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r (Tarfca of Sljiutkfl SMITH. BESSIE CARTER. We, the fam (lly of the late Mrs. BESSIE CARTER SMITH, gratefully acknowledge the beau tiful floral tributes and other expressions of sympathy by neighbors, friends and (relatives at the passing of our loved one. DEVOTED HUSBAND. FRANK SMITH, AND FAMILY. WILSON, FRANKLIN CHARLES. The family of the late FRANKLIN CHARLES W'lLSON wish to thank the many friends, f neighbors and speakers for their kind ex pressions of sympathy, for their many cards of condolence, for their many I thoughful gifts and for the many floral * tributes at the passing of our beloved son . and brother. THE W’lLSON FAMILY. 6* ( Oratba AKERS. JOHN THOMAS. On Novembe* 10, 1944. tn the Ruhr section. France, JOHN THOMAS AKERS, beloved husband of Catherine M. Akers, father of Thomas N. Akers and brother of Charles H. Akers. Benjamin F. Akers. Dessie F. Holmes. Eva E. Asheton. Ruth E. Duffy, Mary L. Ross and Dora V. • Dalllmont. Services and interment Wed Sesday, August 4, 1948, at 2 p.m.. In Ar ngton National Cemetery. Relatives and friends Invited. 4 BARBOUR. GEORGE H. On Tuesday. August 3, 1948, at his residence, "SS'-a 12th st, s e,. GEORGE H. • BARBOUR, beloved father of Mrs. Gertrude Moran. Mrs. Ruth • I Keepe. Mrs. David Holmes, Mrs I Fannie Dosher. Norman W. and > Arthur C. Barbour, and Mrs. Mary Cooper. Services at Chambers' Fu ' neral home, 517 11th st. s e . on Friday, August 6. at 9:39 a.m. Interment Ar * Ungton National Cemetery. 5 BERNARD, MARIE DE LOFFRE. On Friday, July 30. 1948. at her home. 347 Parland pi.. San Antonio, Tex.. MARIE DE LOFFRE BERNARD, aged 63 years. She is survived by her husband. Col. Thomas P. Bernard; her daughters. Mrs. Frances B. Sampson and Mrs. Alice B. McLennan, and live grandchildren. In terment In Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery. 4 BROOKE. CHARLES W. On Friday, July 23. 1948. CHARLES W BROOKE be loved lather of Mrs. Margaret L. Dener and Mrs. Dorothy M. Salvo of Cheverly, Md. Services at Chambers' Funeral Home, 5801 Cleveland ave.. Riverdale, Md.. on Thursday. August 5. at 10 a.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 4 CLAUSEN. JAMES R. Suddenly, on Saturday. July 31. 1948, JAMES R. CLAUSEN, beloved husband of Jensme R. Clausen of 1440 R st. n.w. Services at Chambers' Funeral Home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Thursday, August 5, at 10.JO a.m. Interment private. CORNELL, WESLEY E. On Monday. August 2, 1948. at Georgetown University Hospital, WESLEY E. CORNELL of 714 Oakland st. north. Arlington, Va.. husband of Maude F. Cornell and father of Thelma M. Cornell. Remains resting at the Ives Funeral Home, 2847 Wilson blvd., Arling ton. Va., where funeral services will be held on Thursday. August 5. at 1 p.m. Interment Columbia Gardens Cemetery. CRAIG. WILLIAM BRADDOCK On Mon day August 7. 1948. WILLIAM BRADDOCK CRAIG of 2574 Sherman ave. n.w.. hus band of Evelyn Craig. He also is sur vived by four sons, Westly. Oscar. Morris and Samuel Craiy: five daughters. Uhlan Branham. Alma, Anna, Florence and Eve lyn Craig; six grandchildren and other relatives and friends. Remains resting with L. E. Murray A Son. 13.17 10th• st. n w.. where funeral services will be held Friday. August 6. at 1 p.m . Rev. Robin son officiating. Interment in Lincoln Me morial Cemetery 0 CROWN. LOUIS SAMUEL, SR. On Tuesday, August 3. 1948. LOUIS SAMUEL CROWN. Sr., beloved husband of the late Bertha Crown (nee Helm) and father of De Lois Lanigan. Genevieve Overmyer and Louis Samuel Crown. Jr Funeral from the Timothy Hanlon Funeral Home, 641 H st. n.e., on Friday, August 6. at 8.30 a.m. Requiem mass at Holy Name .Church at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 5 DAGER, LILLIAN J. On Tuesday. Au gust 3. 1948. at her residence. b629 1st at n w . LILLIAN J. DAGER- beloved wife of the late Dr. William Frederick Dager. mother of Mildred L. Dager Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Friday. August 6. at - p m. Interment Arlington National Ceme tery. Please omit flowers. (Lorain and Cleveland, Ohio, papers please copy.) 5 DAVIS. STEPHEN WASHINGTON. On Monday, August 2. 1948, at his home. 3 Linden st.. Alexandria. Va.. STEPHEN WASHINGTON DAVIS, husband of Etta Davis and brother of Walter C. Davis. Mrs. William Lyles. Mrs J. T. R”v,f* ?nvd Mrs Harry Davis. Funeral Thursday. August 3. at 2 p.m.. from the Cunningham Funeral Home, Alexandria, Va. Inter ment Ivy Hill Cemetery. DAVIS, STEPHEN W. A special com munication of King David Lodge, A No. 28. F. A. A. M., is called for Thursday. August 5, 1948, at fJjNlA 12:30 p.m.. for the purpose ot SfilY giving Masonic burial to our late AS#* brother. STEPHEN W. DAVIS. Nc Members are requested to attend. JAMES B. McDANIEL, Master. SMITH H. PURDUM, Secretary. 4 DOYLE, ALLYN GLORIA. On Monday August 2. 1948, at Suourban Hospital ALLYN GLORIA DOYLE of 4801 Mont gomery lane. Bethesda Md.. beloved daughter of Ruth C. and C. Eugene Doyla Remains resting at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Funeral Home of Wm. Reuben Pam phrey, Bethesda. Md.. where funeral serv ices will be held Wednesday, August 4. at I p.m. Interment private. 4 FAIRS. WILLIE. On Saturdav. July 31 1948. WILLIE FAIRS of 808 New Jersey ave n.w.. beloved husband of Sadie Fairs, father of William Fairs. Eleanor Brown and Willie Mae Hill: brother of Anna Murphy. Lucille Jones and Eddie Fairs, be also leaves 3 grandchildren, othei relatives and friends. Friends may call at the W Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 14.1. TJ st n w. after 10 a.m. Wednesday. Au gust 4. Funeral services Thursday. Au gust 5, at 1 p.m.. at the above funeral church. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Arlington National Cemetery. 4 rUNERAIi DIKEUTOM8._ In Case of Death Call One of the Largest Undertaker* In the World Complete Funerals $95 to $2,000 Tout Lane Tu+eral Hornet Phone CO. 0432 V. L. SPEAKE CU. Neither successor to nor conneetert wlth the orlflnal W. R. Speare establishment. 1009 H S». N.W. National 2>P2 j. William Lee’s Sons Co. 4th and Mass. Ave. NJE ^ 6200 FUNERAL DIRECTORS* Crematorium _ FRANK GEIER'S SON CO. funeral home 3605 14th St N W. HObart 2336 NEW ENLARGED PARLORS Formerly at 1113 7th St N.W. Established FUNERAL DES1UINS. GEO. C. SHAFFER. Inc. FXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES. PHONE NA. 0100 Cor. 14th & Eye °and Sunda* FLQWERS CHAMBERS hos complete Flower Shop. Funeral Designs Special! $3. $4, $5, $6, $7. $10, up to $200 -CALL CO. 0432 j CHACONAS FLOWERS Beautiful FLORAL PIECES. *6.00 an* at “ DELIVERED taoo 14th Bt. N.W'. Ph»n» PC. 7121 GUDE BROS. CO. lndlTidaally designed Wreath* and Epran Charge account* opened by Phone 1212 F St. N.W.—NAtional 42.6 ambulances._ AMBULANCES i DOCTORS CALL • CHAMBERS • For Ambulance, CO. *43*. One of the finest fleets in the world. Rates: *10 np to 10 mile radios. Expert attendants. > CALL C t 0432 Brath* FAIRS, WILLIE. A special communica tion ol Felix Lodge. No. 3, F. A. A. M . will be held at the Scot tish Rite Temple. 1633 11th st. n.w.. on Thursday, August 6. 1948. at 11:30 a.m.. to attend the funeral of WILLIE FAIRS, from the W. Ernest Jarvis Fu neral Church. 1432 You st. n.w., at 1 p.m. Officers meet at the lodge, members at the above funeral church JAMES C. NEWTON. W. M. CHARLES C. CARTER, Secretary. FARRELL PVT. GEORGE D. On De cember 22. 1944. in Belgium, Pvt. GEORGE D. FARRELL. 38th Infantry. 2nd Division, beloved son of Mrs. Josephine M. Far rell and the late John E. Farrell. Graveside services will be held on Thursday. August 5, 1948. at 2 p.m., in Arlington National Cemetery. • FLETCHER, EMILY. On Tuesday. Au gust 3. 1948. at Doctors Hospital, EMILY FLETCHER of 3337 Military rd. n.w.. be loved wife of Edward B. Fletcher, mother of Courtney Fletcher, sister of Mrs. Edwin S. Clarkson and grandmother of Mrs. Betty Mills Remains resting at the S. H Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w. No tice of funeral later. FRANKLIN. HELEN MARGARET. On Friday. July 30, 1948. HELEN MARGARET FRANKLIN of 732 Barnes st. n.e.. be loved wife of Jerry Franklin and mother of Jerry Franklin, ir. Other survivors are mother. Mrs. Mable Howard; father. Rich ard Howard: grandmother. Mrs. Maggie Stevens: cousin. Bettye Bryant: aunt. Dr W. O. I. Byrom. and a host of other rela tives and frienas. Friends may call at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 1432 You st. n.w.. after 10 a.m.. Wednes day. August 4. Funeral services Thurs day. August 5 at 12 noon at the above funeral church Rev. James L. Plnn of ficiating. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 4 green. STEPHEN. On Monday, Au gust 2, 1948, STEPHEN GREEN of 1314'/a Wallach pi. n.w., beloved husband of Mrs. Beatrice Green, son of Mrs. Sarah Thomas, brother of Elijah Green and Mrs. Mar guerite Smith of Chicago, 111.; nephew of Browder Johns and son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Braxton. He also leaves other relatives and friends. After 11 a.m. Thursday, August 5, friends may call at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 1432 You st. n.w. Funeral services Friday. Au gust 6. at 2:30 p.m., at the above funeral church. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Harmony Cemetery. 5 HARRIS. PVT. IRVING J. On October 8, 1944. in France. PVT IRVING J. HARRIS, beloved father of Daniel Michael and Irving Jack Harris. He is also survived by his parents, Mary and Harry Harris, and two sisters, Vicki Harris and Mrs. Bea Wattenberg. Funeral services at the Bernard Danzansky 4c Son Funeral Home, 3501 14th st. n.w.. on Thursday. August 5, at 11 a.m. In terment Tifereth Israel Cemetery. 4 HARRIS. PVT. IRVING J. Members of all posts of the District of Columbia Department of Jew ish War Veterans are re quested to attend funeral services for PVT. IRVING J HARRIS at Bernard Danzan sky & Son Funeral Home. __ 3501 14th st. n.w., Thurs day. Ausus,LouVs GOLDBERG. Comdr. : FALK HARMEL. Adj. * HEAD. REUBEN M. Suddenly, on Mon day. August 2. 1948. at. his residence. .0 | Columbia rd. n.w*. REUBEN M. ir I Funeral services and interment will be : private in Pittsburgh. Pa. HEILPRIN. SOPHIE. On Friday, July 30 1948. at her dauchter s home In Cam bridge Mass.. SOPHIE HEILPRIN. wife of the late Giles F. Heilprin and mother ol Mrs. Minnie H. Horwitz of Cambridge, Mass.: Miss Frances Heilprin. Mrs. Mar ion H Poliak. Mrs. Gertrude Smoleff of New York City, Mrs. Ruth Oneill of Cor onado. Calif.; William A. Heilprin ol Washington. D- C. Also survived by asuter. Miss Bertha Baar of New York City, and seven grandchildren two children. Funeral and interment private. Please omit flowers. Friends may send remembrance donations to the Washing ton Home for Foundlings. ’ HESTER. SYLVESTER HENRY Sud denly. on Sunday. August 1. 1948. SYL VESTER HENRY HESTER of 6th and Lin coln rd.. Glen Arden. Md . beloved hus band of Marion Hester. He also is sur vived by four sons, one daughter, five brothers and othef,Je,1*£,,,ar'j2vII,leson Remains resting with L. L. Murray & gon 1337 10th st. n.w.. where funeral service, will be held Thursday. August 5. at l o m Rev Roy officiating. Interment in Wood lawn Cemetery. 1 Au?uWYI94CTf« A%J»f Sfig 0,Fne'ndttemJaymc!nTafn£.wlere Chapel. 1756 Pa. ave n.w., where service* will be held on Thursday, August 6, at * p.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. JOHNSON, JENNIE. On Monday. Au gust 2. 