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(Earb of (Thanks TURNER, MRS. MYRTLE. The family ©f the late Mrs MYRTLE TURNER vi.-hes to thank the many relatives and friends for their kindness during her 111 ' ness and at her death. HARRY TURNER AND FAMILY. * Dratlja AIRMAN. JOHN BARR. On Sunday July 11, 1948. at Doctors Hospital. JOHN B.^RR AIRMAN, a~ed 82. husband of Flora L Duncan Alkman and father of Dun cai> Aikmaii funeral services private at thr S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14lli st. n.w.. on Tuesday. July 13. at 3 p.m. Interment private. 13 BADEN*. JAMES H. Suddenly, on Sat urday. July 10, 1948. at Doctors Hospital. JA.iiLS ti BAD&N. be.ovta husoand of E lzabeth B. Baden and father of James K. r., Thomas B Baden, and Mrs. Mary Baden Parker and brother of Mrs. S. A fctanford. Mrs. G B Kspey and Mrs B. A Du Bois. Friends may call at his late residence. 4340 Nichols ave. sc. until 9:30 am. Tuesday. July 13. Requiem muss will be offered at the Church of the Assumption. 340.a Nichols ave. s.e.. at 10 a m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 12 BADEN. JAMES H. Members of Wash ington Council are notinea 01 Hhe death oi Brother JAMES H. BADEN and are requested to assemble at his late resi dence. 4.'i4o Nichols ave. s.w Monday. July 1Z. 1»4K, at H.:u\ to say prayers for the icauac ui suui. CHARLES E. McCUSKER. Grand Knight. LAWRENCE J. McDONNELL. Fin. Sec y. BLACK. ALONZO. On Sunday. July 11. 1948. ALONZO BLACK of 513 M st. ne.. beloved husband of Evelyn Black. The late Mr. Black may be viewed at the above residence after 4 p.m. Wednesday. Fu neral Thursday. July 15. at Mount Olivet Baptist Church, nth st. between L and M sts n.e . at 1 p.m Rev. John Childs offi ciating. interment Harmony Cemetery. Services by Stewart. 14 BROWN. RIFES ANDREW JACKSON. On Wednesday. July t. 1948. RUFUS ANDREW JACKSON BROWN, beloved hus band of Mae Brown. He leaves five sisters, one brother, other relatives and friends After in a.m . Monday. July 12., friends may call at tne W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 1 132 U st n.w. Funeral service* Tuesday. July 13. at p m . at the above funera* church Relatives and friends invited. Interment Wood lawn Cemetery. T~ BURISS. ALBERTA Suddenly, on Sat urday. July in. 1948. at her residence. 3ns Kentucky ave. s.e ALBERTA BURISS. beloved daughter of Laura Claggett. de voted wife of Carson C. Buriss. She is also survived by six sisters, two brothers and a host of other relatives and friends, i Friends maj call after 5 p.m. on Mon day. July 3 2. Funeral Tuesday. July 13. j at 1 Dm. from t.he above-named funeral i -home. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. • | CALWELL. PVT. JOHN CHESTER. Passed i awav in England on February i:(, i j J145. PVT. JOHN CHESTER IlSS CALWELL. beloved son of Ora M. ! Sfig Calwell iPadgett > and Charles L. Calwell. Survived by two broth- i ers. Charles M. Calwell and Wil-; Lam L Calwell: also three sisters. Mrs.! Dot Perrv. Mrs. Miriam Marinella and Mrs Beatrice Piper. Funeral services will b» at Arlington National Cemetery. Thurs day. July IS. at •> p.njt Frienos and rela tives invited. CHAMPION. HENRY A. On Sundav. July 1 1 1W48. at Mount Alto Hospital. HENRY A. CHAMPION, beloved husband of Mrs Consetta Champion; brother of Frank. John. Isaae and Mary Champion. He also leaves a host of other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. Ar rangements bv W. Ernest Jarvis Co. CROWN. WALLACE. Suddenly, on Sun day. July 11. 11148. at Suburban Hospital. WALLACE CROWN, beloved brother of Mrs. Walter P. Allen of Potomac. Md Remains resting at the Colonial Fimerai Home of Win. Reuben Pumphrey, Rock ville. Md,. where funeral services will be held Wednesday. July. 14. at 11 a.m. In terment Rockville Union Cemetery. 1J t Oe THIERRY, MARY T. On Sunday Julv 11. 11148, at Alexandria Hospital. MARY T. de THIERRY, the beloved wife of the late Alphonsa de Thierry. Funeral from the James T. Ryan Funeral Home. HU Pa. ave. s.e.. on Tuesday, July 1.1. at 8:h0 a.m.; thence to St. Peter's Church. ; where mass will be offered at 0 a m. Rel atives and friends Invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. DUCKETT, EMMA BETTY LEE On Sunday. July 11. 1048. at her residence, •'335 N. Culpeper st.. Arlington. Va . EMMA BETTY LEE DUCKETT, beloved wife of Cornells Duckett : devoted of Evelyn Newman; sister of Effietl Willis. Louise Smith and Columbus Rudisill. She , also leaves other relatives and friends! Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by; W. Ernest Jarvis Co. EDWARDS. JACQUELINE YOUNG. On Sundav Julv 4. 1048. at Montross. Va... JACQUELINE YOUNG EDWARDS of.l-• South 13th st.. Arlington. Va.. belovea wife of Lawrence V. Edwards and daugh ter of the late James W. and Lula L Ed wards. sister of the Misses Vera. OPalt, nnri Jumta Young. Mrs. L. M. Cnristian. Mrs Charles L Willey and Mrs. Rooen Kells Remains resting at the Ives neraY Home. •>147 Wil»°n bWd.. Arlington. Va.. until Tuesday. July 13. at tt..Mi' a.nv thenre to Fort Myer Chapel, where fu neral services will be held Tuesday. July 13. at 10 a.m. Interment Arlington Na tional Cemetery. F.ICHELBERGER. EMMA H. Suddenly, on Saturday. July 104b, EMMA H xriruvi rfrgER of 4701 Conn. ave. n.w at theS H. Hines Co. Funeral Hnme °jioi 14th st. n.w.. on Tuesday. July 13. at 11 a.m Interment Flint Hill Cemetery, Vienna. Va. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. _ FRANK^GEiTr'S SON CO. funeral home 3605 14th st. N.W. HObart 2S26 NEW ENLARGED PARLORS Foimerlv at 1113 7th St N.W. Established 1851_ In Caie oJ Death Call One of the Largest Undertaker, in the World Complete Funeral* $95 to $2,000 Four Large Funeral Hornet Phone CO. 0432 V.LSPEARECO. 