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Four Officials at Revere, Mass., Accused in $75,000 Bribery By tn« Associated Press REVERE. Mass., July 17.—Scandal In high place has broken in this beach carnival city whose loyal citi zens hoped the Nation had forgotten its “Little Cicero" tag in the prohi bition era of gangland murders. The City Council president and three city councilors are awaiting trial on charges which a Massachu setts prosecutor says involve $75,000 in bribes. Those were paid, he said, to get the council's recent 8-1 favorable vote for a $1,250,000 veterans' hous ing project. Assistant Attorney General George F Fingold said the arrests of the city councilors were "only the begin ning” and that his staff is checking two shooting incidents which he said were not reported to police. Free on bail of $2,000 each for trial August 27 were Council President Charles F. Freeman, 46; Councilors Roland A. Merullo, 32; Thomas J. Dawson, jr., 31, and Andrew Ca taldo, 48. Also arrested was a wealthy Bos ton real estate dealer, Benjamin B. Siegel, 42, released in $2,000 bond. He is under Federal indictment in Boston on charges of offering bribes to Veterans Administration officials! in order to obtain VA training equipment. Freeman pleaded innocent to j charges of offering a bribe to Mer j alio in an attempt to influence his council vote and with attempting to induce Merullo to commit a fel ony. The others all pleaded innocent ; to charges of requesting and ac cepting a bribe. Solid citizens of this resort city of 36.000 have repeatedly organized ; “vigilante’ cleanup attempts. They I started in bootlegging days when outsiders linked the city with Chi cago gang tactics by labeling Revere “Little Cicero.’’ Shot or bludgeoned corpses were found again and again during pro hibition years in Revere outskirts. At least a dozen of the murders are unsolved, authorities report._ Virginia Boy, 14, Held In Half Brother's Death Special Di»patcH to The Star SHENANDOAH, Va„ July 17.— Roy Tipton. 14, today shot and killed his 12-vear-old half-brother, Ronald Paul Slather, after an ar gument in their home at Comer town, according to Sheriff Abram Brubaker of Page County. Roy was being held in the county jail at Luray tonight and no charges were placed against him pending completion of the investigation, Sheriff Brubaker said. Comertown is about 5 miles from here. The dead boy’s father, Paul W. Slather, is a sheet-metal worker who at one time had worked in Wash ington. D. C, for about 20 years, Sheriff Brubaker said. Roy, ac cording to the official, made a state ment after being taken into custody which gave this account of events: Mr. and Mrs. Slather, whose three other children were not at home, left the two boys washing floors and drove to a grocery. While gone, Ronald took a ,22-calibei rifle down from the wall and Roy took it away from him. Ronald struck his half brother and then w-as shot during the scuffle. The bullet pierced Ron ald’s neck and lodged near his shoulder. Ronald's body was taken to the University of Virginia Hospital. Charlottesville, where an autopsy was to be performed. Dr. Hugh Glasgow Dies; New York Entomologist By the Ajsociated Pres* GENEVA, N. Y„ July 17—Dr Hugh Glasgow’. 68, chief of the en tomology division of the New York State Agricultural Experiment Sta tion, died today. Dr. Glasgow was a fellow of the American Association for the Ad vancement of Science, a member o) the Entomology Society of Amer ica and the American Association of Economic Entomologists, of w’hicb be was vice-president in 1944-1945. Curran Leads 2-fo-l For NMU Re-election By the Associoted Pres* NEW YORK. July 17.