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Bratba ,1)1(1$, HERBERT LUTHER. On Frl v Juiy 30. 1048. at his home, 6646 lane. Bethesda. Md.. HERBERT TI-THER ADAMS, beloved husband of Au G. Adams. Remains resting at the r-eVscla-Chevy Chase Funeral Home ol ' Heuben Pumphrey, Bethesda, Md. jjmice oi funeral later. rvKER, WILLIAM. On Wednesday, , v 8. 1948. WILLIAM BAKER of 1319 f,,’ «t. n.e., brother of Stokes Baker, Es 7, B Green and Rache! Johnson Baker. F';°nds may call at the Malvan & Schey Funeral Home, N. J. ave. and R st. n.w., t-.'rr 3 pm. Friday. Funeral from the southern Baptist Church Saturday. July ■ at 12 noon. Interment Payne s Ceme i * BENNETT. ETHEL Y. On Thursday, v 29, 1948, at Georgetown University vVlpoal. ETHEL Y. BENNETT of 6212 'V'l pi., Riverdale, Md.. beloved wife of i _,r.c Bennett and mother of Dorothy t m Betty Hinkle and Elaine Alden. icnds may call at the Gasch Funeral : line. Hyattsville. Md.. where services will held on Monday, August 2, at 2 p.m. - atives and friends invited. Interment yor: Lincoln Cemetery. 1 BOOTH. McCLAIN. On Wednesday, . 28. 1948. at his residence. Brandy v, ne. Md.. McCLAIN BOOTH, beloved hus > r.d of Ida Booth, father of Rosie Chase a Mabel Buckner, brother of Florence pent. He also is survived by ten grand diildren. four great-grandchildren, other r latives and friends. Friends may call si the residence of his grandson, Bernard <_ hase, at Waldorf. Md., after 4 p.m. Frl 03y. Funeral Saturday, July 31, at 1 p m, from the Asbury Church, Brandy vine. Md., Rev. H. R. Curtis officiating. BOYD, MAMIE. On Tuesday. July 27, 1948. MAMIE BOYD of 818 4th st. n.w. She leaves a brother. Rutherford Jones; iwo nieces, Nannie Schaney and Ester Lee; one nephew. Henry Clayton; one great r.iece. Lillian Johnson, and other relatives end friends. On Friday, July 30. after 4 p.m.. friends may call at Eugene Ford's Funeral Chapel. 1213 4th st. s.w.. where funeral services will be held Saturday, July 31. at 1 p.m. Interment Payne's Cemetery. 30 BRIMMER PEC. BERNARD LEE. On March 19. 1945. in France, Ffc. BER NARD LEE BRIMMER. He is survived by his widow Marguerite Brimmer. Funeral services will be held Saturday. July 31, 1948. at Forestlawn Cemetery, Greens boro. N. C. 31 BROWN, JULIA H. On Thursday, July ‘21 1948. at her residence. 5219 Clay ft n c . JULIA H. BROWN, beloved wife of the late Henry Brown, mother of Lawrence E and Ernest Brown and Mrs. Cozette Byrd She also is survived by eighteen grandchildren, five great-grandchildren, three «isters and a host of other relatives ard frienas. Remains resting at Henry S. Washington & Sons' Funeral Home. 4925 Deane ave. n.e., after 4 p.m. Saturday. July .31. Funeral Sunday, August 1, at 1 :;o pm. from the Tabernacle Baptist Church Rev. G. W. Washington, pastor. Relatives and triends invited. Interment Harmony Cemetery. 1 BUTLER, AMELIA A. On Wednesday, July "8. 1948. AMELIA A. BUTLER of oxon Hill. Md. She is survived by one brother, a devoted nephew, William D. Butler and a host of other relatives and fnends Remains resting at her late resi oence after 2 p.m. Sunday. Mass will be said at St. Ignatius’ Church Monday, Au gust 2. at 9 a m. Interment church ceme tery. Arrangements by Malvan & Schey. CALDWELL. MARY ELIZABETH. On Wednesday. July 28. at the Naval Medical Center Bethesda. Md.. MARY ELIZABETH CALDWELL, beloved wife of Daniel Alfred Caldwell. U S N . retired, of 4443 Lily Pars dr. n.e Remains resting at her late esjdence Services Monday. August 2. at ■'pm. at Fort Myer Chapel. Arlington, Va Interment Arlington National Ceme tery. 1 CANNON. ARTHUR F. On Wednesday. July "8, 1948, at his residence, 900 Perry pi ne. ARTHUR F. CANNON, beloved husband of Sadie E. Cannon (nee Fla herty and father of Robert P. Cannon, Mrs. Frances Henry, Mrs. Mane Fenlon. Leo J Cannon. Mrs. Margaret York and John A. Cannon. Funeral from the Tim othy Hanlon Funeral Home. 641 H st. n.e . on Saturday, July 31. at 8.1o a.m. Requiem mass at St. Anthony s Church at 8 45 am Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. JO CARVER. IDA. Departed this life Tues day July 27. 1948. at St. Elizabeths Hos pftal. Mrs. IDA CARVER of 922 T' st. . n w. She is survived by one sister, ten nefh**s. eleven nieces and a host of 0 * ^ e ^ Jh and friends. The remains may be viewed Sundav. August 1. after 12 n.2°n\.ak t,ne Hall Bros. Funeral Home. 621 Florida ave. nw Funeral services Monday. August at 1 p m . at She above funeral home. Rev. William E. Miller officiating. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. CALGHEY. JOHN WILSON. On vvca rir>sday. July ‘lb. 194H. JOHN \\ILSJi CAUGHEY. beloved husband of the late. Carolyn G. Caushey. Funeral services will he held at his late residence, .140.; N St n w . on Saturday. July •<! • at - P.nt. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. Joy Mortuary Service. CHRISTIAN. MILDRED A. On Thurs day July -'ll 11»4K MILDRED A. CHRIS TIAN. wife cf Paul S. Christian, mother of | Pparl M. Frey. Evelyn M . Hattie F.. hoi ten'-e. James R. and William D. Christian, sister of Hattie Stevenson. She also 'eaves three grandchildren, other relatives and friends After 6 p.m. Friday. July .40. friends may call at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 1432 You st. n.w. Fu neral and mterment Amherst. Va. ' FUNERAL DIRECTORS. V. L. SPEARE CO. 1009 H St. N.w. mtlonti 2832 J. William Lee's~Sons Co. 4th and Mass Ave. N.Z U. 5200 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium FRANITGETER'S'SON CO. EUNERO. HOME 3S05 14 til St NW HObart 2S2fi NEW ENLARGED PARLORS Formerly at 1113 7th St N.W Fstnblished 1 *51 In Case of Death Call One of the Largest Undertaker* in the World Complete Funerals $95 to $2,000 Toar Large Funeral Homee Phone CO. 0432 funeral designs._ GUDE BROS CO. Individually destined Wreaths and Sprays ■K"5V.5K&.