1009 H St. N.W. national 38B3 j william Lee’s Sons Co. *th and Mass^Ave °"0C Crematorium_ FLOWERS CHAMBERS has complete Flpwer Shop. Funeral Designs Special > $3. $4, $5, $6, $7. $10, up to $200 -CALL CO. 0432 CH ACON AS FLO WERS Beautiful FLORAL PIECES *5.00 and up DELIVbKtl* -to, 2500 i 1th St N.W ^ _ Phone DL 7121 GUDE BROS CO. Ind .ally designed Wreath, and Spray. .r.‘v ‘ir5‘iv .g.T&A'igs GEO. C. SHAFFER. Inc. rvPRlSSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES. PHONE NA. 0106 Cor. 14th b Eye °and Sunday1* “ ambulances AMBULANCES doctors call • CHAMBERS • For Ambulance, CO. 94M. One ot the finest fleets in the world. Rates: *19 up to 19 mile radius. Expert attendants. CALL CO. 0432 CEMETERY LOTS. WILiTsELL at sacrifice, two In's, in Wash ington National Cemetery. Phone -MISS WITRTON. Emerson S812 _ —19 roRT LINCOLN—3 cemetery lots: $271 cash, value, $450. WA. 0099. —1 V i Srattja FRYE. A*<NIE. On Sunday, July 11. I me. at George Washington Hospital, ANNIE FRYE of 7500 Blain st. n.e.. Car mody Hills. Md . beloved wile of Willard W. Frye, mother of Donald L. and William A Bridges, and Woodrow W. Frye. She is also survived by two sisters and two brothers. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e., where services will be held on Wednesday. July 14. at 2 a,m. Interment Cedar Hilt Cemetery. 13 FREYHOLD. FLORA. On Saturday July 10. 1948. FLORA FREYHOLD. sister of Mrs Ottilie Spengerman and the late Felix Freyhold. Services and interment private. GILLIKIN. PVT. CHARLES W. On July 25 1944, in England. Pvt. CHARLES W. GILLIKIN. beloved son of Charles C. and Tiille A. Gillikin; brother of Jack apd Bob Gillikin and Mrs. Kenneth Cheneworth. Reburial Arlington National Cemetery Wednesday. July 14. at 2 p m. Friends invited. 13 GORMAN, ALICE . M. Suddenly, on Monday. July 12. 1948. at her residence, 19<M> F st. n.w.. ALICE M. GORMAN beloved daughter of the late Edward A. and Catherine M. Gorman; sister of John J. Gorman of Norfolk. Va.. and the late Thomas A. Gorman ol Washington. D. C. She also is survived by nieces and nephews. Notice of funeral later. GUARAGNA. FRANK. On Saturday, July 10. 1948 at Sibley Hospital. FRANK GUARAGNA. the beloved husband of the late Assunta Guaragna and father of Mrs Jeanne G. McIntosh and the late Alfred Guaragna. Funeral from the Saflel Fu neral Home. 475 H st. n.w.. on Tuesday. July 13, at 8:30 a m. Requiem high mass at Holy Rosary Church, at 9 a m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery. 12 HACKEL. FRANCES E. On Saturday. July lo. 1948. after a long illness. FRAN CES F.. HACKEL of J231 Potomac ave. s.e . daughter of Mrs. Lillie Mack and de voted wife of Frank Hackel. She also is survived by three sisters, two brothers, many other relatives and friends. Re: mains may be viewed at Barnes Sc Mat thews’ Funeral Home. HI 4 4th st. s.w.. after 4 p.m. Monday. July 12. Funeral Tuesday, July 13. at 1 p.m.. from Mount Joy Baptist Church. 4th st. between E and F sts. s.e.,* Rev. R. M. Randall offi ciating Interment Augusta. Ga. HAKFIDAY. ANNIE. On Sunday. July 11. 1 9i.n. ai Mont-ornery County Hospital ANNIE HARRIDAY. loving mother of Mrs. Laura Brown. Also surviving are five grandchildren, three great-grandchildren a.ia a host of other relatives and friends Remains resting at her late residence. Mount Zion. Md.. after 9 p.m. Tuesday. Julv II. Funeral Wednesday. July 14. at 2 pm. at Mount Zion Church. Mount Zion. Ma. Interment church cemetery. Services bv‘Snowden Sc Davis. 13 HAVENNER, JOHN LEON. On Sunday, July 11. 1948. at Prince Georges General Hospital, JOHN LEON HAVENNER. be loved husband of Florence B. Havenner and father of John L., Louis C. and James A. Havenner and Mrs. Belle M. Hasting. Mrs. Thomas E. Edwards, Mrs. Esther M. Schonle. Mrs. Joseph R. Rangel and Mrs. Helena Thompson. Services at Chambers' Funeral Home. 517 11th st. s.e., on Wednesday. July 14, at 2:30. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 13 HOLLETT. LT. COL. GEORGE L„ V. S. j July 10, 1948. at St. Petersburg. Fla . Lt. Col. GEORGE L. HOL LETT. U. S. M. C., retired, of 1000 23rd ave. n.. St. Peters burg. Fla., and Falls Church. Va.. beloved husband of Ruth Dukes noiMMi; iamcr 01 nuui ueume nuueti. oi. Petersburg. Fla : stepfather of Nelson George Harris of Woodbury. N. J.. and Lt Frank W. Harris, U. S. M. C., of Guam. M. I.; brother of Mrs. G. J. Sym inton of Los Angeles. Calif., and Mrs. Wal- I ter P. Davison. New York City. Remains resting at S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. HOLLOWAY. WILLIAM HINTON. On Saturday. July 10. 194K. WILLIAM HiNTGN HOLLOWAY of 1921 Kalorama rd. n.w . husband of Effie C. Holloway and father of Mrs. Anne H. Torbert. Private services and interment will be held at; Marietta. Pa., on Tuesday, July 13, at1 1 p.m. • HUGHES. WILLIAM SIDNEY. Departed this life Friday. July 9, 194S. at 2:4o a.m., at his residence. .NU3 T st. n.w., WILLIAM SIDNEY HUGHES. He leaves a devoted j wife. Inex Janey Hughes: two aunts, Marie I Brown and Blanche Staton: one uncle. ‘ James Hughes, and a host of other rela- j tives and friends. The late Mr. Hughes, may be viewed at the above residence i after 4 p m. Monday. Funeral Tuesday. July 13, at 1 p.m., from the Greater Lane C M. E. Church. 14th and C sts n.e. In terment Arlington National Cemetery. Services by Stewart. - 12 HUGHES. WILLIAM S. Members of the n.eese tuiopc r-uai nu. a, American Legion, will hold Le ftgion services for our deceased fromrade. WILLIAM S. HUGHES. □ Monday. July 12. at 8 D.m., at ^his late residence. 