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ia/c Guide for Readers
inf earner Forecast page.1 page.
Cloudy end humid today, tonight and tomor- After Dark.A-9 Lost and Pound-A-3
row with some showers. Highest today about » Amusements ...A-14 Obituary .A-13
84; lowest tonight near 73. (Full report on Comics .B-14-15 Radio .„B-15
Page A-2 > Editorial ..._A-14 Society, Clubs-.-B-3
Midnight- 75 6 a.m. ... 73 Noon .... 79 Edit. Articles -A-ll Sports .A-15-17
2 a.m. ... 74 8 a.m. ... 74 1 p.m_82 Finance _A-19 Woman’s Page.-A-lS
4 a m. ... 74 10 a.m. .. 78 2 pm..83 ——■-—-——
_ • An Associated Press Newspaper
Late New York Markets, Page A-19._ — ■ •— --—w *
96th Year. No. 216. Phone STerling 5000 *** WASHINGTON, D. C.y TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1948-THIRTY-SIX PAGES. u°*o p»M»nu,_C-S_
Ex-Communist Says Hiss, Witt,
Pressman Led Underground';
Remington Quizzed About Atom
-- 4
Editor at House
Hearing Tells of
Living in Hiding
By Miriam Ottenberg
An avowed ex-Communist to
day named Alger Hiss, Nathan
Witt and Lee Pressman as lead
ers of an ‘‘underground organi
zation” whose primary purpose
was the Communist infiltration
of the American Government.
Mr. Hiss formerly was with the
State Department and took a lead
ing part in the organization of the
United Nations at San Francisco.
He is now president of the Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace.
Mr. Witt formerly served as sec
retary of the National Labor Rela
tions Board. He left the agency
in 1941.
Mr. Pressman formerly was gen
eral counsel for the Congress of
Industrial Organizations. He re
signed a few months ago and since
has become an American Labor
Party candidate for Congress in
New York.
Magazine Editor Testifies.
Their accuser was Whittaker
Chambers, a senior editor of Time
Magazine, who testified before the
House Committee on Un-American
Activities as the committee pursued
its investigation of Communist ac
tivities in the Government.
Harry Dexter White, former As
sistant Secretary of the Treasury,
whom Elizabeth T. Bentley, self
styled former spy, had named as
one of her informants, was men
tioned in Mr. Chamber’s testimony
when he told the committee that
Mr. White was added to the under
ground group as one of those who,
it was believed, would ‘‘go places”
in Government.
Efforts Apparently railea.
He said he could not say posi
tively whether or not Mr. White
was ’ a registered member of the
Communist Party “but he certainly
was a fellow traveler so far within
the fold that his not being a party
member would have been a mistake
• on both sides.”
“I tried to break him (White)
away from the party,” Mr. Cham
bers said. “He left me in an ap
parently very educated frame of
mind and I thought I had succeeded.
Apparently I had not.”
(In New York, Mr. Hiss said:
“I don’t know Mr. Chambers. As
far as I know, I never met him.
And there is no basis for the
statement which has been re
ported to me that he made to the
(Mr. Pressman’s New York
office reported that he is in San
Mr. Chambers explained that he
spoke from experience gained from
the time he joined the party in
1924 until he repudiated it in 1937.
He himself served in the under
ground, chiefly in Washington, he
told the committee.
“It was an underground organ
ization of the United States Com
munist Party, developed, to the best
of my knowledge, by Harold Ware,
one of the sons of the Communist
leader known as ‘Mother Bloor,'”
Mr. Chambers said.
He said he knew at the top levels
of this underground group about
seven men from among whom in
later years certain members of Miss
Bentley’s organization were appar
ently recruited.
Witt Named as Leader.
Miss Bentley has previously testi
fied before the committee, and Mr.
Chambers was called in part to
corroborate some of her testimony.
The head of the underground
group at the time that he knew it,
Mi. Chambers testified, was Mr.
