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The Lewis & Thos. Saltz (1409 G Street) Semi-Annual Clearance Sale Now in Progress We could have skipped our semi-annual sale. There is little chance that we can replace merchandise at lower or even the same prices. But our customers look to us at this time to provide our fine quality clothes and furnishings at prices that mean considerable savings. There is no “dis- . tress” merchandise in our stock. We never buy for “sale” purposes. So every article offered is standard quality and enables you to purchase at substantially lower prices everything you need now or will for the next few months. FOUR-IN-HAND TIES 188—$2.50 Imported Woolen Tie*. Neat and fancy patterns Deep red*, blues, preens, brown and tons _$1.85 U6— $2.50 Pure Silk. Foulards, light and dark shades. Assorted color* ond patterns-- -$1 65 183—$5.00 Pur* Silk Foulard* ond Nacclesfeldi Neckwaar. Mostly Imported. Excellent assortment of colors -$3.65 195—$6.50 Imported Pur* Silk Spitalfield*. Pure silk jacquarded printed crepes, pure silk prints. Conservative ond bold patterns $4.45 171—$1.50 Galey and Lord Washable Tie*. Hand-made, seven fold construction in neat and bold check and plaids - $1.15 136—$1.00 Galey and Lord Washable Cotton Bow Tie*. Hand-made, adjustable __ _ - _ *_ —--$79 MEN'S TOILETRIES 9—$10 "For Men Only" After Shove Lotion by John Fredericks- $5.00 MEN'S FINE SHIRTS 155—$6.50 Blue ond Whit* Basket Weave Shirts. Button-down collar attached made by Master Guild. Single-needle button cuff. All sizes, $4.95 93—$5.00 Striped Woven Oxford Shirts Made by Master Guild. Spread collar. French cuffs. Sizes 14 Vi to 1 6 Vi-$3.95 188—$15 Finest Imported Sea Island Egyptian Cotton Shirt* made by one of America's best shirt makers. Single-needle stitching ✓through out, collar attached, French cuffs. Handsome neat patterns. All sizes ---$10 95 277—$10 Fine Imported Sea Island Egyptian Cotton Shirt* made by one-of America's best shirt makers. Single-needle stitching through out, collar attached, French cuffs. Handsome neat patterns. All »zes -$7.95 97—$5 White Basket Weave Shirt*. Button-down collar attached. All *izes _ $3.95 139—$7.50 White Broadcloth Shirt*. Collar attached, French cuffs ond single button-down cuffs. All sizes - _ -$5 95 SHORT SLEEVE SUMMER SPORTS SHIRTS 203—$5.95 Seersucker Sport* Shirt*. Woven rayon and cotton stripes and checks. Blues, browns colorings on white grounds. Small, large, extra-large _$4.95 71—$10 Sports Shirt*. Light weight, printed batiste. Exquisite color ful colorings and beautiful patterns. Small, medium and large. $7.95 49—$4.95 Fin* Cotton Mesh Sport* Shirts. Ecru grounds. Small, medium, large_$3.95 31—$8.50 Cotton Rayon Sports Shirts. Hawaiian prints, gay and colorful. Size medium only_HALF PRICE $4.25 YEAR 'ROUND WEIGHT SLACKS & TROUSERS A Group of the Finest Quality Trouser* We Have Ever Put on Sale. They ore choice, and were selected from our own stock in finest quality worsted, gabardines, flannels, coverts, tropical worsteds ond doeskins. Tan, blues, browns, greys, blue-greys. Solid colors, neat checks and glen plaids. There are 175 pairs, and comprise a very excellent selec tion _ALL