Newspaper Page Text
D, C. Bank Clearings 4.5 Per Cent Above Year Ago in July fiy Edward C. Stone Bank clearings in Washington In julv totaled $306,997,014, compared Wjt'h S294.862.475 in July. 1947, a pain of $12,134,539, or about 4.5 per rent Geoorge H. Bright, manager nf [he clearing. house, announced today. It was the biggest July an record. In the first seven month of the 'ear. clearings in the Capital reached a new all-time peak of $2, 097.001,866, in comparison with $1, 930.499.907 in the like 1947 period, an increase of $166,501,959, or 9 per pen;. The gain a year ago was 10 per cent, which shows that clearings are now well stabilized. The high money turnover in the seven months indicates that busi ness has ..been the best on record clearings in the seven months com pare with 1947 as follows: 184*. 1947. •T.nuary _#306.1150.588 *282,976.821 T-bruary_ 251.13fi.377 239,049.317 'larch _ 368,815.879 266.648.H6i ipril _ 322.440.133 28fi.Hll.48t May _ 282.OHO,251 270,878,221 June _ 325.501.821 28P.fl78.922 July _ 306.997,014 294.862.475 United * Net Improves. United Air Lines net earnings for the second 1948 quarter totaled $310,682 as compared with a net loss in the first quarter of $3,550,534. This was equivalent to 11 cents a share on the common and man agement stock while the net loss for the first quarter was $1.94 per share In his report today, Mr. Patter son severely criticized the Civil Aeronautics Board for delay in es tablishing permanent air mail routes for the company. Accountants rusn riugram. Washington Chapter, National Association of Cost Accountants, reports that the following men have accepted invitations to address the group during the coming fiscal year: W, A. Paton, University of Mich igan; Maurice Peloubet, Podgson Peloubet & Co.; Randolph Paul, for mer general counsel of the Treas ury; Sterling K. Atkinson, Temple University; Herman C. Heiser, treasurer. Crown Can Co. Maury Lee, treasurer of the P. J Nee Co., has been appointed na tional committeeman for Washing ton. to co-ordinate participation oi stores in this area during the ob servance of the first annual fall home fashions festival being spon sored from September 24 to Octo ber 2 by the National Retail Furni ture Association. Heard in Financial District. Thomas E. Boyle has joined the Lewis Advertising Agency in The Star Building. Darwin H. Shopoff, who has been with the Washington Post, has been appointed advertising and sales pro motion manager of American Whole Ea]erS. Bache & Co. is distributing a re view of earnings of 30 leading oil companies, several being considered sound investments. Merrill, Pierce, Fenner & Beane tells investors that recent poor re ports about the New Haven Railroad related to passenger operations only. Over-all earnings are considered favorable. | Business Briefs | Retail Trade rose slightly above the preceding week in the week ended Wednesday and averaged 5% to 9% above the like 1947 week.— Dun & Bradstreet. Money in Circulation declined to $27,821,000,000 on July 28, a drop of $43,000,000 from & week earlier anfl $308,000,000 below a year earlier.— Federal Reserve Board. (ivil Engineering Construction awarded throughout the Nation to taled $713,719,000 in July, a weekly average of $142,744,000, third high est for any month since the war —Engineering News-Record. Automobile Production in the United States and Canada this week will total 113,706 units vs. 118,797 last week and 97,712 in the like 1947 week.—Ward's Automotive Re ports. Tide Water Associated Oil Co. de clared a 40-cent dividend on com mon stock, payable September 1. Previous payments were 30 cents. Profit for six months ended June 30 was $20,163,555 or $3.09 a share vs. $10,906,572 or $1.63 a year earlier. Standard Oil Co. of California earned $77,611,483 or $5.97 a share in six months ended June 30 vs. $40,808,200 or $3.14 a year earlier. E. I. du Pont de Nemours A Co. profit for six months ended June 30 was $62,611,127 or $5.12 vs. $61,619. 650 or $5.13 in the same 1947 period. Bethlehem Steel Corp. net in come for six months ended June 30 was $30,599,106 or $3.05 vs. $28, 499.392 or $2.81 in the same 1947 period. Westinghouse Electric Corp. earned $24,941,100 or $1.83 in six months ended June 30 vs. $21,735,442 or $1.59. It is buying a 21ri interest in Baldwin Locomotive Works for $7,555,000. National Steel Corp. net income for six months ended June 30 was $16,026,035 or $7.18 vs. $13,100,815 or $5.87. Radio Corp of America earned $10, 850.288 or 66.8 cents in six months ended June 30 vs. $8,825,912 or 52.2 cents. American Radiator A Standard Sanitary Corp. and subsidiaries had net income of $10,053,698 or 98 cents in six months ended June 30 vs. $7,157,707 or 70 cents. Marshall Field A Co. earned $4,694,523 or $2.25 in six months ended June 30 vs. $4,804,832 or $2.31. United States Rubber C'o. earned $10,889,643 or $4.70 in six months ended June 30 vs. $11,020,729 or $4.78. National Distillers Products Corp. net for six months ended June 3C was $11,136,175 or $1.40 vs. $19,259, 199 or $2.41. Chas. Pfizer A Co. profit for six months ended June 30 was $5,556, 709 or $3.69 vs. $4,027,079 or $2.72. Philco Corp. earned $4,215,000 oi $2.68 in six months ended June 3C vs. $4,034,875 or $2.80. Acme Steel Co. profit for six months ended June 30 was $3,442, 000 or $3.47 vs. $4,136,850 or $4.20. Champion Paper A Fibre Co earned $8,540,040 or $7.34 in li months ended April 30 vs. $5,375,64: or $5.57 in the previous year. Clark Equipment Co. net for six months ended June 30 was $2,449, 193 or $5.06 vs. $1,643,722 or $3.3t in the same 1947 period. McCrory Stores i orp. earned 100.927 or $1.75 in six months endec June 30 vs. $2,147,505 or $1.79 s year earlier. Stone & Webster. Inc., net for six months ended June 30 was $3. 109.677 or $148 vs. $1,135,967 or 54 cents. Baldwin Locomotive Works profits for six months ended June 30 was 11,618,118 or 82 cents vs. $1,536,093 or ^8 cents. N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE irarmatiea »7 the AiwetelM rreaa.l Saiei— „ Stock and Ac a Net Dividend Rate 0« Blab Low 2:30. cbee ABBOTT LAB2a 11 72% 70 70 -2% Acme Steel 4a 3 52% 51% 51% -1 Adams Exp '4e 24 20 19% 19% - % Addresso-Uult J 6 40% 39% 39% -1% Admiral Co .30# 9 13% 13 13 - % Air Reduction 1 16 22% 22% 22% - % 'Ala A Vicks 6 . 50 105 105 105 -3 Alleghany Corp 52 3% 3% 3% - % Allerhacv Co of 6 51 50 50% - % Alice Lud 80e 2 26% 28% 28% - % Alleg Lud pf 4% 2 104% 104% 104% -1 Allied CAUye fia 9 183 182 182 -1 Allied Mills 1%* 2 28% 28% 28%-% Allied Stn 8 10 33% 33 33% - % AUH Cbalm 1.60 18 34% 34 34 - % Alpha Portl *ie 1 28% 28% 28% - % AmalLeathpfS 1 44 46 46 -2 Amerada Pet 3. 8 111 108% 102% -5% Am Airline* 67 7% 7% 7% Am Alrl of 3% 5 55 52 52 -3 AmBenkN ] 60* 6 23% 25% 25% - % Am Boseb Ail 1 13% 13% 13% - % AmbrkShoe POe 3 387# 38% 38%-% Am Broadcast 4 8% 8% 8% — % Am Cable A Rad 8 4% 4% 4% Am Can a 1 62% 82% 82% -1 Am CarAFdJ 3e 2 44' a 44 44 — % Am Colt TP 1.20* 2 17% 17% 17% — % Am Crvs 8 1 20a 5 20 50 20 - % AmCyanamid 1 a 30 37*% 36% 36% —1% AmC?amld8%Df 5 100 99% 99% - % Am Distillers 2 2 35 35 33 —1 Am Europe 40e. 2 17% 17% 17% Am Export L 2 1 16% 16% 16% + % Am A Prsn Pwr 11 3% 3% 3% Am 6 P P 2d pf 10 11% 10% 11 — % AmBomePr 1.20 6 237# 23% 23% - % Am Ice 80e 4 7 67# 67* - % Am Interna .20* 5 13% 13% 13% - % Am Loco I 40 16 22 21% 21% - % Am MchAFd 80 6 16% 15’* 157*-% Am Metal %e . 