80# T st. n.w T T PPHPDCnK rnmHr H. J BULLOCK, sr., Adjt. 12 HUGHES, WILLIAM. Columbia Lodge. hereby notified of the funeral of i Brother WILLIAM HUGHES. Funeral services at the Greater I Lane C. M. E. Church. 14th and* C sts. n.e.. on Tuesday, July VI, at. 1 Dm JAMES L. WATSON. Sr.. Exalted Ruler. HARRY R. PRATT. Secretary. HURWITZ. SEAMAN *»/C SAMUEL. On I juur 0> i!iiuiaiouui, France. Seaman ‘J/'c SAMUEL HURWITZ. beloved son of Joseph and Sarah Hurwitz and devoted brother of Mrs. Lillian Wiseman. Rebecca. Charlotte. Aaron and I Jacob Hurwitz Funeral services I at me Bernard uanzansay <v oon ru neral Home. 3501 14th st. n.w.. on Tues day. July 13. 1948. at 11 a.m. Inter ment Northeast Congregation Cemetery. 12 HUltWITZ. fEAMAN 2 C SAMUEL. Members of all posts of the D. C. Department. Jewish War Veterans of the United States, are requested to attend funeral services for Seaman ‘.1 c SAM- j UEL HURW1TZ. at the Ber- , nard Danzansky & Son Funeral j Wnmp 14th st. n.w., on Tuesday. July 13. 194S, at 1 1 a-n'- 1 LOUIS GOLDBERG. Commander FALK HARMEL Adjutant 12 ! JACKSON. JULIAN A. Suddenly, on Saturday. July 10. JS<4« at his residence. 9 Hanover pi. n.w . JULIAN A JACKSON, beloved husband of Geneva E. S. Jackson. He is also survived by one aunt, one uncle, j several cousins and other relatives and friends. After 4 p.m.. Tuesday friends; may call to see the late Mr Jackson at the above address Funeral frcm Metro politan Baptist Church. Wednesday. July j 4, at i p.m. Rev. E. C. Smith officiating. Arrangements by L. E. Murray & Son. 13 KAIN. MARTIN J. On Sunday July 11. 194 8 at midnight. MARTIN J. KAIN. in his 88th vear. beloved husband of the late Katherine Kain. Notice of services later. KIARb. RACHEL JANE. On Sunday. July 11, 1948. RACHEL JANE KLARE oi .323 Webster st. n.w., beloved wile of the late George W. Klare and motner oi Mrj. H H Roof ol Miami. Fla.; Mrs Walter R Meek of Marion, Ind.: Lawrence Klare of Washington. D. C.: Herman H Klare of New Orleans. La., and Mrs. Paul D son of Baltimore. Md. Ten grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren also survive Friends may call at the Bircn Funeral Home. 30.44 M st. n.w.. where services will be held on Wednesday, July 14. at Z p.m. interment Glenwood Cemetery. 13 LOWRY. ETHEL LILLIAN. On Satur day. July 19. 1948. at her daughters1 residence. Seabrook. Md.. ETHEL LILLIAN LOWRY’, beloved wife of Calvert Lowry and mother ol Calvert M. and William B Lou rv. Mis. Lillian Robertson and Mrs. Elaine W.lkins. Services at Chambers Southeast Funeral Home. 517 11th st. s.e.. on Tuesday, July 13. at 1 p.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 13 IOWRY. ETHEL L. Officers and mem V* a* bers of Martha Dandridge Council No. 1. Daughters of; America, are hereby notified of i the death of the late sister, ETHEL L. LOWRY. Daughters .. of America services, Monday V July 12. 8 p m » AGNES MOLANDER. Councilor. GRACE LOWRY RICKETTS. Secretary. MACK. MINNIE L. Departed this life on Thursday. July 8. 1948. at her resi dence. 4119 Eye st. s.e.. Apt. 11. MINNIE, L MACK beloved mother ol Louise King, I Thelma Washington and Edith Hawkins. She also leaves two grandchildren, two stepchildren, one devoted sister. Mrs. Es-, telle'Dorsey: one son-in-law. four nieces, two nephews and a host of other relatives i and friends. Remains resting at her late residence after 4 P.m Monday. July 1*.. j Funeral Tuesday. July 13. at 1 p.m., from East Calvary Methodist Church, 14th and B sts. s.e . Rev J A. Arter officiating. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery.' Arrangements by the Better Funeral Home. 1203 Walter^st. s.e. 43 McCOY, EUNICE BRAXTON. Entered Into eternal rest on Saturday. Jt'ly ill. U‘48. at Freedmen's Hospital. EUNICE BRAXTON McCOY of 1251 Carrollburg pi: s w . the devoted wife of John Thomas Mc Cov. jr„ and daughter of John Braxton She also is survived by theree sisters, four brothers, other relatives and many friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhittes & Co. pStneral Home. 3rd and I sts. s.w.. where friends may call on Monday. July [12. after 4 p m. Funeral Tuesday. July 13. Warsaw, Va. McDANlEL. LEVINIA O. On Friday. ■July 9. 1948. LEVINIA O. McDANlEL of 54 R st. n.w.. widow of the late Robert McDaniel; aunt of Rexford and Julia Ovel | tor.: grand aunt of Vivian and Rexford Ovclton. ir.. of Washington, D C.. and I Flovd Evans of Falls Church. Va. Other relatives and friends also survive. From 2 to 4 p.m. Monday. July 12, friends may 1 call at Frazier's Funeral Home. Inc., 389 Rhode Island ave n.w. Funeral Tuesday. July 13. from the Methodist Church, Hatpers Ferry. W. Va. METZ. LAURA A. On Sunday, July 11. 1948, LAURA A METZ ol the All-State 1 Hotel Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2991 14th st. n.w .'on Tues ! day. July 13. at 7:30 p m. Interment Clarence Center. N. Y. MORRIS. ORNALL CRANMER. At Mexico City. Mexico, on Friday. July 2. 1948. ORNALL CRANMER MORRIS, hus band of Lola Pearnow Morris and brother of Fred C. Morris, Mrs. R. B. Fisher ol Chelteunam. Pa: George E Morns ol Morristown. Pa., and Daniel W. Morris of ! Wgvland N Y. Services will be held at ;Fort Myer Chapel. Tuesday. July 13. 2 p nr Interment Arlington National Ceme tery. * 12 MORRIS. ORNALL C. A special com munication of Stansbury Lodge No. 24. F. A. A M.. will be held in the temple in Brightwood at i 12:30 p.m on Tuesday. Julv 13. 1948. to attend the funeral serv # ices of our lat^ brother. ORNALL C. MORRIS By order of the worshipful master. w JACK Attest: S. HARRY BAKER, Secretary. Dralhfl MYERS. MINNIE LOUISE. Suddenly, on Sunday. July 11, 1948. at her residence, 1813 35th st. n.w.. MINNIE LOUISE; MYERS, beloved wife of the late Frederick! A. MYERS: another of Mrs. Alice M. Burtis. j Washington. D. C., and Mrs. Mary Louise j Morris of Denver, Colo.; sister of Mrs ' Alice R. Bradley and Mrs. Grace E. Pearce.; Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w. Fu- i neral services at St. Luke’s Methodist | Church. 