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LEGAL NOTICES. MeNEILL a FULLER. Attorneyt, 81.1 1.1th Street N.W. IN THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF THE District of Columbia.—ELIZABETH C BABBIT. PlaintifT. vs GOTHAM SILVER CO. INC, Defendant—No. A-2504. — The object of this suit is to recover the sum of ?1.200.00 which plaintiff lo'.ned defendant, which is past due and owing to plaintiff and to have judgment of con demnation of certain property of the defendant, levied on under an attachment issued in this suit to satisfy plaintiff s claim. It is therefore this 24th day of June ]948. ordered that the defendant! appear in this Court on or before the fortieth day. exclusive of Sundays and ’egal holidays, after the day of the first publication of this order, to defend this. suit and show cause why said condem nation should not be had otherwise the suit will oe proceeded with as in case of default. Bv the Court: June 24. 1948. »S ’ FRANK H MYERS Justice. ‘Seal'. A true copv. Test. WALTER F. TRAM MELL. Clerk By RICHARD A TRAM MELL. Deputy Clerk._Je28jyfi.U WHITEFORI). HART. UARMODY A WILSON. Attorneys. 81.1 1.1th St.. N.W. _ DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia Holding Probate Court.—No. 71.297. Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice. That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained irom the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters of Administration on the estate of Opal Lee Everace. also known as Opal Hit ten mark and Opal Lee Hittemnark, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. Ail persons having claims against the deceased are here by warned tc exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 10th day of June. A.D 1949. otherwise they may b» law be excluded from all benefit of said estate Given under its hand this -4th day of June. 1949. IIAf71/I’ ON NATION AL BANK OP WASHINGTON. By. F P. HARMAN. Jr. Vice President. 'Seal.) Attest MELVIN J. MARQUES. Demity Reg ister o' Wilis for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. )e‘.'9.jyb. 1 PAUL B. ELCAN. Attorney. Columbian Building. _. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia Hoidme Probate Court.—No .0. .4, Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice^ That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters of Administration. C T A on the estate cf Herbert Graff, late of the District of Columbia- de, eased All persons hav“ frig claims against :he deceased are here by warned to exhibit the sa»rip-f go.Ih tn vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to fhp subscriber on or before the *N>tn day nr March A D. 1949. otherwise they may bv iaw be eN.iudeo from all benefit of said rotate Given under us hand this -4th dav of June. 1919. AMERICAN SECURITY AND TRUST COMPANY, By WM S FRENCH Jr Assistant Trust Officer (Seal! Attesi; MELVIN J. MARQUES. Deputy Register of Wil’s lor the District of Co.umbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. ie29.iyfi.l-L_ LYON A: LYON Attorneys. I i *0 New York Avenue N.W._ DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States [or the Disrirt of Columbia. Holdinc a Probate Court.—Estate of Emma F Hines. Deceased—No. . l.'ton. Adminis tration Docket iso—Application havin? been made herein for probate 0i the las. will and testament of said deceased, and for letters testamentary on said es.ate. Dy Mitchell Hines. it is ordered this ,-h day ot July. AD 1 tilK. that Elizabeth Brown. Joseph A Jackson and all others concern ed. appear in said Court on Monriay the Kith day of Aurust AD. KKh. at 1°" o'clock AM to Show cause why such application should not be granted. I ■ notice hereof be published in the U ash tout on Law Reporter ’ and The Evenins Star ’ once in each of three successive weeks before the return day herein men tioned. the first publication to be not less H.4S “Jseal !S ‘ AtteJ: THFODORE COGSWELL. Re-istcr of Wilis for [he District of Columbia- Clerk of(_the Probate Court _ _i£! • ‘ - i i 1 IS. HOUGHTON A.KU.IS Attorneys DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District °I_ Columbia. Holdine Probate Court.