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AUCTION SALES. ADAl A. WESCHLER it SON, Auctioneers —Trustees' sale ol detached brick dwelling. No. 3809 Blaine st. n e By virtue of an order of the District Court of the United States for the District of Columbia in Civil Action No. 37-828 the undersigned trustees will sell by public auction in front of the premises on Wednesday the 7th day of July. 1948. at 4 o'clock pm. the following described real estate situate in the District of Columbia, to wit: Lot 11 In Sauare 5048. improved as above Terms: Property wyi be sold subject to the unpaid balance of a building associa tion trust in the amount of about $4,00o. at six per cent payable monthly Over and above said trust, one-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash Balance in equal installments represented by promissory notes of purchaser payable on or before one and two years, with Interest at 6 per cent per annum from date of settlement of sale, payable semi annually. aecured by deed of trust on the property sold, or all rash at option of purchaser. A deposit of *500 required ol purchaser at time of sale. All convey ancing. recording, revenue stamps and notarial fees at cost of purchaser. Terms to be complied with within 30 days from day of sale, otherwise trustees reserve the right, to resell property at risk -and cost of defaulting purchaser after five days' advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in Washington D C or deposit may be forfeited as liquidated damages at discretion of trustees KEN NETH D. WOOD Century Building. BEN LINDAS. 600 7th st. s w., trustees jcl0.17.24.jyl .6_ THOS. J. OWEN A SON*, auctioneers. 435 Southern Building—Trustees’ sale of valu able 2-story row brick dwelling being known as premises number 345 McLean Ave Southwest—By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No 8323. folio 193. et seq . of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the Darty secured thereby, the Undersigned trustees will sell, at public Suction in front of the premises, on Fri ay. the 9th day of July AD 1948. at 4:30 o'clock p m . the following-described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated rs and being Lot numbered One hundred and twentv-seven (127) in John Ft Mc Lean's subdivision in Square numbered Five hundred and forty-six (546). as per olat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Co lumbia. in Liber 13, at folio 192. Terms: Sold subject to a prior building associa tion deed of trust for approximately $3. 242 32. further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale; the purchase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of $250 required. Conveyancing, recording, etc. at purchaser's cost. Terms to be complied with within 30 days, other wise deposit forfeited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. T. W. PARKS. DAVID BYRD, trustees._je25.2S.jy 1,6.8._ ASSIGNEE’S SALE of valuable dining car Bv virtue of the power contained in the chattel mortgage from Mildred A. Gartrell and Woodrow H Harris to Monroe Clay Colonna. dated May 24. 1946. and re corded among the chattel records of Cal vert County. Md in Liber No. AWR No. *.. Folio 392. default having occurred under the terms of said chattel mortgage, the un dersigned attorney-assignee will sell at public autetion at the site of the dininR car. located on Chesapeake ave. between 1st and 2nd sts North Beach. Calvrrt County. Md . on Friday. July 9 1948. at the hour of 2 p m . one dining car. .34 feet bv 11 feet This dining car is suitable for use as a restaurant, ice cream parlor or aimilar business and can be moved to any desired business site Terms of sale: Cash at time of sale or upon final ratification ♦ hereof by the court. A dpposit of $250. will be required a* time and place of sale. LOUIS L GOLDSTEIN. Prince Frederick. Md attorney-assignee under the chattel mortgage_ _—$ 1 mis. J. uni,.! <V .''vj.'*. aui I.uixna, -t.i.» Southern Building.