1948, JENNIE JOHNSON Of 311£ 13th st. n.w., wife of the late Lancy John son, beloved mother of Elizabeth Green grandmother of Doris Blunt, sister of Alsor and Thomas Armstrong. Anna Height ■Corinne Hines and May Archer Smalls She also leaves other relatives and friends Friends may call at the W. Ernest Jarvli Funeral Church. 1432 You st. n.w.. aftei 1 p.m. Wednesday. August 4. runera services Thursday, August 5. at2:30D.m. at the above funeral church. Rev. Game! officiating. Relatives and friends Invlttd Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 4 KING, GEORGE W. On Wednesday August 4. 1948. at Sibley Hospital GEORGE W. KING, beloved brother pi Mr. Edward King and Mrs. Gertrude Burns, both of - Montgomery County. Md Remains resting at Hysong s Funeral Home 1300 N st. n.w.. where services will be held on Friday, August 6. at 2 p.m. Rela tives and friends Invited to attend. In terment Glenwood Cemetery. 6 LAVENDER. HATTIE HUTCHINSON Suddenly, on Monday, August_2. 1J48 HATTIE HUTCHINSON LAVENDER, be loved wife of Chief Petty Officer Casey Lavender, beloved daughter of Mrs. Karie Hutchinson, sister of Mrs. Lucille Thomas of Chicago. 111.; Mrs. Mattie Davis. Mrs. Rachel Durham of Anderson, S C., and T. C. Hutchinson of Chicago, 111.; grand daughter of Mrs. Anna Hill of Anderson. S C. She also leaves other relatives and friends. Friends may call at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 1432 You st. n w.. from fi p.m. Thursday, August o, until 8 p.m. Friday, August 8. Funeral and Inter ment Anderson, S. C. Family at 1401 Newell st.. Anderson. S. C. o LAWRENCE. CHARLES T. On Monday, August 2. 1948. at Casualty Hospital CHARLES T. LAWRENCE, beloved husband of Sara S. Lawrence, father of Charles T. Lawrence, jr. Services at Chambers- Fu neral Home. 617 Ilth st. s.e., on Wednes day. August 4, at 8 p.m. Services at Lewistown. Pa., on Thursday. August 5, at 8 p m. Interment Miflllnburg. Pa. (Ports mouth, Va., papers please copy.) 4 LOEFLER, PFC. ROBERT E. Killed In - France. November 12. 1944. PFC ROBERT E. LOEFLER. beloved son of James A. and Edna G. IEkS Loefler, 4113 Farragut st.. Hy Igssg attsvllle, Md : brother of James, Francis. John and Mary Loefler. Reburial services at Arlington National Cemetery at 2 p.m. Thurdsay. August 6, 1948. Relatives and friends invited. * MENDEZ. IGOR. Suddenly, on Monday. August 2. 1948. IGOR MENDEZ of 1/15 Varnum st. n w., son of Mrs. Bianka Mendez, brother of Luby Mendez. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2991 14th st. n.w.. on Thursday. August 5, at 8:30 a.m.: thence to the Shrine of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, lfith st. and Park rd. n.w.. where the holy sacrifice of the mass will be offered at 9 a.m. for the repose of his soul. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. MILSTEAD. WILLIAM T. On Tuesday, August, 3. 1948. at his home. Burnt Mills. Md. WILLIAM T. MILSTEAD. beloved husband of Mary P. Milsteari. Mr. Mil stead rests at the Warner E. Pumphrey Funeral Home. 8434 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring, Md. Services on Thursday. Au gust 6. at 2 p.m.. at the Marvin Memorial Methodist Church. Four Corners, Md. In | terment Layhlll Cemetery. PLUMMER. MARY C. On Monday. Au; gust 2. 1948. at her residence. 282o Georgia ave. n.w . MARY C. PLUMMER, wife of the late William A. Plummer and mother of Mrs. Catherine L. Stewart. Mrs. Agnes T. Rogers, Joseph L. William A., jr.: James A . George A.. Charles E. and the late Walter A. Plummer. Also surviving are thirteen grandchildren, six greatgrand children and other relatives and many friends. After noon Thursday friends are invited to call at her late residence. Solemn high reauiem mass will be offered at St. Augustine's Catholic Church Friday, August 8. at 10 a.m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Arrangements by Mc Guire. 6 PLUMMER. MARY. MemDers ni ine Willing Helpers’ Society are hereby noti fied of the death of MARY PLUMMER, on Monday. August 2, 1948. Funeral on Fri day August 6. at 10 a.m., from St. Augustine's Church. 15th st. between R and S sts. n.w. All members are Invited to *UejI^SEPHIN!. BUTLER, President. MARIETTA TWEESDALE. Rec. Sec. PLUMMER. MARY. St. Augustine's Auxiliary. No. 73. and District Auxiliary, No 2. Knights of St. John, are hereby notified of the death of Sister MARY PLUMMER Call meeting Thursday, Au gust 5. 1948, at 8 o’clock, at her late residence. 2825 Georgia ave. n w. Funeral | Friday, August 6. at 10 a.m., from St. Augustine's Church. I HENRIETTA CARTER, President. LOUISE MIDDLETON, Rec. Sec. • i PLUMMER. MARY C. Officers and mem Ibers of the Catholic Beneficial Society are I herebv notified of the death of Sister , MARY C. PLUMMER Call meeting at her late residence. 2825 Georgia ave. n.w.. on Thursday, August 5. 1948, at 8 p.m. Fu neral from St. Augustine’s Catholic Church on Friday. August 6, at 10 a.m. Inter ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. CHARLOTTE LUCKETT. President. MARY SHIRLEY. Rec. Sec. PROCTOR, JAMES LOUIS. Entered into eternal rest on Wednesday. August 4 1948. at Providence Hospital. JAMES LOUIS PROCTOR of Oxon Hill. Md,. lovlm father of Mrs. Eleanor Griffith. Mrs. Eller I Proctor. Mrs. Mabel Proctor and Mr. Ear Proctor. He also is survived by one sis. ter. Mrs. Annie Proctor: twelve grandchil dren. six nieces, four nephews, other rela tives and many friends. Remains restlni at the John T. Rhines & Co Funeral Home 13rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of funera I later. CEMETERY LOTS. FORT LINCOLN, beautiful lot, 6 sites will sacrifice. WA. 6616._—6 FORT LINCOLN CEMETERY, one lot. i sites, near lake; will sell $150 under pres ent price. SH. 7255. S« HEARSES FOR SALE. CADILLAC 1940; superior body; origins cost. $7,500; will sell for $1,750. 