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, Oriental Cream SOUftAVO | gives a touch of sat» f faction. Recaptures that soft, tender skin of youth. , "■*» fcn \—tw LET’S BE SENSIBLE Why pay more tor a used car than a new ana . . . whan you can pet honoti value today, without data/, in a new ' kiUSER-FRAZER WASHINGTON MOTOR SALES CORN. D is tributor-Deblor 1516 14th Sk, N.W. A Dams 2270 HAIR PROBLEMS? I Washington’s OWN AND | MOST SUCCESSFUL HAIR * CLINIC l OFFERS YOU:* MSS™* • Comforting, effective treatments ouickly relieving dandruff scales, scalp itch, dry or excessively oily hair, weak thinning hair. • Definite results for accepted clients fay the fifth treatment. Stronger, healthier hair amazingly fast Many of our clients claim we grow hair in several visits. • Germicidal cleansing medicants. electro-therapy, ultra-violet ray ex pertly applied. • Over 128.000 cases treated This experience In the field of Trichol ogy is available at the Hair & Scalp Clinic only. Hair & Scalp Clinic, Inc. Phone EX. 3832 SUITE 600-609 BOND BLDG. S.W Cor 14th St. & N.*. Ave. N.W. HOURS. 9:30 AM. to 7:30 PM. SATURDAYS, 9:30 A.M. TO 4 P.M. Pour 72 Glass California WINE (red or white) Add ICE (2 cubes) and Sparkling Water House Hears Demand For Police Merger to Curb Violent Crimes Warning Congress that "rape and murder” here must stop, Representa tive Grant, Democrat, of Alabama, has demanded merger of the Metro politan and Park Police forces to protect women and girls. He sounded his call for action on the House floor yesterday, as he introduced a bill to consolidate the two police forces under the direction of the superintendent of the Metro politan Police. Referring in his House speech to the recent Rock Creek murder of 11-year-old Carol Barflwell who was “brutally attacked,” Mr. Grant charged that “this once fair Capital City of the Nation has become the haven of sexual perverts and crimi nals.” Says Number Increasing. “They are converging upon Wash ington in ever increasing numbers,” he declared. If there is one place in the Nation where a little child can walk alone, it should be here in the District of Columbia. "It is dangerous for one to walk alone here at any hour of the day or night. These criminals have become so bold that they no longer wait for the cover of darkness to commit their atrocious crimes, but carry them out in the broad open daylight.” Conditions now existing here, the Alabaman declared, "are a shame and disgrace to a civilized commu nity. This Congress must demand that this conrition be cleaned up and that it be done now.” Blames Divided Authority. Mr. Grant emphasized that, he was not censoring or condemning either of the two police forces. "They have worked hard, under great handicaps,” he said, "but there' is divided authority. They have done well under great odds. Both the Park police and Metropolitan police are undermanned. All of these men should be given good salaries and shorter hours. Law enforcement should be under one command.” oevtrai aiit'inpus jiave uccu uiauc to consolidate these two police forces in Washington, but legisla tion has never been approved to accomplish the purpose. One bill was vetoed by the President. A similar measure still is pending in the House District Committee, to which the Grant bill was referred. Strong opposition to such a merger always has come from the Interior Department, the National Park Service and the Office of National Capital Parks. Thomas Group Urged fo Halt Condon AHack or Apologize ly th» Associated Pres* Representative Holifield, Demo crat, of California, said yesterday that members of the House Un American Activities Committee should cease making statements about the loyalty of Dr. Edward U. Condon or apologize for past com mittee charges against him. Dr. Condon, head of the National Bureau of Standards, has been cleared by the Atomic Energy Com mission “of all charges made against him by the Un-American Activities Committee,” Mr. Holifield said in a speech in the House. "Now,” he added, "committee members either should stop making statements against him, or publicly apologize for publicly assassinating his character with charges about his loyalty.” A special subcommittee headed by Chairman Thomas of the full committee issued a report last May calling Dr. Condon “one of the weakest links” in the Nation’s atomic security chain. Subsequently the Atomic Energy Commission