The quality motorcycles for touring, trials
and transportation; these machines are
the finest; lmmed. delivery on both models;
trade and terms. ALLIED MOTORCYCLE
SALES 2014 M st. n w RE 5073. —6
1948 TRIUMPH. 3 T 350 c.r. Twin '
Economy handling and road performance;
for the person who appreciates fine quality;
trade and terms. ALLIED MCIORCYCLE
SALES. 2014 M st. n.w RE. 5073. —6
NEVA' SHIPMENT—194» Triumph. "Speed
Twins.” Tiger 100's; rigid and sprung
hubs; just arrived, immediate delivery of
the best motorcycle in the world Trade
SALES 2014 M st n w . RE. 5073. —6
MATCHLESS 1947; 500 c.c ; teledrauiic
forks; four-speed foot shift; hand clutch.
m. perfect, all-around machine: trade and
£014 M st. n w., RE 5073. —4
chrome accessories. SL. 2138. 6*
1945 CUSHMAN motor scooter A-1 con
dition. shields buddv seat and many ex
tras; $150. OR. 6162. —6
HARLEY-DAVIDSON 1936-74 in perlect
shap*. $2.5, Phone Sligo 38 7; —6
FORD 1941 l’/i-ton stake body; 5-speed
forward; heavy duty; good cond.. a bar
gain WA 9019. —5
FEDERAL TRACTOR 1947 model 29-M-2.
3 tons, both air and vacuumed trailer
connections, saddle tanks, fifth wheel.
10.90/20 tires, perfect cond.; fully guar
anteed. Dumps, all sizes, also several
practically new 2Vi-yard dump bodies.
n.e., MI. 5000. —8
CHEVROLET 1948. rab over engine hoist
body, heavy duty equipped Haul coal—
make money. Cal] WI. 4033. —4
FORD 19+7 c. and c : 158-tn w.b : In
excellent condition, ready to work; prced
to sell. FRANK SMALL, Jr., INC.. 215
Pa. ave. s.e., TR. 8247. —4
FORD 1941 ton and a half flat bed,
5500. May be seen at 4736 Betherda
ave . Bethesda, Md. —0
DODGE 1H4U t/i-ton panel; good condi
tion, ready to go; with ladder racks. Call
OL. 0110. R G EDWARDS. —4
Cemoco has a large selection all kinds
and sizes of good used reconditioned trucks:
50 to pick from, 1938 to 1947. some
through inspection This month we're
selling at wholesale and t’.e first ones
here get the best of the lot: good trades
truck dealer. 3200 Lee hwy . Arl Va
CH. 7000 Other good truck bargains and
army truck parts and service at our Alex
andria truck plant. 1201 Oronoco st-,
Alex.. Va., Oronoco 1500 —9
CHEVROLET 1936 I'a-’on panel, very
good cond.; 5250 or best oner. ia.
8203 Sun. and weekdays. —•
CHEVROLET 1937 nancL in good con
dition: bargain: $29o FRANK SMALL.
Jr.. INC., 216 Pa, ave. te„ TR. 824,. •—4
INTERNATIONAL K B-5 1947 cab and
chassis; l’s ton; 177-in w b ; 6.000 mr,
perfect cond., 20r» ofl current list._UN.
MACK E. G 1940 dump, 2‘x yds., Heil
body, good cond Cali AT_9,33 _ ° .
bodies, very good cond^ NO. ,66-. —5
DODGE 1941 ton and ■ = . 18-ft. stake
bodv, 45 motor, excel, cond.; StjaO. terms.
ave n.e.. HU. 9816. . _ —»
FORD 1942 pickup: just passed OC. in
spection; good condition. $/50. Ca.l TE.
5895; eves.. VI. 6076. —5
FORD 1935 1 t/j-ton eradle type crane,
ft" going at a bargain price. NORTHEAST
MOTOR CO . 920 Bladensburg rd n.e
AT. 0200. . 777"
FORD V-8 l12-ior. very good condition:
5295: terms. $100 cash. $26 mo.
‘'ROPER," 1730 R. I ave n.e 4
CHEVROLET 1941 Vj-ton panel truck;
5500 cash. CO 348.3 "
FORD TRI CKS (3t, 1939 panel. See Mr.
Harget'. ARMOUR At CO., 501 12th st.
f w ME 5-*66 H
CHEVROLET 1947 2-ton furniture van.
f oe , very low mileage, 2,500 miles.
COO. OW 0419 -
CHEVROLET 4 1 Va-ton truck good cond^.
fine body. $550 cash. Call SH. 6/3,. 8
to H. eves . SH 9383. -6
HUDSON 1 947 34-ton pickup. /.000 miles,
perfect condition, $1,296 cash or terms.
TR 9841
CHEVROLET 3 940 model: in good cond
1! 2-ton van body, price, $560. MAX
ALPERSTEIN. Dept 8tore, 1020 /th at.
n.w. a-sk for Mr Nathan
CHEVROLET 1945 Pi-ton stake; very
good condition, reasonable price. Ml
1491. LI 0454 , . " .
FORD 1935 ’2-ton panei. good running
cond,. new paint: passed inspection. $250.
Call TA 5925 after 6 pm —«
CHEVROLET 1-ton panel in nearly new
cond.; very low mileage worth over $1.000,
fell for $750. TR 9007 daytime — /
CHEVROLET 1942 2>2-yard dump used
for a short time only by U 8. Govt ; like
new throughout: $775. TR. 9007 day
FORD 1941 dump truck. 1 Va ton, 2Vi
»ard. ex#el. cond, A steal at $495. SL.
1797. —1°
CHEVROLET 194« Va-ton pickup: r. and
h ; clean perfect; see this truck to
day; reduced to $1,296. SCHLEGEL <fe
GOLDEN. Kaiser Frazer Dealer. 263 Car
roll st. n.w., Takoma Park. D. C . GE.
NEW PANELS, vans and stakes, by the
hour. day. week or year. STERRETT
Self), ecu Q st. n.w NO 3311
VETERAN with three dump trucks, needs
•work. Call Warfield 6712 after 7 p».
AVAILABLE UWMEl) — 1 M3 Chevrolet
vans, stakes, panels and pickups, for hire
bv dav. wk . or contract. PUBLIC SERV
ICE DRIV-UR-SELF, 1623 L st. n.w. ME.
VAN TRUCK—Large or small lobs: prompt
service; reas. prices: local or long dis
tance. TA 2037; after 7 pm, GE. M16
All advertisements offering ante
mobiles for sale must include
actual selling price of car.
ANGLIA new 1948 Ford s English-built
Tudor sedan; roomy and sturdily con
structed. complete, only $1,408.49 de
livered. Also Prefect Fordor sedan, fawn
cloth upholstery, many fine features;
*1.576.28 delivered; available with genuine
leather seats at, reasonable additional cost.:
exceptional gas mileage. Cash or terms,
with or without trade In: delivery o-25
days. See your neighborhood Ford dealer
or come to HILL fz TIBBITTS. INC., 1114
Vermont ave. n w, NA. 9850
AUSTIN, new. 1948. prompt, delivery and
a choice of colors; 35 miles per gallon,
larger, roomier, safety steel bodies with a
continental design. hydraulic brakes,
leather upholsterv Dorset sedan, fully
equipped, inti, hea'er and defrosters; only
$1,595 delivered, terms and trade. MAN
HATTAN ALTO &• RADIO CO both sides
of 7th at R st. n w. Phone NO. 7557.
BUICK 1941 Super convertible r and h :
original finish new top. perfect condition;
$1,395. Cal! DU. 1000. Ext. 334. —4
BUICK 1941 club coupe; looks and runs fine:
$995 terms. $.360 cash. $53 mo.
• ROPER 1130 R I ave. n e 4*
BUICK 1946 Super 4-dr sedan; r and
h.; $2,150. Call RA. 8583. —4
BUICK 1942 Super convertible, gray with
new black top. red leather upholstery, ex
cellent tires, low mileage, r and h.: $1.
500 or best offer. Call Rockville 3S61. or
2711. to see car at 106 Upton st. —4
BUICK 1940 Special 4-do>r sedan; me
chanically very good, needs paint and
smalt amount of lender work; $775.
Kalser-Frazer Dealers. Used-car lot, cor
ner Arkansas, Buchanan, lust oil 14th
st. n.w., GE 7454 —4
BUICK 1947 Roadmaster sedanette. r,
h . seat covers, sun vitor. glossy black fin
Tills Is a steal at only $2,395. HOYLE
MOTOR SALES. 1345 Que st. nw. DU.
8300 —o
BUICK 1937 de luxe sedan, sell for
balance $295. terms. $100 cash. $24 mo.
"ROPER." 1730 R I. ave. ne 4
BUICK 1939 convertible coupe good con
dition: $495: terms $175 cash. $34 mo.
"ROPER," 1730 R I. ave. re. 4*
BUICK 1937 Soeclal convertible 4-door
phaeton: new top new paint, new seat
covers, excellent mech cond , good tires.
$550. 3119 51st p). n.w OR 8524. —6
BUICK i948 Super convertible, w -w
tires, r. and h : $.3,200 Call HI. .3100.
Ext 6105. 8 to 4 30 5*
BUICK 1940 7-passenger $945 AT
6464 Open Saturdays STANLEY H.
HORNER, INC . 6th and Fla. ave. n.e.
