Newspaper Page Text
cuBIJRBAN SALE—VA. <Con>.) /wRFFfRFnFOOM. 2-Story brick house In X- Bv owner Family size din. ?" L-api fenced hack yard, full osmn, | . ' l. e aac heat: $l6t9o0. .6~3 N Fo°whatan' at , Ari! Phone FA. 3377 —4 hfiikOOM BRICK HOI SE on a 120-It. 1 * ‘ a p eatant community. Living room L r fireplace bitting room and kitchen Vvi* floor: 3 bedrooms and tile bath ®U floor recreation room with fire 0 ace in the basement Oil heat Insulation ! combination storm windows and s -cens Price, $16,850; $3,850 down. isaHON HIRST. Exclusive Agent. Annan ?ile Va ”at end of Columbia pike. Phone ci 7447 weekdays. .no- New, 2-bedrm bungalow with ex * a,tic. equipped kit , full bsmt ; farge 1st trust at 4'’,. *42.76 per month. MILTON G. SMITH. 4219 Wilson blvd . s M '»Ml New 2-bedrm brick Cape Cod. on 'ice lot, spacious rms. and extra Ige. 1 hsmt with h-w.h.. reasonable down pavmeiiL MILTON G. SMITH. 4219 Wil NFAR 'FALLs"'CHI'eVh—'i-acfc lot. with i-ees and playhouse: wonderful vegetable garden. blk. to good transp. and srhno’i bu> near shopping. Modern 3-bed roorti center hail brick Colonial In ex tent condition. 1st mortgage at 4%. ra^h req only $3,000. ASK-U8 REAL TT CO OX. 2859. GL 1262. —5; *2 504) DOWN—Built by expert , ed builders these brand-new 2-bedrm. California bungalows are worth at least w. mm more by today's market: entrance "•rr large living rm with fireplace, oil i- w heat, copper plumbing. '/% acre Charming grounds. 15-cent bus fare at M.-r-r onlv 3 left. To see them first call OW 7997 REALTY BULLETIN CO —5 i. (hhi DOWN — Want almost acre of hr - • iful ground right in N Arlington and a very nice section? 2-oedrm bunga a full* basement; an exceptional buy FEALTY BULLETIN CO. OWL 7997. —5 % > <hh» DOWN—2-bedrm brick bungalow, c.?., flr*ors copper plumbing large lot ex r location close to new shopping trn-er. REALTY BULLETIN CO,. OW. home WITH INCOME—A de luxe bunga •j in one of Arlington's best sections; ■ - large beautifully paneled living rm . dining rm . bedrm with pvt. bath and all 0 .->, kitchen on 1st fir.; separate entrance ■ ;.,ds to English basement apt. containing 3 really large rms. and bath renting for vim a mo Price of home Includes fur r.:f’ire in apt If you are looking for a - home with security, see this MAN NAS REALTY CO., 2116 Wilson blvd GL. e- OX 2784 —' , THIS 2-BEDRM COLONIAL, in excel rond.. 5 mm. from Pentagon; attractive rm din. rm and equip kit : full Hamt.. asphalt tile fl oh heat, Venet ian blinds, lovely wooded lot, fenced and hedged, outdoor fireplace 52^500 down will handle. SEWELL REALTY CO.. 11 S. Glebe rd. at Lee blvd , OX. 0.1,. GL. 1878-8674. Open eves. - o A KNOLL AND ONE ACRE, quietude and comfortable living ta personified in the setting of th;S Williamsburg Colonia. sit uated on a hill with a view of 50 miles Featuring center-hall plan. ls:-u ar rangement has living rm with fireplace, spacious dining rm and kit bedrm ana gnower bath: 2nd fl 2 bed rms. and lull tile bath, side ifving porch ana sun deck: full bsmt and auio. heat, built-in garage, beautifully landscaped grounds Including many locust and holly trees Located just below Alex., convenient to Ft. Belvoir and wi hin eaay commuting of Wash. Price and terms should assure a quick sale Cad RE 00 oO 8 to 9 COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO —5 KXOLVSIVE WOODED SECTION. This new brk. home :s almost ready for occu pancy n tea- -res ige kit. ana '2 oath on 1st fl 11 v. rm with ftrepl.. dim rm. and aide porch. 3 bedrms and bath on ~nd. Full bsmt . automat.c heat. To see come to MANNAS REALTY CO. 2116 Wilson b,,vd. rv OWNER — Jefferson Manor—5-rrr aemldet brick 2 bedrm,. full.bsmt.. storm windows. Venetian oltnas. price *1 <•.*('<!• 4rr qi reasonable cash ALex M88. -o 4% FINANCING—If you are looking for *omething different in the wav of a 2 bed: m. brick, then mak* an aupt. today to see this home, m a con’ enient N. Arlington community, good cons rue ton throughout, including gas radiant heat, less than 2 yrs old and offers a lot ol comfortable iving all but 53 *00 of the $11,800 selling price is :n a 1st trust at jo” per mo any reasonable cash ofier con sidered immed possesion. BICKLE A: MAY. 246 N WTash. st. <Lee hwy t. FA PANFLED DEN AND 4 BEDROOMS, on large wooded fenced lot 3 nnles from Falls Church; ige dm im . ,iv. rm . fire place. 112 baths, brick const r. built-in garage. 510 0 V terms. Exclusive. ARFAX REALTY. FA 14 60. CH 7550 CH 82!7.___ -- GOOD BUYS!— H-rm modern house on 1 acre, t biocs. from Lee hwy. bus. 17 mi D C 57.000 terms „ 0 6-rm. masonry hotise. 2 porches, on i acres, 6 blks from Lee hwy bus. 18 ml D C $8 750: 51.000 cash, ba! 565 mo 5-rm masonry house, on J acre elec running water in kitchen: S2.ono rash._J L C WEST FA 2! .'to_ Alexandria. Brick Bungalow Excel, design and construction ige 11 v rm . fireplace, family-sired din. rm . equip work-saving kit . 2 Ige. bedrms and mod ern bath on 1st Ige finished rm and storage on 2nd. oil heat, excel, landscaped Jot. . Real Estate Service. Inc. OX 2586. Lee hwy. at Glebe rd . GL 0561 —4 ALEXANDRIA. COR. CUTIE What a house for 513.850—Three nice bedrooms, very spiffv. sun-filled living room, dining room kitchen, ample dry barement. for laundry and flxtn . Here T sit on green velvet hue m> roof is satind: mr torso like new Copper plumb ing oil heat, attached garage, really neat Located out near the city line buses and schools are really fine Tsn't it a shame 1 have to be sold** With mr new storm sash to k»ep out the cold Don't just sit there repdinc this rhyme tome and see me or vou won't be on time ARL. REALTY CO. *>204 Wilson blvd . QW 8300 —5 ARLINGTON FOREST Here's opportunity! Less than 53.000 down may handle one of these larger weli loratea homes in this picturesque area with full bsmt tile bath FHA financed THE BRANT COMPANY Realtors Arlington sales office Brant Bide , Wilson Blvd. GL. 42 I fi. OX. 0520. —6_ ARLINGTON g rm brick 3 baths approx ? acres Lovely estate with many desirable features Priced $37 5oo Substantial c5sh requ red JUDSON REAMY & SON _ Agents. CH 0800. _— GREAT OAKS Aged over a century—A lively meandering brook, a rambling house in process of creation by an inspired builder, neighbor hood vastly important to vour fu'ure that of the Washington Country Club. All this you ran engage now and watch as it pro gresses to the perfection of the ideal home Living room dining room kitchen. 3 bed rooms. clubroom. second-floor space for expansion Ask for Miss Shoemaker. EM J 7f>(t. or this office I OUIS P SHOE MAKER. 1719 K st nw_NA 11«H._ GROVETON AREA Atfr. 2-story home in a nice community with excel bus service, shopping and conv to school* There is a Ige lovely liv. rm wi»h flrppl . Ige din rm . equip kit . 1 brdrm and complete bath on 1st fl 3 good sized bedrms and complete oath on 2nd fl full bsmt , oil heat, front incl porch. Total price. *15.000. Down pay ment. $3,500 Bal. like rent AL BAKER & SON. INC. Exclusive Realtors 1 1 rt So 8t Asaph 8t , Alexandria. Va Phone TE 7343 ALex 6644 Open eves and Suns from 9 a m to 9 p m for vour conven;enoe_ HERNDON, VA. 6-roo® frame house, all modern gas heat furniture goes with property, owner leav ing. If you want a good home with garden apace, see this one 9-room frame house, ail modern: streets ra 3 aides A real home and room to ulld 3 more houses If you want some thing like this act quick Phone Vienna .J.54-J._RAY BARNEY Vienna Va LYON PARK Brick Colonial situated on one of the most beautifully shaded lots you have ever seen; large liv. rm . fireplace, full-size din rm.. equipped kitchen bedrm . t:le bath, aide screened porch on 1st fl : two large bedrms . tile bath on 2nd : full basement h w h garage, an outstanding value Real Estate Service. Inc. 2585. Lee hwy. at Glebe rd . GL. 0561 __4 LYON VILLAGE AREA Exceptionally nice 3-bedrm. 2-bath brick Fireplace in liv rm.. screened porch, at tached garage, on lot 60*135 Owner lea\ Inc Immediate poss $19 500. LUCILLE COOK. Fx lusively. FA__3272 FA 4664. —5_ McLEAN AREA Beautiful trees surround this older typ« I ci' white frame home completely re modeled and newly decorated house con tains 3 bpdrm* 2 baths ige. liv rm . rim rm modern kit . porch extending Li length of house oil h -w h.. elec, hoi-water heater breezeway. 2-car garage over u acre, priced for immediate sale e- *19.950. MC L,&An J';«t a bungaloa but it has 8 bedrms . liv (..lifie k:t and ba;h. a] on one fl j»«ri ns nicely located on a lge. lot nr. bus. s'liooi^ and shops 3 BEDRM. 2U BATHS F < k home :n McLean. 1st fl has liv rm n i?h fireplace, dining rm . kit . and 1 hi h *’nd fi ige master bedrm. with f-pp!aep hath and walk-m closet. 