gave Dr. Condon a clean bill of health. Dr Condon has denied the com mittee’s accusations repeatedly, and has asked for a public hearing on them. The committee has said pub lic hearings will be held, but has not yet set a date. Mother, 20, Denied Custody Of Illegitimate Child, 6 Justice Alexander Holtzofl yester day denied a 20-year-old mother the custody of her 6-year-old il legitimate daughter. In a ruling which he said was in the interest of the child. Justice Holtzofl left the little girl in the custody of her aunt. The aunt has reared the child as her own since she was five years old. In seeking custody of the child, the mother, who lives in Alexandria," said that she was 14 years old when the child was born, and that she left the girl with a half-sister until such time as she could care for her. The mother was married two years ago to a mechanic. She said her husband, who is not the father of the child, wants to provide a home for the girl. In making his decision, Justice Holtzofl said that anguish would result no matter how he ruled. Say ing he did not want to see the child hurt, the justice pointed out that the child believes the aunt is her mother. Navy Employe to Retire After 42 Years' Service Jesse W. Rohrback, «7, of 4764 Twenty-fourth street, Arlington, will retire Sunday after 42 years as a civilian employe of the Navy Depart menu Mr. Rohrback is executive civil ian assistant in the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, to which he has been as signed since 1908. A specialist on law relating to piedical claims, he was awarded the department’s Meritorious Ci vilian Service Emblem and C e r t i ficate of Mr. Rohrb»ck. commenaauon tuning t»uwu War H. Born in Pennsylvania, Mr. Rohr back has lived in Arlington since 1912. He has been active in the Masonic Order. 3(3 Children Here Pass Red Cross Swim Tests The District Red Cross has issued a record number of 363 certificates to children at Washington swim ming pools who have passed be ginner and intermediate swimming tests, it was announced today. The children who received the certificates were participants in the Learn to Swim co-operative pro gram sponsored by the District Rec reation Department, Government Services, Inc, and the District Red Cross. So far this year, a total of 821 swimming certificates have been issued, as compared with 570 for the same period last year. Banneker and Takoma, pools led the other pools in certifying 64 youngsters each during the last week. Instruction in advanced swimming will begin at the pools Monday. Registra tion should be made at the neighborhood pools tomorrow. Dublin is buying 100 double-deck buses to ease its transportation shortage. Don't ask a mental giant Look in the Yellow Pages—, your " Classified Telephone inrectory for Express and Transfer Florists Hearing Aids or almost anything alsa - * PITTSBURGH CLEVELAND DETROIT MILWAUKEE ALASKA —11 TRIPS WEEKLY J ORIENT -4 TRIPS WEEKLY \ Phono: STERLING 9000 or your Travol Agont iRflTRff \ Dut to Ordinary tlutgilbntss? Quick—get Hoot Sparkling Eno relieve* two ways. 1. Quickly helps neutralise excess stomach acid. 2. Acts as a speedy, gentle laxative when needed. Used by millions! Buy at druggists today! Really Tattoo Good , EVER REED MONEY QUICK? TWO EASY WAYS TO GET IT 1 Use Our Hurry*Up Lean Service... Money Available Today Simply phene the office near you. Tell them what you want. Stop in on your way home from work end get $25.00 to $1,500.00 Signature Loans ta employed persons, married or single, on terms cosy to repay. 2. Use eur Cash Reserve Service . . . Money Always Available We will establish a Cash Reserve Ac count and Issue you a cash reserve book in the amount of $750.00 with absolutely uo cost or obligation on your part. Fob can then make withdrawal* from this eecaaat at any time. Whenever yea want Extra Money simply stop in the oMce and ret it. The only cost is when yon make withdrawals and yon nay only for the money yon ase for the time you use ft. Simply mail or hrinx coupon to onr nearest office. ' (Loans and Cash Reserve Accounts over S300.00 In Maryland offices only) <»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«> ♦ Gentlemen The foilowin* information to eatabllib a Cash Jteserve account ♦ ♦ ii confidential for your files. T ♦ ♦ jName _. ... _ -——♦ ♦ Address _ _Phone-♦ K*Mr employed by__r_Salary-♦ Mrs employed by-----___-Salary—--J ^1/ we