Later, he said, John Abt, who is
now employed by Progressive Party
Candidate Henry A. Wallace, be
came the leader. Mr. Abt has been
named by Miss Bentley as the early
leader of one of the two espionage
groups of Government employes
with whom she made contact.
To the list of four described
earlier as leaders of the Communist
underground in Washington, Mr.
Chambers added these names:
Donald Hiss, younger brother of
Alger Hiss.
Victor Perlo. described earlier by
Miss Bentley as the leader of a
group formed here later.
Charles Kramer, another named
as a Communist by Miss Bentley.
Henry Collins, described as a for
mer Agriculture Department em
ploye and treasurer of the group of
Infiltration Major Aim.
“The purpose of this group at that
time was not. primarily espionage,”
the witness declared. "It’s original
purpose was the Communist infll
(Sse SPY RING. Page A-b.i
Hand Grenade Found
Near Vatican Square
By the Associated Press
VATICAN CITY. Aug. 3.—A street
sweeper found a tiny red hand gren
ade this morning near the entrance
to St. Peter's Square. It was nestled
at the bottom of the first column in
the right arc of the Bernini col
The sweeper called Achille Tripa
nera of the St. Peter's security de
tachment, who noted that the .pin
was out. The Italian War Minis
try's artillery headquarters sent ex
' plosives experts who nudged the
grenade some yards from the col
onnade, sandbagged it and set 11
off harmlessly.
The grenade was of a type the
Italians call “balilla,'' taking its
name from the Mussolini organiza
tion of young Blackshirts.
—Harris-Ewing Photo.
—AP Photo.
—AP Photo.
Greeks' Reorganized
Army Seizes Anchor
Of Rebel Defenses
Collapse of Communist
Front in Grammos Range
Is Believed Likely
By the Associated Pres»
ATHENS, Aug. 3.—The general
staff of the reorganized Greek
Army command today announced
the capture of Kerassovon, south
ern anchor of Communist forces
in Northern Greece,
A spokesman said the 9th Division
also took Kamenic Heights at the
north end of the guerrilla defense
line. Kamenic is 6,500 feet high and
squarely on the Albanian border
eight miles north of Konitsa. The
Greek army had reported its forces
had been shelled, mortared and
machinegunned from the Albanian
side of the border at Kamenic.
Some in Athens saw indications
of a collapse of all the Communist
western front in the Grammos
220 Rebels Reported Slain.
The peaks of Kamenic dominate
the valley in which the north end
of Markos Vafiades’ Communist
lines are based. Vafiades’ last known
headquarters at Georgopotamos is
within artillery range of Kamenic.
Press reports said 220 guerrillas
were killed, 106 captured and up to
900 wounded in the northern battles.
Kerassovon lies between the
[heights of Prophet Elias and Klep
:tis. which have fallen in the last
i three days. There were previoui
j (See GREEKS. Page A-3.)
Navy Application
Told of Secret in
'44, Probers Learn
By Don S. Warren
A shocked Senate Investigat
ing Committee heard today that
an application for a Navy Com
mission in April, 1944, by Wil
liam W. Remington claimed that
he was familiar with some as
pects of the Manhattan Project,
development of the atom bomb.
Chairman Ferguson shouted that
this was such a secret matter at
that time that the Senate War In
vestigating Committee (then the
Truman committee) couldn’t get
any information on the Manhattan
The committee had begun its lively
session with an accusation by Sen
ator Ferguson that the administra
tion had put its investigation of an
alleged wartime Communist spy ring
within the Government under a
A White House ruling bars access
to the employment records of Mr.
Remington, suspended Commerce
Department official accused in testi
mony before the committee last
week of giving information to the
alleged spy ring, Senator Ferguson
Sawyer Unable to Reply.
Secretary of Commerce Sawyer
has been "unable to give an answer
to the committee’s request for the
records,” Senator Ferguson added,
because of a presidential ruling
that records on Government em
ployes’ loyalty cannot be released to
congressional committees.
