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(£arha at Shanks Hl’GHES. WILLIAM S. I wish to thank the friends, neighbors, employes of the 3a ks bur Co., the Capital Cab Association. James Reese Europe Post. No. 5. and Co- , lumbia Lodge of Elks. No. 85. for t'r.e.r kind expressions of sympathy, their floral ributes. donation of cars and all kind- j nes:es shown in my hour of bereavement ’ at the death of my husband. WILLIAM S. HUGHES INEZ A HUGHES.. WIFE. • PAIGE. EADLEV. The family of the la'e FADLEY PAIGE wish to thank their many neighbors and friends for the kind expressions and floral tributes at the pass ing of our loved one. MRS MATILDA PAIGE. Sratha .LBERS. HENRY. On Tuesday July 20. 1948. at Providence Hospital, HENRY ALBERS of hours Vista st. nr.. beloved husband of Frances E, Albers, brother of John and Frank Aibers of Baltimore. Md ; Joseph J Albers of Lake Geneva. Wis.. and Jerry Albers of Texas. Services at the S H, Hines Co. Funeral Home, 29o' 14th st. n.w\, on Friday, July 23. at 9:30 a.m : thence to St. Francis De Sales’ Catholic Church. 2otb'st. and Rhode Is land ave. n.e., where the holy sacrifice oi the mass will be offered at 10 a.m. for the repose of his soul. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 22 ALBERS, HARRY. The officers and Mk memoers oi nuuiuna i Union. No. 5. are notified oi ; the death oi Brother HAKRY) ALBERS, on Tuesday. July i l»4x. Remains restine at the S H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. ; 14th st. nw . where iu-1 neral services will be neia rnaay, ju.j *' 'K'U> *’Id. c. DOW. Secretary. 22; ANDERSON. ALICE BARER Suddenly, on Monday. July 19, I 94b. at New Britain. Conn ALICE BAKER ANDERSON be loved daughter of the late Richard Clark and Elizabeth Brais Baker, beloved.sister of Mane and Thomas Baker and Catherine Baker Lyons. Funeral services will be held at the chapel of Fairchild Bros., st. Leflert st.. Brooklyn. N. Y., on Wednesday. Julv 21. at 4 p m. awkfw HU.LIAM. Suddenly, on Fri da* Julylfi 11148. WILLIAM ASKEW, son of George Askew, brother of Daniel. Rob ert Joe and Hester Askew: Lorena Walton and Janie Clayton He also . '"nm Tm" relatives and friends. After 1 P jn. Tues dav July 20. friends may call at the W Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 1 You st n.w Funeral and interment Keiforlh, N.' C . Thursday, July 22. -l AVERY. ABBIGALE. On Saturday. July 17 i;i48. at MrKeesport. Pa . ABBIGALfc. AVERY, husband of the late -Pearl Aver. . father of Mrs. Theola E. GariCson. Friends mav rail after :i p.m. Thursday. July VI. M the Brooks & Allen Funeral Home., 120(1 Florida ave. n.w.. where services will he held Friday. Julv 1.1. at 9 a m in terment Arlington National Cemetery. -- BELLEFELTI.LE. LENA. On Mondav. July 19. 1948. at Suburban Hospital. LENA npj r FFEUILLE. No. J E. Thornapple st., Chevy Chase. Md . aunt of Mrs. Irma B Colvard. Christine B. Fitzgerald and Charles H. Birmingham. Services atf*1® S H Hines Co. Funeral Home -991 14th st n w . on Wednesday. July 21. at . P.m Interment Congressional Cemetery. j BURTON. HARRY EDWARD. On Mon-1 atntv 19 1948. at Emergency Hos mtal. HARRY’ E BURTON of 3814 Fulton si nw, beloved husband of Ina R. Bur ton Services at the above residence on Thursday July 22. at 1.90 p.m. Inter ment Rock Creek Cemetery. Please omit flower?. CHALMERS. MARY. On Wednesday July 21. 1948. at the Presbyterian Home, i vis Newtcn st n.w. MARY CHALMfcna Shi is imt.ved by t hree sisters Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co Funeral Home 2901 14th ft. n.w.. until 11 am. Saturday. Services at the above home on Saturday. July 24, at 2 p.m. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. COOMBS. CHARLES CYRUS. Sudden ly. on Tuesday. July 20, 1948. dence 905 North Harrison st.. Arlington, Va CHARLES CYRUS COOMBS, beloved husband of Hattie Frances Coombs, fa ther of William Leslie Coombs of Phila delphia. Pa; grandfather of Charles William Coombs Huston of Toronto. Can ada. Remains resting at the S. H Hines Co. Funeral Home, ‘.901 14th st. n w. Services at the Scottish, Rite Temple, 2800 IRth st. n w.. on Friday. July . ” at 2:90 p m. Interment Glenwood Ceme COYNER. HELENA WEADE Suddenly. 3ii Tuesday. July 20. 1948, HELENA WEADE COYNER. beloved wile of Herbert Benton Coyner and mother of Mrs. Rus sell K. Bean of Arlington. Va.: Lewis M Coyner of Fairfax. Va : Mrs W. Alvord 3herman of McLean. Va . and Mrs. Allen L Bingham of Beaumont. Tex. Remains resting at the Money King Funeral Home. Vienna, Va. Services Thursday. Tuly 22, at 2 Pm., at the Presbyterian Church. Vienna. Va. Interment Flint Hill Cemetery. Oakton. Va CRAWFORD. ALVIN. On Sunday. July 1« 1948. at Glenn Dale Sanatorium. AL VIN CRAWFORD, loving son of Mary and Beniamin Crawford. He also is survived hy a loving sister. Mrs. Bernice C. Pat terson and two devoted uncles. J®*”** P and Albert Crawford, Notice of funeral liter. Arrangement* by Malvan Scney. N J ave. and R st. n.w. rani. THOMAS. Departed this life BtmHmJtlly 1R 194 8, THOMAS CREESL of ! 521&k Ilth st. n.w. He is survived bK a devottd wife. Mrs. Charlotte Creekt, one son. Mr. Thomas Creek. Jr., on* daughter. Mrs. Margie Sptncer. one brother, one sister and a host of other relatives and friends. The remains may he viewed at the Hall Bro.v Home. 621 Florida ave. n-»” Wednesday. Julv 21. Alter 12 noon. sJunera sgrvices Thursday. July 22. at 1. tfpr . at, th» funeral home. Interment FUNERAL DIRECTORS. In Cate of Death Call On# of th# L#r»»#t Ond#rt»k*r« In th# World Complete Funeralt $95 to $2,000 Tout Larte Funeral Hornet Phone CO. 0432 - VTLTSPEARE CO. neither surcesaor to nor connected with the original W. R. Speare establLhment. 1009 H St. N.W. Rational0 2SB2 J. William Lee’s~Sons Co. 4th and Mas' Ave. NL LI. 6500 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium FRANK GEIER'S SON CO. FUNERAL HOME 3605 14th St. N.W. HObart 2336 NEW ENLARGED PARLORS Formerly at 1113 7th St. N.W. Established 1851 ' funeral designs._ O4AC0NAS FLOWERS Meaatlfnl FLORAL PIECES. *6.00 and as DELIVERED *500 11th St. N.W._Fhan# DO. 7121 GLIDE BROS. CO. Individually dealaned Wreathe and ■oraya ChArce Accounts opened by phone 1212 F St. N.W.—NAiionAl 42i6 GEOT-C. SHAFFER. Inc. EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NA. 010R Cor. 14th & Eye °rnnd FLOWERS CHAMBERS has complete Flower Shop Funeral Designs Special! S3, $4, $5, $6, $7. $10, up to $200 -CALL CO. 0432 CEMETERY LOTS. NaTiONAiTmeMOBIAL PARK—Very beau tiful: near Falls Church; private party will sacrifice several lots. JOHN C. KAHN. 1108 IjBth si. n.w.. RE 8670. —23 4 BEAUTIFUL LOTS at Fort Lincoln Cem etery: sacrifice: owner leaving town, call UN. 0500._—-4 CEMETERY LOT FOR SALE—At Port Lin coln Cemetery. Call UN. .o81 lor Infor nTRtion^ — AMBULANCES._ AMBULANCES DOCTORS CALL • CHAMBERS • For Ambulance. CO. 043t. One of the finest fleets In the world. Rates: $10 up to 10 mlle radius. Expert attendants. CALL CO. 0432 FIEGENBAUM. MARGARET M. On Weantsaay. July 21. 