&.bj£i (GEO. C. SHAFFER. Inc. expressive floral tributes at MODERATE PRICES. PHONE NA. OlOfl Cor. 14th b Eye Qaml Sundae | FLOWERS CHAMBERS has complete Flower Shop. Funeral Designs Special! $3, $4, $5, S6. $7. $10. up to $200 -CALL | CO. 0432 CHACONAS FLOWERS Beautiful FLORAL PIECES. Sfl.00 and au DELIVERED taoo i4th St N.W._Phone DL1. 7121 AMBULANCES._ AMBULANCES DOCTORS CALL • CHAMBERS • For Ambulance, CO. 8432. One of the finest fleets in the world. Bates: *10 up to 18 mlle radius. Expert attendant*. CALL CO. 0432 ' cemetery lots. X SITES IN' BEAVTIFEirFort Lincoln Cem etery; wll, sacrifice TW. 0980 sfter^ 8. WASHINGTON NATIONAL CEMETERY— Four sites; value. $400; price. $375. By OWNER. Hillside 5250._* WILL SACRIFICE 4 adjoining cemetery sites at much less than actual value. In beautiful Fort Lincoln Cemetery. ME. £898.—1 4 SITES—Ft. Lincoln, overlooking arti ficial lake; * very good price. HY. 0875. ooC*??iyE*t8' JOHN. On Thursday. July -?• 19<8. at his residence, 1315 Stevens rd s.e., JOHN CONYERS. He leaves six children, twenty grandchildren, a host ol “thsr relatives and friends. Services at Stewart's Funeral Home, 30 H st. n.e.. Saturday. July 31, at 10 a.m. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. CRAWFORD, SCOTT W. On Tuesday. Juiy 2/. 1948, SCOTT W. CRAWFORD of 1615 O st. n.w., husband of Lillian Crawford and devoted lather ol Mar garet C. Hammond. He also Is survived by one brother, two sisters and other rela tives and friends. Remains resting with L. E. Murray & Son. 1337 10th st. n.w., where funeral services will be held Satur day, July 31, at 1 p.m. Interment in Payne's Cemetery. • Cl'RTISS, GEORGE EDWARDS. On Friday. July 30, 1848. at Providence Hos pital. GEORGE EDWARDS CURTISS, be loved husband of Maude M. Curtiss, lather of Mrs. Dorothy Goodrich and Roy Curtiss. Funeral from the James T. Ryan Funeral Home. 317 Pa. ave. s.e., on Monday. Au gust 2. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 1 DAVIS, JOHN, SR. On Wednesday, July 28, 1948. at the Washington Sanitarium, JOHN DAVIS. Sr., beloved husband of Charlotte E. Davis and father of Francis and John Davis, jr.: Mrs. Evelyn Jacobs, Mrs. Chariotte Thrall and Mrs. Clarlbelie Hall. Friends may call at the Takoma Funeral Home, 254 Carroll st. n.w., Ta koma Park. D. C- where services will be held on Saturday, July 31, at 2 p.m. In terment George Washington Memorial Cemetery. 30 DEAN. ALICE. On Thursday, July 29, 1948, at her residence. 768 Lamont st. n.w.. ALICE DEAN, wife of Arron Dean, mother of Bunyon Boggs. Ora McKelvin and Fronnie Herrien: sister of Emma An drew#. She also leaves four other sisters, three brothers, eleven grandchildren, one great-grandchild, other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. Ar rangements by W. Ernest Jarvis Co. DORSEY. NICHOLAS W. On July 29, 1948, at his residence, 1521 34 st st. n.w . NICHOLAS W. DORSEY. Services at Christ Church. Georgetown, on Saturday morning, July 31. at 11 o'clock. 30 • DUCKETT. ROBERT. On Tuesday. July 27. 1948, at his residence. 918 6th st. n.e.. ROBERT DUCKETT, husband of Mary E Duckett, son of Pearl and Robert S Duckett, brother of Bernice Perry. Arvell and Howard Duckett. He also leaves other relatives and friends. Services at Stewart's Funeral Home. 30 H st. n.e.. Saturday. July 31, at 1 p.m. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 30 FARRAN. ANNIE M. On Tuesday. July 27, 1948. at her residence. 722 22nd st. south. Arlington, Va., ANNIE M. FARRAN. mother of Mrs. Rebecca M. Smith, Lloyd H., Leslie W. and George W. Farran; sis ter of Mrs. Alice Pease. Mrs. Edward Eayrs and Ulysses Hoover. Services at Chambers' Funeral Home. 3072 M st. n.w.. on Friday, July 30, at 2 p.m. Interment Columbia Gardens Cemetery, Arlington, Va. • 30 GROSS. JOSEPH HENRY. On Thurs day. July 29, 1948, at Arlington Hospital, JOSEPH HENRY GROSS, beloved husband of Annie E. Gross, father of Earl, Stanley and William D. Gross. Friends may call at the George W. Wise Funeral Home. 2900 M st. n.w.. where services will be held on Saturday. July 31. at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Jcmetery. FINEMAN, ELLIOTT. On Thursday. July 29. 1948. ELLIOTT FINEMAN of 4015 De Ruscey parkway. Chevy Chase, Md.. beloved husband oi Jeannette Fineman and devoted father of Jonas Michael and Mary Elizabeth Fineman. He also is sur vived by a sister. Mrs. Ben Jaffe, and four brothers. Arthur, Moses, Isidore and Dr. Jerome Fineman. Funeral services at the Bernard Danzansky & Son Funeral Home. 3501 14th st. n.w.. on Sunday. August 1. at 10:30 a.m. Interment Baltimore He brew Cemetery, Bel Air rd. 1 GIBSON, ROSA. On Friday. July 30. 1948, Mrs. ROSA GIBSON of 933 N st. n w, beloved wife of Rev. William H. Gibson and daughter of Thomas Madln. She also is survived by one brother, Lewis Madln; two sisters. Ola Tinsley and Emma Watts, and other relatives and friends. Remains resting with L. E. Murray & Son, 1338 10th st. n.w. Fu neral notice later. HAEFNER. EMMA B. On Thursday. July 29, 1948. EMMA B. HAEFNER, be loved wife of the late Dr. G. A. Haefner, sister of Edward H. Davis and aunt of Hat tie Fenby and Eva Carroll. Funeral serv ices at the W. W. Deal Funeral Home. 4812 Georgia ave. n.w., on Saturday. July 31, at 2 p.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 31 HAEFNER, EMMA B. The offlcers and members of Lebanon Chapter. No. 25, O. E S . are requested to assemble at the W. W. Deal Funeral Home. 4812 Georgia ave. n.w., at 1:45 p.m. Satur day. July 21. 1948. for the * purpose of conducting services for our late sister, EMMA B. HAEFNER. By order of MAR/ E. WEIMER. Wo-thv Matron. CONSTANCE L. TORREY. SecretaiY. HAMILTON. JOHN T. On Friday. July .2(1. 