Newspaper Page Text
AUCTION SALES. THOS. J. OWEN * BON, auctioneers. 435 Southern Building—Trustees' sale ol valu able 4-story unfinished brick apartment building, which when completed will con tain 17 apartment units. Also a 2-story, 2-car brick garage building with apartment on 2nd floor, being known as Premises No. 1848 Wyoming Avenue Northwest. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly re corded. In Liber No. 8187. Polio 5 et sea., of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction. In front of the premises, on Thursday, the 12th day of August, A.D. 1948. at 4:30 o’clock P.M., the following-described land and premises, •ltuate In the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot numbered Forty-three (43) In Marie M. Fisher's sub division of part of Lot numbered Eighteen 418) In Block numbered Four (4). “Wash ington Heights.” as per plat recorded In the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia, Liber County 14. at Folio 133. Also Lot numbered Slxty-slx (66) in George 8. Cooper's subdivision of lots In aald Block numbered Four (4). “Washing ton Heights,” as per plat reajrded In Liber County 19. at Folio 19o. in said surveyor’s office. Said Block Four. “Washington Heights.’’ being now known as Square 2554. Terms of tale: All cash. A deposit of $3.(100.00 in cash or certified check will be required at time of sale. All conveyanc ing. recording, revenue stamps, etc., at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within 30 days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after 5 days' advertisement of such resale In some nswpaper published In Washington. D. C. H. STANLEY STINE, E. SPENCER FITZ GERALD. trustees. jy31,au3,6,9.11. THOS. J. OWEN A 80N, auctioneer!, 435 Southern Building—Trustees’ sale of val uable two-story detached frame dwelling to gether with a frame horse stable, being known st premises No. 2233 Prout st. s.e. By virtue of a decree of the District Court of the United States for the District of Columbia, nassed In Civil Action No. 1479 48. I will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on Thursday, the twenty alxth day of August. A.D. 1948, at S o'clock p.m.. the following described land and premises, situate In the District of Columbia and being Lot 38 In Block 4, "Twining City," as per plat recorded In Liber County 0, Polio 131 In the Office of the Surveyor of the District of Colum bia, and for taxation purposes designated as Lot 38 In Square 5581; together with the Improvements thereon. Said property to be sold subject to approval of the Dis trict Court. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash and the balance In two equal Installments, payable In one and two years from the day of sale, and to be represented by the firomlssory notes of the purchaser, bear ng Interest at the rate of 5 per centum per annum, payable semiannually, and secured by deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A #600 deposit will be re quired upon acceptance of bid. All con veyancing. notary fees, revenue stamps and recording at purchaser s cost. Terms of sale to be compiled with within thirty days from date of approval by the District Court, otherwise the trustee re serves the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of the defaulting pur chaser. after five days' advertisement of auch resale in some newspaper published in Washington. D. C. T. PAUL MUDD, Trustee in ClYll Action No. 1479-48. 