—No ,110.. Ao Th a 1' ‘ J h e‘ ° s u l7s cn be r s!5 of theD.Stn?t of Columbia- ha vo ootained from.the Court oi the District of Columbia. Le ters Testamentary on the estate of Janet F.. Richards! late of the District of Coiumb^ riprea^cd Ali persons having claims a-'ains^ the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers there of le« ally authenticated, to th- sub.serib rn or before the .’nd da\ ofJuly. AD IP*:*, otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate Or pn under our hands fhis .nd day oi W Wyoming Wme^^oi^V 5^?HT^I.VSI0^frnM5«i Deputy C0‘ JOHN ’ P. LABOFISH. Attorney at La„ Investment Building. and *« « Ru i 1 dint Joseph. Attorney at Law. Evans Builclinr IN THE DISTRICT "'COURT OF THE 1 United States ior ‘he t?15rourt°h.ln Ure: IH.i.Wss# »* ORDER "FIXING" NEw'DATE FOR TRIAL AND PROVIDING FOR r^Yni/l o?" the Thr notification as to the trial 0 . ?'JrpTp;"''SwnK’.arf»^‘foWbe™ Of Ic^e'jeiomV Whittle, deceased, having i’ - -r slid Disunited States^, having 3had notice -hereof, it^. bv^he Si’S fvaini--n ^fw‘Kle'r Mh tw re a week for the same period in Sw^’T Dm^cs^ SeceaJd ever make and execute, .ccordma to ly »,££„«'jJJome ~ .ViSiM^SS ftd * I f "h eS 3(1 ee eri en t * *Jesse “jerome .'"fd'Jesse Jerome Whittle at Je time o tfip execution by him of ®a d capaL>le sound and disposing mind, and capame 4f IMhe'decedent* Jesse Jerome Whittle. <^,,rSnSx&«f« search been made thmrefor. without a.s covery f said or.Kinai . . p ?”;.h,°t rn thf provisions of said ri It the decedent. Jesse Jerome Ma!Sn?n?„Sx£^nSorS IF? vsfkStF&A.B whittle did make and execute, according Jo law a last will and testament. and saida3asi will and testament ^bore^ the Issue No" ” “dJd said last will and testa {jr,ndeaT^aln EDWARD M8 CUREANm jus RALPH DCknGUINTER. Jr* Asst. Corp. MELVIN J' FMARQUEST nrputy"Rec isler of Whs for the District of Columbia. Clerk of' the Probate Court. JefiOiy-.ti.R lfLJfi.-O.'If* . WAITER V llinnnr-n', .. «3T Southern Building. T_n TMQTnTOT COURT OF THE UNITED ^iSPinr District of. Columhu Holding Probate toiirt.-No - M.u JJ. mmisration.—-Thi« is 1° thS* n’sipct of Thai the subscribers. Oi the p.sirici oi Columbia have obtained from_the Probat Court of he District of Columbia. Le t is S^'t'hr ^cctSHre «y *» tn exhibit the same, with the voucher. thereof legally authenticated, to the subscribers" on or before the 1st day of Tl,?v a D 1!>4tt: otherwise they may bv iaw be excluded from all benefit of said e tate Given under our hand- th.s 1 st „r J,,]v IMS ROBERT E STEIN. 1MK H St N'V HENRY STEIN 1 • cN> Varnum S, N W. HELEN s SCHWARTZ. I Varnum St N \\ 'Seal Atte THFnnORE COGSWFLI Register of Wills for the District of Columbia Clerk. of ^he rrobate Court. ,y,‘-°-‘ W ARD. SIMMONS A HORTON Attorneys. Tower Bldg DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED D States for the District oi Columbia. Holding a Probate Court—Estate of Alex pnder Gipson- Deceased —No. . * ««’ • - ministration Docket 1:>«■ -Application he’-, mg hern made herein for probate of the la ft v.ill and testament of said deceased. (o; letters testamentary on said fytp'r. by Emma Dabny Gipson, named executrix therein, it i* ordered this .ti rv of J tilAD. 1!»4''„ that Robert Gip pr'n. a non-resident a fid all otners con • '■rned appear in raid Court on Mon da the 16th day of August. AD 1!HV at lYi-oo o'clock AM to show cause uu f’.uh application should not be gianted Ln notice hereof be published in the • Washington Law Reporter ajjd J.*le T' Star- once in each of three sue revive weeks before the return day he.e.n mentioned, the first publication to be not less than thirty days before mId rrlurn hpv Witness, the Honorable BOLITHA J LAWS. Chief Justice of said Court, this dav of July A D 1048. (Seal1. At .( THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of; wins for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate^Court. — ' “TOOMEY a TOOMEY Attorneys. ,-..u St \ \v . Washington. D. C. '" the DISTRICT COURT OF 1TIE United States for the District of Co lumbia Holditm « Probate Court -In REstate of DAVID A. NELLIGAN _ _L>e <P9S(.d—Admintstiation No • 1 - ‘^7" Order for Publication—Application ha\ Hie been made herein for probate and record or the last will and testament nf said deceased. Day id A. Nelligan. end ' for letters testamentary on sato r.tite. by Vincent L To<Jme,'klv !t . »V ORDERED, this xth day of Jdly. A.D. i u iS that Vincent Woltz. Ann Burke ,’ci n NelTpan Frances Nclliaan leaver nt Hfln N Schaefer, all and the unknown heirs at law and ,oxt o- kin of deceased. David A N-'lhaan. and all otheus concerned, appear in sfli.i Court cn Monday, the loth da'* cf Auaust. AD li*4S. at o cloc* » sj T0 show why such application i-'ou'.ri not be granted. Let notice hereoi ■ be published in thp Washington Law Reporter and The Evening Star, once in e’-ch of three successive weeks befttre the -eturn dav herein mentioned, first publication to be not less than thirty ciays oefore the said return day. WIT 1-FSS the Honorable BOLITHA J LAWS Chief Justice of said Court, this Sth day ©f Jvlv AD liiis. <Seai > Attest MELVIN J MARQUES. Deputy Register of Mills for the District of Columbia Clerk, •f the Probate Court. jyl3.2ti.27. LEGAL NOTICES._| BRANDENBURG 4 BRANDENBURG. Wtorneys. 71tt 15th 8t. N.W. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Holding Probate Court.