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Both Stores Closed Saturdays—July.& August D. J. Kaufman's Reg. $45 and *50 TROPICAL WORSTED SUITS Every Suit 100% Pure Worsted Come In Today! Look ot this Size Range • Regulars sizes 35 to 46 • Shorts sizes 36 to 42 • Longs sizes 38 to 46 • Stouts sizes 39 to 46 > • Short Stouts .-.sizes 38 to 44 ► ► Look at these Colors * • Tons • Medium Blues ► • Browns • Dark Blues ► • Greys • Blue-Greys Look at these Patterns • Glen Plaids • Small checks • Hounds' Tooth Checks • Window Pone Checks *' Alternating Stripes • Double Stripes • Chalk Stripes • Pencil Stripes • Subdued Stripes • Self Stripes F ► Open a Convenient DJK Charge Account r ► P»T V3—Ang. P*y Vs—Sept. Pay V3—Oct. 1005 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W. Branch Store, 14th & Eye Streets N.W. ERP Official Expects Marshall Plan to Ease Shortages in U. S. By the Associated Press ROME, July 29— America's multi billion dollar boost to Europe’s re covery may mean more than just an expensive bulwark against Com munism. Success of the Marshall Plan, says one ERP official, could: 1. Ease the shortage of building materials and many other goods in scarce supply in the United States. 2. Win new friends and influence people in Eastern Europe. "The problem,” according to Lee Dayton, "is 90 per cent psychologi cal—a fear that the whole world is going to hell tomorrow.” Mr. Dayton was acting ERP di rector here until the arrival of J. D. Zellerbach, head of the special mission to Italy. He headed Amer ica’s relief program administration In Italy and will carry over his ex perience to ERP. "European countries must get over the idea that they can’t export to a country which can’t pay cash-on the-line and which already owes them money,” says Mr. Dayton. “The United States’ public debt Is more than the combined public debts of all Europe, and still we are exporting.”' Mr. Dayton believes ERP’s success depends largely on whether intra European trade can be revived swift ly—95 per cent through self-help and the other 5 per cent push from the United States. ‘‘The United States can start the ball rolling with dollar purchases of such surplus European products as Italian coke and Luxembourg oteel. This temporary measure ~hould break the log-jam in trade among European countries. ‘‘By restoring confidence and the flow of goods among the European nations, some of our shortages back home may be eased. “For example, by reviving a large volume of lumber and steel exports within Europe, the United States would not have to drain off its own supplies. Yugoslavia has ex portable surpluses of lumber, Italy has coke, Poland has coal and Bel gium, Luxembourg and a revived Germany could ship steel.” Germany, says Mr. Dayton, is a “key country. It can unlock the door on renewed European prosper ity. That's why it’s so Important in ERP.’ “To ensure ERP’s complete suc cess,” he adds, “there must be at least some volume of trade between Eastern and Western Europe—the more the better. “This excludes, however, re-export of strategic goods from the United States—goods which have a war po tential. Some restrictions must be set up to keep such material from finding a way into Russia. “If Eastern European countries are allowed to follow their own wishes, there will be an ever-greater trade betwen the East and West which conceivably might mean a ‘one world’ instead of two.” ERP, says Mr. Dayton, is really world-wide rather than regional. He points to one of the main tasks of the 16-nation Paris headquarters as “taking account of short supplies throughout the world—potential customers everywhere for Europe’s quicitening industrial machine.” 