DRASTICALLY REDUCED MEN'S TROPICAL WORSTED SUITS 27—$75 Fine Quality Tropical Worsted Suits. Medium ton shade, soft green-greys and greys, with neat stripes. Single ond double breasted models. Sizes 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 44 regular; 39, 40, 42 short; 40 and 44 long_$57.50 67—$55 Tropical Worsted Suits. Single ond double breasted models in tans, greys, blues and blue-greys. Regulars, shorts and longs. $44.50 34—$45 Tropical Worsted Suits in tans and greys. Practically all size, -$37.50 A Group of Tropical Suits, one ond two of a kind, not mentioned here. Regulars, shorts, longs and stouts_DRASTICALLY REDUCED MEN'S FINE QUALITY WORSTED SUITS FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR 1 5—$95 Blue Unfinished Worsted Suits. Single and double breasted models. A very fine quality of unfinished blue worsted and hand somely hand tailored. Sizes: 40, 42, 44 regular; 38, 39, 42 short; 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 46 long _v.. $84.50 5—$125 Chester Barrie Cheviot Suits. Tan and grey herringbone pat terns. Double breasted. Sizes: 38, 40, 44 regular; 39, 41 short. $94.50 8—$125 Fine Quality English Flannel Suits made by Chester Barrie of London. Smqle-breasted drape model in bold tan and grey glenur quhart plaids. Sizes; 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44 regular; 44 long, $94.50 II—$90 and $95 Cheviot Suits. Hond tailored in single ond double breasted models. Greys and blue-greys. Sizes: 37, 38, 41, 42, 44 regular; 39, 40, 44 _ _ -$78.50 32—$90 Hand-tailored Suits bv Lebow in qreys and blues. Single breasted drape models. Sizes: 36. 38, 39, 42, 44, 46 regular; 37, 38, 39, 40, 41,42 short; 40, 42, 44 lonq; 39 stout _ -$78.50 42—$72.50 and $75 Fine Quality Worsted Suits in single and double ° breasted models in greys and tans. Practically all sizes_ $58.50 13—$140 Double-breasted Grey Flannel Suits of the finest imported quolitv. Beautifully hand tailored. Sizes: 38. 39, 40. 42, 44 regulcr; 37, 38. 42 short, 39, 40, 42, 44, 46 long_$115 MEN'S FULL DRESS SUITS AND TUXEDOES = 16—$85 and $90 Full Dress Suits. Sizes: 37, 38, 39, 40, 44, 46 regular; 37, 38, 40, 42, 44 short; 39, 40, 42, 44, 46 long. $68.50 4—$110 Full Dress Suits. Fine quality barathea weave. Sizes: 44, 46 requlor; 39, 42 short_ $89.50 3—$60 Double Breasted Tuxedo Suits. Sizes: 37, 38, 39 short, $48.50 MEN'S FURNISHINGS LONG SLEEVE SUMMER SPORTS SHIRTS 71—$11.95 Sport* Shirt*. Rayon screen weave. Green, cocoa, French blue. Small, medium, large_$8.95 37—$10 All Wool Woven Polo Shirt*. Two button front. Natural tan, aqua, canary. Small, medium, large -$6.95 47—$7.95 Sports Shirts. Horsehead designs printed on solid colored rayons. French blue, red and yellow. Medium and large --$5.95 19—$10 Sports Shirts. Solid colors—greys, natural, canary, white Small, medium, large - .. - __ -$6.95 47—$7.50 Light Weight Printed Cotton. Tan, green, blue. Medium and lorge . - - -$5.95 17—$13.75 Wool ond Cotton White Diagonal Zipper Front Sports Shirts. Smoll, medium, large and extra large_$10.95 IMPORTED SWEATERS 47—$12.50 Full-fashioned Sleeveless Pure Wool Sweaters. Jacquarded patterns mode in Scotland. Tan, green, blue grounds. Smoll, medium, large ----$9.95 41—$20 Full-fashioned Pure Wool Scotch Long Sleeve Sweaters. 