35th and Wisconsin ave. n.w., on Wednesday, July 14. at 11 a.m. Inter ment Oak Hill Cemetery. 13 NEAL, HARRY. On Sunday. July 11. 1948. HARRY NEAL of 4400 Sheriff rd. I n.e. He leaves a devoted wife. Edith Neal, and many relatives and friends. Remains resting at the funeral home of Alexander S. Pope. 414 15th st. s.e. Notice of fu j neral later. OAKCRUM. ANNA. On Monday. July ! 12, 1948. ANNA OAKCRUM. wile of George ! R. Oakcrum mother of Norman, Richard and Crawford Oakcrum and Virginia O. Johnson, and sister of Loretta J. Neblett, Josephine Jefferson. Bertha J. Wilson. El more and Scott Jefferson. Notice of (u , ne*al later. Arrangements by Malvan & Schey. * ORELLANA, LOUIS ANTONIA. On Sun day, July 11. 1948, at Garfield Memorial Hospitaj. LOUIS ANTONIA ORELLANA, the beloved husband of Josefa Dolores Orellana. Prayers at Chambers Funeral Home. 14(H) Chapin st. n.w.. on Thursday. July 15. at 9:.‘K) a.m. Mass will be offered at the Cathedral of St Matthews'. Rhode Island and Connecticut aves. n.w.. at 10 a na. Interment St. Mary’s Cemetery. QUEEN. THOMAS W. On Friday. July 9. 1948. at the Naval Hospital. Bethesda. Md., THOMAS W. QUEEN of 4707 Dix st n.e., beloved husband of Helen Queen, father of Thomas Queen, Jr., and son of Henry Queen He also leaves two sisters, three brothers, other relatives and frinds. Frinds mcy call at the W. Ernest Jarvis > Fimeral Church. 1432 U st. n.w., after 10 a.m., Monday. July 12. Requiem mass at the Holy Requiem Catholic Church. N. Y. 1 ave.. near N. J. ave. n.w,. Tuesday. July 13, at 9 a.m. Interment Arlington Na tional Cemetery. 12 RAYFIELD. JANE MARIE. On Friday. July 9. 1948. at Children's Hospital. JANE MARIE RAYFIELD of 1728 North Quebec st., Arlington. Va.. Infant daughter of | Charles F and Erma J. Rayfleld and sister , of Judythe Ann Rayfleld. Remains resting at the Ives Funeral Home. 2847 Wilson ; blvd.. Arlington. Va.. where funeral serv ices will be held. Tuesday. July 13. at 2:30 pm. Interment National Memorial Park. ^ 12 REED, LOUIS E. On Saturday. July 10. 194 8. at his residence. 3118 Ritten house st. n.w.. LOUIS E. REED, beloved husband of the late Ida V. Reed and father of Frank S. Reed and Robert H. Reed. Funeral from the W. W. Deal Fu neral Home. 3812 Georgia ave. n.w.. on Tuesday, July 13. at 9 a.m. Please omit : flowers. Interment private. Cedar HiJl1 Cemetery ROBINSON. WILLIAM F. Suddenly, on Saturday. July lit. 1V48. WILLIAM F. ROBINSON of 18:14 Stanton tr. s.e., de voted husband of Marv M. Robinson, be loved son of Mrs. Elizabeth Harris: father of Elizabeth, George and William Robinson, jr.: brother of George W. Robinson of Philadelphia. Pa. He also leaves other relatives and many friends to mourn his passing. Remains resting at John T. i Rhines & Co. Funeral Home. :ird and Eye j sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. ROSS, JOHN JAMES. On Saturday.) Hospital.’ JOHN JAMES ROSS of 3034 Que st. n.w.. the beloved husband of Elizabeth N. Ross: brother of Mrs. I. P. Donaghey of Madison. Wis. Services at St. John's Episcopal Church. Lafay ette sq. n.w . ai i,.in u.ui. 4ucouoj.| jul v 13. Interment Arlington National; Cemetery with full military honors. Serv- ■ ices by Chambers. SARTAIN. S/SF.RGT. JOHN H. On Octo- j SSergt. JOHN H. S ART A IN. Jr., beloved smi of John H. and Eleanora V. Sartaln: brother of William G.. Nancy L. and Win-1 fred A. Sartaln. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. fin si. aim ihboo. I services on Wednesday. July 14, at 10.30 a m., in Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 13 i SMITH, JULIAN. On Friday. July P. 1948. JULIAN SMITH of 1520 Gales st. n.e. Notice of funeral later. Arrange ments by Frazier's Funeral Home, Inc. STAILEY. MINNIE P. On Saturday. July 10. 1948. at her residence, 1-108 Meigs st. n.e., MINNIE P. STAILEY, be- i loved wile of William S. Stalley and sister ; of Harry Bardy. Nonnle Brown and Grace Davis. Prayers at Chambers Southeast Funeral Home, 517 11th st. s.e., on Tues day, July 13, at 8:30 a m. Mass at St Aloysius Catholic Church. N. Capitol and! I sts.. at 9 a m. Interment Glenwood J Cemetery. j. TYLER. HATTIE. Entered Into eternal rest on Saturday, July 10. 1048. at Freed- ; ■ men's Hospital. HATTIE TYLER. No. 0|, Bacon lane. Muirkirk. Md. She leaves to mourn her loss one daughter. Mrs Helen (i Smith, one son-in-law. Mr. Maynard ( Smith, a devoted friend. Richard Tyler;:, one niece. Mrs. Clara Lewis; other rela- J fives and friends. Remains resting at John T. Rhines & Co. Funeral Home. Jrd ( and I sts. s.w., where friends may call on Tuesday. July 13. after 4 p.m. Funeral i Wednesday. July 14, 1 p.m. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. i«> WEST, MAZIE BEATRICE. On Satur- I dav. July 10. 