Home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Thursday. July 8. at 1:30 p.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 7 . WARDEN. ROBERT I. Comrades of * Richard J. Harden Camp. No. •J. United Spanish War Vet erans. will assemble at Cham bers’, Funeral Home 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. Thursday. July 8. 1948. at 1 p.m.. to at tend the funeral of our late comrade. ROBERT I WARDEN. Inter ment at Arlington National Cemetery. EDWARD J DOLAN. Commander. HARRY T CHAPIN. Adjutant. WILLIAMS. AMANDA MINOR. On Man-1 day. July 5. 104.". AMANDA MINOR WIL LIAMS of 730 Hobart pi. n.w. Notice of xunerai later. Arrangements by Fiazier's Funeral Home. Inc. WILNER. CAPT. JOHN L. On Ausu-t Irt. 1044. in Nnimandy. Capt. JOHN L WILNER. beloved hus band of Mary O. Wilner and de voted father of Catherine Ann Wilner. He also is survived by his parents. Ida D and Joseph A. Wilner and two brothers. Dr Paul R. Wilner and Morion H. Wilner. Graveside services will be held on Friday. July 0. 1048. at 1 pm. at thr Adas Israel • Congregation Cemetery. Danzansky Fu ineral Service. 8 WILNER, CAPT. JOHN L. Members * of all posts of the D C. De partment. Jewish War Vet erans. are reouested to attend the graveside services for thr late Capt. JOHN L WaLNE*? on Friday. July 0. 1948. a- 1 p.m • at the Adas Israel Con ^ greganon Cemetery. LOUIS GOLDBERG. Commander. FALK HARMEL, Adjutant. • I Funeral Services Are Held For Mrs. Victor Kauffmann Funeral services were held in St. haul's Episcopal Church. Rock Dreek Parish, this morning for Mrs. Victor Kauffmann, 76, widow >f the former treasurer and Sun lay editor of The Star. She died Sunday at her home, 1901 Twenty ourth street N.W., after a long llness. Burial was in the family lot in lock Creek Cemetery. The Rev. Dr. Charles W. Wood, rector of 5t Paul's, officiated. Pfc. John A. Brent ro Be Reburied Here Reburial services for Pfc. John A. 3rent. who was killed in action July: 12. 1944. while fighting with thej Infantry in Normandy, will be held it 2 p.m. Thursday in Arlington Demetery. Pvt. Brent was born in Falls Dhurch, Vs., and was graduated :rom Hyattsville High School. He jvas a member of the National Duard in Hyattsville and entered active service in 1942. Survivors are his mother, Mrs.’ Isabelle G. Brent, 4306 Kennedy street. Hyattsville; a brother, Aldace C. Brent, jr.. Hyattsville. and five sisters. Mrs. Dorothea Burke. Riva, Md.; Mrs. Virginia Crotts and Mrs. Rosa Greenwald. Greenbelt, Md.: Mrs. Isabelle Garmen. Washington, and Mrs. Helen McWilliams, Hyatts ville. Bronson Batchelor Dies; Public Relations Counsel By th* Associated Press NEW YORK, July 6.—Bronson Batchelor. 55, public relations coun sel, died at Doctors Hospital last tight following a long illness. Born at Salem, 111., he started as i newspaperman in New7 York and Washington. After service with the Navy in World War I he entered he public relations field in 1919. In iddition to industrial clients, he was i§sociated with the Republican Party in a number of national ?ampaigns. Services vtill be held in New York rhursday afternoon. Jbatha WOOLLEY. GERTRI'DE V. On Monday. Julv 5. 194K. in Annapolis. Md GEF rRUDE V. WOOLLEY wife ot the late Robert tf Woolley, mother of Mrs. Edgar =t Hill and grandmother ot Edgar R Hill. Jr. Services will be held at Gawler s "hapel. ITSfl Pa *ve n w.. on Wednesday. July T, at 2 p.m. Interment Dallas. Tex. In iHrmnnant BROOKS. MRS. EVA H. AND REV. A'ALTER H. To keep the memory ol our )arents. Mrs. EVA H BROOKS, who died lune -Hi. 1912, and the Rev. WALTER H. 3ROOKS. who died July H, 1945. And His children shall rise up and •all Him blessed. 4L3ERTA B TERRELL. ANTOINETTE B MITCHELL JULIA E AND ALBERT N D BROOKS * CARTER. THEODORE R. In loving nemory of our dear husband and father. rHEODORE R. CARTER, who departed his life seventeen years ago today, July i, 1931. Gone, but not forgotten. DEVOTED WIFE AND CHILDREN • CLEMONS, JOHN. In loving remem trance of my dear husband. .JOHN rLEMONS, who passed away four years igo today. July fi. 1944 Mr heart still aches with sadness. My eves shed many tears: Dnlv God knows how much I've missed you At the end of four sad years. fOUR DEVOTED WIFE EDITH CLEMONS GODDARD. MINNIE M. In loving mem iry of ntv deal mother. MINNIE M. GOD DARD. who let, me sixteen years ago to day. July 9. 1932. God knows how much I miss her. He counts the tears I've shed And whispers. "Hush, she only sleeps. <e Your mother is not dead." Life isn't the same, dear mother. Since the day God called you home; I see your kind and loving face As I walk through life alone. HER LOVING SON JOSEPH E GOD DARD IRVINE. HATTIE GILBERT. In sad but oving remembrance of our dear mother, nandmother T»nd great - grandmother. EiATTIE GILBERT IRVINE, who departed his life suddenly five years ago today. July fi. lfM.'L You lost the earth you knew for greater knowing. , ... 