2408 Minnesota ave. s.e. JESSE LEE HALL, at torney for trustee, 815 16th st. n.w. Jy30,au6.13,20. THOS. J. OWEN A SON. Auctioneers, 435 Southern Building—Trustees' Sale of Val uable 2-story detached frame dwelling being known as premises 1303 Madison street, Northwest. By virtue of a certain deed of trust dated February 6, 1948. being Instrument No. 6297, recorded Feb ruary 9, 1948, among the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction In front of the premises, on Thurs day the twelfth day of August A.D. 1948, at four o'clock P.M., the following-de scribed land and premises, situate In the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot 34 in Bassett's Combina tion of Lots 3 and 4 In Block 3. "White craft", as per plat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Colum bia in Liber County 17 at folio 120. Said Block 3 now taxed as Square 2797. Terms: Sold subject to a prior building association deed of trust for approximately $8,602.73. further particular^. of which will be an nounced at time of salt; the purchase price above said trust to be paid lh cash. A deposit of $500 required. Conveyanc ing. recording, etc., at purchaser'! cost. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. KARL E. JARRELL. ROBERT E. LEE. Trustees. Jy31au3,0,9,ll. THOS. J. OWEN A SON, Auctioneers, 435 Southern Building—Trustees' Sale of Val uable semidetached brick dwelling being known as premises 130 Fifty-third street Southeast. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No. 8588. Folio 10(1 et seq . of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the re quest of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction in lront of the premises, on Thursday the twelfth day of August A.D. 1948. at two-thirty o'clock P.M., the fbl lowing-descrlbed land and premises, sit uate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot 54 in Square 6305, in the subdivision of Marshall, Block 14. as per plat recorded In the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia In Liber 109 at folio 177. Terms; Sold subject to a prior building associa tion deed of trust for approximately $5, 207.19, further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale; the pur chase price above said 'trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of $500 required. Convey ancing, recording, etc., gt purchaser • cost. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the property may be advertised and yeaold at the discretion of the trustees. M J WRICJHT, DANA H. BROCKWaY. Trustees. Jy31au3,6,9,ll. THOS. J. OWEN A SON, auctioneers. 435 Southern Bulldlna—Committee’s sale of valuable frame bungalow known as Prem ises No. 3339 "D" St. Southeast. By virtue of a decree of the District Court of the United States for the District of Co lumbia. passed in Mental Health No. 374 48 in re: Ollvie Minor, also known as Olivia Minor, patient. 1 will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on Thursday, the 12th day of August. A.D. 1948, at 3 o'clock p.m.. the following described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia and being Lot 68 in Square 5444. together with the improvements thereon. Sold subject to ratification by the District Court. Terms of sale Sold subject to a prior building association deed of trust for approximately $2,020, further particulars of which will be announced at the time of sa.e; the pur chase price above said trust to be paid in cash. $500 deposit required upon ac ceptance of bid. All conveyancing, notary fees, revenue stamps, etc., at Purchaser a cost. Terms of sale to be complied with within 30 days from date of ratification of tala by the court, otherwise the com mittee reserves the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of default ing purchaser after 5 days’ advertisement of such resale In some newspaper pub lished In Washington. D. C. SOL ^ M. ALPKER, Southern Building, 15th and H its. n.w.. Committee In Mental Health No. 874-48. jyl6,23,30,au6. ADAM A. WESCHLER A SON. auctioneers —Trustees' sale of machinery and acety lene welding equipment. By virtue of a Chattel Deed of Trust filed November 17. 