BUICK 3938 4-dr. Special. $695 STAN
LEY H HORNER INC. 6tb and Fla. ave
r e AT 6464 Open Saturdays —5
BUICK 1942 4-dr Roadmaster. r and h .
* ?xr. condition; $1,395 TA 9510 —6
BUICK 194<» super convertible coupe in
perfect condition, radio and heater, owner
must sacrifice. $1,275 Call MR
SANCHEZ. SH 3900, 8 am. to 5 pm. —6
BUICK 1940 club coupe radio, heater;
beautiful dark-green original finish, clean
tnside and out; a real buy at. $1,045.
KIRK MOTOR CO 4000 Ga ave. TA
4800. —4
BUICK 194 7 Roadmaster sedanette: green,
white side-wall tires, r. and h ; $2 795.
Cash, trade or terms Open till 9, Sun
days nil 5. SATCHER MOTORS. INC..
5100 Wis. ave WO. 9351 —5
BUICK 1946 Super 4-dr. sedan r and h..
perf. cond . always kept in gar 16.000
mi.: $2,200 or best offer under. Call NA.
04 1 1. 10 to 5 p m —4
BUICK 1948 Roadmaster 4-dr Dynaflow.
black, white sidewall tires, r and h.; 189
mi.: $3,795 Cash, trade or terms. Open
eves, till 9. Sundays till 5 SATCHER
MOTORS. INC 5100 Wis ave.. WO. 9351.
BUICK 3941 Sedanette: new paint, car
buretor. excel body, motor $1,195 PF
1726 2517 Cliffbourne pi n w —5
BLTCK 1946 Super sedanette: $2,195. AT. I
6464. Open Saturdays STANLEY H
HORNER INC., 6th and Fla. ave n.e. —5
BUCK 1946 convertible. $2,595 AT '
6464 Open Saturdays 8TANLEY H.
HORNER INC 6th and Fla ave. n.e. ■—5
Bl'ICK 1946 Super 4-dr sedan; $2,195
AT. 6464 Open Saturdays STANLEY
H. HORNER. INC. 6th and Fla. ave. n.e.
BUCK 194« Super conv : ail access ; new
car condition; a real bargain at $2,495
Call MR ECKENROTH at GE. 0800. —4
BUCK 1938 club coupe: rebuilt engine;
complete overhaul: $700. $40n down, take
over payments. CO. 7 640 or TA. 3460.
BUCK late 1947 cream colored corn :
fully equipped, black top. white sidewalls,
excc cond.. oriced for immed delivery
at $2,850. Call RE 3216. 9 to 5 pm.:
EX. 72 76 after 6 p m —5
BUCK 1940 Special 2-door sedan: r. and
h above average; $1,025 or terms See
m 1463 Pa. ave. s e —5
BUCK late 1946 super conv ; beautiful
light gray, r and h : $2,800. CHASE.
WO 3347 mornings •
BUCK 1940 Super 4-dr. sedan; $875;
low down payment BRENTWOOD
^fOTORS^ 1717 Rhode Island ave. me..
BUCK 1.941 sedanette: r, h and de
froster. just another fine used car. at
Schlegel & Golden, reduced to $1,295;
terms or trade SCHLEGEL & GOLDEN.
Kaiser Frazer Dealer. 263 Carroll st. n.w.,
Takoma Park. D. C , GE. 3302. —6
BUCK 1941 Special sedan, heater. 2-tone
gray finish 46.000 miles: outstanding ap
pearance and condition $1,296; guarantee
and terms. TRIANG1JS MOTORS, 1333
R I. ave. n.e CO. <>882. —6
BUCK 194 1 Roadmaster; excel, through
out.: r and h . good tires: $1,095 or best
offer under. 1509 G st. s e. after 5 p_m.
BUCK '1946 Roadmaster: black, low
mileage, r and h.. air conditioner, sea;
covprs; looks and runs like new. from
orig. owner. $2,196. Phone AT. 2525.
BUCK 1947 Roadmaster convertible
coupe; beau blue finish fully equipped,
like new; $2.85o BRENTWOOD MOTORS.
1717 Rhode Island ave. n.e. DU. 2877.
BUCK 194 1 Roadmaster 4 dr ; cash $475
tnd assume 14 payments. $64 mo 1239
You st. se bet 3-8 pm MATTHEWS.
BUCK 1938 4-dr Special: from owner;
good condition, $500. no less. Wl. 5391
after 7 p m —6
BUCK 1940 sport coupe <Super>. radio,
heater D C. inspection guaranteed; very
fine tar for $996 IJOE D. BUTLER, INC.,
1121 2Jst st. 11 w DI 01 JO —6
BUCK 1947 Super 4-dr. sedan; original
owner, very clean, r. and h.; $2,650. AX
6907. •
CADILLAC 1941 4-dr sedan, r and h :
excel tires, beautiful black finish, clean
upholstery This is a one-owner car. Only
$1,596. HOYLE MOTOR SALES, 1346 Q
-f. n.w., DU. 8300 —5
CADILLAC 1941 6-passenger sedan cp.: 2
tone. fully equipped with r and h . seat
covers series 61 very low mileage; an
exceptionally clean car. priced at only
$1,695 BENDALL PONTIAC, 1611 King
st . Alex . Va . OV 1600. —9
CADILLAC' 1941 2-dr sedanette: r. and h .
seat covers, immaculate cond. Private
owner $1,600. TR 5812. —5
CADILLAC 1947 “62” sedan; Hydra-Matic.
r and h . paint, upholstery like new’, low
mileage, orig. owner; $3,675. Box 114-M.
CADILLAC 1947. model 62. 2-dr.: by
owner. Hydra-Matic. white Ride-wall tires
expensive sear covers; many extras; used
veiy little; $3 800. 1608 Allison st. n.w.
CADILLAC 1947 conv cpe : green, light
top. white sidewall tires, r. and h all
leather upholstery. 9.200 mi $4 495;
cash, trade or terms Open eves till 9.
Sunday* rill 5 SATCHER MOTORS. INC.,
5100 Wis. ave. WO. 9351. —5
CADILLAC 1947 ”62” sedanette: glo sy
black fin . r. and h . Hydra-Matic, white
walled tires, no scratches, no spots;
showrm cond. in appearance and mech.
cond. $3,950 HOYLE MOTOR SALES.
1345 Que st. nw , DU 8300. —5
CADILLAC 1946 *•62” sedanette; beaut,
blue fiin . r and h . Hydra-Matic, white
wailed air-ride tires blue plaid plastic
cloth seat covers This is a dream car.
1345 Que st. n.w., DU. 8300 —5
CADILLAC 1941 4-dr conv : beautiful
gre*»n finish: priced to sell: $1,975. TOWN
CADILLAC 1946 convertible, low mileage,
uke new Hydra-Matic. white-wall tires,
all extras; leather uholstery. spotlight,
chrome air horn, rear windshield; $3 795
or best price under MI 1144 --6
CHEVROLET 1947 convertible; $2 145
AT. 6464 Open Saturdays STANLEY
H. HORNER. INC . 6th and Fla ave. n.e.
CHEVROLET 3 939 coupe: $585. AT.
6484 Open Saturdays STANLEY H.
HORNER. INC, 6th and Fla ave n e
CHEVROLET 1940 2-dr : for sale by orig
| Inal owner; not pre’ty but motor Is in
! good cond For $676 you can get good.
! dependable transp until you get a new
i car 820 20th st n w . RE 0904 —5
CHEVROLET 1942 Special De Luxe 2-dr :
: black. Our special today, $896. $296
I down. VOLFE MOTORS, 12th and K
n w . EX 5=62 —4
CHEVROLET late 1947 convertible; low
I mileage, perf. cond ; over $600 in extra
equipment; privately owned. $2,300. Call
MR POWELL. EX 7931 weekdays —5
CHEVROLET 1947: excellent condition:
i low mileage, seat covers and heater, priced
I for quick aaie, $1,745. 13 S st. n.e
DE 4572. —4
CHEVROLET 1940 4-dr sedan: ex-taxi
'■ i ab. fair condition $450 RE. 9891. —8
CHEVROLET 1941 2-dr. town sedan; new
engine, mechanically excel ; for only $895
‘Call DE 6700, Ext. 43. bet 9 am. and 5
pm: AD 0269 after 6pm —4
CHEVROLET, 1947. Fleetline. 4-dr sedan
beaut beige finish: 14.000 actual miles;
| r. and h.; will sell for the low price (Tt
81.975: will finance to the right party.
i 0aj] 4519. _4
CHEVROLET 1939 coach; owner must sell;
| $595; give terms. ROPER." 1730 R^ I
I CHEVROLET 1941 eonv.: completely over
hauled. r. and h : $1,250 cash GE. 8308.
(CHEVROLET 1947 4-dr sedan, radio.
I heater and other accessories; beautiful
blue finish with very low’ mileage: $1,895:
i small down payment, balance 24 mos.
GREENWAY USED CARS, 3900 Minn. ave.
s e.. AT 3516 —4
| CHEVROLET 1946 Srylemaster 4-door:
i heater, tight as a drum, glistening black
: paint. Immaculate interior, low mileage.
; only $1,7 45 NORTHEAST MOTORS. Ford
dealer?. 3901 Minn. ave. n.e LI 4100—5
CHEVROLET 1946: $1,500: good tires,
heater; perfect cond inside and out; has
been used as a part-time cab for a short
time by owner. VI. 9297. —6
CHEV. 1948 Fleetline Aero 2-door; 900
actual miles: fully equip ; $2,425. MR.