1048. MARGARET M FIEGENBAUM cf 3810 Jenifer it. n.w.. oeloved wile cl the late A H. Fiegenbaum and mother oi Mis George W. Vinal. Re-; mams votin’; at thf Bethesoa-Chevy Chase Funeral Home of Wm. Reuben i i umphrey. Bethesda. Md. Funeral services, and interment private. 23 FRAZIER. EUGENE H. On Monday July 10. i 048. EUGENE H. FRAZIER of, i *05 New Jersey ave. n.w Notice of fu neral later. Arrangements by Fraziers, P’uneral Home. Inc. GORMAN. DR. EDWARD A. On Mon i dr.v. July 1J1. 11148. Dr. EDWARD A GOR MAN. beloved husband of the late Mary Gorman, lather of Edward A. Gorman, jr.. and Mrs. J. T. Preston, jr.; brother of Eugene K . Patrick F.. Frank J. and James H Gorman. Friends may call at the Demaine Memorial Chapel. 520 South Washington it.. Alexandria, Va. Requiem mass will be offered at St. Mary’s Catho lic Church on Thursday. July 22. at 0:30 a m. Interment St. Mary’s Cemetery. GRAY. ALEXANDER. On Monday. July 19. 19 48. at b:45 p.m., ALEXANDER GRAY of Aqua&co, Md. He leases to mourn their loss one son. Samuel A. Gray; one sister. Sarah Gardner; one brother. George Berry, and a host of other rela tives and lriends. Remains resting at Henry S. Washington & Sons' Funeral Home. 4925 Deane ave. n.e., alter 2 p.m. Thursday. July 22. Funeral Friday, July 2.'L at 2 p.m , from St. Thomas’ Methodist Church, near Brandywine. Md. Relatives and friends invited. Interment church cemetery. 22 HAMPTON. PVT. OREN. V. S. A. Killed in action, on Anzio Beachhead. May. 1944. PVT. OREN HAMPTON. U. S. A., son of Edward C and Carrie M. Hampton of 1705 Lang pi. n.e. Other survivors In clude two brothers. Maury and Clifford Hampton Reburial services will be held at Arlington National Cemetery, on Thurs day July 22. at 2 p.m. Friends are invited to atiena. 21 HARE, ALEXANDER P. On Monday. July 19, 1.94X. at his residence, 4509 45th si. n.w . ALEXANDER P. HARE, husband of Lulu I. Hare, lather of Alexander Paul Hare. jr. Friends may call at Gawler's Chapel, 17 5b Pa. ave. n.w., where services will be held on Thursday. July 22, at 11 a.m. Interment Arlington National Ceme tery. 21 ; HARE, ALEXANDER P. A special com munication of Acacia Lodge, No. ix. F. A. A. M . is callea at 10 o clock a.m. Thursday. July 22, 194b. for the purpose of conduct ing the Masonic burial service for our late brother. ALEXAN DER P. HARE. By order of the worshipful master K. S MILLER, Secretary. 21 HARE, ALEXANDER P. Member* of Vincent B. Costello Post, No. 15. the American Legion, are notified of the death of their beloved commander. ALEXAN DER P HARE of 4509 45th st i n.w. Legion services will be _ conducted by the Costello Post Guard this evening. Wednesday. July 21, j 194X, at Gawler's Chapel, 175H Pa. ave. n.w. Funeral services on Thursday morn ing July 22. at 11 o’clock. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. RLDOLPH BLICK. Commander. JAMES P. McGRATH. Adjutant. HAWKINS. EVELYN ELIZABETH. Sud denly. on Monday. July 19, 194b. at ner residence. b05 Sheridan at. n.w., EVELYN ELIZABETH HAWKIN8. beloved wife of James W. Hawkins, mother of James W. Hawkins, Jr. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e., from H p.m. until 10 p.m. Wednesday, July 21. Services and interment Danville, Va. HEIL, ISABELLE. On Wednesday. July 21, 1948. ISABELLE HEIL beloved moth er of George R. and Joseph B. Hell and Mrs Marie Shaw. Funeral services will be held at the Timothy Hanlon Funeral Home. «41 H st. n.e.. on Friday. July 23. at 12:30 p.m. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 22 HERMAN. ELIZABETH CATHERINE. On Monday. July 19, 1948, ELIZABETH CATHERINE HERMAN (nee Myers) of 8001 20th st. n.e., beloved mother of Mrs. C. H McConomy, Victor G. and Leroy K. Herman Friends may call at Wm. J. Nalley s Funeral Home, 3200 Rhode Island ave . at Eastern ave. n.e., where services will be held on Thursday. July 22. at 2 j p.m. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. HODGSON. WALLACE S. Suddenly, on Monday. July 19. 1948. at Providence Hospital. WALLACE S. HODGSON, be loved uncle of Miss Eva M. Hodgson. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e., where services will be held on Friday. July 28. at 11 a.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 22 IREY. ELMER L. On Monday. July 19. j948. at his residence. West Shady Side, Md . ELMER L. IREY. beloved husband of Marguerite N. Irey. father of Dr. Hugh W. and Dr. Robert B. Irey. brother of 1 Hugh C. and Edwin S Irey. Mrs. Alice Furmage and Mrs. Mattie V. Whitney. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w . on Thursday. July 22. at 1 1 a m. Interment at Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 22 IREY, ELMER L. A special communi cation of Harmony Lodge. No. 17. F A. A. M , has been called for Thursday morning. July 22. i 1948. at. 10.O’clock, at the Ma enic Temple. 13th st and New 'ork ave. n.w., to conduct the aneral of our late brother, EL MER . IREY. The members of the (lodge are urged to attend HARVEY G. STAILEY. Master. J. R ZIMMERMAN, Secretary. WMCHjQfcN' JA*S. On Tuesday. July ■ JaOSMON enbf lqp¥*$'$m3i»nd ,of Othia Jackson, Ht also is survived by ori# Alice Jaewon. and other rela tives and friends. * After 5 p.m. Friday. | July 23, friends may call to see the j late Mr. Jackson at the above address, i Funeral on Saturday. July 24. at 1 p.m.. ! from the Metropolitan Baptist Church, j Rev. E C. Smith officiating. Interment Paynes Cemetery. Arrangements by L. E. Murray & Son. 23* JACKSON. PAUL ADAMS. On Wednes day. July 21. 1M4K. at his residence. 5223 42nd pi . Hyattsville. Md . PAUL ADAMS JACKSON, beloved husband of Norma H. Jackson and father of Mrs. A. P. Wheat ley. Mrs. F. P. Cogar. Mrs. R. P. Mc Gowan, Mrs. J. A. Miller. Paul A., jr.: David R. James H. and Thomas L. Jack son. Services at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 5 KOI Cleveland ave., Riverdale. Md . on Friday. July 23. at 10:30 a m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 22 JAMES. LT. CHESTER. Killed 111 ac tion in Italy July 14. 1!>44. Lt. CHESTER JAMES, husband of Hildegard James Lott, son of Mrs. Leola James and the late Charles E James of Frametown. W. Va.. and brother of Anna Margaret. Grace and Marie James Services and interment at Arlington National Cemetery on Thursday. July 22, at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. 