—Trustees' sale of valu able *2-story. semidetached brick-and frame dwelling with modern Improvements, being known as premises 5094 JiN5t street Northeast Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly recorded in Liber S19’2 at folio 594. et seq . of the Land Records of the District of Columbia, and at th.1 request of the party secured ’hereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at public auc tion. in front of the premises, on Monday, the l'2th day of July. A D. 1948. at three o clock d m . the following-described land and premises, situate in the District of Co lumbia. and designated as and beine lot numbered Three Hundred Sixty-seven <3H7> in sauare numbered Fifty-one Hundred Seventy-six (51TH) in the subdivision made by the Suburban Heights Development Company, as Der plat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 1 *2*2 at folio 13; subject to the building restriction lines as shown on said plat and to the agreement set forth on plat recorded in said Surveyor's Office in Liber H3 at folio 48 and in Liber J:24 at folio 9 not to build outside of said lines except as permitted by the building regulations of the District of Columbia, subject to covenants and restrictions of record. Terms of sale; All cash. A de posit of $500 will be required at time of aale. All conveyancing, recording, reve nue stamps, etc., at cost of purchaser Terms of sale to be complied with within thirty days from day of sale, otherwise the trustee* reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cosi of defaulting purchaser, after five days’ advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published In Washington. D C FREDERICK X WILSON. WILLIAM BOWIE. Trustees jyl .3.6,8.10 THOS. J. OWEN & SON. auctioneers. 435 Southern Building.—Trustees’ Sa.e of valuable two-story end of row brick dwel - lng. being known as premises loi 'Thirty third street Northeast. Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No 8090. Folio 07 et seq . of the land records of the District of Columbia and at. the request of the partv secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction in front of the premises on Tuesday the thirteenth day of July. AD. 1948. at. three o'clock P.M.. the fol lowing-described land and premises, situ ate lr. the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot 11 in Square South of Square 5000. in the subdivision made by Myron Daw and Frank J. Murphy. Jr . as per plat recorded in the Office o? the Surveyor for the District of Co lumbia in Liber 117. Folio 19. Subject to the bulldirg restriction line as shown on said plat, not to build outside said line, except as permitted under building regulations of the District of Co'umbia, and to further agreements of re. ud. Term*: Sold subject to a prior building association deed of trust for approx’ mately $4 660.39, further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale, the purchase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A 'deposit, of $500 (to required. Conveyancing, recording, etc . at purchaser's cost. Terms to be com plied with within thirty days otherwise deposit forfeited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. W. H. LAWTON. IT S FTSHFR. Trusteesjy‘ 1 *! AUCTION SALES.__ THOS. J. OWEN & SON. Auctioneers. 435 Southern Building—Trustees' sale of valu able two-story brick building, being known as 1225 K st. s.e. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded in liber 81J5 at Folio 217 et seq . of thf Land Rec i ords of the District of Columbia, and at : the request of the parties secured there by. the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction, in front of the premises on Monday, the twelfth da,T of July. 15*48. at ft o'clock p.m . the following described ! lend and premises. Mtuate in the Dis trict of Columbia, being described as Lot No Forty <4U>. in Joseph A. Settle’s sub division of lots in square numbered Ten Hundred Twenty-three *1023). as per pldt recorded in the Office of the Surveyor i for the District of Columbia, in Liber 14 at Folio 78. Terms: Soid subject to a • nrior deed of trust of approximately $2,780. further particulars of which will be announced at time of .