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War Loan Deposits Continue to Climb In Capital Banks By Edward C. Stone War loan deposits in Washington banks on June 30 amounted to $16,313,539, an increase of *2.905,579 since the call of April 12 and a gain of $10583,337 in the last six months. According to J. Russell Bolton, auditor of the National Savings & Trust Co., war loan funds from the Treasury played an important part in bank deposits in the half year. War loan deposits on June 30, 1947, totaled $4,565,354, with a gain of *11,748,185 in the last 12 months. During the same period, normal de posits showed a decrease of *7,382, 556. In the second quarter, total de posits were off $1,040572. As a group, the national banks had a de crease of $1,340,565; savings banks, $565,324 while the trust companies showed a gain of $864,917. The largest gains were reported by Riggs National, $5,400,237; Na tional Savings. $4,292,105; Metropol itan, $1,307,747. Eleven banks had lower deposits than three months ago. Deposits on June 30, 1948. Individual banks reported these deposits on June 30, 1948, date of the last call: National Banka. June 30. *48 April 12 ’48. Anscostia $10,892,749 $10,903,107 Bank of Wash. 24.028,809 '.’8,245,352 Hamilton . . 87,905.150 89.9,5.668 Liberty 29,140,746 30.641.337 Lincoln 32,937.918 35.238.675 Metropolitan 55.313.000 54.005,253 Natl, Capital. 1 1,253.658 11,081,754 Riey* . _ 809,275.680 303.875.442 Second _ 29.502,323 29.563,211 S590.249.537 $591,590,103 Saving* Banka. City 29,819.791 30.597.912 Com. At 8av. _ 13,169.916 13.300,092 Industrial - 5,608,417 5.509.123 MrLachlen 18.575,538 18.690,941 Sec Sa . 4 Com. 25.363.138 25.004,050 $92,530,801 $93,102,120 Truat Companies. American Sec. 140.956.024 142.413,704 Munsey 19,574.604 19,533,370 Natl. Savinas 88.102.233 83.810.128 Union Trust. 41.832,048 41,289,792 Wash. Loan 46,133.662 48.086,554 $336,598,474 $335,733,557 Recapitulation. Na'l. Banks 590.249.537 591,590.103 Savings Banks 92.536,801 93.102,126 Trust COS. 330.598.474 335.733,557 $1,01 9,384.814 $1.020.425,787 Pepoo Sales Again Higher. During June, sales of the Potomac Electric Power Co. reached 135,702. 755 kilowatt hours, in the District of Columbia, a gain of 7,094,094 kwh or 5.52 per cent over June, 1947, Outside the district sales were up 17.73 per cent. Total June sales amounted to 160.698,435 kwh., an in crease of 10,857,773, or 7.25 per cent over the like 1947 period. Capital Stock Increased. M. S. Ginn & Co., stationers and office outfitteps at 1417 New York avenue N.W., have increased the capital stock from $50,000 to $250, 000, the issue being privately sub scribed. The company is a District corporation chartered in December 1928, with $5,000 capital. The firm has branch offices in the Ring Building and in the Scrimgeoui Building, Silver Spring. Hugh V Keiser is president of the company In a midyear review, Bache & Co. predicts that the "present high rate of business activity will be main tained at least for the balance of 1948. Various industries will fare differently, however, with some going to new’ highs, others maintain ing current rates and others declin ing" I Business Briefs | Business and Industrial Failures declined to 88 in the week ended July 8 vs. 103 in the preceding week and 49 in the like 1947 week— Dun & Bradstreet. Business Inventories at the end of May were virtually unchanged from a month earlier.—Commerce De partment. Retail stocks were down *356.000.000 in the month, wholesale inventories were off only slightly, while manufacturers’ stock rosp $300,000,000. Steel Production in the first half of 1948 totaled 43.060,403 net tons, a gain of nearly 722,000 tons over the same 1947 period—Amer ican Iron & Steel Institute. The gain was achieved despite effects of the coal strike. Restriction af Sugar Supplies by the Agriculture Depnrtment will cost American consumers an extra $50,000,000 his year, declared Jo seph M. Creed, counsel for the American Bakers Association. Better-Grade Women's Shoes will cost about the same this fall as did the spring models, declared L. Sach er, president of the Guild of Better Shoe Manufacturers, at the fall opening of the guild in New York. Industrial Rayon Corp. announced it will quote prices for its textile yarns on a f ob. mill basis. This places all products on a uniform price basis. White Motor Co. stockholders will vote August 18 on proposed issuance of 120.000 shares of new $50 par con vertible preferred stock to be sold publicly. John B. Stetson Co. stockholders approved a long-term loan of $3,000, 000 to be repaid in 15 years, with an option to increase the borrowing to *4.000.000 before June 30, 1949. Pro ceeds will be used for retirement of the present bank loan and plant im provements. New Jersey Bell Telephone Co. awarded $55,000,000 of 40-year de bentures with a S’sC-j, coupon rate to Halsey, Stuart * Co. on a bid of 102.60. Reoffering was expected at 103V Newport News, Va„ received a high bid of 100.07659 for $1,487,000 or 2.3ri public bonds from a syndicate head ed by Philadelphia National Bank. Reoffering was at prices to yield lr; to 2.5 V Standard Oil Co. (Indiana) de clared an extra dividend on capital stock of one share of Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey) stock for every 100 shares of Indiana Standard held, payable September 10. Gar Wood Industries, Inc., de clared a dividend of $1.12'2 a share on $50 par cumulative con vertible preferred, payable August 15. I'nlted Fruit Co. earned *27,025,000 or $3.07 a share In six months ended July 3 vs. $26,600,000 or $3.03 a year earlier. Bell Telephone Co. of Pennsyl vania had net Income of $5,678,007 In six months ended May 31 vs.'$5, 881.755 in the same 1947 period Bates Mfg. Co. earned $4,299,990 or $10.77 in 24 weeks ended June 12. after provisions of $300,000 for con tingencies, vs. $3,792,908 or $9.44 a year earlier, when the same amount was deducted for contingencies. Loew’s, Inc., profit for 40 weeks ended June 3 was $4,729,063 or 92 cents vs. $10,904,821 or $2.12 in the like 1947 period. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad han dled 58,826 ears of freight in the week ended July 10 vs. 61.888 in the previous week and 62,449 in the like 1947 week. a N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE (Furnished hr the Assoc Is tei Press.) Ssics— Stock and Add Ret Dividend Rate. Oo. Hlsh. Low. C:SO. chge. ABBOTT LAB2a 1 76 76 76 - % A C P-Brill Mot. 7 9% 9% 5% - % Acme steel 4a . 2 95% 53% 53% Adams Exn Vie 3 21% 21% 21%+ Vs Addresso-Mult t 6 39% 39% 39% — % Admiral Cp .30e 3 15 1«% 14% - % Air Reduction l 5 2« % 24 24 Alaska Juneau.. 