Newspaper Page Text
fllarita of Sljanka STEWART. MISS MARY L. We wish io thank the Order of tite Eastern Star, the Young Ladles' Protective League. Ver mont Baptist Church, Malvan & Schey. undertakers and the many friends for their expressions of sympathy and floral tributes at the time of the passing of Miss MARY L. STEW’ART She was for over twenty years grand secretary of the Grand Chaper, Order of the Eastern Star. MRS. JENNIE BROWNE LEE. MRS. MARY F THOMPSON. 14* SULLIVAN. E. J. Mrs. E. J. Sullivan wishes to thank the following lodges and friends for the kindness shown her in her bereavement at the d^ath of her hurband. Mr E J SULLIVAN. Capf. King and the building guard', staff of Providence Hospital Potomac Council of the K F. C.. No. i.» Lodge. 3 P. O. E.: National Cap ital Post. No 12“!: Ladie-' Auxiliary of th* Na’ional Capital Post friends and neigh bors. 14 Dralbfl AIKMAN. JOHN BARR. On 8unday. July li. 1948. at Doctors Hospital. JOHN BARR AIKMAN. ?;ed 82. husband of Flora Lee Duncan Aikman and father of Dun can Aikman Funeral services private at the 8 H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w . on Tuesday. July 13, at 3 pm Interment private. 13 ALTMAN. SF.RGT. ALBERT SIDNEY. On November 9. 1944. over Germany. Sergt. ALBERT SID NEY ALTMAN, beloved son of Alexander and Sadie Altman and dpvorcd brother of Miss Sylvia Altman. Mrs. Philip Rubin. Mrs. Laurence Glassman. Mrs. Mitch ell Slawsky and Mrs. Zaka Slawsky. Fu neral services at the Bernard Danzansky A- Son Funeral Home. 3501 14th st. n.w. on Thursday. July 15. 1948. at 11 a in. Interment Adas Israel Cemetery. 14 ALTMAN. SF.RGT. ALBERT SIDNEY. Members of all posts of the D C Department of Jewish Wai Veterans of the United States are requested to attend funeral services for Sergt. ALiitivi SIDNEY ALTMAN, at the Ber nard Danzansky Funeral Horne. 3501 1 »th st- n.w, on Thurs day July 15. 1948. at 11 am ® LOUIS GOLDBERG. Commander FALK HARMEL. Adjutant. ANGl’S. TECH SERGT WILLIAM W.. JR l’. S. A. Suddenly, on July 5. *•'*£■ It Peoria 111.. Tech. Sergt. WILLIAM ». 1 NOTTS Ir U S A . of Fort Belvolr. Va.. ANUUo jr.. j Ceoi p.iHp services Fri •«:"^ar;. k'l'nlt™ n. donald Cemetery. Relatives and friends n J. v.’RS ANNIE L. On Sunday. July ,l“A« a. her residence 5107 W at. BEAVE^|dbwifeHof the flfi ' Thfmas R g”"”' Tb'1NVe'donmAh'rch0a,rlefT and Dainb a Beavers. Isabel Bradburn. Ma p- V:| ment Rock Creek Cemetery. 14 BLACK. ALONZO. On Sunday July IMS. ALONZO BLACK of old MI st. me_. H,'e0VMdr Blacbkmay°beEvVie«?ri ft .he above hltdf’nce after 4 pm. Wednesday. Fu .irgi Thursday. July 15. at Mount Olivet Baptist Church. Oth st. between L and M n r .t l p in . Rev. John Cnwas om Hating.' interment Harmony Cemetery.' Services by Stewart. BROWN. STAFF SERGT. THOMAS E. In 1944 in France. Staff Sergt ‘THOMAS F BROWN, devoted husband of Virginia Rrofn father of Patricia Brown loving aon of Michael and Lena Brown wid broth Vr of Mrs. Helen Butler, Leo »«d' Brown Funeral services at the Rollins Funeral Home. 43.'i» Hunt pi. n.e. on Ju’t 14 ]'I4R. followed by requiem mass at Rosary Church, in Rosaryville. Md S a m Interment in church ceme iery. „ , CAI DWELL. PVT. JOHN CHESTER. Passed away in En gla n J ™F,brrHK.,TFi) tabja lM4ft. PVT JOHN CHESTER {■HI CALDWELL, beloved son of Ora gg M Caldwell 'nee Padgett 1 and Charles L. Caldwell. He also Is * survived by two brothers. Charles w Caldwell and William L. Caldwell, three siatera! Mrs. Dot Perry. Mr. Miriam Marinella and Mrs. Beatrice Piper Fu neral services will be held at Arlington NaUonal Cemetery on Thursday July lo, at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. CONOLY. VARDELL J. On Monday. July l'\ 1948, at the Donnelly Hospital. Trenton N. J.. VARDELL J. CONOLY. hus- j band of Mrs. Bernice Carroll Conoly. fa- 1 their of Daniel Conoly. brother ot Mrs Roberta McEachin, Mrs. Mae Kirnme| of Washington. D. C. and Mrs. Hattie Belle ■ McMillian of Shannon. N C- brother-in j ”w of Isaac McEachin Nonce of inner, later. Arrangements by the \a . Ernest Jarvis Co. COX LAURA V. On Tuesday. July 1 IQiK, at her residence. 441 s.Mac£r,J?,f* blvd. n w . LAURA V. COX. beloved wife nf the late James L Cox. mother of Mrs. ] Birdie Birch. Mra Charles ^ Harrington .and the late William A. Cox Funeiai , from the above residence on Thursday. j„jv 15 at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends .invited. Interment Cedar HiU Cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. FRANK GEIER'rSON CO. FUNERAL HOME 1605 14th St. N.W. HObart 2136 NEW ENLARGED PARLORS Formerly at 1113 7th St N.W. _Establiahad 1861 _ In Cose of Death Call ChambeH One of the LarteM Undertaken in tha World Complete Funerals $95 to $2,000 Four Lane Funeral HoneI Phone CO. 0432 V.LSPEARECO. Nsithar sureessor to nor eon"f.c!'^ *JrLh »h. orlfinal W. R. Speare establishment. 1009 H St. N.W. NaUonal 2ft92_ j. William Lee’s Sons Co. 4th and Mass Ave. N I LI. 5200 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium_ FUNERAL DESIGNS. EsaaaMaaMiiaai FLOWERS CHAMBERS has complete Fiovier SHop Funeral Dei gn* Special1 $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $10, up to $200 -CALL CO. 0432 CHACONAS FLOWERS Beautiful FLORAL PIECES. *5.00 and ap DELIVERED 2500 i 1th St. N.W._Phone Dl'. 