Newspaper Page Text
D. C. Insurance Sales 7 Per Cent Above Year Ago in June By Edward C. Stone Washington life insurance agents wrote policies in June totaling $11, 412.000, a gain of 7 per cent over June of last year, while sales in the six months of 1948 totaled $65,470, 000, an increase of only 1 per cent over the like 1947 period. June sales in the nation were up 5 per cent and unchanged in the half year. Maryland reported sales totaling $19,930,000 in June, an upturn of 4 per cent and half year sales of $117, 124.000, for a gain of 1 per cent, same as Washington. Virginia's June policies totaled $24,504,000, a jump of 13 per cent over June, 1947, with sales in the six months reaching $140,644,000 a rise of 10 per cent over last year. Delaware led all other States in June percentages the total of only $3,952,000 sales showing a 35 per cent advance. Lincoln Service Earnings Up. Earnings of the Lincoln Service Corp for the six months ending June 30, after provisions for taxes, were $220,965 as compared with $180,645 for the first six months of 1947, Charles Delmar, president, an nounced today. Earnings on the common stock, water provision- for taxes and pre ferred stock dividends, were $8.12 per share compared with $4.77 for the like period in 1947. The American Banker is publish ing a list of the largest banks in the United States as shown by the recent call. Riggs National now stands 54 in the list, having moved up from 58th place, and American Security & Trust is 115th in the list, unchanged. Bank Assets Exceed 1947. The Controller of the Currency, Preston Delano, today reported total assets of Washington's 19 banks as $1,094,564,000 on June 30 compared with $1,094,834,000 of April 12, 1948, and $1,086,036,000 on June 30. 1947. Commercial and industrial loans totajld $264,104,000 on June 30 agaUgst $253,682,000 on April 12, 1948; and 213,892,000 on June 30, 1947, Demand deposits on June 30 to taled $713,963,000 against $706,551, 000 on April 12 and $710'642,000 a year ago. Time deposits in Washington banks totaled $216,494,000 on June 30. compared with $219,458,000 on April 12 and $226,939,000 on June 30 a year ago. All deposits totaled $1,019,385,000 against $1,020,785,000 In April and $1,015,018,000 a year ago. Heard in Financial District. J.-D. Marsh and Associates led all Lindoln National Life agencies in Juni, producing $1,720,000 of life in sui abce for the month and setting a n^ five-year record.• j George H. Bright, an official of the Metropolitan Bank and man ager of the Washington Clearing House Association, is taking a vaca tion cruise down Chesapeake Bay. H. T. Bisselle, senior vice president of the Riggs National Bank, and Corcoran Thom, jr„ a vice president, are on vacation. Net sales of United Cigar-Whelan Stores Corp. amounted to $18,855,347 in the second quarter against $18, 890,451 a year ago and $37,185,195 in the half year against $37,337584 in the like 1947 period. Profits amclinted to $246,213 in the second quarter against $277,875 a year ago. | {Business Briefs | Electric Power Consumption rose to 5,197,458,000 kilowatt hours in the week ended July 17, from 4,760,316, 000 the week before. The latest figure was 9.8% above the same week last" year.—Edison Electric Institute. Personal Income rose to an annual rate of $208,100,000,000 In May, from one of $207,400,000,000 in April.— Commerce Department. Shert Interest on the New York Stock Exchange declined to 1,074.939 shages as of July 15, from 1,171,331 on fune 15. Office, of Allen Property accepted the lgll$8 a share bid of AMRA Corf), of New York for 535,882 shares of American Bosch Corp., 77% of the outstanding stock. This Year’s Corn Crop will be sup ported at 90% of parity on October 1— Agriculture Department. Texas & Pacific Railway has ordered 11 Diesel locomotives, to cost $5,500,000, from General Motors’ Electromotive Division. Deliveries are scheduled to begin next March. Wright Aeronautical Corp. received Air Force contracts totaling $7*000, 000 to produce engines for jet pilot trainers and utility aircraft. Sears, Roebuck & Co.. bought a 36-acre tract in Columbus, Ohio, as theleite of a new mail order plant arxfelepartment store. S Ivania Electric Products. Inc., filei with the Securities and Ex cha ige Commission a proposal to off< the public 200,000 shares of con non stock. C ntinental Motors Corp. of Mus keg n, Mich., registered 300,000 com mo shares for public offering at a prioe to be filed with the SEC later. Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway declared an extra dividend of cents a share on (he common in ad dition to the regular quarterly of 75 gents, both payable October 1 to stock pf record September 22. .form k. i nompson t o. reduced I the- dividend on its capital stock to 10 cents from 15 cents paid in the thrle preceding quarters. The di vidend is pat able August 16 to stop of record August 2. Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey) estfciated net earnings for the first has of 1948 at $210,000,000 or $7.50 a dommon share, vs. $140,000,000 or $5.M for the 1947 half. tsapeake A Ohio Railway 1 $14,004,559 or $1.75 a share six months ended June 30, vs. >,310 or $2.60 in the like 1947 ette Safety Razor Co. net for thd first 1948 half was $7,019,126 or $3.16, vs. $5,161,690 or $2.23 in the 19« half. Erie Railroad earned $5s538.181 or $1J4 in the half. vs. $2,501,124 or 61 cents. Interlake Iron Corp. earnd $2,370. 19* in the half, vs. $2,200,137 or $1.13. Iibby - Owens - Ford Glass Co. earned $7,103,850 or $2.78 in the six months ended with June, vs. $6,419. 02? or $2.51 in the 1947 period. Detroit Edison Co. earned $9 - $ 59,857 or $1.41 in the year ended Julie 30, vs. $11,859,248 or $1 .d9 the yep before. Eaton Manufacturing Co. earned $5,608,357 or $6.29 in the six months ended with June, vs. $3,489,260 or $3.91 in the 1947 period. Long Island Railroad lost $4,535. 433 in the five months ended May 31, vs. a net deficit of $3,404,694 in the like 1947 period. Gamewell Co. earned $1,159,656 or $3J4 in the year ended May 31, vs. $874,839 or $2.44 the year before. N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE (Furnished hr the Associated Freni.) Sales— • Stock end Add Net Dividend Rate. 00. Htch. Low. 3:30. chat. ABBOTT LABS a 9 73 72 72 - 44 A C P-Brill Mot. 2 5 5 5 + V4 Acme Steel 4a . 