6QUAR1 DEAL MOTORS. T-B. Md. Brandywtm « PACKARD, Hayne body; original *4.500 sell for $1,500. SQUARE DEAL MOTORS T-B. Md. Brandywine 5333. —6 4 Cardinal Sibilia, 87, College of Cardinals' Oldest Member, Dies By the Associated Press VATICAN CITY, Aug. 4.—Enrico Cardinal Sibilia, 87, oldest member |of the College of Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church,, died to day at Anagni his birthplace, it was announced here. L Cardinal Sibi I lia was Bishop 1 of Sabina and * Poggio Mirteto. f His death leaves 11 vacancies in k the College Car » dinals, which at ■ full strength has ■ 70 members. i He had been I ill with heart Cardinal sibiiia. months. Or dained a priest in 1884, he was chaplain of Rome's St. Agnes Church until he entered the Vati can diplomatic service in 1890. His first assignment was auditor of the nunciature in Bogota, Colom bia. Subsequently he served in Vati can diplomatic posts in Brazil, in Belgium and in Spain. For a time he was apostolic delegate to Chile. In 1908, Pope Pius X created him titular Bishop of Side. He served for some years as vicar of Rome's patriarchal Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore and after World War I became papal nuncio to Austria. At the consistory of December 16, 1935, he was made a cardinal by Pope Pius XI. By virtue of his age and seniority he was entitled to the office of dean of the College of Cardinals, a post vacated by the death last February of Gennaro Cardinal Granito Pigna telli di Belmonte. Cardinal Sibiiia never was able to assume the post, however, because of ill health. $215,000 Estate Left By Mrs. Charles J. Bell The late Mrs. Charles J. Bell, one of Washington's great hostesses In the early years of the century, left an estate valued at more than $215, 000, a petition for probate of her will filed at District Court disclosed yesterday. Mrs. Bell died on July 16 at the age of 86 in New York City. A will dated October 11, 1941, and a codicil of May, 1945, leave the bulk of the estate to her son, Robert Bell, ol New York. The petition was filed by the American Security & Trust Co., oi which Mrs. Bell's late husbanc formerly was president. It listed the estate as including $4,906 in cash $204,149 in stocks, bonds and notef and $6,000 in jewelry. Jn addition Mrs. Bell left real estate in Novs Scotia valued at $2,000, it said. The document said outstanding bank loans total $29,900 and there are other unsecured debts totaling about $4,000. Mrs. Bell, the former Grace B Hubbard, once was mistress of Twin Oaks. It is now the Chinese Em bassy. and a portion of the prop erty is the estate of Mr. and Mrs Joseph E. Davies. ibatiiii SABB. LEON. On Sunday, August 1 1948. LEON SABB of 468 H st. s.w . sot of Janie Sabb. He also leaves one broth er. Alvin Sabb: five aunts, five uncles ant many other relatives and friends. Friendi may call at Eugene Ford's Funeral Chapel 1213 4th st. s.w . on Thursday, August 6 after 4 p.m Remains will be shipped ti Lone Star. S. C., on Friday, August 6. 1 SHIKLET. 1st LT. WILBUR C. (KAGLEI On October 2d, 1944. in France 1st Lt WILBUR C. (KAGLE SHIRLEY, beloved aon ol Ernes L. and Lillie M. Shirley ant brother of Ralph A , Carl B. Charles W., James H. and Con rad M. Shirley: Mrs. Pearl Wal ters. Mrs. Sara McDonald and Mrs. Dora dean Carroll. Services and interment or Friday, August 6. 1948, at 2 p.m.. ir Arlington National Cemetery. Relativei and friends invited. 5* SMITH. ALICE V. On Tuesday, Augusl 3, 1948. at her home. Four County Farm Mount Airy, Md., ALICE V. SMITH, be loved wife of the late David W. Smith mother of Willard R. Smith of Mount Airy Md.; Mrs. Harry Wagner. Mrs. David M Jones. Mrs. Motie B. Smithson, Mrs. Ar trur F. Zepp and Mr. J. Paul Smith, all ol Washington, D. C.: sister of Mrs. Alva W Mullineaux. Remains resting at her lat< residence, where funeral services will b< held Friday. August 6. at 1 p.m. Inter ment Pine Grove Cemetery, Mount Airy Md. 6 SMITH. DORSET O. On Tuesday. Au gust 3. 1948. at Sibley Hospital. DORSET O. SMITH, beloved husband of Marguerit; S. Smith and father of Patricia Elaine and Douglas Smith. He also is survived bs four brothers. Rev. Clifford C. Smith ol Colfax. Wash.: Wilford P. Smith ol Spokane, Wash.: Winton S. Smith of Mont clair, N J . and Robert L. Smith of Ta coma. Wash. Remains resting at Hysong'; Funeral Home. 1300 N st. n.w. Funeral services will be held Friday. August b. at 10:30 a.m., at the First Church of tht Nasarene, 7th and A sts. n.e. Relative; and friends invited to attend. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. (Moscow Idaho, papers please copy.) 6 SMITH. LURA COOK. On Monday. Au gust 3, 1948, at her residence, 3101 North Rolfe st., Arlington Va.. LURA COOK SMITH, beloved wife Of Wiley C. Smith and mother of W'ilev C. Smith, jr.. and Richard C. Smith. Remains resting al the Ives Funeral Home. 3847 Wilson blvd Arlington. Va., until Friday, August 6, al 3 p.m.: thence to Fort Myer Chapel, wher; services will be held at 3:30 p.m. Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. SPOTSWOOD. GERTRUDE. Departed this life on Monday. August 3, 1948. a! the Alexandria Hospital. Alexandria. Va. GERTRUDE SPOTSWOOD of 1306 Madi son st., Alexandria. Va.. devoted wife ol George E. Spotswood and loving mothei of Hiltrude and George E. Spotswood. jr She also is survived by two aunts. Mary Oda and Irene Smith, and other relative; and friends. Remains resting at Arnold ; Funeral Home. 311 North Patrick st.. Alex andria. Va. Notice of funeral later. TRUSELL, JESSE. Departed this life on Monday. August 3. 