7121 GUDE BROS. CO. Individually designed Wreaths and Sprays 1 har*e aerount* opened by phone I•»|■£ f St. N.W —NAtional _ GEOTC. SHAFFER, Inc. EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NA 01 OP Cor. 14th fir Eye °ynad SSSUST Blackistone, Inc. '“l’iw BEAUTIFUL FLORAL TRIBUTES, $5 up Phone and Charge It C & C FLOWER STORES FLORAL SPRAT. *3.85 UP DELIVERED Char*. Account. Invited Two Convenient Locations SOS 14th St. N.W. MI. 7433 823 r St. N.WME. 7404 gqgr ■ -'-: AMBULANCES._ AMBULANCES j DOCTORS CALL • CHAMBERS • For Ambulance, CO. #431. One of the finest fleets in the I world. Rates: S10 up to 10 mile radius. Expert attendants. CALL CO. 0432 CEMETERY LOTS. WILL SELL at sacrifice, two lot* in Wash-, Ington National Cemetery. Phone MISS BURTON. Emerson SS12._—16 FOUR-SITE LOT in Ft. Lincoln Cemetery p-w <t?s*._ _—Ii_ For • rvcoi.N — New mausoleum. I e ' a sacrifice - A - ■'< I 0ralhfl CROWN. WALLACE. Suddenly, on Sun day. July 11. 1948. at Suburban Hospital WALLACE CROWN, beloved brother ol Mrs. Walter P. Allen of Potomac. Md Remains resting at the Colonial Funerai Home of Wm. Reuben Pumphrey, Rock i ville. Md.. where funeral services will b« held Wednesday. July 14, at 11 a m. In terment Rockville Union Cemetery. 13 DI CAMILLO. ANTHONY. On Monday Juiy 12. 1948, at Providence Hospital AN1HONY DI CAMILLO. beloved husband ol Anna Di Camillo of 513 70th st.. Seat Pleasant. Md. Remains restihg at the Timoth> Hanlon Funeral Home. 041 H at n.e. Notice of funeral later. DUCKETT, EMMA BETTY LEE. Or Sunday. July 11. 1948. at her residence '2225 N. Culpeper st.. Arlington, Va. LM.JA Rm i i LEE DUCKETi. belovec wife of Cornelius Duckett; devoted mothei ol Evelyn Newman; sister of Billed Willi3 Louise Smith and Columbus Ridisill. She aiso leaves other relatives and friends Friends may cal alt the W. Ernest uarvii Funeral Church. 1432 You st. n.w,. after 10 am. Wtdnesday, July 14. Funeral services Thursday, July 15. at 2 p.m., at the above funeral church. Rev Monroe of ficiating. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 14 EHRLICH. LT. COL. ABRAHAM MOSES. On Monday. July 12, 1948, at the Naval Medical Center. Be thesda. Md.. Lt. Col. ABRAHAM MOSES EHRLICH, beloved hus band of Anna G. Ehrlich and devoted father of Raphael H., Nathan and Ira Robert Ehrlich. He also is survived by his mother. Mrs. Laura Shrlieh of Brooklyn. N. Y.; two brothers Jack and Louis Ehrlich of New York; two sisters. Miss Celia Ehrlich of New York and Mrs. Augusta Marks of Norfolk. Va. Funeral services at the Ber nard Danzansky A: Son Funeral Home. 3501 1 tth st. n.w. on Wednesday. July 1 ». at 12 noon. Interment Arlington Na tional Cemetery. Pelase omit flow: rs. 14 EHRLICH. LT. COL. ABRAHAM MOSES. Members of Washington Post. No. 58. of the Jewish War Veterans of the United Stites. are requested to attend fu neral services for Lt. Col. ABRAHAM MOSES EHRLICH at the Bernard Danzansky A: Son Funeral Home. 3501 14th st. n on Wednesday. July 14. 1948, at 12 noon MAX PECK. Adjutant. 14 EHRLICH. ABRAHAM M. A special communication of Dawson Lodge. No. Id. F. A. A M . will be held at the Masonic Temple on Wed nesday. July 14, 1948. at JI o'clock am. for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late brother. ABRAHAM M. EHR LICH. By order of the worshipful master. JOHN A. COLBORN. Sr.. Secretary ELLIOT. PVT. THOMAS DOUGLAS. In September. 1942. in Northern Ireland. Pvt. THOMAS DOUG LAS ELLIOT, beloved son of Thomas W. and Elizabtth Elliot of Burtonsville. Md. He also Is survived by two sisters. Mrs. Charlotte Stone and Mrs. Isabel Parkman. both of Burtonsville. Md. Graveside *erv ; ires will be held Thursday, July 15. 1948. at 2 p m . with burial in Arlington Na tional Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 14 r AKMr.R. ALBr.KT ROUNTREE. SUQ drniy. July 12. 1948. at his home, in .Philadelphia. Pa. ALBESRT ROUNTREE FARMER, formerly of Washington. D. C.. beloved husband of Caroline Kobel Farmer and fa'her of Joan Caroline Farmer. Also surviving are two sisters. Eleanor Farmer Worley and Bessie Farmer, and r niece. Marv Elizabeth Norvell. Funeral in Phila delphia. Pa., on Tuesday. July 13. • FRANKLIN. MARGARET ROBY. On Monday. July 12, 1948. at her residenc.**. IHK1 Conn. ave. n.w.. MARGARET ROBY FRANKLIN, beloved wife of the late Aus tin S. Franklin. Services at the S. H. Hiwes Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th at. 'n.w.. on Thursday. July 15, at 11 a.m. Intermtnt Fort Lincoln Cemetery. (Balti more. Md., papers please copy.) 14 FRYE. ANNIE. On Sunday, July 11 1948. at George Washington Hospital. ANNIE FRYE of 750o Blain st. n.e.. Car mody Hills. Md., beloved wife of Willard i W. Frye, mother of Donald L. and William i A Bridges, and Woodrow W. Frye. She [ is also survived by two sisters and two i brothers. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e., where services will be held on Wednesday, July 14. at 2 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 13 GILLIKIN. PVT. CHARLES W. On July 25. 1944. in England. Pvt. CHARLES W. GILLIKIN. beloved son of Charles C. and Tillie A. Gillikin; brother of Jack and Bob Gillikin and Mrs. Kenneth Cheneworth. Reburial Arlington National Cemetery Wednesday, July 14, at 2 p.m. Friends invited. 13 GORMAN. ALICE M. Suddenly, on Monday. July 12. 1948. at her residence, 19(H) F st. n.w., ALICE M. GORMAN, beloved daughter of the late Edward A. and Catherine M. Gorman; sister of John J Gorman of Norfolk. Va., and the late Thomas A. Gorman of Washington. D. C. She also is survived by nieces and , nephews. Funeral from the Taltavull Fu neral Home. ;*(U9 14th st. n.w., on Thurs day. July 15, at 8:30 a.m Requiem mass at the Immaculate Conception Church at 9 a.m Relatives and fritnds are ^invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 14 GRANT. ELLEN O’NEAL. On Monday. July 12. 194 8. at her residence. 