2 53*4 39 53V* + 44 Adams Btn V«e. 4 2044 2044 2044+ 44 Addresso-Mult 4 5 39*4 39 3944 +1 Admiral Cp .30t 6 1444 1414 1444 + 44 Air Reduction 1 18 2 344 2 244 23 + 44 Alaska Juneau. 6 344 344 344 AldensInclVa 2 18 18 18 + 4* Alleghany Corn 26 344 344 344 Alleghanv Co of 9 514* 51 51-4* Alleg Lud 80e 3 30 294* 30 + >4 Alleg Lud of 4'4 2 104 104 104 -3 tAlleg A West 6 20 95>4 9344 93>4 + 44 Allen Inc HOe . 1 94* 94* 94* + >/« Allied C&Dye 6a 3 190 189 190 Allied Kid lVn 1 19 19 19 Allied Mills 144* 7 294* 29 2944 + 4* Allied Strs 3 2 2 334* 3344 3 344 + 44 Allis Chaim 1 SO 16 3644 3544 36 + 44 Allis Chat of 34* 1 94 94 94 Amal Loath ,30e 3 544 544 944 + 44 Amerada Pet 3. 3 111 109 111 +144 Am Agricul 3a 3 4844 48 48 Am Airlines . 23 84* 8*4 844 - 44 Am Alrl of 344 4 594* 99 59 AmBsnkN 1.60a 2 2644 2 6 2644 + 44 AmBrkEhoe ,0Oe * 3944 3944 394* + 44 Am Cable A Rad 6 54* 944 5*4 + >4 Am Csd 3 1 83'4 8344 8344 + 44 'Am Can of 7 60 17144 171 171*4 +1 Am Car&Fdr 3e 2 4444 4444 44*4 + <4 Am Coltro 1 20* 2 17*4 17 17*4 + 44 ♦ArnCmtl pf444 10 90*4 90*4 90*4+ *4 AmCrantmid la 16 37*4 37 37*4+ >4 Am Distillers 2. 3 37*4 3644 3644- 44 Am Export Lt 3 16 194* 15*4 - *4 Am A Frgn Pwr 13 344 3*4 3*4 - *4 AmdtFPS7of344k 3 73 72*4 72**- *4 Am * F P 2d Of 8 114* 114* 11*4 + *4 AmHtde A L **g 5 6*4 6*4 8*4 + 44 Am Hide&L pf 3 1 46 46 46 -1 AmHomePr 1.20 16 24*.* 234* 24*.*+ *4 Am Ice 80e . 6 7*4 7 714 + *4 Am Inv 111 1.20. 3 17*4 17*4 174*- *4 Am Loco I 40 11 27*4 22*4 22>4 Am Mrh&Fd *0 7 17*4 17 17 AmMcbdtM*t>/«e 1 74* 7*4 74*+ *4 Am Meta) V»e 6 31*4 10*4 3U4 - 44 AmNewsCo 14*a 1 32*4 32*4 32*4 - ‘4 Am Power A- Lt 20 10 9*4 944 + *4 AmPAL SofA'.ik 1 90 90 90 +1 Am Radiat 40e 30 15V* 1444 19 Am Saf Raxor 1 18 10‘* lov* 10V4 + V4 Am Seating le 5 26*4 26 26*4+1** Am Sm&R 1 *4e 9 61*4 61 61 + 44 •Am SmAR ol 7 20 147*4 146*4 146*4 Am Snuff 2 2 34*4 34 34 - >4 Am Steel Fdrr 2 3 30*4 30*4 30V4 + ‘4 Am Stores 1 40* 3 24 23*4 24 +1 Am Stove 1.20e- 1 19 19 19 Am Sugar R 4e. 7 38 37*4 38 Am Sum Tob S. 1 18*4 ISM 184* + *4 Am Tel A Tel 0 20 154*4 1534* 194V* + >4 Am Tobacco 3a 11 59 58*4 984* + 4* 'Am Tob of 6 ... 10 139 139 139 viscose za z o/ 66‘* 67 • Am Viscose DfS 110 1194* 119V* 1194* + 4* AmWatWks 30* 4 74* 7V* 7V* + v* Am Woolen 6 . 34 944* 93V* 54V* +14* Am Zinc .20e 3 7V* 71* 74* Am Zinc nr pf 5 2 644* 614* 614*-14* Anaconda 1 V4e. 26 37V* 364* 364* •Anac Wire le 310 384* 374* 384*+14* Anch Hock Gilt 9 29 29 29 -1 •Anchor Hk pf 4 10 101 101 101 -2 Ander-Prich 1_. 46 30'* 29 294*+ 4* Arch-D-M la . 1 33 31 31 - >* Armco 8teel 2b 22 29‘* 284* 284* + >+ •Armco Stl pf44* 80 98 97>* 98 ArmourACol 20 26 13 124* 13 + Vt Armst Cork 80# 3 54'* 54'* 54'* — '* Artloom Crpt 1 b 6 164* 164*' 164* + 4* Asad Dry G 1 80 3 16V* 16'* 16V* + 4* Assoeiat Inv 2 1 0 3 1 304a 304*+ 4* AtcbTASP* 23 11H*110 110 -4* Atcb TASP Pf 6 3 103 103 103 • T P Inc Vie 3 17V* 164* 17'* + 4* At! Refining 1V* 39 454* 44V* 444* + 4* • Atl Ref ofB34i 50 94'* 94'+ 94V* - 44 Atlas Corn 1 80 7 214* 21'* 21'+ • Atlas Powd le. 170 514* 514* 91'* + V* Austin Nichols 4 644 64* 64* Autocar Co V«D. 4 124* 12 12 Avco Mft 36e . 16 6 54* 6 BABBITT X.20 2 154* 154* 154*+ 4* Baldwn Loco 4i* 8 14'+ 144* 14'* Balt A Ohio 90 194* 19 15 + 4* Balto A Ohio Pf 23 27'+ 264* 264*- V* BantorAAroatk. 3 26 274* 27V* - 4* Barker Bros le. 1 25'* 54* 25'* Barnsdall Oil 2 . 30 394* 39'* 39'* Bath Iron Wks 2 11'* 114* 1144 + 4* •Beat Pds pf34i 10 86 86 86 Beaunlt Mills 2. 2 194* 184* 194* + 4* Beech-N P1 60. 5 37 36'* 37 +1 Bendlx Avlat 2 9 34 33'+ 33'* + 4* BndxHomeA 14* 7 154* 15'* 154* + V* Best A Co 2 .. x 3 28 27 27 + 4* Best Poods 2a 8 344* 34 34 + 4* Beth Steel 1 20b 62 36'* 35*/« 354* - 4* Beth Steel pf 7. 1 138 138 138 - ■* Bieelow Sn 4ih 3 33V* 33 33'* + 4* BirmehmEl .30p 4 104* 104* 104* + 4* BlackADeck 2a 1 34 34 34+4* Blaw-Knox 44a. 10 17 164* 164*- 4* Bliss A Lau Vie. 2 16'* 16'* 16>* + V* Bliss K W 2 ._ 7 294* 29 29 - ** Boelne Alrol le. 13 244* 24V* 2*4*- V* •Bon Ami A 4a 40 80 79V* 80 +2 •Bon Ami B 2Via 10 424* 421+ 42'* +1 Bond Stores 2 17 24 23'* 234* BordenCo 1.20e 10 42'* 42 424* + 4* Bore-Warner 4. 14 62 614* 62 +14* Boston A Me 1 44* 44* 44* - 4* Bower Roll B 2- 2 38'* 38 384* +14* Brenlff Air_ 7 9 94* *'++•* Brideept Brass 7 94* 94* 94* Briers Manufe t 3 324* 324* 324* + 4* BrleesAStra 1 a 1 31 31 31 +14* Brown Sh 1.20a 3 294* 29 294* + 4* Bucyrus-Er 70a 11 *04* 20'* 20'*+ V* Budd Co .20e -. 17 10‘* 10 104* + V* •Budd Co of 6 80 70*+ 70'+ 70**+ 4* Buff Poree 90e. 3 36 38 36 - 4* Bulova Wtcb 3* 4 40 39 40 +2 BurllneMllls 1 ** 34 23 22'* 224*+ 4* Burl MLs cvpf3V* 1 92'* 924* 92V* +1'* Burr Add M 60 *5 164* 164* 164* +1 Butler Bros .. 3 1 244 124* 124*/+ >* Butte C A Z .. 3 3'* 3'* 34* Byers A M Vie . 2 244* 24'+ 244* CAL PACK 2Via 3 37'* 37'* 37'* + 4* Callahan Ztue 17 7'* 2'+ 2‘* Calumet&H .100 4 6** 6>* 64++'* Campbell Wyle 1 274* 274* 274*+ ** Can Dry GA 80 29 124* 114* 12 + '* • Can Dry pf 4V« SO 107 107 107 + ■* Canad Pac *ie 84 16'* 16 16'* + 4* Can Mills 2Vie . 1 42 42 42 -1 j Cap AdmsA ROe 1 16 16 16 + 44 ceoitaiAinines i ov4 CeroPwr£Lt2 5 31% 31% 31% Carrier Coro ._ 1* 17% 17 17 + % Cate J 1 l.OOe _ * 48% 43% 45%+ % CaterollTract S. 4 50% 39% 59% Celaneie Cro It. 30 34% 34 34%+ % ♦CelahJ% Of 7 . 70 138% 137 137% +1% Celanese 1st 4*/4 2 103% 103% 103% - % Celotex Coro 2- 17 31 29%.30%+l% Cen Aculr 1.80a 4 18% 16% 16% Cent Fndrj V4e. 26 10% 9% 10 + % Cent of Cl *1 3 10% 10% 10% CentHudGas 52 5 7% 7% 7% Cent of Ga of wl 7 35% 35% 33% + % Cent R R N J * 13 27% 2539 26%+1% Cerro de Pas 1 %x 9 25% 24%' 25% Certn-tdPd .80* 24 17% 17% 17% + % Champ Paper la 2 23% 23% 23% Checker Cab ._ 2 12% 12% 12%+ % Chet* Ohio 8 29 37% 37% 37%+ % Chicago Co .80. 21 12% 12% 12%+ % Chi & East 111 4 7% 7% 7% + % ChiArEast I11A le 8 15% 13% 13% Chi Great West 4 10% 10% 10%+% Chi Ort West of 11 19% 19% 19%+% Chi Ind 21 A 8 14 1T% 14 + % Cbl Ind * L B 6 8 7% 8 ChlMIlStP&P 25 11% 11% 11%-% ChlMSP&P Df4* 14 38 37% 37% + % Chi £ N W %g 13 21% 71 21 Chi £ N W of 5 5 46% 44% 45% + % Chi Pneu Tool 1* 3 33% 33 35 Chi R 1 £ P */4e_ 23 37% 38% 37 + % Chi R I£P of 6. 3 87% 66% 87% + % Chi Yello Cab 1. 