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STORAGE t Household Goods J.OW RATES—ESTIMATES J Modern Fireproof Warehouses Merchants Transfer & Storage Co. 920 E St. N.W. NA. 6900 32 Area War Dead Among 4,842 Aboard Transport From Italy Thirty-two District area war dead are aomng 4,842 Americans who lost their lives in World War II whose remains have been returned to this country from Italy aboard the Army transport Carroll Victory, the Army announced today. Armed forces dead originally ji buried in temporary military ceme teries at Nettuno and other points In Italy are among those returned to this country. Following is a list of war dead from the District and Maryland and Virginia returned at the request of next of kin, who are also identified: Pvt. George M. Abdo, Army, Marian Abdo, 802 Ninth street N.E.; Pvt. Oren R. Hampton, Army, Ed ward C. Hampton, 1705 Lang place N.E.; Pvt. Harry J. Heck, Army, Mrs. Dorothy H, Dalton, 312 E street N.E.; Col. Jarrett M. Huddleston, Army, Mrs. Helen M. Huddleston,; 1051 Idaho avenue N.W.: Second Lt. Chester James, Army, Mrs. Grace James. 231 Anacostia road S.E.; First Lt. Benjamin C. McCartney, Air Force, Albert J. McCartney, 1302 Eighteenth street N.W. Also First Lt. Paul G. Mitchell, Air By Public Demand We Continue Thru July 17th I ili _ // WTMAHYWWt OB*PPO»mO WH« W SWB »» _ unufi NEW FRESH STOCKS PLUS •SSJSi*—«— I S50%W S5O»0tt Does the Job Like t an All-Night Rain * Eightem-Tcat i SOIL-SOAKER Keg. f 2.20 1.19 J Gets way down to thirsty » roots! Mildew resistant S ranvas. t Every One. a Bargain | LAWN, GARDEN and j HOME NEEDS j lawn Mower, 16-in. cut, $1Q AC J Reg $26.50 .1 5,15,0 J Grass Whip, long handle QQ { Reg. $1.39. ,0° i lawn Sprinkler, revolving, A QQ 5 Reg. $4 50 .0,5,0 J Spading Fork, 1 CO + Reg. $1 98 } Westinghouse Vacuum 37.95 \ Cleaner, Reg. $49.95 . £ Willow Clothes Basket, A 0-j} # Dust Mop QQ Reg. SI 23 . 5 Wastebarket, jumbo site QQ £ Reg. $1.00 ,00 * Garbage Can, galvanized 1 QQ J 10-gal. size, Reg. $2.49 1 J Kitchen Stool, metal, 3 3B f Reg. $3 98 J For Use In < Power Tools J .j 4 Seven-Piece High Speed Drill* are graduated In size • • from Vlfl-inrh to li-lnch. l! Made of special carbon steel. £% $2-49i <► . » 3.6 H.P. ' Outboard I MOTOR| X‘8- SOQ.50 * $10495 09 ; A completely new. single * cylinder motor. Gives quick- $ er starting, quieter opera- e tlon, lower Idling speed. 1 ... no unsightliness following garden dusting! A few strokes of the exclu sive EndoPest dust gun envelops your plants in an almost-invisible protect ing film . . . gives you control over most chewing insects, sucking insects and fungus diseases! Refills, 59c GARDEN HOSE Reg. $8.95 50 ft. *6 65 I Hat greater quantity of rub ber and heavier reinforcing yarn for longer life. Reg. $4.75 25 ft. *3 35 Save! Save! Save! HARDWARE AND TOOLS R:g. NOV/ Hand saw, 26-in. 8-pt. $3.25 $2.49 Claw Hammer . 1.50 1.23 Rim Wrench, 4 way . 1.09 .89 Campers Ase 2.79 2.29 Flashlight, 2 cells with batteries . 1-35 .95 Screen Door Closer . 1.49 1.19 Lock Sets, mortise, dull brass complete with knobs 2.19 1.49 Wagon, Hardwood Beidy, 36 inches. 8.39 6.95 Roller Skates, ball bearing 3.75 2.75 Rubbish Burner 2.98 2.69 'Aerosol! nsecT Killer New, lighter, easier to han dle. Easier to use; Just press the button and out shoots HEP'a insect killer mist. Ec o n o m i c a 1 enough for 78 applications for average room. HEP KILLS mo squitoes, flies, moths, ants, roaches, bed bugs, fleas, hornets, silver fish. \ Electric [ SOLDERING IRON Reg. 2.09 *1-19 A dependable iron for medium duty. All purpose service. 