Tomorrow—with every department in the store participating—(except furs and millinery)
This is a sweeping all-out clearance of Spring merchandise (here and there, summer merchandise, too)—broken assortments to be sure but with practically every department represented
'l 1 $ you'll find an abundance of things useful and timely at savings to make it a really worth-while shopping day for you here tomorrow. Please note. No mail or teep one or , no
0 JULd/it JL 5 C.O.D.'s, no exchanges, credits or returns and a charge of 25c for pinfitting of reduced apparel.
•ssl* July Clearance! At 25% to 50% Savings!
Women's, Misses', Juniors' Coots, Toppers, Suits
Third Floor
$39.75 to $45. Coats, Toppers ... $18
Women's $39.75 and $45 Dressy coats. Boxy wool crepes in black, navy and
grey. Sizes 2016 to 2416. $18.
Misses' $3975 Toppers—wool suede, cape toppers in wool suede, navy, green,
red, middy blue. Sizes 10 to 16. $18.
Juniors $39.75 Toppers, black, red, navy, middy, beige or emerald wool,
with chin collars or tuxedo fronts, sizes 7 to 15. -$18.
Juniors' $39.75 Cape coats, wool coverts in red or navy, sizes 9 to 13. $18.
Juniors' $39.75 Fitted Coats, dressy full length model in wool crepe, beige
and grey, sizes 13 and 15. $18
$39.75 to $69.75 Toppers, Coats . . . $28
Women's $49 75 and $55 Coats, long fitted and boxy styles with flange
shoulder pleats, tucked yokes. Wool suede, crepe and twill. Blaak, grey,
navy, brown, sizes 1616 to 2416. $28.
Women's $49.75 to $59.75 Toppers, hip and knee lengths, tuxedo, full
swing, panel and box styles. Suede wool, wool crepe and gabardine. Navy,
middy and Laguna blue, brown, green and pink, sizes 32 to 44, 2016 to
2616. $28.
Misses' $49 75 to $69.75 Toppers, double-breatsed and tuxedo styles in
black, navy, green, red, beige and middy blue wool. $28.
Misses' $79.75 Toppers, three-quarter length, wrap-style cocoon coats.
Navy, aqua or gold tweed wool mixtures. Sizes 10 and 14. $28.
Juniors' $49.75 and $69.75 Toppers, button and braid trimmed wools, black,
navy, ted, green. Sizes 9, 13, 15. $28.
Misses' $49.75 and $55 Toppers, woo! suede or covert in pink, grey,
green, beige and black. Sizes 10 to 18. $29.
Misses' $59.75 Black Dress Coats, full length (extra long), flared
model in wool suede. Sizes 18 and 20. $29. v f
Women's $59.75 to $69.75 Coats. Dressy fitted and box styles, many
w,th dressmaker detailing Forstmann Diagra, Juilliard suede wool and
Medley crepe and Pacific crepe. Sizes 14VS to 24’/2, 38 to 44 and
46; 5 to 50Vz S38. ,
14_Misses' $59.75 Toppers, flared back model in wool suede, royal blue,
now, aqua, green and black Sizes 8 to 16. $38.
7—Juniors' $49.75 ond $59.75 Long Coats, boxy or flared, casual or dressy,
brown, tan, Kelly, red, navy. Sizes 9 to 15. $38.
2—Juniors' $59.75 Toppers in wool suede with rayon taffeta linings, green
or aqua. S'zes 7 and 11. $38.
40—$69.75 to $98.75 Coats, Toppers---$48
Women's $69.75 to $79.75 Dressy Coats. Fitted styles with jabot collars?
box styles with braid trims, plaited panel backs, embroidered front yokes.
In Forstmann wool suede, Juilliard gabardine ond fine wool crepe. Navy,
black middy, grey. Sizes 12Vi to 20 and 36 to 40. $48.
Women's $69.75 to $98.75 Toppers, dressy toppers in Forstmann wool suede.
Hip and knee lengths, coccoon wraps, tuxedo and full swing back styles
wth braid embroidery. Casual toppers in Stroock's fleece and Juilliard
suede wools Knee-length boxy styled. Collared and collarless types.
Beige, pink, blue, green. Sizes 32 to 38, 12’/2 to 20V2. $48.
17—Women's $89.75 to $148 Coats and Toppers— - — -$58
Women's $110 Toppers, knee length wrap or swing back styles. Middy
blue black Forstmann suede wool. Sizes 32 to 38. $58.