1 11% 11% 11%+% Cblckatha 011 1 10 16% 16% 16% ♦Childs of 5V, _ 40 50 30 50 +1 ♦ Chile Cop llae. 10 38% 30% 38%-2 Chrysler*. 4 27 61% 60% 61%+ % Cln’G £ E 1.40 15 29% 29 29 + % CIO Mill M 1 *0 2 24 24 24 + % CIT Finance 2 10 46% 46 46 - % City Ice £ P £% 5 31 31 31 city Stores 1 20 4 18 17% 17%+% Clev El 111 1.85e. 4 40% 40 40%+1 ♦Clev E HI pf4% 18 108 108 108 -1 Clev Or Br ,80e 9 28 27% 28 - % ♦Clev £ Pitt 3% 20 76 75% 75% -2% Climax M 1.20 7 15% 15% 13%+% Clinton ind 2 40 3 26% 2#% 26% Clooay Coro 70 1 8% 8% 8% + % Cluttt PbodJ 1 e 11 36% 36 36 + % CluettPbdy tpI4 3 90 90 90 + % Coca-Cola 4 1 163 165 165 +1% ♦ Coca-Cola A 3 . 40 68 % 62% 62% + % Colgate-P-P 2* 3 40% 40 40% + % Collins £ Aik 1 . 2 22% 22 22%+% Colonial Mills 1 3 23% 23% 23% + % Col Fuel £ Ir la 35 19% 18% 19 + % Col Puel£lr of l 7 19% 18% 19% + % Columb Gas 80 30 13% 12% 13%+ % Colum Plct %f 8 10% 10 10% + % ColumCarbon 2a 1 34 34 34 + % Col£SOE2.10e 2 41% 41% 41%+ % Coml Credit 2 80 * 50% 49% 50%+ % Coml Solvnt %e 12 24% 24 24 - % Comwl Edl* 1.40 18 27 26% 27 Comwl £ South 175 3% 3 3% + % Cons Cigar 2 — 1 28% 28% 28%+1 Con* Cop .15*— 5 5% 5% 5% Cons Edit 1 80 32 24 23% 23% + % Cons Edlion Of5 5 106% 106% 106% ConsOrocanl. 14 16% 15% 16 + % Cons Nat Gat 2 5 45% 43% 45% - % Cont RRCuba of 4 23% 23% 23%+ % Cons Text 1.20b 3 13% 13 13%+ % Cons Vuitae 72 10% 10 ,10%+ % Contain Coro 2a 5 36% 35% 36% + % Cqpt Bakin* 1.. 8 16% 13% 15% + % Cmt Can *,4* — 7 35% 33% >55%+ % ContDta Fiber 1 4 11 10% 10%+ % Cont Motors 15 8% 8% 8% + % ContOllDel 1 %e 10 61 59% 60%+% Cont Steel le.— 2 17% 17% 17%+% Coooer-Bess 1 5 27% 26% 27% + % Coorwld Btl 1.20 12 19% 16% 19 + % ♦ CornExch 2 80 70 53% 33% 53% Corn Prod 2 70e 4 63% 67% 63% + % ♦Corn Prod of 7 10170 170 170 -1 ! Coty Inc.. __ 3 4 4 4 : Coty Ini 20* 10 2% 2% 2% + % Crsne Co I ROa 10 36% 35% 35%-% CreamerlesAm 1 2 10% 10% 10% Crown Cork %b 2 22% 22% 22% + % Crown Eel 1 80* 5 30% 30% 30% crucible Steel 6 25 24% 24% — % Cuban-AS2%e 7 13% 14% 15% + % cudabrPack 80s 2 11% 11% 11% + % Curtis Publish 41 12 11% 11% + % Curtixa-Wr 2e .564 12% 12% 11% + % Curtiss-Wr A 2 14 *8% 23% 26% + % DANA CORP *e 3 26 25% 26 +1 Dayton Rub 1 20 6 12% 12 12 - % Decca Record % 14 9 8% 9 + % Deep Rock 011 1* 1 17 37 57 + % Deer* £ CO I... IS 38% 38% 38%-% Deere of 1.40 ... 2 32% 32% 32%+% Del L £ W %•— 25 11% 11% 11%+% Den*ROW le. 31 36% 35% 36%+ % Den*ROWoflOe 27 51% 52 93%+2 Detroit Ed 1.20. 12 21% 21 . 21% + % Bale*— _ Stock and Add Mat Dividend Rata. 00. Bleb. Low. 3:80. chat. DetMlcnSlo 80a 4 12% 12 12%+ % Devoe A R A Za 5 25 24% 24% - % DU Match 1 Via l 42% 42% 42%-% Dlaa T Mot la 1 16% 16% 16% + % Diet Co-Sea 60 47 17% 16% 17%+ % ♦Dixie CupA 2% 50 Sl% 51% 51% - % Dr Pepper .30* 7 14% 14% 14% - % OoeMai-Jar 1 % 6 36% 36% 36% +1 Dome Mn 67e 18 14% 14% 14% Doualae A 2Via 8 57% 57 37%-% Dow Chem Vie 10 46% 45% 46% + % Dresser Xnd 1 Vi. 15 27% 26% 26% - % Du Pont 4e . 11 181% 180 180%+% Du Pont pf ♦% 1118% 118% 118% + % EAGLE-PI 1.80 3 21 21 21 + % i Eastern Air Use 7 16% 16% 16% + % East State Steel 3 18% 18% 18%+ % East Kodak 1 Vi* 24 41% 41% 41% + % Eaton Mfa 3 4 63 63 63 +1% EdU Br Btr 1 Via > 17% 17% 17% - % Baa Stop N Vie. 6 7% 7 7% + % El Auto-Ute 3 .. 3 30% 30% 50% + % klec Boat 1 .. 3 14% 14% 14% + % Bee Boat pf 2 . 1 371+ 17% 37%+ % El A Musle 16s 26 1% 1% 1% El Power A Lt.. 45 22% 21% 22 + % Elliott Co Vie .. 5 23 25 25 + % ElalnNatW 60a 1 15% 15% 15% + % Emer Bee Ml 2 18 17% 18 + % Emer Radio .80 3 13% 13% 13% - % Endlcott-J 1.60* 2 33% 33 33 Eault OB Bids * 4% 4% 4% + % Erie R R 1 89 15% 14% 15% + % Eureka Wms VaP 3 6% 6% 6% + % Evershern %f . 1 8% 8% 8% — % Exch Bus 60b 2 6% 6 6% + % FAIRBANKS le. 1 49 49 49 +2 PalstaS Brew 1. 2 22% 22% 22%+ % Farnsworth 29 10% 10% 10% + % Pedders Out 80 2 14% 14% 14%+ % Fed-Mogul 1.60 1 179/a 17% 17%+% PedMoTruck 40a 2 9% 9% 9% - % Federat D Strs 2 3 29% 29% 29%+ % tPed D S of 4 Vi. 30 96% 96% 96% Pelt AT 1.40a 3 21% 21% 21%+% PerroEnam 1.40 17 23 22% 22%+ % Firestone TAB 4 2 48% 48 48 - % Pllntkot* 2a 12 36% 35% 36%+ % Florid* Pow I 5 15% 13% 15% + % Flor Shoe A .90* 2 13% 13% 13%-% Pollans Stl 1 Vie. 8 30% 30% 30% Food Mach 1 Vi 7 40% 40% 40% + % tFoodMch p?3Vi 1 101 101 101 - % Foster Wheel I 10 33% 33% 33% +1% tPostrWpflVi 80 24 24 . 24 Francisco Sugar 1 13% 13% 13% - % Fr.i.niuJ Tri I 8 21 21 21 + % GABRIEL ,10e.. 1 7% 7% 7% + % Gatr Robt 40 . 29 8% 0% 8% GalrRpfl.20. 1 18% 18% 18% Gamewell Co la + 17% 17 17 + % Gar Wood Ind 33 8% 8% 8% + % GerWdpflVik. 1 40% 40% 40%+1% Gaylord Co 1%. 7 21% 21% 21%-% Gen Am Inv .40 13 ld% 16% 16% + % Gen Baking 60. 7 10% 10% 10% + Vi Gen Cable Vie.. 20 14% 14 14%+ % tGenCable Ipf 4170 80 79% 79%-% Gen Elec 1.60... 58 39% 39% 39%+% Gen Poods 2 . 14 40% 38% 40 +1% Gen Instrumt 1 18 12 11% 11% + % Tuen nun nr 6. iz< 124 Oen Motors 3 . 95 61% 60% 61 + % Oen Motor of 6. 5 122% 121% 121% - % Oen Mot of 3%. 4 57 96% 96% - % Oen Port C He.. 5 21% 22% 21%+ % Oen Precis Xo 1 2 15 14% 14% GenPubSvc .20* 4 3% 3% 3% + % Oen Pub Otl) 80 8 13% 13% 13% + % Gen RealtyAUt 12 5% 5% 5% + % Oen Shoe 2% 2 26% 26% 26% - % ♦OenStlC 0f4Hk 70 125% 124 124 +% Gen Telebh V 6 25 24% 25 GenTlnst 1.60» 4 28 27>4 28 + % Gen TlreAR la 6 25% 25 25 + % Gillette Saf 2%a 22 34% 33 33% + % Gtmbel Broa 2 18 20% 20% 20% GllddenCo 1 40a 8 24% 24 24% + % GoebelBrew .10# 1 5% 5% 5% + % Goodall-Sn lHa 3 21% 21% 21%+% Goodrich BP 2e 7 60 59% 59% + % GoodrearT&R 4 14 43% 42% 43% + % Goodyear ef B.. 1102% 102% 102% - % Graham-Paltt 14 4% 4% 4% - % Granby Con He 4 6% 6% 6% + % tGrantWT of3\ 10 97% 97% 97%+ % GraysonRob He 3 11% 11% 11% + % 2V«. 2 38% 38% 38% -1 GtNl Or ct 1 Hi 10 14% 14 141/4 Gt Nor Ry of 3 6 45% 45 45% + % GtWstSui 1.60a 2 21% 21% 21%-% tGtWeatSu* 017 30 140% 140% 140% tGreen BAW 5- 10 71% 71% 71% +1% Green H L 8a_ 3 36 35% 36 - % Grevhound 1... 36 12% 12 12% Grumjnan lh__. 6 23% 22% 23%+% Gulf MobAO %* 15 18% 17% 18 + % GulfMoAOb ofB 1 55 54 95 +2% Gulf 011 3_ 14 74 <72% 73% +1% Gull Sta Dtll 1 10 17% 17% 17% + % Harb-Walker la 6 26 25% 26 + % Hayes MI* 4B*. 34 10% 9% 10% + % Hazel-Atl 1.20a 1 21% 21% 21%-% Heins 1.80_ 1 38% 38% 38% tHelme of 7_ 10 148% 148% 146% -1% Hercul Pwd .70* 7 51% 51 51% +1 Hilton Hotels 1. 17 10% 10% 10% HindeADau 1H* 1 31 31 31 +1 Hires CE .SOe - 2 17% 17% 17%-% Homestk Min 2. 6 37% 37 37 + % Hooker Bee .80* 2 32% 32 32% +1% Houd-Hersb V«*. 