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filid-summer Parties Enliven Torrid Days in the Capital The ideal weather for a sail down the Potomac yesterday was thor oughly enjoyed by the small group of guests (ft the Secretary of the Navy and Mrs. John L. Sullivan. The dinner party was planned An honor of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Mr. Mark Edwin Andrews, and Us bride, whose marriage a week pgo today was announced early this week. Before their marriage Mrs. Andrews was Mrs. Lavone Dicken sheets Scott. 1 The Secretary and Mrs. Sullivan invited their guests for dinner at 6:30 o'clock, but the hour was set for the sailing of the U. S. S. Sequoia and dinner was not served until after the craft was well out in the channel of the historic river. Accompanying the Sullivans and the Andrews were Mr. John Nicholas Brown, another of the Assistant Secretaries of the Navy, the Corrynandant of the Marine Corps and Mrs. Clifton B. Cates, Vice Ad miral and Mrs. Robert B. Carney and Rear Admiral A. C. Miles. Dinner at Embassy The Ecuador Ambassador and Senora de Dillon were hosts at dinner last evening entertaining in their charming embassy on Bancroft place. Their guests included the Honduran Ambassador and Senora de Caceres, the Australian Ambas sador and Mrs. Norman N. O. Makin, the Colombian Ambassador and Senora de Restrepo-Jaramillo, the Chief of Protocol, Mr. Stanley Woodward; former Attorney Gen eral and Mrs. Homer Cummings, former Secretary to the Senate and Mrs. Leslie Biffle, Mrs. Randolph Huntington Miner and the First Secretary of the Ecuador Embassy and Senora de Va'ldivieso. Cornwalls Feted Maj. and Mrs. Paul R. Cornwall were the honor guests at a delight ful farewell garden cocktail party yesterday. The fete was given at the home of Lt. Col. Leslie Murray on P street and acting as hostess was Mrs. Christy Angeles. Maj. and Mrs. Cornwall will leave next week for Dayton, and on hand to bid them farewell were about 50 service and other friends in the dip lomatic set. Among other guests were the Philippines Minister and Mrs. Ramos, Lt. Comdr. and Mrs. J. T. Blackburn, Capt. and Mrs. H. T. Price and their daughter, Miss Mary Price; Capt. and Mrs. J. L. Pratt, and Mrs. Gardiner Luce. Also Col. and Mrs. John Goodall, Lt. Comdr. and Mrs. Ray Grerr, Lt. Col. Tilden Wright, Lt. Col. Fran cisco Garcia and Col. Velquez. Singer Is Entertained Col. and Mrs. Curt C. Schiffeler will be hosts at supper tonight fol lowing the Water Gate concert, when their guests will be Maj. and Mrs. Frank Chapman, the latter better known as Gladys Swarthout, famous soprano. Miss Swarthout will be the soloist with the National Symphony Orchestra at the Water Gate and immediately after the sup per she and Maj. Chapman will leave Washington. They arrived yesterday and are occupying the suite in the Raleigh which bears the singer’s name. Last evening Maj. and Mrs. Chapman were guests at a buffet supper of Mr. Paul C. Hume, who entertained in his home on Riggs place. MRS. MCGUINNESS. —Udel Bros. Photo. Miss Marguerite Stephanie Mono crusos, daughter of Mrs. Stephen Monocrusos and the late Mr. Mono crusos, became the bride of Lieut. C. Edward McGuinness, Marine Corps, July 17. The ceremony took place in St. Andrews Chapel at the United States Naval Academy, Comdr. Roy E. Bishop officiatir.