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over 60 nears or vuamir service EXPERT PACKING. CRATING China-Glass Furniture Foreign and Domestic Shipments Merchants Transfer & Storage Company 920 E N.W. NA. 6900 DIRECT^ t. SOUTH AMERICA i (WOT COAST) African Mots <*Douglas Plonas P1A Courtesy and Comfort I PERUVIAN INTWNMIONM S I AIRWAYS I 1,left hone: Sterling 7563 * 9 M u c, N W, Washington, D A ■ 1509 K St., N w-> . CARGO wL PASSENGERS • MAil — Alt V KK'J'lSK.rifcN i ■__ BACKACHE, LEG PAINS MAY BE DANGER SIGN Of Tired Kidney* If backache and leg peine are making yon Miserable, don't just complain and do noth ing about them. Nature may be warning yon that your kidneys need attention. The kidneys are Nature's chief way of taking excess acids sad poisonous waste nut ef the blood. They help most people eliminate about I pints a day. If the It miles ef kidney tubes and filter* dos t work well, poisonous waste matter stays la tbs blood. These poisons may start nagging baekaches, rheumatic pains, leg pains, loss sf pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes, headaches and diuiseu. Don’t wait 1 Ask your druggist for Done's nils, a stimulant diuretic, used successfully by millions for over 10 yearn Doan's girt happy relief and will help the It milea ef kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from poor blood. Get Doan's Pills. HIGH IN THE AllEGHANIES • Take America's most pleasant vacation—at The Homestead, In the cool mountains of Virginia. Perfect for sports —two’ championship golf courses, tennis, swimming, riding and skeet; perfect for relaxation—with famous Southern Service, beauti ful scenery, and charming social life. Write lor booklet* Proximity Fuse Developer To Fly Radio Model at Show Dr. Walter A. Good at work on a plane model.—Star Staff Photo. By Harry Lever A leading scientist who lives in the Washington area will he one of the. participants in the third annual Na- j tional Capital Model Air Show atj Andrews Air Force Base on July 25. Dr. Walter A. Good, 32, of 8123 Eton road, Silver Spring, Md., one of the developers of the proximity fuse which helped win the war for the United States, is going to show his ability at operating radio-controled model planes during a demonstra tion at the show. Dr. Good, who is a physicist at Johns Hopkins Laboratory in Silver Spring, was one of the first experi menters and developers of the radio controled model. He Is national champ in this classification, having won four out of seven radio con trol contests. Dr. Good is married, and he and his wife have two children, Ginnie, 3, and Terry, 1 year old. Other champions in model plane circles also have entered the big meet, which is sponsored by The Star, Civil Air Patrol, Veterans of Foreign Wars and the National Air port Club. Among them is Wayne Rinehart, 16. of Parkersburg, W. Va., who is State junior speed champion in gas propelled competition, with a record of better than 116 miles per hour with his planes. Another contestant In the Andrews Air Force Base meet will be Donald Ogren, 15, of Clarksburg, W. Va. He I is junior jet champ, and also flies model planes in almost all classes of free flight, both indoor and out door. His next contest after the An drews meet will be the International Junior Speed Event to be held at New York’s Idlewild International