1948. at her residence, near Colesville. Md., MAZIE B. WEST, daughter of the late Henry and Laura Warfield. She leaves a foster son, Eugene Duvall; five nieces, eight nephews, a devoted friend and a host of relatives and friends. Re-, mains resting at Snowden & Davis Funeral < Home, Rockville. Md.. after ti p.m. Mon- , day. July 12. Funeral Tuesday. July 13. | at 1 p.m.. at Emory Grove Church, Emory Grove. Md.. Rev. Wallace, pastor. Inter ment church cemetery. j WHITE. MARY E. CLARK Departed | this life on Saturday. July l't l!' . s::iO p.m. MARY E. CLARK WHITE, daughter^ of the late Mary V and John W Clark, beloved mother of Mrs. Alfred a C. Farrar, sister of Mrs. Celestine Smith. Mrs. Ruth Smith and Mrs. Annetta C. | ■ Dixon, one son-in-law. many other rela- i ' tives and friends mourn their loss. After rt o m.. Tuesday, July 13. remains may be seen at Boyd s Funeral Home. 1-38 -Oth st n.w. Funeral Wednesday. July 14. atj 1 (i;30 a.m. Interment Woodlawn Ceme- j tery, WILLHELM. MARY ANN. On Satur day. July 10, 1948 MARY M. WILLHELM (nee Deal), beloved wife of Robert E. , j Willhelm: mother of Marshall and Robert E. Willhelm: sister of H. Clifton and Walter W. Deal. Violan Sherwood. Daisy E Suit and Edna Mercer. Funeral from the W. W. Deal Funeral Home. 4Ki : Georgia ave. n.w . on Tuesday. July 13. at 1 p m. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Cedar Hill Cemetery. YATES, ELLEN. On Saturday, July 10. 194 8, at the residence of her daughter. 1930 3rd st. n.w,. ELLEN YATES, be loved mother of Mrs. Elizabeth Y. Dowling. She Is also survived by a sister. Mrs. Sophie Fields: a son-in-law. Talbert E Dowling, sr.: six grandchildren, five great grandchildren and many friends. After 12 noon. Monday, July 12, friends are Invited to call at the McGuire Fu neral Home. 1820 9th st. n.w. where services will be held Tuesday, July 13, at 1 pm. Interment Harmony Cemetery. 12 In Mrmflrtam F0LL1N. MANDEBVILLE. In loving, memory of our dear husband and father. MANDERVILLE FOLLIN. who passed away fourteen years ago today, July 1934. Memories are treasures no one can steal. Death leaves a wound no one can heal; ■He lives with us in memories still. Not just today, but always will HIS WIFE AND DAUGHTERS. GOOCH. MINNIE ERNESTINE. In lov ing remembrance of our dear mother, MINNIE ERNESTINE GOOCH, who de parted this life five years ago today, July, 12, 4943. DAUGHTBRS. *! JACKSON, LOUISE. In loving remem brance ol our dear daughter and sister, j LOUISE JACKSON, who departed.this life | fourteen years ago today, July 1 1934., We do not need a special day To bring you to our mind. The days we do not think of you Are very hard to find. _ DEVOTED MOTHER. SISTERS AND BROTHER. KELLLV. WILLIAM O.; CLIFTON W.l ANNIE E. AND MARIE E. Sacred to the memory of our loved ones, father. WIL- j LIAM O KELLEY. November H. 191 J. brother. CLIFTON W KELLEY. August 23. j 11*34: mother. ,A,NNIE E. KELLEY. July 3. 1935. and sister. MARIE E. KELLti. July 12. 194ft. P At the end of the road there hangs A gate to a garden fair. A Diace of rest and happiness, With sunshine everywhere. Where hearts at last are free from pain And sorrows* crushing load. And where our love ones wait for us In peace, at the end of the road FAMILY. ANNA, JAMES AND ARCHiE. PATANE. ROSARIA. In sad but loving remembrance of ROSARIA PATANE. a ho I departed this life your years ago today. July 12. 1944. We are satl within our memory. Lonely are our hearts today. ^ For the one we love so dearly Has forever been called away. YOUR DEVOTED HUSBAND AND CHIL DREN. • PAYTON. JOSEPH. In loving memory. of my husband. JOSEPH PAYTON, who passed away one year ago today. July l — ! There is an open gate at the end of the j road , Through which each must go alone. And there is a light we cannot see. Our Father claims His own. Beyond the gate our loved one ' Finds happiness and rest. And there is comfort in the thought That a loving God knew best, ! HIS DEVOTED WIFE. CLARA WILLIAMS PAYTON. RAY. HORTENSE O’DELL. In loving memory T>f my devoted foster daughter.: HORTENSE ODELL RAY. who departed; this life one year ago today. July 1 w, • 1 947 Gone, but not forgotten. ' FOSTER MOTHER MARY S. RAY. • .TRAMMELL. MAY E. In s»d but lov ing memory of our dear one. MAY E. TRAMMELL, who went,away from us one year ago today. July 12. 1947. Loved In life and remembered in death. HER HUSBAND AND SONS. * TRAMMELL. MAT E. A tribute of love 10 the memory of my darling daughter. MAY E. TRAMMELL, who departed this life one year ago today. July H, 194,. Just a thought of sweet remembrance. Just a memory sad and true, i Just the love and sweet devotion Of the one who thinks of you. MOTHER. * f! Midwest Corn Stocks 57% Below Last Year fty thy Associated Presj Corn stocks on Midwestern farms as of July 1 were down 57 per cent from 1947, the Agriculture Depart ment says in its latest crop report. The reduction has cut the Mid ( west’s share of total American corn ! stocks on farms from 82 per cent in i 1947 to 74 per cent this July 1. Figures are for 12 Midwestern States — Ohio, Indiana. Illinois, Michigan. Wisconsin. Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska and t(ie Dakotas. Total stocks in these States were 315,868,000 bushels out of the na tional total of 426,533,000. The na tional figure is the lowest for July 1 .since 1937. The Agriculture Department also reported that about 4,100,000 per sons were hired as farm workers for at least a part of 1947 and received average cash wages of $583. i This average represents a 25 per cent increase over 1945 figures, but the gain was more than offset by a . 