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ADVERTISEMENT. “Old at40,50,60?” — Man, You’re Crazy Torgnt your age! Thousand* are peppy at 70. Try •* pepping up with Ostrex. Contains tonic for weak, hmdnwn feeling due solely to body's lack of iron wfcioh many men and women call ' old.'' Try Ostrex Tome Tablet* for pep. younger feeling, this ▼nry day. New "get acquainted" sisn ml* 50* At all drug stores everywhere—in Wash ington. D C. at Liggett Rexall 8 to res. f ♦, the ARISTOCRAT OF CHINESE FOOD" RUBY FOG'S i ! 72* 13th St. N.W. | HA. 3165 I * Fomily Dinntra from S3 ^50^ “Keep Rollin' u>ith Nolan" NOLAN VACATION AUTOMOBILE LOANS Favorable Rates No Indorsers 1102 New York Ave N.W. Greyhound Bus Terminal BE. 1200 • Open TiU 6 P.M. Why Mountain Valley Water Is Recommended for > ARTHRITIS, KIDNEY and BLADDER Condition This natural mineral water from Hot Springs, Arkansas, helps to— 1. stimulate kidney functions. 2. Soothe bladder irritation. 3. Neutralize uric acidity. 4. Discharge wastes. Phone for a Cate Today MOUNTAIN VALLEY MINERAL WATER MET. 1062 904 12th St. N.W. Interesting Booklet on Request LOANS on DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEW ELRY and other articles of value. Est. 1896 LOUIS ABRAHAMS 3225 Rhode Island Ave. N E WArfield 3498 BRAKES RELINED While You Wait! OLDS 60 ) PONTIAC'41 'C't't OR DODGE \* I I BUICKSPEC. Duplicate D. C. TesMn* Machine Johns-Monville Lining CLUTCHES INSTALLED 1-DAY SERVICE Van NoRT‘ v.‘rh ST. 5361 RE. 9701 429 K St. N.W. Warren Davis. Prop. Open Sun., 9-4 Your Savings Mean Independence What you save today is a back log for your future independence; an assur ance for your children's welfare and education; and your savings make you free to live your own life and secure to en joy it. Small or large amounts saved regularly and the earnings com pounded twice yearly— mean independence! 511 7th St N.W. NA. 2838 TRAVEL LIGHTI NATION-WIDE RAIL-AIR SERVICE Telephone NAtionol 1200 Rees Charges Politics Disgrace FSA, Calls On Ewing to Resign Chairman Rees of the House Civil Service Committee charged today that ‘‘disgraceful” political i conditions exist in the Federal Security Agency under Administra tor Oscar R. Ewing, a Democratic •party leader, “From the messenger to the high i er executives, it is not known when the next political purge will strike, and lesser officials and employes are harrassed by doubt and un certainty." Mr. Rees declared. - Calls for Resignation! Mr. Rees called for Mr. Ewing’s immediate resignation, asserting FSA’s activities “must not ‘be sub jected to partisan political manipu lation.” “The FSA Includes activities re lating to public health, education, social security, old age and sur vivors' insurance and employment security, and, as such, the opera tions of the agency affect the social and economic welfare of over 75, 000,000 of our citizens,” Mr. Rees said. Mr. Rees and the committee cited the recent letter of resignation of Dr. E. B. Norton, who was deputy commissioner of FSA's Office of Ed ucation. Dr. Norton Charges Poltics. In his letter. Dr. Norton declared: “When I cast my lot with the United States Office of Education in June, 1946, it was my firm inten tion to remain with the office on a permanent career basis. • * * I would be less than frank with you, however, if I should neglect to say that one major factor in my decision to leave the Office of Education has been my dissatisfaction and deep concern during recent weeks over the rate at which the political ad ministration in the FSA is taking over. * • Commenting on Dr. Norton’s letter, Mr. Rees said it was a “disgraceful | commentary on American govern jment.” The Kansan declared: “It 'demonstrates that it is politics rather than salary that is driving • out the best qualified career Federal j administrators.” Italy Approves ECA Pact As Strikes Cripple Industry By the Associated Press ROME. July 13.—The Chamber of Deputies last night overwhelm ingly approved Italy's Marshall Plan accord with the United States. The vote was 297 to 96—a clear cut indorsement of close Italian American economic co-operation. The Senate is virtually certain to approve the accord which binds Italy to use European recovery funds under conditions laid down by the United States. As the Chamber voted, two crip pling strikes cut into industrial pro duction. Petroleum workers stayed away from their jobs in support of .