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WANTED SALESWOMAN (college type—o»er 25 yeors) For Georgetown Shop Most have flair for selling smart dresses. Permanent position with future. Excellent salary and commission. References. wilhelmina adams Cor. Wise. Ave. 0 P St. Georgetown _i .. because of ARTRA THI SHAMPOO WITHOUT TEARS 1* Its rich lather contains no soap or | harsh alkali to smart children s eyes. 2. Cleans hair cleaner, leaves hair brighter, more lustrous than any soap or soap ahampoo. 2. Pure white cream in a tube No jar 01 bottle to spill or break. No liquid to trickle in children's eyes. ARTRA "Soapless-Lather" Cream Shampoo at all drug counters.60$ also 61 FREE- Send for Free 25e tub? to Dept. A-26. Artra Cosmetics Inc., Bloomfield N. J. •Linda Lea Millard. 3400 13th St. S. E. IS YOUR FIGURE i YOUTHFUL, GRACEFUL, ^ Slimly-sliced HOLLYWOOD BREAD will add the perfect flavor touch to yout LOW CALORIE meals. Baked without shortening ... yet its delicious end nutritious. Buy HOLLYWOOD BREAD today Try it toasted, it's superb! •W f. »• rwcil tend toMnd oalerto boon#* **Tte Hollywood Way to STAY SLCNDCH" Oo Cloowoa Day. Boa 1077, Hollywood, Cal. BAKED BY CHAS. SCHNEIDER BAKING CO., WASHINGTON, D. C. (J&iK U4, * ; | Jock Edwards | AND HIS ORCHESTRA \ Dinner Dancing m «om f ontu i m NO COVER CHARGE ^ IN THE AIR CONDITIONED ^ METRONOME ROOM Wordman Park CONNECTICUT AVENUE AT WOOOIEY AOAD AMERICA'S MOST DISTINGUISHED COUNTRY HOTEL This year, take the relax ing vacation you've always wanted —at the historic Homestead, high in the cool Virginia Alleghenies. A sportsman's paradise... superb golf, riding, tennis, swimming and skeet. The social life is pleasant, with nightly movies and danc ing, and our Southern Service treats you as a visiting monarch. Send for booklets Now York Office in Waldorf-Attoria I ■ - ' ADVERTISEMENT. Embarrassed? It’s Up to You When there is a chance of tell-tale odors, promptly use Key’s Powder (hygienic)—two teaspoonsful to two quarts of warm water. Don't risk the embarrassment of not being sure. Folds of tender tissues are rinsed and cleaned; away goes every sign of odor. It is soothing and re freshing: easy to use. Two sizes: 65c and $1.25 at your favorite drug Itore. KEY’S POWDER—to be sure I t Marriage License Applications Under D. C. laws, couples must apply for a marriage license on one day, wait three full days and receive the license on the fifth day. Sundays and holidays are counted the same as other days. Jack Wilson. Jr.. 24. 228 Oallatin it. n.w, and Irene Lefcheck. 24, 224 Gal latin st. n.w. William Murphy. 22. 729 11th st. n.e., and Rosa Brown, 23, 2211 M st. n.e. William Laasell, Jr., 20. 314 East Capitol it., and Harriet Altman, 19, 7140 Chest nut st. n.w. Gerhard Lenksi. Jr., 23. 3305 16th st. n.w, and Jean Cappelmann, Arlington, Va. Victor Waverrete. 21. and Mary Thomas. 21, both of 3110 18th st. n.w. William Sprigg. jr.. 27. Louisville, Ky... and Emily Goodie!, 22, 1378 Taylor st. n.w. Edward Keyes. 24. 629 Quebec pi. n.w.. and Margaret Hall, 26, 7216 Girard It. n.w. Conrad 33, 1712 25th it ! s.e., and Mary Funk, 27, 1618 22nd ; st. s.e. George Gavalchik, 24. and Rosemarie Kloc. 20, both of Carmody Hills, Md. Roy Folks. 22. Patuxent River, Md.. and Joan McFeaters, 21, 914 Hamilton st. n.w. Raymond Oddone, 27. 1835 16th st. n.w., and Margaret Smith, 21, 2005 Mass, ave. n.w. Frank Darme, 71. 2503 14th st. n.w, and Miriam Almasch, 47, 1359 Euclid st. n.w. Robert Metcalfe. 18, Arlington, Va., and i Virginia Redmond, 19, 1421 Buchanan st. n.w. John Pagliero. 42. Gary. Ind„ and Mary Wildauer, 34, 1700 Rhode Island ave. n w. Thomas , O'Connor. 48, Alexandria, Va , and Helen Glrola. 39. Mayflower Hotel. Sidney Eichner. 21, 521 Longfellow st. n.w., and Irene Feverstein, 19, Arling ton, Va. George Rossomando, 27. 3,323 10th st. n.e. and Rosalie Mitternlght, 24, 537 .2nd st, s.e. Everett Lord, 23, Bolling Field Air Force Base, and Margaret Clayton, 23, Alex-! andria. Va. Albert Mayer. Jr.. 25. 