-ale: the pur chase price above said trust to be paid in cash A deposit of $500 required. | Conveyancing, recording, revenue stamps, etc. at purchaser's cost Terms to be compiled with within thirty da>s. other wise deposit forfeited and the property may be advertised and resold «.t the dis cretion of the trustees. Adjustments to .be made as of date of sale. HERMAN MILLER and FRANK PARONI. Trustees. JOSEPH LAPIANA. Jr.. attorney ior trustees, 1012 17th st. n.w. Washington, D. C. jy 1.3.0 8.10 ADAM A. WESCHLER a SON. auctioneers I —Trustees' sale of men's clothing, fur nishings. fixtures, modern Meilink safe, show cases, cash register, radio-record Player, etc. By auction at 1120 7th st. n.w., Wednesday. July 7, 1948, lu am. New men's furnishings, etc., including hats. caps, gloves, shirts, underwear, sweaters, suspenders, hosiery, mufflers, trousers, ties, belts, pocket knives, dice, hair clippers, shears, sun glasses, used watches, etc.; also 200 men's used suits, top. rain, sport and overcoats: leather ; jackets, etc ; also modern Meilink steel safe, plate glass, floor and wall display cases, shelving, garment racks and cases, i counters, old National cash register, step ladder. etc In re chattel trust reco-rird April lb, 194b. as instrument No. 3 27b. Recorder of Deeds Office. D. C. MYRON i GARFINI’LE. HERBERT GARFINKLE. Trustees. SIMON FLEISHMAN. Attorney for Trustees. J331 G st. n.w. jy2.5,b. THOS. J. OWEN A SON. auctioneers. 435 Southern Building.—Trustees' Sale of valuable two-story row brick dwelling, being known as premises 5027 Eads street Northeast. Bv virture of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No. 8340. i Folio 13 et seq , of the land records of j the District of Columbia, and at the I lequest of the party secured thereby, the [ undersigned trustees will sell, at public i I auction in front of the premises, on Tues day the Thirteenth day of July AD. 194S, at Three-thirty o'clock P.M . the following described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot 4 7 in the subdivision *y Smith and Gottli?b. Inc., of lots in Sauarc ; 5229. as per plat recorded in the Office j of the Surveyor for the District of Co- , lmbia in Liber 120 at 79. Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed of trust for approximately $5 430.34. further par ticulars of which will be announced at time cf sale: • the purchase price above said trust to be paid in ca.'h A deposit of $500.00 required. Conveyancing, record ing. etc., at purchaser's cost Terms to be complied with within thirtv days, otherwise i deposit forfeited and the property may i be advertised and resold at the discre tion of the trustees. HENRY STEARMAN. ABNER FRANK. Trustees. jy2.6.8.10,12 THOS. J. OWEN A SON. auctioneers. 435 Southern Building. Trustees' sale of valu able two-story semidetached frame dwell ing. being known as premises number 1243. Morris load southeast, dated May 18. 1948. being Instrument No. 19910. recorded May 22. 194*. By virtue of a certain deed of trust amcTig the land records of the Dis trict of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the under signed trustees will sell, at public auction in front of the premises, on Monday, the twelfth day of July. A.D 194*. at three thirty o'clock pm., the followirtg-de scribed land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being part of Lot 221 In H. A Gris-; wold, et al. subdivision of Lot 8 in the ! Talburt Estate. ' Chichester." as per recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber County 6 at folio 53. described as follows; Be ginning for same at a point on Morris road, with the northwesterly line of said lot and along the line cd said road, easterly 20.03 feet to the northeasterly corner of said lot; southerly along the most easterly line of said lot. 142.92 feet to the lone of the land conveyed to Aaron Sheanear et al. by deed recorded in