Women's $89.75 to $125 Tailored and Dressy Coats, dressy fitted styles
with elbow shoulder capes, bead and braid embroidery. Tailored styles, box
styles with tuxedos of rayon bengaline and tucking. Black, navy, middy blue
and grey. Sizes 34 to 40, 161/2 to 221/2. $58.
$49.75 to $55 Suits at $28 4 gabardine tailored suits in navy, beige,
pmk, kelly. Sizes 9, 10, 14. Wool crepe suits, single or double breasted,
slim skirts, green, pink, aqua, royal. Sizes 10, 14, and half sizes 12/2, 14/2,
end 161/2. Women's suits in wool crepes, blue, grey and green, sizes 14/2
to 22 V2.
$65 Suits at $38—Birdseye worsted and wool flannel suits with snug
fitting jackets, full skirts, brown, grey, pmk, blue. Sizes 10 to 18.
$79.75 to $98.75 Suits at $58-Bolero fitted and boxy jacket with
slim or full skirts, some tiered or gored skirts. Pinehecked worsteds, wool
crepes and many gabardines Broken sizes for Juniors and Misses.
40—$19.95 and $22.95 Rayon Summer Suits-——$14
Tailored styles with slim skirts, brown, beige, aqua, cocoa. Sizes 12 to 2U
in the group. _ - ^
25% to 50% Savings on
Sports and Beachwear!
Third Floor
$3.50 Sweaters, $1.50—Cap sleeve wool sweaters with wide stripes
of aqua, brown and be'ge or red, black and beige. Sizes 34 to 4o
in the group.
$4.95 Sweaters, $3—Short sleeve wool slipons in assorted colors
and sizes.
$5.95 Stoles, $3—Dark Dan River cotton plaids.
$7.95 to $19.95 Sports Separates, $5—Skirts—swing and straight
styles m lightweight wools. Pastels. Jackets—Short, lined wool
styles in red or beige, sizes 10 to 16. Sweaters—40% Angora slip
ons, short sleeves, yellow or block, sizes 34, 36. Slocks Desert
tan, lime or aqua corduroy, sizes 10 to 20.
$10.95 and $12.95 Sportsweor, $7.95—Suits—Bolero checked suits
in 65% wool. All wool Navy suits. Sizes 10 to 14. Toppers
Lined, pastel corduroy, striped or plain unlined wool. Assorted sizes.
Slacks—Assorted wool. Beach coats—Mandarin style prospector
rayon hooded or striped terrycloth in assorted colors.
$15.95 to $22.95 Sportswear, $10—Skirts—pastel wool anglo flan
nel with unpressed pleats front and back. Ram capes—Inverness
style beige cotton poplin. Beach coats—Knee length terry robes,
hooded terry robes in white and colors, other beach coats in white
pique. , .
$14.95 to $22.95 Toppers and slack suits, $15—Toppers—Double
breasted white gabardine Slack suits—Belted back, pleated bac<
and fitted jacket suits in strutter cloth, prospector cloth. Also some
maternity suits. Darks and pastels, sizes 10 to 18.
$35 Suits, $18—Classic ribaaune rayon suits or navy wool suits
piped m white pique with short jacket, full skirt. Sizes 10 to 14.
$35 Rain Capes, $25—Iridescent capes with detachable hoods.
Small, medium, large
$45 Suits, $34—Glen plaid wools with short jackets, skirts with
upressed pleats. .Brown. Sizes 12 and 14.
56—$13.95 to $25 Sports Dresses, $5 to $15.
667 Blouses Greatly Reduced
258—$4.95 and $5.95 Blouses---—---$2
Rayon crepes mostly white. Dressy styles with organdy trimming or loceiy
medallion inserts. Jewelry necklines, short, cap and long sleeves, bimi
tailored styles with cardigan and small collar effects, panel fronts, stitched
details, short and long sleeves. Eyelet and lace trimmed cottons included.
Sizes 30 to 38, but not every size in every type.
409—$7.95 to $10.95 Blouses- $5 85
Exquisite cotton blouses in tailored and dressy styles, self tucked fronts, lace
one ruffled fronts, lacy eyelet gauntlet cuffs. Mostly with long sleeves,
the majority in white Cottons with Victorian details. Rayon crepes with
jewel necklines and collared styles. Short, bracelet and long sleeves. Mostly
white. Sizes 30 to 38.
Third Floor
72—$7.95 to $16.95 Negligees, $4.95 , Fourth Floor
Ra'.on crepes—wrap style floral prints with shirt sleeves, blue or rose grounds,
sizes 12 to 20. Rayon challis—zipper style model with tiny printed blue
ground, sizes 9 to 15. Cotton seersucker—wrap style robes with full skirts.