‘The record is clear that the com
mittee has tried to get the em
ployment records of Mr. Reming
ton,” Senator Ferguson said.
“It looked last Friday as if the
Secretary of Commerce would be
able to turn them over to us. He
has been called this morning and
he is unable to give an answer as
to whether he can or cannot turn
them over to us. • • *
“We will proceed under this han
Senator Ferguson emphasized
that the committee was not asking
for “what they call loyalty checks”
on Mr. Remington, but for the
names of people who approved his
employment and transfers.
Quined About Commission.
The development that revealed
that Mr. Remington had referred
to the atomic bomb project in 1944
when it was the Nation’s best-kept
secret came after a long period of
testimony revolving around his ap
plication for the Navy commission.
Unexpectedly calm and collected
under the circumstances, the young
economist started out by attempting
to answer the listed points of his
claim to knowledge of wartime pro
duction programs, in their order.
He sought to correct the commit
tee's impression to show that he had
had access to information on the
production of war plants only for a
period of two weeks.
Chairman Ferguson insisted that
his statement to the Navy showed
that he had knowledge of the listed
projects over a two-year period.
In Dollar Data, He Says.
The witness then insisted that
the production goals were in dollar
data rather than otherwise.
The committee then reminded him
that the statement showed that
after mentioning the Manhattan
Project he had claimed informa
tion concerning “certain types of
equipment” that were being handled.
Senator Ferguson then pointedly
asked the witness as to the date
of the application for the Navy
commission and it was agreed this
was in April of 1944.
“In April of 1944," Chairman
j (Continued on Page A-6, column i.)
Foreign Schools Closed
By Bulgarian Parliament
By the Associated Press
SOFIA, Bulgaria, Aug. 3. —The
presidium of Parliament published
an order today closing all foreign
schools to Bulgarian students Sep
tember 1. These include six French
schools and one American college.
The announcement said Bulgaria
has denounced her 1936 schools con
vention with France. •
Diplomatic missions will be per
mitted to open schools for their
nationals, the announcement added.
A Romanian decree, announced
yesterday, closed all foreign schools
in Romania, effective at once. For
eign schools were described as those
founded or subsidized by any other
country. __
City to Ban Pinball for Children
Under 17 During School Hours
Children under 17 would be pro
hibited from playing pinball ma
chines during school hours on
school days beginning this fall under
a proposed amendment to the Com
missioners’ police regulations being
prepared today by the Corporation
Counsel's office.
The order would require payment
of a $12 annual license fee for each
of the 2,000-odd pinbal! devices in
the city. Chatham Nottingham,
District license superintendent, said
the order does not cover juke boxes.
The amendment not only forbids
j children from playing between 8
! am. and 3 p.m. on school days but
also bans congregating around the
machines. The amendment is the
outgrowth of numerous complaints
from parent-teacher associations
and other citizens against the prac
tice or cnuaren spending incur miiui
money on the games.
A $300 fine or 90 days in jail
could be given to persons convicted
of permitting children to play the
machines during the proscribed
The final draft of the amendment
drawn up by Assistant Corporation
Counsel Chester Gray, is now in the
hands of Mr. Nottingham far final
changes if any. He is expected tc
pass the amendment along to the
Commissioners for their signature
probably at next Tuesday’s board
The Commissioners then will pub
lish the amendment in daily news
papers and it will become part ol
the city code 30 days after publica
tion. Mr. Gray said he was anxioui
to have the change in effect by (he
opening of the city schools In the
foil- hd. sHfgb
Allies Studying
Envoys' Reports
On Stalin Talk
Prepare Next Step in
East-West Agreement;
Progress Reported
By Eddy Gilmore
Associated Press Foreign Correspondent
MOSCOW, Aug. 3.—Western
diplomats looked to Washington,
London and Paris today for a
new move to settle East-West
differences which they now have
taken up personally with Prime
Minister Stalin.
