OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, August 10, 1948, Image 25

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1948-08-10/ed-1/seq-25/

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Lose Weight
Ala special treatment
malcei use el hot weath
er to bring about results
In one-hall the time re
quired ordinarily.
Save half the time!
Half the effort!
... therefore half
the cost!
xiiis is pcesime only in August ana
September. At no other time of year
is It to easy to lose weight.
Cone la for Free
Figure Anahytlt
401 Franklin Bldg.
1327 "F" St. N.W.
MEtropolitan 2312
latTo Do
Jewish Community Center aenior dance.
Sixteenth and Q streets N.W., 9 o'clock to
Metropolitan Group, Hotel Statler, 12:30
p.m. tomorrow.
Corporation Aircraft Owners Associa
tion, Hotel Statler. 12:30 p.m. tomorrow.
Marine Band Broadcast. Band Auditor
ium. Marine Barracks. Eighth and I streets
S E . 12:30 p.m. tomorrow.
Public Library, Eighth and K streets
N.W.; open 9 a.m. to 9 P.m. Monday
thiough Friday, and 9 am. to 1 p.m.
Saturday: selections from portfolios in
the art division, through August 28
Center Market City, Fifth and K streets
N W., open 0 a m. to 6 p.m. Monday
through Friday, and J a.m. to " p m
Saturdays: works of <6 Washington art
ists in ceramics and glass, through August
Library of Congress, First and East
Capitol streets SE. open 9 a.m. to 10
p.m. Monday through Saturday and 11.30
a.m. to 10 p.m. 8unday; exhibit on his
toric gardens of Massachusetts, including
118th and 19th century books on gardening
in New England, through August: exhibi
tion commemorating the centennial ox
Wisconsin’s Statehood, through August,
recent acquisitions from countries of
Southeast Asia, through August; 85 rare
books from the Lessing J. col
lection. including the first printed classic
of science and six volumes from the press
of the first English printer, through Sep
tember 30; original Lacock Abbey copy ©f
the Magna Carta on loan from the British
government until December 16, original
manuscript of Lincoln’s three-page ' auto
biography.” for an indefinite period.
National Gallery of Art, 8ixth street
and Constitution avenue N.W.. open 10
a m. to 6 p.m. weekdays and 2 to>10 P m
Sundays; American folk art exhibit of .104
water colors illustrating Early American
arts and crafts from the Index of ^Ameri
can Design, through September and
paintings and sculpture comprising the
x r
The Houte of ^k
Quality Box Spring i ^k
/ and Mattretset ^k
' my Eyes
were finally
Opened . . .
when / discovered
/ could get a completely . . .
from my OLD ONE....
at 1/m the price of a new one.
will find it pays
to call WALL
for a Free Estimate
We carry Bedroom Furniture, new Box
Springs, Mattresses and, Hollywood
1215 22HDST.H.W. HA. 9410 [
Mellon, Kress. Widener and Dale collec
tions and gifts from other donors, for an
indefinite period.
Barnet Aden Gallery, 127 Randolph
place N.W., showing American contem
porary paintings. 0 to 10 p.m. weekdays
and 1 to 5 p.m. Sundays, through August.
Silver Spring Gallery of Art, 9210
Flower avenue, open 10 a m. to 7 p.m.
every day; pastels, drawings, oils and
water colors by F. J. Denis Beatty, Bella
Kuddisch Weinberg and Terry C. Cole
man, through August.
Corcoran Gallery of Art, Seventeenth
street and New York avenue N.W . open
12 to 4:.*10 p m Mondays. 10 a m. to 4
p.m Tuesday through Friday. 9 am. to
4:,'10 p m. Saturdays and 2 to 5 p.m. Sun
days; paintings by Margaret Gates. Ethel
Gaith, Samuel Bookatz and William T
Calire. through September 12. and water
colors by artists of Washington for an
indefinite period.
Phillips Memorial Gallery, 1600 Twenty
first street N.W. Open dally, 11 a m. to
6 pm.. Monday until 10 p.m.. Sunday 2
p m to 7 p.m. Modern French and Ameri
can paintings.
National Archives, exhibition hall, Con
stitution avenue, between Seventh and
Ninth streets N.W., open 8:45 a m. to 5:15
p.m weekdays. 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sat
urdays. and 1:30 D.m. to 5 p.m. Sundays
and holidays: exhibition commemorating
the 100th anniversary of laying of the
cornerstone of the Washington Monu
ment. through August: exhibit commem
orating the 150th anniversary of the es
tablishment of the Navy Department in
cluding naval documents from the Revo
lution through World Wtr n surrender'
papers, through August.
Fish and Wildlife Serrlee, under main
lobby At Commerce Department Building.
Fourteenth and E streets N.W., open 9
am to 4 p.m. daily; display of animals
and fresh-water fish, for an indefinite
Moonlight cruise on the 8. 8. Potomac,
sponsored by the Clarendon Volunteer Fire
Department, 8:30 o’clock tonight.
Penthouse YWCA, Seventeenth and K
streets N.W., dance class, 0:30 o'clock to
nliSoldiers. Sailors and Marines’ Club.
1015 L street N W., lounge, library, writ
ing desk, billiard tables, radio.
Servicemen's Victory Center. 11 lo
Pennsylvania avenue N.W., free canteen,
open daily, noon to midnight.
Complete air-conditioning throughout the store.
V. harming ....
For campus or career . . . pure joy
for your wardrobe . ... our royon blouse of
the pretty yoke, the plunging neckline.
In white, pink or navy. Exclusively
ours in Washington. $7.95.
Blouses, First Floor
Julius Garfinckel & Co.
% F Street at Fourteenth
Just as seen in our Advertisement
in the
College Issue
Our own brilliant young wool dress with the
wonderful handspan waist, the gentle shell of a
collar ... in glorious shades of royal, wine,
grey, green or black. Exclusively ours in
Washington and prudently priced at $29.95.
Worn with our dashing color-matched hat
in fur felt. $14.50. ,
Sixth Floor ' *
Julius Garfinckel & Co.
F Street at Fourteenth
Woodward & Lothrop - North Building
G Street at IItm Washington 13. D C. District 5300
BRANCH STORES—Bethesda ond The Pentagon
Qualify and fashion Moderately Priced
ABCs of Schooling:
Helen Harper Sweaters
$295 to $495
It T5 nigh on to impossible to return to
school without the addition of a soft,
dreamy sweater. And if you are a frosh,
you will want to impress with a new style,
an interesting knit or good stand-by. Look
here, then, we hove those three and many
others in our new Helen Harper depart
ment, first floor. Every one all-wool.
A. The Duo, the pullover with short, raglan
sleeve; the cardigan to match. Columnia
blue, julip green, pageant pink, desert beige.
Pullover $2.95 Cardigan --$3.95
B. Cable-stitched Turtle Neck, sporty
classmate, soft and warm. White, black,
timber brown and yellow nugget—$3.95
C. Boxy Cardigan, the indispensable of all
sweaters; this year's version is a little
longer, a little smarter. White, red, blue,
pink, yellow, green-.“-$4.95
All sweaters sizes 34 to 40.
W&L—North Building ...
The Zip-in Coat Goes
Back to School
Zip in, zip out the all-wool lining
that makes this coat so wonderful for
a windy campus, cold city streets.
For any time, any how, this coat of
wool gabardine will look smart, cor
rect. The new "Barrymore" collar
and gently flared back give the femin
ine look, so important this fall and
winter. In natural, green, claret,
black. Sizes 10 to 20. Other zip-ins
in wool covert or gabardine, with de
tachable hoods, $49.75 and f59.75.
W&L—Worth Buildintl . . .

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