7 4 3% 3% Aldens Inc 1 % 5 19% 19% 19% - % Alleghany Corp 99 4% 4 4 — % Allegheny Co Pi 13 55% 55 55% + % Allegbary or pf. 2 73% 73% 73% + % AllegLud 80e 5 32 32 32 - % Allied CAtDre «a 1 192% 192 192 Allied Mills 1 Vie * 29% 29% 29% Allied Sirs 3 6 35% 35% 35%+ % Allis Chaim 1 60 7 38% 38% 38% Allis Chal pf 3 Vi 5 95% 95% 95%+ %; Alpha Portl’.e 6 30% 29% 30%+l%! Amal Leath 20e 1 5% 5% 5% + % Am Agrlcul 3a 3 51 50% 50% + % Am Airlines . 21 8% 8% 8% Am Alrl of 3 Vi 8 60% 60% 60% AmBankN 1 60s 9 29% 29% 29% - % Am Boseh *ig 9 14/ 14 14 + % AmBrkSboe ,SOe 4 41% 40% 40% - % Am Cable At Rad 10 R% 5% 5% Am Can 3 -. 7 86% 86 86 ♦Am Can of 1 170 173 172 172 +1 Am CarAtPdv 3g 6 46% 46 46% + % Am Cb&Cbl 1 40 2 24% 24% 24% - % Am Crvs 8 1.20a 5 21% 21 21 - % AmCr ana mid la 5 38% 38% 38% — % Am Distillers 2. 3 40% 40 40% - % Am Encaus Vie- 4 6% 6% 6% Am Europe .40e. 3 18 18 18 Am Ac Prgn Pwr 7 3% 3% 3% AmAcFP$7pf3Vik 16 76% 75% 76% +1 Am A P P 2d Of 3 13% 13% 13% + % Am Hide Ac L Via 3 6% 6% 6% AmHomePr 1.20 6 24% 24% 24% Am Loco 1.40 12 24% 24 24%+ % Am McbAcFd 80 4 18 17% 17% - % Am Metal Vie... 2 34% 34% 34% Am Power Ac Lt 14 11 10% 10% - % AmPAcL 5pf3Vik 3 82% 82% 82%- % Am Radlat 40e 62 16% 16% 16% — % tAm RadAcS pf 7 10 171 171 171 Am Saf Razor 1 7 10% 10% 10% - % Am Seating lg 3 27% 27% 27%+ % AmSmAtRIVie. 11 65% 64% 64% -1 'Am Sm&R Df 7 60 150 150 150 Am Steel Pdrr 2 * 32% 32% 32% - % Am Stores 1.40a 1 24% 24% 24% — % Am Sugar R4e 3 40% 40 40 - % Am Sugar pf 7.. 1 130% 130% 130% + % Am Tel Ac Tel 9 2J 154% 154% 154% + % Am Tobacco 3a 1 59% 59% 59% - % 'Am Tob of 8 . 50 140 139% 139% + % Am Viscose 2a 5 71% 70% 70% — % ♦ Am Viscose pf6 2 120 120 120 + % AmWstWks 30s 2 7% 7% 7% + % Am Woolen 6 66 55% 54% 55% + % Am Wool prof 4 4 110 109 110 +3 Am Zinc .20e. .. k 5 8% 8*4 8% Anaconda 1 Vie. 20 39% 38% 39 + % ♦ Anac Wire le. 140 40% 40% 40% - % Anchor Hock Vie 3 29% 29 29% + % Ander-Prich 1_. 14 32% 32% 32% — % APW Prod Vie .. 2 5% 5% 5% - % Arch-D-M la .. 1 32 32 32 + % Armco Steel 2b 18 31% 30% 30% — % ♦ Armco Stl pf4 Vi 30 100% 100 100% ArmourAcCot .20 23 13% 13 13% — % Armour prof 6 3 103 ioj ms + i Armst Cork 80# 6 56% 56 56 - % tArm Cork$4Df4 50 115% 115% 115% tArmstng pf 374 60 97 97 97 — % Asad Dry Q 1.60 4 17% 17% 17% tAsso DO 1st 6 20 106% 106% 106% AtChTASF6 13 115 114% 115 Atcb TASK pf 5 1 103% 103% 103*4 + % A T F Inc We - 7 18% 18% 18% - % Atl Coast Lina 4 7 61% 60% 61% + %, At) Refining 1W 25 49% 48% 48% -1% *Atl Refin ofA 4 50 113 112% 113 -% TAtlRefDfB3W 90 94 94 94 + % Atlas Corn 1 60 3 22% 22% 22% - >£ tAtlas Pow pf 4 40 110 110 110 Austin Nichols.. 2 6% 6% 679 — % Autocar Co We. 4 12% 12% 12% % Auto Canteen 1. 3 15% 15% 15% — % Atco Mfg .35e . 31 6% 6% 6% — % Atco Mfl of 2 Vi x 5 44% 44% 44% +1% BABBITT 1.20 11 16% 16 16 - % Baldwn Loco Vie 7 16 15% 15% - % Balt A Ohio 78 16% 16% 167#+ % Balto A Ohio of 49 28% 27% 28% + % BangorAAroitk 2 29% 29% 29%— % tBang A Ar pf 6 1 77% 75% 77% +1% Barber Oil lWe. 3 49% 49% 4974 -‘/a Barnsdall Oil 2. 2 4274 4274 4274 Bath Iron Wks. 1 11% 11% H% + % BayukCiglWa. 1 20% 20% 20%+ % tBeat Fdspf37i 20 87 87 87 +1 tBeck Sh of 4 W 70 90% 90% 90% +2 Beech Aircraft 4 12% 12% 12% + % Beech-N P 1 60. 1 3574 3574 35% - *4 1 Belding-H 1.20. 1 18% 18% 18% - % Bendlx ATiat 2 4 35% 35% 35% - % BndxHomeA 1W 1 16% 16% 16% Benef Ind 1.20a 3 26% 26 26%+ % Best A Co 2 ... 3 28% 28% 28%- % Best Foods 2a 2 36 36 36 — % Beth Steel 1 20b 31 37% 37 37%-% Bigelo* Sn‘ah . 2 34% 34% 34%+% BlackADeck 2a. 1 36% 36% 36%+ % Blaw-Knox We. 7 18% 18 18% Bliss E W 2_ 2 32% 32% 32% — % | Boeing Alrpl 1 e 24 26% 25% 2574-% Bohn Alum Vie. 2 31% 31% 31% - % tBon Ami A 4a *60 81 80 81 +1 tBon Ami B 2Wsx20 42% 42 42%+% Bond Stores 2 8 25% 24% 24% — % BordenCo 1.20e 4 44 43% 43%-% Borg-Warner 4. 6 66% 66 66 + % Brldgept Brass . 3 10% 10% 10% — % BrlggsAStra la. 1 33% 33% 33%+ % Brlstol-My .80e 1 32 32 32 + % Bucyrus-Er ,70e 4 21% 2V4 2174 Budd Co .20e--_ 16 11 1074 10% Bullard Co Vie.. 3 1874 18% 18% — % Buloxa Wtch 3a 2 43 43 43 - % BurllngMilla 1W112 23% 23% 23% - % Burr Add M 60. 21 17% 17% 17%+ % i Bush Term Wf- 5 9% 9% 9% - % I Butler Bros ... « 13% 13% 1374 ! Butte C A 2 . 4 374 374 374 + % ! Brer# AM We. 3 27% 27% 27% I BVron Jn l.ilOe. 2 33 33 33 — % , CAL PACK 2Wa 2 40 39% 40 -% CalumetAH lOe 27 7 6% 7 ' Can Dry GA 60 16 12% 12% 12% - % Canad Pac Tie 90 17% 17% 1774 + % CaoitalAirllneS 1 6% 6% 6% Caro Pwr A Lt 2 3 31 31 31 Carrier Coro 1* 18% 18% 18% CarrAGen 20a 16 8% 8% 8% + % Case JI 1.60e . 2 49% 49% 49% CaterpllTract 8 3 6174 61 61 — 74 Celanese Crp le 21 36% 36% 36% — % Celotex Coro 2 . 8 34 33% 34 + % Cen Agulr 1 60a 3 17% 17% 17% Cent Fndry We 20 9% 9% 974 CentofGapfwi 3 37% 37 37 — % CentHudGas .52 3 7% 7% 7% Cent R R N J • 7 27 26% 26% - % Cent Vloleta Vie 3 12 12 12 - % Cerro dePas We 5 26% 26% 26% Certn-tdPd 80a 22 18% 18 18% Chain Belt 80e. 6 29% 28% 28% -1% Checker Cab 2 13% 13% 1374 Ches A Ohio 8 . 31 38% 38% 38% Chicago Cp .60. 22 13 12% 1274 — % Chi A East 111 80 9 8 874 + % ChiAEast II1A le 105 16% 15% 16%+1 Chi Great West 40 12% 12 12%+ % Chi Grt West pf 33 22% 21% 22%+ % Chi Ind A LA. 33 1 574 1 474 1 5%+% Chi Ind A L B 20 9% 9 9% + % Chi Mil St PAP 200 13% 12% 13 + 74 ChiMSPAP Pf4e 58 41% 39% 40»/a+1 iChlANWWg 44 22% 21% 22 ; Chi A N W of S 5 48% 48V. 48% + % ChtPneuT?3pf3 5 53% 53% 53%-1% Chi R 1 A P We 15 39% 38% 39% + % . Chi R IAP Df 5 6 69V. 68% 6974+ %| Childs Co 2 374 374 3% + % ChriTiUf i 91 64% 64% 6414— % Cln G & E 1.4P xlO 291/4 28V* 28 V* + '* CIT Finance 2 7 48!* 48 48 - H 'City Ice &F21* 2 31 31 31 1 City Btorey 1 20 1 1BV* 18V* 18V* + V* Clev El 111 1 One 3 40Vs 40!* 40i* - H Clev Gr Br ,80e. 10 28>* 28 28 - 1* ! Climax M 1.20 8 16V* 16!4 16V* ! Clinton ind 2 40 4 28i* 28 28 - i* Clonay Coro 70 1 6V* 8V* 8V* + i* duett Pbody le 11 36V* 36V* 36V* + ■* Colgate-P-P 2a. 8 40V* 40!* 40!*- V* Collins & Aik 1. 1 241* J4l* 241*- V* Colonial Mills 1 2 24i* 24i* 24i* Col Fuel &Ir la 95 20i* 20>* 20V* + i* Col Fuel&Ir of 1 1* 20V* 20!* 20»* - •* tColo&So 1st of 700 18i* 171* 17‘* +1V* Col BrdcastA le 2 27!* 27V* 27i* Columb Gas 60 35 14‘* 14 14 ColumCarbon 2a 4 35‘* 35 35‘* — V* Col&SO E 2.10e 1 41i* 41!* 41i* Coml Credit 2 60 12 53>* 51>* 53!*+n* Coml Solvnt Vie 2 26>* 26!* 26>* Comwl Edls 1 40 5 27>* 27!* 271*- i* Comwl A South 76 JV* 3V* JV* Com&So of7'*k 2 IOI1/4 101!* 101!* Cong-Nairn l!s * 36V* 36 36 — !* Con* Cop ,16e 10 5V* 5V* 5V* cons Edls 1 HO 35 25 ?«V* 25 + !* Cons Edison pfB 2 106!* 106‘* 1061* + i* , Cons Grocer- ] 2 16>4 16>* 16!* t Cons Laundry 1 2 10>* 10'* 10‘* - 1* i Cons Nat Gas 2 10 451* 45 45 — ** Cons RRCubs nt 30 26!* 24V* 26 +1V* Cons Text 120b 4 14 13V* 13V*-!* i Cons Vuitee 33 10V* 10!* 10i* — 1* Consum Power 2 1 34!