hnvt accoini ts^ VA^A V#V#V#V#V#V#V#V#V#VAV#V# mmJ_ 3300 Male Di*n<l Mt. ft*later, Mi DEt»tar 1133 7MX Georgia lUrer Beg.. MS. ■HerterS 66— i US Mint It. Iktulrlti Va. ALaaaaSria 1714 j Board Approves Shift Giving foil Vocational Use of Powell School The Board of Education yesterday announced its approval of a plan to provide new quarters for students of the Bell Vocational School &y moving them to the building now occupied by the Powell Junior High School at Hyatt place and Lamont street N.W. The plan also calls for closing Powell School and transferring its students to Central High School at Thirteenth and Clifton streets J*.W. The move is expected to be com pleted in time for the opening of school next September, according to C. Melvin Sharpe, chairman of the School Board’s Committee on Buildings and Grounds. The Bell School has been situated in an old building at Seventh and O streets N.W., part of which has been condemned. Mr. Sharpe’s commit tee long has considered it inade quate for the present enrollment of the school, he said. When the plan was made public at a hearing of the committee last Tuesday, several residents of the Powell School area expressed dis approval. It was indorsed by other We regret the error thot appeared in Our Wednes day Shopper. Ad should have read— ARMSTRONG’S ASPHALT TILE in dark marbleized tones 5.95 Box of 50 sq. ft. Each tile 9x9 in. QUAKER CITY LINOLEUM CO. • r St., Cor. 6th N.W. Open Sot. Till 1 P.M. ME. 1870 residents, members of industrial and PTA organizations and a rep resentative of the student body at the Bell School. Mr. Sharpe said the move finally was approved by his committee yes terday and a poll was taken of the six members of the School Board who were in town. The vote in favor was unanimous, the an nouncement said. Members of the board will go before Commissioner John Russell Young today to get his approval of the plan. The next move would be for Congress to transfer a $58,800 appropriation so the Powell School can be remodeled as a vocational school. The sum was allocated to Central, when it was believed the Bell School would be'moved there. In explaining the plan at the ADVERTISEMENT. Don't Neglect Slipping FALSE TEETH Do false teeth, drop, slip or wabble when you talk, eat, laugh or sneeze? Don’t be annoyed and embarrassed by such handicaps. FASTKZTH. an alkaline (non acid) powder to sprinkle on your plates keeps false teeth more firmly set. Gives confident'feeling of security and added comfort. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. Get FASTEZTH today at any drug store. hearing Tuesday, School 8upt. Hobart Corning said the Powell School would become a part of Central, to be operated under a single administration as a six-year high school. I | ADVERTISEMENT.I WHIN PINCHED, DO THIS I If new or tifht shoes pinch, pram or ‘•bits"—or if your feet burn, are chafed or perspire excessively —eoothin* Dr. Scholl’s Foot Pow der will five you quick relief. Helps prevent Athlete’s Foot, too. Get Dr. Scholl’s Foot Powder today! Mr. Butinttt Man . . . Lot’s Not Kid Ourtelvt* . . ■ Thart'* Lott of Hot Wtathor Ahead. « 3 and 5 Horsepower Units | [immediate Instalhth^^J Exclusively Sold . . . Installed ... Serviced by Wm. Bornstein & Son, Inc. 2nd and KENNEDY STREETS N. W. TA. 5600 OPEN NIGHTS 'TIL 9 P.M. ^ LAKE JACKSON Washinctoa’s onlv fresh-water lake—eitasted in rireln forest In the foothills of the Bine Rider—31 miles from the CaaKol. It Is a sensibly restricted fc>< lodse colony. It is free from mosenitos and nettles. The healthful, hraeins air and the nniet reetfnlnese of its 300 wooded acres make Lake Jackson the perfect place to set away from the hot. crowded city. Excellent awim mins. flshlns and hoatine for property owners only. L'neomparably enchant inc and desirable. Established 31 years. Ledge tiles art /rom SSOO up. Lodges built to pour specifications. Lodges from l.t.SOO up. Termj. LA** JACKSON HILLS, INC. Office Open Weekdays and Sanday _Tel. Manassas 07-T-* CLIMB ABOARD FOR THIS BIG EVENT! Now it your chanco to fix up a recreation room in your home at a GREAT SAVING. We’ro offering AT COST a large stock of V2" Knotty Cedar Paneling, 6", •" and 10" wide. For a short time only—10c m board foot. Available in random lengths. Come in or call North 2600 today. 6ALLIHCR1JLUBUCLY Uc. 1 (§; zi ;iH- P ■ H ^m W _ wm If V m ^ ^ V ■kPPHPHHIlP^^K^H ® I I I V ttm A V x ^ P T ■ * I