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bisirict Links keam At Full Strength (or Baltimore Match Ralph Bogart, appointed by the , Maryland State Golf Association as captain of Washington's all-star amateur golf team that will meet Baltimore on Sunday, had contacted most of his 16-man team today and virtually was certain of playing the match without a substitution. Spencer Overton will captain Bal timore in the sixth annual match starting at 1:30 at Washington Golf and Country Club. Washington holds a 4-1 edge in the series. Bogart and Bobby Brownell will play the top twosome for the Dis trict while the team captain's other pairings are: Claude Rippy and Jim Gardner of Washington; Bob Mor ris and Billy Griffin of Prince Georges; Billy Shea of Congres sional and Ed Ault of Indian Spring; Volnev Burnett of Indian Spring and Don Miller of Kenwood; Ted Burrows of Manor and Buddy Shar key of Indian Spring: George Voigt of Prince Georges and Dick Melvin ot Kenwood, and Maury Nee and Buddy Bowie of Columbia. The match will be played on a three-point basis, one for each in dividual match and one for a best ball team of two golfers. Francis E. McArdle, vice president from Congressional, will be in charge of the match. The Baltimore team will be Over ton, Eddie Johnston. Roland Mae Kenzie, Robert E. Jones, William G. Eager, Stuart Foxweli. Herbert j Wagner, Ernie Caldwell, John De Ford, Mickey Behrend. Ken Scales John Quinn, Jess Dowling, jr.. Redmont Stewart, Eddie Meyer and Arnold Litman. Alternates will be Alex Knapp. Jack Emich. Hv Land and John MacKenzie while Washington's alternates will b» John Brawner, M. Parker Nolan. Rill Wenzel and Ed Semmler. Mrs. Harris Scores In Kenwood Golf I Mrs. Elbert Harris had strokes to spare in winning Kenwood's Board of Governors' Cup with an 82-9—73, yesterday over three players who tied for second, Mrs. A. J. Howard, 92-15—77; Mrs. E. C. Atwood, 92-15 77. and Mrs. Joseph Kerr. 94-17—77. Gross honors went to Mrs. Betty Meckley with an 84. Class B winners were Mrs. Ralph Sewell. 100-23—77: Mrs. Ed Kreutz berg. 104-23- 81; Mrs. Carl Werner, 103-22—81 and Mrs. Frances De Farge. 103-20—83. Low gross went to Mrs. Joseph Hopkinson with 98. The weekly tournament of the Manor Country Club Women's Golf Committee meant another prize for Mrs. A. L. Cochran, who won again yesterday with 51-14—37. Mrs. B. H. Burrows was second with 48-9—39. Bolling, Mitchell Clash For Air Force Crown Special Dispatch to The Star RANTOUL. 111.. Aug. 4.—Bolling AFB from Washington and Mitchell AFB of New York tangle in today’s title game in the Air Force national baseball championship tournament. Bolling won its fourth straight game in the tourney yesterday while eliminating Langley (Va.) AFB. 12-9, while Mitchell edge Westover (Mass.' AF’B. 4-3. Probable Pitchers In Majors Today By the Associated Pr#s» Probable pitchers for today's major league games (won and lost records in parentheses>: American League. New York at Detroit—Reynolds <10-5 > vs. Hutchinson 17-6>. Philadelphia at Chicago—Cole man (10-8i vs. Haynes (5-8' or Papish '1-3'. Boston at St. Louis (night) — Johnson (5-2 > vs. Schwamb (0-0'. (Only games scheduled.) National League. St. Louis at New York (two, afternoon and night'—Hunger (4-71 and Brazle < 7-5> vs. Jones W-5i and Jansen (14-5). Chicago at Brooklyn (night) — Meyer (9-8) vs. Roe '5-5). Pittsburgh at Philadelphia (night'—Bonham (3-61 vs. Leon ard 19-9). Cincinnati at Boston (night) — RafTensberger (7-4) vs. Voiselle '11-8'. Minor Baseball By the Associated Press AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Toledo. »>; Kansas City. 4 Tndinnapolis. 7: St Paul 4. Milwaukee, h: Louisville. 3. Minneapolis. 7; Columbus, PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Oakland. !-4 Pott land 1-7. Polivwood, 7-t>. Seattle. 