* 341* 341* - 1* ' Contain Corn 2* 6 36V* 36*i 36V*- ** Cont Bakins 1 21 17V* 17‘* 17V* + ■* Cont Can >ie . 14 37V* 37i* 37V* contDia Fiber 1 2 11V* 11‘* 11‘*- !* Cont lnsuranee2 10 59‘* 591/4 59V* + V* Cont Motors 30 9!i 9 9!* ContOllDel llje 10 65>* 65i* 65!*- !* Cont Steel le... 2 18 17V* 17V* Cooper-Bess I 6 29!* 29** 29!* - 1* Coprwld St) 1.20 4 19!* 19>* 19‘* - 1* Corn Prod 2.70e 8 64 63‘* 63V* + 1* Corn-Dub E .80 S 13‘* 13!* 13!* cornlnaOlasa V* 2 21V* 21!* 21!*- >* Coty Int 20g . 3 2V* 2V* 2V* + !* Crane Co 1 60a 6 36 37V* 38 - !* Crm of Wh 1 60 5 24 23V* 24 + 1* Crown Cork !*h 6 24V* 23V* 23V* Crown Zell 60* 10 31H 3l!4 31V* + !* Crucible 8teci 2 26V* 26V» 26V* + !* Cub»n-A S 21 ae 8 16 15V* 15'*+!* CudahjPack 60s 2 11V* 11V* 11V* - !* Cuneo Press It 2 16l* 16‘* 16>* + V* Curtis Publish 94 12 11?* 12 + >+ Curtlss-Wr !'4g 80 8!* 8‘* 8!* I Curtis Wr Ale 20 27!* 26** 27 + !* i Cutlr-Hm 1,"0a 2 30 30 30 — 1* . DANA CORP s«e 3 28'* 28'* 28'* + 1* DavisnChmla 8 28** 78Vt 28V* Davtn Patl l«0 1 11 31 31 - V* : Decca Record v* 12 8'* 8*« 8*» Deep Rock Oil le 3 38!. 37V* 37V*-1!* Deere * Co 1 15 40 39V* 39'* - >* Deere pf 1 40 3 32 32 32 - H Del At Hudson 4 7 50 50 50 Del L At W Vie 100 13!* 12** 12?*+!* DenARGWle 18 37 36 37 + V* Den&RGWoflOe 2 54V* 54!* 54V* + V* 1 Detroit Id 1.20 20 21V* 211* 21!*-!* 1 Oevo* A R A 26 7 26 25V* 26 - !* 1 Dla Match 1 v*a 1 43?* 43?* 43?* + V* I DlaMteh pfl’sa 1 44 44 44 - V* 1 Dlam T Mot 1*. 4 171* 171* 17!* - >* I Dtat Co-Sea 60 20 17>* 17V* 17!*+ !* ] rrtvco Corp le . 6 18!* 18 18 + !* tDlxle Cuba 2!* 1 341* 54!* 54!4 + >* 1 Dr Fenner .80*. 4 15 14?* 14?*- !* 1 OoetUar-Jar 1!> 5 38 36‘* 58?*+ 4* 1 f Sale*— __ Stock and Add „ Met Dividend Rate. 00. Sikh. Low. 2:30. eh*e. Dome Mn .67*.. 9 -14% 14% 14% — % Douilaa A 2%s. * 60 56% 59%+ % Dow Chem 44* .. 7 47% 47% 47% + % OowCh 2d of3V4 1 105% 105% 105% - % Dresser Ind 1%. 11 *9% 29% 29% - % Du Pont 4e 5 168% 188% 188% - % DuPont3',ipr3% 1 97% 97% 97% - % EAGLE-PI 1.80 2 22 21% 21% - % Eastern Air Lin* 12 17% 17 17% + % East State Steel 2 19% 19 19 — % East Kodak 1%* 8 43% 43 43 - >4 Eaton Ml* S 6 65% 64% 65% + % Ekco Prod l 20 X 2 14% 14% 14% Baa Stop N V«*. 3 7% 7% 7% El Auto-Lit* 3 12 53% 53 53 Alec Boat 1_ 10 14% 14% 14% ; El A Music .16* 7 1% 1% 1% j El Power A Lt 13 23 22% 22% :ElPAI.tI6pf4%k 1 141% 1*1% 141% - % , Elliott Co tie 6 27% 26% 26%-% Elliott cv pf 244- 3 71% 70% 70%-1% Elliott pf 2% 1 46 46 46 - % ElPasoNGs 2.40 2 70 69% 69% Emer Elec Ml. 3 19 19 19 - % Emer Radio .80 3 15% 15 15 - % Emo Dls El 1 12 1 15% 15% 15% Eoult 03 Bid* 11 4% 4% 4% + % Erie R R 1 77 16% 16% 16% + % Erie RR of A 5 4 65 65 65 + % Eureka Wms </>• 2 6% 6% 6% + % Evans Prod 4 17 16% 17 + % Eversharn *.if . 5 9% 9% 9% Ex-Cell-O 2 63. 1 44% 44% 44% - % Exch Buff 60b 3 6% 6% 6% FAIRBANKS le 1 51% 51% 51% PalardoSu* 2 Vi* 1 28% 28% 28% - % Farnsworth 23 10% 10% 10% - % Federat D Strs 2 5 30% 30% 30% Fed-Mo*ul 1.60 2 17% 173% 17% - % PedMoTruck 40* 10 10% 10 10 PerroEnam 1.40 4 24% 24% 24% Fid Pboenx F 2a 1 63% 63% 63% - % Firestone TAR 4 12 ' 51% 50% 50% -1% First N Str 2’le 1 59% 59% 59% FirthCarpetl .60 10 20 19’% 193%- >4 Pllntkote 2a 34 40% 39% 39% - % Florida Pow 1 5 15% 15% 15% — % PollansStl IV,e 7 32% 31% 32 - % PoodFatrSt 40b 2 11% 11% 11% - % Food Mach 1 % 4 41% 403% 41% + % Francisco Sugar 1 14% 14% 14% — % Prank Strs 60a 2 9 9 9 - % Froedt GAM %a x 1 11 11 11 + % -■ruenaui in > o aa-w GAIRROBT 40 * 9 9 9 Gamewell Co la 2 17 17 17 + % Gar Wood Ind 11 9*4 9 9% - % GarWdpfl'.k 2 44% 44% 44%+% Gardnr-D 1 40. 2 21% 21% 21%+ % Gaylord Co 1%. 6 24 24 24 +% Gen Am In» .40 3 17% 17% 17% + % Gen AmTrnt 3a 6 55 55 55 — % Gen Bakina 00 24 11% 107k 10% - % Gen Cable »/«e . 20 14 ]J% 13% - % ’GenCabie Ipf 4 120 80 80 80 Gen CableS2pf 2 2 42 41% 41% Gen Cliar la... 1 22% 22% 22% - >4 Gen Elec 1.60.. 62 40% 40% 40*4- % Gen Poods 2 . . 7 38% 36% 38% - % Gen Instrumt 1 17 12% 12% 12% - % tGen Mills pf 6- 30 126 123*4 126 +% Gen Motors 8 . 35 64% 64*4 64% - % Gen Mot of 3%. 3 98 98 98 Gen Out Advt 1 2 16% 16% 16% — % Gen Port C*ie. 16 22% 21% 22%+% Gen Precis Ea 1 3 15% 15% 15% - % Gen Pub Util 80x38 14% 14% 14% Gen Ry Slsnal 1 4 25% 25% 25% Gen RealtyADt. 11 5*4 5% 5% — % Gen Refract lei 3 30 30 ’30 + % Gen Shoe 2% _. 6 28% 28 28% + % Gen Teleoh 2 8 25% 25% 25*4 - % GenTInst 1.60a 4 27% 27 27 Gen TlreAR la 13 27% 26% 27%+% Gillette Saf 2%* 4 34% 34% 3474-% Glllett SfRz Pf5 1 92% 92% 92% -1% Gimbel Bros !! 19 21% 21V. 21% - % GUddenCo 1 40* 7 26% 25% 26*4 GoebelBrew .10* 3 5% 5% 5% + *4 Goodall-Sn 1 *,4a 4 23 22% 22% + % Goodrich BP He 8 62% 62% 62% + % Goodrh BF pf 6 1 103 103 103 + % GoodyearTAR 4 11 44*4 44% 44% - *4 Goodyear of 5 2 103 102% 102% - % Gotb Bos 1.60a X 2 20*4 20*4 20*4+ % Graham-Palge 35 4% 4% 4*/. + % GranlteC Stl V.e 1 32% 32% 32% + >/. Grant (turn la 1 28% 28% 28%+% GraysonRob %e 2 12% 12*4 12% - % GtNlOrct lVig * 14% 14% 14% - */. Gt Nor Ry pf S 8 47 46*4 47 GtWstSus 1 60a 1 21*4 21% 21% Greyhound 1 ... 52 12% 12% 12*4 Grumman 1 h 13 25*4 25 25% + *4 Guantan Bug le 3 7% 7% 7*4 Gulf MobAO V.e 64 20% 19*4 20% + % Gulf 011 3_ 8 78 77% 77*4 - V. Gulf Sta Ctll 1. 17 18*4 18% 18*4 + *4 HALL PRINT la 3 15% 15*4 15*4-% Harb-Walker le 2 26% 26% 26% Hayes Ind *,ie . 1 9% 9% 9% — *4 Hayes Mfg 45e x 9 10% 10% 1074 + % Hazel-Atl 1 20a 1 22% 22% 22% Hercules Mot 1. 1 19*4 19*4 19*4 + % Hercul Pwd .70e 11 53*4 52% 53*4 Hershey Cb 1% 8 28% 28 28 - *4 •Hersh cv pf 4a 20 122*4 122 122 - >4 Heyden Chem 1- 1 24% 24% 24% - >4 Hires C E 1.20.. 2 20% 20*4 20*4- % Holly Sugar 1 _. 3 28*4 28% 28% - % Household Pin 2 1 32% 32% 32%+ % Houston Oil le 5 35% 35% 35%+ *4 Hwrd Store 1 V.a 3 20% 20% 20% - % Howe Sound 2.4 44% 44 44 -1 Hudson A Man. 1 5% 5% 5% Hudson Bay 4 _ 9 44% 44% 44% HudsonMot 40a 31 20*4 20*4 20*4— % Hupp Corn _ 12 4% 4 4 + % IDAHO PW 1.80 3 34% 34% 34% + *4 III Centra! — 40 42 40% 41% - % 111 Cent of 3e... 5 90 88% 90 +2% Illinois Power 2. 6 26% 26% 26% 111 Term RR .72. 18 11% 11% 11% + % Ind Pr A Lt 1 %. 3 24% 24% 24% + *4 Indust Rayon 8. 2 50 50 50 Ingersol-Rand.. 1 73 73 73 —1 Inland Steel le 93 45% 44% 45%+% Insplrat Cop le. 2 20*4 20% 20*4+ % Interch C .30h _ 2 22*4 22*4 22*4 tntercon Rub 10 3 2% 3 — % Interlakelr 60e 8 16% 15% 15% — % Int Bus Mach 4 2 143% 143% 143% Int Harvst 1.40 30 33% 33% 33% + % 'Int Harvs of 7 260 167% 166% 167*4 + % Int Hydro El A 6 8*4 8*4 8*4 + *4 Int MACh 1 80 3 35% 35% 35%-% Int Nickel 1.60 23 32% 32*4 32*4 - ‘4 tint Nickel pf 7 70 138% 138% 138% - % Int Paper 4a 8 62 61*4 61% — %' lntRCA Pf3*«k 2 93 93 93 Int Sileer 4e_ 4 65 64% 64% — % Int TelA Tel 72 16% 15% 15% Int TAT torn et 5 16 16 16 + % Inter Deo Strs 2 1 24% 24% 24% - % Intertype 1 20e 2 34 34 34 IsCrkCoal 1 35h I 38*4 38*4 38'4 + *4 JACOBS F L 5 8*4 8*4 8*4 - >4 Jaeger Ml 60* 4 23% 23*4 23% + *4 tJerCntPAL of4 70 84% 83% 84% Johns-Man 70e 11 38% 38 38*4 — *4 Johnson A J .40 2 30 30 30 — % t Johnson A J pf4 60 105% 104% 105% +1 Jones A L Stl 2 32 37% 37% 37*4 + % Joy Manfg 2 40a 12 39% 38*4 38% - % KAN CITY SOD 17 46% 45% 46 + % Ken City 8o nf4 5 59% 59*4 59% Kelsey-H A 1 % - 14 26% 26 26 Kelsey-HaBl Via 8 22% 22% 22% Ker.necott l%e. *2 60 59% 60 + % Kern Land lV.e 3 47% 47% 47% + ‘4 KlmbrlJ Cl 1.40 2 21% 21% 21%+% *Kimb-Clrk of 4 40 103% 103% 103% tKinney pf 5 . 