38 per cent jump in rural living costs. The figures are. the result, of a new survey soon to be discussed in detail, in a report by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics. ' The bureau said the average $583 received by both full and part "year workers included $408 from farm wages and $175 from non-farm vages. Not included are the non ash allowances granted to many workers, such as housing, meals and farm products. Nearly 1,000.000 workers switched back and forth from farm to non farm work in 1947. They averaged $5.10 per day for non-farm work and $3.80 a day for farm employ ment. Mrs. Edwards' Rites Set Drowning Victim Was 19 Funeral services will be held a t 10 a.m. tomorrow at Fort Myer Chapel for Mrs. Jacqueline Young Edwards, 19, of 3213 South Twelfth street, Arlington, who drowned July 4 in the Potomac River near Montross, Va. Burial will be in Arlington Cemetery. Mrs. Edwards was a guest at a swimming party on a small island near Montross when the accident occurred. A second member of the party, Lindsey M. Christian, 25, of Montross, also was drowned. Mrs. Edwards’ body was recovered Saturday night after a six-day search by Coast Guardsmen. A graduate of Washington-Lee High School, she was employed at the Hecht Co. Survivors include her husband, Navy Seaman Lawrence V. Ed wards; her mother, Mrs. Lula Young, who lived with her. and five sisters, the Misses Vera, Opal and Juanita Young, all of the Arlington address; Mrs. .Charles L. Willey, Gardiner, Me., and Mrs. Robert Kells, Mount Rainier, Md. Man Breaks -Back in Fall, Lies by Canal for Hours A man who lay for' several hours with his Mhck broken after falling from a wall along the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal was reported in serious condition at Gallinger Hos pital today. John Brinkley, 41, of 309 Ritten house street N.W., told police he fell sometime Saturday night and was unable to mover He was rescued after Charles Eaton, 18, of 4544 Mac Arthur boulevard N.W., heard his cries as he rode past on his bicycle about 8:30 a.m. yesterday. The accident occurred near Canal and Foxhall roads N.W. Mr. Brink ley is an electrician. Deaths Reported Mary E. Sutherland. 92. 3248 N st. n.w. Elizabeth G. McKnight, 34. 5015 14th st. n.w. John Whalen. 77. 91B I st n.w J. Edward Fowler, 75. 901 Rittenhouse st. n.w. Elizabeth B. Thomas. 71, 4111 8th st. n.w. Lawrence S. Heelen, 67. 433 H. J. ave. s.e. Louise S. Harper. 59, 1811 47th st. n.w. James B. Fleming, 54. 912 Decatur st. n.w. Minnie P. Stailey, 52. 1208 Meigs st. n.e, Gtadvs B. Williams. 49, 27 00 Wis. ave. n.w. Llvera Katzman. 49, 6323 9th st. n.w. Pedro Forneas. 44, 1215 Shepherd st. n.w. Perry E. Ault. 37. De Soto, Ind. Mary Harmon. 35, 1440 R st. n.w. Jane M. Rayfleld. infant, Arlington. Vg. 'nfant Prolse, 3509 Minn, ave. s.e. Fadley Paige, HI. 317 Division ave. n.e. William Hughes, 56. 803 T st. n.w. Wallace Harden, 56, 4720 Minn. ave. n.e. James C. Grant, 44. 105 I st. n.w. Raymond Tyler. 43, 2319 N st. n.w. Rufus A. J. Brown, .37. 5700 Col ave. n.w. Johnnie Stevens. 28. 321 I st. n.e. Ethel M. Smith. 28. 1709 9th st. n.w. Morris Allex. 88. H129 14th st. n.w. Addis D. Merbitt. 87. 3900 Conn. ave. n.w Louis E. Reed. 85, 3118 Rittenhouse st. Alice"M. Fuller. 54, 6142 MacArthur blvd. n w. Infant Tracy, 3820 2nd st. s.e. Infant Cannaday. Ashton. Md George Harris 74> 523 23rd st. n.w. Minnie L. Mack. 50. 409 I st. s.e. Rodman Har.son. 40. 1329 Harris ave. s.e. In Utanriam. VF.I.TRI. PFC. BONAVENTURA. In memory oi my Deiovea nrunew, Pfc BON AVENTURA VELTRI. 14»tn Infantry Cannon Company. Born in Belmonte Calabro. Italy. May IK 1924): killed in action in Gela, Sicily. July 12. 1943. As a hploved neDhew I still xry for you and live in your memories YOUR UNCLE ANTONIO VELTRI. • WASHINGTON. ROSABEL!,. In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. ROSA BELL WASHINGTON, who passed away one year ago today. July 12 194/. Our hearts still ache with sadness. Our eyes shed many tears; God only knows how we miss her At the end of only one year. ALTHEA M. SCQTT. DAUGHTER; HAYES A. MATHEZ, SON. WEBF.R. J. WILLIAM. Jr. In memory ol my beloved husband. J. WILLIAM WEBER. Jr., who passed away four years ago today. July 12, 1944. "I do not need a special day To bring you to my mind. The days I do not think of you Are very hard to find. ’ _ YOUR DEVOTED WIFE. MARGARET WEBER. WEHAUSEN, JOHN A. In loving rer membrance ol our dear husband and la ther. JOHN A. WEHAUSEN. who died two years ago today. July 12, 194fi. Loved in life and remembered in death. DEVOTED WIFE AND FAMILY. WILSON REV. JOSEPH DE WITT. In memory of my precious husband. Rev. JOSEPH DE WITT, who passed to the glory land four years ago today. July 1-. 1944 The beautiful life that he lived while here inspired me to follow, follow on. DEVOTED WIFE. (REV.) E. J. WILSON. WILSON. REV. JOSEPH DR WITT. In loving memory of our pastor. Rev. JOSEPH DE WITT WILSON, who passed away four years ago today. July 12. 1944. God saw the road was getting rough. The hills too hard to climb; He gently closed your weary eyes And whispered. "Peace be thine."_ OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OP TURNER A M E CHURCH. WIRE. M. ISABELLE. In loving memory of our beloved daughter. M. ISABELLE WIRE, who passed to her eternity sis years ago today. July 12, 1942. at Miami. Fla. HER PARENTS. * • WOODEN. MARY R. In loving memory of our devoted mother and grandmother. MARY R. WOODEN, who passed on to her eternal rest thirteen years ago todiy. July 12. 193R. Every day we think of you And all the loving things you used to do HER LOVING CHILDREN AND GRAND CHILDREN. * YOUNG, REBECCA McK.; WILLIAM T.: DR. MACKENZIE F. In memory of our devoted mother. REBECCA McK YOUNG, who left us July 12. 1942; beloved father. WILLIAM T. YOUNO. July H. 19.18; dear brother. Dr. MACKENZIE F. YOUNG. April 24. 