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mAdatng 5344m ENETIAN BLINDS CUSTOM-MADE by Expert« Ml SFFct,L 1 DF.PT. • Boalntlni • B»ta»lni • Ba-Car4l*f I-Day Strviet Featuring the New DRAPE-O-BLIND Assembly • Free Estimate* and Installation • Convenient Term.* • Day or Nlfht Appointments In Your Home or Office “Wmkinttant Venetian Blind Style Specialists’' WHITE HOUSE SR AD. 5344 3145 Mt. Pleasant St. N.W. ADVERTISEMENT. Travu-go -Round _ by Virginia Day A CONFIRMED BACHELOR FRIEND, New York apartment dweller type, reports a new way of keep ing cool. He turns on a cold shower, sets his electric fan up in front of it, gets a steady, cool breeze. Ingenious, if you have to stay home all summer. But I have some good buys in cooling-off vacations. They pay for themselves in comfort while you’re away, ana in new energy wnen you got back to your job. • • • Tha snow-capped Canadian Rockies have mountain-fresh wa ter lakes I’ll never forget. The Maritime* have sea breezes with their golf, riding, tennis. In the Columbia Icefield, there's even aummer skiing. A million square miles of cool vacationland in Canada — and here I sit at a typewriter! But you may be better off. Drop me a postcard, and I’ll send “Vacations Unlimited in Canada,” a 50-page booklet. (Note: while you cool off in Canada, you re turn a friendly visit. Last year, on a per capita basis, Canadians spent $220 each traveling in U S.) No travel restrictions, no pass-, ports required of U.S. citizens. • • • Like It or not, money is a help to poise, and poise to keeping cool. Carry plenty in American Express Travelers Cheques. Safe, spendable everywhere, good 'til used. Refund if lost. 75< per $100, at Banks, principal Railway Ex press, Western Union Offices. • • • Cool mountain breeies, oven In bunkers, make Equinox House, Manchester, Vt., perfect. I like this hospitable, white Colonial hotel — fine service, a shaded cocktail terrace, all sports. Ask me for leaflet i For reservations call nop. zwz • • • Did yon know that swimming Is America’* favorite sport? Wise choice, I’d sfy — cooling, and bottom-of-the-lake on price. It takes less than S hoars to reach Bermuda when you go by BOAC Speedblrd. And planes leave New York at 6:30, Balti more at 4 P.M., after your day’* work is done. BOAC’a "pres surized” Constel lations cruise smoothly, high above the hot weather. I like the air-condition ing, too: 75*. with complete change of this nice cool air every 70 seconds. Tall iced drinks may be had from the bar. Dinner is complimentary, served by cour teous stewards and stewardesses. Round trip only $126 plus tax. Aek for leaflet; for reservations :all your agent or Exec. 3944. » • • Bermuda’s underground caves are personally guaranteed to keep you cool (temperature, 82°) and to excite your imagination. You explore their tinyT islands and lakes; see fairytale castles in icicle-like crystal formations. Bermuda’s life above ground is sporty, casual, cooled by ocean breezes. The winding roads are bordered by tall cedar trees, flamboyantly colored flowers, pink and white houses. You swim, fish, play golf or tennis. You get about by bike, carriage or miniature English car. Every thing, even shopping for choice British merchandise, is leisurely. (My best buy: expertly tailored, knee-length Bermuda shorts.) Ask me for Bermuda’s 26-page color booklet, and for facts on where to stay. Miracle: some small guest houses offer a pleas ant room—and breakfast served in it—for only $3 a day. Ask TRAVEL-GO-ROUND, 2*5 W. 39th St., N. Y. C. 1». for leaflets. Expedition to Study Mysterious Ruins of Eskimos in Greenland •y *h« At»ociat«d fr*M Thousands of years ago the pre historic granddaddy of the Eskimo traveled from Hudson Bay to Green land. Just how and why he went there is still a mystery which will be studied this summer. Eskimo ruins in the uninhabited, mysterious Arctic wilderness north ■ of the 75th parallel will be studied, by members of an expedition headed; by Dr. Harry B. Collins, jr„ United States Government archeologist. Smithsonian Institution and the National Museum of Canada are jointly sponsoring the trip into the northern portion of the Canadian Arctic archipelago. The region consists of the Parry and Sverdrup groups of islands, where for at