1948. al Ma Veterans' Hospital, Perry Point WH Md.. JESSE TRUSELL, beloved husband of the late Juanita L' " Trusell. loving father of Mrs ■ Marie Martin, Mrs. Edna Martin Clarence. James and Shirley Trusell. Othei relatives and many friends also survive Remains resting at the John T. Rhines & Co. Funeral Home. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w where relatives and friends may call or Sunday, August 8. after 13 noon, anc where funeral services will be held or Monday. August 9. at 1 p.m . Rev. Spotts wood Williams officiating Interment Ar lington National Cemetery. 4.,.8 VON TOERNE, EMMA. On Mcroay August 2, 1948. at her residence. 1636 Kenyon st. n.w.. Miss EMMA VON TOERNE daughter of Mrs. August Von Toerne. sis ter of Oscar Von Toerne. Mrs. S. W. Wlne brenner and Mrs. C. W. Simonson. Serv ices at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Friday. August 6 at 10 am. Interment Cedar Hill Ceme tery. P WATSON. 2nd LT. ROLAND G. Or April 28, 1946. at Flein. Germany. 2nd Lt ROLAND G. WATSON, beloved sor of Charles C. and Effle M. Watson and I brother of Charles A.. Eslin S . Noel L i and Margaret E. Watson, and Mrs. Murle I. Canter. Friends are Invited to call at the Ritchie Bros. Funeral Home. Uppci Marlboro. Md. Services st Epiphanj Church. Forestville. Md . on Thursday August 5. 1948. at 2 p.m. Interment ir church cemetery. 4 WILLIAMS, FRED. Departed this lift on August 3. 1948. Mr. FRED WIIilAMfi of 1704 Vermont ave. n.w., Apt. 3. Tht remains are resting at the Hall Bros. Fu neral Home. 621 Florida ave. n.w. Notlct of funeral later. WILLIAMS. PAUL LEI.AND. On Tues day. August 3, 1948. at Walter Reed Hos pital. PAUL LSLAND WILLIAMS of 143! Spring rd. n.w.. beloved husband of Almi I Lee Williams, father of Wayne Lelant Williams, brother of Mrs. Robert B. AP - pleby. nephew of Mrs. George Oaubats Miss Estelle Goyeau and Mr. Rebel P Goyeau. Remains resting at the S. H Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th st n.w. Funeral services at Fort Mye Chapel. Fort Myer. Va.. on Friday. Au gust 6. at 10 a.m. Interment Arlingtoi i National Cemetery. 6 WOMACK. ROBERT HOWARD. Oi Tuesday. August 3. 1948. at the Umte< States Naval Medical Center. Bethesda Md. ROBERT HOWARD WOMACK 0 1624 Abingdon dr., Alexandria, Va.. th beloved husband of Goldie Son Womack dear father of Mrs. Wyman L. Wills o St. Louis. Mo . and Mrs. H. E. Rupert, jr. of Washington. D. C. Remains resting a Chambers' Funeral Home. 30,2 M st , I n.w. Services and Interment Flat River Mo. NEW YORK.—PORTUGUESE TRAINING SHIP DEPARTS—The three-masted training bark Sagres, with Portuguese cadets aboard, cast off its lines from its Hudson river berth yesterday for a return trans-Atlantic crossing to Portugal. The sailing vessel touched at New England before coming to New York. Cadets and sailors manned the yards as tugs aided the ship from its pier. —AP Wirephoto. Pvt. Harris' Reburial Rites Will Be Held Tomorrow Reburial services for Pvt. Irving J. Harris. 26, infantryman, who was killed in France October 8, 1944, will be held at 11 a.m. tomorrow at the Danzansky Funeral Home, 3501 Fourteenth street N.W. Burial will be in Tifereth Is rael Cemetery. A native of W a shin gton, Pvt. Harris was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Harris, 1347 T e wkesbury place N.W. He was graduated from McKinley r»t. Harris. High School and the University of Maryland. In college he played the drums with the school orchestra. After graduation he formed his own band and played for school and frater nity dances in Washington. He had been employed at the*Bureau of En graving and Printing for four years before joining the Army in 1944 Pvt. Harris served with the 80th Division. Surviving besides his parents are his widow, who has remarried, anc two sons, Daniel Michael, 6, and Irving Jack, 4, and two sisters, Miss Vicki Harris and Mrs. Bea Watten berg, both of Washington. D. C. Advisory Unit Named On Egress Law Enforcement The Commissioners have ap pointed an 18-man permanent ad visory committee to co-operate ir enforcing the new fire egress regu lations. The committee is made up of A Hamilton Wilson, chairman of the Washington Building Congress; Watson B. Rulon of the Washington Restaurant Association. James A Cassidy of the Washington Board ol Trade, A. Julian Brylawski of the Motion Picture Owners of Metro politan Washington, Joseph H. Abel of the American Institute of Archi tects, Charles J. Bauer of the Build ing Owners’ and Managers' Associa tion. Also Frank E. Weakley of the Washington Hotel Association, Alvin Aubinoe of the Home Builders’ As sociation of Metropolitan Washing ton, Fire Marshal Raymond Roberts Robert H. Davis, director of inspec tion, and Ray D. Kinney of the Building Inspection Department. Alternates appointed to the com mittee include William A. Denton, August H. Dressel, E. Northrup Read, Frank J. Duane, Marsha’] Davis, Bourbon Dawes and Preston Wire. Millstone Rewards 40-Year Search By th« Associated Press GALESBURG, Hi.