— No. 7 1405, Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia, has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters, of Administration on the estate of Charles E. Marsh, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit thp same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the sub scriber. on or before the bth day of July. A D 1949: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this bth day of July. 1948. BERTHA A MARSH. 454b Cathedra! Ave. N.W. «Seal.» Attest: FRANK J. BURKART. Deputy Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court Jyia.SP.grf. JOSEPH J. MALLOY. BUCKLEY & DANZANSKY. Attorney* for Caveators. 1 1fM> G St. N.W. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Co lumbia. Holding a Probate Court.—In Re: Estate of NELLIE C. KING. Deceased.— Administration No. 70,588.—ORDER FIX ING HEW DATE FOR TRIAL AND PRO VIDING FOR PUBLICATION —The notifi cation as to the trial of tne issues in this case relating to the validity of the paper writing Gated T1 8 '47.” purporting to be the last will and testament of Nellie C. King, deceased, having been returned as to Bradley Law Watxins. a minor, and Mrs. C. Law Watkins, his custodian. ‘ Not to be found.” it is by the Court this 1‘ith day of July. 1948. ORDERED, that said issues be set down for trial on the "Nth day of October. 1948. and that this order and the substance of said issues be published once a week for four suc cessive weeks in the Washington Law Re porter and twice a week for the same period in The Evening Star, the substance of said issues being as follows: One: Was a paper writing bearing date 11 8 47.” the last will and testament of Nellie C Kine. deceased? Two: Was the said paper writing executed by said decedent and attested in due form as required by law? Three: Was the said paper writing obtained, or the execution thereof, or the subscription thereto pro cured. by fraud or deceit practiced upon decedent by any person or persons? Four. Was the said paper w’riting obtained or the execution thereof procured from the said decedent by the undue influence, duress or coercion of any person or persons? I ALAN GOLDSBORO UGH. Justice. <Seal, t A true copy attest MELVIN J MARQUES. Register of wills for the of Columcia. Clerk of the Probate Court We consent: Fred C ICENHOWER. THOMAS C. SCALLEY. At torneys for Caveators. jy 1 T.H>"«).:N‘t.‘:7.:hi _ HUVER I. BROWN. Attorney, Kl I Florida Avenue. N.W. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. *‘'30'v Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice. That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters Testamentary on ihe estate of James H. Campbell, late of tne District of Columbia, deceased All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same. *ith the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the sub scriber. on or before the 5th day of April A D. 1043: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand tnis htn dav of July. 1348. BERNICE R. RICE. •j.TI 1 14th Place. SE 'Seal.) Attest: MELVIN J. MARQUES. Deputy Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Cleik of the Probate Court ____ (ARE ( SMITH. Attorney, 1315 Good Hope Rd.. S.E. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Holaing Probate Court — No. 663.3 Ad ninistration. This is to Give Notice. Thai the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters Testamentary on the estate of Valeria Lewis, lat- of the District of Columbia, deceased All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated. to the subscriber, on or betore the *-3th day of March. AD 1 !#4H: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this ,th dav of July. 1048 ANTHONY D SZUMIcA. Jill Kennedy St. N.W. 'Sea..) Attest: MELVIN J MARQUES. Deputy Reg ister of Wills for the District of Columbia, "lrik of the Probate Court, jyl_3_ RAYMOND E. GABLE. Attorney. Kellogg Building. „kTTrMP~ DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. , 1 401 . Ad ministration,—This is to Give Notice. That t/ie subscriber, of the State of Mary land. has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters of Administration on the estate of Mary Lillian Robinson, late of the District oi Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to pxhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the Lna day of July. A D. 1041): otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate Given under my hand this vna day of Julv. 1D48 F W. S. EVANS- o.0-~ Midwood Road. Bethesda 14. Md. 'Rpal-' Attes’ MELVIN J. MARQUES. Deputy Register of Wills for the District of Co lumbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. i y l:: : o. 7 GEORGE II PALTRIDGE. Attorney, 17 18 N St. N.W’. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Holding a Probate Court.