THERRELL ME. 5919 4*
CHEVROLET 1931 2-dr sedan; good con
dition. $125. OL. 1778 —6
CHEVROLET 1940 ex-cab: turn into pvt
car: motor overhauled and new brakes,
good cond $575. HI 7038 after 7 p m.—6
CHEV. 1947 Fleetmaster club cpe: r.
and h, spotlight, 1.100 actual miles:
$1,925 MR. THERRELL. ME 5919. 4*
CHEVROLET 1940,Special de luxe 2-dr ;
I r and h new seat covers; excel mech.
I cond.. $795 HOYLE MOTOR SALES.
134 5 Qup st. n w . DU. 8300 —6
CHEVROLET 1946 Fleetmaster town se
dan. heater, jet-black finish. Immaculate
i interior; $1,795. guarantee and terms
TRIANGLE MOTORS. 1333 R. J ave. n.e ,
CO ii882 —4
CHEVROLET 1948 Stvlemaster 2-door;
r and h 300 miles, very many extras:
I $2,295. Ml. 7748 Ask for Room C-12. 5*
CHEVROLET 1947 2-dr sedan, radio and
all acces., excel, cond ; $1 945. OR. 7550.
CHEVROLET 1937 town sedan: lots of
• transponation left in this car. reduced to
$495 today only' SCHLEGEL & GOLDEN.
Kaiser Frazer Dealer. 263 Carroll st. n.w.,
j Takoma Park. D C , GE 3302. —6
CHEVROLET 3 947 Fleetmaster 2-dr sed :
: 2-toned blue radio: seat covers: Briggs
, oil filter: perfect condition. 9.000 miles;
i $1 85«> SH 3101 . —6
CHEVROLET 1947 Fleetmaster town se
! Jan. owned by attorney. $655 down or
! $1,995 cash THOMAS MOTOR CO 1137
East-Wes hwy . SH 4301. SI, 1704 —6
CHEVROLET 1947 4-dr Stylemaster se
dan: Jow mileage: $J 695 MAYFLOWER
GARAGE. 1705 L st. n w. EX. 883.3
CHEVROLET 1941 black, radio, heater
seat. co\ers motor recently overhauled.
8900 HO 4107 afternoon •
CHEVROLET 1939 4-dr sedan Master de
i luxe very clean: $725 or $276 down. See
at 1453 Penna ave. se —6
CHEVROLET 1941 rlear. club coupe, r.
and h . recent tires, seat cover, fl mat.
ba tery: idea1 for small children. $800 or
i best offer Office, ST. 6818, home. OV.
4098 —6
CHEVROLET 1938 2-dr : real fine cond
nice body good tires; excel, transp. for
; $245. RE 3388 —5
CHEVROLET 1939 Master de luxe 2-dr
.sed beautiful green finish This car far
above average; $950 TOWN & COUNTRY
CHEVROLET 194 8 Town sedan: black
finish, tiptop condition: $1,845: guarantee
and terms TRIANGLE MOTORS. 3010
R 1 ave. n e.. DE. 8303 —8
, CHEVROLET 1939 4-dr sedan new motor
, installed 2 vears ago fine tires newly
painted, new seat covers: $525. RE 3366
CHRYSLER 1940 Royal 4-dr sedan: r
and h . excellent cond . $1,050. SH.
9145 —4
CHRYSLER 1940 conv : paint and top
'.ike new. perf cond ; a real buy at $1,095
KIRK MOTOR CO . 4000 Ga ave TA.
4 800 —4
CHRYSLER 1930 de luxe sedan: very good
condition: $295. terms. $100 cash. $25
mo ROPER 1730 R I. ave ne 4*
CHRYSLER 1947 New Yorker four-door,
maroon color: like new low mileage, per
fect condition. $2.750 DR BLOCK.
3228 Military rd. n w . Ordway 0940 5*
CHRYSLER 1937. radio, heater, overdrive:
1948 D. C inspected: $450 522 2nd
st. n w DI. 4121 5*
CLEVELAND midget Tear Drop auto
2 passengers. terrific fcr adverting
purposes $175 WO 0000. --0
CHRYSLER 3 937 Royal redan, good condi
tion. Just, passed inspection Priced to sell,
$400. DE 7615. 8:30 am. to 5 pm.
OR. 1 79*2 after 6 p m —6
CHRYSLER 38 4-door, r., h . overdrive:
this ca- has had excellent care and Is in
good all-around condition: an inspection
will verify above statement: by owner at
$600 OL. 0694 after 5 p m *
CROSLEY 1942 convertible, good cond.;
sacrifice at $.300; owner leaving town
Call DU. 8678 eves., or write Box 307
M. Star. —4
CROSLEY—Own a new Crosley; only $335
down. $1.3 a week; 6 models to choose
from; early aeliverv HAINES MOTOR
CO INC.. 3715 Biadensburg rd . WA 65o0
CROSLEY 1942; $.350 cash. FA 8153. 6*
CROSLEYS (2i 1947 sedans; $595 and
$695. JACK PRY. Crosley Dealer. !6th
and Pa ave s.e —4
DE SOTO 1946 custom club coupe $1,975;
radio, heater and other accessories. This
is a very beautiful car with very low mile
Minn. ave. s.e. AT. 3516. —4
DE "SOTO 1946 Custom 4-door sedan
beautiful blue 12.000 mi.; like new; pri
vate owner, Quick sale; $2,050. WO
1383. —5
DE SOTO 1946 custom club coupe excel
lent condition; 12,000 miles; $2,150. FA
1563 —6
DE SOTO 1941 4-dr sedan; excellent ap
Searance. mechanically perfect terms can
e arranged; $1,095. OV. 4714
DODGE 1947 4-dr. Custom. $2,245. AT.
6464 Open Saturdays. STANLEY H.
HORNER. INC., 6th and Fla. ave. n.e
DODGE 1946 de luxe 2-dr.; attractive
maroon: new-car cond ; guaranteed
$1,895: cash, trade or $695 down WOLFE
MOTORS. 12th and K sts. n.w . EX. 5562.
DODGE 1947 Custom 7-passenger sedan;
radio, heater, fog lights and white side
wall rims; $3,000. See at 12th and K
sts. n w., northwest corner, bet. 8 and
12 noon. —9
DODGE 1946 4-dr. custom: one owner;
like new. orig green finish; 17,090 actual
mis. Price. $1,845 cash, trade or terms.
KIRK MOTOR CO., 4000 Ga. ave. n.w.,
TA 4800 j —4
)ODGE 1929 sedan; A-l cond . new motor,
r . h , 2 new' tires, 2-tone blue and gray
$550. HI. 6663.
DODGE 1940 4-dr. de luxe sedan; orig.
owner; new paint, new tire'. A-l mech
cond : $1,07 5. Call RA 3862. —5
DODGE '4 J coupe; owner leaving city,
$895 TA. 5933 —5
DODGE '4 7 custom 4-door: heater, low
mileage; has had meticulous rare, never
misused or abused Only $2,245. NORTH
EAST MOTORS. Ford dealers, 3901 Minn,
ave n e.. LI. 41 on —5
DODGE 1936 2-door: good paint, motor,
tires, heater, seat covers; $375. Call WA.
7071 —,
DODGE 1947 custom-built coupe: beauti
ful jet-black finish most carefully driven
by orig. owner. 13.000 miles; fluid drive,
r and h . directional signals, custom-made
slip covers, this car is an exceptional buy,
in A-l cond . perfect in every respect;
$2.195. NATIONAL LAUNDRY. 2) Piercf
sr n.w ME 1452. Ask for Mr Harding.
DODGE 1947 club coupe; radio, heater
air conditioning and other accessories;
very beautiful blue finish; 'ery low mile
age: $2,195; -a down, balance 24 mos.
GREENWAY USED CARS, 707 Maine ave.
s w.. DI. 7025. , —4
DODGE 194 L 2-dr : clean inside and out:
motor A-l : r. and h will have to see this
car to appreciate it: reduced to $1,295
SCHLEGEL & GOLDEN. Kaiser Frazer
Dealer. 263 Carroll st. n.w,. Takoma Park.
D C ■ GE 3302. , - 6
DODGE 1936 4-dr. sedan: mechanically
good tires, body A-l: reduced to $495.
tcoav only. SCHLEGEL & GOLDEN Kaiser
Frazer Dealer. 263 Carrol] st. n.w., Takoma
Park D C . GE 3302. —6
DODGE 1937 2-door: one owner; low miie
ag*>; wonderful mechan. cond: r. h. 4
tres like new. seat covers, fine body: $435.
RE 3366. 4 J . —5
DODGE 1947 Custom 4-dr. sedan: all pos
sible extras; immaculate condition, new
las: Sent : $2 295 WO 6000
DODGE 1946 Custom club cpe.: black:
radio and heater excel condition; $1,996
or best offer. TR 8207. ~ 6
DODGE 1938 sedan, radio and heater:
this car is in excellent condition, has had
ccmpiete overhaul during nast few month*,
including new 1946 motor, steering, uni
versal. housing shaft, generator, carburetor,
clutch, springs, shock absorbers windshield
and tires; has never been in accident
paint is excellent, owner is leaving town
and -must sell at $7<*0 because^of its fire
condition Call eves . SL ‘.327.
FORD 1939 Tudor: nice looking and run
ning car. wrh extras; $755. Call ALex.
