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ORIENTAL RUGS Washed and Repaired by Experts Koa Can’t Get Better Work at Any Price Star Plont—One of Largest and Best Equipped in City ALL RUGS INSURED FIREPROOF STORAGE Star Carpet Works 3316-3318 P Street N.W. Michigan 4646 MIMf&isftasviiHvarr Marriage License Applications Under D. C. laws, couples must apply for a marriage license on one day, wait three full days and receive the license on the fifth day. Sundays and holidays are counted the same as other days. Henry Bpierer, 35. 1518 Upshur it. n.w., end Evelyn Roseubert. 30, 3726 Ma comb at. n.w Paul Pierson. 2S. and Barbara Weston. 21. both of Sliver Sprint. Md. Lemonla Artyropals. 42. 1444 N st. n.w . and Carrie Deaver. 36. 1508 Rhode Island ave. n m. Nell Galusha. 21. 2017 13th st n.w. ITrencbTonkjn^sou^I At Cool Lovely NORMANDY FARM } Wl. 9421 I _. nci ah mmrai ph nn rs i m m mrsi rsi m ni fit rsn rsn rsi Hu*< Final Clearance Summer MILLINERY *<■]» °"d 8I> Values up to $25.00 OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY JeanMatou CniMeticut Art tl M Strut Bothnia Broach— 71,5 W*""" lnm* ©Aofctie OCecMAM §a£e ★ ★ ★ 4ufct UHxat ^oa’Oe 6e«n, Starting. SOtfi 9:00 A. M,—5:30 P. M. uie&ufcmj Soiulukui) ★ ★ ★ 1715 CONNECTICUT AVE. NORTH 1862 - SATURDAY ONLY end-of-the-month 50% ond More OFF Here it our customory ONE-DAY ONLY end-of-the-month sale. Every item is from our regular stock, reduced for quick selling . . . ALL SALES FINAL CURTAINS 1 PR. RAYON MARQUISETTE, soiled---3 99 150 9 PR. PLASTIC WINDOW CURTAINS, 5< in....3 95 l.S* 6 PR. NET CURTAINS, 72 and 81 inches.-.495 2.50 2 PR. RAYON MARQUISETTE CURTAINS-3 95 2.8* 1 PR MARQUISETTE RUFFLED CURTAINS, 51*90—.^>5 2.88 1 PR NYLON CURTAINS, soled _695 2.88 4 PR. CASEMENT CURTAINS, white ond chartreuse-.-11 95 4.88 4 PR. NINON CURTAINS, 90 in . - — 7 95 5.88 1 PR. DOUBLE WIDTH RAYON RUFFLED CURTAINS, 9n in, 9 95 6.88 1 PR ORGANDY RUFFLED CURTAINS, 80*90-16 95 9.88 3 PR EXTRA FINE RUFFLED ORGANDY, 82*99, sample'. 24 95 16.88 FABRIC REMNANTS 1/4 to 5 Yards e . . Up ta 75% Off . . . Cottons, Rayons, Prints 25c •och 39c •och 79c *oeh •oeh OTHERS TO $5 00 _ SPREADS, DRAPES, SKIRTS 1 BLUE FAILLE SPREAD, single ..1695 10.8* 1 CHENILLE SPREAD, blue ond ton, single..1095 7.8* 2 PR. LINEN b COTTON DRAPES, blue, green-12 95 3.28 I PR. YELLOW FLORAL CHINTZ DRAPES.12 95 3.28 1 PR OMBRE STRIPE DRAPES, rust, os is.2295 6.88 2 PR BLUE DAMASK DRAPES . 1*50 4.88 9 PR. FAILLE DRAPES, lined, blue, grev, gr.«n ...1695 12.88 11 DRESSING TABLE SKIRTS, tofretos, fotlle, chintz, 6 95 3.38 SLIP COVERS 1 CUSTOM LAWSON LOVE SEAT COVER, green check tQf*eta 55.00 10 00 1 CUSTOM OCCASIONAL CHAIR COVER, sect or,d bock, green pm stri^. taffeta-19 00 5.00 LINENS 4 BRIDGE SETS, plan ond flcrols .5 55 2.88 5 LINEN CLOTHS, hand prints, 52x52.695 4.8* 2 LINEN CLOTHS, hand prints, 52x70-5 95 6.88 33 BORDERED LINEN NAPKINS .—. 75 4J 4 SETS OF 2 EMBROIDERED PILLOW CASES.—-4 pO 2.88 SATURDAY ONLY . . . V» OFF GIFT ACCESSORIES Bisque figures, cut crystal jors, Limoges plates, powder boxes, etc Reg. 5.00 to 200.00-NOW 2.00 to 130.00 Phone J“»* DUpont DUPONT 5742 CIRCLE end Alice Rhodes, 18, 2343 Clifton st n.v,. Robert Boyd, 38. and Edith Keys. 28. both of Rockville. Md Lee Lewis, 30. and Ruth Bumbrey. 