3-5. Sacramento. 3. Los Angeles. 1, San Francisco. 4 San Diego. o SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE. Augusta. Ji: Jacksonville, r>. . Oth^r games postponed EASTERN LEAGUE. 1 Albany 3; Scranton . • Hartford. 4 Wilkes-Barre, 3 Williamsport 1: Utica. <• Elmira, Binghanuon. 5 CENTRAL LFAGUF. Flint. fi: Grand Rapids 7. Muske«on. 4; Dayton. 1. Forr Wayne, S. Sr.gina« C. „ WESTERN LEAGUE. Des Moines. 1; Sioux City, 5. Puehlo. p Omaha, n Denver at Lincoln postponed EVER NEED MONEY QUICK? TWO EASY WAYS TO GET IT . ] Use Our Hurry-Up Loan Service . .. Money Available Today Simply phone the office near you. Tell them whot you wont. Stop in on your way home from work and get $25.00 to $1,500.00 Signature Loans to employed persons, married or single, on terms easy to repay. 2. Use our Cash Reserv* Service . . . Money Always Available W# will establish a Cosh Reserve Ac count and issue you a cash reserve book in the amount of $750.00 with absolutely no cost or \ obligation on your part. . Y«u can then make withdrawals from this srconnt at any time. Whenever you want Extra Money simply stop in the office and ret It. The only cost is when you make withdrawals and you pay only for the money you use for the time you use it. Simplv mail or brim coupon to our nearest office. (L/oaus and Casta Reserve Accounts over *i!0O 00 In Maryland offices only) Joentiemen- The following information to establish a Cash Reserve account^ J s confidential for your files. ♦ Name - Aae_^ 4 Address - ---Phone_4 ♦Mr employed by---Salary_* ♦ Mrs employed by-Salary_J j 2[/ire have accounts with - -- _ 4 *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦444444444444444% rnnsmmmism 3.100 Rhode Island I IROI (Veorala I I'.'OO U« Has. j 813 Kina gt. I , Ml. Rainier. Md. I Silver Sot . Md. I Arhnrtnn, Va. | Alexandria. Va. I 1 J CH”tput | Alexandria r?l«J READY—These three District Firemen’s team pitchers are all set to pitch against the New York firemen in the Griffith Sta dium game tomorrow night to aid police boys’ clubs and simi lar suburban chari ties. Left to right, are Ernie Boggs, Cecil Hale and Ben Harrell. The latter has been named by Manager Morris Clarke to start. The game was post poned from tonight on account of rain. Bubby Worsham Lone D.C. Entry Likely to Qualify in Junior Golf By the Associated Press LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. 4—A mer ry scramble loomed today in the chase for the 64 match-play posi-j tions in the National junior amateur golf tournament. Not only were ineie »i&uw> qualifying spots but many of the youngsters had hopes, however sllni| for some, of overtaking Mickie Gal lagher of Augusta, Ga., for medalist honors. Eighteen-year-old Mickie, the Au gusta city junior champion, was the only one of the 160 shooters to crack par 72 for the 6,330-yard Lincoln Country Club course in the opening 18 holes. Of Washington's seven contest ants. only Marvin (Bubby) Wor sham appeared virtually certain of a match-play berth after today's 18-hole round. Worsham posted a 77. five over par, and almost any thing under 80 would make him a qualifier. Three other District representa tives. Billy D. Wolfe, with 81, John Eisinger with 83 and Eugene Wolfe with 84 needed considerable im provement to earn a match-play position while the other three were almost hopelessly out of the run jning. Bob Halcombe with an 88 l Stanley Mouser a 90 and Dennis Bolster a 94. Gallagher, the lad from Bobby Jones' home town, fired a 34-37—71 over the rain-drenched course to take a one-stroke lead over a trio of sharpshooters, Dow Finsterwald of Athens, Ga . Bob Meek of Tulsa. Okla , and Billy Hooper of West Point, Va. But for an inadvertent step. Fin sterwald would have tied Mickie for the 13-hole lead. Dow incurred a penalty stroke when he stepped on