2102 1st st. n.w., ELLEN O'NEAL GRANT, mother of Mrs Genevieve Gordon. Fritnds may call at the Malvan & Schey Funeral Home, N J ave. and R st. n.w., after 4 p.m. Tuesday Services at the above funeral home Wednesday. July 14. at 10 a.m. In terment WToodlawn Cemetery. • HARRIDAY. ANNIE. On Sunday, July 11, 1948. at Montgomery County Hospital ANNIE HARRIDAY. loving mother of Mrs. ; Laura Brown. Also surviving are five grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends Remains resting at her late residence. Mount Zion. Md.., after fi P.m. Tuesday. 1 jijlv 13. Funeral Wednesday. July 14. i at 2 Dm- at Mount Zion Church. Mount Zion. Md. Interment church cemetery. Services bv Snowden Si Davis. 13 HART. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. On Mondav. July 12, 1948. at Naval Hospital. Bethrrda. Md . BENJAMIN FRANKLIN HART of 709 Allison st. n.w.. beloved hus band of Florence Asnes Hail and father of James A. Hart. Mrs. C. E. Robertson of West Palm Beach. Fla : Mrs. Georre W. Wilson of Baltimore. Md.: Mrs. Walter V. Ciaxton and Mrs. Eleanor H. Morris, both of Washington. D C. Services at the S. H Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Thursday. July 1ft. at lo a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 1 4 HAVENNER, JOHN LEON. On Sunday. July II. J94x, at Prince Georges General Hospital. JOHN LEON HAVENNER. be loved husband of Florence B Havenner and father of John L- Louis C. and James A Havenner and Mrs. Belle M. Hasting, ; Mrs Thomas E. Edwards, Mrs. Esther M Schonle. Mrs. Josaph R Rangel and Mrs. Helena Thompson. Services at Chambers' Funeral Home. ftlT 11th st. s.e., on Wednesday. July 14, at 2"30. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 13 HOLLETT' LT. i:UL. liiVKliE I... v. o. M. C„ Retired. On Saturday. July 10. 1048, at St. Petersburg, Fla. Lt Col. GEORGE L. HOL LETT, U. S M. C, retired, ot 1000 23rd ave. n.. St. Peters burg, Fla . and Falls Church. Va . beloved husband ol Ruth Dukes Hollett; father of Ruth George Hollett. St. Petersburg. Fla.; stepfather of Nelson George Harris of Woodbury. N. J and Lt Frank W. Harris, U. S. M. C . of Guam. M. I ; brother of Mrs. G. J. Sym inton of Los Angeles. Calif., and Mrs. Wal ter P Davison. New York City. Remains resting at S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2001 14th st. n.w. Services at Fort Myer Chapel on Wednesday. July 14, at to a m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. HOWARD. HARRY BRADLEY. On Mon day July J 2. 1048. at his home, near Annandaie. Va.. HARRY B. HOWARD, be loved husband of Lenna May Howard, fa ther of James Morgan Howard. He also Is survived by three sisters. Miss Pinckney Howard. Mrs Mabel Howard Lowry and Mrs Pearl Howard Hirst, all of Falls Church. Va. Remains resting at Pearson's Funeral Home. 472 North Washington st„ Falls Church. Va . where services will be held on Thursday, July IS. at 2:30 p.m. Interment Annandaie Cemetery, Annan daie. Va. 14 JACKSON. JULIAN A. Suddenly, on Saturday. July 10. 1048. at. hts residence 0 Hanover pi. n.w., JULIAN A JACKSON, beloved husband of Geneva E. S. Jackson. He is also survived by one aunt, one uncle, several cousins and other relatives and friends. After 4 p m . Tuesday friends mav call to see the late Mr. Jackson at the above address Funeral from Metro politan Baptist Church. Wednesday. July 14. at 1 p.m. Rev. E. C. Sml h rfficiating. Arrangements by L. F Murray Si Bon. 13* JONES. QUEEN REBECCA. Departed his ill t on inday, July 9, 1948. at Gallinger Hospital. QUEEN REBECCA JONES She was the widow of the late David Jones sr She leaves *o mourn tneir less one son. Serai. David Jones, jr. one sister. Mary Ferguson; ight grandchildren and a hdsl ol other relatives and friends Remains res ins at the Horton Funeral Home. J3Yon st n w. F'uneral services on Wednes day. July 14. at 1 *’:3d p.m.. at »ne above funeral home. Re’.. J. A. Fray officiating. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. KAIN, MARTIN J. On Sunday. July 11, 1.948. at midnigiv. in his 88th year. MAR TIN J. KAIN. beloved husband of the late Katherine Kain.. father ol Dr Helen Gladys Kain. D. E. Kain and M. J. Kain. Friends may call at Gawler's Chapel. 17ft« Pa. ave. n.w . where prayers will be offtred on Wednesday. July 14 at 8:30 a.m. I Mass will be ?aid at St. Matthew s Cathe dral. R I. and Conn »ves. n.w., at 9 a m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. KAMINSKY. JOSEPH. On Monday. -July V*. 1948, JOSEPH KAMINSKY of 1435 Perry pi. n.w . beloved hbsband of Annie Kaminsky and devoted father of Mrs Samuel Dessoff. Mrs. Julius Eanet. Mi*s Rosalie Kaminsky and Mrs. Reuben Shanker. He also is survived by a, broth er. Meyer Kaminsky of Pittsburgh. Pa . and three grandchildren. Funeral services at the Bernard Danzansky Si Son Funeral Home. 3501 14th st. n.w . on Wednesday. July 14. at C p.m. Interment Adas Israel Cemetery. Please omit flower* KLARE. RACHEL JANE. On Sunday. July 11. 1948. RACHEL JANE KLARE of Webster st. n.w.. beloved wile of the • ate Georce W. Klare and mother of Mrs. H H Roof ol Miami. Fla ; Mrs Walter R Meek of Marion. Ind : Lawren.e Klare of Washington. D C Herman H. Klare of New Orleans. La., and Mrs Paul D. John son of Baltimore. Md. Ten grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren also survive. Friends may call at the Birc'n Funeral Home 3034 M st. n.w where services will be held on Wednesday. July 14. at : p.m. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 13 LEWIS. DONALD COOPER. On Sun teda▼. July 11. 1948. at Mount Alto Hospital. DONALD COOPER LEWIS, beloved husband of Lo rencita I. Lewis, father of Mrs. Ida E. Sarich of Forest Grove. Oreg.; son of John E. Lewis, brother of Dorothy R. Lewis, both of New York City. N. Y. Services at Chambers Funeral Home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Wednesday, July 14. at *. o nterment Arlington National Cemr Dr. Solis-Cohen, Poet, Physician and Scholar, Dies in Philadelphia Ky th« Auo<iated Pr»t» PHILADELPHIA, July 13. — Dr. Solomon Solis-Cohen. 