13 31% 31% 31% - % Am Power A Lt 20 9% 9% 9% - % AmPAL 6pf4'ik * 8» •• 88 -1 Am Radiator ’«e 85 15% 147# 15 Am Safe Rar ' > 20 9% 8% 8% — % Am Seatitia le 4 26% 25 25% — % r AmShloBldf 2# 70 43 42 42 -1% Am SmAR 17ie 13 60% 59 59%-% Am Snuff 2 1 34 34 34 - % Am Steel Pdr» 2 13 29% 29 29 - % Am Store* 1 40a 3 24% 24% 24% - % Am Stove 1 20e 2 18% 18% 18% — %. Am Sum Tob 2 3 18% 18% 18% - %| Am Tel A lei P *9 1537# 153V# 133% — As Am Tobacco 3* 33 60’» 60% 60% — % 'Am rob Of 6 50 138 137% 137% - % Ann Viscose 2a 9 66% 64% 64%-2 AnVWatWks 30* 4 7% 7% 7% Am Woolen 6 34 54% 53% 537# - % Am Zinc 20e 10 8% 7% 7% — % Anaconda 2'4e. 30 36% 36% 36% — h 'Anac Wire le 80 38% 38 38%- H 'Anchor Hk of 4 20 101 101 101 +1 Ander Clayt 2a. 3 54% 54% 54% - % Ander-Prlch 1.. 40 29% 27% 27% 2% Armco Steel 2b *2 287# 27% 27% 1 •ArmcoStl pf4>* 30 99 981* 96% -1% ArmourACol 20 27 12% 12% 12% - V# Armst Crk 1 20e 16 53»* 53 'Arm Cork$4ofe540 113% 112% 112% “1 Arnoia^orui v»» * *z.7m , V* ’ * ' Artloom Crpt lb 8 16% 16 16-1 Assd Dry G 1 60 6 16% 16% 16% - % ♦Asso DO lit 6 10 105 103 103 +1 Assocltt In? 2 . 12 30% 297k 297*- % Atch T ft S P 6 30 114% 111% 112% -1% Atch TftSF of 5 2 102% 102% 102% - % ATP Inc *e • 17* 17 — * Atl Coast Lina * 3 38 37% 37% - % AtlOAW IndSl 5 36 35% 35% Atl Reflnlnt 1 % 31 437* 42% 42% -1% Atlas Corp 1 60 6 21% 21% —ft- ft ♦Atlas Powdl. 90 31% 50% 50% -i% Austin Nichols 3 6% 8% 6%— A Autocar Co ’<p * 10% 1°% 1®%~ AvcoMti 38e 70 6% 6 « - ft BALD LOCO Vie 30 13% 14% 14% - % Ball A Ohio «6 14% 14% 14% % Balto ft Ohio Pf 34 16 ?4% 23%- % Bantor&Aroetk 8 27 25% 26 ft 1 ♦Bang A Ar Df 8 50 79»* 77 77 -3 Barber Oil Pie * 44% 44% l/> Barnsdall 011 2a 25 39% 38% 38% -1 Bayuk Cig I %a 3 19% 19% 19ft _ % Beatrice Fds 2a 3 36 35 A 35A *4 Beech Aircraft 2 12V4 12 12 1 Beech-N P 1 60 * 36% 35% 35% -1 ♦ BellAHwpf 4V« 90 100 99% »»% “3% Bendix Aeiet 2 19 32% 31ft 31ft - ft BndxHomeA I % 12 15 14% 14 ft % ESESSi?. T I! Best Food 8*2. j g g% -J* Belh Sm! ifT 1 135% 135jft 133% -1% Bigelow-San lh. 3 33* 33)a 334^* BlackA-Deck 2a 1 33 33 33 _ ft Sh.s 8KW 5 ’4* * 30 29% 29% — 1% Boefng Alrpl 1. 10 23% 23% 23%-% Bohn AlumA-B 1 3 27% 27% 27% % tBon Ami 4 4a 160 78% 78 78% ft ♦Bon Ami B 2%a460 40 39% Bond Stores 2 9 22% 22% 22 ft 1 Bort-Warner 4 7 60* 59 59 1/* Bower Roll B2e 3 39% 39% 39%-% Branlff Air . 10 8% «% " £ Bridgept Brast * 10 10 % Brigga Uanufg 2 2 31% 31% 31%_ ft BrlfgaAStra la 1 30 30 30 _£% Brlatol-My SO# 3 30 30 30 % Bklyp On Gaa 3 19% 19% Brwn&Bigelowl 10 11% 11 11 ' Brown Sh 1 20a * 31% *0% 30ft - % Bruna-Ballte Via * 1»% 1*% 1®% + % Bucyrua-Er 70a 14 >0 19% 19% % Budd Co 20. - 1« 10% 10 10 % ♦ Budd Co of * 1*0 71 71 71 Buff Forge 90e. 3 37 36 36 _ Buloxa Wtch 3a * 40 39 • 1 « BurllngMUla 1% *« «% J* Burr Add U 60 6 16% 15% 13 ft _ ft Bush Term %f * *Jk ?% ,?% . /T ♦BushTB pf4Vik 60 97% 97 ft »7% + % Butler Bros .. » 2 mitt* c A Z 4 3* 3* J-ri ■verx A M Vie ~ 4 24% *3% 23%-2% SyronJnlCO.I 3 31% 30% 30% - % CAL PACK 2Via 1 36 36 36 - % Callahan Zmc 10 2% 2ft *% C.lumet&H 10p 8 67* «% *A _ ^ Campbell Wy le 3 28 28 28 % pen Dr? GA 60 16 11* H* *** ^ tc' n ity pl 4% UO 109 108% 108% I 4-t 110^10;^% | ^rr?,e?^pU2 7 16% 15% 554- % carr&Ge°r20a 6 7% 7% 7% - % r*«p* Til 60e ® 44*4* as1/'* 44 x CaterpUTract 3 * 57% 57% 57%- % Celanese Crp la «1 33% 32 32 ft 1 Cclotex Corp 2 28 29% 28% *8% 1ft 2 £ a ^fL^r* i ,V?5 i% i 554 i r g Certn-tdPd 80a 13 16% 16% J6ft_ ft Chain Belt 1.20a 1 *7% *7% |7% _ ft Champ Pap 1 Vie 4 24 23% 23% Chea Cp Va 2%e 2 29% 29 *9 Ches & Ohio .H 13 37% 57% 37% ft Ches&Oh pf 3Vi 1 80% 807k 80 ft 1 Chicago Cp .60. 50 12% 11% * Phi Ay Pest 111 4 7* 7* '* — V* Chi & E 111 A le . 12 14* 13J4 13* - * SSSW x\ Sg 5g 5«E g Chi MU 8t P&P* 46 10% 10% 30%: £ SSSWfif 5 4 g£ r 4 Chl & N W pf 6 5 45 44% 44 ft ChiPneu Tool la 7 35 33% 33% Chl R 1 & P Vie 11 33% 35 35 ft Chl R I&P nf 6. 9 67 66 66 1 ♦Childs pf BVi .. *0 31 31 31 + ft Chrvaler 4 49 60% 39% 60% - % Cln O Sl B 1 40 4 26* 28* 28* — A Cin Mill M 1 40 2 24 23* 23* - * ' C 1 T finance 2 26 **7* 43 ft *3% 1% City Ice & P --'Vi 4 30% SO 30% + ft city Invest .80. » «% Oft 8% + ft Clerk Ecuin 2 3 37V* 36 ft 36 ft ft ♦ CCC&8t L pf 8 40 85 84 83 ft Plev El 111 1 65e 5 39* 39* 39* /4 ; tciev E III pf4 % *° 107% 1077. 1077k - % Clev er Br 80? I 27% 27% *7% + % Climax M 120 *7 13% 15 13% % Cluett Pbodv le 7 36% 35% 35% -1% ♦ Cluett-Peb of 7 20 140 140 1«0 + % CluettPbdy 4pf4 * —ft 90 * 90,* 1ft Coca-Cola 4 1 159 159 159 -4% Colgate-P-P 2t 4 35* 34* 35* + * Colonial Mill. 1 11 *4% 2» 74 -i% Col Fuel & Ir la 29 18% 18 18% - % Col Fuel&lr nl 1 4 19% *9 19 - % Pnl RrdcafitA le 4 26 25* 25* —“ * Columb Gas 60 53 12% 12% 1*% - % Colum Piet %f • 9*7 ® A ®% + Vk columcarpon 2a 5 34% 34% 34%- % Col&SO E 2.10e 1 41% 41% 41% % Coml Credit 2 60 14 50 49 *9<ft - % ♦ Coml C Of 3 60 30 100 100 100 Coml Solvnt »,.e 20 22% 22% 22% + % Cornel Edle 1 40 26 26 25% *5ft- ft Csmwl A South 137 3% 3 3 ft Com&So ofTVik 7 100% 1C0% 100% - % Conne Nast l * 9% 97ft 9 ft - % Cone Cop 15e 4 5% 5% 5% Cons Fdis i hh 44 24% *-% *3ft — ft ] Cons Ed pi cld 8 1 107 107 *07+1% Cons ..r.-cer i 1 15% » - % I ConsRetStr 1 CO 1 13% 13% ^ 'Cons Text 120b 5 13% 13% 13% Cone Vuitee 65 lOTe 10% 10 ft - % Consum Power 2 1 34 34 54 + % ♦ConaumP d!4% 150 99% 99% 99% - % Contain Corp 2a 5 35 34% 34% - % Cont Bakina ' 11 15% 13% 13% % Cont Bek pi 8 Vi 2 90% 90 ®® “1% Cont Can *ie... 9 35 34% 34% — % Cont Dia Fiber 1 * HVk 11 11 - V* Cont lnsurence2 10 53% 54 34 —1% Cont Motori 31 8% 8 8% ContOUDel l%e 25 60 38 38% -2% Cont Steel le . 10 16% 16% 18% — % Cooper-Bess 2 7 ?97k 28% 28% —1% Coprwld 8t! 1.20 8 18 17% 17Vk - % Corn Prod 2 70e 3 63 62 62 —1% Corn-Dub E 80 3 11% 11% 11% - Vk Crane Co I 60a 7 34 33% 33% —1 Crown Cork ’*0 9 21 20% 20% — % Crown Zel 1 60e 11 30% 30 30% - % tCrown Z 014 2C270 100% 99% 100% + % Crucible Steel 3 24% 24% 24% — % Cuban-A S C *e 7 15% 15% 15% — Vk CUOatiyPlC* R0» 5 10*4 lOA* lO3* - >5 CunnDruf3»e 4 191* l*3* 1914+ V* jt’ur*** Pvmii<h 39 11V* 11 111* — 1* iCurtUs-Wrie 229 12 ill* 111* - *5 Curtiss-Wr A 2 17 271* 261* 274— *4 ^ Davtsn Chm la 9 76 251* 254 — 1* i Davtn P«t 1 »n 2 30 29** 291* Dayton Rub I 2C 3 11** 11*4 li‘4— *4 Decca Record t4 6 9*-i 9*» 914- *4 Deere* Col 46 387» ?6«* 371*-1** Del L * W *»• 20 111* 107* 11-14 Den & RGW le 15 36 34‘4 35 -1 DeniRGWotlO* 11 54*4 52*4 52*4-114 Detroit Ed 1.20 10 201* 707* 20*4 - *4 DetMlcBSto POa 2 121* 121* 1214 Devot A P Ala ■ 23>* 221* 221* - 1* I DlaMtch oil *4a 3 46 45 45 -1*4 I Dlan T Mot la 2 151* 15*4 15*4-14 Out Cs-fiea 60 16 161* 16*4 16*4 - 14 8a:ea— Stock ana Add Net Dividend Rate. Ou Rich Low. 2:80. cbce DivcoCorple.. 2 18% 18 16 -% Dale Cup 1 . 1 35% 35% 35%-1% Dr Pepper .30*. 2 14% 14% 14% - % Doe bias-Jar I % 8 35% 33 35 -1 Dome Mn .67* . 7 14% 14% 14%-% Oouclaa A 2%c. 5 55% 55 33% - % Dow Chem 84* 11 45% 44 44 -1% DowCb 2d of8% 4 102 101% 101% -1% Dresser Ind 1%. 18 26 25% 25% - %< Dunhtli Inti 1 1 13 15 13 - % Duplin Corn t*b 2 15% 15% 15% - % DuPont** 7 173% 175 173%-3 Du Pont of 4% 1118% 118% 118% + % DuPontS ti Of 8 ti 1 96% 96% 96% - % EAGLE-PI 1.80 2 21% 21 21 - % Eastern Air Lin* 17 14% 14% 14% — % East State Steel 1 17% 17% 17%-1 East Kodak 1 V«a 6 41% 41% 41% - % Eaton Mf( 3a' 7 63% 62% 62% - % Edls Sr 8ti I Via 4 17% 17% 17% + % Eas Stop N t*». 2 7 7 7 + % El Auto-Ut* 3 6 46% 48 48 -1 Klee Boet 1 . 5 15 14% 14% - % Bee Bolt pf 7 2 37 36% 36%-% El A Music iftt 16 1% 1% 1%— % El Power A Lt 29 21% 20% 21 -1 P PAt 7Df A'.«k 6 153 134 135 -1 Elliott Co ‘a* 7 241/* 22% 23% - % Eliott CV of lit* 1 63 63 63 —1 BeinNatW fiOa l 15% 15% 13% - % Bme i Eet M I 7 18% 17% 17% -1 emer Radio 50 10 13 12% 12% - % Eoult OB Bid* 21 4i/» 4% 4% - % Erie R R 1 72 15% 14% 14% - % Erl* R R of A 6 1 62% 62% 62% -1 Kversharp **f 2 8% 8% 8% — % Ek-Cell-O ? 