OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, August 10, 1948, Image 27

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1948-08-10/ed-1/seq-27/

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It is the aim of this
famous restaurant to
bring the best Conti
nental cooking within
the reach of modest
Table d'Hote Dinner
In addition to a la
oarto mono
) 1S00 M Street N.W. (
W »E m4 J
Fameut Seuthtrn
JUlaqtuJst ifnc.
11)8 Conn. A*a. N.W.
4860 Mom. Ava. N.W.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ I
Ru? I
Cleaning |
Oriental, Domestic and |
Hooked Rugs
Tapestries and Aubossonsi
Washed, Repaired and |
Stored by Rug Specialist!
at fair prices |
All Rugs Fully Insured ij
Naytt.ianBtoi.Goi j
Ettabliihtd 1920 i
3316 P St. N.W. DU. 41001
Of Tired Kidneya
If backache and leg pains are making yna
miserable, don’t just complain and do noth
in* about them. Nature may be warning
pan that your kidneys need attention.
The kidneys are Nature's chief way of
teklag excels acids and poisonous waste
out of the blood. They help moat people
oiimlnato about S pints a. day.
If tha 1( miles of kidney tubas and flltans
los t work wall, poisonous waste matter
stays hi tha blood. These poisons may start
sagging baakaehes, rhsumatic pains, leg
pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up
aighm, swelling puffintes under the eyes,
headaches and aissiness.
Don’t wait I Ask your druggist for Dona's
Pills, a stimulant diuretic, used sussassfally
by millions for over SO years. Doan’s giro
happy relief and will help the IS miles of
kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste fram
paur blood. Get Doan'i Pills.
Roberts Named Dean
Of Penn Law School;
To Take Post Sept. 1
Sy the Associated Press
the selection of Owen J. Roberts as
dean of its law school, the Univer
sity of Pennsylvania tapped a lead
ing public figure
zor a mgn ad
ministrative post
for the second
time in less than
two weeks.
announced ap
pointment of the
73-year-old for
mer Associate
Justice of the
Supreme Court
yesterday. He
will assume his
new poet Sep
tember 1 when
the resignation
JiatlM B«k«rta. ]
oi sari o. narruon becomes ai
On July 29, the university chose
Harold E. Stassen, farmer Governor
of Minnesota, as its new president.
Mr. Stassen is expected to take up
his duties here at the beginning of
the fall term.
Both Claim Liberal Outlook.
Both Mr. Stassen and Justice
Roberts say they belong to the lib- |
eral wing of the Republican Party. jf
Mr. Harrison was a Democrat who |
once served as commissioner of the if
Immigration and Naturalization
Service. j
Mr. Stassen said, on announce
ment of his nomination as president
of Penn, that he would continue to
take an active interest in public
Justice Roberts has been pdugging
for civil rights since he retired
from the Nation’s highest tribunal
in 1945. He sat on the Supreme
Court bench for 15 years after his
appointment in 1930 by former
President Hoover.
Held Balance of Power.
Por several years after Franklin !
D. Roosevelt became President, Jus
tice Roberts was the key member
of the Supreme Court. The court
at that time was balanced, 4-4, be
tween conservatives and liberals,
and Justice Roberts held the bal
ance of power. 1
He voted against all but two of i
the 13 New Deal measures passed §
upon by the court before October, |
1938, but in President Roosevelt’s |
second term, Justice Roberts 1
alllgned himself with the liberal ele- |
ment and voted pro-administration |
14 straight times.
A Philadelphia attorney who was g
graduated from Penn and its Law Pj
School, Justice Roberts first came
into national prominence in 1924
when he helped prosecute the Tea
pot Dome oil cases.
Over 8 feet tall and broad
shouldered, the 13-year-old Jurists
has been living at his home in near
by Phoenixville since his retirement.
- I
Newlyweds Win Bid I
For 'Dream Bungalow' 1
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Tayman, |
newlyweds, of 1910 Second street 1
N.E., were voted the Winner In the 1
recent bidding for Uncle Sams |
"dream bungalow” In Suitland, Md„ §
the Public Buildings Administrator
has announced.
Their oiler of $61.25 monthly
rental for the cottage and half an
acre of vegetable garden was the
highest bid received last Thursday.
PBA accepted it after “Investi
gating” Mr. Tayman to sea U he
would be a good tenant. i
The couple had been looking for
a permanent home for nearly six
'mmm, v m
Refreshing carnation print to spice your old furniture . . . smart, streamlined leaf stripe in
matching colors; both in vat-dyed, preshrunk (no more than 2% residual shrinkage) cotton
twill. That's what Comfy offers you in slipcovers, every bit as handsome as patterns you
could choose yourself for custom-tailoring. And the fit . . . slick! The secret s in the adjust
able back with Snug-tite elastic bands. Deep box-pleated skirts, too; contrasting corded seams;
and reversible cushion covers. And made for seven chairs and three sofa styles.
Studio Cover—with 3 separate cushion covers-set 11.95
Davono Cover—no need to remove it when daveno is opened- 13.95
LAN SB URGH'S—Slipcovers—Fourth rioor
T launga
Buy AW, And Make
Your Fall Wardrobe!
WMM Desk Model
Sewing Machine
A beoutiful desk in walnut veneer on hard
wood, suitable for living room or study. Top
unfolds to reveal a White Rotary de luxe sew
• ing machine. Gives you more than 1,000
square inches working surface.
Features: Forward and reverse stitching, stitch
control, automatic bobin winder, sewlight,
built in darner. Includes set of attachments
\ ... we'll teach you to use them.
LANSBURGH’S—Sewinf Machine*-Thxri TVxr
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Lansburgh V Savings are Like. Money in Bank
pine Quality—Special Prices!
Regularly 2.69
72x108 inch lizt
Cannon and Lansburgh'scombine to bring
you savings that are really swell—*20c on
each sheet, 1 Oc on each case. And when
you're replenishing a linen closet, that
mounts up! All first quality, 128-thread
count cotton muslin, backed by Cannon's
nationally known standards of quolity.
Reg. 2.39 Sheet*, 63*99 in.2.19
Reg. 2.59 Sheet*, 63x108 In.2.19
Reg. 2.79 Sheet*, 81x108 In. _.2.59
Reg. 2.99 Sheet*, 90x108 In.2.79
Reg. 65e Case*, 45x36 in.---59c
LANSBVMGH'S—Untnt—Thirt floor
Gain Restful Sleepy SaveSl
Harmony House
Regularly 3.95
Follow the advice doctor* often give for beneficial
sleep—pse a bed board to give you a firm sur
face. Helps keep the body in a healthy position,
distributes weight properly. Laminated wood
pulp, covered with water-resistant paper. 24x60
in., cot or twin-bed size; use two for a double bed.
Reg. 4.95 Bed Board—30*60 «...—-395
LANSBUROH'S—U****-~™ri floor
ffei ■ Vm

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