11148. at Landover. Md., JOHN T. HAMILTON, beloved husband of the lata Louise Hamilton, father of Katherine. John, jr.: Phillip, Joseph. Ambrose. George, Charles. Leo and Nleholas Hamilton: Mrs. Carrie Green. Mrs. Estelle Hill. Mrs. An nie Harrison. Mrs. Bertha Wilson and Mrs. Margaret Diggs. Also surviving are many other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by Mc Guire. 31 HART. ANNA B. Entered Into eternal rest Tuesday, July 27. 1948. at her resi dence, 1(115 0th st. s.w., ANNA B HART, loving sister of Mrs. Clara S. Jackson of Richmond. Ve ; aunt of Mrs Cordelia J Williams. Mrs. Pearle Daye Smith and Oliver M. Jackson. She also is survived by four devoted cousins. Mr. James Saunders. Mrs. Hattie Wedge. Mrs. Airow Bowie and Mr. Eugene Saunders: other relatives and m'any friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhtnes & Co. Funeral Home. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w.. until Friday. July 3(1. at 4 pm.: thereafter at the above residence. Funeral Saturday. July 31. at 1 p.m.. from the Zion Baptist Church. F st. between 3rd and 4th sts. s.w.. Rev. A. J. Edwards r.ffi-iating Interment Woodlawn Ceme tery. 30 HART. ANNA B. District Grand Lodge, No. 2. N. G. U. O. of Chaldeans, and all its branches, are herebv entiled of the funeral of P G. Mistress ANNA B. HART. Funeral Saturday. July 31. 1048. st 1 p.m.. from the Zion Baptist Church. F st. be tween 3rd and 4th sts. s.w. Call meeting Friday. July .30. at 7:30 p.m.. at Fisher men's Temole. 320 F st. s.w. GEORGE MCDOWELL. D. G. M. ANNIE HAWKINS. G. R S. 30 HART. ANNA B. T M N. G. Chamber, No 2. G U. O. O. F . announces the pass ing of True Daughter Miss ANNA B. HART, oast chief grand ruler. Funeral Saturday. July 31. 1948, at 1 p.m.. from Zion Baptist Church, F st. between 3rd and 4th sts. s.w. Please wear white. All members are requested to attend. ALBERTA S. GUNN. Chief Gland Ruler. Attest: MAMIE A. JACKSON, Chief Grand Scribe. HEMBRY, HELEN C. Departed this life suddenly, on Tuesday. July 27, 1948. at her residence. 2257 12th st. n.w., HELEN C. HEMBRY, beloved wife of Emmett Hembry She also leaves to mourn their loss three sons. Robert, Clarence and Leon: three sisters. Inez Kearney. Fannie McRae and Elizabeth Ellis; two brothers, Samuel and George, and k host of other relatives and friends. The remains may be viewed after 8 p.m. Friday. July 30. at Edmonson's Funeral Parlor. 200(1 9th st. n.w. Funeral services will be held at the Mount Pleasant Baptist Church. 1100 W st n.w.. on Saturday. July 31. at 8 p.m.. Rev. Robert Anderson officiating. Inter ment Louisa. Va.. Sunday, August 1. 31 HENDERSON, JANIE. on Wednesday. July 28. 1948. JANIE HENDERSON ol 2326 Georgia ave n.w.. wife of Hart Hen derson, sister of Bertha Brown and Alice Ruth. Many other relatives and friends also survive. After 4 P.m. Friday, July 30. friends may call at Frazier's Funeral Home. Inc.. 389 R. I. ave. n.w.. where fu neral services will be held on Saturday, July 31, at 2 P.m.. Rev. Patrick Yancy of ficiating. Interment Payne's Cemetery. HURLEY. 1st LT. GEORGE M. H. On March 31, 1945. over Karlsruhe, Germany. 1st. Lt. GEORGE M. H HURLEY. 386th Bombing Group. 554th Squadron. 9th Air Force, beloved son of John J. and Winifred H. Hurley, father of George Ronald Hurley and broth er of Mrs A Jacqueline Reich, Mrs. Wini fred H. Bickes and John J. Hurley, Jr. Services at Chambers’ Funeral Home. ol7 11th st. s.e., on Saturday. July 31, at 10 a.m. Reinterment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. JACKSON. PHILIP On Thursday. July 29 1948. at his residence. 10 Cabin John. Md.. PHILIP JACKSON, beloved husband of Frances V. Jackson, brother of Garfield Jackson. He also leaves other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the Snowden A Davis Funeral Home. Rock ville. Md. Funeral services Saturday, Julv 31. at 2 pm. at the Gibson Grove A. M. E. Church. Cabin John. Md., Rev. J. J. Howard, pastor LARKIN. WILLIAM EUGENE. On Thursday, July 29. 1948. at his residence. 10°8 Mass. ave. s.e.. WILLIAM EUGENE LARKIN, beloved husband of Catherine E. Larkin, father of Mary V. Hall. Bettie E.. Jean Ann and Catherine L. Larkin', brother of John L.. Robert P. Carroll and Cath erine L Larkin. Friends may call at his late residence until Monday. August 2, at 8:30 a.m. Requiem mass at Holy Com forter Church at 9 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 1 McCONKEY. HENRY V. On Tuesday, July 27. 1948. at Providence Hospital. HENRY V. McCONKEY. beloved father of Albert R . Arthur D., Elmer M.. Henry W.. Milton G.. Ethel M. and Delores E. Mc Conkey, and Myrtle V. Spitzer: brother of John J.. Francis P . William H„ Irving E. and Raymond A. McConkey. and Margaret Diedrich. Services at Chambers' Funeral Home. 517 11th st. s.e , on Friday. July 30. at 2:30 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 30 MCDONALD. JAMES PATRICK. On Thursday. July 29. 1948. JAMES PAT RICK MCDONALD, member of Carpenters' Local. No 132. Prayers at Chambers' Funeral Home. 517 11th st. s e.. on Sat urday. July 31, at 11:30 a.m. Inter ment Washington National Cemetery. MELZARD. JOHN J. Suddenly, on Wed nesday. July 28. 1948, at Providence Hos pital. JOHN J. MELZARD. beloved hus band or Anna Melzard and stepfather of Willard Thompson. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. and Mass, ave. n.e.. where services will be held on Saturday. July 31. at 11 am. Interment private. 30 MEYLR. EDWARD F. On Wednesday, July 28. 1948. at his re*dence, 5203 13th st. n.w.. EDWARD F. MEYER, aged 94 years, husband of the late Mary E. Meyer and father of Miss Grace G. and R. Alma Meyer and Mrs. Marian Lollo. Funeral from the W. K. Huntemann Funeral Home. 5732 Georgia ave.' n.w.. on Satur day. July 31. at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends Invited to attend. Interment privatt. Please omit flowers. 