2 other r c® bedrms. and hath: stairway to storage a tic full basement, oil a -c h ; price * ! T nOO. FALLS CHURCH 3 bedrms 2'„• baths, plus a cool sleeping porch finished id knotty pine: radiant heating, fireplace, bookshelves, 2 closets in attractive living rm . dining rm . modern kit ; owner moving, priced for immed. sale at $19,950; dial operator and ask for Elmwood 322 or 325 < no toll1. WM. H. LAUGHLIN, Realtor McLean. Va__--8_ NORTH' ARLINGTON A bfick Colonial. located on a splendid wooded lot 3 nice bedrms . tile bath on Ind fl : large Uv. rm with fireplace, at tr«cti»e din rm and equip kit large screened porch full bsmt. with finished ree. rm asphalt tile floor full bath, outside entrance, gas heat: $11,000. 4 V 1st trust: con> transp SEWELL REALTY CO 14 8. Glebe rd. at Lee blvd . OX. pi 17, GL. 18T8-i>ft 74. Open evea. —6 TARA Ruga English brick home; 4 very large bedriqa., 2 tUe bath*, liv. rm more than |n ft. Picture window, fireplace, dining gth for a king, large equipped kitchen reation room with fireplace, large ga e: lot 80*125 JJeal Estate Service. Inc. •x. J5S&. Lee hwj. at Gebe rd. GL 0661. SUBURBAN SALE—VIRGINIA. VIENNA, VA. Prewar construction. 5-rm. frame. In new house condition: full basemt; oil heat:: laundry trays, bath, gas range; Va acre, land, with nice lawn and shade trees. i Price, Sin.BSo ELVAN R. THORPE. Agent.; Vienna. Va. Phone Vienna 21Q-M. —-5 VIENNA. VA. 8-room brick and asbestos shingle home. baths, oil h -t h., summer hookup for hot water, gas stove, elec, refgr., red cedar j trimming 2-car garage, corner lot, 1 acre. A real location. $18,500. Terms can be' arranged. 0-room frame: full basement, coal h - j w h., bath: 2-car garage 1.2748 acre ! Price. $14,000. New 5-room frame: full basement, oil a.-c.h., bath. For quick sale. $12,000; on terms. 5-room frame: bath gas stove, gas water heater, close to bus. $8,750: terms Phone Vienna 154-J. RAY BARNEY, Vienna. Va. _ —5 WESTOVER A beautiful two-bedro^m brick home on a lovely shaded lot: full bsmt . oil heat, etc very conveniently located; price, only $12,600. MANNAS REALTY CO. 2116 Wilson blvd . Arlington, Va. GL or OX 2784 _—7 WOODLAWN VILLAGE ' 4 bedrooms. 2'$ baths, this attractive stone-and-frame house of prewar construc tion has •: complete kits, and can be used as a single residence or ac 2 separate units; $21,500. Exclusively with Stanley R. Rowland Co., Inc. Realtors. 118 E. Broad st., Falls Church. Va. FA. 3333 _ FOR YOUNG COUPLE Owner will consider $2 Ooo down on this brick-a: d-frame Cape Cod. having liv 1 rm. With fireplace, dm. rm 1 a bath and i equipped kit. down; 2 bedrms and tile : bath up: full bsmt . oil heat: breezeway to | 2-car garage:* 80x250 lot. $10,000 4r* 1st I trust Wor'h investigating’ THE BRANT COMPANY Realtors. Arlington sales office. Brant Bldg., Wilson blvd,. GL. 4’lti. OX. <1520. —6 " cape cod ! Asbestos shingle, built in JfHO; 3 nice ! bedrms sun porch, bath with shower, pine-paneled recreation room in basement, with summer kitchen: copper plumbing, insulated and screened unusually large lot. 50x3*0 ft. Priced for immediate sale $16,000: excellent financing. This home was built for comfortable living. Inquire i AURORA HILLS OFFICE i 2301 S Arlington Ridge rd., JA. 1710,' JA 1711.___.-T4— 4 BEDRMS.. 112 BATHS liv. rm . fireplace, family-sized din rm . lge. equipped kit . breakfast rm screened porch full bsmt.; gas heat; acre priced only $18,456. Real Estate Service, Inc. OX 2585. Lee hwy. at Glebe rd . GL. 0561 —4 " QUIT LOOKING Here it is. *11.2011; *2.1-00 cash. *(i5 P-"r mo . mvludes taxes and insurance. It's a beautiful big 2-bedrm. bungalow with lge exp. 2nd fl. Fuli bsmt . outside en trance oil heat , lge yard. Attr. outlying community with ail city utilities. J FULLER GROOM REALTY. OX. 4487, eves GL. 2217 or OW. 44H5.__-rr4_ immediate possession 3-bedroom bungalow: close in Arlington— Very convenient to transportation and shopping spacious rms. and lge closets, fireplace In J v. rm.. screened porch, full bsmt : nice lot: $14.P50. I MILTON G. SMITH 4210 Wilson blvd. OW 72O0._ NEW cape- cod Near Clarendon, featuring 28-ft. living rm. with picture windows and flrepl din. rm. with bay window, lge. bedrm. and 4 bath. lge. light, airy kit. on 1st; 2 ige. bedrms.. full bath and sewing rm. up stair?. Full bsmt.. outside entrance. Rec rm with flrepl.: gas a.-c hea*. MANNAS REALTY CO. 2 116 Wilson blvd GL. 2784 _—7 BRICK BUNGALOW, $13,250 Pay $68.7 5 monthly wuth reas. cash pay mei : and liv- in this lovely brick home 2 bedrms and hath on 1st fl. Stairway to floored attic. Full bsmt. with oil heat. To see come to MANNAS REALTY CO. 211« Wilson blvd. GL 2784 _—7 _ $2,500 DOWN & $67.50 MO. buys this a!l-brick. Cape Cod. .vroom ! bungalow, with stairway to expansion attic. li)-ft living roern with fireplace, dmette, equipped kitchen, two bedrooms and oath: located high on hi!! close to - bus schools ana shopping, in Alexandria Pull price. $ 1O.P50. Phone Mr. Thompson, 0\ 6636 With , SHANNON & LUCHS CO. 1505 H .st n w . NA 2345 - -5 : FASHIONABLE ENGLISH!' Brick home located nr. Gauntry Club under a bowpr of high shade trees. Although in need of complete redecorat on and minor i repairs, a wonderful buy may be had. 4 bedrms -1 w;h Spanish balcony-, and i 2 colored Hie baths on 2nd floor, in addi 1 rion fo the usual rms on 1st floor, there re screened porch and wide veranda over looking wooded vista; rec. rm. maid's rm and bath n bsmt. Absolute seclusion , and privacy offered' THE BRANT COMPANY Realtors Arlington sales office. Brant Bldg. Wilson blvd. GL. 4216. OX. 0520.; ! LIKE LARGE ROOMS0 Here s an oversize Colonial brick imrnar ! ularp 20-ft iiv rm. table-size kit 15-ft . master bcdrm . 2 full baths, plaster-finish, rer rm flTx!3<> lor A-l Norm Arlington neighborhood. Sis.950 terms to suit. LURIA BROS. 2046 Wilson blvd. OW *5<in —6 3226 N. 1st ST. ARL. $30.5oo Excellent N Arlington location 1 i Lge bright rooms, richly decorated The home consists of liv. rm - din rm ktt . 2 t snnrmv. or dens. 4 bedrms and bath vacant $7.Son < will handle ENZOR REALTY CO. CH 1000. Exclusive. OX. 2314. $1,200 CASH , Why pay rent when you tan buy an attractive 5-rm brick senudet. home with, smail cam and balance like rent? At-! tractrely decuratea. oak floors, gas h»at eve; lot: lge bsmt . equipped kitchen; in excellent location Choice of 2: $10,450; and $10,950. with GI 4 per cent trust.: DICK TRACEY Broker and Builder. CH 8311, GL 7522, OX 077 1_ , BRICKTEX BUNGALOW' Situated on :2-acre lot. conv to Ft. Bel ; voir, buses schools and shopping. Con I isting of liv rm . lge. kit.. 2 bedrms and ‘ bath, expansion attic, full price. $8,950; down payment. $1,500; bai like rent. AL BAKER & SON. INC. Exclusive Realtors. 116 So St Asaph Sr Alexandria Va Phone TE 7343. ALex 6644 Open eves and Suns from flam to 9 pm for your convenience.______ j FULL PRICE, $7,700 . This attr. asbestos shingle bungalow sit uated on 9 luths of an acre of wooded 'and with barbecue, nice chicken house, good sized liv rm . 2 bedrms. and ban. lge kit. and part bsmt located nr Alex ' andria. Sub down payment requ.reri. AL BAKER & SON. INC. Exclusive Realtors. 116 So St Asaph St Alexandria Va Phone TE 7343. ALex 6644 Open eves and Suns, from 9 am. *o 9 p.m for your convenience "RAMBLING RAMBLER 1 A thing of beauty and charm, on shaded acre, in Va Forest: living-din. rm more than 30 ft stone fireplace and picture windows: modern work-saving kit ; 2 twin-sized bedrms and tiled bath: attic! storage full bsmt priced for immed sale. j Real Estate Service, Inc. OX 2585. Lee hwy. at Glebe rd.. GL. 056] 1 _- -4 Sun Valley Rambler California architecture at its best: living din rm 29.0x14. built-in bookshelves and [cupboards. artistically decorated with knotty pine wall: 3 lge bedrms. one finished in knotty pine: 2 tiled baths wirh finest fixtures; lae light fully-equip. kit with cabinets to spare: bsmt opening at ground level for use as rec. rm . J2 bath, 2-car garage, beautifully shaded and land ; scaped ‘2 acre. Real Estate Service. Inc. OX 2585. Lee hwy. at Glebe rd.. GL. 0561 ANTIQUE BRICK Cape Cod in style, located nr. Columbia i pike and Glebe rd . blks. to shopping. '2 b’k to bus. H> min to D. C Priced at *13 150 with *3.500 down Has fireplace in liv. rm . din. rm, equip, kit., 2 bed- i rm* P2 baths, brick garage THE BRANT COMPANY Realtors Arlington sales office Brant Fid?. Wilson blvd, GL. 4716. OX. 0570. | —6 I DESIGNED FOR LIVING | No steps, mil on one floor: 3 large bed rms all have 7 closets, l1* baths, huge ; liv.-din rm. <L shaped*, fireplace. 3 pic ture windows large de luxe equipped kit . breaktast nook, radiant heat, gas fired: disappearing stairway, large level, shaded i lot Real Estate Service. Inc. OX 2586. Lee hwy. at Glebe rd GL. 0561 1 $97500 1 Cape Cod cottage containing 2 bedrms . living rm, dinette and modern kitchen. Located 2 blocks from shopping. Only 18 minutes by bus to Pentagon. Call Mr. , Dunham. DI 0222. WALKER & DUNLAP. INC.i 1200 15th ft. n.w. Eves . Rockville 2078.1 26th ROAD SOUTH j Very nice address adjoining Aurora Hills 5-rm. duplex with beautifully finished rec rm. that can be purchased for $2,000 down THE BRANT COMPANY tieaitors. Arlington sales office. Brant ■ Bldg. Wilson blvd.. GL. 4216. OX. 0520 —6 BUNGALOW BEAUTIFUL First fl , liv. rm . din. rm, kit., 2 bedrms., bath and attractive inclosed porch. 