1 ifnu lost the life you had for greater life: You left those you loved for greater loving-.1 ro find a land more kind than home. ^ THE FAMILY. SIMMONS. MART ELLA HARVEY. In Fond memory of our beloved mother and irandmother. MARY ELLA HARVEY SIM MONS who entered life eternal four years .go today. July 6. 1944, When the storms of life have ceased And the mist has rolled away. We'll fold these earthly tents of clay And meet her some sweet day CARRIE AND HELENA. • Rites to Be Held Tomorrow' For Mrs. Roena Smith, 92 Private funeral services for Mrs.1 Roena Hood Smith, 92, a resident of the District since 1910 who died Sunday, will be held at 2:30 pm. tomorrow at the Hines funeral home. 2901 Fourteenth street N.W. Burial will be in Rock Creek Ceme tery. Mrs. Smith, who came here from Harriman. Tenn., died at her home. 1319 Longfellow street N.W., after an illness of six months. A native of Kingston. Tenn.. Mrs. Smith was the daughter of James W. and Anne Bailey Hood, early , settlers of the region. Her husband. Sydney S. Smith, who died here in 1933. was a farmer arid storekeeper in Harriman before they came to Washington. Mrs. Smith leaves two daughters, Mrs. William L. Jones of Chatta nooga and Miss Ethel Smith of Washington: three sons. Everett E. Smith of Harriman, H. Herbert Smith of Miami and W. Winfield Smith of Washington; 10 grand children and 10 great-grandchil dren. Funeral Rites Tomorrow I For Frederick A. Ives Funeral services for Frederick Augustus Ives, 85. a retired New York businessman who died here Sunday, will be held at 8 p.m. tomor row at the Warner Pumphrey funeral home, 8434 Georgia avenue. Silver Spring. Md. Burial will be private. Mr. Ives died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Blodgett Sage, 10 Taylor street, Chevy Chase, Md.. where he had been living for about a year. Before his retirement 30 years ago. Mr. Ives operated a carriage business in New York. He was a native of New Haven. Conn. His wife. Mrs. Edith P. Sage, died two years ago. In addition to his daughter. Mr. Ives leaves a grandson, Lawrence H. Sage of Radburn, N. J. Amador, 93, Widow Of Panama President, Dies By th« Associated Press CHARLOTTE, N. C„ July 6.—Mrs. Marcia O. de Amador. 93, widow of Dr .Manuel Amador-Guerrero. first president of the Republic of Panama, died at her home here yesterday. Mrs. de Amador, who had made her home in Charlotte since 1939. had been in poor health for some time. She came here from Paris, where she made her home for a while. She had'traveled extensively through Europe following the death of her husband in 1909. She was a native of Panama City, where she was often referred to by her people as "the soul of independ ence" and "the mother of her country.” Mrs. de Amador w;as instrumental in the founding of the Republic of Panama, aiding her husband in his efforts to attain'freedom from Co lombia. He was elected President of the Republic in 1903. A. H. Trulson, Publisher Of Swedish Paper, Dies By th# Associated Press WORCESTER, Mass., July 6. Anton H. Trulson, 63, publisher of Svea, Swedish language weekly and president of the Svea Publishing Co., died yesterday at his home. A native of Worcester, Mr. Trul son joined the newspaper, founded by his father, at the age of 12. He became its manager at 21. The weekly completed 50 years of publi cation last fall. ■ k i k 1 B a ] ■ - M. L. Langford Rifes To Be Held Thursday Funeral services for Mac&L. Lang ford, 53, division manager of Safe-j ivay Stores, Inc., in Washington, Maryland and Virginia, will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday in St, Albans Episcopal Chapel on the Washing ton Cathedral grounds. Burial will be in Rock Creek Cemetery. Mr. Langford died Sunday night ifter a heart attack while vacation ng at Irvington. Va. A resident of Washington since 1927, he had been livision manager of Safeway Stores since 1938. He was a native of Brunson, S. C. He leaves his widow, Mrs. Nell Langford, of 3125 Garfield street <J.W.: a brother. Clifford Langford, Drangeburg. S. C., and two sisters. Mrs. F. S. Hughes. Hampton. S. C.. ind Mrs. Fred W. Croom. Columbia, 3. C. The following have been desig nated honorary pallbearers: A. L. Alderman. Thomas N. Beav ?rs. Daniel W. Bell. Donald M. Bar nard. T. A. Cantwell, James A. Cas >idv, Edward Costigan. Justice Ed vard M. Curran, William W. Dean, Bernard