liber 1940 at | folio 275. westerly along said line to the I line of the alley created in liber County 6 a- liber 53 and along said line of said alley and westerly line of said lot. 144 18 feet to the beginning; known a Lot 807 in Square 5805. Terms of sale: Sold fub 1 ’ect to a prior building association first, deed of trust for approximately $3,652.30 and a prior second deed of trust for ap proximately $3,009.85. further particulars i of which will be announced at time of sale; the purchase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of $500.00 required Conveyancing recording, etc., at purchaser's cost. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit I forfeited and the property may be adver ! tised and resold at the discretion of the trustees LEWIS GILES. Jr . THOMAS H. COUNTEE. Trustees. Je30jy2.6.8,10. LEGAL NOTICES. GORMAN * GATLET. ■TIO Columbian Building. Filed May 27. 1048. Harry M. Hull. Clerk IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United Slates for the District of Co- I lumbia.—ARCHIMEDES L. A. PATTI, et al.. Plaintiffs, vs. JENNIE WHITNEY, or ( her unknown heirs or devisees, if sne be dead. Defendants.—Civil Action No. 1.10 48—ORDER OF PUBLICATION.—The ob- j ject of this suit 4s to perfect title in Dlaintiffs. bv adverse possession, to Lots 2.0 and litl in Square 1622 in the District of Columbia. Upon motion of the plain itffs. it is bv the Court this 27th day of Mav. 1P4S. ORDERED that the de-j fendant. JENNIE WHITNEY, or her un known heirs or devisees if she be dead- 1 cause their appearance to be entered herein on or before the first rule day occurring after the expiration of three months from the day of the first publica tion hereof, otherwise the cause will be proceeded with as in case of default; PROVIDED a copy of this order be pub- I lishfd twice a month for three months in the Washington Law Reporter and The Evening Star Newspaper before said day. tSi T ALAN GOLDSBOROUOH. Justice. (Seal ) A True Copy. Test: HARRY M. HULL, Clerk. By EDITH M FOX. Deputy Clerk. je 1,15.Jyfl.ffO.»u3.1 < • Funeral Thursday Set For Wade H. Ellis, 82, Lawyer Since 1890 Funeral services for Wade H. Ellis, 82, attorney who died Sunday at his home at 1440 Massachusetts avenue N.W., will be held at 3:30 p.m. Thursday at Gawler’s fu neral home, 1750 Penn sylvania avenue N.W. Burial will be in Rock Creek Cemetery. Mr. Ellis served as assistant to the Attorney General in'the Theodore Roose- j velt administra- I tion. | A member of | tuu uai ctiivv 1890, Mr. Ellis Mr. Ellis, was editor of the Cincinnati Tribune and the Commercial Tribune from 1895 to 1897. He also was attorney general of Ohio and left that office in 1908 to become assistant to the United States Attorney General. In 1910 he entered private law practice here. At the time of his death he was a member of the firm of Ellis, Houghton & Ellis. The other Ellis j was his younger brother, Challen B. Ellis, who died last January 31. Before the 1908 Republican con vention, which nominated William Howard Taft, Mr. Ellis was asked by President Roosevelt and Mr. Taft to draft a platform to be submitted to the convention at Chicago. Mr. Ellis’ draft was substantially the one adopted. Mr. Ellis appeared before the Su LEGAL NOTICES. JOHN P. LABOKISH, Attorney at Law.1 Investment Building. Washington, D- C. ! IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Colum- ' bia. Holding a Probate Court.—In re: | Estate of JESSE JEROME WHITTLE. De ceased. .— Administration No. 656*29. — ORDER FIXING NEW DATE FOR TRIAL AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION — The notification as to the trial of the i issues in this case relating to the validity of a paper writing alleged to have been made on or about March 1*2. 