5356. OV • 59.5$
FORD 1936 Tudor: rebuilt motor; runs
wonderful'-: tires like new. fine body;
$385 RE 3366 —o
FORD 1938 2 dr : bargain- $295, full
Rhode Island ave. n.e DU. 287#. — <
FORD 19.38 Tudor “85": 100k this ear
over before buying any used car Reduced
to $595 Terms or trade SCHLEGEL Ar
GOLDEN Kaiser-Frazer Dealer. 263 Car
roll st. n w . Takoma Park, D. C. GE.
3302. , —h.
FORD 1947 Tudor Super de luxe: r . h
and seat, covers: perfect cond.: pvt. owner,
$l.85o or best offer under OR 501 v
FORD 1949 Tudor custom V-8 coupe:
radio, heater; seat covers. new-car guar
antee: $2 595. TR 94 7 4 METROPOLITAN
MOTORS. N. Y. ave. and Bladensburg ^rd.
FORD 1946 conv.: filled with extras: new
top- If vou want a convertible, this is it.
Reduced to $2,095: terms or trade
Dealer. 263 Carroll st. n w., Takoma Paik.
D C . GE 3302 , - "
FORD 194 1 convert : r . h - new Tnes^
excellent condition . $l .o.-»o. HO •<-<*• n
FORD model A Tudor sedan- excellent con
dition: motor completely overhauled, new
transm and new rear end. 4 good tires_.
good appearance $24n. LU <846. •’
FORD 1937 de luxe Tudor: good mechan
ical condition; needs body work, $’-5U.
TA 9771 o
FORD 1934 convertible roadster: $3 2 5
Call or see Fred at the REINES MOTOR
CO . 1831 Wisconsin ave. n.w., OR. _^ u
FORD 1946 4-dr Super de luxe;
Fla. ave. n e. AT. 6464. Open Saturdays.
FORD 1946 Super De Luxe conv : original
rhiny black paint, w w tires, radio and
2 heaters, driving light. a dream boat,
loaded with extras: $1,875. Cash, terns.
| CHANGE, 7 2 Fla. ave. n.e . HO. 9 > 8R_
FORD 194 7 conv cpe • maroon, light top.
r. and h : 9.001* mi.; $2,195. Cash,
trade or terms. Open eves, till 9, Sun
days till 5 SATCHER MOTORS INC .
5100 Wis. ave . WO 9351. _iTT —r»
FORD 1947 conv: $2,145. STANLEY H
HORNER. INC . 6th and Fla. ave n.e.,
AT. 6464. Open Saturdays. -—5
FORD 1946 Super de luxe Tudor: black
finish, clean inside and out only $1 595.
with guarantee and terms TRIANGLE
MOTORS. 1333 R. I. ave. n.e., CO. ohh,.
FORD 1941 Super de luxe Fordor: green
finish: A-l condition and guarantee.
$1,045. terms. TRIANGLE MOTORS,
1333 R I ave n.e., CO. 0882 —4
FORD 1946 Super de luxe sedan-coupe:
gray finish: A-l condition: M .ti4;>: guar
antee and terms. TRIANGLE MOTORS,
1333 R I ave n.e.. CO. 0882. —4
FORD 194«> 85-h p. Tudor: radio, heater,
black finish: fine condition: J84n. guar
antee and terms. TRIANGLE MOTORS.
1333 R I ave n e . CO 088, —4
FORD 1931 roadster: good looking, good
condition passed Virginia inspection;
$200. AL. 6281. J - 9
FORD 1947 8-cyl. Tudor Suner de luxe my
own personal car. only 7.500 miles; longest
trip ever made, from D. C. to Baltimore
one time A black beauty with over 10
coats of simonize by my expert simonizing
man: spare never on ground; heater, de
frosters. clock, plastic seat covers, fog
lights, white sieriwall tires, backup light
bumper guard ends, side-view mirror, ra
dio Motar is cleaner than inside of mos
TION. rear of 416 10th st. s.w. RE
9881 ——■0
FORD 194 6 Super de luxe Tudor: radio
heater, black finish This car looks like new
inside ana out $1,725. guarantee and
; ave. n.e DE. 6303. 4
FORD late 1947 Super De Luxe \-8
*edan-coupe: H 000 mile? like new: r. and
h . covers, w w. tires, other extras: orig
owner, $1-875. SL. 5988 4
FORD 1941 Tudor: dark green finish, good
appearance and mechanic ally perfect. $945
cash, trade or terms. KIRK MOTOR CO.
4000 Ga ave nw, TA 4800 —4
FORD 1947 Fordor Suppr de luxc:^ r . n .
: 12.000 actual mile? Price. $1 795 cash
'trade or terms KIRK MOTOR CO. 400C
Ga ave. nw. TA. 4800. —A
FORD 1948 Super de luxe Tudor: r . n_
seat covers; perfect in every way. 1 80<
actual mis. Price $2,045 cash, trade oi
terms KIRK MOTOR CO . 4000 Ga ave
n w TA 4900 _ —4
FORD 1946 Tudor sedan: $1.49.>: smal
down payment, balance in .4 mos
s w . DI. 7025 , . —4
FORD 194H super de luxe club coupe r.
h : this car looks and runs like new
$1,645. cash, trade or terms. KIRK MO
TOR CO . 4000 Ga ave n.w TA 480u. 4
FORD 1939 D C inspected excellent
condition good tires, sealed beam lights,
heater, original paint; $650. CO. 38h0
— n
FORD *37 4-door: new motor clutch
transmission. paint: very jood tires
parsed D C inspection this week. $.>00
no less. VI. 8770 . ”, ,
FORD 1947 super de luxe Fordor V-^
motor, heater: dark-green finish, spotless
I interior: finest condition throughout: si _
$95: guarantee and terms. TRlAWOiji!
MOTORS. 1333 R I. ave. ne. CO. 088,
FORD 3 94! de luxe sedan: heater, black
finish; ) owner. We sold It new. It 1!
a little rough now. but was never a taxi
Onlv $825. TRIANGLE MOTORS, 133.1
R I ave. ne. CO. OR8". —'"
FORD 1947 4-dr. sedan; r and h : beau
tifui inside and out; $1.8*0. TOWN &
FORD 1939 corn , me : beautiful leathei
UDholstery. new' ton. r. and h : white waus.
new paint: excel motor: $950. TOWN
FORD 1941 STATION WAGON: this car
A-l condition: $1 "50 or best offer TOWN
'FORD 1941 convertible: radio, heater; a
i good running car lor $1,095- D. C. inspec
tion guaranteed LEE D BUTLER. INC.,
ill Cl Cist st n.x . DI Olio. —6
FORD 1940 de luxe coupe '48 motor: r.
and h excel rond. May be seen after 8
p.m. Wednesday eve. $7C5, terms. NO.
0834. 1539 isrh st n.x.
FORD 1940 Tudor de luxe; r.. h. spot
light; orig. black finish. $840 cash. TE.
FORD 1941 coupe: excellent motor, needs
paint and a little fender work 1 owner:
CORP Kaiser-Framer Dealers. Used-car
lot. corner Arkansas Buchanan, just off
14th st nw . GE. 7454. —4
, FORD 1940 sedan coupe, very clean, top
i to bottom, no dealers. $1,095. CO. 8363
j after 6 p m. —5
1 FORD 47 convertible: radio and heater.
good top. perfect motor, excellent paint
i Job. it's new car performance for only
dealers. 3901 Minn, ave n.e. LI. 4100.—5
FORD '47 Super de luxe Tudor; extremely
‘well-kept car: in tiptoD A-l condition
j throughout, if it's dependability you are
after, this is It for only $1,145. NORTH
EAST MOTORS. Ford Dealers. 970 Bla
I densburg rd. n.e. AT. 070o. —5
FORD '48 sedan coupe; radio and heater,
other accessories, black paint. It’s a new
'car in every respect: price cannot be beat
ion today's market. $7,175. NORTHEAST
i MOTORS. Ford Dealer. 920 Bladensburg
! rd. n.e AT. 0700 —5
.FORD 1941 de luxe "8'’ Tudor sedan:
■radio; riri\en 7.000 miles: tires, every
thing very nice; $1,090: Greenbelt 3232.
FRAZER 1947 4-dr.- radio and heater,
overdrive- 14.000 miles: private owner:
clean: S7.000 NA 3120. Ext. 1479.
during office hours; TR. 4514, eves. —4
FRAZIER-MANH ATTAN 1948; 3.000 ml.:
owner leaving the city: this car is equal
to riew and has radio, heater, airfoam
upholstery, overdrive; $400 off list price
corner Arkansas and Buchanan, just off
14th st. nw.. GE. 7454. —4
HUDSON 19.'if1 “6” 4 dr.: D. C. inspection,
cxcei. trai.£p.; $195 cash. PAUL GOR
DON. SL 8015. Manv other bargains.
HUDSON 1948 2-dr 0-pass : fully equip ;
$2,895. just 8 little above list, price.
land ave. n.e.. DU. 2877. —7
JEEP 1941 station wagon: low mileage,
excellent condition- overdrive, r., h .
defroster, etc.; good gas mileage: ideal
transportation, $1,850. ALex. 0089 after
1 0 d m 0*
KAISER 1947 4-dr : green: low mileage:
clean, a real buy; reduced to $1 895. Se<
totlav! Terms or trade. SCHLEGEL &
I GOLDEN Kaiser Frazer Dealer. 2«3 Car
1 roll st. n.w., Takoma Park, D. C . GE
! —fl
KAISER. 1948, custom, black: low mile
age has air conditioned heater: cost
j $2.7 0() new: price $2,350; private owner.
| Phone UN. 3090. — 4
j KAISERS—Style, economy and durability.