1B47. among the records of the Recorder of Deeds of the District of Columbia as Instrument No. 4828. and at the request of the party secured thereby the undersigned Trustees will sell by Public Auction at No 3260 K St. n.w.. on Monday, June 21. 1948. at 2:30 o'clock p.m.. Hardlnge tur ret lathe. Foster No. 2 turret lathe, set acetylene welding equipment and Brown Sharpe automatic screw machine. O G. Terms: Cash. HARRY A. CALEVAS. ERN EST T. GEARHEART. Jr., Trustees jelo.17,19 AT The above sale Is postponed until Monday. August 9, 1948, at the same hour and place By order Trustees. je22.au8.8. TH08. J. OWEN A SON. auctioneers, 435 Southern Building—Trustees' sale of valu able 2-story row frame dwelling known as Premises No. 1029 13th Street Southeast. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded. In Liber No. 8406. Polio 119 at eeq.. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the farty secured thereby, the undersigned rustaes will sell, at public auction, In front of the premises, on Monday, the 2nd day of August. A.D. 1948. at 3:30 o'clock pm., the following-described l^nd and premises, situate In the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot 79 in Cooper's subdivision of lots In Square 1023. as per plat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Co lumbia. in Liber 19. at Folio 40. Terms: Sold subject to a prior building associa tion deed of trust for approximately $2,094.29. further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale: the purchase price above said trust to be paid In cash A deposit of $500 required. Conveyancing, recording, etc., at pur chaser’s cost. Terms to be complied with within 30 days, otherwise deposit for feited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trus tees THORNTON W. OWEN. ROBERT W. KIDWELL. trustees, jy'22, E§r The above sale has been postponed until Monday, the 9th day of August. A D 1948. at the same place, at 4:30 o'clock p.m By order of the trustees. jy29.au2,6. THOS. J. OWEN A SON. auctioneers. 435 Southern Building—Trustees' sale of valu able three-story row brick building known as premises No. 1528 You st. n.w. Bs virtue of a certain deed of trust among the land records of the District of Co lumbia. dated March 19. 1948. being In strument No. 11879, recorded March 28 1948. and at the request of the partj secured thereby, the undersigned trusteei will sell, at public auction in front of th< premises, on Friday the 6tb day of Augusl A D. 1948. at 4 o'clock p m., the following described land and premises, situate In th< District of Columbia and designated a: and being Lot numbered Seventy-sever (77) In DUler B. Groff's subdivision of loti In Square numbered One Hundred Nineti (190). In the City of Washington. District cf Columbia, as per plat recorded In Llbei 10 at folio 23 in the Office of the Sur veyor for said District. Terms: Sold sub ject to a prior building association deed o: trust for approximately $9.590.42. fur ther particulars of which will be announcec at time of sale: the purchase price abovi gald trust to be paid In cash A depost' ef $500.00 required. Conveyancing, re cording, etc., at purchaser’s cost. Termi to be complied with within 30 days, other wise deposit forfeited and the propert; may be advertised and resold at the dis cretion of the trustees. LEONARD C COLLIN8. J08EPH A. SOMMER, Trustees jy27.29,31.au3,5 fThe above aale has been postponed 11 Monday the 16th day ot August A.D.. 18 at the same place at 3 o’clock p.m. order ot the Trustees. eu6.10.14. * Newlyweds Await U. S. Approval Of Top 'Dream Bungalow' Bid Mr. and Mrs. Donald O. Tayman