21 JOHNSON. JOHN R. On Sunday. July ! IS. 1!»4S. at Gallinger Hospital. JOHN R. JOHNSON of 105 P st. n.w., loving father of John E. Johnson, devoted brother of Lottie Johnson. Miranda Clinton. Ceceila Curtis and Edna Randall. He also leaves a devoted friend. Sally R. Cummings: many nieces and nephews and a host of other relatives and friends. After 5 P.m. Wed nesday. July 21. friends may call at Campbell's Funeral Home. 423 4th st. s.w.. where funeral services will be held on Thursday. July 22, at 1:30 p.m . Elder Williams officiating. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 21* JOHNSON. JOHN R. Officers and mem- | bers of the Drill Team of Morn- ] 1 ina Star Lodge, No. 40, and ; Auxiliary. No. 0. 1. B. P. O. E. of W . will meet in a session of j sorrow at ft p.m. Wednesday. July 21. 1048. at the Elks’: Home. 153ft 15th at. n.w.. to' arrange for Ihe funeral o: our late Drotn er. JOHN R. JOHNSON. MAJ JAMES B BRISCOE, President. | CAPT BEATRICE WAYE. Fin, Sec. KENNEDY. REV. WILLIAM T.. SR. On Tuesday. July HO. 1948. at Freedmen s Hospital. Rev. WILLIAM T. KENNEDY. Sr . of 1703 Willard st. n.w,. beloved hus band of Mrs Hattie Kennedy, father of i William T . jr : Robert A. and Harry D Kennedy He also leaves five brothers, six sisters, other relatives and friends. After 10 a m. Friday. July H:t. friends may call at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 143H You si n.w. Funeral services Sat urday, July H4. at 1 p.m., at the John | Wesley A. M. E. Zion Church. 14th and Corcoran sts. n.w.. Rev. S. G. Spottswood officiating. Relatives and friends invited. Inferment Harmony Cemetery. 33 LANAHAN. JOHN J. On Monday, July lfl 19X8. at Providence Hospital. JOHN J. LANAHAN of HI I Sheridan st. n.w,, be loved husband of Elisabeth E. Lanahan mee Postom and father of Mrs. Catherine M Grantham. Mrs. Dorothy M. Carridon. Alice F.. John J.. tr- and James B. Laua lian Funeral from the above residence on Thursday. Juiy HH. at 8:30 am. High requiem mass at the Church of the Na tivity at 0 a m. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Cedaf Hill Cemetery. HI LEWIS. BESSIE. On Tuesday, July Ho 1948. at Gallinger Hospital. BESSIE LEWIS, daughter of the late William E. Lewis, sister of WUllis G. Lewis of Wash ington. D C- and Robert Lewis of Cali fornia Remains resting at Chinn's Fu neral Home. 2805 South Seminary rd„ Ar lington, Va. Notice of funeral later. LEWIS. JAMES THOMAS. On Sun day. July 18. 1948. at Ossipee, N. H. JAMES THOMAS LEWIS, husband ol Helen Klockman Lewis. He also is survived by his father. Abner Beemer Lewis of Turtle Creek. Pa., and by four sisters. Mrs. Ken neth Freeman of Turtle Creek, Pa.: Mrs. Albert Moore of Aspinwall, Pa.: Mrs. Her oert Merrlman of Wtlmerding. Pa., and Mrs. Minnie Lewis Simmon of Wilkms burg. Pa. Services will be held at Oawler’s Chapel, 175(1 Pa. ave n.w - on Thursday. July 22, at 2:30 p.m. Inter ment Rock Creek Cemetery. LINDSAY. MELVILLE DYER. On Tues day, July HO. 1048. at his residence. 0819 5th st n.w . MELVILLE DYER LINDSAY. Deloved husband ol Mabel Duncan Lindsay and father of Melville C. Lindsay of Clarksburg. W. V He also Is survived by rhree brothers Clarence A. Lindsay and Dr. Janiver W. Lindsay of Washington. D C and Alfred B Lindsay of New Rochelle. N. Y Funeral services will be !h#ld at Hysong's Funeral Home. 130(1 N st. o w.. on Thursday. July HH, at 1.1 a.m. Friends invited to attend. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. Please omit flowers. LINDSAY. MELVILLE D. A special communication of Takoma Lodge. No. H9. F. A. A. M- is called for Thursday. July HH. 1948, at 10 a m., for the purpose of at tending the funeral of our late brother. MELVILLE D. LINDSAY. Members please attend. By di rection of the worshipful master. WILLIAM H. DYRE, Secretary. MAGRUDER. MARY. On Monday. July 19. 1948. at Emergency Hospital. MARY MAGRUDER of 049 Acker st. n.e- wife of ihe late Charles Magruder. beloved couain of Mrs. Emma Hargrove and Mrs. Ida L. Coates. She also leaves other relatives and friends Friends may call at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 143H You st. n.w- after 1 p.m Thursday. July 2H. Funeral services Friday. July 23. at 1 p.m . at Ihe above funeral church. Rev. Robinson officiating. Relative* and friends invited. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 1 . 23 Ibatfcj MARTIN, JOSEPH THOMAS. On Mon day. July 18. 1848. at the United States Naval Hospital, i Bethesda, Md.. JOSEPH THOMAS ! MARTIN, beloved husband of Mary C. Martin (nee Buscheri • and father of Mrs. Delores Means Prayers at tne cnamoers' Fu neral Home. 1400 Chapin st. n w.. on Thursday. July 22. at 11:30 a.m. Mass at St. Gabriels Catholic Church. Grant Circle, at 10 a m. Interment In Arlington National Cemetery. 21 MEALY, MARY A. On Tuesday. July 20. 1948. at Georgetown University Hos pital. MAHY A. MEALY, sister of Mrs. 1 James J. Garvey and Mrs. Edmond Me- j Namara. Funeral from the Timothy Hanlon Funeral Home. 841 H st. n.e.. on Thursday. July 22. at 8:30 a.m. High requiem mass at St Aloysius Church at 9 ajn Relatives and friends invited. In terment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 21 | MEALY. MARY A. The Carmalite Tertiaries will meet at the Timothy Hanlon Funeral Home, 641 H st n.e.. at 8 p.m. Wednesday. July 21. 1948. for the reci-. tatlon of the Ninth Rosary" for Miss MARY A. MEALY. 21 MILLER. MRS. E. ETTIE. On July 20, 1948, at the home of her daughter. Mrs. E. H. Kline, 1916 North Nelson it., Ar lington. Va., Mrs. E. ETTIE MILLER, widow of the late Rev. Martin B. Miller. She is survived by the following children: Mrs. E. H. Kline, Mrs. A. J. Dunivan of Lorton, Va.; Mrs. J. R. Firebaugh of At lanta. Ga.. and Martin Quinter Miller of Staunton. Va.. and one brother. W. C Weaver of Harrisonburg. Va. Remains resting at the Ives Funeral Home. 2847 Wilson blvd . Arlington. Va., until Friday. July 23, at 8 a.m.: thence to Beaver Creek Church. Rldgewater. Va., where funeral services will be held at 2 P.m. 22 MORRIS. RALPH L. On Tuesday. July 20, J 948, at Doctors Hospital. RALPH L. MORRIS of 804 South Barton ar„ Arling ton, Va., beloved husband of Marlon D. Morris, father of Ann and Thomas Mor ris, son of Ella F. and the late George Thomas Morris, brother of Ray E. and Floyd T. Morris and Mrs. Stella Mohr. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th it. n.w., on Thursday July 22. at I p.m. Interment Andrews: Chapel Cemetery. OENDORFF, ALLIE W. Suddenly, on Tuesday, July 20, 11148. ALLIE W. ORN-1 DORFF of 226 Jefferson st. n w.. beloved i wife of Preston B. Orndorff and mother! of Larry Miller. She also is survived by four sisters and two brothers. Notice of funeral later. PERSK1N, SERGT. DAVID F. Sudden ly. on January ::.i. l»4,>. m Eng land, Sergt DAVID F. PERSKIN. the beloved son of Harry M. Perskin and Mrs. Zetha Alex opouios. grandson of Mrs. J. H. Osborne. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. and Mass.ave. n.e., until »:,«» a m. inurs day. July 22. Service* will be held at the! Resurrection Chapel. 15th and Gales ats.! n.e., at 10 a.m. Interment Cedar Hill i Cemetefy. 21 PORTER. »n4 LT. EDWARD A.. JR.. V.1 S. A. F. Suddenly, on December | 30. 1044, over England. 2nd Lt. EDWARD A. PORTER, Jr., U. S. A. F., of 553d Johnson ave.. j Bethesda, Md., beloved son of j Catherine W. and Edward A. | Porter, sr.: brother of Catherine J. and Dorothea B. Porter and Mrs. Helen L. Jackson. Remains resting at the Be-; thesda-Chevy Chase Funeral Home of Wm Reuben Pumnhrey, Bethesda. Md., after 7 j p.m. Thursday. July 22. 1948. Services Friday. July 23. at Our Lady of Lourdes j Catholic Church. Bethesda. Md., where ] requiem mass will be offered at 10 a m.1 Interment Arlington National Cemetery. I 22 PURCELL. ELIZABETH DALE. Sud denly, on Monday. July 19._1948. in Parkersburg. W. Va.. ELIZABETH DALE PURCELL, beloved daughter of Myrl P. ana Stanley D. Purcell of 27 Franklin st.. Chevy Chase View. Md. Remains resting at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Funeral Home of Wm. Reuben Pumphrey. Bethesda. Md Memorial services Friday. July 23. at 3 p.m , at Christ Episcopal Church. Kensington. Md. Interment, private, in Rockville Union Cemetery. 23 ROBERTS. SARAH. Buddenly. on Wed nesday. July 21, 1948. at her residence. ■11 (Ml 19th st. n.w. SARAH ROBERTS, beloved mother of Dorothy and Frank Roberts and Mrs. Rose R. Maclllwalne.1 Also surviving is one grandson, G. Rob erts Hall. Services at the 8. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w . on Fri day. July 23. at 3 p.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 22 ROBINSON. FLIGHT OFFICER DAVID O. JK. Funeral services lor Plight Officer DAVID O. ROBIN SON Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. David O. Robinson of 1819 G at. n.w.. will be held at the Memorial Gate of Arlington Na tional Cemetery on Friday. July 23, 1948. at 2 p.m., with military honors. RUPPERT. ELIZABETH T. On Tues day, July 20, 1948. at her residence. 407 Oth st n.e., ELIZABETH T. RUPPERT, beloved mother of Bessie F. Ruppert. Fu neral will be held from her late residence on Friday. July 23. at 9:30 a m.: thence to St. Joseph's Church, where mass will be said at 10 a m. for the repose of her soul. Interment, private, in New Cathe dral Cemetery. Batlimore. Md. May she enjoy the light of Heaven. 22 SHIPMAN. EARL M. On Tuesday. July 20. 1948. at his residence. 1417 Rhode Island ave. n.w,, EARL M. SHIPMAN, ber loved husband of Neva Shipman, fathejt of Mrs. Neva Shipman Chinn of LOtflsviUi. Kr. Services at the S. H. Hinaa Co. Fu neral Heme. 2901 14th st. n.w., on Friday, I July 23. at 11 a m. Interment Cedar I Hill Cemetery. 22 SMITH. RUTH HORTENSE. OnMon day. July 19. 1948, RUTH HORTENSE SMITH of 700 A st. s.e., beloycd mother of Travi* Barrett, daughter 6f Robert Newton Smith and Mar*» Yates 8mith, sifter of Mrs. Louise Carrier. Mr*. Mar garet Jones. Mrs. Virginia Quinn. Edna L., James A. and Robert M. Smith, jr. Fu neral from the James T. Ryan Funeral Home. 317 Pa. ave. s.e. on Thursday. July 22, at 2 j>.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. SMITH. VIRGINIA S. On Tuesday. July 20. 1948. VIRGINIA S. SMITH, be loved wife of the late John Smith, mother ol Jack C. Smith, sister of Mrs. Eva E. Pumphrey and Mrs. Gertrude Murphy of lorton, Va.. and grandmother of David Smith. Friends may call at Wm. J. Nalley s Funeral Home. 522 8th st. s.e . where services will be held on Friday. July 23, at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Pohick Church Ceme tery. Pohick. Va. 22 STONE, RICHARD. On Sunday. July 18. 1948. RICHARD STONE, husband of Nellie Stone and brother of Henry K. Johnson and Eliza Reed. Friends may call at his late residence. 109 K st. n.w.. after 5 p.m. Wednesday, where services will be held Thursday. July 22. at 9 a m. In terment Arlington National Cemetery. Ar rangements by Malvan & Schey. • STRACK. ARTHUR J. Suddenly, on Monday. July 19, 1948. ARTHUR J STRACK. beloved husband oi Mildred T. Strack and father of Doris. Elaine and Paul D. Strack. Funeral from the Timothy Hanlon Funeral Home, 041 H st. n.e.. on Thursday. July 22. at 8:30 am. Requiem mass at Holy Name Church at 9 am. Interment private. STRACK. ARTHUR J. Officers and members of the Bureau of Engraving hna Printing Post. No. 23, American Legion, are notified of the death of Comrade AR THUR J. STRACK. and are requested to assemble at the Timothy Hanlon Funeral Home. 041 H st. n.e., on Wednesday, July 21. 1948. at 8 p.m., for services, con ducted by the National Guard of Honor. VINCENT MANCO, Commander. STROH. MAJ. HARRY R. Killed in action near Brest. France, on August 27. 1944. Maj. HARRY R. STROH. 378th Fighter Bomber Squadron, 9th Air Force. Interment at West Point. N. Y., July 22, 1948. at 3 p m. Please omit flowers. STUART. VIRGINIA LEE. On Sunday. July 18. 1948. at New York City, N. Y., VIRGINIA LEE STUART, mother of the late William W. 8tuart and Dorothy Stuart Yost. Services at Chambers’ Fu neral Home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Thursday. July 22. at 11 a.m. Interment In Glenwood Cemetery. SUIT. SAMUEL A. On Monday, July 19. 1948. at Providence Hospital. SAM UEL A. SUIT, beloved husband of Blanche E. Suit, father of Mrs. Betty Lou Temple and Doris M. Suit, brother of Mrs. Eva Dove, Mrs. Lydia Hill. Mrs. Gertrude Cecil. Mrs. Marian Holdsworth. Mrs. Caro lyn Stone. Mrs. Helen Rielly. Arthur F. and William T. Suit. Funeral services at his late residence, 2122 13th st. s.e.. Thursday. July 22. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Washing ton National Cemetery. TESH. MELVIN BERNARD. On Mon day. July 19. 194S, at his residence. 103 East Del Ray ave.. Alexandria. Va., MEL VIN BERNARD TESH. the beloved son of Edmond C. and the late Florence H. Tesh. brother of Helen V. Arnold and Frederick L. and Gardner E Tesh Services will be held at the Cunningham Funeral Home. 809 Cameron st.. Alexandria. Va.. July 22. followed by mass at St. Rita's Church at 1<» a m. Interment at St. Mary's Ceme tery. 21 THRFLKFXD, LAWRENCE HAWKINS. Departed this life Monday, July 19, 194S. at Gallinger Hospital. LAWRENCE HAW KINS THRELKELD, foster son of Rev. and Mrs. Haywood Threlkeld. He also leaves to mourn their loss one sister, Mrs. Eliza beth Johnson: three brothers, Dclvin, Charles and Louis Hawkins, and a host of J other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the Horton Funeral Home, 1322 (You st. n.w. Funeral services Friday, July 23. at 12 noon, af the Israel C. M. E. Church, corner of New Jersey ave. and Morgan st. n.w.. Rev. Herbert Burton of ficiating. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 22 THOMPSON. CHARLES B.. Jr. Sud denly, on Sunday, July 18. 1948. »t Rich mond, V»„ CHARLES B. THOMPSON, hus band of Della E. Thompson; father of Michael and Audrey Thompson; beloved son of Bailie and Charles B. Thompson, sr. He also leaves three sisters, one brother and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral services Thursday. July |32. at in a m., at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 1432 You st. n.w.. Rev. A. F Elmes officiating. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Family at 2105 Maryland ave. n.e . Apt. 11. 21 THOMPSON. RICHARD. On Monday. July 10. 1948. RICHARD THOMPSON of i 31-A M st. s.w. He leaves one uncle. George Thompson of Westmoreland Coun ty. Va.; one niece. Ella Henderson; two nephews. Prank and Howard Thompson, all of Ambler. Pa., and many other relatives and friends. On Wednesday. July 21. after 4 p.m.. friends may call at Eugene Ford's Funeral Chapel. 1213 4th st. s.w.. where funeral services will be held Thurs day. July 22. at 2 p m. Interment Har Imony Cemetery. 21 VAN Bl'REN. BENJAMIN I. On Tues day, July 20, 1948, at his residence. H21 Gresham pi. n.w.. BENJAMIN I. VAN j BUREN. devoted father of George B. Van Buren. brother of Joaeph Van Buren. ; Also surviving are other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. Ar rangements by McGuire. 22 WALKER. FREDERICK. Departed this i life suddenly, on Monday. July 19. 1948. I at his residence._1833 9th st. n.w.. i FREDERICK WALKER. Remains resting i at the Taft H. Williams Funeral Home. I 1702 12th at. n.w. Notice of funeral tater. • John K. Willis Dies; Principal Investigator In GAO Before Retiring John K. Willis, 58. a former prin cipal investigator in the Office of the Controller General, died yester day at his home in Punta Gorda. Fla., after a long illness. Mr. Willis lived here at 306 Dale drive, Silver Spring, Md„ before his retirement due to physical disability in November, 1946. He had been a resident of the Washington area more than 40 years. Bom in York, Pa., Mr. Willis came to Washington in his teens to study here at Wood's Commercial College. He entered Government service as a messenger boy when he was 16. From 1915 to 1921 ne was em ployed in the office of the Treasury Department auditor for the Interior Department until the bureau was incorporated in the General Ac counting Office. He became chief of the Interior Department division of the GAO, and later became chief of the check and accounting division and chief clerk of the office. In July, 1928, he was appointed an investigator in the office of investi gations, and he advanced to the po sition of principal investigator. In years just before his retirement, Mr. Willis had charge of the forms sec tion of the office of investigations. Mr. Willis was active in the GAO Employes’ Association, and was a member of the Harding Masonic Lodge and the Ionic Club, an organ ization composed of Master Masons. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Katherine Edwards Willis; two sons, Donnie and Jimmy Willis of Punta Gorda, and a daughter, Mrs. William O. Buckingham of Arlington. Funeral arrangements have not been announced. United States equipment may be used in modernizing the Mexican Railways in Mexico. Sratfja WATKINS. BENJAMIN, JR. Suddenly, on Sunday. July 18 1948, BENJAMIN WATKINS, Jr., of 619 South Columbus st., Alexandria. Va.. beloved son of Benjamin Watkins. »r., and Florence Watkins, broth er of Josian, Octavia. Mary. Jennie. Brenda and Linda Watkins, and the late Exzell Watkins; grandson of Evangelist B. H. Watkins and Carrie Watkins of Providence. R. I., and Edward Pollard of Alexandria, Va. He also leaves three uncles, three aunts, other relatives and friends. After 3 p.m. Wednesday, July 21. friends may call at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral services Thursday, July 22, at 2 p.m. at the Ebenezer Baptist Church. Alexandria, Va., Bishop R. N. Butler officiating. Relatives and friends invited. Remains at the above church from JO a m. Wednesday. July 21. until time of Juneral services. Interment Norfolk, Va. (Alexandria Gazette please copy.» WATKINS. EXZELL. Suddenly, on Sunday. July In. 1918, EXZELL WAT KINS of 619 South Columbus st., Alex andria. Va., beloved son of Benjamin Watkins, sr., and Florence Watkins, broth er of Josiah. Octavia. Mary. Jennie. Brenda and Linda Watkins, and the late Benjamin Watkins, jr.; grandson of Evan gelist B. H. W’atkins and Carrie Watkins of Providence, R. I., and Edward Pollard of Alexandria, Va. He also leaves three uncles, three aunts, other relatives and friends. After 3 p.m. Wednesday, July 21. friends may call at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral services Thursday, July 22,2at 2 p.m. at the Ebenezer Baptist Church. Alexandria. Va., Bishop R. N. Butler officiating. Relatives and friends invited. Remains at the above church from 10 a m. Wednesday. July 21. until time of funeral services. Interment Norfolk, Va. (Alexandria Gazette please copy. > WEEDER, 2nd LT. PAUL L. On May 34. in angiana, 4na j_.i. iPAUL L. WEEDER. U. 8. A. A. Tbeloved son of Mr. and Mrs. 8. H Weeder and brother of Minor J. Weeder of Arlington. Va. Graveside services and in terment at Arlington National Cemetery Thftrsday. July 23, 1948, at 3 p.m. Please omit flowers. 21 V WEINREIIH. SALLIE BULLET. On i Wednesday, July 21. 1948. SALLIE HUL i LEY WKNREICH. beloved wife of the late Eathan C. Weinrelch and mother of Mrs. iwrenee Gassenheimer and Mrs. Leon | Oppenheimer. Services will be held at Gawler'a Chapel, 1756 Pa. ave. n.w., on Friday. July 23. at 10 a m. Interment Washington Hebrew Congregation Ceme j lery. 22 WILLIS, JOHN K. On Tuesday. July 120. J 948. at his home, in Punta Gorda, Fla.. JOHN K. WILLIS, a retired investi i gator in the Office of the Comptroller General of the United States. He is sur vived oy his widow. Mrs. Katherine Ed ! wards Willis: two sons. Donnie and Jimmy Willis of Punta Gorda. Fla., and one ' daughter. Mrs. William O. Buckingham of Arlington. Va. • WILLIS, MARCELLENA. On Sunday. July 18. 