30 Ex-Senator Watson's Funeral Tomorrow; Congress Pays Tribute Funeral services Tor Janies Eli Watson, 83, former Republican Senator from Indiana who had been a leader in both houses of Congress during his service under eight Presidents, will be held at noon tomorrow in the chapel at Cedar Hill Cemetery. Burial will be in the cemetery. Mr. Watson, who left Congress in the Democratic landslide of 1932, died yesterday at Garfield Hospital. He had been in poor health since a serious illness last fall. His home was in the Presidential Apartments, Sixteenth and L streets N.W. The Senate yesterday approved a resolution of regret on the an nouncement of Mr. Watson's death by Senator Jenner, Republican, of Indiana. Tributes Paid by Both Parties. Tributes to the former Senator came from both Democrats and Re publicans. Praising Mr. Watson as a leader who had been outstanding for a half century in the field of Govern ment and politics. Senator Jenner declared. “His death leaves a void which will be hard to fill.” Senate Minority Leader Barkley called Mr. Watson “an able states man” and a “warm-hearted friend.” i Senator Lodge, Republican, of | Massachusetts, said the Indianan; “never took himself too seriously." ! House Praises Record. The House was informed of Mr.; Watson’s death by Representative; Harvey, Republican, of Indiana, v/ho said the country had lost “truly a national figure.” Representative McCormack, Dem ocratic leader from Massachusetts,; said members on his side of the aisle joined in expressing regret. He added that Mr. Watson, when in Congress, “wielded powerful influ ence of a constructive nature. He was loyal to his party, a great legis* lator and a great American.” Other members of the House of both political parties also paid trib-; ute to Mr. Watson. At Indianapolis, Gov. Ralph F. Gates praised “Senator Jim” as a “leader and a man of courage.” | Aluminum School Planned Ballingry, Scotland, is to have an! all-aluminum school, costing $680.-! 000 and made in sections by an Eng lish airplane company. Dratba MOWATT, LT. FRANK G. Suddenly. 111 UCi - ’ many. Lt. FRANK G. MOWATT ; of 4700 Harvard rd., College; Park, Md.. beloved son of Alex ander and Esther W. Mowatt. Friends may call at Gasch’s Fu neral Home. Hyattsville, Md. aervices ai oi. anarcw s tpiscopai cnurcn. College Park. Md.. on Saturday. July 31, at 10:30 a.m. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment St. Johns Cemetery, Beltsville, Md. PENN. JOHN. On Wednesday. July 28. 1948. at the Alexandria Hospital. JOHN PENN, husband of Mary Williams Penn,' father of Julian W. Penn and Mrs. Mar guerite P. Fletcher. Funeral services at his late residence. 206 North Royal st.. Alexandria. Va.. on Saturday. July 31, at 3 p.m. Interment Ivy Hill Cemetery. 30 ' RAY. ISAEELLE ARTHUR. Suddenly.' on Wednesday. Juiy 28. 1948. at her resi- j dence. 2705 Queens Chapel rd. n.e., ISA BELLE ARTHUR RAY. beloved wife of the l late J. Enos Ray. Funeral from the W. K. iHuntemann Fuiieral Home. 5732 Georgia 'ave. n.w.. on Saturday. July 31. at 9:30 a.m. Services at St. Paul’s Church. Rock Creek Parish, at 10 a.m. Relatives and1 friends invited to attend. Uterment Rock! ! Creek Cemetery. RAY, ISABELLE A. The officers and members of Adah Chapter, No. 25. O. E. S., of Mount Rainier, Md., will meet at the Star Hall, Mount Rainier, Md., on Friday, ‘July 30, 1948, at 6:45 p.m., for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late sister, ISABELLE A. RAY. By order of the as-, sociate matron. _ _ „ NANNIE E. WOHLFARTH, Secretary. SAUNDERS. PAUL H. On Wednesday. July 28. 1948. at his residence. 4550 Conn, ave. n.w., PAUL H. SAUNDERS, the be-, loved son of Paul F. and Johanna G.! Saunders and brother of Emery L. Salo mon. Eugene V. Saunders. Mrs. Elizabeth Glynn of Minneapolis. Minn., and Mrs. Cora Jane Higbee of Arlington. Va. Prayers at Chambers' Funeral Home. 517 11th st s.e.. on Saturday. July 31. at 8:30 a.m. Mass will be sung at Holv Comforter Catholic Church. 14th and East. Capitol sts.. at 9 a.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cem etery. **° SCHUTTE. GEORGIA A. On Thursday. July 29. 1948. near Millington, Md., GEORGIA A. tSCHUTTE aged 59 years, wife of H. E Srhutte. Funeral from the Fellows Funeral Home. Millington. Md.. on Saturday, July 31. at 9 a.m.. daylight sav ing time. Requiem mass at St. Dennis Church. Galena. Md . at 10 am. Rela tives ami friends are invited to attend. Interment Loudon Park Cemetery, Balti more. Md., at 2 p.m. SMITH, MAMIE. Departed this life on Wednesday. July 28. 1948 at Gallinger Hospital, after a brief illness, *MAMIE SMITH of 1107 1st st. n.w. devoted daughter of Rosie and Milton Smith, moth er of Rosa C. Outing. She also leaves a sister, Mrs. Ernestine Todd; three brothers. James. Lucius D. and Louis Smith, and other relatives and friends. Friends may call after 4 p.m. at Ralph Barbour's Fu neral Home. 48 K st. n.e. Funeral Satur day. July 31. at 1:30 p.m., from the Springfield Baptist Church, 6th and P sts. n.w. Interment Lincoln Memorial Ceme tery. SCOTT, EDWARD. On Thursday, July 29. 1948. at the Naval Hospital. Bethesda, Md.. EDWARD SCOTT, husband of Mrs. Maude Scott, son of Mrs. Rose Scott, brother of Mrs. Gertrude Morris and brother-in-law of Frank Morris. He also leaves other relatives and friends. After Hi a.m. Sunday. August 1, friends, may call at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral services Mon day. August 2. at 10:30 a.m., at the above funeral church. Rev. James L. Finn of ficiating. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 1 STEVENS. PFC. GEORGE JSl RSO.v. jn. On March 15. 