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Southern Negro Vote Is No Threat Yet, Professor Declares ty Ai*ooot#d Press ATLANTA, July 17.—A Negro .proiessor said today that there is 710 threat to white supremacy in t ihe South yet from the ballot ‘..Jarmed members of his race, it* The threat, Dr. Luther P. Jack on of Virginia State College said, ^does not exist though the number 53bf qualified Negro voters increased Klrom 211,000 in 1940 to 645,000 in 53947. j* Dr. Jackson, a professor of his ®tory. observed in a report for the '^Southern Regional Council released Shere: V. "In spite of the sains made by CNegroes as voters during the 1940's, 5pt is correct to say that the whites hive likewise been advancing and in most States art a faster rate . . . In Florida, the ratio is about 14 to 1; in Virginia, 20 to 1, and In Louisiana, 100 to 1. ' Figures Offered. Dr. Jackson's figures showing the increase in numbera of qualified Negro voters: Alabama—2,000 to 6,000; Arkan sas—4.000 to 47,000; Florida—16,000 to 49,000; Georgia—20,000 to 125,000; Louisiana—2,000 to 10,000; Mississ ippi—2,000 to 5.000; North Carolina —35.000 to 75.000; South Carolina— ^3,000 to 50,000; Tennessee—20,000 to 80,000; Texas—30,000 to 100.000. and Virginia—15.000 to 48,000 Only Oklahoma among the 12 States showed a decline—from 60, 000 to 50.000 qualified Negro voters. Dr. Jackson attributes this to the loss of some 10.000 to 15,000 Negroes to migration. Dr. Jackson pointed out that the total number of Negro voters is only 12 per cent, roughly, of the 5,069 895 Negroes of voting age in these 8tates. Barriers Being Reduced. While the barriers to registration of Negroes as voters are atill consid erable, Dr. Jackson said, they are slowly being reduced. He observed that of the 11 South ern States which once required pay ment of a poll tax, four have abol ished it. These are Georgia. Florida, Louisiana and North Carolina. South Carolina and Arkansas re tain the poll tax, but it is only one dollar and non-cumulative. Texas and and Tennessee require payment of a slightly higher tax, but again it is non-cumulative. “Only Mississipi, Virginia and Al abama remain, then," he wrote, where this celebrated instrument constitutes a significant barrier." The greatest single barrier to the qualifying of Negroes as voters, Dr. Jackson said is registration. He said that registrars in the indi vidual States constitute almost a law unto themselves in determining whether a Negro is qualified to vote. South Carolina Enrolls Negroes Under Court Order By th# Associated Press COLUMBIA, S. C., July 17.—Negro enrollment in the South Carolina Democratic Party, enforced by * Federal court order, apparently was proceeding slowly today. A full scale movement of Negroes to put their names on party books was not expected until after next Monday. Copies of District Judge J. Waties Waring* order will be ready by then for service on county party officials by United States marshals. An estimated 2.000 negroes have enrolled in Charleston County since last Monday, when Judge Waring issued a temporary order pending yesterday's hearing of a Beaufort Negro's suit against the State party’s double standard primary voting rules. Some counties, notably Florence and Charleston, opened their books immediately after the temporary order was handed down. ' Other counties, among them Spar tanburg, opened their books today. India Renews U. N. Appeal Against South Africans By the Associated Press LAKE SUCCESS, July 17.—India renewed her demands today for United Nations action to stop alleg ed "Jim Crow’ practices against Indians In South Africa. In a lengthy memorandum to Sec retary General Trygve Lie, the In dian government declared that treatment of Indians in South Africa continues to be serious mat ter, despite resolutions passed by the General Assembly in 1946 and 1947. Mr. Lie was asked to place the question on the agenda of the com ing Assembly session which oegir.s In Paris September 21. “The government of the Union of South Africa has made no changes whatever either in the discrimin atory laws or In the practice of dis crimination, on racial grounds alone, against its nationals of Indian ori gin,” the memorandum stated. Declaration on States' Rights my mt aiioihitn rr«M BIRMINGHAM, Ala., July 17.