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But you’ll only find that naturally fresh, exotic flavor in NO SHELF AGE Sold Only br M. E. SWING 1013 E Street "The Mesco Coffee Man”—Mocha Added J Cigarette Lighter Fountain Pen - sneak preview * NOW OPEN ... to serve you with a 1001 SERVICES! Keys Duplicated Buttons Covered Monog ramming Luggage Repair Handbag Repair Zipper Repair Shirt Repair Reweaving Alterations Gold Stamping Shoe Repair Custom Dry Cleaning Hot Cleaned and Blocked Gloves Cleaned, Repaired Hosiery Repair Orthopedic Shoe Corrections Riding Boots Remodeled Golf Shoes Rebuilt Gold Stamping on Stationery Umbrella Repairs Umbrellas and Canes (Large Selection) ( At long last, Cody'* Servicenter answers the needs of thousands of Washingtonians with a sensational new idea in personal services. No matter what the item . . • cigarette lighters or fountain pens . • . ^ome to Cody's Servicenter. If it can be repaired, Cody’s will make it newt * Although workmen are still on the premises, we wanted to acquaint you, the public, with this startling innovation now! So, this preview! S E RV C E iiTER/3^ M ST. 7098 71212th St. N.W. above G St. Children of Silence Respond To C.U. Lip-Reading Teachers The four little ones lived in a si lent world. They could see the people in Mc Mahon Hall at Catholic University. But they were deaf. Yet last night, oddly enough, was one of the few times when they could tell what people were saying. This was because twin nuns. Sis ters Rose Anita and Rose Alice of Buffalo, were succeeding in teaching the little quartet-lip reading. The 5-year-olds, Patricia Brod erick, aMrie Rados, Carole Van Scotar and Michael Seeger, all of St. Mary’s preschool in Buffalo, sat quietly on chairs on the stage dur ing the demonstration. As to the people present, they not only were seeing the method demonstrated, but observing an un ABC Refuses to Transfer Ticktin Package License The Alcoholic Beverage Control Board has refused to transfer, the license of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Ticktin from 3333 Connecticut ave nue N.W. to 2826 Alabama avenue file Ticktins, who operate a pack age store, had applied for the trans fer of their license to the Southeast address several weeks ago, and a hearing was held last week at which residents of the neighborhood objected to having an additional liquor store in their vicinity. In announcing its refusal to transfer the license, the ABC board said the Alabama avenue address was an .Inappropriate neighborhood for that kind of store. At the hear ing last week, 40 property owners and residents of the vicinity ap peared before the board to protest the transfer of the license, and pastors of churches in the area also protested. Coroner Probes Death Of Man Jailed for Drinking The District coroner's office today was continuing its investigation of the case of Howell Omohundro, 53, of the 600 block of Third street N.W., who died yesterday afternoon in Gallinger Hospital where he had been transferred from District Jail. The results of an autopsy per formed following the death will be disclosed tomorrow, it was said. Mr. Omohundro was arrested July 20 for “drinking in public” at Sixth and G streets N.W., according to police at No. l Precinct Station. He was taken to Municipal Court the next dfcy, stood trial and was sen tenced to five days in the jail. According to Jail officials, he hit his head on concnete and was taken to Gallinger Hospital and admitted in an undetermined condition. A new British stamp shows sea weed-gathering scenes on the Chan nel Islands. SORRY—BUT DUE TO OUR PRICE REDUCTION, WE CAN’T MENTION THE MANUFACTURER’S NAME LIBERAL CREDIT? OF COLRSE! SUPER VALUES IN FAMOUS MAKE TELEVISION SETS! (ASK FOR "A") NATIONALLY FAMOUS TABLE RADIO-PHONO. COMBINATION Reg. Complete $$9.95 Automatic rer- NOW! nrd chanter 6 tube Radio. Smart. 