1945. at Hatzen port. Germany. Pfc. GEORGc, JACKSON STEVENS. Jr.. 3o9th Regiment, 90th Division, be loved son of George J. and Pran ces C. Stevens. Graveside serv ices on Friday. July 30. 1948, at 2 P.m., at Arlington National Cemetery. TABBS, GEORGE. On Monday. July "fi. 1948. at Gallinger Hospital. GEORGE TABBS of Carters lane. East Riverdale. Md. He is. survived by his mother, Alice Tabbs; a daughter. Josephine Tabbs; one foster sister. Viola Dailey; an uncle, John Tabbs. and many other relatives and friends. Re mains resting at his late residence after 12 noon Friday. July 30. where services will be held on Saturday. July 31. at 10:30 a m Relatives and friends invited. In terment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Arrange ments by Henry S. Washington it Sons. 30 WASHINGTON. LEARI.INE. On Wed nesday, July 28. 1948. at George Wash ington University Hospital. LEARLINE WASHINGTON of 1009 Maryland ave. s w . beloved sister of Mrs. Annie Brown. Elease Oliver. Bernice and Mary Fougle, Abraham Cephus. Jessie. Clarence and Willie Hillier: devoted friend of Johnnie Bradshaw Other relatives and friends also survive. After 4 p.m. Saturday friends may call at the Carver Memorial Funeral Home. 29-31 H st. n.w Funeral services on Sunday. August 1. at 3 p.m., at the Bnon Baptist Church. .49 5th st. s.e.. Rev. Arthur Shinclar officiating. In terment Providence. S. C. 31 WATSON. HON. JAMES E. On Thurs day. July 29. 1948, at Garfleld Memorial Hospital. Hon. JAMES E WATSON, hus band of Flora M. Watson and father of Edwin G. and James E. Watson, Jr . Mrs. Ernest A. Gross and Joseph C. Watson. Friends may call at Gawler s Chapel, l*i, Pa. ave. n.w. Services will be held at the Sanctuary Chapel of Cedar Hill Cemetery on Saturday, July 31. at 12 noon. 31 WHITE. ANNIE Z. On Wednesday, July 28. 1948, at her daughter’s residence, , ,03 Emerson rd.. West Lanham Hills. Md., ANNIE Z. WHITE, wife of the late Ralph White and beloved mother of Catherine Tyler. Prayers at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 517 11th at. s.e.. on Saturday, July 31. at 9:30 a.m. Mass at St. Margarets Catholic Church. Seat Pleasant. Md.. at 10 a.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. WILLIAMS. THELMA. On Wednesday, July 28. 1948. at Freedmen’s Hospital. THELMA WILLIAMS of 515 Lamont st. n w.. beloved daughter of the late Her bert and Jennie Williams, sister of Anna Mae Johnson and Richard Williams, aunt iof Valerie Johnson, niece of Frank Wil \ liams. cousin of Mrs. Viola White. She also leaves other relatives and friends. After 11 a.m Friday. July 30, friends mav call at the W Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 1432 You st n.w. Funeral serv ices Saturday. July 31. at 11 a m . at the above funera.' church. Rev. R. D. Grymes officiating. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 30 WORMLEY, THOMAS M.. JR. On Thurs day. July 29. 1948, at Freedmen's Hos pital. THOMAS M. WORMLEY. Jr., of 2150 8th st. n.w.. devoted son of Thomas M.. sr., and Violet Wormley; brother of Pearl and Gail Wormley. grandson of Mrs. Jeannette Breashears and Mrs. Pearl Barnes, great-grandaon of Mrs. Sarah Johnson. Also surviving are many other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by the Brooks it Allen Funeral Home. MRS. J. ENOS RAY. —Harris-Ewing Photo. Rites Set Tomorrow. For Mrs. J. Enos Ray In Rock Creek Church Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. tomorrow for Mrs. Enos Ray. 65, widow of a former Speaker of the Maryland House of delegates and a former president of the Prince Georges County Bank & Trust Co. The services will be conducted from St. Paul’s Church, Rock Creek Parish, and burial will be in Rock Creek Cemetery. Mrs. Ray was found dead yes terday in her apartment, 2705 Queen's Chapel road. Mount Rainier, where she had lived for several years. Dr. John T. Maloney, Prince Georges County deputy medical ex aminer, issued a certificate attribut ing death to a heart attack on Wednesday afternoon. Relatives said Mrs. Ray had suffered from a heart disease for several years. Found by Neighbors. Neighbors became alarmed yes terday because of an accumulation of newspapers and milk bottles out side her apartment door. They entered the apartment and found her slumped to a floor, fully dressed. Mrs. Ray, like her husband, was an active worker in the Democratic Party and participated in the af fairs of many civic organizations. She was a member of the Chillum District Democratic Club, the Chil lum District Study Club and the Prince Georges County Soroptimist Club. She was instrumental in the founding of the Prince Georges Me morial Library and served as chair man of its board. A member of the county Welfare Board, she had also served as its chairman. She was a member of St. Paul's Church and of Adah Chapter, 25, Order of the Eastern Star. School XNamea ror nusoana. Her husband was State chairman of the Democratic Party and also served as chairman of the Prince Georges committee. He once was a collector of internal revenue. The elementary school in Takoma Park was named in his honor. Born in Washington July 7, 1383, Mrs. Ray w'as the former Isabel Ar thur, daughter of the late Winfield and Madge Arthur. When she and Mr. Ray were married in 1919, they made their home in Prince Georges County, spending most of the time at the Ray family estate on Riggs road, Chillum. They had no chil dren. Mr. Ray died in September, 1934, and a few years, ago Mrs. Ray moved into the apartment in which she died. She lived alone. Her nearest surviving relatives are two sisters-in-law, Mrs. Alfred Ray, Silver Spring, and Mrs. George Edward Schultz, Bethesda; a niece, Mrs. James H. Benner, Bethesda. and two nephews, George Edward Schultz, jr„ Seattle, and Alfred Ray, Silver Spring. Injuries in Fall From Train