12 Face Grand Jury Action In Fatal Stabbings Two men were held for grand jury action yesterday by a coroner's Jury investigating two fatal stab bings which took place within an hour of each other Saturday night. The investigating panel held John Calvin, 36, colored, of the 1100 block of Seventh street N.W. for the death of James R. Mills, 32, colored, of 1023 Eighth street N.W. It was tes tified Mr. Mills, who died in Freed men’s Hospital shortly after being stabbed in the chest, received his fatal injury during a fight at a house in the 1100 block of Congress court N.W. Calvin told police he j found several men attacking his common-law wife. He stabbed Mills j in self-defense during an ensuing melee, it was testified. Pierce Jones, 25, colored, also was ordered before the grand jury, “when and if captured.” Jones, held responsible for the death of James Johnson, 48, colored, of 1522 Eighth street N.W., disappeared after John son died in Freedmen’s Hospital of a slashed throat. Witnesses said Johnson was knifed during an alter cation in the 400 block of K street N.W. _ There's a Flagship flight to fit your travel schedule to NEW YORK 25 flights around the clock 7:45 a.m. 7:55 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 9:40 a.m. 11:05 a.m. 12:10 p.m. 12:25 p.m. 1:05 p.m. 2:22 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:45 p.m. 3:50 p.m. 3:55 p.m. • 4:35 p.m. 5:10 p.m. 5:15 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:25 p.m. 7:50 p.m. 8:10 p.m. 10:25 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 11:05 p.m. 11:35 p.m. 12:15 a.m. AD limes Daylight Saving ^NONSTOP TIME BY CONVAIR FLAGSHIP: 66 MIN. rheme IXecetive 2345 er your travel agent Ticket Officer Staffer HofW and 813 15th St. N. W. AMERICAN AIRLINES Caution Urged by Police In Week-end Driving Week-end driving caution was urged upon Washington motorists yesterday by the Metropolian Police Department. Capt. L. T. Johnson of the Traf fic Division warned that summer week ends are top danger times. Thirty-two persons were injured in District accidents last Saturday and Sunday, he said. With an estimated 300,000 cars traveling the Capital’s streets, this year’s accidents already are running well over 1,000 ahead of last year, police records show. More than 6,300 were listed up to'the beginning of this month. Forty persons have died. Barney House to Give Show Two plays, a minstrel show and singing, will be featured when 100 children attending the vacation school at Barney Neighborhood House, 470 N street S.W., will put on a show at 7:30 pm. tomorrow in the school garden. Longines Watches Authorized Sale*—-Service dmtUt* 728 14th St. N.W. RE. 7251 M IlNSLDW PAINTS SETFAST FOR CANVAS Canvas require* a spe cial paint — and we recommend S e t f a s t Canvas Paint for satis fying results. It's easy to apply with brush or spray—and it makes old. faded canvas ar ticles. such as awnings, beach chairs, tents, shoes and bags look like new and last longer. There’s a choice of colors that mix well and combine to get desired shade. Come in and let us tell you about Setfast Canvas Chevy Chase Faint * Hardware Co. Sliver Spring Paint A Hardware Co. Bethesda Paint * Hardware Co. Takrma Paint A Hardware Co. Becker Paint * Glass