75-watt element. Huvy duty 100-Witt ► Reg. 3.10 ‘.M*t**tmiMM»t»WWW*»**«*****! ?irt$tont OUTSIDE WHITE Reg. $5.45 $4.35 ■ per gal. in 2 Gai. Pail Protect Your Home, Cor or Boot Reg. $10.95 $g.95 Safe for electrical fires. Will not leak, fluid won't, evapor ate. Holds one quart. Economical! Odorless DRY CLEANER ?lf and save. Use it on clothing, drap eries, etc. Odorless, quick drying and easy to use. Reg. $1.98 2’gai» OO can %/Oc For Safety’s Sake POLAROID SUN VISOR Enjoy new driving comfort. Eliminate* glare, reduce* eye strain. Reg. $3.95 ‘JliTL_1 L_ ! Only the store* listed below are People* Hardware UARYIAND ' NORTHEAST NORTHWEST SOUTHEAST MARYLAND , 2475 18th St. luharn, in. *3827 Bladensburj Rd. J • 1134 Florida At.. .3511 Conn. At*. *1* » rniMIR MINOR 2109 R. I. at*. *7717 G*orSls Are. *«M «*<■""»• *T«- COLMAR MANOR < ————11. •4000 34th Str**t , VIRGINIA MT. RAINIER < •1727 Wilson BlTd. *FREE PARKINS AT THESE STORES •7000 Wisconsin At*. C ARLINGTON _ B*tb*»da ] •3241 Cohimhla Plk* - ■ ■ —»-- — ^ _{ Force, Harry G. Mitchell, 744 How ard road 6.E.; Pvt. Charles W. Myers, Army, Mrs. Elmira L. Myers, 821 Third street N.E.; First Lt. Robert C. Porter, Air Force, Stephen T. Porter, 4320 Forty-sixth street N.W.; Staff Sergt. Ernest H. Snead, Army, Mrs. Haille S. Newman, 1206 Gallatin street N.W., and Pfc. Kemp E. Stegal, Army, Kemp E. Stegal, 1457 Girard street N.W. From nearby Maryland: Pvt. i Harry Bort, jr., Army, Mrs. Lillian P. Bort, Bethesda; Pvt. Henry J. Griffiths. Army John Griffiths, Riverdale; Pvt. James S. Jester,! Army, Herbert J. Jester, Severn; | Pfc. Charles Kandalis, Army, Mrs.1 Clara Kandalis, Rockville; F' . Alfred E. Mancini, Army, A1*- ,t P. Mancini, Bethesda; Pvt. William B. Smith, Westminster, and Pvt. John R. Wolfe, Army, Silver Spring. From Virginia: Pfc. Stanley C.1 Allder. Army, Mrs. Alice V. Allder, Purcellville; Sergt. Charles M. Chambers, Elkton; Pfc. Paul H. Cheek, Army, James H. Cheek, Jonesville; Sergt. Walter M. Clore, Army, Robert L. Clore, Alexandria; Pfc. William L. Crider, Army, Sam uel A. Crider, Harrisonburg; Flight Officer Edward H. Dutcher, Jr., Airi Force, Mr*. Ruth E. Dutcher. Ar lington; 175 Clarence O. Hawkins, Army, C. L. Hawkins, Forest. Also Pvt. James C. Judd, Army, Austin C. Judd, Luray; Pfc. Francis W. La than, Army, A. C. La than, Amissville; Pvt. Harry C. Lunceford, Warrenton; First Lt. Phillip Sachel ben, Army, Mrs. Helen M. Sachel ben, Arlington; Pvt. James R. Sand ers, Army, Mrs. Ruth Sanders, Winchester, and Pvt Francis B. Wil liams, Army, Mrs. Mildred E. Wil liams, Winchester. LOS ANGELES 11 hrs., 55 min. • Get there sooner... • Stay longer... • Get home faster! AMERICAN AIRLINES with• • • • • • Amazingly effective! Srsi,B"~" *2-5? jf,?S5r^K plants, shrubbery. 8°*- GUARANTEE Also kills many suck- J 1,50 MIXED jing and chewing in- * y, go|. READY TO USE | sects, such as leof- _ ; hoppers, thrips, worms, |Q6 NO FUSS ; etc. 1 * q»- NO BOTHER KRETOL CO. 817 N. CAPITOL ST. ■/ ' ■ X ; .. .;.v v.x\v.x :v‘v’; v*X\v .. ... .. i v:’:'‘ •; • :x'X;X.:.:: . X;Xx x;x x-x /•. ’ • • x. r ;X;X; x ;'vX;Xx:x;XvX:':XxvX'x;:vX:X;X:v::Xv EDUCATIONAL._EDUCATIONAL. Modern Speech and Manners for TEEN-AGERS JUST FOR YOU! A Course in PERSONALITY ... Speech . . . Voice ... Conversation ... Dress ... Grooming .. . Posture ... Confidence ... Poise Come In personally or call ME. 2299 today for full particulars. AIR-CONDITIONED STUDIOS Agnes McCall Parker School w , _ . , 1150 CONN. AVE. N.W. 14th Successful Year jyjj; 2299 EDUCATIONAL.EDUCATIONAL. EDUCATIONAL. LAST WEEK 5 2 < e ; 8 r r 2 ★ FOR 70 YEARS BERLITZ HAS NEVER FAILED * BERLITZ SUMMER COURSES ARE STARTING • ••THIS WEEK*** SPANISH GERMAN-ITALIAN ENGLISH-SWEDISH RUSSIAN - CHINESE ENROLL NOW—EASY PAYMENTS—SMALL CLASSES—9 A.M. - 9-PM. BERLITZ DIRECTED NATIVE INSTRUCTORS THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES 839 17th St. N.W. (at Eye) National 0270 There It a Berlitz School in Every Leading City of the World 1 2 - ■4 ■■ The smartness which sets the 1948 Cadillac so definitely apart from all other motor cars, is largely responsible for the remarkable acceptance which this great automobile enjoys. For today’s Cadillac is by far the most popular ever built. Naturally,there is much more to recommend the new Cadil lac than its external beauty. There is its superb performance, its distinguished coachcraft, and—above all—the unique Cadillac reputation. For the whole wonderful story, we invite you to inspect these great new cars in our showrooms—today. CAPITOL CADILLAC—OLDSMOBILE COMPANY NAtional 3300 1222 22nd Street N.W. Floyd D. Akers, President