2nd fl lie. paneled bedrms. and *2 bath; ideal location: this eve., call Mr. Dingle berry, GL “830 S DWYER & BOYD. OX. 2980. CH- 4184. —4 DOUBLE TROUBLE —By Bill MocLean voo-hoo Johnnie! V" WANNA SEE ANEW < KIND UV DOe?“WOOfJJ i : IT'S THAT FRESH dEANNIE! i !SHE MAKED B'LIEVE SHE'S ; A NEW KIND UV ! wm:— 3 ! I I SUBURBAN SALE—VIRGINIA._ Colonial, Center-Hall Plan This lovely custom-built home, in an at true setting, located in vicinity Wash Golf and- Country Club, accents gracious living, spacious rms and closets, liv rm with firepl.. din rm . elec.-equip, kit.. 3 bedim . 11 / baths, solarium, sun deck, attrac. knotty-pine foyer and rec. rm built-in bar. full dry bsmt . wine cellar, oil h -w h . sc reens storm windows and many other features, owner sacrificing, ‘ "CAPUTI REALTY Phone FA, Si 'J:! til H p in. -—5 Open 2 to 6 p.m. Wed. and Thurs. 3 Spacious Bedrooms Plus beautiful financing and immediate . is a c ombination which will click ;n the sale of this nearly new ‘ Home of Tomorrow ; featuring an English living nn. with firepl. equipped combination 'kitchen-dinette with built-in dinette set; basement and gas radiant heat. Price. SI 0.7 50; S4.350 cash, balance *17 per month includes principal, interest, taxes and insurance. Exclusively. To reach: Out Lee hwv. :o Great Falls s’ <1 block before State Theater1 in Falls Church. I right i mile to Brilyn Park subdivision Ion right, turn right on Hailwood ave. to iNorih st . left to 7 «4 and our open sign | Dominion Ins. & Realty Agency '3103 1 oih st. No. GL. 6338, OX. 177!»: eves . FA 2090 _—4 Open 2 to 6 p.m. Wed.-Thurs. California-type home, offering L-shaped In rm. with dining space, nicely equip ki'.. 2 finished bedrms tiled, bath and a large unfinished master bedrm. with [plumbing fixtures in for full pvt. bath, basement with gas radiant heat and Ben dix washer. Other features include large porch, sun deck and 4 financing. $14. 7 50; min ca4h. * To reach: Out L^e hwy. to Grea> Palls st. <1 block before State Theater! in Falls Church, right about J mile to Brylyn Park .subdivision on right, turn right on Hailwood ave. to No 80s and our open sign DOMINION INS. A- REALTY AGENCY. 3103 loth st. . no . GL. 6338. OX. 1 7 79; evenings. FA [•.’OHO. —4 FOR TODAY S LOOKING Fme. new Colonial brick. 2 bedrms , 1J2 (baths: on loi 50x120; finest ronstr and equip: only .$16.25o and cannot be dupli cated within $ most conv. suburban loc. around Wash.; school*. shopping and ‘.’o-min bus service to downtown. Judge for yourself by seeing it today. Open i 2 to 6 Can be bought with $2 OOO. on ! easy terms To inspect, call NA. 2557 ! daily. JOHN H MILLER. Jr., & BRO.. j Realtors. 1M2 K st _n w_—5 | YOU'LL BUY THISf If you're looking for a 2-bedrm. home In N. Ar’ because it’s priced far* beiow its j value, since transferred officer most have imrned sale. Well-landscaped lor. full j panelpd rec. rm. with asphalt tiip floor and built-in miniature aquarium. $14,750. THE BRANT COMPANY Realtors Arlington sales office. Brant Bldg., Wilson blvd., GL. 4216, OX. 0520. I____ . _ REASONABLE CASH I 2-story brick home, convenient to Penta ! gor. 1st fl liv rm . din rm. and equipped kitchen: 2nd fl . 2 bedrms and tile bath: full bsmt. with oil a-c h^at: convenient to transp . shopping and schools. For further information, call CHARLES W. DEY OW. fllHl. —4 _ 3 Bedrooms. 1 Vi Baths $14 750. Just about the nicest semidet. home vou have seen, in no other house will | vou find all this for the money, lovely liv. j rm . full dm rm completely modern kit.. large rear screened porch. 2 bprirms and • full tfled bath on 2nd flu stair to floored ; attic, full bsmt wit hr lec rm. and 1 2 bath, all in wonderful condition in a lovely North Arlington section: 1*2 blocks to bus and near schools, stores and churches. THOS. G. MAGRUDER CO 2051 Wilson blvd Arlington Va., CH. 2121. GL 2424: eves. GL. 4484. _ HOME BEAUTIFUL Attractive brick home with center-entr plan, located on the Mt. Vernon bird only a short disrame from Alexandria featuring lovely liv. rm with flrepl , lge I screened porch, good-si/e din rm lee equipped kit and 1 2 bath on the 1st fl : 2 good-si/e bedrms and bath on the 2nd j fl : full bsmt. oil h-w h maid's rm . recr rm . outside entr , garage and many other fea’ures ’or the price of $17,500 Down pymt ba! . $100 per mo AL BAKER & SON. INC. i Exclusive Realtors. 1L6 So. St. Asaph I sr . Alexandria. Va Phone TE 7242. j ALex 6614. Opens eves, and Suns from o a m to 0 p m for your convenience " INSPIRED! j New Cape Cod brick homes on the hill i north of Alexandria they have bedrm or ! dpn and tiled 12 bath down: 2 bedrms. and ! tiled bath up limestone fireplace mantel j built-in mirror; Youngstown electrically 'quip, ki’ with fluorescent lighting, full bsmt.. ras heat, heavy slate roof, wooded. ' secluded lots: conv. to bus and shops and ! only 10 min to D C. | THE BRANT COMPANY Realtors Arlington sales office. Brant Bldg, Wilson blvd, GL. 4216. OX. 0520. —6 ENGLISH RAMBLER Beautiful corner wooded homesire in Ravenwood. an exclusive subdivision with individually designed homes, contain 4 bedrms with twin closets. 2 full modern t:!e baths, entrance foyer, studio liv. rm with picture windows, recess bookshelves and fireplace: rear screened porch, at tached garage with storage basement for recreafior. and utilities; garden, parti tioned din rm. and large, fully equipped kit. with breakfast nook For full particu lars and inspection call RAVENWOOD REALTY Realtors _FA. 2976. —fi OPEN 2 TO 6 ' Luxurious 4-bedrm. brick home on beau tiful corner lot additional attrac fea tures are Den on 1st floor, recreation rm . ‘.’-car garage, an ideal location; Varan;. To inspect Out Wash blvd to IN Buchanan st * left to 4737 N. 11th ! st. and our open sign. DWYER & BOYD I _ OX 2980 and CH. 4184. __ NEARBY VIRGINIA Beautiful Falls Hills subdivision now opened for inspection: the lots range in size from ‘'a acre to more than an acre, fronting on surfaced streets, elevation is extremely high. To reach: Drive out Lee hwv. <U S. 21] > or Lee blvd 'U. S 50>. turn right at Broad st. in Falls Church proceed 1.6 mi. beyond traffic light to our ; Sign. Stanley R. Rowland Co.. Inc. Realtors. 11* E. Broad st.. Falls Church, | Va__FA 3333.__ - JUST COMPLETED 3 really attractive Cape Cod houses f> ' rooms and large bath, all on one floor: large expansion attic with heading roughed in full basement with outside entrance, gas heat, laundry facilities; large lots, priced at $13,950 Exclusivelv with Stanley R. Rowland Co., Inc. Realtors. 11* East Broad st.. Falls Church. I Va. FA 3333_ SMALL VIRGINIA ESTATE This charming old Colonial house, with Mt Vernon type portico is situated on 2 acres of rolling land and located near Falls Church. Va.; on the 1st flr. are a large liv. rm with fireplace, nice-sized dining rm.. kit . laundry rm. and utility rm; there are :< bright, sunny bedrms. and full bath on the 2nd fir.: other bldgs. Include barn and chicken hawse: an excellent value at $22,500, Exclusively with Stanley R. Rowland Co., Inc. Realtors. *11* E. Broad it . Palls Church. Va. FA. 3333. RARE AS RADIUM! A brick bungalow nr Fairlington shopping center. Priced at $15,950. 80 many extra features, like rec. rm. and bar. stairway to 17x28 play room on 2nd floor, screened porch; det. gar. with more than ample storage space Very much worth in specting today! TTTTT RR ANT COMPANY SUBURBAN SALE—VIRGINIA. 3-BEDROOM BUNGALOW 9 very nice bedrms.. liv. rm.. din. rm equipped kit ; very well situated cn level 1 a,-acre lot, located just off fast high ways. 9 mi from D C. or Alex oil h.-w.h : price. *1 1.5oo; can be handled with about $!.500 cash Dominion Ins. & Realty Agency QL. H.'i.'iS._OX. 1 TTft. —fi 4 BEDROOMS $1 1 050: asbestos-shingle home in a de sirab.e residential section; Ige , level lot: easy terms. ENZOR REALTY CO. i CH. lotui. Exclusive. OX. *2314. —6 6USINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE. OX NO. 1 HWY. AT GROVETON—Ovei $!4) 4i04i net a year, pius living auarters tc owner: 2 modern brick buildings with long ; frontage on hwy ; owner operates restau rant and rents stores, apt?., gas station : garage and cabins, all on property; can bf handled with $HM)0O down. R. L. RHIN® REALTY CO . 607 Prince st., Alexandria TE. 8426: eves . ALex. 3852. TE. 4168. WILL SELL OR TRADE valuable propert> at loth and Mass. ave. n.w. BELFIORf tCO, Realtors. 1311 L st. n.w., DI. 5522 —6 LARGE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW -On Ken nedy st. n.w.. first commercial, locatec ! :ipxt to large chain food store: A-l shape: ! .deal for doctor's office or store or apt | Phone Mr Peck. GF 7385. with SHANNON Ac LUCHS CO,. 