OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, August 04, 1948, Image 43

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1948-08-04/ed-1/seq-43/

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Thumbnail for B-20

Boys' Forum to Visit
Naval Academy Today
The teen-age statesmen attend
ing the American Legion's National
Boys’ Forum were to visit the!
Naval Academy at Annapolis this
They will return tonight to Amer
ican University for a final day of
watching the Government at work.
Last night the group brolee
precedent by electing a coalition'
government with a Federalist
■•president” and a Nationalist “vice
Elected “president” on the third
ballot was William. L. Geary, 18, of
New Orleans. He defeated C. Oliver
Sampson, 17, of Edmore, N. D. The
new ‘‘vice president” is Albert D.
Hildreth, Jr., 17, of Houston, Tex.,
who defeated Kenneth K. Bridges.'
18, of Selby, N. C.
Yesterday's schedule included the
organization of a “Senate” and de
bate and passage of several import
ant pieces of legislation; setting up
a Supreme Court and hearing a
case; visiting Hie State Department
and hearing an address by Secretary '
Marshall, and finally, last night.!
electing a ‘‘President and Vice Pres-'
ident of the United States.”
The result of such a schedule,
coupled with the heat and humidity,
was that during the session m the
Supreme Court, two “justices” and
most of the audience went to sleep.
In ft case involving the Constitu- i
tionality of municipal ordinances
restricting the use of sound trucks,
the boys’ “Supreme Court” went
down the line with the real court
in ruling that such ordinances are
unconstitutional. The "court” split
e to 3 on the opinion.
Later at the State Department, (
the group heard Secretary Marshall
plead for education in national and
international affairs. It is only
after knowing the facts, the Secre-'
tary said, that an intlligent judg-!
ment can be made on «nv of the
great issues confronting the people
of America and of the world today.
I Ml 4-H|in< WffcH
B t* 1T «Mm, 11 Kill
■ Coll DISTRICT 7257
• •
Don't ask an
Look in
tho Tallow
Pogoo —your
Phonograph Records
Restaurant Equipment
or al»oat anything aiaa
•____* i
Quaker Ridge
If you've never tasted Quaker
Ridge Preserves, you’re in for
a real treat. The whole family
will enjoy it in the large, con
venient four pound jar. Choose
from Apricot, Grape, Peach
and Orange Marmalade.
Pineapple _ $1.19
llockberry - $1.39
Cherjy _ $1.49
*9ojpberry _ $1.S9
Strawberry _$1.99
Kann'e Pantry Shelf—Street Floor
SALE! $10.95 Cretonne
Studio Couch
Hanna—Upholstery—Third Floor
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Give your tired, drab studio couch a new lift with one of these j
attractive floral slipcovers. Tailored of sturdy, heavy cretonne
to give you many years of long wear, each set includes three
pillow covers. All vat-dyed and self-corded, designed with !
popular box-pleated flounces. Will also fit 30-inch wide Holly
wood beds.
*9.95 Washable Shag Rugs
SIZE 30x54 INCHES . . .
Woven on
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These fluffy, attractive shag rugs really lie flat on your
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| Kann’s Rug Department—Third Floor
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Other Sizes:
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Ideal as a gift because it looks twice
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is silverplated on copper to give
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Modem in design, with a wide .
mouth for easy pouring, it has a 18
heavy rounded handle and comes , ■
in the practical quart-and-a-half
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Karin's Silverware—Street Flow. J|1
• down bridge
Exceptional at
Torchierj . . . j,,; j
5~-«T "Ski ood ettrec
tlve H-inch globe.
town Bridge Lamps . . for
'ocofions where direcf l.ghf.
*2.“ z d' ias metal
shod.. d ""'""toed
Swing-Arm Bridge Lamps...
with metal base and porch
mentized shade.
Six-Way Reflectors ... can
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How’s the lighting in your home? If you’re
in need of additional lamps, you’ll want to
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on floor lamps. Yours at the exceptionally
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tive styles. Bronze-plated with reed-slim
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are complete with parchmentized or reflec
tor globes.
■ana1*—Lamp*—Third Floor Mm

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