Floral priwted navy or aqua grounds, sizes 12 to 20. Spun rayon coffee
coats with gay stripe borders. Assorted colors, sizes M to 20.
543 Pairs of $1.35 and $1.85 Nylon Stockings, $1
This group includes 45 and 51 guape full fashioned stockings in good
medium and dark shades. Sizes 8!z to 10Vi in the group.__
I * *
Cotton Shop Clearance! Fifth Floor
197—Misses' and Women's $12.95 to $14.95 Cottons—r---$7
Two-piece striped seersucker dresses. Gray, brown or green. Size 10.
Spun rayon print dresses in gray, pink or blue. Sizes 20 to 40.
Checked seersucker dresses in black with pink or blue. Sizes Hl/2 to 18’/2.
Rayon crepe dresses with lingerie trim. Navy blue or black. Sizes 16V2
to 221/2. •
Two-piece spun rayon prints with white pique collars and cuffs. Navy blue,
green or brown. Sizes 38 to 44. ,
, 4—Two-piece black rayon crepe dresses with white pique collars. Size 12.
30—Rayon crepe dresses with long sleeves. White pique collar and cuffs.
Navy blue or black. Sizes 10 to 16. .
Rayon crepe dresses with Trapunta trinp. Rose or blue. Sizes 12, 14 and 18.
Rayon crepe basic dresses in navy blue or black. Sizes 141/2 to 2OV2.
6—Cotton dresses in striped seersucker, chambray and prints. .Size 10.
125—Misses' $10.95 Cottons— $6 Fifth Floor
Printed lawn dresses with little collar and turnback cuffs edged in lace.
Pearl buttons on bodice. Soft colored flowers on white. Sizes 16 to 44.
4—Paisley print dresses in rayon and cotton. Sizes 12, 18 and 20.
45—Juniors' $16.95 to $22.95 Cottons--*——$12
Plaid and plain colored gingham dress. One-piece style with white pique
trim. Checked gingham sunback dress with pique bolero. Bates multi
color cotton print with an elasticized waist. One-piece off-the-shoulder
chambray dress in pastels. Broadcloth two-piece dress with bare midriff.
f Brown or navy blue. Print pique sundress with scalloped hem. Sizes 9 to 15.
40—Juniors' $10.95 Cottons------S7
Two-piece corded cotton suit in brown and white stripes. With eyelet
embroidered cuffs and collar. One-piece brown and gray striped seer
sucker dress with short sleeves. Suitdress, striped seersucker with ric rac
x trim and three-quarter sleeves. Assorted colors. Sizes 9 to 15.
French Room Fashions, Second Floor Second Floor
6—$29.75 and $49.75 Dresses_— $18
Rayon shcntungs and rayon prints, street shades, Misses' sizes.
21—$29.75 to $79.75 Dresses--$28
Daytime and a few dinner dresses; rayon crepe, rayon shantungs, rayon
satin and rayon tissue faille, mostly one-piece styles. Prints, polka dots,
dark and light shades. Sizes 10 to 20 in the group.
16— $49.75 Dresses___-- $36
One and two-piece prints with light or dark ground rayon crepe, short or
long sleeves, dressy! Sizes 10 to 18.
19—$55 to $79.75 Dresses-_$38
Rayon shantung suit dresses, spun rayon, rayon crepe, and rayon faille
one-piece dresses in street and dressy afternoon styles, prints, dark colors
and pastels. Sizes 10 to 18 in group.
6—$69.75 to $79.75 Dresses___---_$*8
Afternoon dresses in light or dark rayon crepe, a two-piece Ballerina model
in navy rayon taffeta. Sizes 10 to 16.
6—$79.75 to $95 Dresses-.---- $58
Pure silk shantung, tissue rayon faille and rayon crepe, two-piece and one
piece, dark shades combined with light. One checked wool costume in
group. Sizes 10, 12, 16, 18. '
17— $95 to $169.75 Dresses-— -- $68
Street, after-five, dinner and dance dresses, one of a.kind! Rayon chitton,
rcyon crepe, royon taffeta, rayon satin and rayon tissue faille in the
collection. Prints, dark solid colors, some color combinations, a few pastel
and bright shades.. Sizes 10 to 18.
Brides' Shop, Second Floor
Bridesmaids' $25 to $49.75 Dresses, $7.95 to $36.
