Newspaper Page Text
D. C. Securities Score Sharp Advances in Counter Dealings fty Edward C. Stone Capital securities sold over the counter registered some sharp gains in the first-half year, a survey re veals, with active trading in four or five learjfcig issues, including Dis trict theaters, Hamilton National Bank. Lincoln Service common, Washington Porperties and National Press Building common. In the half year. Barber & Ross common moved from 60 bid to 94; Consolidated Title common from 25 to 30; District National Securities preferred, 80 to 85; Lincoln Serv ice common, 22’4 to 28; Merchants Transfer preferred. 111 to 115; Na tional Press Building common, 17 to 22'i; Washington Properties, off a point to 47. Washington bank stocks have shown comparatively few price changes in quiet trading. Anacos tia National, Hamilton, Munsey, Second National and Suburban Na tional were practically unchanged. Security Savings & Commercial moved from 210 to 213, w'hile City Bank climbed from 60 to 65. Bank of Silver Spring stepped up to 17 from 14. Several miscellaneous issues in the counter list have shown unusuai stability in the half year. Among these are Griffiths Consumers com mon and Southern Oxygen, which have changed hardly a point in a much longer period than six months. Griffiths is selling at 51 and Oxygen at 40. the survey shows. Insurance Employes Honored. Peoples Life Insurance Co. home office employes have been honored for length of service, pins being pre sented to each employe by Joseph Byers, 2d, personnel director. The oldest employe is D. Wallace Cniswell. with 45 years’ service. Others include Ralph Thomas, 40 years; Harvey C. Byers, 38; Herman O. Hughes, 35; Edith Schudder, 31; Missouri Leith. 30. A very large number of other employes with the firm less than 30 years were also presented service pins. S. W. Hauser, president; W. T. Keith, vice president; W. W. White, secretary, and O. R. Hoover, super intendent of agents, took part in the ceremony. Peoples Life opened for business in 1903 and now has 1.300 employes in the home office and in district offices in nearby States. Assets exceed $41,000,000. Dividend Payments Rise. Nine Federal Home Loan Banks paid $1,222,700 in dividends in the first half of 1948, against $1,082,992 in the like 1947 period, O. K. La Roque, acting chairman of the Home Loan Bank Board, reported today. Morton Bodfish, chairman of the United States Savings & Loan League, reports that the private home building industry, freed from Government controls, is putting up homes faster than at any other time on record and "cracking the back bone of the housing shortage.” The Securities and Exchange Com mission and the National Association of Securities Dealers will resume discussions this fall on possible changes in the Securities Act. Edgar B. Rouse, partner in Robert C. Jones & Co., is enjoying a vaca tion at Ocean City, Md. | Business Briefs | Business and Industral Failures in the week ended July 15 increased to j 91 vs. 88 in the preceding week and! 63 in the like 1947 week—Dun & j Bradstreet. Railroad Operating Revenues in June were 17.6% above a year earlier—Association of American Railroads. Freight revenues w'ere up 21.6%, but passenger revenues W'ere down 1.6%. Equitable Gas Co. received a high bid of 100.409 for $14,000,000 of 3>4% bonds from First Boston Corp. Re oflering was planned at 100.84. Hudson Motor Car Co. declared | an extra dividend of 10 cents a share and a regular quarterly of 10 cents, both payable September 1. Safeway Stores reported sales In 28 weeks ended July 10 totaled $687. 381 312, a gain of 18.6% from a year earlier; in 4 weeks ended the same date. $97,821,369, an increase of 15 1%. American Store Co. sales in June j totaled $32,771,071, a rise of 8.7% | from a year earlier; in six months,1 $200,282,953. a gain of 7.4%. Kroger Co. sales in 4 weeks ended i July 10 amounted to $61,439,873. a gain of 7.1% rrom a year earlier: in 28 weeks ended the same date, $436,209,998, an increase of 8.7%. IVestinghouse Air Brake Co. earn ed 54,136.887 or $1.30 a share in three months ended June 30 vs. $3,195,892 or $1 a year earlier. Pacific Mills net income for six months ended June 30 was $5,441,500 or $6.23 vs. $3,479,900 or $3.98 in the same 1947 period. Owens-Illinois Glass Co. earned $7,677,632 or $2.51 in 12 months ended June 30 vs. $16,384,027 or $5.60 !n the previous year. Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Co. net income for three months ended June 30 W'as $1,334,232 or $1.84 vs. a deficit of $160,735 for the same 1947 period. General Portland Cement Co. earned $1,859,300 or $1.85 in six months ended June 30 vs. $1,058,500 or $1.05 a year earlier. Caterpillar Tractor Co. profit for six months ended June 30 was $1, 8*1.071 or 97 cents vs. $3,527,608 or $1.87 in the same 1947 period. North American Rayon Corp. earned $1,542,240 in 24 w'eeks ended June 12 vs. $1,905,474 a year earlier. National Tea Co. profit for 24 weeks ended June 19 was $1,934,281 or $2.91 vs. $1,467,576 or $2.23. Glenmore Distillers Co. earned $1,180,535 or $1.09 in six months ended June 30 vs. $2,119,313 or $2.08 a year earlier. Sharpe & Dohme, Inc., net in come for three months ended June 30 was $767,145 or 72 cents vs. $871, 770 or 85 cents. Detroit-Michigan Stove Co. profit for six months ended June 30 was $1,265,160 or $1.31 vs. $1,232,372 or $1.27 in the same 1947 period. Sloss-Sheffield Steel & Iron Co. earned $1,139,188 or $2.29 in six months ended June 30 vs. $872,398 or $1.58 a year earlier. Rotary Electric Steel Corp. net for nix months ended June 30 was $1. 098.353 or $6.30 vs. $401,113 or $2.30 in the same 1947 period. American nemoerj v orp. earned $596,172 or $1.97 in 24 weeks ended June 12 vs. $763,169 or $2.56 a year earlier. Waldorf System. Inc., net for six months ended June 30 was $264,776 or 62 cents vs. $278,096 or 65 cents In the same 1947 period. Globe-Wernicke Co. earned $154. 225 or 48 cents in six months ended JMfie 30 vs. $253,860 or 87 cents a * .ear earlier. N, Y. STOCK EXCHANGE i (Furnished by (h« Assorts ted Pres*.) I Bales— Stock and Add Net Dividend Rate 00 High. Low. 2:30. edge. ACP-BRILL MO 5 5 4% 5 Acme Steel 4a . 1 52% 32% 52% Adams Exp *.«e 12 20 19% 22 + % Addresso-Mult t, 3 38*4 38*4 38% + >4 Admiral Cp 30e 9 la 13% 1« +1 I Air Reduction l 9 22>4 22% 22*4 ! Alaska Juneau.. 4 3% 3% 3%+94 [ Aldens Inc 1 % . 1 18 18 18 + % : Alleghany Coro 8 3% 3% 3% + % ' Alleghany Co of 14 50% 50 50% + % ; Alleg Lud 8<le._ 3 29% 29% 29%+1 I Allen Ind*.30e . 3 9% 9% 9% , Allied C&Dve fla 7 190 189 190 +2 j Allied Kid l'4a 4 1# i» 19 -% ! Allied Mills 1 %e 5 28% 28 28*4 + % i Allied Strs 3 24 33% 32% 32% - % I Allis Chaim 1 fiO 20 36% 35% 35%+ % I AlhsChal pi 3V« 7 94% 93V. 93V* - % | Alpha Portl >4e 5 30% 29% 30V* + % 1 Amal Leath 30e 11 5% 5% 5% - % Amerada Pet 3. 