his ball while playing the 12th holp. Ben Dickson of McAlister. Okla . and Douglas Campbell of Madison Wis.. tied for the fifth position with 73s and back of them were 12 am bitious kids who deadlocked at the 74 figure. _ Sports Mirror By the Associated Pres* Today a year ago—Ike Williams knocked out Bob Montgomery in sixth round for clean claim to world's lightweight champion ship. Three years ago— Byron Nelson won Canadian Open for 10th straight golf tournament success i and ran year's earnings to $45, 200. Five years ago—Baylor gave up Intercollegiate athletics due to war. Ten years ago — Equipoise, famed American race horse, died at C. V. Whitney farm near Lex ington, Ky._ DE LUXE I The rain dampened the enthus iasm of the scant galleries, but the youngsters didn't mind. Don Stevens jof Detroit even laughed over the price of a new window pane. He ‘sent a wild drive crashing through a window of a nearby house and smilingly said he would be happy to pay for the replacement. He wasn't sure of the cost, but he did know the erratic shot soared him to a 6 on a par-3 hole. | Stevens finished with an 81, but he still hoped to be among 64 boys who will tangle for the champion i ship sponsored by the National Junior Chamber of Commerce for I youths 18 years old and under. Great Race Presaged In Hambletonian by Fast Workouts By Hie Aisocioted Press GOSHEN, N.Y., Aug. 4.—Veteran harness horsemen look for a furi o u s 1 y contested Hambletonlan Stakes one week from today at Good Time Park. Their prediction came after a workout session during which no less than five prime candidates for the $60,000 trotting classic Aug. 11 were clocked in better than 2:05 for the mile. In the final heavy workout for any of the 3-year-olds slated to go in the harness derby, Harrison Hoyt's Demon Hanover again as serted his right to the favorite's role. Demon Hanover worked two eye-opening miles in 2:034s and 2:03 flat. However, four rivals appeared ex tremely sharp, particularly Rollo, from the Coldstream Stud, Lexing ton, Ky. Rollo, unraced yet this year, but likely to be a post-time favorite with the Demon, stepped a heat in 2:05’*, then came back with a sparkling 2:03. These 2:03 miles were the fastest yet registered in either a race or workout by 3-vear-old trotters thus season. Other impressive miles were turned in bv Bill Strang's Madison Hanover, with 2:04; T. J. Zomow's Adeline Hanover. 2:04'5. and Herman Landis' Mercy Abbey, 2:0435. Demon Hanover, w'ith his amateur driving-owner in the sulky, worked with Judge Moore and easily out brushed Del Miller’s mount, which is owned by W. N. Reynolds. How ever, the judge reported in with a 2:06. Egan Hanover, the Saunders Mills star, rated by many even with Demon Hanover and Rollo. is sched uled to make his last major pre rare prep sometime later this week. Anywhere from a dozen to 16 horses are expected to start in this 23d Hambletonian, w'hich probably will be the third richest since it was inaugurated in 1926. INTEKNATIU5AL LEAUtE. Syracuse. P-8: Rochester, 8-5. Jersey City. T-4: Buffalo, 2-5. Newark. 4; Montreal 3. Baltimore. 3, Toronto. V/alcott's Pilot Is Receptive to Turner Offer By th» Associated Press CAMDEN, N. J„ Aug. 4-^Jersey Joe Walcott will fight the winner of the Jimmy Bivins-Ezzard Charles fight if the match is for the heavy weight championship. Walcott's handlers announced today. In his lBst appearance Walcott was kayoed by Retiring Champion Joe Louis. Felix Bocchicchio, Camden pro moter who handles Walcott, said an offer was extended him by Mrs Florence Turner, Washington, D. C., promoter. He said Mrs. Turner offered Wal cott *60,000. or 27'-, per cent of the gate, to meet the winner of the Biv ins-Charles fight at the Washington Ball Park. ■That's okay with us." Bacchic chio said, "just as long as the Na tional