! Leader! Forget- waiting list. Your new
Kaiser delivered with or without trade or
i added accessories Call AD 2270 for full
‘information and demonstration. KAISER
14th st.. nr. P st. n w , eves —9
LA SALINE 1939 club cpe. a distinctive
car in excel, cond. with shiny black pre
war finish, powerful motor, quick pickup;
37.000 mi : r. and h.; a real bargain at
$985; must sell. NA. 3120. Ext. 217;
eves.. DU. 9119. —9
LINCOLN 1947 4-dr. sedan: low mileage,
excellent condition, all extras. $2,300 or
best offer. OR. 0879. No dealers. —5
LINCOLN 1947 club coupe: maroon: over
drive. r. and h : low mileage: $2,650. Can
be seen at 2226 Cathedral ave. n w.
NA 8572 or CO. 1973. —7
MERCURY '41 4-dr.: r and h . good cond :
$950. Call MR. MORRIS. FR. 77 00 or
NO 1808. Ext 200. —5
MERCURY 1940 4-door: radio, heater,
sear, covers: gtav finish new tires: clean
as a pin throughout. $1,895: guarantee
and terms. TRIANGLE MOTORS. 301U
R I. ave n e . DE 0303. —6
MERCURY' 1939 de luxe coach: good con
dition: $095: terms; $250 cash. $46 mo.
"ROPER. ' J 730 R I. ave. n.e 4*
MERCl!RYr 1940 conv. club coupe: r. and
h. excei. mech cond . clean interior. $1.
095 or best offer Eves . AD. 8255. —5
MERCURY 194! 4-dr : $1,045. STANLEY
H HORNER. INC . 0th and Fla. ate. n e.,
AT. 0404. Open Saturdays. —5
MERCURY', iatp 1940. convertible; ma
roon; r . h . chrome wheel rings, etc.:
low mileage; perfect condition, passed
’48 D. C inspection private owner,
$1.90(» or best offer. RE. 5024. —4
MERCURY 1947 4-dr.: 7.300 miles: excel
lent condition, many extras, $2,100 cash.
Ca l NO 11J 9. —4
MERCURY 1939 club coupe: heater, motor
very good. S800 or best offer. Call eves.,
OR 4540. —4
MERCURY' 1949 club cdp Tampico red
finish with lots of extras $3,250 or best
offer: lit Me mileage TOWN COUNTRY
MOTORS OR 0100. —6
NASH' 194 1 4-door sedan (ROOM very
good mechanics IF $845. WASHING
Dealer. Used-oar lot. corner Arkansas.
Buchanan, just off I4th st. n.w., GE.
7454. —4
NASH 1946 600 4-dr. sedan with acces
Jories: a very nice far: $1,580: ’s down,
balance 24 mos. GREENWAY USED CARS.
3900 Minn aTe s.e. AT. 3516. —4
NASH ’946 4-dr. model 800 r. and h .
new-rar cond : terms; $1,495. KENNY
MOTOR SALES, 15th and R. I. ave. n.e,
HU. 9810 —5
J NASH '46 4-door: Weather-eye heater con
iiroi unit, seat covers: low mileage. 19
' miles to the gallon; must sacrifice at
l SI .575. DI. 7425. —10
! NASH 1940 convert. 8-cyl. Ambassador:
Weathereye radio. 3 brand-new tire5:
excel, cond.; $995 or best offer. RE. 4085,
Ext. 900. —4
OLDS 1948 '•00” 4-dr. sedan maroon.
; white side-wall tires, r and h . nylon
; seat covers; 432 mi . $7,795. Cash, trade
or terms. Open eves till 9. Sundays till
ft SATC'HER MOTORS. INC. 5100 Wis.
lave.. WO. 9351 —ft
OLDSMOBILE 1940 coupe; excel, motor
tire.'- and body, $795: terms. KENNY
(MOTOR SALES, 15ih and R. I. ave. n.e.,
HU 9810. —5
► OLDSMOBILE 1942 4-door sedan: very
! carefully driven, excellent motor; $1,795.
Kaiser-Frazer Dealers. Used-car lot, cor
! ner Arkansas. Buchanan, .lust off 14th
st. n.w . GE 7454 —4
OLDSMOBII.F. 1930 sedan like new a
^ used car to be proud of. $74ft. SCHELP.
WO. 9857 5*
I OLDSMOBILE 1937 trunk sedan; needs re
i pairs; $190. Call WI. 9016. —5
OLDSMOBILE 194 8 Ft;; u ramie conv.:
powder blue, black top $3,775: will con
sider trade OW. 9349 after 6 p.m. —5
OLDSMOBILE 194 7 "98" sedan: attrac
tive 2-tone green, r. and h . hydramatic.
many ether accessories: low mileage: new
car conditioned, guaranteed: $2,695: cash,
trade or $895 down WOLFE MOTORS.
12th and K sts. n.w , EX. 5562. —4
OLDSMOBILE 1947 conv coupe "98”
i series; r. and h $2,875. Can be seen by
calling DU. 2075. * —5
OLDSMOBILE 1942 club coupe: black fln
! ish: motor, tires, body in good cond :
■ reduced to $1,095, SCHLEGEL &
! GOLDEN. Kaiser Frazer Dealer. 203 Car
i roli st. n.w ., Takoma Pane. D. C . GE.
3302. —6
OLDSMOBILE 1941. with new motor, good
upholstery. $1,095. Call REV W J.
RUSSELL. St. Francis Church. Benedict.
Md Phene Hughesville S6-F-13. 5*
OLDSMOBILE 1947 "7 6” regular 4-dr.
sedan, with heater; $3,300. Call OR.
3331. 0*
OLDSMOBILE ’98’ sedan, late 1947:
high-compression motor: 2.000 miles. 5
Royal Master tires, pure rubber: perfect
condition: $3,200, best offer. Box 180
: R. Star. 4’
OLDSMOBILE 194 7 4-door sedan. 76
model: Hvdra-Matic. r and h . other extras,
,$2,300. Phone EM. 9305
OLDSMOBILE 1930 "6-cylinder" coach:
good condition: $235: terms, $100 cash,
$22 mo. ROPER.' 1730 R. I. ave
n.e 4*
OLDSMOBILE 1947 convert. ”06'' hydra
matic; maroon, new black top. r and h ;
cond perfect Price. $2,395. CO 1958.
PACKARD. 1948, cab Diamond colors,
(radio and heater: 19.000 miles: $2.10o or
: best offer. 915 19th st. So. Arl.. Va..
JA. 1923. —4
PACKARD 1937 ”120’ 4-door club sedan:
i family car. $450 or best offer. Glebe
I 4400. Ext. 201. 6*
PAC KARD late 1948 "K” de luxe Clipper
sedan, r and h.. fog lights, overdrive,
covers: 20.000 miles; $2 445: new car con
dition p\ f owner CONOCO SERV STA .
j 2919 Rhode Island ate. n.e HO. 3767 6*
PACKARD 1937 con\ 115 C: absolutely
perf cond throughout, ail new parts, inc!.
(engine, new rubber and paint; passed D.
i C. insper . must sell. $575 or best offer.
! GF u903 any time. —5
PACKARD 1941 4-dr: r. and h.. lice
cond. throughout; $795. down payment.
and R I. ave n.e.. HU. 9818 —5
PACKARD 1947 Clipper 2-dr.: perfect
. ond ; r and h. low mileage; $2,575 or
best offpr. Call VI 2224. —5
PACKARD 1948 100 4-dr. Custom sedan:
radio, heater w.w. tires, overdrive; lots
of other extras: 1.000 miles, list price.
; $4,325: will sell for $3,995: new-car
guarantee and cannot be told from brand
new. COLIE MOTOR CO. 8232 Georgia
I ave n.w. SL 8200. —8
PACKARD 1948 model 145 Super 8 4-dr.
'sedan radio and heater overdrive, electro
ns tic dutch and lots of other extras, -and
it’s brand-new and yours for list price:
$3 408. cash, terms or trade. COLIE
MOTOR CO . 8232 Georgia ave. n.w.
SL. 8700. —8
PACKARD 1948 model 130 4-dr sedan:
i radio and heater, w.w. trees: cannot be
told from brand-new: 2.000 miles; $2,795;
cash, Terms or trade. COLIE MOTOR
CO . 8232 Georgia ave. n w. SL. 8200.
— 8
PACKARD 1948 brand-new 4-dr model
130 sedan: lots of extras; just about list
‘price; $3,095; new-car guarantee, cash,
terms or trade. COLIE MOTOR CO.
! 823*.* Georgia ave. n.w . SL. 8200. —8
PACKARD 1948 brand-new 180 4-dr. se
dan: black: radio and heater, overdrive,
electromatic clutch. General ww tires.
, puncture-proof tubes; list price. $4,079:
will sell for $4 195 new-car guarantee.
I cash, terms or trade. COLIE MOTOR CO..
8232 Georgia ave n.w. SL. 8200. —8
PACKARD 1937 8-cyl 4-dr. sedan: good
; tires. motor and paint; $375 cssh.
OWNER. Georgia 4429 —«
PACKARD 1938 club coupe; radio and
heatar; good cond .; $600. SH 7081. —5
: PLYMOUTH 1941 4-dr. sedan for sale.