7 15% 15 15% + % IHousehld 0l3H 20 90 90 90 -1 Houston LAP 8. 4 44% 44% 44% + % Houston OU 1*.. 7 35% 33 33 Howe Bound 8 . 3 43 42% 42% + % Hudson AM of. 3 10% 10% 10% - % Hudson Bay 7 44 43 44 +1% HudsonMot .40* 14 19% 18% 18% HUDD Cort-—. • 3% 3% 3% IDAHO PW 1.80 3 33% 32% 33%+1 11) Ctntrai 13 38% 38% 38%+ % IU Cent Of 8*— 1 88 88 88 +2 Illlnola Power 8. 14 26% 26% 26% + % 111 Term HR .72. 2 10% 10% 10% + % IndPrALtIH. 3 23 22% 23 + % Indust Rayon 3. 5 47 46% 46% — % Insersol-Rand.. 1 70% 70% 70% Inland Steal 1*. 23 44V* 43% 44%+ % InsniratCoD le. 2 19% 19% 19%+% Interch C .30h.. 1 20% 20% 20%-% tlnterem of 4%. 10 100 100 100 tntercon Rub 1 2% , 2% 2% — % Interlakelr ,60e 5 14% 14% 1414 + % Int Bua Macb 4 3 141% 140% 141% + % Int Harvst 1.40 40 32% 32 32 + % 'int Harvs of 7 120 167 167 167 + % Int Hydro BA 2 7% 7% 7% + % Int MACh 1 60 19 32% 31% 32 +1 Int Minin*_ 1 3% 3% 3% - % Int Nickel 160. 36 31% 30% 30%+% Int Paper 4a .. 11 59% 58% 58% - % Int Ry Cen Am. 1 10% 10% 10% Int Shoe 2'/4e— 2 42% 42% 42% Int Sliver 4*_ 1 60% 60% 60%+ % Int Tell, rpa) la 14 1/- 1 A 1411 Intertype 1.20e_ 4 34 33 34 +1* IsCrkCoal 1.3Sh * 37* 37* 37*+* JACOBS PL_ « • 7* 7* + * tJerCntP&L of4 10 S3* S3* S3* - * Johns-Man 70e. 14 36* 36* 36* - * tJohnion&J pf4 10 104* 104* 104* Jones & L Stl 2. 31 33* 34* 34*+ * Joy Mania 2 40a 8 37 36* 36* KAN CITY SOD. 11 41* 40** 41 + * Keyset J la . 1 16 16 16 Kelsey-HaBlVie 3 20*‘ 20* 20*+ * Kenneeott 1 Vie. 46 37* 56* 57*+1* Kern C Land 3a. 6 46* 46 46* Kimnrly Cl 1.40 3 22 21*' 22 +* •Kimb-Clrk of 4 230 104 103 104 +1 Kooners Co 1.60 1 33* 33* 33* + * Kresge S S 2_ 3 36 35* 35*- * Kress SH 2a .. 4 54* 54 54*- * Kroaer Co 2.40 1 44* 44* 44*+ * LACLEDE O 20 18 6 3* 6 + * La Cons of 86 2 t* 9* 9* + * Lambert Co 1 Vi. 1 22 22 22 + * Lane Bryant 1 3 12* 11* ll* Lane Wells 1.60 2 27* 27* 27* +1 Lee At Sons 1.40 3 25* 25 25*+* Lehleh C At N 1 3 11* 11* 11*-* Leh Port Cem 2. 2 34* 34* 34*- * Leo Vei Coai 20 4* 4* 4* + * Leh V Coal2plVi 1 8* 8* 8* + * Leh Valle* RR. 11 7 e* 6* Lehman 3.20e._ 10 48* 48* *8* Lerner Strs 1 Vi 3 23* 23* 23* Llb-O-P Glass 2. 25 52 51 52 + * Lib MeN&L Vie 6 10 9* 9* Life Sarer 1.20e « 36* 36 36*+* Lilt* My 4a— 5 87 86 87 +1 Lily Tulip 1*— 1 40 40 40 + * Lima Ramil 60. 15 11* 11* 11*+ * Link-Belt 3Vie- 2 63* 63* 63* Lion Oil 3_ 13 46* 46 46 Liquid Carbn 1. 3 18* 18* 18* + * Lockheed Vie_ 8 22* 21* 21* - * Loew'a Inc 1 Vi. 51 16* 16* 16* - * LoneStarCeSVie 4 63 62* 62*+ * Lone-Bell A 80k 3 27* 27* 27* + * LoriUard 01 7 19* 19* 19* + * Lowensteln 2a. * 6 31* 31* 31* + * Lukens Stl 40a 7 21* 21 21 +* MACK TRK Vih 10 23* 23* 23* + * Macy R H 2 .. ,4 35* 35* 33* Masma Cod 1_ 1 21 21 21 + * Maanarox 1 6 14* 14 14* + * Mendel Bros Vie 2 10* 10* 10* - * MaracOi) in* 36 11* 11* 11*+ * Marathon 1.40 2 22* 22* 22* MarlneMidi 40e 1 7* 7* 7* Marsh Field 2 5 24* 24* 24* + * •MarshPI of 4Vi 10 100* 100* 100* -1 Martin CL. 8 16* 16* 16* + * MartinParry .60 4 18* 17* 18* +1* Master Elec 2 40 2 24* 24* 24* MatbChem 1 Via 5 36* 36* 36*- * MayDeptStrS. 2 45* 45 45* +1 Maytag Co 1 _ 1 10* 10* 10* + * McCall Corps . 13 32* 30* 30*-3* McCall Corprt . 151 * *» McCrorrS 1 40a 3 33 32* 32* - * McOraw Hill la. 1 28* 281* 28* McIntyre 2.01a 4 49 48* 48*- * McKess&R 2.40 1 32* 32* 32*+ * McLeUan Stria 1 23 23 23 McQuay-N 140 1 20 20 20 Mead Corn lVse. 1 19* 19* 19*+ * Mengel Co la 2 16* 16* 16* + * •MengelBpf 2Vi 10 56 56 56 MerrlttCASl.60 1 24* 24* 24* +1 Mesta Mach 2Vi 1 42 42 42 + * •Met Id pf 3.90 120 100* 100* 100* Miami COD *e 8 16* 16* 16*+ * Mld-ConPet 1 Vie 21 57* 56 57 +1 Mid! Stl Prod.1# 2 44 42* 42*-1* • MM Steel Ipf 8 10 138 138 138 Mlnn-Hon Rt 2a 7 45 44* 44* - * •Minn H of 3 10 10 88 88 88 -1 Minn Moline 13 16* 16* 16*+* I •MinnMo ofi’sk 10 119* 119* 119* +1* M SPASSMA le 1 12* 12* 12* Mission Coro It 3 62 61* 62 + * I Mo-Kan-Teias 33 6>i 8 8 + * Mo-Ken-Tex of 72 30* 29* 29* + * Monsanto Cb! 12 56 55* 56 + * Montg Ward 2a 32 55* 55* . 55* - * M-MeC(.tn 1 Via 6 is* 14* 15*+* MorrellACo 1 Vie 1 25* 25* 25*+ * Motor Prod 1 Vie 1 27 27 27 + * Motor Whl .80e. 3 20* 20* 20* - * Motorola Vie .. 10 16* 16* 16* + * Mueaei Bra 60e 5 20* 20 20* + * Mullins Mfx 1 a 17 30* 29* 30 + * Myers (FE)AB 3 1 53 53 53 -1 NA&B-KKL 70c 25 18* 18* IS* Nat Auto Pi .66e 8 12 11* 11*+* Nat Aylat .lie.. 10 13* 13* 13*+ * NatBattrrlViex 2 43 42 42*+l NatBlaeult 1.60a 11 28* 28* 28*+ * Nat Can_'3 7* 7* 7* - * NatC Reg lVie. 4 44* 43* 44*+ * Oividentl*Rate 00° Hlth. Low. 2:80. eh*e. Nat City •■'»» % 9 7 7 7 NatContaln I SO 15 11% 11% 11% NatCylGas.80 S 12% 12% 12% Nat Dairy 1.80. 12 30 28% 28% 4 % Nat Distiller* S 40 19% 19%' 19% 4- % Nat Gypsum %e 8 17% 17% 17% 4- % Nat Lead la 7 33 32% 32% -% Nat Mai Stl ,40a 1 22% 22% 22% 0 % Nat Steal 4_ « 97 98 97 4-1 Nat Supply 1 . 20 22% 22% 22% 4- % •Nat Sup of 4% 20 88 88 S8 4- % Nat Vul PI bra 1. 2 13 13 13 N Ena El 8rst 1 - 7 10% 10% 10%-% Newmont M 1V«* 5 58%, 57% 58 4-1 Newot IndUSt 3 5 20% 20% 20% 4- % Newut NewsS 8a 4 28% 28% 28% 4- % NY Air Brk 1 Vie 3 40 39% 39% 4- % N 2 cent K R 106 16% 16%- 16% 4- % N Y Chi A St L 6 83% 83 83 4-1% N Y C*StL Pf9k 3 137 136 137 4-1 New York Dock. 1 23% 23% 23% 4- % N Y N U A Hart 13 13 12% 19 4- % NYNHAHpf 4 35% 33% 35% ♦NYPdtL Of 8 90 50 92% 92% 92% 4- % NY Sblpbldk %e 2 16% 16% 16% - % Noma Eec 1.20a 1 15% 15% 15% 4- % Norl&Western 3 14 59% 59% 59% 4- % No Am Aviation 38 12% 12% 12% 4- % North Am Co %b 15 15% 15% 15% 4- % NorNatGas 80* 12 32% 32% 32%-% North Pacific le 28 25% 23% 23% 4- % Northwest Airl 9 13% 13 13 NrthwAlr of1.16 6 22% 22% 22% 4- % GHIOOILla... 24 38% 37% 37% 4- % O' verCorp lVie 11 33% 33% 33% - % •Oliver of 4%.. 200 105% 105 105% -f % Omnibus ’ip... 6 10% 10 10% 4- % •omnibus of 8 40 95% 95 95% 4-1 Oonenheim Col. 1 22 221 22 - % Otis Eev lVje_ 10 35% 34% 35% 4-1 Owens Hi Ol 8 25 52% 51% 52% 4- % IPacCoast Zpf 4 40 37% 39 39 -3 Pac Gas ft Ec S 9 94% 34 34% 4- % Pac Llahtlne 3. 3 52% 52 52 - % Pac Mills 2'/>b._ 19 43% 41 43 4-2 •Pac TeldtT pf 6 30 139 139 139 -1% Pac Tin Cons.. 3 5% 5% 5% 4- % Pac West Oil He 3 52 51 51 -1 Packard M .15* 168 5 5 5 4- % Pan Am Air V«*. 15 10% 9% 10 4- % Pan Am Pet 1*. 