3 109% 107% 109%+2% Am Airlines . 22 8% 8% 8% 1 AmAlrlpI3'4 6 59 58 59 Am Cable * Rad 19 5 4% 5 + % Am Can 3 x 3 83% 83 83% +2% Am Car&Fd.v lie 6 43% 43% 43% + % Am CarftP pi 7 1 89% 89% 89% - % Am Cb&Cbl 1 40 2 23% 23% 23% - % I Am Coltyp 1.20a 1 16% 16% 16%-% I AmCvanamid 1 a 6 *7% 36% 37 + % I AmCvamld3%Df 3 101% 99% 301%+4 Am Distillers 2. 1 36% 36% 36V* + % | Am Encaus Vie.. 2 5% 5% 5% — V* Am Export L 2 3 15*4 15% 15*4 + % Am & Prcn Pwr 5 3% 3% 3% + % I Am A P P 2d pf 4 11% 11% 11%+% AmHomePr 1.20 18 24% 23% 24%+% Am Ice 60e ... 4 7 6% 7 - % Am LOCO l 40._ 17 22% 22 22 +% Am Metal *4e .. 3 31% 31% 31%+ % Am Molass 30e. 6 8% 8 8 + % Am Power & Lt 21 9*4 9% 9% AmP&L 6pI4,4k 3 88% 88% 88*4- % Am Radlat 40e. 45 15 14% 14*4- % Am Seating le . 3 24% 24% 24%+% Am Sm&R l'4e 11 60*4 59 60%+l% Am Steel Fdry 2 4 30% 30 30% + % Am Stores 1.40a 1 23 23 23. + % Am Sum Tob 2. 2 18% 18V* 18% Am Tel & Tel 9 28 153% 153% 153% + % Am Tobacco 3a. 14 57% 56% 57% + % Am Viscose 2a 13 67 66V. 67 + % AmWatWks 30e 13 7% 7% 7%+% Am Woo'en 8 . 25 53 51% 52*4+1% Anaconda l*4e. 30 36*4 35% 36% +1% tAnac Wire le. 190 37*4 37 37*4+ *4 Ander Clayt 2a. 2 54% 54% 54*4 Ander-Prich 1 . 36 29% 28% 29'/* +1% Armco Steel 2b 38 28% 28 28% + % 'ArmcoStt Pf4‘4 30 98 97% 98 + % Armour&CoI .20 36 12*4 12% 12*4+ V. ArmstCork 80e 5 54 53 53 +1% 'Arm Corkl54of4 50 111 111 111 -% tArmstng pi 3% 50 96% 96 96*4 + *4 Artloom Crpt 1 b 3 16% 16% 16% + % Asad Dry G 1 80 6 16% 15% 16% + % *Asso D G 1st 6 20 104 104 104 Aisociat Inv 2._ 2 30% 30% 30%+% Atch T & S F 6 41 110% 108 110%+2% A T P Inc %e . . 5 16% 16 16% + % Atl Coast Line 4 3 56% 56% 56% + % Atl Refining 1 >4 30 44% 43 44% +1% tAtl Refln ofA 4 20 109% 109% 109% + % * Atl Ref DfB3% 60 94 94 94 -% Atlas Coro 1 80 5 21% 21 21%+% 'Atlas Powd le 410 52 51 51 -1 'Atlas Pow of 4 120 108 108 108 -1% Austin Nichols.. 1 6% 6% 6% + % Autocar Co '*n 6 11% 11% 11% +1% Auto Canteen 1. 2 15 15 15 — % Avco Mfg ,35e . 43 6 5*4 6 + % BABBITT 1.20 2 15% 15% 15% - % Baldwn Loco Vat 8 14% 14% 14% + % Balt ft Ohio 85 15'/* 14*4 15%+% Balt* & Ohio of 33 26*4 25% 26%+1% Bangor&Arostk 7 28% 26*4 28'* + % 'Bang & Ar pf 6 20 75% 75% 75% - % Barker Bros le_ 2 25% 25 25%+1% 'Barker pf 2V* 170 45 44 45 Barnsdall Oil 2. 9 39*4 *9 39%+ % Bath Iron Wks. 7 11% 10*4 11%+% Bayuk Cig l%a. 5 19»4 19% 19% - V* Beatrice Fds 2a. 1 35% 35% 35% — % 'Beat Fds pf3*. 10 86 86 86 -1 Beaunit Mills 2. 1 18*4 18*4 18% + % 'Beck Sh of 4%. 20 91 91 91 Beech Aircraft.. 17 13% 12 13%+1% Bendix Asiat 2 20 33% 32% 33%+1 BenlndLoan 1% 9 24% 24% 24%-% Best & CO 2 -. 1 27V, 27V. 27% - Vi Best Foods 2a 6 33% 33% 33% + % Beth Steel 1 20h 84 35% 34% 35% + % Bigelow SnVih. 1 31% 31% 31%-1 BirmghmEl ,30p 2 10% 10% 10% Black*Deck 2a. 3 33*4 33% 33*4+% Blaw-Knox Vie. 12 16% 16V* 16%+ % Bliss E W 2_ 3 29 28 29 +1 Boeing Alrpl le. 14 24*4 24% 24*4+1 Bohn Alum *<«. 1 30% 38% 30% — % 'Bon Ami A 4a 110 79 78 78 -2 'Bon Ami B 2%e 80 41 41 41 -% BordenCo 1.20e 6 42% 42 42—+% Borg-Warner 4. 17 60% 59 60%+ % Boston & Me_ 1 4% 4% 4*4+ % Branlff Air_ 17 8% 8% 8*4+ % Brldgept Brass 11 9% 9% 9% Briggs Manufe 2 7 32% 31 32'4+l% Bristol-My ,80e. 4 30% 30 30V* + .% □ UBJIUP-Al lUt B Budd Co 20e.._ 31 10% 944 10%+% Bullard Co %e.. * 17% 17% 17%-% Bulora wtcb 8a. . * 38 37% 38 BurllnzMUU 1% *7 22% 21% 22%+ 44 Burl Mis e»pf344 2 91% 91 91%+1% Burr Add M 80. 43 18% 13% 16 + 44 Bush Term 441.. 3 8% 8% 8% + % Butler Bros 7 12% 11% 12%+% Byers A M Via . 8 24% 24 24% + % CAL BACK B%a. * 3«% 36% 36%+ % CallaimnZluc . • 2% 2% 2% + % Calumet&H .109 15 <4* 6% 6% + % Campbell Wy le 3 27% 26% 27%+1 Can Dry OA .80 28 11% 11% H44 Canad Pac 4*e_ 140 1544 15% 1544 + % Can Mills 2Vie._ 4 43 42% 43 + % Cap AdmaA .80* 1 154* 154* 154* —1% CapitalAlrllnes. 1 6% 6% 6% Caro Pwr & Lt 2 3 31% 304* 31%+1 Carrier Corp 10 164* 16% 164*+ % Carr&Grn 20a. 10 7% 7% 7% + % CaieJl 1.60a. _ * 454* 45 45%+1 CaterpUTract 3. 3 59% 58% 59%+1% Celanese Crp le. 63 334* 31% 33%+1% Celotex Corp 2.. 18 29% 29% 29%+ 4* Cen Azulr 1.60a 10 164* 16% 16% - % Cent Fndry'ie. 8 9% 9% 9% + % Cent of Ga»i 3 10% 9% 94* — % Cent of Ga of wl 3 34’* 34% 344* + Vi CentHudGas 52 1 7% 7% 7% - %; Cent R R N J • 4 25% 24% 23% + 4* Cerro de Pas 11 i 1 25’* 254* 254* + % Certn-tdPd 60a 13 16% 16% 16%+ % Champ Paper la 2 23 224* 224*- % Ches & Ohio 3 . 48 37% 37% 37% + % Chicago CP 60. J7 12% 12% 12%+ % Chi & East, III 12 74* 7% 74* + % Chi&East 111 A 1 e 21 154* 15% 15% a- % Chi Great West. 16 10% 10% 10%+ 4* Chi Grt West Dr <8 19% 19 19 — %' ChllndALA.. 4 13% 1544 13%+% Chi Ind * L B . 12 8 7% 8 + % Chi Mil St P&P. 49 11% 10% 11%+ 441 ChlMSPA-P pf«a 36 37% 36 37%+144 Chl&hWVig.. 36 21% 20 21%+ % Chi & N W pf 5- 9 as 44% 44%+1% ChiRIAP’ie. 12 37% 36 37%+1% Chi R I&P pf 6. 10 66% 65% 66% + % Childs Co_ 10 3% 3% 3% Chrysler 4_ 42 61 60% 61 + % cm G& El 40. 23 29 28% 284*+ % C IT Finance 2. 30 46% 444* 46%+1% City Ice &P 244 2 304* 30% 304* + ’.« City Invest .60.. 3 8% 8% 8% + % Clark Equip 2 _ 5 36% 36% 36% + % Clev El III 1.65e. 4 39% 39% 39% + ‘4 Clev Gr Br ,80e. 2 27% 27% 27% + % Climax M 1.20 8 15% 15% 15%+ % Clinton ind 2.40 6 26% 26% 26% + % Clufctt Pbody le 8 35% 35 35 CluettPbdy 4pf4 2 89% 89 89% - % Coca-Cola 4 ... 2 163% 163 163%+% Colxatt-P-P 2a. 4 40 40 40 Colonial Mills 1 14 2J% 22% 23%+% Col Fuel & Ir la 56 19 18 19 + % Col Fuel&Ir pf 1 5 19% 18% 19% +1 Col BrdcastA le 7 26 25 26 +1 Columb Gas 60 106 127* 12% 12% + % Colum Piet 44f . 3 94* 94* 94* ColumCaroon 2a 1 334* 334* 334* + % Col&SO E 2.10e 2 41 41 41 Coml Credit 2 60 31 50% 484* 50% Coml Solvnt Vie 6 24% 24 24% +1 Comal Edls 1 40 22 27 26% 27 + % Comwl A South 229 3 3 3 Com&So pf7Vik 5 101 1004* 1004* Cong-Nairn lVi. 2 334* 33% 334*+%, Cons Cigar 2 __ 2 28 28 28 — 1%, Con* Cop .16e.. 21 5% 5% 5% + %| Cons Edls 1 60. 72 234* 23 234*+ % Cons Grocer* 1. 2 15% 15% 15% + % . Cons Nat Gal 2 3 45% 45% 45% Cons RRCuba of 8 25% 224* 23%+ %, ConsRetStr 1 20 2 13% 13 13 + V* 1 Cons Text 120b 2 12% 12% 12% • ; Coni Vuitee 71 10% 9% 10%+ % Consum Power 2 2 34% 34% 34% — %! ’ConsumP pf4Vi390 102% 101% 102 — % , Contain Corp 2a 2 354* 354* 334* — V* Cont Bakina I 13 154* 15% 13% Cont Can 4*e 8 354* 35 35% + % Cont lnsurance2 3 55% 55% 53% — % Cont Motors 36 8% 8% 8% + % ContOllDel 1 Vie 33 60% 584* 60% +1% Cont Steel le... 3 164* 16 164*+ % Cooper-Bess 1 6 264* 26V* 264* + % Coprwld Stl 1 20 12 18% 17% 18% + % Corn Prod 2 IOe 9 63% 624* 63%+% Corn-Dub E 80 II 12 11% 12 + % CornlnaGlass Vi 3 20 19’+ 20 Coty Inc_ 3 4 4 4 — % Coty Ini 20r .. 