1934. pur-; porting to be the last will and testament; of Jesse Jerome W'hittle. deceased, having j been returned as to the unknown heirs at ! law and next of kin of said decedent "Not ! to be found." and the United States o! America and the District of Columbia having had notice thereof, it is by the, Court this *21 st day of June. 1948. ORDERED. That said issues be set down [ for trial on the 18th day of October 1948. and that this order and said issues be published once a week for four successive weeks In The Washington Law Reporter and twice a week for the same period in The Evening Star, said issues being as follows: T. Did Jesse Jerome Whittle, now deceased, ever make and execute, according to law, a last will and testa ment? 22. If the decedent. Jesse Jerome Whittle, did make and execute, according to law. a last will and testament, what was the date of said last will and testa-j ment? 3 If the decedent. Jesse Jerome; Whittle, did make and execute, accord-; mg to law. a last will and testament, was said Jesse Jerome Whittle, at the time of the execution by him of said will, of sound and disposing mind, and capable of executing a valid deed or contract? 4. If the decedent. Jesse Jerome Whittle, did make and execute, according to law. I a last will and testament, has diligent j search been made therefor, without dls-[ covery of said original will? 5. If your answers to Issues Nos. 1. 3, and 4 are Yes.’ what were the provisions of said will? 6. If the decedent. Jesse Jerome; Whittle, did make and execute, according to law. a last will and testament, and said last will and testament bore the date vou have set forth fn answer to Issue Noj, *2. ts it a fact that said last will and testament was not destroyed by said j decedent, or with his knowledge or con-; sent*’ 7 If the decedent Jesse Jerome Whittle, did make and execute, according to law. a last will and testament, and said last will and testament bore the I date vou have set forth in answer to Issue No. fi. did said last will and testa ment remain unrevoked at the time of; his death?" EDWARD M. CURRAN. Jus- | tice. Service Acknowledged slune 14. 1948., HELENA D. REED. Asst. U. S. Attorney. Service Acknowledged June 15. 1948. RALPH D. QUINTER. Jr.. Asst.* Corp. Counsel. (Seal.) A True Copy. Attest. ; MELVIN J. MARQUES. Deputy Register of Wil's for the District of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court. . JeCP.jyS.B. WILLIAM J. CHISHOLM. Uninn Trust Bldr.. DI. 0908. Filed June *21. 1948. Harry M. Hull. Clerk IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Co lumbia.—In Re Application of Charles Melvin Gray, an infant, by Jessie W | Myers, his next friend, for Change of Name.—Civil Action No. 2ol3- 48 — ; Charles Melvin Gray, having filed a com plaint for a judgment changing his name , lo Charles Melvin Myers, and having an- i plied to the Court for an order of publica tion of the notice required by law in such rases, it Is. by the Court, this *21 st day of June. 1948. Ordered .that all persons concerned show cause, if any there be. 1 on or before the 17th day of Julv, 1948. I* why the prayers of said complaint should not be granted: Provided. That a copy of i this order be published once a week for , three consecutive weeks before said day In i The Evening Star and the Washington!! Law Reporter. !S) T. ALAN GOLDS BOROUGH. Justice. (Seal.i A True: 1 Cnpv. Test: HARRY M HULL. Clerk. ; By ELLA McDONALD, Deputy Clerk. ! i iei222.29Jy6. f preme Court In many notable cases involving constitutional law. Among them were Muskrat against the United States, involving the power of the Supreme Court to render a declaratory judgment, and the Ad kins vs. Children's Hospital "min imum wage case," decided in 1923. In this case, which Mr. Ellis won, the right to force a minimum wage was held invalid. In the same year . Mr. Ellis was appointed by the Supreme Court as special master to make findings in the historic dispute between New York and Massachusetts involving the title to valuaWe lands on Lake Ontario. He also served as counsel to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in an investigation of Russian prop aganda. Mr. Ellis was also a close friend of President Woodrow Wilson. Held Honorary Degrees. A native of Covington, Ky., Mr. Ellis was graduated from Washing ton and Lee University in 1889. He received an honorary doctor of laws degree there in 1909. five years after obtaining that degree at Miami Uni versity. In 1923 Lincoln Memorial University gave him the degree of doctor of letters. Mr. Ellis was the author of "Ellis’ Ohio Municipal Code,” a standard LEGAL NOTICES._ NEWRATH and SNYDER. Attorneys DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia, Holding Probate Court.