1 18 18 18 -1 Panb IPLo 4 61% 61 61% Panh P 6c R .30 33 9% 9 9 -% ParamPlcte 13 22% 22% >2% Park Ctab 10a 10 2% 2% 2% Parke Dav 1.03a 3 20% 20% 20%-% Patino Mini Via 4 16% 13% 13% - % Pen 6c Pord ,80a 1 32 32 32 + % Penned <JC> 2e 2 44% 44% 44% - % Penn-DxCem Via 1 19 19 19 + % Penn P6cL 1.20. 4 19% 19% 19%+% Penn*R R Vie . 7 19% 19% 19% + % Peo OLScC 5*.a. 1 94% 94% 94%-% Pensl-Cola 30a 9 13% 13% 13% + % Petrol Coro .30a 1 14 14 14 PfelfierBrw 70* 1 10 18 18 -K % Phelps Dodg 3e _ 7 33% 54% 55%+ % tphll C 0% pf 3 60 52% 32% 32%+% tPhll Co SO pi 8 10 99 99 99 + % Phlla EMe 1.80. 8 23% 23% 13% tPhlla B pf4.40 80 110% 110 110 - % tPhlE14.3pI4.80 10 107% 107% 107% Phlla B 91 Pfl. 2 23% 23% 33%+% Phll&Rdf C6el 8 3 18% 18% 18%+ % PhiicoCorps... 2 40% 40% 40%+ % Philip Mori Vis 1 29% 29% 29% Phillip* Petrol 8 1 70% 70% 70% - % tPlUl Mills pf 4 30 102 102 102 PlttCokACh .60* 1 13% 13% 13% Pitt Con Coal 2 4 33 32% 32% PlttPlateOls Vie 3 35% 33% 33% + % Pitts Screw 30e 1 8% 8% 8% PltU Steel . . 2 16% 16% 16% - % tPlttSt SnflVik 140 06 85 86 +1 Pitts 6c West Va 1 23% 23% 23% + % Plttston Co 2 ... 9 41% 40% 40%+ % Plem Oil 90s . 13 36 33 33% + % Pond Creek 2e .. 2 42 42 42 + % Pot Elec Pwr 90 12 14 15% 14 + % Pressed Stl Car. 6 3% 9% 9% S Proct 6c Gam 3a * 1 68% 68% 68%+ % PubSvcCol 2.20 2 38% 38% 38%+ % Pub Svc EMcGas 3 22% 22 22 Pub Svc E6cG pf. 17 27% 27% 27%+ % Publlcker Vil_ 7 22% 22 22 -% Pullman la_ 33 42% 42% 42% + % Pure Oil la_ 49 36 33% 35% - % PurltvBak 2.40a 1 32 32 32 + % RADIO CRP.80a 146 13 12% 12%+ % Radio CP Of *Vi 1 71% 71% 71% - % Radlo-K-0,4Be. 24 8% 8% 8% + % Rayonier %t... 1 31% 31% 31%+ % Rea dink Co le.. 8 24% 24% 24%'-% Reading 1 of 2.. 1 44 44 44 +1 Reeve* Bros la.. 5 14% 14 14% +1% Reliance Mfc 1. 3 12% 12 12%+1% Rem Rand lb.. 24 13 12% 12% Reo Motor* 2Via 9 23 22% 22%+ % Rep Aviation . 81 11% 10% 11 + % Republic Picture 9 3% 3% 3% Renub Piet pf 1. l 9% 9% 9% Reoub Steel la. 43 2?% 28% 28% + % Reverse 6c B1 16 19 18% 19 + % tReV COP ai BV« 20 93 93 93 +1 Retail Drut 29 7% '7% 7% + % Reyn Metals Vi* 3 24% 24 24%+ % ♦Ray Met pf SVi 40 100 100 100 ReynTobB 1.35* 11 37% 37 37 - % KheenMfkl 00 1 21% 21% 21% + % Richfield Oil 2. 114 43% 42% 42% Roan A Cop .33e 7 5% 5% 5% Rob-Pul Con Vie 23 11% 10% 10% - % RoytlTypel.80* 7 22% 21% 21%-% Ruberoid le_ 1 64% 64% 64%+2% SAFEWAY 8T1 18 18% 18% 18%+ % tSafewty pf 6 - 10 112 112 112 + % St Jos Lead 1 Vi* 0 54% 33% 34%+1% StLSanPran . 35 14% 14 ]4 St L San PpfS. 11 44 43% 43%+ % St Regis Pan .60 97 12% 11% 11%+ % Sav Arms %*._ 7 13% 13% 13%+ % SchenleyDIstil 8 24 30% 30% 30% - % Scott Paper 2.80 1 48% 46% 44%-% Scranton Biel * 14% 14% 14%- % Scab Air Line .. 10 22% 22% 22%+ % Beab Pin l.lOe.. 3 18% 17% 18%+% Seabrd Oil 1.60. 11 58 49% 32 +2% Sears Roebck la 28 38% 38% 38% + % Seiberlin* Rub., l 7% 7% 7% Servel Inc .80r 7 12% 12% 12% + % ShamroekO 1.60 14 33 32% 32%+% Sharon Steel 2. 9 41% 40% 41 +% Sham 6e Dob 1 2 24% 24% 24% + % Sharpe&D pf3Vi 1 77% 77% 77% Shell Un Oil le 22 40% 39% 40 +1 Sheraton Cp .40 4 6% 6% - 6% Silver Kins Col. 8 3% 3% 3% - % Simmons Co le 2 31 31 31 S'nclalr Oil 2 174 27% 26% 26% Sloss-ShStl SO* 4 22% 22 22% +1% Smith6cSons 2a 3 33% 35 33%+ % tSmlth6cS4.20pf 2 96 93% 93% + % Socony-Vac 1 116 19% 19% 19% + % So Am Gold Vie. 4 3% 3% 3%- % So Caro E6rO % 3 7% 7% 7% + % SCEdcG cvpfSH 1 54% 34% 54% +1 So P RicoS Be 1 40% 40% 40% - % SeaatOreyL 1.60 1 14 14 14 + % Sou Cal Edla 1 Vi 3 30% 30% 30%+ % Sou Nat Oaa lVi 13 29 28% 28%- % Southern Par 4 32 37% 56% 36% - % Southern Rwr 8 10 46% 45% 45% - % Sparka-W ,20a.. 6 6% 6% 6% + % soenccr nsu z_. 2 zp% zs 25 - % Sperry Corp 8— 14 *8% 27% 28 + % Spiegel Inc_ 13 11% 10% 11% + % Square D Co We. » 20 19% 20 + % Stand Brand* 2. 19 27% 27% 27% - % Std Ga&El S4pf 8 23% 29% 23%+ % Std GsAEl S6 pr 1 98 9* 96 -8% Std OAE$7Dr Dl 2 104% 104% 104% +1% 8td Oil CaUf 2e. 37 67% 69% 66%+1% Std Oil Ind 2a . 11 49% 49% 49 + % Std Oil N Jer lb 69 92% 81% 82% +1% S dOtlOhtolW 20 31 30% 30%+ % Std Stl Sprg We. 12 14% 14% 14% Sterling Drug 2 8 36% 36% 34% - % Steven* JP 2a 7 31 30% 30%- % Stewart-War We 1 14% 14% 14% - % Stok-V Camp 1 S 14% 14% 14% + %! Slone&Web We. 8 16% 16 16%+ %i StQdebaker We. 63 23% 29 23%+% SunChemBO-. 2 9% 9% 9% - % Sun Oil lb -. H 67% 67 67%+% Sunray Oil 80 37 13% 13% 13%+ % Sunray pIA 1.08 1 19% 19% 19%-% Su.nav pf B 1%. 8 23% 22% 22%+% Sunshine Blsc 3 1 39% 39% 39% + % Sunshine M 80. 3 10% 9% 9% - % Superheater la. 7 25 24% 24% — % Superior fitl la. 2 17% 17% 17% + % Sutberld Pap 2a 1 40 40 40 - % Sweets C A lYst. 2 12 12 12 SwlftftCo 1 80a. 8 34% 34 34 Swift Inti ,40p . IS 15% 15% 15%-% Sylvan Elec 1.40 2 22% 22% 22% + % 8ymlnt-Gld We 4 6% 6% 6% TELAUTOGRPH 1 5% 5% 5% + % TennCorp 1.15e 1 17% 17% 17%+% Texas Cob 31 81% 60% 60% - % TezGulfPro 85a 13 21% 21% 21% - % TexGulfSuI 3 We 5 68% 87% 88% +1% rex Pac C&O la 4 49% 49% 49% + % Tex Pae LT 70a 7 37% 37% 37% + % Tex * Pec Ry 4. 1 57 57 57 -1 . Textron la ... 7 15% 15 15% + % Thatcher 30p . 1 8 8 6 + % tThatchpf 1.20k 50 28% 28% 28% - % Thermold Wf 3 8% 8% 8% Thome Prod 1 We 5 54% 54 54%+% Thomnion-Star « 3% 3% 3% Tide W Oil 1 20e 27 27% 27% 27%+% ►Tide Wet of8W 10 104% 104% 104% +1 Tlmk-D Axle 1 e 2 21% 21% 21%+ % Ttmk Bear 1 We. 3 50% 50 50% + % TranstmerWa. 8 11% 11% 11%+% Trans * w Air 9 13% 13% 13% Transue&W We. 2 16% 16% 16% + % Tri-Con Cp Wg 53 * 8% 8% Truax-Tra 1.20 3 17% 17% 17%+% Twent C-Pox 2. 13 20% 20% 20%+ % Twin City RTr 27 7 7 + % tTwinCit prl Wk 1 2* 29 29 + % Twin Coach — 7 10% 10% 10%+ % UDYLITE1 . 2 10% 10 10%+ % Un Asb 3c Rub 1. 1 13% 13% 13%+% Union Bag 2a . 16 34% 33% 33% - % Un Carbide Wh. 57 41% 40% 40% + % tun El Mo Pf 4W 20 107% 107 107% + % Un Oil Cal 1.32e 22 35% 35% 33%+ % Union Pacific--. 11 91% 99% 91%+]% Union Pacific pf 2 50% 50% 50% + % UuTankCar 2.60 3 39% 39 59 - % Unit Atr Lines 9 14% 14 14 - % Unit Alreraft la 6 28% 29% 29%+ % Ut BoardAC Wa 2 12 11% 11% - % unit Carbons.. 1 34% 34% 34%+1% Unit Cigar Whal 16 4% 4% 4% - % tUtdClg-WpfSW 10 49% 49% 49%+1 United Carp . 97 3% 3% 3%+ % Unit Corp pf 8 1 45 45 45 +1% United Dyewoed 2 6% 6% 6%+ % tut Dye pf 3Wk 20 73 73 73 -2' Old Elec Con 1 3 23% 2]% 23% + % United Fruit 2s 15 52% 51% 51% - % UtdGisImp 1 SO 6 21% 21% 21%+% Unit M AM la 12 16% 16% 16%+% USAF Sec 1 351 19 27% 27% 27%+ % U 8 Gypsum 3 6 104% 101% 104% +3 US Bolt Mcb Wg 1 12% 12% 12% + % U S Ind Cbm 2e 1 35% 35% 55% +2% U S Leather We 1 6% 6% 6U + % US Lines tW 6 16% 16% 16% US Plae&p 2.80 8 48% 48% 48%+ % OS Plywood la 5 33% 33% 33% US Rubber 4 .. 