6 2% 2% 2% , Crane Co t 80a 13 35% 34% 35% + % CreamerlesAm 1 3 10% 10% 10% Crown Cork Vih 8 22% 21 22% + % Crown Zel 1.60e 14 30% 30% 30%-% Crucible Ste*i 8 23V* 25V* 25% + % Cuban-A S 2Vie. 3 14% 14% 14%+% CudahyPack HOa 7 11% 11% 11% - % Curtis Publish 39 11% 11% 11%+ % Cur Pb pr pi 3a 1 57% 57% 57% + 4* Curtias-Wr 2e .719 12 il% 12+4* Curtiss-Wr A 2 18 26 25% 25%+% DANA CORP 4*e 3 25 23 25 + % Davtsn Chm la 7 254* 25 25% + % Oaytn P&L 1 80 9 29% 29% 29% + % Dayton Rub 1.20 9 12% 12 12% + % Decca Record % 5 84* 8% 8% Deep Rock Oil le 2 36% 36 36%+ % Deere & Co 1_ 8 384* 37% 384*+1% Deere pi 1.40 . 3 31% 31 31%+% Del & Hudson 4 7 474* *7% 474* +1 DelL&W'ie . 33 11% 11% 11%+ % Den&RGWle. 34 35% 334* 35'.*+% Den&RGWpflOe 13 52% 514* 52%+1% Detroit Ed 1.20 9 21 20% 21 DetMlcnStO 80s 6 12 11% 12 APR aim * «-f T4‘/H Diam T Mot It 3 16'* 167* 16‘* Dlst Co-Era 6tl 29 17'* 16>« 177* + V* Dixie Cub 1 2 367* 367* 367* OoetUai-Jar 1 Vs 7 357* 357* 35‘* 4 V* Dome Mn 6*e 10 14% 14v» 147* + 7* Dow Chem 're 19 457* 44% 457* 4 ** DowCh 2d ofSV. 3 1037* 1027* 103’%427* Dresser Ind 174 7 27 26 27 w417* Du Pont 4e 10 1807* 178 1807* 4 7* DuPont37sBf3’s 2 977* 97 977* 4 7* EAGLE-PI 1.80 12 21 20'* *207*- 14 j Cistern Air Une 13 167* 167* 167* 4 ** . east State Steel 2 177* 177* 177* 4 a* 1 Cast Kodak Hie 10 41% 407* 41% 4 7* Eaton Mix 3 3 617* 60% 617*4 >* EdlaBrStr 174a 4 18 177* 17% 4 7* Sales— Stock and Add Mat Dividend Rate. 00. High. Low. 2:30. chge Bkco Prod 1 20 5 13% 13% 13% - % Kies Stop N y«e. 2 6% 6% 6% El Auto-Lite 3S 50 49% 50 +1% Elec Boat t_13 14% 13% 14%+ % El A Music .16g 14 1% 1% 1%- % El Power ft Lt 33 21% 20% 21%+% El PftL 7pl 5’.ik 1 152 152 152 -1 | El StoraeeBet 8 V 52% 52% 51%+1% Elliott Co %e . 8 24% 24% 24% + % ElPasONGs 2.40 2 67 66% 67 +2 EmerElecMl . 11 17% 17% 17%+ % Emer Redio .80. 10 13% 13 13% + % Eoult OB Bldg.. 32 4% 4% 4% Erie R R 1 ..83 15% 14% 15% + % Evans Prod % 3 16 15% 16 + % Ex-Cell-O 2 63.. 1 41% 41% 41% - %l Exch Buff 60b 2 6 6 6 FAIRBANKS 1 e 1 47 47 47 + % PajardoSug 2%e 5 29% 29 29 Farnsworth 74 10% 10 10% + % Pedders Qul .60 19 14% 14 14% + % Fed-Mogul 1.60 2 17% 17 17%+1 Federal D 8trs 2 15 28% 28 26% + % Felt ft T 1.40a 2 21 20% 20%- % FerroEnam 1.40 2 22% 22% 22%-% Fid Phoenx F 2a 1 61 61 61 +1 Firestone T&R 4 14 48 47 48 +1 Firestone pi 4% 1 105% 105% 105% - % First N Str 2%e 1 57% 57% 57% + % FirthCarpetl .60 3 18% 18% 18%+% Plintkote 2a 20 35% 35% 35% + % Florence Stv le 8 32 31% 32 + % Flor Shoe A ,90e 1 15% 15% 15% + % Flonaa Pnw I 22 15 14% 15 Pollans Stl 1 tie 10 30% 29% 3C% +1% FoodFalrSt 40b 11 11% 11 11% + V, tFoodMch Pl3y« 20 101% 101% 101% -1% Foster Wheel 1 3 33 32% 32% + % Francisco Sugar 2 13% 13% 13% Frank Sirs 80a. 2 8% 8% 8% - % FreeportSul 2% 4 43% 43% 43% + % Pruehauf Tra ) 13 20% 20% 20% + % GAIR ROBT 40 18 8% 8% 8% + % □air R p{ 1.20.. 1 18% 18% 18%+ % Gar Wood Ind . 14 8% 7% 8% + % GarWdpIl'.k. 2 40 39 39 Gaylord Co 1 %. 7 21% 21% 21%+% Gen Am Ipv 40 15 16% 16 16 GenAmTr pI4y« 1 103% 103% 103% - % Gen Cable "le 37 14 13% 14 + % tGen Cigar Dl 7 30 132% 131% 131%-1 Gen Elec 1.60 48 39% 38% 39-/» +1 Gen Foods 2 7 38% 38% 38% - % Gen Foods pl3% 1 94 94 94 —1 Gen instrumt t 9 11% ll% 11% + % tGen Mills p!3% 2 105 105 105 Gen Motors 3 68 60% 59% 60% +1 Gen Mot Dl 3% 2 97 97 97 Gen Port C’ie. 19 20% 20 20*/.+ % Gen Precis Ea 1 2 14% 14% 14% + % GenPuoSvc ,20g 2 3'% 3% 3% + % Gen Pub Dtll 80 18 13% 13% 13% + % Gen Ry Signal 1 4 24% 24 24% + % Gen RealtyftOt. 5 5% 5 5% + % Gen Retract le * 27% 27 27% tGenStlC Pl4'/ak 40 123% 122% 123 +1% Gen Teleob 2 7 25 24% 25 Gen T Inst 1.60a 2 28 28 28 + % Gen TireftR la 4 25 23% 25 +2 Gillette Sal 2%a 6 32% 32 32%+ % Glmbel Bros 2 14 20% 19% 20% + % GllddenCo 1 40a 13 24% 23% 24% GoebelBrew .10e 8 5% 5% 5% - % Goodrich BF 2e 10 59V. 58% 59 +1 GoodyearTftR 4 19 42% 42% 42% + % tGold Stk Tel 8. 10 117 117 117 -1 Goth Hos 1.60a_ 1 19% 19% 19%-% Graham-Palge.. 73 4 3% 4 + % Grand Union 2. 1 38% 38% 38%+1 GranlteC Stl lie 3 28% 28% 28% + % Granctwnia 4 28 28 28 GraysonRob Vie 5 11% 11% 11% -% GtNl Or cl l'/.g 1 14% 14% 14%+% Gt Nor Ry Dl 3 16 44% 44% 44% + % GtWstSug 1.60a 7 21% 21% 21»/a+l tGtWestSug pI7 10 140% 140% 140% -2 Green H L 2a.3 36% 36% 36% - % G.evbound 1 77 12% 11%. 12 + % tGreyhnd pi 4V< 30 95% 95% 95% Grumman lh 12 23% 22% 23%+1% GuantanSugle 7 6% 6% 6% Gull MobftO Vae 22 18% 17% 18 + % Gull 011 3_ 27 73 71 72%+2 Gull Sta Util 1 18 17% 16% 17% + % HART SCH 2.40 1 30 30 30 +1% Hayes Ind Vae _ 2 9% 9% 9% + % Hayes Mlg 45e. 20 9% 9% 9% + % Hazel-A tl 1 20a. 3 22 21»+ 22 + % Hecht Co 1.60.. 2 26 25% 26 - % Heinz 1.80.. ... 6 39 38% 38*%-1 Helme G W 4 . 2 60 59% 60 Hercul Pwd .70a 13 51% 50% 51 +1 Hewltt-Rbnz la. 2 24 23% 24 +1 Heyden Chem 1 2 23% 23% 23% + % HindeftDau 1%# 2 30 30 30 -2 Holly Sugar 1... 9 26% 25% 26% Homestk Min 2 _ 1 36% 36% 36% + % Hooker Elec .60a 5 31 29% 31 + % Houd-Herzb v,e. 12 13% 14% 13% + % Houd-Her pI2V« 1 40% .40% 40% — % Household Fin 2 1 32 32 32 + % Houston L&P 2. 2 44% 44% 44% Houston Oil le.. 17 33 32 33 +1% HovreSnund2 4 42 41% 42 + % HudsonMot 40a 31 19% 18% 18% + % IlUilll ruuiw 1... * 4-/ 47 Hupp Corp— 12 3% 3% 3% + Vi HsmanRfgr ,66a 2 12% 12% 12% + % IDAHO PW 1.80 1 32% 32% 32% + V* III Central 43 38% 37% 38%+1% Illinois Power 2. ■ 3 26% 26% 26% + % III Term RH .72. 4 io% 10% 10% Ind Pr 4t L11 ti. 2 22% 22% 22% - % IndustRayoo a. 3 47% 46% 46%—% Intersol-Rand-- 1 70% 70% 70% +1% Inland Steel la. 12 43% 42 43% +2% Inspire! Cop le. 17 19% 18% 19 + % Interoon Ruft .2 3 3 3 Interlakelr .60e. 14 14% 14% 14% + % Int Bu* Mach 4. 1141 141 141 -1 Int Harrst 1.40. M 31% 31% 31% + % 'int Barra of 7.130 166% 166 166% - % Int Hydro DA.. 2 7% 7% 7% Int MACh 1.60. 12 31% 30% 31% +1% Int Mining_ 3 3% 3% 3% Int Nickel 1.60. 49 30% 30 30% +1 Int Paper**_ 18 59% 57% 59%+2% IntRyCenAm. 2 10% 10% 10%+ % Int Shoe 2%*--. 1 42% 42% 42% + % Int Silver 4e_ 3 60% 59 60% +3% Int Tel* Tel_77 14% 14 14%+ % Int TiT torn et. 3 14% 14% 14% + % Intertype 1.20e. 5 32% 32 32%+% IsCrkCoa! 1 35h 2 37 37 37 + % JACOBS PL 1 7% 7% 7% + % Jewel Tea 2 40a 2 45 45 45 tJewel T pf 3?i. 10 98 98 96 - % Johns-Man ,70e. 12 37 35% 37 + % Johns-M pf 3%. 3 106% 104% 106% +2 Jones & L StJ 2. 18 34% 33% 34%+ % Joy Mania 2 40a 8 36% 35** 36%+1% Kan City 8outh. 21 40% 39% 40?*+1% KarserJla .. 2 16 15’* 15'* Kelsev-H A 1%. 1 24 24 24 - % Kelsey-HaBl’i* 2 20% 20 20%+ % Ker.necott 1 tie. 28 56?* 55% 56?*+1% Kern C Land 3a 1 45% 45% 45% + % Kiraorly Cl 1.40 2 21% 21% 21% •Kimb-Clrk of 4 20 103 103 103 - % tKInney pf 5. . 10 68% 68% 68% Koppers Co 1.60 7 33% 33 33%+ % Kresge S S 2 11 36 35% 35** + % Kroger CO 2.40. 5 44% 44% 44%-% LACLEDE G 20 9 5% 5% 5?* La Cons pf 86 .. 2 8'* 8% 8?*- % Lambert Co l1*. 3 21% 21% 21%+ % Lane Bryant I . 3 12% 11% 11% - % Lane Wells 1.60. 3 26?* 26% 26%+% LeeRub&Tlre 2a 1 40% 40% 40% - % Lee A Sons 1.40 1 24% 24% 24% Lehigh C A N 1. 5 11?* 11% 11?*+% Leh Port Cem 2. 6 35 34?* 34% Leh Val Coai 21 4% 3?