Airport on August 3 and 4. Champions who achieve honors in 4 New Polio Cases Raise Virginia's Total to 32 By the Associated Press RICHMOND, Va., July 13—Four new cases of infantile paralysis re ported in Virginia over the week end j sent the total number of polio cases in the State to 32. But State health officials hastened to reassure the public that there is no cause for alarm. Most recent cases are a 1-year-old Warwick County girl, a 6-:year-old Pulaski girl, a 6-year-old Alleghany County boy and a 7-year-old Pitt sylvania County boy. Dr. W. A. Browne, director of the Bureau of Communicable Diseased of the State Department of Health, said: “A number of persons have called to inquire about quarantined areas. Let me emphasize that there is no quarantine required now, and that none is being effected in Virginia.’’ Race Horses Saved in Fire HAGERSTOWN, Md., July 13 (/Pi. —About a dozen race horses were saved when fire destroyed their stable at the Hagerstown Fair Grounds. • EASIER WAY TO DESTROY BRIDGEPORTAerasJ INSECTICIDE KILLS MORE INSECTS <@> TWICE AS EASILY 3$ old-tehionedsproy method? ! Reaches even bidden insects! Ne filling pnmptng! One bend! Valve ' gives finger-tip control. I MW LOW race Sin J OTHER SIZES 98*. $2.98, 83.98 I KILLS moths, flies, mosquitoes, roaches, bedbugs, many others! Controls moths with less work and trouble. (See instructions.) More effective. Economical. Safe when used according to direction*. Sold everywhere. MteMRORT *, eONMCTICUT »0 Yean ef Quality Products the jet and gas-propelled nelds at Andrews »also will compete at the New York show, according to Carl Hopkins, director of the third annual National Capital Model Air Show. The Andrews meet is sanctioned by the Academy of Model Aeronautics. | Entry blanks may be obtained at hobbx shops in Washington and nearly areas, and also at Plymouth automobile dealers in the District, nearby Virginia and nearby Mary land. In addition, associate member ships in the Model Air Show As sociation, sponsoring the Andrews meet, may be obtained at the hobby shops. POINTING Brick and Stone Wall* Guaranteed Againet Water Penetration ASHINGTON ATERPROOFING 601 So. Capitol St Ml. 3454 ATERLESS Products Garry Moore Leaving 'Breakfast in Hollywood' ■y tha Associated Press HOLLYWOOD, July 13—Garry Moore is resigning as master of ceremonies of the ‘‘Breakfast in Hollywood” radio show as soon as a replacement can be found. A spokesman for Mr. Moore said yesterday the strain of five days a week on the "Breakfast” show and Mr. Moore’s Sunday emceeing of the "Take at or Leave It” program proved too much. The radio star’s doctors advised him to slow down. AP History Dramatized On Radio Program By the Associated Press NEW YORK. July 13.—High lights in the Associated Press’ 100 years of news gathering and report ing were dramatized last night on the “Cavalcade of America,” Nation wide radio program. The dramatization, dedicated to the men and women of the AP, ♦ started with the organisation of the j Associated Press in New York 'in 1 1848. I The original membership consist- | ed of six newspapers, while the AP's services now go to approximately 4,000 member newspapers and radio stations and subscribers. More than . a million words flow every 24 hours. Among the events dramatized were the nomination of Gen. Zach- 1 ary Taylor, Lincoln's Gettysburg i Address and the Johnstown flood— , all reported by the AP. Man Acquitted of Flying { Seaplane While Drunk j By the Associated Frees t - NORWALK, Conn., July 13.