90, a prom : inent physician, poet and scholar, 1 died last night in Jewish Hospital. , Dr. Solis-Cohen, who had been ill i for some time, was a native of Phil adelphia and the oldest living mem ber of a family prominent here since before the Revolution. After his graduation from high 1 school at the age of 15. he worked : as a bookkeeper for eight years before beginning his medical studies at Jefferson Medical College. He was graduated in 1883. In later years he became a leading authority on drugs and was credited with being the discoverer of the physical basis of allergies. Despite his large practice, which included such prominent patients as former Prime Minister Ramsay Mac Donald of Great Britain, Dr. Solis Cohen found time to teach at Jef ferson Medical College, of which he ' was a faculty member for 43 years. He also was a profound scholar .of Hebrew, history and the classics. While poetry was his hobby, his works ,were widely published. His mast famous poem, ‘‘When Love : Passed By.” first appeared in Scrib ner’s magazine, but later was re printed in hundreds of other publi cations through the years. It sub sequently became the title of a col lection of his poems published in 1929. Another of his verses appeared in an anthology edited by the poet, John Greenleaf Whittier. Dr. Solis-Cohen is survived by three sons, D. Hays Solis-Cohen, Dr. Leon Solis-Cohen and Francis N. Solis-Cohen, and a daughter, Emily Solis-Cohen, all of Philadel phia. 214 Descendants Left By West Virginia Man By the Associated Press I WELFORD, W. Va„ July 13.— George Washington Smith, 88-year old farmer, left 214 descendants when he died at his home here yes terday. A complete roll call would number 6 sons. 3 daughters. 87 grandchil dren, 111 great-grandchildren and 7 | great-great-grandchildren. • SeatljB MARTIN. ROSE STOHLMAN. On Mon day, July 12. IU48, at her residence. 1320 36th st. n.w,. ROSE STOHLMAN MARTIN, beloved wife of the late Grandon B. Mar tin. Funeral from the above residence on Thursday. July 15. at 9:30 a.m. Requiem mass at Holy Trinity Church at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Oak Hill Cemetery. 14 MARTIN, ROSE 8. Members of Divi sion. No. 2. Ladies’ Auxiliary of the A. O. H., are requested to meet at the late home of Mrs. ROSE S. MARTIN. 1320 35th st. , n.w . on Wednesday. July 14, 1948, at 8 p.m.. to recite the prayers. MRS. MARY KENGLA. Acting President. MRS. MARY CLEMENTS. Secretary. 14 McGRAIN, MARY ASHLEY. Suddenly, on Tuesday. July 13. 1948. at her resi- j dence. 1340 Sheridan st. n.w., MARY ASH LEY McGRAIN. beloved wife of the late: John J. McGrain and mother of Mrs. Anne M. Parks. Frank B. McGrain. Miss Mar garet G. McGrain and John J. McGrain: sister of Dr. Rowland H. Ford. Funeral services at the V. L. Speare Funeral Home. 1009 H st. n.w . on Thursday. July 15, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. !4 MOONEY. WILLIAM M. On Saturday, day. July 10. 1948. at 1:30 a.m., at the Fltz-Simmons Hospital. Denver. Colo., WILLIAM M. MOONEY, aged 73 years, fa ther of Esther Louise Brocato and Harold A. Mooney, both of Silver Spring. Md.. avid Mrs. Ruth Ray and Mrs. Theodore Glidden, both of Denver. Colo. Funeral services and interment at Arlington Na tional Cemetery Thursday. July 15. at 11:30 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. 14 MYERS. MINNIE LOUISE. Suddenly, on Sunday. Julv 11, 1948. at her residence, 1813 35th st. n.w.. MINNIE LOUISE MYERS, beloved wife of the late Frederick A. MYERS; mother of Mrs. Alice M. Burtis. Washington. D. C.. and Mrs. Mary Louise Morris of Denver. Colo.; sister of Mrs. Alice R. Bradley and Mrs. Grace E. Pearce. Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th sf. n.w. Fu i neral services at St. Luke s Methodist Church. 35th and Wisconsin ave. n.w., on Wednesday. July 14. at 11 a.m. Inter ment Oak Hill Cemetery. 13 NEAL, HARRY. On Sunday. July 11. 1948, HARRY NEAL of 44oo Sheriff rd. n.e. He leaves a devoted wife. Edith Neal: five daughters. Eunice Williams. Mary Pinker. Rosetta Mauley. Mattie Walker and Vivian Neal: four sons, Her bert. Harry, jr.; Clarence and Beverly Neal: one brother. Fred Neal: seven grand children, three sons-in-law. a daughter-in law and many friends. Friends may call on Wednesday. July 14. after 2 p.m.. at the Funeral Home of Alexander 3. Pope. 414 loth st s.e.. where funeral services will be held Thursday. July 15. at 10 a.m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 14 PARKS, AMY BLAINE. On Tuesday. 1 July 13. 1948. at her residence. 1935 15th st. n.w., AMY BLAINE PARKS, wife of Frank E. Parks, devoted and beloved mother of Jessie B., Adella G. and the late F. E Parks. Notice of funeral serv ices later. Arrangements by W. Ernest Jarvis Co. PETT, STAFF SERGT. ARTHUR N. On August 7, 1944. in France. Staff. Sergt. ARTHUR N PEIT. be loved father of Donna L. Pett. son of Nicholas and Elizabeth Pett. brother of Mrs. Florence Flaerty and Mrs. Helen Schubert. Funeral from the Simmons Bros. Funeral Home. 2007 Nichols ave. s.e., on Wednesday. July 14. 1948. at 8:30 a.m.; thence to the Church of the Assumption, where mass will be offered at 9 a.m. for the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington Na tional Cemetery. 1**1. KuDbKl tUt*AKU (Ml DIE). On March 20. 1945. at Devizes, England. Pvt. ROBERT EDWARD (EDDIE) POWELL, beloved son of Robert Henry and Mary Evelyn Powell, brother of Ken neth. Clifford. Donald Mary Lou and Nancy Powell. Funeral services Friday. July 16. 1948. at 2 p.m Reinterment in Arlington National Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited 15 PRETTYMAN. RAYMOND A. Suddenly, on Friday. July 9. 