* 4% + % Leh V Coil2oIti 2 8% 8% 8% - % Leh Valle* R R. 5 7 e% 7 + % Lehman 3.20e - 36 *7% 47 47% Lebn&Fink tie. 2 10 10 10 - % Lerner Strs I % 4 23% 22% 23%+% Llb-O-P Glass 2 13 51% 50% 51%+ % Lib McN&L tie 23 9?* 9% 9?* + % Life Saver 1.20e 2 35% 35% 35% - % •Ligg * My Pf 7 170 166 163 165 -1 Lima Ramil 60. 12 11% 11% 11%+ % Link-Belt 3tie.. 2 63 63 63 +1 Lion Oil 3_ 29 46% 44% 46%+2% Llauld Carbo 1. 18 18% 18 18%+ % Lockheed tie... 23 22% 22 22 + % Loew’s Inc lti 21 16% 16% 16?*+% LoneStirCeStia 1 62 62 62 + % Long-Bell A 80k 7 27 26% 27 Lorlllerd PI .10 19% 19 19% LouG&EAlti. 1 23% 23% 23%-% Loweniteln 2a_. 12 32% 31 32%+ % Lukens St) ,40a. 3 20?* 20% 20?* +1 MACK TRK tih. 19 23% 23% 23% Macy R H 7_ 2 35% 35% 35%+% Magnayox 1_ 1 14 14 14 + % Manatl Sug 1 %g 3 9% 9 9 — % Marie Oil lOg 88 11% 9?* 11%+1% Marathon Crp I 6 22% 22 22% + % MirlneMidl 40* 21 7% 7 7% + % Marsh Field 2-. 6 24% 24% 24%+% Martin OL .. 12 16% 16% 16%+ % Math Chem 1 tie 12 37 36% 37 + ?* Msv Dept Str 3 . 4 44% 44 44% - % •May Dept of3% 70 91% 91% 91% + % •MayStrs pfn3V« 10 90 90 90 -1% Maytag Col... 3 10% 10% 10%+% Maytag pf 3_ 1 40 40 40 + % McCroryS 1 40a 1 32% 32% 32% - % McGraw Hill la 1 28% 28% 28% + % McIntyre 2 Ola 4 49 48 49 + % McKess&R 2.40 7 32% 32% 32% - % McLellan Str la 8 23% 23% 23% Mead Corp 1'-ae. 1 19% 19% 19% + % Menaei Co la 2 16 16 16 + % Mercant Strs I 39 IS 17% 17% + % Mesta Mach 2ti 1 41% 41% 41% - % • Met Ed Pi 3.90 30 100% 100% 100% -1 Miami Cop %e 8 16% 15% 16% + % Mld-ConPetltta 12 56% 55% 56 +2 Midi Stl Prod la 4 42 41 42 -% Mlnn-Hon Ra 2a 18 45% 44% 45%+2 Minn Moline 16 16% 16% 16% + % Minn k St L tie 2 13?* 13?* 13% + % USP&SSMA1# 8 12% 11% 12%+1 Mission Corp 1*. 5 62 <1% 62 +2 Mo-Kan-Texaa 85 8% 7% 8% + 1* Mo-Kan-Tex pf 116 30% 28?* 29% +1 Mohawk Crot 2a 1 40 40 40 - ?* Moiud Hos SOa. 4 13% 12% 13% + % Monsanto Cb S. 16 55% 54% 55%+1% Mont* Ward 2* 38 55% 55 55% + % M-McC Lin 1 tia 6 15% 14% 15%+ % Morrell&Co 1 tia 1 25 25 25 Motor Prod lti* 6 26% 25% 26%+% Motorola tie IS 16% 15% 16% + % Muenei Bra .60* 1 19% 19% 19%+ % Mullins Mfg la 23 79% 29% 29*a+ % Murphy GC lti* 5 42% 42 42%+ % Murray Corp 1 6 14 13% 14 + %l NASH-KEL 70* 37 18% 17% 18% + % •Nash C&StL 1* 60 24% 23% 24%+% Nit Atrlir*es 3 7% 7** 7*4 + i/4 Nat Auto Fi 55e 8 ll»,i 1H* 11H+ *4 NatAviat.loe 24 112 12*4+ */« ,'iaioiai.uii 1 uu» 4o«| ^ Nat Can 4 7V* 7V* 7V* NatC Reg me 8 44 43'* 4a + V* Natcomaln 1 20 21 11V* lit* 11V* + v* NatCvlGaa $0 5 12V* 12V* 12V* 4- V* Nat Dairy 1 80 20 29V* 28V* 28t» - V* Nat Dent Stria 6 17V* 17 17V* + V* Vat Dtatiller* 2 30 19>* 19 19V* + V* Nat Enamel 2e. 1N 4li/* 41V* alv*+iv* Nat GJDsum v.« 26 17‘* 16V* 17t* + v* tNat Gyp pf 4 V* 10 93V* 93'/* 93'/*- V* Nat Dead 1 a 12 3) 31V* 33 +1V* Nat Mai Stl .40* 3 21t* 21V* 21t* +1V* Nat Steel* 9 96 99 96 +1V* Nat Bug Ref m* S 23V* 23V* 23V* - V* Nat Supply 1... 32 Z2V* 21V* 22V* +1V* Nat TealV*_ 3 26V* 26V* 26V* + V* Sale*— _ Stock and Add ' Set Dividend Rate. 00. High. Low. 2:30. chge. Natomaa Co 1_ 2 11 . 11 11 + Vi Nehl Coro 1_ 4 1544 145b 154* + 4* Newberrv JJ 2- 1 325* 325* 325*- 4* NEnslISmi- 7 105b 105* 105b + 4* Newmont M1 V«a 3 57 5644 57 + 44 Newpt Indust 2 3 205b 2044 2054 + 4b Newpf NewsS 3a 5 275* 274b 275* + 5b N ¥ Cent R R _ 90 165* 164b 164b + 4b N Y Chi A 8t L 13 61 80 81 + 144 N Y CAStL pf9k 4 155 1324b 135 +4 N Y N H A Hart 9 125b 125b 125* + 4b NYNHAHol. 5 355b 344* 355b +154 NY Shipbldg sie 2 1644 164b 1644 + 4* i Noma Elec 1.20a 3 1554 155* 155* - 4* NopcoCh 80e._ 3 3044 3044 3044 -244 NorlAWesterp 3 6 59 SB’/* 59+5* No Am Aviation 76 125b 115b 1244 + 5b Worth Am Co 54b 15 155* 155b 1554 + 4b NorNalGas 80e 8 33 325b 325* + 44 North Pacific le 28 2354 225b 234b + 54 Northw^t Alrl 10 1354 13 1344 + 44 NrthwAir ofl 15 10 2244 22 2244 + 44 •Nortbwn Tel 3. 20 3744 3744 3744 - 44 OHIO EDXS 2__. 2 325» 3254 325b - 44 Ohio OU la 36 3744 355b 3744 +15b o: verCorp lVae 17 335* 3 244 3 35*+ 5b •Oliver pf 44fc-_ 60 10454 10454 1045* + 5* Omnibus Up __ 5 105* 1054 1054 + 5* Oppenheim Col. 2 2 2 /4 2 244 2 744 + 44 Otis Elev 1'ae._ 6 3444 335b 3444 + 5b Owens XU Gl .3 . 21 33 52 52 -144 PACAMFSHle 2 1344 1544 1544 + 54 nac Gas A Elr 2 7 34 3344 34 + 54 Pac Mills 32 4054 3954 4054 +244 Pac Tin Por.a 4 544 54b 54b + 44 Pac West Oil lie 2 5 2 5044 52 +2 Packard M15e 83 5 45* 454 Pan Am Air Vae. 35 1044 95* 1044 + 44 Panh E P L o 7 60>/a 5844 6044 +154 Panh P A R .30 40 954 B5b 954 + 5b Param Piet 2 50 22 2144 22 + 44 Park Utah lOe 9 244 244 244 Parke Dav l.OSe 19 285b 285b 285* - 4b Parker Rust 244 1 2844 2854 2844 + 44 Parm Trana .80 2 8'* 844 844 Patino Min 1 Via 12 164b 16 164b Pennev (JC> 2a 14 4544 «*'4 45 - 44 Penn GlaS 1.60 1 30 30 30 +144 Penn PAL 1.20. 16 1944 194b 19'4 + 4b Penn R R V»e 52 1954 19'* 195* + 44 ♦Penn Salt pf3'A 30 110 110 110 -1 PeopGasLt 4 4ae. 4 95 95 95 + 44 Pensi-Cola .30e 80 135b 135b 1344 + 44 Petrol Corn 30e 7 14 1354 14 + 44 PfelfferBrw 70s 4 1744 1744 1744 Pfizer CACo 2a 15 61 5954 6054 Phelps Dodg 3e 26 545* 53 5454 +154 • Phil C 65» pf 3 50 5254 5254 5254-'* ♦Phil Co $6 pf 6 10 99 99 99 -••* Phila Elec 1.20 6 23 225b 225b - '.a • Phila El pf4 40 20 11044 11044 11054 - 54 PhilARdg CAI 2 9 1854 18 1854 + 54 Philco Corp 2 10 4C54 39 40'/a +144 Philip Mor l '4a 4 295» 2954 295b + 5b Phillips Petrol 3 4 69 6854 69 +1 Phoenix Hos '*e 1 1244 12'/a 12'* -144 PilJsbury Mills 2 1 3354 j344 334b - 5b PittCokACh 60s 5 1344 13'* 13'* - ** Pitt Con Coal 2. 2 325b 325* 3254 + 44 FUtts Porg 44e _ 1 2044 2044 2044 + 44 PrttPlateGls >4e 2 3554 3554 3554 - 44 Pitts Screw ,30e 5 854 844 854 - 44 Pitta Steel 11 165b 155* 16»» + 5* tpittst BpflVak 360 85 8344 85 Pitts A West V* 7 23 23 23 +1'* Plttston Co 2... 10 405* 3944 40'* +154 Plym Oil 90e._. 15 555b 54 555b+25b Pond Creek 2e_. 2 4154 41 411* Pot ElecPwr 90 16 135b 1354 135b + 4b Pressed Stl Car. 4 94a 944 944 + 44 PressStlC pf 2Va 1 3054 30'* 3054+ ‘/a Proct A Gam 3a 8 6 8 665b 68 +14b PubSvcCo! 2.20 1 3754 3754 3754+'* Pub Svc ElAGas 11 22'* 215b 2244 + 44 Pub Svc EAG pf 16 2744 265* 27 + 44 Publicker 441... 9 2244 2144 2244 + 44 Pullman le_ 5 425b 4244 4254+ 44 Pure OU la . 75 355* 34'* 355* +l'/a PurltvBak 2.40a 6 32'* 32 32 QUAK STA ,70a 2 225* 225* 225*- 44 RADIO CRP.SOe 256 1254 12 1254+ 5b Radio-K-0.45e 27 844 844 844 + 44 •RR Sec I C Stk 300 3344 33'* 33'*- 44 Rayb-Man l’/ia. 1 30 30 30 -1'* Rayonler 54a_ 6 305* 3054 3054+ 54 Reading Co le.. 5 245b %#'* 2454 +144 Reevea Bros la. 12 1J5* 13'* 135*- 44 Reliance Mfg 1- 2 114b 11 1144+ ** Rem Rand lb . 22 13 1254 13 +44 Reo Motors 244a 5 22 2144 22+54 Rep Aviation . 78 114b io>* 11 + 44 Republic Picture 4 35b 344 35b + 4b Repub Steel la 65 29 28 29 +1 Rep Steel pf A 6 3 109 109 109 -1 RevereCABI. 11 18 17'* 18 + '* tRevCoppf 5Va. >0 92 92‘ 92+54 Rexall Drug 29 74* 65b 7'* + 5b Reyn Metals’*e 3 24'* 24 24 +1 Reynolds SDrlnt 2 9 9 9 ReynTobB 1.35* 25.37 365b 37 + 1* Rhee-vMfgl 60. 