60 8 42% 42% 42%-% FBNK-MORl'ae 2 47 47 47 -1 PelerdoSut C‘/*e 5 30% 29% 29%-% Parnswortn 43 9% 9 9% — % redder* Qu! 80 14 14% 14% 14% - % Fed-MosUl 1.80 5 1«% 16 16 -1 PedMoTrurk 40a 4 8% 8% 8% — % Pederst D Stra S 9 28 27% 27% - % tPed D 8 of 4V« 10 96% 96% 96% Pelt ATI 40a 2 21% 21% 21% Fid Phoenx F 2a 3 60% 59% 59% -2 Fireatone TAR 4 4 48% 48 48 — % First N Btr S»«e 1 57% 57% 57% - % FirthCaroetl .80 2 18% 18% 18% - % PlmtkotaSa 26 35% 33% 34% - % Florence Stv la. 1 32% 32% 32% - % viprlde Pn» I 4 15 14% 14% — % Flor Shoe A BO* 3 15 15 15 Follana Stl 1 Va* 7 29% 29 29 - % PoodFalrSt 40b 4 11 11 11 - % Pood Macb 1% J 39 38% 39 - % Poster Wheel 1 5 34 33% 33% —1 Francisco 8ustr 1 13% 13% 13% — % PreeportSul'It* 2 43 42% 42% — % 6'-ueh*uf Tra ' 4 21% 21 21 - % ♦Fruehaiif T of* 10 83% 83% 83% — % GABRIEL 10e 1 8 8 8 - % GAIR ROB T 40 23 6% 8% 8% - % GamewellCola 1 18% 16% 16% - %. Gardnr-D 1 40. 2 19 18% 18%-% Gar Wood Ind 9 8% 7% 7% — % Oajlord Co lt* 6 22% 22 22 -% Gen Am Inv .40 4 16% 16 16 — % Gen AmTrns 3a 8 53 52% 52% -1 Gen Bakina 60 9 10% 10% 10% + % Gen Bronre .40* 1 12 12 12 - % Gen Cable »/«*.. 17 U% 13% 13% - % Gen Eec 1.60 58 38% 37% 38 -1% t*en tnstrumi i is w-/a wy* wya-r -w Gen Mills 2e .. 5 47*4 47‘4 47*4 - % Gen Motor* 8 92 «J «1% 42 —1 Gen Motor of B. 1 121*4 121*4 121*4 - ‘4 Ota Port C V,t. 19 20 19 19 -1*4 Gen Precis Bo 1 8 14?4 14*4 1434 - 34 Oen Pub Dtu 80 16 13*4 13*4 1334- ‘4 Gen R» Signal 1 9 2 3 2 234 2 234 - 34 oen RealtyAUt. 27 3*4 434 4?4 - 34 Gen Shoe 234 1 27 27 27 Gen Teleob V 10 243* 24*4 24*4 - *4 GenTInst l.BOe 3 27*4 26*4 26*4-134 Oen TlreAR 1* 2 243* 24*4 24*4 - 34 Gillette Saf 234a 11 33 32*4 32?4- 34 Gtrobel Broe 2 12 20 19«4 1934 GllddenCo I «0e 8 2334 23>/« 2334 - »* Goodtll-Sn 134a 4 21*4 21 21 - V* Goodrich BP "e 4 5634 S6 56 —1 GoodvearTAR 4 19 43*4 4234 43 — */e Grthtm-Pslee 31 4 33* 4 - 34 Granby Con *4e 6 7 6*4 634 GranlteC Stl V,a 1 JO JO JO - 34 Grant tWH la 7 2734 27 27 - 34 tGrantWT of3 *4140 9634 96 96 - 34 GraysonRob 34e 1 1234 1234 1234 + 34 Gt Nor Ry ol S 9 44*4 44 44 -1 GtWstSug 1 80a 1 2034 2034 2034 + ‘4 Green H L 2a._ 9 3634 J6 3 834 - 34 Oevhound 1 63 12 1134 1134 - ‘4 Grumman lh_ 9 22 213* 2134— 3* GuantanSugle 3 634 634 634 — 3* Gull MobAO 34* -30 173* 1634 17 - 34 GulfMoAOh 0f6 1 9434 94*4 9434 +13* Gulf OH 3 . 36 713* 71 713* Gulf Sta Util 1 3 17*4 17V* 1734 - 34 HALL PRINT la 4 14 1J3* 133* - 34 Harb-Walkerle 2 243* 24*4 24*4- 34 Hi' Core A ',** 3 634 634 6*4— *4 HAYES IND He 9 * * 9+34 Hayes Mfg 45a. 29 10*4 9«4 10*4 Hatel-Atl 1 20* 6 213* 2134 21?* Recht Co I 80 1 24*4 24*4 24*4 - *4 Hercul Pwd .70a 9 92 51*4 51*4 —134 Hersher Cb 1*4 1 27*4 27*4 27*4 Heyden Chem 1 * 2**4 23?4 24*4 Hilton Hotels 1 311 11 11 HindaADau 13»e * 32 31*4 31*4 - *4 Holland Pure a 2 263* 26 26 - 34 Hour Sugar! . 14 24*4 2334. 24*4 - *4 Home'tk Min 2 2 3634 36*4 3634 — 34 Hooker Elec .90*1 2 31*4 31 31 — 34 Houd-Harsh He 10 143* 14*4 14*4 — 34 Houd-Her pf2V« 3 4 0 3934 3934 -134 Household pm 2 1 32*4 32*4 32*4 — ‘4 tHousehld pf334 20 88*4 88*4 88*4 —1 Houston LAP 2 1 44*4 44*4 44*4 — 34 Houston Ol) Is 1* 3134 31*4 3134 — 34 Hwrd Store 1 *46 2 20 20 20 + 34 Howe Sound 2 3 40 39*4 39*4 —1 Hudson A Msn 1 43* 434 43* Hudson A M of. 2 10*4 10*4 10*4 - 'A Hudson Bay 4 1* 4434 433* 433* — 3* HudsonMot 40a 54 183* 17 173* - 3* Hunt Poods 1.. 3 15 143* 143*— 34 Hupp Coro 8 33* 33* 33* HsmanRfgr .85* 1 13H 133* 133* - 34 IDAHO PW 1 80 4 32 3234 32 - >4 ILL CENTRAL 29 3 73* 37*4 37*4 - 34 111 Cent pf 6e 2 86 86 86 Illinois Power 2. 10 263* 26*4 26*4— 34 til Term RR 72 7 103* 1034 10*4 - *4 tnd Pr A Lt t 3* 2 23*4 23*4 25*4 - 34 Infter-Randl 1 jh 2 70 69 69 34 Inland Stl l**e 10 43*4 4234 433* - 4 Inspire Cop 13,e 10 20 19*4 193* - 4 Interch C .30h 3 19*4 19*4 19*4 - *4 'Interem of 414 50 98*4 98 98 1 tntereon Rub 1 234 2 34 234 4 Interlakelr 80e 20 1434 133* 133* - 34 lnt Bus Mach * 4 142*4 139 139 -4*4 Int Harvst 1.40 32 30*4 30-4 3034 - 34 lnt Harvs ol 7 40 166*4 166 166 - 34 Int Hydro El A 3 7*4 7*4 7*4 lnt MACh 1 80 2 31 3034 3 034 - 34 lnt Mining * J,4 3 4 3 *4 Int Nickel 1 80 25 313* 3034 303* - 'A tint Nickel pf 7 50 137 137 137 - *4 Int Paper 4a . 23 57*4 9634 97 1 Int Paper of 4 1 95*4 *534 95 4 — A lnt Ry Cen Am 5 1034 10 1® “ 34 tlntRyCent pf5k 40 90*4 90*4 9034 - 34 Int Shoe 2V«e . 3 43 42*4 42*4 - 34 tot silver 4* __ * 62*4 61*4 61*4- >4 tot TelA Tel 94 13*4 13 13*4 - >4 Inter Dep Strs 2 1 2234 2 234 2 234 4 IsCrkCoal l.SBh 3 3 7 3534 393* -14 JACOBS PL 9 73* 73* 7*/» — *4 Johns-Men 70i 12 363* 35*4 35*4-13* Jones A L Stl 8 30 34*4 3JH 3334-1 Jones A L pfA B 1 90*4 90*4 90*4- 34 jsas m o itu ”*« —i3* ESSSTu-00 io * KelUy-HaBIHe 8 203» 193* 1934 -1*4 Kelubecott 13ie 30 97*4 5634 5734-13* Kern C Land 3a. 10 46‘*fr 45% 45% — % Keystone 8 2a 3 <3*4 43 4334+ 341 Kimbrly Cl 1.40 6 22 21*4 22 + 4 KoDDers Co 1 80 S 323* 32 32 —1 'Konnere of 4 70 94*w 94 9* — 34 Kresge S S 2 .. 14 39.* 35*4 35*4- 34 Kress S H 2* 2 5J3« 53 53 -1 Kroger CO 2.40 1 44*4 44*4 44*4 + 3b LACLEDE G 20 15 53* 53* 934 Lambert Co 1V» 2 21*4 21*4 21*4 Lane Welle 1 60 1 27 27 27 - 34 LeeRubATlre 2a 3 38 38 38 - 4 Lee A Sons 140 2 24*4 24*4 24*4 - ‘4 S"c*m + U‘4 H !«*- ‘4 Leh Port Cem 2 10 34V* 34 34*4 - 34 Leb Va) Coa- 21 4 33* 33* - 34 Leb V Coal lpf8 2 24*4 24*4 24*4- 34 Leh V Co»12pf34 4 834 8*4 8*4 - 34 Leb Valla* R R- 3 634 *34 - 34 Lehman 3.20e . 4 4914 48*4 4834-1*4 LehnAPink V,t. 1 10 10. 10-34 Lerner Stra 1 Vfc 2 23 22% 22% — % Llb-O-P Glass 2 1* 521* 9034 5034-2 Lib UcNAL 34*. 1* ?7* »** Llgg A My 4* * 89*4 8934 89*4 — 34 Lime Ham!) 60 20 1134 11 11 - *4 Link-Belt 33*e.. 1 «» 69 «9 Lion Oil 3 - 25 46*4 43*4 44 -3 Liquid Carbr i 3 *® *® JJ LlquldCar pf3% 1 ®0 ®0 80 —1% Lockheed *4t . 10 22 21*4 21*4 - 4 Loew s Inc 134 39 16*4 16 16*4- 34 LoneStsrCeSHa 2 62*4 62*4 62*4 -1*4 Long-Bell A 80k 1 2634 263* 263*- 34 Loriliard P 1 11 21*4 20*4 20*4 -1 Lou GAEA 1*4 2 24*4 24 24*4+ 34 LouisvIlftN 3 52 6 45*4 44 44 -1*4 Lowensteln 2a 5 31 30‘a 30*4 — 34 Lukens Stl 4ua 4 204 20*4 20*4- 34 MACKTRKVth 10 21Vb 21*4 2134 - ‘4 Macy B H 2 5 35*4 35 35 - >4 Mainavoz 1 3 14 1334 1334 — 34 Marat Ol! 10* 14 11 10*4 10*4- 34 Marathon 1.40 5 2134 21*4 2134 + V* MarlneMidl 60* 48 7 7 7 — 34 'Mark St Ry or 190 1634 1634 1634 Marsh Field 2 5 243a 24*4 2434 - 34 Martin G L 12 15*4 19 15-3* Mart Parry .60a 2 17*4 17*4 17*4 — *4 Masonite 2a - 4 6414 62*4 62*4 —334 Master Elec 9.40 4 2334 2334 2334 - >4 Math Chem 1*4* 20 393* 38 38 —13* Mas Dent stra 2 40*4 40*4 40*4-2 'May Dent pf83*110 92 913* 91*4 - 34 •MayStr* BfnS34. 1 91*4 91*4 91*4+ 34 Mavtat Co 1 . 3 103b 1034 103* McCall Com 8. 18 29 28*4 2834 -1*4 McCall Coro rt 130 33* 33« 33» — Ms MrCroryS I SO* 4 313* 30*4 30*4 —134 'Mcurorj pi o McGrawHilila 1 27% 27% 27% - V* McKessftR 2 4d 2 324a 32% 32% - % McQuaJ-N 1 40 3 20 20 20 'Mead Cp pi 4% 40 93 93 93 Melville 6b 1 SO 2 23 22% 22%-% Mental Co la 3 16% 16% 16%-% Uercant 6tr» 1 4 16% 16% 16% — % Miami Cop %e 14 16% 15% 13% - % Mld-ConPet 1 %e 24 56% 55 55% -1% Mfnn-Hon Re ?a 6 43% 43% 43%+% *Minn H of 8 20 30 99% 89 89 - % Minn Moline 20 16% 15% 157* - % 'MincMo pf4’.k 40 1157a 1157a 1157* -2% Minn ft St L%e 24 13% 13 13 -% MSPftSSMAla 5 12 11% 11%-% Mlm Mm ft M 1 4 69% 66% 68% - % Mission Corn la 13 59% 57 57 -2% Mo-Kan-Tetaa 44 6% 7% 8% + % Mo-Kan-Tex of 109 29 27% 29 + % Mohawk Crpt 2a 1 39 39 39 - % MoludHoa SOa. 3 1’ 127* 127*-% Monsanto Ch S. 8 53% 33 33%+% Mon Ch Pi E 4.. 1 110% 110% 116% - % ‘ k Sale*— i Stock and Add_ _Mat I Dividend Rata. 00. Blah. Low. 1:30. thee I Monti ward !l <5 95 53% 93V* -1% M-McCLlnl%* Id 15% 14% 13 - V* Motor Prod 1 He 9 27 28V* 27 - V* Motor Whl .80*. * 20V* 20 20 Motorola He - 4 16% 15% 15% - % Mile ei Bra .80* 3 20% 20% >0% - % Mullins MI* 1 a 13 29% 28% 29 -1% Murphy GC1 Ha « ‘2 41% 42 - % Murray Core 1 17 14 13% 13% - % MyeralFHAB 8 1 52 52 52 - % NASH-KKL1.05* 40 18% 17% 17%-% 'Nash Chat 2e - 40 27 24 28% * % Nat Acme 2a .. 