3212 Volta pi. n.w, and Mary Prisch, 22, 2415 18th st. n.w. Bundy Peters, 43, 113 16th st. n.e., and Sadie Carney. 27. 1309 Emerson st. n.e. Frank Charles. 25, 1354 Meridian pi. n.w, and Marjorie Allison, 23, 2008 16th st. n.w. James Cooksey. 31, 212 Bryant st, n.w, and Marion Mays. 20. 1707 6th st, n.w., Hugh Ramseur. 27. 1901 Gallaudet st. j n.e, and Eunice Jones, 24, 1527 Gales [ st. n.e. Willie Cain. Jr, 23. Fort Belvoir Va . and | Hattie Brcwn. 23. 815 26th st, n.w. Kenneth Morgan, 32. and Alicia Naiarlo, 26, both of 2817 Conn. ave. n.w. Theodore Kramer. 24, 3147 Westoyar dr s.e„ and Vlrdnla Kreuaer, 26. 2616 K it. n.w. Herbert Gordon, 29. 306 39th at. n.e.. and Gladys Conway. 23, 324 9th at. a.e. William Finotti. 26, 1228 D at. a.e., and Ruth Goodwin, 634 9th at. a.e. William Horman. 32. 1626 Trinidad are. ne, auC Josephine Specht, 27, 1622 Trinidad aye. n.e. Paul Plockl. 18. and Lola Keeno. 18, both of LlBrary, Pa. WNMam Hentcen. 24, Hew York City, and Celia Montealeare, 26. 2316 Aahmead pi. n.w. Harold Henaen, 37, and Elisabeth Cole, 29. both of Richmond. Robert Hanlon, 24, 1722 Wls. aye. n.w., and Claire Ryan, 21, 4201 44th at. n.w John McCarty, 23, Carnegie. Pa., and Mary Casey, 21, 1368 Locust rd. n.w. John Walker. 36, and Mary Young, 31, both of 936 P at. n.w. Nell Nutwell, 22. 3406 26th at. ,a.e., and Oeneva Dickenson, 20, 3403 26th at. s.e. John Lynch. 26, 4800 9th at. n.w., and Clare Norris, 22, 3901 Warren st. n w. Earl Finegold. 20. and Marcia Cohen, 18. both of 4416 Brandywine st. n.w. Frederick Berkley. 28, 726 16th st. a.e.. and Mary Jackson. 24, 1731 D at. s.e James 8haw, 24, Vienna, Va., and Ethel Petty, 20, McLean. Va. Frank Wolff, 62, and Nina Babbage. 81. both of Rochester, N. Y._ Everett Nelson, 21, and Myrtle Pitts, 18. both of Alexandria. Va. William Scruggs, 20, Kenilworth. Md., and Audrey Everhard, 21. 716 16th st. s.e. Edward Jones. 20. 1716 R st. n.w. and Ethel Butler, 18. 1113 Harvard st. n.w, Joseph Bailey. 26. 1113 Harvard st. n.w.. and Mary Jamison, 44. 70S Hall st. s.w. Lonnie Miller, 21. and Yvonne Smith, 19, both of 1448 Park rd. n.w. Stewart Grant, 32, and Clara Ferguson, 22, both ol 436 N st. n.w. Vincent Dickerson. 40, 424 Elm st. n.w , and Cornelia Archie. 33. 286 V st. n w Ray Snell., 36. Eagle River, Mich., and Nellie Hnrrmer. 26. 5 Danbury st. s.w. Walter Gough. 36. 1109 Eaton rd. s.e. and Victoria Wood. 29. 1507 Morris John Reddick. 41, 4228 Foote st. nr. and Carmeleta Morris, 42. New York City George Hanson. 20. and Margaret Fulling ton. 24. both of 3512 10th st. n.w Joseph Mcort. 19. 702 R st. n.e.. and Barbara Payne. 18. 1134 Abbey pi n.e Norman Jones. 23. 6231 North Daktota ave. n.w., and Clara Hemming, 23. 90/ James HU?.' 21. 1218 12th st. n.w., and Theodosia Downing, 20, 3216 13th st. Arthur Smith, 19, 4415 Hayes st. n.e.. and Irma Pass, 20, 615 Oatis pi. n.w. Raymond Smith. 41. and Ruby Robinson, 41 both of Richmond Lacost Fair. 33, 339 Eye st. s.w., and Mary Burke. 20. 123 G st s.w. there’s nothing prettier with afternoon and evening dresses. Very young, very new, very nostalgic, they hark back to thatsgreat moment—your first dancing lesson. liCMOts-.*. there’s nothing more perfectly designed to guard your charm on “those — days. Luxuriously soft, exquisitely smooth and white, made to pro- / tect you and your / poise. Modess is now s available in three sizes ' —Junior, Regular, and Super. McDonald Banks. 22. 2300 Georgia are n.w.. and Alice Boyd. 18. 2018 8th •t. n.w. Elmer Herrini. 22, 1833 Irvin* at. n.w.. and Mary Jones, 18, 3 New York ave n.w. Richard Slaughter, Jr., 28. Hampton, Va. and Virginia Weston, 21, 4345 Haw thorne st. John McDonald, m. 18, 1820 Monroe at n.w., and Jeanne Russell, 18. 3023 14th at. n.w. Leroy Carder. 28. 1808 R at. n.w.. and Dorothy Dolin. 27, 1624 18th at. n.w. Robert Allgood, 23. Porest Glen, Md . and Dorothy Homlller, 28, 1113 Penn st. n.e. Anthony Constantine. 25. Bladen sbur». Md.. and Jeanne Mitchell. 21. Hyatts rille. Md.__ Hail Hits Maryland Area FULLERTON, Md., Aug. 10 <JP).