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Engagements High Light Capital's Social News Prof. M. S. Knebelman, head of the mathematics department at the Washington State College, and Mrs. Knebelman have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Marjorie Knebelman, of Arlington to Mr. Noel Hemmendinger, assist ant to the Assistant Secretary of State for Occupied Areas and son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Hemmendin ger, of Bernardsville, N. J. The wed ding will take place the latter part of this month. Prof. Knebelman formerly served on the faculty of the mathematics department at Princeton University. Miss Knebelman was graduated from the Washington State College, where she was elected to the Phi Beta Kappa and served as president of Mortar Board. She received her Master of Arts degree in economics from the University of Wisconsin in 1945, and now is a member of the economic department of the Inter national Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Mr. Hemmendinger was graduated from Princeton University and from the law school at Harvard Uni versity, w'here he w'as an editor of the Law Review. He formerly was an assistant United States attorney for the southern district of New York and a special assistant to the United States Attorney General. He served as captain in the military government of Italy and Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Travis Taylor Lee of DeWitt, Va., have announced the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Louise, to Mr. Thomas MISS LEE. —Thalhlmers Photo. Marshall Hahn, jr., son of Lt. Col. and Mrs. Hahn of Alexandria. No dat.p has been set for the wedding.! Miss Lee was graduated from Madison College, Harrisonburg, Va., and is enrolled in the Graduate School of the University of Mary land.. She also serves as a member, of the faculty of the Bladensburg High School. Mr. Hahn is a graduate of the University of Kentucky and at Misses Knox, Rust Give Picnic Party The cool winds blew on a gay picnic party out in Rock Creek Park near Kensington last evening. The Misses Letitia Knox and Mary Rust were hostesses at a fun gathering that began at 6 o’clock and was still going strong at 9. Sport clothes were de rigueur for the occasion and the first thing on the program was a game of softball. The less energetic sat on the sidelines, drank beer and made comments. Loads of hot dogs, salad and ice cream were consumed. The affair was given in honor of Dr. Edwin P. Parker III and his bride, the former Miss Mary Elizabeth Neff of Charlottesville. On hand to greet them were Mr. and Mrs. Berkeley Simmons, jr., Mr. Robert Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bowie, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Worthington. Miss Lelia Dickey, Mrs. John English, Mrs. Roberta Douglas. Mr. Walter Chappell, jr., i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Finkenstaedt, Lt. Comdr. William Hudgins and Mr. Alexander Sellinger. I___I WILL BUY U$ED| i * I ; CAMERAS « n CASH PRICES i J JUST RIGHT FOR 1 BITES! t; town house KEEBLER Oval-ihoped for 2 clean bite* I No crumb* — no »pread* — no broken tracker*—on your rug*. ■ • tended the Graduate School of the University of Maryland. At pres ent, he is a member of the research staff of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he is candi date for a Ph.D. degree. Darden-Benner The engagement of their daughter, Miss Grace Darden, to Mr. William Benner, son of Mrs J. D. Benner of Lewistown, Pa., and the late Mr. Benner, is an nounced by Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cavello. The wedding date has not been set. (iray-White Announcement has been made by Mrs. Cllsta Gray of Superior. Nebr., of the engagement of her daughter. Alberta June, to Mr. Robert Edward White of this city, formerly of San Diego, Calif. The wedding will take place August 15. Dedtnon-Maul Mr. *id Mrs. Clarence E. Dedmon announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Carolyn, to Mr. Robert P. Maul of Norfolk. Va„ and York, Pa. The wedding will take place in September. Miss Dedmon attended the Uni versity of Maryland and is a mem ber of Alpha Xi Delta Sorority. Mr. Maul, who served with the Army in both the European and Pacific theaters during the war, now is a junior at the University of Mary land and a member of Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity. Wedding Ceremonies Are Held In All Saints Episcopal Church in Frederick, Md., Miss Mildred Ruth Widmann, daughter of Mrs. Thomas Elwin Halpin of Ray mondville, Tex., and the late Mr. Lawrence Jacob Widmann, re cently was married to Mr. William Leon Etzler, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Raymond Etzler of Sykes ville, Md. The Rev. Samuel S. Johnston officiated. Given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Lawrence Widmann of Syra cuse, N. Y., the bride had as her attendants Mrs. Frank Widmann and the Misses Eunice Brookley, Helen and Ruth Mund, cousins of the bride, and Gloria Mae Wagner, cousin of the bridegroom. Dorothy Etzler was flower girl. Mr. Perry Gray Bowen III was best man and the ushers were the Messrs. Frank Widmann. Raymond Widmann, James Zimmerman and C. Rogers Hall, jr. Lent her land-Green Now residing at No. 4 North Kings highway, Jefferson Manor. Alexan dria. are Mr. and Mrs. William D. Leatherland, who were married re cently in the Methodist Church in Occoquan, Va. The Rev. Floyd L. Morrison of Laurel, Md., assisted by the Rev. O. S. Good, pastor of the church, officiated at the double-ring ceremony. The bride is the former Miss Mary Anne Green, daughter of Mrs. E. Allen Green and the late Mr. Green of Lorton. Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Leatherland of Alexandria. The re ception was held at the home of the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Morris M. Barnard of Lorton. Given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Allen Barnard Green, the bride had attending her the Misses Mar jorie Gieen, Mary Edith Thurman, Betty Thurman. Carolyn Wilkinson and Madge Downs. Mr. Arthur L. Ward was best man and the ushers MRS. ROBERTS. Before her marriage to the Rev. James W. Roberts, jr., she was Miss Dorothy E. Cooper, daughter of Mrs. Wil liam Cooper and the late Mr. Cooper. Dance T omorrow The welfare and recreation serv ice of the Quantico Marine base has arranged for a dance Satur day evening in their new, air-con ditioned club house. The post band will furnish music and guests in vited to the dance include congres sional secretaries. Government em ployes and students. Reservations may be made by calling Columbia 0735. were the Messrs. James A. O’Neill, Gordon A. Beach, Walter Meyers and Allen Bourne. Catible-Zepp In the Park Avenue Methodist! Church in Salisbury, N. C., Miss Ethel Virginia Zepp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Zepp of this city, was married to Mr. Robert Caldwell Cauble, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Cauble of Salisbury. The Rev. Ivon L. Roberts officiated at the recent ceremony. Mrs. Charles B. Rodis was ma tron of honor for her sister and Mr. Ray Cauble was his brother s best man. The ushers were the Messrs. Rodis, Charles Homer Surratt, Francis Glen Aaron and Robert L. Cauble* all of Salisbury. Following the reception at the home of the bridegroom's parents, the couple left for a honeymoon in Virginia. They will reside in Salis bury. Bland-A bsher In the Fort M.ver Chapel, Mrs. Vera Schoonover Absher, daughter of Mrs. Bessie M. Schoonover of Glover Park, recently became the bride of Sergt. Timothy F. Bland, son of Mrs. Catherine Metz of Hampton Bay, Long Island. The1 Rev. Laird officiated. The bride was given in marriage by her brother-in-law, Mr. Vance H. Koontz, and Mrs. Koontz was her only attendant. Mr. J. Edward Schoonover was best man. Pickar-Wise Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wise of Lewiston, Me., announce the mar riage of their daughter, Miss Frances Wise, to Mr. George H. Pickar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Barnett Pickar, of Providence, R. I. The wedding took place recently at Lake Sharon, Mass. Miss Jeanne Kaplan and Mr. Her bert Pilzer, both of Washington, attended the couple. Mr. and Mrs. Pickar now are residing in Wash ington. MRS. BRAND. Mr. and Mrs. Estes Brand en tertained at a reception Saturday in honor of their son, Mr. J. Richard Brand, and his bride, who were married recently in Norwood, Pa. The bride is the former Miss Marjorie Jane Rust, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Walter Rust of Norwood, who were in the re ceiving line at yesterday's party. The wedding of Miss Rust and Mr. Brand took place in the Nor wood Methodist Church, the Rev. Walter Canon officiating at the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Brand went to Norwood for the wedding and others from Washington were Mr. James Grimes and Mr. James R. Isleib, who served as ushers. Embassy Dinner The Ecuadorean Ambassador and Senora de Dillon were hosts at din ner last evening at the Embassy, having as their guests the Pana manian Ambassador and Senora de Vallarino, the former Spanish Am bassador, Senor Jose Felix Leque rico; the Spanish Charge d'Affaires, Senor Don German Baraibar; the Assistant Secretary of State and Mrs. George Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. How'ells, Capt. and Mrs. Valentine Pottle, Mr. and Mrs. Tighlman Bunch, Miss Elsie C. Bunch, Mrs. Lucrecia Zaldunbide. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Clark and the Second Secretary of the Embassy,' Senor Gustavo Ycaza. Leaving on Trip Mr. and Mrs. William Sasser Hill, the latter the former Lillian Hathaway Willett, will leave by automobile this morning for New York where they will visit Mrs. Hill's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Tyler Hathaway Willett in Rye. They will spend the week end in Rye and then will drive to Montreal, where they will take the Saguenay boat for a trip up the St. Lawrence and Saguenay rivers. Mr. and Mrs. Hill will stop in Quebec at the Chateau Frontenac for a few days and then will re turn to New York, where they will again spend some time. Fall go-togethers dashing new lines in a Suede OPERA Classic k A well-backed candidate that will get every woman’s vote for Fall. Now with the slimmer toe . . . the more shapely towering heel ... it is a lovely basic over which the new fall costume can be smartly planned. BLACK or BROWN SUEDE 10-95 All HAHN Stores Open Fri. and Sat. during August. “Black Pepper” IS denier . . . 