are shown with Allan R. Groom (sitting), chairAan of the Public Building Administra tions Bid Opening Committee. —Star Staff Photo. Blithe-hearted Mr. and Mrs. Donald O. Tayman, newlyweds, were confident today their top monthly rental offer of $61.25 for Uncle Sam's “dream bungalow” in Suitland, Md., will be acceptable to the Public Buildings Administra tion. The 27-year-old husband, who had received notice to vacate their quarters at 1916 Second street S.E.. in the fall, squeezed the hand of his pretty bride of six weeks when he was told at the formal opening of bids yesterday afternoon that his was the highest of 21 offers. Congratulated by a room full of disappointed bidders and the usual group of reporters and photogra phers, Mr. Tayman said he wanted to take possession of the cozy, one bedroom bungalow and vegetable garden by August 15 SPECIAL NOTICES. SAVE *70—Will transfer 36 private Arthur Murrav dancing lessons to you for $175. Phone OW. 6707. —8 1 WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for any debts incurred by any one other than my self. CHAUNCEY WILLIAMS, 70S 5th st. s.e., Apt. B. , 8* ACCOUNTANT—New clients desired, books started, kept; full or part time* State ments. tax returns, audits. Reasonable. Sligo 3734. DIAMONDS. JEWELRY WANTED—High est cash prices. Free appraisal. ARTHUR MARKEL. 940 F st. n.w NA. (1284 ACCOUNTANT, expert—Books started, kept part time; tax returns prepared; state ments, audits: reasonable. OR. 2074. HERBERT R. GROSSMAN Attorney at Law 632 Investment Building [Certificate of Change of Corporate Name I Re: World Trade Relations. Incorporated. It having been duly resolved that it is advisable to change the name of World Trade Relations. Incorporated, a body corporate organized under the laws of the District of Columbia (Tit. 29, Sec. 2. D. C. Code. 1940. as amended), it is herebv certified to by the undersigned that more than two-thirds of the stock holders have voted in favor of such change of name to World Trade Rela tions. Limited, in accordance with law governing the same. In witness whereoi we have hereunto affixed our signatures and seals this 24th day of June. 1948. /s/ RAYMOND W. MILLER. President (L8). /*/ EDNA GILBERTSON. Secre tary (LSI. District of Columbia ss. I. MARY B. BEACH, a notary public In and for the District of Columbia do hereby certify that Raymond W. Miller end Edna Gilbertson, 'artles to a certain certificate of change of corporate name bearing date an the °4th dav of June. 1948. and hereto annexed personally appeared be fore me in said District, the said Raymond W Miller and Edna Gilbertson being per sonally well known to me as the persons who executed the said certificate and ac'rn< tvledged the same to be their act and deed Given under my hand and seal this '4th day of June. 194N. (Seal) /s/ MARY B. BEACH. Notary Public. D. C. _(u23.30.auP.13 GAS WATER HEATERS. 20. 30. 40 gal automatic; no cash needed; small monthly payment: immediate installation. THOMP SON & STANSBURY CO., INC., Ll^Ihblh. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL men; personalized bookkeeping, nayroll and tax service, in your office if desired. Experi enced public accountant. Bex 14I-M. Star. —8 I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE for any debts other than those contracted by my self. RAYMOND E. PITTILLO, 215 Ave. ''D,'' District Heights, Md. 6* ANY ONE KNOWING the whereabouts of my daughter Kathryn L Moran, please call at once Columbia 6999. ask for MRS. HELEN BARBOUR. Very important. 