60 % cashmere, 40% wool. Camel and blue mix, natural and green mix. Small, medium, large $14.95 SUMMER SLACKS (FIRST FLOOR) / 51—$7.50 Cord Slacks.. Rayon ond cotton. Tans and greys. Sizes 30 to 38_$5.95 61—$10 Screen Weave Rayon Slacks. Natural and white. Sizes 30 to 42-.--$7.95 68—$8.75 Mohair Cotton and Rayon Slacks. Natural color.. Sizes 32 to 42- $6.95 WINTER AND SUMMER ROBES 39—$10 Woven Cotton Washable Robes. Interesting plaid end check V* designs. Small, medium, large_$7.95 7—$12.95 Woven Cotton Seersucker Robes. Greys, blue, browns. n Medium and targe __-v-*_ --—-$10.95 *■ 37—$20 Solid Printed Pattern Rayon Robes. Full cut, three pocket. Lovely neckwear patterns. Blues, red grounds.. Medium, large, extra large ----$14.95 21—$13.50 Spun Rayon Robes. Polka dots, plaids, woven checks. Medium and lorge- $10.95 1—$1 00 Dressing Gown. Cashmere and wool. Natural color. Extra large -$69.50 14—$65 Rayon and Wool Robes. Lined and unlined. Blue and red grounds. Jacquarded. Medium and large_$39 50 3—$37.50 Wool Robes. Notch collar. Wine color lambs wool. 2 medium ond 1 large _ -$24.75 7—$30 Pure Wool Flannel Robes. Blue and maroon piped. Medium ond large $21.75 17—$25 All Wool Robes Glen plaids ond checks. Small, medium, large -$19.75 29—$20.00 Beach Jackets. Terry cloth, heavy weight, absorbent jackets for the beach club or home; jacquarded weaves ond plain; canary, white, French blue, sand and tan. Small, Medium, Large and Extra-Large_$14.95 14—$18.50 Pure Virgin Wool Robes mode by one of America s finest robe makers. Small, medium, large. Blue ond red grounds. .$1 4.95 BASQUE SHIRTS 98—$5 Imported Lisle Mesh Polo Shirts. Collar attached, three button front, pull over. "World's healthiest shirts." White only, short sleeves. Small, medium, larae ------ --$3.95 93—$5 Basque Shirts. Crew Neck, Short Sleeves, White Neat Patterns. Small, medium, large -_- -$3.95 41—$4.50 Basque Shirts. Coble stitched, all cotton, light end porous, neck, short sleeves. Yellow, blue. Medium and large - -$3.35 CONVERTIBLE COLLAR PAJAMAS 107—$10 Finest Quality, Multi-filament, Rayon Pajamas. Made by one of America's best pajama makers. Solid color two-tone trim. Bur gundy and grey, blue and grey, light blue and corn. B. C, D-$7.95 57—$7.50 Rayon Pajamas. Neat hair line stripes and checks. White grounds, blue and tan colors on white grounds. B, C, D - -—$5.95 86—$2.00 Pajama Shorts, white broadcloth, elastic back. Sizes A, B, C---$1.55 2—$7.50 Pajamas. Solid broadcloth and neat fancy printed broad cloth, convertible collar. Sizes D Long and E-$5.95 36—$2.50 White Broadcloth Pajama Shorts. Sizes A, B, C, D-$l,65 KNITTED BATHING TRUNKS 73—$5 Pure Wool Knitted Bathing Trunks mode by one of America's foremost and recognized makers. Built-in supporter. Natural, tan, navy blue, royal blue and wine. «Sizes 32 to 42_$3.95 47—$6.50 Pure Wool Knitted Bathing Trunks made by one of Arner ico's foremost and recognized /mpkers. Built-in supporter. NtHnaf,1 I tan, navy blue, royal blue and wine. Sizes 32 to 42- _. -$4.95 13—$10 All Wool Knitted Bathing Trunks. Blues, brownl. Medium Size only. Full