‘demands for pay raises up to 49 per cent. A slowdown strike of private gas- company workers spread throyghovit. Italy, limiting full serv ice in Rome’, Milan and many other cities to three hours daily. A full shutdown is in prospect at midnight tonight if emergency meetings of labor ministry, m*3aage - ment and worker representatives fail *to resolve union wage demands Speeches (Continued From First Page.) high prices. They are more inter ested in business profits than in what plain people have to pay for bread, and meat and other necessi ties of life.” Mr. Ewing continued: ‘‘I say to you that if retained in pcwer, a Republican Congress will proceed with vigor to make a clean sweep of the liberal legislation which has been enacted over the last decade and a half, and that Tom Dewey will be powerless to pre vent it, even if he wants to. Would Kill Gains. "A Republican Congress will kill as much as they dare of our social 1 security insurance system. They will continue to ignore vital prob lems of health and education. They will deliver housing, firmly and irrevocably into the hands of the real estate interests. * * * "You can be sure that in accord ance with Republican principles, a PHILADELPHIA.—DELEGATES DEMONSTRATE FOR BARKLEY —Yelling and singing delegates held their State banners high last night as they passed the speaker’s rostrum during a tu multuous demonstration for Senator Barkley at the end of his keynote address. The Senator, hot from his oratory, cooled off with a fan one of the delegates handed him —AP Wirephoto. Republican Congress will deflate labor and deflate the farmer. * * • “The basic drive of Republican leadership will be to establish the conditions under which big business may once again wield absolute power. * * * “They will bring about another economic debacle that will make 1929 seem a pink tea party." Senator, McMahon called for in ternational control of atomic energy as the initial step toward world disarmament. Omission of Atomic Issue Hit. Noting that the Republicans skipped any mention of atomic energy in their platform, he de scribed that as “a new and vicious form of isolationism.” Republican "misunderstanding” of the problem, he said, "is just as dangerous to the peace of the world as Soviet obstinancy” in vetoing the American plan for international control of the atom. "It is the task of our party, the Democratic Party, to arouse the people of America to the gigantic work for peace which must be j undertaken through the instrument j of international disarmament. * * * “The alternative to universal dis armament is universal destruction— j • for ourselves as well gjf*ttiers. The {system of private enterprise cannot! ; stand up immediately under the in tolerable strain of mounting mili tary costs.” Representative Kirwan termed the. Republican - dominated Eightieth, Congress a "miserable, do-nothing for the masses of the people.” He reviewed the Republican adminis tration years of 1921 through 1932, mentioning Japan’s naval arma ment, the bootlegging-gangster era, the Teapot Dome oil scandal, the stock market collapse and the de pression. Cites GOP Record in 20s. "The Republican program, and the sorry performance of the Eigh-J tieth Congress,” Mr. Kirwan said, “offer us nothing but a repetition of the disastrous years that fol lowed World War I.” Mr. Baker of Sherman, Tex., told the convention “you will find no 1 spirit of pessimism in the ranks of the active young Democrats of this Nation.” The head of the Young Democrats predicted that American youth will pace a Democratic victory at the polls in November. Mrs. Tillett said women want peace and world security through the United Nations. "I do not believe that the women of this country will be willing to make Republican isolationists the guardians of the peace.” she said. LADIES CONFIDENTIALLY We all know that a properly fitted corset helps the office and Government worker to do more efficient work. The correct corset lifts, supports the abdomen and gives the back marvelous support. Come in or call for appointment with our lady fitter. Also fitters for men’s trusses and supports. KLOMAN INSTRUMENT CO. 1822 Eye St. N.W., Opp. Doctors Hospitol Phone NA. 6566 HOURS: Dally, 9 A.M. ta 8:30 P.M. SATURDAYS, 9 A.M. ta 1 P.M. DILL'S JESTS “Seasick? No, disappointed. The ship’s store forgot to stock up on Dills Best