7J PROPOSALS. SCALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Procurement Section. National Bureau of Standards. Washington, D. C„ until 2 p.m.. August 18, 1948. and then publicly opened for furnishing transmitting equip ment to the National Bureau of Standards, as described in the specifications which may be obtained from the Procurement Section, National Bureau of Standards. —— n THE PROPERTY of the Federal Govern ment known as "Bluebeard’s Castle Hotel.’’ together with all its equipment and facili ties. located at Charlotte Amalie. St. Thomas. Virgin Islands, is available for sale or lease. The hotel consists of a three-story stone masonry building, with adjacent cottages, situated on approxi mately 20 acres on a hill overlooking the town and harbor of Charlotte Amalie. Accommodations are available for 60 guests in 35 rooms. The hotel is equipped with a modern kitchen, dining room, bar. lobby : and all necessary furnishings. The De : partment of the Interior, on behalf of the United States, will entertain proposals for the lease of the hotel properties on a long term basis, or for their immediate sale. The department’s chief concern is that the existing facilities be expanded and im proved. Accordingly, in evaluating pro posals for either long-term lease or im mediate sale, primary consideration will be given to that part of the proposal which outlines an expansion and devel opment plan for the properties. Secondary consideration will be given to the financial aspect. No proposal will be given serious consideration which does not include a plan for expansion. Upon the basis of the proposals received, the department will negotiate a lease or sales contract. It will be a condition of the lease or sales contract that the property be operated on a nondiscriminatory basis, upon pen alty of forfeiture of the lease or reversion of the property for breach of such condi tion All proposals should be submitted to the director, division of territories and island possessions. Department of the In i terior. Washington 25. D. C.. no later ! than September 1. 1948. They should I include. In addition to the foregoing, in i formation with respect to the writer’s | identity and previous experience in the I hotel business, or allied ventures, and to his financial standing and ability to carry ■ out the plan of extension and develop ment included in his proposal. Addi tional information with respect to the ! properties may be obtained by writing to | the DIRECTOR. DIVISION OF TERRITO RIES AND ISLAND POSSESSIONS, or by calling Republic 1820. Ext. 651, 3026 or 2729. —8 ADVERTISEMENT. KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS ACIDS Help 15 Miles of Kidney Tubes Flush Out Poisonous Waste If you have as excess of acids in your blood, your IB miles of kidney tubes may be overworked. These tiny filters and tubes are working day and night to help Nature rid your system of excess acids and poisonous When disorder of lddney function permits poisonous matter to remain in your blood. It may cause nagging backache, rheumatic pains, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Kidneys may need help the same as bow els, so ask your druggist for Doan’s Pills, a stimulant diuretic, used successfully by mil lions for over (0 years. Doan's give happy : relief and will help the IB miles of kidney 1 tubas flush out poisonous vasts IroS you* blood. Get Doaa's Fill*. , Mr. and Mrs. Tayman learned about the Government’s offer of the bungalow through a story in The Star. The very next day the beat tracks for Suitland and found just what they were looking for in the way of the one-bedroom bungalow at 4212 Silver Hill road, near the Census Bureau. “Children, dogs and noise no bar to bidding” the PBA had previously announced. . j wiiiu a lULure lies oeioie us, the Taymans decided. About a dozen of the 21 bidders ! attended the opening, presided | over by A. R. Groom, chairman ofj PBA's bid-opening