Boxing Association recognizes the fight for the title." He said Mrs. Turner had not yet replied to his terms. Strengthened Bears Hit Turf Tomorrow By th« Associated Press CHICAGO. Aug. 4—The Chicago Bears, plotting a resurgence to Na-i ttonal Football League supremacy with the fastest backfield in the club's 27-year history, begin train ing tomorrow' at Collegeville, Ind., for the 1948 campaign. Missing—but only temporarily—, will be four of the standout 19471 collegiate grabs made by Halas: Quarterback Johnny Lujack and Tackle George Connor of Notre Dame and Quarterback Bobby Layne and End Max Baumgardner.: These four will toil in the College All-Star camp until August 20. j DOOR LATCHES REPAIRED AUTO GLASS Immaiiata Sarviea Aaito Parkin* Snace Open AH Day Saturday* HERSON'S 72 n». *w. M.E. Ml. 7100 Pop Cooper Improved By Brain Operation After Boat Injury By the Associated Press SYRACUSE, N. Y„ Aug. 4 —Con dition of speedboat racer Jack tPop> Cooper of Kansas City, Mo., injured when he was spilled from his high powered boat on Lake Ontario, was reported improved but still serious today after a relapse. The neuro-surgical specialist at tending Cooper said his condition became worse during the night, and that a blood clot was removed from the left side of Cooper's brain be neath a depressed skull fracture The surgeon, who declines use of his name, advised that his condition improved following the delicate operation. The doctor also reported that further examination of the 68-year old veteran racer disclosed a frac ture of the left hip. Cooper was racing near Picton, Ontario. Monday when his boat, traveling about 65 miles an hour, soared out of the water and flipped over, landing on top of him. He was treated at the scene by Dr. Walter G. Robinson of Alex andria Bay, who had just won the previous event in the Canadian Gold Cup racing series. Dr. Robinson recommended that Cooper be placed under the care of a brain specialist without delay, and the injured man was flown to Syracuse in a plane from Water town. ~ PIEDMONT LEAGUE. Lynchburg at Richmond (rain). Norfolk at Roanoke Ppd (rain). Portsmouth, 5; Newport News, 4. ANY AUTO I Body and Fender Work B PAINTING AANNYYc$& I WE SERVICE I ANY MAKE 1 Williams ft Bakar, Ina. ■ DIRECT NASH DEALER 17 TEARS ■ "Count the Tears ani Count on Us' ^B Baxter Meets Sharkey In Wrestling Feature Laverne Baxter, one of the fa vorite rassling villains with Wash ington fans, Is in tonight's feature match at Turner's Arena. He tan-! gles with Babe Sharkey. Tonight's program also marks the local debut of a new hooded grap pler, the Golden Superman. Benito Gardini furnishes the opposition. Other bouts are Jesse James against Hans Kempfer and George Macri costas against Marvin Mercer. What They're Worth NEW YORK f-flPi—Race tracks throughout the United States dis tributed $49,642,555 in purse money in 1947, which is almost dollar for dollar equal to the estaimated value of the approximately 13.000 horses which raced in the country. Ortiz to Defend Title By the Associated Press LOS ANGELES, Aug. 4.—World Bantam Champion Manuel Ortis will make another title defense this sum mer in Honolulu against an oppo nent yet to be named. • SWIM A t Popular Y Pool Keep Fit and Cool! -SPECIAL! SUMMER MEMBERSHIP RATE 3 MONTHS' MEMBERSHIP, $6 Membership entitles you: SWIMMING POOL • SUN BEACH • GYM HANDBALL • SQUASH OTHER HEALTH FACILITIES Central branch y.m.c.a -1736 G Street N.W. Phone NA. 8250 Boys' City-Wide Swim Meet Carded Tomorrow The boys’ city-wide playground swimming championship will be de cided tomorrow in a meet at Tech Pool, starting at 1 pjn. The girls held their event yes terday, Takoma w'inning with 67 points. Other scores were: Rose dale, 34: East Potomac, 16: Tech. 11, and Anacostia, 8. Big upset of the meet was when Phyllis