—No. 71.30., Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice. That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia, has obtained from the Probate , Court of the District of Columbia. Letters Testamentary on the estate of H. (Hyman) Tabb. late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated. _to the sub scriber. on or before the 15th day of June. AD 1 f)49; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this loth dav of June, 1948. DAVID E. SNYDER. 1115 15th St N.W (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. _Je22.29.Jyfi. GUY, WARDER and MANN. Attorneys. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 70.867, Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia, has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters Testamentary on the estate of Laura W. Sharer, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the sub scriber. on or before the 15th day of June. AD 1949; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 15th dav of June. 19(8 WALTER B. GUY. 917 15th St. N.W. (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Cleric of the Probate Court._Je22.29.Jyfi. [ McNeill A FULLER. Attorneys. 815 15th Street N.W. ■N THE MUNICIPAL COURT OP THE District of Columbia.—ELIZABETH C. JABBIT. Plaintiff, vs GOTHAM SILVER CO, INC. Defendant.—No. A-25047.-— The obje-t of this suit is to recover the um of 81,200.00 which plaintiff loaned Iefendant. which Is past due and owing o plaintiff and to have judgment of eon iemnation of certain property of the iefendant levied on under an attachment ssued In this suit to satisfy plaintiff's ■laim. It is therefore, this 24th day of lun». 1948. ordered that the defendant ippear In this Court on or before the ortieth day. exclusive of Sundays and egal holidays, after the day of the firs' jubliration of this order, to defend this ,uft and show cause why said condem lation should not be had: otherwise the in it will be proceeded with as in case >f default. By the Court: June 24. 1948 S > FRANK H MYERS. Justice. <Sen 1 •. S true copy. Test. WALTER P. TRAM HELL. Clerk. By RICHARD A TRAM HELL. Deputy Clerk._jc28jyfl,13 607 McLachlen Bldg. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Bolding Probate Court.—No. 71.270. Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Dolumbia. has obtained from the Probate Dourt of the District of Columbia, Ancil lary Letters of Administration. C. T. A., bn the estate of Otis G. Merrill, late of the State of West Virginia, deceased. All oersons having claims against the deceased ; are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authen ticated to the subscriber, on or before the 15th day of June. A.D. 1949; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 15th day of June. 1948. HAT TIE B. MARTIN. *25 22nd 8t. N.W iSeal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Co-1 lumbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. .1e22.29.jyB. lVHITEFORD. HART. CARMODT A WILSON. Attorneys. 815 15th St.. N.W. _ DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Bolding Probate Court.