28. both of Fredericksburg Va. Arthur Moore, Jr, 23, 740 3rd at. n.w, and Violet Whlrley, 24. 4701 O st. s.e. Earl Grimm. 21. and Sylvia Chewnln*, IS. both of Elkins. W. Va. James Morgan. 40. 118 Bryant st. n.w, and Dorothy Lyles. 24, 1127 New Jer sey sve. n.w. Harry Scheckman. *0, 803 Longfellow st. n.w, and Gladys Dresner, 25, 4818 6th at. n.w. Frank Brunette. 33. 2701 Q at. ae, and Mildred Craven. 32, 507 8th it. n.w. John Breen. 25. 1418 Rhode Island eve. n.w, and Lucille Bergstrom, 24, 111 14th st. n.e. IDevid Gordon. 20. and Harriet Hersh man 18. both of 1.285 Downing at. n e. Michael McDowell. 30. 218 3rd st. s.e, end Virginia Manning, 28, 221 3rd st s e. Addison Clayton. SB, 2015 15th st. n.w, and Evelyn Penry. 23. 407 L st. s.e. Robert Robinson. 18- 1733 North Capi tol st. and Emma McKenney, 18, 1708 'st st. n.w, Willis Blue. 48. 1614 4th st. n.w, and Kilen Hammond. 32. 3000 loth st. n.e. Ge—- T«'mn. 22. 2018 15th st. n.w , and Catherine Jenifer, 26, 1312 13tn ,, li.v.. Joseph Reidy. 28. 1881 Wyoming ave. n.w, end Gladys King, 24, 2011 Wyo ming ave. n.w. James Manaugh. 23. Arlington. Va, end Elaine Cook. 25. 1312 Park W n.w Louis Berg, 47, 8tamford, Conn, and Mary Conlin. 35, New York City. Felecei Narusewicr, 32, Palmer Mass. and Margaret Woodruff, 33, 507 Oneida f1 n.w. James Council. 28. 762 Atlantic st. s.e, and Lola McClellan, 23, 103 Joliet at. William Stahovic. 27. 1318 Delaflel* pi. n.w, and Anna Balaasa, 23. 838 Dels field pi. n.w. Joseph Hegerty, 22. 5832 Bherrler pi n.w, and Jeanne Moore, 24, 3360 17th at. n.w. Charles Davis 50, 4041 Minnesota ave. re, and Pearl Barnes, 43, 010 K 1 at. n.w. 0 right dl fur TALL GALS A modified baby toed anklet with the new look. In black doeikin. 1695 Open Soturdoy, 9 to S "Air Cooled" ORIGINALS 1203 Connecticut Avenue (Longfellow Building) Births Reported \ (From D. c. Bureau of Vital Statistic!.) i Kalman and Pauline Acs. girl. | Dominic and Dorothy Amendolair, girl. I Arnold and Nancy Appleby, boy. ArceniOus and Eleanor Bean, boy. Arnold and Patricia Beiand, boy. Walter and Marjorie Bensman, boy. Edward and Margaret Blackburn, boy. Arthur and Eugenia Brew, boy. Charles and Mary Butts, boy. Virgil and Christine Carson, girl. James and Miriam Chaney, girl. Dale and Mary Chllcote. boy. Gene and Jean Claar. boy. Omer and Evelyn Cox. girl. William and Gertrude Crowley, boy. Elwood and Mildred Custer, boy. William and Sarah Daniel, girl. Irving and Beulah Diamond, girl. Charles and Marguerite Dreyer. box. Franklin and Doris Emahlser, girl. William and Louise Bpes. girl. Herbert and Margaret Evans, boy. Herman and Vivian Feinberg, boy. Richard and Ann Gillespie, boy. William and Marion Gillions, girl. John and Ruth Grace, girl. Alton and Carolyn Grant, boy. : Charles and Susan Haggerty, boy. i John and Estelle Hall. boy. Ovid and Elisabeth Hardy, boy. James and Jennie Hare, girl. Jack and Eileen Harrison, girl. Isaac and Mary Hewett. girl. Vernon and Harriet Hill. boy. Kermit and Geraldine Hooper, girl. Kerlln and Mary Lambert, girl. Edward and Gladys Lee. boy. William and Margaret Lindsey, girl. Fred ana Elisabeth Lineback. girl Lawrence and Angelina LlppoUs, boy. John and Genevieve Logan, girl. Clair and Hasel Loughmlllar, boy. John and Mary Luft, boy. George and Mary Lyon. boy. Paul end Anne Mallne, boy. Samue' and Mary Maslak. boy. Robert