844.9S (ASK FOR "E") NATIONALLY FAMOUS RADIO-PHONO. COMB. Latest 1948 Floor Model am-fm in both Complete mahogany and walnut. Hand- J249.95 nibbed. Lateit NOW 1 1SM8 model „ . IwTor Al'TOMATIC S 1 fnfl.eS CHANGER. 1 **** NATIONALLY FAMOUS KITCHEN CLOCK NOW! Reg. $6.95 $4.95 ELECTRIC FLOUR SIFTER NOW! as 98c ELECTRIC DOOR CHIMES ’ NOW! sVio 5J-95 COLONIAL FLOOR LAMPS («£) NOW! & 5995 TRAVEL IRON AND SEWIN8 KIT raj?) NOW! s& sg.96 KRONE BERKLY LIGHTERS FLUID REG. $2.00 NOW! 98* /icir FOR NATIONALLY (ASK FOR o ) FAMOUS TABLE RADIO-PHONO. COMBINATION Reg. Complett $124.95 Automatic rec- NOW! ord chancer. 6 0 __ tube radio. Smart iinco. (ASK FOR "F") NATIONALLY FAMOUS RADIO-PHONO. COMB. Latest 1948 Floor Model Reg. Complete $169.95 A - M Walnut cabinet auto matic record chanter. NOW! *09.95 NATIONALLY FAMOUS ELECTRIC BROILER NOW! um S'! .95 BEDROOM COOLER WINDOW FAN NOW! $0.96 REC. $12.95 BEAUTIFUL MANTEL & OCCASIONAL CLOCK NOW! s&, 59.95 NATIONALLY FAMOUS AUTOMATIC IRON NOW! ;,c,% 57.95 FAMOUS MAKE VACUUM CLEANERS NOW! REG. *59.95 *39 3-Pi*c« BARBECUE SET REG. $11.»S NOW! 84.95 (ASIC FOR "C") NATIONALLY FAMOUS TELEVISION SET Reg. Complete $545 Handsome Chippendale Cabinet NOW! complete $425?°° ASK FOR "G") NATIONALLY FAMOUS TELEVISION SET Reg. Complete $675 Handsome console model AM-FM radio and anto. Phonograph. NOW! Complete *550-00 (ASK FOR "J") NATIONALLY FAMOUS TELEVISION SET Reg. Complete $432 Handsome ' . table model. NOW! Fine hand- _ _ rnbbed valnnt SQfifl.OO cabinet. NATIONALLY FAMOUS POP-UP TOASTERS AUTOMATIC REG. $22.50 NOW! $17.95 DE LUXE JUICER REG. $11.95 NOW! *6-95 RIVAL CAN OPENERS NOW! f REG. $1.95 NATIONALLY FAMOUS WASHERS NOW! REG. $139.95 10-IN. POPULAR RECORDS in, 9 for I «r ea. $1.00 (ASK FOR "D") NATIONALLY (A5K run U ; FAMOUS TELEVISION SET 1948 Tele- Reg. Complete vision, hand* ec*c (\c\ somety hand- 5565.00 rubbed ma- NOW! hosanv cabl- ^ - AA Hi- S&."1- ®435-00 ,A„, for “H"l nationally ASK FOR H ) FAM0US TELEVISION SET Ret- Complete $6 JO Rend «ome NOW! ”*5r' Complete SISK ®500*W0 (ASK FOR "K") NATIONALLY (ASK FOR * } FAMOUS TELEVISION SET Reg. Complete $225 STbTed,m”del. NOW! rubbed *w»innt $185-00 cabinet. Rationally Famous Smoothio ICE CREAM MAKERS NOW! REG. $11.95 $4-95 Nationally Famous Glass COFFEE MAKERS NOW! ?,£fs $4-96 NATIONALLY FAMOUS DE LUXE IRONERS y NOW! REG. $179.95 Demen.trmtor. 12-IN. CLASSICAL RECORDS REG. » $1.25 NOW! 49c„ FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ' We Will Be Oven Retarder TUI 6 P.M. ter Year Added Convenience. usual example of patience and sym pathy on the part of the sisters. They were from the St. Joseph order and experienced In teaching Up reading. The first thing they did was point to a card on which many objects were pictured. There was a cat, a fish, a ball, a dog. Sister Rose Anita pointed to the cat. Then a minute later, using lip movements, he asked the chil dren where it was. Blond Uttle Marie was the first to respond. She had been watch ing Sister Rose Anita intently. Surely the nun was speaking about a cat. And there was a cat on the card. She pointed to it. Sister Anita silently expressed the word “fish." By this time all of the children knew. Michael identified .the object. To the audience it* already had Why Mountain Valloy Wator Is Rocommendod for ARTHRITIS, KIDNEY and BLADDER Condition Thia natural mineral water (ram Bat Sprinia, Arkanaaa, helpa to— 1. stimulate kidney function*. 