1934. HELEN, RALPH. • King Baggot, Director,* Silent Film Star, Dies. By the Associated Press HOLLYWOOD, July 12—Death has taken another of Hollywood’s old guard—King Baggot. i Mr. Baggott, one of the top lead ing men of the early silent screen I and later a successful director, died ! ypsterday in a sanitarium.'' He was 69. I From 1909. when he left a stock company to join the infant motion picture industry, until a year ago when illness forced his retirement, Mr. Baggot was active in the film world. In recent years his roles were confined to bit parts. I A son, Robert King Baggot of : West Los Angeles, survives. Ornall C. Morris Rites I ' To Be Held Tomorrow ! Funeral services with military and Masonic honors will be held in Fort Myer Chapel at 2 p.m. tomorrow for Omall C. Morris, 53, Department of Apiculture official and veteran of iboth World Wars, who was killed | July 2 in an airplane crash in Mex ! ico. Burial will be in Arlington I Cemetery. Mr. M<yris was budget and fiscal officer of the American section, I Mexican-United States Commission | for the Eradication of Foot and MouUa Disease in Mexico. He had been in the Agriculture Depart ment’s Bureau of Animal Iijdustry j since 1922. j He was one of 16 passengers killed when a plane chartered by the commission crashed. Eight were United States citizens. * ! Mr. Morris was a native of Mon roeton, Pa., and was a graduate of | Southeastern University here. He married Miss Lola Fearnow of this j city in 1929. Before going to Mexi co in April. 1947, Mr. and Mrs. Mor ris lived at 509 Dartmouth avenue, Silver Spring. / Mr." Morris was a member of Stansbury Lodge, No. 24, F. A. A. M. He was a sergeant in World War 1; and later became a member of the 313th Field Artillery here. In the recent war he rose to the rank of |lieutenant colonel in the Army Air; Forces and served in Europe and the Far East. Besides his widow. Mr. Morris is survived by a sister and three brothers. They are Mrs. R. B. Fish-: er and Fred C. Morris, Cheltenham, Pa.; George E. Morris. NoVristown, Pa., and Daniel W. Morris, Wayiand, N. Y. W. H. Holloway's Funeral Will Be Held Tomorrow Funeral services for William Hinton Holloway, 78, retired at torney who died here .Saturday after an illness of two years, will be held tomorrow in Marietta, Pa. Burial will be in Marietta. Mr. Holloway, who practiced law here for almost 40 years until his; retirement in 1940, died at his home, 1921 Kalorama road N.W. He was a native of Raleigh, N. C„ | where he was educated before i coming to Washington 50 years ago. A-graduate of the George Wash ington University Law School here, Mr. Holloway was a member of the j District Bar Association, the Kappa Alpha fraternity and the Chevy \ Chase Club. Mr. Holloway and his wife, the former Effie Cassell, of Marietta, whom he married in 1910, lived in Chevy Chase. Md., for many years before moving to the District about 10 years ago. . j1 In addition to his widow, he leaves a daughter, Mrs. Ann H. Torbert of Washington. Requiem for L. 5. Heelen Offered in Martinsburg Requiem mass for Lawrence S. Heelen, 64, an employe of the Rail way Express Agency here for 30, years, was said this morning in St. Joseph’s Church, Martinsburg, W. Va. Burial was in Martinsburg. ft|r. Heelen died Thursday at his home, 433 New Jersey avenue S.E. He retired from the express agency six months ago. He formerly lived in Martinsburg. Surviving are hts widow, Mrs Fannie Heelen; three sons, Hugh, James and John Heelen; two daugh ters, Mrs. Michael Lohr and Mrs. Kenneth Peterson, all of Washing ton, and two sisters, Miss Cecilia Heelen and Mrs. John O’Connor, j Martinsburg. John Barr Aikman, 82, Writer's Father, Dies John Barr Aikman, 82. retired businessrrten and father of Duncan Aikman. Washington writer, died yesterday at Doctors Hospital of hip injuries suffered in a fall last week at his home in Hillsboro, Va. Mr. Aikman had lived in Virginia ; since his retirement in 1945 as gen eral manager of the Vermont Talc Co., of Chester, Vt. Before going with that concern in 1920, Mr. _Aik man had been general manager of the J. R. Duncan Paper and Sta tionery Co., of Terre Haute, Ind., for more than 15 years. A native of Washington. Ind., Mr. Aikman was a descendant of pioneers who had gone to the area before the War of 1812. /■ He was one of the oldest living graduates of the Rose polytechnic Institute in Terre Haute, where he received a degree in mechanical engineering in 1887. . j In addition to his son. Mr. Aikman is survived by hii widow, the former Flora Lee Duncan, of Hillsboro, and three grandchildren: Mrs. Paul Breslin, of New York: Edward Aik man, a student at George Washing ton University, and Miss Ann Aik man, a student at Comfell University. Private funeral services will be heltKtomorrow at the S. H. Hines funeral home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W. Burial will be private. Mrs! Eichelberger's Rifes To Be Held Here Tomorrow Funeral services for Mrs, Emma Spaulding Eichelberger, 68, social worker and chiropractor here for 25 years, who died Saturday in Emer gency Hospital, will be held at 11 a.m. tomorrow in the Hines Funeral Home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W. Burial will be in Vienna, Va. Mrs. Eichelberger was born in Fairfax, Va., the daughter of Rus sell Clayton Spaulding, a Civil Wai» veteran, and Sarah Saunders Spaul ding. Mrs. Eichelberger attended a chi ropractic college in Chicago before coming to Washington about 40 years ago. Until last year, when she was retired from the District Health Department, Mrs. Eichelberger worked for 20 ^ears In its venereal disease clinic here. Her home here was at 4701 Connecticut avenue N.W. Since her retirement. Mrs. Eichel berger had conducted a chiropractic office at 1721 I street N.W. She re turned two weeks ago from Scran ton, Pa., .where she had taken a postgraduate chiropractic course. Mrs. Eichelberger leaves two half sisters. Miss Jessie Spaulding and Mrs. Goldie Pershing, both of New York. Chinese Reds Assail Tito, Urge Correction of His Error By the Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO, July 12.