4 2154 2144 21'*- 44 Richfield Oil 2 . 86 425b 40 4254+2'* Rob-Ful Con '4e 21 1054 1044 1054 + 54 RbtShFlpf 1.1854 1 26'* 26>* 26>* + 1* RonsonArtl 20a 4 19 19 19 RoyalTypf 1.60a 2 21 21 21 Ruberoid le_ 2 62 60>* 62 +2 SAFEWAY ST 1 14 18>* 18'* 1854+ 44 St Jos Lead l'*a 4 535* 53 5354 + 5b »-* U»u nail _ *-*-/• i-' /B J % VB T" -r* St L San P pf 5 12 44 4) 43 + % St Reals Pap 00 30 11% 10% 11%+ % Sav Arms tie.IS 13% 13 13% + % SchenleyDlstll 2 42 31% 30 30%+ % Scranton Elec 1 3 j.5 IS is Scab AD Lina... 23 22% 22 22%+ % SeabFin 1.10a.. 4 17% 17% 17%+% Seabrd OU 1.00; 3 50 49 49% +1% Seata Boetck 1» A* 36% 37% 37% + % Seeg*r Rfgr .00* 2 11% 11% 11% + % Selberlhii Bub- 2 7% «% 7% + % Serve! Inc .30a 9 12% 12 12%+ % ShamroekO 1.00 42 32% 31 32 +1% Sharon Steal 9. 20 40% 39% 40%+1% Sharp A Doh 1 2 24 24 24 Shattuck FQ la. 1 13% 13% 13% - % Shell Cn Oil le . 16 39% 39 39%+ % Sheraton Cp 40 3 6% 6 6% Silver King Col. 6 5% 5 ‘ 3% + % Simmons Cole 14 31 30% 31 + % Sim SAStl 1.30e 2 40 39% 39%-% S'nclair OU 2 . 266 26% 25% 26% +1% Skclly Oil 21 ab .. 2 141% 136 141%+5% Smith A O tih ._ 12 30% 28% 30%+2 Smith&Sons 2a. 1 35% 35% 35%+1 Socony-Vac 1 160 19% 18% 19% + % Solvay AM pf 4. 2 102 102 102 +1 So Am Gold tie. 2 3% 3% 3% So Caro EAO 'i 6 7% 7% 7% + % SCEAG cvpf2ti 2 53% 53% 33%-1% So P Rico S 6e . 3 41 40% 40% + % SeastGreyL 1.60 7 13% 13% 13% Sou Cal Edls 1 ti 17 30% 30 30% Sou Nat Gas 1% 16 29% 28 29%+1% Southern Pae 4 58 56% 53% 56% +1% Southern Rwy 3 27 46 44% 46 +1% Southern Ry of5 2 68 68 68 Sparks-W .20e.. 16 6% 6% 6% + % SDencer Kell 2.. 5 24% 24% 24% - % Sperry Corp 2.. 20 28 27% 28 + % Spiegel Ine ... 11 10% 10% 10%+ % 'Spiegel pf 4% 90 70 70 70 Square D Co tie 3 19% 19% 19% Squibb A Sons 1 1 23 23 23 - % tSquibb&S pf 4. 10 101% 101% 101% +1% Stand Brands 2. 3 27% 26% 27%+ % Std Gs&El S4Df IS 23% 23 23% + % Std GAE$7nr of 4 103 102% 102% Std OU Calif 2a. 10 64% B4% 64%+ % Std OU Ind 2a . 10 47% 46% 47%+ % Std Oil N Jer lb. 29 80% SO 80%+ % SdOUOhlOlti 6 29% 29% 29% + % Std Stl Sprg tie. 6 13% 13% 13% + % Sterling Drug 2. 3 36% 36 36% SteveniJP2a . 3 30% 30% 30% - % Stcwart-Wartie 1 14% 14% 14% + % Stok-V Camp 1. 1 14% 14% 14%+ % Stone&Web lie. 10 16 15% 16 + % Studebaker tie. 20 24% 24% 24% + % Sun Chem .00._ 1 9% 9% 9% + % Sun OU lb_ 5 67 67 68 +1% Sunray OU 80.. SI 14% 12% 12% - % Sujvav Dt B 1 ti. 4 22 21% 22 Sunshine Blsc 3 2 39 39 39 Sunshine M .00. 3 9 9% 9% + % Superheater la. 2 25 24 25 +1 Sup Oi: Calif 2e 1 2C5 205 205 +6 Superior Stl la. 2 17% 17 17%+ % Sutherld Pap 2a 2 40% 40% 40%-1 Swlft&Co 1 00a. 4 34 33% 34 + % Swift Inti ,40p 4 16 16 16 + % Sylvan Elec 1 40 3 22% 22 22% + % Syming-Gld tie 1 5% 5% 5% + % TELAUTOGRFH 1 5 5 5 + % Texas Co 3. 23 60% 60% 60% +1% TexOulfPro SBe 5 21 20% 21 + % TexOulfSul 3'/,e 2 65% 05% 65% - % rex Pac CAO 1 a 1 47% 47% 47% - % Tex Pac LT 70a 5 36% 36 36%+ % Tex & Pac Ry 4. 3 56 57 58 +1% Textron la ... 18 14% 14% 14% + % Textron of 1 Vi. 5 18% 18 18% Thatcher 30p .7 8 7% /% - % Thermoid tif... 7 8% 8% 8% + % Third Ave Tran« 6 11% 10% 11% + % ThomasStl 1 60a 7 21% 21% 21%+% Thoms Prod l»/«e 5 53% 51% 53%+2% Thompson-Star 4 3% 3% 3% Tide W OU 1.20a 48 27% 25% 27%+1% Timk-D Axle le 29 21% 20% 21%+% Tlmk Bear 1 tie. 10 51 49% 50 + % Transamer V«a_ 10 11% 11% 11% Trans A W Air. 5 13% 13% 13%+% Tri-Con Co %g. 77 8% 8% 8% + % Truax-Tra 1.30. * 17% 17% 17% + % Twent C-Fox 2. 25 20% 20% 20%+ % 20thC-Fx of 1 % 2 35% 35% 35% + % 20tbCn-F pr 4% 1 99 99 99 Twin City R Tr 4 6% 6% 6% + % tTwlnCit prltikl50 28% 28% 28%-% Twin Coach ... 3 10% 10% 10% + % UDYLITE 1 10 10% 10 10 - % Underwood 1 V,e 2 56 35% 36 UnAsb&Rubl. 3 13% 13% 13% Union Bat 2a 5 34% 33% 34% +1% Un Carbide Vih 68 40% 39% 40% +1% Un OU Cal 1,32e 53 35% 33% 33 + % Union Pacific 16 89 87% 89 Union Pacific pf 3 50% 50% 10% + % UuTankCar 2 00 3 39% 39% 39% Unit Air Llnea 19 14% 13% 14% + % Unit Alreraft le 10 28% 28 28 + % Utd Atrcraft pfS 1 109 109 109 + % Unit Biscuit la 3 21 20% 21 Ut BoardAC Vie 1 12 12 12 + % Unit Carbon S 3 33 33 33 + % Unit Cigar Whal 24 4% 4% 4% United Corp... 47 3% 3 3% + % Unit Coro of S 1 43% 43% 43% - % United Drewood 6 6% • 6% + % Utd Elec Coal 1. 13 23% 22% 23%+% United Fruit 2a 21 32% 32% 32% - % Unit M 4 It la 8 16% 15% 16%+% US&P Sec 1,85g 31 27% 26% 27% + % u s UTDSum a • imyj lira still* — w US Bolt Men Hi * 12 ill* 12 US Lines 2H 15 16H 151* 18X4+ 1* U S Pity Cd 2a _ 1 58H 56t* 56i*- i* U R Plvwood la 9 331* 32H 331* + 1* US Rubber* .. 11 45X* 441* 451*+ H US Puober InfS 1 1301* 130>* 1301* + 11* U S Smelt I He 4 50 48 SO +2 US Steel 2H*-. 90 791* 771* 79 +11* US Steel of 7 . _ 2 1371* 137H 137W - i* U S Tobae 1.20 2 x8>* 18V* 18* + i* Utd Stkyds 4Of 3 5'-* 5>+ 5>* - >* Ut StrsCd of He 2 10H 10** 10V* - V* Utd Walloao He 4 41* 41* 41* + V* UtWallBaDOfS 1 28 28 28 -11* Univ-Cjcloos 1. 3 17H 171* 171* + i* UnlT Lab 15 81* 8 SH + ** Univ LeafTob la 1 22 22 22 + V* Uni* Pictures 1 18 Id* 701* 101* + 1* VAN NORM He- 1 121* 121* 121* - 1* VANADIUM He 4 221* 211* 221*+ V* Vertient-C S 2a 4 13 121* 13 + 1* Vick Chem 1.20. 4 241* 241* 241* Stock Market Stages Brisk Rally, With Oils Taking Lead By th« Associated Press NEW YORK, July 20 —The stock market regained its balance today after a three-day spin that sent prices skidding downward at high speed. Oils developed the most strength on the comeback, with railroad and metal issues running close behind. Advances ranged from fractions to an extreme of 6 points. Only a handful of minus signs spotted the list. Trading started rapidly, but soon slowed. Superior Oil of California jumped ahead with a 6-point gain, follow ing a 20-point plunge yesterday. Also marked up were Nickel Plate, Texas Co., Gulf Oil, Mission Corp., Standard Oil of New Jersey, Il linois Central, Southern Railway, New York Central, United States Steel, General Motors, Curtiss Wright, Schenley, American Smelt ing, General Electric, Allied Chem ical. International Paper, Southern Pacific and United States Rubber. Railway obligations steadied in the bond market and United States Government issues charted a nar row course in over-the-counter dealings. In the curb higher prices were paid for Pantepec Oil, Cities Serv. ice and Niagara Hudson Power. Washington Exchange SALES Potomac Electric common—-150 at 13% Garflnckel common—100 at 21. Potomac Electric Power 3 60', preferred B’’—4:1 at 45, 25 at 45. Potomac Electric Power common—50 at 13’.. 200 at 13’c. Potomac Electric Power 3.60'r preferred "B '—200 at 45*4. Potomac Electric common—22 at 13’*. Mergenthaler Linotype—35 at 6154. Potomac Electric common—50 at 1.3’i. PUBLIC UTILITY BONDS Bid Asked Am T&T cv db 254s 1957 111*4 11284 Am T&T cv db 28«s 1961 10584 10654 Can Transit 1st rel 4s 1964 95 97 City & Suburban 5s 1948 100 ' _ Georgetown Gas 1st 5s 1961 112 _.. Pot Elec Pow 3541 19fl6 __ 105 _ Pot Elec Pow 354s 1977.. 