Co.. Georgetown laical Paint & Hardware Co., Hyattsville 922 New York Ave. (1), NA. 8610 Open Mon. thru Sat., 7 a.m. to 5:30 p m. Free parking next door while trading hare. SUMMER V CLEARANCE • Men’s Tropical SUITS $0475 Ideal for Washing* ton's Hat Weather Single and Double* breasted Models Solid Stripe*—Fancy Patterns Closed Saturdays July and Aurusi 4312 \ L9QS.908 7th St.N.W.j PURE CASTILE IS THE Conti CASTILE SHAMPOO *Yov con chock this statement in your public library. Road what loading boauty author ities and dermatologists say about the care of your hair. TRY TNI NIW ICONOMY till 7*« TAN safely, gloriously in a Yes, you can acquire a glorious ♦an your first day in the sun! SUTRA blocks out the burn rays... lets the tan rays come through ... permits prolonged exposure safely. Non-greasy... so pleasant and easy to use. Accepted for advertising in publications of the simirse mewcal sssoasnoa unu due use miusti a mm csmtbs mtmm The Lems & Thos. Saltz (14(f9 G Street) C1 e a r a h ce MEN'S FINE HABERDASHERY LONG SLEEVE SUMMER SPORTS SHIRTS MO—$12.95 Kohinoor Sport* Shirt* diagonal zipper closure. Solid shades in ten handsome colors. 801% spun rayon, 20% virgin wool. Small medium, large, and extra-large-S9.95 68—$ 11.95 Sport* Shirt*. Rayon screen weave. Green, cocoa, French blue. Small, medium, large-,-$8.95 19—$10 Sports Shirts. Solid colors—greys, natural, canary, white Small, medium, large-$6.95 47—$7.50 Light Weight Printed Cotton. Tan, green, blue. Medium and large.1...-.-$5.95 BASQUE SHIRTS 87—$5 Imported Lisle Me*h Polo Shirt*. Collar attoched, three-button front, pull over. "World's healthiest shirts." White only, short sleeves. Small, medium, large-$3.95 93—$5 -Basque Shirt*, crew neck, short sleeves, white neat pattern^ Small, medium, large----$3.95 ’ CONVERTIBLE COLLAR PAJAMAS 72_$10 Finest Quality Multi-filament, Rayon Pajamas. Made by one of America's best pajama makers. Solid color two-tone ^ gundy and grey, blue and grey, light blue and corn. B, C, D-$7.95 53_$7.50 Royon Pajama*. Neat hair line stripes and checks. White grounds, blue and tan colors on white grounds. B, C, D___-$5.95 51_$2.50 Pajama Short*, white broadcloth. Sizes: A, B-.-S1.25 IMPORTED ENGLISH RAINCOATS 5_529.50 Raincoats. Cotton twill gabardine mode in England. Plaid cotton linings, slash pockets, regimental band collar. Sizes: 42, 44, 46; 44 and 46 shorts-----51**95 37_595 Fine Cotton Twill Gabardine Imported English Trench Coots. Made in England by the world's most renowned maker. Double breasted, plaid lining, shoulder epaulets, full belt, storm pockets, shoulder gun pads. Natural and dork. Sizes: 34 to 36 regulars, shorts ar^Mon|s, 17_560 Imported English Civilian Raincoats. Fin* cotton twill, cotton gabardine. Single, breasted, fly front, bal collar, slash pockets. Tan. Sizes: 36 to 46 regular; 34 to 44 shorts; 38 long-$48.50 UNDERSHORTS AND UNDERSHIRTS 131_51.75 Undershirts, Swiss rib, fine lisle, Blue, champagne, wine grounds with fine white cross stripe. Size: Small, medium, large, extra large __ SUMMER SLACKS (FIRST FLOOR) 36 prs. $11.50 Cape Cod Rayon-Cotton Slacks, ecru, navy. Sizes 30 to 36___58.95 WINTER AND SUMMER ROBES 39_$10 Woven Cotton Wothoble Robot. Interesting plaid and check designs. Small, medium, large----------$7,95 37_$20 Solid Printed Pattern Rayon Robot. Full cut, three pocket. Lovely neckwear patterns. Blues, red grounds. Medium, lar0* |arge ____514.95 _$18.50 Pure Virgin Wool Robot made by one of