committee. Next* highest monthly offer was $58.50, submitted by Charles J. and Cecilia E. Hall, 1319 Columbia road N.W. Lowest bid of $25.80 was that of Walter A. Dawson, 5001 Hanna place S.E. Most of the bids ranged between $35 and $37.50. All bids, except two, were accompanied by a check covering one month’s rent in advance. Mr. Groom said action on the bids for the bungalow probably will be taken by Monday. The high bidder must be “investigated,” as required by regulations, he ex plained, and then Deputy Commis sioner John L. Nagle will have to sign the acceptance. Delayed Bid Possible. Most of the bids received yester- j day up to 2 p.m. had come by mail. I There is just a bare chance, it wasj said, that a higher bid than Mr. j Tayman's might have been delayed j in the mail. If so, and the bidder can prove the Post Office Depart ment was at fault, such a bid would be legal. The bungalow in Suitland, erected a few years ago by PBA has beer* occupied by John Backus and his family. The family has outgrown the small house, which has a kitch en, bath and utility room. In addi tion to the one bedroom. It is located on a tract of several hundred acres purchased by the Government in 1940 in connection with the planned development of a public building area. As possible tenants of the bungalow, Mr. and Mrs. Tayman are not likely to be disturbed by other Federal building S activity anytime soon, at least. Mr. and Mrs. Tayman were mar ried on June 19. Mr. Tayman is employed by Aeronautical Radio, Inc., 1108 Sixteenth street N.W. Lodge to Hold Picnic The past matrons and past pa : trons of the 1935 association, Or der of the Eastern Star, will hold their annual picnic at 1 p.m. Sun day at the summer home of Past Grand Matron Bena Barnhart, Bay Ridge, Md. RESORTS. HARPERS FERRY, W. VA. HILL TOP HOUSE “/(’« Different" Most beautiful and historical. In a brae j ing climate amid picturesque surroundings. One hour from Washington on the B. & O. Two rivers and three States meet at HARPERS FERRY, WEST VIRGINIA. Berkley Springs Water used exclusively. An abundance of water for all purposes. Superb food. Under new management. MARYLAND. BEAUTIFUL PASADENA INN The ideal vacation spot. AH land ani water sports. Excellent fishing. Nearbv ant? reasonable Restricted clientele Booklet. I FRED HARPER, Royal Oak, Md ATLANTIC CITY, N. J._ i P nidi II Michigan and Pacific Aves., CUIOUIl Atlantic City, Nr. Boardwalk 3 blocks to Station. $2.00 day up. Running water. Private baths, free parking. Free : bathing from hotel. Ph. 4-9906._ BEACH HAVEN, N. J. "BEACH HAVEN" Bethany’s Newest Rooming House. R. Hickman, Bethany Beach, Delaware. Dickinson IB5. _ WILDWOOD, CREST, N. J. I WILDWOOD CREST, N. J. Beautiful new rooms on beach-front. Write 3001 E. Myrtle Rd., or phone Wildwood 2-2373._i ! BLUE RIDGE SUMMIT. PA. ! “BLOSSOM INN BLUE RIDGE SUMMIT. PA. Blue Ridge Summit. Pa. Tel. 9154 A lovely place to spend your vacation. Excellent home-cooked meals. _Mrs. Vera Allen. Owner-Mgr._ NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. “PENN POST HOTEL • 304 West 31st Street. N. Y. C. OPPOSITE PENN STATION: Clean, comfortable rooms; reasonable rates. I_ tonslipMtian.’ Sparkling Eno relieves lue way*, i. Quickly help* neutralize exceee stomach acid. 2. Acts as a speedy, gentle laxative when needed. Buy at druggists. JtMffy Tastes Goad V IM'ISt Attorney Freed on Charge Df Threatening Opponent A Washington attorney, accused if threatening an opponant in a civil court action last month, was found not gjiilty yesterday in Mu nicipal Court. George F. Jones, 64, of 2705 rhirtieth street S.E. was freed of the charge of threatening Charles r. Ruff, 4218 Nicholson street, Hyattsville. In a civil action on July 21, At torney Jones sued Mr. Ruff for $86 which, he said Mr. Ruff owed him in jack rent. The case was postponed indefinitely, after an incident out side the courtroom, in which Mr. Jones was said to have drawn a knife and threatened Mr. Ruff. Judge Armond Scott found the defendant not guilty, after he testi fied Mr. Ruff had lunged at him in i threatening manner and that he drew the knife to protect himself. Film Directory Issued The Office of Education of the Federal Security Agency has issued i directory listing 600 sources of 16-milimeter films for teachers and school administrators, it has befti mnounced. Copies of the directory ire available from the Visual Aids Section of the agency’s office. Marriage License Applications Under D. C. laws, couples must apply for a marriage license on one day, wait three full days and receive the license on the fifth day. Sundays and holidays are counted the same as other days, Franci* Farqwhar. 25, 1415 37th st. n.w., and Mary Cardwell, 22, 1521 Elliott pi. n.w. Leo Leino, 34, 1233 Madison st. s.w., and June Jaques, 36. 2326 Chester st. s.e. William Poppe, 43. 11 Girard st. n.e., and Catharine Hamer. 33. 3323 16th st. n.w. James Earwood, 25. 813 Mass. ave. n.e., and Helen Burgess, 30, 806 8th st. n.e. Earl Ingram. 24. Muncie. Ind., and Josephine Pokorny, 19, 900 8th it. Pauf McCawley. 26, 215 5th st. n.e.. and Doris Jaeger. 20. 217 Bth it. n.e. William Horn. 25. Fort Worth. Tex., and Flora Arston, 28. Westgate, Md. Gen™. Lower. 23. 322 37th pi. s.e., and Geraldine Rexroad. 29, 1312 N st. n.w Ru . v.rove, 37. 1814 29th st. s.e., and Lillian Ganshorn. 31. 1810 24th pi. s.e. Richard Nearman. 21. 1714 19th st. n .w„ and Lorraine Matthew, 18. 4310 Georgia ave. n.w. . Thomas Monahan, 37. Philadelphia, and Elizabeth Llpp, 23, 3159 Tennyson st Leonard Herbert, 20, 1801 TJ it. s.e.. and Doris Scott, 17, 2207 Shannon pi. s.e. Lee Robbins, 40, Pine Camp. N. Y.. and Marietta Barnes, 32. 1804 37th st. n.w. George Talbert, 54. 5130 Livingston rd. s.e.. and Alma Pickerel, 25, 5240 Liv ingston rd. s.e. Marion Ford, 24, Fair Haven. Md., and Mary Nammlnga. 20. 4405 Fessenden Charles'"Fetters, 32. 1427 Rhode Island ave. n.w., and Dorothy Brown, 27, 1121 24th st. n.w. James Smith. 55. and Gertrude Xsan, 45, both of 1240 11th st. n.w. John Creel. 21, 1612 Montague st. n.w., and Eleanor Broadhurst. 20, 311 Taylor st. n.w. Richard Armstrong. 27, Wood Acres, Md., and Claire Eliason, 24, 6507 13th st. n.w. Charles Cross. 35. and Virginia Bcott, 36. both of 3517 Holmead st. n.w. Henry Holmes. 43. 1926 Bennett pi. n.e.. and Rosetta Washington. 34, 842 20th st. n.e. John Dickens. 38. 128 44th st. n.e., and Bernice Page. 32, 4274 Benning rd. Jessie' Smith, 26, and Edith Beverly. 21. 618 S st. n.w. Harvey Holmes. 21, 3937 S st. s.e., and Doris Lightfoot. 18, 1136 8th st. n.w. Lloyd Robinson. 23, 1707 1st st. n.w.. and Mary Wilson. 19. 1515 1st st. n.w. George Dixon, 30, and Aleatha Bland, 24, both of Charles City. Md. Jerry Miller, 19, 1626 Rhode Island ave. n.w., and Laura Schussler, 23, 114 Dan bury st. s.w. Morris Myers, 37. and Rose Miller. 35, A REAL STONE FINISH FOR YOUR HOME CALL OLIVER 2200 GATES CONTRACTING CO. KODAK FILM Developed and IV f Printed. Any size 6 "K or 8 Exp. Boll_tF CINE kuuaKS KODAK SUPPLIES 618 12th St. N.W. both of Greensboro. M. «L Kenneth Kaldenback. 30. Landover. Md.. and Amllle Ladd. 27. Alexandria. Ta. Clarence Toreen, jr.. 29. 1523 Church as. n.w., and Lola Woods, 22, 628 O at. Leon Compton. 48. and Mary Elllby. 38. both of 307 H st. n.w. Frank Rhyme. 23. Portage. Wis.. and Mary Chynoweth, 23. 1654 Euclid at JohnW'Smlth. 22, Bolling Field Air Force Base, and Lillian Petaold. 20, 520 Edgewood at. n.e. , ^ Harlan Kach. 57. Ann Arbor, Mich., and Leala McKinley. 