1505 H st. n.w., NA. 2345 —6 VACANT COKNFR. upper Petworth: Is comm : very desirable business location j 7 :mv: property may be used as business and residence if desired: price reasonable for quick sale, owner needs cash. In ; spect any time DIXIE REALTY. NA. 8880 STORE AND APARTMENTS Downtown—Small, clean building: ston with private apt. in rear plus three moi< apts ; can sell with store and apartment | pithPr vacant for own use or leased: tota j income S4.o5«» year good price and terms j J. A. Weinberg Co., Inc.. Realtors 1707 H st n.w.. National 550o —12 BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT. BUSINESS SITE, including 7-room bunga low. 2 miles south of Alex., Va . next tc - Evelyn Inn and firehouse: excellent corner zoned commercial, have permit, for gas station, auto repair shop, dining car. etc. will give long lease to reliable party: get keys at trailer in rear of hfluse. BOB HOLLANDER. Realtor. NA 9743. —4 FIREPROOF MACHINE SHOP or ware house. near Virginia end of 14th st bridge, all utilities installed including 3-phase electricity; overhead track for traveling crane, about 22 fee' above floor: moderate rent. LOUIS P SHOEMAKER. 1719 K st n.w . NA 1166_ DOWNTOWN—$75 Large street floor space in big downtown office bldg.: suitable for retail or wholesale business, valet shop, print shop, delicates sen: ! ftht and heat incl. Victor Bldg.. 724 9th st. n.w_ BUSINESS PROPERTY WANTED^ HOTEL—We have a particular client who desires to buy or lease a modern fireproof hotel. 100 to 125 rms. with bathc. Parking a consideration. Write, giving full particulars, or contact WM. F CARLIN. '*«? Thayer ave . Silver Spring^Md ^SH _J P1U. —5 _ COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR SALE, V ARLINGTON. 26,000 sq ft., corner ideation, mod 3-bedrm home zoned C-1 For further information, call YEONAS REALTY. GL. 2100. OX. 1243. —6 IPPER WISCONSIN AVE.—Several op portunities for investors, at approximately 0 r lues gross rent return on reliable lease Please call INEZ CUSHARD, DI. 2740 —6 75-FT ~FRONTAGE With average depth of 100 ft. on one of the most active business thoroughfares in upper n w. Washington; perfect for the construction of one or more stores, or combination of stores, offices or apart ments. Can be purchased on terms. Phone Mr Wolberg. TA 17K6. with SHANNON & LTJCHS CO. 1 505 H St. N.W,. NA._2.i45._—5 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR RENT LGE. sriTE OF RMS., suitable for studic I or offices. JOHN G WEBSTER & SONS ;INC . 627 F st. n.w EX. 4615. —5 ! ZONED COMMERCIAL, approx ?'« acres ! in the immed. vie of apt development ; con’aining 2.500 units which are greatly in need cf large shopping center Property faces on Columbia pike and 2 side streets ir. Arlington County. Va ready for im ; mod. development For further informa tion call MISS SHEAFFER, GL. 663(». » i to 5 daily. —0 DESIRABLE LOCATION in heart of Silver Spring; will lease as is or remodel tc suit, tenant H BROOKS PERRING & CO.. Realtors Sligo 4422. —ft „ 1807 H ST. N.w.—2 lee. rms. and amal I room: entr hall to the 3 rms ; pvt. bath 1 DAVID E BARRY, ME. 202ft._-—6 FIREPROOF BUILDING “6x101 with high arched roof; reinforced concrete floor; oil burner; air-conditioned: centrally located Adaptable for mans j businesses requiring large open space ' Available immediately J. A. WEINBERG CO., INC. ,1707 H at. n.w., Realtors, National 5500 _—ft Downtown Washington Opposite proposed General Accounting Of fice Bldg First commercial. Approx 151 . ft. frontage on one thoroughfare and 3<! : it on arother. With paved alley on 2 sides. Valuable for apts or commercia, , business Write R. F. CAMAUER. attorney ! for owners, 1025 Conn, ave , EX 3511. _—7 VACANT LOT j 2,400 sq. ft. on N. nr. 7th: for parkins autos or storage yard; rent S35. DAVIT E BARRY. ME 2025. —6__ INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY FOR SALE j NEAR R. I. AVE. and B & O R. R — ! Brick bldg, with 17.000 sq ft. of groum i and r. r. siding: reasonable terms. A M ROTH. RE. 7330. —6 OFT R. I. AVE. N'.E. with B * O R R I siding 42.000 sq. ft. In mod. flreproo: 1 bldg. UN. 7045. APT. HOUSES FOR SALE. NR. 16th AND COL. RD. N.W.—11 units, mostly 4 rms kit. and bath Wil i sacrifice at less than 71-* times incomi or trad® for Los Angeles income prop Call LARRY O. STEELE. RE. 0493. CH ! 1605. —& I-FAMILY BRICKS—Less than 7 timei !annual, unfurn rental: tenants pay utili* ! ties except heat, only 6 yrs old. price SI8,750 each, terms. Exclusive. HEANEY & CO. Call-HO. 5663. 4* 14**4 R. I. AYE. N.W.—5 units. 3 furn Gross rent approx $5,000 Real buy a $27,500 MR. SLATER. RE. 3126, eves vVI 9535_ —6 APARTMENT SITES FOR SALE SILVER SPRING, just borderinf D. C ’ line off Ga. ave—One of the finest loca tions m nearby Md.: 42.000 so. ft ; must i be sold Quickly RAFFELL REAL ESTATE SH 110:l till 9. ACREAGE FOR SALE.__ 1 TO 7 ACRES—20 minutes from Silvn : Spring; cleared and level. Phone SH 10818. , . —± *1.000 PER ACRE. 10‘J miles from Dis ; trict line, going out New Hampshire ave. 5'j miles from Naval Ordnance Lab ; s nice location. Ashton 2800. —* BETHESDA. 5 beautiful acres, located or high knoll, with all utils. Attn., bunders Good buy. CARLISLE R. STEPHENSON 4321 East-West hwy. Phone OL. ,.424.—t NR McLEAN. VA.—Off Old Dominion dr., over 2 acres with nice stream, will sub mit reas all cash offer. Dial operator and ask for Elmwood 322 or 325 (no toll); eves til 9 Elmwood 889. Wit. H. LADGH LIN. Realtor. McLean. Va._—8 COUNTRY HOMESITES 3 to 8 »cres. as low as S500 per acre; property in lovely community overlooking country club, close to D. C Call SL 5400 STANLEY PEARSON* Realtor. 8816 Georgia Ave.. SU. 8pc. —I ACREAGE FOR SALE 'Cont.* WOODED HbMESITE. betw. Annandale, Va. and new Shirley hwy.; 150*240. 5,95. VERNON M LYNCH & SONS, ALex 59_0«. (Closed Sunday1.__ Ready for Development 12 acres of ground. 4 blocks from Georgia ave . 2 miles north of Silver Spring Rolling, partially wooded, this property has 3 streets abutting with P S. gas. elec tricity. water and sewer. For sale at an acreage price ignoring value of present buildings which are in excellent condi ROBERT L. McKEEVER CO. Realtors. Shorgham Bldg., NA. 4751 *. , —5 ___ REAL estate wanted. I WILL Bl’Y OR SELL YOU* HOUSE, frame or brick, white or colored; 14 years' experience Call MR- WALTER MILLER, ME. 5400 or DE. 5346, I PAY CASH for houses, lots or acreage: free appraisai SCOTT SANDERS, 3919 So. Cap st TR. 7563; eves., VI. 0990. Attention. Property Owners Have many clients with casht looking for properties in n.w. and s.e. sections. If you are thinking of selling, call me at once. WM. J. ROSENTHAL i Realty Bldg. 14,:4 K st. REAL ESTATE SALE OR EXCH. 'II VERY LARGE ROOMS. 6 bedrooms. 4 baths, very old but. strictly modern det. J stone stucco and frame home. Vacant. 1 Beautiful large level corner lot. tall shade 1 trees, nice neighborhood, Silver Spring, i Md.. section. Conv to train and bus ; transp Oil heat. Built in garage New modern plumbing and refrigeration. Noth j ing on the market at present tha’ 1 have seen or read about compares in any way with the dollar for dollar value of this property. Priced at $.'{‘J,500. Although . it possesses an abundance of dignity, charm and individuality. I realize there . are few families requiring so large a place Therefore, shall consider as part payment smail clear property within *50 . miles of D. C OWNER, Sligo 55.h‘t. —I OUT-OF-TOWN REAL ESTATE. I “EAST COAST FLORIDA” 100-ft. ocean front tracts with riparian rights by H6rt ft deep or more; paved scenic highway through property, at. Mel bourne Beach; high, dry land; at a price (you can afford to pay; teims. We are acting as sales agents in establishing a ‘larger Washington colory where local people in Washington have owned beach land for manv vears fast developing beaches since new miilion-dollar causeway ioponpd to traffic Call Mr. Edward Doerr ME 114:5 eves.. ME 1)540. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN _Realtor. 173* K St. N.W. —5 | INVESTMENT PROPERTY FOR SALE IS-UNIT APT.—Unusual oppor. to make a sound investment with very good re turn. Excel, financing, principals only. OW. 1635: evas , CO. 6011. G. P. TER RELL. Broker. —4 ••-FAMILY FLAT. Okla. ave. ne—Ten ant. furnishes utilities: Income. $1,116 : vear: price. $11,000. Call Mr Rault. MI. | 1085. or Mr Hackman. WI. 2748. CON NER RYON. INC., 927 I8th at. n.w. RE 3216 —4 WILL ACCEPT TRADES and cash for equity in a 65-unit FHA-financed garden tvDe apartment excellent return for your investment. This property cannot be duplicated at this price RAY MORSE SH. 8300. with BROWN REALTY CORP . Realtors. DU 8558 SILVER SPRING—New ccmm. bldg., fire proof. store and office: all leased, good income. Owner leaving town. Box 467-M. Star. —» I-OCR-FAMILY APT., only $21,950. with $2,900 annual income and $15,000 1st trust; convenient to stores, bus and the ater A real investment. MITCHELL QUICK, owner. SL. 7731; eves., RA. 3418. BIT FROM OWNER—Three 6-unit apt. houses, furn two on 18th and Columbia rd . one on T st. n w , good investment; each house bringing in $3,600 annually. For information, call ME. 9590, EM. 4648. •—6 SF.F. MY LOVELY GARDEN APT. of 4 units. 