20 68% 68 68% Hoppers Co 1 80 2 35% 35% 35% + % KresgeSSlHe 3 37% 37*4 37*4 Kress SH 2* 2 58 57*4 57*4-% Kroger Co 2 40 1 45% 45*4 45% + % LACLEDE G 20 2B 64 64 64 - 4 La Cons of 85 1 #4 94 94 Lambert Co 14. 3 224 224 224-4 Lane Bryant 1 7 134 13 134 + 4 LeeRub*Tire 2e* 2 454 424 434- 4 Lee* Sons 1 40 2 254 254 254 -4 Lehigh C * N 1 5 124 124 124 - 4 LehPol tCem 14 2 35 35 35 + 4 Leh Val Coal 35 44 <4 44 - 4 Leh V Coil lpf3 5 264 254 254 - 4 Leh V Co* 12of4 2 94 94 94 - 4 Leh Valley R R. 24 74 74 74 + 4 Lehman 3.20e . 5 514 51 514 Lerner Stra 14 11 254 25 25 - 4 Llb-O-P Glass 2 5 554 554 554 + 4 Lib McN*L tie 4 104 10 10t4 Life Savers 80* 2 364 364 364- V* Lias * My <a_ 4 87 864 87 + 4 Lily Tulin 14 - 3 424 414 424-1 Lima TIamll 60 15 124 124 124 Lion Oil 3_ 4 494 49 49 -1 Liquid Carbn 1 3 194 194 194 Lockheed Vie... 11 234 224 224 -4 Loew's Inc 14 100 174 164 16s* — 4 LoneStarC*34a 5 63 624 63 Long-Bell A 80k 4 304 30 304 - 4 Lorillard PI 12 194 194 194 - 4 LouisvilAN 3 62 5 48 474 48 + 4 Lowensteln 2a_. 13 344 3» 344+ 4 Lukens Stl 4Ua 1 224 224 224 MACK TRK Vih 10 254 25 254 Macy R H 2 1 374 374 374 - 4 Magnavox 1 10 164 164 164 — 4 MaracOil 10a 2 124 124 124 Marathon Crp 1 6 23 224 23 + 4 MarineMIdl 40* 10 7 4 7 4 74 Mersh Field 2 x 1 264 264 264 + 4 •MarshFl of 4V« 20 100 100 100 Martin G L _. 8 174 174 174 MtrtlnPirrv 60 22 184 184 184 +1 Masonite Co 1* 1 694 694 694 — 4 Master Elec 2.40 2 254 25 25 -4 MatbChem 1 Vka 5 384 384 384- 4 Mav Dent Str 3 9 464 464 464 + 4 •MayStr* ofnSV. 50 91 91 91 - 4 • MayDeot3 40nf *0 834 834 834- 4 Maytag Co 1 3 114 114 114 McCroryS l 40a « 324 324 324-4 McGraw Elec 2a 3 39 384 39 + 4 McLellan Str 1 a 5 244 234 244+4 McQuay-N 1.40 3 214 214 214 +4 Mead Corel*-. * *04 204 204- 4 •Mead COM 44 20 95 95 95 Mercant Stra 1 4 184 184 184 + 4 MerekftCo2.40* 1 634 834 634 + 4 MerrlttCASl .60 12 264 264 264- 4 Mesta Mach 24 1 444 444 444 - 4 Miami Coo 4e « 174 174 174 - 4 Mld-ConPet 14t 7 614 604 61 -1 •Mid Steel Inf 8 30 1394 1394 1394 +14 Mlnn-Hon R* 2a 5 464 454 46 + 4 •Minn H of 3 20110 91 904 904-4 Minn Moline 41 184 184 184 + 4 •MinnMo nf44k <0 1194 1194 1194 Minn & St L Vie 13 15 144 144 + 4 M SP*SSMA te 54 14 13 134 + 4 Mir.n Mm * M 2 2 70 694 70 +14 Mission Corn 1* l 694 694 694+ 4 Mo-Kan-Texae 293 94 84 94 + 4 MO-Kan-Tex of 225 34 30) i 33 +24 Mohawk Crot 2a 1 414 414 414 + 4 MoiudHos 80a 4 14 134 14+4 Monsanto Cb 2 6 594 584 59 + 4 Mont* Ward 2a 27 584 574 584 M-MCC Ltn 14a 14 164 154 154 -4 Motor Whl .80*. 4 214 214 214-4 Motorola Vie _ 4 184 18 18 - 4 MtteUei Bra 60* 1 204 204 204 + 4 Mullins Mfc la 6 324 314 324 +4 Murphy GC 1 Via 3 44 434 434- 4 Murray Corel * 154 154 154- 4 NASH-KEL 70* 83 204 194 194 - 4 •Nash CAStL 1# 150 274 27 27 - 4 Nat Acme 2*_ 1 264 264 264— 4 Nat Airline*. 6 84 84 84 - 4 Nat Auto Fl .55* » 13 124 124-4 L, * » / 8 AIM— Stock and Add . _ __ Wet Dividend Rate. 00. Hlih. Low. S:30. chie Nat Avlat ,15e.. 4 13% 13% 13%+% Nat Battry l%e 3 45 44% 45 + % NatBlaCUlt 1.80a 34 30 29% 30 + % Nat Can ... * 8% 8% 8% Nate Real He. 3 46 45% 46 Nat City Line % 18 7% 7 7 - % NatContaln 1 20 36 12% 11% 12 Nat CyI Gal .80 3 12% 12% 12% + % Nat Dairy 1.80 14 3 1 30% 31 + % Nat Dent Stria 6 18% 18% 18%+% Nat Distillers 2 15 19% 19% 19% Nat Gynsum V«* 20 19 18% 19 •Nat Grn of AH 30 95 94% 95 + % Nat Lead la 9 35% 35% 35% - % Nat Linen S 80 4 6% 6% 6% - % Nat Mai Stl 40* 2 23% 23% 23% + % Nat Steel 4 ... 13 101% 100% 101 Nit SUDDly 1 17 24% 24% 24% •Nat Sun of 4H 30 8S% 88 88%+ % Nat Vul Fibre 1. l 14% 14% 14% - % NatomaaCol_ 3 11% 11% 11% Nehl Coro 1 2 15% 15% 15% •Newberry pf3% 30 96% 96% 96%+ % NEneEiSrsti 12 11% 11% 11%+ % tNJ Pwr&Lt d!4 50 96 96 96 Newmont M 1 He 2 62% 62% 62% —1% Newnt Indust 2 5 22 21% 22 — % Newer NewsS 3a 1 28% 28% 28% + % NY Air Brake ie 10 41% 41% 417.*-% N Y Cent R R 103 18% 17% 18% + % NYChl&StL 10 91 90 90%+ % N Y C&StL pf9k 3 143% 143 143 - % NYC Omnibus 1 19% 19% 19% - % N Y N H U Hart 23 14% 14% 14% + % NYNHAHDf 7 39% 38% 39% + % eNYP&L pt 8 00x30 93% 93 93% +1% NY Shinblda He 6 17 16% 16% - % Noma Elec 1.20a 32 17% 16% 17 + % No Am Aviation 28 11% 11% 11% North Am Co Hb 30 16% 16% 16% - % NorNatGaa 80e 30 34% 34 34% North Pacific le 58 26% 26% 26% •NoStPw PI3.60 2 83% 83 83% + % Northwest Airl 5 13% 13% 13% + % NrthwAlr pfl .16 3 23»% 23% 23% •Northwn Tel 3 3 38% 38% 38% + % torn ED Pf4 40 40 100 995* 100 + % Ohio Oil la 13 40% 40% 40% - ■/« Okie G&E of 80 1 17% 17% 17% 0"VerCorp lV*e 27 36% 36 36%+ V* •Oliver of 4 H x 7 109% 108% 109 + % Omnibus Co He 7 11% 10% 11% — % •Omnibus of 8 110 96% 96 96% +1% Otis Elev lHe 19 36% 36% 36% Outbrd Mot .70a 1 18% 18% 18% + % Owens lb til 8 6 55% 54% 54% - % PAC AM FSH1 e 1 157* 155* 15% •PacCoast 2of 4 10 40 40 40 Pac Uaa * Elc 2 7 34% 34% 34% - % Pac Llfhtina 3 3 55% 55% 55% + % Pac Mills 30 3 38% 38% 38% + % •Pac TelAiT 2 He 70 100'/* 100 100 -% •Pac Tel&T of 6 10 141 141 141 I rac J. uj Luui -»va t vm Pac West Oil Vie 1 57 57 57 Packard M IBe 43 5% 5% 5% Pan Am Air Vie. 20 10% 10% 10% — % Panh KPL& 4 62% 61% 61%-1% Panh P & R .30 7 10% 10% 10% Param Plct 2 30 23% 23 23% - % ParkOtab lOe 1 2% 2% 2% Parke Dav 1.05e 4 29% 29% 29%+% Parm Trana .80 3 9% 8% 8% — % Patino Min IV,• 6 14% 14% 14%-% Penney iJC> 2a 9 47% 47 47 -1 PennCoal&C Via 1 13% 13% 13% Penn-DxCem Vie 47 20% 19% 20 + % Penn P&L 1.20. 2 19% 19% 19%+ % Penn R R Vie . 22 21% 21% 21% Penn Salt ,90e . 3 44% 44% 44% - % Peoria & Eastrn 1 17% 17% 17% Pensl-Cola 30e 63 14 13% 13% - % Petrol Com 30e 1 15% 15% 15% - % Pfizer C*Co 2a 6 63% 62% 62% -1% Phelps Dodg 3e 16 59 58% 58% - % • Phil C 6T> Dl 3 40 53 Si 53 Phlla Elec 1.20 2 24 24 24 - % tPhlla El of4 40 50 lil% 111% 111% Pbil&Rdg C&I 2 17 19% 19% 19% + % PhllCO Com 2 6 44% 44% 44% PhillD Mor 1 Via 13 32V, 32% 32%-% Phillips Petrol 3 2 74% 74% 74% - % Plllsbury Mills 2 2 34 33% 33% - % rPills Mills pi 4. 50 103 102% 102% + % PittCok&Ch 60g 2 14 14 14 - % Pitt Con Coal 2 3 35% 35% 35%-% Pitts Pore Vie - 3 22% 22% 22% PittPlateGls Vie 7 35% 35% 35% + % Pitts Screw ,30a 2 9 8% 8% — % Pitts Steel . 