Culp won the senior 25-yard freestyle over Ellen Oberti. AUTO REPAIRING and REPAINTING BODY AND PENDBR WORK Complete Radio Service on All Makes McMahon Chevrolet. Inc. 1238-46 Upshur St. N W. GE.0100 WE KNOW YOUR BEST! Talc* Up to 12 Months to Fay for Major Mopairt Rebuilt Meter*, $15 Dew* Ill UWM5RBK Sine* 1916 STH & NEW YORK AVE. N.W. 3RD & H STREETS N.E. ———————— Wish you had Wings ? V/’OU’VE been there, we know—trapped -*■ in the craw ling snarl of a sunny week end’s traffic —tangled in the huffing, puffing push of a city’s busiest rush hour. And more than once you’ve wished for wings —so you could duck all this, dodge the jostle, the push, the stress and strain. Well , look about you, good sir, for the long, sleek new Buicks with the word “Dyna flow”* on their taper-thru fenders. 9l)ynaf/otr Drita is options/ at extra cast ,r;;: an Roadmastar madals only. ~ " Why bother ! They’ve got the answer — to easy, open road flight and to the spot where traffic’s densest and the driving tension greatest. With Dynaflow, you just sit there, press the gas treadle —and steer! At a crawling 5 mph, you roll as smoothly, easily, lightly as at a winging 45. At every opening left by a stalling, laboring neighbor, you have instant-quick power surge to let you take advantage of it. Upgrades? A little pressure on the gas treadle handles them. Stop signs? Your foot brake stops you, holds you — till you can feed the gas and go. You forget shifting entirely-in fact, no gears ever shift as you drive — yet the k mordent any bottleneck breaks, you move smoothly, swiftly up to boulevard speeds, pacing the pack. Smoothly did we say? The word is hardly adequate. This velvety lift, this soaring swoop of power, this utter freedom from any break in your stride are things you need to experience to judge. Why not try it out? Your dealer will do the best he can to arrange a trial — just as he’ll take your order any time, whether or not you have a car to trade. See him —and you’ll stop wishing for wings! ~:ujs?S'“r Uov.', •n9,n*'r! Te on •*<'*"' -'r.P:.b-,n. l"9^ wH,ch prociot* 1 ..Jd.d » ,ru* -Slv 0" *'°nd) T -«.Urot<«9 . ~ you wonuo\ *« mmk Warn r„n< i„ H£N*r J. TA not. Mutual Notwork. Monday and fnday BUICK alone has all these features DYNAFLOW DR/VE-smooth, silken Row of power with no gears ever shifting either manually or mechani cally. (Optional, Roadmaster Series) TAPER-THRU STYLING-distinctive, tapering car-length fenders set a foshion of standout beauty. VIRRA-SHIELDED RIDE - smooth, fatigue-free ride from scientific curb ing of vibration build-up. HI-POISED FIRERALL POWER - volve-in-heod straight-eight engines in four power ratings, now cradled to new smoothness. SAFETY-KIDS KIMS - check heel over on turnt; better ear control, peak mileage ond lower tire pretturei. QUADKUFIIX COIl SPKINGING - level-going buoyancy from a toft coil tpring on each wheel. FliX-FIT Oil KINGS - in tuper precite cylinder borei. Hew oil tavingt. KOAD-KITt BAlANCt - from low center of gravity; equalized front and-rear ride. KIGIO TO*QUi-TUBC - to moM chassis; pfotacti moving parti, takat all driving tHruit. lOUND-SOKtm TOP UNI NO imulated for naw "conversation tone'' quiat. (Super and Rood* matter Models) DUOMATIC SPARK AOVANCl — vocuumatic plus centrifugal action assures exact ignition for peak angina efficiency. TIN SMART MODUS— In three •aria*, featuring Rady by Tisber and smart new interior*. EMERSON & ORME, INC. STANLEY H. HORNER, INC. WILLIS BUICK, INC. 17th and M Sts. N.W. 1529 l«t Street N W. "‘G-gA-J- *>*«»£«—***■ Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. S,lver Sprm<’ ' WINDRIDGE & HANDY, INC. HYATTSVILLE AUTO & SUPPLY CO., INC. CAITHNESS BUICK, ING 1119 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, Va. M2-, B,|',mPr' Aj'nu* BetheTd’a.'Md*"* License 380 _Hrattsville, Md. _