and Doris McWhirt. boy. Norman and Nora Meneer. boy. John and Opal Meyer, girl. Joseph and Eleanor Miller, boy. James and Bernadlne Mullen, girl. Robert and Rita Murphy, girl. John and Anna Oliver, boy. Alexander and Anna Radko, boy. Charles and Mary Ramos, girl. William and Mary Russ. girl. Henry and Mary Sills, boy. John and Mary Smith, girl George and Irma Stewart, bog. Joseph and Ida Sweeney, girl. 1 Dudley and Matilda Tatem. girl. Jennings and Margaret Thomas, boy. Charles and Julia Tollefson, girl. William and Mary Van Horn, girl. Andrew and Georgians Barnes, boy. William and Mary Benjamin, girl. William and Millie Blunt, boy Charles and Mary Brunson, boy and girl twins. Arthur and Adelaide Campbell, boy. William and Virginia Countee. boy. 1 Joseph and Katie Davis, boy. ; Willet and Louise Davis, boy. George and Eula Dyson, girl. I Columbus and Viola Epperson, boy. Charles and Thelma Francis, boy. Everett and Edith Gaddis, boy. James and Melba Gamble, boy Earlie and Lucretia Hargrove, boy twins. I James and Genevieve Holliday, boy. Joseph and Sula Hughes, girl. Olneq. ITlarqland ___ LUNCHEO DINNER Cocktail Lounge Open Sunday!. Cloied Monday!. Olney, 12 mile! north of ailver Spring. Out 16th St. to Coleiville Road, right through underpait, left at aecond avenue, then follow directional aigni. Clara May Downey Owner A Mjrr. Phone PL. 0799 f ■" - Individual Selected Fashions ■ — \ SO EASY TO WEAR, Hilt lovely cool black sheer, high lighting a graceful cape col lar with black lace insertion. *25 Black only. Mi**ai' aiiaa. * Enjoy Our Personalized service. Shop leisurely and enjoy perfect fit and style. (krfnul fUj. Opposite Capitol Theatre—Elevator to 2nd Floor Phena NAtionol 4046 Comfertobly Air Cooled S Mildred ahan I 1327 F ST ERflnKLin BLOC i i i — OPEN SATURDAYS — FoV Better Living OUR PRACTICAL LOAN PLAN Has met every test. Thousands of satisfied customers in Washington and its suburbs have profited by our quick service and economical rates. PERSONAL LOAN DEPARTMENT Fifteen-Month Plan (Cost includes life insurance) 0 Note Loan Proceeds Monthly Pymt. $ 120 $110.10 $ 8.00 240 220.00 16.00 360 330.30 24.00 540 495.45 36.00 750 688.12 50.00 1005 922.09 67.00 • Doctor and Dental Bills * Home Repairs • Educational Purposes • Income and Property Tax • Hospital Expense * Consolidation of Debts NEW CARS ot 4% 12 MONTHS TO PAY LONGER TERMS IF DESIRED SUBURBAN NATIONAL W BANK " GEORGIA AVE. AT BONIFANT ST. Personal Lean Dept.—Silver Spring, Md., SHapherd 2130 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Carp. Resources Over $22,000,000 TAKOMA OFFICE WILLOW and CARROLL AVES., TAKOMA PARK BETHESDA OFFICE, 7444 WISCONSIN AVE. I Fleming and Gertrude Marshall, eirl. Lucius and Marsarite Parker, boy. I Leroy and Shirley Smith, boy. Percy and Lillie Towns, boy. Robert and Lydia Williams, girl. Andrew and Janie Williams, eirl. Roland and Cynthia Zealy, eirl. Deaths Reported (Prom the D. C. Bureau of Vital Statistics.) Edward Meyer, #4. 8203 13th st. n.w. Alice Hastings, 84, 3600 Ordway st. n.w. Caroline Pond. 84. 1887 Newton st. n.w. George Click. 88, 4010 14th st. n.w. Bertie Mlskell. 83. 8328 lly pi. i t Caroline Greferson. 81, 6327 Dorsett pi. n.w. Sadie Greene. 79, 8108 Kansas art. P" a Doran. 78, 304 Longfellow st. n.w. Alice Acton, 73. 120 C st. s.e. Henry McConker. 