— Following is the “Declaration of Principles’’ reported by the Resolu tions Committee of the States Rights’ meeting today: We affirm that a political party is an instrumentality for effectu ating the principles upon which the party is founded; that a platform of principles is a solemn covenant with the people and with the mem bers of the party; that no leader of the party, in temporary power, has the right or privilege to proceed contrary to the fundamental prin ciples of the party, or the letter or spirit of the Constitution of the United States; that to act contrary to these principles is a breach at faith, a usurpation of power, and a forfeiture of the party name and | party leadership. We believe that racial and re ligious minorities should be pro tected in their rights guaranteed by the Constitution, but the bold defi ance of the Constitution in selfish appeals to such groups for the sake of political power forges the chains of slavery of such minorities by de stroying the only bulwark of pro tection against tyrannical majori ties. The protection of the consti tutional rights of a minority does not Justify or require the destruc tion of constitutional rights of the majority. The destruction of con stitutional limitations on the power of the central government threatens to create a totalitarian state and to destroy individual liberty in America. Bill of Right* Cited. We believe that the protection of the American people against the onward march of totalitarian Gov ernment requires a faithful observ ance of Article X of the American Bill of Rights which provides that: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respec tively, or to the people.” We direct attention to the fact that the first platform of the Demo cratic Party, adopted In 1840, re solved that: "Congress power under the Constitution to Interfere with or control the domestic institu tions of the several States, and that such States are the sole and proper judge* of everything appertaining I to their own affairs not prohibited by the Constitution.” 8uch pro nouncement is the cornerstone of the Democratic Party. A long train of abuses and usur pations of power by unfaithful lead ers who are alien to the Democratic Parties of the States here repre sented has become Intolerable to those who believe In the preserva i tion of constitutional government and individual liberty In America. Court Domination Charged. The executive department of the Government is promoting the grad ual but certain growth of a totali tarian state by domination and con trol of a politically minded Supreme Court. As examples of the threat to our form of Government, the executive department, with the aid of the Supreme Court, has asserted national dominion and control of .submerged oil-bearing lands in [California, schools in Oklahoma and WSte.souri*!' primg^Mgtons WH [Texas, South LojiflP ana, restrictive covenants In Hew York and the District Of Columbia, and other jurisdictions, as well as religious instruction in Illinois. By asserting paramount Federal right* in these instances, a totalitarian concept has been promulgated which threatens the integrity of the States and the basic rights of their citizens. We have repeatedly remonstrated with the leaders of the national organization of our party but our petitions, entreaties and warning* have been treated with contempt. The latest response to our entreatie* was a Democratic convention in Philadelphia rigged to embarras* and humiliate the South. This al leged Democratic assembly called for a civil rights law that would eliminate segregation of every kind from all American life, prohibit all forms of discrimination in private employment, in public and private .instruction and administration and treatment of students; In the oper ation of public and private health .facilities: in all transportation, and require equal access to all place* iof public accommodation for per .sons of all races, colors, creeds and 'national origin. This infamous and iniquitous pro gram calls for the reorganization ol the civil rights section of the De partment of Justice with a substan tial increase in a bureaucratic staff to be devoted exclusively to the en forcement of the civil right* pro gram; the establishment within the FBI of a special unit of investigator* TEACHERS Minimum Salary far 194S-1&4® $60 PER WEEK Apply Now—No Advance Fee* Adams Teachers Agency 1 CaUrad* Bide . 14th it G N.W. BE. S0SS BEGINS TOMORROW Semi-Annual Sales Save 10% to 50% on Summer, Fall, and Winter Men's Suits, Coats, Sport Clothes and Accessories. SINCE 1911 . . . FAMOUS FOR FAMOUS MAKES Gs^ 36th feir it 13191 Street ^3 ana a pouce ■»» m a totalitarian, centralized, bureaucratic govern ment. Felice State Seen. This convention hypocritically denounced totalitarianism abroad but unblushingly proposed and ap proved it at home. This convention would strengthen the grip of a police state upon a liberty-loving people by the imposition of penal ties upon local public officers who failed or refused to act in accord ance with its ideas in suppressing mob violence. We point out that if a foreign power undertook to force upon the people of the United States the measures advocated by the Demo cratic convention in Philadelphia, with respect to civil rights, it would mean war and the entire Nation would resist such effort. The convention that insulted the South in the party platform advo cated giving the Virgin Islands and other dependencies of the United States "the maximum degree of local self-government.” When an effort was made to amend this part of the platform so as to make it read that the party favored giving the Virgin Islands and the several States the maximum degree of local self Oovernment, the amendment adding the words "these several States" was stricken out and the sovereign States were denied the rights that the party favors giving the Virgin Islands. Point to voting Record. we point out that the South, with clock-like regularity, has furnished the Democratic Party approximately 50 per cent of the votes necessary to nominate a President every four years for nearly a century. In 1020 the only States In the union that went Democratic were the 11 South ern States. Notwithstanding this rugged loyalty to the party, the masters of political intrigue now al low Republican States In which there Is scarcely a Democratic of fice holder to dominate and control the party and fashion its policies. As Democrats who are Irrevocably committed to Democracy as defined and expounded by Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson and Woodrow Wil son. and who believe that all neces sary steps must be taken for its preservation, r*e declare to the peo ple of the United States as follows: 1. We believe that the Constitution of he United States is the greatest! charter of human liberty ever con ceived by the mind of man. 2. We oppose all efforts to invade | or destroy the rights vouchsafed by it to every citizen of this republic. 3. We stand for social and eco nomic justice, which we believe, can be vouchsafed to all citizens only by a strict adherence to our Con-j stltution and the avoidance of any invasion or destruction of the con stitutional rights of the States and ! individuals. We oppose the totali tarian, centralized, bureaucratic i Government and the police State j called for by the platforms adopted by the Democratic and Republican conventions. Race Segregation Supported. 4. We stand for the segregation of the races and the racial integrity of each race; the constitutional right to choose one's associates; to ac jcept private employment without governmental interference, and": to earn one s living in any lawful way. We oppose the elimination of seg regation, employment by Federal bureaucrats called for by the mis named civil rights program. We favor home rule, local self-Govetn ment and a minimum Interference with Individual rights. 5. We oppose and condemn the action of the Democratic conven tion in sponsoring a civil rights program calling for the elimination of segregation, social equality by Federal flat, regulation of private employment practices, voting and local law enforcement. 6. We affirm that the effective enforcement of such a program would be utterly destructive of the social, economic and political life of the Southern people, and of other localities in which there may be differences in race, creed or national origin in appreciable numbers. Favor Checks and Balances. 1. We stand for the checks and balances provided by the three de partments of our government.' We oppose the usurpation of legislative ; functions by the Executive and Judicial Departments. We unreserv ; edly condemn the effort to establish nation-wide a police State in this republic that would destroy the last vestige of liberty enjoyed by a citi zen. 8. We demand that there be re turned to the people, to whom* of right they belong, those powers needed for the preservation of hum an rights and the discharge of our responsibility as Democrats for human welfare. We oppose a denial ' of those rights by political parties, a barter or sale of those rights by a political convention, as well as any invasion or violation of those rights by the Federal Government. We call upon all Democrats and upon all other loyal Americans who j are opposed to totalitarianism at home and abroad to unite with us in Ignominlously defeating Harry 8. Truman and Thomas E. Dewey, and every other candidate for pub lic office who would establish a police State in the United States of America. Revolt (Continued Prom First Page.), then this movement could easily be come the deciding factor in the American political scene, since we would have approximately 129 elec tors and might easily be able to throw the election into Congress.” House Election Aim. In other words, the organizers are hoping to hold their Southern elec torial votes together behind the j Thurmond-Wright ticket as a rally ing point. Then, if Mr. Truman ! and Gov. Dewey should so divide ; the rest of the States as to leave neither a majority in the Electoral College, the country would be treated to the specatcle of an election by the House. In that event, Gov. Dixon sug gested, “Congress might easily turn to an outstanding American selected by us for the next Presi dent of the United States.” if they succeed, however, in lin ing up all of the South behind Govs. Thurmond and Wright, the moat likely result would be an easy vic tory for the Republican ticket. For, without the South, Mr. Truman would have to make tremendous gains in the North and West. In that undertaking the President would find himself battling Henry A. Wallace for the liberal vote in such pivotal Northern States as New York and California, while the conservative Southern Democrats were working to bring about his downfall in Dixie. >*»• Thurmond-Dewey Race Seen. Senator Eastland ,of Mississippi, who moved adoption of the resolu tion recommending the Thurmond - Wright ticket to Democrats in all 8 “I'profflieiy^h* <#4derflsA#i%cfe' *. . .t.j*; . - •: . _ i will be between Thurmond and Dewey, and that Mr. Truman won't get a single electoral vote." After the meeting had adjourned, a leader was asked if he thought the enthusiasm would last until the fall campaign. He pointed out that the reconven ing of Congress next week on the call of the. President undoubtedly would lead to new efforts to pass the Civil Rights Bill. If that hap pens, he predicted, revolt launched today against the Truman-Barkley; ticket will grow in all the Southern; States. The Birmingham conference did not technically nominate a Thur mond-Wright ticket. The resolu-; tions adopted merely ‘ recommend j to the Democrats of the several States that they take all necessary steps to have the electoral votes of their respective States" cast for these men. Campaign Committee Named. A campaign committee was ap pointed to follow up in each State, and one organizer intimated that the movement would have as much of a campaign fund as the Repub licans. The resolutions adopted also called for another conference here in Birmingham on Friday, October 1, and the Democrats in each State were invited to send duly-accredited representatives to* that meeting, in numbers not to exceed the electoral vote of each State. Presumably, the purpose would be to canvass the results of the drive up to that date and make plans for the homestretch campaign. Every Seat Filled. There was no effort today to con fine the conference to the regular1 delegates who walked out of the Philadelphia convention. Shortly\ before the session started 650 per-1 sons had registered at booths set up' for that purpose, but this included' between 60 and 70 press and radio representatives. Every seat in the spacious auditorium was filled by Alabamians and visitors from the surrounding States. Needless to say, it was an all-white audience, and it whooped and shouted its ap proval of every attack on the Tru man civil rights program. A handful of Wallace supporters succeeded in getting their candidate in on the publloity by picketing the front of the auditorium long enough to attract a crowd of newsreel and still cameramen. In addition to (he standard bearers «Ovs. Thurmowd and Wright—(he ting *wfc!r attemied by Gov. Fpl exactly 192 pairs of these famous-for-fit with-comfort shoes in smart models for modern men. Tan calfskin, black calfskin, tan scotch grain in dress and sport styles. Regularly 16.95 to 19.95 \ / check this chart for your size all sales final . . . no c.o.d.’s 5 >x\ *>| k\ 7 '"x\ 8 h\ 9|^!>Ol^lu|Vrj>2Ll3ll4. AAA1121* A AL_LJ±_L_± -L J_2.! A3__2_jb__3^_3__2__2_J__3_^ _B__L-L2_L_L__ •_C__i 2 fc 10 ft 3l_ J _o3 s a a 32_j E 8 5 6 1 I It 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I I now in progress . . . Summer Sale of Men’s Fine Shoes mmmamdhmmmmmmClosed Saturday during July and Augustmmmmmmmmmm com of Alabama and former Gov. ■'Alfalfa” Bin Murray of Oklahoma. "Big Jim” Balaam was met with a mixture of cheers and boos, but he added his few words of condemna tion to the attacks of the Federal Government on States’ Rights. Walter Sillers of Mississippi, was elected permanent chairman of the conference. It was announced early in the afternoon that Gov. Tuck of Vir ginia was on his way to Birmingham, but if he arrived he remained in the background. Platform Adopted. Not to be outdone by the regular Democratic convention, the States' Rights Southerners also adopted a platform, which merely repeated in more formal language the speeches that filled the air all day. Many of the spectators brought Confederate flags, flags of the vari ous Southern States and portraits of Robert E. Lee. Permanent Chairman Sillers re called that the Democratic plat form in Philadelphia promised a maximum degree of selfgovemment to the Virgin Islands, Guam and Samoa. ‘‘But when your Southern dele gates arose and moved to add the several States to this promise, they voted us down,” Mr. Sillers went on. “They were not willing to grant to the several States, and particularly the Southern States, the same rights they offered those three little islands.'' Former Lt. Gov. Handy Ellis of Alabama, who led the walkout of half of Alabama’s deletrrtion to the Philadelphia convention, said: “There doesn't seem to be much choice between the little man with the sickening smile, and the little man with the silly mustache.” Different Laws One Hurdle. One of the hurdles confronting the States Rights ticket is that all of the States have different laws governing the selection of presiden tial electors, and in some of the Southern States they already have been chosen. The campaign committee ap pointed here today is expected to survey the situation not only in the States of the Solid South, but also in the border States. One of the! organizers said that in some States they hope to swing the regular1 Democratic electors over to Gov.; Thurmond and Wright. Where this does not appear likely they will try to put up a slate of their own electors, if State laws still make it possible. ■' South Africans Fear U. S. Ostrich Industry Farmer* in Oudtshoorn, home of the South African ostrich, are per turbed over reports of the develop ment of the ostrich industry in the United States. Although it is illegal to export o« triches, except those which have been emasculated, or ostrich eggs, they fear that someone ! the law. It is understood they may demand an investigation. Han and Son Hit by Cab; Police Try to Notify Wife Arlington police lest nlftht were attempting to locate a woman whose husband and son are in Arlington Hospital with serious in juries after being struck by a taxi cab. The hospital said the condition of James H. Ward. 35, was critical and that of his son was serious. The father remained unconscious last night. Nurses at the hospital said the boy told them his name was “Pee wee,” and that he was 6 yean old. Papers found on the father con tained the name “Mrs. Bertha Keen Ward." Police sent telegrams to addresses in New York City and Jacksonville, Fla., which they found among Mr. Ward's papen, in an effort to locate Mrs. Ward. Mr. Ward and his son were struck by a taxicab yesterday as they were crossing Route 1 opposite the Arlington Hotel near Alexandria. The driver of the cab was listed as Louis W. Jackson, 39, colored, of Alexandria. He was charged with operating a car. with defective equipment and was released under 9500 bond. Reds Trying to Get Berlin By Force, U. S. Official Says •y tho Anociotod Proof BERLIN, July 17.—Louis Glaser, head of the American Military Gov ernment's political division in Ber lin, told 500 American officers and men of the United States Air Force at Tempelhof Airport todav that the Russians want Berlin “because Ber lin today is a flaming torch of de fiance. No democratic nation wants political slavery.” The Russians, he said, failed to win Berlin “through soft soap and trickery, through lies and propa ganda and through terror directed against the Germans. Now they have tried brute force—a threat of disease and starvation.” Quezon CHy Becomes Philippines' Capital Sy *K» AuaciaU# Pt«i MANILA, July 17.—Manila ceased to be the official Capital of the Philippines today as President El pidio Quirino signed a bill moving the republic's seat to Quezon City, 10 miles northeast. Manila will remain the actual capital for more than a year, how ever, until new buildings are erected. Quirino said Manila now had a population of almost 2.000,000, and the move was necessary to relieve congestion. He commented: "Prom now on Manila will be cur show window and Quezon City cur workshop insofar as our govern ment is concerned.” Mr. Quirino said master planning for construction was to be com pleted within a year, as “I want to lay the cornerstone of the new capl tol myself.” The late Manuel Quezon, first president of the commonwealth, planned the suburban development in 1987, choosing a largely unin habited tract of land higher and with a cooler climate than Manils. He named it “New Manila," but the old commonwealth legislature short ly changed It to Quezon City in his honor. Suede was named after the coun try of its origin: Sweden. DENTURES REPAIRED While You Wait? Brown Dantal Laboratory 638 Eyo St. N.W. RE. 6119 Over Riggs Bonk * « mmgsgmgggmmggmgmgggggm Payment# on your noma art mad* «a#y by renting a room. Ranting a room Is made easy by advertising In Th* Star. Call Sterling 5000. Open I am. to 9 p m. JUST ARRIVED FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ALPERSTEIN'S ELECTRIC VILLAGE 224 CARROLL AVE., TAKOMA PARK, MD. OHN MON., THUK. AND SAT. TILL 9 fM. SH. 4393, SH. 27<X ; M &&g| - gg |p ? 'jpg PROMPTLY AT 9 AM. , 0 Authentic Quality & Authentic Reductions DISTINGUISH THE TRADITIONAL SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE We believe in the potency of facts rather than the blatancv J of superlatives. Here are the facts: At our sale time we offer our regular stock, and only our regular stock, each item defi nitely fine in quality, for quality is the keynote of this establishment. Now, on limited groups of Saltz F Street ap parel, you may enjoy emphatic savings. , CIOTHING • SJORTSWfA* • MJ*NI$HINGS . $HOI$ . HATS I * 1341 F STREET