1948, at Gallinger Hospital. MARCELLENA WILLIS, loving wife of Charles Willis of 1.311 South Pierce st., Arlington. Va. She also leaves one broth er. Earl Thomas: a sister-in-law. Maggie Thomas of Washington. D. C.: two aunts. Elizabeth Twyman of Washington. D. C.. and Arlana Jones of Arlington, Va.; one uncle, Bert Thomas of Arlington. Va.: other relatives and friends. Friends are invited to call at the above addresa aiter 5 p.m. Wednesday. .July 21. Funeral services at Mount Olive Baptist Church, 14th and South Pierce sts.. Arlington, Va., Thursday, July 22, at 1 p.m.. Rev. A. A. Mackley officiating. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. Arrangement* by the Chinn Funeral Service. 21 WORMLEY, CHARLES. Departed this ; life Monday, July 19. 1948, at Gallinger Hospital. CHARLES WORMLEY, son of the late Burton and Martha Wormley, beloved husband of Ethel Wormley. He also leaves to mourn five daughters, Dorothy Thomas, Mildred Bolware. Evelyn Frederick, Lucille and Ruth Wormley; three sons, Charles. Sylvester and John Wormley; flve grand children, Ave nieces, two nephews, one daughter-in-law. other relatives and friends. The late Mr. Wormley may be viewed at Stewart's Funeral Home. 30 H st. n.e., after 5 p.m. Thursday. Funeral Friday, July 23. at 1:30 p.m.. from New Mount Zion Baptist Church. 13th and C sts. n.e. Interment Harmony Cemetery. 22 WRIGHT. LUCY. On Tuesday. July 20, 1948. LUCY WRIGHT of 1210 6th st. n.w.. beloved sister of Hattie Garnett McNally. Alice Gatewood and Richard and Eugene Miller. She also leaves other relatives and friends. After 10 a.m. Thursday. July 22, friends may call at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral serv ices on Friday. July 23. at 2:30 p.m.. at the above funeral church, Rev. Virgil Taylor offi< iatinv. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Payne a Cemetery. 22 in Utrmoriam ALEXANDER. BETTY TERRELL. Ill sacred memory of my beloved mother. 8ETTY TERRELL ALEXANDER, who de parted this life July 31. 1930. The memory of ionic one dear, however long apart. Is like a soothing melody that lingers in the heart. LONELY DAUGHTER. MAE ANDERSON McCAMPBELL. GANTT. EDWARD A. A tribute of love and devotion to (he memory of my dear husband. EDWARD A. GANTT, who passed away seven years ago today. July 21. 1941. Beyond the gates, beyond the wall. Beyond the realm of time and space Lies happiness surpassing far The Joys of any earthly place. And I. who have a loved one there. Find comfort in the truth well known. That life is ruler over death And love will never lose Its own. MAMIE. GANTT. EDWARD A. A tribute to the memory of our dear brother. EDWARD A. GANTT, who entered Into the Celestial City seven years ago today. July 21. 1941. His sweet memory is all we have left, His cares are all at rest. But thankful are we who today can aay We loved him and did our best. HIS DEVOTED SISTERS, ANNA AND BLANCHE. OMOHUNDRO- HOWARD S. A tribute of love and devotion to the memory of my dear husband. HOWARD S. OMOHUNDRO. who entered into eternal rest one year age loday. July 21. 1947. HIS DEVOTED WIFE. JENNIE M. OMO HUNDRO. HAWKINS, MAMIE C. In loying mem ory of our darling wife and mother MAMIE C. HAWKINS, who oassed away two year* ago today. July 21, 1949. Her sweet memory Is all that we have left. Her cares are all at rest: But thankful are we who today can say We loved" her and did our best. ! Your weary hours and days of pain And troubled nights are past. And in our aching hearts we feel You have found sweet rest at last. We watched you fade like a flower. But could not make you stay: We nursed you with tender kindness Until God called you away. REV. OWENS W. HAWKINS AND CHIL DREN. * WILLIAMS. Y. ROBERT (BUDDY). In 1 sad bilt loving memory of our dear ton land brother. V/ ROBERT (BUDDY 1 WIL LIAMS. who departed this life ten years ago todty. July 21. 1938. Memories ire gomething bo one can steal. I Parting leaves sorrows no one can heal: I Thoughts of him are always near, i Forget you. Bud. no. we never will. We loved you then, we love you still; Your memory la at fresh today As in the hour you passed away. _ LOVINO MOTHER. STEPFATHER AND SKTatS. * • Warren Dewey To Lead Arlington G. 0. P. Workers The campaign of Dewey-Warren supporters In Arlington County will be organized by Warren Dewey. Mr. Dewey, who lives on Taft street in! Arlington, yesterday was elected chairman of the organizing com- i mittee for the Arlington County; Dewey-Warren.Club. Mr. Dewey is a manufacturer’s representative. Other officials of the new club include Talmage Wilcher, club chair man; Harold G. Ast, vice chairman in charge of men's activities; Mrs. Louise Arnold, vice chairman in charge of women’s activities; Fred erick G. Dawson, secretary; Ber tram Kethart, treasurer, and J. L. Baskin, jr„ membership chairman. I Membership in the club is open to all supporters of the Dewey-Warren ticket. The new club’s headquarters I is at 1738 Wilson boulevard. Rites Set Tomorrow i For Elmer L. Irey Funeral services for Elmer L. Irey, 60, former chief co-ordinator of the Treasury Department's law enforce ment agencies, will be held at 11 a.m. tomorrow at the S. H. Hines funeral home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W. Burial will be in Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Mr. Irey died Monday at his sum mer home at Shady Side, Md., after, becoming ill a week ago. He had lived at the Shoreham Hotel here for the last several years. Since his retirement in August, 1946, after 40 years of outstanding Government service, Mr. Irey had maintained an office as a tax con sultant in the Shoreham Building here. During his Government service, principally with the Treasury De partment, he was instrumental in trapping A1 Capone and other pub lic enemies for tax evasion. In a statement issued today by Acting Secretary of the Treasury Edward H. Foley, jr„ the department praised Mr. Irey s "loyalty and de votion to duty and his steadfast courage (which) will long be remem bered by the department in which he labored for more than a quarter century.” “News of the passing of Elmer L. Irey * • * is the cause for genuine sorrow throughout the Government which he served so faithfully,” Mr. Foley declared, in citing the former employe’s service record. Mr. Irey is survived by his widow, two sons, two brothers and two sis ters. Man Held Responsible For Mother’s Death Charged with the murder of his mother after an argument over his leaving home, James W. Hawkins, jr., 23, today awaits grand jury action, after a coroner’s jury found him responsible for the death. The Army veteran appeared at an inquest yesterday and heard police tell of the finding of the body of his mother, Mrs. Evelyn Hawkins, 44. According to testimony, Mrs. Hawkins’ body was found on the couch at the Hawkins' home at 605 Sheridan street N.W., with a butcher knife buried in the left side of her neck. The body wag found by the accused man’s wife; Mrs. Myrene Hawkins, 22. The accused son was asleep , nearby. Detective Sergt Harold C. Huff man of the Homicide Squad testi fied he was told by young Hawkins that he stabbed his mother "in self defense.” According to Hawkins’ statement, as related by Sergt. Huffman, the mother "rushed at” her son with the knife, after she became angry because he was packing his clothes “to go to Texas.’ The accused man was quoted as saying he took the knife from his mother and stabbed her once. Three neighbors testified they heard sounds of argument at the Hawkins’ home during the evening. Police records showed a scout car from No. 6 Precinct went to in vestigate a disturbance at the house early Monday night, prior to the slaying. Rifes for Melvin B. Tesh To Be Held in Alexandria Funeral services for Melvin Ber nard Tesh, 43, former War De partment employe, will be held at 10 a.m. tomorrow at St. Rita’s Church, Alexandria. Burial will be in St. Mary's Cemetery there. Mr. Tesh, whose home was at 103 East Del Ray avenue, Alexandria, died Monday after a long illness. He worked in the transportation division of the Army’s Washington Finance Office until three years ago when he resigned because of ill health. He was born in Alexandria, the son of Edmond C. and the late Florence H. Tesh. He was educated in Alexandria schools and was em ployed with W. A. Smoot & Co., be fore joining the War Department. In addition to his father, Mr. Tesh is survived by a sister, Mrs. Helen V. Arnold of Washington, and i two brothers, Frederick L. and Gardner E. Tesh of Alexandria. Five South Carolinians Quit Primary Races By the Associated Press CHARLESTON, S. C., July 31 — Five Democratic candidates for the State Legislature today withdrew from the August 10 primary. Three said they would run In the general election. The other two made no commitment. The withdrawals were made for two reasons: The State party rule that candi dates must support the Truman Barkley ticket, and a Federal Court order allowing Negroes to become members of the South Carolina Democratic Party. James B. Morison, Don V; Rich ardson and James B. Moore, all of Georgetown, said they would enter the general election. T. Allen Le gs re, Jr, and Henry T. Gaud, both of Charleston, merely withdrew from the party. Woman Beaten and Robbed A woman is in serious condition at Freedman's Hospital today after she was knocked down and robbed last night while walking in the 500 block of New York avenue N.W. The victim, f/Ln. Thelma Lindsay, 35. colored, 417 Massachusetts ave nue N.W., said a colored man hit her on the head and took her pocket book containing $t. * Dr. Edward A. Gorman Rites to Be Held in Alexandria Tomorrow Requiem mass for Dr. Edward A. Gorman, 15, a physician in Wash ington and Alexandria for 50 years, will be offered at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow in St. Mary's Church, Alexandria. Burial will be in St. Mary's Cemetery. Dr. Gorman, whose home and office were at 321 Duke street, Alexandria, died Monday in a pri vate hospital after an illness of two months. A lifelong resident of Alexandria, Dr. Gorman was educated at St. John’s Military Academy there and at Georgetown University where he received a medical degree in 1898. Last month he was commended by the university for 50 years of prac tice.. He was the sole surviving member of his class, his family said. Dr. Gorman had served as health omcer oi Alexandria irom iuuu to 1916, and during World War I was chief medical examiner of the draft boards in Alexandria and Arlington. He organized the first Alexandria chapter of the American Red Cross. A member of the staffs of Emer gency, Sibley and Casualty Hospitals here. Dr. Gorman was a member of the Alexandria, Virginia State, Tri State, Fairfax County and Amer ican Medical Societies. He was a past grand master of the fourth degree of the Knights of Columbus of Virginia and West Vir ginia, and a life member of the Elks. His wife, Mrs. Mary Dwyer Gor man, died in 1936. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. J. T. Preston, jr.; a son, Edward A. Gorman, Jr.; two grandchildren, Anne E. Gorman and Edward J. Preston, all of Alexan dria, and four brothers, Eugene K., Frank H„ James H., and Patrick F. Gorman, Jr. Pan American Union Names Medina to Publicity Post Appointment of Raul Diez de Medina, diplomat and writer, as di rector of the newly created Depart ment of Public Information was an nouncea loaay by the Pan American Union. Mr.Medina first came to Washington in 1928. when his father was named Bolivian Minister to the United States. He studied at the Foreign Service School of Georgetown University. He wrote on Latin American Mr. Medina. affairs for The Star from ltfjl to 1935, under the pen name of Gas ton Nerval. More recently, Mr. Medina has been associated with the United Nations. At the same time he has served as counselor of the Bolivian Embassy here. His appointment is the last of five made during the past year in con nection with establishment of new administrative departments in the Union, Shots Fail to Halt Escape Of Scottsboro Convict Sy th« AtsoctaUcf MONTGOMERY, Ala., July 21—A shotgun blast and a fusillade of re volver shots failed to halt the escape from Kilby Prison late yesterday of Haywood Patterson, 35, one of the defendants in the Scottsboro rape case. Patterson was one of nine Negroes who fled as they were being returned to the prison aftar working in a field. Prison director Frank Boswell said Patterson was the first to leap from a truck as it rounded a curve. A guard fired once with a shotgun and then emptied his revolver at the convicts as they ran through a corn field, but failed to halt them. Five of the convicts were captured a few hours later, Mr. Boswell said, but Patterson and three others were still at liberty. Patterson and eight other Negroes were convicted of attacking two white women on a freight train near Scottsboro, Ala., in 1931 and were sentenced to death. Patterson ap pealed his case and after a long court fight was given a 75-year prison term. Gov. Thurmond Resigns From National Cdmmittee fty th# Associated Press COLUMBIA, S. C., July 21.— J. Strom Thurmond, presidential candidate of rebellious Southern Democrats, has resigned from the Democratic National Committee. The anti-Truman Governor of South Carolina said last night he | had mailed his resignation to Chair man William P. Baskin of the State : Democratic Executive Committee and that a copy had been sent to | Chairman J. Howard McGrath of the national committee, j The South Carolina Democratic I Convention elected Gov. Thurmond to the national committee May 19, to take the place of Senator John ston, who did not seek re-election. Gov. Thurmond has announced his intention of “doing everything I can to assure the defeat” of Presi dent Truman, the major aim of the States’ Rights Democrats. Liner Nieuw Amsterdam Arrives From Rotterdam ly the Associated Press NEW YORK, July 21.