Pipe Tobacco!" \-hore or afloat, smart smokers want Dill's Best. Flavor-Cut, it burns cooler. Smokes cleaner. Gives you ill the flavorful mildnrss of choice Burley tobaccos. And how wide that pouch package opens” Plenty of room to dip and pack your pipe ... So next time, ask for Flavor-Cut Dill’s Best. PLAY "TAKE A NUMBER" SATURDAY 5 P.M. WOL Mrs. Dorothy M. Vredenburgh, the orchid-wearing secretary “of the convention, drew many whistled and cheers as she ap peared on the platform to talk to delegates. —AP Wirephoto. Bastille Day Program Set Here Tomorrow Bastile Day will be marked to j morrow by the French community of Washington. j. Chief event scheduled Is a gala 'all-French concert at the Water ! Gate at 8:15 p.m., with Albert ; Spalding, famed American violinist, as soloist. Guest of honor will be j French Ambassador Henri Bonnet. Mr. Spalding, who began his mu sical career as a student in Paris and has long been a favoritf in France, recently was awarded the Legion of Honor by me French government. With the Water Gate Symphony, under Howard Mitchell, he will play the "Symphonie Espagnole,” by Edward Lalo. The orchestra will perform well-known pieces by Debussy, Ravel, Berlioz, Ibert and Gretry. In a second event, Ambassador Bonnet will be host to his country men at the annual Bastile Day re ception at the Embassy. 2221 Kalo Adamt TEACHERS Agency <Member Nat. Ass n Teachers Agencies) Colorado Bids., lfth * G N.W. RE. 3938 rama road N.W., from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The French Protestant Church of Washington will hold a special service at St. John's Church, La- r. fayette Square, at 9:30 a.m., with! the Rev. Pierre C. Tourielle offlci-1 ating. Bastille Day commemorates the seizure of the Bastille, notorious 18th century prison, by the citizens RESORTS. WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH. N. C. VACATION AT WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH [ N. C , is fun. Splendid bathing, fishing, water sports. Ample accommodations; rooms, opartments, hotels. Make reser- i vations now. Write, wire—Chamber of Commerce. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. FLEET WOOD Ocean End Tenneieee Avenue “Hotel of Solid Comfort"—One of Atlantic City's Cleanest. Third hotel from Board walk. Bathine privileges. Oarage. Elevator. Parking Lot. Pleasure to serve you. J. W. BINDER—Ownership Management. Phone A. C. 4-3955, MARYLAND. BEAUTIFUL PASADENA INN The ideal vacation spot. All land and water snorts. Excellent fishing. Nearby and reasonable. Restricted clientele. Booklet. FEED HARPER. Ruyal Oak, Md SHADY SIDE, MD. ANDREWS HOTEL 33 MUei from D. C. Fine salt water bathing 8unset trip on Chesapeake daily. Famous food. Tennis, ball field, etc. Rooms with hot and cold water; shower baths. Rates from $6 to $9 per day. American Jlan . W. Andrews. Owner. Tel., Weet River 42-F-fi, Shady Side. Md. 14« $50, $100, $200, to $1200 or More (Mi LOANS FOR EMERGENCIES OR ANY WORTHY PURPOSE When you find yourself in a spot where you need money to pay overdue bills, medical ex penses, repair bills, or for any other worthy purpose, come to Household. HFC makes loans to single or married people on signature, car or furniture. You will like Household’s fast, courteous, efficient service. REASONABLE COSTS No endorsers or guarantors are required and our charge on loans of $300 or less is substantially below the lawful maximum. There are a variety of repay ment plans. Take 20 months to repay loans of $300 or less ... up to 24 months on larger loans. You choose the plan that best fits your own income. QUICK 1-DAY. SIKVKi Phone or come in today. To make Household’s fX^M fast service still faster, phone first. We can then have your loan ready without delay. 1878 • Our 70th Anniversary • 1948, ©HOUSEHOLD FINANCE MT. RAINIER, MD. % . 