7 45% 44% 45%+ % US Smelt pfSW 1 71 71 71 +1% US Steel 2Wa— 99 79% 79 79%+% US Steel Pf T... 3 138% 138 138%+ % U 8 Tobee 1.20. 4 18% 18% 18% tUSTobpflW 40 39 39 39 -1 UtdStkyds 40* 2 5% 9% 5%+ % UtStrsJdofWe 2 10% 10% 10% Ut Wellnap pf a 1 28% 28% 28% + % unlv Lab 2 8% 8% 8% — % Unlr LaafTob la 3 <2 at 22 + % Unit Picture* 1. 84 11% 10% 10% + % Stocks Continue Rally But Volume Declines After Rapid Opening •y the Associated Press NEW YORK, July 21.—The stock market continued to recover today after a three-day beating which started late last week. Gains ranged up to nearly 2 points, i Steels, rails .and oils took the play most of the time, although demand generally was fairly well distributed. Trading dwindled after a rapid start, but at that appeared to be headed past the 1,000.000-share mark. The ticker tape frequently loafed. In the plus column were Nickel Plate Railroad, United States Steel, Bethlehem Steel, Youngstown Sheet, Stanard Oil of New Jersey, Texas Co., Union Pacific, Southern Pa cific, General Motors, Chrysler, In ternational Harvester, Curtlss Wright, 9t. Regis Paper, Kennecott Copper, Alnerican Telephone and United States Gypsum. The bond market plotted a nar row course. United States Govern ment issues held steady in over-the counter dealings. ' • Marked up in the Curb were American Gas & Electric, Creole Petroleum and Louisiana Land. Washington Exchange , „ SALES. Washington Oas Light com—SO at 28%. Potomac Electric Pow com—60 at 14, 80 at 14 . , Mergenthaler Linotype—16 at 80. 75 at 5(1. Potomac Elec com—10 at 14. Washington Oas com—100 at 26%, 100 at 26%. Capitol Transit—10 at 16%. V Potomac^ Elec Pow com—150 at 13%. 75 Capitol Transit—10 at 16%. Potomac Elec Pow 3.60 pfd ''B"—26 at 46. pusu^gfiLm Bid Asked Am TAT cv db 2%s li)57_ 112% 113% Am TAT cv db 2%s 1961 105% 106% Cap Transit 1st ref 4i 1904 96 97 Citv A Suburban 5s 1948 . 100 Georgetown Oas 1st 5s 1901 112% 116% POt Elec Pow 3%s 1966 __ 105 __ Pot Elec Pow 3%s 1977.. 108 _ Pot Eleo Pow 3a 1983 _101% _ Washington Oas Si I960 122% _ PUBLIC^UTILOT Amer Tel A Tel (9)7. ... 15 3 % 154% Capital Transit __ _ 16 17 N A W Steamboat (t4)_170 Pot Elec Pow com (.90)... 13% 14 " PJP 3.60% "A” 11.80) . 45 46% PEP 3.60% pfd "B” (1.80) 45 40% Wash Oas Lt com (1.50) *20% 27% Wash Gas Lt cu pfd (4.25) 102V, 104% Wash Oas Lt cu cv pf (4.60P 104V, BANK AND TRUST COMPANIES. Amer Sec A Tr new (tl.OO) 29% 30% Bank of Bethesda (tl.50).. 40 __ Capital (.90)_ _ 27% Com A Savings (tlO)_350 Liberty (8)_•_ 312 Lincoln (t6) 330 ” .National Sav Tr (8.00) *420 Pr Georges B A Tr (tl.OO) 30 "I Riggs (12) .. .. .. 320 335 Union Trust Co (tl.OO).. 35 Washington (6)_ 190 Wash Loan A Tr <12)__ *330 P1RK AND TITLE LN8URANCB. American (t8) _160 Columbia (t.30)_ 12% 18% Firemen's (1.40) ; 31 National Union (.76)_ 16 _ Real Estate (t6) 190 MISCELLANEOUS Carpel Corp i2.00) ..„ 25 30 Oarflnckel com (1.50) . 20% 21% Oarfl 5%% cu cv pf (1.375) ' 24% 25 Qarfl 4%'5L cu cv pf (1.125) 22 23% Hecht Co (1.60) _—*■ *36% 28% Hecht 3%'„ cu p( (3.76) *89% 93 Laneton Mono (t2.00) __ 22% 24 Mergenthaler Lino (al.50) 60 53 Natl Mtg A Inv pf (p.46) 8% Peoples Dr Str com (tl.60) 32‘/» 35 Security Storage (t6)_108 126 Ter Ref A Wh Corn (8) 60 Wdwd A Loth com (t2.00 ) 34% 35% Wdwd A Loth pf new (6).. 104 . .. * Ex dividend, b Books cloud, t Plug extra or extras, a Paid so far this year. 0 Paid 1947._ Chicago Grain CHICAOO. July 21 MV—All oats today sank into new low (round since dealings started In the deliveries now being traded. The July contract lost the most ground, but liquidation extended also to the later months. Corn was lower most of the day. the July delivery dropping a couple of cents at times. New crop corn contracts dis played some firmness, largely on the theory they are around the potential Government loan level. The weakness In feed grains largely re flected more liquidation of July contracts. When trading started, July corn contracts outstanding totaled 4.800.000 bushels and July oats 9,503.000 bushels. Trading ends Friday in these contracts. In contrast to feed grains, wheat held steady all day. Some of the buying came from mills and represented lifting of hedges against sales of flour overnight to the Production and Marketing Administration. Wheat closed '/« lower to 1 V« higher. July 2.26V4: coifn was V4-IV4 lower, July 2.0fl'/j-44; oats were 1 >/a-3V« lower. July 77%-J/4: rye was unchanged. December 1.88'v. and soybeans were unchanged to 3 cent slower, July 3.78. New York Cotton NEW YORK. July 12 Mi.—Cotton fu tures were steady in slow dealings today. Uncertainty over the export situation and favorable cotton crop reports discouraged rallying tendencies. Light hedging was offset by local and mill buying - Many traders talked of a forecast of 13,1100,000 bales or better by the Govern ment on August 8. A leading spot firm in its semimonthly crop letter noted that the crop has made generally good progress In the last two weeks. Moisture in the Eastern belt was reported to be sufficient for the next three to four weeks. A marked improvement in the crop was noted In the irrigated sections of the Far West. Spot cotton markets were quiet. Late afternoon prices were 5 to 35 cents a bale higher than the previous close, October, 32.13s December, 32.09, and March, 31.99._ New York Stock Exchange Mem bership was sold yesterday for $64, 000, down $4,000 from the last sale on June 23, which was the peak price for the year. The year's lowest price was $46,000, paid on March 9. Sties— _ Stock and Add Net Dividend Rats. 00. High. Low 2:30. chce VAN NORM 7*e. 2 13 127* 127* + H Van Rasite 1 h.. 1 24 24 24 + 7* Vanadium **e _ 5 237* 22** 237* +1 Vtrtient-C S 2a 5 137* 13 137* + 7* Victor Chm .80e 11 42 42 42 Va CsrolinChem 24 137* 13 1] + 7* V-CChm DfiO'/ak 1121 121 121 +3 Va El&Pwr 1.20 23 17 1«74 17 + 7* ♦Va El A P Df 5 30 114 114 114 + 7* tVulean-D .90s. 10 204* 2*4* 297* - 7* WALDORF la.. 1 14>+ 147* 147*- 1* Walgreen 1.80 . 2 327* 327* 327*+ v* Walker Hir 17*a 3 234* 2374 23'.* + V* Walworth .40*.. 9 lit* 117* 117* + 4* Ward Bak ,30e_. 1* 1C 197* 13'* Warner Bros 1.. Cl 11 104* 107* + 7* Warren Fndrr.. 