America s finest robe makers. Small, medium, IdVge. Blue and red grounds--514.95 14—$65 Royon and Wool Robes. Lined and unlined. Blue and red grounds. Jacquorded. Medium and large ---- 17_$25 All Wool Robot Glen plaids and checkt. Small, 29—-$20 Beoeh Jackets. Terry cloth, heavy weight, absorbent jackets for the beach, club or home; jacquorded weaves and plain; canary, white, French blue, sand and tan. Small, Medium, Large 17—Terry Cloth Both Robot heavy weight, absorbent. Solid blue, small, medium, large, extra-large-RSDUfcED FOUR-IN-HAND TIES 197—$2.50 Imported Woolen and Foulard Tiet. Neat and fan^r pat terns. Deep reds, blues, green, brown and tans -51.65 148 $5.00 Pure Silk Foulards and Maeeletfeldi Neckwear. Mostly imported. Excellent assortment of colors. 139_$6.50 Imported Pure Silk Spitalfieldi. Pure silk jacquarded printed crepes, pure silk prints. Conservative and bold patterns $4.45 143_$1.50 Goley and Lork Washable Tiet. Hand-made, seven-fold construction in neat and bold check and plaids---$1.15 ' HALF HOSE „ , 208—$1.50 Imported Brushed Wool Half Hote and Anklett. Ca"ie , wine, French blue, sea green and white. Sizes 10 Vi to 13-51.U5 STRAW HATS AND PANAMAS 68— $5 Cocoenut Straw and Stiff Brim Sailors. All sizes — $3.65 39—$7.50 Panama Hat*. White and natural. Various wanted shapes. All sizes -$5.65 82—$ 10 Straw Hats, Panamas, Leghorns, Linens and Bakes. Natural and white. All sizes- $6.85 91—-$15 Panamas, Leghorns, Milens. Pinched front, flot tops, telescopes. All sizes-$9.85 MIN'S FINE SHIRTS 133—>$6.50 Blue and Whita Basket Weave Shirts. Button-down collar attached, made by Master Guild. Single-needle stitching, button cuff. All sizes ---$4.95 187—$15 Pine Imported Sea Island Egyptian Cotton Shirts mode by one of America's best shirt makers. Single-needle stitching through out, collar ottached, French cuffs. Handsome neat patterns. All sizes -$10.95 192—$10 Fine Imported See Island Egyptian Cotton Shirts made by one of America's best shirt makers. Single-needle stitching through out, collar attached, French cuffs. Handsome neat patterns. All sizes - $7.95 84—$5 Whita Bosket Weave Shirts. Button-down collor ottoched. All sizes..-.-.----$3.95 109—$7.50 White Broadcloth Shirts. Collar ottoched, French cuffs and single button-down cliffs. All sizes-$5.95 SHORT SLEEVE SUMMER SPORT SHIRTS Ml—$5.95 Seersucker SperH Shirts. Woven rayon and cotton stripes and checks. Blues, browns, colorings on white grounds. Small, large^ 69— $10 Sports Shirts. Light weight, printed batiste. Exquisite color ful colorings and beautiful patterns. Small, medium and large. $7.95 IMPORTED SWEATERS 47—$12.50 Full-fashioned Sleeveless Pure Wool Sweaters. Jacquarded patterns made in Scotland. Tan, green, blue grounds. Small, medium, large __-.$9.95 39—$20 Full-fashioned Pure Wool Scotch Long Sleeve Sweaters. 60% cashmere, 40% wool. Camel ond blue mix, natural and Breen m,« Small, medium, large---$14.95 LEISURE AND SPORTS JACKETS (FIRST FLOOR) 17—$50 Fine Quality Worsted .Flannel Leisure Jackets ln beige and heather shades. Sizes: 40, 42, 44 ----$34.75 13—$35 Cardigan Cellarless Leisure Jackets. Rayon. Blue and bufL Sizes 36 to 42 — — -—-— — —-S2 «9 3—$45 Forstmonn Charmeen and Weal. Size 40 only. ^^j22 5(J 9—$35 All Wool Leisure Jackets. Solid shades—canary end white. Sizes: 36, 38, 40, 44 and 46. HALF PRICE---$17.50 12—$30 Havana Brown ond Navy Blue Belgian Linen Jackets. Three button model Sizes: 38, 39, 42; 39, 40 long-•—S2Z.95 9_$22.50 Corduroy Jackets. Colors: Havana brown and camel. 