3237 Rhode Island Ave.. 2nd Floor over Bowling Center, PHONE: wArfUU >300 - SAVER SPRING, MD. 7914 Georgia Ave., Ground Floor, PHONE: SU** 4400 ALEXANDRIA, VA. 711 King St., 2nd Floor, PHO*M= AU«»4ri« 30M Umu m Altxmtiria UlUr Kmi* t» SS00 mUss-ttht fl* mtaUy t0i q of Paris on July 14, 1789, at the start of the French Revolution. It is the principal national holiday of France. Tickets for the Water Gate con cert are on sale at Kitt's, 1330 G street N.W. Extending a Three-Fold Welcome to New York Three outstanding hotels—oil enjoying the advantages of select midtown location—all under one expert management—offer a variety of accommodations and a diversity of facilities to meet your precise requirements. All are close to business, enter* toinment ond shopping centers... a[l adjoining Grand Central Terminal | All under tile direction uj REALTY HOTELS, INC. New York 17, N. Y. FRANK W. REGAN, Prejident /--V _ * A A D. C. Progressives Name 16 Convention Delegates Dr. Clark Foreman, chairman of the Progressive Party of the Dis trict, announced today that the fol lowing 16 delegates will represent the District at the national con vention in Philadelphia July 23-25 to nominate Henry A. Wallace for President: Richard Bancroft, Gertrude Evans, Babette Feldman, Rev. T. Ewell Hopkins, Robert Lautman. William Johnson, Lua Olin, Charles Payne, Sally Peak, John B. Stone, Mary Weitzman. DeWitt Eldridge. Mar vin Gersten, Alexander Ginsberg, Estar Tabak and William Capitman. The following alternates were chosen with the delegates in a secret ballot election at the District party’s organization last Saturday. Dr. Foreman said: Malcolm Young, Rosalie Gerber, Bella Rodman, Ger trude Rodman, William Hanes, Lil lian Benjamin, Mischa Bord and Teresa Liss. Henry Grand Jury Plans Probe of Whisky Sales By the Associated Press MARTINSVILLE, Va., July 13.—A special session of the Henry County grand jury has been called for Thursday to investigate evidence that a number of service stations in the county are selling whisky illeg ally. The action followed a report by Sheriff Morton Prillaman. Circuit Judge Kennon C. Whittle has asked the grand jury to take evidence against the establishments and to submit a written report to him. Smith Says Parties Differ In Methods, Not Objectives The differences between the po litical parties today is not one of objectives, but rather of methods, George H. B. Smith, director of th* Republican Policy Committee of the Senate, told the Washington branch of the American Public Relations Association yesterday. Both parties are for full employ ment and the arrest of inflation, but they differ radically on how to reach these goals, he said. Because of conflicting economic and social interests within them, he said, the political parties cannot announce a clear-cut program. The platforms must be broad umbrellas to cover all elements. The meeting was held in th* Lafayette Hotel. Turkey has an area of about 300,000 square miles. WATER • HEATERS JoHNjSWfBjyyyf ——MM* • JAPANESE* BEETLES • • Spray Now for Control 0 HAMILTON • TREE EXPERT CO. * • DI. 3141 # Evenings and Sunday*, DE. 1471 • ••••••• + PURE CASTILE IS THE BEST SHAMPOO*! Conti CASTILE SHAMPOO * You can check this statement in your public library. Read what leading beauty authorities and dermatologists say about the care of your hair. TRY TH1 NIW RCOHOMT Sill 79* Beau&jif -All OUCLeatke^/ (GENUINE OR IMITATION)^^ 14 Pintfif|C V4Pint*1'®° WITH : n n V 1 Dyer Brothers oner a new beauty treatment for old fur niture. Just brush Flex-o Plastic on any leather or imita tion leather surface and in just 30 minutes you have a glossy enamel finish that’s washable, waterproof and sunproof? Won’t peel or crack. Choose from 23 beautiful colors, for interior or exterior use. 1 _ _ ^mmumi“We Do It Right or Refuse To Do It”mm——m El C A T D I C V Your Present -L-L-U- I -l\-|-r-I Sewing Machine TREADLE $23-95 PORTABLES from $39.50 SINGER CONSOLES from $69-50 ALL WORK GUARANTEED • RENTALS $7 a month. • REPAIRING—oil makes sewing machines and vacuum cleaners • FREE Home Service and Friendly Advice. • SALES—Term* from $5 down and $5 a month. HOME APPLIANCES sAits G/mMfflL '™ RENTALS TjTlJALL MAKES 8606 6A. AVE. • SLi,o 2345 R. •• & N.E. 7235 WISC. AVE. • OL. 8375 506 11th St. S.E. • LI. 3833 (at Pa. Ave.) 7836 WISC. AVE. (our new location N. of Bethesdo Bonk) • Wl. 7533 WHICH TWIN HAS THE TONI? (See answer bclolr I \ • Easy as rolling your hair up on curler* but the wave stays in for months. • Yes vnur loni Home Permanent will last )ust as long as a $15 beauty shop wave • No trizzy stave No brittle ends. Your Toni wave is sob. smooth and natural look mv • The iwms pictured above are Lui erne ami Suzanne McCullough, well-known New York artists. Suzanne, the twin at the right, haa the Toni. compUt* ffl •ictpt far «vrl«fi *.' |p KSliMIMi DllUXi KIT WITH M.ASTIC cuKim AU pacts plus In 5 / ON SALE AT ALL Peoples Drug Stores . . .