Mr. Stalin received envoys of the
United States, Britain and France at
the Kremlin last night and talked
with them for two hours and 15
minutes. The conversation con
cerned particularly the prospects for
a settlement of the Berlin crisis.
Secretary of State Marshall
today received a report from
Ambassador Walter Bedell Smith
pn his conference with Mr. Stalin
and with his top ranking State
Department advisers, immedi
ately began an intensive study of
the report. Presumably the re
port also will be sent to Presi
dent Truman when he returns
here later in the day from Mis
(Foreign ministers in Lon
don and Paris also had
the reports of their ambassadors
today and were studying the re
sults of the conference. No hint
of the contents of the reports
came from any Western capital.
In Paris talk of a September Big
Four foreign ministers’ meeting
was revived.)
progress Reported.
Details were shrouded in official
secrecy, but a high authority said
progress is being made in this Soviet
Weary-eyed but in high spirits,
American Ambassador Walter Bedell
Smith, French Ambassador Yves
Chataigneau and Frank Rob
erts, special British representative,
worked until nearly 4 a m. on their
They are now awaiting further in
structions from their governments.
When these instructions arrive—and
only then, responsible quarters es
timated-will the next steps be
This correspondent, who has re
ported Kremlin conferences with
foreign diplomats for seven years,
recalls no time when so little was
>ald after a meeting—and when the
spirits of those concerned seemed so
The three Western envoys are
not even commenting on how Mr.
Stalin looked. It is obvious that
the talk got down to basic things
that are contributing to the tense
international situation and that all
are being careful to do or say noth
ing to interrupt the present trend.
Emerge in Good Spirits.
The diplomatic representatives of
the United States, Britain and
France emerged from the Kremlin
shortly before midnight smiling and
in good spirits. Correspondents
took their affability and smiling
demeanor as a good sign.
The meeting, which lasted 2 hours
and 15 minutes, was the longest any
foreign diplomats ever have had
with the Russian leader. After
leaving the audience, at which So
viet Foreign Minister Molotov also
was present, the three foreign diplo
mats immediately went into another
conference, pounding up three
flights of stairs at the American
Embassy without waiting for an
It was obvious the three were
rushing to compare notes and pre
pare their reports on the conversa
tion for transmission to Washing
ton, Paris and London.
Before they went to the Kremlin
there were hints here that interna
(See MOSCOW, Page A-3).
Decca Records Cited
On Monopoly Charges
By the Associated Press
Attorney General Clark today an
nounced the filing of a civil anti
trust action against both American
and British makers of Decca phono
graph records.
The action was filed in Federal
Court in New York City this morn
ing. It is directed against Decca
Records, Inc. (American Decca) and
Decca Records Co., Ltd. (British
The Attorney General said the
action charges the two companies
“with engaging in a conspiracy and
cartel agreements restraining the
sale and distribution of commercial
phonograph records in violation of
the antitrust laws.” '
The announcement said Electric
and Musical Industries, Ltd., an
other British corporation, was
named as co-conspirator but not as
a defendant in the action.
The Government’s complaint, the
Justice Department said, alleges
that American Decca, one of the
nation’s largest makers of records,
conspired to divide world markets
with British Decca and Electric and
Musical Industries, Ltd., two of the
largest foreign producers of such
Mr. Clark said American Decca
was formerly affiliated with British
Decca by stock ownership, but that
this relationship was ended about
A. ■
Patton Wins 200-Meter Dash;
Americans Sweep Shot Put
Ewell Second in Race,
With La Beach Third;
U.S. Has 7 Track Titles
By the Associated Press
England, Aug. 3.—Mel Patton of
Southern California won the
200-meter dash in the Olympic
Games today to give the United
States its seventh track and
field triumph after American
athletes swept the top three
places in the shot put.
Barney Ewell was second and
Lloyd La Beach of Panama third.