5ize: 38, 39, 40, 42 regular and 44 long..$15.75 $885 Excellent $10.85 KNITTED BATHING TRUNKS 57—$5 Pure Wool Knitted Bathing Trunks, made by one of America's foremost ond recognized makers. Built-in supporter. Natural, tarn navy blue, royol blue and wine. Sizes 32 to d2-.-. — - .-$3*95 47_$6.50 Pure Wool Knitted Bathing Trunks made by one of Amer ica's foremost and recognized makers. Built-In supporter. tan, navy blue, royal blue and wine. Sizes 32 to 42---$4.95 ' FELT HATS 34_$12.50 Felt Hats. Browns, tons, greys, 'Good shapes. .Sizes: 6% to 7Vi ------ 87_J15 Felt Hots. Top quality., .Browns and greys. shapes. Sizes: 67/s to 7’/z---7 BRUCE CURRIE HAND-MADE SHOES 129 prs. $32.50 Hand-welted Shoes. Medallion tip, wing tip and straight tip. Black and brown made by Bruce Currie, one of theL^nI*« shoe makers in America. Sizes: 9ViAA to 11D-$19.85 FRENCH, SHRINER fir URNER SHOES 132 nrs. $18.95 French, Shriner * Urner Shoes. Browns, blocks ond cordovans. Various models. Sizes: 9AA to HE. (Broken^sae 69n°p«. $1895 French" ShrBier & Urner Summer Sheas. Brown and white/ ond black ond white, also all white. Sizes 9A to 9E. 'Broken size range) ORIGINAL CALIFORNIA CASUAL SHOES 83 on. $15.50 Original California Casual Shoos. Browns and a few blues Gcxid size Kale.-DRASTICALLY RIDUC1D $3.95 * $9.95 MEN'S CLOTHING MEN'S TROPICAL WORSTED SUITS 33—$75 Fin* Quality Tropical Wonted Suit*. Medium ton shade, *oft green-greys and greys with neat stripes. Single and double breasted models Sizes: 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 44 regular; 39, 40, 42 short and 44 long $57.50 59_$55 Tropical Wonted Suit*. Single and double breasted model* in tans, greys, blues ond blue-greys. Regulars, shorts and longs. ^ A Group of Tropical Suits, one and two of a ^’nd-n°t mentioned here Regulars, shorts, longs and stouts-DRASTICALLY REDUCkD SPORTS JACKETS (2nd FLOOR) 38_$75 Hand-tailored Sport* Jackets, especially suitable for summer wear, made for us by one of the best tailors in America. Handsome three-button model with leather buttons and patch pockets. Natural, tans, powder blue, greys and light greys. Sizes: 37, 38, 39, 41, 44, 46 regular; 38, 39, 40, 42 short 39, 40, 44 long..-..--$58.50 28—$58 Hand-tailored Sport Jackets made for us by Cebow. Three button model with patch pockets. In tans, blue-greys and browns Neat all over designs. Sizes 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 44 regular; 39 42 short; 38, 39. 40, 46 long....538.50 _$65 Sports Jackets made by Chester Barrie of London in greys and tans. Three-button models. Neat herringbone designs. Sizes: 38, 39, 40 regular; 37, 38, 40 short...$48.50 9—$45 Pur* Irish Linen Sports Jpckets. Tailored in »traditional three button patch pocket model along easy, casual lines. Sizes*. 38, 42, 44 regular; 38, 44, 46, long---;-534.50 MEN'S FINE QUALITY WORSTED SUITS 10_$95 Blue Unfinished Worsted Suits. Single ond double breosted models A very fine quality of unfinished blue worsted and hand somely’hand tailored. Sizes: 40, 42, 44 regular; 38, 42 short; 40, 41 long_584.50 8_$125 Fine Quality English Flannel Suits made by Chester Barrie of London. Single-breasted drape model in bold tan and grey gtaur quhart plaids. Sizes: 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44 regular; 38, 39 short; 39, 40, 42, 44, 46 long.....