51 tnute Cressida’i newest shade that blends magnificently with black suede. Wispy sheer, distractingly lovely . . . Sizes SM to IOV2 l’95 I * HAHN 72nd year 1207 F 7th & K *4483 Conn. *3113 14th **3101 Wilson Blvd. *Open Evenings •‘Open Fri. & Sat. Eves. MRS. YAEGER. The former Miss M. Joyce Brady, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luther N. Brady of Bethesda, recently became the bride of Mr. Theodore E. Yaeger III. —Glogau Photo. In the News Mr. Stanley Frank, a native Washingtonian, will make his future home in Tarboro, N. C., where he will be on the staff of the W. C. P. radio station. Mr. Frank is a grad juate of the National Academy of | Broadcasting. | Mrs. Norman Hardy Britton has j returned from Wallingford, Conn., where she went Monday te> at tend the funeral of Mrs. Carter Jones, sister of Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur’s mother. Maj., Mrs. Duff Honor Visitors Maj. and Mrs. Carl L. Duff were hosts at dinner last evening in the Officers’ Club at Fort McNair, en tertaining in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Prgtt who are here from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Maj. Duff met the Pratts in the Latin American city last year when he was stationed there for three months as a member of a special mission for the Army. The Pratts will leave tonight by plane to re turn home following a two-week visit in this country. Other guests at the dinner were; Maj. Marjorie D. Parker and her husband, Mr; Richard Parker, and: tiie hosts’ son. Mr. Robert M. Duff.! who will be a sophomore at George-1 town University in the fall. Announcement Announcement is made of the marriage of Mrs. Elizabeth K. Bykko. daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Kisacky of Olyphant, Pa., and widow Df Mr. Alan Bykko, to Mr. Lamont N. Sullivan. The ceremony took place in the Keller Memorial Lutheran Church with the Rev. Carl R. Simon officiating. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Andrew F. Kisacky and she was attended by her sister, Miss Ann Kisacky. Mr. Laverne Sullivan was best man for' his brother. Following the ceremony a recep tion was held at the home of Mr. \ and Mrs. Chancellor Sullivan,; parents of the bridegroom. After a motor trip to Ohio, Pennsylvania; and Canada, the couple will reside in Anacostia. MRS. HELSEL. ; —Chase-Statler Photo, j' At St, jonns unurcn in roresi Glen, Miss Pauline Louise Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paul Clark, became the bride last evening of Mr. James Earl Helsel. jr„ son of Mr. and Mrs. Helsel of Silver Spring. The Rev. Francis Lauriola officiated. Attending the bride were Miss Anne Speelman, Mrs. Arthur Q Tool and Miss La Gretta Helsel, sister of the bridegroom. Mr. Nor man A. McKay was best man for Mr. Helsel and the ushers were the Messrs. John Malcolm Cobb, III, James Edwin McKeever, William B. Wilkinson, jr, and Ensign Theo dore Glowacki. Following the reception at the Manor Country Club, the couple. left on a northern motor trip. Ceremony Held Miss Kathleen M. Bergeron, daughter of Mrs. George J. Berg eron of Manchester, N. H., was married July 31 to Mr. Francis Garfield Leizure, son of Mrs. Maurice Leizure of Havre de Grace, Md. The candlelight service took . place at St. Martin’s Church, the Rev. Miltenburger officiating. The bride had as her only at tendant her cousin. Miss Rosemary Burke of Manchester. Mr. Richard 3ray of Hyattsville was best man. Following the reception, the touple left on a wedding tlSp which vill include the White Mountains md a brief visit in Manchester. Jpon their return, they' will live n this city. _ Oriental Cream |l»e» • lo««r-lik* < Ampin ion for tk* Important occtlinn. Will not disappornt «** t. fc»0» ___ I I /- - WHLIAM ROSENDORF'S 42nd Annual Wm. Rosendorf's fabulous new fur collection presents the fashion leaders of the 1948-1949 season. You'll see the newest treatments, coats with the new, longer length, the new snug-fitted shoulders, tight-cuff sleeves, the new balanced flair. All priced for unusual savings! ALL PRICES INCLUDE TAX New! Dyed Mouton Lamb-$195 New! Natural Chinese Kidskin. — -245 New! Silver Blue Dyed Muskrat- 345 New! Dyed Russian Marmot-265 New! Blended Northern Back Muskrat ... ----- 395 New! Natural Sheared Raccoon-565 New! Black Dyed Persian Lamb-495 New! Dyed China Mink- 595 New! Natural Grey Persian Lamb-695 New! Natural Mink Sides-795 The Items and prices quoted above represent authentic new 1948-1949 styles exclusively. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY • Budget Plan • Layaway Plan % • Charge Account Sketched: Black dyed Persian Lamb with mink collar and cuffs, $1,095 SHOP IN AIR-COOLED V | COMFORT i SflseftSnis "A Lux Girl? Indeed lam!" says this famous star Here’s a proved complexion care! In re cent Lux Toilet Soap tests by skin special ists, actually 3 out of 4 complexions became lovelier in a short time! “It’s wonderful the way Lux Soap care gives skin quick new loveliness,” says charming Ann Todd. work the creamy fragrant lather in thoroughly. As I rinse and then pat gently with a soft towel to dry, my skin is softer, smoother Don’t let neglect cheat you of romance. Take the screen stars’ tipi • #