Doyle. Dwight Edwards. Dr. W. Marion Falls. Thomas L. Dood. Thomas J. Groom. Elisha Sanson, Col. Leroy W. Herron. , Prancis J. Kane, Thomas R. Keesey. \. D. Kirkland. William E. Leahy ' nnd John A. Logan. Dr. Herbert Martyn. Kirk Miller, Daniel L. Moorman. Harold Muller rhym, L. P. McLachlen. D- N. Pratt, ( Jonn A. Reilly, George A. Sacks. Waiter R. Sacks, Dr. John R. Steel man. John M. Strait, Lingen A. Warren. John H. Wilkins, jr.. C. Wilson Wood. W. H. Williams and J. D. Weymer. j Ml. St. Joseph's to Hold Rites for Brother ftonan By th« Associated Press BALTIMORE, July 6. — Requiem mass for Brother Ronan. C. P. X.. nead of the Latin department of Mount St. Joseph s College, will be said at the college tomorrow. He died & his sleep Sunday. Born John J. Dwyer in Jersey City, N. J., 59 years ago. Brother Ronan entered the Xaverian Order in 1916. ohe year before he gradu ated from Mount St. Joseph’s. He took his M. A. at Catholic Univer-i sity, Washington,, in 1928. A teacher for 32 years, Brother Ronan began that service in Central Catholic §phool. Wheeling, W. Va. Survivors include a sister. Miss Mary Dwyer of Upper Montclair,; N. j.. and^i brother, Patrick A. Dwyer. 9 Former DAR Officer Dies ARKADELPHIA. Ark.. July • 6 Pj.—Mrs. Samuel McKnight Green, 16. former national officer and past Missouri State regent of the Daugh ters of the American Revolution, tied Sunday. fei^jerrp&”Waisb P MORTICIANS 1 4601 5th St. N.W. , P RA. 5461 Waller C. McNemy Dies; With Lansburgh's 20 Years Walter C. McNemy, 60, manager of a sewing machine department at Lansburgh & Bros, department store, with which he was associated for 20 years, died yesterday at Emergency Hospital. Mr. McNerny was stricken with a heart attack Sunday night- while driving with his wife. Mrs. Irene McNerny, near their home at 304 Aspen street. N.W. A resident of Washington for 24 years. Mr. McNerny was a member if Trinity Episcopal Church. He and Mr$. McNerny had lived in Baltimore for several years before coming to the District. Mr. McNerny was born and edu cated in New York City. He had worked as a salesman before being employed with Lansburgh’s. In addition to his widow Mr. Mc Nerny leaves a brother, David G. McNerny of Baltimore. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday at the Hines funeral home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W. Burial will be in Lou Son Park Cemetery, Baltimore. George A. Miller Dies; Retired Virginia Farmer George Andrew Miller. 68, retired Drange County. Va., farmer, died esterday at his home, 642 Hamil on street N.W. A native of Greene County, Va., Mr. Miller was educated there and ;pent most of his life in neighboring Grange County until coming to Washington three years ago. He is survived by his widow, Mr*. ?annie Schuyler Miller, and a son, \shby 5. Miller, both of the Hami lton street address, and a daughter, Mrs. A. D. Alford. Vinton, Va. Funeral services and burial will b« leld tomorrow afternoon in Orange, /a. Leslie McDonald Dies; Southern Pacific Official By the Associated Press OAKLAND. Calif.. July 6.—A heart attack yesterday caused the death of Leslie B. McDonald, 64, rice president in charge of the Southern Pacific Railroad’s Pacific Lines operations. Mr. McDonald was a ntive of Wylie. Tex., and veteran of 46 years with the railroad and Its subsidl aries. POINTING Brick and Stone Walls Guaranteed Against Water Penetration ASHINGTON pi ATERPROOFING 1—' 601 Sa. Capitol St. ME. 3454 ATERLESS Products W. R. Frank Hines, President Washington's Foremost Funeral Home Sinee WS Hla S.HLMlnes Companii 2901-03-0S-07 Fourteenth Street S.W. Columbia 7023-24 So Branch fittablishmentg • * FLIGHT SCHEDULE a • She needs an Extension Telephone. Do von? —._ / ^ One flight of stairs can certainly s-t-r-e-t-c-h when you spend / t **//, ** ***a»t/M ^ the day running up and down. An extension telephone can / ^ "'•W/tj ^ help you cut those trips in half. / °*-Wrr> fnf * ***°»* Mry/e# i But aside from the evervdav convenience of an extension, / //'J "P for /I^L^P^one * / it's good to know that your telephone is near at hand in case / °Jc* '*'0^ f^'fpho^ £ *« of an emergency. / We-fl 4*Vi* **"*/*»« ^ ^ **“*£/ / An extension affords privacy on the line when you’re enter- / *« ^P'W/v * ,*•» «« n^r taming guests. And it may prevent you from missing calls. / ^ a ^ M ^ The cost? Only a few pennies per day. Why not call our / keep ^ «omp/'t**’re worku,'a{*r**L I ' Business Office and order your extension telephone today? ( * **'*'«* /<*". 5* Won t iitPefer 1 _ “ --, ^*Pkone ** *« / -- *®rr*«e. / The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Company / \