1 furn . on breezy elev. near Naval Research, adjacent million dollar shopping center, parks, etc.: de luxe equip . incl. 8 i it picture windows. Vene blinds, tiled baths, 8 cu. ft. refgrs . thermst. ovens, auto, oil heat and auto, light controls. Recent decor , childless tenants pay util. Low cash yields 20', net. Priced below 7*2 times $3,120 income, at, $22,500. OWNER. LU 4861. —6 SPLENDID INVESTMENT! Modern 4 family brick apt. house. 5 years old. in excellent renting location: 4 nice 1 bedrm apts . renting at $2,388 per year Onlv $17,950: $3,950 rash. T. D. BUR GESS CO.. VI 2802 till 8 —6 GROWING N.W. SECTION- First com 1 mercial prime condition: comprising store and 2 four-rm. ap:s lge warehouse in rear. Very attractive Investment $10. ooo cash required To inspect, call Mr. Seabourne AD 4578, with "WALTER S. CANTRELL. MI 2423. ATTN.. INVESTORS! Spec, bargain direct from owner; Takoma Pk . Md. Ideal home income comb or pvt. home Lge grounds, trees; near school; $19,500. SL. 1551. 3 AND 4 FAMILY FLATS, moderately priced, excellent locations THOS. P. BROWN 615 4th st. s w NA. 1819. —8 NR. CALVERT ST. BRIDGE—Very attrac. furn. rooming and apt. house. 14 rms., full bath, gas heat, very excel income. . Price and terms. KEACH & PURCELL, EX 2412. MT. PLEASANT SECTION—Very attrac furn. house of 13 rms . 4 baths made into 4 complete apts good income: property and business gold together; only $5,000 cash: bal reas. monthly payments. It will pay you to investigate this offering. KEACH & PURCELL. EX 2412. SIX-UNIT APT., det brick bldg : excel. Takoma Park location only $22,000. RAFFFLL REAL ESTATE. SH. 8794 ’til 9. 4-1 'NIT APT., separate entrances: 4 bathvS. 4 kits : located on Flower ave. in Takoma Park. $225 monthly income A real bar gain: $15,950. RAFFELL REAL ESTATE. SH. 8794 'til 9._*__ Investment Opportunity Best n w section: 3-story brk. bldg . modern store. 2 mod. apts.. warehouse in rear, rm to garage « trucks splendid investment, showing excel, returns: can finance to suit purchaser, $10,000 cash req. to handle ; WALTER S. CANTRELL __ Call WO 0608._ NEAR 16th & COLUMBIA ROAD \n excellent detached brick apartment ; house, coi taining 17 units, situated in one of the best renting sections of the city, offered foi the first time at $100,000. Buildings in this category are extremely difficult to find today Phone Mr. Wolberg this evening at TA 1780. with SHANNON & LUCHS CO. 1505 H at. n.w,. NA. 2346. —6 i A GOOD OPPORTUNITY Centrally located rooming house. 10 rooms 2 baths, automatic heat, in ex cellent neighborhood: nicely furnished and in good condition Price. $18,000. $5,000 rash required. Call Mr. Terns. EM. 0666, "SHANNON & LUCHS CO. 1505 H st. n.w^ NA. 2345 —5 REDUCED PRICE The last of group offered at $39,000 for quick sale $5,352 annual rent. Detached brick H-family apt. Ideally located in Arlington's best rental section, near schools. shopping and transportation. Long term 1st trust of $24,000 at 4V*"t . A recommended investment. KELLEY & BRANNER PI, 7740: eves , WI 6844. —0 “A” ST. S.E. 800 blk—3-story and bsmt. brick with 4 i furn. apts Immed. poss.. one apt. for | owner occupancy: oil h.-w h . 4 stoves. 4 refgr ; good income property. For more nfo. cal! Mr. Snyder at ME. 6400. LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO. 1415 K st. n.w.. Realtors. ME. 5400. —6 6 STORES Fourth st s w. Completely remodeled: individual gas heating units. Tenants fur nish all utilities. Leases 3 to 5 years. Excellent investment. CONNER & RYON. INC 927 18th st. nw. RE 3218. Evenings call Mr. Falrbairn. HO. 7000. or Mr. Hack man, WI._2748. LOTS FOR SALE. BUILDERS. INVESTIGATE—We are of fering a limited number of lots in Silver ! Spring, with utilities, construction and I permanent financing available. Cali sales dept,. RE 6650. 9 ’til 9. COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO. 815 9th st. n.w. —4 LANGLEY, VA.—Lot 70x200 in exclusive 1 Langiev Farms Dial operator and ask for Elmwood 322 or 325' (no toil); eves i 'til 9. Elmwood 889. WM. H. LACGHLIN Realtor, McLean. Va. —0 WESTMORELAND HILLS—Nicely wooded lot. 70-ft. frontage, street, sewer, water in. From *2.500. Eves.. Mr. White, OL. 0924. i H KORZENDORFER CO , INC.. OL UNIVERSITY PARK. MD —Level. 05x135. next to 4441 Wells parkway. All utilities I paid. *1.900 or best offer. WA. 245,. KIRKSIDE. off Western ave. near Chevy Chase Circle, large corner lot. 76x125. well graded, all utilities, paved streets. Owner will take *1 500 for eauity. Call NA 1250. —0 CORNER LOT 97x110; Forest Heights. Md. Call AX 3915. —5 UNIVERSITY PARK, adjacent to College Heights Estates—In restricted residential area; reasonable cash preferred. WA. ,3080 or LI 3678 .5 HYATTSVILLE—Lovely building lot, in best section; conven to everything: all utilities, paved st. and sidewalk: 1 of the I few lots available in this sections good j garage, already on lot, incl. in price; ! *2.000. Call WA. 1384. —o BURNT MILLS HILLS, lot 100 ft , facing (Colesville pike, 130 ft. deep; *2.400. ST 5077 —8 BRADDOCK HEIGHTS—2 adjacent lots in lovely neighborhood, 50x135 each. Call OWNER. CH. 1421. 17th ST . Manchgster lane and Rock Creek i Part near Nicholson st- n.w.—Corner and <> (jo-foot interior lots for detached houses: plans for a handsome house on the cor ner prepared for present owner, will be ; included at the price of *5 400 as the average price for the 3 lots taken as a whole LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER. 1719 K ,*t n.w.. NA. 1166. . . ED&EMOOR, 2 desirable adjoining bidg Slots s'2.400 each. DI. 274" —o SILVER SPRING AREA, lovely sites In Woodmoor Woodside Park. RoliingWood. Quaint Acres. Hillandale Call lor apot. £ insp. WORTHINGTON REALTY. 8427 : Ga. ave. SL. 3700; if no answer, call SH. ! in « O -5 : lots—We have tome very lovely Miuamc lota, both in Arl. and Fairfax Counties. CECIL B. LUPTON. Realtor, OW. 5333, OX. 0859. Eves., CH. 6457. —0 I ON GARRISON ST., at 34th st. n w Chevy ! chase—Bargain, beautifully wooded iOt, 70-ft frontage (also corner lot.» Repre i sentative on ground daily. 6 to S p m. SHAPIRO. INC. ME. 1»1.. TA. 7611. 1 CHEVT CHASE- MD.—Beautiful 1% 60x 1 125. near Western ave ; $3 200, or beat offer. Bo* 204-R, Sun. LOTS FOK SALE *(Cowt >. TWO DESIRABLE LOTS, country club Mc tlon, Chevy Chase, Md.; 50*100 each, $3,500 lor the two; sewer. water, gas and elec, available. Eve, phone Mr Gordon Woodley 1935. L. T. GRAVATTE. Real tor. T29 15th st. n w . NA. 0.53 CALIFORNIA ST., near 24th — 100-foot frontase. on grade; side and rear ai’.eys. L. W. GROOMES. 1 Sth and Eye sts. lAKOMA PARK. MD.—Beautifu. level lot 100x145 ft on Daved street. 2 block D C. line; util.; $2,500. MI. 9564 after 5 p m -O BUILDERS, ATTENTION 43 lots in Brandon Village, $1,100 per lot. Stanley R. Rowland Co., Inc. 1 is E. Broad st.. Fails Church._FA. 3333. BARNABY WOODS Choice wooded lot, SO-ft. frontage by a depth in excess of 150 ft.: priced attrac tively for quick sale. Call Mr. Robey (eves.. EM 4919). THOMAS J. FISHER 6 CO. Realtors. DI 6830._—$ HILLCREST S.E. A lovely lot. on Camden st., between Branch ave. and Suitland rd : all utili ties available: owner will consider reason able offer. Call Mr Robey (eves. EM. 4919). THOMAS J. FISHER & CO., Real tors. DI. 8830.—4 LANHAM PARK Beautiful lots 100x170 feet: 5750. 5100 down. $15 monthly: .31 lots sold in June, breaking all previous sales records: city water, electricity, phone, mail service, train and bus connections Directions Biadensburg rd. to Peace Cross, out De fense hwy 5 miles to large sign. Lan ham Park" at office on left side of De fense hwy Office open daily and Sunday. 10 * m until dark THOMAS F. HALLEY Broker. Phone Hyattsville 0107 or Union 7 640 Write or phone for beautiful free folder, showing advantages of Lanham Park__—6 WYNNEWOOD Large corner lot. 16th and Jefferson ats : 8.608 sq. ft.: $2.Too. Also inside lot. adjoining on 16th st. Build your dream house in this lovely section. AD. 2644, 1 J R TENCHER CO_—6 ' QUAINT ACRES This lovely lot of more than an acre. 200-ft. frontage, is one of best situated lots in this lovely subdivision and is ofTered at $4,250 to acceptable pur chaser Call SL. 5400: eves. SL 4150. STANLEY PEARSON Realtor. 8616 Georgia ave • Si 1. Spr, -—5 RIVERDALE, MD. 1 a-acre wooded lot. $1,200: 14-acre wooded lot. $800 Gas. elec , sewer and water: 2 blocks from school, bus. streetcar and train. 15 nuns dow’ntown $100 cash and $15 per mo.; or will build for purchaser. J. HARRIS ROGERS, UN. 0493. WA 2706 —ft IN AURORA HILLS Large wooded hillside lot with view of Washington. Large trees. 135-ft frontage by 150 depth, over ** acre in size. Ideal for ranch-type house or California rambling bungalow. City water, sewer gas. sidewalks, curb and gutter, all in and paid for. Highly restricted Aurora Hills, a community of fine residential i homes Block to busline. 