; mechanically perfect; $875. Call TA.
5472 —5
PLYMOUTH 3 941 club coupe: r. and h,
orig. black finish; good cond.; $945.
Call VI. 7678 —5
PLYMOUTH 1938 4-dr sedan, orig. black
finish, real clean inside and out. $625
cash, trade or terms KIRK MOTOR CO.,
4009 Ga ave n.w.. TA. 4800. *~-4
PLYMOUTH 1936 4-dr.: one owner since
new. this car has had excellent care: orig.
black finish: better than most late models.
$545 ca«h, trade or terms KIRK MOTOR
CO . 400(i Ga. ave. n w.. TA. 4800. —4
PLYMOUTH 194 3 Special de luxe: actual
! 4.d00 mi'es. 4-door black sedan, new
heater, new radio, defroster, seat covers,
new battery, excellent mechanical condi
tion. original private owner; $1,950. 1315
20th st n.w.. DU. 664 4. —6
PLYMOUTH 1947 special de luxe 4-dr
sedan: r.. h . one owner since new. 12.000
actual mi.‘ beautiful dark green: $1,965
See this car before you buy Cash, trade
or terms. KIRK MOTOR CO. 4000 Ga.
ave. n.w TA. 4800. —4
PLYMOUTH 1938 2-dr : very good transp.:
$300. Call ALex. 1214 between 6 and
8 p m. —5
PLYMOUTH 1936 4-dr.; new ?ires. battery
and brakes: runs good; a bargain at $350.
See at 1224 Kennedy st. n.w. after
5:45 pm —5
PLYMOUTH 1936 de luxe coupe must
sell: $195: terms: $70 cash, $2J mo.
“ROPER. • 1730 R. I ave. n.e. 4*
PLYMOUTH '47 Special de luxe club coupe;
radio and heater, other accessories. The
ultimate in perfection. Price slashed to
dealer. 92o Bladensburg rd. n.e.. AT. 0200.
PLYMOUTH 1939 4-dr.; DVT. motor;
194S insp2ction tag on car Do not miss
this one Reduced to $550. today only.
SC’HLEGEL & GOLDEN. Ka;ser-Frazer
Dealer. 263 Carroll st. n.w.. Takoma Park,
D C.. GF. 3302 —6
PLYMOUTH 1940 2-door: heater: good
transportation at a low price, for business
or pleasure. Only $695 NORTHEAST
MOTORS. Ford dealers, 3901 Minn ave.
n.e. LI. 4 100. —5
PLYMOUTH 1940 business coupe: new
I tires, new battery: like new . 1946 new1
i Dodge motor; $995: pvt. party HO. 9504.
PLYMOUTH late 1947 4-dr. de luxe se
dan. grey; with radio, heater, seat covers,
fog lights, rim disks; 10.000 miles: priced
| xor quick sale at $1,895. Call CO 2589
! after 6 p m. —4
PLYMOUTH 1941 Special de luxe 4-dr
j sedan: privately owned; $450 in ex
i change for new car at list. MR. GATES.
AD. 3200 weekdays. —9
PLYMOUTH 1941 4-dr. sedan; $845 AT.
,♦>'464. Open Saturdays. STANLEY H
HORNER. INC. 6th and Fla ave n.e.
1 PLYMOUTH 1838 2-dr : good body, tires
: and motor; $425. Down payment. $125
I Monthly. $20.16. KENNY MOTOR
SALES. 15th and R. I. ave. ne. HU.
19816 —5
PLYMOUTH 1938 4-dr. sedag. in very
stood cond.; sear covers and heater, clean
inside and out. $575 cash. Call WA 9866.
! WARE CO —6
PLYMOUTH 1941 2-dr. Special de luxe;
r and n good condition, very clean
iust passed D. C. inspection; $950. OR.
6581 .
PLYMOUTH 1937 de luxe business coupe;
$295 cash. AT. 4748. —6
PLYMOUTH 1947 convertible special de
luxe; cream finish, black top; mileage. 10.
ooo: Mopar heater and defroster; private
owner: $2,150. GL. 8013
PLYMOUTH 1941 convertible coupe; good
condition, new tires, radio and heater;
$900 TA. 7996 after 6 p m.
PLYMOUTH 1937 4-dr : radio, heater: good
condition: owner leaving: 4 new tires; $300
or best offer. EX. 2988. 6*
PONTIAC 2 946 sedanette. This Is a
lovely car. equip! with r. and h.. seat
covers, trouble lights, back-up lights,
air-cond. unit and a host of other fea
tures designed for your driving comiort.
Priced at only $1,995. Terms or trade:
up to 24 months to pay. Fully guar, by
CIPCO. D. C. inspection guar. COAST
IN' PONTIAC. 407-27 Fla. ave. n e. Open
eves, till 9. ■—5
PONTIAC station wagon *‘8”, late. 1947;
6.000 miles, perfect condition, fog lights,
signal lights, r. and h., sun visor, leather
upholstery. 5 mos. old, light cream, pvt.
owner: price. $2,995. Call TA. 6986
after 4:15 p.m. —4
PONTIAC 194 7 4-door sedan, excellent
condition. 6,000 mileage, all extras;
$2,300, RE, 2817 —4
PONTIAC 1942 streamline 8 sedan: 2-tone
grppn and gray. Very good motor and
tires; a clean car: $1,295: cash, trade or
$435 down. WOLFE MOTORS, 12th and
K Ms. n.w.. EX 5562. —4
PONTIAC 1942 "8"; good condition,
dual heater: $1,195. Inquire 1409 16th
st. n.w. between 5 and X p.m. —4
PONTIAC 194 1 sedanette; radio, heater;
beautiful blue finish: sacrifice today, $1.
! 095. KIRK MOTOR CO., 4000 Ga. ave.,
| TA 4 800 —4
PONTIAC 1927 coach: new tires, seat cov
ers; excellent cond throughout: r and h.
!Can be seen after 4 p.m, OR. 2516.
I $500 or best offer —5
PONTIAC 194“ ciub coupe; owner must
sell: $7 75: ar e terms. ROPER." 1730
R I. ave. n.e. 4*
PONTIAC 1937 convertible: radio, heater,
good tires, good condition; $500. Call
FA 7827. 5-7 p.m —5
! PONTIAC '48 station wagon: 2.500 ml.;
I $3,000. DI 7307. —6
PONTIAC 1941 conv. coupe: exc. shape:
! price, $1,295. 1321 Fairmont st. nw or
1 call MI. 8764 evenings —6
PONTIAC 1936 "6’’ coupe; good looking,
perfect shape: $295 or best offer. Call
DU. 5175 after 5 P m. -—6
PONTIAC 1938 black 4-dr : needs little
work: motor in exc„ condition; $500 or
best offer under. DI. 1517. —6
PONTIAC 1946 ‘6" sedanette; r. and h..
white walls; low mi.: $2,150. TOWN &
COUNTRY MOTORS. 5336 Wis. ave.,
OR 010(1 —6
STUDEBAKER 1947 Land Cruiser sedan;
radio, heater and overdrive: maroon fin
ish: driven \ery little: immaculately clean,
perfect condition: $7,595: guarantee and
terms. TRIANGLE MOTORS. 1333 R I.
| ave n e . CO 0882. -—H
STUDEBAKER J 947 Champion 7-dr. sed.:
immediate sale, no dealers: $895. Room
401. 1835 Eye st. n.w, TA. 7534, 7:30
9 p.m —R
STUDEBAKER 1947 Champion 4-dr se
dan. A-1 cond . with low mileage, fully
erjuio.: $1,975. Apnly 8141 9th st. n.w. —5
STUDEBAKER 1947 Champion 4-dr.:
radio, heater, climatizer: $1,895. This
car has a very beautiful black finish;
never been damaged: very low mileage:
small down payment, balance 24 mos.
GREENWAY USED CARS, 707 Maine ave.
S.w.. DI. 7025 —4
STUDEBAKER 47 Champion 4-door: over
drive. other accessories: immaculate, tip
, top mechanically new rubber: 1 owner.
Dealers, 920 Bladensburg rd. n.e. AT
0200. —5
STUDEBAKER 1939 Commander 4-aoor
sedan: black, overdrive, in good condition:
$450 or best offer. DF. 1584 after 5 p.m.
STUDEBAKER 1947 Commander convert
ible: overdrive and climatizer. low mile
age: excellent condition; $2,850. CH.
’3193. —5
STUDEBAKER 1941 President Land
Cruiser; radio, heater, overdrive; superior
1 -owner car: $1,195 LEE D. BUTLER,
INC. 1121 21st n.w DI. 0110. —«
STUDEBAKER '48 convertible Commander:
silver gray color r. and h.: white side
walls: 3.500 miles; will sacrifice for
1 $2,895. Call OWNER alter 6 p m TR
! 1 880. —6
STVDEBAKER 1939 Commander 4-dr se
dan; radio and heater. A good buy at
$575. LEE D BUTLER. INC.. 1121 21st
st n.w. DI. 0110 —1»
STUDEBAKER 1940 Commander 4-dr. se
dan; good clean car, inside and out; D. C.
inspection guaranteed; $795 LEE D.
BUTLER. INC., 1121 21st st. n.w. DI.
0110. —6
W’lLLYS 1940 coupe: equipped with radio.
1 heater and seat covers, very good tires.