Charged in $150,000 Suit A Baltimore man yesterday after noon brought suit in District Court, seeking $150,000 damages for in juries he contends he suffered last February when he fell from a train as it was going through a tunnel just after leaving Union Station here, en route to Richmond. The plaintiff, Lathan Jones Ma haffe, 34, says in the suit he suffered a broken back and permanent scars on the face, when he plunged through an open door in the vesti bule between coaches. He contends both the vestibule door and trap door had been left open. The suit names as defendants, the Richmond Fredericksburg and Potomac • Railroad Co., the Wash ington Terminal Co. and the Penn sylvania Railroad Co. Mexicans Use U. S. Machines Mexico City recently put into operation a fleet of five United States-built street washing vehicles hailed as “the last word” in equip ment. Itt itemortam BOOKER. REV. HENRY J. In loving memory of our beloved husband and fa ther. Bev. HENRY J. BOOKER, who en tered tbe Great Beyond six years ago to day. July 30. 1942. Loved in life, remembered in death. HIS WIFE AND CHILDREN. • ISLER. WILLIAM F. In loving memory of my dear husband. WILLIAM F. ISLER. who departed this life one year ago today. July 30. 1947. Forget you? No. I never will. I loved vou then. I love you still; Your memory is as fresh today As in the hour you passed away LOVING WIFE • KIRBY. MARY MEEKS. In loving memory of my dear mother. Mrs. MARY MEEKS KIRBY, who passed away July 30. 1947. SON. DICK. * McLANE. CARMELIA ELIZABETH. Sa cred to the memory of our dear wile and grandmother. CARMELIA ELIZABETH Mc LANE. who departed this life nine years ago. July 30. 1939. Treasured thoughts of one so dear Often bring a silent tear: Thoughts return to scenes long past, Time rolls on. but memories last. HER DEVOTED HUSBAND. 1st LT. CAREY P. McLANE. AND GRANDSONS, LO RENZO C. AND EDWARD R. McLANE. SMITH. FREDERICK P. In loving mem ory of my beloved husband. FREDERICK P. SMITH, who passed away one year ago today, July 30. 1947. A few days before you passed Into that better land we sang for you “Precious Lord. Take My Hand." He led you into a better land. We loved you. but Ood loved you best and took you home to rest from sickness, sorrow, pain apd death. YOUR DEVOTED WIFE. MAUDE A. M. SMITH. Always remembered. MAC AND ONEITA. • SNOWDEN. MARTHA E. (MA). In memorv of our loving mother and sister. MARTHA «. (MAI SNOWDEN., who left us July 30. 1939. There's a vacancy in our house. One who was precious has gone: The voice we loved to hear is stilled And that vacant Place can never be filled HER DAUGHTER. FLORENCE 8_8AVOY. AND SISTER. MARGARET P. CHASE. • TYREE. GILBERT R. In remembrance of our dear son and brother. GILBERT R. TYREE, who passed away one year ago today. July 30, 1947. We’U always remember your railing face. THE FAMILY. • WAYMAN. MAUDE FLEMING. In mem ory of our devoted aunt. MAUDE FTJEM ING WAYMAN. who left US July 30- 193g HER NIECES. DOROTHY AND COLLEEN Maj. CharlesM. Musso Among Nine War Dead To Be Reburied Today Maj. Charles M. Musso, jr., a sur geon here for many years before the war, is among nine Washington area war dead for whom reburial services were to be held at 2 p.m. today in Arling ton Cemetery. Maj. Musso, whose widow, Mrs. Helen S. Musso, lives at the Clifton Ter race Apart-, ments, died of wounds Decem ber 24, 19 44 while serving as a surgeon at tached to the 95th Evacuation Hospital at Mu M»J. Musio. sig. France. He was awarded tne Purple Heart posthumously. A native of Brooklyn, Maj. Musso was educated at Columbia Univer sity, the University of Virginia, and the Georgetown Medical School. He practiced surgery here after his graduation from Georgetown In 1935, and was associated with Dr. Herbert H. • Schoenfeld until his Army service. Was on Georgetown Faculty. Maj. Musso was on the faculty of the Georgeown Medical School and was a member of the staffs of Georgetown. Gallinger, Garfield and Children’s Hospitals. Before being assigned to the 95th Evacuation Hospital, Maj. Musso had trained with the 29th Division at Fort Meade and the 80th Division at Camp Forrest, Term. He was 37 at his death. In addition to his widow, Maj. Musso is survived by his mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Musso; a sister, Mrs. Adele Cufari, and three brothers, Comdr. Nicholas Musso, U. S. N., and William and Frank Musso. Pfc. George Jackson Stevens, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Stevens, 4707 West Virginia avenue, Bethesda, Md., also is to be re buried at today’s services. Pvt. Stevens entered the Army in September, 1943, and served in the European theater from May, 1944, until his death on March 15, 1945, in action with the 90th Division in the second crossing of the Moselle River. # Native of Baltimore. He has been awarded the Euro pean Campaign Medal with three bronze stars, representing partici pation in the Normandy, Northern Prance and Rhineland campaigns, in addition to other medals. Born in Baltimore February 6, 1923, Pvt. Stevens was a graduate of Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School. Before entering the Army, he was employed with the National Institute of Health in Bethesda. Surviving, besides his parents, are three brothers. Lt. Rogers C. Stevens, U. S. N. R.; Charles C. and John D. Stevens, and three sisters, Mrs. James C. Cross, jr.; Mrs. Wil liam A. d’Espard and Miss Frances Jeanne Stevens. Other area men for whom reburial services were to be held, and their next of kin, are: Pvt. George M. Abdo, Marian Abdo, 802 Ninth street N.E.; Tech nician Fifth Grade Walter E. Aters, jr., Addie M. Aters, 1945 Calvert street N.W.; Pfc. John A. Farrish, Mary C. Farrish, 1321 Powhatan street, Alexandria, Va.; Pvt. Joe ■Harris, Gertrude