—Forty years ago Glenn Glass began to look around for a pair of millstones. He set great store by them. His great grandfather had installed them, back in 1831, in the first water powered mill in Knox County. The mill was abandoned during the Civil War and the stones vanished, Mr. Glass picked up a few clues as the years went by. He learned one of the stones had been buried in a well. He gave up on that one. But recently he unearthed the other stone. It was under a barn on the Willard Johhson farm. in ifimnrimn CURTAIN. MARION J. In loving mem ory of my dear father. MARION J CUR TAIN. who passed away twenty-eight years ago today, August 4, 1920. In my heaft your memory lingers, You were loving, kind and true; There Is not a day that passes That I do not think of you. LOVING DAUGHTER, ELSIE DEAVERS. • MOY. MAMIE V. In sad but loving re membrance of our dear mother and moth er-in-law, MAMIE V. MOY. who departed this life one year ago today, August 4, 1947. Every day brings sweet memories, Every memory brings a tear: Deep within our hearts we cherish Thoughts of one we loved so dear. HER LOVINO SON AND DAUGHTER-IN LAW. PERCY AND ROSE MOY. • MOT, MAMIE V. In loving memory ol our dear aunt. MAMIE V. MOY. who died one year ego today, August 4, 1947. Sad and sudden was the call For one so dearly loved by all: A bitter grief and shock severe It was to part with one so dear HER NEPHEW, WALLACE, AND CHIL DREN. MURPHY. JOSEPH H. A tribute to th< memory of our devoted father. JOSEPH H MURPHY, who departed this life ten yeari ago today. August 4. 1938. Memories are treasures no one can steal Death leaves a heartache nothing can heal Some have lorgotten now that you ari ^ But w'lf'shail remember, no matter hoe DEVOTED DAUGHTERS. FRANCES DICK ENS AND ALICE JACKSON. * WHITE. L. NANNIE. In memory o: NANNIE L. WHITE, who departed thb life ten years ago today, August 4, 1938 , Sleep on, dear mother. I loved you. but God loved you best. DEVOTED DAUGHTER, VIVIAN WHIT] | DIQGINS. 1 WINDEAR. JAMES WILLIE In lovini 1 memory ol our dear son and brother ; JAMES WILLIE WINDEAR. who departet this life two years ago today, August 4 - 1946. To see you"slowly leave us. As helpless we stood by. We drained the cup of bitter grief The night we saw you die DEVOTED FAMILY. > Rites to Be Held Tonight For C. T. Lawrence, 67 Funeral services will be held at 8 o’clock tonight for Charles Thomas Lawrence, 67, retired Gov ernment employe, who died in Casualty Hospital Monday, after an illness of two months. The rites will be in Chambers funeral home, 517 Eleventh street S.E. Burial will be in Miffinburg, Pa. Mr._ Lawrence lived at 3160 M piace"S.E. and had been a resident of Washington for the past 17 years, I He started work as a young man in the Norfolk Navy Yard, where he learned the trade of a mechanic. After holding various other posts, he became an inspector of Naval ordnance at the Naval Gun Factory, from which position he retired on ' May 1. Mr. Lawrence had been a Mason ifor the past 35 years. He was also i a Knight Templar and a Mistic i Shrine member. Surviving are his widow, Mrs Sara S. Lawrence of the M place address; a son, Charles Thomas Lawrence, jr„ and two grandchil dren, Mrs. Alberta Harawav and Charles Thomas Lawrence III,- all of Richmond. William Milstead Dies; Building Superintendent William T. Milstead, 59. died yes terday at his home in Burnt Mills Md., after a long illness. A native of Charles County, Md. Mr. Milstead moved to Montgomerj County with his family as a child He was a gardener in Burnt Mill! until a year ago, when he became building superintendent at Marvir Memorial Methodist Church, Foui Corners. Surviving are his widow, Mrs Mary P. Milstead; three daughters Miss Beryl Milstead, Burnt Mills; Mrs. Edward Phillips and Mrs Ruth Scoville of Silver Spring; a son, William T. Milstead, jr., Green belt: three sisters, Mrs. Carrie Clark, Mrs. Agnes Kelly and Mrs. Ella Hearn, all of Washington, and two brothers, Louis Milstead, Sil ver Spring, and Cleveland Milstead, Arlington, Va. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the Marvin Me morial Church. Burial will be in the Layhill (Md.) Cemetery. — Christ Child Forum to Hold Benefit Rummage Sale Members of the Board of Christ Child Convalescent Farm will hold a rummage sale today through Sat urday at 1432 Wisconsin avenue N.W. for the benefit of the farm. The sale will be conducted from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily under chair manship of Mrs. Grace Sheridan. Odds and ends of furniture and a large assortment of clothes for men, women and children will be offered. Proceeds will go to help defray the deficit in the budget brought about by the failure of last fall’s Community Chest Federation cam paign to meet its goal. Charles Mabbett Travis, New York Lawyer, Dies Charles Mabbett Travis, 62, noted New York corporation lawyer be fore his retirement three years ago, died yesterday of a heart ailment at his home in Los Angeles, according to the Associated Press. Mr. Travis was bom in Brooklyn and was a graduate of Wesleyan University and the Columbia Uni versity Law School. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Irma Irving Travis, Los Angeles: a son, Sergt. Craig Travis, USMC, who is stationed in Hawaii; his mother, Mrs. Fannie Bell Travis, and sister, Mrs. W. Wendell Cleland, both of whom live at 3911 Jocelyn street N.W. here. Half-Mile-Long Dock On Columbia River Burns Sy Associated Press LONGVIEW, Wash., Aug. 4.—A half-mile-long cargo dock of the Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. on the Columbia River was swept by fire last night and may be a total loss. During the night a large crane toppled into the river and one of the four fire companies fighting the blaze reported loss of a fire truck. There were no reports of injuries among the 200 firemen. The dock adjoins one of the larg iest concentrations of lumber mills I in the region, but firemen prevented I spread of the flames to the plants. Wooden Cats Scare Pigeons CHICAGO <JP>— Pigeons got too pestiferous »t the Lincoln Park Zoo’s lion house and refreshment ; stand. So some dummy cats were placed on top of both buildings. The cats are made of wood. But the heads and tails are attached to the bodies with spring steel. The breezes move them. This makes them look lively enough to scare the pigeons away. \ Robert H. Womack, REA Specialist, Dies