4 29% 25% 25% - % Nat Airlines 4 7 7 7 Nat Auto FI 55* 2 12 11% 11%-% NatAvlat.15* 2 12% 12% 12%-% Nat Battry 1*4* 2 41% 41% 41%-1 NatBlaeott 1 80a 13 29% 2B% 28% -1% Nat Can 5 7% 7% 7%+ % Nat Cash Ret 2 - 7 43% 42% 42%-1% NatContaln 1 20 S 11% 11% 11% vat Dairy 1 80 1* 29% 29 29% - % vat Dent Stria 3 18% le% 18%-% Vet Planners 5 60 19% 19 19 - % Nat Oyoaum He 20 19 17% 17% — % Vet Dead la 7 33 32% 32%-% Nat MalAS .90* « *3% *3 23% -1 Nat Steel 4 1 95 95 95 - % Nat SUBBlJ 1 22 22 20% 21% - % Nat Sub of 4% 10 88% 88% 89%-% Sat Tea 1H 2 25% 25 23 -1% vat Wul Fibr# 1. 2 12>4 12v* 12% - V* Natomaa Co 1 . 1 i.0% 10% 10% — % Vehl Coro 1 J 15 13 15 VelsnerBro 80* 3 17% 17% 17% — % Newberrv JJ2 1 31% 31% 31%-% 'Newberry pf3H 40 94 94 94 + % VEDtli Best I 7 10% 10% 10% - % Newmont M 1 He 3 60 59% 39% — >* Vewot Indutt 4 3 20% 20% 20% - % Newot NewsS 3a 4 29 20% 28% - >* N Y Cent R R 99 17% 16% 16% - % NYCh)A8tL 11 83% 81 81 -% N Y CAStL BfOk 3 139 139 139 -1 N Y N H A Hart 20 13% 12% 13 — %j NYNHAHof 4 37% 36% 38% -IV* VV Shioblda *i* 4 16% 161* 181* - % Noma Elec 1.30* 5 15% 15% 15% - % VorfAWeatern 3 * 59** 59 59 -1 No am Aviation 33 11% 11% 11% — % North Am Co lb 33 15% 13 15%-% Norf.’etGaa 80* 14 32% 32% 32% - % North Pacific le 38 23 22% 22%-% 'NoStPw pf3 60 50 84V. 84 84 - % Northwest Alrl 28 12% 11% 12 — % NythwAl' Ofl 18 « *1'* 20% 21 -1 OHIOEPI8 2 2 32 32 32 - % 'OHI ED of4.40 90 100% 100 100% +1% Ohio Ol! la 48 381* 37% jy% -1% Oliver Coro 3e 32 33% 311* 32% — 1% 'Oliver of 4% 150 105 10*% 104% - % Omnibus Ho __ 1 10% 10% 10% — % O'is Kiev lHe . 12 34 32% 32% - % 'Otis Elev of 6 20 130V* 130 150 -2 Owens 111 Gl 8 17 53% 52 32 - % PACAMPSHle 1 15% 13% 13%-% Pac Pin Cal l 00 3 20_ 20 20 - % “srGasAElr* 13 34% 34% 34%-% Pac Llehtlnv S 9 53 51% 51% - % Pac Mills 2%b 3 43 42% 42% -1% tPacTelAT 2 He 260 99% 98 98 -1% 'Pac Tel AT of 6 10 139% 139% 139% + % Pac Tin Con* 4 5 4% 4% — % r»C WWIU1I '•** ' -rm -ru - rm Packard M J5« 46 9 4% 5 Pan Am Air V«a. 37 9% 9% 9*4 - % Panh (PIS 12 62% 60% 60% -1% Panh PAR SO 25 8% «% 8% - % ParafCo* 60h. 1 *3% 23% 23% - % Param Piet 2 72 22% 21% 21% - % Parle Utah lOe 2 2% 2% 2% + % Parke Dav 1 08* 1* 26% 26% 26% - % Patino Mns lHb 10 13% 13% 15% — >i Pen Ac Ford .80* 1 31% 31% 31% — % Penne* UC* 2* 9 45% 45 45 — % Penn-DxCem Via 10 13% It 1* — % Penn PAL 120 7 13% 19% 19%-% Penn R R Ha 38 19% 19 19% - % Penn Salt BOe . 1 42% 4i*4 42% - % Peon Drill 1 00 1 33% 33% 33%+ % Pepsi-Cola 30e 40 13% 13% 13% — % Pet Milk 1 1 23% 23% 25% - % tpet Milk Df 4Va 40 102 101 101 -1% Petrol Corn .10* 2 14 13% 13% — % PfelfferBrw 70* 3 17% 17% 17% + % nflrer CACn "a 6 38% 58% 56% Phelpa Dodg 3e 18 55 S« 54%—1% “hit* Eire I 20 61 23% 22% 22% - % tphila El nf4 40 20 109% 109% 109% - % “hilARdg CAT I 24 18% 18% 18% - % Phllco Coro 2 20 41 40*4 40%-1% PhlllD Mor 1H» 30 33% 32% 34 -1% Phillip* Petrol 8 47 68 66% 66% -2% tpills Mills Of 4 90 103% 103% 103*4 PittCokACh 60a 1 13% 13% 13% - % Pitt Con Coe! 2 8 33% 32% 33 -1 Pitts Port Va* 1 20% 20*4 20*4 - >4 tpitFtWyne pf7 10 167% 167% 167% + % PittPleteGle He 27 35*4 35 35 - % Pitt* Screw 30e 3 8% 1*4 8% — % Pitts Steel « 16 15% 16 - >4 ♦ PlttStlBpf l’.k 50 87% 86% 86%-% Pitt* A Welt Va 1 21% 21% 21% - % Plttston Co 2... 4 40 39*4 40 -1% Plym 011 80*. _ 29 48% 45*4 45%-1 Poor A Co B la « 13% 13% 13% - % Pot Elec Pwr 80 12 14 13% 14 Preseed Stl Car 9 6% 1% 8% — *4 PressStlC pf 2 Vi 2 30% 30% 30% - % Pub Svc Col 2 20 2 38% 38 38 -% Pub Svc ElAGas 3 21*4 21% 21% - % Pub Svc EAG Df *6 27% 27% 27% - *4 Puhltcker Hf 3 21% 21% 21*4- % Pullman 1 He... 18 *2% 42 42 - % Pure Oil 1* *1 35% 34% 35 -1 PurltvBak 2.40a 4 32% 32% 32% - % RADIO CUP 60*251 12% 11% 12 - >4 Radio Co Pf 8% 1 7* 74 74 Radto-K-O .4 Be 21 7% 7% 7% *RB Sec I C Stk 1 34 34 34 - *4 Rayonler He .. • 34% 34% 34% - % Ravonler of 2 . 3 34 34 34 Rea dint Co 1* 9 24% 24 24 Real Silk H 60a 1 13 13 13-% Reeves Bros la. * 14% 14% 14% “ 4 Reis or of 1% . 2 10*4 10% 10*4 RellabIeStI.60. 1 »% 22% 22%-% Rem Rand lb 17 11% 11% 11% % Reo Motor* 2Ha 2 22% 22% 22% - % Rep Aviation 21 l°% 10% % Republic Picture 7 3% 3 4 3% Repub Steal la. 73 28% 27% 27% 4 Revert CAB 1. 3 18% 18% 16% % tRev Cop pf 8V4. 10 95 93 *3 +1 Retail Dru* 33 6% 6% 6% 4 Reyn Uetali *4* 3 23% 23 23 - 4 Remolds Borin® 1 M ReynTobB l.SSe 27 37% 37% 37% Rey Tob of 3.60 1 »0% *0% 90% - % thee-v Mf«J 60 2 21% 21% 21% - *4 Richfield 011 2 *« 40 36% 39% - % Roan A Coo .33* 1 5% 5% 3% + % Rob-Ful Con He 13 1<>% 10% 10% - % RbtshFlnfl 1**% 1 26*4 26*4 26% - *4 RoyelTyDe 1 60a 2 21 21 21 % Ruberold le 3 62% 61% 61%-1% Ruppert J 1 ae 1 14 14 14 iM-iWAT 81 1 15 18 18 'Safeway of B 140 110 109% 109% - *4 St Jos Lead lHe 7 34% 53% 54 it L San Fran 34 14 13% 13 4- >4 St L San F Df B 9 43 4 2% 42% - 4 tst L Southw Be 10 119 119 119 St Rea Pap 60a 28 12% 11% 11% 4 Sav Arms He 13 13% 12 4 12 4 % fchenleyDlstll 2 31 29% 28% 29% - >4 Scott Paper 2.20 2 47 47 47 4 47 iv 11m-s feffa7 RMbcVia 49 37% 36% 36%-1% serve! Inc .80*. * 11*4 13 4 114 % tServel pf 4%._ 10 98 98 98 SLamrockO 1.60 10 35 32lA 32lA — A Sharon Steel 8 4 40% 39% 39%-1% Sharp ADohl- 3 25 24% 24%- % Shattuck FO la 3 13% 13% 13% % Shell UnOille. 19 41 39 39 2 4 Sheraton Cp .40 * ® ® 5.. _ J? Silver Kink Col. 15 5% 5% 5% % Simmons 1 He-- 3 30 29% 29% + % S'nclair 011 2 146 27% 26*4 26% - % Skelly Oil 2Hb » 137 132 132 9% Smith A O Hb . 2 30 294 **‘4-1% SmlthASona 2a 4 34% 34 34 _ 4 Socony-Vac 1 76 19% 1*4 19% % Solvay AM pf 4 2 101 101 101 4 i,. CaruEAHH 41 8% 7% 74 % SCEAG cvpf2% 3 57 56% *6% U So P Rico 8 Be 3 39% 39% 39% - % SoeastGreyl *20 15 13Mi 13 13 A Sou Cal Kdl® 1 Vi 15 30l/« 297A 3VA + Vi Southern Par 4 35 56% 55 354 _ 4 Southern Rwy * 19 46 44% 45 4 Southern Ry ofB 3 68 48 *« _ Spalding BrolH 1 1®% 1JJJ . £ 8narfca-W 20®. 10 6Vi 5 6V® + /® Ipencer Kell 2 1 25% 25% 24% _ „ SnerrV Coro 2 13 27% 27% 27% % smeiel ine 1* 10% 10% 10% - % tstneiel pf 4*4 20 70*4 70 70*4+1*4 fXre DCoH. 3 19% 19*4 19%- % Stand Brand* 2 • 26 25% 254 1% Std GsAEl S4of 14 22% 22% **J4- % Std Oil Cal 3* - 73 67% 65% «7 4 -1 Std Oil Ind 2a 35 49*4 48% 49 1% Std Oil N Jer lb 63 79% 78 79 1 S2S32&R ” SS 4% %-1% » 37% 36*4 %- % Stev%rt-WarH. *5 SS SS SK - g Stok-VCamol 5 14 14 14 — V® Stone&Web H* 7 16*4 15% 13% - % Studebaker *4® - 32 *4 * 75 M _ A Sun Chera 60 * JJ* JJJ /J Sun Oil lb 4 66 V4 68V4 68Vi ^ Sunray Oil 80 41 13% 13 13%-% Su.nav Df B iv. 5 22% 22 4 22% % Sunshine Bisc 3 3 39% 39*4 39 4 Sunshine M 60 6 10 10 10 Superheater 1* * 23 24% 24% —1*4 Sup Oi Calif 2e 3 185 192 192 - 23 Sutherld Pap 2* 3 39% 39 39 4 SwlftACo 1 6ft* 15 33*4 33 33 - % Swift Inti .40p 9 15% 15 15% Sylvan Elec 1 40 11 22 21% 21% % 8yming-Gld V*» 12 6 3% 54— % TALCOTTJ 60a 1 10*4 10% 10% - % Telautograph 2 4% 4% 44- % Tenn Coro l.loe. 3 17% 174 17% 4 Texas Co a 30 60 58% 59% - % TexGulfPro SB* 12 21% 20% 20% - % TexGulISul 3 He 4 67% 66 66 -1% Tex Pae CAtO la « 49 47% 47% -3 Tex Pac LT 70* 78 36% 35*4 33% -1 iSSS?m: i xg >g; 4 Thermold V*f- 2 „£* ,£* ,Xf .4 Third A*e Tran* 1 10H 10?* 10*4 - ‘4 ThomasStl 1 Ma 1 21?* *>?* J1H - 4 Thoms Prod 1?«* 3 93?* 33 53 *4 Thom&son-Stsr 3 3?* 3V4 3V* - 4 Tide W Oil I 20a 43 28*4 28*4 27?* -1*4 Timlc-D Axle la 11 *0 “JJ i** £ Timk Bear 1 4 4B 47»/4 47Vk ^4 Transamtr Via 8 1W 11?* 11?*- 4 ■runsftwair 9 13*4 13 1314 - *4 Transue&W *ie 1 *«* 1«'4 16?* - v* Tri-Cor Co Vi* >04 84* 8*4 8*4 - «4 Truaa-Tra.l 20 7 17?* 17*4 17»* - 4 Twent C-Po* 2 91 19*4 17?* 18?* — ?* 20thCn-P or 4 Vi 1 *8*4 98*4 98*4 - *4 Twin Cltr RTr 3 6*4 6*4 6*4 — ‘4 Twin Coach - 2 10H 10*4 10*4- ‘4 UDTIJTR 1 * 10*4 10*4 10*4 — ‘4 Underwood 1 Via 3 53?* 33*4 5SV* — ?