—A sweep ing victory in the giant port of New' York today gave Joseph Curran a better than two-to-one national lead for re-election as president of the CIO National Maritime Union. A right-wing slate running with Mr. Curran also w’as victorious in New York for other top national offices. Votes cast in the New York port area constitute * 40 per cent of the nationwide NMU total, a ballot of ficial said. Mr. Curran received 11,575 votes, ■ and his opponent, Frederick N. tBlackiet Myers, received 4,813. The figures were given by George Abrams, an official of the Fair Bal lot Association, an independent vote counting organization. One candidate running against I the Curran slate admitted “the way in which the ballots are run ning, the Curran forces have a definite edge.” The New York vote also gave the Curran slate national leads for sec retary, treasurer, port agent, and for three vice presidencies, Mr. Abrams said. Auto Trode Outing Set Today The Washington Automotive Trade Association holds its annual summer outing today at the Prince Gorges Country Club. Dinner will be served at 7:30 p.m. Entertain ment at the outing will include golf, tennis, swimming, horseshoes and music. 4-H Agent Assumes Duties CHARLES TOWN, W. Va., July 17. (Special)—Raymond Zinn of Ritchie County, has assumed duties as Jefferson County 4-H Club agent here. Shaw Named to Vestry Stanley N. Shaw of Vassar road. Seminary Hill, has been named to ! the vestry of Immanuel Church on-the-Hill, Alexandria, it was an ! nounced yesterday by Senior War den Robert E. Latham. Man Near Parked Car Is Shot by Policeman A man was shot twice by a third precinct rookie policeman last night as the man fled, police said, after being surprised during “suspicious actions” next to a parked automo bile. The wounded man, Harvey Lee Robinson. 23, colored, was taken toi Emergency Hospital and later' transferred to Gallinger, where his j condition was reported to be fair. He suffered one wound in the left : shoulder and the second on the right side of his head, the hospital said. According to Inspector Clarence H. Lutz, night superintendent of' police, the policeman, Pvt. Elmer, C. Adams, 24, of 426 Eleventh street; N.E., said he saw Robinson on the: sidewalk side of a parked car on Twenty-first street near F street i N.W., shortly after 11 p.m. When Robinson saw the officer approaching, he ran down Twenty first street and up an alley near E street, Inspector Lutz said. Pvt. Adams called after him to stop and then fired in the air three times, the police inspector said. The police man’s next shot hit the man in the shoulder and he fell. When Pvt. Adams came up, the inspector reported, Robinson grabbed j him by the arms, whereupon Pvt. Adams fired again, with the bullet hitting Robinson’s head. Robinson lives with his mother, Mrs. Lily Robinson, in the 2100 block of E street N.W., police said. In spector Lutz said Robinson had served sentences after house break ing and larceny convictions. Pvt. Adams joined the police force last May. Reburial of 4 War Dead From D. C. Set Tomorrow Four war dead from Washington and one from Hyattsville will be reburied at 5 p.m. tomorrow at Ar lington Cemetery, the Military Dis trict of Washington announced to day. The men will be among 20 casual ties of World War II to be reburied. The men from this area and their next of kin, are: M, Sergt. Bernard F. Hickman, Mrs. Susan V. Hickman, 4831 Thirty sixth street N.W.; Seaman 1/c Al bert J. Cordani, Mrs. Mary M. Cor dani, 908 East Capital street; Avia tion Machinist’s mate Clyde Eugene Rodgers, Willie D. Rodgers, 415 Tenth street N.W.; Motor Machin ist’s Mate Richard I. Frere, Frank lE. Frere, 2330 Twenty-fifth street ; S.E., and Seaman 2/c Ray A. Wheel er, Ruel S. Wheeler, 6107 Queens Chapel road, Hyattsville. Rail Wreck in Scotland Kills One, Hurts Eight By the Associated Press BLAIRGOWRIE, Scotland, July 17.