— A severe hailstorm struck the Ful lerton, Whltemarsh, Perry Hall, and Chase areas of Baltimore County late yesterday, tearing leaves from: trees and damaging crops. LADIES CONFIDENTIALLY We all know that a properly fitted corset helps the office and Government worker to do more efficient work. The correct corset lifts, supports the abdomen and gives the back marvelous support. Come in or call for appointment with our lady fitter. Also fitters for men’s trusses end supports. KLOMAN INSTRUMENT CO. 1822 Eye St. N.W., Opp. Doctors Hospital Phone NA. 6566 HOURS: Daily, 9 A M. to 8:30 P.M. SATURDAYS, 9 A.M. to 1 PM. $50, $100, $200, to $1200 or More (M 10ANS FOR EMERGENCIES OR ANY WORTHY PURPOSE When you find yourself in a spot where you need money to pay overdue bills, medical ex penses, repair bills, or for any other worthy purpose, come to Household. HFC makes loans to single or married people on signature, car or furniture. You will like Household’s fast, courteous, efficient service. REASONABLE COSTS No endorsers or guarantors are required and our charge on loans of $300 or less is substantially below the lawful maximum. TTiere are a variety of repay ment plans. Take 20 months to repay loans of $300 or less . .. up to 24 months on larger loans. You choose the plan that best fits your own income. QUICK WAY SIRVKf Phone or come In today. ^ To make Household’s fast service still taster, phone first. We can then have your loan ready without delay. 1878 • Our 70th Anniversary •1948 ©HOUSEHOLD FINANCE ----- MT. RAINIER, MD. 3237 Rhode Island Ave., 2nd Floor over Bowling Center, PHONE: WArfltid 3300 SILVER SPRING, MD. 7914 Georgia Ave., Ground Floor, PHONE: Sligo 4400 ALEXANDRIA, VA. 711 King St., 2nd Floor, PHONE: ALttondrlo 3034 Urns in Alexandria office limited to S300 or leer—at the/tat monthly rate tef lieffs 1214-20 F St. Wash. 4, D. C. Planning Your College Wardrobe? Come to the College Shop and see how well you can do, from the fashion angle as well as the budget angle! Fourth floor. Need a Fall Coat and a 11 inter Coat, too? Your best buy is-a zip-lineh, giving you two coats in one! $49.75 to $79.75. Juniors', misses', women's coat shops, third floor. College Girls, Business Girls, TWEED suits them all to perfection! ‘39.75 How good to find a suit like this in tweed at the opening of what premises to be a big tweed sea son! It's tailored to a turn with curving' jacket, slim skirt . . , salt atpd pepper flecked tweed at a really exceptional VALUE price' Jelleff's—Suit Shop, Third Floor Also at our Shirlington and Bethesfia Stores Again the outstanding! Coats with Muskrat Collars and Cuffs hailed as new-season favorites! *98.75 Not only coats of beauiy, but coats of quality and value! The collars, big, soft, flattering; the cuffs, high and handsome. The coats, flared in back, not'too full in front, as is fashion's considerate way this season. Boxy, beautiful, back-flared coat with silver dyed muskrat collar and cuffs, in black, charcoal grey, garnet wine or cavalier green. Sizes 10 to 16. $98.75 ■tr. • w watmemumHtxi** Back fullness controled by soft gores in this women's coat with mink-dyed co'lar and cuffs, black or brown wool, sizes 12Vi to 20Vi. $98.75 s * Other fur-collared, fur-cuffed coats— For Misses—Coots with Bombay Lamb, Tingona Lamb Persian Lamb and Mouton-dyed Lamb collars and cuffs. $79.75 to $165 For Women—Coats With black-dyed or grey Persian Lamb, dyed-fitch' muskrat, squirrel, deep natural grey Persian Lamb and Beaver collars end cu^s.^^ Jelleff's—Coat Shop*, Third Floor “Fve always wanted leopard . . * South American Spotted (Leopard) Cat Fur Value! plus 10% tax Leopard cat . . . the vivid, spotted fur that lends such drama to sports clothes, all clothes. Here in the popular three-quarter length that slips over everything with ease, wonderful warmth, fashion assurance' A favorite with the college and young career crowd, and rightly so . . . it's got that special fashion dash young minded people want . . . price right, too! Jelleff’s—Fur Salon, Third Floor Convenient budget and layaway plans may be arranged