* Un Ash & Buhl. * 13*4 13V* 13*4 - *4 umoo Baa 2* 19 33*4 32 32?* -IV* On Carbide ViB 71 40 39*4 39*4 - ?* ♦On B Ho 0(8V* 10 85 83 83 + ?* UnOil Cal 1.32a 34 S«v* 33*4 34V*- *4 Onion Pacific_ 13 88*4 86*4 86*^-2H Stock Market Drops In Heavy Selling; ' Oils Hit Hardest By th« Associated Press NEW YORK, July 30.—Stock mar ket prices dropped sharply today as activity built up during the second hour of the session. Some issues broke as much as 5 and 20 points. The market generally fell a point or two. There wasn't a single group able to make any headway. The rails fell as much as 214 points despite the Interstate Com merce Commission decision to make freight rate increases permanent. The oil group, however, took the worst shellacking. Superior Oil of California was oil 20 points, Skelly Oil dropped around 6 and several others were down more than a point. Dupont led the slide in the manu facturing group with a loss of about 5. Traders attributed the accelerated drop in part to the same uncer tainty and nervousness over foreign developments that has persisted in the financial district recently. Some quarters also said Repub lican plans to promote some sort of modified credit control program had influenced selling. Washington Exchange SALES Potomac Electric Power common—10 at 14'., 1(1(1 at 14, 50 at 14. Woodward & Lothrop common—25 at 34. 20 at 34. Potomac Electric Power 3 0Oci pf •'A"— 20 at 44!«. PUBLIC UTILITY BONDS. Bid Ask-d Am T&T cv deb 23«s 1957 112U 113'/« Am T&T cv deb 23<s 19til 105'. 1(M Can Transit 1st re/ 4« 1984 950 »;>, City Ac Suburban 5s 1949 loo Oeoraetown Gas lat Ss 1881 1131a 115',* Pot Elec Pow 3V,a 1988 105 _ Pot Eleo Pow 3tie 1977.. 10* _ Pot Elec Pow 3a IP*3 .. lull* _ Washlnaton Gas 6s 1980 _ 12214 _ PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKS. Am T&T (9)_1531a 154'i Capital Tranalt___ lflVa 1714 N 4- W Steamboat (t4)_ 170 PEP common (.90' _ 13’* 1414 PbP 3 80'. pfd "A" <l.*0i 43*2 45 PEP 3.8051 Did "B” (1*0) 441a 4514 Wash Gas Lt com (1.50). *26>4 27 Waah Gas Lt com pi <4.25 >.*102 >4 10314 Wash O Lt cu cv pt (4.50) *10314 .... BANK AND TRUST COMPANIES. * Amer Sec & Tr new <tl.OO) 29 30 Bank of Betheada 01.50).. 40 _ Capital (.90) _ _ 271* _ Com & Savinas (tlO)_ 350 _ Liberty (8) _312 _ Lincoln <t5) . 330 _ National 8av Tr (*.00) *420 _ Pr Georges B & Tr (tl.OO) 30 Rigga (12) . . .. 320 335 Union Trust Co (tl.OO).. 35 _ Washington <8> ... 190 - Wash Loan & Tr (12) *330 _ FIRE AND TITLE INSURANCE. American 06) _*180 . _ . Columbia rt.30>_ 121* 131* Firemen’s (1.40) 31 _ National Union (.75)_ 16 _ Seal Estate 06) 190 _ MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Corp (2.00) . 25 3d 8arflnckel com (1.50) IP's 3014 aril 6lili cu cv d! (1.376) 241a 251a Garfl 41a':; cu cv pi (1.1251 2114 23 Hecht Co (1.60) *231* 26 Hecht 3\* cu pt (3.76) ... *Pc 92 Lanston Mono (02.00) 23 U 24 Mergenthaler Lino (mi.50) 50'a 63 Natl Mtg & Inv pi (p.45) _ Ny« Peoples Drug com 01.80). 33 34‘a Security Storage 05) 110 125 Ter Ref & Wb Corp (3) 60 _ , Wdwd & Loth com 02.00) 3314 34'* Wdwd & Loth pt new (6).. 104 -- • Ex dividend, b Book* elo»td. t Plug extra or extras a Paid so far this roar, a Paid 1047. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. July 30 M*l (USDAl.— Salable ho*!, 3,500; total, 4.200; active; mostly 75 to 1.00 higher on ell hoge: very uneven and instances un more; top. 31.00. record high here; bulk good tnd choice 170-240 pound. 30.25-31.00: 260-280 pound, 28.75-30.00; 280-325 pound, 27.00-28.60; eround 360 pound, 20.25-28.75; few 2T.00: 325-350 pound. 24.50-28 00; 375 400 pound. 22.50-24.00; 425-475 pound. Ja.00-22.25; heavier weights down to 20.00; good early cletrenee. Salable cattle. 1.500; total. 1.900: salable calves. 200; total. 200: slaughter steers and heifers active, fully steady; bulls slow, weak: other killing classes steady: choice 1,250-pound steers topped at 41.00; most medium and good grassy iUd shprtfed steers. 27.00-37.00: choice ^heifer* absent; canner'afid cutter cows. 78.50-19,50; common ttsN »edlunv,b*ef cows, 20.50-26.00; practical top wafghtv sausage bulls 25.75; most fat btef bulls. 25.00-25.60: vealers. 31.00 down. Salable sheep, 500; total. 700; active; spring lambs, 60 higher; other clatses steady: good and cMhe native iprlng lambs. 29.50-29.76. few medium and good spring lambs. 28.50-28 00; load good to cholca 95-pound ihort yearlings with No 1 pelts, 28.00; native ewes, 11.75 Sales— Stock and Add Nrt Dividend Rat*. 00 High Low 2:30 ehge Union Pacific pf 4 49% 49% 49% — % UuTankCar 2.80 * 38% 38% 38% - % Unit Air Line* 72 13% 12% 12% - % Unit Aircraft la 38 27 25% 25% -1% Unit Biscuit la 3 22% 22% 22%-% Unit Carbon 2 3 33% 33% 33%-)% Unit Cigar WbaJ 40 4% 4 4% — % United Coro 37 3 3 3 - % Unit Coro of 8 > 45% <4% 44% — % Jtd Elec Coal 1 12 24% 23% 24% - % United Prult 2a 14 53% 52 52% - % UtdGaslmp 1.30 12 21% 71% 21% - % Unit MAM la 5 16% 16% 18% - % USAF8eel 36* 19 27% 28% 28% - % US Freight la 1 18% 18% 18% - % OSHoflMchVi* 4 12% 12 12 - % U 8 Ind Chm 2a « 34% 34 34% - % U 8 Laather %a 10 4 6 8 - % US Leath A 1 %e 2 27 27 27 - % 0 8 Lines 2% IS 18% 18% 18% - % US Lines pl .45. 1 8% 8% 6% - % US PlpedtF 2.80. 3 47% 47 47 - % US Plywood la. 3 32 31% 31%-% US Rubber 4... 17 46 44% 45 -1 US Rubber lprt 3 133% 133 133 -1% US Smelt l%e. 3 4«% 48% 48% - % U 8 Steel 33,it-- 72 78% 77% 78%—% US Steel Pl 7. - * 137 138% 136% US Tobae 1.20 3 18% 18% 18% Ut Strs2d Pf %6 3 10% 10% 10%-% Utd Wallpap V«g 18 4% 4 4% UnlT Lab 8 8 8 8 - % »UnlT Let! Pf 8- 20 182 180 180 -2 Unl» Picture! 1. 29 10*% 10 10*%-% VAN NORM Via. 3 12% 12% 12% - % Van Raalte lh-. 3 24 23% 24 Vanadium *ie . 3 22% 21% 21% - % Vertient-C 8 2a 2 12% 12% 12% - % Vick Chem 120 1 24 24 24 - % Victor Chm .80e 2 39% 39% 39% - % /aCarolinChfir 10 12% 12% 12% - M V-CChm pflOVik 111* 114 114 -1 Va El&Pwr 1.20 20 18% 16*% 16% - '* Va Rati of 1% * 33 32% 32% J- % WLGREKN 1.60 1 32% 32% 32% + % Walker Hlr 1 Via 10 23*% 22% 22% -1 Walworth 40e 12 10% 10% 10% - % WardBaking Vi# 9 15% 15 1* ~ % 'Ward Bk pf5Vb *0 98 97% 97% -1 Warner Bros 1. 32 10% 10% 10%-% Warren Pndry . 1 26% 26% 26% — % Warren Pet 80 37 77% 25% 26 -1% WayneKnltl.20a 2 18% 19% 16% Wayne Pumn 2 1 22% 22% 22% — % WaukeshaMotl! 3 18% 18% 18% Webater Tobae * 3% *'*_‘/* Wesson Oil 23/ie 1 61% 61% 61% 1% 'Wesson Oil Pf6 70 84% 84 64 + % WSt lud Sufi Via 3 23% 22% 23% - % W Penn Elec V4* 13 17% 17% 17%- % tWs Penn El pf6 20110 109% 110 +1% *W PenPw of4% 30 109% 109 109% - % W Va C&C 1.05a 4 20% 20% 20% —1% WVa PulodtP la 6 47 47 47 -1% WesternAlr Line 34 7% 7% 7% - % WestAutoSup S 3 39 38% 38% - % Western M6 - 1* J3V* ^ * l**-,1* West Pacific 3.. 1 34 34 34 -1 West Un Tel It. 6 21% 21 21 — % West Air Brk 2 18 37% 36% 37*4 - Vi Wctlnt Elec I 30 28% 28 28% - % ♦Wheel&L Er 3a 10 112% 112% 112%-1 tVneel Sleei - • 30% 49 50 - % White Mot 1 60 9 20 19% 19%-% White 8ewln*M 21 19% 17% 18%-1% ♦White 8 M Pf 4 260 121% 120** 120% -1% Wilcox Oil 40a 10 14% 14% 14% — % WllUs-Overiapf 30 10% 9% 10 - % Wllson&Co 1 Via 23 14% 14 14% - % Wilson-Jonas Via 3 13% 15% 19% — % Wise Elee Pwr i * * 16% 16% 16% — % Woodward Ir *. 1 36% 36% 36%+ % woolworth 2a *1 44% 43% 44 - % Worth Pump %h 10 20 19% 19%- % 'WPMcvprpf4V4 00 83 82% 8*% -1% ♦Wtbna profiV* SO 74 73 73 —1% tWrightAerolOa 20 93% 93 93% —1 Wrtgiey W Jr 8a 3 66% 66 66 -1% WyandWor 60a 7 10 10 10 — % YALIdrTWN Vie 3 29% 29% 29% York Coro % - 9 13% 13% 13% - % York CP Pf »%- 1 45 43 43 ■ —1 YouncSprfkW 1 3 21% 21% *1*-1% Yount ShffcT 6a 16 60% 79% 80 -1 YnggtStlDoor 19 2 17% 17% 17%-% SwSreRivi* i* « -«* Zonlte Prod 1 Oo 8 3% 5 5 il-OoVm S30Q00 12 00 noon 480000 i'onsm 840 000 ?no g g X 000 000 ♦ Unit of trading. 