1 18 18 18 - % tPlttSt SnflVik 20 91 91 91 - % tPitts pr pf BVi 10 78 78 78 - % Pitts* West va 4 25% 25 25%+ % PlttStOD CO 2— 6 46% 46 46 — % Plough .60 __8 11% 11% 11% + % Plym Oil 90e... 8 61% o0% 60% - % Poor k Co B la- 2 15 15 15 - % Pot Elec Pwr 90 13 14% 14% 14% + % Pressed Stl Car 4 10 9% 9% - % PressStlC pf 2% 1 32 32 32 + % Proct * Gam 3a 7 68 67% 67% - V. PubSvcCol 2.20 x 4 39% 39% 39%+ % PubSvcE&G 2 23% 23% 23% Pub Svc E&G pf 28 28% 28% 28% + % Publicker ‘if .. 3 23% 23% 23% - % Pullman le_ 12 44% 44% 44%-% Pure Oil la ... 22 38% 36% 38% Pure Oil pi 5 1 108 108 108 PurltyBak 2.40a 10 32% 32% 32% - % RADIO CRP.30e 74 14% 13% 13% - % Radio Cobf3Vi 1 73% 73% 73%+ % Radio-K-0.45e 24 8% 8% 8% *RR Sec I C Stk 130 37% 37% 37% Rayonler Vie.-. 3 32% 32 32 Reading Cole x5 26% 26% 26%-% Reading 1 pf 2_. ) 43 43 43 +1 Reeves Bros la. 1 15 15 15 + % Reis pr pf lVi-- 11 10% 10 10 -% Rem Rand lb 9 13% 13% 13%-% Reo Motors 2Via 7 23% 23 »3 - % Rep Aviation. 11 10% 10% 10% Republic Picture 8 3% 3% 3% Repub Steel la. 46 31% 31% 31%-% Revere C*B1. 20 18% 18% 18% - % Rexall Drug . 56 7% 7% 7% + % Reyn Metals Vie 2 25% 25% 25% tRey Met pf BVi 30 101% 101% 101% + % Reynold* Baring 2 10% 10% 10% ReynTobB l.SSe 25 36% 35% 36% + % Sheen Mfgl 60 2 22% 22% 22% - % Richfield Oil 2 . 50 43 41% 42%-% Roan A Con 33e * 5% 5% 5% + % Rob-Pul Con Vie 28 11% 11% 11% - % RbtshFlpfl.18% 3 29% 29% 29% RonsonArtl.20a 5 ro 20 20 - % Ruberold le 2 67% 67% 67%-1% SAFEWAY ST 1 15 19% 19 19% - % St Jos Lead 1 Vie 8 55% 55% 55%-% St L San Prao 72 16% 15% 16 St L San Pci 6 17 46% 46% 46% St Regis PtD 60 24 12% 12% 12% - % 3av Arms »',e 7 14% 14% 14% - % SchenleyDMll 2 32 32% 31% 32 tScottPa nl3 40 10 93% 93% 93% +1% Scranton Elec 1 2 15% 15% 15% - % Seab Air Line . 19 25% 25% 25% + % Seab Fin l.lOe 2 17% 17% 17% - % Sears Roebck 1 a 8 41% 40% 41 — % Seeger Rfgr .80e 1 12% 12% 12% - % Seiberling Hub 2 8 7% 8 Serve) Inc 30g 3 13% 13% 13%-% ShamrockO 1.60 64 35 34% 34%+ % Sharon Steel 2 25 44 43% 43% + % Sham & Qoh 1. 5 26 25% 26 Shattuek FG la 1 14% 14% 14%+ % Shell Cn Oil le 15 43% 43% 43% Sheraton Cp 40 23 6% 6% «% Sliver King Col. 6 5% 5% 5% - % Simmons Co le 1 33% 33% 33% — % S'nclair 011 2 . x63 28% 28% 28% - % Skelly 011 2Vie 2 152% 152% 152% +1% Sloss-Sh Stl 8Of 3 23% 23 23 - % Socony-Vac 1 33 21% 20% 20% Solvay AM pf 4. 3 103% 102% 103 - % So Am Gold Vie. 4 4% 4% 4% + % So Caro E*G 'A 13 8 7% 8 + % SCEAG cvpf2Vi 4 57 57 57 So P Rico S 6c 1 41% 41% 41% + % Sou Cal Edla 1 % 13 30% 30% 30%+% Sou Nat Gas 1'+ 40 30 *9% 29% - % Southern Par 4 25 62% 61% 62% + % 3nutheim Rwr 8 12 50% 49% 50 + % Southern Ry pf5 2 70 69% 70 Sparks-W 20e 15 7% 7 7% + % Spencer Kell* 1 26% 26% 26% - % Sperry Corp 2-- 12 30% 30% 30‘4 + % Spiegel Inc 12 12 11% 11% 'Spiegel Pf 4% 40 73 73 73 +1 Square D Co Vie 17 21% 21 21 - %■ Saulbb A Sobs 1 2 26 25% 26 ’SaulbbAS pf 4 .x50 101% 101 101 -1 Stand Brenda 2 9 28% 28% 28%+% Std Brand nf3% 2 89 89 89 Std OsABl 54pf 7 26 25% 26 + % Std OAE$7pr of 1 Hl% 111% 111% - % Std Oil Calif 2e 23 72 71% 71% - % Std Oil Ind 2a 30 51% 51% 51% Std Oil N Jer lb 40 86 85% 85% - % s-d OilOhio 1 % 11 32% 32% 37% - % Std Oil Oh Pf3% 2 96% 96% 96% + % Std StI Sprg lie 6 14% 14% 14% SterchlBr St la l 14% 14% 14%+ % Sterling Drug 2 1 37% 37% 37% + % Sterling!) pf 3% 2 95% 95% 95%-% Stevepi J P 2a * 33% 33% 33% - % Stewart-War%e 3 15% 15% 15% Stok-V Camp 1 1 15% 15% 15% + % StoneAWeb lie 9 17% 17% 17% Studebeker *4e. *2 28% 27% 78*+ - % Sun Chem 60 * 9% 9% 9% - % Sun Oil lb 3 68% 68 68 - % Sunrey Oil 80 45 14% 14% 14% Sunray pf A 1.08 13 20% 20% 20% Sunray pf B 1 Vs 6 24% 24% 24%+% Sunshine Bisc 8 9 43 42% 43 + % Sunshine M 60 2 10% 10% 10% Sunerheeter la 2 27% 26% 26%-% Sup Ol Calif 2e 1 230 230 230 -2 Sutherld Pap 2a 2 42% 42% 42% SwlftACo 1 60a 7 34% 34% 34% - % Swift Inti .40p 51 16% 16% 16% sylvan Elec 1 40 7 23% 23% 23%-% Symtng-Gld lie 24 7% 7% 7% Tenn Corp 1.15e 2 19 19 19 ♦ % Texas Co 8 22 65% 64% . 64% - % TexOulfPro .86a 22 24'+ 23% 24% - % Tex Gulf Sul 2a 8 71% 71 71 + % TexPaeCAOla 6 50% 50% 50*+-% Tex Pae LT 70a 1 41% 41% 41%-% TexAPacRyi 1 61% 61% 61% — % Textron la 6 16% 16 16 — % Thatcher 30p 1 8% 8% 8% + % tThatchpf 1.20k 90 30 30 30 Thermold %f-. 1 8% 8% 8% - % Third A»e Trans 111 11 11 - % ThomasStl 1 60a 4 23% 23% 23% Thomn J R 30e 1- 9% 9% 8% — % Thoms Prod l%e J 36 35% 55*%— % Thompeon-Star 3 3% 3% 3H— % Tide W 01)1 20a 14 30% 30% 30% - % 'Tide Wat nfS% 40 104% 104'+ 104% Tlmk-D Axle le 14 22% 22% 22% Tlmk Bear 1 *+e 13 31% 49% 30 -1 Transamer Via. 11 1) 12% 12% Trans A W Air 4 14% 14 14 — % Tri-Con Cn %g 2e< 9% 9% 9% - % Truaa-Tra 1 20 2 18% 18*+ 18*+ Twent C-Fox 2 21 21% 20% 20%-% 20tbC-Fx Df 1 % 2 33% 33% 33% Twin Cttr R Tr 6 8 7% 7% + *+ tTwlnCIt prlV'«ki20 30 28% 30 +2% Twin Coach 1 11% 11% 11%+%, UDYLITE I 6 11 11 11 - % Underwood 1 Vie 1 58 58 58 + *+ UnAsbARubl. 1 15% 15% 13%-% Union Sms 2a 9 36*+ 35% 35% - »+ Un Carbide Vib. «5 42% 42% 42% - % 'Un El Mo Df 4% .80 109 108% 109 Un Oil Cal 1.32* 14 38% 38% 38*+ Union Pacific 6 96% 95*+ 95% — % Union Pacific pf * 30% 50% 50% + % Unit Air Lines 27 15 14% 14% — % Unit Aircraft la 8 29% 29% 29% , Unit Biscuit la. 12 21% 21% 21%+% Ut BoardAC %e 10 13% 12 13%+1% Unit Clear Wbal 27 4% 4% 4% tUtdClf-Wpl3%k20 50% 50 50 -1% i Stocks Turn Uneven And Quiet Alter Early Steadiness By th« Associated Press NEW YORK, July 13.—A faint strain of weakness appeared in the stock market today after k morning show of steadiness. Losses were small though and enough plus signs appeared to fore stall a full-fledged decline. Utility snares did a little better than most others. Business slowed to a walk after two sessions which each topped 1,000,000 shares. Marked down were United States Steel, Chrysler, Firestone Tire, Sears Roebuck, Caterpillar Tractor, Pepsi Cola, American Smelting, Interna tional Paper, Santa Fe, Northern Pacific, Illinois Central, Standard Oil of New Jersey, Transcontinental & Western Air. Higher were Kansas City South ern, Missouri-Kansas-Texas pre ferred, American Telephone, Con solidated Edison, Electric Power & Light. American Woolen and Sham rock Oil. In the curb declines were posted for Barium Stele, Cities Service and Pantepec Oil. United States Government Bonds held steady in the dealer market. Loew’s coasted within shooting distance of the year's low. Weakness followed publication of an adverse earnings report for 40 weeks ended June 3. Washington Exchange SALES. Peoples Drug com—9 at 35. Potomac Elec Pow com—100 at 14%. 40 at 14%, 10 at 14%. Washington Gas com—12 at 26%. Capital Transit—10 at Jfl. Washington Gas com—40 at 26%, 23 at 26%. Hecht com—30 at 27%. Potomac Elec Pow com—7 at 14. Hecht com—20 at 27%. Washington Gas com—25 at 26% Potomac Elec Pow com—50 at 14*4. 