least 100 years various expeditions have reported finding j many old village sites with ruins of crude stone houses. The houses are said to have rafters of whalebone, which, Dr. Collins said, was char acteristic of prehistoric Canadian and Greenland Eskimos. Some of the sites, apparently ex tensive, have been reported on Cornwallis Island, 2,000 miles due 400 Attend Parley Of Druggists Here The druggist is America's most important adviser on health, more than 400 delegates to a convention of the Alpha Zeta Omega pharma ceutical fraternity were told here yesterday. Robert P. Fischelis, secretary of the American Pharmaceutical As sociation, declared it is up to the country’s pharmacists to keep both physicians and the public informed on the best use of medicine. “Your chief job,” Dr. Fischelis told the pharmacists, "once was to compound medicines. But today much of that work is done in mod ern factories. “The dispensing of information has not been simplified, however. The physician and the public both depend on the pharmacist for in formation about the latest drugs. The pharmacist has become the ad viser as well as tne provider of the actual materials of medicine.” Dr. Fischelis cited a new bi monthly bulletin on cancer con trol published by the Public Health Service and the pharmaceutical as sociation as an example of ma ! terial available to aid the druggist ! in keeping up to date, i Charles W. Bliven, dean of the George Washington University 1 School of Pharmacy, was presented with a certificate of honorary mem bership in the fraternity. Other speakers included Comdr. W. Paul Briggs, director of phar macy of the Navy's Bureau of Med icine and Surgery: Philip I. Rosen, convention chairman: Maher Pass amaneck, head of the fraternity, and Irving Goldberg, master of ceremonies. The meeting, in the Hotel Statler will end tomorrow. County Begins Spraying Soybeans Around Corn Montgomery County Farm Bureau trucks will begin spraying DDT on soy beans planted around cornfields in the county in the next three days. The spraying is part of the Farm Bpreau\ annual campaign aganist Japanese battles. The soy beans, Farm Bureau of ficials explained, were planted to divert the pests from the com. Ap proximately '300 farmers have par ticipated in the program. north of Winnipeg and 800 miles .above the rim of the Arctic Circle.' Eskimo migrations. Dr. Collins! said, were made through the north ern Islands In presumably slow stages by scattered groups over hundreds of years. He hopes to discover the approxi mate rate of such movements, to 'determine whether the stone vil lages were set up as permanent settlements or merely resting places and the reasons for abandoning the villages. No natives, he said, have lived ngrth of the 75th parallel In thfe archipelago during historic times. ' EMERSON • RCA • PHILCO TELEVISION i IMMEDIATE DELIVERY NA. OL 2160 2160 I E | i 517 10th St. 7008 Wi«. Art. UtqhTZeilht* / PAINTS SI,ci 1111 aiASS / The New' Dutch Bay* Paint UBlendedto Slay Bright $0.45 w *er HUGH REILLY GO. 1334 N. Y. Av». N.W. NA. 1703 Free Parkin/ Across the Street DIAMOND BARGAINS That Ara Difficult to Duplicate LADY'S SOL. RINO % CT. $100 LADY'S H CT...$125 LADY'S % CT. . $150 LADY'S PLAT. BLUE WHITE 1 CT...$225 MAN'S FINE CUT 1 CT., $300 LADY'S NICE lJ/4 CT.$350 LADY'S FINE IVa CT... $575 LADY'S GOOD COLOR CT. ..- $675' MAN’S PERFECT 2l/a CT., $800 LADY’S PERFECT 3 CT., $875 MAN'S 5 CT. PERFECT, $1,250 J LADY’S 3 STONE TIFFANY I BLUE WHITE 4 Vi CT., $1,250 I . „ . ■ i i •'Prices Ousted Include Mountlnys.” \ *t Above Prleoe Do Not Inelndo Tu These extremely low prices ere mode possible by ear vast purchases at exeeptlenallv One terns from estates, beaky, bankruptcy and sae rifles sales Ton don’t pay faaov prleea ley overhead here. uvuigston & CO. 1423 H ST. N.W. ME. 3440 ME. 2905 DON’T SIMMER * SUMM treat yourself to comfort with a ROOM AIR CONDITIONER Hudson offers you the products of two of the world's most famous manufacturers of air-conditioning equipment-a size and type for every need In your home or office. Now available for immediate InstallationI Hondsome consol* design in the Generol Electric Room Air Conditioner lends the oppearance of a piece of fin* furniture, while It completely and healthfully