64. 2301 Conn. ave. n.w. _ Arthur Cunningham. 68. Huntington. W. Va.. and Eva Patterson, 49. 1924 17th Charles'^hererta. 43 1812 28th pi. a.e., and Eleanor Dabney. 34, 1921 1st at. n.w. TROUSERS T* Mmtek ££.95 UB Odd CnIi UP EISEMAN’S—F at 7th I f Conti \ I CASTILE SHAMPOO J ^k *You ran chock thb itotomont ^B ■ In your public library. Road m what loading boauty author- Hi Itioo and dermatologist! say ^B V about tho caw of your hair. V 1 TRY TNI NIW I ICONOMY IIZI 794 M LAKE JACKSON lodre colony. iTls free from mosaui toes and nettles. The healthful, bracinf air and the aulet restfulness of its MO wooded acres make Uke Jackson the perfect place to ret away from the hot, crowded city. minr, flshtnr and boatinr for property owners only. Cncomparably enchant ,B* *Z,0ddSdr'/*«%reE,/^,^d o V^Loices *uilt to tour „'c«caUou,. Lodges from SS.500 up. Terms. LAKE JACKSON HILLS, INC. Office Open Weekdays and Sunday Tel. Manassas 97-F-4 smooth 1114171! 7A !■ diesel ■VWffVfffffil POWERED TRAINS NATIONAL LIMITED Pullman and Caach Iv. Waihinglan.6.30 PM tv. Silvar Spring.6.44 PM DIPLOMAT Pkana Starling 1100 tar InfarmaHaif SKIRTS Formerly Ml to 1M Formerly tM Fine qoaltty tfhenllle or terry etofh. SALE 4.00 PRICE l TOPPERS Valuei to 11M SALE S'.09 j PRICE o HSS, SUITS Valuet to 3SM SALE 1A.00 PRICE 1II MEXICAN STRAW HANDBAGS COLORFUL COLORS SALE 1 A* p PRICE Ji II *“ Drtss It Play Shots Valuer to 3M Satin A silrer Aren ibeee la larger «•« SALE 1 .OO PRICE Ml 71S H St. N.E. Pair Famous make-bettor GLOVES sale no# PRICE 0*P Fan one "Trait el tbs Loon’’ BLOUSES Short A long alseres. tailored or Aron itrlea. AO salon. SALE «|.70 PRICE ~ BLOUSES Formerly to BM *AY SUITS Formerly 4M to 8M SALE a«99 PRICE SUCK SUITS Value* to ISM sale ar.99 PRICE j_ FUR MATS Value* to Mid SALE f BE ST Pi« PRICE Wtf ta» NOUSE SLIPPERS Fo/um to iJt 718 H gt. W.g. Only SHOES Formerly to tSf SALE n.67 PRICE M> 71» ■ St. OniT Famous Sisks • PANTIES SALE AAC PRICE AO FALL NATS Value* to MM SALE PRICE SWIM SUITS Formerly 4S$ to US9 Jaatm Hi •»* HM Ia«laM. SALS a M PRICE Mr up SLACKS All sizes to 44 SALE A.79 PRICE A Odd Lot COTTON BATHING SUITS PLAY SUITS SALE SO PRICE JL SHORTS & PEDAL PUSHERS Formtrly iS9 to 5St Twilit, cotton* and rayaat. SALE l .7f> PRICE -1 POLO SHIRTS Formerly 1M Fine quality knits. SALE n #] PRICE A for JL PINAFORE DRESSES SALE n.59 PRICE A_ ENTIRE STOCK SUMMER DRESSES-REDUCED GROUP 1 Salt Prist . 2 ft-** 1 * »-p«.. back* with bolcra*. ehambrart. pekar*. batcher linen*, aeer •ackers. »i*e* » to U. It to *0. M t» **■ . GROUP X Sale Priet 2 for *15 1 * f-ps., rayon Bern bergs, chan brays, rayon erepo prints, cool batch er linens, sizes 9 to 15. 12 to 20, 88 to 44. 46 to 52. GROUP I Sale Price 8 88 Formerly 1739 and 2239 Entire stock of na tionally advertised better dresses re duced. All slses. PLASTIC HANDBAGS Valuet to 4M Assorted colors. SALE 1.99 PRICE A Zip-around WALLETS WMk KolnUUcr ul four Maatiflastloa iaavta. sale mrckt PRICE 4J9 QiMta* * C*T«rt SUITS Values la S9J9 SALE AgT.OO PRICE m>*9 FAMOUS MAKE GIRDLES ALL REDUCED SALE QQ« PRICE OCT S£n SLIPS Valuet to SM Liu tea and hattaa; white, tearoM * malit. SALE R.M PRICE JL Entire Stock Better Toppers Valuta to SOM SALE 1 4*.99 price in MIDRIFFS AH Uce trimmed SALE l .29 PRICE M. Sport Jackets Valuea to SM SALE A.99 PRICE A SUN-BACK DRESSES With holers locked. SALE PRICE A_ 54 Goaxe—Extra Sheer Nylon HOSE Valuet to iM 99* „ Drnt & Play Shoaf Value« to fM Better shoes rHaetdi SALE 1.87 PRICE -I 715 H St. N.E. Onlr FLEXEE BRAS EepeciaUy reduced SALE OK# PRICE OQ MB Lot OottOR Slips •own*, Palos**, PotHooats SALK PRICE UMBRELLAS Yalutt to iM SALE I .49 PRICE -1 iH 11 \'l m f il annH il H TiIA 11 m IH i 11 J H 3 1 Ji I It I 11 i i # A