—Pred P. Eliason, 36. of Wilton, has been ■ acquitted in City Court of a charge \ of operating a seaplane while in- J toxica ted. < The verdict in what is believed to \ be Connecticut’s first “drunken J flying” case was handed down yes- i < terdav by Judge Arnold R. Fasano'. < .— ... — < • 4 • $ Shampooed and Sized 8x10 Hardback 3.20 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ i 4-Day Service J I ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ I ■ Stored for less m 1^^. thonlcodoy * Cut Your FIGURING COSTS Aa advertbed in Saturday k Evening Poet, Time, tl Bueintae Week MOftCl HW 10-key^ eletthc. Full duty. Adds, subtracts, multiplies, computes credit bal ance. Compact, lipht weifht. U7S.N with a fast, dependable, new VICTOR Now low as $120221 Convenient Credit Terms 8elect the fast, new Victor Adding Machine beat suited to your particular needs. Choice of 10-key or full-keyboard, hand or electric model* that add, subtract, multiply or compute credit balance. Easy to handle—anyone can operate! Totaling capacity 9,999,999.99. Precision made. Guaranteed. Liberal trade-ins. Phone for demonstration today. _ , MOOfl 7*t 10-key, head oper- NOOEl SM. Full-keyboard, hand MOOEl HfrU Full-keyboard. MITIKfi t STATEMENT MACHINE a ted. Adda; indirect subtrac- operated. Adda; indirect tub- electric. Same aa above but AU-purpoac, electric. Unexcelled txm. Compact, lightweight. traction. Compact, lifhtweifht. without credit balance. lor Open Item Statement work. fiaii si a* »4ia 937a Direct Factory Srondi VICTOR Adding Machine Co. District World's Largest Manufacturers of Adding Machines .aj 4 Now in Our Thirtieth Year RR1 | 927 15th St. N.W.P«»t. 121• ™— M 2 (fault S&lCMtliHVM Doily Through Service... Coach and Pullman service, of course. ST. LOUIS TO KANSAS CITY DENVER •*». WEST COAST ^LdE JdR ^fRNE®EED •r PfWwwd) The Wabash Stream liner "City of St. Louis" brings you luxurious through service between 8t Louis end the West Coast (Overnight service from St Louis to Denver.) Tfca WAIASH Strsoa.K*or "CITY OF KANSAS CITY" is the last word in modem rail travel. Superb service between St Louis and Kansas City ...daily. WESTBOUND-EX AMPLE Iy. St. Louis.4i00 pjn. Sun. Ar. Kants* City... 900 pjn. Sun. Ar. Donvor....... 7:40 o.m. Mon. Ar. Son Froneiteo.. 4:50 p.m. Too*. Ar. Lo* Angola*... 400 p.m. Too*. Ar. Portland.4:15 pjn. Too*. EASTBOUND-EXAMPLE lv. San Francbco. .1100 ajn. Sun. Iy. Lo* Angola* ... 9:30 ajn. Sun. Iy. Portland.SilO a.m. Sun. lv. Donvor.7:55 p-m. Mon. lv. Kan*a» City... «0O ®-"- Too*. Ar. St. Loot*.100 p jo. Too*. t DAILY SERVICE Ly. St.look....9=10a* • Ar. Kama. City.2.30 pan. lv. Kama* CHy.4:50 pm. Ar. St. loub....10:20 pn. AM tMI MOWN » fTANOABO TCM jffc Wirv— 1706 Girord Tr»it Bldg. Philadelphia 2, f«. Mien* Rlttenhouse 6-0918 WABASH RAILROAD * "The Chicago Railroad Fair *tart$ July 20—See it!” 6.0. P. Spinster, 64, Plays Hose on Democrat a! Radio ty th« Associated frit GLENDALE, Calif., July 13.