3 2774 2«4* 267* - 7* Warren Pat .80. * 79 787* 284* Waab OasLt 17*. 2 27 2«7k 27+7* Wayne Pump 2. 1 224* 224* 224*- 7* Webster Tobae.. 1 94* 34* 344 + 7* Wesson 011 2tie 4 594* 584* 59 +2 ♦Wesson Oil of* 10 83'* 037* 037* + t* WstludSutlV*a 9 23V* 237* 2374 + 7* W Penn dec Tie 20 187* 174* 107* + t* ♦Ws Penn El Pl7 30 1187* 1177* 1177* - 4* ♦Ws Penn E] pffl 20 1097* 1087* 10974 +1 ♦WPenP O1B4.20 50 1047* 1047* 1047* + t* WVaC&C 70s 19 214* 204* 2144+ ■* WVa PuloAP la 1 48 48 48 +1>* WesternAlr Lina 3 84* 87* 87* - 7* WestAutoSup 3 1 387* 347* 387* - 7* Western Md . 9 1* 137* 134* + •* West Pacific 3 . 1 34 34 34 + 1* West On Tel la. 10 227* 22 22 + t* West Air Brk 2 9 37'* 37 377* + 7* Westlna Klee 1 29 284* 28'+ 28** ♦Wit El Of 8 8.4* 10 88 88 , 88 —17* ♦Wheel A LkEr3 1119 119 115 +7 Wheel 8teel 2 10 504* 90 504*+ 4* ♦WheelSU orpfS 90 877* 07 07 -1 White Mot 1.60. 2 2174 21 21 White SewByt M • 207* 197* 20 + 4* tWblte 8 M pf 4 220 119 110 1107* + 4* Wilcox 011 .40*. 9 198* 157* 1584 + 7* WUlys-Overland 10 104* 107* 107*+ 7* Wpaon&Co 14*8 10 15 144* 19+7* Wise Elec Pwr L C 1*8* 1*7* 1*8*+ 7* Woodward Ir t_ * 39 347* 39 + 4* Woolwortb 2a.. 23 *97* 457* 494*+ 7* WorP&M Vih. 3 20 20 20 - 7* •Wthnt prpf*7* 20 754* 794* 754*+ 7* Writley W Jr 3a 2 **7* *«7* 6*7* - 7* WyandWor 40a 1 107* 107* 1074 YALEJtTWN 7<e 9 31 307* 31 +17* York Corn 7* . .9 134* 134* 134*+ V* Yount Sh&T 4a 11 024* 02 024*+ 8* YnxatStlDoor la 2 104* 1*7* 187*+ 7* ZEFfTH R 1 Tie 10 327* 314* 3274+ 7* Zonite ProdUOp * 97* 97* 97*+ 7* Henri* Halo on the Kachans* Today: 11:00am 230000 12:00 coon 920000 1'OOnm 700 000 2 .10 o m 8*0 000 ♦Unit of trading. 10 shares. *In bank ruptcy or receivership, or bein* reorgan ised under the Bankruptcy Act. or secur ities assumad by such companies. Rates of dividends m the foretotng table are annual disbursements based on tbe last quarterly or semi-annual declaration. Unless otherwise noted, special or extra dividends are not Included, cld Called, x Ex dividend, xr Ex rights, a Also extra or extras, b Plus stock dividend. dCash or stock, e Declared or paid so far this year, f Payable In stock, estimated cash value onf ex-dividend date, a Paid last year, h Declared or paid after stock dividend or spllt-up. k Declared or paid this year, an accumulative Issue with o&tfiSrSferJSIfr SS* .ffl£ taken at last dividend meeting., r De fnir*dlvldendP*Vpiy»1ble1%8' stock” exeat cash value undetermined oe declaration data. Government Holding Line Against Inflation In Synthetic Rubber ■y th« Auo<iat*d Frau One place has been found at last where inflation has not reared its | ugly head. It’s in the synthetic rubber industry, owned by the Gov ernment. You can buy the stuff today for 18 Vi cents a pound—the same price it sold for during the wpr years, which jaw the industry burst from babyhood into maturity almost overnight. The maintenance of that price is causing chests to swell with pride around the Office of Rubber Reserve —an arm of the Reconstruction Finance Corp. and manager of the synthetic industry operated by private corporations. Ron by Bhitprint from Congress. Gerald Hadlock, a one-time banker and financier, surrounded by a bat tery of experts from the private rubber and petroleum fields, runs the program to a blueprint from Congress. One of his assistants. Walter Munster, says the office's ability to hoM the price down in the face of i risirfg labor and raw material costs, is "remarkable." And the Industry is more than meeting the needs of the* Nation's rubber goods manufacturers by pro ducing between 30,000 and 35,000 tons of synthetic rubber monthly. 18 Plants Operating. Eighteen plants are now operating but about a score of others are in stand-by condition, ready to be plunged into production almost at a moment’s notice. Other units that made up the wartime network of 51 plants have been disposed of, either sold to private producers of synthetic or converted to uses of other industry. Congress requires the industry to maintain plants able to produce at least 600,000 long tons of general purpose rubber and 65,000 tons of special purpose rubber. N. Y. Bond Market (PanUM kjr ll.4w.uw Pr«w.t ■ELECTED LIST OP 188CBS *vna x 3* 80 103 FOREIGN 2:80 Australia Sa 56 102 Belgium 6%s49 100% Canada 4s 60 .104 Chile 6s 60asd . 27% Czeeho 6s 6b st. 92% ItalCCna 1-8S77 19 Peru 2nd 6a 61. 19% RloGrDe 8a4«st 2d Sao P St 7s40»t. 71 DOMESTIC 2:30 AmAF F 6s2030 96 Am TAT 3%s57 113% Am TAT 2,4s61106% Am TAT 2%s75 99 Am TAT 2%a80 93 AmTobaeco3s62102% AmTobaceo3s69102% Atl Cl lit 4a 53 104% AtlCoaatL4Vas64109% BaltAOh 6s75B 94% BaltAOh 6s95G 66 BaltAOh 5SM96 65% BaltA05sK2000 65% BAOct4%2010 53 BaltAOh 4s76A 91 BufRochAP57st 64% Celanese 3s 65 101% Cent Ga 6'4s 59 12 Cent Ga 4s96 wl 68% Cn RR NJ 6s 87 72% Cn RR NJ 4s 87 <3% ChiIAL4'42003 92% CMStP4%a2044 96 C R I A P 4l 94 106% Chi StLNO 6l51104% ChiAW 14 V«s62105 Clev El 111 3a 70 103% Col GAE 3V«a73101% ConClgarS V4s65 96% Cons Id cv 3s63106% ConaEd 2%a’72. 96% DARGW 3-4§93 91 D*Rln*%2Q18 67% ElBaaABW 6666 109 FlrastnTAR3a61103% HudAMrf6a57 63 HudAM In 6s 67 «6 Ill Bell Tel 3i 78102V* I C 4s 63 .1014* ICC 8tL 5s 63 A 971* IntGtNor 6s 62. 37V* 1st G N Ist6s52 64 Jam F&C 4s 69. 81V* Kan C Sou 4|?5 103 LS&MS3V*s97 96 Leh VI 6s2003st 464* LehVal4V*s2003 414* Leh Val 4s2003s 39V* Cou QU 3 V* *68106 M-K-T adj 5s67 74V* Mo Pac 6 V4s 49 264* Mo Pac 6s 77 F. 84V* Mo Pac 6s 811 84V* Mo Pac an 4s 76 444* N O T M 5Vis54 95V* NYC 4V*s2013A 71 N Y C eon 4s US 63V* NYCHR 3Via 97 86V* NYNH&H 6s 40. 824* NYNHin4 Vis’22. 474* NYNHH 4S2007 72V* NYOW rl 4s 92 _ 9V* N Y Tel 3Vss 78 1034* Nor Pelt 4 44575104V4 Ohio Ed 2Vis 75 95 OrWsRRN 3s 601034* Penn PALt 3s76 994* PennRRe*V4s601134* PennRRa4V*s6& 1044* PennRR* V«l84K 101 PennRR 3 V«s62 994* Phlla Co 4V«e61 105 Phlla K1 2 Vis 67 994* 3tLSP 4V*s2022 60V* StIOanPrn4s97 854* 9eab ln*V*s20ie 71 SoPaclfle4‘*s81 94 8oPae*ViaOr77 103v* Bo Ry on 5s 94. 118V* BoRjtn*s66. 96 Third At* 6a 60 58V* Third At* 4s 60 82V* VaBAFw3Vis6311l** Wert vn le 61. 100 Wart On (a 80 92V* WhaelStl 3V«e67 984* Wlee Cent 4s 49 68V* Wl» Cn 4s 368D 38 N. Y. Curb Market LIST INCLUDES ONLY SELECTED ISSUES 3:30 Alreon Uli Co.. He Alum Ltd 2_50 Alum Co Am 2 . 