%. Mr. Gerasimos Monocrusos flew from Cuba to give his niece in mar riage. She was attended by the Misses Elizabeth Bogue Monocrusos and Madelon McGuinness. The groom, who Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Bernard McGuinness oi Parkersburg, W. Va., had as his best man Lieut. Richard L. Bland, and the ushers were Lleuts. Charles F. King, jr., and Paul Hitchcock. After a reception at the North Severn Officers Mess, at the Naval Academy, the couple left on a Southern wedding trip. They will re side at Camp LeJeune, N. C. Maj. and Mrs. R. R. Hogan have been visiting their son-in-law anc daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John L Hamilton. They came up frorr Charlottesville, Va., to meet their brand-new grandson, John Craig Reginald Hamilton, who was bom July 7. They brought with them young Whiting Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton’s other and first born son, who had been visiting hi* grandparents in Charlottesville. Hostesses at Camp Mrs. Levin P. Handy and Mrs. Joseph C. Monaghan acted as host esses for a large group from Wash ington who spent the day at the Merrick Girls’ Camp near Annap olis, maintained by the Christ Child Society. There were about 100 guests from Washington and the girls at the camp gave a short program on the lawn followed by retreat—or flag lowering. The Most Rev. Patrick A. O’Boyle, Archbishop of Washington, who was guest of honor, gave benediction in the chapel after the program Mrs. Monaghan is chairman of the Camp Committee for the Christ Child Society and other officers of the committee are Mrs. Prank Pa roni, vice chairman, Mrs. William G. Kirchner, secretary and Mrs. John F. Greaney, treasurer. To Be Bridesmaid Miss Tolise Gathings will serve as junior bridesmaid at the wedding this evening of her uncie, Air Force Capt. Otto Rollwage Kirkpatrick and Miss Rosemary Haven. Miss Gathings is the daughter of Repre sentative and Mrs. E. Candler Gath ings and accompanied her mother to Forrest City, Ark., for the wed ding. Capt. Kirkpatrick is a brother of Mrs. Gathings. Miss Haven is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Franklin Haven and the wedding reception will be held at Thelrose, their estate near Forrest City. The ceremony will be performed in the First Methodist Church at Forrest City at 8 o’clock. Miss Martone Bride The wedding of Miss Loretta Irma Martone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Garofalo, to Mr. Joseph Ber i nard Goldman, son of Mr. and Mrs. lack Goldman, took place July 20 in she chambers of Chief Justice Na ,han Cayton of the Municipal Court, who officiated. The bride was attended by her sister, Mrs. Leone Peters and Dr. Milton Goldman was best man for iis brother. After a reception at the Shore lam the couple left for New York 'rom where they plan to sail for a Suropean cruise. ENJOYING THE SUNNY SOUTH. Mrs. Ralph F. Stearley (right), wife of Brig, Gen. Stearley, chats with Miss Peggy Walton, daughter of Maj. Gen. Leo A. Walton at the Air Force Base in Orlando, Fla., where Gen. Stearley has been appointed commanding general of the 14th Air Force, succeeding Gen. Walton. Gen. Walton is on leave now but will come to Washington for duty in August. —Air Force Photo. MRS. TOMLINSON. —Hessler Photo. Miss Margaret Sue Wickline of Washington, daughter of Mr. and vfrs. Lawrence Leslie Wickline of Painesville, Ohio, became the bride' yesterday afternoon of Mr. George Cdmund Tomlinson, also of this nty. The ceremony took place in the Arlington Methodist Church with ,he' Rev. Joseph J. Johnston offi :iating. Given in marriage by her father, ;he bride was attended by Miss Helen Moreland. Mr. Samuel A. Tomlinson, jr., was his brother’s jest man, and the ushers were the vfessrs. Charles Tomlinson, Allen Jones, jr., and Albert Kern. After a reception the couple left or a short' honeymoon in Williams jurg. They will be at home at 1403 South Thomas street in Arlington. Later in August they will leave on a notor trip in the Southwest, and vill spend some time at Mr. Tomlin ,on’s lodge, Stoney Broke, Morris jake, Tenn. From there they will visit his parents in Gulfport before leaving on a tour through Louisiana. Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. pre-inventory clearance drew „ values to 15.00. now # $11 values to 35.95, now JL.M. Slfit values to 45.00. now <*■ $1Q values to 49.95, now .M.CF $22 values to 69.95, now m09M t values, 69.95 to 95.00, now $35 »47-0 slips I Chinese hand-made pure silk, value 12.95 %F pajamas ,4« values to 10.95, now negligees Imasecoals values to 12.95, now Slft-95 values to 29.95, now JL^F All Sales Final Jean Matou t CONNECTICUT AVENUE AT M Catholic Conclave Delegate Named Miss Linna E. Bresette, consultant lor the Committee on Social Action >f the National Council of Catholic Yemen, will leave this week for Rio ie Janeiro to represent the council it the first meeting of the Inter Vmerican Catholic Social Action Confederation to begin in that city in August 22. The delegate Is field secretary of Jie Social Action Department of the National Catholic Welfare Confer :nce and of the Catholic Conference in Industrial Problems. She returned ■ecently from the International La jor Conference in San Francisco. Leaders of the United States dele gation will be the Most Rev. Karl J. Viter, Bishop of Toledo; the Most lev. William T. Molloy, Bishop of Covington, and the Rev. R. A. Mc Sowan, director of the Social Ac ion Department of the NCWC. Charles Darwin’s log book de scribing the voyage of the Beagle to South America in 1834-36, was sold for $1,080 at a recent London auction. Commission Heads To Visit Republics Senorita Minerva Bernardino, chairman of the Inter-American Commission of Women, and Senora Amalia de Castillo Ledon, vice chair man, will make an official tour of American republics in the interest of the commission beginning this weekend. Their tour will include visits to the Dominican Republic, Panama, Peru. Chile, Uruguay, Brazil and Argentina. Senorita Bernardino explained that the trip to Argentina is on the invitation of the government, extended through Senora Eva Duarte de Peron, wife of the Argen tine president. She and Senora de Castillo Ledon will confer with gov ernment officials, feminist leaders and Senora de Peron on problems concerning the general assembly of the commission to be held in Buenos Aires next year at the invitation of the Argentine government. In line with the statute of the commission, which was approved at the Bogota Conference, annual as semblies will rotate among the 21 countries that compose the commis sion. Moonlight Cruise When the steamship Potomac eaves her Washington dock Sunday :vening at 8:30 o’clock she will have >n board a number of servicemen vho will be the guests of Senator tapper of Kansas. Those invited by the Senator ’or the moonlight cruise are uni ormed men and hospital patients :hosen by their special and recrea ,ion officers from the various units of the Military District of Washing ion. The district includes the Po ;omac River Naval Command, the United States Marines, the Air Force and Army units and the Uoast Guard in and near Wash ngton. G. O. P. Reappoints Mrs. Macauley Mrs. Robert W. Macauley has been reappointed assistant'chairman of the Republican National Committee, according to an announcement made Mrs. Maeanley. rooay Dy Hugn Scott, jr., chair man of the com mittee. She will continue her work as director of the Women’s Division. Mrs. Macauley has been identi fied with the Na tional Republi can Party since 1936 and has been associated with the Wom en’s Division since 1937. She nas maae extensive speamng tours and has directed the planning for seven women’s conferences in Bos ton, Charleston, W. Va„ St, Paul, Salt Lake City, Davenport, Iowa; Boise