$59.75 to $250 Wedding Gowns, $18 to $125.
Women's and Misses' Dresses at up to 50% Savinas!
(Second Floor.)
80—Women's $16.95 to $25 Dresses, $10 —Black and navy rayon
crepe dresses with short sleeves, square nacklines, print trimming at shoulder
yoke and side drape. Basic type rayon crepes in navy, aqua, rose and grey
with surpliceJ front and unpressed side pleats. A few printed rayon crepe
afternoon dresses with Vee necklines and a few black and navy rayon crepe
dresses with bolero effects and print tops. Sizes 14Vz to 24Vz and some
regular sizes.
75—Women's $19.95 Dresses, $12—One-piece rayon crepe dresses
in black, navy, grey, aqua, blue and rose. Tailored classic types with buttons
to the hem and scallop trim, short and bracelet length sleeves, hand fagot
ting and braid detail. Also dresses’with tiered and draped skirts. Tailored
striped rayon mesh dresses in blue, aqua, grey and luggage with short sleeves
and stitching trim. Sizes 16'/2 to 241/2 and a few regular sizes.
18—Women's $39.75 to $65 Dresses, $28 —Black and navy rayon
crepes with print or taffeta trimmings, some with separate print trimmed
jackets. Printed rayon crepes with lingerie and self applique trim. Black or
navy scroll prints. Grey or aqua rayon crepe dresses with side tie drape on
skirt. Assorted sizes.
15—Larger Women's $19.95 Dresses, $5-B!ack or navy rayon
crepe dresses with embroidery trim on yoke and bodice, vee neck, gored skirt.
15—Larger Women's $13.95 and $25 Dresses, $7.95—Black anc
navy rayon sheer crepes wtih colorful embroidery motifs on bodice, vee necks,
bracelet sleeves. Printed spun rayon classics with short sleeves, button trim.
Grey, blue, pink. Sizes 40Vz to 50Vz
8—Larger Women's $39.75 to $65 Dresses, $18 and $28—Black
and navy rayon crepe dresses with draped bodices and skirts. Printed rayon
crepes with'lingerie touches, self trims.
25—Misses' $16.95 and $19.95 Dresses, $5 —Sheer rayon crepe
dresses in black or navy with print trims One-piece tailored rayon sheers
wth white pique trims. A few one-of-a-kind dressy afternoon rayon crepes.
Sizes 12 to 20.
56—Misses' $16.95 to $25 Dresses, $10 —One and two piece rayon
crepe dresses in black, brown, green, red and some pastels. Printed rayon
crepes and rayon meshes with light and dark backgrounds. Sizes 10 to 20.
102—Misses' $19.95 and $22.95 Dresses, $12—Dressy one and
two piece sheers, tailored styles in black and pastels. Printed rayon crepes
in one and two piece dresses with light or dark grounds. Tailored and
dressy print sheers with light and dark backgrounds. Rayon crepe spectator
sports dresses. Brown, green, aqua, melon, champagne. Something in all
misses' sizes.
32—Misses' $25 and $29.95 Dresses, $15—One and two piece
street and afternoon dresses Tailored spectator sports and dressy afternoon
styles. Block, brown, aqua, coral, green. Sizes 10 to 20.
Junior and Teen Shops Offer Abundant Savings!
Fourth Floor
60—Juniors' $19.95 to $25 Dresses---$12
One-piece rayon salyna dress with a cope stioulder. White and pastels.
' Two-piece spun rayon dtess with a colored girdle and a bolero. Gray.
Long-sleeved rayon faille suit with a round white pique collar. Black or navy.
Two-piece rayon sheer suit with a small peplumed jacket. Navy print.
One-piece sheer rayon taffeta dress with a striped bow and girdle. Rayon
faille dress with a net scarf. One-piece dark print rayon dress. Plaid rayon
marquisette formals. Sizes 9 to 15.
60—Juniors' $15.95 to $19.95 Dresses-$7.95
, Two-piece spun rayon suit. Light print. One-piece spun rayon dress with
a small collar and back-buttoned. Three-piece spun rayon sunback dress
with a colored dickey and a bolero. Two-piece black rayon moire dress with
a bolero and white rayon crepe blouse. One-piece spun rayon dress with a
small collar, buttons to the waist, gilt belt. Rayon taffeta gown with match
ing mitts. Rayon taffeta and marquisette formal with sequin embroidery.
Sizes 9 to 15.
155—Juniors' $8.95 to $13.95 Dresses-$5 and $7.95
Two-piece rayon faille dresses. Soft and tailored types. In solid colors'"
Rayon sheer prints in floral patterns or white with one color.