61H Am Bantam Car 2H Am Gas & El lb 38H Am Lt At T .85e. 18H Am MaracalDo 53b AritNGas A .20* 7 AshlandOU 1.20 1BH Atlas Corp w w SVi Barium 8teel Blue Ridge ,40g 33b Breeie Corp 8Vi BrwnFDist 80a 25 Bn It Hill & 8 Ha 22 CalllteTung... 3Vb Can Marconi ~ 2H Carr Cona Blsc_ 4>/4 Catalln Am_ «3b Cen&S W Cp .70 103b Cities Berrlco 2. 55 Claude Neon _ 23b Clinch Coal la. 47 Colonl 8d*8 .40 «Vb Col Fuel&Ir ww. 6Vb Colts MfglHg. 34Vb Copr Range He. 14Vb Coeden Petro ... 73b Creole Pet 1.80e 4734 Crown Cent Pet 7V4 CrownDrug ,05a 3V4 Day Mines 10e. 3V4 DetGraylr ,20g. 334 El Bond&Sh V4g 133b Equity Corp V4e 2Vb FairchldCm.30g 263e Fairchild E k a 5 FaniteelMetHg 12Vb Gen Finance .20 7Vb GenPlywood .40 7 Goldfield Coni.. 44 Hazeltlne Vie... 1444 Hecli Mm 1. .. 13*4 Humble 011 1 Ml 78 Imp Oil Ltd rt__ 1*4 Int Petrol *4_ 12*4 Kaiier-Frazer 944 Leonard OH Dev Me LoulaL&Ela 21*4 McWlll Drdg .80 10*4 MdSPAvtcl.20e 28*4 Kid Welt Crp 61 944 Minim CpCan. 7*4 Niagara Hud Pr 844 Slag Hud B iw. Me SorStaPwrA.. 4244 SorthropAlr ‘/eg 12 j PacOAI 8pf 1*4 3444 Pantepee 1.28— 20*4 Pennroad 40g._ 044 Pepperell 3a.__ 6044 Pltney-Bow ,60a 12*4 Pitt Metallu .80. 19*4 Producer! Corp. 24a R-K-O opt war. 2 SaltDomeO I’/.l 11*4 Segal Lock_ 2 Select Indus_ 344 Solar Alrc 30e. 13 BoCalld pi 1.14 28*4 Std Power & Lt 2*4 Sup Tool&D .20 344 Technicolor tie. 1244 Trl-Contl w w 344 CnitU&Rrs 69e 2044 Valipar Mg_ 044 Venezuela Petr. 8*4 Ward Bak war 644 Wright Harg .16 2Vie Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. July 21 UP) OJSDAV—Sal able hogs. 7.000: total. 8.000: fairly ac tive. 25-50 hifheron all weights butchers around 500-pound butchers. 20.50; good and choice sows under 350 pounds, 23.50 25.50: few to 26.60; good 375-400 pounds, 21.50-23.00; 426-475 pounds. 20.00-21.50; 500-550 pounds, 19.00-20.00; good clear ance. Salable cattle—7.000. total 7,309: sal able calves 600. total 5.000; choice steers and yearlings Including yearling heifers, steady to 26 higher; average-choice steers topped at 40.26: prime offerings held above 41.00; most choice steers. 38.50-40.00: all other grades steers and all-beef cows 25-50 lower: bulls scarce, steady; vealers 1.00 lower: canner and cutter cows. 15.00 18.00; common and medium beef cows. 19.00-22.00: few good cows above 25.00; sausage bulls to 26.00; vealers. 30.00, mostly 29.00 down. 8alable sheep—1,500; total. 1.500; early sales spring lambs. 1.00-1.50 lower: yearlings and mature slaughter ewes about steady: good and choice native spring lambs, 28.50 to mostly 29.00: early top. 29 00; buck Mlnbs discounted 1.00; pack age good and choice around 93 pounds shorn California new-crop lambs with .No. 2 pelts, 27.00; shorn native slaughter ewes, 11.50 down Dividends Announced NEW YORK, July 21 upi.—Dividends de clared today: Pe- Stock of Pay Rate. rold. record, able. Reduced. Thompson Jr __ 10c 8-2 8-16 Increased. Sec P Nat Bk of L A ,75c Q 7-27 8-5 Extra. Wheeling ft L I R.68J/< 9-22 10-1 St. Regis Pap_10c_. 7-30 9-1 Waukesha Motor_25c -- 7-31 8-30 Bsgalar. Drackett Co_10c Q 7-30 8-14 Xly ft Walker Dry O—26c .. 8-12 9-1 Hale Bro St..25c. 8-14 *9-1 Lynch Corn _30e Q 8-5 8-16 Nat Linen SVC_15e Q 9-15 10-1 Tidewater Power_15e Q 7-30 8-15 Wheeling ft Lake X R.76c Q 9-22 10-1 Liggett ft Myers Tob-.fl Q 8-10 9-1 8t Regis Pap....15 Q 7-30 9-1 Taggart Corn_^-16c .- 7-30 9-1 Market Averages STOCKS. 30 15 15 60 Indst Rails. Otil. Stks Net change_ — .7 - .5 4- .1 — 5 Noon today_ 93.9 44.8 41.4 69.4 Prev day —- 93 2 44.3 41.3 68.9 Week 97.1 45.1 42.1 72.2 Month ago_ 9*.5 46.o 42.. 71.6 Year ago _ 95.8 36.3 43.0 H7.7 1948 "gh-I— - 98.7 48.1 42.3 72.4 1948 low__ 83.3 34.2 38.0 60.3 BONDS. 20 10 10 10 10 Uj Ralls. Indat. Otil. Pm. Yield. Net change +.1 unc. —L une. unc. Noon today 92.4 101.2 100.2 82.3 109.2 Prev day 92.3 101.2 100.3 82.8 109.2 Week ago - 92.9 101.2 100.7 63.0 109.3 Month ago. 93.2 101.3 100.9 62.6 109.8 Year ago - 04-9 103.4 105.5 72.1 114.9 1948 high- 93.7 101.8 102.0 66.9 110.6 1948 low 87.7 9* 8 98.0 SO 2 107.2 (Complied by the Associated Preea.) Minnesota A Ontario Paper Co. earned $3,060,375 or $2.37 in the six months ended with June, vs. $2, 035,775 or $3.04 In the 1047 period. LOANS on • REAL ESTATE Vart-iaa olaaa, taalaAlns lM|,|na MBthlT aanaanta. at fanrakl* rata, nut OUD OB TBOTT ONLY BXNTALA—SALES—1N8CBANCB GEORGE I. BORGER 643 'aAlaaa At*. N.W. NA 6336 IDEAL STREET FLOOR SPACE suitable for BANKING INSTITUTION BLOG. & LOAN ASSN. BROKERAGE HOUSE INSURANCE CO.. ETC. Arlington Office Bldg. 1025 Vermont Are., N. W. Apply on Premises f i INSURED SAFETY plus liberal earnings are.. s. (U TU4A to IfCU «dyoH( poAtmcui We will gladly handle you' savings account by ma!! .. no need for you to make trips in person to our office. PHEVYPHASE BUILDINGS-LOAN ASSOCIATION 6940 Wisceutiu Avt. Ckevy Cktst. Mi. WL 24U AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY We ore looking for ■ young, aggressive food talesman. One ef the country's largest food distributors, handling nationally known food products, has an open ing in its Virginia store-door sales division. The right man will receive an ex cellent starting salary and hove an unusual opportunity for promotion as well as an insured future. Write Box 414-K, Star and we will arrange a personal interview. TRUST I NOTES Reasonable Rates Prompt Service (He Will buy Second Trust Notes - Secured on Improved Property NATIONALMORTGAGE & Investment corp. 1312 N.Y. AVE..N.W.-NA 5833 DOESN'T BLOCK YOUR 'WINDOWS. DOESN'T TAKE UP USEFUL SPACE „ COOLS OVER^ 400 SQ. FT. I THOROUGHLY | taaadUU Odlrar; of Your Apartment If you own an apartment, residential property, or office building, turn it over to us for complete management. Our ex perienced property management staff will take full charge,,relieving you of all jj (details. Gtme tj§ of phone for details. B. F. SAUL CO. 925’ftthST. ri.'tf'. 5 Rational 2100 FIRST MORTGAGES—LOANS—INSURANCE Sw&SJx;. ' Tvivv Save for the goal of independ ence. Monthly payments on shares in the Equitable plus our substantial inter est grow quickly and easily! into important savings. Come in and learn about ’ our share-holding plan. EQUITABLE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING ' ASSOCIATION 915 F STREET ORGANIZED 1*79 FOR HOME FINANCING Thinking of buying a home? ' For a Long-Term, Low-Cost! MORTGAGE LOAM WEAVER BROS., INC.