—Estate of Geor gianna Duff. Deceased—No. Ad ministration Docket 150. — Application having been made herein for probate of the last will and testament, of said de ceased and for letters testamentary on said estate, by William Miner, it is ordered this 7th day of July. AD J348. that Henry Craie. Carrie Hackett and the unknown heirs at law and next of km oi decedent and all others concerned, appear in said Court on Monday, the 16th day of August. A D. 1348. at 10:00 o clock AM. to show cause why such application should net be granted. Let notice nereof be published in the •Washington Law Reporter" and The Evening Star.- once in each of three successive weeks before the return day herein mentioned, the first publication to be not less than thirty days before said return day. Witness, the j Honorable BOLITHA J LAWS. Chief Jus tire of said Court, this 7th day of Jujw AD tots i Seal 1 Attest THEODORE COGSWELL Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court____jyl3.-0-^r_ | BANKRUPTCY NOTICE._j IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Colum bia. Bankruptcy Division.—In the matter of John Hatzis. Bankrupt —In Bankruptcy. NO H55 — NOTTCE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS To the creditors pi John Hatzis of Washington. DC.- a‘bank rupt; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that '-aid John Hatzis has been duly adjudged a bankrupt on a petition filed bv <or against) him on April ‘IT. 1348. and that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of the Referee, in Bank ruptcy. 3*11 Tower Bldg.. 14th and K Streets N.W . Washington. D C. on July •’1 1348. at 1:30 o'clock p m., at which place and time the said creditors may attend prove their claims, appoint a trustee, appoint a committee of creditors, examine the bankrupt, and transact such , other business as may properly come before: said meeting Dated at Washington. D C.. July 6. 1348 _ . I AUCTION SALES. THOS. J. OWEN A SON. auctioneers. 4351 Southern Building —Trustees sale of twol valuable row brick dwelling* being known as nremises 9.47 P street northwest and; oremiscs 51" Twenty-fifth olare north east Bv vir ue of a certain deed of trust, duly recorded in L’ber No. 8444. Folio 448 "t seq . of the land records of the District of Columbia. and a? the request ol the oartv sec "red therelv. the undersigned ••uste'-s will sell, at public auction, within: thp ofR e of Thos J Gwen & Son. Room 145. Southern Buildin". Fifteenth and H N.W the twenty-second day of julv. AD 1948. at two o’clock p.m . the followuns-dr scribed land and premises.; situate ir. the District of Columbia, and; designator as and being Lot 19 in Square 4i»4 of the Land Records of the District of Columbia otherwise known as Lot 19 in Mattingly and Wilson. Trustees' subdivision of square 4b4. as per plat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor in and for the District of Columbia in Liber W B M . at folio 197. subject to covenants of record. Said property known as premises 947 "R" Street Northwest And Lot 55 in Square 4517 of the Land Records of the District! of Columbia otherwise known as Lot 55 in Square 4517 in Leslie E F Prince's: subdivision of part of "Long Meadows." as j per ola’ recorded in Liber 90. at folio 14S. in the Offic® of the Surveyor in and for the District of Columbia subject to cmenants of record Said property known as premises 5 to M5th Place Northeast. Term*- Both properties to be sold as entirety Premises 947 R street Northwest, will be sold subject to a first deed of trust in the original amount of 8ln.000.00 and a second deed of trust, in the original amount of S0.500.0o. further particulars of which wUl be an nounced a, time of sale Premises 54o .’5th Place Northeas:. will be sold subject to a first deed of trust for approximated >5.004.11. further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale A de posit of 3*500.00 reauired. Conveyancing recording, etc . at purchaser s cost Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the prop erty may be advertised and resold at the .discretion of the trustees IV H LECRAW. A P LECRAW. Trustees. iyl 4.1 5.1 7 19.Ml_ THOS. J. OWEN A SON. auctioneers. 435 Southern Building—Trustees’ sale of valuable two-story and English basement, row brick dwelling being known as prem ises No 1109 Oth st. n.e By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No. 8489. Folio 15 et seq.. of the land records of the District of Columbia and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees wi’l sell, pt public auction in front of the premises, on .Monday, the nineteenth day of July. A D 194 8. at 4 o'clock p m . the following described land and premises, situated in the District of Columbia and designated as a no being Lot M94 in Arthur Carr and others, trustees subdivision of par? o! Lots til and HM in >T:-re 855. as oer plat recorded in me Office of the Sur veyor for the Diur.ct of Columbia, in Liber 44 at Folio !V»: subject to right ct way for alley purpose* over the rear 4 feet of said lot Terms; Sold subject to a prior buildin r association deed cl trust for approximately y4.o7M.M4. further particulars of whim v Til be announced at time of sale; the purchase price above said trust to b pa.i ii cash A deposit j of 85oo required Conveyancing, record ing etc. a’ purchaser'" cost. Terms to be complied with withir. thirty (40) -.lays ttherwise dmosi* forfeited and the prop- ; erty mav be a ivp tisr-.