2. Soothe bladder Irritation. 3. Neutralize uric acidity. 4. Discharge wastes. Phone for a Case Today MOUNTAIN VALLEY MINERAL WATER MET. 1062 904 12th St. N.W. Interestina Booklet on Reauest appeared that every moment of the demonstration was a moment of progress to the little children. And so It was. the Rev. Francis T. Williams, di rector of the institute for the prepa ration of teachers for the deaf and hard* of hearing, said the school here is the first Catholic university in the country to inaugurate a course training teachers for such handi capped children. A 2-year summer course has been formulated. Upon completion, a student is awarded a certificate pointing to his ability in teaching the children. MORNING AFTER? Try BUFF'S Purgation Elixir Compound AT ANY DRUG STOKE Distributed by frank Drat Co. r. 0. Bex 3538 Arlington, Vs. "Over 00 Yean of Quality Stroite" EXPERT PACKING CRATING China-Glass Furniture Foreign and Domestic Shipments Merchants Transfer & Storage Company 920 E N.W. NA. 6900 Rugs Shampooed and Sized 8xT0 Hardback 3.20 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 4-Day Service I Stored for less ^ than U a day More people use Morions I When it rams it pours Make the best biscuits ever! *3r\. W6tfZ% Serve them HOT! m Be Sure to Use Self-Rising Wilkins-Roecrt Millinfl C#., Inc., •»< ipinh< *T WMhin|t«nt»«* The university hopes to expend, this course next summer with e two week institute, Introducing expert speakers on the subject. One of the first, who spoke lest night, wes Miss Ads M. Hill, director of vocational advice for the national office of the American Hearing Society here. rfflEsemszjmmsi AGarages^Co!ia8«» Ca*K #r l*rm* BEACH HOUSE $987.75 Sh,ll Only *«•»* Foundation and Fraction Extra Thru atrlet. I«x24. Gable, Boot. Order now for thle Hurni uej. Deal with ON* management—ON* responsibility. Wa lay foundations; malce delivery; complete erection; handle all detail! from atart to flnleh. Satisfaction guaranteed. Wand §r Aluminum fiaracas 12x20 $595 20x20 $595 t t.a.k. nr< I CAST TERMS M GARAGE DOORS Rmg. 995.00 ' ALUMINUM 7x8 Sis* 1 a* *47” f.a.t. ■teat Reynold a Lifetime Alumlnom onr bead Girwi Dmn offered it a epe elnl price for tbie week only. etelletlen extra. SS.M ter dellyery enly. Get ear prleee en Strand eteel nr weedea xereee deere. Ssnsral Industrial, Ins. Manafaetarera A Diatrlbatere 1109 J«ff-DaTU Highway Ve Milt South Hth St. Brtilt on V. S. No. 1 JA. 2164-1720 Opan Eves., 7-9 M Men niacins D<0V» food wwi favor K»w work pun aluminum r inhSuly kiMto mils that aew way to cook! Thi*'Voodarfoil" in bowl* oc food* of toy thapc. Cling* tight, without atriog or band*. Keep* io moittur*, larot. Saala off odor*. '••arrant haaiihaa Mooring—a revolutionary NO ImI Cover* hi I Ml—Cliegs firm —tool* off odor*— keep* food* fresh is refrigerttor. At WjSP' Leading Grocery, Drug, D*partm»nt or Housowaros Storee line bioiler pent, casseroles. Pourac truif. No cnM. Keep* pent deen. Wrap Ntitiw and •«k» —Srtami in mealy goodness — keep* 'em hot and delicious. taka n*k ••»!•»— No odor. Vrit taaU in flavor, mu« of odor, iptrklt# at tabla. Illustrated Booklet with Every Roll I < ntf, ntvmn mtacs om^awt ECONOMICAL SIZES 5 OZ. BAG—SERVES 5 8 OZ. BAG—SERVES 8 10 OZ. CAN FOR A PARTY LISTEN TO "MONEY CALLINGEVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR STATION WARL—780 ON YOUR DIAL Whon Poanut Buttor Is Gone Uso This Jar for Storing Loftovors in Your Rolrigoratorl Schindlers LISTEN TO 'MONEY CALLING,* EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR STATION WARL—780 ON YOUR DIAL