—No. 71.297. Ad-: ninistration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Dourt. of the District of Columbia, Letters if Administration on the estate of Opal .ee Everage. also known as Opal Hltten nark and Opal Lee Hlttenmark. late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons laving claims against the deceased are here iv warned tc exhibit the same, with the 'ouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to he subscriber, on or before the 10th day if June. A D 1949: otherwise they may >y law be excluded from all benefit of said state Given under its hand this 24th lay of June. 1948. HAMILTON NATION AL BANK OF WASHINGTON. By: F. P BARMAN. Jr. Vice President. iSeal.) ,rtest; MELVIN J. MARQUES, Deputy Rea der of Wills for the District of Columbia, 'lerk of the Probate Court, je29.iyfi.13. --^ I New design! New sizes! New wheelbases! Far in front with fine new features! • Advancements not available in any other trucks . . . cab steps enclosed . . . 22.8% more window and windshield vision! • All-weather comfort that’s a driver’s dream! Amazing handling ease! • Come in now and see this Studebaker super line of fine new trucks for ’49! LEE D BUTLER. INC. 1121 21 st St. N.W. HILLWOOD MOTORS Foil* Church, Vo. Vo. Liconit No. 370 McNEIL MOTORS 1418 P St. N.W. AMERICAN SERVICE CENTER Arlington, Va. Vo. Licento No. 27 NELSON MOTORS College Pork, Md. HARDY RICHARDSON MOTOR SALES CO., Alexandria, Vo. Va. License No. 675 Worlds easiest trucks to service! Everything under the hood is within easy arm's reach for you. No standing on a box to get at the engine or ignition — no fumbling under the dash panel to adjust the instruments or accessories HILLER MOTORS Silver Spring, Md. BENNING MOTORS 1600 Benning Rd. N.E. MARTIN MOTOR SALES leHtisdi, Md. LIE D. SUTLER, INC. 1534 Pi. An. S I. S.E. Midi work on the government of cities in Ohio, and of "The Appeal of the Bible,” a popular study of the his tory and literature of the Bible. He was a member, among other clubs, of the Metropolitan, Uni versity, Chevy Chase and Congres sional Clubs of Washington: Phi Beta Kappa. Queen City Club of Cincinnati, the Columbus Club ol Columbus, Ohio, and the Lawyers' Union League and Grolier Clubs of New York, the District and Amer ican Bar Associations. Owned Historic Estate. Mr. Ellis owned a historic estate, Rippon Lodge, near Woodbridge, Va.‘ The lodge was built in 1725 by Col. Richard Blackburn, the architect of LEGAL NOTICES. PAIL B. ELCAN, Attorney. Columbian Boildins __ 1 DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia Holding Probate Court.—No. 70*74. Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia, Letters of Administration, C. T. A on the estate of Herbert Graff, late of the District ol Columbia, deceased All persona hav-i mg claims against the deceased are here by warned to exhibit the seme, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 75th day of March. A.D. 1949. otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate Given under its hand this 74th day of June. 1949. AMERICAN SECURITY AND TRUST COMPANY, By WM S FRENCH Jr.. Assistant Trust Officer. 'Seal.) Attest: MELVIN J. MARQUES. Deputv Register of Wills for the District of Co.umbia, Clerk of the Probste Court.1 jt79.fy6.13. Mount Vernon and a collateral an* cester of Mr. Ellis. Mr. Ellis is survived by his widow, Mrs. Dessie Chase Ellis, whom he married in 1894. Burial will be in Rock Creek Cem etery. LOANS REAL ESTATE firiiti elans, iMlttlai IMI-Itra asaatklr caracals, at farsrakl* rata. FIRST DEED OB TRUST ONLT RENTALS—S ALES—INSURANCE GEORGE I. BORGER MS liliasa Art. N.W. NA. MM TRANSGULF II CORPORATION Common Stock PRICE $1.00 PER SHARE I Prospectus “OYL” Sent an Request L D. Sherman Co. 1108 16th St. N.W. Washington 6, D. C. Republic 8676 Factory Sale TABLE PADS H • WE ALSO RECOVER YOUR OLD PADS Pk.nt «r writ* it< • mInbii will call t* aiaian pair takl* an< ak*w r*a aamaiea. Calle Mada Day ar Evaning Within a 20-Mila Radiua Extra hearp and w**4xraia pada at rreatlp r«4a«4 art***. All Pada Manufactured in Waahingtan POTOMAC TABLE PAD CO. 810 F Street N.W. EX. 5524 -manufacturers JULIUS LANSBUBGH’S JULY / SAVE FROM 25% TO 33}% Sorry . . . A!o Phone Orders Accepted . . . Limited Quantities Formerly $269 2-PIECE KROEHLER LIVING ROOM SUITE Famous Kroehler quality . . . and you save $150. Sofa and club chair have handsomely styled bolster arms with slender blonde frames. Has floral-pattern beige tapestry, coil spring comfort, sturdy hardwood frames. Use the Convenient “JL” Budget Plan ^ * .. ■v ^ " 1 V r w > Hoover Vacuum Cleaners Factory rebuilt with 1-yr. guarantee. $00.88 NOW JmMm V) Custom Mode Slip Covers Asstd. prints and solid col ors (for regular sofa and regular chair). Were $69.00 Now $4900 V___J Alt Metal Chaise Lounge Weather-repellent cover; in osstd. colors. Was $29.9S NOW *21 M V__J LIVING ROOM FURNITURE Was NOW 2-pc. Modern Tapestry Living Room Suite.