Ewell, 30-year-old former Penn
State star, who was second to Har
rison Dillard in the 100-meter final,
finished a yard behind Patton.
Their time was announced as 21.1
Patton’s triumph came shortly
after Wilbur Thompson, also of
Southern California, had led an
all-American assault on the Olym
pic shotput record, winning the
event with a toss of 56 feet 2 inches.
The time for the 200-meter was
considerably slower than the 20.7
in which the Trojan speedster cap
tured the final American tryouts.
The Olympic record also is 20.7, set
by Jesse Owens in 1936.
La Beach was a very close third,
with Herb McKenley of Jamaica,
the world quarter-mile record
holder, in fourth place. McKenley
had hoped to start a “double” by
winning the 200 before making his
bid at 400 meters.
Cliff Bourland, former Southern
California sprinter, finished fifth,
with L. Laing of Jamaica sixth.
Patton’s victory did much to
erase the bitter disappointment he
suffered when he wound up fifth in
the century.
A crowd of 50.000 which stayed
to the end of the day despite a
threatening sky let out a mighty
roar all through the race.
The six eager sprinters started
from staggered positions on the
east end of the track. The per
(Continued on Page A-15, Column 3.)
—AP Photo.
Univis Plant Reopens
As Guards Man Tanks
And Machine Guns
Tear Gas Disperses
Sympathizers; Troops
Push Back Crowd
By fht Associated Press
DAYTON. Ohio, Aug. 3.—The
Univis Lens Co. plant, where
pickets battled police and non
strikers last week, reopened to
day under the protection of Na
tional Guard troops, tanks and
The Guardsmen exploded five
tear gas grenades to disperse a
crowd of 75 strike sympathizers in
front of a nearby tavern, but other
wise the scene was peaceful.
Non-striking employes began en
tering into the plant on the 91st
day of a strike called by the CIO
United Electrical Workers, fighting
to remain bargaining agent for
Univis’ approximately 658 employes.
Abodt 100 automobiles loaded with
men and women had entered the
gates between lines of Guardsmen
with fixed bayonets.
Sympathizers Driven Back.
The National Guard force, num
bering about 1,400 men, threw a
cordon about the plant area, at first
blockading roads at points 3 miles
from»the plant. Later the line was
stabilized within a radius of a
quarter of a mile.
A crowd of 300 strike sympathizers
infiltrated the lines and reached a
street curb opposite the plant. The
Guard went into action with a
Sherman tank and machinegun
carriers flanked by foot soldiers and
drove the crowd two blocks back.
Not a sound came from six pick
ets stationed at the plant entrance,
which was a scene of riotous dis
order last week.
Arthur L. Garfield of New Hork,
international representative of the
striking CIO United Electrical
—msr UNIVIS, Page A-3.)
Truman Plan Political,
Eccles Says, Offering
Own Inflation Curbs
Urges Balanced Budget
And Credit Controls to
Prevent Setback
By the Associated Press
Marriner S. Eccles told Con
gress today President Truman’s
anti-inflation program seems
“more political than economic.”
He pleaded for an adjournment
of politics to prevent a “catas
trophic” deflation later.
Mr. Eccles said Congress should
take care in stopping inflation lest
i it bring about injurious deflation.
He rejected President Truman's
price control and rationing "pro
j posals.
i Mr. Truman recently replaced Mr.
Eccles as Federal Reserve chairman.
He remained a board member.
Speaking “off the cuff and from
my heart,” Mr. Eccles told the House
Banking Committee that wartime
inflation controls had been removed
(See ECCLES, Page A-6.)
To Decide on Next Step
In Poll Tax Stalemate
Amendment Plan to Be
Put Before All Members
At Session Tomorrow
By J. A. O'Leary
Republican leaders today de
cided to call the entire GOP
membership of the Senate into
conference tomorrow to consider
changing the anti-poll tax bill
to a constitutional amendment
as the only means of getting any
civil rights action at this session.