50 at 14 %. Washington Gas com—100 at 20%. Garflnckel 4% pfd—30 at 23. Potomac Elec Pow 3.60'* pfd “A”—10 at 45%. PUBLIC UTILITY BONDS Bid As Iced Am TAT cv db 2%s 1057_ 113% 114% Am T&T cv db 2%s 1961 100% 107% Cap Transit 1st ref 4s 1964 95% 99 City & Suburban 5s 1948 100 _ Georgetown Gas 1st 5s 1961 112 _ Pot Elec Pew 3%s 1966 105 _ Pot Elec Pow 3%s 1977.. 108 _ Pot Elec Pow 3s 1983 ... 101% _ Washington Gas os I960 _122% _ PUBLIC UTILITY RTIWA Amer Tel A Tel (SKT®! .. • 154 Capita! Transit _ 1614 10Va N & W Steamboat (t4) ... 170 Pot Elec Pow com i.90) 1414 14*4 P El P 3.60'S pf "A" ( 1.80) 45V. 46 P El P 3.60', pf •'B’’ (1.80) 45V. 46V, Wash Gas Lt com (1.50) *2014 27>/« Wash Gas Lt cu pfd (4.26) 102’/, 104 Wash Gas Lt cu cv pf 14.50) 10414 _ BANK AND TRUST COMPANIES. Amer Sec & Tr new (tl.OO) *2014 81 Bank of Bethesda (tl.50) _ 40 _ Capital (.90) _ _ 2714 _ Com k Savings (tlO)_ 350 _ Liberty (8) _*312 _ Lincoln (t6) _ _ 330 _ Natl Sav k Tr (8.00) ... 420 _ Pr Georges B k Tr (tl.OO) 30 _ Riggs I12i .. 320 835 Union Trust Co (tl.OO)_*36 _ Washington (6) .. 190 _ Wash Loan & Tr (12) 330 FIRE AND TITLE INSURANCE. American <t6) _ 160 ._ . Columbia (t.30)_ 1214 1314 Firemen's (1.40) _ 31 . .. National Union (.76) _ 16 19 Real'Estate (t6) 192 _ MISCELLANEOUS Carpel Corp (2.00) 25 30 Garflnckel com (1.50). _ 203-. 22 Garfl 514% cu cv pf (1.375) 241, 2514 Garfl 4'47e cu cv pf (1.125) 23 23>4 Hecht Co (1.60) . . *26Va 27V, Hecht 3%'» cu Pf (3.75) . *89 92 Lanston Mono (t2.00) 23V. 24V. Mercenthaler Lino (al.50) 5214 5414 Nat l Mtge k Inv pf (p.45) 8 People Dr St com (*1.00). 3314 3514 Security Storage (t5> _*108 125 Ter Ref * Wh Corp (8) »o Wdwd A Loth com ( 34'4 3614 Wdwd k Loth pf new (6).. 104 . * Ex dividend, b Books closed, t Plug extra or extraa a Paid ao far this rear. P Paid 1947_ MarKet Averages STOCKS. 30 15 15 60 Indst Ralls. Util Stks Net change_—.3 '—.0 —1 -*-.2 Today noon_ 97 4 47.8 42.1 T?i2 Prev. day_ 07.7 48.0 42.2 72.4 Week ago_ 07.2 47.3 41.9 71.9 Month ago_ 08.7 44.7 42.2 71.0! Year ago_ 05.7 35.7 43.2 07.0 1048 high:_ . 08.7 48.0 42 3 72.4 1 1948 low_ 83.3 34 2 -38.0 60.3 J BONDS. 2o 10 10 10 10 Lowj Rails Indft Util Pgn Yield ' Net change unc. —.1 —.1 -.1 unc Today noon 101.2 101.0 62.0 109.2' Prcv. day 101.3 101.1 K2.8 109.2 Week ago 92.5 101.2 100 8 109.3 Month ago 101.7 101.6 02.4 110 4 Year ago 103 4 105.7 72.0 114.8 1048 high 93 7 101.8 102.0 fill.9 1048 low 87.7 99.8 98.0 HO.2 107.2 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) Sales— Stock and Add Net Dividend Rate. 0« High Low 2:30 chge United Corp 11 3% 3% 3% + % Unit Corp of 8 5 46% 45% 46% < Utd Klee Coal 1 4 25% 25% 25% + % United Fruit 2g 15 54% 54 54%+ % unit MAM la 10 17% 17 12% + % US&F Sec 1.35g 2 30% 30% 30% - % U S Gypsum 8 1 107 107 107 -1% US Hoff Mch %g 1 13% 13% 13%+ % US Leather %» 11 6% 6% 6%-% US Leath A l%e 2 29 29 29 - % US Lines 2% 12 16% 16% 16%+ % US PH>e*F 2.80 2 53% 53% 53%+ % US Plywood la 5 35 34% 35 tus Plywd pf3% 80 92 92 92 -i% U s Rubber 3e_. 4 48 47% 47%-% US Steel 2%a_. 49 82% 82% 82%- % US Steel of 7 .. 10 139% 139 139 - % U S Tobac 1 20 6 18% 18% 18% - % tU S Tob pf 1 % 140 42 41% 42 Utd Stkyds 40( 1 5% 5% 5% + % Utd Walloao V«g 5 5% 5% 5% - % Univ Lab 10 9% 8% 9% + % tuniv Leaf of 8 30 164 163% 163% +1% Univ Pictures 1 x 5 11% 11% 11%-% 'Univ Pic of 4% 2 65 65 65 + % VAN NORM %e 3 13% 13% 13%-% Vanadium s/«e 1 23% 23% 23% + % Vertient-C S 2a x 4 13% 13% 13% - % Vick Chem 1 20 3 24% 24% 24% + % Victor Chm 80e 1 45% 45% 45% + % Va CarollnChem 29 14% 14% 14% — % Va El&Pwr 1 20 25 17% 17% 17%-% 'Va S3 & P pf 6 30 115% 115% 115% Va Rail pf 1% x 1 32% 32% 32%+ % Visking Coro 2 2 37 36% 37 + % WLGREEN 1.60 2 33 33 33 + % Walker Hlr 1 %a 4 25% 24% 25% + % Walworth ,40e. 5 11% 11% 11% - % Ward Bak 30e.. 21 16% 15% 16%+ % 'Ward Bk pf&% 30 99 99 99 Warner Bros 1.. 74 11% 10% 10% - % Warren Pet 80. 3 30% 30 30 + % Wayne Pump 2- 2 23% 23% 23% Wesson Oil 23/<e 11 63% 62% 63%+ % • Wesson Oil PfA 170 83 83 83 WstludSugl %a 10 23% 23% 23% - % W Penn Klee Vie 21 19% 18% 19 'Ws Penn El A 7 10 111% 111% 111% + % •Ws Penn El Pf7 30 116% 116% 116% -1 'Wt Penn El d*6 10 108 108 108 + % •W PenPw pf4% 10 110% 110% 110% - % WVaC&C 704 10 21% 21% 21% — % WVa PulpArP la 4 49% 49 49 - % •WVaP&P Pf4% 40 108 108 108 WestAutoSup 8 5 41% 41% 41% — % Western Md . 29 16% 15% 15% + % West Pacific 3.. 8 36% 35 36%+ % WestPacpfB-- 2 74 74 74 - % West On Tel la. 5 22% 22% 22% + % West Air Brk 2 14 38% 38% 38% - % Westing Elec 1 33 30% 30% 30% - % 'Wet El pf A 3% 30 92 92 92 + % WstncElDfB.'i 80 2 98% 98% 98% Weitvgco 1.40.. 1 47% 47% 47%+ % Wheel Steel 2 * 56% 56 56 + % •WheelStl orpfS 40 87% 87 87%+1% White Mot 1.60 16 22 21% 21%-1% White Sewing M 8 21% 21% 21%-% tWhite S M pf 4 270 118 117% 117% Wlliys-Overlgnc 23 10% 10% 10% Wlllys Ov pf 4% 1 63% 63% 63%+ % Wllson&Co 1%« 25 15% 15% 15% Wilaon-JonesBia 1 16 16 16 - % Wise Klee Pwr 1 U 1«% 1#% 16% Wool worth 2a . 25 48 47% 4» WorP&M%h- 10 22% 21% 21%-% 'Wthng prpf4%140 77 76% 76%+ % Wrlgley W Jr 34 3 66 68 68 WyandWor 40a 3 11 10% 11 + % YALE A TWN %• * 51% 31% 31% - % York Corp %.. 3 15 15 15 — % YoungSprRW 1. 1 23 23 23 + % Young Sh*T 4a 8 87 86% 86%- % YngftStlDoor la 18 19% 19% 19%+ % ZENITH R 1 %* 4 34% 33% 33% - % Zonite Prod 10p 7 5% 5% 5% - % Hourly Bales on (A* Exchange Tsday: 11:00 I in 220000 12 lit* noon 420 000 I mi o m 600 000 7 "Com . 880 000 'Unit of trgding. 10 shgres. "In bgnk-l ruptcy or receivership, or being reorgan-j Ized under the Bankruptcy Act. or secur-l ltles assumed by such companies Rates: of dividends in the foregoing table are j annua) disbursements based on the last1 quarterly or semi-annual declaration Unless otherwise noted special or extra dividends are not included, cld Called, x Ex dividend, xr Ex rights, a Also extra or extras, b Plus stock dividend, d Cash or stock, e Declared or paid sa.far this year f Payable in stock, estimated cash value on ex-dlvldend date, t Paid last year, h Declared or paid after stock dividend or split-up. k Declared or paid this year, an accumulative Issue with dividends in arrears, p Paid this year, dividend omitted, deferred or no action taken at last dividend meetlnr. rDe clared 1948 payable in 1949. y Liquidat ing dividend, s Payable in stock- exa*t cash value undetermined on daclaration data. ft N. Y. Bond Market (Vanishes hr the Associate* Frees.) SELECTED LIST OP ISSUES. TREASURY 2:30 2s 63-51 . 101 17 2a 64-62 June. 10118 2a 64-62 Dec. 10119 2 Via 60-50 102 13 2 Vie 62-59 Dec 100 WORLD BANK Lot BRAD 3872 98 10 NEW YORK CITY 3s 80. 1W FOREIGN 2:30 Australia 3Vis5? 