—594.50 1 |k_$90 end $95 Cheviot Suits. Hand tailored in single and double breasted models. Greys and blue-greys. Sizes: 38, 41, 42, 44 regular, 39 long; 39 short---578.50 28—$90 Hend-foilored Suits by Lebow in greys ond blues Single breasted drape models. Sizes: 36, 39, 42, 44, 46 regular; 37, 38, 40, 41 short; 40, 42, 44 long; 39 stout---578.50 13—$140 Single and Double-hreeited Grey Flannel Surfs of the fmwt imported quolity. Beautifully hand tailored. Sizes: 38, 39, 40, 42, 44 regular; 37, 38, 42 short; 39, 40, 42, 44, 46 long..SI 15 MEN'S GABARDINE SUITS 53_$75 Nature! Ten Gaberdine Suits. Single and double breasted models. Finely tailored of fine quality pur# worsted gabardine euitable Tor year 'round wear. Sixes: 37, 381. 39. 4I. 41, 42 43. 44, 46 r.Q ular; 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 short; 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 Ion*I--$68.50 23_$62.50 Natural Ten Gabardine Subs. Single and double breasted models. Excellent quality gabardine. Sixes: 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 44 reg ular; 38, 39, 40, 42 short; 40, 44 long- .. — . — -557.50 10_$135 and $150 Finest Quality Farstmenn Greniteen Light Weight Gabardine Suits. Hand tailored by one of the best tailors In America and hand stitched. Single ond double breasted. Natural tan ond Havana brown. Sixes: 39, 40, 43, 44 regulor; 39, 42 sh|jf j I^q2^0^ J8 50 MEN'S FULL DRESS SUITS AND TUXEDOS 14_$85 and $90 Full Dress Suits. Sixes: 37, 38, 39, 40, 44, 46 regular; 37, 38, 42, 44 short; 40, 42, 44 long...-,r--»°?.50 4_$110 Full Dress Suits. Fine quality barathea weave. Sues: 44, 46 regular; 39, 42 short 2_$60 Double Breasted Tuxedo Suits. Sizes: 37, 38 short..$48.50 MEN'S TOPCOATS AND OVERCOATS 5_$185 Double Breasted Imports Cashmere and Wool Coots In not urol camel shade, handsomely hand tailored and hand etitched by Chester Barrie of London. Sizes: 40, 42, 44 regular; 40, 42 shorty 4—SI75 Imparted Cashmere and Waal Coats. Hand tailored and hand stitched. Naturol camel hair shade. Single breasted. Made Chester Rnrrie of London. Sizes: 37 regular; 37, 41 short; 39 long..$147.50 3— $M5 Burberry English Topcoats. Pure camel hair in natural shade. Bol-raglan model. Sizes: 38, 40, 42 regular. .. -$128.50 c_«i eg Burberry Cashmere and Waal Coats. Naturol ton and light brown. Single breasted model. Sizes: 42 rogulor; 38, 39, 40 shortj 39 IT—$90 Finest Quality Imparted Harris Tweeds. Hand woven and hand spun. Bol-raglon and set-in sleeve models in tan. blue and grey herringbones. Sizes: 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44 regular; 40 short; 39 3^555 ReyersiblVfwaeid Coats. Tweed on one side and cotton aobar dine on the other. Sizes: 38, 40 short; 40 long ........---$39.7^ 4— $110 Neat Cray Herringbone Cashmere and Waal Coats. Single breasted, fly front, peok lopel. Mode in England. Sizes: 37, 42, 44 reg a_*72 50 and $75 Natural Tan Gabardine Coats. Fin* sprality bal ragian model. Sizes: 46 regular; 37, 39, 40, 42, jgJ 5C)V S68°50 YEAR 'ROUND WEIGHT SLACKS AND TROUSERS A Group of tha Finest Quality Trousars Wa Hava Ever Pat an Sola. They ore choice, ond were selected from our own stock in finest quality worsted, gabardines, flannels, coverts, tropical worsteds and doeskins. Ton, blues, browns, greys, blua-greys. Solid colors, naot chocks and aten plaids. There or* 108 poirs, and compromise a vary excellent selec tion, waist sizes: 29 to 42.ALL DRASTICALLY REDUCED All Solot Final... If* txthanget ...Mo Loy-awoys ...Mo Lewis & T1 Executive 3822