Chairman Taft of the Senate Re
publican Policy Committee an
nounced that his group will let the
full conference of 51 GOP Senators
decide what more should be done
on the deadlocked poll tax repeal
“We will make no recommenda
tions on the constitutional amend
mend alternative,’■ Senator Taft
said, explaining that there was
“considerable difference of opinion”
on it in the Policy Committee this
• Although the Southerners are in
a position to filibuster Indefinitely
against repeal of the poll’ taz by
Federal statute, their leader. Sen
ator Russell of Georgia, has said
no serious fight would be made j
against submitting the question to
the States as a Constitutional
Wherry Will Back Amendment.
Senator Wherry of Nebraska, act
ing Republican floor leader, said
that if the constitutional amend
ment method is presented on the
floor he will vote for it.
He made it clear he was not advo
cating that as a substitute for a
direct Federal statute, but would
support it if it comes before the
Senate. He summed up the differ
ences of opinion as follows:
Some Senators anxious to-get rid
of poll taxes feel the constitutional
amendment process would be too
Other Senators who also want
poll taxes abolished feel that since
the constitutionality of any repeal
bill probably would have to be
passed on by the courts eventually,
Congress might as well settle that
issue at the start by amending the
Senate Faces Night Session.
The only definite decision by the
Policy Committee was to keep the
Senate in session until 10 o’clock
tonight, but Senator Taft admitted
it was not being done with any hope
of breaking the filibuster by that
“I have stated my belief that it
is absolutely impossible to break this
filibuster,” Senator Taft continued.
“They (the Southern opponents of
the civil rights program) have made
it clear 20 Senators are ready to
talk indefinitely.”
Senator Taft agreed with other
Republicans who have reached the
conclusion the only way to break the
filibuster against civil rights legis
lation is to amend the Senate rules
when Congress returns in January.
No Adjournment Date Set.
Although no date for ending this
special session was agreed on this
morning, members of the Policy
Committee expect to adjourn by
Tuesday or Wednesday of next week,
after passing a limited program to
check inflation and encourage more
home building.
Asked why a night session is
planned for this evening if there is
(See CONGRESS, Page A-3.)
Taxi Driver Prevents Suicide,
Helps Trap Two After Robbery
Willard Steinberg, 31, a Navy vet
eran who now drives a taxicab here
used his radio telephone twice earlj
today to summon police aid altei
preventing a suicide and finding
two robbery suspects.
Mr Steinberg, who lives at 342
Parkland place SB., told police that
about 2:15 a.m. he and two passen
gers were driving across Key Bridge
to Arlington. ..
-I saw a man climbing over th*
rail,” Mr. Steinberg said, "so 1
stopped and ran across the bridge
There was considerable traffic, but
no one else stopped. •
"I grabbed the fellow, whc
weighed about 220 pounds, and
started twisting his arms when he
struggled. On* of my passenger*
ran up to help me and we took the
I fellow—wno saia ne anew wim uc
■was doing—back to the cab.
: "While I was calling Frank Gresh
am the night dispatcher of the
| Yellow Cab Co., the fellow tried to
| escape, but my passenger caught
"Within a few minutes of the time
I’d called signal three—our trouble
/•pii—police were on the scene.”
Police reported the would-be sui
cide—who protested to them that
he “wanted to go back and finish
jumping off the bridge”—later tried,
to strangle himself in his cell at
the seventh precinct. He was taken
to Galllnger Hospital for observa
Mr. Steinberg said he took his
unidentified passengers to Arlington
(See STEINBERG, Page A-3.)