Pastels and black. Sizes 9 to 15.
40—Teens' $19.95 to $29.75 Toppers-----$15
All-wool suede toppers. Single and double breasted styles with notched roil
or sailor-collars. Swing and straight backs; fully lined. Jade, rose, navy
blue or red. Sizes 10 to 16
25-Teens' $8.95 and $10.95 Skirts--—--$3
Skirts, rayon and wool mixtures in ballerina, pleated and pencil types. -All
in longer lengths. Assorted plaids and solid colors. Sizes 10 to 16.
441 Pairs-White Shoes
Fresh From Stock, Reduced for Clearance
$7.65 $9.65 $10.65
Regularly $70.95 Regularly $72.95 and $73.95 Regularly $14.95 to $1195
Included are .our well known Mademoiselles, Nettletons, Foot Rests
and our own F Street Fashions.
All over whites—whites with brown, blue, black or green trims—
whites with gold tone trims. Sling pumps and sandals with plat
forms. High heels and medium heel spectators. All excellent
buys at worthwhile savings. Fourth Floor
Accessories . . . Street Floor
$1 to $4.95 Belts, 2 for 25c to $1.50—Suede and leather belts in black,
brown, kelly, navy or red, in %th to 2 inch widfhs.
$2.95 and $3.95 Silk scarfs, $1.95—36 inch squares, prints, pastels, dork
and white ground prints.
$1.95 to $3.95 Neckwear, $1 to $1.95—Collar and cuff sets. High and
vee necklines. Organdie and pique dickies, lace bertha collars, sheer ruf
fled high neck collars, polka dot blousettes, coral rayon blousettes.
$1.95 Silk scarfs, 59c—Solid color 36 inch silk squares. Dark green, brown
or cinnamon. «
Men's 50c Handkerchiefs, 3 for $1—Cotton with colored woven borders,
machine rolled hems.
59c and 75c Handkerchiefs, 41c—Women's white embroideries, color on
white embroideries, hand rolled linen prints. Men's plain white cords. Men's
and women's initials. (Broken assortments).
Toiletries .. . Street Floor
42—$1.95 Houbigant Gift Sets in
cluding powder, rouge, lipstick, $1
53—$2 and $2.75 Crowning Glory
permanent wave sets, $1
81—$1 Kathryn Hormone creams,
155—$1.50 Perma Nail Polish sets,
• 25c
31—$1 Lipstick cases, 50c
All - _l_
$2 to $7.50 Chanel soap, powder,
vanities, $1. to $3.75
$2.50 to $25 Adrian and Hartnell
perfumes, colognes, $1.25 to $12 50
18—$1.50 Hewitt Pall Mall soap,
6—$3.95 Children's hair brush sets
including 2 brushes and a comb in
red or blue. $1.98
-I..- SrtW A._
All, txcept soap, plus 20% tax
All Handbags plus 20% tax.
20—$5.95 to $8.95 Travel bogs, $1 to $3—Tailored bags, some with zipper
tops, some with triple frames. Brown.
10—$18.50 Pouch bags, $7.50— Rayon faille bags with heavy simulated
metal frames, beautiful rayon satin linings. Black or navy.
15—$15 Snakeskin bags, $10.50—Elongatea bags with zipper tops, narrow
double handles. Toast.
20—$22.50 Bags, $10.50 and $15 —Snakeskin and genuine lizard pouch and
underarm styles. Some with large outside pockets. Brown
20—$5.95 to $25 Evenings bags, $3 to $18.50—Brocades, rayon satins, lames
and beaded multicolors. Also black, white and gold kid.
$1 Jewelry, 4 for $1 and 2 for $1—600 pieces of assorted jewelry in
cluding. earrings, pins, necklaces. Gold plated and color-stQne set pieces,
both tailored and dressy.
400—$1.95 to $12.50 Jewelry, $1 to $5 —This group includes 22 Kt.
gold plated jewelry by Barclay . . . pins, bracelets, necklaces and earrings
in smart reproductions of fine jewelry. Also rhinestone jewelry, fine im
ported stones set in white rhodium-finished metal. Jewelry plus 20% tax
154 Prs. $1.95 to $3 Fabric Gloves, $1.
Cotton and rayon shortie to elbow length gloves. Coral, pink, light
blue, tan, green, black, white or navy. $1.
125 pairs—$4 and $7 Gloves, $1.95
Leathers—doe finished sheepskin, suede, capeskin gloves in black,
white, or brown.