91 Canada 4s 60 104% Chile 6s 63 asd 27 Denmark 6s 42 83 ItalPuU l-3s 77 17 Mex 5s asd 46 n 14 Oruk al 4 Vis 78 82% DOMESTIC 2::«0 AmAirlines3s86 78 Am TAT 2%so? 114% Am TAT 2%s61 107 Am TAT 2%s80 94 Am TAT 2%s80 91 Atl Dnv Ht4s48 4B%! Atl Dnv2nd4s48 31%| AtlRefln 24«s8fi 99% BaltAOb 5s75B 95% BaltAOh 5s95G 68% BaltA05sK2000 68% BAO cv 4>42010 56 B A O T C 4s 85 80 Bush Term 6s56 91% Can South 5s 62108% Can Pae 4s pern 94% Cent Ga 6s 59C 13% Cent Ga cn5s45 74 CG4'4s2020Bwi 58% Cent Pac 3*»s081O3% Cn RR NJ 5s 87 75% Cn RR NJ 4s 87 64 CAO 4Vis 92 127 CB A«4ViS 77111% ChiAE I Inc 97 50 ChiIAL4 >42003 55% CM8tP4 M,W044 61% ChlANW 4V4S99 69% CRIPin4%s201 9 86 CCCSL en 4s 93 96% Clev El 111 3s 70 104% Cons Ed cv 3503 110% CrucbIeStl3V466 94% DARGW 3-4s93 91 DAR in 4442018 6944 DenAS L Inc »3 *2 I Duo Lt 384s 77 . 9884! Erie 4 Vis 2016 73 ] 82a I Cat 6s 74 61 0 MAO 2044 B 6544 Hud Coal 6s 62a 9544 HudAM if 6s 67 6444 HudAM in 6s 67 278* 1 C 4*48 66 8844 ICC StL 6s 63 A 99 IntGtNor 6s 52 378* Int G N Ist8s52 674* IntHvdroE16s44 6644 Jam FAC 4s 6.9 8084 LacledeGs4446311144 LehVal4 4482003 418* Leh Val 4s2003s 388* j Lit A Mver5a51 1098* M-K-T 5s 62 A 82 M-K-T adi 5s67 79 M-K-T 1st 4s90 78 M-K-T 4s 62 B 68 Mo Psc 6*4s 49 2944 Mo Pac 6s 77 F 87 Mo Pac an 4s 76 4744 Nat Dairy 28*70 99 NYC rf 6s 2013 8044 NYC 444S2018A 73 N Y C con 4s 99 6684 NYNHln444s'22 50*4 NYNHH 482007 738* NYOW rf 4s 92 1044 Norf West 4s 96 12784 No Paces 2047C 9844 Nor Pac 4s 97 1044* Nor Pac 3s 2047 6584 PennHR*444s6510584 PereMar 384s 80 9944 StLSF 444S2022 6444 StLSanFrn4s97 88 Seab 1n4M,s201A 7244 Seaxram 244s66 968* Socony-V244s76 948* SoPaciflc444s81 954« Sou Pac 444 s 69 9744 So Ry an 4s 56 968* Third Ave 6s 60 6084 Third Ave 4s 60 7844 VaElAPw3 44 s6311284 West Md 4s 52 10144 West On 6s 60 9344 West On 4 Vis 6010084 Wise Cent 4s 49 7084 N. Y. Curb Market LIST INCLUDES ONLY SELECTED ISSUES 2:30 AlreonMlgCo. 74 Alum Ltd 2.. . 5384 Am Bantam Car 27* Am Gas Ac El lb 407* Am Maracaibo 67* Am Republic Via 2374 Am Superpower 184 ArkNatGas ,20e 774 ArltNOas A 20e 784 AshlandOil 1.20 2074 Atl Coast Pish. _ 38* Barium Steel 6 BrwnP Dist ,80a 2574 Bnk Hill At S Via 2384 Burma Ltd_ m* Calllte Tun* - 374 Carr Cons Blsc _ 474 Catalln Am . 7 CenAtS W Cp .70 1084 Cities Service 2 62 CiAtSuHome .60 98* Claude Neon 374 Clinch Coal la. 50 Colon Develop . 77* Col Puel&Ir ww 67* Coml & Sou war 85i Copr Range V4e. 15 Cosden Petro 88* Creole Pet 1.80e 49V* CrownDru* 05* 38* Cub Atl Su* 2a 197* Dennison A .80e 1074 DetGraylr .20* 38* Domestic Credit 38* El Bond&Sb ¥«* 158* Equity Corn 27* PairchldCm.30* 2774 Palrchlld E A A 5 PansteelMetl**. 1374 Pirst York 74* _. 374 GenPlywood 40 774 Gleaner H 1.20a 328* Glen Alden C 2. 238* Goldfield Con*. Hazeltlne 14*--. 16 Hecla Min 1 1374 Heller W E ,60a. 107* Humble Oil 174* 798* Imp Oil Ltd 74 147* Imp Oil Ltd rt _ 184a ImpTobCan 40a 12 Int Petrol 74 127* Kalser-Frazer 10% Kirby Pet 20g 19% KruegerBrew’ag % Leonard Oil Dev % Lone Star Oas 1 23% Louis L A E 1 a 22% McCord Crp Vie 41% Menasco Mfg 2% Michigan Sugar 2% MdSPAvtcl.20e 30% MidStPB vtc Vie 7% Mid West Crp 8f 10% Mid-West Refln 4% Monogram Piet 4% Morris Plan .20e 4% Nat Bellas 20s 4% Niagara Hud Pr 9% NorthropAlr Vic ll% Pantepec 1.28.. 21% Pennroad 40s 7% Pa-Dix Cem war S% Pepperell 3a 66 Pltney-Bow 60s 12% PlttBess&LE 1 Vi 38% Pitt Metallu 80 18% PolarisMns .10e 5% Producers Corp 2% R-K-O opt war. 2% Raytheon Mfg 8% Rotary El Stl le 41 SaltDomeO i%f 11% Schulte (D A).. 2% Segal Lock _ 2% Select Indus 4% Simpllc Pat ,40a 7% Solar Alrc .30e. 13% Solar Mfg 4% SCE4.88cpfl.22 28 Std OllKy 1.40a 29% Std Power & Lt 2% Supr Port C Vik. 15% Tivoli Brew Vie. 7% Trl-Contl w w . 4 Unit Aire Prod 5 United Corp ww UnitLt&Rys 69e 22 UtShoeMac 2 Vis 55 U S Int Sec_ 5 tJt-IdahoSu.lfie 2% Venei Syn ,15e. 4% Ward Bak war. 7 | Winnipeg El Vie 24% I Wright Harg .18 2% 1 Chicago Grain CHICAGO. July 13 UP>.—Prices drifted ! lower toward the en dof today's Board of Trade session. There was a little buying ; in the July deliveries of corn and oats, but all deliveries of wheat fell below yester- , day's close. Rye. in which trading started yesterday, held' fairly steady. Weather was the chief factor in today’s trading. Timely showers made for ideal | growing conditions in the spring wheat \ and corn country. At the finish wheat was % to 1% lower than the prtvious close. July 2.28Vs; corn was 1% higher to 1% lower. July 2.04% 05; oats were % to % lower. July 89%-%*. rye was 3 to 3% lower. December. 1.90%. and soybeans were 1% to 3 lower. July 3.95%. Chicago Cash Market. Wheat. No. 2 red tough, 2.26; No. 1 hard. 2.29%; No. 2 hard. 2.29%. Com. No. 1 yellow. 2.12%-13%; No. 2. 2.11% 12%: No. 3, 2.69; No. 4. 2.09-10%. Oats, No. 1 heavy mixed. 1.06; No. 1 mixed. 1.03%-05: No. 1 heavy white. 1.07%: No. 12 heavy white. 1.07%; No. 2 white. 100. I Barley, nominal: malthing, 1.60-95: feed. 11.20-25. Soybeans, none. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. July 13 f/P> <USDAi.—Salable hogs. 12.000. total. 16.000: slow and un even. around 50 lower; liberal supply of weights over 300 pounds and sows still unsold with bids on those 50 to 1.00 off virtually half of run sows: top. 30.00: good and choice 170-250 pounds. 29.00 30.00; 260-280 pounds. 27.50-28.50; 290 • '.20 pounds. 25.50-27.00; 330-360 pounds. 24.00-25.50: 375-450 pounds, 21.00-23.00; good and choice sows under 350 pounds 23.50-25.50: good 375-425 pounds. 21.50 -3.00; 450*550 pounds. 19.50-21.00. Salable cattle. 7.000: total. 7.200; salable calves 800; total 800: choice steers and yearlings strong to 25 higher: other grades steady to weak; high choice. 1.350-pound Iowa-fed steers topped at 40 50; most choice steers. 39.00-40.00; good to choice heifers. 37.75; medium to good steers. 33.00-37.50; cows and bulls: steady canner and cutter cows. 17.OH 19.50; good beef cows, 26.00-28.00; heavy sausage bulls to 26.00; vealers, 1.00 higher at 31.00 down, odd head. 32.00. New York Cotton NEW YOR£, July 13 OP*.—Cotton fu tures were steady in moderately active dealings today. Belated short covering in nearby July, prior to expiration of that delivery at noon Wednesday, featured the market. There were 70 July transferable notices issued, but liquidation in the spot month developed mostly on the scale up Certificated cotton stocks increased 3.229 bales and totaled 112.824. The New York Cotton Exchange Service Estimated June domestic cotton consump- i tion at 805.000. bales against 786.000 in [ May and 729.000 in June a year ago. | The forecast was better than anticipated by the trade. The daily rate of use in June was 36.600 bales against 37.900 in Mav and 34,700 in June a year ago. Spot cotton markets were quiet. There was some light hedging against early new crop cotton. Weather conditions in the cotton belt remained generally favorable Late afternoon prices were 25 cents. to 1.05 a bale higher than the previous, close. July 34.83. October 32.28 and December 32.15._ Dividends Announced NEW YORK. July 13 </P'.