10 minutes from .downtown Washington and Pentagon. A rare opportunity. Priced to sell. Inquire i AURORA HILLS OFFICE 2301^ Arlington Ridge Rd., JA. 17^10. j COLORED—DEAN WOOD " Near schools, bus. streetcar and stores. $400 cash down payment, balance monthly. MURRAY CO., 1229 L st. n w . NA. 7206. ;4 * LOTS WANTED. LOCATION FOR~USED CAR LOT: must b, Mn busy area; approximately 100 It. by 100 ft. REINES MOTOR CO ■ OR 3400. WAREHOUSES FOR RENT. WAREHOUSE, brick. 1 story. 20.000 sq . ft,, railroad siding good n.e. location: I immed. poss., lease 65c per sq. ft. GEORGE Y WORTHINGTON A* SON. ! Active Realtors since 1892, 1719 Eye st. n.w . NA. 3326. —5 •5015 L ST. N.W.—Fireproof: approx , 7.200 sq ft. on 2 floors with ramp, large alley, truck doors, first floor available at once, balance in 60 days Call Mr. Franklin. WEAVER BROS.. INC.. Wash , ington Blag , DI. 8300; eves, GL. 4456. —5 STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION service of pxge. mdse. incl. local del. and out-of town shipping, via truck or rail, is the modern method for broker, factory rep. or naM distrib. METROPOLITAN WARE HOUSE CO , 50 Fla, ave, n.e.. HO 0682. STORAGE SPACE FOR RENT. STORAGE SPACE, first floor of brick building; 4.500 square feet; easy entrance, located near 3rd and Constitution ave. n.w._RE o393_—6 STORES FOR RENT. MODERN STORE. 20 x60' with full base' ment. No. 80 North Glebe rd. in Bucking ham area, next to a High Ice Cream store. Call MR ARHAN. TE. 1104. 6 NEAR 4th AND M STS. N.W —Lge vacant store 20x60. good for groc., valet or beauty sho#, church, etc ; $70 mo including heat. LISS REALTY CO. RE 8264 —5 1021 Bl. A DENS BURG RD . Colmar Manor: modern store, next to Safewav; suitable most, any business or offices: $110 month, including heat and water: immediate pos session. Call MR. MARSDEN, WA. 3000. —9 1017 MINNESOTA AVE. N.E. at Benning rd.—35x80' with side drive and large paved rear for parking, oil hot-water heat. 2 toilets, excellent for restaurant, dry-ci-a ling plant, hardware, etc. Call Mr. Franklin WEAVER BROS INC . Washington Bldg . DI. 8300; eves.. GL. 4456. —5 908 NEVT YORK AVE.—Reasonable rent with long iease. new front Call PAPANICOLAS INVESTMENT. INC. DL 3047. •—4 • wiaki, sniALL muke.; locaiea on p st. n.w.. Just off Conn, ave Ideal fcr gift shop, dress shop, jewelry, records, optician or many other uses Low rental For details, call ST. 7200 (Broker > -—f* CONN. AVE.. so. of Dupont Circle—Attrac. modern ground-11 store. MI 4466. SMALL STORE in good Northwest resi dential and college section, suitable for a I-man barber shop or beauty parlor low • ental. W C. & A N. MILLER DEVELOP MENT CO. 4830 Mass. ave. n.w., OR 4461 BILLIARD HALL, plus small lst-floor store, good opportunity, reasonab e. Box 217-M. Star. 18th AND COLUMBIA RD . lge store: will give lease to responsible party: 5175 pet mo. Heat furnished. GERALD REALTY CO. 412 5th st. n.w. DI 5995. —6 5225 GA. AVE. N.W.—Ideal cleaner, flor ist. women's, men's apparel candy or jewelry shop; Immediate occupancy. OWN ER. SH 1103, ME 1166 5* SEVERAL WELL-LOCATED STORES (some furnished) for rent: also parking lots and lots to se 1 used cars NA 4639. 8* FOR RENT—Store. 1218 H st. n e.: lst fl store rm.. approx 16x70: rent. 5175 mo. HOHENSTEIN BROS . FR. 3000. —6 G ST.. NR. llth; prime location: ‘24 by 100: resp. tenant only will be considered. SIDNEY 8. or LEWIS BROWN, NA. 5740. GROCERY STORE. 6th and B sts n e.— Store with living Quarters in rear, rent, 575 mo.; lease can be obtained. Cali MR JAMES. 1012 17th st. n.w., PI. 1655 —6 CONNECTICUT AVE., 2,600 sq. ft., full basement, 9 ft. high, two street entrances. Downtown, cor K st. n.w 600 sq ft. and basement, near G W\ Hospital; suit able medical supplies, etc. 1104 9th st. n.w., downtown: 25x100 ft. 14 ft. high: terrazo floors, completely renovated: furn. WO. 3816. _ DUPONT CIRCLE BLDG. 12x60, next, to Dupont Theater: also avail. 10,000 sq. ft. of basement apace. 1346 CONNECTICUT AVE. _AD. 3200._ NEW MODERN STORES : i 7x50. in thickly populated colored sec tion suitable for any type business, rea sonable rentals. LOUIS BURMAN RE 1768_/_—9 STORE VALUES 215 Indiana ave. n.w.—Store and bamt : $80 month. . 1.265 Kennedy at. n.w. 1.600 sq ft. *200. 820 1st st n e 2nd commercial 2-story brick bldg Parking for 5 cars. *150. 4036 Minnesota ave. n.e. New atore. fl-.'o. 1207 1st st. n w. 20x35 *125. 3748 10th st. n r 40x110. *350 mo R A HUMPHRIES. Realtors. *08 No. C apitol. NA. 6730. —8 STORES WANTED. LIST TOT R PROPERTIES with us for quirk action; many of our clients, in ' eluding out-of-town chain atore com panies. are looking for store locations. Call Mr Kiely LEO M BERNSTEIN At CO. 1415 K st. n.w.. ME 5400. —6 STORE for men s wear or 5c and !Oc store in busy neighborhood or shopping center. Box 211-R Star. * _OFFICES^ FOR RENT. 1 ton R. I. AVE. N.W.. J 4th st. «or.. huge front rm . 6 Ige. windows, good for any business: 2nd or 3rd fl. RA. 0036. -—5 NR. WHITE HOUSE—2-rm. suite, first fl . !ge. hallway: lavatory: *60 Avail. : for business or professional office. Call NA 2145: OL. 48.19 after 6 pm. —7 2 DESKS IN QUIET OFFICE, Suite 307, Victor Bldg 724 9th st. n.w. EX. 6285 APPROX. 2.000 SQ. FT. of prime 2nd-fl space on Conn ave near S st. Ideal for many uses and long-term lease to reliable temnt. Call ST. 7200. (Broker.: —o "SILVER SPRING1’ main business section on Ga. ave .lor’ rooms, furn or unfurn.; reas Call 8L. 3700 or 8H. 1913. —5 CONV. DOWNTOWN LOCATION—1 room 11x18. *45 month including heat, elec tricity and janitor service. For further information call RE 8384. —7 2-ROOM SUITE in corner office bul.ding «70 mo.. With all services furnished. Call i DU 8558 BROWN REALTY CORP 1 CONVENIENTLY LOCATED office rooms, available in large modern office bldg, situ ated near Municipal Center and Munici pal Court. THOS. J FISHER & CO.. INC_. Realtor. 738 15th st. n W:. DI. 6830. Spacious and convenient offices for rent: 'ight. gas and heat furnished, available immediately. Call FR. 8313. CONVENIENT DOWNTOWN LOCATION—1 room 12x18 ft- **5l h**1* Sn<* janitor service. Phone R* «l«4 —« •2 OFFICES and reception rm . *90 Other* from 535. Rental Include# elevator and cleaning service. See Mr. Fenner. MARK WINKLER MANAGEMENT, 1117 Vt__are. wV RTRA5NSFE* POINT. 8 axpoaurea. Ga. are.. Kennedy »t. and Dl. ave: pvt. suite. 4 rms . all or part. OK 2943. -—7 OFFICE BLDG.—Small, beautifully pine paneled. 1 blk. off Conn ave. and Rin* HSR- ^ebl'o0rr“panrfUOED°ir WES7*E^FR 1 Sth ST., near Calmer. Hotel— 3 offices vanoug naea. a:i?. priced. Call BE. 1538 or HO. 6757. —6 OFFICES FOR RENT (Cont.). EVANS BUILDING. 1420 New York ave j n.w.: available immediately, desirable rms. to meet your requirements. PENN PROP ERTIES. 474 K st. n.w . ME 1107. ii’io .YE >T. N.W.—First floor front of fice room. 30^4x13. heat, light, lavatory; $100 month. THE WASHINGTON LOAN *, TRUST CO rental dent . 900 F st. n.w.. NA 3440 OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE—Single rms i or large suites for immediate occupancy; | all space redecorated, ideal downtown lo cation: reasonable rental, rental agent on premises. See MR. KOCH. Room 112. Atlantic Bldg 930 F st. n.w. DESIRABLE DOWNTOWN, nicely furn 2 rm. office suite. Call MISS WATKINS. I DI. 2503. —5 15th AND H N.W.—Heart of financial dis trict. entire fl of 3.000 sq. ft., or less! in prom prestige bearing office bldg. Also! smaller suites available. DI. 1810 and OR. «508. —fl FIFTH ST. N.W.t near Courts—Desirable professional or business person Greatly' -educed rent remainder term. NA. 7886.1 GOOD DOWNTOWN LOCATION. $35 and up. Inquire DIXIE REALTY. 1417 L st. n w. OFFICE SPACE, approximately 1.100 sq ft.; although an older building, this space has been completely modernized, must see to appreciate: $300 mo. for one of the outstanding offices in Washington Air-condition units available. Call DI. | 5539, MISS MORRISSEY —10 I UPPER GA. AVE. N.W.—Large 2nd floor suite of offices in brand new bldg ; heat, electricity and show window included Can be rented all or part; also large office in professional bldg uptown, reason able rental. KAY REALTY CO., INC.. 5505 Ga ave. n.w. RA. 2200. —fl LARGE OFFICE SPACE. 4 rooms P us bath and attic; 2nd and 3rd floors. 2 ex posures on both floors; in vicinity of O W U Hospital on Pa ave. n.w ; espe cially suitable for an architect's office or a drafting room. Call WOODWARD & NORRIS. 