—The night mail express train from Aberdeen to London collided with a local train nesr here today, killing one engineer and injuring j eight other persons. | The two engines were wrecked ! and four coaches were splintered. It w'as the second accident of the day on Scotland-London lines. A passenger express from Edinburgh was derailed just outside of London early this morning, killing the fire ; man. 600 Hungarian Teachers Reported Dismissed By the Associated Press VATICAN CITY, July 17.—A Vatican source reported today that 600 teachers in Hungarian element ary Catholic schools have been dis missed because they refused to swear allegiance to the Communist-dom inated government. The dismissal followed the arrest of the director general and the cul-; tural secretary of Hungarian Cath olic Action, the informant said. Bomb Victim's Partner " ' I Faces Arraignment Billy L. McDaniel. 32, former business partner of William Dene kas who was killed by an auto bomb in front of his Arlington home June 7, will be arraigned in Arlington County Court tomorrow on charges of grand larceny and housebreaking. Mr. McDaniel, who earlier had been questioned in the Denekas killing and then released, is being held in Arlington jail for the theft of machinery he and Mr. Denekas used while they were partners in a neon sign business. His bond was fixed at $5,000. Mr. Denekas was killed in the ex plosion of a bomb apparently rigged to the starter of his automobile. McDaniel was questioned because he and Mr. Denekas were reported to have had differences which led to the dissolution of their partner ship. He was held in jail tem porarily, without charge. Police released him later, saying he had established an alibi. He was charged with grand larceny and house breaking When he surrendered at police headquarters Friday morning. Mrs. L. P. Stafford Dies At Home of Daughter Mrs. Lillian Poston Stafford, 76. a resident of the District for almost 75 years, died yesterday at the home of a daughter. Mrs. Josephine M. Robey, 2016 Thirty-seventh street N.W., where she had been living since 1933. For many years after the death of her-husband, James R. Stafford, in 1800, Mrs. Stafford worked as a saleswoman in the old Palais Royal department store. She was a native of Clifton Forge, Va. Mrs. Stafford came to Washington with her parent#, Mr. and Mrs. James Leonard Poston, when she was two years old, and for many years the family lived at 1760 K street YV In addition to Mrs. Robey, Mrs. Stafford is survived by another daughter, Mrs. Emma Hurley; two sons, Guy C. and Ralph A. Stafford * " -— Catumbia FLOOR COVERINGS 712 K ST. N.W. Phone NA. 6689 Opposite Public Library FLOOR COVERINGS 712 K ST. N.W. Phone NX. 6689 Opposite Public Library | SALE! CLOSING OUT 2,000 REGULARLY 1.49 TO 3.00 Nationally Known! Nationally Advertised! ' Perfect Quality NEVER BEFORE—NEVER AGAIN 88c 98c 139 SIZE 3x6 FEET This is without question the best value in many a year. If you need shades now or later make sure to be here early. You will find in this group: _ WATER COLOR—OIL OPAQUE & WASHABLE SHADES COLORS—White, Green, Ecru, Ivory, Tan SOME ARE CORDED STRIPE NONE-SOLD-TO DEALERS No Mail—No rhone—No C. O. D. ORDERS ALL-SALES-FINAL NOTE—HOTELS, ROOMING HOUSE OWNERS AND BUILDERS, DO NOT OVERLOOK THIS VALUE AS YOU WiLL NEVER GET SUCH SHADES AT SUCH A RIDICULOUS PRICE. WE DEFY COMPETITION IN THIS SALE of Washington; 10 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. | Funeral services will be held Tues- j ; day morning in the Chambers fun eral home, 3072 M street N.W. Bur-1 ial will be in Rock Creek