1948. at Berwyn. Md.. RAYMOND A. PRETTYMAN. beloved fa ther of Graham J. Prettyman and brother of Pauline A. Campbell and Jack E. Pret tyman Mr. Prettyman rests at Gasch’s Funeral Home. Hyattsville, Md. Grave side services on Wednesday. July 14. at 10 a.m.. at Arlington National Cemetery. SARTAIN. 8/SERGT. JOHN H. On Octo ber 16. 1944. in England. S Sergt. JOHN H. SARTAIN, Jr., beloved son of John H. and KKC Eleanora V. Sartain: brother of William G-. Nancy L. and Win fred A. Sartain. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. ne Graveside services on Wednesday. July 14, at 10:30 a m . in Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 13 SCHAEFFER. MEI.VIN L. On Monday. Julv 12. 1948. at Veterans' Administration Hospital. Perry Point. Md.. after a long illness. MELVIN L SCHAEFFER. He leaves to mourn his wife. Verna Mae cchaefflr mother Mrs. Cora Schaeffer: two brothers. Fred P. and B. L. (Buddy SchpcfTer: two sisters. Mrs. Ruby Knupp ana Mr.'. May Holsinger. Funeral services will be condiuied on Thursday. July 15. at 1:30 p.m., at the Theis Funeral Home, New Market. Va. 14 SMALE. WHITMORE. Suddenly, on Monday. July 12. 1948. at Purcellvilie Va.. WHITMORE SMALE of Colonial VillaRe. Va.. beloved husband of Helen Smale. brother of Carolyn S. Muller. Rebecca Hindman and Frank Smale. Notice of fu neral later. SMITH. JULIAN. On FTiday. July 9. 194 8. JULIAN SMITH, husband of Harriet Smith, son of Julius Smith. He also is survived by five sisters, two brothers, other relatives and friends. After 4 p.m. Tuesday. July 13. friends may call at Frazier’s Funeral Home. Inc.. 389 R. I ave n.w.. where funeral services will be held on Wednesday. July 14, at 1 p.m. Interment Payne’s Cemetery. TYLER. HATTIE WALKER. Entered into eternal rest on Saturday. July 10. 1948. at Freedmen’s Hospital. HATTIE WALKER TYLER of 6 Bacon lane. Muir kirk. Md. 8he leaves to mourn their loss one daughter. Mrs. Helen Smith: one son in-law. Mr. Maynard Smith: devoted friend. Mr. Richard Tyler, one niece. Mrs. Clara Lewis: other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines & Co. Funeral Home. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w.. where friends may call on Tuesday. July 13. after 4 p.m Funeral Wednesday. July 14. at 1 p.m. Interment Woodlawn Ceme tery. TYLER. HATTIE. Entered into eternal rest on Saturday. Jul* lO. 1948. at Freed men's Hospital. HATTIE TYLER. No. 6 Bacon lane. Muirkirk. Md She leaves to mourn her loss one daughter. Mrs. Helen Smith, one son-in-law. Mr. Maynard Smith: a devoted friend. Richard Tyler: one niece. Mrs. Clara Lewis: other rela tives and friends. Remains resting at John T. Rhines & Co. Funeral Home. 3rd and I sts. s.w., where friends may call on Tuesdav. July 13, after 4 p.m. Funeral Wednesday. July 14, 1 pm. Interment W'oodUwn Cemetery. 13 VOLK, MARY. On Tuesday, July 13. 1948. at the home of her niece. Mra. Lula : Hollow, 1458 Columbia rd. n.w., MARY VOLK She also is aurvived by a nephew. Fred Hanks. Services at tht S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Thunder. July 15. at 2 p.m Relatives vited. Interment Pr' * -ctj v. Rites for Dr. Charles Sale, Retired Colonel, Set Today A burial service with military hon ors was to be held in Arlington Cemetery today for Dr. Charles W. Sale, 63, Fredericksburg physician and retired Army colonel. He died Saturday at Mary Washington Hos pital in Fredericksburg. The funeral service was held yesterday at Wheel er and Thompson funeral home in Fredericksburg. A native of King George County, Dr. Sale studied at the Medical Col lege of Virginia and interned at the Retreat for the Sick in Richmond. He practiced a short time in Fred ericksburg and Caroline County. In 1917 he entered the Army and served in both World Wars. He retired in 1946 with the rank of colonel. Surviving are his widow; a son, Charles W. Sale, jr„ Richmond; four sisters, Mrs. E. R. Conway. Hender son, Ky.: Mrs. Alvin T. Rowe and Mrs. John Gray, Fredericksburg, and Mrs. C. B. Conway, Washington; two brother, Powhatan J. Sale, Mul lins, S. C„ and Dr. J. J. Sale, San Francisco. Gen. Layman Reburial To Be Held Thursday Reburial services will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday in Arlington Cemetery for Brig. Gen. Walter G. Layman. 53. who directed an over Gen. Layman. seas training center during the war. Gen. Layman died of a heart attack Septem ber 24. 1944, in C h e 11 e n h am, England. His home here was In the Kennedv Warren Apart ments. At the time of his death, Gen. Layman was c om m a n d ing general of the Ground Forces Replacement Cen ter for the European Theater of Operations. The center was situ ated on a large British estate. Gen. Layman was born in Park ersburg, W. Va., and entered the Army in World War I as a captain. He rose to lieutenant colonel in that war and remained in the service. He became an instructor at Fort Bennlng, Ga., and also was stationed at Fort Leavenworth, Kans. Later he was with the Office of the Chief of Infantry for four years, and for many years directed the national rifle matches at Camp Perry, Ohio. Gen. Layman Is survived by his widow and a niece, Mrs. Joseph Handlan III of Parkersburg. Miss Perkins Urges Clean Campaign By th# Associated Press PHILADELPHIA, July 13—Miss Frances Perkins called on the Dem ocratic Party last night to “take the lead in inaugurating a vigorous campaign without mudslinging.” Just as men could not live to gether without mutual respect, she told the convention, so also each political party “must regard the members of the other parties as also manifesting truth and a desire for service.” The Civil Service Commissioner and former Secretary of Labor con tinued : "Whispering campaigns, cynicism about public activities, about politi cal action, abuse and false accusa tion have no place in a true politi cal campaign and particularly at this time when poltical affairs have assumed a world importance never before known in American life.” She said the Democrats should give the Republicans credit where credit is due, and recognize also that the Democrats have made mis takes along with their achieve ments. “It fthe Democratic Party) has had its full complement of error and confusion,” she said, “but many objectives have been achieved. Some objectives have been only partly at tained.’’ Miss Perkins said many Ameri cans would like another Franklin D. Roosevelt for President. "But we have to face life as it is,” she said. “There is no duplicate in this or any other party.” In iflrmorfatn BARNES, BESSIE. In loving memory of our dear wife and mother, BESSIE BARNES, who departed this life one year ago today, July 13, 1.94«. The precious one from us is gone, A voice we loved is stilled: A place is vacant in our home Which never can be filled. HER LOVING HUSBAND AND DAUGH TER. ALONZO BARNES AND ELOISE ALEXANDER COOPEg, KATE. In loving memory of our dear mother. KATE COOPER, who parsed to the Great Beyond July 13, 1942. July only brings sad memories Of our loved one gone to rest; You will never be forgotten By the ones who loved you best. LOVING DAUGHTERS. MARY, ROSA. MARION AND KATIE. DEANE. ELAINE LOUISE. In loving remembrance of my dear daughter. FLA1NE LOUISE DEANE, who departed this life one year ago today, July J3, 194 7. HER FATHER. HARRY 8. HASKELL. • DOUGLASS. GEORGE AND SARAH. In memory of GEORGE DOUGLASS, who left us twenty-five years sro today. July 13. 1923. and SARAH DOUGLASS, who left us January 7, 1927. Your memory is as dear today As in the hour you passed away. DAUGHTER. SARAH E. TATE. • HEBRON. SUSIE M. In loving memory of our beloved mother. SUSIE M. HEBRON, who departed this life six years ago today, July 13, 1942. Often to our hearts comes a cry. “Oh. why. oh. why. did our mother die?” Then comes an answer, so soft and sweet, “Your mother is not dead, she's only asleep 14 HER DEVOTED CHILDREN—VELAIRE SHAW. PAYNE. BELL IDA. In loving memory of our dear sister. BELL IDA PAYNE, who passed away six years ago today, July 13, 1942. We watched her suffer day by day, It caused us bitter grief To see her slowly pine away And could give her no relief. Some day. some time our eyes shall see The lace we loved so well: Some day. some time her hand we 11 clasp And never say farewell. DEVOTED SISTERS, BROTHERS AND NEPHEW. • QUIGLEY, PATRICK J. In sad but loving memory of our beloved father and grandfather. PATRICK J. QUIGLEY, who left us one year ago today. July 13. 1947. Only God knows how much we miss you. Pop. Because you were the best: In our hearts your memory linger*. Fweetly. tenderly, fond and true. Always so true, unselfish and kind. A few in this world his equal you will find: A breath full of life that came to an end, He died as he lived, every one's friend. LOVING SONS. DAUGHTERS AND GRANDCHILDREN. SHIPE. MRS. EDNA LEARY. In sad but loving memory of my dear daughter. EDNA LEARY SHIPE. who passed away two years ago. on July 13, 194H. No one knows the silent heartache, ' i Only those who have lost can tell Of the grief that la borne in silence At the loss of one we loved so well. Time speeds on and two years have passed Since death its gloom, its shadow cast Within our home, where all seemed bright,. And took from us a shining light. We mis* that light and alwaya will Bv a vacant place there* none to fill: Down here we mourn, but not in vain. For un In Heaven we will meet again. HEK DEVOTE-'* MOTHER. MRS. MI? "IE L'r*. Dr. George C. Lewis, Aeronautics Research Leader, Dies at 66 Dr. George C. Lewi*, credited with contributions toward many ad vances in aeronautical science in the United States, died yesterday at his summer ■home at Lake ! Winola, Pa. He 1 was 66. Announce ment of Dr. Lewis’ death was made by the National Advis ory Committee for Aeronautics, of which Dr. Lewis was di rector of aero naut i c a 1 re search for 13 years until his resignation last Dr. lc*l(. | August, because of ill health. Since then, he had acted as a ; research consultant to the commit ! tee. Dr. Lewis resided at 6502 Ridge I wood avenue, Chevy Chase, Md. I Numerous honors for technical 'achievement were bestowed on him ! during his years with the Advisory Committee after his appointment \ as its executive officer in 1919. Won Guggenheim Medal. In 1929, he was selected by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers as one of the 10 men most responsible at that time for advances in aviation in this coun try. He had received the honorary degree of doctor of science from Norwich University at Northfleld, Vt„ and was awarded the Guggen heim Medal for outstanding success in the direction of aeronautical re search and the development of orig inal research equipment and methods. In 1937, he was President Roose velt’s delegate to the Inter-Ameri can Technical Aviation Conference in Lima, Peru, and in 1941 was ap pointed a member of the United States National Commission of the Permanent American Aeronautical Commission. When Dr. Lewis .joined the Ad visory Committee in 1919, it had only 16 employes and one wind tun nel The agency today has about 6,000 employes, three large labora tories representing an investment of nearly *100,000,000 and 40 wind tunnels, including some of the most advanced types in the world. Stricken in 1945. Although he was known chiefly to a small group of the country's fore most industrial scientists, Dr. Lewis designed the first wind tunnels