-J and resold nr he discretion of the trustees 3 S. FREED-. MAN and HAROLD BLEICHER Trustee*.1 jy i Judge Orders Damages Paid in Sale ol Auto Into Gray Market (From Yesterday's Last Edition.) Washington automobile dealers' efforts to keep new cars out of the gray market were upheld in Muni AUCTION SALES. _ i SAMUEL CHANTKER, auctioneer,. 302 Century Building.—Trustees’ sale or two story row brick dwelling, number 320 138th st. n.e.. River Terrace. Washington. D C , containing 5 rooms and bath, gas heat. By virtue of a deed of trust MecJrdfd on September 10. J948. Instru ment number 40499 in Liber No. 8334. folio 485. one of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the , request of the parties secured therebjt, the undersigned trustees will offer for sale by public auction, in tront ot the premises on Tuesday. Juiy 20. 1948 at Ijl .iO am., the following described prop erty. to wit: Lot One hundred (100) in the subdivision made by National Insured I Homes Corporation, of lots and alley I closed in Square Fifty Hundred and eighteen (50181 as per plat recorded in ; Liber MO. folio 8 of the Records of the Office of the Surveyor of the District of Columbia, subject to restrictions of record. TERMS OF SALE: Property to be sold ior all cash, subject to a prior first trust held by tne National Permanent Building Association, in the approximate amount of $4.30000, payable $34.50 monthly with interest at 5A deposit of $500.00 in cash or certified check required of purchaser at sale. Examination of title, conveyancing, recording, revenue stamps and notarial fees at cost of purchaser. Terms to be complied with within fllteen days from day of sale: otherwise trustees resale in a Washington. D. C., newspaper, risk and cost ot defaulting purenaser. alter five days advertisement of such j resale in a Washington. D. C. newspaper, or deposit may be forfeited. HARRY J. KANE. Jr. Trustee. ROBERT E. LAM MOND^Trustee._jy 13.1 5.17.18,19._ THUS. J. OWEN A SON, auctioneers. 435 Southern Building.—Trustees’ Sale of Valuable two-story and basement brick Apart men: Building Being Known as Premises 1828 C Street. Northeast. By virtue of a certain deed of trust dated .January 27, 1948. being Instrument No. 1359. and recorded January 30. 1948. among the land records of the District ot Columbia, and at the request of the paity secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction in front of the premises, on Monday the Twenty-sixth dav oi July A.D. 1948, ' at three o clock P.M . the lollowing i described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated i as and being Lot 218 in Gruver s sub division of Lots in Square 4580 as per . plat recorded in the Office of the Sur | veyor for the District of Columbia in ; Liber M2 at folio 82; said Lot 318 subtect to sewer easement granted to the Dis trict of Columbia by deed recorded in j Liber 2497 at folio 289; and as con : demned by proceedings in District Court Cause No. 595; subject to covenants of record. Terms; Sold subject to a prior deed of trust for $10,188.48. further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale: the purchase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of $1,000.00 required. Conveyancing, recording, etc., at purchaser's cost. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the prop erty may be advertised and resold at ’he discretion of the trustees. FULTON R GRUVER. HUGH A. THRIFT. Trus i tees. jyl 3.18,19.22,24. THOS. J. OWEN A SON. auctioneers. 435 Southern Building.—Trustee’s sale of valu able 2-story, semidetached brick-and frame dwelling with modern improvements, being known as premises 5094 Just street Northeast. By virtue of a certain deed of > trust, duly recorded in Liber 8192 at folio 594. el seq., of the Land Records of the District of Columbia, and at the request ol the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at public auc tion. in front of the premises, on Monday, the 12th day of July. A. D. 1948. at three o’clock p.m., the following-described land , and premises, situate in the District of Co lumbia. and designated as and being lot numbered Three Hundred Sixty-seven (367) in square numbered Fifty-one Hundred Seventy-six (5178) in the subdivision made by the Suburban Heights Development Company, as per plat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 123 at folio 13; subject to the building restriction lines as shown on said plat and to the agreement set forth on plat recorded in said Surveyor's Office in Liber 83 at folio 48 and in Liber 124 at folio 9 not to build outside of said lines except as permitted by the building regulations of the District of Columbia: subject to covenants and restrictions of record. Terms of sale: All cash. A de posit of $500 will be required at time of sale. All conveyancing, recording, reve nue stamps, etc., at cost of purchaser : Terms of sale to be complied with within i thirty days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days’ advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published i in Washington. D C. FREDERICK X WILSON. WILLIAM BOWIE. Trustees, jy 1.3,8.8.1 o The above sale has been postponed until Monday. 