723 20th st. n.w. Republic «58o. —5 IDEAL FOR DOCTOR or dentist. Spacious second floor suite, facing Wisconsin ave . in corner ouilding; light and airy: ar-j ranged perfectly for reception room, pri-1 vate office, bath, small hv. quarters. Avail able immediately on lease For informa tion rail C ALLEN SHERW1N, INC.. Real tors. EM 4450. —5 ROOM with use of large reception room and secretarial service HFNRY STEAR MAN, RE. 1045. Southern Bldg . Rm. 501. —5 ESTABLISHED. REPUTABLE Washington organization has available facilities for out-of-town concern desiring Washington office and liaison contacts: top location no immed. investment req in physical facilities, can establish your office with us at once Box 11 -M. Star._—4 ATTRACTIVE SUITE half "block from Mayflower Hotel. Excellent Connecticut avenue address Modern 3-toom suite, newly decorated atop Isrge office building: reasonable rent: full office building service J. A. Weinberg Co., Inc., Realtors 1707 H st. n.w.. Realtors. NAtional 5500. —5 DUPONT CIRCLE BLDG. Offices available for business, professional, medical or trade association and others. 1346 CONNECTICUT AVE. ______AD 3200-_ _ DOCTOR’S OFFICE ; Medical bldg . Buckingham community, ex ! cellently located on main street of large I housing development containing over 1.800 apts and in fast-growing community: ideal for eye. ear nose and throat specialist, surgeon, optometrist, chiropodist or any specialist: Immediate possession wonder ful opportunity Call MR HISLE. CH. 5000. 313 No. Glebe rd , Arlington. Va —6 I r. ■■ .. , - r.-rrrrrrs FARMS FOR SALE._ VIRGINIA ESTATES—Country homes, stock and dairy farms commuting dis tance of Washington Shown bv appoint ment. Phone Herndon 38. BUELL FARM AGENCY. Herndon. Fairfax Co Va 4* A FARMETTE. only 11 mi. from Sliver ; Spg ; on economical place to live and an : easy ride to work; brand-new white ce ment masonry home provides 4 rooms and 1 oath, kitchen stove; h.-w heat with oil j Durner. acre of land for garden, orchard. ] pens. etc : could use 1st floor as garage! any time you built larger home. $6,950; i terms; brand-new R P RIPLEY. Realtor.] SL 6111 (Sun. and e\es. SH. 6916, Mr STROLT S SPRING-SUMMER FARM cata- j log free Green cover, over 2.800 bar- i gains; Coast to Coast. STROUT REALTY ' 7J1-A Woodward Bldg., Washington, Met-, topolitan 7548. ] 169 ACRES, close-in Maryland near Oxon Hill suBtiivusion adjoins property; for quick salt will take $15,000 cash. Call MR SHELTON. TW 2710 —5 VIRGINIA FARMING ESTATE of 1.000 acres, with a handsome Georgian mansion (cost $200,000). whose rooms have beau tiful proportions and whose refined ap pointments came from Tiffany Studios of New York: other buildings include 3 barns. 3 tenant houses and an interesting unre stored Colonial brick, house, pleasantly lo cated in an estate neighborhood; 2 hours’ drive from Washington in the Virginia Piedmont; price. $175,000. MASON HIRST, i Annandale. Va . at the end of Columbia pike Phone FA. 7447. Closed Sundays FARMS—Eastern Shore. Md 40 acres, timber; 60 cultivated; 7-rm house, large) barn; 4 mi. from small town. Phone: Hudson 8766. , , " i 373 ACRES. 126 CLEAR, balance in mar-! ketable timber. 100 miles from Wash., near Charlottesville Va , house with 4 fireplaces; springs and creeks price. $11 950. JAMES H PRENTICE. 1101 Ver-! mont ave n w . ST 6650. —6 *16.000—This 5-acre poultry farmelte is on a main road about 18 miles from; Washington The house has the charm* and quaintness of the old and the modern . comfort that comes from a GE oil heating plant, bath and electricity. There are a living romp with fireplace, dining room, kitchen, bedroom, bath and laundry on the first floor and 2 bedrooms, one of which has a fireplace, on the second floor. The poultry houses have concrete floors. , elec and water and will accommodate] around 2.000 hens; $6,260 down Shown by MASON HIRST. Annandale. Va.. at, the end of Columbia pike, phone FA ,44. SMALL FARM OF 53 ACRES; 6-rm frame house w ifti electric range, bath and ; basement, good barn, chicken house brood - i er house with electric brooder. 1-car ga-j rage; 13 apple trees, lo peach trees ana 2 good springs located 20 miles from D C Reduced in price for quick sole. ELVAN R. THORPE, agent. Vienna, Va. Phone Vienna 210-M. , . . . 225-AC RE gra7ing farm in the heart of Northern Virginia s best cattle and horse country, on hard road. 55 mi. from Wash ington. old manor house can be restored: berutiful mountain view in all directions, fenced and we.l watered cattle now on property can be bought: $18,500: already financed. THOMAS Ac CO., Fairfax 800; evenings. OV. 2872. * NEAR BRANDYWINE. MD about 18 ml D C line—Fine mod. farm. 18 acres: 7 rm. heme bath, oil heat, gas atove, refgr .: outbuildings. 7 acres fenced pasture. 10 acres in tobacco; recently redecorated In side and out SH if no ana , 8H 4362 till Ppm. WOODSIDE REALTY ; no —7_i LARGE LOG HOUSE On 120 acres, nr. Seneca. Va . within commuting distance of D. C.; massive stone fireplace and random width oak ns. in spacious liv. rm : dining space, equip, kit. and pantry. Va bath: 2nd fl has .3, bedrms . full bath, abundant closet space: screened and glassed flagstone P°rcn. • Vermont slate roof: property lies within mile of Potomac River; 8-box stall barn. ; house furnishings: 4 riding horses flock o sheep and farm eaulpment included; rlghr price to the right buyer. For further information, dial operator and ask lor Elmwood 322 or 325 <no toll). WM. H. LAUGHLIN, Realtor __ McLean. Va._—5 25 ACRES—IMMED. POSS. $9,000—Nice quiet 0-room home with bath, plenty of shade, about 20 acres of woodland. 3 bedrms . 1 bedrm on lit fl.. ; large closets and storage, fireplace full bsmt . a number of outbldgr JOHN BUR ! DOFT. Colesville. Md Call Ashton (Md.) I 3840. Route 2. 8tlver Spring. Md. —4 Stocked & Equipped Dairy Farm :)«« aerea. practically new RO-stanrhlon dairy barn. 2 silos, milk house. dry barns. I s-room house, fi-room house, 50 fine cows, 1 tractors, plows, harrows, ensilage cutter, all modern necessary farming equipment, growing crops, watered by atreams and wells: income quoted $2.3<V1 per mo : 24 miles from D C good roads: if you are looking for a dairy farm, see this one be fore vcu buv; $70,000: H cash. J. L. C. WEST FA 2135 or FA 2582.__ " Farm Estate, 15 Acres A real show place to be proud of. 10V* miles from Chain Bridge. Here is a 1S acre country estate, beautiful 3-bedroom home with lame living room dining room, complete kitchen. 2 screened-tn Porches and bath Oil hot-water heat Home completely insulated. 3-car garage, barn, too! house Tools and equipment go with farm. Excellent water facilities. Price is reasonable and good n a n c i n k car. be had Call Mr Mackintoslv Jr , WEAVER ■ BR06 , INC. Washington Bldg. DI. S.1O0. | eyes. WO 37Id__=24— FREDERICK. UUUiN 11 Just 15 miles from Gaithersburg, estate of 350 acres (200 acres cropland. 00 acres unsurpassed pasture. «0 *c1r?s_J,°°2‘anSl, fronts 34 mile on State Hlthway No. <5. hu: 1 7 miles off No 240 at Hyaustown; beauty, elevation, charm, fertility: two streams, can be stocked with flsh. natural boundaries for lake or commercial use. with sites for campine and acreage for development: a large brick home (restora tion partly completed! for master dwelling, another large 11-rm . 3-bath home for tea tourist or cottage convalescent, also! two tenant cottages, barns, garage, smoke; house, corn house, laundry, remodeled; barn 20 stanchions, can be increased to 411 lean-to for young stock, silo, electricity ell bldgs . pressure systems of good drink ing water, also springs. Inspection in vited' crons, stock and equipment If desired: no better investment can be m”de Drive out or phone HARRY P WlLLIAMSj Phone New Market 21221. —4 CLIFTON STATION, VA. ot, urea: a verv cozy 1-rm bungalow, front and back porch; situated on top of a hill overlooking the countryside Verv nice for young ccuple to work on and improve for summer week-end home clean uo and grow fruit and vegetables. Price only «i geo _ CHESTER COGSWELL 736 H. Albemarle at.. Art.. Ya.. OX. 1633. j^^HHnBKSSBSSES5BSBBHBCBBSB^S55S^SS9BE£S3K FARMS EXCHANGED W AMEN TON. VA.—100 acres! rood « rm. house, all neeesaary outbid**.; well watered, elec. Will trade for 0 C or nearby Va. property. NA. 2014; e»es., HO 8107 __=k— WATERFRONT FROF.—WANTED. WANTED—Quiet cottage foLfamlly. near ghaiiov beach for children, week of Aug. 14 to 21. HO. 68*6. WATERFRONT PROPERTY—SALj. DRUM POINT BEACH announces the opening ol Its harbor section! Now sportsmen can nave a water front home site where plans for a private dock ana hsADor can become a realty; where pleasure craft can be moored almost at the front door step; where you are but a stone's throw from Solomons Island; Drum Point Beach; you re right In th# center of just about everything nature has to offer, and you’re within easy commut ing distance of Washington; lots are gen erourly proportioned, none leas than 10. 000 so. ft. in area; prices unusually low. from *495 iterms available): get full in formation now. DRUM POINT CORP-. owners. developers. Washington, D. C. Sole sales agents. Calvert Realty Agepcv. 220 Southern B!dg RE. 8438; week ends, phone Prince Frederick 108. —8 ST. CLEMENTS SHORES. 