10 shares. *In bank ruptcy or receivership or being reorgan ised under the Bankruptcy Act. or secur ities assumed by sucb companies. Rates of Dividends in the foregoing table are annual disbursements bated on the last Quarterly cr semi-annual declaration. Unless otherwise noted, special or extra dividends are not included. eld Called. X Ex dividend xr Ex rights, a Alio extra or extras, b Plus stock dividend, d Cash or stock, e Declared or paid so far thfc year f Payable In stock, estimated cash value on ex-dlvldend date, g Paid last year b Declared or paid after stock dividend or split-up. k Declared or paid this year, an accumulative issue with dividends In arrears, p Paid thia year, dividend omitted, deferred or no_action taken at last dividend meeting, a Payable in stock, exact cash valus undetermined on declaration data. N. Y. Bond Market cTamttk*4 to tto tariiM ftml sklictkb un o* ium rviuiua ~ ■ -u Australia 6a 66 102 Denmark 5a 42 03 Peru 7i 69 .. 15 Ttru 1st 6s AO 15 Rio 6eJ8V*sS3st 23 Sao P 8t 8* SOst 30V* Sydney 3 Vis 57 00 DOMESTIC 2:«C Als Par 3Vis 72 107 AmdtP P 5S2030 MM Am TA7 2Vis57 112V* Am TAT 244&61 105 Am TAT 244*76 95V* Am TAT 244i82 95V* A T 8 P 4s 95 122 AT8P *1 4* 95st 114V* Atl Dna lst4*48 45V* B A O 8* 96 J 75 BaltAOh 6IM96 63V* BaltA06sK200U 43V* BAO CT 4 >>2010 5144 BaltAOh 4*75A 89V* BumochAP57st 63V4 Bush T B 5i 60 106 1 Can Pat 4* tern 7544 Cent 0*4*05 at 67V* Cn RR NJ 5s *7 72V* CA0 3VaS»6D 100V* CBA W4*is77112 CMStP4 ■ir.,044 56 ChlANW 4V*S99 65 CRffln4V,s2UlH 86'* C R 1 A P 4s »4 106V* CleveUT4V*s77 101V* Cons Xd t» 3s831074S Con* P 24>s 76 98V* Del LAW4s2042 65 DAR in 4V42018 66V* Det Edison 3S70102 Erie 4'is 2015 71 FIs E Cst 6* 74 40 QenReAUt 4s69 83V* Ouif MAO 4s76 100V* QMAO 2015 A 76V* H*tkWat24.s76 94V* Hud Coal 5s62A 95V* HudAM rf 6s 67 624* HudAM in 5s 67 23V* ICC StL 5s 6.3 A 984* IntGtNor 6s 62 36V* Int G N Ist8s62 624* Kin C Sou 4s76 103V* LscledeGs4>483 107 Ub VI 6s200Hst 46 ben vii oszouas boh VI Trm 6*51 73Vs M-K-T 6* 62 * 76 M-K-T etU 6e67 74 Mo Poe 6,8 «» 26 Mo Poe So 77 P. 62 Mo Poc 60 80 H 62 Mo Poe gn ii 76 43Vt MorAE3V*s2000 58 NOt Dairy 3s 70 102Vs NOTH 6V»tS4 55V* NYC 4VSS2013A 70V* NTC eon 4s «X 65 NYCHB 3V*» 97 88V* NY Dock 4v 61 89V* NTNH&B 8s 40 924* NTNHln*V»s-22 48 NYNHH 4*2007 71V* N Y Tel 2*Vs 82 954* NornkSo 6*2014 79 4oPoc4VSs 2047 88 Nor P elt 4V*s76104V* DrWsRRN 3*601034* PocT&T 3V«*87 ICO Poe TAT 24**85 93 Peon PALI 3875 99 PsnnRlte* VSs651034* PennRRk4>4*811014* PennRR 3^4*52 994* PereMar 3*** 8( 984* Phil Bee 2*4*81 87>/S PtWVe 4‘jidoc 89V* PubSvEG3’«sOS 107VS SaruenapP 3s71 99 itLSF 4 >*12022 59 3tb8anPrn4l97 85V* 3eet> in4"js2ulP 71 Sea A L 4896 101** Seagram 2'*866 954* 3oeony-V2V*s?tt 934* 3oPeclfte4Vis81 *2Vi 3ou Poe *V*s 69 96V* 3oPoc4Vk*Or77 102 3ou Poe 244 s»n 62V* TexAFoc 3r.i85 *94* Third Ase So 60 56V* DP Poc 8V*s 91 9940 VeElAP«3V*s63110 WolkcrH 2*4»«6 904* W*PenPr3Vis«6 1074* Weot ltd 40 62 101V* West On 5s M 100V* West Cn 6s 60 914* Wise Cent 4* 49 *74* Wls Cn 4s 36SD 39 N. Y. Curb Market LIST includes only selected issue* t-M* Aireon Ul( Co ' Ma Alum Co Am 2 St Am Bantam Or 2 Am Gaa A K1 I b 38*4 Am General ,65e 7V4 Am MK la —. 13V4 Am Maracatbo 9Vi Am Republic Via 19V* Am Superpower 1 Anch Post Pr ■/» 6V4 ArkNatGas .20e 6V4 ArkNGas A 20e W AshlandOil 1.20 ltv* Atlas Corp w w 3V4 Babeoek&Wil 4 3tV4 Barium SKel 3?t Blue Ridge .40( 3V4 Brae Tr LAP 2 16V4 BrwnF Dlst 80s 13V* Brown-For Jr pi 3V4 Bunker Hill la-. 22*4 Callite Tung_ 3*4 Can Marconi .. 2 Carr Cons Bus. 4*4 Catalln Am 6 Vi Cent AS W SO lOVt Chief Cons Ung 1V4 Cities Service 2 53V4 Claude Neon 2*4! Clinch Coal * 46 Colonial Airline 6V4 Colonl SdAS 40 SVi Col PuelAlr ww 3*4 Colts MK lV«g 33 Coml A Sou war Via Cons UngAB 3a 99*4 Cont FdyAM 1 14 | Copr Range Vie 14V4 Cosden Petro TV* Creole Pet l.SOe 45 Crown Cent Pet 6Vi Dennison A .60s 9V* El BondABh v«g 13 Equity Corp Vie lVi Fairchild E A A 4*4 FansteelMetVig 12*4 GenPlrwood 40 6 Glen Alden C 2. 23V4 Goldfield Cons. Vi Hecla Min 1. . 13*4 Roll C Gold .24 7>4 Humble Oil 2»»e 7t>4 | Imp Oil Ltd Vi 1314 Imp Oil Ltd rt l‘/t« int petrol v* .. ixt* Kelser-Prezer 974 LsmsonCorp Vie 8 Lone IelauQ Lie 74 Louis L A E la 20*/* MarlonPwrShoy 10** Mccianahan OU 174 McCord Crp 74* 37>/« Menasco M2( 2 MdSPAvtcl.20e 29 Mid West Crp 61 974 Mid-West Refln 374 Mining Cp Can. 77k Molybdenum '.a. 7 Mt 8ta Pow 27*. 3374 Nat Bellas ,20g. 4*4 Nat Fuel 0 80. 1174 Nat Onion Rad 27k New Meg A Aris 7 Niagara Bud Pr • NorthronAlr *4g 1174 PaeQAX 6pf 174 34 Pantepee 1.28 19 Pennroad 40g- 674 Pop Bovs *7* Pepperell 3t 6774 Pltney-Bow ,60k 12 Producers Coro 274 R-K-O opt war. 17k Revtbeon Mfc 774 weed Ron E oSe 2374 Richmond Rsd 374 RioGrndVO lOe 2*4 SeltDomeO i’4l 1074 Segel Lock 2 Select Indus 374 Sele Ind cv l’ig 2374 3entry Set Con 1 Shoe Corp Am 1 14** Solar Alrc 30e. 1274 Soltr Mfg_ 474 Boss Mtt 1 974 SoPenOU 1.20a 44** Starrett Corp 4 Technicolor 74e. 127* Trl-Contl w w 37* Utd Ct&Rys .68e 2074 DSlnt8ee„- . 4 Ot-IdahoSu.lSe 274 Veneauela Petr. 774 Venet Syn ,15e 374 WagnerBak vtcl 1074 Ward Bak war 974 Woodley Pet .40 17 Wright Herg .18 27* (Dividends Announced NEW YORK. July 30 (*»—Dividends declared: Pe-Stock of Ray Rate. rlod. record, able.' Increased. Nineteen Hun Corp .ftOe. 8-r.j n-io Tide Water Also „40c Q A-10 8-1 Am Rad k Std San_.25e. 0-1 9-24 Stack. Nor Am Co. One SH of Pae Gas & El for each 80 ah Nor Am Co held..10-4 11-1 Aecamnlative. Bohack lit pf $8.67 __ 8-3 8-16 8paeial. Am Rad k Std San 25e — 9-1 9-24 Ettra. ' United Elec Coal .-"lie .. 8-24 9-10 Saco-Lowell Shops 75c .. 8-10 8-25 Regular. Mass Bonding & Insu 40c Q 8-3 8-16 National Acme_50c Q 8-11 8-24 Pillsbury Mill*..60c Q 8-11 9-1 Roos Bros.. ---50c Q 9-10 9-70 Saco-Lowell Shops_50c __ 8-10 8-25 Universal Winding_20c __ 9-15 9-30 Wellman Engin _16c __ 8-17 9-1 Collins k Alkman_25c 8-20 9-1 Cons Laundries_25c Q 8-16 9-1 Dixie Cup __25c Q 8-20 fl-15 Eddy Paper Ltd A_25c Q 8-16 9-15 Emerson Elec Mfg _.25e Q 9-16 9-30 MacLaren P * P Ltd. 50c Q 8-7 8-31 Massey-Harris Ltd 75c Q 8-21 9-15 Mldv Ale Co -50c 9-13 10-1 Nor Am Co 75c Q 9-10 10-1 Pleasant Valley Wine 10c 8-16 8-27 Pub Nat Bk A Tr NY 50c Q 9-20 10-1 Real Silk Hp« Mills 15c Q 8-20 9-16 Remington Rand 7Sc 9-9 10-1 Std OR Cal . $1 8-13 9-15 Thew Shovel . . 25c 8-16 9-1 Truax Traei Coal 30c Q 8-31 9-10 New York Produce NEW YORK. July 30 ifh.—Butter. 355 - 764 irregular Wholesale prices on bulk cartons Creamery, higher than 92 score and premium marks (AA>. VS’a-TP’a: 92 score lAI, 76’a; 90 score <B>. T23,: 89 score <C>. 71%. (New tubs usually com mand Va a pound over the bulk carton price.) Cheese, 172,564; steady, price* un changed. Egg prices were higher In the whole sale market today. Receipts totaled 12. 906 cases. Spot Quotations follow: Midwestern—Mixed colors, fancy heavy weights. 55-56Va; extra 1 large. 51-53: extra 2 large. 47-49; extras 3 and 4 large, 44Va-45: extra 1 medium. 48-50'/i; standard 1. 44: dirties, 38; checks. 35. Whites—Fancy heavyweight*. 68-60: extra 1 large. 56: extra 2 large, 48-51: extras 3 and 4 large. 47-48: extra 1 med ium. 55'. Browns—Fancy heavyweight*. 67-59: extra 1 large. 53-55; extra 2 large 48 50%: extras 3 and 4 large, 46-47; extra 1 medium. 52V4-53%. Nearby—(Top quotation* cn nearby white and brown eggs represent highest wholesale selling prices for the finest marks available, and not paytns prices to producers or shippers, i Whites, extra fancy heavyweights. 70-72: fancy heavy weights. 68-69; others 62-65: mediums. 62-65; pullets. 46-47. Browns, extra fancy heavyweights. 70-72; fancy heavy weights. 68-69: others 60-63. 62-65; med iums. 59-61: pullets. 45-47. Chicago Grain CHICAGO. July 30 ((Pi.