and Washington, D. C. She became the executive director of the National Federation of Wom en’s Republican Club6 in* 1947, hav ing served earlier as its adminis trative assistant. Mrs. Macauley is a native of Fort Madison, Iowa, and has made her home in Washington since 1936. In announcing Mrs. Macauley’s reappointment, Mr. Scott declared, “Her services to the party since her assumption to the office in January, 1947, have drawn widespread appro bation. I have received numerous expressions of confidence in her abil ity and her direction of women’s activities from party leaders throughout the country." Jane Austen Drawing Sold The National Portrait Gallery in London has purchased a drawing of Jane Austen, the novelist, made by her sister Cassandra about 1810. Entire Shop Air Cooled wilhelmina adams 3214 P STREET GEORGETOWN Open Saturdayt SALE PLAY CLOTHES SUMMER SUITS BAGS AND BELTS EVENING DRESSES . / ALL SALES FINAL HAHN STORES Open SATURDAYS • ■ f i "1 During July and August Downtown Stores ’til 6 P.M. Uptown and Va. Stores ’til 9 P.M. Repair Shop, 14th & G, Also Open 1 _ Spotlight on YOU in a trim ballet shoe l BLACK suede Sizes 4 to 9 5.95 BLACK suede Sizes 4 to 10 7.95 For the moments when you’re the center of attention— these play shoes flatter you right down to the floor. Choose the very new instep strap, the ankle strap, or the always popular wedgie. / BLACK, BROWN suede, black patent. Sizes 4 to 9.. 6.95 HAHN «*• year / 1207 F 7th & K *4483 Conn. *3113 14th **3101 Wilson Blvd. *Open Evenings ••Open FrL & Sat Eves. nm SHE,[ EE IS Ik.llrfmA Jtf: Please don’t confuse this sale with an ordi nary fur sale. I feel confident that you will agree that you’ll have to go far and wide be fore you can duplicate values like these. Don’t take our word for it! You be the judge! Pictured at leftj Mink Dyed Marmot Coat, $198 Mouton Dyed Lamb Coat _$98 Mink-Dyed Marmot Coat -$98 Dyed Skunk Coat-$98 Dyed Pony Coat-$98 Silver Fox Jacket-$148 Natural Gray Kidskin Coat _$148 Mink-Dyed Muskrat Coat _$148 Dyed Persian Paw Coat -$148 Mouton Dyed Lamb Coat _$148 Dyed Squirrel Cape. % 148 Beaver Striped Mouton Dyed Lamb Coat—$148 Natural Muskrat Coat _$198 Silver Dyed Muskrat Cape _ $198 Natural Skunk Coat.. $198 Mink-Dyed Muskrat Coat _$198 Mink - Dyed Marmot Coat _ $198 Silverblue Dyed Muskrat Coat-$198 Dyed Squirrel Cape..% 198 Hudson Seal-Dyed Muskrat Coat-$248 Black Dyed Persian Lamb Coat-$248 Silver Dyed Muskrat Coat _$248 Dyed Squirrel Cape .$248 Northern Silver Dyed Muskrat Coat-..$298 Silver Dyed Muskrat Cafr'1—..$298 Natural Squirrel Coat.%298 Silver blue Dyed Muskrat Coat-$298 Black Dyed Persian Lamb Coat-$298 Silver Fox Coat-$298 Hudson Seal-Dyed Muskrat Coat_$298 Mink-Dyed Muskrat Coat _ $298 Dyed Squirrel Coat..%298 Gray Persian Lamb Coat _$398 Black Dyed Persian Lamb Coat- _$398 Sheared Raccoon Coat _$398 Sheared Raccoon Coat _$448 Dyed China Mink Coat _$498 Sheared Raccoon Coat _$498 Sheared Beaver Coat $498 Gray Persian Lamb Coat _ $498 Dyed Kolinsky Coat.-$498 Dyed China Mink Coat _ $598 Dyed Kolinsky Coat .$598 Gray Persian Lamb' Coat _$598 Black Dyed Persian Lamb Coat-$598 Sheared Beaver Coat.%598 Ranch Mink Cape-$698 Letout Dyed China Mink Coat-$698 Sheared Beaver Coat.%798 Letout Dyed China Mink Coat-$798 Gray Persian Lamb Coat . $798 Letout Dyed China Mink Coat-$898 Ranch Mink Cape-$998 Letout Dyed Jap Mink Coat-$998 Ranch Mink Cape_$1298 Stone Marten Coat. .$4950 Partial List. Hundreds of other fun and- price groups. All subject to tax. ZUOTNICKS CORRESPONDENTS ARE LOCATED IN EVERY WORLD CENTER OF FUR AND FASHION PARIS • LONDON • ALASKA • SHANGHAI ROME* RIO DE JANEIRO • HOLLY WpOD . NEW YORK LOS ANGELES* SEATTLE'MIAMI'CHICAGO ' \ \