E. Harris, 3 Puerto Rico avenue N.E. Also Pfc. Kemp E. Stegal, Kemp E. Stegal, 505 East Capitol street; Pvt. Roy A. Tate, Emma M. Tate, 1908 First street N.W., and Pfc. Melvin T. Winfield, Fred T. Win field, 641 North Lincoln street, Ar lington, Va. John Wilson Caughey Rites Set Tomorrow Funeral services for John Wilson Caughey, 87, retired stock broker, will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow in his Georgetown home, 3045 N street N.W. Grover Pow ell, a Jehovah’s Witness from New York will conduct the services. M r. Caughey died Wednesday at Doctors Hospi tal after an ill ness of nine weeks. Burial will be in Rock Creek Ceme tery. Mr. Caughey was born in Mr. Caugher. Pittsburg and was a siock DroKer here for many years, retiring 20 years ago. He came to Washington after his marriage to Miss Caroline Gang wer, member of a wealthy Ohio family. Mrs. Caughey, who died 12 years ago, left a large home near Great Falls. Va., to the Girl Scouts. The 85-acre place was known as Rockwood Manor and since her death has been used as a national Girl Scout home. For the past 10 years Mr. Caughey had been affiliated with the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York and was a member of Jehovah's Witnesses. He is survived by a niece and nephew in Boston. CIAGETT* MEMORIAL CS 502 New Hampjhireav Vwit-Ou R E^PIAY Sf M EMORIAU-iOR iMMEnATE-Erection In-all-Cemeterjej Opcn-Junoay/ MONUMENTS *40 «P MARKERS*^ FALVEY (GRANITE CO. INC ‘ Established 50 Yean 209 UPSHUR ST. N W /StarbtraCrsad Csmststj T*VIOJIIOO -JUNK-, WANTED The beet place to eelll ACE JUNK CO. 2220 Ge. Aw. N.W. AP. 5457 Sophonisba P. Breckinridge, Pioneer Social Worker, Dies •y the Associated Press CHICAGO, HI., July 30—Miss Sophonisba P. Breckinridge, 82, one of the Nation’s pioneer social work ers and noted educator, died today in her home of a heart attack. Miss Breckin ridge, professor emeritus in pub lic welfare ad ministration at t h e University of Chicago, had been in ill health for the last five months. A member of the distinguished Kentucky fam ily, she had been active in many fields I or moire -- than 50 years. She was a lawyer, author, educator, field worker and delegate from the United States to international conferences on social, industrial and economic problems. Outstanding Feminist. Miss Breckinridge was for many pears an outstanding social worker md defender of women’s rights. She was the first of her sex admitted to the bar in Kentucky and the first woman member of the Order of the Coif, a legal society whose roster is selected because of out standing scholarship. She was the first woman to rep resent the United States at a Con gress of the Pan-American Union, attending the seventh meeting of that organization, held in 1933, at Mohtevideo, Uruguay, under ap pointment by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, in 1930 President Hoover sent her to the sixth Pan-American Child Congress at Lima, Peru, and in 1925 she was one of the Ameri can delegates to a conference on social work at Paris. She represented Kentucky at an international, prison congress in London in 1925 and attended the same organization as a delegate from Illinois, when it met at Praha, Czechoslovakia, five years later. She was a charter member of the League of Women Voters, a former president of the American Associa tion of Schools of Social Work, and active in a host of other civic and philanthropic organizations. Wrote Commission Report. She wrote the section dealing with women in "Recent Social Trends,” published in 1932. The work embraced the report of a commis sion which made a detailed social survey of the United States under sponsorship of President Hoover. Miss Breckinridge was bom at Lexington, Ky., April 1, 1866. Her father, William Campbell Preston Breckinridge, served five terms in the national House. Her great grandfather was attorney general in the cabinet of Thomas Jefferson and a great-granduncle assisted the Sage of Monticello in founding the University of Virginia. Henry Clay was a kinsman and another relative was John Cabell Breckinridge, who at 36 became Vice President in the | Buchanan administration and was the youngest man to occupy that I post. It. George M. H. Hurley Reburial Rites Tomorrow Reburial services for First Lt. George M. H. Hurley, 26, Air Force officer who was killed over Ger many on March 31, 1945, will be held at 10 a.m. tomorrow i n Chambers fu neral home, 517 Eleventh street S.E. Burial will be in Fort Lin coln Cemetery. L t. Hurley, son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hurley, 12 5 7 Lawrence street N.E., lived in Landover, Md., until he was 18. H e attended e lementary Lt. Burley. school in Landover ana was grauu ated from McKinley High School. He had completed his freshman year at the University of Maryland when he enlisted in the Air Force. While attending college, he was an employe of The Star. Lt. Hurley was assigned as a bombadier-navigator with the 9th Air Force. He was killed on a bombing raid over Karlsruhe, Ger many and was buried in a military cemetery in France. Surviving, besides his parents, are his widow and a five-year-old son, George Ronald Hurley; two sisters. Mrs. A. Jacqueline Reich, who is in Istanbul, Turkey, with her husband, a Navy commander; Mrs. Winifred H. Bickes of De troit, and a brother, John J. Hur ley, jr., of Washington. Earl E. Young Dies PHILADELPHIA, July 30. (IF)-— Earl E. Young, 68, retired paper and pulp manufacturing executive and an active YMCA official for many years, died yesterday. He served on the YMCA staff with the American Army of Occupation in Germany after World War I. _ I — Lions Elect dicker Jules C. Ricker, Washington In surance man, has been elected a director of Lions International, holding it 31st annual convention in New York City. Mr. Ricker is a district governor of the Lions and former president of the Washington Lions Club. TAKE 8Bj* ftaf WHEREVER YOU ARE! Keep in touch with your fovorite features while you're on vocation. Wher ever you ore. The Star can be by your side. Send us the coupon, we'll send you The Star! Home delivery at regular ratee is available at mast nearby beaches and resorts. I / "N RATES BY MAIL Daily and Sunday Daily Sunday 1 month $1.50 $.90 $.60 1 week .40 .30 .20 FOREIGN 1 month $4.50 $3.00 $2.00 1 wook 1.25 1 00 .50 Circulation Deportment, The Evening Star Evening Star I Mg., Washington. 