—The grain market tilted lower today. Further splendid crop reports and an absence of demand were responsible for the losses. Although declines were not great, a further set of new seasonal lows was made. December. May and July corn. September and December oats. May wheat, all rye and all soybeans contracts made new lowe. The break In aoy beans extended to 8 cents, the dally limit. At noon wheat was V,-% lower, Sep tember 2.271; corn was *i-% lower. Sep tember 1.71%: oat* were ower, September 73’,a. and rye waa 1 Vi lower. December 1.84'a, and soybeans were 8 lower. Nocember offered at 2.69. The Chicago and North Western Rail way. In ita regular monthly crop re port. said, "the com crop gives ev*r» in dication of reaching 3.500,000.0,JO bushels, an Increase of approximately 171.000.000 bushels over the Govern ments July 1 estimate.” "We feel that an all-time record com production will be made providing showers come properly dis'ributed dur ing the next three weeks. the report I said. New York Cotton NEW YORK. July 30 —Cotton fu ture* moved lower today under pressure of commission house liquidation and local selling. , _ . .. The decline was influenced partly by easiness In securities and sentiment that the special session of Congress will adopt some measures to curb the inflationary trend. Offerings were absorbed through mill buying ana short covering. Continued favorable crop reports also contributed to the easiness to futures. Private advices reported mill buying or spot cotton during the past week as small, with buyers awaiting the mid-July cotton parity figure and the Government forecast on the cotton crop on August 9. Late afternoon price* were 30 to 50 . cents a bale lower than the previous close October. 32.02; December, 32.01, and ! March, 31.90. _. Market Averages STOCKS. indite R18,. &. 8tks. ¥?d»rchS"n ::: rJ «:jj g| Pret day - 93,3 44 * 41.0 89.0 Week reo - 94 * ♦* ® *\ 5 -?'A Mon:in ago-o« » *--J *r? A ’ g 194R high - »* < *51 i;-2 AX'! 1948 low . . - - - 83.3 34.2 38.0 80.3 BONDS. 70 10 10 10 10 Low bonus. RmUj. lndtt 0til Pgn Yield Net change —.1 unc. unc. - .1 —.1 Today noon 92.4 101.0 100 3 62 8 108.9 Pttt day 92.5 101.0 100.3 62.* 109.0 Week ago 92.6 101.2 100.3 62.S 109.0 Month ago 92 5 101.2 100.7 22.3 109.6 Tear as? 94.7 103A 10*.3 71.1 114 9 1948 high 93 7 1 01.6 1 02 0 66.9 110.6 1948 low 87.4 99.8 98.0 60.2 107.2 *1 Compiled by the Aseoctated Presg ) ' Short Cut to Better Potato Crops Sought Through Atomic Tests By Howord W. Blakeslee Allocated Pr«u Scionco Editor BROOKHAVEN, N. Y.. July 30.— A shortcut to better potato crops Is being sought in the first atomic potato field which now is growing here at the Brookhaven National Labratory of the Atomic Energy Commission. The potatoes were planted this spring by a group of geneticists headed by Dr. Arnold H. Sparrow in the biology department at Brookhaven, under Dr. L. F. Nims, and their progress was reported today. Before planting, the potatoes were given varying doses of X-rays The rays hit the potato eyes from which new potato plants spr ought. The X-rays began with a dose about as strong as is given to human beings, and step by step this dose was increased until it was hundreds of times stronger. Each dose was given to a separate batch of potato eyes. Then they were planted. In all cases the X-rays delayed the growth—the mild rays a little and the stronger rays more, up to the point where some plants did not grow. The stronger the rays, the squat tier the potato plant. Whether the squattiest plants will produce po tatoes is not known yet. It is re ! motely possible that new potato varieties might spring by accident from the X-rays. A search is made each day for : one or more plants to see if' bugs fail to eat them. This resistance to bugs and disease is something that occurs naturally in most crop plants, due to alterations in heredity. Nature’s heredity changes are very slow. The X-ray changes are fast. This Is the first time that atomie changes have been tried on vege tative plants—that is, plants which do not grow from seed. The ex periment on Long Island potatoes is planned to run for 10 years or !more, because the main object is to ’ get new facts about heredity and ‘about its application not only to crops but to biology and. perhaps, medicine. As the work progresses potato eyes will be exposed to other forms of atomic rays, including the neu trons that will come from an atomio I pile, or oven, now near completion I here. Services May Curtail Operations at Airport, Don't Plan to Move The already curtailed Military Ail Transport Service operations at Na tional Airport may be reduced fur ther after Sunday, but no decision has been made to move completely out of the airport, a spokesman said today. At present, only the President’s private plane, the “Independence,” is based and serviced at National Airport and only those ships which MATS operates on transcontinental runs land there to discharge and Lake on passengers, he said. "As long as MATS operates the President's plane it will be based and serviced at National,” he added. "We now occupy only one small hanger there in which the Inde pendence is based and serviced. Operations at a Minimum. “The terminal which MATS uses is used in conjunction with the five overseas airlines.” The spokesman said that MATS operations* at National Airport al ready were at what he termed a minimum. No decision has been reached as to what further reduc tions may be made The Washington Board of Trade has demaned that the field be re stricted to commercial planes. Head quarters of MATS will be moved to Andrews Air Force Base from Grav elly Polpt but that transfer is held up until the Strategic Air Command can move from Andrews to OfTutt Air Force Base, Omaha, Nebr. Of futt also first must be be vacated by Its present occupant, the 10th Air Force. ; - First Move Due la October. The 10th is scheduled to go to Stout Field and Fort Benjamin Harrison at Indianapolis shortly after the fort is turned over to the Air.Force by; tlje Army around October l. A spokesman at Air Force Depart ment headquarters a't the Penta gon said that there had been no change in plans for the three-way shift. Argentina Bans Price Rises Argentina has decreed that n'o prices may be raised to cover in creases of wages, which must be absorbed out of profits of the em ployer. _PROPOSALS.____ SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Procurement Section. National Bureau of Standards. Washington. D C.. until 2 p m. August 5. 1948. and then publicly opened for furnishing two recordlna oscil lographs at the National Bureau of Stand ards. as described in the specifications which may be obtained from the Procure ment Section. National Bureau of Stand ards^ __Jy297)u, SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Procurement Section. National Bureau of Standards. Washington. D. C.. until 2 p.m.. August 13, 1948. and then publicly opened for furnishing and installing *lr eonditlonlng units at the Institute for Numerical Analysis. TJ. C. L. A . Building No. 30. 403 Hllgard Ave. Los Angeles 24. Calif., as described in the specifications add drawing* which may be obtained from Procurement Section. National Bureau of Standards. Washington. D. C.. or at the above Institute. jy29 .30. AUCTION SALES. THOS. J. OWEN A SON. auctioneers. 435 Southern Building—Committee’a aale of valuable frame bungalow known as Prem ises No. 3330 "D" St. Southeast. By virtue of a decree of the District Court of the United Statea for the District of Co lumbia. patted In Mental Health No. 374 48 In re: Ollvie Minor, alto known aa Olivia Minor, patient. I will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on Thursday, the 12th day of August. AJ3. 