fashioned--,Tr---$4.95 ! ’■ - 1 7 « ' C * A * • t MEN'S UNDERSHORTS 78—$2.00 Celanese Boxer Shorts. White. Sizes 30 to 40 — $1.55 71—$1.50 Celanese Boxer Briefs. Sizes 30 to 48. White-$1.15 LINED GLOVES $7.50 to $16.50 Gloves. Fine assortment. Wool lined. Grey, ton. Small, medium and large-$5.95 t® $10.95 HALF HOSE 24—$6.50 Argyle Holf Hose. Pure wool hand-mode In Scotland. Size I 1 only- $3.95 231—$1.50 Imparted Brushed Wool Half Hose and Anklets. Camel, French blue, sea green and white. Sizes lO’/z to 13_$1.05 MEN'S CLOTHING MEN'S GABARDINE SUITS 58—$75 Natural Tan Gabardine Suits. Single and double breasted models. Finely tailored of fine quality Dure worsted gabardine suitable for year 'round wear. Sizes: 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44. 46 reg ular; 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 short; 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46 long, $68.50 23—$62.50 Natural Tan Gabardine Suits. Single and double breasted models. Excellent quality gabardine. Sizes: 37, 38, 39, 40, 42. 44 regular; 37, 38, 39, 40, 42 short; 39, 40, 42, 44, 46 long..$57,50 10—$150 Finest Quality Forstmann Graniteen Light Weight Gabardine Suits. Hand tailored by one of the best tailors in America and hand stitched. Double breasted. Natural ton and Havana brown. Sizes: 39, 40, 43, 44 regular; 40, 42 short; 39, 40, 42, 44 long..$1 28.50 SPORTS JACKETS (2ND FLOOR) 38—$75 Hand-tailored Sports Jackets, especially suitable for summer wear, made for us by one of the best tailors in America. Handsome three-button model with leather buttons and patch pockets. Notural, tans, powder blue, qreys and light qrevs. Sizes: 37, 38, 39, 40, 41,42, 43, 44, 46 regular; 38, 39, 40, 42 short; 39, 40, 42, 44, 46 long, $58.50 29—$58 Hand-tailored Sports Jackets mode for us by Lebow. Three button model with patch pockets. In tans, blue-greys and browns. Neat all-over designs. Sizes: 37, 38, 39, 40, 44 regular; 39, 40, 42 short; 38, 39, 40. 46 lonq----$38.50 1—$110 Pure Cashmere Sports Jacket in natural tobacco brown. Single breasted, patch pocket model. Size 39 regular_$78.50 7—$58 Sports Jackets made for us by Lebow Handsome grey, neot all over pattern. Sizes: 37, 38, 40, 44, 46 regular; 38 short; 44 long -$44.50 17—$65 Sports Jackets made by Chester Barrie of London in greys and tans. Three-button models. Neat herringbone designs. Sizes: 38, 39, 40 regular; 37, 38, 40 short-$48.50 51—$45 and $50 Shetland Sports Jackets. Traditional three-button models. Handsomely designed and tailored in neat cheeks, herring bones, houndstooth and window pane designs. Practically all sizes 36 to 46 regulars, also shorts and langs_$36.50 MEN'S TOPCOATS AND OVERCOATS 9—$185 Double Breasted Imported Cashmere and Woal Coats in nat ural camel shade, handsomely hand tailored and hand stitched by Chester Barrie of London. Sizes: 37, 40, 42, 44 regular; 40, 42 short, $140.50 8—$175 Imported Cashmere and Wool Coots. Hand tailored and hand stitched. Natural camel hair shade. Single brested. Made by Chester Barrie of London. Sizes: 37, 38, 42 regular; 37, 41 short; 39 long, $147.50 3—$175 Burberry English Topcoots. Pure camel hair in natural shade. Bal-raglan model. Sizes: 38, 40, 42 