108 _ Pot Elec Pow 3s 1983_10154 _ Washington Gas 5s 1960 12254 _ PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKS. Amer Tel & Tel (9 >_ 152 54 1 53 84 Capital Transit __ _ 16 17 N & w Steamboat <t4) 170 Pot Elec Power com (.901 1384 135, P El P 3.6051 pf • A" (1.80) 44 46 P El P 3.60’i pf ”B’’ (1.80) 45 46 Wash Gas Lt com (1.50) *25*4 2084 Wash Gas Lt cu nfd (4.25) 10254 1035b Wash Gas Lt cu cv pf (4.50) 104 54 _ BANK AND TRUST COMPANIES. Amer Sec & Tr new (tl.OO) 2954 3054 Bank of Betheada (tl.50)_. 40 _ Capital (.90) _ 2754 _ Com & Savings (tlO)_ 350 _ Liberty (8)_312 Lincoln (t6) . _ 330 _ Natl Sav & Tr (8 00) 420 _ Pr Georges B & Tr (tl.OO) 30 Riggs (12) . __ .. 320 835 Union Trust Co (tl.OO).. 35 Washington (6) 190 _ Wash Loan & Tr (TA)._ •330 _ FIRE AND TITLE INSURANCE American (16) _160 _ Columbia (t.30>_ 1254 1 354 Firemen’s (1.40) 31 _ National Union (.751_ 10 _ Real Estate (tfi) * 190 _ MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Corn '.2.001_ 25 30 Garflnckel com (1.50) . _ 2054 24 54 Garfl 55b’4 cu cv pf (1.375) 2454 2654 Garfl 45425- cu cv pf (1.125) 22 2354 Hecht Co (1.00) .. _ *2554 2654 Hecht 384% cu pf (3.75) ’8954 93 Lanston Mono it2.00) ._ 22 23 Mergenthaler Lino (al .50) 61 83 Natl Mtg & Inv pf Ip.45) 854 Peoples Dr St com It 1.60) 33 35 Security Storage <15> _108 125 Ter Ref & Wh Corp (3) 60 Wdwd & Loth com <t2.00) 5)4 *4 3554 Wdwd dt Loth (5).. 104 , . * EX dividend, b Books closed, t Plus extra or extras, a Paid so far this year, p Paid 1847. Chicago Grain * CHICAGO, July 20 m.—Aggressive buy ing In,the wheal pit. attributed to mills, gave wheat a firm tone during the morn ing Board of Trade session today. Brokers said that fairly liberal sales of flowr have bean made to chain batteries and the Government has asked mills to make offers of flour to bt submitted to day. The Commodity Credit Corp. made fairly heavy purchases during the Saturday Monday buying periods. In Chicago, 4, 422.500 bushels were taken. Kansas City reported sales of 150,000 bushels to the agencv. Other news was largely discounted by traders, although the firmer tone of stock was a trading factor. Corn and oats took their cue from the wheat action and advanced from morning low points. Oats, however, were draggy. Influenced by heavy shipments from the country. At noon wheat was 1*4 to 1*4 higher than yesterday s close. July. 2.2HH. Com was *4 lower to 1 cent higher. July, 2.10. Oats were unchanged to *, lower. July. 81J«. Rye was >4 to I cent higher. De ceember. 1.88. and soybeans were 2 cents to 8 cents higher. July, 2.81. Market Averages STOCKS. 30 15 15 60 Indst Rails, mil. Stks Net change_ -.7 +.3 +.1 +.5 Today noon-92.7 43.9 40 9 68.5 Prev day- 92.0 43.6 40.6 88.0 Week ago_ 97.1 47.8 42.1 72.1 Month ago_ 96.7 45.2 42.0 70.9 Year ago_ 94.9 35.9 42.9 87.2 1948 high_ 98.7 48 1 42.3 72.4 1348 low_ 83.3 34.3 38.0 603 BONDS. 20 10 10 10 10 Low Rail*. Indst. Ota. Pin. Yield Net change +.1 unc. —.1 —.1 —.1 Today noon 92.3 101.2 100.4 62.5 109.0 Prev day. 92.2 101.2 100.5 H2.6 109.1 Week e~o . 92.7 101.2 100.9 82.9 109.3 Month a;o 93.1 101.4 101.1 82.8 109.8 Year aeo . 94.5 103.4 105.5 72.0 114.9 1948 high. 93.7 101.8 102,0 66.9 110.6 1948 low 87.7 99.8 98.0 60.2 107.2 (Complied by the Associated Press.) Foreign Exchange NEW YORK. July 20 UP*.—Foreign ex cnange rates follow (Great Britain in dol lars. others in cents): Canadian dollar in New York open market. 7% per cent, discount, or 82.87% U. S. cents, unchanged. Europe—Great Britain, S4.03'/«. un changed: France (Franc), .32 5), of a cent, down .00%: Italy tlira), July fixed rate. .001739; June. .0O173P: Sweden (krona), 27.85. unchanged: Swltserland (franc) (commercial). 23.40. unchanged. Latin American — Argentina. free. 20.7ln. unchanged: Brazil, free. 550. un changed: Mexico. 20.61. unchenged. Salei— Stock and Add Met Dividend Rate. 00. High. Lew. 2:80. edge. Victor Chm .80e 1 42 42 42 -1 Va CarolinCbem 34 13% 12% 13% + % Va B&Pwr 1 20 10 17 18% 17 Va Railway 2%. * 3«% 36% 36% - % Va Rail of 1%.. 2 33% 32% 33% +1% Vtsktng Coro 2 4 35% 35 35 -1 Walker Htr l%e 5 23%' 22% 23% 4- % Walworth .40e_ 7 10% 10% 10% 4- % Ward Bak Sue. 17 15% 15% 15% 4- % Warner Broe 1. 34 10% 10% 10% 4- % Warren Pet 80 27 7» 26 29 4-1% Wash GasLt 1% 3- 26 25% 26 - % WayneKnltl 20a 1 17% 17% 17% - % Webster lobac 2 5% 5% 5% Wesson Oil 2%e .4 57 56% 57 4- % WstludSuglVba 22 23 22% 23 4- % W Penn Elec Vie IB 17% 17% 17% 4- % 'Ws Penn B Pf7 20 118% 118% 118% 4-1 W Va C&C 70* 5 21% 20% 21% 4-1% WVa PuloAP la 1 46% 46% 46% 4- % WesternAir Lin* 11 8% 8 8% 4-1% WestAutoSuo 8. 1 39 39 39 +1 western Ud ... 16 14 13% 14 4- % West Pae of 6.. 1 71% 71% 71%-1% West Do Tel la. 6 21% 21% 21% 4-% West Air Brk 2. 18 36% 36% 36% 4- % Westing Bee 1 34 28% 28% 28% 4- % WstngElPfB3.80 2 98 98 98 + % Weston B In 2. 1 34% 34% 34% -1 Wheel Steel 2 . 15 50% 49 50% 4-1% White Mot 1.60 5 20% 20% 20% 4- % White Sewing U 4 19% 18% 18%-% tWhite 8 M pf 4 290 118 117% 117% - % Wilcox 011 40a. 6 15% 15% 15% 4- % Willys-Overlane 37 10% 9% 10% 4- % Wilson&Co 1 Via 7 14% 14% 14% Wilson pf 4Va... 1 85 85 85 - % Wise Bee Pwr 1 2 16% 16% 16% 4- % Woolwortb 2» . 3 45% 45% 45% + % WorP&M'/ah. 1 19% 19% 19% 4- % Wrigley W Jr 8a 1 67% 67% 67% YALE Sc TWN 3,«e 1 29% 29% 29% - % York Core 2 13% 13% 13% 4- % YoungSpr&W 1 1 20 20 20 4- % Young Sb&T 4a 10 81 80% 80% + % ZENITH Rl%e 2 30% 30 30% 4- % Zonite Prod .10p 2 5 5 5 — % Hourly Sales on lb* exchange Today: 11:00 b.m. 360 000 12:00 noon 640 000 1-00 om 840 000 2 on Dm 1140 000 tUnit of trading. 10 shares. *In bank ruptcy or receivership, or being reorgan ized under the Bankruptcy Act. or secur ities assumed by such companies. Rates of dividends m -the foregoing table are annual disbursements based on the last quarterly or aemi-annual declaration. Unless otherwise noted, special or extra dividends are not included, cld Called, x Ex dividend, xr Ex rights, a Also extra or extras, b Plus stock dividend, d Cash or stock, e Declared or paid so far tbla year. 1 Payable in stock, estimated cash value on ex-divldend date, g Paid last year, b Declared or paid after stock dividend or split-up. k Declared or paid this year, an accumulative Issue with dividends In, arrears, p Paid this year, dividend omitted, deferred or no action taken at last dividend meeting, r De clared 1948 payable In 1949. yliqnidmt ing dividend, i Payable hi stock, exact cash value undetermined on declaration data. Crude Oil Production Off Slightly in Week •y tl.t Aisociatcd Prut TULSA, Okla., July 20.