28th day of July. A.D. 1948. at the same place at 3:30 p.m. BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES.__ OFFICIAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF SALE—The National Capital Housing Authority, herein referred to as the "Authority.” will offer for sale and removal from the site four portable houses i located at the following addresses in Wash ington. D C : 49 K st. s.e., 51 K st. s.e., 1002 Half st. s.e.. ]711 14th st. n e. The above houses are of the portable (re movable in panels) type, consisting of living room, two bedrooms, kitchen and bath (toilet, washbowl and shower). They are of temporary construction, do not meet with the District of Columbia build ing requirements, and are not suitable for long-term residential use. They are. how ever. adaptable for vacation-type summer housing, tourist cabins, migratory sea sonal farm labor, and non-residential use. Prospective purchasers contemplating any use of the houses other than non-resi dential are advised to first clear with the proper authorities within the area in ques tion concerning such use. Applications for the purchase of these houses in sealed envelopes marked "Application for Pur chase of Portable House" will be received until 3 pm. on the 23d day of July. 1**48. in the legal office of the National Capital Housing Authority. 1737 L st. n.w.. Washington. D. C. when they will be publicly opened. The houses will be sold for cash only Fifty dollars < money order or certified check) must be inclosed as a deposit with the offer to purchase. This deposit shall not apply as a part of the purchase price, but shall be held bv the Authority to insure compliance by the purchaser of the 'erms of the sale and removal contract, and not to exceed twenty-five dollars ($25.00) thereof shall accrue to the Authority to reimburse it for capping the sewer and water systems. The balance of the deposit shall be re turned to the purchaser upon satisfactory completion of the sales contract. Deposits will be rtturned to unsuccessful bidders. The Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any infor malities in connection therewith. The sale of the houses is subject to the following terms, conditions and priorities: 1. Only one house will be sold to any one bidder. 2. The successful bidders, upon notifica tion. shall enter into a sale and removal contract with the Authority embodying the terms and conditions of this proposal. 3. The successful bidder shall be required to remove the house at ms own expense within fourteen (14) days from the date of notification to so do by the Authority. The site shall be left clear of all building material and debris. Any excavations, holes or ruts, made or resulting from the removal, shall be filled in and lev eled off. In the event that the house is not removed and the site restored within the prescribed time, the sales and removal contract shall be considered breached, and the Authority reserves thp riRht to consider the purchase price for feited and remove and dispose of the house without recourse by the purchaser The deposit balance shall be treated as stated above. 4 Successful bidders shall be determined in the following order ofi priority, a. Government agencies, b. State1 and local governments c. Non-profit insti tutions. d. Individual consumers—(1) vet erans of World War II and service men: <2> all others. Documentary evidence that a prospective bidder is an eligible purchaser within the above classifications shall be furnished the Authority. In the event of tie bids within the priority clas- j sifleation. the Authority will draw' lots, to determine the award The applicable definition of veterans of W’orld War II and any further information can be ob tained at the legal office of the Authority. 