regular-$138.50 8—$150 Burberry Cashmere and Wool Coats. Natural tan and light brown. Single breasted model. Sizes: 36, 38, 42 regular; 38, 39 short; 39 long_-__ -• --$115 8—$65 London Weatherproofs Tweed Coats. Bal-raglan model. Sizes: 35, 36, 37, 39 regular; 38, 40 short-$48.50 21—$90 Finest Quality Imported Harris Tweeds. Hand woven and hond spun. Bal-raglan and set-in pleeve models in tan, blue ond grey herringbones. Sizes: 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 44 regular; 40, 41, 42 short; 39, 44 iong-$78.50 3—$55 Reversible Tweed Coats. Tweed on one side and cotton gobar dine on the other. Sizes: 38, 40 short; 40 long- -.$39.75 8—$110 Neot Grey Herringbone Coshmere and Wool Coats. Single breasted, fly front, peak lapel. Mode in England. Sizes: 37, 38, 40, 42, 44 regulor; 40 short __ -$84.50 19—$72.50 and'$75 Natural Ton Gabardine Coats. Fine quality, bal raglan model. Sizes: 36, 37, 40, 46 regular; 38, 39, 40, 42 short; 38, 40, 46 long_$62.50 $68.50 6—$55 Fine Quality Domestic Gabardine Coats. Bal-raglan and set-in sleeve model. Sizes: 44 regular; 42 short; 46 long — .$39.50 1—$M5 Double Breasted Brown Overcoat mode in England. Very fine quality, double faced fabric. Double breasted with half belt. Size: 44 regulor-$115 * IMPORTED ENGLISH RAINCOATS 19—$29.50 Raincoat*. Cotton twill gabardine made in England. Plaid cotton linings, slash pockets, regimental band collar. Sizes: 42, 44, 46; 44 and 46 shorts_$19.95 37—$95 Fine cotton Twill Gabardine Imported English Trench Coatt. Made in England by the world's most renowned maker. Double breasted, plaid lining, shoulder epaulets, full belt, storm pockets, shoulder gun pads. Natural and dark. Sizes: 34 to 36 regulars, shorts ond longs, . $78.50 17—$60 Imported English Civilian Raincoats. Fine cotton twill, cotton gabardine. Single breasted, fly front, bal collar, slash pockets. Ton Sizes: 36 to 46 regular; 34 to-44 shorts; 38 long_$48.50 SUMMER SPORTS JACKETS (FIRST FLOOR) 14—$19.95 Single-breasted Corduroy Jackets. Traditional three button model in Havona brown, natural, camel and olive green. Sizes: 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 44; 40, 42, 44 longs_$15.75 7—$27.50 Cotton Whipcord Sports Jackets with leather buttons. Tra ditional three-button patch pockets model with leather buttons. Natural tan. Sizes: 38, 40, 42 _$19.95 I 2—$30 Havana Brown and Navy Blue Belgian Linen Jackets. Three button model. Sizes: 38, 39, 42; 39, 40 long_$22.95 LEISURE JACKETS 17—$50 Fine Quality Worsted Flannel Leisure Jackets In natural, beige ond heather shades. Sizes: 40, 42, 44 _$34.75 13—$35 Cardigan Collarless Leisure Jackets. Rayon. Blue and buff. Sizes 36 to 42_ ---$24.75 4—$35 Gabardine and Wool Combination Leisure Jackets. Sizes 38 and 40 -$17.50 3—$45 Forstmann Charmeen and Wool Combination. Size 40 only. HALF PRICE $22.50 1—$55 Wool and Suede Combination Leisure Jacket. Canary and blue. Size 40-__ . _ -----$27.50 17—$50 Cadigan Collarless Leisure Jackets. Forstmann Charmeen gabardine Gr Forstmann Doeskin. Sizes 42 and 46_ -$34.75 I—$65 Gabardine Outdoor Jacket. -All wool gabardine shell, hand mode button holes and leather lined. Size 44 . - _ . — .