194S. at .3 o'clock p.m. the following described land and premises, situate In the District of Columbia and .being Lot 58 in Square 5444. together with the Improvements thereon Sold subject to ratification by the District Court. Terms of sale: Sold subject to a prior building association deed of trust for approximately 82.026. further particulars of which will be announced at the time of aa e: the nur chase price above said trust to be paid in cash. 3500 deposit required upon ac ceptance of bid. All conveyancing, notary fees, revenue stamps, etc., at purchaser's cost Terms of sale to be complied with within 30 days from date of ratification of sale by the eourt. otherwise the com mittee reserves the rlaht to resell the property at the risk and cost of default ing purchaser after 5 days' advertisement of such resale In some newspaper pub lished_In Washington, D C. SOL M. ALPHER Southern Building. 15th and R sts. n.w.. Committee In Mental Health No. .374-48, jyI6.23.30.au6, THOS. J. OWEN A SON. auctioneers. 4.35 Southern Building—Trustees' sale of val uable two.-story detached frame dwelling to gether with a frame horse stable, being known as premises No. 32.3.3 Prout st. s.e Bv virtue of a decree of the District Court of the United States for the District of Columbia, passed in Civil Action No. 1470 48. I will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on Thursday, the twenty sixth day of August. A.D. 1948. at 3 o'clock p.m . the following deseribed land end premises, situate In the District of Columbia and being Lot 38 in Block 4. “Twining City." is per nlat recorded In Liber County H, Folio 131 in the Ofllcej of the Surveyor of the District of Colum bia. and for taxation purposes designated I as Lot 38 in Square 5561; together with the improvements thereon. Said property to be sold subject to approval of the Dis trict Court Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money to be paid In eaah and the balance in two equal Inatallmants. payable in one and two years from the day of tale, and to be repreaented by the firomlssory notes of the purchaser, bear ng Interest at the rate of 5 per centum per annum, parable semiannually, and secured by deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A 3500 deposit wifi be re quired upon acceptance of bid. AD con veyancing. notary fees, revenue stamp* and recording at purchaser'! coat. Terms of aale to be compiled with within thirty days from date of approval by the District Court, otherwise the trustee re serves the right to resell the property at the risk and coat of the defaulting pur chaser. efter five days' advertisement of such resale In some newspaper tubllahed in Washington. D. C( T. PAUL MUDD. Trustee In Civil Actio* No. 1479-48. 2408 Minnesota ave. s.e. JESSE LEE HALL, at torney for trustee. 813 16tb at. n.w. Jy:i0.au6,13,20. OFFICIAL NOTICES. GOVERNMENT OP THE DISTRICT of Co-! lumbia. Washington 4. D. C.. July 27.: 1048. Ordered: Thet Commissioners' Or der iNo. 710320) dated July -4. 1048. la hereby amended to read as follows: That, the permit fees of the District of Colum bia are hereby established, effective on and after August 1. 1048. except that portion dealing with Boiler Inspection, which will be August 13. 1048. thlrtv 130) days alter publication in accordant* with the D. C. Code. That all applica tion* for permit* or certificates filed prior to the effective date as set In this order, the fee charted will be that which Is In effect st the time of flung. J. R. YOUNG, G. MASON. O. R. YOUNG, Commissioners. D. C. v Military Threatens To Seize Gas Unless Industry Supplies It lythf Associated Press r The oil industry’ has until next Thursday to supply the armed serv ices with 1,700,000 barrels of motor gasoline. If it doesn't, according to Rear Admiral E. D. Foster, director of the Armed Forces Petroleum Pur chasing Agency, mandatory action will be recommended under the new Draft Act. That act gives tha armed forces authority to seize needed oil supplies first and talk about paying for them later. Admiral Foster told the National Petroleum Council yesterday that he was taking that tough stand re luctantly, since the military haa been getting excellent co-operation from the oil Industry up to now. But. he said, the Berlin crisis has forced the armed services to tighten their demands. In addition to tha 1,700,000-barrel motor gasoline or der, the industry also must fill with in the allotted week lesser short ages of aviation gasoline and oil, some of it needed for the aerial supply line to the German capital. Max W. Ball, director of the In terior Department's oil and gas di vision, said the chairman of tha council's committee on military re quirements, Col. Frank Drake, "bora down on the oil industry even harder” than Admiral Foster. Mr. Ball said the industry's failure to meet military requirements was puzzling because the amount needed is only a small part of total produc tion. General's Aide Named first Lt. Albert Mercogll&no, 304 Channing street N. E„ has assumed new duties as aide-de-camp to tha commanding general of the Far East Air Material Command at Fuchu, Japan, the Air Force has announced. LOANS on REAL ESTATE Tart-,at plant, InclpAlnt loop-tar* Bonthly ptyBtntt. at ftyortkla rata. first deed oe trust onij RENTALS—S ALES—INSURANCE GEOROE I. B0RGER S43 ’adlapa At*. N.W. NA 0.180 NOTICE OF REDEMPTION TO THE HOLDERS OF VICTOR PRODUCTS CORPORATION Series "E" 5% Debenture Note* Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Indenture of Trust of Victor Product* Corporation of Hagerstown. Maryland, to the Hamilton National Bank of Washington. D. C., as Trustee, dated December 17, 1940, that the under signed as Trustee aforesaid has drawn by lot for redemption on September 1, 1948, out of monies in the sinking fund, the following numbered 8eriea "E" 5% S. F. Debenture Note* due | March 1, 1952: Coupon Note* of $1,000 Denomination M21-M26-M37-M40-M48-M50-MS8 M60-M78-M77 ,The notes herein designated by num ber will be paid at the current re demption price, namely 102% of the principal amount thereof, together with accrued interest thereon to said redemption date. Said notes must have attached thereto all coupon* maturing on and after March 1, 1949. Said notes will be redeemed at the Hamilton National Bank, 14th and O Streets N.W. Washington * D C. Interest on the notes herein described shall cease to accrue on September 1, 1948. Hamilton National lank of Washington, Trust** By (S.l W. R. Forster, Vico President Doted: July 13, 1948._ YOUR INCOME from STOCKS INCREASED —while preserving safety of cap ital invested—and your prospects of Long-Term Capital Gains can be improved by BETTER INFORMED INVESTING from now on. Do what thousands of successful investors are doing week after week and year after year: Keep better financially posted by having an independent and unbiased Interpretation and appraisal of current financial developments and investment opportunities through FINAN CIAL WORLD’S tried and tested 3-FOLD Investment Service. Subscribe Before Sept. 1 Wbea Price Goes to |18 , •»’ Send $5 For 4 Month’s Trial *■ I .see >liM itteki mntklT. 1 cesieii >■0 ******* (si FINANCIAL WOBLO week ly. 1J !»»**«: <h) dl-sas* pecktt-aiie iloek ralins »m4 *t*IUti**l-d*U manual iad |«. Personal lnr*«tmenl Aivi«« Priv ilege a* p*r rule*, tu ilw will receive '•SO LONG TIME DIVIDEND PAYEBt ~. ‘10-Year Dividend Beeerd of 103 Stack*4 >ad Lassoed liases >■ This Market." Better still, tend SIS fsr whslv rear, Msnsv Back In 30 Dart M sst satiated. Financial World Se-PM Trinity Place. Nttf Terfc d. X. T.