-- 279.00 169.00 2-pc. Grand Rapids Living Room Suite- 398.00 229.00 2-pc. Knotty Pine Living Room Suite- 219.00 169.00 2-pc. Modern Mohair Living Room Suite- 269.00 189.00 2-pc. Sectional Sofa (smart patterns)-219.15 179.00 Duncan Phyfe Sofa (Mahogany frame)-- 249.00 169.00 Regency Sofa (Silk damask covering)-- 298.00 169.00 Love Seat, Mahogany frame (Tapestry)-149.00 79.00 Regency Style Love Seat (fringe trimming) 249.00 119.00 ' DRAPERIES, CURTAINS, ETC. Was NOW Tailored Marquisette Curtains (78" long)/, pr. 2.95 1.95 Bath Mat Sets (asstd. colors)- 3.95 2.95 Cotton Gaborone Summer Drapes (floral designs) - ___ 12 95 »95 Fonda Blankets, floor samples (soiled) - - 2.95 2.95 Pearce All-wool Blankets as is,—floor somples 19.9j 6.50 Beacon Blankets (asst, colors) os is- ®.95 4.95 Silverdale All-wool Blankets (as is)- 12 95 6.95 BEDS AND BEDDING Was NOW Folding Cot with Mattress - 26-50 It'tn Twin Studio Couch (spring-filled cushions). 98.00 67.50 Simmons Studio Couch (with back and arms) 09.95 79.00 Modern Sofa Bed (Tapestry cover)- '09.00 77.50 Duo-Twin Beds (with Innerspnng Mattresses' 119.00 83.95 3 1" Nationally-advertised Box Springs- 39.95 19.95 Mahogany or Maple Finished Beds...-■--- 39.95 16.95 Hollywood Beds with Innerspring Mattress- 69.95 59.50 CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS Was NOW Kroehler Modern Lounge Choir (blond frame) 79.95 39.95 Lounge Wing Choirs (tapestry) - 29.00 69.50 Modern Lounge Chair (tapestry) -------- 5.00 49.95 Modern Tub Lounge Chair (tapestry)- 19.00 39.95 Fan-Back Chair (tapestry covered'- '*9.00 69.50 Platform Rockers (upholstered with tapestry) 79.50 59.00 BEDROOM SUITES Was NOW 3- pe. Modern Walnut Veneered Bedroom Suite 259.00 198.00 4- pc. Modern Limed Oak Bedrom Suite- 379.00 298.00 3- pc. Walnut Veneered Bedroom Suite- 298.00 179.00 4- pc. Mahogany Veneered Bedroom Suite- 398.00 269.00 4-pc. Mople Bedroom Suite___- 329.00 219.00 4- pc. Modern Bedroom Suite- 319.00 239.00 ODD BEDROOM PIECES Was NOW Modern Walnut Dresser (Plate Mirror)- 149.95 89.00 Enameled Dresser (Large Plate Mirror)- 89.00 44.95 Mahogany Chest of Drowers- 39.95 29.95 Modern and Poster Beds- 29.95 to 39.95 16.95 18th Century Mahogany Dresser- 99.50 59.00 Cherry Nite Table (with Drawer)- 19.95 12.95 Extro Large Mahogany Chest-on-Chest- 159.00 99.00 Maple and Mahogany Vanity Benches- 12.95 6.95 Boudoir Choir (Cretonne), spring seat- 39.95 27.50 FRINGED SUMMER RUGS Was NOW 9x15 Reversible Fringed Rug- 44.95 35.00 9x12 Reversible Fringed Rug- 34.95 27.00 8'3"x!0'6" Reversible Fringed Rug- 31.95 25.00 6x9 Reversible Fringed Rug_ 22.95 18.00 54x90 Reversible Fringed Rug- 15 95 12.00 36x63 Reversible Fringed Rug- 6.95 5.00 27x54 Reversible Fringed Rug--- 4.95 3.90 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Was NOW 5- pc Porcelain Top Breakfast Suite (os is).. 79.95 49.50 Metal Wardrobe (Brown finish)- 24.50 15.95 Chaise Lounge (Cretonne covered)- 39.95 26.95 Stowoway Cedar Chest (Walnut) veneered 89.00 67.50 5-pc. Mahogany Veneered Dinette Suite- 99.50 79.50 Walnut Veneered Server- 42.50 24.50 Mahogany Veneered Server- 69.50 39.95 Walnut Occasional Table- 29.00 19.00 Walnut-finished Sewing Cabinets- 12.50 8.95 7-pc. Bleached Mahogany Dinette Suite- 329.00 249.00 Mahogany Buffet (Credenza style).. 119.00 69.00 Portable Bar (Bakelite top), floor sample— 89.00 59.00 -v X--\ ( \ Studio Couch Covers Floral-Print Designs Were SIS.95 $0.95 now y l J f 3-Pc. Sectional Sofa High arm type Sectional Sofa in Gray Tapestry. Was S199 NOW $l59-°° ^_I_J 9x12 All-Wool Axminstor Rugs by famous maker Were S69.9S how s4950 V_I-J