Robert H. Womack, 59, an in formation specialist with the Rural Electrification Administration here, died yesterday in Bethesda Naval Hospital after an illness of more than two months. He had been in the hospital three weeks. A native of New London, Mo., Mr. Womack worked as a reporter in Missouri after his high school grad uation. He later was employed with the National Lead and Smelting Co., in Desloge, Mo. From 1933 to 1941, Mr. Womack served here as secretary to former Representative Clyde Williams, Democrat, of Missouri. He joined the REA in St. Louis in 1942 and worked with the agency there for a year before returning to the Na tional Lead and Smelting Co. „ Mr. Womack had been with the REA here since 1945. His home was at 1624 Abingdon drive, Alexandria. He is survived by his widow, the former Goldie E. Son; his mother, Mrs. Suellen Womack, St. Louis; two daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Rupert, 1620 Seventeenth place S.E., and Mrs. Mary Mills, St. Louis; a sister, Miss Mary B. Womack, St. Louis, and two brothers, H. James Wo mack, St. Louis, and R. Norton Womack, Oklahoma City, Okla. Funeral services will be held at 3:30 p.m. Friday in Flat River, Mo., a suburb of St. Louis. Burial will be in St. Francois Cemetery, in Flat River. Maritime Agency Aide Found Dead A 53-year-old woman who told her janitor she did not feel like going out Saturday afternoon and retired to her room was found dead in her bed yesterday. She was believed to have died Sunday night. She was Miss Emma Von Toerne, an administrative assistant in the Maritime Commission for 30 years, i who lived In the St. Dennis Apart jments, 1636 Kenyon street N.W. The janitor, James C. Hurley, said he noticed her newspapers for Monday and Tuesday were not picked up. He said her office re ported she had not been at work. Clifford E. Kettler, building owner, called police who broke into Miss Von Toerne s room and found her. Mr. KettJer described Miss Toerne as a solitary person, one of whose interests seemed to be spiritualism. She held seartces every Saturday night, he said, and her room was filled with spiritualist Equipment, unusual foods and boxes and suit cases. Miss Von Toerne is survived by her mother. Mrs. Augusta Von Toerne, 2123 Eighteenth street N.W.; two sisters, Mrs. C. W. ! Simonson, 2518 Fort Scott road, i Arlington, and Mrs. S. W. Wine | brenner of Pittsburg, and a brother j Oscar Von Toerne of New York 1 City. I Funeral services will be at 10 I a.m. Friday in the Hines Funeral Home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W. I Burial will be in Cedar Hill | Cemetery. Mrs. C. H. Abbott, 10l7 Dies in North Carolina ly the Associated Press HENDERSONVILLE, N. C., AUg. 4.—Mrs. Caroline Hills Abbott, who on July 1 observed her 101st birth day, died yesterday. A native of Keene, N. H., Mrs. Abbott was born July 1, 1847. She was educated in Boston and lived for some years in New Hampshire and New York. After the death of her husband. Nathan Frederick Abbott, she moved to Florida, where she operated a private school and taught for 15 years at Rollins College. After the Spanish-American War she was an instructor of Cuban students at Harvard sent there on an exchange basis. Max Barash to Quit Geological Survey Post Max Barash, an attorney with the Interior Department since 1933 and chief counsel of the Geological Sur vey for the last five years, will re sign from Government service Au gust 30, it has been announced. Mr. Barash, who lives at 1704 North Troy street, Arlington, will go into private practice here. Before coming to Washington, he was in private practice in New York with the late Municipal Court Judge Nathan Margold. Mexican Reds Protests On U. S. Arrests Rejected By the Associated Press MEXICO CITY, Aug. 4.—United States Ambassador Walter Thurston made public yesterday his rejection of a protest against the arrest of United States Communist leaders. A committee of the Communist Party asked the Ambassador on July 22 to send his Government their "vehement protest against outrage committed on the persons of the principal leaders of the Communist Party of the United States.” The Ambassador, replying, said he would not forward the letter because it was an attempt to mix in United States affairs and because “it pre sents a deliberate distortion of the policies and actions of my Govern ment.” Sweden is 950 miles long and has an average width of 190 miles. THE NUMBER FOR i LUMBER j phone NA. 1348 | CELOTEX | Barker Lumbar ---COMPANY 649 N.YAr.N.W. • 1523 7Hi St.H.W. "Keep Rollin’ with Nolon” NOLAN VACATION AUTOMOBILE LOANS Favorable Rates 1 No Indorsers 1102 N«w Yirk Avt N.W. GrtybeoBd Bos Ttnaiaal Catholic U. Shrine Searched for 2 Errant Kittens Two kittens crept into the crypt of the National Shrine of the Im maculate Conception at Catholic University late yesterday and the custodian is confronted with the job of getting them out. The kittens entered through a window and dropped 12 feet down in air chute into the subbasement. The mother cat remained by the window, waiting anxiously for her two errant offspring and comforting a third. Rescue Squad No. 2 answered an appeal for help. Squad members spent 45 minutes exploring the subbasement and tunnels, one of which runs five blocks to the main heating plant. But they did not capture the kittens. The mother cat and her family are believed to have been living in the woods beyond the shrine and, according to a custodian, they have been playing hob with the rabbits. What the two kittens in the sub basement will exist on is a question. Church mice? "We may have a few, but not in the section where they are,” the custodian said. Admiralty Laws Invoked On 2 Held in Fight