—Crude oil production in the United States during the week ended July 17 dropped an average of 35,800 barrels daily under the previous week's output, the Oil and Gas Journal re ported today. The Journal listed total average daily production for the week at 5,439.875 barrels. Texas, the country’s largest oil producer, was responsible for most of the decline. Th«^ State’s produc tion was off 37,025 barrels to 2,415, 475 barrels. Other losses were" by Oklahoma, down 4.700 barrels to 423,450; Mich igan. off 1.150 to 43,700; Colorado, 1,860 to 44,730, and the Eastern area 1,250 to 63,450. California dropped 450 barrels and Illinois was down 400 barrels. States witn major gains were: Kentucky, up 1.400 barrels to 24,600; Kansas, 5,350 to 300.350; Mississippi, 1,200 to 119,740, and Montana 1,050 to 25,940. N. Y. Bond Market "•ssK&s Si/'ssF-.aoar* TREASURY 2:30 2 Vis 72-07 Dec 100 10 NEW YORK CITY Ms 00 _ 10234 FOREIGN 2::-0 Akershus 4s 68. '4 Belgium 6 Vis*9 1003* Brisbane 5s 67 100 Chile esjanfll a 27*4 Costa Rica 7s5l 1534 Oenmk 4’ is 62. 6034 DOMESTIC 2:30 AmAirlines3s66 78 AmAF P 5&2U30 #53* Am TAT 234867 11234 Am TAT 234s61 106>/< Am TAT 23«s80 9234 AmTobacco3s62 10234 AmTobacco3s89 10234 A T S r 4s 95 12234 Atl Cl 1st 4s 52 1041/4 Atl Dn» Ist4s4 8 4634 BaltAOh 5s»5G 6534 BaltA05sK2000 65 BAO cv 4Vi2010 5234 BaltAOh 4s75A 9034 B A OPLE 4s 80 85 BAOSouDiv5s80 79 BufRochAPSTst 6534 Can Nat 4Vis57.11334 Can Pac 4s oem 9434 Caro CAO 4s 65 10734 Cent Ga 6s o9C 1134 Cent Ga cn6*45 69 CG4'.is2020Bwl 5634 Cen P 4 Vis 74 .100 Cn RR NJ 5s 87 71 ChiAE I Inc 97_ 4834 ChlIAL43i2003 52 CMStP4 Vis2019 69 CMStP4 Vis2044 5734 ChiANW 4Vis99 6634 CRIPln4 Vis2019 8534 CTHS 123443494 86 Cln GAE 23is75 9734 CCCStL 4 Vis 77 7434 Comwl Ed 3s 77 10134 Cons Ed ct 3s8310831 Cns Nt G 23488810134 Cons P 2Vis 75 9834 Del LAW4s2042 641/1 DAR In 4Vi2018 66 Fla E C 4Vis 69 102 GenReAUt 4s69 8334 Greyhnd 3s 69 10234 0 MAO 2044 B 63 HudAM in 6s 67 264* 1 C 44*1 66. 85 ICC StL 6s 63 A 97V* IntOtNor 6s 62 3644 Int O N I&t6s52 63 IntHydroE16s44 66 Leb VI 5s2008st 45 LebVal444s2003 40V* Leh Vtl 4s2003s 38 M8PSSM 4s 91. 50 M-K-T 6s 62 A 79V* M-K-T adj 6s67 74>/* Mo Pae 6V*s 49 27 Mo Pae 6s 77 P. 837a Mo Pac 5s 81 I 83 Mo Pac gn 4s 75 4SV* MorAE3‘*s2000 58 Nat8UDDly24i67 97?* N O T M 6a 64 93>* N O T M 5s 56 . 924* NYC rf 6s 2013 784* NYC 4V*s2013A 714* N Y C con 4s 98 65V* NYCHR 3l*s 97 86 NYNHAB 6s 40 82V* NYNHln41,*s’22 47V* NYNHH 4S2007 711/* NYOW rf 4s 92 9i* N Y O W f 4s 66 54* Nor Pac 3s 2047 65V* OrWSRRN 3s 601034* Pac GAE 3s 74 101V* PaeTAT 3V*s87 100V* Penn PALt 3s?510OV* PennRRg4V*s66104>* PennRR3V«s52 994* Phllinn Ry 4s 37 12V* Phlll Pet 24*s64 101 StLSP 44*82022 60V* 3tLSanPrn4s9? 85i/* StL SW rf 5s 90 100 Scab In44*s2016 704* Shell Dn 244*71 944* SoBellTAT 3*79100 Sou Pae 44*s 69 97 SoPac44*sOr77 103 So Ry tn 4a 56 954* SwiftACo24*s72 97 Texas Corn 3*651047* Third Are 5s 60 60 ToIAOC 844*60 100 VaElAPw34*s63112 West Md 4s 62. 101 West Un 6s 61 100V* Wise Cent 4a 49 674* N, Y. Curb Market LIST INCLUDES ONLY nunnD ininn J:3n Acme Alum Ai_34b Aireon Mia Co.. 4* Alum Ltd 2_49 Alum Co Am 2 _ 62Vi Am Bantam Car 2 Am General .86* 3 Am Lt A T .86*. lBi/i Am Maracaibo 3Vi Am Superpower IV* AmWrlt Pap Via «V* Anch Poat Pr V* 7 ArkNGas A .20* 644 AshlandOil 1.20 1S4* Atlaa Corp w w_ 5V4 Barium Steel... 6V* Basic Refret .40 64* Blue Rldae .40a 34* BrwnP Dlst ,80a 24 Buckeye P L.80 1144 Bnk Hill A 8 Via 2144 CalliteTuna_ 3 Carr Cona Bisc. 444 Catalln Am . 64* Cen&8 W Cp .70 9V4 Chi A So Alrl 7 Cities Service 2. 3344 Claude Neon . 244 Clinch coal la.. 45 Colon Develop . 644 Col Puel&Ir ww. 5V4 ColtsMfa 1 Via. 3444 Com! A Sou war 4fa Cons Gas Util Vi 1044 Cons Royal .14. 444 ContPdy&Ml. 1344 Copr Range Vie. 1444 Cosden Petro 7 Creole Pet 1.80* 4444 Croft Brew. .. 144 Crown Cent Pet 744 CrownDrua OS* 3 Cub Atl Sua 2a 1SV4 Dennison A .60* 1044 Derby Oil 1 Vie . 2484 DetGraylr 20a 3V4 Domestic Credit 3 East Sua pf33«k 55 El Bond&Sb V«* 13V* Equity Corp Vie 24* FairchldCm.30a 2644 Fairchild E A A 484 FanateelMetVba I2V4 iGenPlywood 40 7 Gleaner H 1.20a 30 □oldfield Cona_. % Hecla Min 1_ 13% Humble Oil l%s 75% imp Oil Ltd %_. 13% Imp Oil Ltd rt_. 1M« Int Petrol %_12% Int Products 1_. 13% Invest Roy .04a. 1% Kalaer-Frazer 9% Kingston Pr .20. 4 Kirby Pet 20a . 16% LakeShoreM 72 9% LakeyPdAM %e 7% Leonard Oil Dev Ms Long Island Lts. <M< Louis LAE la_. 21 Mezabi Iron_ 4% Mid West Crp Of 9% Mid-West Refln, 3% Nat Bellas ,20s_ 4% Nat Fuel 0.80. 11% Niagara Hud Pr 8% NorthropAlr v«c 12% Pantepec 1.28 19% Penn Traffic .30 5 Pennroad 40s_. /6% Pepperell 3a . 65% PharlsT&R lSe 4 Pioneer Oold 2W» Pltney-Bow 60a 12% Producers Corp. 2% R-K-O opt war. 2 Richmond Rad. 3% Rotary El 8tl le 39% Rowe Corp .80 . 8% SaltDomeO i %f 11 Schulte (DA)— 2% Segal Lock_ 1% Select Indus ... 3% Solar Alrc 30e_ 12% Solar Mfg. . .. 4% Std Power &Lt 2% Sterling Inc V«e. 6 Technicolor tie. 12% Trl-Contl w w . 3% Dnlt Alrc Prod 4% United Corp ww % United Gas %e 20 UnitLt&Rys 6Se 20% Ut-IdaboSu.lfie 2% Wright Hara .16 2Vie New .York Produce NEW YORK. July 20 ' irjpi.—Butter. 1.080, <85: easy. Wholesale [Trices on bulk carton—Creamery, higher than 92 score and premium marks (AA). 79-80. 92 score (A). 77: 90 acore <B>. 73-73*4: 89 score <C>. 72*4. (New tubs usually command Va cent a pound over the bulk carton price.) Cheese, ,786.854; steady; prices un changed. Egg prices were mixed in the whole sale market today. Receipts total 33,568 cases. Spot quotations follow: Midwestern—Mixed colors, fancy heavy weights. 53*4-65: extra 1 large. 50-61: extra 2 ■****■ <7-48; extra 1 medium. *£'*£ 1. 45-45*4; dirties, 38; checks, 36. Whites—Fancy heavyweights. 56-58. «tra 1 large. 53-5314: extra 2 large. 47-50'A; extras 3 and 4. 46V4-47V4: extra 1 medium. 64. Browns—Fancy heavyweighta, 65-57: .extra 1 large. 62-53; extra 2 large. 47-60. 3 and 4. 46-47: extra 1 medium Nearby—(Top quotation* on nearby white and brown eggs represent highest wholesale telling prices for the finest marks available, and not paying prices to pro ducers or shippers.) whites, extra fancy heavyweights. 67-68; fancy heavyweights. 00-85: other*, 58-62; mediums. 59-61; pullets. 46-48. Browns, extra fancy heavy weights. 66-67; fancy heavyweighta, 63-64: others. 59-61; medium*. 58-69*.a; pullets 45-47. Dividends Announced NEW YORK. July 20 UP).—Dividends de clared. Pe- Stock of Pay - Rate. rlod. record, able. Extra. Hudson Motor - 10c_ 8-7 9-1 Increases. Nor Am Oil Con...*2.26 .. 7-28 8-5 Pacific Mills _ *1 9-1 9-15 Stock. Pacific Mills ... 5% .. 9-1 9-15 Reduced. Hires (E. I.) _20e — 8-13 9-1 Irregular. Stand Tube B . 6c_. 7-39 8-10 Accumulative. Cosden Pet pf . *2.50 9-1 9-13 Regular. Bayway Term . _10e_ 7-30 8-13 Emerson Drug A & B.25C ._ 7-20 7-30 Orocrry Store Prod ..20c 7-26 8-3 Hudson Motor _10c Q 8-7 9-! Lone Star Gas _25c Q 8-20 9-13 Pacific Lumber _*1 — 8-16 9-1 Ooodyear T ft R ... SI Q 8-16 9-15 Owens-Ill Glass _75e _ (-30 8-15 Kings County Tru«t.S20 Q 7-23 8-2 Llbby-O-Pord Glass.. 