1737 L st. n.w. WM. R. SIMPSON. JR . General Counsel. JylO.13.10.19 cipal Court today by Judge Thomas Dewey Quinn. Judge Quinn granted Francis & Parsons, Inc., Dodge and Plymouth distributors, a judgement of *197.36 against a defendant who they charge arranged to sell a new Dodge to a used car dealer even before he received the car from the plaintiff (company. ) According to testimony the de fendant, Fred F. Aller, 200 Thirty sixth street N.E., when he ordered a new Dodge, signed a contract with this provision: That “in order to prevent the re sale of the car on the gray market" the buyer would use the car person ally and if he had to sell .it within six months, he would give the seller the right to repurchase it at 10 per cent less than the original price. Another clause said that in event of breach of the contract the seller was entitled to 10 per cent of the purchase price as damages. The defendant, through his attorney, contended this was a penalty clause and unenforceable. Judge Quinn, however, ruled the 10 per cent—$197.36—was reason able damages to the dealer whose new car was displayed on a used car lot the same day it was sold. The case was regarded as a test case of the contract by which deal ers are trying to stop the ressle of new cars. Judge Quinn said he would welcome an appeal which would obtain a ruling by a higher court. Mr. Allen, according to testimony, [ordered the car last October. He ! was notified in January that he would get it at a price of $1,973.57. OFFICIAL NOTICES. I OFFICE OF THE COLLECTOR ot Internal 1 Revenue. Baltimore. Md.—The following : described property, seized from Cafe Cairo. • Inc . t/a Club Cairo, lttl5 Que st. n.w.. ! Washington. D. C.. under warrants for distraint for non-payment of assessed taxes due. will be sold as provided by Section :U>90. I. R. C.. at public auction on Wed nesday July 14. 194JS, at 11:00 a.m., at place of business 1015 Que st. n.w.. Wash ington. D. C. Assorted desk furnishings: assorted bar supplies; glassware; silver ware; chinaware; ash trays; orange slicer; ! Simplex time recorder; bar and back bar. National cash register; various sinks <steel and galvanized): electric beverage cooler;, dish cabinet; Are estinguishers; black boards telephone stand; dining room tables and chairs; kitchen tables and cabinets; rugs and mats; canopy; stoves; meat grind er:steam table; Toastmaster: electric re frigerators: dish washing machine and drain: Gssland gas grill; gas potato fry er; kitchen utensils; H compartment ice; cream freezer, electric vegetable peeler. [ electric time clock and racks, serving trays and stands, electric heaters, mirrors, curtains and drapes, hot water heaters,! Steinway baby grand piano; ceiling light I shades, leatherette settees. Remington Rand adding machine, sfct of scales, miscel laneous canned goods, beverages, liquors,; wine and beer, fluorescent lights. Phllco i television set; L. C. 8mith typewriter, safe,; file cabinet, coffee urns. —13 ____________________ -j • LET US I • HAVE YOUR • SAVINGS We’ve never failed to M pay a dividend! You jet insured safety ^P up to $5,000! You can start with $5 V to $5,000! i • NORTHWESTERN £ savings&^Assn. A 1337 GN.W. RE. 5262 Branch Takomo Bark Weather AH Storms \ -BY STEADY I SAVING | The sudden storms of I financial emerg e n c y I can best be weathered if with a cash 'reserve. Your savings here are £/ safeguarded through our conservative in vestment policy. Federal Insurance up to $5,000 • Dependable Dividends Twice Yearly coluMbia FEDERAL SAVIHCS ND LOAN ASSOCIATION 730 11th Street N.W. RE. 7111 I Open Fridays Until 5:30 y “SAVINGS SATISFACTION” It’s really surprising how sums of $5, $10, $25 or more, put aside regularly, can mount up. You scarcely feel the impact on your pocketbook, when all of a sudden you discover that by sys tematic additions your Savings account has xoomed past the thousand-dollar mark. Then. Mr. and Mrs. Saver, you truly learn what “Savings Satisfaction’* is, especially when you note the liberal interest-dividends paid while you saved. Your account is welcomed here. 32 years of successful experience. 4 I BUILDING ASSOCIATION 2010 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.E. • HObart SOI Established 1916 (Under Government Supervision) He took delivery on the car on January 30, testimony showed. It was testified that Mr. Allen, before January 30. arranged to sell the car to a used car dealer, the Greenway Motors, 707 Maine ave nue S.W. That company, accord ing to testimony, gave Mr. Allen a check and cash to cover the pur chase price of the car plus $195 for Mr. Allen's commission. A representative of the Recorder of Deeds office in the Vehicle and Traffic Department testified the title to the car changed hands three times on January 30—from Francis & Parsons to Mr. Allen, from Mr. Allen to Greenway Motors, and from Greenway Motors to another party. Judge Quinn, in his ruling, said: “If ever, there was a flagrant case this is it. The original pur chaser had no idea of keeping the car for his own use. The testi mony showed that the defendant got his checks for the resale of the car before he gained actual possession of it from the original dealer. “It's situations like these that prevent honest pople from getting new cars quickly these