on Plane NEW YORK, Aug. 4. —United States admiralty laws were invoked yesterday to arrest two men passen gers accused of fighting over a bottle of rum during a plane flight from San Juan, Puerto Rico, to LaGuardia Field. The arrests were made on com plaint of the pilot, Capt. Anthony Machado, of Long Beach of Long Beach, Calif., who charged he was bitten on the left shoulder by one of the prisoners. The men identified themselves as Diego Cordova, 28. an Rutomobile mechanic, and Benito Santana, 34, merchant seaman, both of Brooklyn. They were turned over to FBI agents on the Federal charge al leging "unlawfully interfering with the navigation of an airplane and committing a Federal crime on the high seas, in violation of the United States admiralty laws.” Capt. Machado said his 60 pas sengers, including 26 women and 14 children, were upset by the in cident, but there was no panic. The plane was operated by Air America. 500 Nudists to Open New Jersey Convention By tho Associated Pros* MAYS LANDING, N. J., Aug. 4 — Nudist enthusiasts, members of the American Sunbathing Association, convened today for their annual convention at nearby Sunshine Park. Five hundred delegates were ex pected for the first meeting of the group held here since 1939. Sessions will be strictly in the nude, according to Dr. Ilsley Boone, 69-year-old superintendent of the 2,000-acre park, where "clothes of any kind are strictly forbidden, without special permission.” Dr. Boone, a pioneer in the nud ist movement in this country’, opened Sunshine Park in 1939 over the pro tests of local residents. The public is barred from the park, where some nudists spend summer vacations. The delegates, who began arriving yesterday, with their clothes on, will be housed and entertained at the park. Two • business sessions are scheduled daily, Dr. Boone said. 75 in Baltimore Seek Lane Probe in Assault By tho Associated Pros* BALTIMORE, Aug. 4. — Aroused by the grand jury’s exoneration of a 37-year-old man who had been charged with the attempted rape of a 6-year-old girl, 75 Baltimoreans have asked Gov. Lane and a Balti more City official to look into the case. The Governor, who requested and received a report from State’s At torney J. Bernard Wells, last night urged the petitioners and their neighbors to present him with new evidence if any such existed. The State’s attorney said in his report that the child could not have qualified as a witness in court because of her age, and that, in the lack of substantiating evidence, the case could not have been prosecuted successfully. Mr. Wells said he had urged the police to investigate fur ther. William J. Muth, vice president of the City Council and a recipient of the petition, has written to Police Commissioner Hamilton R. Atkin son to ask complete details on the case. Baltimore City Gets Strangling Case Again ly th« Atso<nW Pros* BALTIMORE, Aug. 4.—Baltimore City authorities once more were in charge today of prosecuting Dun can Livingstone, Jr., 25. for the fatal choking of his "date,” 18-year-old Shirley Will. A charge of "assaulting and chok ing” and causing the girl's death was placed against him in North eastern Police Court yesterday. Livingstone, under treatment for a bullet wound since Saturday, was transferred from Havre de Grace Hospital to City Hospital in Balti more, and placed under police guard. Miss Will’s body was found in his automobile early Saturday. Liv ingstone was bleeding profusely from his wound. The car had plowed into a ditch oft U. S. Route 40 at the edge of / Aberdeen, about 30 miles northeast i j of Baltimore in Harford County. Harford authorities decided that any crime involved was outside their jurisdiction. Baltimore County police then took over, for the couple had spent several hours last Friday night in a tavern just outside of Baltimore. City detectives thought Miss Will had been slain in Baltimore, City, but after talking with Livingstone yesterday decided to drop the case and give it back to Baltimore Coun ty. Later. Lt. Leo Kelly of the homicide squad had a talk with Livingstone and the decision was reversed. ■ Lt. Kelly said he had changed his story about the scene of the strangling. Col. Robert C. Eddy Dies; Headed MIT Department By Associated Press BELMONT. Mass., Aug. 4.—Col. Robert C. Eddy. 67, retired head of the Military Science Department at Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology, died Monday. Funeral serv ices will be held Friday. Col. Eddy was graduated from tha Military Academy in 1905 and at tended the Command and General Staff School and the Army War Colege. In 1918, he was assigned to Washington to organize and train heavy artillery for overseas service. He served in MIT's military science department between 1927 and 1931, the year of his retirement from the Army. Afterward he re mained at the institute as an asso ciate professor in the department of business and engineering adminis tration. MONUMENTS *40 up MARKERS »I5t FALVEY .GRANITE CO. INC AhMiWMKM 209 UPSHUR ST N W /Vnrtf* Cm* Ctmtfttj iAviorijoo SINCE 1 883 *1 TAITAVIIU FUAERAL HOME 3519 FOURTEENTH ST. N.W. Corner el Spring Re ad [_ HObort 5900 _J 1L_ j James T. Ryan ) Funeral Director Air-Conditioned Home 1317 Pa. Ave. S.E. ATlantic 1700-1701 VFTFRANV Call this firm without VC forfeiting any veterans’ FAMILIES: ***9Jml dlowanceto -- which you are entitled 31 TEAM* FAMILY DIRECTION AND l _"”J' Night Phone Service tor your convenience until 11 P.M. If you with "Memo Chart*" we will he fled ta open oa* if lifted in telephone directory. ^ Special Funeral Sprtfyt and Chore* Flowert. w Till 9 p.m. ption* Dirt. 1300 9 p.m.-11 p.m. phon* OL. 2325 or OL 1931 Funeral Sprays, $5.00 mot h s». N.W.