; sood economical transportation: $425
cash. Call WA. 98HR. Mr Shrader. CHIL
*UTO AUCTION—Sell or buy a car this
modern way. sell only if bid is satisfac
tory; total fee. $5. You won’t go wrong
1 buying or selling a car here Big auction
sale every Tues. eve.. 7 p m . 1113 Va.
ave. s.e., or 1100 11th st. s e.. TR. 7113.
(Auction sales, rain or shine.t
tion—No reg fee Fri. night 8 p.m. 8511
Colesville id.. Silver Spring. Md. SH.
4400 _—31
DADrTfV rt nsr _ ni'T Af nnr tarlv
$;i<»0 full price: $100 down payment;
balance 12 months.
’39 Graham "6” 4-door sedan: 1 owner.
’36 Plymouth 4-door; r and h.
*35 Chrysler 4-door Royal sedan.
’35 Ford Tudor sedan. /
Kaiser Frazer Dealers. Used cfer lot.
corner Arkansas. Buchanan, just off 14th
st. n w . GE 7454._—4
on the air and in the paper .CEMOCO has
the new or good used car for you. plus
courteous attention See our display today.
Terms, trade and dealers invited.
4? Frazer Manhattan, like new ..$2,695
'4<; Chev. Stylemaster. like new _ 1,695
'42 Pontiac "6” conv.. very good_1.495
'4* Willys jeep, run 1.000 miles_ 1.395
'4 1 Olds "6” club cpe . excel. __ 1.295
'42 Ford conv. cpe.. recond. motor . 1.245
'41 Butck,super sed., excel, cond- 1.095
*41 Packard Clipper, excel cond. . 1,045
'41 De Soto spec. sed.. fluid dr. 1.045
: ’39 Olds ••6” sed . fine cond 695
Many more cheaper cars to select from
CENTRAL MOTOR CO . Kaiser-Frazer fine
cars. 3200 Lee hwy.. Arl.. Va., CH. 7000.
1947 De Soto brougham $2,195
1947 Chevrolet Fleetline. 5.000 mi. 2-195
1946 Chrysler Roval 2.195
1946 Chevrolet 4-dr. fully equip. 1.695
1947 Dodge club coupe -- 2.245
1946 Ponflac sedanette. loaded 1.995
1940 Buick Super 4-dr. 1045
1940 Chevrolet 2-dr _ 945
1946 Olds •‘76.” perfect _ 2.095
i 1940 Plymouth 4-dr. 695
Open evenings E. A H MOTORS. 10-1
Blaaensburg rd. n e., FR. 1573. Just
above Sears. _ —»
* «
1 Constellation
' 4 Food
9 Informer
12 Iniquity
13 Joyful hymn
1 14 Authbr of
• The Raven”
115 Aircraft
17 Sphere of
19 To consume
20 Gentle noctur
nal animal
21 First man
23 100 square
24 To penetrate
27 Nothing
28 Elliptical
30 Hallowed-out
chamber in
the earth
31 Pronoun
32 Minutely
34 About
! 35 Man's name
37 To pack
! 38 To earn with
39 Scandinavian
41 Upon
42 To declare
43 Turkish money
of Mohammed
46 Dove
48 Slightly, hasty'
51 Silkworm
; 52 Piece of turf
54 Beverage
55 Pouch
56 Roman
57 To bend up
ward as the
edge of a
1 Timber tree
2 Inlet
3 To temper
4 Go away
5 Golf term
i Answer to Yesterday's Purale.
h|o|b|o| |
12 AIL|
ME S _
IaibUmsibiaimi SMDlRlH
lllfl 1p°W
6 Symbol for
7 Concluding
i music >
8 To run away
9 Ancient rival
of Athens
10 Pood prepared
from the taro
11 Intense desire
i slang •
16 School of
18 To subdivide
20 Vehicle for
21 Negatively
22 The aforesaid
23 The birds
25 To summon
26 To allude
28 Connective
29 Object of
interest and
32 Armed band
33 Compass point
36 Calamitous
38 Ousts
40 Lvric poems
42 Wing
44 Wife of
45 Poker stake
46 Footlike part
47 Man's name
48 The sun
49 Cognizance
50 To utter
53 Six
Points for Parents -By EDYTH thomas WALLACE
Use every opportunity to help children learn that indwiduals
can be different without necessarily being inferior or superior.
1 This 1 _Not This
j fBkS'iSSJXE...
Father—Have fun swimming and
'don't try to dive if you don't like to.
We can't all be alike or enjoy doing
the same things.
Father—I insist that you dive
from the tower today. You cer
tainly should be able to do it if all
the other boys your age can.
HEINES (rhymes with finest) MOTOR CO.
Both locations open until 9 p.m. today.
At 7601 Wisconsin ave., OL. 1000.
’38 Studebaker' 4-dr. . $450
•38 Ford 496
•39 Ford Tudor _- _ 695
. '40 Ford de luxe Fordor. r. and h.- . 895
! '41 Ford de luxe Tudor, r. and h. 945
41 Siudeoaker Comdr. 4-dr. . 1.046
41 Plymouth Spec de luxe 4-dr. 1.095
40 Buick Super club cpe- 1,09$
'41 Pontiac Streamliner sed. _^l,I9n
42 Plymouth Spec, de luxe 4-dr. 1.195
l 41 Buick Spec, sedanette .1.246
’47 Pontiac *‘8’' 2-dr., r. and h. 2 295
At 1831 Wisconsin ave., OR. 3400.
34 Ford conv. $225
’38 Nash 2-dr. 395
'37 Plymouth 2-dr. .. - 395
'39 Dodge; new motor _ 750
'40 Chevrolet 2-dr_ 895
'40 Plymouth 2-dr- 945
i 40 Fora Tudor _ - 946
41 Ford Tudor _ 995
'4 1 Chevrolet 2-dr. - 995
4i Plymouth 4-dr. _ .-1095
41 Pontiac 4-dr. 1.195
I 41 Foia conv., r. and h. __ 1,195
'4 L Chevrolet conv. _ 1.195
41 Buick sedanette l,2no
4 1 Olds “66” conv. Hydra -1.295
'42 Dodge club cpe r. and h 1295
46 Ford Super Fordor; r. and h. 1.595
'46 Mercuiy conv.; r. and h. 1,995
’47 Dodge cl. cpe. 2,095
'46 Buick Roaamaster; r. and h 2.295
4 1 GMC *-a-:on panel 595
Smail down pavment. balance up to
24 months Most have radio and heater.
7301 Wisconsin ave., OL. 1600.
1831 Wisconsin ave.. OR. 3400.
Full Price Down
47 Chrvsler t and c. conv. $2,595 $095 :
'47 Chevrolet 2-door __ 1.945 495,
40 Chevrolet 2-door _.• 1.095 395
42 Fold Super de .uxe 1 995 295
41 Chrysler N, Y. 4-door . 1.095 295
'41 Oldsmobile “16" 4-door.- 1.095 295'
i'41 Chevrolet 2-door - 1,095 295,
'4 1 Pontiac ccnv. 1.095 295
4! Pontiac Streamliner . __ 1.095 295
41 Pontiac club coupe- 995 245
41 De Soto 4-doci. 995 245
41 Plvmouth club coupe . _ 995 245
'41 Stud. Champion 2-dr. #95 195 1
40 Mercury 4-door 795 195
39 Plymouth 2-dr.: new engine 745 195
.39 Chrysler bus. coupe 095 195
, 38 Pontiac 4-door . 495 195 i
Open eves, and Sundays. Most all cars
nave radios and heaters 30 others to
(choose from. HAINES MOTOR CO . 371Cj
Bladensburg rd . WA. H5o0. —5 _
cars regardless of price: don't trade on a
new car or sell to any one until you give
us the opportunity to buy at your price.
We need 101 cars. 1935 to 1948 If your
car is paid for, will give you cash; if car
is not paid for. will pay off balance and
pav cash difference. Washington’s oldest
exclusive used-car dealers. All cash or
certified checks. See Mr. Barnes or Mr.
Sanders. Only one location. Drive in big
| open lot. 1300 14th st. n.w. (corner of N
Inw'.b Open 8:30 to ft’30 p m. NO. 1111. i
CASH FOR YOL’R CAB—We buy. we sell
we trade used cars; drive in or call
930 Bladeosburg rd. ne (opposite Sears). |
AT (1200 or 3901 Minn, ave n e. (at
Btnning rd >, LI 4100
NAME YOI’R OWN PRICE for your car
We will sell it for you and charge you
only 6% if car is sold Don’t give your
car away; see us for the top price that
vour car will bring. Any model accepted
from 1938 to 1948. LEEDS MOTOR CO.
5210 Wis ave r.w OR 4407. Open
Suns, till 5: weekdays till 10.
1948 CHEVROLET con"., fully equipped,
(low mileage Call TE. 45.39, after 6 p.m.
TEXAS GENTLEMAN, driving West, will
; pay highest cash price ior your 4,, 48
1 or ’49 car. Call MR. THERRELL. ME
I 5919 —0
lets. 1940 Plvmouihs. 1940 Dodges. 1940
Pontiacs. 1940 Buicks. Will pay up to
*1.00(1 per car. 75 units wanted at once,
i CENTRAL motor SALES, 43-6 Conn
ave nw. WO 92.36. EM 9,54.
car Let Bell Motors sell your 1946 to,
-1948 car at your Price Our commisaion.