8 miles from Leonardtown. Md , commuting distance. Cedar Point Naval Base, masonry cottags with 2 bedrms and 34-ft river patrol boat; nrice includes cottage furn. and boat *0.500. *2.000 cash Owner MR SMITH. Whitehall 0240; eves . OL. 5616. WILLOWS BEACH COLONY offer* *OUnff protection of property and social values, fine summer and year-’round homes bull* here have established this development s* well above average; 42 ml. from Whit* House; on Chesapeake Bay deep shaded beach, dedicated to property owners. Call HO 8235 for folder with lot plat and road map. WILLOWS DEVELOPMENT CO DRUM POINT BEACH. Washington * laif set beach development! No need to worry about crowded and congested beaches and facilities at Drum Point Beach there 1* ample room for all. without erowding! Drum Point Beach has some of the moat beautiful beaches ever developed, miles and miles of white sandy beaches on the Chesapeake, that even have shade trees! Georgeous forestry, too. plus 4 fresh water lakes and many other features tw numerous to mention: superb location, pasily accessible liom any part ef Wash ing,on. lots are generously proportioned, none less than 10.0(H) sa. ft in ares; prices unusually low too! From »4P5 iterms available' Get the entire story first-hand DRUM POINT CORP . own ers. developers. Washington. D. C Cal vert Realty Agency, sole sales agent*. 220 Southern Bldg . RE 8438; week ends. phone Prince Frederick 108 —6 ATTRACTIVE YR.-ROUND HOME on well kept corner lot; overlooking water: nlc* shade trees. 2 bedrooms, living room, kitch en and bath, oil heat. elec, refgr . ga* stove, laundry sacrifice for immedlat* sale:_$a500._BOND■_ME PM 0. * J WATERFRONT PROP. FOR RENT. FDGF WATER BEACH. South River. 30 mi. D C ; nicely furn.. spotless. 4 rm*.. bath, adults, beach, pier. Annapolis 6630. H-ROOM COTTAGE. North Beach—Ho* and cold running water; inside lavatory ana shower, mcd. kit. Call MR. H a* LI. 4 >40. „ ; *V COLONIAL BEACH. VA.—Water-front apt., accommodates 4 Call NO 1819 - 6 DESIKABIE H ATER FRONT eotlage »* Masons Beach, available for August 15-21. also ‘'8th over Labor Dav. OR 3,08. FURNISHED COTTAGES, modern, near Deale. Md ; 5 rooms: Aug 14 to 21. Aug. 28 through Sept. 15. $.'10 per week: 7-room cottage. Aug. 8-14. Aug. 28 through Sept 15. $50 per week. Call . a m or S p m.. BETHANY BEACH, Del . new all-elite, furn apt oil the Boardwalk; sleep A. Call RA. 74RK after fl pm .... COLONIAL BEACH, water-front, eotlage. cool. mod.. Aug. 15 through Sept .accom modate R-8. Call through Sat . UN 2538. SHERWOOD FOREST, cottage for rent; last 2 wks. of Aug Mod convenience#. Phone Sherwood l-'orfst_.'101_1_ SEASHORE PROPERTY._ REHOBOTH BEACH. DEL.—For rent. Th| Dunes Apartments, corner Boardwalk anfl Brooklyn ave. Openings Aug. 14 through Sept Reservations. EM. 739.. —® .. HUES. DELAWARE—Bay-front apt ; salt water, sandy beach, wka Aug. 7 and 14 and Sept 4 on. Phone DU 8„58 P COUNTRY PROPERTY 5QR RENT. BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC MANOR house. IB the garden spot of Maryland. This prop erty is located five miles from Hagerstown. Md . and one mile from historic Wil liamsport. Md Twelve-room brick house with all modern conveniences, ts situated in a park of fine old trees and boxwood. The Potomac River. *4 mile to rear. $1»0 unfurnished and $300 furnished in an tiques. Available immediately. Pictures can be seen. Cali DU.._603jWrom4 to 8 (\* FLORIDA PROPERTY. "LIVE LONGER AND BETTER for less"— You can make your retirement dream* come true Right now is the time to plan for the future. A cosy home a couple of acres of good land, sunshine, fruits, flowers and vegetables all the year. Da Soto Acres offers all this Modestly Priced restricted subdivision adtoinmg city limits of Sarasota. All lots approximately 300* 300 ft Prices begin at. $785. small down pavment, -easy terms, no city taxes, titia insured Buv now and have several year* in which to pay for a desirable place ready fcT you when you retire. For descriptive folder, contact A T Traylor. 351ft 14th st n w . phone North 103”, or VAN DAME ESTATES INC Box 1544. Sarasota. Fla. REAL ESTATE LOANS _ 1st AND 2nd TRUST LOANS on real Es tate in D. C.. Md. and V». MR. DRAISNER. 1404 L at. n.w.. NA. 4167 MORTGAGE LOANS, lowest current Inter est rate; no charge for appraisals MOORR & HILL CO . 804 17th st. n.w. MB. 4100. 2nd TRUST NOTES purchaaed Call NA. 3570 WASHINGTON HOUSING CORP TRUSTS. 1st. 2nd and 3rd. Md . Va. and D C »k s service. ADAMS REALTY CO 905 N.'Y. ave nw RE 1812. 81* FIRST-TRUST LOANS on real estate; low rates; 3 or 5 year terms and monthly payments P. J WALSHE. INC . 1116 Kvo at n w NA. 8458 , MONEY ON SECOND TRUST—We will buy second-trust notea D. C.. nearby Md. or Va Reasonable rates NATIONAL MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CORP.. 131* N Y ave. n w National 5833 1st AND 2nd TRUST LOANS—Prompt and courteous service _Before borrowing call COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO.. 817 9th st. n w RE 6650 FIRST MORTGAGE amortised loam at current interest rates; no commissions charged Apply to the AMERICAN HOME MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO , 1757 K st. n.w.. Washington. D. C. FIRST AND SECOND TRUSTS—Courteou* service, reasonable rates, prompt dosings. SECURITY HOME INVESTMENT CORP. 910 Chandler bldg.. 1427 Eye *t. n.w. ?st AND 2nd MORTGAGE LOAN*. BAR TOW REALTY CO.. Realtors 1331 G at. n w.. ME 2495. CASH FOR 2nd TRUST NOTES (white or colored'—Quick settlement Prefer per sonal calls to telephone call* FULTON R GORDON. 1427 Eye at n w. DI 6230. Brokera, attention —;3I_ BANK-PERSONAL LOANS. LOANS FOR SEASONAL NEEDS) purehaga your winter fuel supply now and avoid the rush, delays or possible scarcity later. Personal loan dept , LIBERTY NATIONAL BANK. ) 5th and Ere gts. _GARAGES FOR RENT, GARAGE FOR RENT—Dupont fflrcle"; parking space for (4> cars; *5 par month each DU. 6644. rear 1315 20th at. n w. EXCELLENT 14th ST. CORNER location with 22.500 so ft on 8 floor*, auto, ele vator ; showroom available 8ept. 1, 1948; also parking lot, near building Call Mr. Franklin. WEAVER BROS.. INC- Wash ington Building. DI. 8300; ere* . GL. 4456. —» - AUTO LOANS. FINANCING private aalea owr gpaelalW' tl you are buying or selling in iuUnnobUi| let us finance It for the purchaser. NOLAN FINANCE CO. 1102 New York b.w. Republic_} "QQ B| 1 , _AUTO PAINTING._ COMPLETE JOB, *35 UP; work ggaran teed. GILBERT. 4102 Pa. art. ext. M. DFPAffTMENTAI.IZF.D SERVICE 1* bed tor your c»r regardless of make; super fine painting fender and body work M reasonable Dricef ALEXANDRIA NASH CORP-. 600 Montiomey at., Aleamdrl® 2330 —1MTHI—T TRAILERS. TRAILER—2B-ft Roycroft slaapa 4. fuDy eaulDoed. elec, brakes, new tires, or lot 40x100. fenced; outbuild, 6x6. new. Coat owner 12,600 3 mo ato. Pull price. *2.300 or beet offer for quick sale Can bo seen any time at 1212 46th and S. ■ Hill side. Md 6 COLIE trailer CO. now offers ids beat in trailer repairs and aerrtc*. *200 Oa. ave, SL. *202. —* UNITED TRAILERS. 22>4 feet, d* luxe, beautiful birch Interior, all-aluminum in terior, insulated throughout. 6-eu -ft. refgr . AB apt -sue cook stove with over and broiler. Inlaid linoleum fl, Venetian blinds; perfect for a home or traveling. WAHL TRAILER SALES. Coleavllle rd. and 2nd ave.. Silver Sprint, Md. <baw 16th at. and Georgia ava l. Phona 8H. 85.55 —fl AT RICHTER'S. engineering akin rgaelig* a new hith In the 30' tandem wheel Spar tan Mansion that makes It tha choice of those who dctire a combination of the extremely practical and the very beauti ful. Imagine the livability of our B3' «hi Prrlor. 6 aieeper with ehower and tollaa. uxury. beauty and efficiency era tha kar note to the designer* of tha 29* Vlndalt Direct factory distributor* of aevaral other leading trailer coaches in both aaaoonlt* and aluminum, priced from *1,496 to *4.496. We carry a large Una of aoeea aories. RICHTER TRAILER SALES. 2 lo cations, Wa^h.-Balto. blvd.. Berwyn. Md. Telephone Tower 6035 NEW LIBERTY TRAILERS with niatfWl standing featureson display HMglLft WALDEN TRAILER SALES. Waih-Balto. blvd., Berwyn. Md^ JXFSl 11 HORNER’S TRAILER CENTER. 6th Eta ave n e. See the new vMabond Royal and Palace !£»!*«*» °n dla Dlay at HORNER B CORNER. PR 1281. HOI SF,TRAILER. 20-ft ; elec, atova. lava tory, icebox; *i95 HY. 0212. —-0. TRAILER, one wheel, easy handling, used once, must sacrifice TE 5412. —10 MUST SELL 1948 Alma, excel eood ; fully equip.: 21-ft.; stove, heater, icebox; $1,800 or best offer. LIT 910*. —JO, SUPER DE LUXE SI-PT.. '47 Curll* Wright: sleeps 6; 3 rm* and bath; ahower and tub. running h. and c, water both kitchen and bath: outside aluminum. In side mahogany, will sacrifice this *6.600 home for *3.800; only *1 500 cash needed; nicely located. 7 miles from D. C. Phono Tower 6144. —10 WANTED — Sinale-whsel luggage trailer. Caii EM 7616, ..=S_ AUTOMOTIVE MISCELLANEOUS. ACTO SEAT COVERS—Attention 194* and 194? Oldsmoblle owners We hare seat covers for your model 78-78 4-door sedan with rear center arm rest at new low prices, installed Regularly *29188. now $18.95 while they last. ARCADE PONTIAC CO., 1437 Irving at. nv . AD. 8500. —**