—$39.50 9—$35 All Wool Leisure Jocfcats. Herringbone weave. Solid shades— canary and white. Sizes: 36, 38, 44 and 46. HALF PRICE $17.50 STRAW HATS & PANAMAS 72—$5 Cocoanuf Straws and Stiff Brim Sailors. AM sizes $3.65 42—$7.50 Panama Hats. White and natural. Various wanted shapes. AM sizes --$5.65 136—$10 Straw Hats, Panamas, Leghorns, Linons and Baku*. Natural and white. AM sizes.- . . ---.$685 106—$15 Panamas, Leghorns, Milan*. Pinched front, flat tops, telescopes. AM sizes_ _ . . ...$985 32—$25 to $75 Panama*. Fine quality. Excellent shopes. White. Ail sizes-$14.85 to $49.85 FELT HATS 38—$12:50 Felt Hats. Browns, tans, greys. Good shape*. Sizes: 67/g to 7Vi _ $8.85 133—$15 Felt Hat*. Top quality. Browns and greys. Excellent shape*. Sizes: 6?/s to lVi-$10.85 BRUCE CURRIE HANDMADE SHOES 143 pn. $32.50 Hand-welted Shoe*. Medallion tip, wing tip and straight tip. Black and brown made by Bruce Currier, one of the finest *hoe maker* in America. Sizes: 9ViAA to 11D — -$19.85 FRENCH, SHRINER & URNER SHOES 160 pn. $18.95 French, Shriner & Urner Shoes. Browns, blacks and cordovan*. Various models. Sizes: 9AA to 1 1E. (Broken size range) -$14.95 76 pn. $18.95 French, Shriner & Umer Summer Shoes. Brown and white, and black and white, also all white. Sizes 9A to 9E. (Broken size range)-$14.95 ORIGINAL CALIFORNIA CASUAL SHOES 87 pn. $15.50 Original California Casual Shoes. Browns and a few blues. A good range of sizes. DRASTICALLY REDUCED $3.95 $9.95 9—$45 Pure Irish Linen Sport* Jackets. Tailored in a traditional three butfan patch pqcket model along easy, casual lines. Sizes: 38, 42 regular; 38, 40, 44, 46 long-$34.50 WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS 29—$90 Men's Wear Tropical Worstad Suits. Handsomely man tai lored in blues, tans and blue-greys. Misses sizes: ! 0 to 20; Junior sizes 9, II. 17__.-HALF PRICE, $45 . 23—$69.50 Hand Woven Tweed Suits in tons, greys, blues ond rose Handsomely tailored.' Misses sizes: 10 to 18- .$49.75 18—$25 Summer Cotton Cord Suits. Sizas: Juniors, 9; Misses' sizes: 10, 14 and 18---$18.75 57—$95 Suit* of fine quality gobardlnes, doeskin flannels, flannel* and sharkskins. Handsomely designed model*, beoutifullv cut ond tcilored Blues, tans, blue-greys, black, navy and cquo.-$69,75 $79.50 WOMEN'S TAILORED COATS 36—$79.50 Hend Woven Herrfs Tweed Coats. Fine quality Imported tweeds. 3al-raglan ond set-in sleeve models in hecthers, tons, greys, browns and blue-greys. Misses' sizes: 10 to 20-$59.75 10_$135 Imported Baud# Coats. Button cuffs and full belted model. The very finest quality fabrics hondsomeiy designed and tailored Misses' sizes: 10, 12 ond 14---$89.75 $60—A group of savantaen gabardine topcoat* in navy, notural, tans ond arevs. Bol-ragian model. Man tailored. Misses sizes: 10 to 20, $44.50 9_$69.50 Black Camel Hair and Weal Coats in a bal-roglan model. Man tailored by London Weatherproofs. Misses' sizes: 10 to 20, $48.75 A group of $79.50 Very Fine QuKty Gabardine Coat* in navy, natural and black. Beoutifully styled ond tdilored. Misses' sizes: 8 to 18, $59.75 All Salts Final... No Layaways ... No COD's ...All lltms Subittl to prior salt Lewis & Thos. Saltz 1409 G Street,'N. W. * EXecutive 3822 -• Not Connected With Salt* Bro«.