air-condi tion* your room or office. It rids th* area of stale air, brings In fresh, filtered air, cools and circulates It at th* proper degre* of temperature and humidity. Quiet operation end *conomical upkeep ore characteristic of the G-E name, and thes* unit* may be installed quickly wfthout plumbing or droin*. Two space-saving sizes are available in the famous Carrier window units. A rich wralnut finish makes them a distinctive addition to any room, ond there's no worry about floor spoee because they can be quickly ond simply installed in any standard window. Smoll ond unobtru sive, yet they do a thorough job of cooling, cleaning, drying and circulating the air you breathe. Special con struction overcomes vibration noises. I 1727 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. N. W. Phone Dlstrict 1070 for IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ' * t The finest in air travel ...only pennies per mile You’ll be treated to top* in air travel when you etep aboard aTWA Constellation. World-proved, theae com fortable, 4-engined Skyliners whiak you to faraway points at five miles a minute. It was with these fine airplanes that TWA set a new winter per formance record . . . com pleted 97% of scheduled mileage despite worst weather in years. i PICTURI OF A MAN SAVINS THI DAY There’* good reason why TWA is called the “Busi nessman’s Airline." TWA flight schedules are care fully planned for maxi mum convenience for business travelsrs. You can save valuable busi ness days by cutting travel time the TW Away. Inquire about TWA’s Air Credit Plan. r NOT MANY "LONO” DISTANCIS LIFT IN THI WORLD By TWA, it’e only 13'A hour* from New York to Ireland—not 3000 milee; only a few day* to India—not a weeke-long ▼oyage. And key citiee here at home are brought much cloeer Mf toptlMr br Um wd of TWA. f NIW WORDS IN THI IAN8UA0I . . . “QUICKII VACATIONI" You don't need week*. Even a week end ia time enough for day of fun at a favorite vacation spot whan you travel TWA. Remember TWA “Quickie Va cation" when you need a tonic. TWA it just the ticket to— Let Angeles I flights Sofiy as lost os 14 hrs. IS mb*. Columbus 5 flights Solly— * »/l hrs. NON-STOP Kansas City. S flights Solly—7 hrs. SS mb*. Frequent flights from U.S.A. to: Paris It flights wookty—It hrs. SS ml*. Ireland It flights wsakly— IS hrs. SS min. Lisbon 7 flights wsakly—17 hrs. 10 min. For reeervatione call Republic S400 or your travel agent Just the ticket for world travel JRAM9 WORLD At RUN9 1 r.S.A.> EUROPE -AFRICA -ASIA I Trust me to find the rich milk AT SAFEWAY YOU GET milk guaranteed 14% richer than the law requires' -AND AT THE MONEY-SAVING STORE PRICE IT’S THE BUTTERFAT that makes milk taste rich and creamy. And Lucerne Homogenized Grade A—the milk • you get at S a f e w a y—contains 14% more butterfat than State or District regulations require. Yes, Lucerne is bound to be a flne-tasting milk. It tastes rich because it is rich. (It’s a good source of vitamin A, too.) Naturally high in cream . . . Lucerne Grade A is homogenized for perfect cream blend. It never tastes “flat” or “thin”—because from the top of the carton to the bottom, every drop is creamed. Lucerne comes to you country fresh. Country fresh from just the finest kinds of herds. And it comes in sanitary one-trip con tainers that enter only your home y , , that cut out Bottle deposit, bottle return and bottle washing. You get Lucerne Grade A at your Safeway store and save the home delivery charge. And you can buy Lucerne conveniently, as you need it. Start now to give your family rich Lucerne Grade A Milk every day—it’s today’s standout value in food. HOT*: Price on 4 ousrts or more lots is not effective in our Vlrsinls stores dus to Vlrsinls Milk Commission rtsulstions. Vs. pries Is 10e per ousrt In sns smount. SAFEWAY OFFERS YOU ON 4-QUART PURCHASES Safeway now offers you Lucerne Grade A Milk at only 18* per quart, when you buy four or more quarts. That’s an txtra sav in* over the low, store price—and 3i less per quart than the usual home-delivered price. And remember, Lucerne is guar anteed 14% richer than the law requires! Luctrns Grads A Milk 4 qts. or moro * »V y *'*10 corrtyS •NOT EFFECTIVE IN VIRGINIA STORES ONE, TWO OR THREE _ -.mvrir«f QUARTS-19C AT SAFEWAY