— Politics get pretty serious here, too. Albin Nelson, 42, Democrat, was listening to his party’s convention broadcast from Philadelphia last night when a stream of water struck j him in the ear. The sputtering Mr. Nelson called1 police and accused his neighbor, Miss j A. C. Madsen, 64, of thrusting her I garden hose through ftis window and j letting fly. Moreover, he said, her radia kept1 him awake during the Republican Convention. Alter talking it over, officers said Mr. Nelson decided not to press! charges. Miss Madsen's only comment: "I'm a good Republican.” — i PENS REPAIRED while you wit A atkoristd Sktafftr—Ptrktr Evtrsktrp—Watrrmaa D. J. HUGHES PEN CO. 503 14tfc SI. N.W. Of HllU WUUf* ItM ! i Limited Quantities ★ All Sales Final ★ No Mail or Phone Orders MAHOGANY DUNCAN PHYFE LOVE SEAT A beautiful Duncan Phyfe love seat to give your room soft, elusive elegance! And YOU save a chunky $70.58! Figured + ioq tapestry is set off by nailhead trim. Frame is SOLID MA- 1,1 HOGANY. Has full spring comfort andjs sturdily built to give you generations of service. Don't miss *t! ^ Convenient Budget Terms! 8 METAL TABLES Green or Red Regularly $3.95 $^66 3 6-cushion v INNERSPRING GLIDERS _ Regularly $49.95 53640 4 10—4# 6"x6.6" Broadloom SAMPLES Values to $34.95 $1 O 84 Wa* NOW Mahogany 18th Century China Cabinet _ 119.50 88.62 Mahogany 18th Century Credenza Buffet - 129.50 93.12 Mahogany Gate-leg Table 49.95 34.71 Bleached Mahogany Lamp Table _ 24 95 15.10 Bleached Birch Commode 39.95 16.61 Mahogany Pembroke Table 39.95 24.33 Lane Bleached Mahogany Cedar< Chest _ 69.95 44.82 Solid Maple Secretory, open top 79.95 52.67 Governor Winthrop 4 - Drawer Serpentine Front Secretary - 119.95 93.13 Solid Mahogany Victorian __ Organ Desk *- 189.95 148.77 3-Pc. 18th Century Ma hogany Bedroom, dress er, chest on chest, full bed _ 369.50 258.10 1— 27"x9" Green Wilton Runner--- 23.88 14.40 1 Maple Finish Chest 29.95 19.82 1— 9'xl2' Ton Tone-on Tone Braadloom-139.00 69.99 1 3—9'xl 5' Homecraft All Year Rugs - 44.95 32.95 5—9'xl2' Homecraft All Ytar Rugs- 34.95 24.95 2 - Pc. Kroohler Mohoir . Living Ream Suite- 298.00 226.77 2- Pc. Kroehler- Sofa Bed Suite, tapestry covered 269.00 1 82.37 « Wm HOW ♦ Duchcu of Windsor Ro- 4 goncy Love Soot, mo- ♦ ’ telasse _ 298.00 1 66.10 4‘ Simmons Innerspring Mat- 4 tress, full size- 39.95 27.77 ♦> 1 Modem Blue Lounga L Chair _ 98.00 64.87 4 1 Boucla Lounga Chair .. 129.95 79,22 4' 3 Barrel Choirs- 89 95 54.81 X' 1 Ivory Wall Curio Cabi- 4 net, glass inclosed 27.95 18.65 £ 1 Metal and Innerspring X; Chaise Lounge- 44.95 22.40 4 2 Maple Serving Stands _ 16.95 4.88 4* 8 Metol Tables- 5.95 4.63 4 2 Maple Base Reflector i Floor Lamps (as is) -- 29.95 16.41 4 Famous Make Table Model a Combination Radio and 4 Phonograph - 59.95 36.89 4< Mahogahy Wbll Rack. 2 4 drawers_ 10.95 7.36 4 Mahogany Bookcase. 3 4 shelves. 24" widex40" 4 high _ 39.95 21.72 ? 4-Pc. Solid Mahogany Bad- X’ room Suita. Double X’ dresser, chest-on-chest, 4 full size bed, night stand 849.00 686.42 X Kroehlar Channel Back Sofa. Blue mohair_ 289.00 192.48 4 2-Pc. Tapestry Sofa Bed _ _ X Suita _ 229.00 166.82 ♦' Kroehlar Sofa Bad, Rasa 4 Boucla (as is)- 189.00 117.48 X X Convenient Budget Terms | 3-Pc. Rock Maple Badroom. Dresser, Chest, Full Bed. •Was $344.00 * >244” \ Lawson Tapestry i j LOUNGE | CHAIR ■ l N Was 1119.95 Tapestry Period SOFA , Wat $259.00 ‘14437 Furniture of Merit Since 1885 tee & Hermann * 7th 6 m, N. W. • $4)$ GEORGIA < Op*r>9 :SO A. M.t* 4 P.m. 0p**9:90 A^M.flP.M. Open Evening^ by Appointment f