$25; keep your title till car is sold. No
irharffp if car is not sold Just call or
brine your car to BELL MOTORS. 6610
. Wic • ye n w . WtO. 8960 —4
■. of cars are assured^ at McKEE-PONTIAC
18°8 L *t n w ME 6400
makes and models of used cars. Open
daily till 8 P m Free appraisals care
INC 20.30 M st. n.w - Phone NA -.01
used. Drive in. bring vour title and get
ash WOLFE MOTORS. 12th and K
n W EX 5562.
HIGHEST PRICES ouldby Washington^
oldest Nash Dealer See WILLIAiW »
BAKER. INC., for an appralaal. 281# M at ;
tn ’48; will pay your price for clean cars ;
Come to or call LIVINGSTON MOTORS !
'want** CLEAN USED CARS, any
f5°m1:R,0f Bar«* n.«m<ML ^’‘f.cSrd
Calf EM*4 #719
HOLD IT1 JUST A MTNUTE to get high
fashptlce for your 19,t8„®r,iu4nn*2877d
w;THDWINN'?-More‘ **f fo? v°o?r
car No delay Open 9 ajm to # 0-m
WINNS MOTORS. 15# Florida avg. n.e
SERVICE. 1126 2(bh st n w DI
■ also used-car deaiers and brokers. If
itou have one or I no ears you d care to
i sell Immediately, either by open or closed
(bids, get In touch with me SIOO.OOO
available for used car purchases. MR.
POPE. DI. *795. eve*. TR_ 2535 —10
lady IN DIRE need 1048 Chevrolet.;
Plymouth or Pontiacv Consider clean 4T j
Willing to pay good eaah price, nease
■ any cond,. as soon as possible. Box 42-M..
8' St — . w_ ... —.(! MV uMral
Take My Word for It
By Frank Colby
Pet Speech Peeve.
Eleven-vear-old Trudy Stratford,
of Detroit, will receive the usual
award for submitting her Pet Speech
Peeve in this indignant but charm
ing letter of protest:
"My peeve is the silly names j
most people give to their little cocker
spaniels. I think cockers are sweet (
Rod they deserve something better
than to be called something dumb
like Droopy or Flopsv. Suppose
you had to go around for ever with
a name like that!”
I'm sure I wouldn't like it.
Trudy 1s reporting accurately, for
several cockers of my own acquain
tance bear such inane sobriquets as
Mopsy, Taffy, Corcky, Spooky J
Smoky. Indeed, in my immediate
family there is a ha If grown platinum
buff creature of steel springs, rub
ber bands, and atomic energy, who
answers to the name Snoopy.
Perhaps the heart-rending woe
begoneness reflected in a cocker's
face is due to his understanding,
on reaching maturity and acquir
ing a good vocabulary of the mean
ing of such a name as Cuddles or
Ah. where are the good old he
dog names of yesteryear—Prince.
Towser, Rex, Sport, Spot, Bruno,
Major. Fido, Duke, Rover, Colonel,
Blue, Ranger. Tiger. Sandy? Any
dog could walk in pride with such
a name.
Cocker spaniels, despite their
gentle ways and silken fur, are
gallant and courageous. They were
bred as sporting dogs, not lap pets.
Trudy and I see eye to eye on this
matter of baby-talk names for
cockers, the most popular of all
breeds in America.
Mopsy, Flopsy.. Droopy, indeed!
No wonder that it isn't news when
dog bites man.
* ★ * *
Almost as bad are the highflown
names given to dogs when they are
registered with the American Kennel
Club. Westbrook Pegler once wrote:
"For the fifth year in succession
I have pored over the catalogue of
dogs in the show at Madison Square
Garden without finding a dog named
Rover. Towser, Sport, Spot, or Fido.
"Who is the man who can call
from his back door at night: ‘Here,
Champion Alexander of Clane O’
Wind-Holme! Here, Champion Al
exander of Clane O' Wind-Holme?”
Any self-respecting dog would
slink away in the night and join
forces with the nearest wolf-pack.
An understanding <ff the personal pro
nouns is essential to good English. Mr
Colb* s pamphlet. C-22. Is used in hun
dreds of classrooms because of Its sim
pllcit* and common sense For a cop*,
send ' a stamped telf-addreased envelope
and live cents in coin, to Frank Colby.,
in care of The Evening Star P O Bo*
19. Station G. New York 19. N Y_
(Copyright The Bell Syndicate. Inc. 1948) |
Cruise for III Veterans
Patients from Walter Reed, For
est Glen, Bethesda and Mount Alto
Hospitals will be guests of Potomac
Post No. 1085, Veterans of Foreign
Wars, for a moonlight cruise at!
8:30 p.m. tomorrow.
t2 tor y*ur ideas we print. Writ* I
^ krry Landed c 'a The Ewowj Star J
RARKWS... CkwML *f.Lmfame
/<*rmv*uf4 &*■
»•+ J
Goren on Bridge
Both sides vulnerable. North deal*.
0 —
♦ QJ9752
* 10 853 * J 9 7 4 3
t? K 7 6 4 <?92
0983 07S1
*43 +K108
* —
A 8 5 3
OAKQJ10 54
* A6 I
The bidding:
North East South West
1 club Pass 2 diamonds Pass
2 spades Pass 7 diamonds Pass
Opening lead, three of spades.
It is fortunate for contract bridge
that guesswork cannot be complete
ly eliminated from the contest, else
the game might become much too
mechanical and lose a great deal of
its charm. The days when guesses
are all working provide thrills
known only to the outdoor man
when fish are biting and putts are
miru unr n uiuuc ui mu
equally probable plays, the toss of
a coin or a mere hunch may be
just as good a method of selecting
the play as any other. However,
what might on the surface appear
to be an out-and-out guess, may in
fact, turn out to be not so, if a
player will examine the motives of
his adversary in making or refusing
to make a certain play.
The declarer In today's hand was
faced with an even-money guess if
ever there was one. However, he
weighed what little evidence there
was to work w-ith and arrived at a
conclusion which meant a great
many chips to his side. The bidding
is open to some question. The first
two calls are according to Hoyle.
South's immediate jump shift is
the only proper bid on a hand that
is a moral certainty for a slam.
North's rebid is somewhat doubtful.
With his partner violently slam
mlnded North should make every
effort to slow him up and not make
any bid too early in the auction
that might give South some further
inducement to make a heavy com
The better part of valor would
have been to rebid to three clubs.
When North showed the spades
South felt that the dummy would
surely be able to take care of all
four of his losers and contracted for
a grand slam. While this appears
to be a good gamble, it is by na
means a sure thing. North might
have some hand that contained the
K J of clubs and only the A K of
Had West chosen to often a trump
there would have been no play for
the hand, but he elected to lead the
three of spades, which was won in
dummy, and declarer was faced
with the guess, as to which finesse
to take. He could discard the three
hearts and try the club finesse or
discard the losing club and try the
heart finesse. Surely on straight
percentages there was nothing to
choose between these two plays. One
was just as good as the other. De
clarer's eventual decision to take the
club finesse was based on a human
factor. Clubs, diamonds and spades
had been bid, so that the logical
lead by West would have been the
unbid suit, hearts, rather than the
suit that had been named by the
dummy, unless West had some rea
son to fear that lead. What reason
could he have to fear hearts, if he
did not have the king? On this
line of reasoning declarer took the
club finesse. He had something.
(Copyright, 1948. by Charles H. Goren )
Test Your Horse Sense
By Dr. George W. Crone
Score one point for a correct solu
tion to each of the first five prob
lems. The last problem counts flva
1. The Manassa Mauler should
make one think primarily of a
Gridiron Diamond
Boxing ring Ice arena
2. A United States homestead
consisted of how many acres?
40 acres 160 acres
80 acres 320 acres
3. Which one of these magazines
is the world's champion in regard to
Life Good Housekeeping
American Reader’s Digest
4. Which one of these would be
least likely to produce a peptic ulcer?
Excursion Venture
Campaign Expedition
5. Which sport does not employ
a referee?
Football Boxing
Baseball Basketball
6. Try to match the five men
named in the left-hand column be
low with the creatures shown in
the opposite column which pertain
to each. You are entitled to one
point for each correct judgment.
(vi Cow <ai Hindu fakir
<w> Fish (bi Organ
(x) Snake (c) Ananias club
iy) Bird (d> Farmer
<z> Monkey (e> Audubon So
ciety member
Score yourself as follows: 0-2.
poor; 3-6. average; 7-9, superior;
9-10, very superior.
] Boxing ring (Dempsey) 2 ldn acres.
.2 Reader's Digest 4 Excursion *.
Baseball (Omoirei « (•' Fakir-Snake («i.
<b) Organ grlnder-Monkey i*> te) An
anias-Fish (Wi. Id) Farmer-Cow (y>.
(ei Audubon-Bird (y>__
Word Gome
Find 27 or more common English
words In
meaning, “different; separate " Av
erage mark is 25 words. Time limit,
20 minutes.
Rules of the *ame- -I Words must be of
four or more letters 2. Words which scoujre
four letters by the addition of "s,“ such ss
• bats.” ‘'cats." are not used. 3. Only one
form of a word la used 4. Proper names
are not used. A list will be published
Answer te CLEANSE,
case lanes encase scan
cane lent acne scalene
cease leans alee aeen
clean lease sane seal
clan ease sale seance
lace easel scene
lance else scale
"When they say come in an#
make yourself at home . . . you run
out to the car and brtaf In your
bMPs" V