and his research led the way for the modern airplane propellor. Dr. Lewis had been in uncertain health since suffering a heart at tack in 1945, which was believed to have been caused by >cng hours de voted to research on new war planes. He often worked until dawn on ideas he thought warranted im mediate experimentation, associates said. A native of Ithaca, N. Y., Dr. Lewis held bachelor and master de grees in engineering from Cornell University, where he taught for a short while. He taught engineering at Swarthmore College for seven years and was in private business for two years before joining the Advisory Committee. Dr. Lewis is survived by his widow, Mrs. Myrtle Harvey Lewis; five sons, Arman K., Alfred W., Harvey S., Leigh K. and George W. Lewis, jr„ and a daughter, Mrs. \ Myrtle Norlaine Senasack. Funeral arrangements have not been announced. Requiem Mass Tomorrow For John J. Nicholson, 80 Requiem mass will be offered at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow in Fort Myer Chapel for John Joseph Nicholson,! 80, retired insurance adjuster, who died yesterday in the Newton D. Baker Hospital at Martinsburg, W. Va., after an illness of two years. Mr. Nicholson was employed with the Globe Insurance Indemnity CoJ of Newark, N. J„ until his retirement 30 years ago. He had lived with a son. John J. Nicholson, Jr., at 416 North Thomas street, Arlington, since 1942. Born in Troy, N. Y„ Mr. Nicholson worked as a reporter on the old Troy Times before the Spanlsh-American War. After service with the 2d New York Volunteer Infantry in that war, he returned to the Times, now the Troy Record. He worked there for several years until his marriage to the former Nora A. Mullamphy in 1904. when he joined the insurance company in Newark. In Arlington, he attended the St. Thomas More Catholic Church. Besides his wife and son, Mr. Nicholson leaves a daughter, Kath ryn I. Nicholson, Arlington. Burial will be in Arlington Cemetery. Arlington Rites Tomorrow For Lt. Col. G. L. Hollett Funeral services will be held to morrow for Lt. Col. George L. Hol lett, 62, U. S. M. C., retired, formerly of 22 Beech wood lane, Fails Church. Va. Col. Hollett, who retired in 1945, after 27 years of service with the Marines, died Saturday in St. Perers burg, Fla. The services will be held at 10 a m. with full military honors, in the chapel at Fort Myer, Va. Burial will be in Arlington Cemetery. Col. Hollett graduated in 1909 from Yale University and also at tended Northwestern and George town 'Universities. A native of Chi cago, he entered the Marines in 1918 and served until 1945. During his military career he was a presiding justice of the Court of Appeals of Guam and also served in the Judge Advocate General’s Office. Col. Hollett was a veteran of both World Wars. He is survived by his widow. Mrs. Ruth Dukes Hollett; a daughter.! Miss Ruth George Hollett, St.; Petersburg; two stepsons, Nelson George Harris. Woodsbury, N. J., and Lt. Frank W. Harris III, Guam, and two sisters. Mrs. G. J. Syminton of Los Angeles and Mrs. Walter P. Davidson, New York. Jane Cowl Out of Hospital LA JOLLA, Calif., July 12 (Jf).— Jane Cowl, injured in a fall from a moving automobile Saturday, left the hcapital today. The actress Dlanned to attend dress rehearsal t-’-icht rf The Fir=t Mrs. Fraser’ •;-'i r n> tomoTTO”'. Funeral Rites m Linden Today for John F. Ralls Funeral service* for John F. Ralls, 52. rural mail carrier at Linden, Va.. for 29 years, were to be held at 2:30 pm. today in the Linden Methodist Church. Burial was to be' in Pros pect Cemetery at Front Royal, Va.: Mr. Ralls died Saurday. He was! born in Linden and lived there all his life, except for overseas service in World War I. He is survived by his widow. Mrs. Elinor Ralls; two sons, Kenneth A. and John F. Ralls, jr., and a daugh ter, Marion, all of Linden, and four sisters, Mrs. Lula Cooper, Arlington; Mrs. Virginia Ritenour, Front Royal, and Mrs. Bessie Mills and Mrs. Mary Dodson, both of Linden. A. D. Hodgdon Dies; Consul in Stuttgart Anderson Dana Hodgdon, 58. vet eran career diplomat, died yesterday in Stuttgart, Germany, where he was American consul general, the Associated Press reported today. Mr. Hodgddn. a native of Balti more. had held important positions in the State Department here and had served in numerous posts abroad since joining the Foreign Service in 1923. He headed the department’s visa division here from 1930 to 1934, and returned to Washington in 1942, serving as a liaison officer and as sistant chief of the Foreign Activity Correlation Division until he was assigned abroad again in 1944. Mr. Hodgdon served in the office of the United States political ad viser on German affairs attached to Supreme Allied Headquarters during the latter part of the war, and was made consul general at Stuttgart on February 28, 1946. He was a graduate of Charlotte Hall Military School and Washing ton and Lee University, and had a law degree from the University of Maryland. During the first World War, he was a lieutenant com mander in the Navy. In his Foreign Service career, Mr. Hodgdon had served at Moscow. Berlin, Prague, Naples, Rome and Other posts. Benjamin Franklin Hart, Retired Navy Clerk, Dies Benjamin Franklin Hart, 76, a retired Navy Department employe, died yesterday at Bethesda Naval Hospital atfer an illness of six weeKs. Mr. Hart, who lived at 709 Alli son street N.W., had been with the Navy in both service and civil ian status since 1915, when he came here from Auburn, 111. At the time of his retirement' in February, 1945, he was em ployed in a cleri cal position in the Code and B. F. Hart. Signal section. He nad served as an enlisted man at the Nevy Yard here during World War I. Mr. Hart operated a large farm in Illinois before coming to the District. He was an elder in the Fourth Presbyterian Church here. Surviving are his widow, two brothers, the Rev. John W. Hart of Topeka, Kans., and Charles E. Hart of Memphis; a son, James A. Hart of Washington, and four daughters, Mrs. C. E. Robertson, West Palm Beach, Fla.; Mrs. George W. Wilson, Baltimore, and Mrs. Walter V. Clax ton. and Mrs. Eleanor H. Morris, both of Washington. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday at the S. H. Hines Funeral Home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W., with burial in Arling ton Cemetery. Old Bible Brings $61,600 LONDON, July 13 (JP).—A London bookseller paid 161,600 at auction yesterday for a 500-year-old vellum copy of the Bible, printed in Latin in Mainz, Germany, in 1462. Mrs. Spry Dies at 86; j Long Resident Here Mr*. Mary Wrathall Spry. 86, widow of a former Governor of Utah and a resident here for more than 20 years, died yesterday in Los Angeles on a vacation trip. Mrs. Spry, who lived here with a daughter, Mrs. William L. Foss, att 1838 Kenyon street N.W.. had been in California since early last month j on a regular summer visit to another daughter, Mrs. Roland R. Woolley. She was the widow of William j Spry. Governor of Utah from 1908 to 1916 and United States Land Commissioner from 1921 until his death here In 1929. A native of Grantsville, Utah, Mrs. Spry had lived in Washington since coming here with her husband in the 1920s. In addition to her daughters, Mrs. Spry leaves a son, Brig. Gen. James W. Spry, Military Attache at the American Embassy in Mexico City: four grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Funeral services and burial will be in Salt Lake City Thursday, Rites for Donald C. Lewis, PBA Official, Tomorrow Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow for Donald Cooper Lewis, 52, Public Buildings Admin istration official, who died Sunday in Mt. Alto Hospital. Burial with military’ and masonic honors, will be in Arlington Ceme tery, following the services in Cham bers funeral home, 1400 Chapin street N.W. Mr. Lewis was a native of Derby, Conn., and was a graduate of Wes leyan University. At the time of his death, he was PBA's protection of ficer, on the staff of the chief of, field operations. Mr. Lewis married Miss Lorencita Maestas here in 1943. She was also with PBA. Their home is at 2600 Twenty-fourth street N.E. He was a veteran of World War I, having been a private in the Marine Corps, and saw heavy fighting in Belleau Woods and other battle areas. He was also a Mason and belonged to Dawson Lodge No. 16 here. Surviving, besides his widow, are his father, John E. Lewis of New York: a step-daughter, Mrs. Ida E. Sarich of Forest Grove, Ore., and a sister, Miss Dorothy R. Lewis, New York. ‘ Divorce Pact Will Add $30,000 to Landis Estate fty the Associated Press LOS ANGELES. July 13.—The es- J tate of Actress Carole Landis will i be enriched $30,000 when the court approves the property settlement of j her divorce suit against her fourth husband, W. Horace Schmidlapp. Mr. Schmidlapp had signed the agreement and the actress was to j have affixed her signature late Tuesday, the day after she com mitted suicide with an overdose of sleeping pills. Mr. Schmidlapp let It be known yesterday he is willing to let the agreement stand. Attorney Jerry Giesler, who represented Miss Landis in the divorce action, said he would ask the court to approve it. Meantime, the reading of the star’s will scheduled yesterday, was postponed. Mr. Giesler said the only will known to him was one written by Miss Landis in 1944. 1 Rites at Bolling Chapel For Mrs. Kurtz Today Funeral services for Mrs. Samuel Kurtz, wife of the assistant director of the Air Force Band at Bolling Air Force Base, were to be held this morning on the first anniversary of her marriage. Mrs. Kurtz died at the base hos pital early Sunday, apparently of poison. The verdict of Dr. A. Ma gruder MacDonald, District coroner, is being withheld pending further investigation. The services for the 39-year-old wife of the Bolling warrant officer were to be held at the base chapel, which was the scene of her wod dtng. Mrs. Kurtz was to be clad'in her wedding dress. The services will be conducted bv the Protestant chaplain, the Rev. George C. Cameron. T/Sergt. Iven D. Genuchi will sing the Lord's Prayer, accompanied by Mr. Kurtz's Air Force Choir of 16 members. Pall bearers were to be members of the Air Force Band. The body was to be shipped this afternoon by air from Washington National Airport to Sheridan, Wyo., accompanied by her brother-in-law, Burtin Marsten, of Laramie. Mrs. Kurtz was a native of Wyoming. Mrs. Kurtz was a field represen tative for the Mills Music Co. She collapsed across the street from the Kurtz home at 4337 Halley terrace S.E. Dr. Franz Weidenreich Dies NEW YORK, July 13 UP).—Dr. Franz Weidenreich, 75, anthropolo gist and research associate of the American*Museum of Natural His tory, died Sunday. A native of Ger many, he was visiting professor of anatom/ and anthropology at the University of Chicago in 1934-5. He joined the museum here in 1941. ! - — ■— i ■ i f$rrri>& SJalsf) MORTICIANS 4601 5th St. N.W. HA. 5468 . . . well disciplined and fully instructed. I _ W. R. Frank Hines, President i Washington's Foremost Funerol Home Sin to 1S7S * Uhl S.H.IHines Company 2901-03-OS-tl Ftnrttenth Stmt N.W. CO Inmbit 7023-24 Nt Branch Establishment! a feaclfof an ICE CREAM FLAVOR OF THE MONTH AT HIGH'S THE MOST DELICIOUS ICECREA You have Ever Tasted! POPULAR LOW PRICES FOR HIGH'S 1 QUALITY ICE CREAM! J| Ouart Bricks 52c | L* 1/2-Gal. Bulk 90c ■PiPHggBttMiHii _