Fabrics—hand sewn cotton gloves in black, tan, coral, wine, navy.
Shorties and 8 button lengths. Elbow length rayon gloves in black,
copper, grey or fuschia.
232 pairs—$5 to $8 Gloves, $2.95
Capeskins, doe-finished sheepskin, pigskins in black, white, light blue,
navy, Kelly, pink, wine, red and beige. Also 14 pairs of $6 formal
fabric gloves in black. ,
Heaps of Savings! Undies, Corsets (Second Floor.)
150—$5.95 Pantie Girdles, 50c and $1—Tearose lastex pantie girdles, tome
sizes 26 and 27; some small only.
30—$10.95 Pajamas, $4.95—Discontinued Vanity Fair style in aqua or maize
rayon jersey. Two-piece with Eisenhower jackets. Sizes 32, 34, 36.
75—89c Vests, 50c—Tailored rayon jersey. Tearose, white. Sizes 38 to 42.
75—$1.50 Vests, 75c—Lace-trimmed rayon jersey, tearose. Size! 38 to 46.
35—$3.95 Pajamas, $2.95—Cotton pajamas in assorted postel prints, styles
and sizes.
100—$1.25 Trunks, 79c—Discontinued Extacee trunks, rayon jersey. Black
or dawn nude. Sizes 9 to 13.
155—$1.95 to $5.95 Panties, $1—Rayon crepe and rayon satin panties. Tea
rose, blue, white. Small, medium and large sizes. Other royon jersey ponties,
lace-trimmed, blue. Sizes 9 to 11.
97—$3.95 to $7.95 Gowns and Pajama Shorts, $2.65—Simply styled royon
gowns and one and two piece pajamas. Assorted colors and sizes.
18—$6.95 Nylon Panties, $1.95—Tailored, white. Sizes 9 and 11.
150—$5.95 to $8.95 Petticoats, $3.95—Daytime and evening styles, organdie,
rayon crepe or rayon taffeta. Lace trimmed and plain. Tearose, maize,
blue, white. Sizes small, medium and large in the group.
$3.95 to $5.95 Slips, $2.95—Lace-trimmed royon crepe and satin slips, em
broidery edged rayon crepe slips and brown nylon satin slips. Some navy
rayon slips with white tops. 'Sizes 32 to 40 in the group.
344—$1.50 to $3.95 Brassieres, $1, $1.50 and $1.95
Five different styles to choree from in nylon, royon satin and Cotton batiste.
Plunging neckline, all regular type in cotton and satin. Not all sizes in
every model but a good range in the group. Sizes 32 to 36 in bandeaus.
A few long models, sizes 36 and 38 only.
Budget Shop Sports Shop (Street Floor.)
60—$13.95 to $19.95 Suits and Jackets, $7.95 —Jackets—Brief woo!
swing back or fitted styles lined in rayon. Navy, keHy, powder blue. Sizes
9 to 15 , , , . . . ..
Suits—Two-piece woo! suits with bolero or swing jockets and wide ctrculor
skirt. All-rose or all-navy or rose with black, kelly with navy and aqua.
Sizes 9 to 13.
50—$3.95 to $7.95 Blouses and Skirts, $£—Cotton blouses— ^
Long-sleeve broadcloth with tucked front and Peter Pan collar, or multi- _
striped broadcloth blouse with short sleeves in red and white or blue end ’ V
white. Sizes 9 to 38. Wool skirts—Circular with high cummerbund or
straight with fly front. Grey, navy, aqua, rose. Sizes 9 to 18.
100—$3.95 Cotton Blouses, $1.50—Three styles ... all with rows
of ruffles on the sleeves, peasant styles with elasticized shoulders, shirtwaist
collars or bib fronts in white, yellow, blue or pink. Sizes 32 to 38.
179—Misses' and Woman's $12.95 to $16.95 Dresses,
$5, $7.95 and $10—5th Floor—Budget Shop!*
Dressy, basic and tailored royon crepes. Black, luggage, green,
aqua, pink and a few dark background prints. These sizes ore
' broken but there ore some in all sizes from 12 to 20 and 14!4
to 24 Vi.
Ml—$5.95 and $12.50 Panty Girdles, $2.95
A few girdles included in this group, for toll and short figures. For the toll
figures, panty girdles, sizes 25, 27 and 29. For the snort figures, panty
girdles, sizes 26 to 30, but not oil sizes in all styles. All discontinued lastex
models from regular stock. Some pul Ions, some talon closed.