0. C Send ne Tke Star for-week*. twinning ... --- (DATS) '**** (PLEASE PRINT; address --- Reenae Delivery en-el ay keae ADDRESS _ "‘E.'dJT4 °'KST I Enclave: n ekaek OnaMirio O ataape Reburial RitesSetTomorrow For Lt. Frank G. Mowatt Reburial services for 2d Lt. Frank G. Mowatt, 20, Army pilot who was killed over Germany on September 9, 1944, will be held at xu.du a.All. iu morrow at St. Andrew’s Epis copal Church, College Park, Md., with burial in St. John’s Cemeterv, Belts ville, Md. Lt. Mowatt is th? son of Mr. and' Mrs. Alex ander Mowatt of College Park. He was a graduate of Hyattsville High School and had completed Lt. Mowstt. two yeais ui aeiuiiauticai cubiuwca ing at the University of Maryland when he enlisted in April, 1943. Lt. Mowatt was awarded the Air Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters and the Distinguished Flying Cross. The Purple Heart was awarded posthumously. He was a member of the 8th Air Force in England. Besides his parents, he is sur vived by two sisters, Mrs. Harold G. Shirk and Miss Nancy Mowatt, both of College Park, and a brother, Theodore A. Mowatt of Washington. Cleveland Scientist Dies LORAIN, Ohio, July 30 V/PO-— Peter A. Bumgart. 72, a member of the staff of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History for 25 years, died here yesterday. Famed as an arche ologist and paleontologist, he had assembled outstanding collections in these two branches of natural his tory for the Cleveland Museum. \ I Ka-Na-Ba for Autos You’ll be proud of the finish on your car when you wax lt with Ka Na-Ba. This flna wax will prolong and pre serve the finish on your car and give .a fine, glossy finish to floors and furniture. Ka-Na Ba is waterproof . . easy to apply. The stores listed below high ly recommend Ka-Na Ba Wax for general use. particularly for your car. Chevy Chase Paint A Hardware Co. Silver Spring Paint A Hardware Co. Bethesda Paint A Hardware Co. Takoma Paint A Hardware Co. Becker Paint A Glass Co.. Georgetown Local Paint A Hardware Co.. Hyattsville 922 New York Ave. (1), NA. 8610 Open Mon. thru Sat.. 7 a.m. to ft:30 p m. Free parking: next door while trading here. Bowen, Labor Leader, To Be Buried in Albany Funeral services for William J. Bowen, 80, veteran labor leader for whom the Bowen Building, 815 Fifteenth street N.W., was named, will be held tomorrow at his heme in New York City. Burial will be in Albany, N. Y. Mr. Bowen, who died Tuesday in New York, was president Emeritus and chairman of the board of trustees of the Bricklayers’. Masons' and Plasterers’ International Union (AFL). When the building at 815 Fif teenth street was bought by the union in 1932, it was named the Bowen Building in his honor. Union headquarters are in the building. From 1901 to 1904, Mr. Bowen was vice president of the union and was promoted to oresident in the latter year. At his retirement in 1928, he was elected president emeritus of the union for life, with a salary of *10.000 a year. H* made frequent trips to the head quarters here. A constant foe of communism, Mr. Bowen frequently said he was proud of the fact that his union had never violated or broken any of its contracts. Mr. Bowen was a close associate of Samuel Gompers in the formu lation of labor policies in the early 1900’s. He served with Mr. Gomp ers on the labor commission ap pointed by President Wilson during World War I. A native of Albany, Mr Bowen served his bricklayers apprentice ship there and became business agent of Albany Local 6. He moved to New York in 1901. surviving are two sons, ur. to ward F. Bowen and John A. Bowen, both of New York, a brother, Charles Bowen and a sis ter, Margaret Bowen, both of Albany. Alcoholic Clinics Set For Tuesdays, Fridays During August, alcoholic clinics will be held at 1740 Massachusetts avenue N.W., at 5:50 p.m. Tuesdays and at 1:30 p.m. Friday. Dr. Leo pold E. Wexberg, director of the ' Bureau of Mental Hygiene an nounced today. The only change from the present schedule is that the usual Mon day afternoon session is shifted to Tuesday. TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. I / 460 New York Ave. N.W. NA. 1070 Export Packing | | OUR SPECIALTY j TIanos" for RENT Call REpublie 6212 If you buy loter, money paid as rental and deliv ery charge will be deduct ed from purchase price. Console ond spinet pionos of excellent makes are Here for rental. And rental ond de livery costs will be deducted from purchase price if you loter wont to buy. (6 months limit) IKITT’S | 1330 C Stf t B Beautiful "Funeral Designs" made by our own carps of [ ' ^ Trained Florists assures you of the best. . Funeral Sprays, $5.00 and up 1407 H S». N.W. I r Till 9 p.m. phone Dlst. 1300 I , . 9 p.m.-12 p.m. phone OL. 2325 or 0L. 1931 YOUR FAITH IN US ... is well rewarded with the most beautiful and most im pressive funeral services that cannot be compared elsewhere. The low cost will appeal to you ... the savings are much greater when you call Chambers, CO. 0432. W. W. Chambers, 8r. W. W. Chambers, #r. SAVE ON THIS CASKET. COMPLETE FUNERAL 1 , *336 160 SERVICES INCLUDED COMPLETE FUNERALS FROM 195 TO 92.000