50c Q 8-25 9-10 Merck ft Co_60c Q 9-13 10-1 New York Cotton NEW YORK. July 20 UP).—Cotton fu tures were Irregular in dull trading today. Light mill buying and short covering met otnly limited hedge selling. Failure of the EC A to give a break down^* authorisations for the current quarter to Marshall Plan countries left cotton traders uncertain aa to volume of exports for the period. . . „ Good cotton crop weather and dullness In textiles created a hesitant tone. Late afternoon prices were 25 cents a bale hither to 15 celts lower than the previous close. October, 32.23; December. 32.19, and March. 32.10._ Odd-Lot Dealings The Securities and Exchange Commis sion reported today these transactions by customers with odd-lot dealers or special tats on the New York Stock Exchange Tor July 19: 9,130 purchases involvtn* 282. 457 shares: 9.433 sales involving 302.105 shares. Including 43 short sales Involving 1,535 ghares.__ Richmond, Frederick*burf A Po tomac Railroad was authorized by the ICC to sell $2,400,000 of equip ment certificates to First St Mer chants National Bank of Richmond. Syivania Electric Product*, Inc., registered with the SEC 200.000 com mon shares for public offering to finance expansion. General Tire A Rabber Co. has acquired controlling interest in Marquardt Aircraft C^ leading ramjet engine builder. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. July 20 uPi (OSDAV—Sal able hoes. 9,000: total. 10.500: fairly ac tive. uneven, steady to 25 lover on all weights butchers and sows; top. 29.30: bulk, sood and choice. 170-240 pounds. 28.75-29.26: 250-270 pounds. 27.50-28.75; 280-300 pounds, 28.25-27.50; few 330 180 pounds, 23.50-25.00; choice around 500-pound butchers. 20.00; vood and enoice sows, under 350 pounds. 23.00 24.50: few on butcher order. 24.75 and above; sood 375-400 Dound. 21.00-22.50: 425-450 pounds. 20.00-21.00: 475-550 pounds. 18.50-20.00; sood clearance. Salable cattle. 5.500; total. 5.700: sal able calves. 800; total. 800; choice steers and heifers steady, all others weak to 50 lower: load-lot top choice 1.240-pound steers. 39.75; short load. 40.(Ml: most choice steers and yearlings, 38.00-39.50: medium and good grade. 27.00-38.00: choice heifers. 38.25; sood and choice heifers. 33.00-38.00: cows weak to 50 lower, common atid medium beef cows. 19.00- 22.50: canners and cutters. 14.50 18.00: bulls a ad vealers steady; weighty sausage bulla to 26.00: vealers, 31.00 down. , Salable sheep. 1.000: total. 3.000; spring lamb) and yearlings steady to 60 lower: ewes steady: good and choice na tive spring lambsT 30.00-31.00, with bucks discounted 1.00; must sales 30.00. with only odd small lots. 30.30 and 32.00: com mon light sprang lambs down to 20.00; load medium end good mixed old-crop shorn lambs and yearlings with No 1 pelts, 23.00; shorn native slaughter ewes. 9.00- 11.50. according to grade. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad han dled 65,390 cars of freight in the week ended July 17 vs. 58,826 in the previous week and 70,458 in the like 1947 week. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE luliii ■lam, Inelndint lonc-tcra natklf RRTMeoti, st favorable rata. FIRST DEED OR TRUST ONLI RENTALS—S A LES—INSURANCE GEORGE I. BORGER 643 '.adiaaa Ave. N.W. NA. 0356 SPECIALTY SALESMAN Opportunity for go-getter to make fine living selling lines of Patented Display Binders, Loose-Leaf Binders, Catalog Covers, Indexes, Acetate Enve lopes, Laminated Plaques, etc. Calling Principally on Asso ciations and Schools. Every organization a prospective customer. Attractive commis sion. Write your qualifications to THE ROLAND G. E. ULL MAN ORGANIZATION, INC., 1015 Chestnut St., Phila. 7, Pa. playboy! sss&se I i c—«■— *•* 1 ■Jm il *•*“ *h-r* I TELUER *.CO. Jtl. Dig* 4 4500 H _ NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE Years come and go— sooner than you think the day arrives when you must live on what you have saved. Starf now—put part of your earnings in a savings account here — guar anteed up to $5,000, while earning regular dividends. Start now and stick to it! ttvoKtfiicnm 1337 6 M.W. RE. 5263 Branch Takoma Park • * Do you know what yew saf® is for ?... In a recent survey almost 70% of busi nessmen queried, did not! A safe’s first job is to protect the vital business records against fire. Old safes may look good, yet act like an oven in a fire! A modern safe is the cheapest, most efficient protection you can buy. It’s easy to have full protection against fire with an "A” label MOSLER safe. Modern Mosler Safe only F.O.I. Washington, 0. C. Store Other models and Interior arraacamants available. In Washington, D. C. Sold Only No. 4216 CL- Uftderwntefr 4 Laboratories, T label Bandars of tha U. S. Bald staraga Vault Daara at Fart Kaax, Ky. c^Mosler / Safe &. 1427 Eva St. N.W. Washington, D.C. REpulic 2560 Offices in New York, Boston, Chicago. Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, York. Pa. and principal cities. Factories: Hamilton, O. Larpst hltttrs 11 Sam art Vaalts la tha Vartt Strictly speaking, that's impossible, because it’s a contradiction in terms. ' But in any kind of fore* casting — the weather or securities — you can come closer to the right answer if you go about the job scientifically, if you get the facts, analyze them fairly. Take the Steel Industry. The demand for steel and earnings of steel companies reached an all-time high in 1947. And the prospect for 1948 seems excellent. At this point we could recommend that you buy steel. We don’t. But we do say that wise investors should investigate the securities of major steel com panies as potentially attractive investments—and the kndwn effects of steel on the standings of other industries and their securities. That’s why we’ve prepared a new 32-page study on the Steel Industry. It digs pretty deeply into supply and demand . . . shows how steel adapts itself to changing conditions of costs and prices. It gives past earnings, present position and a de tailed picture of 24 leading companies — plus thumbnail reviews of 21 others. Conscientiously it asks — then tries to answer — “How will the steel investor fare?” If that answer is important to you... if you want the facts for your own investment forecast ... this survey should help you reach sound investment de cision s. Your copy is free. Just drop us a line, or ask for it at any of our offices. Deportment DS2 Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner k Beane Underwriter! end Distributors of Investment Securities Brokers in Securities end Commodities 815 Fifleenth Street N.W. WASHINGTON 5 Telephone: Executive 2121