61. 1138 Abbey pi. n.e. William Spencer, 68. 1120 13th at. n.w. John G. Reckert. 68. 3810 Veazey st. n.w. David Jenkins. 57. 1101 Mass. are. n.w. Prank Needham. 66. 737 Mas*, ave. n w. I Alexander Shapiro. 65. 1309 Somerset pi. Rena Kimmett. 65. Baltimore. Samuel Barke. 42. 135 Kennedy tt. B.w. Sylvia Block. 3«. 339 G st. s.w. Roberta Bridwell, 30, 137 Forrester at. n.w. Martha Watson, 10. Rockville. Md. aeorglsna Butker. 92. Hughesville. Md. James Lewis. 72. Blue Plains, D. C. Mamie Boyd. 95, St. Elizabeths Hosp Joseph Warren, 60, St. Elizabeths Hosp. Virginia Kelly. 59. 401 E st. n e. Bishop Carson, 55. Lakeland rd., Md. Minnie Miner. 53. Warrenton, Va. George Tabbs. 48. 2007 Maryland ave. n.e. James Johnson. 48. 1622 8th st. n.w. William Ware, 46. 445 New Jersey ave. s.e. Robert Duckett, 35. 918 6th st. n.e. Henry Wheeler, 81. 66 R at. n.w. John Mills. 29. 1028 5th st. n.w. Charles Wilson. 81, 1333 10th st. B.w. News reels are being made and issued each week in Netherlands Indies. Open All Day SATURDAY Final Reductions in This Sale! FAMOUS NAME . WOMEN'S SHOES Formerly 14.95 to $18.95 *6.80 to *8.80 Save now on your fovorite Rice-O'Neill, Stetson, Can tilever ond Ground-Gripper Shoes. All styles ond col ors. All sixes in the entire sole, but not in each style oc^group. All soles final. 521 11th St. N.W. Jmit B»l»u> F St r*n»rir nit r at. n.w. l^utoicaneJcint&LnS To use on terrace table ... S | 25 To stick In ground . . . $2-50 To hang on wall . . $2-oo LITTLE CALEDONIA 1419 Wisconsin Avonuo Georgetown OPIN SATURDAY .— Open Saturdays—July and August——*— wzmxEMMimi Juniors9 Autumn Love J9*1 For eo-td or corotr girl, this smooth, suave gobordint suit —os interesting os a ship board romance — and much more lasting. So unusual with its unique buttons and die-cut outs . . . you'll be outstanding in your crowd. In charcoal black, brawn, wine or groan. Charge Accounts xmm 1213 G St. N.W. (7,cJ»^s SUMMER SPECIAL CLEARANCE DRESSES FORMERLY NOW 10.95 to 29.95 $7.00 29.95 to 69.95 $12.00 EVENING GOWNS FORMERLY NOW 29.95 to 39.95 $10.00 39.95 to 69.95 $15.00 BLOUSES FORMERLY NOW 6.95 to 16.95 $2.00 BATHING SUITS FORMERLY NOW 8.95 to 12.95 $3.00 - SKIRTS FORMERLY NOW 5.95 to 10.95 $2.00 ALL SALES FINAL • ALL SALES CASH 8650 Colesville Rd. Silver Spring, Md. STORE HOURS: 10:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M. DAILY WILLIAM ROSENDORf’S 42nd Annul The response and enthusiasm of Wm. Rosendorf cus tomers to our 42nd annuol August Fur Sale and showing of advance 1948-1949 fashions is making this the most exciting event we have held in years. You'll see original new treatments by our own de signers, you'll thrill to reductions you'd have hardly thought possible on fine furs of traditional Wm. Rosendorf quality. ALL PRICES INCLUDE TAX Sew!—Silver Blue Dyed Muskrat-y- 9325 Sew!—Northern Back Blended Muskrat--- 425 Sew!—Dyed Russian Marmot....—- 265 Sew!—Dyed China Mink.....--- 595 Sew!—Grey Dyed India Lamb--— 475 Sew!—Grey Chinese Kidskin- 265 Block Dyed Persian Lamb- 495 Sew!—Natural Sheared Beaver Raccoon—- 525 The items and prices quoted above represent authentic new 1949-1949 styles exclusively. • BUDGIT BUN • UY-AWAY BUN • CHARG* ACCOUNT d Skatchod: Shaarad Canadian I aaoar Coat, S1J95—tax includad. SHOP IN AIR COOLED COMFORT Opan Saturdays