Truman urges
4.3 Billion Tax
On Excess Profits
Dingell Says Levy
Would Protect Public
Against "Profiteers*
By the Associated Press
President Truman proposed to
Congress today a $4,300,000,000
'excess profits tax. One of its
congressional sponsors said it is
j designed to protect the public
'from “peacetime profiteers.”
j Representative Dingell, Democrat,
j of Michigan said he will introduce
[the tax bill tomorrow. He issued
a statement saying:
“With corporate profits after
taxes nearly 100 per cent above the
level of peak war year 1943, the con
suming public is entitled to protec
tion from the peacetime profiteers.”
Patterned After War Measure.
'The bill is patterned after the
wartime excess profits tax. The
exemptions, however, are larger and
the graduated tax considerably
softer than the 85.5 per cent war
time excess profits levy.
The measure, as did the wartime
levy, proposes to tax corporations
on the basis of invested capital or
their average profits between 1935
and 1939.
Before a corporation would be
taxed under it, it could add 40 per
cent to its average profits for the
1935-1939 period, plus $50,000.
The tax on profits exceeding 140
per cent of the base period would
begin at 50 per cent. The gradu
ated tax would run to a maximum
of 30 per cent on profits in excess
of 175 per cent of the 1935-1939
Exemptions Are Allowed.
In addition to the $50,000 exemp
tion for all corporations, another
$50,000 exemption would be allowed
for corporations formed since Janu
ary 1, 1940.
Mr. Dingell said the excess profits
tax would contribute to the fight
against inflation in four main ways:
1. It would go far toward restor
ing a surplus of Government re
ceipts over expenditures, "which
should be one of the Government’s
principal weapons against inflation.”
2. It would remove $4,300,000,000
of purchasing power from large cor
3. The tax should contribute to
wage stabilization in that "extraor
dinary business profits are undoubt
edly one of the two major factors
giving rise to demands for wage in
4. The levy, limited to larger cor
porations, would be "an inducement
to the dominant producers and
price-setters in an industry to avoid
further price increases to whatever
the traffic will bear, since so large
a part of the price increase would
be paid over to the Government.”
More Rain Forecast
With High in Mid-80s
The thermometer will supplement
the clock in determining quitting
hours for District government em
ployes the rest of the summer, but
current interest should be raincoats •
and umbrellas.
More showers were seen in the
Weather Bureau's forecast for the
next few days. Rain was predicted
for late today and again Wednes
day with maximum temperatures in
the mid-80s on both days.
There is little prospect in the
next few days that the District will
apply its new hot weather quitting
policy, adopted yesterday to let
most employes off when the tem
perature reaches 90 and the humid
ity 70 per cent or more.
Even those conditions won't con
stitute a free afternoon.
They won’t apply unless super
visors agree. Neither will they apply
to employes “in quarters reasonably
well adapted to hot weather, even
though the employe is experiencing
The policy is identical with that
adopted by the Federal Govern
Morning showers sprinkled early
risers today. The low this morning
was 73 degrees at 7:14 am.
House Committee Approves
Loan for U.N. Headquarters
By tha Associated Press
The House Foreign Affairs Com
Imittee today approved legislation to
ilend the United Nations $65,000,000
for construction of permanent head
quarters in New York City.
The legislation, already passed by
the Senate, may be called up in the
House for action tomorrow.
The money would be advanced to
the U. N. under an agreement that
it be repaid in annual installment*
starting July 1, 1951, and ending
not later than July 1, 1982. The
loan will not bear Interest.
Passage of the legislation has been
i requested by President Truman.
3 Reported Killed in Crash
Of Plane Near Marlinsburg
By tt» Associated Prats
MARTINSBURG, W. Va., Aug. 3.
—Three men were reported killed
today in the crash of a light air
plane on a mountainside about 3
miles southwest of Martins burg.
State troopers, the Berkeley
County coroner and an ambulance
left for the scene on the John Mil
ler orchard near Gerrardstown.
Late News
President Returns
President Truman returned
here this afternoon. His
plane, the Independence,
landed at National Airport at
1:19 pjn. after a flight of S
hours and 21 minutes from
Kansas City, Kans.
(Earlier Story on Page A-S. )

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