days. "While there is a representative of the used car company jn court now I might say that the used car dealer in this transaction waa not! lily white either. "I intend to uphold reputable automobile dealers in their efforts to curb the gray market. This is the type of transaction that has caused chaos in the automotive in dustry.” Louis H. Mann was the plaintiff s attorney. Determination of latitude by "shooting" the stars is sometimes rendered incorrect by gravitation of surrounding mountains. The ac cepted position for Tokyo was in correct by about 1,000 feet for many years because of this factor. TRANSGULF I CORPORATION Common Stock PRICE *1.00 PER SHARE | Prospectus "OYL" Sent on Request L. 0. Sherman Co. 1108 16th St. N.W. Washington 6, D. C. Republic 8676 CLICQUOT CLUB COLA . “More for your money. An 1 extra drink in erery bottle.” 15c FULL QUARTS Plus Deposit a Clicquot Club Bottling Company ml 1345 Florida Ave. N.E, 3 Washington. D. C. Phone LI. 0113 B /’ V t * • • V * • consists of 30 exclusive CHERNER1ZING opera tions. Take a look at the list of operations on the right. You will see that every CHERNERIZED car is checked and double checked from bumper to bumper. You will see that CHERNERIZING is a costly process, yet it doesn't cost you a dime. For the past 6 years you haven’t been able to buy CHERNERIZED CARS because we would not deviate in any way from the high standards set for CHERNERIZING. There are no short cuts in CHERNERIZING . . . either in labor or materials. And, now that we have the original factory parts in tremendous quantity, and the expe rienced men to produce CHERNERIZED CARS, we can say to you that CHERNER IZED CARS are back ... and NEXT TO A NEW CAR A CHERNERIZED CAR IS BEST. We back that statement all the way with a bona fide 30-day uncondi tional guarantee. 1946 OLDS SEDANETTE "66'’ Flowless block fin ish, has effort-sav- C J H* ing Hydro - Mafic I II ■% feature. Radio and I W heater. Completely Chernerized 1347 FORD CLU&COUPE' Like o new cor throughout. Perfect \ gt Q ^ P moroen finiih, “ I KUI% equipped with rodio I W V V end heater '47 OLDS Sedanette "7«" hydra- $99QE matic; r dt h. .. _ ... •47 DE SOTO Custom 4-lr.s radio 9995 and heater _ ’47 MERCURT Sedan-rnupe. radio 2195 and heater _ 1 •47 CHEVROLET Fleetline Sedan. 9105 radio and heater m * arM •47 STUOEBAKER 4-door Kelt. 2095 Champ.! r., h. and oyerdrire •17 FORD Sedan Coupe. Super de 1 fiQE luxe! white side-walls; r. A h a «*»» •47 FORD Super de luxe 4-door. 10QE radio and heater Iwww '47 FORD 7-door Super de luie; 1 flQE radio and heater ■ ®ww *46 BL’ICK Roadmaster 4-door Se- 2295 dan. radio and heater •46 PONTIAC Streamliner 4-door 2095 Sedan, radio and heater murxriw 46 OLDSMOBILE "76" 4-door. 2095 radio and heater muexpxo '46 PONTIAC Streamliner Sedan- 2095 ette. radio and heater •46 OLDSMOBILE •,76” Sedanette. 1QQR Hydra-Matie, radio and heater I •46 FORD Conxertible; radio and 4 QOE heater _- 1099 •46 MERCURT 7-door; radio and 1795 heater _ 1595 ’48, ’47, ’46 FQRDS, ALL MODELS M —* Many othart in all makat, modtlt Uncle Joe’s 30 Exclusive CHERNERIZING OPERATIONS I Bodv and Chassis washed and cleaned. 3. Motor cleaned, create and oil removed from power plant. 3. Inspection by Service Super visor for necessary repairs. I. Reconditioning «f motor, nec essary replacement made. 5. Transmission tested, necessary repairs made. 8. Rear axle construction in spected, necessary replacements made. 7. Front construction inspected, worn parts replaced and thor oughly tightened up. S. Steering construction checked adjustments er replacements made. 9. Wiring, for bad connections, etc. 10. Wheels removed Necessary re placements of bearing, washers, etc. 11. Brakes inspected. Lining re placed if necessary. 13. Inspection for necessary body and fender repairs. 13. Paint inspected, reflnished where necessary. if. Roof or top examined. Leaks repaired or new material in stalled. 15. Roof or top redressed. IB. Glass examined and replaced where chipped or cracked. 17. tlpholfterr cleaned, repaired where necessary or material replaced. IS. Chassis and all back running sear painted. 19. Bulbs, reflectors or lenses re placed where neeessary. 30. Windshield wipers inspected, necessary repairs or replace- , menta made. 31. Bumpers Inspected- bent or broken units repaired. 33. Tires inspected. Replaeements made where necessary. 33. Car thoroughly lubricated and apt ings sprayed. 31. Crank case cleaned, flushed and 1 refilled with fresh oil. 35. Radiator inspected, cleaned out or repaired as necessary. ■»«. Rod, bolt, checked and tliht ened. •IT Ratterr tested connection, checked or replaced. Vew bat. terr in,tailed if necetaarr. '.‘X Rodr and fender, cleaned and almoniied eipertlr. ■it*. Road-teated to cheek perform ance. :i«. La,t. hot not leaat. oor aoar antee poe, with eeerr Cher nerlaed Car. ■ti: