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ALL GOOD OAW START WIT«... UJ'LKIAJS / $(//&///£?/ 7%eyte ferWvg’ CATYV0P//// Hew your col will purr for Jack & Jill Cat Food! It's to delicioua!. 100% ocean-frith fish—thoroughly cooked and ground. It's just packed with vitamins, minerals, and proteins—builds sleek fur, husky health, playful pep! Give your cat a healthful treat tonight—order some Jack L Jill Cat food from your grocer. Costs very little. 40-FATHOM DIVISION GENIRAl FOODS CORPORATION Pith Pitr, Mill. Dewey Plans Fight To Capture Virgihia, State Leader Says By the Associated Press RICHMOND, Va., July 20.—Gov. Dewey definitely will carry his drive for the presidency into Virginia and make one or more speeches in this State during the campaign, Curtis j M. Dozier, Republican national com mitteeman for Virginia, said, i Mr. Dozier said he was in touch with the Dewey campaign managers • and that they are at work on an ■ itinerary' which calls for an “earnest effort" by the GOP nominee in Vir ginia. The exact date and place of Gov. Dewey's appearances in Virginia are yet to be fixed, Mr, Dozier said. Democrats Are Silent. Leaders of the State’s Democratic organization kept silent, meanwhile, on whatever their reaction might be to the Thurmond-Wright ticket put up by State's rights Dixiecrats for the 1948 presidential elections. Gov Tuck, who served as chair man of Virginia's anti-Truman dele gation to the Democratic National Convention, and State Democratic Chairman G. Alvin Massenburg of Hampton, both gave out a series of smiling “no comment” replies to all questions on the organization's next move in the Southerners’ war against Federal “force” intervention on civil rights matters. From Gov. Thurmond of South Carolina, came assurances, however, j that his forces would strive to qual ify their candidates for a place on Virginia's official ballot via the 1.000 signature process provided by this State's new election law. Gov. Thurmond was nominated for president and Gov. Fielding L. Wright of Mississippi, for Vice Presi dent, by the rump convention of Dixiecrats in Birmingham Saturday. Attended as Observer. Collins Denny, jr„ Richmond at torney who is politically close to Gov. Tuck, attended the Birming ham meeting as an observer repre senting “nobody but Myself.” He said he was undecided on a course of action. Asked if he planned to circulate any Thurmond petitions or knew of any one who would do so, Mr. Denny said that at present he did not. Gov. Thurmond, meanwhile, said he had no one yet to direct his campaign in Virginia nor to handle ; the petitions, but he hoped to get a team working in the reasonably near future. _ 23 Polish Boys Drown WARSAW, July 20 (IP).—'Twenty three Polish Boy Scouts drowned in j the Baltic Sea off Sdynia today when high waves capsized two boats. The Scouts were members of a sum mer vacation colony. Actress Loses Custody Of Baby She Fed Beer ly tht Associated frt% LOS ANGELES, July 20 — Beer is not good for babies, the judge told Actress Leslie Brooks. So Miss Brooks’ 2-year-old daugh ter, Victoria, will be cared for tem porarily by her paternal grand mother. Superior Judge Mildred L. Lillie yesterday gave Mrs. Alice Shay cus tody of the child until the .actreas hires a competent nurse-house keeper. The ruling stemmed from a divorce suit filed by Miss Brooks, 26, against Actor Anthony Shay, 27, Mr. Shay alleged his wife gave the child intoxicants at parties. His brother, Jack, testified Victoria had "seven or eight swallows" from her mother’s glass at a party and was “very cute and dizzy.” Mias Brooks denied this but ad mitted giving the daughter an occa sional sip of beer diluted In water. Then Judge Lillie said, “1 cannot say enough to reprimand a mother for doing this.” Mr. Shay was directed to pay, after the nurse is hired, *S50 monthly for support of his wife and child pending trial of the divorce suit. A strike in bakeries in Santiago and Valparaiso, Chile, necessitated government intervention to avoid a bread shortage. You'll never slop needing money . . . while you earn SAVE! Here's your modern savings chest — where you can put extra dol lars to work. We pro vide a safe investment for your savings, and a liberal dividend is add ed twice yearly. Open an account with $5 or a larger sum. 511 7th N.W. NA. 283 ^ < Gmtta. HELPS YOU BEAT THE HEAT PHILCO SSS AIR CONDITIONERS Previous season's Model 76C, a window sill air conditioner of remarkable capa city and performance, finished in wal nut for living rooms, bedrooms, dining rooms, offices—rooms up to 20 by 20 feet with normal height ceilings— Here is a sensational value to help you beat the heat. Every one brand new! Regular $46450 Now 30% Less » Completely installed and including one year's service guarantee BUY IT ON OUR LONG, EASY TERMS 816 F Street N.W. 5614 Baltimore Are., Hyottsrille, Md. 1111 H Street N.E. 801 King Street, Alexandria, Vo. 3923 Minnesota Are. N.E. 629 Pennsylvania Are. S.E. Corner Wilson Bird, and Irving Street, "at the Circle," Clarendon, Va. Drunk Arrested With Gun Sentenced to 6 Months A six-month jail term yesterday was imposed on James T. Ballard, 35, for carrying a .38-caliber pistol which had one cartridge in the chamber. • Ballard, who is colored and has no fixed address, was found in a drunken stupor, lying on the ground near Sixty-first and Dlx streets N.E. on Saturday, police reported. In his pocket they found the loaded weapon and one spare cartridge. A $10 fine for intoxication was imposed along with the jail term by Judge George D. Neilson. Police reported that Ballard had been paroled from an embezzlement sen tence only last week. NOW IS THE TIME TO DO IT! beautifies and waterproofs your home. Complete Home Modernization Service J. J. SULLIVAN BRICK STAINING CO. »»0 L St. N.W. m. 1125-1167 mmmmmomf'Wo Do It Right or Refuse To Do E-L-E-C-T-R-l-F-Y JftBL TREADLI $23” PORTABLES k. $00.50 SING!It CONSOLIS from $69-s° ALL WORK GUARANTEED • RENTALS $7 a • FREE Horn* Sarvic# month. and Friendly Adrien. • REFAIR INO-all a SALES-Tann* Wok« from S5 down uni and $5 a month, vacuum cloanam HOME APPLIANCES 9 _ _ SALES REFAIRINGS a a RENTALS ALL MAKES 140* GA. AVE^» SLi«o 2345 ITl. * EASTERN AVES. N.E. f WAffisId /235 WISC. AVE. • OL 1375 504 11th St. S.E. • LI. 3133 / , (at Fa. An.) 7134 WISC. AVE. (our now location N. of Bcthatda lank) • Wl. 7S33 ■I \ ff.«<'r*jnv mv**. it **^ \ V ■ * I I « 1 I ^1 A ^B M if 9ff A 0*°'d <>c\ i°b° Ww4 ■ ■ . I ■ ft! i I *4 11 r 4 ^ K 1 f \ mm* it* ' bot* Y\WM _ n I I I I 1111 I ■Iv I I K UNCLE JOE’S 30 EXCLUSIVE CHERNERIZED OPERATIONS 1. Bodr and Chassis washed and eleaned. I. Mater eleaned. grease and *11 removed from power plant. 8. Inspection br Service Super visor for necessary repairs. «. Reconditioning of motor, nee essary replacement made. • 8. Transmission tested, necessary ' repairs made. S. Rear aile construction In spected. necessary replacements made. 7. Front construction Inspected, worn parts replaeed and thor oughly tightened up. 8. Steering construction cheeked, adjustments or replacements made. 8. Wiring, for ‘ bad connections, etc. 18. Wheels removed. Necessary re placements of bearing, washers. etc. 11. Brakes Inrpected. Lining re placed If necessary. If. Inspection for neeesaarr body and fender repairs. 18 Faint Inspected, reflnlshed where necessary. 14. Roof or top examined. Leak* repaired or new material In stalled. 15. Roof er top redressed. 16. Glass examined and replaced where chipped er cracked. 17. L’nbolsterr cleaned, repaired where necessary or material replaeed. 18. Chassis and all back running gakr painted. J8. Bulbs, reflectors or lenses re placed where necessary. 28. Windshield wipers Inspected, necessary repairs or replace ments made. 81. Bumpers inspected, bent or broken units repaired. 88. Tires Inspected. Replacement* made where necessary. 28. Car thoroughly lubricated and spilngs sprayed. f t. Crank ease eleaned. flushed and refilled with fresh *11. 88. Radiator Inspertad. cleaned out or repaired as necessary. 88. Body bolts cheeked and tight ened. 87. Battery tested. connections checked or oeplaced. New bat tery Installed If necessary. 28. Body and fenders cleaned and simonlaed expertly. 88. Road-tested to cheek perform ance. 88. Last, but not least, eur guar antee goes with every Cher nerlzed Car. —• i. HERNERIZING is back! The famous process pioneered by Uncle Joe Cherner consists of 30 exclusive CHER NERIZING operations by top flight mechanics employing the finest equipment . . . better reconditioning because the CHERNERIZING process uses only original factory parts. Take a look at the list of operations on the left. You will see that every CHERNERIZED car is checked and double checked from bumper to bumper. You will see that CHERNERIZING is a costly process, yet it doesn’t cost you a dime. Yes, CHER NERIZED CARS are hack ... and NEXT TO A NEW CAR A CHERNERIZED CAR IS BEST. We back that statement all the way with a bona fide 30-day unconditional guarantee. •47 OLDS Sedanette "76” hydra- $9395 malic; r. J> h. - - •47 DE SOTO Caitom 4-dr,! radio 9995 and heater- mmwir •47 MERCURT Sedan-eoove. radio 9195 and heater - •47 CHEVROLET Eleellina Redan. 2195 radio and heater-— — •47 STUDEBAKER 4-door Re*. 2095 Champ.; r.. h. •47 FORD Saner de lax* 4-deer, 1395 radio and heattr ■ ar ar ar '47 FORD 5-door Soper da loxei 1395 radio and heater- I ooo 1695 •47 FORD 2-dr. - * •46 BUICK Roadoiaiter 4-d*or Re- 2195 dan, radio and heater - '46 POXTIAC Streamliner 4-door 9005 Sedan, radio and heater- mWWI* '46 OLDSMOBILE “76” 4-deer, ra- 9005* dio and heater '46 PONTIAC Streamliner Sedan- 2095 ette. radio and heater ’46 OLDS MOBILE “76“ Sedanette. 1 QOS llrdra-Matie. radio and heater * •“ '46 MERCURY 2-doeri radio and 1705 heater_ I l»M *40 PACKARD, model 1*0. blaek. 1 AQE white aide walla_ IW99 ’36 PONTIAC 2-dr., r. and h._ 695 ’48, ’47, ’46 FORDS, ALL MODELS J Many athert in all makat, modal§ _ » 1947 FORD TUDOR Wliot a car far this price! Perfect, a 4 maroon finish, radio A | vl 1% and heater. And | Q \J || Chernerised! msMsmsassmsEm ■hij.mwsbbiw i