—The Chinese Communists assailed Mar shal Tito yesterday for “rejecting the fraternal criticisms of the Com munist Party of the Soviet Union” and expressed “ardent hopes that internationalist elements within the Communist Party of Yugoslavia will rise up to correct the mistakes of the Tito bloc.” A Chinese Communist Central Committee resolution not only leartily indorsed the Cominform lastigation of Tito for nationalism, )ut went farther in several respects. It warned Communists every where that “the event which has >ccurred within the Communist • Party of Yugoslavia is not incidental >r isolated.” The Chinese Communists them selves have had such troubles in I he past, it said, because “oppor unist elements with counter-revo utionary viewpoints of the bour geois class will always attempt to slip into the revolutionary ranks of he proletariat and the Communist 3arty and attempt to utilize oppor unities to undermine the revolu ;ionarv cause." MONUMENTS *40 up I MARKERS U5®p 1 FALVEY kpRANITE CO. INC \wL Ethabhthtd 50 Ytmrt | Dr. Sipos Appointed Virginia Veterinarian By the Associated Press RICHMOND, Va*. July 12.—Ap pointment of Dr. A. J: Sipc«. a member of the staff of the division of animal industry. State Depart ment of Agriculture, as acting State veterinarian was announced last night by L. M. Walker, jr„ Com missioner of Agriculture. Mr. Walker said Dr. Sipos will begin work immediately in the pose piade vacant by the recent death of Dr. H. C. Givens. Dr. Sipos also will be acting head of the' division of animal industry. The posts will be filled permanently by the State Board of Agriculture in the fall. ' Lt. Thomas M. Keely To Be Reburied Today Reburial services for First Lt. Thomas M. Keely, son of Mrs. Gar nette C. Keely. 612 Rock Creek Church road N.W.. were to be held at 2 p.m. today In Arlington Cem etery. Lt. Keely, who was killed in Army; service in the Southwest Pacific, was the only man from the District: among 20 Army war dead for whom reburial services were held. Philip W. Brown Dies; Luray Union Leader By th« Associated Press LURAY, Va., July 12.—Philip W. Brown, 46-year-old president of Lo cal 265, CIO International Fur and Leather Workers, died unexpectedly yesterday of a heart attack. • !■ Mr. Brown is survived by his widow, five children and his father, George Brown. Later yesterday Malcolm Atkins, of Luray was named to succeed Mr. Brown as president of the local. ^ Rochester City Planner Dies ROCHESTER, N. Y„ July 12.— Edwin Augustus Fisher, Rochester’s first superintendent of city plan ning and its engineer emeritus, died today, six days before his 101st birthday anniversary. His birth place was Royalton, Mass. Miss Alice Mary Gorman,! 29 Years With GPO, Dies Mi$s Alice Mary Gorman, 77. re tired Government Printing Office employe, died early today after col-, lapsing in her apartment at 1900 F street N.W. A certificate of dea 1 due to natural causes was issued’ r the coroner's office. A lifelong resident of the Distri , Miss Gorman was the daughter ’ the late Edward A. and Catheri u M. Gorman. She attended 1 Joseph’s Parochial School. Before her retirement last Mar r 31, after 29 years' service. Miss Gr - man was employed in the bindi and post card section of the prir ing office. She belonged to t Blessed Virgin Sodality of 1 Stephen’s Church. She leaves -a brother, John Gorman of Norfolk. Funeral i rangements have not been a nounced. Worker Burned Badly At Capitol Power Plan An employe of the Capitol po\ ■_ plant who received severe bu i when a furnace hopper of hot as i fell on him yesterday, was repor 1 In “satisfactory condition” today i Providence Hospital. The man. Herbert Drummo , 10, colored, of 5308 Nash street N ,' was burned when he opened i lopper too wide and the ashes I in him. according to police. i walked from the power plant ; - Mew Jersey avenue and E sti 1 3.E., to Providence Hospital at S • >nd and D streets SE.. police si , CLAGETT MEMORIAL _ 502 New Hampv h ireave: NA 0474- „ RE 2477 * ViiiT-Oi) r Duplay ?f-j Memoriad-For- m IMMEDUTE ERECTION^? In-ALL C EM ETERIEJ 31 OPEM-JUNPAY/ ^ We have special phone service until 12 o'clock for those who wish to order funeral sprays ^ and choice flowers, by phone, h^emo charge may be arranged if listed in telephone directory. i Funeral Sprays, $5.00 and up r till 9 p.m. phone Dlst. 1300 9 p.m.-12 p.m. phone °k, 2*£5. * - 1407 H St. N.W. or OL. 1931 The Finest Costs No More For 98 Years The name Gawler has been known,to rep resent the utnyist in dignified funeral service in the Washington area, yet thi* service is availdble to all at costs within every means. Phone NA. 5512 t JOSEPH Gawler’s SONS, INC. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 1750 PENNS¥LVANIA AVE. N.W . Just West of the White House I x \ YOUR CHECKING ACCOUNT IS WELCOME HERE m — The Washington Loan and Trust Company has available two kinds of checking accounts: Regular Checking Account Your account will cost you little—or nothing—under this plan. The exact charge—if any—is determined by the ac tivity of the account in relation to its size. Monthly statements...month ly canceled checks .. banking by j mail forms for your convenience. ThriftiCheck A low cost pay-as-you-go service. Keep as much or as little dfi deposit as you wish. A book of 20 checks costs only 5 \2. Each check is personalized— your name printed on it without | extra charge. Statements... can celed checks... every 90 days. You can open your account at either of our two convenient offices. THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY , . • V » *»■ 'F at 9th Street, N. W. • 17th at G Street, N.W. Member: Federal Depotit Insurance Corporation •.. Federal Reeerre Symn "* 1