—The liner ! Nieuw Amsterdam arrived today from Rotterdam, her voyage marked by the burial at sea of a baby girl who lived only three hours after birth. The child was bom prematurely July 17 to Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf G. Contrael of Harrisburg, Pa. She was named Helen Ann. Another passenger, John Van Eman Riddile, 59, of North Holly wood, Calif., died of a heart ailment July 18. His body will be returned home. I *40 up [MARKERS I EAJLVEV VgRANHECO.WC WTHW XH.W. >«Wf*n»fm»l cimmo fc_TAVU» MQQ Reburial Services Today For Sergt. John D. May Reburial services for Sergt. John Duvall May, 24. son of Dr. and Mrs. Carroll H. May, 418 North Wash ington street, Alexandria, Va., were to be held at 2 p.m. today In Arlington Ceme tery. Sergt. May was killed in a flight aboard an 813th Bomb Squadron plane over Eye, Suffolk, Eng land. on Novem ber 10, 1942. He had been buried in the Brook wood American National Ceme tery near Lon don until his Sard. Mar. body recently was returned to uua country. Born in Alexandria, Sergt. May at tended public schools there. He was graduated from the College of Wil liam and Mary in 1942. He entered the Army in July, 1942, and, after completion of a course in radar, was sent to England. In addition to his parents, he is survived by a brother. Carroll H. May, jr., 209 North Royal street, Alexandria. J. Branson Shenk, 91, Dies in Page County By Associated Press LURAY, Va., July 21.—J. Bran son Shenk, 91, a farmer and one of Page County's oldest residents, died at his home near here yester day after a long Illness. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday at his home. Burial will be in Beahm’s Chapel Cemetery. Besides being a farmer, Mr. Shenk was one of Page County's first cab inet makers 65 years ago. He was married 53 years ago to the former Miss Ida Hanson, who survives him. Other survivors are three sons, Linden Shenk, Wash ington: Malcolm Shenk, Arlington, and Kennings Shenk, Luray; two daughters, Mrs. Harry Wolfe and Mrs. Kenneth Wolfe, both of Balti more, and a sister, Miss Kate Shenk, Luray. 'Jeepster' Convertible Makes Debut Here The “Jeepster,” latest and jaunti est addition to the numerous de scendants of the wartime jeep, made its debut with appropriate fanfare at the Mayflower Hotel yesterday. Former GI's will have a hard time recognizing the relationship of the “Jeepster" to the tough little vehicle in which they bounced around Eu rope and the Pacific theater in World War II. The car put on exhibition yester day grew out of suggestions written to the makers on how the jeep could be adapted for peacetime pas senger use, according to representa tives of Willys-Overland Motors. The result is a racy looking con vertible, with lines reminiscent of several foreign-made cars. The car :will be sold locally through Willys jof Washington, and company offi cials say its price will be about 1)1,960. __ Course in Firearms For Police Ordered Members of the police department were ordered today to start' a special course of instruction in the use of firearms beginning Monday. The order, signed by Inspector Floyd A. Truscott, instructed com manding officers of each precinct to send one man each day to the police pistol range until all their men have reported for practice. The course of instruction is in connection with the annual qualification of the depart ment in the use of firearms, the order said. Stuttgart, Germany, reports no baby there has been called Adolf in the last year. ! Melville D. Lindsay, Former Purchasing Aide for District, Dies Melville Dyer Lindsay. 70, former assistant purchasing officer for the District, died yesterday at his home. 6819 Fifth street N.W., after •>* illness of two years. Mr. Lindsay worked with fee Distriet government from 1929 until his retirement in 1946 from the of flee of District Purchasing Officer Roland M. Brennan. Except for a brief period of em ployment in Easton, Pa., Mr. Lind say had lived in Washington since he was 6 years old. He was bom in Brooklyn. N. Y.. and came here with his father at that age. Central High Graduate. He was a graduate of Central High School and received a degree in mechanical engineering from the Worcester (Mass.) Polytechnic In stitute in 1902. An ardent fisherman and amateur photographer before he became ill, Mr. Lindsay had taught photography to a winner of The Star's amateur photography contest last fall. The winner, Robert Krout, 6817 Fifth street N.W., submitted a study of Mr. Lindsay, posing as a music teacher, giving a little boy his first violin lesson. It was entitled “First Lesson.” Mr. Lindsay was a Mason and a member of the First Congregational Church, Tenth and G streets N.W, Services Thursday. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mabel Duncan Lindsay; a son, Mel ville C. Lindsay of Clarksburg, W. Va.. and three brothers, Clarence A. ! and Dr. Janvier B. Lindsay of Wash ington, and Alfred B. Lindsay of New Rochelle, N. Y. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday at the Hysong funeral home, 1300 N street N.W. Burial will be in Rock Creek Cemetery. Fourth Wife Sues Spreckels SANTA MONICA, Calif., July 21 (/P).—Film Actress Kay Williams has sued for divorce from Adolph B. Spreckels, jr., sugar fortune heir. The actress, Mr. Spreckels’ fourth wife, charged cruelty in her suit filed yesterday and demanded $2,500 monthly support and title to their Bel-Air estate. They were married in Wickenburg, Arlz., In 1945. SINCE 1SSS TALTAVULL FUNERAL HOME 3619 FOURTEENTH ST. N.W. Corner of Spring Road HOborf 5900 J ... is privileged absolute f r e e dom. We follow i t s specifica tions. Due to the death of RALPH L. MORRIS, Vice President of the firm of The W. D. Campbell Company 1014 15th Street N.W. the store will be closed Thursday, July 22nd / ) ANT FA MILT . CAN AFFORD ) RYAN SERVICE f I James T, Ryan I Funeral Director Air-Conditioned Home I 317 Pa. Ave. S.E. ATlantic 1700-1701 i VETERANS' | FAMILIES: I Call this firm without forfeiting any veterans’ funeral allowance to which you are entitled St TEARS’ FAMILY DIRECTION AND OWNERSHIP Till 9 p.m. phono Dlst. 1300 9 p.m.-12 p.m. phono | OL 2325 or OL. 1931 "Memo charge” may he made ever phene up to 12 P.M. nightly—if lifted in telephone directory. Funeral spray* end fresh cut flower*. Funeral Sprays, $5 00 pn4 up 1407 H St. N.W.