Cemetery. Adjutants of Guard Meet Here Tomorrow National Guard adjutants general i will attend a one-day conference at > the Pentagon tomorrow to discuss current problems, Maj. Gen. Ken neth F. Cramer, chief of the Na-j tional Guard Bureau, announced yesterday. Maj. Gen. Harold R. Bull, acting director of Army organization and training, will speak at the opening session. Zanzibar plans to become a tour ist center. ' Chest-Council Merger In Arlington Drawn Up The executives committees of the Arlington Community Chest and the Arlington Community Council have agreed on a proposed merger of the two agencies. An agreement will be presented to the trustees of* joth groups in the near future, it> was announced yesterday. Low Cost, Automatic Gas Water Heaters! Sterling Automatic GAS WATER HEATER Never Before a Quality Water Heater at a Low Price with a 5-Year Guarantee Installed Prices Model WB-20 $103.50 Model WB-40 $131.50 MODEL WAM-30 $145.00 This is the low deluxe model featuring the MAGNEDUR and a ten-year guar-an-tee! Turn on the hot woter ... use it lavishly! Toke as long a shower as you like . . . fill the tub to the brim . . . only the Sterling Gas Water Heater can supply hot water so safely so reliably, so economically! (113.50 Model W.B.-30 Installed ^Pmmsmurrm m we service n> vl rCTBi OTHER FAMOUS-MAKE WATER HEATERS AVAILABLE! MERCHANDISING PLUMBERS ASSOCIATION Amberger & Wohlforth 4701 41st 5t. N.W. WO. 6161 Atchison & Keller, Inc. 1246 Tovlor St. N.W. TA. 8100 J. L. Bateman & Son 2004 R. I. Ave. N.E. HO. 2200 W. J. Baumbock 4147 Wilson Bird. Arlington, Va. CH. 3909 GL. 6116 Julius T. Becker 1020 18th St. N.W. NA. 7937 Wm. Bornstein & Sons, Inc. 145 Kennedy St. N.W. TA. 5600 Maurice J. Colbert Co, Inc. 1908 M St. N.W. Dl. 3626 G. Leonard Daymude & Co. 15 Howord Ave. PL. 0570 Kensington, Md. J. C. Flood Compony 2012 14th St. N.W. DEcotur 2700 27 Carroll A*e., Takema Pork, Md., SLigo 8906 C. B. Horris & Co. 1450 Duke St., Alexandria, Va. ALexandria 0831 C. M. Lipp & Son 3711 New Hampshire Axe. N.W., GEorgia 6100 1412 Q St. N.W. DU. 4331 » I James J. Madden Plumbing & Heating Co. 721 1st St. N.W. NA. 6932 K. & W. Plumbing & Heating Co. 644 H St. N.E. AT. 3188 J. Shapiro 821 Que St. N.W. NO. 8000 John G. Webster & Sons, Inc. 627 F St. N.W. EX. 4615 . Harry E. Willioms 1405 N. Capitol St. NO. 6500 John Wimmel 4420 Go. Ave. N.W. RA. 1669 See Complete Listing on Page 617, Classified Telephone Directory TINY TOT NEEDS AT THRIFTY PRICES Lansburgh V Helps You Keep Small Fry Comfy and Safe! Thayer Stroller with rubber bumpers, metal trov. Removable toot tray and handle. Enameled metal in turquoise or maroon. Sturdy and comfortable ... a necessity for every child --13.95 Teeterbobe*, the modern jumper seat. For exercise in the home, for outdoor eunbothina, for comfort and safety in the cor. Cream enomel finish. Strong cloth seot removes to launder5.65 Holmquest-Swonson Nursery Choir in white or noturol finished wood. Com plete with overheod troy, hinged seot cover, boll trim. No nursery is com ' plete without such a choir-4.95 Collopsiblc Ploy Pen in noturol finish wood. Masonite flooring, 4" floor avoids drafts and dampness._ 11.95 Plastic Covered Water Repellent Pod in pink or blue stripes . .5.50 Too Busy to Come to Town? Write, or Phone NA. 9800 ENTIRE STORE COMFORTABLY JOT Regularly 35.90 Ensemble! “Storkline” Crib and Mattress I ' \ Single drop side crib with three-quarter pane!, deca! trim. Maple finished hardwood. Your choice of pink or blue tufted mattress, with double sealed rubber coating for important protection. A real opportunity to purchase a fine crib and mattress, nationally known ot really worth-while savings. LANSBVRGH'S—Infantt Furniture—Fourth Float