—Dividends declared: Pe- Stk. of Pav Rate riod record, able. Stock. Std Oil Indiana, one sh of Std Oil N J for each 100 sh of Sid Oil Ind 8-4 P-10 Accumulative. Gar Wood Ind cum cv pf _ SI .1314 .. 8-2 8-15 Regular. Beck Shoe Corp . 40c Q T-23 8-2 Globe & Rep Ins • of Am - _2oc S 7-20 8-1 Miles Shoes -20c <3 7-20 7-31 ! Phillips Pet -75c Q 8-0 P-1 Spencer Kel & Sons 50c Q 8-13 P-1.01 Std Oil Ind_ _50c Q 8-4 P-10 Do _50c Q 11-10 12-10 Boston Fund Inc 16c Q 7-39 8-25 Holophane Co — -75c - 7-22 8-1 New York Produce NEW YORK. July 13 OPi.—Butter. 1 . 196.814. irregular. Wholesale prices on bulk cartons: Creamery, higher than 92 score and premium marcs <AA). cents: P2 score (A). 80; 90 score (B>. 78-78V4: sp score (C). 76. (New tubs usually command 14 cent a pound over the bulk carlot price.) , . .. Egg prices were Irregular In the whole sale market today. Receipts totaled 30.485 eases. Spot quotations follow: Midwestern—Mixed colora, lancy heavy weights. 5314-55; extra 1 large. 50-51: extra 2 lane. 47-48; extra 1 medium. 46-4714: standard. 1.44!j-45; dirties. 4 42V4: checks. 37-3714. Whites—Fancy heavyweights. 55-5/. extrs 1 lsrge. 5114-53: sxtra 2 large, 48 50: extras 3 and 4. 46-47; extra 1 me dium. 51-53. . . Browns—Fancy heavyweights. 55-5,. extra 1 lane. 53-5314: extra 2 large. 48 50: extras 3 and 4. 46-4/: extra 1 me dium. 50-52.__ Foreign Exchange NEW YORK. July 13 (JP>.—Foreign ex-, change rates follow (Great Britain in dollars, others in cents': _ i Canadian dollar in New York open market. 7 per cent discount or 93.00; United States cents, unchanged. Europe—Great Britain. M.O.tU. un changed: France (franc! 0.3241 of a cent, unchanged. Italy <lira> July fixed rate. 0.001739. June 0.001739: Sweden, (krona'. 27.85. unchanged: Switzerland (franc) (commercial! 23.40. unchanged Latin America—Argentina free. 20 3(ln. unchanged: Brazil free. 5.50, unchanged;; Mexico 20.61. unchanged n Nominal_ Barker Brothers Corp. earned $906,110 or $2.40 in six months ended June 30 vs. $876,512 or $2.32 a year! earlier. Refrigeration Corp. of America, a; subsidiary of Noma Electric, elected Edward R. Legg president t ""iDEAnO^OCrS^1 3557 16th St. m Corner brick, ten minutes from down town. Has knotty-pine recreation room. Two entrances Easily con verted to offices Modern borne, per fect condition. Six rooms, two baths, automatic oil hot-water heat, large ballroom on the third floor. Owner has priced reasonably for immediate sale. For appointment call Lewis Brown, 1129 Vermont Ave. N.W., NA. 5740; Evenings, EMerson 9551. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE Van as plans, including long-term aa.nthly payments, at Favorable rat*. nXSl DEED OB TRUST ONLY RENTALS—SALES—INSURANCE GEORGE I. BORGER 643 'ndiana Ave. N.W. NA 0350 — ; ——————■ II. ■ ' I ■ mmm 7'm not going to work for somebody else ell MY life...I'm K % I saving to go t into business for myself." \ Start saving today . . . drop in at Interstate's conveniently located office with Mbty jlfosfctt BUILDING ASSOCIATION Washington Mdg., ISth St. A Naw Yark Ava. District 3300 Notice II _ » Changes in outlook for the following com panies suggest that "investors may want to reconsider whatever plans they have that involve these securities. Some may appear more attractive, some less attractive, than they did only a short while ago. Am Row A Lt Col Fusl A Ir El Powor A Lt M»m« Pub Serv Proasod Stl Car j Bridgeport Br Colum Gas Garrett Corp Neisner Bros Pub S E A G California Pack ComwIthEdiaon Gen Precision NYChi AStLouii Repub Steel j Canad Pacific Congoleum-Nrn Qraham-Paige Mot No Am Aviation Reynolds Metala Celanese Corp Cons Vultee Gulf Mob A Oh Panhand E P L United Aircraft j Cent RR NJ Cornell-D El Kelsey Hayes Param Pictures United Fruit j Ch M SPAPac DenARGW Kennecott Cop Penn R R Ward Baking I Chi A NW El Bond A Sh Kresge (SS) Pfizer, Chae A Co Account executives in our offices are prepared to provide late information on these companies. Inves* * tors who may not find it convenient to discuss these securities in our offices are invited to mail their in quiries. Just address Department D-X Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner St Beane Underwriters and Distributors of Investment Securities Brokers in Securities and Commodities 815 Fifteenth Street N.W. Washington 5 Telephone: Executive 2121 * Charter No. 13782. Reserve District No. 5. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE HAMILTON NATIONAL BANK Of Washington, D. C.. in the District of Columbia, at the close of busi ness on June 30, 1948. Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes. ASSETS. 1. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve bal ance and cash items in process of collection <22,259,854.61 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guar anteed ___ 44,401,345.53 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions - 503,076.11 4. Other bonds, notes and debentures 201,146.09 5. Corporate stocks (including <112,500.00 stock of Federal Reserve bank) . - - . -T.,. 112,500.00 6. Loaije and discounts (including $2,861.87 overdrafts) 24,768,748.49 7. Bank premises owned, $844,955.43; furniture and fix tures, $77,787.30-......-.-. 922,742.46 11. Other assets ----- 298,906.71 12. Total assets ........$93.468,320.00 LIABILITIES 13. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and cor porations $60,489,282.06 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and cor porations -- 22,215.985.49 15. Deposits of United States Government (including pos tal savings) . ... 1,122,505,76 17. Deposits of banks .. 2.898,729.02 18. Other deposits (certified and cashier's checks, etc.) — 1,178,647.91 19. Total deposits....«.-$87,905,150.24 23. Other liabilities--- 487,451.58 24. Total liabilities.$88,392,601.82 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS' 25. Capital stock: • (c) Common stock, total par.$1,750,000.00 26. Surplus _! _"._ 2,000,000.00 27. Undivided profits. 1,050,608,38 28. Reserves .-. 275,109.82 29. Total capital accounts -. <5,075,718.18 30. Total liabilities and capital accounts. $93,468,320.00 MEMORANDA 31. Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes . - *5,727,810.33 Washington, District of Columbia, ss: I, W. L.'Sanderson, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the bdst of my knowledge and belief. W. L. SANDERSON, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8th day of July, 1948. i Seal) PAUL V. DONOVAN, Notary Public. Washington, D. C. My commission expires Dec. 14, 1952. Correct—Attest: \ W. J. WALLER ROBERT J. WHITEFORD H. G. SMITHY W. R. FORSTER CHAS. B. DULCAN, Sr. Director*. * m %